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Infinity is a 28mm tabletop skirmish game produced by Corvus Belli, and includes the related games Aristeia, Defiance, TAG Raid, REM Racers, and Acheron's Fall. Corvus Belli also produces the fantasy games Warcrow and Warcrow Adventures.

>Latest official update:

>Rules and missions:

>Beginner FAQs and guides:

>Model identifiers (what each faction can take):

>Corvus Belli AI:

>Semi-unofficial catalogue of fluff, dossiers, and unit models:

>Unit Dossiers archive:


>Infinity Army (official list-builder app) and hacking helper:

Previous thread:
What faction should I pick up for the most 'Infinity' experience? I can play people who are good at shooting in whatever, which faction makes the most of the rules that make Infinity different to other games?
The most unique thing about Infinity is imo the game mechanics, stuff like the ARO system, face-to-face actions, the order system and so on. These are obviously going to be in every game.

I'd say a lot of Infinity-only rules are probably shared across factions. Most armies will have at least a unit with hidden deployment for example
where you note down somewhere where the unit is and place nothing on the table until it's time to strike.
where the enemy treats one of your units as an ally until it is discovered or scanned with specific equipment is a bit rarer. You can find it in Shasvasti and in the Hassassin Bahram sectorials.
Hacking is pretty unique, but almost all armies have access to at least one hacker (with some being more competent than others, like the Nomads and Aleph).

But yeah, as a general rule, most armies will have access to a similar range of skills and equipment. Still, some can go much deeper and specialise more in one area, so something considered rare in one faction could be much more accessible in another.
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>those thighs
Nomads and Haqqislam have a good spread of "stock" skills and equipment imho. As stated pretty much all factions have little bit of everything, but Ariadna for example has next to no hacking and PanOceania has next to no smoke.
New Hatamoto video just dropped. This time brought to you by cloned actor John Goodman.


I really hope you can take many of these in the new sectoral.
>that unworked on art
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>another character hacker to CA
>Dat codpiece
Have you SEEN Iguana?
pandora is hacker?
Looks like some real Zone of Enders influence.
She pretty much replaced Thamyris as the basic hacker character.
Have you seen the Sphinx?

is this EU only? these models look nice [expensive tho]
There are local resellers in America and other continents too.
nu-Sphinx is a codpiecelet, though
I don't like this whole idea of CA stealing characters. What's next? Morat Joan?

I bet that Perseus is also sleeping agent aboard Nomad ships.
Sir? Your Sepsitor?
I don't understand the joke here, sorry.
>the faction whose mechanical gimmick is stealing characters steals characters in lore
One of the reasons the CA is so scary is they have access to tech that effectively hacks your backup cube. Anyone, no matter how loyal, could be turned into an agent of theirs with just a few aspects of the memory and personality rewritten. They can even do this on the tabletop, stealing your units away via a Sepsitor or Sepsitor Plus.
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It has a literal horse cock.
I think a real horse cock in scale would be larger
Why keep using cube then?
Some don't. Most do because it's how you come back to life, and ultimately the Human Sphere is such a clusterfuck even at the height of the war you were WAY more likely to get domed by a hyperpower's pet assassin over some trade dispute than you were to stare down the barrel(?) of a sepsitor.

Also I don't know if you can really stop using a cube. I know recreations can't--they effectively started as a cube--but I think once a human with a cube dies and come back they're tied to the cube. Like I think their new body is spun around the cube.
I've been afraid to ask for the longest time but what does this mean? Everytime someone posts the mascot someone inevitably tells the poster to work on art.
You're replying to a psychotic retard who can't stop shitting himself whenever he sees that girl. None of his replies make any sense, and you should always just ignore him.
He started doing it after that girl was voted into the /tg/ banner, and can't stop being triggered by her. It's just some mild psychosis.
It's just something people spam as an automatic response, because that's what passes for humor on 4chan. The artist for Ribbon used to post here occasionally, and because drawing things for free is an unforgivable sin people started heckling him. A few different attempts were made but the one that happened to stick was telling him to work on his art. It since got picked up as an "ebin meme XDDDD" and "a part of board culture," and now any posting of Ribbon in any context garners the same reply.
How does a design like this get approved?
Oh. That makes sense.
Can't be an Infinity model, it's too visually distinct.
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Based Evolved Intelligence BLEACHED Pandora and wrapped her bod in its bondage twizzler weave. I also appreciate the tastefully subtle nip indentation.

I dunno guys, Aleph is simping hard for JEET mythology and smelly Greek references. If our girl didn't print baddies I'd say its time to convert, if only for the monke-muscle-mommies and Shas waifu's. Thank the gods for Neoterran Bolt booba keeping me loyal.
Not at all, woyafag.
Art of Ribbon was posted here for years without anyone throwing a fit. It think she started being posted here in 2008 or 2009. it wasn't until 2016 that you decided to try and wage a personal culture war against her by spamming your irrelevant catchphrase at any image of her, and you're still the only guy who thinks that it's "caught on." Your attempts to explain it as if you made an epic meme is particularly sad, especially because most of the time she's posted no one reacts like you do. You have a bias, because every time you see her you can't stop yourself.
Imagine knowing this.
>recognizes woyafag likes to lie
>still replied to >>93946396
You're supposed to ignore him you retard. He's super lonely because none of his woyaposts have been getting any attention, and now he's trying to derail this thread because his whole goal is always just to make an issue out of posting Ribbon.
No more non-Infinity discussion, please. Be smarter next time.
I'd open her box.
You seem to be confused. I was making fun of people that spam "work on your art." I fucking called them "automated responses," that's not a positive description. I also don't know how you failed to pick up on the sarcasm in my post; do people really used "ebin meme XDDDD" in a positive fashion? Unironically?

I do think that it's more that just one person though. Like it has to be. The alternative is one guy that just goes through every thread on the board at all hours of the day just to post "work on your art." I do not want to live in a world where that person exists, so I assume it's a small but not insignificant percentage of the userbase that are trying (and failing) to be funny.
No cock like horse cock after all.
I'm very glad I have no idea what you're talking about desu.
The psycho nuns were right. Fuckin AI is the antichrist
The AI voice actor is already getting better lol.
>With a combination of state OR the art technology
It's an old meme where people tell anyone who posts a certain drawfag's pet characters to work on their art because the drawfag himself used to spam them everywhere and would have a break down every time he was told to work on his art.
>>93947159 here
Case and point, look at the tantrum >>93947159 >>93946484 threw over four little word.
This woyafag fellow is a persistent little shit, isn't he.

This is actually a little unsettling. AI reading out a typo is pretty bad, but the script in general sounds like it was AI generated. I hope it's just because it was a machine translation.
Getting a voice actor is so stupid easy and cheap. It's like $25 to hire some slut to moan and scream out the nastiest shit you can imagine; I really don't get why a company would skirt around that sort of cost.
Using technology is cool.
This is possibly the shortest turnaround between fluff implication and payoff, it's only been just over a year since Endsong. So short that ALEPH Pandora didn't even get a model. Nice touch that the the original fluff is from Alper Cibili as well.
I asked it to teach me how to play the game. Is there really a 'States phase?'
Yes, but it doesn't happen at the beginning of a turn like that image suggests.
>So short that ALEPH Pandora didn't even get a model.
She was the LE model from Op Blackwind.
She gave me the least sexy reply imaginable.
It can get pretty steamy with the right prompts. It can even write little scenes between characters as one anon discovered.
I think her last response shriveled my dick and left me without the capacity to feel arousal ever again.
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>while she wove a web of truth and facts around all Homerids.
I can't get her to tell me a story, but she went into detail once I asked her if Antipodes can impregnate human women.
It was a joke.
>White haired hacker character codenamed Pandora turns out to be BBEG plant, cripples the "good guys" with her betrayal and sabotage, then gets cool new body from BBEG.
Deja Vu...
Clearly the computing power is well-allocated
Always appreciate it when I remember the nuns properly cover their hair like irl nuns
Once is fine
Twice is a coincidence
Third time is just weird
Has the E.I. an adult wome fetish?
What a perv
But Bit was a high schooler.
Apparently they interspecies copulate by giving females tongue baths with their virulent saliva. Must be one hell of a foreplay session from an alien garu.
Are the Spainiards really that insecure about their own accents?

Is the obsession of Corvus Belli in keeping everything "in house" really so beneficial to the point they'd use an AI voice instead of one of their own?
If y'all didn't bully them for their accents, they would be more confident.
Who the fuck cares if they use AI for advertising an upcoming launch? Carlos always talks at length with the audience over every painstaking detail of the game, so it's not like you're missing out on vital communication.
I mean, they for sure aren't trained english voice actors. I think a (good) AI voice actor is more professional than getting a rando at CB to read the lines.
It can be funny in the right context: https://youtu.be/USVDoltLapg
Yu Jing is probably the most "default" faction with a little bit of everything.
Nomads are pretty generalist as well.
>CC tax
Yu Jing: High tech generalists
Nomads: Middle tech generalists
Ariadna: Low tech
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Around Shasvastii, stay frosty.
Okay so those dog things are only from the defiance set, aren't they? How do you get them if you can't get that?
PanO has the reputation of the default guys.

Yu Jing has a little extra flair with access to smoke and a general baseline better at close combat.

Nomads are also a common starter faction / "default" feeling faction that is a little more split in faction identity.

Ariadna has a stong faction identity and it also lacks in a few tools that makes Infinity feel lilke Infinity—chiefly hacking and seeing through smoke with visors for me.

Aleph and Combined Army skew a little more to the elite side but certainly have access to making the most use of the most rules. I haven't really played (against) O-12 to grasp their biggest strengths and weaknesses they just are kind of in between the big three human factions in terms of playstyle.

JSA are the weeb faction and a trap. They skew to Melee, fireteams, and ninjas.

I think Haqqislam best fits what you seem to be looking for, as they have access to the most kinds of special rules that make Infinity feel like Infinity including readily accessible smoke+MSV2's, impersonation skirmishers, melee, bikes, airborne deployment of various levels, close combat, shooting, doctoring, command skills like Number 2/Veteran/NCO, super jumping, and big tough centerpieces. They specialize well in unequal trading up and mission scoring while sporting decent access to high tech unlike Ariadna. I'd certainly call it the most Infinity faction out of Infinity.

That said every faction has access to most 9if not all by including some mercenaries) of the rules that make Infinity feel like Infinity, so just pick the one you find coolest.
The Jayth box comes with ... one.

Probably best to go third party for them. Squigs, Tyranids, that one Hordes Skorne? unit that Taighas look almost exactly like but whose name escapes me at the moment...
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Shredder. Legion of Everblight Shredders. Box of four for fifteen bucks and they look so very similar.

Pic unrelated, just a closeup of the seed soldiers I painted.
There's a box of 4.
>paying for Shredders
Absolutely Haram
Bully Panoceania nerds
>The Jayth box comes with ... one.
They made a dedicated box.
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so, we saw in the spoilered Hatamotos profile a "No Cover" rule.
People are theoryzing that these could mean that if you have that rule, you cant take cover, what could possible affect even linked impetuous figures, fixing the frenzy/impetuous fireteam cheat, and opening the posibility of more impetuous fireteams

If this is true... a haris with 3 scotish werewolfs will be too powerfull?
>If this is true... a haris with 3 scotish werewolfs will be too powerfull?
No, because there won't be any in 5.
>theoryzing that these could mean that if you have that rule, you cant take cover
Fucking finally. Fireteams cancelling a drawback and turning it into a just points discount has been bullshit from day one, especially when CB started building units around it.
It's wishful thinking and it won't change lmao.
not at the start, but later surely. And also could apply to standard werewolfs, or even bears
>I do think that it's more that just one person though. Like it has to be.
I don't think it is. You're sort of willfully blinding yourself to how awful some people can be, and remember we're talking about a guy who spent a good chunk of his life trying to force his catchphrase in the first place, all because he gets incredibly upset whenever he sees certain images. There's no reason to think the woyafag isn't ridiculously obsessive, because that's the principle factor that made him the woyafag in the first place.
Also, he actually seems to miss most of them. It's definitely more aligned with a single actor, and one that spends too much time on this board, hence why he thought he had the bandwidth to try and force such an incomprehensibly dumb forced meme in the first place. We can all agree it was one guy spamming his forced phrase at the start, and I don't really see a reason to not think it's just the same obsessive guy.
>happy doggos
All this means to me is the person shitting themselves silly over WOYAfag(s) is accidentally admitting they ARE in fact one person and that's why they freak out so much over WOYA posting.
I'll let you in on a little secret, I WOYApost sometimes but I'm not the only one. I didn't even post it in this thread because I try not to shitpost in generals I actually try to get use out of.
Wow, the woyafag really does spend way too much time on this board.
I'm sorry that you imagine you think you sound reasonable, woyafag, but you're still a guy shitspamming, and there's really no reason to think you're anything but the lowest kind of person. Even just pretending you do it on occasion is enough to paint you as a very special kind of terrible, but it's far more believable that you're just the lone woyafag doing his best to pretend he's more than he is, because that's the primary point and purpose of shitspamming. It's really hard to extend to you the benefit of the doubt, when that's precisely what the woyafag is always doing his best to try and get.

Also, the vast majority of the time, the woyafag's shitspamming gets entirely ignored. It's kind of hypocritical of you to say you try not to shitpost in generals you get use out of, when you're right here doing exactly that. Why would anyone even bother to try defending the woyafag? He's a perfect representative of all the worst aspects of the worst possible person someone on /tg/ could be. I'm actually kind of amazed by your logic of "the woyafag only spams for the reaction he gets from people telling him to fuck off", as if that's supposed to make him any less of the worst person on this board.
>Apparently they interspecies copulate by giving females tongue baths with their virulent saliva.

Yeah holy shit, you really are just a lone schizo on some sort of Ribbon crusade. That's sad, buddy.
The antipodes carry a retrovirus in their saliva, that's how the dogfaces came to be.
Do you not know what dogfaces are?
>You're sort of willfully blinding yourself to how awful some people can be
See, that's partially my point. 4chan is *full* of people who see someone being an annoying douchebag and decide to join in on it. Lazy copycats that see an "easy dunk" by just repeating the same phrase ad nauseam are just an easier explanation than an ubertroll that is behind every single posting of "work on your art."

And I'm pretty sure this exchange is only birthing more, since new people are seeing how much posting WOYA can still annoy other posters in the year 2024, long after Ribbon stopped being a thing here.
I really don't get why you think people shouldn't doubt you and everything you say. The woyafag's very genesis was as a neurotic individual hoping to manipulate this board, so why wouldn't he continue to be exactly that?

What you're doing right now is what the woyafag always tried to do. He wanted to try and remove Ribbon from this board by making her an issue, and derailing threads into discussion not of her, but the insanity of the woyafag. The weird thing is, that it's been almost a decade, and Ribbon images still appear on this board, and you're still getting laboriously upset about them, all while lying every step of the way. Why bother defending the woyafag at all, if not to do exactly what the woyafag has always tried to do?
If woyafag successfully drove a cloutchasing attentionwhore away I don't see how there's anything to complain about.
>WOYAfag makes a single post and now we're stuck with this histrionic parasite who doesn't even play Infinity
Wow, I officially hate Ribbon now.
Woyafag, I think you need help.

You're still upset about the /tg/ banner. It wasn't until after that contest was held that you started spamming, and I think it is because of your bizarre obsession with "clout." That character existed on this board for the better part of a decade without anyone acting like you. But, almost immediately after the banner contest, you couldn't stop being upset, because the board you spend way too much time on would have a character you hated in its banner. I can almost understand how that would infuriate someone like you.
With no other recourse, and too much hatred in you to do nothing, you decided to do the only thing you could: shitspam.

Every time you saw that character, you'd insist that the poster was the original artist and tell them they needed to work on their art. Regardless of who drew the image even. When people called you out, you'd argue with them, trying to raise as much of a fuss as possible, because your goal was to be as obnoxious as you possibly could be, in hopes of making Ribbon some sort of controversial figure.

Now, with the better part of a decade behind you from when you started your shitspamming, people still post the character, and the majority proceed to ignore your attempts to make their choice in image an issue.

Sounds like more of a reason to hate the woyafag. Not really sure why you want to pretend there's any logic to your post, especially because the woyafag's initial post was largely ignored until someone decided to ask about it.

The moral of the story is to let people post whatever images they want, and ignore trolls who self-admittedly only shitspam in order to get a reaction.
I wish jannies patrolled these threads as strictly as they do offtopic threads.
I think that's enough /tg/ lore for today.
Wtf is going on ITT.
Who are the space marines?
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O-12 Torchlight Brigade.
It's almost upsetting how much cooler some of those designs are than what GW pumps out.
Except for that dork with a sword.
yes, but they dont fuck with womans. They bite pregnant womans and the virus infect the fetus, becoming a dog face

If that dog face fucks a woman, the baby will be a Wulver.

Learn to difference Ariadnan furries
>get bullied by PanOceanian chads
fixed it for you
>losing a planet to the Japanese
Whatever you need to sleep at night buddy. PanO might have tried to cut off the Burgers after the Dawn Expeditions but clearly their tongue still taste American ass to have their CIA Esque projects backfire like this.
>starts to seethe about burgers unprompted
Calm down, Zhang.
>everyone I disagree with is a Zhang
Does it hurt to see them using the guns you gave them in bulk against you
Holy ESL
>everyone that doesn't like ecelebs is my personal boogeyman
I wonder how much overlap there is between this general and the other generals I frequent, since they too seem to have people that don't know what eceleb means.

I certainly hope this isn't a board-wide thing.
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Can anyone tell me if Mr. Cool Ice sectorial made the cut to N5? It's the entire theme of the last edition, heavily associated with code one, so I'm worried they're going to mothball them.
Law of common factors would suggests that it's simply the case that you don't know what eceleb means
Every sectorial is going to exist in the next edition, factions don't get squatted. As the second-most-recent sectorial for PanO it's also quite likely that Sval will also be one of the ones that is updates as soon as N5 hits; typically only older and largely discontinued sectorials had to wait a few months to get updates.
>Law of common factors
I think we can add that to the list of things you don't understand and are misusing.
Pretty sure "guy that draws weeaboo scribbles for the Traditional Games board on 4chan" is not, by any definition, an eceleb.
I mean, the common factor is being on 4chan . Every board is full of asshats who think they're on /v/ and try to replicate the culture wars of that board 1:1 even in vastly different contexts. Which leads to weird things like calling random artfags "ecelebs," a term originally coined for people that had popular blogs (and later YouTube channels) talking about videogaming, often with dumb and lazy opinions that would be repeated by their fanbase.

I really dig their unit selection and really want to build a board that puts their mountain climbing expertise to good effect.
They got Achilles bros
In CA he has so much competition that i don't think he'll be used often.
If I saw how shit the nuSP looked I'd leave too.
Sybil is looking...rough
Welcome to the EI Laundromat, what size brain do you need washed?
Is this the placebo nerfs CB are doing because Phalanx was doing too well in ITS
It's setup for O-12, ALEPH, and CA being merged in N6.
They got Pandora... I think that in the most recent N4 meta Pandora was finding her spot in many different lists while Achilles was optimal for the "Achilles list" and that's it.

I think that ALEPH players have lost more with Pandora than with the blonde prima donna.
And other human armies turn into guerilla warfare while losing access to all recreations and Lhosts?
Oh no. Anyway...
Happy Infinity 20th Anniversary. Now Achilles is evil
Good that my Hector is still pure.
,,,my birthday is the anniversary of this fucker? All right, more reason to play.
>ko dali
Is this all they're doing now? Who's next? Fat Yuan Yuan? Also why is CA even sepsitorizing? I though the war was over.
They're being added to Tohaa as an allied species like the Chaksa.
>what should we do for Evil Achilles?
>give him Maximus' shield or something, go away and let me siesta
nah, it will be in 2025
Nooo, muh golden boi
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guess who is also back. also, what does this mean for ALEPH...
I hope they do this with every single aristeia and merc character so they all stay in CA and we can ignore them all and not play against such cancer ever again.
It's so over for us...
things that wont be in Vanila CA in N5 Tensho
Victor Messer
Corax Hasht
Sheskiin IP


Umbra Legates

All mercs except Aida and Liberto
>2 mooks
>cheapest model in the game
>rest is named characters
jesus this shit has jumped multiple sharks

>ruin morats
>lazily throw in all the aleph shitters that make their own faction boring shit
fuck carlos
So Vanilla becomes a new style sectorial?
Combined Army? More like Blood Ravens Army.
Almost like they... COMBINED different species into one... ARMY
With this pace, at N10 there will be just Ariadna left with everyone else being CA sectorial. CB apparently loves CA, just like most players.
What can I say
Chicks like the aliens
>The sectorial built around having a ton of characters may in fact field lists with a ton of characters
The horror. Who could have seen this coming.
They couldn’t have taken fucking Phoenix and Atalanta?
wasn't so bad in n2
Phoenix is too based and Atlanta is my wife.
Looks like 5 games of Infinity a year at the one event I go to a year will persist. Pandora and Achilles going to CA hurt but Teucer as well has now truly killed any enthusiasm my friend has for the game.
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Is there anyone who has suffered more than him?
isn't it siesta time carlos?
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That Montesa comes to mind

Though they did give him a comfort bike in the end
Hoping they put him into OCF instead of canning him completely.
This change to Achilles makes no sense imo.
>betraying your creator, your employer, and your people so you can tap your favourite femboy's ass again
Truly the essence of Grecian tragedy.
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Why is he so smug?

And who are the people cheering?
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Holy shit that design is incredibly shit lol
Alpaca fuck off you're dead.

Damn, what did they do to Brad Pitt?
>Alpaca fuck off you're dead
>he lacks critical information
What does Sheskiin think of this?
What does Penthesilea?
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>He hasn't read the CN transcripts
Won't spoilerfag things for you. Buckle up for Lunasia's wild ride.
>he hasn't played Bakery Girl
>he thinks William's Wild Ride ends at GFL
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>Post Jefooty
>Somehow this means I did not play the best MICA game
Anon, stop drinking.

Also t-dolls would be really easy to port into this game, basically just puppetactica.
PanO and JSA are 20% off. worth it? N5 is coming out though so I'd be going in blind.
My brother in Christ the heaviest handed nerf PanO has ever eaten was a 3 point increase to the Bulleteer and they cried for months. You’ll be fine.
Yeah but Im new and don't know what I'm doing. Corvus belli site says 30 for international shipping, or buy 200 euros worth of product for free shipping. Obviously, both options are pretty stupid.
Buy from a local retailer instead, there should be one nearby unless you live in Gabon or something.
So the 20% off isn't worth the hassle. Thanks for the info, I'll just wait for n5
So what're the chances this is a Trojan Horse?
Pls, we're talking about ALEPH here, not Nomads or Haqqislam.
Pretty low. Even if that was attempted, the EI can just blast people with Sepsitors until they become a happy minion.
>you WILL be part of CA and you WILL be happy
no teasers today?
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Smaller Army update witg the jsa reinforcements tomorrow according to koni
Koni has an army inside him?
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>the army inside me
First it was Bigger Batman, but now we have Bigger Bridget...
Do you have a link to this discord?

>Fat Yuan Yuan?
Probably no cube.
What JSA products are worth getting before N5 drops?
The Starter/Army pack, or the Reinforcements pack are all sure bets. It's very unlikely they'll discontinue anything in JSA, it's a fairly new army.
>JSA betrays PanO after everything starting to act like an asshole
>Now CA gobbling up aleph for some reason

Why tho
Can someone recommend me some nice terrain that is pleasing to the eye while being great for gameplay?
There are some very good terrain pieces (like microarts) but they almost require me to sell a liver.
Wanted to avoid paying more than 300€. Around 200€ would be great, although probably low chance on that.
My buddy and I mostly use TTCombat’s stuff. You should be able to get a decent table for 150€ or less if you spend your budget smartly. All unpainted though, so I guess you’ll pay in time and effort (and a minuscule amount of cash on art supplies) to make up for the lower upfront cost.
They got yanked out of YJ in shitrising.
>Probably no cube.
Who cares at this point. CB certainly doesnt
This looks like shit lol. What are the chances CB just wanted to push achilles out of the way just to have Hippo, a strong independent brown woman in charge?
Assuming you want both sectorials (current JSA, and the new one), I'd mostly just avoid some of the older models that are likely to get resculpts (unless you really like the sculpts), or the Yu Jing remotes, since they should be getting their own.

Namely, the Tokusetsu Butai are likely to get redone. Yuriko Oda has been OOP for awhile, and is likely to get a new sculpt. I wouldn't be shocked to see Yojimbo get a new sculpt too, or at least repacked with the newer koalas.

If you only want the new sectorial, you'd have to wait to see what they have access to from the old.
Unlikely, they've more likely just smoked too much Iliad and decided Hector and Achilles must fight.
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Damn... I guess we know how that is going to turn out.
Jesus Christ, why would they make him look this shitty?
To capture the american audience. For some reason the burgerstanis love that look.
>ninja (not a ninja)
>who you calling a ninja?
so it was a lie...
Delicious mini.
Ninja sectorial when???
The bargain basement AI voice is fucking terrible.
Unhinged and obsessed
The new one is pretty good.
Army Updated with JSA reinforcements.

Pretty MEH
What is the purpose of having a profile that has a Regular option and an Irregular option?
both are regular. It's an errata
Oh. I thought there was some 500IQ play I didn't understand from having a 17 dude with 2 Pulsars
I think they are cute in a way, not op or broken, just solid profiles. The saybayunitto khd is interesting for that price, with cybermines, bts6 and buffed total control. If tags get even better in n5 he'll see a lot of play i think.
The genbu is an upgrade to yuriko oda when it comes to being a versatile engineer, overall useful loadouts even, but as long as he cant link he is a dead profile. Sad
The sohei is just weird and i dont get them. CC specialists with bad movement, no fd/infiltration/marker state... and still 11 points more expensive than the YJ monks
11 points more expensive because BS 11, ARM 3, regular
They are all garbage except the new Daiyokai profile which renders the others irrelevant. However, I assume they'll all be differently positioned in N5. Part of the reason the new ones are garbage is because they don't fit into fireteams.
>they don't fit into fireteams.
Have any of the new Reinforcements units been able to form non-Reinforcements fireteams?
Marspiders can attach itself to the ass cheeks of a Lizard or Stigmata off the top of my head but that's only a duo
Enough is enough! I'm sick and tired of these motherfucking monkies on the motherfucking roof!
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This seems to be the Pre_order guy for Operation Sandtrap

ook ook
I really REALLY dislike it.
Design is solid. What's not to like? Unless you hate nippon.
Tactical wall.
This is the easiest thing to remove in the world when it comes to tactical debris. His feet are perfectly flat; you can't model him on a less egregious rock or to the base itself? Maybe the best sci fi minis in the industry just ain't for you?
IDK. The bow, the lance, the pose, the fact that is usable in Pano but is clearly JSA
Vanilla PanO already has Kunai Ninja and Liang Kai, why are you so butthurt over a sectorial getting an Asian unit?
because they look nothing like pano. If youa re making a unit for 2 different armies, make it neutral, not clearly oriented to one of them
I have been playing tabletop games for an eternity at this point, I have seen Infinity stuff sold in small quantities at a few local shops(less so in the past number of years), I legit have never seen a game played or local hosting in a not-con setting and even at cons it was not a ton of people playing. For frame of reference I'm in the Northeast US, talking of cons in the New England, NYC metro area, PA,MD, VA areas. Is it just a cultural thing/the game bigger in other countries? I feel like there is so much to this game yet I have never seen anybody play it. I've had more active meetups with that Warhammer Fantasy replacement when AOS came out 9th Age. Somebody school me
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My package with older models arrived today but turned out there was little mistake - I ordered N3 Magisters but got N2 ones instead. Still cool but I guess I should notify shop anyway, even if just for updating their storage status.
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that model look very well put together but is fucking atrocious.

>S2 model
>damn near twice the height of the silhouette
>tactical wall
>rod looks like it will overhang the base by almost 50 percent of the base size

I am stunned by how boring all these JSA previews are. I know I do not like the aesthetic or playstyle but for fuck's sake this is boring. Maybe the rules may change what I think about them, but I could not care less about these new models
3 whole iterations of box designs, cool.
Those Magisters are so beautiful. The art is great too.
Fine then, sell me yours for 5 bucks each. I'm this house we like nice things.
Unironically check different shops. I know Infinity is big in southern CT, and most mid-atlantic stores have dedicated Infinity nights. The ChesBay area has a large community centered in SE VA. Thst and I find a lot of people play at home or in small groups. Lots of people are still cautious about public health exposure, even if they don't say anything. Con and store attendance has been down for the past 4 years.
That and I find Infinity isn't a popular Con game. Maybe it's the terrain requirements. Maybe it's because you want to play more rare games at big meetups. Maybe because they are chasing Interplanetario rankings.
That, and interest is cyclical. With the N5 announcement, lots of groups are taking a break from Infinity to do something else or recharge, then get excited again when N5 drops.
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>I'm this house we like nice things.
I love how your own reply is written as wrong as you taste
Cool model for a diorama or as a shelf piece, but seems horrible for actual play due to the height and spear
>spelling mistake ownage post
>makes a spelling mistake after mocking them
two can play at that game, it seems

Also you're a tucker fan? Your opinion means less than anyone's here.
nope, he will go to the box of unmounted figures i dont use
>Don't really care about mess around Pano sectorials
>Don't really care about JSA (but nice for them to become faction proper, and Sohei monks are nice),
>Don't really care about Achilles team. Or rather I have very mixed feelings about it, especially since art looks kinda bad for CAchilles.
Although I was kind of hoping on expanding Onyx with more tooha stuff, and all that means it won't happen, I guess.
>Zero care for SP's tears
My armies are YJ and Haqq, so far I know nothing about them in N5, and most I hope for is that. Imperial Gestapo continues to exist. I've kind of given up on Qapu existing.
There any painting guides for the action packs? Need to get some Aleph painted and I am deeply lazy.
Onyx is getting a big rework this edition afaik.
I assume big rework is all the stuff borrowed from aleph. Plus minor bullshit.
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>Also you're a tucker fan? Your opinion means less than anyone's here.

I just use reaction images. there is a place for that kind of thing >>>/pol/
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>Imperial Gestapo continues to exist
you are NOT the only one brother. please let IS still exist.
embarrassing; off yourself
>I just use reaction images.
Please don't. Or at least use Infinity -themed like >>94004504
If its the same as current ISS I don't want it. Out of date piece of shit
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When is N5 officially releasing?

See? You can already do better! I'm proud of you!
Mandatory internet autism aside, who's taken a look at the additional profiles on the Army app? Some of JSA's new stuff is already in, it looks like.

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