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X-Antibody of Pride edition

Previous >>93915217

>Basics Pastebin

>Anon's Locals Survival Guide

>Fanmade PC sim

>EX06 Infernal Ascension questionnaire

>BT17 Secret Crisis questionnaire

Banlist, Errata:

New and Upcoming Releases:

Digimon Liberator:
Latest web comic chapter is Episode 6 Part 1! Next chapter scheduled for September 26th
Latest web novel chapter is Debug 4-2! Next set of chapters sometime in November

ST18 Guardian Vortex & ST19 Fable Waltz are out now in most territories! Release delayed to September 27th in UK

EX07 Digimon Liberator is out now in most territories! Release delayed to September 27th in UK

BT18 Element Successor is out now in JP. Part of SB 2.0 in EN

BT19 Xros Evolution is scheduled to be released September 27th in JP. Split across SB 2.0 and SB 2.5 in EN

Special Booster 2.0 is scheduled to be released November 1st in EN, compiles BT18 and BT19

EX08 Chain of Liberation is scheduled to be released November 29th in JP, EN release scheduled for January 10th

Special Limited Set is scheduled to be released December 13th in EN, compiles LM02 through LM04

Special Booster 2.5 is scheduled to be released February 2025 in EN, compiles BT19 and BT20

Favorite card from BT19?
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>play searcher
>reveals two important cards for your deck but can only pick one
>decide the one that should be harder to get later
>keep getting the card you got and can’t get the other card despite multiple searchers afterwards
making the wrong call on a 50/50 is like a kick in the balls
I know this odd but are there any ways to make a decent Banchostingmon deck that isn’t just Tyrant with Banchstingman teched in? I don’t care how viable it is, just wanna build something cool with Banchostingmon. Even thought about playing Imperial with Banchostingmon instead of the Imperialdramons since Bancho is Free trait and works with the new option card
I can't tell which is worse: getting punished for making a good decision or watching my opponent get rewarded for a bad decision.
That happened to me way too many times as well.
>that isn’t just Tyrant with Banchstingman teched in
Imperial with Banchosting teched in :^)
well the idea is use the option card to protect Bancho since it likely wouldnt be able to survive an attack from another level 6 unless I’m the one attacking. Kinda smoke screen the fact I likely wouldn’t be using the Fighter Mode. Basically want an excuse to use Banchostingmon in a more proactive way cause I feel it does nothing in Tyrant.
It's not great, but you could try using it as the top end for a Gammamon deck. Ghilliedhumon (the green Gamma lvl 5) lets you gain a bunch of the red Gamma effects like Raid, Blitz, or attacking unsuspended Digimon.
Alternatively, you could go for a green/black build that tries to use BT8 Kimeramon to grab either EX7 Gigadramon or BT19 Cyberdramon for the Collision inheritable, then go into Bancho and use Dimension Scissor to swing a bunch of times.
Think I am gonna add two analogs just so Mamemon doesn't miss
Or black tai so I can draw 1 and block Imperialdra and magna x and don't get deleted.

But at this point I might as well play black hybrid, idk.
both interesting ideas honestly. Tai sounds appealing in tandem with Shoto. What about 3-4 Shoto, 2-3 Tai, and 2-3 Gennai to round out at 8 tamers?
The Shoto at 4 are non negotiable, is more about finding him no matter what rather than playing multiples, the rest you can switch the ratios to whatever. I just wanna know the miss chance of 8 vs to 10 tamers and if whiffing does actually matter, maybe it doesn't we are not playing card advantage the game.
And actually you might be right, with Mamemon you can go down with Gennai and up some utlity tamers. Space is tight
yeah I'd look at mamemon for adjustments and lower Gennai just because Mamemon is a deep search
How is Puppets without the promos? I like how the deck plays, but those cards are fucking expensive
the new linkz dragons SRs are they 4 ofs?

also new saberleomon ace is it good in leomon? i figured 1/2 of ?

i was gonna buy a box but those are the only cards i need.
I think they are 3 of each and 1 of the old metallicdramon
there are some other ratios you can do as well but you don't want TOO many

I like 2 saberleo in leomon
It's fine. They're good for slowing down your opponent which isn't really Cendrillmon's thing anyway, you can just use Tobucatmon and PawnChessmon until she gets another wave of support (because they'll have Liberator traits). Arisa is pretty good but if you have fewer Shoemon she's worse too.

Missing the -2k When Attacking is probably the worst part because Pomumon and friends really stunt the deck.
Anyone tried purplebase machinedramon postman heard it won something recently using purple rookies with on delete abilities
i've been thinkin on building SoC machinedra knowing both megadramon and marvin help build up trash, and by using the new chaosdramon + Chaosdramon X we can get a chaosdra inmune to every form of removal except de-digivolution
just dabbed on a mother control cuck
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>cant decide between making susanoo/emperor or millenium next set
Which one seems more "fun" to you guys?
I love control and the new emperor looks very control heavy compared to the previous HITHITHITDIE emperor decks. Is this correct?
Millenium looks alright at best and doesnt look as control heavy as emperorsusanoo.
The stronger one you retard

Winning is fun. Losing is not.
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Alright, damage report after 2 boxes:
>box 1 was rather mediocre *Except* for shiny HeavyMetal (which I'll keep and use so "lol stonks")
>Buluco AA
>Tlaloc AA
>Kid AA
>zephaggot (traded)
>Beelko ace
>Saberleo ace

But then box 2 came in, as you can see in picrel
>Vortex AA
>Beelko X
>Beelko ace AA
>Lilith X
>Cendrilli (traded)
I definitely wont complain about my pulls, but fuck, HeavyMetal and Lilith are both shortprinted to fucking hell and back. Only got 3 LadyDeviX, for example.
For the trades, I got a second lilith, a second HM, a second Saberleo, a second gundra and a 4th Yuuki.
3Musketeers is complete so I'll give it a go this next week see how it feels.
You guys got any advice on building Leopardmon X?
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Here's the deck I have at the moment. I hate how the eggs cover some of the cards so I just removed them.
Susanoomon so I can have all the Millenniummon cards for myself.
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Assuming I'm understanding this right What did you try to name it, anon?
Different anon but yeah, lol, I can't name my Titamon deck "Titamon" because "Titamon" has "Tit" in it. Also, "GaiaRed" is censored, I assume because Gai = Gay. The one I'm not understanding is Hunters. What's offensive about "Hun"?
>What's offensive about "Hun"?
Hoang is personally storing all your data, please understand :)
>Why did the chinaman censor hun

Who knows?
Pulsemon deck is....
>got the HeavyMetal special AA in 2 boxes
hope you die
YellowVaxx. it's rendered as YellowVa**. And of course, like the retards they are, they censor ANY substring. So if you type Titamon, its ***amon. These retards should be barred by the courts from touching computers. No wonder they don't want to opensource the game. They know they'll be laughed at. Hell, their bullshit reason for not opensourcing is the most retarded thing I've ever heard.
>anyone else playing imperial highrolls to the moon
>i play it and all I get are bricks
Then again, I brick on anything I play because that's my special skill.
>run 8 paildramon
>don't see a single one
>next game
>only draw paildramon
I fucking hate rng so much.
It's an uncommon insult for trannies afaik
This happens to me with Takemikazuchi every fucking time
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I know, I know...
Doesnt beat the dude that opened the tourney reward ex6 booster and pulled a textured Ophani Ace
Aaanyhow, how to picrel? just build 2 towers until you get Eldoradi and Saberleomon? or is there something else to it?
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Dukemon newbie here. I had my first locals yesterday, I ended up in 3rd place. not to shaby for a newbie like me right? but to be honest a couple of my oponents bricked a lot. I learned a lot about other decks that I had no idea what they do lol. I had fun, I am glad to have found decent people in a new community. Also I bought this binder for
$65 usd approx. I want to sell the lucemons
Decks that need new support:


That's pretty much it I don't give a fuck about anything else
You evolve to ElDoradimon and hope that you've got a SaberLeomon in the top 4 cards of your deck.
build Eldoradi then gacha for a lv5 if you have saberleo on hand/Saberleo on top 4 to DNA
Jesmon just got a new tamer though.
There is literally no way that tamer is actually good in Jesmon.
Does having your dp reduced to 0 count as leaving battle area by opponent's effect?
afaik it isn't. The effect is just "reducing dp", if it goes to 0 it's just the rules of the game "deleting" the mon.
>how could having rush help an OTK deck???
Truly boggles the mind.
No. Youre dying because of a game mechanic.
Tlaloc is way too fair for a lv7 jogress.
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UlForce needs more meaningful Veemons for it specfically that do something. Only one of em is an On Play. The EX01 Vee being a vanilla outside of Inherit is annoying and dated. If we could have that same Inherit on a new Veemon but have a good On Play + a Your Turn effect, UF would be able to take advantage of Adult Daisuke promo easier.
Another Rina Shinomiya or a way to make the old one not clunky would help.
Top decks are able to cheat out evolution stages with their BS 2 cost archetype options or just for being Doruga-related from trash. Would be helpful to get an adjacent Option like it to scry Tamers/Vees similar to EX01 Gabu inherit or something.
Feels like most games I have to hide in raising like a bitch with Mental Trainings I used/got hit in security with Blue Memory Boosts or hard slammed memory manip Tamers. Most of the recent deck inclusions are just stolen from Impy/Magna stuff.
Veemon card game but not for UlForce. PAIN. PAIN.
Arisa is neat in Jesmon, but it isn't really doing anything that Jesmon GX wasn't already doing to win you game. Playing the Sec+1 greymon version of Jesmon also already has consistency problems, and with the current state of decks being run, it is not easy to just pop off, or get the value out of Arisa giving rush. The only neat aspect I can see is running EX7 arisa and potentially cycling the decoy sistermon or starting to run blanc awakened

Introducing Partition to the game, but not giving it to Tlaloc is a pretty big miss. Same with Boltboutamon
No. Its due to game rules. Which is why modern protections specify "other than by your own effs" or "other than by battle" which covers being deleted by game rules.
It'll depend on how much kuma and kazes cost since iI need 3-4 of each.
I love mametyramon, but can’t figure out how the new promo does anything for any deck
I'd like a completely new Ulforce archetype desu the tamer gimmick is stupid and always has been.
I dont mind it much. It kinda enforces the sibling-like bond they have bouncing off of one another in the games.
They could go the Zeromaru route with Taichi but...that would need WAY more support to hold it up
It’d be fine if the deck could consistently make him fast but for a deck that want to spam out bodies it is extremely limited in the ways it can do so.
Ulforce is so much cooler than Imperial it's unreal
I like Loudmon's inheritable, but the set up to get sec+1 on all dark/evil dragons is a nightmare. Been trying it in Mervamon with Darkliz, but even when I get to it, darkliz is only 4k dp. Then trying to set up soulmons to increase the dp is too much jank.
Yeah it is a damn shame.
Has the deck gotten any proper support since?
Just a promo egg and a Yellow/Black MetalEtemon in BT18 that can Jogress from a (Blue or Yellow) and a (Green or Black). So it's another Lvl 6 for the deck that can fulfill either part of Tlaloc's materials
>a promo egg
Bloody hell, why even try to make a deck if you're gonna drop it like that bandai?
You will play GalaxyTlaloc and like it
I tried to tell you niggas
There’s multiple scripts embedded in the code that are data scraping your shit
Have fun when chapter shit his servers get hacked and your details get leaked
are you the guy that said something was sketchy in the code prior to release, and then said FUCKING NOTHING afterwards?
We need Ulforce Future Mode ACE. Same effs as bt11 ulforce, but not restricted to your turn and has 16k dp.
I hate to be a wet blanket that's a lie I fucking crushing dreams but I think AeroVeedramon is the most likely Ace for the Veedramon line.
That forme is in copyright hell. Likely wont happen.
Considering ZudoACE was used before it got dropped from lists, it would be a good idea. UlForces Level 3s/5s are lacking atm.
Qrd on copywrite hell
Please understand that they are literal retard coders working on their first actual project. Somehow think they have the moral superiority to (((interview))) volunteer helpers to work on the sim, instead of figuring out how to just open source it. My guess is they just have a nono word file that checks the name field, which your username and decklist are probably a shared field. In the future they want to let you view opponents decklist, which they will probably just show your deck name for it.
What does a modern ShineGreymon list look like? Are people actually using the BT17 stuff?
Future Mode was implemented into an OFFICAL DigimonMMO. Shit got retracted from players not even 2 weeks in.
Has NEVER been referenced again.
Yes but it varies. the new thing is that people run atleast 4 level 7s now. Enjoy your beyond fucked up ratio.
4 of the Ace?
isn't it 2 ruin 2 ace?
4 burst of your chooisng.
>figured anon was trying to name it some meme slur thing
>completely forget filter lists are super stupid and constantly "censor" innocuous names because they're trying to hit three letter targets
Sorry anon, that was my bad.
Takes me back to the days of K***t Artorias in DS1 and not being able to trade Cofagrigus over wifi in gen 5.
The TCG already has v-tamer cards. I doubt they could print v-tamer cards but not FM.
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I'm on a 7 game undefeated streak with this list. Any suggestions on any further improvements I can make?
They don't want to opensource. They gave the most retarded excuse ever. I suspect the wangblows version has a bitcoin miner. Thank fuck I run it on linux.
Honestly you could -1 Ultimate. Always matched my 5/6 counts and never got droughted.
4 Mental Training. That thing is TOO IMPORTANT. Scry 2 oh look BT11 Rina. Yoink.
If you are in need of more varied Memory Tamers, BT9 Sora/Matt at 1 cant hurt.
Promo Daisuke is a debatable one of. Only comes up when behind for free BT11 Veemon scry. Much better with the Magna builds. Can disregard it entirely honestly.
Looks solid. If you are looking for potential 7s, ImpyPM ACE is solid. Partial Green so MemSetter Daisuke can grab it as bonus card alongside a UlForce stack piece. Is part Blue so your MemBoosts/Mental Training could grab it but only if you reveal something wack like Ukko which would whiff. Unsuspends itself so any applicable Inheritables trigger. Also makes sacky Buka funny. The Blocker/Evade and +1000 DP Boosts you get as an UlForce carry over as well until end of turns.
I hate takemika so fucking much. Even when you're winning and have kept it at bay, it's a massive fucking sec bomb waiting to steal the game.
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>Playing Diaboro vs Looga
>Play out bt5 Armagedemon turn 2 thanks to keramon token inherits who just turns their deck off.
It's such a specific floodgate but when in matchups where it's relevant it stops them cold.
Also god I hope Diaboro X is in ex8.
>premium binder set for 65
damn good price for it, nice job.
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>Pull Protoform today
>Only 1 listing on TCGplayer at 40 dollars.
What do I sell this at?
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behold a TRUE Gallantmon chad
just need the new alt art takato
Is Crimson Savior actually good
short answer is no
long answer is that it plays BT12 Takato for 1 less memory, and can pull tamers/searcher guilmon from trash easily enough. and on the off chance your opponent hard plays a fucking ultimate for some reason, you get a free crimson mode. It's in as a 1 of for flavor
We're just due for popular Royal Knight support.
Decks like Alphamon, Jesmon, and Ulforce haven't gotten support in ages.
The new Doru stuff from BT17 is kinda nice but Alpha could use some more direct support. A new 6 that acts like a mini-Ouryuken would be nice.
Sorry but this is the Digimon Frontier card game now
Fuck no. Maybe the day we get sideboards.
What happened to the seekers novel,.did it end.
Was it good
NTA, but I liked it, at least. Objective quality is hard to judge, with it being translated weird and JP writing styles being so different from Western ones, so subjective is the best you're likely to get.

The overall events and tone were sick as fuck, mind.
I would love an Alpha with an actual inheritable. Give it the bt13 protection so I can swing with some certainty that it'll live.
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>Cendrill stuff lets me play 4GD again

Might try and fit a Shinegrey Burst Ace in here, but otherwise, any suggestions? This plays pretty well surprisingly, and if I get to Goldra and have Goldra X and an Arisa it gets silly
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How is blue wolf sif deck?
Im about to change my dexdoru to black base so im tempted to use my loogas for this. It looks like a go from 1 to 100 deck but is the wombocombos fun with this thing?
are promo Veedramon and AlturKabuteri the best promos ever? They're amazing in their respective decks.
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Nah these are till we get another new kinda memory manipulator searcher.
Can bt17 diaboromon switch the attack target of bt14 gomamon that's has unblockable?
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Yes, because it isn't blocking.
It couldn't redirect the attack of cards like this MachGaogamon.
Everyone told me to fuck off, so off I fucked
Codepill us all, anon
What sketchy stuff is in the code?
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EX7 survey is up
>Violet under "Trash"
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>Arisa in the breeding area
I didnt. I wasnt stupid enough to use his trash.
I told them to stop putting 12 SRs in EX sets which will fall on deaf ears as always
As someone who just spent all week testing Alpha: the new stuff is better, but the deck is really janky now, being cobbled together from the support of 3 different decks.
>and on the off chance your opponent hard plays a fucking ultimate for some reason
To be fair, there are a ton of reasons your opponent might want to do that. 4-cost Aces, Aqua.dek, 7GDL or Yggy, Omni Ace, Diaboromon tokens, Angels, Tyrant, Takemika, Digixros, random purple decks.
They give us these playmat designs but what am I supposed to do with these?
it can kill from 4 and its incredibly simple to execute and the same every time, it has no nuance or variety, there is no skill expression, you just need to find the pieces and you need to find a good chunk of pieces.

basically you play a loogamon and either push it out and attack to cycle or if its the eiji one u just push it out to setup an eiji then you setup another loogamon and win off that, unless you got the god roll and hit everything you usually kill on turn 3 or 4
Print them
But they have SAMPLE written on them
You know what's weird? The lack of Seasarmon X. The other weird thing is that Labramon digivolves into Seasarmon and Dobermon but those two digivolve back into Cerberusmon essentially being a digivolution line where the only difference is the Champion level.
Do the survey you get a pdf without it
Does the survey have options for us yuropoors who have not gotten any ex7 products at all due to distribution fuck-ups?
what set is the digiburst support coming in?
I believe one of the answers was that you couldn't buy product
Oh fuck that than. Thanks.
gonna get wild when they print two colour trainings like the gem memory boosts
The same set blue gets the ability to source strip you on your turn
The game has to remain fair after all :)
blue can already do that
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Aces were a mistake
you should learn the combo if you are going to play in events though, it needs SPECIFIC pieces and every condition need to be fulfilled, a LOT of people who play it cheat with it, some by forgetting, some explicitly by knowing you would need to specifically know what their cards do.
there is a reason people say the deck is very inconsistent and u don't see it do well in JP, because its truly giga inconsistent and is easily stopped, gotta be really careful vs these slimy fucks or they are going to consistently OTK u on turn 3 when thats a fairly high roll for the deck to be able to do.

Had a guy run tsuonom eggs in it instead of bowmon then try to use the bowmon egg effect and I had to point out that no, thats the egg effect, its not just inherent to trashing stuff. He even tried to evo into loogamon on it for 0, no, thats bowmon only, pay ur 1 memory.
Another fella didn't ever tuck his eiji and I had to explain to him that no, having eiji on board doesn't mean you get to play a kazuchimon out, you need eiji in sources, your combo has flubbed, you need to risk your eiji. no, your soloogar is end of attack not during, you are going to not get it since I pally ace'd you, deal with it, no he doesn't die because hes -16k, I have +6k from effects and +2k from inheritables, no I didn't redirect you at me, you get your 1 check then fuck off.
I have never seen such a high concentration of cheaters as people who play loogamon, not people who misunderstand the combo, its dead simple, but people who try to act as if they have it when that card just simply isn't there or doesn't work like that.
how are they going to balance them vs regular trainings?
since the gem boosts are only search 3 instead of 4
its not like a "search 1" training would be good lmao
is it going to be 3 cost? only reduce evo by 1? surely it can't just be raw power creep, trainings are great for mono color decks and i'm happy to have more dual color mem boosts and having trainings stay as mono only
>search gets me two important pieces of my deck's combo
>choose one, lose the other
>immediately draw into 2 more cards of the card I chose
>lv3 just suspends any digimon on play, no conditions
>on a deck that shits memory
>and can attack anything, anytime
>this deck isn't tier 1
The powercreep since bt13 has been on maximum overdrive.
Aces are the GOOD way to do it but there's also those Gekkomons and Otamamons aren't there?
get in line
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hey I want to build a yellow deck "sakuyamon" with the new coming support is it a good idea? does anyone have a list? should I play 3 ex02 rika's and 4 ex02 renamon?
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>No blue
So how long until i could play a full pure ophanimon deck or at least with meicoomon, gaiomon pure or more support for jellymon?
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Anone anone.
You could technically play pure Gaiomon, it would just suck.
god you linefags are annoying
Yeah and i mean how long until we more support?
Itto Mode still doesn't have a card yet, but who knows when they'll do a ReArise set
Bancho support when? BanchooGankoomon when? Sistermon Miko Mode when?
>Bancho support when?
great question, when the fuck are we gonna get any kind of a deck Chaosmon can realistically be played in
It's really frankenstein-ish now yeah, I'd like it if they could streamline some stuff. I don't see all-stars like BT16 Doruga or BT9 Doru getting phased out but it'd be nice if we didn't have to play Ryudamon as a 3 to make BT16 Doruga better. Maybe a new 5 would be nice too.
The deck needs a Mindlink tamer to be sure, but they need to give it a new one that is designed for Alphamon.
The level 3s and 4s need to change most of all, so a level 4 that can play a new tamer out would help a lot.
>The deck needs a Mindlink tamer to be sure, but they need to give it a new one that is designed for Alphamon.
both Nigmon and Kosuke work
>but designed for Alphamon
I mean, mindlinking as a whole benefits both BT7 Dorumon and BT7 Dorimon, plus shit like piercing, jamming, and blocker are great.
Shuu works, but having to play Ryudamon sucks. Blocker + Piercing doesn't work nearly as well for Alphamon as it does for Dorugoramon.
We need a new Mindlink tamer and a new Digimon to play it out. Make it a +1 memory instead of a setter and give it sec+1 inherit.
The simplest I can explain it is there are sneaky markers of code embedded that are designed to gain access to parts of computers they don’t need to gain access to. If used in a malicious way they can get all your personal data.

I can’t find any bitcoin miner stuff but it wouldn’t surprise me if we see that in future updates. Hoang is a sketchy fuck and I don’t trust his mess of code trying to hide dodgy things.
the green plug in could easily be a 4
great security effect, never dead in hand and provides some combo stuff with the mons that get to play a plug-in on evo
someone at the local is testing the deck and that card is always putting in work
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>Chunk of players at locals who always max out decks with AAs and buy cases
>Have all decided to stop going to locals and will only play casuals with each other because they don't wanna pay the entry fee if they lose
I really don't get it.
It is a store problem. They should be charged a table fee for taking up space.
Bro your Numemon? You did play it before it got hit right bro?
Shoto and Mother is an annoying and unfortunately named duo. Do you guys think the meme will make it past memedom?

It's gonna be the gatekeeping deck for this format, where lower power decks will suffer but most meta decks will already have answers for it
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>metalgaruru dropped in price and people 1 of it now
Fuck it, making omni ace than since ALTER S was my favorite deck last year. Is the new SEC grey necessary?
Thanks man, skipping the shit than. Yeah I feel you on people who cant read.
Collision would not do what you want it to for bancho stingmon, his when attacking effect would have already resolved by the time the attack target changes from collision.
ST18 Shoto would be good for BanchoStingmon, since it lets you redirect into unsuspended targets when attacking, then stingmons WA can activate.
I'm aware, but as long as the initial target meets the requirement, you still get the boost. It's not about it being a good combo, it's about doing way more swings than you could ever possibly need against something like a field of Diaboromon tokens or Eosmon, boosting your DP and Security Attack to comical levels
>Is the new SEC grey necessary?

Kinda of yea. It's the only way to draw for Evo in the deck, snipe floodgates/control board while you're trying to find your pieces, and the free tamer play helps.

If you're running EX4 matt & tai, it can also free play a gabumon for Evo too.

I've been playing the deck in the sim and people underestimate that they can just lose if they don't answer my omnimon
BanchoSting's effect can't trigger if you redirect period.
Redirecting to a certain attack target is not the same as attacking that target, hence why you can raid into Venusmon.
wtf are u talking about? its a when attacking timing, the 12k is the condition, the rest is the result and shoto is also when attacking timing.
so you can attack a weaker digimon, activate shoto, since it is also when attacking timing, THEN activate banchostings effect.
Hell you can attack a bigger target that meets the effect but wont die for some reason, activate it, then redirect at security.
Bancho Stingmon's effect triggers when you TARGET a 12k+ digimon for an attack, it does not work if you redirect into it.
Galaxy might be the worst designed archetype they’ve done in the games history holy shit. Why does Lunamon gain 2 memory? Why is the red tamer generic ? Why does the red egg get to ignore game rules and evo into a different lvl3?
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>44 for 2 metalgarurus
>15 for ACE
>90 for 4 sec grey
Fuck it. Im out 150 USD now.
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Me again.
How were the textureds supposed to be distributed? 1 every 2 cases?
Purely anecdotal but I've just seen 3 in quick succession (mine, 1 zephaggot, 1 picrel) on a small community on a 3rd world shithole, so it kinda feels as if bandai had tweaked the rates.
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Just updated my Machinedramon to the purple base version and it’s doing great so far
>run 12 lv3s
>see none
>desperately need wincon top end
>mem boost reveals all 4 copies
Kill me
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>"when digivolving: play [card] for no cost"
>don't have [card] in hand
>evo anyways
>draw [card] off Evo

Love RNG
I wanted to try that but I absolutely fucking refuse to play ukko.
>when digivolving player tamer
>don't have tamer
>"well might as well since I don't have a better choice"
>draw off digivolve

Feels good
>evolve into tier 2 ultimate
>draw tier 1 ultimate
I genuinely had flashbacks strike through my mind of this happening to me dozens of times after reading this.
the gross market watcher. said they opened 7 cases and got 1
BT20 is Digimon Chronicles and more Seekers!
>Digimon Chronicles

>more Seekers
Fucking stoooooop.
having these 2 together at least makes sense
but jfc loogamon is the worst protagonist digimon.

well shoutmon is worse, but looga is still close.
Nah Shout's okay
Hopefully it's just Ouryumon support that works with Alphamon and Digipolice.
But it would have to do a lot to replace BT8 Ouryumon.
>SEC Garuru price drop
aww I had a playset when they were around 10 bucks because they were cool. I liked them being so expensive
got a case coming in soon, hope I pull one
>Ask for more Alphamon support to make the deck less of a patchwork abomination
>Receive it
No idea what they'll print for seekers though, I kinda tuned out on those archtypes outside of Dorugora.
>No idea what they'll print for seekers though
Pulsemon and Leon support so they actually work as a deck
Loogamon gets even better
Pulsemon is cool, I love the idea of Yellow doing self-damage as a resource since they can so easily recover it back, but shit like Dynasmon that go "okay now take a damage for an effect other decks get for free"
Would like to see more payoffs for hovering at low security I can throw into Mitamamon.
Loogamon, Pulsemon, Numemon/Digipolice, and Cyborg/Machine, though obviously the latter two are competing for Black with Yuji and Kota.
That's still only like half the tamers you'd have in a BT set though so Liberators would take up the rest.
returning player, stopped playing when they announced blast ace (not the reason I quit).
I will return home this weekend and I will go salute my old LGS friends and I was thinking of playing a symbolic local.
What's the cheapest, most off meta, braindead, ridicolous deck I can make?
>No idea what they'll print for seekers though
Fenriloogamon Ace, probably.
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Received my EX07 box yesterday... As you can see in the pic, it was a pretty good box. Even with the SRs, other than Metallicdramon (which I still have a use for), all of them were stuff that I wanted.
Oddly, I only pulled 1 copy of a few regular rares like Arisa or Impmon and only 2 red ToyAgumon. Previously, EX boxes would get you at leats 2 copies of all the rares and 3 of the uncommons.
Finally we are going to get Tartarus and The Crossroad Witch. Maybe I'll give Black DexDorugamon another chance.
Man I hope we finally get Diaboromon X.
Dia X is from Chronicle X, but there's not altogether that much stuff in the original Chronicle, so they might dip into that too.
What originates from Chronicle besides the Doru and Ryuda lines anyway?
That's basically it. The Pendulum itself had things like Grandis and GigaSeadramon, but Chronicle is just Yuji and Kouta dealing with the X Program. Expect RK and DeathX support and some random X Antibody lines. Basically BT13 and BT9 mashed together.

It would be preferable if it's actually Chronicle AND Chronicle X.

>Playing omni deck
>Opponent ramps all the way to leopardmon + 1 extra body by his turn 2
>I didn't brick, but I don't have all the omni pieces
>Promote my gabu and draw 1
>Evo gabu into greymon, +3k and sniping the extra body
>Evo into agumon, then another greymon
>+3k again and snipe leopardmon

Greymon is 100% worth, such a funny card
Chronicle X will probably be involved since that is what has Kentaurosmon X, Craniamon X, and Examon X. Chronicles X stuff would tie in with them releasing Lilithmon X and Lucemon X card.
Yeah thats why i went with 4 greys. Him with bt12 agu and what you mentioned is just a 2 cost killing machine. Still hurts though for 90 dollars.
Renamon decks look fun, I was thinking of buying either that or the upcomming Geckomon deck.
Cool Boy, so we're getting his omekamon's line
it's uninteractive garbage. Strong, but no skill involved.
I think these kind of get supplanted by Scrambles, but you can still run them no problem for sure.

Cutting evo cost by 3 and playing a body out and nabbing something from trash seems really strong to me in tandem with memory boost.

[Main] Reveal the top 2 cards of your deck. Add 1 green card among them to the hand. Return the rest to the bottom of the deck. Then, place this card in the battle area.

[Main] <Delay> (After this card is placed, by trashing it the next turn or later, activate the effect below.)
• 1 of your Digimon may digivolve into a green Digimon card in your hand for its digivolution cost. When it would digivolve by this effect, reduce the cost by 2.

[Main] 1 of your black Digimon may digivolve into a black Digimon card in the hand with the digivolution cost reduced by 3. Then, place this card in the battle area.

[Start of your Turn] If your opponent has a Digimon, <Delay>.
• Return 1 black Digimon card from your trash to the top of the deck. Then, if you don't have a Digimon, you may play 1 black Digimon card with 2000 DP or less from your trash without paying the cost.
It's stall/uninteractive garbage. Raid is fun to make them mald though.

Share your list, anon. I've been meaning to update my machinedramon myself.
>Evo into Agu X because its my only rookie
>draw the normal agumon right after

EVERY fucking time, holy fuck.
What are the pull rates like for EX7? The other foilings seem like the AA pulls are going to suck
I'm not sure if I've had that or digivolving bt12 greymon and drawing the tai on my next draw after the draw for digi happen more often.
Thanks for the reinforcement on that opinion. I opted to make omni instead with that money. It was either that, rapid, or omni.
I dont mind strong decks but straight up positive matchups due to noninteractive shit outside of super specific techs isnt fun since the opponent cant fight back.
Omni is a very based deck. Enough that I want to try and build it myself. I need to get a playset of BT17 Grey still though which I am not looking forward to.

that also happened to me way too fucking much that I think I just cut it down to 1 or removed it from my wargrey deck entirely at that point. Cheating a tamer out is fine, but BT17 Grey does that and allows for early aggro as well.
It better be fucking something considering how much I paid for all those fucking cards.
Rapid wouldve ccosted me around 120ish, takemikazuchi wouldve been 60 but this was 150.
what got you? Just the SEC Greymons and the SECs from BT14/BT15?
I think the deck is solid honestly. It will also eat Cendrill alive because of the token hate it has which is nice since that deck feels like it's going to be quite popular for a bit.
What support could fix ulforce? I vote for a gabo that basically does the same thing as the bt11 veemon but has jamming as an inh instead. Frees us from the dead betamon draws.
I sure love getting forced to attack into a wall of blockers so that my opponent can evo into dorugora and eat my board. What a fun mechanic.
Skill issue
Have you considered not feeding your opponent cards to delete?
There is no change in SR/SEC/AA pulls. They take up a common slot if I remember, so you can get a Common full color border or Uncommon full color border.
Thanks. Was a little concerned it would be like bt11 and just have bad pull rates
>There is no change in SR/SEC/AA pulls.
There is though. This set's boxes only come with 3 hits (either 3 AA or 2 AA and 1 regular art SEC). Previous EX boxes would come with 3 AAs plus 50% chance to get a regular art SEC.
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Where were these release? i want to get a set for my deck but if they're still being opened i'll wait until they lower a bit.
At a bandaifest card game convention thing last week.
I can't draw 1 out of 8 lv 5s but my opponent draws into all 4 magna xs, all 4 blinding rays and the one off golder warrior
Donate to Hoang for better draws :)
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>did a couple test hands of 3Musketeers to just have a feel of how it plays
I'm going to eat shit against the usual suspects, but goddamn this shit looks fun.
Well I think I just had the best/worst mirror match ever. Both my opponent and I had the cards the other needed. So if I had rookies and needed 4s, he had 4s, etc.
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Should I bother with Hexeblaumon considering that decks like Blue Hybrid exist? Will BT18/EX8 help?
4 ex2 Rikas, she’s the main playmaker. The biggest weakness the deck has is if your opponent has a redirect (not blocker) with a wall that can’t be dp reduced.
>open the new booster box
>hardly got anything
>got two BeelStars though
Life is pain
I think it gets better down the line but its decent as of now.
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oh? what's this?
Based off the contents of the image and it's filename, it is likely the contents of a case of the new Digimon card game product EX-07 Liberator.
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How right you are anon!
And the contents of said case have been shown to be ...!
okay if not somewhat disappointing. These are all the cards really worth anything
Send them to me
which ones and what do you have to trade?
All of them and nothing
Alright, what's your address?
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20500
part of me wants to make a joke about sending a bomb, but I'd really rather the FBI and CIA and shit not show up to my house and shoot my dog
Genuinely thank you for keeping the game alive.
Here I am complaining about spending over 100 dollars to make a deck and im guessing youre that anon who buys a case every set.
>im guessing youre that anon who buys a case every set.
Yup, started buying cases starting Exceed Apocalypses. That being said, I'm not going to invest too heavily into Special Booster 2 or 2.5. Just feel like the pull rates are gonna be dogshit with multiple sets smashed together. I already got fucked pulling all those shitty Quantumon from BT-15
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this deck shouldn't work, but it does
What? I don't see the problem it's just Gracenov-
the floodgate effects are just that strong and in most MU's it puts you ahead, the problem is obviously getting the cards
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Building Imperial for the first time. How's this list look?
HPD isn't really needed with how good primgenitor is, I would swap it for another Davis. Bt16 Exvee should be swapped for either lighdramon or the other blue/green armor form. I would drop one of the stingmon for a second armor form as well. With Nume being a less relevant deck, Gigadeath isn't very good in the deck anymore, but I like it as a possible bomb
>1 lilithX
>2 HM
Those AAs really are shortprinted, holy fuck.
Shit, didn't get a single Zephagamon. UNfortunate as hell
cut a blue tamer for a singular hina. When you red tamer evo into Metalic or Volcanic, you can use the WD, then On Play effect by suspending hina
it will definitely help against Imperialdramon, stopping them from floating, need to work on the ratios
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Monster hunter cross over?
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So i’ve never played a card game before but lopmon and terriermon are my favorite digimon and one day i saw on amazon this tcg had a starter deck for them… so i bought it on a whim and kinda fell in love with the card art for this game. Just dropped another hundred bucks for this. Seems like a better way to waste my money than gatcha…
trading card games are literally gatcha you degenerate gambler
Well kinda yeah but i like the fact i physically have cards now i can keep forever. Maybe il eventually actually learn to play the game but wow opening card packs is fun…
tcg's are the original jpg collectors
but yeah the fact that you actually play with them, and not just by yourself but play with others as well its very different.

still can easily end up a degen gambler chasing alts though
Welcome to the world of card games anon, tip #1 don’t buy from Amazon.
These and Omedamon getting cards would be funny as hell.
Could make for a fun LM set
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I continue to predict releases.
yeah well it was one of the only places i could find it not sold out. i will look for other places in the future tho
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Oh wise anon, what else do you see? Too bad it's a SEC. Otherwise, neat
>Hard play him for reduced cost
>Vortex has rush built in so you either get to delete something or run it over if you have another body to alliance with.
Damn that seems strong.
The tamer and xros cards will not be in the bt18-19 box.
>translator covers the middle trait with sound effects

Fucking hell.
I understand that Monster Hunter is an actually popular franchise, but man, a Digimon/Megaman.exe crossover would work so well.
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I mean they have their own omnimon so yeah.
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this diva...
Shocked that it isn't an ACE
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And then there's the other Omegamon from Zero
```MedievalGallantmon EX8-074 SEC <04>
Mega | Data | Warrior/Witchelny/Vortex Warriors

When this card would be played, by suspending 2 Digimon, reduce the cost by 4.
<Alliance> <Vortex>
[When Digivolving] You may suspend 1 Digimon. Then, you may delete 1 of your opponent's Digimon with 8000 DP or less. For every other suspended Digimon, add 3000 to this DP deletion effects maximum
[All Turns] (Once Per Turn) When Digimon are played, you may activate 1 of this Digimon's [When Digivolving] effects.```
Is there any other option than the terrible official site for reading the liberator comic? I have no idea what they're doing wrong, but this loads poorly
If you wait until tomorrow it should be uploaded to webtoons.com and globalcomix.com
Tomorrow it is then. Thanks. Haven't had it load as poorly as it has today since the comic started
alliance and vortex is an interesting combo. No idea how you can build a board wide enough to really make use of all of it.
You only need one other Digimon, you can suspend two of your opponent's to play for the reduced cost.
Suspend yourself on play, delete something up to 17k, unsuspend with Shoto, alliance pierce through your opponent's Digimon.
Then they can't play anything below 14k DP
8k + 3k (MGMon) + 3k (Alliance) + 3k (Digimon that was suspended when it got played by MGMon's When Digivolving effect.
It's an insane card.
Whoops no it's 3k for every other suspended Digimon. Still crazy
You don't need to look for other places, I just gave you the place to buy from in the photo I posted, tcgplayer, it's the Amazon of card games.
>Obviously works in Vortex Warriors
>But they also made it playable in Gallant, for some reason.
Strange, there are so many ways to build Gallant now lmao.
Gee why would they make MedievalGALLANTMON playable in GALLANTMON decks? That's a puzzler.
It's not THAT strange that it works, but this works really well with the current builds, I was expecting this to be "playable" in Gallantmon the same way Chaosgallantmon is, i.e it's its own deck.
>Dual color green Digimon with Alliance
Sorry bros, but this is Lopmon Alliance support now. Bunnydogs win again.
I just like that it evos for 3
They've done a few multicolor 3 cost evos with effects (previous had only been high DP generics) but this is by far the strongest.
As a Gallantmon Chad I accept my new Medieval overlords, literally just bought a playset of alt art Shoto for Blitz > Vortex shenanigans.
Shoto is kind of interesting in Gallant because the piercing works with all the blitz stuff doens't it? Shoto+BT19 Takato gives you a Piercing Raider, the blocker effect isn't entirely unwanted either.
From my understanding you wouldn't get the piercing for the blitz but you'll get it on your 2nd attack when you vortex.
Anon what the fuck.
I like that this is a SEC because I already have the previous MedievalGallantmon card so I don't need this one for my collection and as such, it's one less SEC I have to buy lol
But if they also give Arisa a new Mega, I'm guessing that will be the other SEC for EX08.
There's a good chance it will be, 74 is the last card in the set so it has to be Red, Blue, Yellow or (lower than 11 cost) Green.
Could be Heavymetaldramon.
Why would it be HeavyMetaldramon? We're talking about different Megas for the protagonists.
then Megidramon.
Or Beelzebumon. Yuuki said that was her main deck before getting the Heavymetaldramon cards
>it has belts and veins
It's a true digimon.
Unlikely. MedievalGallantmon works in Shoto's deck because it shares the Vortex Warrior trait with GrandGalemon and Zephagamon. Yuuki's new deck cares about Dark Dragon and Evil Dragon traits, which Beelzemon definitely is not.

But I suggested Heavymetaldramon because he's already the alternate Mega for Impmon, and of course because Red/Purple is an option for the other SEC. And because Yuuki is the other main protagonist.
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>textured gallantmon
>bandai taking a page from Konami in card design and rarity distribution
Really trying their hardest to kill the game
Someone tried this on me turn 3 on dcgo so I just laughed and dropped giga death.
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>Can tap your opponents digimon to reduce cost
>Can be played out by leopard and bt5 lordknight
>Effectively floodgates ken and Davis tamers
>can also stop some hardplay ACEs too

Lmao wtf, this card is actually good
LKM can only play a yellow warrior.
Huh, I was going to half-ass building a zephagamon deck, but now I'm actually interested. Full-assed it is then.
It's the herald of the end
Just a matter of time now before a card returns opponent cards to hand or deck to reduce its cost
blue card will reduce play cost by gaining memory on play :)
>yellow fag swings into my sec, rina comes out from sec
>have an unsus ulforce x, gets blocker
>retard actually goes into rapid x
>ragequits when realizes rena unsuspends ulforce x and bounces his rapid x
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>Turn 1: opponent hatches mother and plays shoto
>My turn, Evo Agu and play tai tamer to pass
>Opponent pushes out, does some d-reaper plays, passes with blocker on mother and some other bodies
>I push Agu, Evo into white greymon, snipe body and +3k.
>Warp into BT14 wargrey, fake blitz, raid, piercing, 2 checks
>Immediately scoops
Based. Greymon decks in general are great against mother shoto cancer.
Same, but I played a GranKuwaga Ace to kill the tamer, then they scoop.
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>need to mail cards to a friend
>printer doesnt work for label
>ask friend to print it out
>he fucking prints the label but it is only SLIGHTLY taller than a fucking sleeved card
Is this man fucking retarded?
Also is the label too small?
Not my pic, looking online for min requirements.
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A deck recipe where I can play with these 2 hags?
labels can be small. he probably assumed u would use a 4x6 bubble mailer.

just print the sheet on paper and cut it and tape/glue it to the package

go to local library or UPS store to print a label. but UPS charges
Thanks. I'll mail it with that label than but fuck the labels is tcg size small.

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