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RAMPAGE edition

>Balance Dataslate:

>Community Links:

>3rd Party Models Pastebin:

Info hash: d91d8b9daa9c5dc9105fc0ec09812cbc17a752b5

>10th Edition Rules:

>Tithes Animations

>Previous thread:

>Thread question:
What are your favorite giant robots in 40k?
Riptides like any red blooded virile male
Not really giant robots in the grand scheme of things, but I love dreadnoughts of all kinds. If I had to pick a knight sized robit I'd say the poryphion is prolly my fave big lad. Defs need to paint one some day
How can I paint good looking African skin?
A layer of Cadian Fleshtone and then Guilliman Flash contrast on top?
Love this big crab
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Defilers. Love the crab tank robot thing, it's not the biggest or the best rules wise but it's funny.

Also because mine smacked the shit outta my mates sanguinary guard before being killed by dante and it was funny
I just realized the Dawn of War one looks so good because it doesn’t habe that retarded straight whip the miniature has
I like gorthor brown washed with agrax or seraphim sepia. Gives you a dark milk chocolate tone that is shadeable
Yeah, it's a shame because I only just recently thought about how much of a melee menace the defiler could potentially be. Because the defiler scourge has the extra attacks keyword I possibly could have wiped Dante out along with his squad had I used it instead of the heavy flamer.

Then again my charge rolls seem to never like to actually go off alot of the time
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gorthor brown, reikland flesh, gorthor brown, baneblade brown, a hint of rakarth flesh is what I did for my amazons
>Love Admech
>Lore is kino
>They'll definitely be my next army
>Check the range
>Hate all the vehicles
Guess it was Necrons all along
How about the lips? I want it to have a natural dark shade of pink and I afraid that it will look like a blackface minstrel if I try painting it on with a brush
I'd say avoid doing heavily contrasted tones for lips. Very easy for it to turn out like some Jim Crow type shit
I really want to lick Nuka Kitten’s butthole.
I like the chicken plane and the spider walker. The tank is shit though I'll agree on that
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>Why yes, we WILL send bunch of our best warriors in the best gear against the enemy they SPECIFICALLY weak against, what could possibly go wrong?
Was it autism?
How's Chapter Master development going lately?
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Why is Slaanesh the only god without a dedicated sub category? Couldn't they beef up Emperor's Children beyond noise marines or something
Slaanesh has plenty of subs
I can't decide between using HH models, CSM, or weird cluster fucks with 3rd party pieces for alpha legion
My bad I should've been more specific. I'm talking about being on the same level as Death Guard, World Eaters and Thousand Sons
the problem with iron warriors, alpha legions and night lords are that they're suposed to be "not that chaos", but using normal SM figures is also fucking boring
Because GW doesn't want to draw a lot of focus to Slaanesh
Someone told me to use primaris bodies and use some of the HH shoulders and helms for my chosen to make them more alpharius sized
So far the thing that sounded the most fun to do is tons of custom bits of Etsy and such to get the whole hydra look for everyone and less chaos
The last of my models will be here in about a week and I wanted to get started on painting the ones I already have built. Should I buy the citadel paint at my LGS or can I just go to a hobby lobby or something? I was planning on using black primer and just getting the few colors I need for these guys. I'm not planning on doing anything fancy with shading or decals I just want to get the color scheme right.
>the problem with iron warriors, alpha legions and night lords are that they're suposed to be "not that chaos"
stop getting your fluff from youtube shorts
I don't know, theres probably more subs with slaanesh then other gods, world eaters probably has a bunch of doms
I'm getting my fluff from official GW illustrations and those lads don't have that much of spiky armors and daemonic limbs
The real alpha legion issue is they wouldn't be fighting on the table top, they would be doing there real operations 10 tables over away from the actual fight using other people's gear
the brand new night lords upgrade sprue is covered in spikes and chaos stars
you're a coping coldsteel-tier anti-chaos renegadefag
>Night lords
>The edgy group who skins people alive and covers themselves in flayed flesh, bat wings and lightning bolts worries about having some spikes
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Post models
Atleast in AL case I've seen a good amount of art from GW showing they use spiky armor and plain Jane space marine armor just in AL colors, but I know they use anything which makes it hard to figure out what to do for them on table top, spikes and shit make sense but very little or no mutations seems hard to get using chaos models
Oh and i looked into ordering that paint set someone suggested earlier but I think I'm just going to try and grab the specific colors I need. This will be my last big 40k project for a while and I dont want to get a bunch of paint that I won't use
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I finished another dust bin yesterday. Tried a white picture background for a change
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Prime black, base coat with a chocolatey brown like Catachan flesh, wash with drakenhoff nightshade/ druchii violet, highlight with Gorthor brown. It’ll give you a nice dark skin tone without making them look inhumanly dark if that’s not what you want.
One day Ill actually stop being sick and snotty and paint a new model. Until then, heres my neurotyrant, havent posted him in a while.
Like in the unsungs case kassar told people if they want to fuck with chaos there free to do so and fuck off from the squad, but most of the squad have no mutations or really chaos looking armor
Not that guy, but I feel like picking and choosing parts from both normal Space Marines and Chaos seems the most fun for Alpha Legion honestly. Then again I'm not sure what things people have made on crafting sites
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Snipa Boy Kommando
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it's not that terminators are specifically hard countered by genestealers, it's that literally everything is hard countered by genestealers inside a space hulk, you need to send the best and dressed to impress for something remotely close to a chance of success
The only way this would be better is if you replaced the candles with actual candles
>Couldn't they beef up Emperor's Children beyond noise marines or something
they can, it just takes time
in 7th we got tzeentchians
in 8th we got nurglites
in 9th we got khornates
in 10th we are getting slaaneshis now
just a few more years
How hard are these guys to paint? The alternating colors on the head and the fire is what stopped me from windmill slamming Rubric Marines before
>in 10th we are getting slaaneshis now
no you aren't lmao
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Would Azrael be cooler if instead of a combi-plasma gun he had a multi-plasma gun?
should have been EC in 6ed, DG in 7ed, WE in 8ed and TS in 9ed
You must be pretty dumb to ignore the rumours at this point.
your fanfic wishlists aren't rumors lmao
I don't think you could paint them very fast, that's for sure. I like detailed models so it's enjoyable to me but if you don't like getting stuck on mundane detail like those alternating colors you might not particularly like it. It's not that bad if you start with the trim or prime/undercoat with gold and then fill in the turquoise panels though
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I have this saved
My fanfic wishlist would have seen the emperor children completely squatted, so no, there's no bias when I tell you that the rumour that they are inbound is reliable.
>TS got their refresh right before primaris so they're manlets

it isn't and you aren't convincing, but this is a cute larp
No dark angels are cool they're all gay
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Time for wh40k memes.
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Two things can be true.
My crack theory is that Astartes 2 has actually been finished for the last year but they're not going to release it until GW releases a box of Primaris Marines wearing MK VII
First time getting back into it since I was a retarded teenager, what's the best ways to store models/paints so I can avoid dust and dried up paints like last time
So are you going to kill yourself when they get their wave of models before the end of 10th edition? Are you going to piss and moan and cry about how every reliable rumour that turned out correct was a coincidence all along? What's your mental illness telling you to do?
>No, dark angels are cool, they're all gay.
damn you get really mad really quickly when people don't just blindly believe you pathetic larps huh?
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>he used the alternate head
First time I've ever seen it
>a box of Primaris Marines wearing MK VII
Way more likely to get a bootleg looking mk7 reboot for HH
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no think. only stink.
lmao, no
remember when the animation the exodite was supposed to feature kroots and marines with chainaxes too? when GW takes over a project it rewrites it from the ground up.
no fitsborns for you, not even SM2 is allowed to sell beaky or angry helmets either.

you will like primaris and buy primaris or else.
You didn't answer the question.
neither did you, sad little ECtroon
I love this. Too often people will just paint death guard slathered in paints and rust effects until its just a blobby mess and claim its "in theme" but thats just lazy. I love how this manages to be clean painted and still clearly death guard
I did not know that actually. Got a link to more details?
As for Beakys/angry, Titus has one at the start and the Boltgun protag has a beak. They're absolutely gonna be in the season pass to make people fork over cash.

Hell I'll go as far as to add to my copium crack theory that the box, Astartes 2 and the cosmetics for SM2 will all come out at the same timw
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I got a whole unit of 10 putty guys made up, gotta put those spare arms and heads to use
nice, it's funny, I was planning on doing a battle sister version.
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How many Imperial Guard Regiments would 1 billion Imperial Guardsmen be, roughly speaking?
Regiments are not consistent. They go from a few hundred to several tens of thousands of soldiers
Do we count if they're infantry, artillery, tanks, etc regiments?
Get to play my 2nd ever game irl tomorrow
The first one was back in early 9th
Probably a mix I would assume.

So, probably in the range of around 30,000 Imperial Guard Regiments, give or take, very roughly speaking.
I want felinid models now
you are in for a very different game. then again, not like you had time to get accustomed to 9th. have fun and remember to play the objectives
I want steel legion models now
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Earth is a great planet, I love living here. Why do you think the Eldar avoided it for so long?
Going through new rules I'm not sure how I feel about either of my boys, all the cool shit with grey knights got taken away and I don't wanna have to remember all the different admech models right now
But GKs were my original dudes so I'm keeping it simple, it's only 1k points game but it's mostly to help me learn again
They were fairly hands-off with younger races and viewed humans are mostly harmless. Some who came around did so quietly just to see what Humans were up to art wise.
I mean, the book also emphasizes that the survivors of the Unsung were collectively falling towards chaos corruption despite their best efforts to avoid it. A shame that they never got a continuation to their story, it was far more interesting than the AL book they gave Mike Brooks.
bring kaldor + 5 termies, 5 strikes, and as many dreadknights as you have/can fit
I understand why most Warhammer 40k animations are all about the Imperium and Space Marines especially, but I just wish they didn't shy away from showing the grimdark side of the Imperium.
Relatively difficult due to all the trim. Takes a lot of patience to do well.
Imagine being a Harlequin spy or some shit visiting Earth in the late 20th century and finding perfectly accurate sculptures of yourself.
>buy 1k points of random poorly painted minis off troll trader for $50(total)
rate my list
Here's my current list, if I had more paladins I would use them
I really fucking hate that there's no psyker phase and all the GK melee weapons are the fucking same now
>everybody loving Space Marine 2
>a lot of people says a huge part of the fun is finding out about the worldbuilding and then researching on it

I fucked up by autistically reading the wiki before playing the minis and games, it's supposed to confuse the fuck out of you at first god fucking damnit
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What would you do if your AdMech gf found an STC for strap-ons?
No one says that retard
You generally want dedicated hobby projects if you're a beginner. You can use things like artist heavy body acrylics and stuff when you get an eye for what you want in consistency, but you'll find it frustrating as a beginner
you can get a measure of newfag glee by being the one explaining the fluff to someone who's actually nee and basking in their awe, confusion and naivety.

it's like a drug, really.
Don't use black printer dumbass especially if you're new to painting
That certainly is a crack theory
anyone miss 9th?
Paints you just want to make sure the lids are firmly closed. If you're using flip top paint pots you want to make sure there isn't any paint in the rim of the lid. For keeping models dust free during painting I'd recommend a tupperware container or airtight container to store them while you're working on them
Fuck no it was so lethal

Only larpers and people who didn't actually play real games miss 9th
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Oh right I guess I could run one dreadnight as a grandmaster
Here's shit picture of my boys, I have great hammers somewhere but I cannot find them, but great swords look cooler anyways
Recruiter didn't get back to me, I guess I'll send them a text tomorrow or something. But now, I will paint my army haha.
Spider-esque Tanks are my weakness. I yearn for the Darkmech so we may achieve peak Spider.
i miss certain things about 9th
i miss psychic actually being impactful
i miss the customization options
I don't really like the basing scheme but I do like that it's different from what most people do
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What are you painting tonight anon? I have 3 Eightbound primed and ready, a nice drink, and re-listening to Fulgrim : )
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Still working on this guy as well as the rest of my terminators.

Also trying to think of a good scumbag name for the chapter Master of the Marines Malevolent. Something that says "I'm here to kick ass and violate the Geneva convention. And I'm all out of ass"
Something like Chet or Keith.
They should be getting Emperor's Children soon. Chaos needs more focus desu.
Yeah 9th was gw just throwing a lot of new shit without thinking, 10th was them polishing it a bit
Are Tau less boring to play in 10th edition
I see what did there eeeeeeehhhh??!!?!!?!?
Instead of the typical grimderp take about the setting being about humanity trying to survive incursions from aliens and chaos, wouldn't it be more accurate to describe the setting as a civil war between humanity while aliens desperately try to survive humanity's wrath?
i wanted to do something cool, my lore about it was a squad dropping onto some fucked up chaos planet thats being ripped apart by energy, and i really wanted to try out texture paints
kinda hard to push that angle when Orks are just having fucking throwing catapults to throw their friends at the imperial guard like rocks while laughing
>le humanity is epic and so fuarking strong!!!
It's not at all accurate. That's just the shitty lame parts of 40k.
What's everyone painting tonight?
I can get behind that, I think a cheeky light drybrush of a bright blue would really tie it all together. I find the texture paints really benefit from a touch of highlighting to show they're super texture heavy
Might paint some walls
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I fucking hate my job sometimes.
I'm new as well but what's wrong with black primer? I used Vallejo Bonewhite for my GSC and Vallejo Black for my Goliath Rockgrinder and black really made things easier though I was going for a darker color scheme.
Black primer is fine for dark tones, if you've got white primer I think it'd be in your best interest to leave the arms, backpacks and heads separate, prime them white, then do your legs and torso in black. Just saves you the headache of getting a solid white basecoat over a black primer
Tonight? Nothing.
Spending the evening with my girlfriend
Have fun with your hand
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am i reading this right that i can have the whole unit have 1 of each gun per 5 or is it 1 gun per 5
the app isnt showing an error when fully kitted out as the former but wanted to see how anons here saw it
I wonder if some Slannesh Cultists hand is actually their girlfriend
1 of each
Statistically, the Orks have lost like, 95% of the battles they've been involved in within the lore.

The thing is, when has humanity ever suffered a serious actual loss in the setting?
>aliens desperately try to survive humanity's wrath?
I don't think Orks, Necrons, Deldar and Tyranids are particularly desperate about much of anything. Or threatened at all, even. Only Tau and Creldar are under any meaningful existential threat, and only one of those due to Humanity.
I miss Crusade for 9th and the customization.
Eldar more like smelldar
damn why would you ever not do this they dont even lose attacks to do it
They are not even remotely unique in that respect, pretty much every unit has "oh well I take this, obviously" options. Vestiges of having to pay for wargear.
primaris scout models soon
They came out months ago
Great Rift
Abyssal Crusade
Numerous Codex fluff battles where they job
The fact that every time they do win it's Pyrrhic with few exceptions
Unfortunately those few exceptions are what the normies love the most
In the past you would pay points for wargear but this edition GW rebranded power level as points so you are more incentivized to min-max and put the best equipment on because it's cost is baked into the unit cost.
im a shit painter so i always forgot to dry brush
im excited to start painting again though since its been so long, i think for alpha legion i might try some sort of snowy base or something
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>The thing is, when has humanity ever suffered a serious actual loss in the setting?
The on-going Tyranic Wars in which Jumanity has only lost ground to a foe they have no idea how strong it really is? The War of the Beast, which killed as many loyal Primarchs as the Heresy and lay the groundwork for almost every other one to fuck off and plunged the Imperium into a fanatical, despotic and bureaucratic hell hole, while also crwating a significant schism between the two leading religious cults that only grew larger with time AND saw Eldar able to infiltrate the fucking Imperial Palace? That time the Deldar goaded one Primarch into pursuing them and (for whatever reason or another) denied the Imperium his peesence? The on-going canpaign which may lwad to the fucking Rift being closed off and signaling the defeat of the 13th Black Crusade? That time Eldar fleets were instrumental in crippling the 12th Black Crusade through their inteel and knowledge of the Blackstone Fortreases?

Goddammit Anon, even the T'au have punched above their weightclass.
>I don't think Orks, Necrons, Deldar and Tyranids are particularly desperate about much of anything
The Orks are too stupid to know or care that they're an endangered species

The Deldar know, and they're terrified

The Necrons are 99% braindead automatons but the ones that do know are terrified

The Tyranids are likewise too driven by instinct and mass consumption to really understand the threat or fear it, being little more than an animal running into a beartrap.
The Beast Orks severely weakened the Imperium as well which seems like they never fully recovered their territory and strenght from that
>Great Rift
Caused by Chaos, a human faction

>Abyssal Crusade
See above.

Humanity only ever loses to humanity in the setting, never to xenos.
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Started on Skarbrand
yes, zso sahaal's entire autistic ranting was about how the flaying and torture and terrorism and fear tactics should be done for the sake of intimidation and achieving actual results, not masturbatory for its own sake, they were doing that shit even when they were """loyalists""" because they're just fucking awful evil assholes. every legion has chaos gooners who love the mutations and fellate the chaos gods but night lords being cartoonishly over the top cruel and evil (and also often cartoonishly jobbing) is not because they worship chaos, it's because they're fucking assholes. at the end of Lord of the Night the guy who's literally the highest ranking night lords member besides Kurze, who was personally chosen as his successor in anticipation of his suicide-by-callidus, thinks mutants are losers and calls a daemon prince a faggot to his face. ADB has used his donut steel self insert to try and downplay this because he's a loser and is mad Spurrier mogs his entire career but it doesn't change the facts
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>Tyranic Wars
Every single hive fleet sent at humanity has been demolished, usually without even major losses, hell they didn't even lose Maccrage.

>War of the Beast
A decisive win against the Orks that reduced them to a state they have never since recovered from.

>even the T'au
Have lost every single war they've ever fought against the Imperium
I wouldn't exactly call Chaos humanity.
Humans are just Chaos' most common tools because GW is too cowardly to give us Chaos Orks or other Chaos Xenos.
>The Orks are too stupid to know or care that they're an endangered species
Most numerous species in the galaxy controlling numerous huge empires completely surrounded by the Imperium that gre organically from previously Human space.

>The Deldar know, and they're terrified
They're fucking untouchable in Commorragh and never showed any desire to leave it or expand into reals space. Even during raids they're immortal if they're rich enough.

>The Necrons are 99% braindead automatons but the ones that do know are terrified
This doesn't even dignify a response

>The Tyranids are likewise too driven by instinct and mass consumption to really understand the threat or fear it, being little more than an animal running into a beartrap.
That they consistently overpower and are never hurt by on a spacies level. Once they win ground it simply cannot be won back, and for every hive fleet destroyed many more appear over in the galaxy's edge. It's not a winnable war without some galaxy-wiide macguffin, the only known ones being, ironically enough, of Necron origin and control.
I hope they restock the Noise Marine upgrade kits before the new kit comes out and they stop selling the old ones
>pewter plasma guns with wooden furniture
>iron bits match shoulder trim
>complimenting the whole thing with the red loincloth
this is a color scheme that's attractive enough to paint a whole army in without being too complicated to paint a whole army in.
What should I use instead? The models are already assembled.
No because that would put the aliens in the position of being underdog protagonists.
They're not protagonists and they're not underdogs.
why? get recasts, cuck
>They're not protagonists
Unfortunately, I'm fucking tired of Space Marines and Guard and the Inquisition.
anyone have the pic of the dreadknight kitbash with the dreadnought coffin replacing the baby-carrier?
Call me a cuck again, it only makes me harder
Same here, loved and played Necrons. Loved most of early admech with skitarii, dunecrawler, chicken walkers and Kataphrons. Then the paper wing flyer came out, then the lame boat transport, and finally the robot dog riders were the last straw. They get more retarded looking every update
>Call me a cuck
Anon you'd have to be a fucking retard to think EC arent coming. They're very clearly the last cult legion for 40k. Someone had to be last, why would GW make WE,TS and DG but not EC?
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i wish this was the default look for dreadknights, they should be the coolest models but the baby carrier is always stupid
>Every single hive fleet sent at humanity has been demolished, usually without even major losses, hell they didn't even lose Maccrage.
What planets won by the Tyranids have Humans ever been able to recover?

>A decisive win against the Orks that reduced them to a state they have never since recovered from
The Orks are stronger than they were after Ullanor and show no sign whatsoeverof been on the decline, beeing even implied to now be nearing that same level again under Ghaz. Regardless of what happened to the Beast it has been a continuous strategic victory to the Orks.

>Have lost every single war they've ever fought against the Imperium
And still manage to consistently grow into human territory.

The only factions that ever loses something in the long term are the Imperium and the Creldar. Maybe the Necrons as there are only so many of them, but it gets murky with most being asleep and awakening piecemeal.
Don't bother, he's worse than a retard.
Too bad, you're getting more of that. It's been too long since our last new Primaris Lieutenant.
They're not protagonists, but they ARE underdogs. Being an underdog doesn't make you a protagonist.
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I like it, kinda 3rd edition box art vibes.

this one I posted last night? its from this video:
I'm trying to make more guys like the ones in the background of that art and the sisters of battle one. Weird priests
Grey would be a nice middle ground if they're fully assembled
This nigga so broke his Bible only got two pages in it
Anon, please... for the love of God, go read the rulebooks that were released for earlier editions.
>make list
>add up the cost
Jesus Christ bros and that isn't even including paint
There's not a single army you could build for 150$ this is larping
only $150?
no, they aren't, all xenos factions are presented as overly powerful, even tau have withstood significant large scale assaults and came out on top.

eldar get fucked in the ass, but in order to be an underdog it's expected that people do not enjoy seeing them getting fucked in the ass, but they do in their case.
he has to be talking about buying the rule book+codex+ a faction suplement.
>not that chaos
Kill yourself. The NL trilogy even beats you over the head with the very idea that Talos is WRONG in almost every respect.
Bro got some hips on him
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finally finished the GK terminators for my Inquisition army. whole thing is in a pretty good place now I think, next up will be a custom Inquisitor and 20 fanatical followers I'll use as Navy Breachers on the table.

should check out this video, its kinda in the same vein and might give you some inspiration. hope you post more of them soon anon.
They took EC out of the CSM Codex, so either they're getting their own Codex or they're getting squatted. And with the AoS Slaanesh army getting such nice models and 30k getting a new Daemon Fulgrim, it's safe to say they aren't getting squatted.

The only real question at this point is if they're getting a proper release or a WE-style shit release that's worse than just leaving them in the CSM Codex.
This guy is pretty rad, but he's got so much open real estate on his shoulders I'd almost want to put some shoulder cannons or smoke launchers or some shit
WE-style shit for sure
Are you gonna use navy breachers straight out the box or something else to model them. This force is looking kino so far anon
>Night Lords
>"not that chaos"
bitch this is what they looked like BEFORE the Heresy
>There's not a single army you could build for 150$ this is larping
nah I think you could do a meme 2k herohammer Eldar list for that much as long as you weren't dumb enough to buy from GW. My wraithlords were literally $15-20 a piece and I have 3.
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how popular is 40k at your neighborhood/store?
Amazing video, I hope he gives this army away too lol. Defo got a few ideas from it, I'll be buying some redemptionists.
Great inquisition army. I'm gonna do a grey knight once the termie librarian issue of combat patrol comes out
I mean that guy doesn't have any mutations
>muh skulls
look at what loyalist chaplains wear bro
this but unironically
> herohammer Eldar list
they have hero's that cost more than 90-110 points?
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I had a dream that they added a "size" characteristic for every model that was a new way for things to interact with terrain, which also had size characteristics. Swarms like rippers and nurglings were size 1, most basic infantry from grots to space marines was size 2, terminators on up to tyranid warriors was 3, etc. I wish I could remember more details on how it worked.

Would a more abstract system for terrain and line of sight improve 40k?
I don't think they'd squat any of the chaos gods, they're such an important part to so many factions lore that it sortve falls apart if you remove one. I'd assume they'll get at least what tsons got and get a couple character, and a couple kits. I dunno if we'll ever see a DG sized refresh again for anyone. I think DG only got so much love because they were a starter army for 8th edition when they were dropping the first primaris stuff
>no, they aren't
They are.

The Tau are a miniscule force that the Imperium sent a scouting patrol-sized force against and nearly wiped out during their first encounter. They only have a few hundred planets, and a population numbering in the trillions. Their technology is inferior to what the Mechanicus has, and they have no combat psykers.

The Necrons are a dying race who are incapable of replenishing their numbers and who lost a vast amount of their resources during hibernation. They are also quite weak, with a single Space Marine Chapter being enough to wipe out an entire Necron World Engine.

The Orks are a bunch of retarded buffoons who have fallen from grace since the war in heaven, and every time they try to become powerful again like with the Beast, they get shut down pretty quickly, never amounting to more than a mild nuisance.
>suposed to be
neither is supposed to be that, it's just a meme from HH faggots because they don't actually like chaos and are just edgy loyalistfags in denial.
GW don't have the production capacity to give the EC an entire range. It'll be a couple characters and new noise marine sculpts, then a bunch of AoS imports to empty out their warehouses (I hope you like Slaangors), and then CSM units but with a different datasheet and "Emperor's Children _________" put in front.
Give it a try in your next game and let us know, it sound like it could be fun
I think they'll get more than WE, simply because WE already had Kharn and Lord of Skulls. WE got five new kits, but they had two already.

Kroot got 8 new kits and they didn't even get a separate Codex.

I predict EC will get more than WE got, but not as many as one would want.
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Thanks, frens. I've really tried to let the sculpt/colors communicate the dirtiness of the model without leaning too much into technical stuff, so I really appreciate the kind words in that regard. If anything, I'll probably try to add some small rivulets of dried blood/puss coming out of the pockmarks of the armor next time, but nothing too crazy.
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Havent finished anything since monday. Hope to finish something this weekend, maybe a captain or a few assault marines.
>"ooh I have that!"

working as intended.
they don't wear real skulls and flayed human skin, retard
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This is some fantastic cope.
Dude not all of those are skulls, some of them are just straight up severed heads. Look at the fucking flensed human face on his shoulder. You are being intentionally dense.
EC are not getting a codex no matter how much you cope
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thanks, and this is the order I put in for those next to-dos for the army. I'll be using a mix of cawdor, flagellants, and chaos cultists fanatics. the main chick from the Shadeborn will be the basis for the Inquisitor.

thinking for the fanatics that I'll keep them wearing mostly desaturated earthy tones to keep them visually more separate from the individual acolytes that I've done a decent bit brighter.

tyvm anon, and yeah if I ever expand to having a full Grey Knight army as well (since I've got the terminators lmao) I'll be using the new librarian too, its a good sculpt to start from.
No, they aren't, and listing outright wrong shit or marginal details as if they're somehow the faction's actual characterisation is completely moronic.

might as well try to argue that the sky is white because clouds sometimes are.
herohammer (1990 points)

Strike Force (2000 points)
Battle Host


Autarch Wayleaper (150 points)
• Warlord
• 1x Shuriken pistol
1x Star glaive
• Enhancement: The Phoenix Gem

Autarch Wayleaper (115 points)
• 1x Shuriken pistol
1x Star glaive

Autarch Wayleaper (130 points)
• 1x Shuriken pistol
1x Star glaive
• Enhancement: The Weeping Stones

Avatar of Khaine (335 points)
• 1x The Wailing Doom

Death Jester (105 points)
• 1x Jester’s blade
1x Shrieker cannon
• Enhancement: Fate’s Messenger

Eldrad Ulthran (110 points)
• 1x Mind War
1x Shuriken pistol
1x The Staff of Ulthamar and witchblade

Farseer (80 points)
• 1x Eldritch Storm
1x Shuriken pistol
1x Witchblade

Fuegan (130 points)
• 1x Searsong
1x The Fire Axe

Illic Nightspear (70 points)
• 1x Aeldari power sword
1x Shuriken pistol
1x Voidbringer

Maugan Ra (115 points)
• 1x The Maugetar

Prince Yriel (100 points)
• 1x The Eye of Wrath
1x The Spear of Twilight

Solitaire (115 points)
• 1x Solitaire weapons


Wraithlord (145 points)
• 2x Shuriken catapult
1x Wraithbone fists

Wraithlord (145 points)
• 2x Shuriken catapult
1x Wraithbone fists

Wraithlord (145 points)
• 2x Shuriken catapult
1x Wraithbone fists
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Running a narrative campaign, and I need 15 drop pods for terrain for baby's first drop site massacre. Any ideas? I know I can get recasts but last few times I did that chinaman was doing worse than failcast.
that is so much better than the actual Dreadknight model wtf
In what world would all of this cost 150$
design templates that you can print and glue to heavy card stock or foam core, cut up the pieces and glue together. if its just terrain you shouldn't worry too much about them looking perfect.

when painting, add lots of extra atmospheric burn to further hide the cheapness.

only downside is that its twice the price unless you can find cheap primaris dread tops somehow lmao
>GW don't have the production capacity to give the EC an entire range
That doesn't make any sense. They don't have the capacity to give the 40k Slaanesh army a range approaching the size of the AoS Slaanesh army?
>a bunch of AoS imports to empty out their warehouses (I hope you like Slaangors)
You specified Slaangors because that's literally the only kit from the AoS mortals that it makes any sense to put in 40k. And even if they do put Slaangors in, they're a 3 man unit so they can't be the meme Tzaangors are
>CSM units but with a different datasheet
Helbrutes, Heldrakes, Rhinos, and Land Raiders are a lock, but frankly I hope they get Bikers and Raptors too. Although a new Biker kit would certainly be appreciated
Prolly a papercraft template out there if you don't mind that kind of thing. Otherwise 15 pods is going to be a lot of resin if you buy recasts or 3dprints. Could maybe do fdm prints for fairly cheap but it'd be a lot of sanding to get them smooth
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no wonder you've got the opinions of a secondary faggot who never touched static grass
I think Tithes did a good job showing the grimdark of it.
could you have at least erased the fleur de lys part that was on the armor?
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This>>93948730 the past month has just been my coworkers asking stuff about warhammer since they know I play. I even got a couple of them interested in hobbying
>touching static grass
This is too funny for me to not steal
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How anti-chaos are the Iron Warriors? I know they are Chaos Space Marines but from what I gather, they don't even like the Chaos gods that much. However, Perturabo is a Daemon Prince? That doesn't make since or am I missing something? From what I gather, he likely became a daemon prince to save his own life because Fulgrim wounded him mortally?
youtube and the wiki are the optimal way to learn about the 40k setting. The fuck do you expect someone to do, pay $60 for a shitty footstool?
tithes so far have been shallow, lacking in the black humour that makes grimdark work and the writing is tainted by blacked library faggots.
Anti-Chaos enough to still fill their ranks full of Daemon Engines and claim "hah, we're the ones using them!" as they go more insane. Not to say they weren't insane before, so nothing changed that much.
They currently do not have the capacity to make as many plastic injection molds to give the EC an entire army on top of all the space marines and other shit they're making, they will get a shitty half baked range like WE and Votann because they're not able to make 15+ brand new EC kits to give them a full army.
>other AoS imports
Symbaresh and Myrmidesh could easily get imported, given that GW were even lazy enough to give TSons the fucking mutalith vortex beast you might even see some of the big hedonites models that would stick out like a sore thumb in 40k just because they're lazy.

If the rumblings are true and Daemons is getting squatted as a codex the way Deathwatch did and they're splitting daemons and daemon engines up into the 4 legions+CSM then you can also add the twins and other named daemons
>How anti-chaos are the Iron Warriors?
Practically not at all.
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Like it or not, youtube is how people see Warhammer 40k, and indicates the general vibes the setting is going for. And those vibes are pretty clear, it's Xenos whimpering in fear while Space Marines crush their heads like grapes.
I just look Codices up and find them pretty easily.
They're just as chaos corrupted as your average csm, they're just in denial.
>Symbaresh and Myrmidesh could easily get imported
I think weapon swapping them with some necromunda dudes could give you some suitably cool slaanesh cultists
would you look at that, a secondary AND a sheep?
Chaos is a tool for them. They’re not above it since they create deamon engines and the obliterator virus. 10,000 years in the warp can change their mindset. They’re not as united like in the Heresy so different warbands take different beliefs.

Perturabo used the Iron Cage to become a Daemon Prince. I’m sure when GW decides to cover the scouring we’d get more insight on why Perturabo did it but he’s selfish and probably did it for power.
Also, remember that Cato Sicarius and 1,000 Space Marines managed to kill 1 million Tau effortlessly with few casualties.
i get lore from the books...
helsreach is my favorite so far
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If I wanted to buy a knight to ally with my Sisters of Battle, should I go for the bigger one or the regular knight?

In the same vein, are the agents of the imperium just for fluff or do they actually fill a niche in some armies?
read Eisenhorn, its very good.
well assassins can be argued to have a place in every Imperial army, as for the other stuff? hit or miss. re: knights, just get a Canis Rex
The rite of passage is to finish DoW1, read your codex and a book about your faction. Then you may partake of the slop.
for legions that arent directly making pacts with chaos gods theres plenty of different beliefs between warbands
a good amount of alpha legion warbands think chaos is shit but theres still others that want to get some chaos blessings and sell out others
>my misunderstandings about the setting are actually the real heckin valid setting all along, you chud!
in the last damocles gulf crusade the tau destroyed an entire titan legion before it finished deploying on the ground.
>How anti-chaos are the Iron Warriors?
They aren't.
Perturabo is a Daemon Prince (probably because he's still seething about his little sister's burns towards his autism and crybully mentality)
They use Daemon engines constantly.
Vashtorr has the remote to every single IW's vibrating butt plug and chastity cage.

If you want to do "traitor/renegade marines, but not chaos" you need to do one of the autistic schizophrenic alpha legion warbands who genuinely still believe they're just triple agents for the emperor and all is according to keikaku (who instead of being manipulated by chaos, are often manipulated by a literal fucking Deceiver C'tan shard like the Redacted were)
If you're only adding one I'd say it's better to pick the one you think is coolest. As for agents they can fill in niches but most of the imperial armies have pretty large rosters of stuff to pick from so they're more like a fluffy alternative to stuff that more than likely covered by a unit in your codex
Even the books have the Tau getting curbstomped in every battle. 1 million Tau losing to 1,000 Space Marines, The Damocles Crusade killing billions of Tau at the loss of only a few million Guardsmen, the Agrellan Campaign wiping out the entire Tau army save for a handful of troops while only losing a few guardsmen, the 4th Sphere failing utterly, another Tau Expedition getting sent to the Blood Ravens base and getting utterly fucked, etc.
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>Like it or not, youtube is how people see Warhammer 40k
A SCOUT legion. Scout Titans are just the Imperial Guardsmen of mechs, they're designed to be cheap and disposable, nobody mourns their loss.
where are we supposed to get our lore from
Read Storm of Chaos. They're just racist against daemons and use them as tools.

Iron Warriors are also acoustic
Horus Rising is the best marine book and I'm tired of pretending it's not.
i havent read too many of the books, but at least a few for the armies/characters i like, i just finished shroud of night yesterday and was probably gonna start alpharius or some of the other AL books, and i know everyone thats ever read BL stuff recommends gaunts ghosts
Why is it cheaper to build an army out of joy toy models than GW models
Your codex, the core rulebook, or rules supplement books
read a book you slimy fish commie
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>How anti-chaos are the Iron Warriors?
They aren't.
The "we hate chaos and mutations and we dress still in mk3" is largely a meme from ONE iron warrior and only before the heresy was in its actual full swing.
They're the legion obliterators come from, after all.
I cant read.
It's not, joytoys all cost around 60$ each
I demand that GW makes a "History of Warhammer 40k" in the vein of Tolkien.
dunno, go ask /hhg/
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lexicanum since about 2008~

oh and your editions rulebook + codex
A monumentally retarded lore tidbit best forgotten about
You are going to be really upset in february when all those models have new shiny versions that arent manlets.
You should read the underside of a moving train car and save humanity from interacting with your genepool in the future then
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>they will get a shitty half baked range like WE and Votann
Votann got 11 kits. And as I referenced earlier, Kroot, which came out AFTER WE, got 8 kits. You think GW had the capacity to give Kroot 8 new kits back in March, but 8 kits for EC this time next year is out of the question?
>Symbaresh and Myrmidesh
No they couldn't. You are being silly.

5th edition models

Realistically, the best big Knight to ally as other imperials is Canis Rex and it's not even close. Imperial Knights as a faction are built around their Bondsmen abilities and priced as a premium as a result, you can't benefit from those as an ally, you ALSO can't give allied knights Enhancements, and also can't target them with non-core stratagems. Canis Rex is an Epic Hero so he can't take enhancements anyways, he doesn't have Bondsmen abilities so you don't miss out on that, and his abilities work even with just core stats (free tank shock, free CP reroll, etc)

If you're not taking Canis, then a squad of Warglaives for anti-tank is also alright. Thermal Spears wreck targets with half damage since the bonus damage from Melta 4 is added *after" all other calculations, so against a C'tan or something each shot is D6/2 damage, PLUS four.
Rumor says Space Wolves next, no love for Grey Knights this edition
You know it's possible to still like something even if a new version of it is made right? You don't need to have the newest iPhone to be cool, this isn't high school
>spend all that work kitbashing dreadknight
>giant unfilled seam on the arms that could be solved with 3 minutes of green stuff work
Honestly, I think their best unit to represent their opinion on Chaos as a whole is the Venomcrawler
What a krumpy lad
no such thing as a "scout legion", a titan legion includes all sorts of titans
all scrapped by the tau
You'll have to remember that when you do yours anon
codex and rulebooks, retard
You can bitch and whine all you want, but Space Marines are the protagonists of the setting, Chaos is the antagonists, and Xenos are the underdogs.

Sometimes the protagonists win. Sometimes the antagonists win. But the underdogs almost always lose.
>No they couldn't. You are being silly
They absolutely could. If TSons get fucking Tzaangor Enlightened there's zero reason to think GW won't shove some random trash from AoS into the army to move plastic
Almost as good as land raiders being named after arkhan land
But we have no recorded instances of the Tau actually taking out something larger than a Scout Titan. Any time they manage to pull off some bullshit about using railguns to blow up a titan, it's always a Scout, never something important.
The setting shouldn't have an overarching protagonist, individual stories within the setting should
thousand sons had like 3 troop choices without tzaangors, world eaters has technically 5 ranging from cultists to terminators already
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>people arguing about tau and the poorly written books again
I think EC might not get anything. Most of the 40K fan base despises them, they have 0 significant lore in 40K proper, and have a Dameon Primarch in resin already.
I've only been here for a few days but is the autist Imperium wanker a new thing or is he here all the time
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You know besides all the victories xenos get, Like the nids eating a bunch of worlds, ork territory that cant be conquered by the Imperium, Taus victory over a first founding legion and direct assault.
No xenos can kill the Imperium just like how the imperium cant kill any playable xenos race off, it would ruin the game all wars regardless of who wins maintains the galatic stalemate.
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The xenos races exist in universe so that marines can have a variety of dudes to fight and win against without drastically changing the setting. This setting exists to be a sandbox for people to write stories about marines which is why xenos haven't done anything impactful at any point in the history of the game
nah hes new, a culture war secondary faggot since that video he linked was made to win some autistic twitter fight about Tau beating the Imperium.
The Tzaangor are freaky Beastmen riding Daemons, the Painbringers are just humans in armor, they aren't comparable.

Also, TS came out a decade ago. We have had two other Legions come out in 40k since then. You will notice that neither of them had AoS stuff!

Before the WE Codex came out were you desperately arguing that it was going to include Skullreapers?
And what exactly do you think EC will get as BattleLine besides new noise marines? Because I'm telling you right now they're not getting five brand new BattleLine units when even space marines in 10th only have 4 battleline units
>I think EC might not get anything
If they weren't getting anything they wouldn't have taken them out of the CSM Codex
>Most of the 40K fan base despises them
That's not actually true, it's just a thing you said for some reason.
James Workshop loves and affirms Slanneshxisters, for they are valid. This alone is enough for an Emperor's Children Codex.
Nta but tbf skullreapers are pretty much just eightbound in fancy fantasy armour
Unique cultists like DG and WE got, or they'll be able to take just regular CSM Cultists.
>That's not actually true, it's just a thing you said for some reason.
it's objectively true, they never sold well, only had a brief stint of meme popularity when DoW2 brought in funny noise marine voicelines
slaanesh and deldar similarly sell awfully historically
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I love painting chaos trim : ) no better feeling than having to go back and repaint it multiple times to keep the borders clean whenever any other paint comes within a country mile
They'll get same as world eaters, new noise marines, new cultists, new heavy unit, few characters and fulgrim
wrong, betrayer is
The currently existing AoS Hedonites line is quite popular, and in Horus Heresy they have more character models than like half of the other Legions. You're talking out your ass mate.
The mutations are so much cooler than what eightbiund has...
Imagine how fucking cool Sonic Heldrakes would be tho
NTA but they're still NEW models.
Slaanesh will get their own unique cult units, human cultists in slaanesh armour/rags, enslaved croneworld eldar, hellrasier cenobite cultists, new slaangors etc
Way too spiky for me.
>muh hedonites are popular
they aren't
>muh HH
>where they have none of the debauchery of current slaanesh
Death Guard were an edition launch/starter set faction, EC won't get anything remotely comparable to their range (which is the only traitor legion that's actually able to be a standalone army without being a fucking joke)
world eaters is fucking embarrassing. The entire range is just Angron, Kharn, Jakhals, Eightbound, Berzerkers, and the Lord of Skulls. If you think that's comparable to what the EC range will be like, you're literally agreeing with my point AND THEN SOME, since """"world eaters""""" is literally five units and then daemon princes and borrowed CSM units. If you want the entire EC codex to be "EMPEROR'S CHILDREN RHINO, EMPEROR'S CHILDREN LAND RAIDER, EMPEROR'S CHILDREN PREDATOR ANNIHIATOR, EMPEROR'S CHILDREN PREDATOR DESTRUCTOR" and want to pretend that's"new" units, then boy do I have some brand new custodes "VENERABLE LAND RAIDER CRUSADERS" to sell you
It'll be worth it when you're done tho
>Taus victory over a first founding legion and direct assault.
When has this ever happened?
I don't disagree with you with everything except new slaangors given they ready got freshed for aos and are objectively goated
read the actual damocles gulf campaign books
Don't get me wrong, I LOVE the gray knights models and your models look nice. But the scale is a big issue when you put them on the table next to anything else.
how do you think shrike became captain exactly?
Clerical error
Those aren't my models anon, was merely responding to your retarded comment. You don't have to stop liking something just because it's got a new update
Oh, you're referring to that embarrassment for the Tau where they killed a mere Chapter Master and thought they had killed the "King of all Space Marines." Yeah, nah. Chapter masters are a dime a dozen, that moment was just used to show how naive and in over their heads the Tau are.
oh man, those thigh high stockings is stirring something deep within my loins...
How have you felt about 3d printed models you have bought? All of mine feel noticeably more flimsy
>Referring to that embarrassment for the Tau where they killed a mere Chapter Master and thought they had killed the "King of all Space Marines."
Anon thats literal the best part of the Tau fluff, they're not near omniscient beings like we IRL fans are. They don't know loads of stuff we know. Thinking the chapter master of a first founding legion is the king of all space marines since everyone in the war effort would be taking orders from him is a fair, if naive, idea.
Like when they thought they killed 'Slaanesh' when they wiped out slaaneshi cultists and asumed that was their leader name was after they killed him.
But I'm also allowed to dislike the scale/proportions of an otherwise good sculpt retard.
Sure, I won't contest that. But in the end they are still underdogs, who exist to make the Imperium look good by comparison.
>unironically still engaging with the Imperium Wanker
Your likes and dislikes are irrelevant as your original post was claiming that gk anon will stop liking HIS models when the new ones come out.
They have a fucking index? Are you retarded? GW wouldn't just release an index for EC seperate from CSM if they weren't getting a codex.

Also how is 10th right now? I haven't played in forever because launch was a clusterfuck. Are orks in a good position or is another everythings overcosted and then buggies and beast snaggas are so OP they singlehandidly raise the winrate to above 50% again. (I swear I think Ork codexes always have the worst internal balancing).

Fuck no I think 9th is up there for one of the worst editions. Anyone who thinks otherwise missed out on the actual cancer you could unleash in it.

None of what you said is exclusive to 9th, 10th just gutted alot of stuff but every edition had psychic powers and customization.
>who exist to make the Imperium look good by comparison.
Make the Imperium look bad* anon. The Tau in 40k are what the human faction or other sci-fis is. The fish out of water that gives outsiders an in-universe persepctive they can relate to. hence the alliance of many different xenos like star trek of star wars. Focus on diplomacy like in the real world, accpeting of cultural differences (all the xeno allies), innovating and making new tech, etc
If humans were good in 40k their empire would be closer in form and function to the Tau (and now LoV) than the Imperium.

Its fine to like the bad guys, and the Imperium is the mainfaction bad guy aganist other bad guys that are seen as evil from the perspective of a bad guy.
The imperium is like a nazi saying 'well at least im not a satanist summoing actual demons from hell', while ignoring his living saints bbecause his deamons look angelic to him
Nah, desu the Tau are more of a dark reflection of the Imperium. They exist to show what would happen if the Imperium embraced ruthless imperialism without the love for humanity and honor that characterizes so much of it.

Is the Imperium perfect? Obviously not. But, especially nowadays with the Primarchs returning, it's much more of a noblebright alternative to what the Tau are pitching. To the point that even books made for children are comfortable with making the Imperium the protagonist and the Tau the antagonists.
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I don't think most anons here realize what a fucking joke the WE range is.
Using the mystical, arcane, forbidden art of {PATTERN RECOGNITION] let's try to predict the EC range based off the WE one.
>Fabulous Bill
>one single generic HQ so you're not literally forced to play fucking epic herohammer with named characters
>noise marines
>cultists, assuming they don't just import slaangors
>a single Elites choice that has the AoS special of technically building two different datasheets from a single box with minor cosmetic diffferences.
that's it.
that's your Emperor's Children range. be happy with that for the next 10 years. maybe you'll be lucky and get a black library tie in character model who will be Legends'd shortly after release
>verification not required
They're still evil jackasses when it stops being convenient for them to NOT just kill everyone. They don't really practice diplomacy other than "trade because it's easier than killing you".
everyone already thinks imperium are the good guys, they're the only good guys and anyone who says otherwise are a bunch of morally grey faggots.
>They exist to show what would happen if the Imperium embraced ruthless imperialism without the love for humanity and honor that characterizes so much of it.
I can't believe people actually believe this.
I know this is a shitpost but there ARE people who believe this.
not black legion not relevant
WE are getting a second wave at some point to get
>Berserker Surgeons
>Unique WE Terminators
>Berserkers riding juggernauts
Ans hopefully we also get
>Teeth of Khorne/heavy weapons
I don't know why you're bringing up the size of the DG release I'm not prediciting anything on the order of DG. I'm saying 7 or 8 new kits. 7 being the number of unique kits WE has, 8 being the number of kits Kroot just got in their refresh.

I don't understand why this makes you so mad
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imperium is the good guys if your a human because they give you the highest chance of not being brutally slaughtered
which is not a high chance, but its higher then others
>they're the only good guys
dinosaur elf amish are morally superior to everyone else in the setting which is why they haven't been playable since 2e
they've never been playable tourist, they're epic40k only
they'll only get 8 kits if 4 of those kits are single-character models.
Non 4th Sphere Expansion are RIGHT there.
Here's the thing about the Imperium's supposed 'grimdarkness'...it only ever shows up in brief blurbs and will never show up in an actual youtube video or any sort of media made for a wider audience.

People don't want to see industrial baby furnaces and servitorization of innocent people. They want to see Space Marines saving innocent people while talking about strength and honor. To that end, the Tau and Eldar only make sense insofar as they exist to be bad guys who are slightly less bad than the other bad guys so the Imperium can side with them as a last resort (but who are still worse than the Imperium so that the audience can cheer when they kill them).
you mean dark elf conversions?
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>they've never been playable tourist
you're the fucking tourist
Darktide literally has your character saved by a timely Chaos Incursion preventing their execution Skyrim style and Tithes just had a bunch of Guardsmen get their ammo stolen and destroyed because of tithes.
The Imperium is objectively worse than the Tau.
of course. And that would be perfect

>Eidolon/Lord of Noise
>I dunno maybe an Apothecary variant that hands out drugs.

>Noise Marines
>Sonic Dread or some kind of Daemon Engine.

Flesh that out with other CSM units, that would suit me down to the ground. Let them take generic CSM Bikers, then in 11th edition refresh the CSM Biker kit and give EC Doomrider as their pity hero for the edition, I'd be happy as clams.
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why are there so many fucking newfags pretending to be retarded
>youtube video or any sort of media made for a wider audience
Secondary media has never mattered
The problem with the Tau is that they're basically a Brave New World style dystopia.
>b-b-being a subfaction with no official models is totally the same as b-being p-playable!!!
Nah people like to meme about the imperium but its not that crazy. Everything that people rave about is either a meme that has no lore basis, a holdover from when 40k was a parody and not a played straight sci-fi setting so now its stupidly brutal and also laugahbly retarded out of nowhere compared to everything else or my favorite is pretty much just working conditions during the industrial revolution. Seriously it was insane back then what companies could get away with.

No but like really 14 hour shifts for company scrip and getting instantly replaced if you got sick or injured was a thing in britain during the industrial revolution. Oh and the US government once literally sold orphan children off to rich rural families against their will and split up siblings and a crap load of them became literal slaves.
That is on the same tier as fucking Arbites army, and those had actual models that weren't guardians slapped onto cold ones.
And that's still better than the Imperium. If they weren't a dystopia they'd be pointless but they're a better dystopia.
Old edition theory kino is back.
I personally beleive it 100%, even if GW don't mean it its more fun thinking its true.
Hello, oldfag here (3rd-5th edition. colossalfaggot old).

Been dusting of my Eldar and old Dark Eldar army, but I dont feel it. Kinda want to start on a fresh page.

And I have been thinking about Necrons, but I have a bit trouble with "Which HQs are worth it?"
I would say you used to be right. If the Tau were a Brave New World style dystopia that splits people up into castes and controls them through pleasure, then the Imperium used to be a 1984 style dystopia that splits people up into classes and controls them through fear and pain.

But with the Primarchs...not anymore. Guilliman has acknowledged that people wallowing in misery turn to chaos, and he's taken efforts to fix that. And Ultramar is already the best place to live in the Imperium, and now the guy responsible for making Ultramar such a nice place is now in charge of the entire Imperium.
And that's why the Imperium are the good guys. They've had their grimdarkness toned down, while everyone else has had their grimdarkness toned up.
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Is the WAAC-culture of 40k the reason that in many cases the Historical wargamers look better than us?
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they were literally a playable unit in the eldar codex, yes, that's what being playable means you retard. If you say "tau have playable auxillaries like Vespids" nobody thinks you're talking about a vespid codex.

please just stop embarrassing yourself and admit you're dumb/wrong/retarded/new/merely pretending. The original post you replied to outright said
>they haven't been playable since 2e
which is clearly referring to the Exodite Dragon Knights in the iconic 2e eldar codex literally written by Rick Priestley.

there's no separate harlequins codex in 10e but they're still playable.
Can't imagine how many hours it took you to finely craft such an image and post
not even worth the (you)
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>That is on the same tier as fucking Arbites army
It's more like Harlequins, which were in that same book as non-craftworld options for eldar, and clowns even later got an entire codex for a while
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What even is his end game at this point? Say the next black crusade leads to a siege of Terra 2 but chaos under Abaddon wins, kills the returned primarchs, and finds some method to perma kill big E does he turn around and give Chaos the finger? Or does he finally admit he’s as much a pawn as Horus was
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Day 10 of exercising every day until the Emperor's Children Codex is released.

I have reached double digits. I'm sure I will reach well into triple digits before my quest is complete. But I am not daunted. I am motivated by this chance to show my devotion
I think people just lack the time and space to make big and detailed tables. But yeah the mandatory L-shaped ruins are a symptom of the game going in the wrong direction.
If I just had more space I'd make my 4th table though.
>Ultramar such a nice place is now in charge of the entire Imperium.
Ultramar citizens are literally smaller than the top 1%. They're like, the top 0.05%. I'm sure the top 0.05% of Tau human citizens (and non human) live extraordinarily better.
And that's even to argue that life on Ultramar is better than life on a Tau world anyway.
There is no end game. He just wants revenge. He cant govern the imperium nor has any desire to.
He was a tool, a puppet of the Emperor to conquer the known universe. The Horus Heresy was the moment of consummate disaster, when puppets turned to face the puppet master.
First Black Crusade Killed Dorn. The 13th destroyed Cadia and cleaved the galaxy in two. Its just lashing out to cause mayhem and desctruction on the empire Abaddon thinks he built so he has a right to destory
My legs still hurt after 2 hours of LEGDAY.
Cute pic
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>EC Exercise anon when the Codex releases
>Richard Gray
>What even is his end game at this point?
To fill all of us with inferiority based dread every time he finishes a mini
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It would be pretty based if abbys endgame was just having fun fighting the Imperium. Why do we have to overcomplicate everything? It's not like a chaos regime would save mankind anyway.
>What even is his end game at this point?
being aaron-dembski-bowden's fatherless self insert through which he vicariously lives out fantasies of owning his deadbeat alcoholic biological father who beat his mother and emasculated him so badly he publicly hoped and prayed that his child would be a daughter, not a son, because he felt he wouldn't be able to properly raise a boy.
no, this is not shitposting, this is sadly 100% completely true and real and are unironically things that BL slop artist has said publicly
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I personally like canyon games.
Doesn't the Sol Sector blow up when Big E dies lmfao
Anyway if he survives that due to not being there or Chaos then he loses a great deal of his power as CSM begin infighting over the fragmented Imperium. Abaddon ends up a much weaker warlord with his Black Legion Empire until Chaos turns on him or he just dies to another weak warlord.
its more space for me, can't really justify having a 4x6 full detailed setup in my apartment. am going to build a sick kill team board for 3rd though.
If they were more like Harles GW would've given them a Killteam at this point or even used them as a narritive plot point for bringing Isha back and interconnecting the Maiden worlds and rebuilding the Empire into something far more interesting than what they decided to do with Ynnead, who hasn't been relevant ever since they kicked off Primaris. Exodites are forgotten besides the random autistic weirdos who think Dark Elf Coldone riders and wood elves with eldar guns is a cool concept in which case, AoS is a thing.
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Don't forget, his subversion completely succeeded. The Emperor is now a deadbeat dad and custards are retconned to be trannies.
>The Emperor is now a deadbeat dad
Before the HH books it was a joke, now it is a fact.
Should women be allowed to serve in the astra militarum?
>cutting the army who's main resource is the sheer amount of bodies in half
There have been canon mixed and even all-female guard regiments since the Rogue Trader.
>pre-op custodes tranny
fine by me
>post-op custodes tranny
absolute vile heresy
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Thought I made something interesting with the Solar Auxilia heads, turns out I just made the Norts from Rogue Trooper.
>They exist to show what would happen if the Imperium embraced ruthless imperialism without the love for humanity and honor that characterizes so much of it.
>love for humanity
>noblebrighter than T'au

Specially the Imperium is likely in its worst fucking period ever. Its state of contant war was turned up to 11 after the great rift and there's never been more fighting. How do you think the Imperium is getting enough material to fight that? By having people slave away at manufactorums 24/7 until they drop fucking dead, only to be recycled into food for the remaining work force.
uuuoooooohh big lady sexooo
>Ultramar is already the best place to live in the Imperium, and now the guy responsible for making Ultramar such a nice place is now in charge of the entire Imperium.
"Best place" as in they only work 14h per day and can live to their mid 30s. Not good.
wrong, stay on reddit grimderp faggot
nigger they suffered a full scale hive fleet of course the life expectancy would be 30
Mucho texto
the official ultramarines comics detail life on ultramar and it's a shithole, he's not wrong
I'll put some life in your shit hole
What is their fucking problem? They're worth over a billion pounds and they can't pump stuff out fast enough? Just build more factories ffs. This no new stuff until 2025 is an absolute joke
OOOOOOOOOAaaaaaaaaaaaaaa big lady SEXO
>3rd party media
Next you're gonna tell me 13th Black Crusade ended fruitlessly with Abaddon being defeated over Cadia by Admiral Spire.
>not surgically assembled mutants

Lol. Calling them bespoke pieces of artisan geneticist magic doesn't make them any more human.
Why wouldn’t they? The Astra Militarum doesn’t care about physical strength, only about whether you’re a warm body that can hold a gun.
We are gonna get female space Marines before we ever get a battle loli
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kys anon, its the 40k thread on the board game board you fucking faggot EXPLODE IMMEDIATELY. god fucking damn imagine someone ATTEMPTS to discuss Warhammer: 40,000 in the Warhammer: 40,000 general thread on the board game board. Im sorry, I forgot all you fucking care about is exporting shitty /pol/ board culture or discussing loretuber clips. GET THE FUCK OF MY BOARD. REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.
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The Imperiumfag wilts at the sight of grimkino.
Me wonder how much of that is due to child mortality rates
Big melty
No models melty UH OH
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>What is their fucking problem?
britbongistan is a third world country, GW refuse to buil a production plant in north america despite >50% of their business being there, or even make one anywhere else, electricity prices in bongstan are outrageous and GW's production is further limited by the fact they're on the same power grid as the local hospital and can' always run full throttle without killing people on life support, again, because it's a third world country.

they are a multi-billion dollar international corporation with a higher profit margin than Google that's still run like a shitty 90's garage seller. remember that even the concept of "communicate with your customers" is a recent change that only occurred after they went nearly bankrupt a decade ago
The original quote wasn't about mortality rate, it was about how no one usually lives past 40. That got abstracted as a mortality rate because people are stupid.
Games Workshop more like Gay Sweatshop
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Imagine the warhammer we could have had if bongs were not retarded. Not just 40k, but fantasy as well.
Good kits with tons of bits, full ranges of plastic, good rules, normal person prices, stores that actually allow games...
perfidious albion strikes again
Unfortunately it took the hellhole of a country that is Britain to produce the hellhole of a setting that is 40k.
uhh you paint the trim last
So, here's the thing about Warhammer 40k writing and lore. Any time a fact is introduced that makes the Imperium look bad, it will be tempered by the fans into something reasonable.

For example:
>The Imperial Guard is cannon fodder reliant upon sheer masses of bodies and that's why they don't care what sex you are
"Wrong, the Imperial Guard are actually the top elite soldiers of the PDF, and are well equipped and trained, women are rare within the Guard, and their equipment and lasguns are some of the best weapons in the setting."

>The Imperium is a bad place to live.
"Actually most Imperium worlds are just civilized worlds, which are basically just modern day Earth."

>Agri-worlds are industrial-sized fertilizer plants whose air is so choked with chemicals that you need a mask just to breathe, people die young working factory farms, and they churn out tasteless bland crops until the planet's soil can't bear any more.
"Actually agri-worlds are idyllic farmsteads with cheerful tradwives that frollic through the wheat fields and are very rarely ever fought over."

Meanwhile, anything bad about xenos, is then multiplied by a thousand. For example:
>A rebelling population was maybe sterilized by the Tau Empire after they had created an insurgency against the Tau, but it's also possible that their population just decreased because of gender-split indoctrination camps, also this is being told by an Imperial narrator from his own POV.
"All non-Tau are sterilized for no reason as soon as they're captured by the Tau and then worked to death in labor camps as slaves or thrown into battle as disposable conscripts."

>The Eldar will sacrifice a thousand humans for one Eldar because their lives are far fewer and their fates far worse in the warp should they die without a soulstone.
"The Eldar will sacrifice one BILLION humans for one Eldar because they just hate us lmao."
you paint it first if you're not braindead
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Tried sending good vibes about all the modelposters stuff this thread and the spam filter is pissed about it. Just know all yall models turned out sick and can't wait to see what yall do next
>"All non-Tau are sterilized for no reason as soon as they're captured by the Tau and then worked to death in labor camps as slaves or thrown into battle as disposable conscripts."
not canon, dark crusade tau ending is
>I'm not wrong u dumb
You are a bad person
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I found it, its nulore as well
Maybe if you enjoy making your life harder for no reason
You literally said you have to go over the trim multiple time.
armour basecoat>armour shade & highlight>blackline/shade trim>metallic trim
YOU are making life harder.
Finally some good fucking nulore. Making the Imperium noblebright was the biggest mistake the setting ever made.
>The Eldar will sacrifice one BILLION humans for one Eldar because they just hate us lmao
I don't hold this against them and they probably would. I would sacrfice one billion Eldar for giggles.
Dios mio, mucho texto autismo
it's never been noblebright even with the return of gorillaman, fakegrog tourist
You are too stupid to be reasoned with
This. Raised areas last.
you don't paint models and it shows, even the eavy metal team and duncan paint the trim first
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Working on this Dunecrawler, added some edge highlights. Eventually I'll be oil washing it.
Space Marine 2 literally exists
You have never painted anything with trim if you think this is the most efficient workflow
>gaslighting this hard to save face
Duncan's tutes are for brainlets like you and eavy metal absolutely don't paint trim last.
not noblebright, retard
I hate how noblebright the Imperium is. They don't have mandatory baby rapes where newborns semen-filled are eaten every year. Nor do they spend 101% of their domestic produce to make nukes to nuke their own population, including the bomb makers, but through sheer grimdark they have industry to produce more nukes to nuke themselves. I miss back when the Imperium had it mandatory that all planets consist of self-aware zombies working 100 hour a day shifts and getting daily executions whenever they die of exhaustion.
Who said anything about efficiency?
absolutely do*
post your models with trim faggot
All video games and animations involving 40k are noblebright by virtue of leaving out the grittier details of the Imperium.
Sorry you're wrong and that your anonymous pride was hurt
they don't, tourist
What is the CSM answer to Primaris? If imperium now has "Space marines but better", what do the Chaos Space Marines have? Lore and tabletop wise?
>Imperiumbab malding over his heroes not being good and instead being the tyrannic despots they really are
>Like blood angels
>Especially the death company
>Come back to 40k after years of hiatus
>They're gone
Their special dreadnought is still around, but I am still pissed off.
at least try to be subtle next time
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>nomodels spotted
>Dispensing (you)
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Is miniac not 'eavy metal enough for you?

You're wrong retard LMAO give up MONG
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Test model for some cata-nyans, they have so many tiny little details that they are going to take forever
>Space Marines portrayed as the greatest heroes literally ever with their only flaws being hardasses sometimes as they save humanity
>not noblebright
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>Their special dreadnought is still around
No it isnt. Libs, DC, and furioso dreads all got legended which is a non issue if you have friends
When was the last time a video game or animation showed the Imperium killing unarmed civilians protesting so that they could be fed? Or had a woman servitorized on screen for a crime she never committed?
>n-nuh uh my sloptuber does it this way!!!
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Dudes that watch their partner get railed by other duds can be ignored
darktide begins with you on death row for a minor crime you didn't commit
He's a good painter and I'm not spending any more time finding examples of why you all are wrong. Cope and seethe
They literally just released an official animation about a bunch of guardsmen fighting and dying to deliver supplies no one needed, simply because the imperium said so.
>Is miniac not 'eavy metal enough for you
Not even close lmao
Whatever, they all do it that way despite what newfags say.
I accept your concession
Go on, post a tute of a 'real eavy metal painter/golden demon gold winner doing it outside-in. You can't
Was this model ever sold in resin finecast, or was he metal only?
What? I thought I still saw them for sale on the new GW webstore. That is bullshit
>they ded by the dozen to stop nids that aren't fully stopped by the end
>the opening deathwatch team died to a man besides Titus to only delay them
>spent psykers seen thrown away like trash and executions on screen
>Leandros is revealed to have gotten a promotion instead of ever punished
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>mfw no rules allowing you to rape your enemies in battle
40k is too unrealistic.
>>Leandros is revealed to have gotten a promotion instead of ever punished
Yeah he did nothing wrong
it took me many years to finally realize that the Daemon Prince upgrade isn't always a good thing.
They might have some in stock in a few random countries but they aren't included in the current codex unit list. If you wanna run em you need to run em as legends
Couldn't find a video of the correct method huh? Well I'm glad I made you waste 5 minutes searching for a video that doesn't exist only for you to cope-reply. Feels good. Real good.
Eliphas please
You don't need to search for something that's common knowledge
Which one was that?
>nooo my heckin sloptuber is great at painting and valid
>>they ded by the dozen to stop nids
Which by itself is way overachieving. Any splinter fleet capable of invading a hive world should be able to chew through a single space marine (demi?) company.
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What do the tubes do?
They harden in response to physical trauma.
>Noooooo you can't post any evidence to support your claim
>chewing through the ultrasmurfs
Have Matt Ward write and they'd beat them singlehandedly.
They feed him cummies
The Tithes: Bullets
I'm just getting in to the hobby since the last time I really cared about it was the 4th edition but I was young then, my brother painted the models and frankly I was too young to remember much. Why's this person hated? Other than wearing his hat backwards and coming as a little obnoxious, is there anyone I should follow you all recommend?
Ah. Any good place to torrent it and other GW shit?
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40kg gigatrolls say you can't watch any youtube. That said, professional youtubing is cancer, so watch whoever you can personally tolerate.
>glance at the trailer
>black female leader
>shite VAs
>bright, coloured, animation
it's dead, jim
>black female leader
My penis needs to know more.
It's not about consuming the content it's more about learning how to paint a model to a consistently high standard.
what did anon mean by this
It's Michelle Obama
I am too poor to afford Harvard and know who that is.
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Do cabinets help prevent dust?
Which faction has the least respectable players
/v/otann are all destiny players
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Everyone except Orks. Orks are Best Boyz and everyone else is infinitely inferior by comparison. This means anyone who doesn't choose Orks has infinitely bad taste.
Yes but often you have to dust-proof them yourself.
Any answer other than Craftworld Eldar is wrong. Especially Ynnari.
he went to the inquisition and not the chaplaincy and put the whole chapter under unneeded scrutiny
and ironically directly went against the codex he so vaunted in doing so
But that means they like big female butts and purple alien chicks.
Marines, boring fags commandeering the most boring armies imaginable
eldar have been the most hated players in the playerbase since the game's inception for a reason
followed closely by guard players
Your picture nearly convinced me to repaint my eldar to ulthwe
I get it. You’re that dude you’re talking about. You act just like you look: a fag
Wrong guy
Meant >>93950656
For >>93950446
Fire Dragons when?
If it's sealed it can help.
Thank you
I don't understand the issue people have with female Guardsmen.
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Rumors say we are gettng them early next year and I cant wait Fire Dragon bro
Never understood committing exterminatus on a populated planet being invaded by Tyranids.
Why not simply fight to the death and THEN commit exterminatus when all other forces has been exhausted?
>The tyrannids are feeding off the corpses of your soldiers to grow stronger
>The tyrannids have a powerful navy and if you don't exterminatus the planet now you might not get a chance to later
>The tyrannids have the shadow in the warp which means that if you don't exterminatus now you might not even be able to issue the order to exterminatus to the fleet
>mfw exterminatus doesn't work on the nid ships
I wish rocks were free.
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The trim done :,)
And he was right.
csm trim is a completely different beast to whatever you're thinking of
if you have to re-do it over and over it sounds like a skill issue (or going too heavy on edge highlights) but a simple trim -> base -> highlight -> trim will work well for most chaos
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This is how the schola teaches cadets to fight off Slaanesh. Slaanesh can have nothing to offer to them after their training made even the most exciting experiences mundane and boring.
Guard regiments are massively dependent on planet status and culture. Some have fucking amazing pricy gear (Harakoni War Hawks), some are just a pack of criminal drug addicts (Savlar Chem-dogs).

There are mixed regiments, all-women, and all-male - although like true idpol faggots GW retconned a cool all-male one (Vostroyan Firstborn).
>the Imperium is a bad place to live
There are civilized worlds but they are not necessarily nice and nothing like modern Earth with the AdMech and Arbites around. Your best bet is something obscure and low population, but then you lack security.
>agri-worlds suck
They do. You want a feudal world for tradwives and farmsteads.
>for a reason
that reason is largely whining from marine players who unironically think "npc factions" should have a 0% winrate into /theirdudes/ and seethe that this is a wargame about scoring points on objectives and not halo deathmatch. see also: even when "parking lot" lists and indirect fire or gunlines suck ass and are not remotely meta, there's tons of people who whine about them even if it's a free win by just scoring the objectives while your opponent masturbates in his deployment zone, but a large part of vocal complainers don't WANT to score points or win, they only care about tabling the opponent. If they win 80 to 40 points but lost more little army men they go home in a bad mood (and these people should probably be playing something like kill team)
>tyranids make landfall
>tyranid spores fuck up the biosphere, make all vegetation grow out of control, turning it into a pseudo-deathworld
>tyranid microorganisms flood the atmosphere, poisoning the wildlife and human settlements
>tyranid organisms burrow into the planet's crust, hide in urban environments or run inna woods
>even if the tyranid army is defeated, the remaining organisms become an ever-constant problem for the humans living there
It's unironically better to just nuke the fucking planet than it is to waste one second fighting a tyranid army. The amount of time and energy you need to salvage a planet post-invasion is horrendous.
>full paragraph of whining and deflecting
the perfect example of why people dont like eldarfags lmao
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Not the arguing anon, I’m the eightbound anon but I have shaky hands which is why it takes so long to paint the trim. That one eightbound took me like almost 4hrs to get to that point. Painting almost exclusively csm and struggling with chaos trim is making me a better painter being newish.
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I have never played eldar in a match of 40k, I have no dog in this fight, I'm just pointing out that with a playerbase as awful and retarded as this, saying "a lot of people complain about X" doesn't actually mean X is bad.
see also:
>armor values
>force org chart
>restrictions on named characters
>terrain besides L shaped ruins
>mission objectives punishing skew
or the real TRVTH NVKE, marines should never have stoppd being 1W,including terminators, and the awful damage creep the game suffers from is a direct result of garbage like ~20-25 point INFANTRY models having 4 wounds, 2+ armor save, 4++ invuln, plus a 4+++ feel no pain AND -1 damage. gee fucking willickers I wonder why damaga creep and lethality are out of fucking control
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This, but it applies to knights and custodes armies too.
Marine players have main character syndrome and get chaffed when they fight something that they need to plan around.
>0 days since last whining ABOUT Eldar
Farsight killed an entire space marine chapter lol
They don't sell the Apothecary Biologis without sternguard?
>n-no I'm not seething about eldar I just posted an entire paragraph AND followup about why they're unfairly mocked
they don't sell it at all
>about to buy a Sorcerer for my Word Bearers
>double check my backlog of kits to see what else my army might need
>find a Sorcerer still in box
Oh. Huh.

I meant this Apothecary.
"Killed an entire space marine chapter" is honestly super easy when there's only 1000 dudes, that's literally ONE bad naval engagement away from being wiped out. It doesn't matter how many Primaris(tm) Hellblasters (tm) and Primaris (tm) Redemptor Dreadnoughts (tm) you have on board if your chapter's battle-barge and fleet get smoked in orbit. Too bad I don't trust modern GW to make a fun battle fleet gothic
I refuse to believe that the episode of Tithes is canon, it's just beyond retarded.
First off Guilliman would never sacrifice 10k populated planets to be obliterated into dust.
Secondly we already have a case of Kryptman who DID exterminatus'ed a whole bunch of populated planets in the path of a tyranid fleet, and he got excommunicated and had a death warrant.
Thirdly, the Tyranids are invading the galaxy "UNDERNEATH" which means the firebreak is fucking pointless.

Also, the Tyranids invading the galaxy are said to be just scouts and that the actual main Tyranids army outside the galaxy is much bigger,
the Tyranids outnumber the humans in the galaxy, does Imperium actually think they can out-attrition the Tyranids?
I simply choose to disregard the tyranid lore at large and keep them as occasional cannon fodder for the real factions like orkz necrons tau and the imperium
The Imperium (and especially the Administration) being retarded and crumbling under the weight of its own enormous sprawling bureaucracy is the entire point. Planets of billions starve to death because they're forced to import all their food from off-world and a shipment is misplaced or marked as already delivered.

Before Old Night the Imperium could administer its galactic sprawl of unimaginable side with thinking machines and DAOT miracle tech, the modern Imperium is a crumbling ruin where the bean counters write on parchment and carry around an abacus to try and manage entire planetary populations. It's awful and crumbling and inefficient and they don't understand how to make things better and that's the entire fucking point.

If you think "We were sent to collect all ammunition on this planet for transfer to a supply world, the fact you are technically in armed conflict using said ammunition does not contradict our standing orders, that's why the benevolent emperor issued you a bayonet for your lasgun" doesn't fit 40k you should probably open a codex
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Would it be acceptable to eat the planet a different way first? A Chaos Lord or Ork Warboss might find Tyranids a good time too.
>gay space communist votann league are shoving entire hive fleets into the planet grinder because they're trying to convince the rest of the manlets to EAT ZE BUGS
victory.....but at what cost....
>the Tyranids outnumber the humans in the galaxy, does Imperium actually think they can out-attrition the Tyranids?
Would it matter? The Imperium doesn't think that far ahead. They're not here to survive. They're here to kill their enemies. If sacrificing 10,000 worlds means the loss of even one more xeno, they'll do so.
I just find it hilarious that the Custodes think they're so much better than Space Marines because they caused the Horus Heresy.
The Heresy happened because the Emperor was fucking stupid and made a whole bunch of bone-headed moves that caused his primarchs to rebel.
Seeing how the Custodes are the Emperor's bodyguards and always travel with him, the Custodes in their infinite wisdom would SURELY see the Emperor's errors and try to correct and guide the Emperor.
They could've said, "hmm, bombing a city to dust and making 100k marines kneel to you and talking shit about your primarch son might have unintended consequences, maybe i should talk to Big E and make him apologize".
But nope, that didn't happen.

The Custode's biggest weakness is the massive stick up their ass.
>the Custodes in their infinite wisdom would SURELY see the Emperor's errors and try to correct and guide the Emperor.
They're bodyguards, not advisors.
The custards do as they're told, they see the marines' whopping 50% failure rate as proof of their incompetence
the custards see the marines turning traitor as the problem here, not listening to the emperor. they're literally homunculi crafted to be loyal to Big E at the molecular level, they literally can't even conceive of that sort of retarded soap opera daddy issues whining and betraying him just because he was a little mean during the war of galactic conquest to reclaim humanity from uncountable alien threats.

As an omniscient audience, you can say "the primarchs and marines are whiny spoiled man children acting out their black library author's daddy issues, so the emperor should have tried to be nicer to them to avoid setting these unstable retards off and literally half trying to destroy all life in the galaxy", but to the custards the problem there is "WHY ARE HALF OF YOU FAGGOTS TRYING TO DESTROY ALL LIFE IN THE GALAXY FOR CHAOS JUST BECAUSE YOUR DADDY DIDN'T LOVE YOU ENOUGH"
>Black Library "lore"
The fact that you spell orks as "orkz" is a testament to how new you are, not even GW do this.
Well too bad for the Emperor for believed in them to act like a grown ass man, maybe except Angron.
The custodes has every rights to look down on marines for plunging the galaxy to chaos.
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Can a Space Marine claim to wipe out 1/1000 Tau?
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>The Custode's biggest weakness is the massive stick up their ass.
Congrats, you're one of the few people who knows the grimdark side of custodes.
Custodes are hyper-conservative flesh androids. They were Emps "companions" in the sense that they were beside him always, not as equals or as critics.
This is why they sat in the Imperial Palace for such a long time. They weren't just mourning Emps. They had no purpose and were listless.
They literally let Terra fall into a civil war because they didn't care what happened to the outside world so long as the Imperial Palace was safe. Because that's what it means to be custodes.
>They could've said, "hmm, bombing a city to dust and making 100k marines kneel to you and talking shit about your primarch son might have unintended consequences, maybe i should talk to Big E and make him apologize".
This ironically was predicted by Emps. That's why the Custodes trusted him implicitly. He knew far more than they did.
If literally any other army or institution in the setting has a straight up coin flip odds of throwing a tantrum and going traitor they'd be relentlessly mocked and considered the biggest laughing stock in the galaxy. Not even radical inquisitors are that fucking unreliable
>no argument so has to try and accuse people of being new
people have called them orkz for DECADES retard
Kryptman = sexual assault
Guilliman = unspoken rizz
the Custodes spent a lifetime learning how to kill a man in a 100 different ways, but never learned WHY they should kill a man.
>Can a Space Marine claim to wipe out 1/1000 Tau?
I don't think the Tau even have 1000 planets, I think it's literally 1/10th that number with a few dozen major septs and then like a hundred colonies. So go digging through codexes and find an example where somebody takes a Tau planet and that's, technically, 10x more significant than a single chapter being wiped out
>but never learned WHY they should kill a man.
'cuz boss man said so. it's called having a fucking job. being a soldier means you kill people when you're told to. the problem with marines is they're retarded and have daddy issues with their commanding officer (or literal sovereign, in the case of big e) tells them to do something
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I am curious about what incidents happen in the imperial navy.
>cut my hand while clearing sprue
ouch owie oof
how do i do this without shanking myself?
Buy the britbong knoife loicense compliant sprue and mold line removers from geedubs I guess
Me, personally? Both the Custodes and Marines suck dick equally.
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that telepathica chick is kinda cute tho.
My thumb tips look like sliced deli meat from using it as a stop for my hobby blade but it's very fucking rare for me to draw blood. Only if I let it slip with full force does it actually hurt.
I guess get an expensive pair of side cutters and some files so you don't have to slice off the spruw nubs.
When will we get Cute Marines, Adeptus Mecuteicus, Cuties of Battle, and Cute Guard?
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I now understand why the Emperor needed female Custodes.
i thought i would get laughed at for injuring myself as a newfag this actually helps a lot thank you
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>Can a Space Marine claim to wipe out 1/1000 Tau?
Cato Sicarius took on a million Tau with only 1,000 space marines on his side
I once managed to draw blood with a plastic point on a model.
>tfw no sex servitor girlfriend
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I'm curious if all custodes know each other are male or female or if we get moments like this.
the armor is unisex and big e was literally alexander the great so it's likely happened that some custards couldn't tell if somebody was a girl or just a softspoken greek prettyboy under the helmet.
>big e is a bisexual who drunkenly speared someone who saved his life, alienated his most important advisors, failed to rally his men, and died of alcohol poisoning
Deepest lore
>big e was literally alexander the great
I hate the "Big E was in mankinds background for all of their history" lore. I prefer him as nothing but a lucky warlord or a crazy weapon.
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Speaking of giant robots, are there any titans in this story?
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are we talking about the emperor of mankind or vivec?
This, but in a good way.
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Alexander the Great failed to live up to Hercules, just like how Magnus the Redname is forever inferior to Godfrey. The femboy who dominated Alexander chose poorly.
well you prefer a version of him that never existed, feel free to leave
>Alexander the Great failed to live up to Hercules,
herc was doping with the literal blood of zeus
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Was playing around with an airbrush for the first time today and dicked around with some old generic acrylic paints I had lying around. Slapped this chaos ogryn with some grey primer, skin-ish shit I mixed up, and a mix of a few metallics I had on hand for a rusty/copperish look. I don't have a real use for the model in my armies at the moment, so I figured it would make a decent test model to practice on before starting on my GSC pile of shame.
>inb4 airbrush is for gays
Obviously I'm not going to be doing my shit in 100% airbrush. I'll need to come in with small brushes after just hitting the general sections to fix overspray and do detail work
He never should have had a defined background in the first place
If by boneheaded decisions you mean not executing Lorgar and Angron, then yes.
>boneheaded decisions
Not getting any of his sons mental help
Leaving the ones who weren't his favorites in the sun to dry
Letting his crazy sons lead the Marines
Making the Primarchs (lmao)
Never fucking explaining himself to anyone
Consorting with Chaos to make them in the first place like a dumbass
Being a tyrant piece of shit in general
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But it suits him.

Miquella failed at everything he ever done. The Haligtree, curing Malenia, giving Godwyn a true death, etc. Even his DLC plans rely entirely on a random Tarnished to kill two boss Miquella has the resources to end but I'd too stupid to.

Radahn is a comparable failure. He failed to siege Leyndell, got BTFO by Margit and not even Morgott, was pushed back by Malenia's forces deep into Caelid AFTER Malenia marched an entire continent to meet him and started the fight injured.

People choose people like themselves. They choose lawyers like themselves. One study had a bunch of kids presented to prospective adopting parents and the parents near universally chose the kids alike themselves. Not the smartest, most athletic or traits like that. Only the most similar to themselves.

Miquella naturally chose a complete failure in everything.
Almost forgot exterminating every Xeno he saw because they might be an issue later
Despite any possible diplomacy
But muh Godrick is a failure too...
Could the emperor get a man pregnant through effort and psychic power
How do you think he made the Primarchs? Never ask Malcador why he has a c-section.
Godrick dressed as a woman and pussied out. He is capable of running away with his anus bleeding from his previous beating. Radahn had gravity powers including flight and failed to win a siege where the enemy has big walls. Radahn can also be tricked into diving into a river and dying.

Radahn is too incompetent to bitch out correctly. He is more incompetent.
It's giving boss baby
40k existed for decades before any 30k shit was put to paper, the emperor's "boneheaded decisions" are largely shitty authors needing to work backwards from the factual conclusion (the state of the galaxy in 40k, who is a traitor, who is loyal) and then awkwardly fucking about with their donut steels trying and failing to seem reasonable and often failing, resulting in lots of moments of forced retardation or seeming idiocy from everyone involved because this is not a thought out story moving from cause to effect, it's a prequel that started with a predetermined outcome and tried to awkwardly justify all that and failed.
>How come big e played nice with Russ and earned his respect and loyalty and even bent over backwards to modify the marine process so leman's trusted subordinates could follow him as marines since big e knew the bond with his men was so strong, but he did none of that with Angron and just let him obviously be an unstable traitor?
because the Warhammer 40,000 space wolves are loyal and world eaters are bad guys whose angry leader is literally named Angron. That's why. It's not a "bone headed decision" that caused it, the bone headed decision is the writers trying to pull something out of their ass.

It's like being a retard and going "how come Oni-Wan didn't tell Luke about all that shit from the prequels and check his midichlorian count?" you stupid faggot because the prequels were made decades later
>greatest biomancer the galaxy's ever seen
the emperor could get you pregnant with a few seconds of eye contact
By that logic you can excuse any retarded character with "it's just the writer's fault" lmao
Your post is retarded as shit: the Emperor is canonically a dumbfuck
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How do you even make a guy who literally has angry nails in his skull a military commander of any kind? Like, was Angron even coherent at any point or did he just leave running his legion to someone leas retarded while he spent his days chewing on his battleship or beating up initiates?
I dunno ask /hhg/
Didn't he give all his sons the Not!nails too
re: Angron, you obviously never read some of the books. The Emperor worked hard in attempts to remove the butcher's nails but in the end determined he couldn't without killing him. You can argue that he possibly should have, but its not like he completely neglected Angron.
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Truly he is Magnus the Redmane.
Mucho texto
the takeaway for 30k vs 40k is largely the same as star wars OT vs prequels. Jar Jar and Midichlorians don't make Return of the Jedi a bad movie, the prequels sucking is independent of the original series' quality. Same with 40k, retarded black library slop written decades after-the-fact for 30k has no bearing on the quality of 40k material which predates it.
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>40k existed for decades before any 30k shit was put to paper
shut up, zoomer. The HH was introduced barely 2 years after the RT rulebook
>literal strongest psyker maybe ever
>can make him
>can't take some random DAOT tech a random planet had out of him
Not sure, the butcher's nails Angron's models has look like he just has cyberpunk dreadlocks.
It's important to remember that the Emperor was literally a fucking stone age warlord. Sure, he was immortal, but he still grew up in an era where the best way of running society was to have the biggest grug hold the biggest stone and beat people to death with it that they didn't like. Is it any wonder that he ran the Imperium in the same manner?
>Didn't he give all his sons the Not!nails too
yes, he purposefully lobotomized his entire legion and killed anyone who resisted and this was eve before officially turning traitor and Big E did nothing (because them being fucking traitors was set in stone from day 1 and this dumb origin story to justify it was never gonna change anything)
But those existed since the 70s
>"The Force gives you the power to have extrasensory perception and to be able to see things and hear things, read minds and levitate things. It is said that certain creatures are born with a higher awareness of the Force than humans. Their brains are different; they have more midi-chlorians in their cells*."*
The Force was always intended to have a material component, because Star Wars is all about hybridizing fantasy and scifi, and in scifi, "psychic powers" are material. It's also an implicit rejection of strict dualism, as part of the eastern aesthetics of the series: the material and the spiritual aren't the same but they echo each other. This is why Jedi meditate and practice complex techniques, why Sith inevitably ends up physically fucked up, and why he felt the need to include Midichlorians.

Reminder that Yoda straight up tells you in ESB that life created the Force, like some kind of galactic gestalt. It's not an external God.
strongest psyker ever got manhandled and throatfucked by a particularly big ork and needed horus to save him
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with some chaos bits, a proper base, new weapons and maybe a headswap, would those guys be a good replacment for obliterators?
Your takeaway is fucking retarded, because 30k and 40k have slop and kino in equal measure in both BL and game supplements.
Stop larping as an oldfag.
the only thing i ever found weird about prequels hate was whining about midichlorians, everything else i can see even if i don't care about it as much as the complainers, but people negatively reacting midichlorians is the stupidest shit, like of course there's something that links the force and living biology, complaining that there's an organic basis to feeling the force is like complaining that we use eyes to see light instead of just seeing it without a biological explanation
>30k and 40k have slop and kino in equal measure
they really, really don't.
Yeah, the Emperor was always a barbaric tyrant, and clearly ineffectual considering how it turned out.
People acting like he was some benevolent hero who tragically failed are lost in the sauce.
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What's ironic about the whole Midichlorian thing is that it exposes so many memesters for what they are.
Anakin in TPM has more Midichlorians than Yoda, yet Yoda could still kick his ass, meaning that training and discipline is far more important.
Also the force was always biological, practically speaking. "The force is strong in my family."
making jedi into X-men instead of space wizards/monks was always gonna go over poorly
It was merely a Test (TM) for Horse
>Also the force was always biological, practically speaking. "The force is strong in my family."
magical talent being hereditary isn't the same as space aids
You don't know shit. Both eras have been mostly written by the same guys for better or worse since the initial RT era template.
All the midichlorians in the galaxy won't help when you try to fuck with a guy who has the high ground.
>thread is completely full of loretourists and /v/secondaries today
Did some sloptuber upload a YouTube short or something today, where did they all come from?
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Ok men, I need help.

I have decided to veer away from painting my guard in standard Cadian colors and would like a Tallarn themed desert scheme instead.

However, as it turns out, finding a good color combination is harder than I thought. I sprayed a test piece with Zandri Dust, Tallarn Sand and Zamesi Desert, but neither of those combinations look any decent to me.

I'm gonna go to the store and test it with Steel Legion Drab instead one more time, but I figured I could also try asking here for any help.

I was thinking of some kind of camo pattern that can be applied via masking putty and airbrush, for convenience reason, essentially the same stripes as Cadian camo, but with sandy desert colors instead. I think one of the colors should be Zandri Dust, because it looks nice and also comes in a rattle can for priming.

Pic related: The test piece in question.
Ambots would be objectively cooler looking
The green-brown slop color on the left looks like vomit
Use the nice sandy one
lorefags are the ones keeping alive an IP while transient paintfags and tourneyfags move on the new thing like they always do.
Stick to your lane, tourist
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>Both eras have been mostly written by the same guys
firstly this is patently untrue especially 8th edition onwards
secondly so fucking what, the same author can be garbage depending on the CONTENT of their writing. Abnett has literal capeshit marvel comics under his name alongside shit like Titanicus. Rocket Raccoon isn't equal to Eisenhorn just because they're made by the same guy. The CONTENT of 30k is gay space daddy soap operas and endless waves of space marines fighting other slightly different space marines, it's fucking garbage.
The issue is, I feel it clashes hard with the rather cool color of Zandri Dust.
nigger GW literally announced NO NEW MODELS FOR THE REST OF THE YEAR
what do you want people to talk about until 2025 if not the rules and lore?
>magically has or doesn't has
>given kenobi and yoda never teach anyone else
Enjoy your psyker gene

First, midichlorians are only mentioned like two times in the entire prequel trilogy, and the interpretation of how they interact with the force is left quite open-ended.

Second, it is established in the originals that the force is strong in the Skywalker family. It is also implied that not anyone can be trained in the Force, given how few force users there are, and how Vader and the Emperor think about training Luke or Leia. If they want to train more Sith, and anyone can be trained in the Force, why don't they just train stormtroopers to be force users? All of this implies that force sensitivity can be inherited, which leads to genes, which leads to biology.

In other words, midichlorians make perfect sense.
Khorne and all of his legions in general are some of the stupidest shit lmao
>hates psykers (the things his mortal servants need to move around)
>still, hates psykers (one of the greatest force multipliers you can have)
>ranged combat is fine but the majority of his fuckwads decide axes are cooler
>real rage corruption should make his tacticians inept
>manages to still exist, AND have several mortal legions who continue to exist
it's a lot dumber in 40k than he was in fantasy when it was burly norscan barbarian wielding axes who thought magic was for pussies, yes. it doesn't help that angron and the world eaters have the literal dumbest fucking writing imaginable and are unironic lobotomites.
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Fraudhan has arrived.
How do lorefags keep the ip alive by not buying any models, or any rules
Preferably their models that they are working on, or if not then their games.
Yeah, Khorne does work in Fantasy, but they really should have taken some extra time to think about how he would EVER function in 40k.
One funny thing about Khorne. He's okay with high technology that's borderline magic including looted enemy tech, he's okay with Daemon weapons, but not magic. So if I defeat and force a Daemon to cast a spell for me, is he angry?
I dunno ask /hhg/
> untrue especially 8th edition onwards
Wrong. ALL the HH main writers also wrote 40k before, during, and after writing 30k books (like the The Beast novels). The trend only changed in recent years with the HH series end, and a wave of 40k-only new writers.
His 40k and 30k books have the same highs and lows, including making up lore breaking shit that have earned his books the "Abnettverse" moniker. You don't know shit.
>The CONTENT of 30k is gay space daddy soap operas and endless waves of space marines
Wrong. You're just another middlehammerfag that never got past the first 5 HH books being generous and not asssuming that you're parroting wikis and loretubers.
No but he'll be angry at the Daemon
>Khorne, Daemons, and Magic don't exist in 40k
>The HH was introduced barely 2 years after the RT rulebook
A paragrpah blurb isnt the same as 50+ books of bl slop and now that cancer is seeping back into 40k proper with primach shit.
Its forgiveable if its just daemon primarchs because they've more or less been in 40k since 2ed, the loyalist ones also coming back is the problem
enslaved daemons are okay. if you beat a bloodthirster into submission and ride on its back through portals you force it to create, that's okay, but you can't make any portals yourself. unless you become a daemon prince, then deep striking with magic teleports is totally cool and kosher.....for reasons.
honestly a chaos god with a "no magic" rule is just too retarded and hypocritical, don't think about it too hard, especially in 40k which doesn't even have Winds of Magic, it's just all Psykers and warp bullshit. blood sacrifice and blood magic and literal magic items and artifacts are okay as long as they come from khorne, too, and they still use navigators but they're mad about it (lol)

I mean since it's a chaos god you can just say "being retarded and hypocritical is the point!" but it's still kind of stupid since "magic" isn't an emotion, it'd be like tzeentch having a rule you weren't allowed to stab people
You haven't been here very long have you tourist.
>he doesn't know the ask /hhg/ shitpost
Secondary /v/fag spotted
>it doesn't help that angron and the world eaters have the literal dumbest fucking writing imaginable and are unironic lobotomites.
You haven't read any WE book.
>b-but Betrayer, muh ADB
Shut up and read Slave of Nuceria and Kharn: Eater of Worlds
>giving all your subordinates brain damage because you're mad about brain damage done to you
>being obsessed with dying and wanting to kill yourself but being a pussy and never doing it
>hating authority and slavery so you obey the biggest authority and slave master in the galaxy while whining
no, sorry, angron and the world eaters are retarded and would only make sense in the context of gay sado-masochists willingly humiliating themselves and being as dumb as possible for the purpose of sexual gratification. if angron was a bugchaser who gave his entire legion AIDS it would make more sense than the shit we got
Have you considered asking /hhg/
>paragrpah blurb
Retard. The HH had an entire epic game for itself during RT since 1989, and became a main part of the background fluff of all 40k space marine supplements since 2nd ed (1993) until Index Astartes and specially Visions of Heresy (2002-4) set up the current 30k setting.
This is the existence we've been cursed with post sm2
>giving all your subordinates
Wrong again. It wasn't even his own idea. You don't know shit about the WE.
Read Slave of Nuceria.
>t.discovered 40k thanks to Dawn of War memes
I discovered 40k when I went to my friends house when I was 8 and saw his brothers tau stuff. He had just bought a hammerhead and had a bunch of stealthsuits. I was already painting model cars and thought the little space men were cool and bought a box of tacticals.
Nice, i started after playing total war warhammer 3
how long did it take you anon?

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