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Skelly edition

Previously on /slop/: >>93939034

▶ Thread Task: prompt one or more skellies

▶ It's been confirmed images are not saved on Microsoft's servers forever, only for 50 days. Make sure to save your images.

▶ Generators

▶ /slop/-approved styles, prompts and perspectives

▶ Videogame art styles

▶ Useful links
Color identifiers -- https://www.htmlcolorcodes.com/
List of art movements -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_art_movements
List of hair styles -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_hairstyles
World folk clothing -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Folk_costume
World body armors -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Body_armor
Names for general clothing styles (PDF) -- https://files.catbox.moe/3r0ux6.pdf
The skellies screech their skele-song.
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How about Egyptian Liches instead?
>"I'm a metaphor!"
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It always makes me laugh when bing gives a ribcage tits.
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...because i was one
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How many skeletons do you want?
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Heh. Everyone doing centaurs has stopped doing the 3/4 rear shot.
Oh I got a few of those, actually
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I shouldn't have said, but I figured there must be a reason.
That is a nice skirt look/logic look for female centaurs
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Back from hiatus!

>Endurance huh? Mind if I carry them for a bit? I could use the training

I will eat all the eggs
Eating those eggs took an eternity (also thread task)
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can you guys do some threads with the thread "edition" being, mage the ascension, werewolf the apocalypse, old d&d settings, shadowrun, etc? so we can get the aesthetics of the art they used in those?
Just post what you like my friend. We've done shadowrun/cyberpunk before
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>captcha: yarrt
your space demons are cool
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> penitents in Purgatory (...) carry their sins om their backs
What has the guy in the front done?
Thanks. Sometimes centaur skirts are a pain to look right. It feels like just pure luck
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>Struggling with Good?
>Come work for Evil!
>Fake? I'd say they are working just as intended.
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net characters they fit together well for a dark western setting

nice cloak

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Easy enough to raise them, but the book doesn't detail how to get them to do stuff. Now what? Do they just stand around awkwardly forever?
You sell 'em to schools and places of teaching
Can you tell me the art style you used for this, please?
well im off shopping cya
buy yourself something nice, anon
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I have seen that, but technically I told Bing that this was a woman with body paint to appear as a skeleton, so it was correct in application this time.

Character portrait from an old Pathfinder party.
>look man, you can't just have this many people over, you're missing off the entire neighborhood
Movie poster goes a long way
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Hey you're not the only one who can rescue damsels in distress!
How can they call it slop when it's so SOVL?
Who says they're in distress? They're my attendants they see to my needs
I see. Just leave the rescuing to me then.
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>working on developing a consistent character
>suddenly start getting dog for no apparent reason
got sushi with the weekend discount
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How do I get OC character to look more consistent like some anons have managed? I'd like her armor to be more consistent and I've described her as having "olive skin" but frequently get pale skin for some reason.
Nice thumbnail. How about a full resolution?
Unironic reply:
If you're not using burner account, just spam prompts with the same character descriptions, then save some of the best looking ones in MS folder. Of course, minor differences will appear, but the algorithm will remember the general concept of the character using that description.
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I fear I must intervene. I hold in thrall many, claimed by proper right, their dreams souls sworn to my service. Will you take up arms against me? Many I can saved from worst fates & always by their leave have I claimed them. I will not yield that which is mine!
You'll never be fully consistent with any OC donut steel character. There's just too much variation in how the AI outputs things. So you have to give them a gimmick or a consistent aesthetic to their clothes so that their uniqueness can come through despite variations in the AI.
Like a certain OC in these threads that has pale skin, black hair, usually in a ponytail, blue and green eyes and wears clothes with a blue and gold theme.
For people who have been around these threads, they know who that is. Without naming names, there's also:
>brown-skinned elf with short white hair and yellow eyes, wears red.
>pale buff dude in red cape, often with swirly smoke effects
>zombie girl with red hair, wears a white tank top
>elf girl with with round glasses, white pigtails and freckles.
>little girl wearing a grey sweater and bunny hood

That said, when crafting your prompt, also think about the descriptors you're giving the AI. Especially when doing female ones. Like calling her beautiful will give a different subset than starting off her prompt with "alluring"
And to get more consistency with skin tone, which Bing is really bad at getting darker tones with Asian girls, sometimes it helps to repeat it or just use a real world ethnicity. Like calling her Thai or Filipina to get that Southeast Asian look, which is generally a bit darker than Chinese.
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>pale skin, black hair, usually in a ponytail, blue and green eyes and wears clothes with a blue and gold theme.
Easy. Aure.
>>brown-skinned elf with short white hair and yellow eyes, wears red.
>>pale buff dude in red cape, often with swirly smoke effects
Obviously Dream King.
>>zombie girl with red hair, wears a white tank top
Know who you're talking about but don't know her name.
>>elf girl with with round glasses, white pigtails and freckles.
Did this one ever get a name? I just see people call her unlewdable then posting lewds of her.
>>little girl wearing a grey sweater and bunny hood
I don't know this one
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Looks like "Guess /slop/ character by their short description/prompt" could be a fun game. If only more people were giving shit about characters.
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Thank you anons. I spammed like crazy and been saving the best ones. I've been making her "Vietnamese" from almost the start. But mentioning her having "brown skin" three times seems to do it. "Dark skin" does not work as it makes her black a lot of the time, while "tanned" and "olive" didn't seem to do much at all. I looked back at some other OC characters, and I think my standard for consistency in her armor was to high. Other great and recognizable OCs still have some variation, as you said. Though now I'm experimetning with making her cuirass "simple" so the designs are less busy and might have less variation.
Shit, it looks like that one's old enough that a thumbnail was all that's left.
I'm starting to get that in the older stuff from my collection, though the weird thing is that, say, one gen is like that, but an older one still shows the full image
I *think* zombie girl is Ashley or something similar?
Lisa is almost as old as this general, yet gets no mention.
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While technically good to rescue harem girls, might I call your attention to our board of "Damsels in Multiple Degrees of Distress." Here, you'll find many different hues of ladies to rescue.
And one must ask, who will rescue you?

To anyone curious about the prompt, I use "surrounded by mist" to give a dreamlike quantity.
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"Lisa"...huh. I didn't realize that mili-bimbo was not a whole group of different characters but rather a single one.
After the adventure vs during the adventure?
Left was meant for more before, but after works as well
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>1980's high quality comic book illustration
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This is Bingbing the adventurer. Expect to see her accomplishing thread tasks.
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Yeah, quite a while back, I joined up with Dreamland LLC. for the 401(k), the paid holidays, the job-related holidays, and of course stock options.
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You've got a solid line on that SE Asian prompt. I take it she should always have the bronze cuirass and pink floppy sleeves?
That brings back memories. I always try to curate my stuff so I only pick my best to save, yet I still have hundreds, maybe a thousand Dreaming King pics
Yes she is a single character.
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Oddly enough, I've got some of Dreaming King in stuff I've saved as well. The impromptu interactions between OC/PCs is maybe my favorite part about some of these threads.
Do you actually use prompts of the characters you add to Dream King's "harem", or you're simply guessing?
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>been around forever without being notable
Welcome to our table, now give me your jello.
I think there would be more
Oh, I'm sure of it. There's lots of repeat characters, some of which are highly distinct. Some just aren't as interactive as others. Speaking of, I haven't seen any collages of skeleton revenants with rocket packs and shades in a long time.
>skeleton revenants with rocket packs and shades
Honestly, I don't remember those...
I find it kind of funny, I made him at first to just fuck around with getting consistency while changing the prompt, then a guy asked for help genning mushrooms & I did that. So I just kept asking for requests & "interacting" with other OCs it was/is really fun.
Yeah, there was one anon who never said anything, just posted 3x3 collages of the most over-the-top skeletons with military gear strapped to them. Guy would just pop in, drop the coolest stuff ever, and then be gone for a couple of threads.
Can you guys make some elven women? I need them for my campaign, it's taking place in a beach so would be helpful if the elven women wore bikinis.
Do you, or someone else, saved any of those? I really can't remember anything like it.

Why won't you make them yourself. MS Creator is free tool.
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I guess. I find it more challenging that way. I used to post a generic pic or threadtask pic with
>tell me your dreams /slop/
Someone would ask me to gen something & I'd figure out how to prompt it, then I would guess & fiddle with prompts to "claim" their OCs dreaming soul or whatever. Just a bit of roleplay. Some people are protective about their OCs & prompts so it was fun to sort of crack the code. Now it's mostly just the same people having fun & I dont bother posting an anchor for request, I just gen stuff. You can look at the last thread or so where I was doing gens for people.
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So if you don't ask anymore about "dreams", one could just ask you to gen something with some character?
I believe that a lot of folks have needed them for their own "campaigns".
>Do you, or someone else, saved any of those? I really can't remember anything like it.
I looked through my saved images and didn't see any saved. Hopefully someone else did.
I never saw you get Piro right. Saw you try but she just kept coming out all pale.
Does her lesbomancy still evade the king of dreams?
>TFW you're can have an every chick in the world but you're a closeted homo
Yep. Wanted her to have a fantasy adventurer look that could work in different settings and was neither European medieval, nor to stereotypically Asian.
Well, all those thots on >>93954939 looks mostly the same, and I'm not sure if they had to represent any OC/PC appearing on /slop/.
"Margrethe wasn't quite certain, but she swore that she could faintly hear a xylophone somewhere in the shadows."
Also going for feminine but not cheesecake.
It was a while ago that I saw him try to do it while the Pirofag was posting. But I had to go before DK got a successful one, if he did at all.

I don't remember military bimbo being all that old an OC. Not like Coco, Chatty Traveler (I miss that one the most), Katherine, or Yoga Elf.
What's your prompt it's really good
Well, Pirofag is still posting, but less frequently
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The new OCs are rad. Fill us in on lore or backstory?
She is not as old as Coco, but is very old OC.
Probably not as old as >>93955090, which still appears, but no one bothered to remember the name.
It's just a generic harem, though I think I've done "group shots" with variations hamsteranon, Sir Leofric, Aure, &Purple Punkelf. Group shots rapidly loose cohesion though because Bing simply can't handle that many prompts & will start to get confused

Piro is the brown elf right? I'm not sure if I saved any of her pics
"WowFootfaganon Elf" I remember exactly!
Do you remember which characters joined actually? Not necessarily by name.
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An older dream I saved because the story was nice.
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I'm not sure what you mean. Just cause I've done it less doesn't mean I don't do it. Plus the Dreaming King is a great way to fulfill thread tasks even if I stopped doing request, which I haven't.

Why must you always project your gay fantasies onto him? He's just a sword & sorcery guy, get over him being allergic to shirts, any gay vibes you get are your own
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>Edgar Scrolls casts "Animate Dad"
Some more older OCs
Sunglasses Wizard
Redhead knight
Shorthaired blonde knight, and the variations
The black bobcut scientist
Purple Drow
The blonde and blackhaired bun swashbucklers
Absinth elf
Gossamer elf
I was asking if I suggest something like "him saving >>93954225 from those dogs" or something, would you gen it? Maybe it's not related to character's gimmick, but I've just came up with it.
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>"Hey! Give that back you little scamp!"
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Yeah I could do that

I really liked that story too. I was kinda feeling like shit that day & it helped

Joined? I'm not sure what you mean

Your dream come true
Bingbing ran away from her village to become an adventurer rather than be forced to marry. She has found some hidden treasure to pay for her expenses and is learning the way of the sword and experimenting with simple magic.

>detailed oil painting in the realism style, brown skinned actress playing a brown skinned Vietnamese fantasy medieval adventurer, she has long straight shiny black hair with big brown eyes and brown skin, she is wearing a simple bronze cuirass with tassets and pauldrons, pink sleeves and skirt with sandals, *action and setting*
Yes I do have to say she has brown skin three times. Even then it still sometimes tries to make her pale. I don't always use "oil painting" for the style, but it's sort of a go-to for me. I started using the word "actress" a long time ago in my gens because it makes Bing a little more forgiving with women's clothing. That's not my intention with Bingbing who is well covered, but I think adding it helped pin down a somewhat more consistent look, as an anon above pointed out, using words like "alluring" vs "beautiful" can have different effects on appearance.

I shared the prompt in cse it might help anons with their own characters, but I'd prefer anons please not post her as she's my own OC I'd like to do thread tasks with.
Okay, forget about characters question. Just get rid of the dogs, because this could be her last scavenge.
But can he make mine finally come back with that pack of smokes?
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Also happened to gen one of the girl topless somehowl
Can I gen her with the Dreaming King?
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Definitely not very practical for post-apo scenery. Probably DK had something to do with it.
Yes. But please be respectful of her.
god you people are weird
The mist prompt destroys scenery, sorry
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If you want a throne you must seize it! I can teach you to fight if that is your dream!
Respectful? In what way?
Okay, what happens later, after those dogs are gone?
Don’t worry about it. You can post Bingbing with the Dreaming King.
Whatever you ask of him
So uh, what if that thing I said?
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Average historically-accurate medieval DND character.
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The tempo at the end of this thread is strange...
>I am going to create something just so I can get angry at it
>The tempo at the end of this thread is strange...
There's an unwritten rule that the poster of last picture starts a new thread. Since your average sloppy fa/tg/uy is not particularly bright or creative, nobody wants to post the last picture.
Am I projecting? Just look at his pose >>93954939. He's surrounded by women, yet sits with head bowed down. As if he felt opressed.
Who said I was angry?
You want to scavenge the Dreaming King?
Not really, I was rather thinking that maybe he could have some plans for her or something
>emaciated penitents in Purgatory kneel motionless on desert with hands raised high and praise the Lord while scorching sun burns away their smoldering bodies and their sins
Good night, sweet dreams.
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While androids don't technically dream, HQ is ready to welcome anyone in the fight against the cryptozoological entities popping up. Albeit, capes are not a tactical decision...maybe a cool vest?
How'd you get the scars?
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I guess the cape is okay.
>I actually really struggle to get DK into images. I'm hopefully not butchering him too much.
By not using Bing.
Good colonial snakeman poster...next thread is yours to bake!
I'll gen something when i get the chance, I'm at work right now.

I do find it funny that people will struggle with the King. Don't worry about getting him too close, he's a man of dreamstuff, as long as he has dark hair, & red clothes with no shirt you're fine
what was the prompt? I like this style

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