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Archives & Other Resources: https://pastebin.com/wETipqYw
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Previous Thread: >>93941646
Man, you REALLY like this cyoa.
Is this the most unpopular CYOA ever made?
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Nah, that is magic the FLOPPENING
It is the first one-pager I see when I want to make a thread.
Dragonfail, Gloria, and Glory unto the Sweet are worse.

Seems like the one with the least drawbacks and a decent boon.
Husanon could NEVER.
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oh god here we go again.
its over. Arosissy. You lost
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I already have this face.
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Seems like you're the one who lost, you seethe about it so much.
Its over, xisters
12 phones.
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Twelve phones, twelve abysswalkers.
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>he doesn't realize all the xisters actually are flopstafags
You're on the wrong side of history, anon.
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I like how theres only one guy who says xister and it doesnt mean anything anymore.
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The correct thing to do is sabotage both the Convention and the Eclipse, so that Terminus can win and recreate existence under his better, more benevolent rule. From a utilitarian perspective, there can be no alternative. Existence as it stands is founded on sacrifice and decay. Things could be different. Saul saw that, millennia ago, and now, he has the power to act on it.
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Why should I trust that rat fuck Terminus? Existence should be recreated under MY better, more "benevolent" rule (I will fuck all the bitches and arbitrarily subjugate people I vaguely dislike, such as Dido, to eternal torment. Nudor can be my court jester, I guess)
>t. Terminus
I see through your tricks.
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>Terminus can win and recreate existence under his better, more benevolent rule
>recreate existence
>I want my CYOAs to be replayable.
>Adds mystery box mechanics that don't mean anything after a blind run.
>Interactive CYOAs are blasphemy
>Invents a CYOA where customization isn't real and everything is about managing 25 different meters.
>Makes a CYOA about slightly reforming the magic neocons just to promise eight infinitely more compelling kingdom builders than this.
>The section introducing them is the same section that lets you blow them up.
What's his problem?
Existence without me is meaningless to me.
No cyoa is replayable. Replaying means I was unhappy with my build and come back to try and fix it.
Pretty sure the last thread some aro fans where calling tankfags xisters though
I don't share your psychosis, 3 bullshit auctors anon. I am capable of identifying with characters that are not literally myself, and exploring contradictory identities for the fun of it.
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>gets identified every thread
>gives the same replys every time
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I take it back. This is really complicated. I keep reassigning things left and right.
I'm sorry to break the mystique, anon, but i'm an unironic false-flagger. I'm not tok or the face-stealer.
Five. Hundred. Phones.
Evokers are free at >4 Eclipse relations. Is this intended?
Newfag, please. You are humiliating yourself
You're a little off. They give a mana reward at that tier, but they really become free when the Eclipse alignment exceeds 8.
Oh yea, that's what I meant.

They're pretty broken.
>I don't share your psychosis, 3 bullshit auctors anon.
what? elaborate?
>Manage to walk the political tightrope hard enough in the policies section to make everyone somewhat dislike me a bit but nothing too unmanageable
Feels good man.
After that I didn't even bother to reply, he's clearly going insane, I don't know what that means either.
>everyone somewhat dislike me a bit
That's terrible. The positive relations bonuses are really really good. You absolutely do not want to miss out on them.
They are but i didn't want to compromise on my vision too much. Is it the right one? Dunno. But i think it might have a chance.
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>can't deploy the same type of units on a mission
3BAA is an extreme autist with a very limited idea of what a CYOA should be; essentially that all of them have to be like those stereotypical animes where the main character goes to a fantasy world and takes to it like a fish to water without ever experiencing any challenge. If you deviate from his model of a soulless fantasy adventure, then he will take it as if you are personally trying to torture and murder him, because "it's CHOOSE YOUR OWN adventure saar".
>The PC needs to be made immortal at the start, or else you're killing him saar.
>The PC must explicitly have the same identity as the reader, at the start, as if your identity wouldn't shrivel and die anyway if it was teleported to another dimension without any connection to your old life.
Basically he wants his selfinserts to experience ego death by slow-acting psychological horror instead of having it instantly deleted by narrative fiat.
>There must be no dystopian elements in the CYOA, or characters that are more powerful than the main character.
This is where I'm giving him his name, he was a very vocal italics detractor (not an italifag but he's part of the problem) for the presence of any dystopian elements in the works of Italics, like existential wars or masquerades, and was REALLY vocally complaining about Devil, Drac, and, Ostane?
Abraxas implies that using them "again" on another mission is fine.
>The PC must explicitly have the same identity as the reader, at the start
This is just basic cyoa design. If you don't have this it isn't really a cyoa.
Another mission, yes. The same mission, no. My work is still out the window.

I want to die.
I am always me even when i am not
>Captcha: G8AAY
Shut up
3BAA, you are demanding for all fantasy authors to filter out anyone with any of the following:
>strong religious or political beliefs
>cherished friends and family
>interests other than fantasy slop and suicidal ideation
That's not choosing your own adventure, that is being punished in the afterlife.
I have stolen another face. Also, if its not an isekai its not a cyoa. I don't care about your beef with the boogeyman or whatever else you say. If i'm not me, i'm just going to sartre it or twist wording to be me.
Nice for you but 3BAA demands for authors to explicitly enforce his identity death fetish onto everyone else.
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Your new tactics are boring. I don't know why you think that saying
>I have this le face
Is good enough to save your shit taste.
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Yes anon, I am your boogeyman. Instead of using your intelligence or posting cyoas, shit and piss yourself NOW.

Seriously though, what has been with all the schitzoposting lately? I laugh every time someone else calls me some random poster I've never heard before, and likewise when I watch my actions be attributed to some random anon who said something mildly similar to something I once said. Its like anons cannot comprehend there's more than 3 people in the general total.
Well conscripts ignore that so there is that.
I feel like Terminus serves the purpose of "Visser Collapse" in the local cosmology. It is a way that the Blood magic multiverse enforces linear passage of time by destroying any region where the timeline becomes dangerously illinear, attacking at all potential for events to continue repeating. This is also why the Void Agents (I'm not calling them angels they neither look nor act like "biblically accurate" ones) delete certain timelines, as a small scale and pre-emptive version of what the Convention is doing right now. This does look like enforcing heat death from clueless perspective.
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I'm dialing the Convention right now.
??? No? It just has to exceed 4
I still refuse to play tanksloppa
This is a truth only newfags refuse to admit to. Cyoas that don't have you as the player character are literally not cyoas. They're literally worthless. I'd rather play a videogame or rpg then, what's the point of cyoas if it's not your own adventure?
What motivates your wish to reduce your RL life to the delusions of some confused and upset elf?
gil is evil
>This is a truth only newfags refuse to admit
This is literally one of the biggest newfag opinions you could possibly have, people have been making characters for well over a decade. The fact that you feel the need to insist upon this shows that that you haven't been around for even a fraction of that time.
>people have been making characters for well over a decade
People have also been self-inserting for well over a decade, newfag. This is the escapism hobby, not your D&D game.
Insist all you like, it doesn't change history, and no ones going yo hand out brownie points for limiting your own imagination and flexibility.
Critical Role and BG3 were a mistake. Now we get tourists like this larping some stupid shit. Character shit was the exception rather than the rule like it is today. Pill and island pickers always referred to (you). Even notorious anti-isekai fags like Italics got their start by making actual cyoas like Pokémon Personified (makes you wonder why no other cyoa of his was ever as popular as that huh).
Yes, your poor attempt at revisionism doesn't change history.
>waaah, current slop is low iq and drags down the collective intelligence, waaah, it is attracting literal garbage thinkers, waaah
Oh shut up, you’re starting to sound like the magic physics fag
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cyoas for this feel?
People kind of forgot the YOUR in Choose Your Own Adventure huh
My brother in Christ, I've been in these threads for forever and character-based stuff appeared pretty quickly.
You're delusional and stirring shit up over irrelevant nonsense.
>My brother in Christ
Please crucify yourself
Sure which is why all the big cyoas are character pickers. Not like Conduit, Monster Hunter, Pokemon Personified, PR, and more recently, Dragonfall, Entropist, OR were ever popular. Surely you can think of an equivalent character cyoa more popular than each one of them.
None of you have made OC. You are leeches on this general. Now stfu and let true CYOAG anons speak.
>does reddit speak
>"I-I've been here since the beginning"
I’ve been here since 2011 I’m old enough to have fucked tour mother and be your stepdad (or just dad) you faggot twink
I have made oc, you didn't. No, i'm not posting it so you can shitpost about it and me for the rest of time.
you've been here 1.5 years tops
I miss old cyoag, when we would discuss which authors were most molestable, etc
>most molestable
>i made oc! i-i just wont post it!
>i've been here since [insert bullshit date here]!
You don't make OC, you don't make builds, you're newfags, and all you do is shitpost and whine. I bet you don't even save CYOAs, you're probaly a tourist from another /tg/ general jealous over /cyoag/'s prosperity. Shut the fuck up and stop stirring shit in the only worthwhile general on this godforsaken board you retards.
>ablooobloobloo im a homosexual abloooobloooblooooo
>you're newfags
The projection is real.
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>no u
They're not sending their best.
Boomer fucks
you and your boyfriend weren't even here for nxtub and it shows
t. Mothers fucked by Anon
why does cyoags existence make other generals mad?
Because this place is particularly stupid and it does not generate much goodness
easiest to molest: gil
hardest to molest: pca
Replace hardest with impossible. Faggot.
most desirable to molest: Beri
least desirable to molest: ...you know who
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nothing is impossible
Beri is the least desirable to molest. No one wants to molest pure innocence. Off limits. Bad! You should know better anon.
Italics is stinky he doesn't take showers
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Look at this sexy fuck, with it's bedroom eyes.
Practicly BEGGING for it.
>Its like anons cannot comprehend there's more than 3 people in the general total.
There is no one except me, the shitposter, and the author. Everyone else are roles we play.
>for the presence of any dystopian elements in the works of Italics
Pokemon Personified, the second major Italics CYOA (PAG came first, but was not equal), got popular solely on the lore and dystopian elements. The Imperial Thrones presents itself as a natural democracy with a stagnant monarchy ruled by numbered emperors/empresses, but it's controlled by secret police groups and a military that is heavily fragmented by cities/communities to enforce the law. Then you have the whole Underground faction which varies on how bad they are, but those fuckers will outright rig idol contests to gamble money.

Then there is the genocide of the first civilization. Pokemon Personified was compressed shounen kino.
Same but with italicsloppa
Exalted Conquest... Isn't real...
Exalted Conquest...isn't about Exalted...
Same but with all authors
>posted to reddit before us
Not reading it.
>he went to check
>he has a reddit account to ensure he can keep up with redditors
Ew, how were you not embarrassed to post this?
nta but samefag, mald harder you aren't getting a build from me
>nta but samefag
samefag self report
go back.
Gurren lagann-esque cyoa when
That's Gundam adjacent, not Gurren Lagann..
I still never read that one. Not because of amy bias, I just forgot.
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>no less than 12 rolls
this would be a pain in the ass to make a build for using /tg/'s rolling mechanics. you could probably get a builder banned for spam
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Rolled 1, 6, 1, 1, 5, 1, 5, 5, 3, 6, 2, 1 = 37 (12d6)

3 (5) SKILL, 0 (2) REFLEX, 1 BODY, 0 (2) COOL, 3 (5) SMARTS, -3 HUMANITY, 0 FLEX
>Corpo Chic
Who gives a FUCK about humanity? Corpos stay winning, Silverhands rebellion amounted to nothing, and Cyberpsychosis is a fake poser "condition". If you haven't embraced chrome and abandoned humanity in Cyberpunk you are clinically retarded and doomed to die to those who did.
I don't really care who I emulate, just a convenient cover. Kind of like that guy from American Psycho pretending to like music.
>Net Escapism
>Skill Chips
Machines are superior to flesh.
>Stealth, Sharpshooting, Hacking, Mechanics, Trauma Care, Speedfreak, Kenjutsu, Big Guns, Locked In, Restraint, Fast Talk, Corpospeak, Yomi, Streetwise, Prep
>Carrion, Cairo, Tailblazer
These guys have the least humanity and the most chrome, so I should team up with them for good synergy.

I'll use a 12d6 to do all the rolls at once, and apply stat gains after the fact. Choosing solutions beforehand:
>Stage 1, Ideal, Solution 1
>Stage 2, Desperate, Solution 2
>Stage 3, Ideal, Solution 2
>Stage 4, Ideal, Solution 2
>Stage 5, Improvised, Solution 1
>Stage 6, Ideal, Solution 2
>Stage 7, Ideal, Solution 2
>Stage 8, Ideal, Solution 2
>Stage 9, Ideal, Solution 2
>Stage 10, Ideal, Solution 1
>Stage 11, Improvised, Solution 1
>Stage 12, Desperate (Brain to CPU), Solution 1
No thanks.
>five 1's and a 2 and 3
-3 humanity at work



>Skill Chips

>Trauma Care


>Altered Beast
>Curb Stomping

>Mean Mugging


>Keri "Carrion" Takema

>Ideal 2

>Desperate 2

>Improvised 2

>Improvised 1

>Improvised 1

>Improvised 2

>Ideal 2

>Improvised 1

>Desperate 2

>Ideal 2
>-Fail (Carrion)

>Ideal 2

>Desperate 1 - 1
fairly good CYOA
>1, 6, 1, 1, 5, 1, 5, 5, 3, 6, 2, 1
>Stage 1, 1 + 7 = 8
Fuck, 1 shy of a badass success. Oh well.
>Stage 2, 6 + 4 = 10
CRITICAL success, +1 to REFLEX and +50eb.
>Stage 3, 1 + 7 - 3 = 5
God fucking damn it Tailblazer you useless FUCK, -1 COOL
>Stage 4, 1 + 2 = 3
Second Fail, 1 Wound isn't too bad though.
>Stage 5, 5 + 7 = 12
Badass success, +1 SKILL and +100eb
>Stage 6, 1 + 7 = 8
Kill me.
>Stage 7, 5 + 5 + 2 = 12
At least this went well, +1 SKILL and RELFEX
>Stage 8, 5 + 1 = 6
Succeeded by the skin of my teeth, looks like no Choom is dying today.
>Stage 9, 3 + 7 = 10
Badass success, Cairo negates Tailblazer and vice versa. Unfortunately I gain Humanity from this but the Skill is worth it. +1 HUMANITY and SKILL
>Stage 10, 6 + 10 = 16
Massive Success, ez +1 SKILL and +1 REFLEX
>Stage 11, 2 + 7 = 9
Let's FUCKING go, 2 FLEX immediately gets dumped into SMARTS to round up my character
>Stage 12, 1 + 9 = 10
And MaxTax eats SHIT, another 2 FLEX into SMARTS ez

Hired by the Feds ending, no chooms dead and superficial damage to myself (except the Cool loss, but soulless automatons wouldn't have much Cool in the first place I think). Interesting CYOA overall. Final stat tallies:
8 Skill, 5 Reflex, 1 Body, 1 Cool, 9 Smarts, -2 Humanity
It seems God hates NPCs and psychopaths
FUCK Anglerfishes
FUCK Glowfishes
FUCK Elspeth
FUCK 0^0
That is all
I won't, it's Melio's job to do it with the worst women.
Take out Tok and I'll do it.
Please tell me Tankista hasn't fallen for the AIslop meme.
"Tankista hasn't fallen for the AIslop meme."
Nah, what he's doing is using it to slightly redraw portraits without the skills or raws of the original artist, it's not possible to notice in the same way as >>93951126.
I was just wondering if you were still around, Hyeanaon. Thanks for the OC
Speaking of AI art - Cruxador? Are you still working on your version of Conduit?
Hyena can you make a better so you wanna rule the galaxy. The star wars bounty hunter was good but I crave more.
Any thoughts on what Blood Magic faction Inc the Indestructible was with? Or guesses on what Thoss the Scribe might have been doing?
Don't taint this cyoa by talking about fagsta shit while posting it.
>Inc the Indestructible
He's the guy that you kill in the American mission that rewards Enforcer Armor.
Living on the edge, eh? Nice job, no deaths. Thanks for the build
RIP Carrion, died for her furry counterpart
I wish I wasn't, but here I am. I'm running Cyberpunk 2020 twice a week and I couldn't be more in the mood
I really like So You Wanna Rule the Galaxy as it is, I don't know what I would add necessarily. But it's the kind of thing I WOULD do, so I'll think about it

Yawn. Someone post Living Dungeon instead.
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I might be retarded, but how do I play these? Alone? I don't even know how to connect to people and I'm too shy to make my own..
Alone, sometimes with my buddy.
Thanks for explaining, guess I will get into creative writing again. On rare occasions I keep it as PDF. Been thinking about some Warhammer 40,000 works, which I probably can only do in private not to anger GW.
mcyoag needs to be beaten into submission and brought back into the fold. no more brother(sister) wars
GW can't do anything about it nor do they care. But 40k is a pretty shit setting for a cyoa, surprisingly we haven't had any empire builders or anything from that setting though.
>GW can't do anything about it nor do they care.
Good to know, guess 4chan is no worry as it doesn't remotely lure in as many people as more accessible sites.

>But 40k is a pretty shit setting for a cyoa,
I don't deny that, but it is incredibly diverse in poverty and power. You can be a simple hive ganger, a noble, an inquisitor or a genetically engineered killing machine, even an assassin with the pariah gene. It might not be appealing though. So I cannot really tell how others perceive it.

>surprisingly we haven't had any empire builders or anything from that setting though.
That's the problem. I would have no idea what would appeal others. For myself there is plenty of room to self insert. However if we want to admit something positive about Wh40k it is the amount of races and the standing of people in the universe. As well as many people bringing different knowledge about the universe to the table as the quantity of books is impossible to read in any reasonable amount of time.

Everyone would be able to find their exact niche.
>Good to know, guess 4chan is no worry as it doesn't remotely lure in as many people as more accessible sites.
Go back.
You know, having the ability to assess perspectives of others is what makes an excellent writer. You just didn't out me as tourist, you just outed yourself as bland.
Once you have the mental development to see that, you might contribute something akin to my intellect.
However with your notion, observe that about 99.9% of all DnD, books, etc is written by people who are not 4channers.
So if you seriously derive false superiority out of this, you really just made me point that you cannot develop a theory of mind of others.
A core symptom of clinical autism spectrum disorder. btw, here since /g/ being guro and not technology, dumb fa/tg/uy
blah blah blah
Go back.
Okay now rephrase that without sounding low IQ or autistic.
>no fuck ivory
Based, ivory was right all along.
mommy ivory let me suck your titties and i will be your partner in crime
>>no fuck ivory
not memorable enough
>I really like So You Wanna Rule the Galaxy as it is, I don't know what I would add necessarily.
Here's a few things off the top of my head...
>Sector maps with notable planets/powers listed, so you get a feel of what you're up against
>Better diplomacy section, Diplomatic Acumen feels like the worst points to have by far
>Currency overhaul. Credit income and reserve. How is the player maintaining that battlefleet and SSD with just one planet?
>Estimated length of projects. A lot of the stuff in Territorial Wealth section seems like it would take many years to pull off.
The pretentious tourist spouts shit once again. Read and make at least one build before you post your drivel.
>You can be an exotic
We made it Cybfurpunk bros...
i really have a hard time understanding what "leaning on the darker side of magic" means.
the only thing that comes to mind are some kind of ritualistic blood sacrifices, but that's lame.
It's not even supplemental. Exotics are in the core rulebook, anyone who complains about furries is a confirmed nogame and can be safely ignored. Cybfurpunks stay winning

>When I was a boy, my grandfather told me that he grew up in the country, away from any major cities. He watched as his world disappeared under concrete, lights, tall buildings, and large crowds. He saw the mountains shrink under the shadows as buildings merged into each other and growing bigger. Trees lost their colour and were removed to make room for long streets and interchanging highways. The stars and moon were outshined by unnatural lights. And the silence of an open landscape vanished as vehicles rushed down roads, people pushed and shoved, and the occasional sound of a fight broke out. As for my grandfather, he adapted as best as he could, refusing body modifications to keep him young and healthy. The last thing he said to me, before his time came was, "I've been both wild and tame in my life. I've seen the world change and watched the ones I love grow and move on. The world I lived in needed men like me. But, this new one doesn't. And I couldn't be happier with the hand I was dealt. Now, you go and be the man this world needs. And don't let anyone stop you."

>- From a man in 2085. A tribute to my grandfather: Born 1995 - Died 2083
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>Is this the most unpopular CYOA ever made?
Hopefully not, I would love to see some make a image build for this other than me so I can compare their build to mine
So, hyenacuck posted another slop and seethed when he was called a redditor AGAIN?
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No superpowers = no play
you don't play a cyoa, you effectuate it
What are you talking about? We've got waifu pickers, be-a-Tyranid (genestealer) cyoas, several be-a-space-marine and build your own chapter ones, a couple about being an imperial governor, two where (you) decide how the setting resolves . . .

It's not one of our "big" franchises, but it's pretty well represented.
I have yet to see a single good CYOA from Hyenanon

The build


Wallia is a Vidigoth, a Visigoth with a lisp.

Wallia dresses in traditional Vidigoth armor.

Hailing from the great battlefields of the past, Wallia grew up to be an authentic Vidigothic warrior.

Wallia's armor is heavy and bulky.

Wallia wields an authentic Vidigothic monosword.


Wallia believes in divine favor, aka luck. May the bad luck of Harvestman and good luck of Cassie balance each other.
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The job

Roll: 3
3 +2-2 +2+2 = 7

Roll: 2
2 +2-2 +1+2 = 5

Roll: 6
6 +2 +1 = 9

Roll: 2
2 +2-2 +5+2 = 9

Roll: 1
1 +2+2 = 5

Roll: 3
3 +2-2 +1+2 = 6

Roll: 4
4 -2 +2+2 = 6

Roll: 5
5 +1+2 = 8

Roll: 1
1 +2 = 3

Roll: 5
5 +6 = 11

Roll: 3
3 +4+2 = 9

Roll: 5
5 +2-2 +1+2 = 8





Wallia's brothers-in-arms NOISEBOX, HARVESTMAN, CASSIE are all alive, unless NOISEBOX bit it in the intro of stage 12.

Wallia's inhuman 6 BODY physique heals the 1 WOUND quickly, further aided by his skills in trauma care. He continues on as an edgerunner, hampered only by that his medieval visigothic warrior larper persona will always be -1 COOL.

I nearly dropped it in the beginning because the style section made me think it's a btg or female-protag-only cyoa. But this might be the first Hyenanon cyoa I really enjoyed? A huge step up from everything I've seen previously. I played the cyoa like a good boy without looking ahead.
Yes like every single one of his cyoas. He will now get 6 or so reddit crosspost builds and then the cyoa will be instantly forgotten forever. He will then proceed to shitpost about any big cyoa out of jealousy until he drops slop again. Expect to see "I'm tired of Tankista" posts in the coming threads.
I have yet to see a single good CYOA
I thought that was Tok?
It was, and it was also aro, and italics.
Nah, tok only shitpost italics, EA, and that is it. Every other author he has talked about it instead of shitposting.
Tok threw a tantrum about AHS, I'm fairly sure about many other authors too.
only if we steal his thunder
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Style: Urban Flash
Flair: Exotic & Strapped
Background: Combat Zone Kid
Specialization: Solo
Weapon: Dual Nuzis
Talents: Stealth, Sharpshooting, Trauma Care, Kenjutsu, Speedfreak, Spraying, Paranoia, Didn't Hurt, Locked In
Skill: 3
Reflex: 4
Body: 1
Cool: 1
Smarts: 0
Humanity: 0
>The Crew
|\|01Z380X, Cairo, Keri "Carrion" Takema
>The Job
Stage 1: Ideal, Solution 2, Badass Success (10)
Stage 2: Desperate, Solution 2, Badass Success (12)
Sage 3: Improvised, Solution 2, Fail (3)
Stage 4: Desperate, Solution 1, Fail (2)
Stage 5: Improvised, Solution 1, Success (6)
Stage 6: Ideal, Solution 1, Badass Success (12)
Stage 7: Desperate, Solution 1, Badass Success (10)
Stage 8: Improvised, Solution 1, Badass Success (9)
Stage 9: Ideal, Solution 1, Badass Success (10)
Stage 10: Desperate, Solution 2, Success (7)
Stage 11: Ideal, Solution 2, Fail (4), Carrion dies trying to run away lmao rip in piss
Stage 12: Desperate Soul to Void, Solution 1, (3)
>Ending: Walk Among The Cobras
Skill: 4
Reflex: 6
Body: 3
Cool: 3
Smarts: 1
Humanity: 1
Wounds: 5
Eddies: 100
I don't understand a damn thing about the word slurry in this CYOA. Can someone summarize it in just a few paragraphs?
Good planeswalking wizard create organization to kill evil wizards: Magocratic Convention. Millennia pass, you new leader of Convention. What do?
It's the only CYOA that adequately simulates being an overwhelmed bureaucrat in a decaying municipal government.

You have been volunteered to be the Designated Asswiper for all of magekind. Everyone wants you to solve their problems and also they will whine if you don't solve them the way they want. You must carefully balance finite resources and your rapidly decaying PR as you try to break Wizard Congress out of crippling deadlock and do something about the Evil Blood Sorcerers casting Greater Penis Explosion on babies and the Horrors Beyond Reason vibing in the sushi bar.
No one really cares about it besides just pointing how badly it was implemented though.
>Carrion dies trying to run away lmao rip in piss
You can't fault her for running away when you're all running away already
Okay, so I just rushed through the decrees section, skipping most of the reading, and just tried to get the purple number into the positives while also keeping the cyan, orange, and green numbers from going too deep into the negatives, but I'm still at -35. I have to blow up a planet or two to get the purple number positive and win the game, right?
>I didn't read the CYOA
you don't have to force yourself if you don't like it, you know
Hyena shits on EA and Italics whenever he gets a chance so it's hard to distinguish between the two at times.
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Magocratic Convention? A multiverse spanning empire needs a new ruler, and picks (you). Will (you) keep fighting the War on Blood Magic? Reform the bureaucracy? Help long-neglected allies?

Several problems have also recently cropped up. Who will (you) send to resolve them?

Someone also assassinated (your) predecessor and destroyed most of the army. How vigorously will (you) pursue the culprits? How will (you) rebuild the military?

Each of the three major factions has sent an advisor to lobby for their side. Will (you) balance their needs/wants? Or plunge the empire into civil war?
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I'm roleplaying as the patsy stuck with control of the nation, like Kiefer Sutherland from Designated Survivor.
i don't know what that means
sounds dumb
Yeah you got the gist of it. Personally I prefer to roleplay as Rusty Venture.


>Someone also assassinated (your) predecessor and destroyed most of the army
Being fair, Aneas really should've seen it coming. The man's opening move was "overwhelming violence" and his diplomatic policy was "orbital bombardment." There was only one way his whole shebang was gonna end.
>Aneas really should've seen it coming.
Maybe he did.
Maybe he was just tired of it all, which reasonably explains why he would just turn off his immortality and go die fighting against a based dude in a cool 1v1.
>no cyberware
good OC but youre missing out the most vital bit of cyberpunk
>A multiverse spanning empire needs a new ruler, and picks (you)
Imagine the paperwork.
>turn off his immortality and go die fighting against a based dude in a cool 1v1
Any male would.
That's literally the bulk of this CYOA's difficulty yes. Are you a bad enough dude to plow through 50,000 years of administrative bloat and unchecked government spending?
>blood mage
>Personally I prefer to roleplay as Rusty Venture.
>omniarch dr venture senior
>Are you a bad enough dude to plow through 50,000 years of administrative bloat and unchecked government spending?
No I'm not. This reminds me of 40k where you have people managing a backlog of court cases for people who already died of old age a century ago. It will never end. The backlog simply grows.
Not if you destroy the Convention. They're the bad guys anyways.
okay, but in this case "we will simply summon back the souls of the departed to fill out some new forms anulling the case" is a viable legal tactic, and all it requires is some very reasonable retainers fees (as mandated by the necromancer union)
Nameless isn't a blood mage. August was, but he died on his own by the time Aeneas arrived, so Aeneas had to settle for the next fitting opportunity.
>Nameless isn't a blood mage
Nameless is (you) right? hes just sanctions mandated EMIYA
No, you're thinking of The Predecessor (You), which is a different character.
Best waifu?
I can't imagine anyone saying no to being a Rouge Trader.
Even though this is a jumpchain, it's still pretty good if you want to treat it as a standalone cyoa in the 40k setting. Make a whole legion of terminators with volkite weapons or something.
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The Nameless Deathseeker is (you) from the One Page Shitpost cyoa that Tankista wrote. The one who strode forth with sword in hand to reshape the cosmos . . . whose name is doomed to be forgotten, though his actions changed everything.
Yeah, but he's not a blood mage.
The one thing I don't like about Tankista's multiverse is that there are different versions of you running around.
I like multiverses but I hate the marvel shot of "Oh there is a quadrillion different spiderman/petter parkers"
Let each universe be actually different.
anon the Other Candidate
This may be too much autism for me.
You might be the sole unifying factor, since we haven't seen copies of anyone else.
Doesn't matter. The Emperor needs you.
He may need me, but the ladies need me more
>omniverse revolves around (you)
>it's a shit place getting worse
What did he mean by this?
The spider verse also exist with spiderman being it's sole common denominator.
Yet it is the worst trash ever.
Doesn't have to be. It can be other anons or just npcs.
>The one thing I don't like about Tankista's multiverse is that there are different versions of you running around.
it was said multiple times in q&as that it's not just (you), it's a meme that got out of control
I shall kill al femstodies myself and correct the timeline!
Eclipse has tons of clones.
>Anon doesn't like having multiple versions of himself running around in the multiverse.

>Yeah but you are the only one who has multiple versions of yourself running around in the multiverse.

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Hey chaaat how does this new Ally look
I didn't ask.
It looks like shit.
Don't come back.
Legionbros... they got the cooler image.
good news anon, you're supposed to do these alone!
made you reply lmao
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It looks like fodder... At best, a special enemy that is sometimes thrown at you with the rest of the fodder.
no u
good, very good. I will make my goal to breed the goat, is it going to be difficult?
It will be extremely easy.
>add bap-chan
>is disgusting old hag
0/10. Sabbath unapproved.
so breeding is going to be easy, is it a catch where she will be down to fuck but not to a relationship?
She'll only date you if you're cool with her BDSM and are as intelligent as she is.
I hate sluts.
I bet she's not even a virgin.
Don't come back.
What? I was referring to her fertility, not how quickly she gets in bed.
I guess i will have to take some int enhancer
eh, i would be ok with normal human stuff, but if she wants to open me in half while throwing salt or something is going to be difficult
I don't give a shit if she has had sex before like that other tard. I just don't like BDSM.
another soul to my collection
it's not samefagging if it's responding to different posts, retard
Don't compare me to this
He would happily take in an exprostitute with 3 children from different fathers and thank her for blessing him with her presence.
Do you have a fetish for the grotesque or something?
This arotard is really going all out this time with the samefag thing. lmao
How could you tell?
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What drives you to drip-feed wip content like this?
same, what level of bdsm she likes?
>Not a Loli.
Yeah I can't think of anything worse.
The feedback. I can get attention from discord lmao.

Shes a switch and she likes lots of biting and bloodplay. As you can imagine, from the goat thing.
What feedback? You mean the one you always ignore?
>biting and bloodplay.
This just keeps getting worse. That one anon was right. Saying the fetishes just ruins everything.
going to need heart of nature and discover how to block pain detectors to satisfy her
I've never ignored feedback, i'm just not obligated to follow it if i disagree with it or if it doesn't fit.
4chan is broken
>Doing all of this for a woman
lmao the simping levels
just like my ass once mommy goat decides to switch from submissive to dominant
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husanon....... the gauntlet and the hoe....
wtf based?
It seems all feedback you're getting is shitposting and confirmation whether it fits anons' fetishes or not. Are you sure you're not in it for attention?
Yes, i am not ashamed if i can get her pussy and heart
Yeah but you also have profound retardation. As proven by the whole Ivory incident.
He already showed the gauntlet, retarded catfaggot and people seethed at it too.
For which cyoa?
I wish Aro was gay so she could pick attractive female pictures for her companions.
More like whether it fits her fetishes or not. If she is not into it, is shitposting and she ignores it. If she is into it, is just confirmation.
Nah, i get some good feedback from time to time. If i wasn't, this would be a terrible place for attention.

Nexus: Gateway.

Lesbians have completely different tastes compared to straight guys. I'm picking women i am attracted to or find visually appealing.
post baphomets pcitrues that tickle your pickle
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he just showed half of the page, you subhuman moron
>I'm picking women i am attracted to or find visually appealing.
What did I tell you retards. And some of you denied it. I told you it was her lesbian brain that was making everyone so unattractive.
That's actually an interesting thought.
what kind of women do lesbians find attractive?
And how do they differ from stereotypical femenine beauty that is aimed to appeal to men?
now now, there is no need to insult. We are all a big retard family remember? now apologize>>93954395 you too
>Cyoa filled with manly woman and femboys
I don't know anon, you tell me?
Aren't lesbians more inclined to like masculine women (based)? or is it only a sterotype?
So let me get this straight. You are making something that is going to be read by other people. Most of your target audience is straight guys but you are, on purpose, not picking stuff that would appeal to them?
Sorry I-I didn't want to offend, I actually appreciate you, sorry man, hope you will forgive me
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I... also want to say... sorry. I actually liked your post about me, it was rude but kinda hot. I forgive you and hope you can forgive me
I love you, gatofaggoto! Lets be faggotos together!
Personally i'm bi, not lesbian, but most lesbians are attracted to less conventionally attractive women, such as muscular girls and tomboys.


The problem is that most of the things you guys find attractive, i find deeply boring since it's all just the same anime girls and lolis.
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same energy
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I love you!
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look at this smudged up play-doh face. Only an Arab could love this goat.
I'll finish the gauntlet today.
I was planning to do it yesterday but I got slight food poisoning and was feeling sick.
Hopefully I can also finish the hoe tomorrow as I'm free.
And yeah she's the hoe give the anon that called it his money.

Also try to guess what powers the gauntlet and hoe have...
Not interested in guessing games.
How close are we to release?
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don't insult my waifu
You literally have "anime art" on your cyoa, what are you talking about? This 'boring' stuff just seems like an excuse, honestly.
messa horny for females
am i the only one who doesn't mind her art?
she looks cute, unfortunately, this is a aromage cyoa.
He is not. He is just insulting that really strange art of her.
Hoe - Nature/earth based
Gautnlet - Fire/mind control based

Also, i was the one who got it, who is the fucker with my money?
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I also have this art, does this fit better?
Reminds me of those old movies... Damn I am old.
nta that complained but i like this one
This one not sexy and way too cutesy me no like
tits look warped
I like this one better because she has cute ears that are very visible!
catfaggot and rudefaggot love story is great, don't insult them
I'm aiming to finish it this year.
I'm also going to have more vacations at the end of the year but hopefully I'll finish before that.
This goat is too strong for this general! How easily they melt before her! Kneel, mortals!!
how about this aro?
I think this is the type of art that she hates though.
tell me, is the hat a cowboy hat? if not, what kind of hat is it?
also i hope its not too much of a spoiler question but who is not a loli among the artifacts?
if the Gauntlet does not have at the least one punch ability i will be a little disappointed

looks hot to me
It looks like she is full of cringe.
Well I think the ones that aren't lolis are the axe, the hat, the belt and the hammer.
Or at least the least loli like.

And the hat... let's keep it a secret for now.
He's not very smart
I'm not wild about giving her (it?) a conventional Judeo-Christian demon's name. You avoided it for the angelic one, and this particular demon looks more Lovecraftian, to be honest.

(P.S. In the actual cyoa, you do know the second image for Dolores Carlita is a character from the Owl House, right?)
Yeah that was very obviously the case
stop making her sound extremely based right fucking now, she's arobrainlet she can't be based
I thought you were going to stop using images of famous characters for your companions
That's not what i said. I said i would stop copying popular fictional characters wholesale. Baphomet is a fan-made character for an indie video game based on demons from myth and legend, using her picture and her theme doesnt really count.
Didn't know that was a fan-made character she looks indistinguishable from all the other Helltaker characters to me
>Village -> Town -> City
>Kingdom -> Empire -> ???
What is bigger than an Empire?
Relevant cyoa name.

https://imgchest.com/p/dl7pd8o67ox NSFW
Ur mom
Alternatively, an Omniarchy.
Galactic Empire -> Multiversal Empire
You could do.
she didnt say no
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>women i am attracted to or find visually appealing
Wow, that explains so much
I have a confession. I only chose that image to make you, specifically, upset.
But I love you...
Not after I'm done with them.
So what should we start the new thread with? Hyenanon's latest?
I'm starting it early with Overmind for everyone else's sake.
You're welcome.
Why were you against OC?
It is a reddit OC, not a /cyoag/ OC. It makes no sense to use it as the starter for a /cyoag/ thread.
OC is OC.
OC can and should be posted, but it is silly to put a distinctly non-/cyoag/ CYOA in the OP.
The future is now old man, install your holographic Japanese trees
Nice clanker of an edgerunner.
It's Cyberpunk, the first rule on the first page of the core rulebook says that Style has to come first. If you liked this you might also like Recon Rover Rick, if you can stand walls of text.
Tankista is one of my favorite creators. Again, you guys think I post waaaay more than I actually do.
I dread to think about sitting down in a corpo boardroom meeting with a shiba inu exotic
Hyenanon, like many of our authors, is a crossposter.
He's a redditor first.
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So you don't find black girls attractive?


Targeted where? And why?
into his butt

no specific reason

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