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Embittered yet Indomitable edition

Previous thread: >>93940577

>New to The Horus Heresy? Here’s Everything You’ll Need to Get Started
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『Adeptus Titanicus and Legionis Imperialis』
>Adeptus Titanicus Rules and Supplements
>Legiones Imperialis Rules and Supplements
>List of Titan Legions with Badges and Colours
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>What size magnets do I need?
>homemade missions:

>Thread question:
Come up with a custom warlord trait to fit one of /your dudes/'s backstory
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First for IW worst legion and Perturabo most retarded primarch.
puny wall rat claws typed this cope
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I think I've got the flying circus (+brass scorpion because I have no more fliers to take) nailed down. Thoughts?

High Techno-Arcana: Reductor
Primary Detachment - 2559
HQ - 200
Archmagos, 2x Power Fist, Incunabulan Jet Pack, Cyber-Familiar, Cybertheurgy: Artificia Reductor - 200

Troops - 1424
6x Thallax, 4x Lightning Guns, 4x Chain Bayonets, 2x Photon Thruster - 294
6x Thallax, 4x Lightning Guns, 4x Chain Bayonets, 2x Photon Thruster - 294
6x Thallax, 4x Lightning Guns, 4x Chain Bayonets, 2x Photon Thruster - 294
6x Thallax, 4x Lightning Guns, 4x Chain Bayonets, 2x Multi-Melta - 294
6x Thallax, 6x Lightning Guns, 6x Chain Bayonets - 248

Fast Attack - 935
3x Vultarax, 3x Arc Blaster, 6x Havoc Launcher - 375
3x Vultarax, 3x Arc Blaster, 6x Havoc Launcher - 375
Artalax, 2x Power Claws, 2x Light Autocannon, Paragon of Metal - 185

Lord of War Detachment - 440
Lord of War - 440
Greater Brass Scorpion, 2x Hellcrusher Claws, 2x Hull Hellcrusher Cannons, Center Despoiler Cannon, Turret Scorpion Cannon - 440

>Pic unrelated, just army picture
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>"Are those 40k arms on your NL despoilers?!?!?!, Reeeeee-"
They are lore accurate suck my dick
No one said this, I just made a fake scenario that I created with my imagination
Mechanicum Archimandrite Archmagos
>"Messiah of Omnissian Servants"
This tech priest has an uncanny and intimate connection to even the most emotionally hampered and brain dead of tech thralls and workers, able to push them to means beyond what should be physically capable of them with nothing more than a guiding hand and a simple binaric command.
>Whenever a model with this warlord trait moves during the movement phase, any adsecularis tech-thrall covenant units within 12" of this unit may make a leadership check. If they pass, they may move 6". In addition to this, any adsecularis tech-thrall covenant units within 12" may make reactions, ignoring the restriction from the Rite of Pure Thought special rule.
>Extra movement phase reaction
the better question is why is the fella on the left holding his chainsword upside down
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When in melee it and its unit always gain the benefits of No Lords No Masters regardless of if it is fighting in a challenge or not and you can make an addition reaction in the opponent's movement phase.
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How do you feel about mixed armour mark squads? It makes me feel strange
While I'm on visions of heresy, this is some of the hardest hh art
Are they meant to be fallen? Either way the armour is sexy and makes me want to do spikes on my DA
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Fuck it, this is now a visions of heresy thread, post your favourite art

>Tfw no sexy beast master SoS mommy to walk me round on a leash
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I don't see any issue with mixed mark squads past very early heresy. I think past that point, the logistics get so fucked that having units in carbon copy armor doesn't seem realistic with a few exceptions:
>specialized units like breachers or recons who would logically try and use a particular mark above all others
>inductii squads in brand new mass-issue armor like mark 5 or 6 (bonus if the armor's painted like it just rolled off the assembly line)
I think for certain armies like shattered legions or blackshields it's straight up canon-breaking for them to be in carbon copy armor.

As for my favorite Visions art I quite like this SoH alt color scheme that appears a few times. I might paint a few test models in this scheme after I finish my green SoH for funsies.
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I rock with the red gloves, for some reason leather gloves on power armour is my jam

>Anon found the shopping reaver
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>Big Brain
>Has magic powers

Why couldn’t he get a girlfriend?
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An army that includes Khalophis as its warlord may take a single unit of up to nine castellax achea battle automata as a non-compulsory troop choice; any castellax achea battle automata taken in this manner may make reactions contrary to the standard rules for automata, so long as Khalophis is alive, in play, and not engaged in a challenge. Additinally, all castellax achea battle automata in Khalophis’ detachment treat him as being within 6” of them for the purposes of the programmed behaviour special provision. An army with this warlord trait may make an additional reaction in the shooting phase.
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Because he's a huge motherfucker, even among primarchs.
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He has the entirety of the great ocean to get off to, if I don’t need a girl since discovering sad panda, he definitely doesn’t need one.
I fuck with the red gloves also, I think it's an underrated aesthetic that really sells the archaic/barbaric feel
>Titan Princeps goes out for a day of shopping
>hundreds dead, thousand of man hours required to repair damage.
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Mixing is good, diversity is GOOD, diversity is our strength!
Only hateful bigots do not armour mix!
That scorpion looks like it's begging for treats
I will do mixed squads of mk 2/3 or mk 4/5 together because they blend well. I have some of the redone Mk6 but those go in their own squad because the proportions/aesthetic doesn't match up with anything prior to 2022. That said, it's your dudes and the setting is robust
>Had to shave rivets off of a fucking chainsword to put onto a model because I didn't have tiny ball bearings
>found the balls two days later
Maybe I should kill myself.
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They're the way to go.
And mixed armor characters are the way to go.
Post the mofo with 3 knives!
he's got an innie
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how many of you are autistic enough to have read ALL the horus heresy books. don't lie
does listening count
I can't read.
Man you should just DROP DEAD
Not quite done yet, obviously not based and still need to work some stuff out, but happy with where they currently are. Don't think I'm going to highlight much, I want them to be a bit battered and worn.
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Read some of the Siege of Terra novels and they suck, real let down, completely cannot capture what should be an olympian drama. WEs are headless chicken retards running around unrealistically in the bowels of a ship with no direction. Just cannot make probable sense to make World Eaters like this. They'd all end up killing each other before they'd arrive in-system anywhere. How do you write World Eaters to be realistic but at the same time incorporate the brain-fuckery of the nails? Can it even be done?
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If you had actually read the books (you didn't) you'd know the answer. How they alternate between being crazy and lucid, how are directed to the battles by the sanest of them, and how they eventually lost themselves in the chaos warp shit going on by the end along other traitors and daemons until Horus is killed, and they sober up and escape Terra.
NTA but that's rad, what book?
Slave of Nuceria. Angron's primarch book which also tells how the Warhounds became the World Eaters. It's unironically great.
Except in the initial Siege of Terra books they are described as running around like retards with Angron in the bowels of his ship. In ADB's Betrayer they're better written. The problem is that they're described as always getting worse, less organized, less disciplined and hazard becoming completely unhinged to the point of just being raving madmen, who need to be locked away. It's not well done
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>How do you write World Eaters?
Cheers mate!
That novel is also a must for WE fans even if it's set just after leaving Terra, yeah
Eh, depends on the style of army/unit. I don't really mix marks, but I might make mixed designs for a unit. Say, a veterans all in the same mark of armour might have different helmets, shoulder pads, etc. that they've carried over. Or a unit representing troops in scrounged together suits might have some mix of different designs of helmet, backpacks and plenty of studs here and there to represent repaired parts.
Lack of leather gloves on more models is a damn shame. Custodes arms don't work so well on Marines and old Berzerker arms don't work well, because the hands are giant. New Berzerker arms have a few options.
old Berzerker arms look good in nuMk3
The hands are comically large and if you cut them off and give them regular hands, they don't mesh with the gloves. I tried a few different ways to make the Berzerker arms I have to work, but the all ended up looking bad to me.
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Scyllax puzzle me
>Bodyguard line unit but only has 2 wounds and a 4+ armour save
>Have rad furnaces so likely to accidentally lead to important characters they’re protecting getting instant killed if wounds spill over
>Night vision on a unit where only 1/4 can take worthwhile guns
>Guns they can choose are a grab bag of random crap
>Have 3 attacks base but are ws3 so obviously don’t want to be in melee but maybe you do cause of the rad furnace + the ap2 weapon profile for their in built weapons…Except the AP2 is cumbersome and unwieldy so you likely don’t
I just can’t imagine what they’re actually supposed to do, since just looking at them they just seem so random and strange…For 420pts you get 16 kraken bolters which aren’t liable to do anything. You can drop points to replace 3/4th’s of them with rotor cannons or volkite chargers but that’s now a 460pt unit, going to 480pts or potentially 500pts if you grab the pricier 1/4 weapons. I get that they’re probably just “there to be shot at” but I could get a Tech Priest Auxilia squad with 10 servo automata and a tech priest in it that serve the same purpose of having the guardian subtype and line for…95pts? Hell you could do something crazy and give all the servo automata heavy bolters, 150pts extra points, and it’d still be a cheaper investment than just a squad of kraken bolter Scyllax for ranged fights, and if you give them all servo arms instead they’d actually be far more dangerous and potentially an option for melee encounters, far more so than the scyllax whilst again being far cheaper.

They’re really cool models so I want to include them, but they seem kinda shit and pointless. I genuinely can’t find a use for them.
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It's pretty aesthetic.
Especially if you play a one of the shattered legions that escaped from Istvaan V. Legionaries from different companies and squads all forced into new units with each other. Each one with different squad and company markings.

Also all the flavour and options for heads, chests and legs is why the tactical squad was one of the best kits from 40k.
It's neat idea with bad execution and original author is no longer there so no one knows what to do with them.
Having radioactive guardian drones for cyborg priests is neat idea, although it would be better as search and destroy kind of robot, because of all the radiation and stats are just number that can be changed, currently as you pointed out they are good at nothing.
Depends on squad in question, basic bitch tacticals meh, vet units or some battle hardened, shattered legions it fits. But on some honour guard units you mostly want single mark so it gives cohesion and discipline vibe
>Sister of Battle, Space Marine and Battle Titan are shooping at KKK pet store
There’s a joke in there somewhere...
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LI mechanicum box set leaked
>>Have rad furnaces so likely to accidentally lead to important characters they’re protecting getting instant killed if wounds spill over
Rad furnaces don't affect instant death thresholds
Good to see were eventually (read: in 10 years) getting everything in plastic
Can no one do decent thanatars at 6mm? First the forumware ones were stretched, then the stls looked like shit and now we get specialist games thanatar ballerinas. Also ARLATAX ARLATAX ARLATAX
>this is how the design for the arlatax is revealed
Still cool to see I guess, hope this entails actually getting more plastic kits on the AoD side
So are we likely to get plastic Arlatax and Vulturax?
>Plastic myrmidons
Be still, my beating heart
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>I want the whole mechanicum range in plastic!
we still don't have plastic outriders or land speeders or rapier batteries after months of their reveal in LI so I wouldn't jump the gun anon
Actual models for the arlatax is massive. Even if it's in ligma scale.
They were good last edition, they were stat per stat better marines. Better guns, better melee, better statline, free rad grenades, etc... so they had to get "rebalanced".
As someone only interested in AT at this scale I feel like I'd still grab a box of this since canonically titans usually have mechanicum infantry acting as close protection, no? Would be kind of a fun side thing.
They have secutarii and legio cybernetica cohorts.
Titans have their own Secutarii troops not random mechanicum forces.
How do we tackle the S8-9 question?
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do we know who got this mark 7 suit?
if they can't get a fucking basic bitch marine right the stretching on these is going to be disgusting.
I think they are great on Tortuga bay
I’ve read every single one, and own most of them. Some are most definitely better than others. But it’s more about the setting, there’s something decent to be found in each
Fuck off and buy an add
can someone do a Too shite didn't watch
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People would have been a lot less pissed about the roadmap if they had actually said "New faction for Legions Imperialis this year!" instead of the weird cryptic comment about lurking
I love that guy. He's always pissed about everything. Even when GW does something he likes he just uses that as an excuse to complain that GW doesn't always do things he likes. He's been so consistently pissed that even when he has legitimate things to be pissed about it makes me want to side with GW
I usually watch him and valrak then take the middle ground between the two
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>finally a leak and a reveal
>mechanicus ligma
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>the heresy Thursday next week is going to about mechanicum LI instead of plastic Melee weapons now
lobotomized super-soldiers that have had all the non-soldier parts of their brains cut out.
WE could be like Combine Overwatch, pre-chaos. I could easily see them clinically burning a whole planet while exchanging nothing but tactical chatter.
>lobotomized super-soldiers that have had all the non-soldier parts of their brains cut out
...weren't they used as a standing police force?
there was a more militant wing, and "Police" in the combine's case means "Civilian Extermination Force"
>Heresy Thursday is coming back at all
It depends on what the writer wants to emphasize but some delineate between times when the nails are active or suppressed and others don't and have them active all the time. They are very inconsistently written, for example they are supposed to degenerate the victims and those with the earliest implantation should be the worst, yet Kharn as the first who had them (which has also been retconned at times) still has his wits in books like Kharn.
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>thralls based off of the old resin designs
It's nice to see such a large variety of units to come out all at once but really once this box is out what's left? Krios tanks and what?
Plus they'll have to do some kind of campaign book to coincide which will probably just be a duplicate of the Martian war.
Alpha Legion and Imperial Fists both secured a data copy. Then the forge was destroyed.
I was expecting a named character to be the first wearer of mark 7
I'd like some of the 40k units personally, like the dunecrawler.
I just want secturatii. For fuck's sake how long have titans been out and no titan guard?
I'd also like the dominus class knights, like in the new book they do show a normal knight I don't see why they are dancing around it we all know knights were shoe horned into the heresy to begin with
>the heresy Thursday next week
Lol. Lmao, even. You will get an article on Monday, then radio silence for another month.
No, Dominus knights are an abomination. Incorporate the chaos knight and chaos armiger wargear into regular knights instead.
I like the Dominus Knights, I also already own a couple. I think arbitrarily deciding whats in which game is bad for both.
No. I am correct.
Dominus inclusion or not doesn't matter, remove Porphyrion.
Also no.
Does anyone have the image of chibi Alpharius?
Mixed armor Marks within a squad, or within a marine?

I think it is Kino: it gives a lot of characterization to the force via environmental storytelling, something HH has that 40k no longer does due to Primaris.

The old Imperial Armour books were the best example. You had marines with mixed power armor every now and then, but not always, and it made you feel like there must have been a story behind the mini.

Every marine is a hero of legend in it's own right. Why this dude in Mk6 armor wears a Mk3 pauldron and nothing else must have some mythos behind it, even if you'll never know.

Why would HH be on 3 year cycle? Isn't it quite niche?
Those blood angels tacticals were so good. Only the Archangel terminators were better imho.
Which looks better MkIII or MkVI command squad?
per investor reports the launch of heresy 2.0 was launching it as a mainline game
tell me you run the Achean Configuration Rite of War without telling me you run the Achean Configuration Rite of War.
Design template makes me think that's not an actual suit, just the blueprints for one
My EC are almost all MKVI, bar veterans which are mixed, Inductii in MKIV, and characters in various marks, to represent them having all replaced their armour with the latest and greatest equipment, unless they’re wearing artificer armour, or are not considered to be full Marines yet, thus get older equipment.
The Sallies I’m working in are mostly mixed mark squads and I’m planning on painting them in slightly different variant colour schemes to represent units formed out of survivors of Istvaan 5, while their Inductii will be uniform in MKVI because they got the best stuff.
for sure but at the same time I figured the first user of mark 7 would be documented somewhere
Say, can a Monstrous Character join a non monster unit? I get that regular characters wouldn't be able to join him ...but what about the monster joining others? Like Moritats.
All this because I want to attach the Abeyant Magos to...irdk who. Techpriest Auxilia?
The epilogue to this book was GOATed
Maybe Sigismund? He was supposed to get all the best shit the loyalists had right before the traitors landed
I, for one, can't wait for MkVII to be used by all legions pre-Heresy once the kit drops.
Anarcharis Scoria enjoyers ecstatic rn
Homunculex is a go!
>>Plastic myrmidons
>weird cryptic comment about lurkin
This "roadmap" was shite, aye
>thralls based off of the old resin designs
This is hella interesting to me, because it means we could've had them in plastic.

Do you prefer the old or the new thrall designs?
>Incorporate the chaos knight and chaos armiger wargear into regular knights instead
Too sensical. Your application to work at GW has been refused, you should've proposed adding Castellax to knight lists to represent mechanicum aligned houses
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He was also on punishment duty until late Siege, so Dorn might have kicked him down the queue. His art in Solar War doesn't look Mk VII to me, but then again I'd take BL novel art with a grain of salt since the art doesn't always match up with the text descriptions (most egregiously, Amit in Echoes of Eternity).
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Mk7 was the best marine armor all along, and we didn't appreciate it until we lost it.

Mk7 armor would unironically save 40k by restoring the cool aesthetic to the marine posterboys
I always thought mark 7 looked bad, when the heresy came out with plastic mark 4 I jumped at the opportunity
Wasn't MK VII just development of MK VI on Terra? After MK VI was perfected and mass produced tech-priest on Terra decided they can make it even better. It make no sense to have MK VII prototype at this stage of the war. Fuck I hate rectons.
Now makes you wonder when we get MK X and primaris in heresy.
The marine aesthetic was never mkVII alone bur rather the mix of mkII-mkVIII that all marines were composed of.
Mkvii was always goofy as fuck but it was a fuck load better than the abomination that is plastic mkiv
>a single unit of up to nine castellax achea battle automata
Isnt nine castellax the good part of 2k points?
how much I dislike mark VII far exceeds any disappointment with plastic mark IV
>Now makes you wonder when we get MK X and primaris in heresy
It was one of things that Primaris got. In Space Marine 2 Charon was a child on Calth during the Word Bearers attack.
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>I always thought mark 7 looked bad
Heresy of the highest order. Shame upon thee
They already made it so production models (not the prototypes being field tested) of MkVI were being shipped out prior to HH, so everything's out the door. Lore ends where capitalism begins.
Yes primaris project started shortly after Heresy and many primaris remember heresy and primarchs, it's known fact, but what about full Primaris Marines during Heresy?
>AT scale homunculex conversion
I kneel.
I genuinely think going from MK VI to MK VII was a mistake
What kind of power armor did horus wear prior to the founding of ferrus
with all the inductii, raptor, bile nonsense they wouldn't be too out of place
A lot of the early test subjects were put in stasis during the Great Crusade. Don't think they were selected for the Primaris project specifically, since think that didn't become a thing until much later. Probably just basic recruits put in stasis so they won't age before they can start implanting them.

Man, imagine being a kid put into stasis during the height of the Great Crusade, when things were great, and then you wake up in late M41 to undergo your implantation and training.
as a kid in the imperium I don't think they'd have much of a galactic political awareness, they don't have galactic internet
A real Cthonian Gangsta leather jacker
>better protected chest cables
>more articulate legs
>no cheap shoulder pads
At best you can point to the helmet having better ballistic protection and sensors. Don't know what's the practical difference between the Mark IV and Phaeton power packs.
I'm speaking aesthetically
>they don't have galactic internet
This inductii doesn't even horuspost on the noosphere
A child doesn't need to know world politics and history to, say, go to sleep in 1920s and wake up in 2020s and notice a difference.
sure but I don't know how dramatic of a shit it would be where they are outright thinking "the imperium has fallen quadrillions must die"
There were none. We're shown the earliest ones being trained by M33 in the Cawl novel. The Primaris Project took a long fucking time and couldn't be finished until Guilliman came back to give them his special primarch sauce.

All the make believe about HH era primaris is just shitposters, lorelets and lazy faggots looking for excuses to use their 40k minis in 30k
because people should funnel more money into GW and buy a second army?
The HH is a prequel of 40k, being different is the whole fucking point. Go to /grog/ and play 4th ed if you don't like modern 40k.
sure but why should we support a company that constantly treats us like shit, gatekeeping minis only helps GW
>Giving GW money while there's gooks out there willing to risk lung cancer for you to have cheap toys
buy recast or 3d print them if it bothers you, I don't care. But stop trying to pass your pre 2017 40k marines as valid in 30k just because you're cheap or broke
I don't try to pass anything but likewise I don't do some kind of lore quiz to make sure the other persons army fits.
aesthetically VII IS th symbol of the post-heresy imperium by representing righteous anger and vengeance for the Emperor. Beakies really have no symbolic value whatsoever (outside of RG of course).
I always saw them symbolic of the imperiums decay because of how worse they look, but to each their own
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The power armor lore changes all the time, but I believe this is the one set that compares them all from Mk1 to Mk8
Nta but where do you draw the line? Why not just play with cardboard cutouts
Beakies were mentioned to be the iconic armour used by the loyalists out of Terra, although that's not longer the case
depends on what is expected of me, I have had plenty of folks use cardboard drop pods while I used a knight proxy. If I am expected as a host of a game to have this fully painted board etc you should return the favor with a proper army
I think GW is actively trying to erode any amount of armor autism, as a core game having new players being told they can't paint their new plastic mark VI a certain way would be bad
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Here is the list of the HH 3.0 rumours from the Angry Aussie Cunts video.

>Dorn is getting a new model (kill me)
>More Sweeping changes (prepare to get shrimplified)
>Unit equipment is getting locked to what's in the box.
>ROW are going and the Force Org chart is opening up into something like 8th/9th edition.
>The new edition is apparently already "on the way to the printers".
>The rules will come with lots of notes and comments on how certain things are supposed to work.
>Legacy units are getting deleted.
>New boxset with Iron Warriors vs Salamanders. Has MkII or MkV, a new bigger-er Dreadnought, Saturnine Terminators
So hopefully this is all nonsense, because it's looking really bad otherwise.
I dont mind dorn getting a new model, his old model was never fitting of a wargame IMHO
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>There were none. We're shown the earliest ones being trained by M33 in the Cawl novel
Recruits for pirmaris were taken shortly after heresy, there was even short story about it when primaris still were new.
Not to mention pic related from 8th ed SM codex.
>All the make believe about HH era primaris is just shitposters, lorelets and lazy faggots looking for excuses to use their 40k minis in 30k
Well I hate primaris with all my heart but first some of them indeed remember heresy and let's not pretend that GW can't make them thing in 30k with single recton, like they did with femstodes or like right now MK VII have prototypes during martian civil war.
How has it changed from, say, the RT article? Yes, there's always a little detail here and there that gets written, but if it's one snippet that gets ignored by every other writer, does it constitute as a retcon or just bad writing?
My friend's 1/72 scale WW2 Germans are led by a black Hitler sieg heiling while riding a motorcycle. You can always paint /yourdudes/ the way you want without having to make it a canon scheme. All GW had to do to make MkVI usable by all legions pre and early Heresy, was just write how they were being field tested. There, done.
>My friend's 1/72 scale WW2 Germans are led by a black Hitler sieg heiling while riding a motorcycle.
pissing off wehraboos and anyone who plays germans is always based and morally correct
You confuse the recruits being taken with them actually being trained and turned into primaris.
That took a couple millennia since the Primaris were just a side project for Cawl that he couldn't even tecnically complete until Guilliman or other primarch came back, without talking of needing political backup.

I'm tired of this bullshit about 30k primaris being peddled by anons when GW has been explicit in making them a separate thing. Not to mention keeping the artificial divide of admech/IG minis between 30k and 40k.
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He just likes to make shit. His GK Kaldor Draigo conversion is effectively War from Darksiders, complete with being mounted on a horse.
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Which is good. I still remember all the drama about the Beakies, when they had been there all along.

Even in Black Library, there are short stories where entire chapters are equppied with Mark6, like Kor Phaeron's strike force against Zetsun-Veridian on Calth orbit.

Even a noob Marduk had beakie armor at that point in time.
The one “good” thing about primaris marines is that the first wave is characterized as men out of time, relics of a bygone age who are baffled by the modern imperium compared to their childhood and struggle to work with the more zealous/autistic/retarded side of the imperium. One of the books about gulliman’s return had a major character be a primaris sergeant born on Macragge who hated his assignment to the Novamarines who come from an ooga booga tribal world.
I don't really see the issue, like am I supposed to get super upset he's using models he likes?
its not armour autism people just don't like beakies so they looked for lore justifications which are always going to exist somewhere. The real issue though is that those comments encourage GW to relese 3-4 kits of tactical marines which is really inefficient and wasteful of production better spent elsewhere, first and foremost people need to complain that units aren[t available not armour patterns.
>you get your mkII or V marines in plastic
>but breachers is an upgrade sprue with enough shields and bolters for 5 models, one laser cutter, and only one head for a sergeant that doesnt include a plume and needs to use the plumes from the nu infantry sergeant sprues
the monkey paw twitches
While you are right it's still GW we are talking about, as their track record go they will do most retarded decision but will not suffer consequences because at this point fanbase will consoome anything GW will releas, like their exec said.
So still we are just one bad decision from primaris in heresy or female space marines. Year ago everyone would laught at idea of female custodes and here we are.
There have been rumours about Dorn getting a new models since the HH 2.0 edition got leaked. So having my doubts on that one.

Also having serious doubts about HH being turned into a ruleset similar to 40k. GW just released the Old World, which also is entirely a legacy ruleset. That should be proof enough they're aware of there being a market for old skool warhammer games. At some point HH 2.0 was also rumoured to be more like 40k, and look how that turned out. Wouldn't trust any of these rumours until there's some solid evidence.
Imagine how much simpler it would've been to make a Breacher kit if bolters were like before, without the left hand moulded onto the gun. You'd just have to make shields with shield arms, and angle them so they worked with existing right bolter arms and bolters. But no, they have to do it so that the Breacher Kit has to come with their own bolters (too bad if you don't like said pattern, you don't have a choice) and volkites, since you can't use ones from the special weapons kit. And stuff like grav-guns from the kit would not be usable on regular bolter arms, since there's no moulded on left hand.
The old world is a specialists game, the horus heresy is a mainline game. i.e TOW can get away with stuff HH 1.0 could back in 2016
supposedly the new KT has some 2nd ed rules as well so it looks like they've dropped homogenizing rules with 40k. The sales will show they don't get much crossplay.
The new KT fuck hard
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>a primaris sergeant born on Macragge who hated his assignment to the Novamarines who come from an ooga booga tribal world.
>When the Warlord loses his last Wound, instead of being removed, the model remains in place and is considered a casualty for any Secondary Objectives (such as Slay The Warlord) in use for that Mission, Morale checks etc and is considered Incapacitated. The Incapacitated Warlord's model cannot be targeted, affected by special rules or affect other models with its special rules or take any actions or make Reactions while in this state. Enemy models may move through the Incapacitated Warlord freely - if the Warlord's model is in the way, move it the shortest distance possible until it is 1" from any enemy model.
>At the end of each of the opposing player's turns, roll a D6 for the Incapacitated Warlord. On a result of 5+, the Warlord is returned to play with 1 Wound remaining. On a result of 7+, the Warlord is returned to play with his full profile restored and gains the Fear (2) special rule. On a result of 0 or less, the Incapacitated Warlord is removed from play completely and cannot be returned by any means.
>Add +1 to the result of the roll if the Incapacitated Warlord's model is within 6" of any enemy models which are not Falling Back or Pinned, or if the Incapacitated Warlord is within the enemy Deployment Zone. Subtract -2 from the result if the Incapacitated Warlord has been previously restored to play by this Warlord Trait after being Incapacitated.
>In addition, the Warlord, and any unit he has joined, may make a Reaction in the opposing player's Shooting phase without using up a point of the Reactive player's Reaction Allotment - this does not allow the Warlord or his unit to make more than one Reaction in a single phase.

guess the legion

that's right, loyalist Night Lords
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Imagine being a Primaris BA and getting put in with a bunch of DC.
>Novamarines who come from an ooga booga tribal world.
I thought the Codex training process was supposed to hypno-indoctrinate all that out of a recruit's brain. All the pre-maris material I've read about the Novamarines just makes them come across as palette-swapped Ultramarines, too.
>a new bigger-er Dreadnought, Saturnine Terminators

the last time they claimed bigger dreadnought was coming, it turned out to be the fucking Brutalis, but Saturnine is how you know we're having an imagination Christmas
I should add that during a major death guard boarding action on a star fortress the primaris marines ran out of ammo and had to use spare firstborn bolters and some guard equipment because cawl, in his infinite wisdom, decided the primaris bolters will use a different caliber than what’s been manufactured and worked well across the imperium for ten thousand years
Well Primaris boltguns have better AP so it's a good reason to use diferent caliber.
Bigger problem is Primaris Marines using HEAVY STUBBERS, weapon that is considered pdf and 3rd line units heavy weapon.
>using firstborn boltguns
Anon Primaris have alergic reaction to everything firstborn, they would die after touching standard non primaris boltgun it took years and special prtoective coating made from grinded MK X armor to fit primaris into terminator armor.
Absolutely devious. Cawl should work for GW or something.
The novamarines try to emulate the ultramarines but they also take deep pride in their world’s polynesian culture and tried hooking up the primaris marines to hypno indoctrination machines like how they would with the occasional recruit taken from a battlefield. It didn’t end well at all. The same books also mentioned a space wolf marine who really really fucking hated that he got assigned to a backwater chapter guarding a warp vortex and had an iron warrior duck under a grav tank with a melta bomb and get turned to paste because he didn’t know how grav tanks worked. I hate primaris marines, but the dark imperium books did a decent job characterizing them
I do love me some armor autism, so let's examine >>93954160

+ power armor strength
+ power armor protection
- no power pants (wat)

+ fully sealed (void capable)
+ auto senses on helmet
- Limited head mobility
- Made fully obsolete by Mark 7 (up until Mk6 it still had fringe advantages)

+ extra frontal plating (better than any other armor)
+ sloping plates on help (adapted into later marks)
- extra durability limited to the front
- "cumbersome and outdated"
- Increased weight (less mobility, power pack duration, and no jump packs)

+ segmented plate replaced with modern joints
+ upgrade to auto-senses
+ upgrade to life support systems
+ 50% extra power pack battery over Mk2
+ Less cables and less cable exposure
+ Easier to mass produce and field repair
- Hard to manufacture and resupply

>Mark 5
+ Easy to manufacture
+ "surprisingly durable"
+ Easy to maintain on masse
- return to exposed cables (armor is vulerable to critical hits)
- increased weight due to bonding studs (same as Mk3, but can use jump packs)

+ best auto-sensors due to extra space on the beakie faceplate
+ no exposed cables
+ easy to manufacture
+ easy to repair
+ dual technology circuits (damaged systems can be isolated and repaired more easily)
+ decreased weight
- decreased protection from other marks (Perturabo hates this)

+ all cabling issues solved save for...
- exposed abdominal cabling
+ additional all-round protection from fully bonded pauldrons
+ auto-systems very resilient to vox jamming and sabotage (learned from the Heresy)
+ increased balance of kinetic servo-motors
+ dual technology circuits (same as Mk6)
+ older mark compatibility (even 3 and 2)

+ most advanced ballistic augurs
+ virtually immune to overheating
+ optimized power supply (10 years of battery at no damage)
+ augmented armour sections (no shell-trap on neck, among others)
+ fully enclosed cables
- Compatible with Mk7 (not the helmet tho)
- Manufacture
Both TOW and HH are pseudo-specialist games. They get the same amount of attention and are on the same rung of the pecking order.
>and no jump packs
ashen circle say what
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Which caliber would that be?
30" S4 AP4 (aka. AP-1) could be achieved by Kraken bolts in a regular bolter. He also could've just made the primaris bolters fire hotter bolts from a longe barrel, while keeping them usable with old bolts. Like how a .357 Magnum can use .38 Special cartridges, since the only difference is one has more powder in it (and a 1mm longer casing for security reasons).
>Iron Warrior
>he didn’t know how grav tanks worked
That's the dumbest thing I've read in the past half hour.
I always wondered how Marines conquered the Moon without sealed power armour. Did they just put the thunder armour over a space suit?
>+ Easier to mass produce and field repair
>- Hard to manufacture and resupply
These sound contradictory.
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Oh no, that sure sounds horrible.
I have been going around spreading false rumours about legacy units getting deleted, huge simplification, and all weapon options not included in the box being removed. Hilarious to see my shitposting actually made it into a YT video xD
I would assume the .75 caliber godwyn patterns use since they became the standard post-heresy. No clue what cawlslop uses but i do know the bolt carbines the primaris sneaker marines have use a smaller caliber
no, legally speaking HH is a mainline game now
>Has MkII or MkV
>Saturnine Terminators
Okay well this is fake because as we all know the "Saturnine" armour isn't actually Saturnine and that's just a fan misnomer
Seems obvious that the moon would have an atmosphere added if it had enough people or resources to warrant conquering
to be honest Cawl's grav tanks are retarded grav tanks. While imperial speeders, custodes, eldar and tau grav tanks are nice and elegant things that just levitate above ground, and are way faster than normal land vehicles cawl's grav tanks work like tracked vehicles but tracks are invisible and it squash everything under it.
I saw a thread on twitter today about Horus' terminator armor, could you do terminator patterns next?
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Whatever it is, HH is on the same level as OW
>he expects some retard recruited 200 years ago or who left a loyalist chapter to know how tech works that was rare until very recently with the exception of speeders
Remember the majority of modern 40k chaos marines are NOT long war veterans
Cawl's the retarded one, despite literally living through the heresy he still couldn't make true anti-grav work so he just brute forced it, so primaris Grav tanks pummel everything under them to smithereens. It doesn't work like javelins or jetbikes, but the Iron warrior was honestly still kind of retarded for trying to approach a completely unknown vehicle and assuming it held to 10k year old principles.
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we've had hints of saturnine armor in 40k
I headcanon that the old style 'diving suit' mark 2 with the fixed head was what they used. After the alliance with Mars the pattern was refined into the current iteration of mark 2.
That "exposed cables" thing always sounded so dumb. Sure, just lay the vulnerable system critical cables OVER the armor not UNDER it. Like who would design armor like that?
Even classic marines are being portrayed as drooling retards just to make primarshits look good. People shouldn't be surprised about traitor marines being written as even bigger morons.
>still no plastic mkIV
>still no plastic mkV
dead game
Because the cables got hot when in use. Putting them inside the armour cooked the marine wearing it during prolonged fighting. There's lore bits about veterans of wearing Mk III regularly turning off the muscle fibre and servo support outside active combat to reduce heat build up and power drain.
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MkII is noted for being comfortable, since the whole suit is quite flexible, while on the MkIII the rings are fixed by the extra plates and MkIV forward only the joins flexed. It's an insignificant difference, but for those that enjoy that little extra mobility, it can be an important distinction. After all, people like Sigismund are wearing MkII.
MkIII isn't that heavy, since the rear armour was lightened to compensate.
The joints were taken from the MkIII.
Perturabo and other hated it for not being a new MkIII, not that MkVI had shittier protection compared to other regular marks.
The solid plates on the MkIV were easier to make and fix than the abutted rings of the MkII and III. But the armour also used new armour materials and technologies that weren't widespread by the time of the Heresy. It's why the MkV used the MkIV style plate construction using older armour materials, while fitting it with older, more reasily available components like cabling that didn't fit under the plates.
Harder to damage vs. easier to repair.
Saturnine is just empty name in heresy books, it was never tied to any specific design it was just random name. What people assume as saturnine, that one pic from short story is in fact some prototype armor even fucking Salamanders couldn't identify.
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>I am... LE SAD!
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We know it's mechanically very similar to Tartaros and Indomitus.

>Saturnine: Little is known about the origins of these Terminator suits other than that they were conceived at a similar time as the Indomitus and Tartaros patterns. Functionally, there is little difference between Saturnine and Indomitus armour, so it is believed that any divergence in design was largely aesthetic. However, few examples of this pattern are known to still exist.
That's just in lore excuses for having cool looking greebles on the armor. Makes no sense logically. They get hot? Well cool them then. You can make grav weapons but don't know how to cool some cables?
Putting them under armor would make them harder to damage. Putting the cabling that if damged can render the whole suit inoperable is fucking retarded.

Sometimes I forget the lore is basically only a step above capeshit.
>Putting them under armor would make them harder to damage.
And harder to repair. Compare, say, torsion bar suspension of a Tiger tank to the exposed bogies of an M4. Yeah, you can shoot them bogies and probably cripple the tank, but it's also a lot easier to replace a damaged bogie than to replace a torsion bar.
>Putting the cabling that if damged can render the whole suit inoperable is fucking retarded.
Redundancies exist for emergencies.
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It got changed with the time.
OG MK II and III got plates like plate armor that were flexing, every move was limited by plates, there was no space for cables so they put them outside(red on old). In new MK II you don't have exposed cables instead have "joints" in groin area(red on new) that originaly was exposed cables.
MK IV was first armor with elastic joints(that are now incorporated into MK II design despite lore stating otherwise, blue arrows on pic).
Gotta hand it to that Abaddon fella tying a topknot is hard
>And harder to repair.
Cool, I bet every marine goes into battle with bundles of replacement cables in his fanny pack. Nah, that's still retarded. Putting them under detachable armor plate =/= making them harder to repair.
And where are those redundancies situated on the armor exactly? Under the plates?
>plate armor that were flexing
And those cables can't flex along with plates why?
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There was no space under armor. It works like plate armor, you have plates that are articulated so you can move in it but it's limited there is not much space for other systems. MK II was void sealed plate armor with cables.
Not to mention we are talking about universe where charging someone with chainsaw shaped like sword is valid tactic.
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Hey, I got pretty close!
>Not to mention we are talking about universe where charging someone with chainsaw shaped like sword is valid tactic.
Well, like I've said, it's just a silly in universe justification for having cool details on the minins.
>I bet every marine goes into battle with bundles of replacement cables in his fanny pack.
You think tanks go into battle ferrying replacement bogies with them? At best they got a spare wheel or two. Point is that when something gets damage (which it will, wars tend to do that), you reduce the time needed to repair the armour and get it back into service. It's similar to why the M4 was so tall, because the transmission was mounted at the front. The drive shaft from the engine had to run through the crew compartment to it, which meant the turret basket had to be higher, resulting in a taller hull. Why not just put the transmission at the rear and make a tank that has a smaller profile? Because then you don't need to pull out the engine in order to fix the transmission, which makes repairs simpler and easier. Logistics are very important in war.
>Putting them under detachable armor plate =/= making them harder to repair.
If it bothers you so much, MkIV Destroyers, and MkIV and VI assault marines have extra plates. Even in lore some MkV were fitted with plates covering their torso cabling and MkVII hides the torso cabling. But this all adds weight to your suit. Nothing comes without a cost.
>And where are those redundancies situated on the armor exactly? Under the plates?
Yes. And probably smaller gauge cabling to fit under there, meaning they might not function as well. Life is full of compromises.
>you reduce the time needed to repair the armour and get it back into service
Putting the cables under detachable armor plate would reduce the risk of them getting damaged significantly and detaching the plate for repairs is not adding significantly more time.
Put more of those redundancies under the plates then. Funny how along with the tech decline they suddenly figure out how to make better cables that fit under armor.

You just keep doing poor mental gymnastics for something that doesn't need to make sense at all since it's an art choice.
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The plastic castellax kit is one of the worst things I've assembled. It's in a bazillion pieces, the sprues are inefficient as hell, the weapon optuons are limited, it's just bad.
You do realize the cables are armoured, right? Like they're not just plain exposed wires running across the chest. They're already protected.
>You just keep doing poor mental gymnastics for something that doesn't need to make sense at all since it's an art choice.
I'm quoting what's been said in the fluff about the matter. If that offends you, take it up with GW.
>You do realize the cables are armoured, right?
They are ceramite cables? Who cares about the speedy repairs then? And why putting the already armorerd cables under the armor was hailed as an improvement?
>I'm quoting what's been said in the fluff
Well you should stop then, since I've already said that part of fluff is dumb.
>bazilion pieces
It's better to have more than to skimp out on the resin's details
>inefficient, missing options
Agreed but nothing new. Awg/wtg has them if you need some.
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>the Novamarines who come from an ooga booga tribal world.
This is both true and false. Yes, their world is primitive.>>93954558
>ll the pre-maris material I've read about the Novamarines just makes them come across as palette-swapped Ultramarines, to
That's because they are. Not only that, but they are more of a reflection of the Ultramarines Legion than the Ultramarines Chapter. They were Lucretio Corvo's company, first of the Unmarked who were not at Calth
It's the reason FW never made Mk3 assault marines. I guess the Ashen Circle had their own lighter patter
>It's the reason FW never made Mk3 assault marines.
What about FW MkVI assault marines?
>my shitposting actually made it into a YT video xD
That comic would've made sense if there was actual solution offered instead of some neckbird cope over shitty fluff.
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I did a little bit of armor mixing for my heavy support squad, even though a majority of them ended up as Mk3s. Took my forever until I was happy with them (painting-wise).
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>What about FW MkVI assault marines?
You know FW wasn't big on Beakies back then. HH 1.0 was early heresy and the setting hadn't really expanded the Corvus armor lore, but corvus assault marines have always been a thing
This is Kino
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If I say Saturnine Terminator, you instantly know what I'm talking about even if it's just to "um akchewally" me.

Therefore Saturnine Terminator is an effective name for clearly communicating the intended information, irrespective of whether or not it's really called that.
>le self affirmative comic
I've already accepted your concession, but keep giving me free (You)'s anyway.
is there a pdf of martian civil war yet?
What would be a good proxy for the Militia Cargo-8 Ridge Hauler or whatever it's called... I think it looks middling at best but wish to use a vehicle to transport some grenadiers. Any suggestions? Non warhammer vehicles would be a plus
Nice try, James
>MkIII assault marines are not a thing because FW didn't make a kit for them
>MkVI assault marines are a thing even if FW didn't make a kit for them
Nowhere has MkIII been disallowed the use of jump packs. This is one of those armour autism headcanons that people created out of nothing.
No. Everyone here is broke. You'll have to read it frame-by-frame on Supers4yn's YT video
Anon a fan misconception does not canon make, if the leaker says saturnine as a way to say "yeah those old terminators" cool, but I'm not going to assume Gw is going to go with a fan misconception when they outright went against it in the loremasters for terminator armor
yeah it is if you know where to look
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>Nowhere has MkIII been disallowed the use of jump packs.
it must've said in some Open Day or something, because I actually think it is unofficial GW design philosophy to not make flying Mk3

I just feel like it won't happen in artwork or anywhere else. it's a hunch
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>inb4 "saturnine" turns out to be the Mk2 terminator instead of the Mk1
so whats the timeline for the patterns of terminator armor
You sir, are a scholar and a gentleman
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Thank you kind anon for dolphin porn no virus precracked.
Ew, you sick fuck!
The dolphin porn! My eyes! They bleed!

Uploading it to the HH2 folder in the MEGA now.
Thank you wise dolphin of the rape pool. I'll add it to next op if mega anon doesn't get around to slipping it in.
There's at least 2 examples of mk3 with jump packs: the WB Ashen Circle unit and Zephon in Master of Mankind before he got MkVI later
Genuine question, isn't there a legitimate difference in the fluff between a combi bolter and a storm bolter?
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Like, in lore or IRL?
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Doing the Lord's work I see

This and the plastic Myrmidons for Ligma (which all but confirm their arrival to HH2) have made my day

I'll celebrate by printing a Myrmidax chonker for my new Mechanicum army
in lore, I was reading about horus' suits earlier and was getting kinda confused
Get rekt angel boy
Technically combibolters are early versions of stormbolters made of separate guns, while purpose-made stormbolters have all the internals under one casing
Archangels shard (where sanguinius shatters his sword against horus' armor) doesn't actually happen in the novel
Both look ugly af
I'd much rather have HH Indomnitus termies in all honesty. Full support for Indomnitus characters and such
Combi bolter is just boltgun with another boltgun added like combi weapon(bolter+additional weapon). Stormbolter is purpose built boltgun with 2 barrels.
Combi have 2 magazines, stormbolter have 1 big. This is why combi bolter is twin linked boltgun and stormbolter is assault 2.
Depends on the edition. Visually the same weapon can be either or, depending whether it's used by loyalists or traitors.
All of Black library is apocrypha. All the lore that isn't the codexes is apocrypha
Abnett basically ignored the previous 35+ years of fluff about what happened in the duel and did a lame anticlimatic fight. Only to fall into fan service with the unknow guardsman bs again in the next scenes.

Fuck the Abnettverse, ffs
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This is the latest timeline. In earlier HH books, Indomitus, Tartaros and Saturnine were developed independently around the same time and were fuctionally very similar.
the heresy doesn't have any codexes, and there are chapters in the black books that start with quotes from the novels
Go back to 40kg
so did horus wear a heavily modified suit of MK III before the founding of ferrus manus?
sang got beaten to death like a dog.
>stormbolter have 1 big
Storm bolters have always had two magazines or even two belts (as seen on SW storm bolters). You also have vehicle storm bolters, such as on IG vehicles, which are two very independent guns joined at the very rear. Meanwhile Chaos combi-bolters come with the same big ammo box as many storm bolters do.
>TFW we never got the MkIIB enhanced power pack
The nu-Mk3 redesign was a fumble. This was the one chad they had to add it 4 vents like Fafnir Rann's power armor.
When was Ferrus Manus founded?
They also just copied the weapon list and did not type any of them.
>Travolta as Belial
>Travolta is widely dumoured to be secretly gay, but has never been confirmed
well played, GW
I tink he be founded on the planet of medusa laddie
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I’m supposed to be sitting down and building 30 tacs, but I built another character instead.
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He not gay, Kathleen, he a dancing man!
This would explain why Jason Statham was casted to play Crysos Morturg
Is that the old resin kit or new plastic?
Did not attach pic wah-wah
god damnit why did I waste my money on 32mm crap
At a quick glance all the details match the resin model.
Timeline make no sense.
MK V was made during heresy as band aid solution to not having power armors because attrition and encompass everything from unholly mix of power armor parts to production model from older easier to replace parts.
While MK VI was brand new armor and was issued shortly before heresy started.

And now we have MK VII taken from mars, they even fucking recton new rulebook.
We've had plastic MkIV for years. My whole damn army is in it.
isn't there an actual mark V and then the ramshackle mark "V"
MK V was created during heresy as response to attrition because need power armor. There were 2 types of MK V production that was more or less coherent armour pattern and "non production" that was whatever techmarine cobbled together from spare parts.
Both were created during heresy after MK VI was approved.
"mkV" is a retroactive designation to suits that already existed before the war
No, MkV is a retroactive designation for what was created during the war. No one set out to make a new mark of power armor, but rather at some point during the war people realized that a new mark of armor had emerged
It's almost as if the idea of calling cobbled together gobbedly gook that can look like literally anything as long as it has the bulldog helmet (which coincidentally looks like a mk7 variant, weird, wonder why that happened) a real mark was a mistake.
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Looks more like pic related.
>not the cat
sure do

sure do

check the timeline if you don't believe me >>93955539
Anon, we have multiple examples of "MkV" from before and the start of the war, like Kharn or the WB that went to Calth.
"MkV" began as mkIV variants with cheaper parts until they fixed the design to separate it from MkVI and later MkVII
can someone make a WW2 analogy for the mark V kerfuffle
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death to the armor purist
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definitively the resin model, far too organic in the rivets to be designed on computer
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>Perturabo and other hated it for not being a new MkIII
don't forget vulkan&co
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>martian book has the chance to show off a whole bunch of schemes for some canonical mechanicum tahgmata’s
>all the loyalists are just red
>all the traitor mechanicum are just black
Couldn’t even do one little colour slate differently? I guess I at least have my question answered for what colours to go with for my loyalist mech now
a headcanon ive had is that had the heresy never happened we would've seen legion exclusive marks developed off of a common platform like mark 7
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Red vs. Black is fine and makes sense given that all happened in one planet.
The real problem is the lack of imagination to make variant schemes out of that, like older FW books did.
as if, remember the new rules are for marines characters (2/3rd recycled, they are that lazy)
the only new thing in the book was that wall rat special character
and a shit weapon for the krios. woohoo.
Mk IV wasn't even fully distributed to all the legions yet anon. The distribution of Mk VI was only just starting when the heresy broke out. There were companies that still were fighting in Mk II out there.
Logistics and roll out of new equipment is already a lengthy process on earth. It's not like all the new suits of power armour got teleported into each fleet's armourium halls the instant a new pattern was ready and being produced in bulk. It's not hard to imagine that power armour quickly was in short supply when the fighting got tough.
>No warp corrupted versions of regular mechanicum units
It's so phoned in.
hush, 2 million space marine is enough to conquer a galaxy
>No nu-version drawing of Mk V
Plastic Mk V isn't coming anytime soon anons.
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i do not care, slim limbs all day every day
yo what's up with p156
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sexy as fuck man, post it when it's painted
>resin kit or new plastic?
When has the answer to this question ever been "plastic"?

If you have to ask, its fucking resin. Go back to the Valrak comment section
abnett was given free reign for the two most important parts of the heresy : horus rising and the death and the end.
i expected way too much, him writing something somewhat coherent
The what
only read book 1 of horus heresy but I gotta say this erebus guy seems like a real jerk
it has been, but only once : remember the rivet placement on the plastic spartan
>Plastic Mk V isn't coming anytime soon anons.
Coping and Seething rn
It's over for Mk5cels
legit the best villain of the heresy. no redemption in sight, proud of what he did and revel in it. a despicable cunt trough and through
>remember the rivet placement on the plastic spartan
What a glorious day for autism that was
The place where your question belongs and is heard the most often
best part is that he get away with it. no primarch made it intact, that guy did and is thriving beyond his own primarch
i was there, i looked like a lunatic in my lgs for believing in a plastic heresy.
still a lunatic tho
Anyone know where I can find the "M" transfers to make Thousand Sons loyalists like in picrel?
Only M6 had nu-art at that point. Ge got nu Mk3 shortly after despite no nu-art
>Marian Civil War
>rules for dark mechanicum
>no new cool shit
>some old FW daemon engines that GW discontinued from 40k
>dark mech special rules are just new cyberchirurgy powers
>2 old marine characters return despite it being mechanicum book
>new units? sure only new unit is another fist character
I hope at least fluff will be good, but who am I kidding, from what I see it's mostly about marines despite focus point being mars.
calling on ye olde posters, do you have any memes from 2016 ? when DG had the monopoly on phosphex&shovel jokes ? pics of some anon's mini with a zoom on the helmet, some red filter and a caption reading "angery" ?
kinda miss the threads where we all saw the abomination that was magnus when he first came out in hh (he had rules in 7th, can't recall if they were as busted, but i think a 36" nova of 2d6 ignore cover s:D hits, with some more court of the crimson king shit was much worse)
shit, i remember my 16y old ass trying to figure out a way to use v1 pyroclasts and salamanders overall in a 6h long hike.
think i started hh a bit before the warlord came out.
still have that brayarth ashmantle of badab war fame, back when fw orders where ruled by pound value next to euro
>The Legions has Fallen
>Millions must Repent
fear not. The fluff is certified Vintage Kino from the Blight era
NTA but I think as the heresy evolves something being from the Bligh era won't be enough to save it from the ravages of /tg/ contrarianism.
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i brought him to my very first tourney, way back. along with my unwashed firedrakes (to this day they still have bare spots because i never washed them).
memories, so much memories of silly shit in lycee, barely any of the last 7 years.
He'll be one of the nu-scalers who refuses to acknowledge older models.
Who cares, it's the easiest to convert from mkvii
I feel like I'm having a stroke looking at this, do you have a better picture
is this more visible? I dunno. It's zoomed from siege of Cthonia PDF
It is this symbol, but the actual minis have a transfer for it, which makes one wonder where they got it from
maybe they custom made it, wouldn't put it past them
Where did company that produce miniatures, paints and transfers got transfers.
Hmmmm makes you wonder.
I always took the varying iterations of suits as being more of an advancement in production techniques and secondary functions than any significant increase in protection. Mark IV was probably the peak of what was Astartesian armor until Mark VII. Especially considering that it was at the time the first suit that was built at the closest thing to peacetime the Imperium had and will ever enjoy.
MkIV is called the "peak" of SM armour because it was the second gen of suits after the riveted tech of first gen of mk2/3. All the other suits onwards have been based on MkIV
Well they don't sell it. So I have to find a way to make customs myself, but where would I even start?
MK IV is peak preformance armor, only armor that can compete is MK VIII.
MK VII is best that is easy to produce and repair, this is why in 40k before 8th ed most marines were using MK VI and MK VII, while MK II and MK III being relic and marines mostly only having single part like pauldron from older mark as reward and MK IV being in production in handful chapters who still have technology to make it. Even in M41 MK IV is considered the best.
It is very sought after in the 41st millennium. Some chapters like the Red Scorpions have the schematics and supply many of their veterans with it.

Others like picrel keep it around more as a symbol of ancient glory.
did any of the legions have some kind of ceremonial unit in mark 1?
They did. It was only 2 centuries old by the time of the Heresy

Blackshields used Mk1 sometimes out of desperation.

A suit of Mk1 must be extremely rare in the 41st millenium
Why would they? Mk1 is not marine armour
Amadeus DuCaine of the Iron Hands used to a Mk I suit.
Some must have, considering marine chapters have MK I parts to gift their marines for achivments and some use MK I for ceremonies, won't use such relic in combat tho afraid to lose it.
Althou not much is known about legion ceremonies.
isn't it kind of odd we know more about the super secret warrior lodges than their ceremonies, especially when GW does an event called armies on parade
where'd you hear about the lodge?
Because lodges were relevant to legion's fall to chaos, ceremonies were not.
Can't say
but isn't it peak forge world to do a whole booklet on the parades and drills of the legions
They never did that, FW released book focused on particular campaign, described forces fighting in it, gave description of some new vehicles.
They released modeling masterclass books tho.
What you want fit's more into GW background books.
>Rylanor is the Ancient of Rites
>Whats he do
At least for my battlegroup, the eldest Dreadnought is known as the Master of Chronicles and presides over the First Armament (newly inducted space Marines receiving their armor and bolter), swearing in of new consuls, and is the witness Oaths of Moment in particularly important battles. Realistically though, the current one Ancient Hector is more brain damaged than most due to serving in a Leviathan and his presence at the Ceremonies is symbolic only.
What are the best Legions for Breachers? I have a ton of Breachers from 1.0 for a Stone Gauntlet list but I kinda want to try a different Legion from IF. Is there any place for them in a RG list? Probably not since they can't infiltrate.
What should I put a power armor Warmonger with? Got the model idea, just need to find a unit to attach him to.
Iron Hands, either as actual breachers or Immortals.
What Legion? Some if them have pretty good PA units without access to deep strike.
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pulled the page image from the pdf, doesn't really help the resolution any

it might not be the exact M at all, or it might be the M but it looks bad so they chose not to put it up in a resolution that'd let you see that (not sure these Inductii models have appeared anywhere else either - the WD Inductii article uses a different set of models)

it seems like there's a fair amount of variation between positions and potentially even shapes here, so it might be freehand painting or some kind of stencil, or maybe a reuse of the white Ashen Claws symbols from the Blackshields sheet, or something from AoS like the Cities of Sigmar sheet (any of which would be so recognisable as to not warrant a closeup)

come to that it could be a trimmed-out Raven Guard Legion symbol - take out the head and the body and you're buried under a big M

there's definitely vertical bars there but what that symbol is precisely I can't say, though I agree it's probably meant to represent the M at least
They reroll 1s to wound on the charge with RG. It's something but it's not like breachers want to be in melee desu.
TS can give them a 4++ if they get close to the enemy and pass a test. Or they can kill themselves in the attempt but at least they have invulnerable saves for perils
Asphyx bolter are also a good buff to firepower within the limits of how bad their dps is for their points...
They have a techno-arcana that lets you give cybernetica scrapcode viruses, but that's the closest thing you can get.

without knowing the legion, i would default to LC blender vets
Combine these two
>40 medusan immortals deep striking in with 2 warmongers in company of bitter iron, praetor, 5 morlocks, and 12 gorgons hold the lines with dreadnoughts bringing heavy support
No idea how many points that'd take but it sounds cool.
Keep it up and you will have the coolest army full of character level tacticals.
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Few friends are playing some quick 1k games today wanting to get back into HH

Anons, my local scene might be having a revival

Showing up after work with 1k points of EC ,might not do too good, but its all painted which is what matters
UM? Personally I think breachers are only really good for their special weapons desu
UM make it so they are more reliable shooting them
Tho if your using grav guns DG would be better for that
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Very good
Actually went and did the math
>2x20 Immortals, 4 meltaguns, bayonets on everyone else, thunder hammer, artificer armor, cyber-familiar on sarge - 1090
>2x warmongers, Thunder hammer, boarding shield, cyber-familiar - 310
>cataphractii praetor, iron father, power fist, cyber-familiar - 210
>5x morlocks, 5x power axe, nuncio vox, 3x volkite chargers, legion standard, volkite culverin, cyber-familiar on augmentor - 260
>2x6 gorgon terminators, 5x Power Fist, 2x reaper autocannons, cyber-familiar on hammerbearer - 670
>2x Plasma deredeos, 450
Honestly seems pretty legit on the table? I'd play against it at least.
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>>ROW are going and the Force Org chart is opening up into something like 8th/9th edition.
Someone deserves to be shot over this alone, there is no way this is real
Bit short, but damn this was fun. Not really a WE fan but I really like this depiction, this mix of nihilistic rage and self aware damnation, the rage against a course they're now set into and a desire to embrace the oblivion.

How does kharn go from this to the whole "betrayer" thing in the course of a battle though? Or was this all a ruse, Kharn was just trying to set up the biggest mosh-pit he could?
All 9f the supposed leaks are stupid enough that I believe them.
>bayonets on everyone else
You can't use bayonets with boarding shields
...then why the fuck do they have the option to buy them?
>there is no way this is real
It's not, but you chucklefucks taking the bait is why it keeps circulating.
The FAQ removes that.
Same reason the last change to the salamander dread lets you take a troop unit in a blackshield detachment that can not take troops.
GW rules writers are fucking retarded and they don't proof read their shit. Most of them probably don't even know all the basic rules for the army they write rules for and they either don't listen to play testers when they catch these very obvious mistakes or the play testers they have are equally retarded
Well Volkite it is then. Hatred was bait anyway.
Would that work well with bayonets? I actually don't know what bayonets do since I haven't played 2.0 yet.
Ashen circle aren't *really* MkIII, the only things up-armored about them is their lower legs, groin flap and neck collar.
I've got some old stuff from when I was a dumbass trip
They are mk2
This is a lie spread by dumbass retards who get all their lore (yes, I said it, sue me) from YouTube videos. All this bullshit stemmed out of a single line in one of the shittier novels out there, and is heavily contradicted by numerous other sources.

MkV was a distinct design that was intended to be easy to produce, and have wide cross compatibility with other parts and designs.
Hetzer. The Jagdpanzer 38 was a full on production vehicle, but it had several different chassis used and a variety of different designs depending on the factory that produced it.
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It's also on the TSons Praetor mini art in the same book
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MkV being "anything that's built from scraps" is a meme. MkV has always been a very specific, cheap design utilizing readily available parts and materials. Some are made in factories, some are made in workshops, but all are based on the same basic principle.
You can't use bayonets with shields. They are only an option bc GW are retarded
If you want to put them in melee your best option is probably WE to just increase their attacks as much as possible
Sure thing retard
>"The designation ‘Mark V’ was a retrospective one intended to describe a broad class of ad hoc, ersatz and fieldmodified power armour that saw ever greater use as the Horus Heresy progressed"
>As well as this improvised pattern, records show there was a ‘Production Mark V’ that the Legions were able to manufacture in their own forges, or else otherwise obtain, falling back on common designs for parts that had specific cross compatibilities, particularly based on prototype armour types that were circulating amongst the Legions for testing"
MkV came about as a result of cost cutting measures during the heresy, even the stuff that was "created mark V" was nothing more than "a common model found for cobbling together easy to find parts"
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Its a modified MkIII, if anything it looks like a heavier version of MkIII armor with the added chest/neck protection with that enormous gorget

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