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Work in Progress, Blockhouse Edition

>Full-on /WIP/ OP Links Pastebin:

>WIP Tutorial Images Mega

>Saint Duncan's "Six Things I Wish I Knew When I Started Painting"

>Saint Duncan also explains thinning your paints

>Paint thinning 102

>Darren Latham's 20 top tips for miniature painting success

>4 EASY Chipping Tricks For Beginners

>Decal Like a Pro

>How to Edge Highlight

>How to use contrast style paints

>How to Paint with Tremors

>Who's Johnny, she'd say, and smile in her special way

Previous threads
I buy 100 blades for like 8c a piece. They rust if I leave them out, but I live within pissing distance of the ocean. Kept in a drawer, they dull before they even rust out.
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Hey that's my blockhouse. I finished it tonight. Weeeeew.
>Lives that close to the ocean
I bet you've got a shitload of sand and you never have to pay for it. I'm pretty jealous
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I am even happier with this blockhouse than the first one.
I know this is a professionally done miniature, but what colors does anon think were used on the green flesh, and what painting technique? Did they basecoat with the shading color and then later up the green or did they basecoat the green and then glaze in the shading? I tried asking but they won't share. I pretty much want to emulate this exact color profile but on armor, including the blue shadows and pale skin highlights
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I had a dumb idea. Is it possible to repaint a mini with alpha leigon colours with paint that is only visible under UV?
How can the invaders get in with the wire and the wall? Kind of racist don't you think?
Eh maybe yellow ochre or any yellow flesh, bone or raw sienna and white for highlights, burnt sienna or burnt umber mixed with grey for lower tones and maybe a touch of violet same cool color as the armors tongue for shadows, looks like a lot of dry applications so the grey probably went on first
I don't have a mind for paint names but it looks like basic layering up from shade with mostly horizontal brush strokes, though you can see some vertical ones on the shoulder, probably pulling up to the highlight. Could've done a bit of dry brushing in the intermediate steps to save time, it's hard to say.
Why not? A lot of people do uv schemes now, would be cool to hide the effect entirely
Be very careful with uv lights and people involved in this hobby, you'll see... things
yeah good point im gonna go buy some new trousers first.
I can explain! It's my own cum in my beard because I'm a shooter!
coolio, ill make sure my display cabinet is out of direct sunlight. does ambient light fade minis too?
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Almost done with the figure! Advice on the base?
That's a neat base. How do I get into doing stuff like that?
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So many little dots
Looks really nice. Wtf is it?
A ship from Dropfleet Commander, specifically the Shaltari faction
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She is primed.

Looks great. I think the log needs some matte varnish and *maybe* more contrast if that dulls it down too much, but I think it's too satiny right now. And the mushrooms right underneath him, and the mud/rock need some depth/highlights
Will there be a noticeable difference if I primed half a force in grey primer, and the other half in black, but plan on using the same silver paint over them?
Buy some cheap kneadite and a roll of milliput and think back to when you were a kid playing with play-doh. Mushrooms are one of the easiest things to sculpt, it’s why you see a lot of them on bases. Well that and they look cool. That anon has some skills but you can make decent looking shrooms without too much practice.
The short answer is yes. And you should use black in this case.
Tabletop noticeable? No
Competition noticeable? Probably
Fuck. So now I have to strip a lot of primer. Thanks, /wip/.
I was wondering more about the structure it's built on. Is it just foam with a bunch of spackle on top, and cork bark for the walls of the crevice?
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Shilka/hydra done

Ohhh. Very fucking nice!!
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That makes 3 tanks down
Most paints we use are relatively lightfast, direct sunlight will fade them over time but regular indoor light won't, varnish layer helps too
Wow dot city looks good
Yes, black is richer darks and higher reflection for metallics due to contrast, black is better for tge purpose don't need to strip though, just one coat of black will fix
Great tanks
Nta but base thing called plinth usually high density Styrofoam or balsa wood, can buy online
My guess is square timber plinth with a cut out and lined with moulded plaster rocks
Messing about with enamels and oils on the fur sections
I don't know if I'll have time to do anything particularly nice with them in time for Christmas gifts, but I'll need to keep that in mind.
That's a mix of rubberized horse-hair (used for upholstery) with shredded foam clump foliage. Flowers look like they were punched out of tissue paper with some kind of small leaf punch like Greenstuff World sells. The bushes in the corners are armatures with glump foliage and sawdust flocking. The leaves on the rusted areas appear to be dyed crushed herbs or a chunkier sawdust flock held down with dyed PVA
The ivy looks like it was pre-made etched brass, but it might also be made with leaf punches and paper. The dark green clinging vines and the dangling bright green clumps are both dyed lichen or Spanish Moss. Again, there's a lot of plain old basing flock and static grass scattered around the bases.

looking really good, Anon.
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Thanks. Thats a lot of good pointers. I'll have to order some stuff, but i should be able to make a first test terrain piece soon
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I painted a Kroot and it was a lot of fun. I'm glad I went with the blue clothing/straps, it's a nice contrast imo.
Things to consider:
I chipped away quite a lot of primer/left places unprimed somehow which I only realized when looking at the pictures. If I had to guess, I'd say I drybrushed incorrectly, cause I took it too literally and did not wet my (somewhat rough) brush before dipping it in the paint.
Also I definitely need to look up painting techniques, since all I do is prime it black -> apply white drybrush (I wish I just bought white primer to begin with) -> paint it with my citadel base paints/army painter speed paints. I bought 6 of each and use both but idk bros.
I still don't know which route to go, but I think, for time's sake, I shall go with speed paints.
These look to me like citadel drab/camo greens, you know loren forest->straken green->nurgling green. With blue added for shadows and some yellow for the brightest highlights
>I tried asking but they won't share
lmao what a cunt, is it locked behind a patreon paywall or someshit?
what's that model and where can I get it?
Whoever it is has done the meme of black background and low lighting, so it's difficult to see properly. If I had to guess, I reckon they started with the midtone, layered up to the highlights, or maybe even drybrushed them, then glazed the shadows in.
I got one of these high advanced chinknology static grass applicators this guy shows in the video, but the risk of serious shocks and having to deliberately short-circuit the thing after each session seems sketchy as fuck. I can confirm that the instructions are in barely legible engrish How healthy is that for the AA batteries? How dangerous are the shocks? Would I be safe if I wore rubber gloves when working with it? Should I avoid using this and get a more expensive but better one?

For Vallejo Xpress are there game color or model color equivalents for the colors in case you need to fix mistakes or build up highlights? I presume you want to prime white when using Xpress as a base coat as well?
Also are these $30 sets of Kolinsky Sable Watercolor Brushes on Amazon good? They seem good for mini painting but I always figured it was a more expansive brand of brushes.
the zem brushes? they don't have the shape that the good kolinsky brushes have so i doubt they're any good
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These ones, I'm a total noob but they look like the correct shape.
>but they won't share
It's not even professional standard LOL
look at the texture
A lot of faggots that reach an above average level think they can find people to pay for their shitty color schemes. They're probably right, too
Look like synthetic to me
They are reviewed well and it says Sable brushes, what other brush set is worth around like 30-40 USD? I'm not expecting anything crazy for that pricerange but something workable
Also for painting my Land Raider and Redemptor should I just wait and get an Airbrush or try to paint those with a brush? How much simpler does an Airbrush make it? I don't want to get to a point where I have to use Contrast-like paints or Airbrushes as a crutch for painting.
why? just prime again with black on top
dont get a set, all you need is a size 2 for almost everything and a size 1 or 0 for eyes and stuff like that, use synthetics for basecoats, drybrushes and washes

rosemary&co series 33 ones are good and cheap for sables
You cunts are miserable. I guess you’re gonna have to keep ordering then if your imagined reasons for bulk purchases are to be considered.
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Rolled 8 (1d10)

TV has lied to you anon
>wouldn't share
No actually he did, I just found out last night I was messaging the wrong person cause I'm retarded. He shared the recipe, its:

"Basecoat of Nurgling Green
Shaded with very thinned down Sons of Horus Green as a wash and then glazes to reinforce the deepest shadows.
The deepest folds got a tiny amount of Caliban Green.
Layer back up with Nurgling Green, but keep smooth transitions.
To highlight, add Ushabti Bone into the Nurgling Green in a few steps and glaze it to keep everything smooth.
Final highlight of pure Ushabti bone.

All the holes and pock marks in the skin were picked out with thinned down Barak Nar Burgundy, thin enough to make the green shine through"
This is all based on faulty memory apparently. Honestly I'm going to try your recipe of loren forest and straken green and see how it turns out instead, cause atleast in my head it would look better

thank you anons
>Fuck. So now I have to strip a lot of primer. Thanks, /wip/.
If you used a real primer (etching and shrinking) then just prime over it, no need to strip.

If you just sprayed it with paint as a base color and are heavy handed then maybe strip.
>I know this is a professionally done miniature
I've seen anons here do better (not myself kek). Professionals are just hobbyists that get paid for it, there's no secret sauce, we can get there with practice. If this was by an anon I would be singing their praises but "it's my sekrit recipe" is pretty cringe.
I will echo the other anons that the shadows are glazed in, look at that hard edge on the shadow over the hoof. The highlights look like they were sketched on with a dry-ish brush, not what is implied by the word "drybrushing" but it comes out pretty scratchy.
That's what I get for replying before reading the whole thread.
Hi artschizo. Mummy brown was sometimes called caput mortuum but violet oxide caput mortuum *still* has nothing to do with mummies.
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Reposting the bugs as it was the end of last thread before I commit to the scheme for a whole army
Should I paint the Land Raider Black for Death Company or Red for Blood Angels as the main color?
There's at least a couple anons here than can paint above that guy. His transitions aren't very smooth and as you pointed out it's weirdly chalky in some spots. Not that it's a bad paintjob or anything but I'd call it low display tier
Nice. High chroma without being retrowave.
well I did get that nurgling green right at least : ))
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Some markers for Gang Wars
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Do I have to prime MDF?
Can I use cheap craft paint for it?
What are you making? Cheap paint, cheap results. If you don't care about detail, blotchy coverage, paint streaks, or texture for some terrain piece you're making, then go ahead.
Yes, MDF is pretty absorbent. Some matte craft paints are also pretty absorbent, there was that anon who couldn't use washes because his base coats were craft paint. In my experience satin is better.
Craft paint that isn't shit tier has better coverage than some mini paints.
But he said cheap craft paint, which is shit.
Yes and yes
It‘s for necromunda style tiles. So beat up looking hive floors.
Does anyone know the models used in this video? I've spent ages trying to track down all the different bits and models used for the guys Turnip28 army, turns out good weird and wonderful minis are hard to get for some reason. I want to finish off my fantasy army with some weird mounts/ pig men / just some cool critters and love these guys. any help?

the video:
looking great
Love him. He's mean but also cute
really nice, quite different scheme than I've seen before
Those are really good. Like the red, it's not overpowering, but it's there. The characters look great.
Yeah cheap craft paint works great for most things honestly. There's no reason not to use it for everything except characters. For larger landscape pieces like game boards a lot of people even use cheap house paint, but house paint ain't so cheap anymore.
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is there a less painful way to paint 15mm minis? putting highlights on them is a nightmare and shades tend to make messy pools no matter how little i put on the brush
That's fine for 15mm, there's a reason display painters rarely use any scale below 28mm.
Adding wash medium generally reduces the effects of pooling.
For frustrating paint jobs there's always slapchop but that wouldn't raise the standard of the paint job necessarily.
Two quick bitch methods.
1. Prime white, black wash to bring out details, then use color glazes to colorize.
2. Prime black, dry brush medium saturation colors on to get a medium tone, then dry brush some warm highlights with a weak tan/orange
But to me it just looks like you have too much paint on your brush. Wipe the brush on a moist sponge before applying. In this way you thin the paint, remove any excess, and get a nice shaped tip for your brush. Tiny figures are for sure a challenge in any case though. If you don't use a magnifying head set for them you probably should. I do.
If you want to integrate the base into your nmm, glaze some earth or green town into the downward facing midtones and upward facing maybe blue or yellow.
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They call me stompy
nice weathering. Looks like real worm metal paint on the white.
Smaller scale has less detail to do the work for you. If you want them to look good you basically have to freehand all the detail.
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Trying to shape a pommel but it's looking kinda buttpluggy so far.
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You just need to flatten or round the tip so it doesn't butt plug as much. From my personal collection.
Gonna black/brown line the armor to separate the panels, then do the chainmail.
looks really good fren. great cape
That's some crusty ass armor but in a good way. Love those dinged up blades too.
>When you're trying to be all cool and skeleton lordy but the enemy strikes you and your armor crumbles into dust instantly
When was the last time you stopped polishing your pole and cared for your armor huh?
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It's for a glaive so I think I'll do the opposite and make it pointy. I think I got it looking pretty alright
Not bad, nice
Nice dude
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I finished up the knight, I think the shield looks nice put there, thx for the advice guys
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I did add a bit of wash to the hood already
Lotta soul in this one, I like it
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All the tiny details and weathering still to do.
very good
happy knight in his armor
bases are just too good
love the scheme, super slick
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been painting death guard
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I think it's working
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Man, does anyone else build up a lot of anxiety before finally getting around to painting? Took me months to build up to one session and it might be weeks again before the stars align.

Got some airbrushing done and tried out a static grass machine, which is actually super neat.
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Very nice!
Dg chad. post from more angles pls.
It sure is. Cool!
Performance anxiety? Mental block? Channel Bob Ross friend.
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almost ready to paint
Love seeing your stuff here. The mix between the minis you pick and your painting style works so well. Speaking of, where is this mini from? Is the shield part of it or is from something else?

Meanwhile i'm trying to work on some more stuffs that i can copy with molds so i can gift to friends.
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These look so good but please add support here.
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I really like the one in the middle, how did you connect it to the wall? Can i see the back of it (for inspiration/stealing), please?
Awesome work as always.
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it has a brass rod embedded on the vertical pole from the base and into the wing where the original branch was attached

it's the same pose as it comes in the box, I just changed original rock for a wall
Well I meant for the realism of the model (involving giant bats), but if you're happy, cool.
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Zenithal, skin, and some accents blocked in.
I know the coat is going to be black I just don't know how I want to approach it yet since black is hard and shit. I mixed the skin color myself though and I think it's a pretty good base for an anime looking girl.

Very cool. Metal has a nice rusty parkerized look to it.

Notice me, toolbox-kun
Nice kinda stylized look especially on the barrel. Idk if it was intentional to see the brush strokes but it looks good.

what the fuck am I doing, I wanted to quote this >>93951556
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Nice. Gives me retro vibes.
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It's from Neko Galaxy Miniatures.
Lead time on them is pretty long though, I don't even remember when I ordered this. But he has some cool figures.
>Performance anxiety? Mental block?
Yeah, both. I don't have a lot of free time so I feel very all or nothing.
Genuinely can't remember the last time I finished a unit so I don't have the confidence I can actually finish something. Feels bad to just do a basecoat and be like whelp, that's it until I get a chunk of free time again.
oh nice, thanks. Some anon here mentioned some time ago they're in some financial trouble. Fun fact I hung out with the guy that runs this thing when I was a kid. He actually got me into warhammer in the first place lol
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I see what you mean, to me it kinda looks like it just landed and the pole started to collapse and it's trying to balance on it, but yeah your idea doesn't look bad either
I think I told you last time. Try and timebox your stuff. Pick a random mini out of your box of random primed stuff and say you're just going to paint it in the next 2 hours start to finish to a totally mediocre quality.
You don't realistically get better or faster by spending 40 hours on every piece of artwork that you do. That's why gesture drawings are so important in 2d art. That practice by doing mid work quickly really helps speeding up the time you do spend on the higher standard models.
Tufts look good
Hehe he's evil
Very cool, NW. He's going in the next update of the collage for sure!

Hey, didn't see you at the Citadel today. Not coming in for the store anniversary? They had *stacks* of Commemorative Series models for sale!
I think this looks so much better. Good job.
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>has mold flash, never seen any on other gw kits
>harder than usual GW grey plastic, scraping mold lines is weird
>doesn't cut right, just feels bad under the knife
>plastic cement barely melts it
>takes forever to set once it does
>I swear the primer might have melted the fucker a bit as well
What the FUCK is the colored plastic they used in this box? It's ass.
Its the colouring agent they used that fucks it up, the plastic is the same other than that.
Thanks! I had already basecoated him months back and decided it would be a fun change of pace. I've never painted Dark Angels before, but for a first attempt I think he turned out alright.
I admit I forgot about the anniversary entirely; I'd actually meant to go today because I may need to replenish my Wraithbone soon but I wound up painting the rims on the bases of all my remaining Tyranids that I hadn't done that for yet instead. I'll head up there tomorrow and see what's around while I'm at it. Cheers.
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I was planning on being done for the day, but I decided to try and see if I could get the effect I wanted for the mechanical arm, it's supposed to be a glossy Ferrari yellow type surface, more saturated than the jacket accents. I'm not sure it's reading the way I want. I am probably done for today now though. I should really do the skin more before I keep going, but I probably won't
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So many projects
And yet you haven't even started on the giant sexo woman. What are you even doing?
What brand of paint is that? Very clean brushwork.
That's a really nice butt plug anon
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Id really like some suggestions on what colour to paint the blade of this Chaos Lords weapon. The base below the blade will be gold eventually and im trying to imagine something unique for his blade to match its texture. I dont really want to do the volcanic look you see often on this model because i dont think it will match the Bronze/Gold/Red colour scheme ive done for my spear head box.

Thanks in advance.
could we see the rightmost dude in the middle row by himself? Lovely stuff.
If you don't have time in your life for things you enjoy you need to reevaluate your life and your priorities You literally only live once, don't waste it.
t. an old man who regrets wasting his life
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The trick it to pick one and push it to completion.
Taking a break from the warhams, I just finished this group of expert contract salvagers who would be great assets to any company that hired them.
Only took me almost a year to get around to it.
This squad will surely make quota
Thanks. The skin is a proacryl mix and the yellow is mostly citadel Averland Sunset.

I was going to say purple as a meme, but the cracks glowing purple on the blade would probably work actually.
Also, good job, they're very cute. What are they from?
Hmmm do you think Iron/Silver blade with pruple in the cracks?
It's personal taste.
I like the idea of a black obsidian or stone looking blade. Like, black with some grey texture/cracks and highlights, and then glowing purple in the middle cracks.
Bodies and helmets are from Wargames Atlantic Cannon Fodder 1 and 2, while the arms and airtanks (not shown) are from various Stargrave kits.
The straps wrapped around them are dental floss I painted black.
I haven't bought anything hobby related for about a year. Been just chipping away and contemplating chipping away at my backlog. What fun purchase should I make for myself.
Get something cool that you like from an indie sculptor.
I'm looking for a good tutorial on how to paint blackened metal. Specifically, I want to recreate the look of a silvery metal that has been blackened by putting it in a fire. So, soot-stained, I guess? I don't want it to look like black paint.
Suggestions? I like LOTR, space marines, StarCraft and tau.
A Song Of Ice And Fire (Game of thrones) Minatures starter box is pretty cheap and comes with a really healthy amount of resin models. The game is very fun also and stratches a great itch for rank and flag gaming.
I don't know. I only know about sexy goblin girls. There's that 1 sexy tau model but it's kind of silly looking. Maybe try just building an MG gundam and then also paint that if you want a slightly daunting task.
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Any advice on how to fix the skin?
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Turns out Nihilakh Oxide dries much faster than I thought and "go heavier then wipe away excess" was not as effective as hoped. Ended up with a way too weathered model that I am not repainting. Ah well, live and learn.
For those of you who have been in the hobby for a while and live in a condo/apartment, how much space in square feet do you need for your workstation and for displaying all your paint and models?
You just gotta get good at keeping all your shit in bins and unpacking-repacking it frequently. Having a dedicated hobby space is a pretty big luxury despite how youtube makes it seem.
dude, crop the image on your phone in the correct orientation to remove rotation metadata
A desk and a shelf depending on how much you buy and paint. Painted stuff takes up more room than unassembled unpainted sprues in boxes or blister packs.
>EZ Method
Prime black
Paint silver metal in a few coats if needed
Wash with Nuln Oil
Wash with Nuln Oil again
Edge line the metal with the silver
Touch up areas with more Nuln Oil if you need darker blacked areas

>NNM Method
Prime black or dark grey
Paint metal with a dark grey
Layer up to near white following the way light reflects with blue and grey mixes
Use brush to massage creamy textured magenta paint into corners, then the pink to blend out to midtones, then pink mixed with white for the highlights, the massaging will blend and even things out removing the blotchiness
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Posting pics of my failed experiment before it gets a bath in the goo. Tried making a secundus genestealer with lighting it directly from the front, like from a flashlight in a horror movie, rather than overhead. Wanted the highlights to be super washed bright white out from high power lights and the shadows absolutely jet black. Primer went on weird, i didnt thin my paints enough, and the color theme didn't work as well as I hoped either. Oh well
I'll give that a try. Thank you, anon!
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Another angle
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Don Fornido del Barbaroja and his Three Amigos, pictured here on a raid in Nehekhara looking for delicious bones to suck the marrow out of and gold with which to buy additional bones
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im fucking dying lol
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I can hear the THPS soundtrack now.
please unglue it from your wall
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I'm taking a break from my crappy goblins to do some repairs on an old Khorne CSM army I bought over a decade ago. The ones on the right are "done," sans basing, but were rendered worse than they could be by a bad varnishing job.
Currently gluing others back together and repairing chainaxes, which apparently snap off very easily. When done, the army is going to be donated to the gaming club I started at the high school where I work. It'll be the 4th, after Ultramarines, Tau, and Necrons. I'll need to find a cheap IG, Tyranid, or Eldar army to mix things up after that. Too much T4 3+
goblins are based. How dare you.
Personally I would start with a bath of Simple Green.
Skin needs really subtle transitions. Either use glaze layering or drybrushing. Thin paint is a must, for the hair too.
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Mine look pretty terrible.
I like the idea. Could have been a lot worse.
If you haven't stripped it yet you could give it a wash and see if that sorts it out a bit.
How can you be that good at sculpting and that bad at... whatever is wrong with that goblin.
That space marine is looking the other way because he knows the goblin would destroy him.
Easy. I didn't sculpt them. They're 20mm scale minis by a company called Dark Alliance.
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I really don't want to start over. I feel like I got it more cleaned up. Do you think this looks ok for the table? I'm still pretty new to this, I have only been painting for a few months.
I meant the marine.
Old 30k Ultramarines upgrade kit from FW which was kitbashed with current mkVI marine. By someone else.
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If that's an official forge world helmet I can see why people shit on the casting quality.
You might be able to clean up the eyes by essentially painting eyelids onto the edges of the eyes. There's a 5headed face painting tutorial I'm thinking of, let me see if I can find it.
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I started another tiny block house instead of priming and painting all these angry Riffians. I've a bunch of tiny little men to paint, but for some reason rather build little forts and terrain pieces.
Couldn't tell you, to be honest. Bought him and a few others from a guy up in Canada over a year ago. No idea if it's legit or not, but I can say it's on par with a few I did by direct back in the day.
As for the gobbos, they look like that due to a horrible mistake while priming (Louisiana summers are not the best atmosphere for that kind of thing); the models being made out of a cheap, rubbery plastic which sheds paint like you wouldn't believe; my inability to take a good picture; and, last but not least, the fact that I am a truly shit painter.
>chalky spraycan strikes again
Another win for brush primer.
post more cat chans
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>cat chans
It certainly prompted me to experiment with gesso. Mixing white gesso with a little black acrylic paint to get a grey primer has been good so far.
It's been more effective on the goblins, at least.
Hell yeah. Try Liquitex pro black acrylic gesso at some point. Dries razor thin.
This really makes me happy.

Cool, thanks.
Will do. Thanks for the tip.
Here it is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zb3GnzA272U
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Tackled my first Beast Snagga Boy and decided to jump right in and do the super-detailed Nob first. Next weekend or whenever I’ll start putting together a jungle base, but need to do some research on ideas for flora (either 3D printed plants, paper or larger grass tufts).

It’s funny because now that I’ve been doing these minis for almost two years now, the entire process even for these more detailed pieces is so much faster (and better looking) then when I started. Brush control alone is night and day after two years. Now all I need to so is get a proper light box for photography and I’m set.
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Hey /wip/, is there a reliable method of finding out if secondhand plastic minis were made using plastic glue outside of visible melting/welding? Or should I just break out the hobby knife and jewelry saw if I can not tell if the plastic is welded together?
Looks good, interested in the end result.
Nice job anon, I got no criticism.
Put it in the freezer. If the parts break off easily after, it's superglue.
>Put it in the freezer. If the parts break off easily after, it's superglue.
Cheers Anon, thanks. Wish me good luck and fortune that these are superglued if you have any to spare, please.
>Ack ack ack ACK! ack ack!
>hecking youtuber tier domino effect NMM blade
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I'm willing to overlook this one because I feel like it makes the blade look all rough and zigzaggy. It's not like a perfectly flat and straight sword with 8 gradients on it for no reason.
Anon, don't be stupid.
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Got meme'd into buying a spearhead box. Still no idea what to do for the base.
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I don't know why I can't just get an easy answer off google.

but I just want to get some idea of a paint list to get a specific effect so i thought I'd ask here:

what specific citadel paint layers do you use to get the blue glass effect for vehicle viewports & blue gems?

the back of the boxes used to give a simple-enough rundown.

for example:
green glass: Caliban Green base, warpstone glow layer, moot green highlight, white scar highlight.

do it right and it's a beautiful effect.

I've been looking for how to replicate it in blue to similar effect but no. just technique or basics of their painting method that I don't use, or they try to use every color of blue in the catalogue thinned to practically a watercolor, which still isn't helpful to me.

so I've been mostly guessing.

I actually tried a macragge blue base, caledor sky layer, a lothern blue highlight, and white scar highlight.

it almost works but the Macragge Blue and Caledor sky are so close that they blur together making the lothern blue highlight contrast too much to look right. so what am I missing?

which paints do I use to get the look right?
>I actually tried a macragge blue base, caledor sky layer, a lothern blue highlight, and white scar highlight.

Honestly I don't know which colors those even are. You should try and get comfortable with mixing colors even if it's just slight changes.
Try that recipe from above, but instead of caledor sky, use like a 2:1 mix of caledor sky and lothern blue.
Actually better yet, use a 1:1 mix of macragge blue and lothern blue instead of the caledor.
you need a much darker base like kantor blue, macragge is just too bright
So like a Kantor blue base, caledor sky layer, and a lothren blue highlight?
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caledor and lothern i feel are too saturated, i would go for something a little more muted like altdorf or calgar with a final highlight of hoeth blue
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>t. an old man who regrets wasting his life
Do you mind elaborating?

>If you don't have time in your life for things you enjoy you need to reevaluate your life and your priorities You literally only live once, don't waste it.
I've 2 young kids so I'm not wasting it, but they don't leave a lot of quality time for myself, especially if I want to spend some time with my wife. I don't understand how other dads do it.
Start with any blue depending on how dark you want it to be, navy blues mixed with caledor sky will achieve somethinglike a medium blue or youcan start with any ultramarine. add white and green as you move towards the highlight to create a sky blue or just use a sky blue and add it to your iriginal blue. sky blues include caledor sky in the gw line but caledor is very strong so you might want to add a touch of grey to it before adding the final white highlight. If the highlights get too white glaze back over with the caledor sky which is transparent and then you can fix the highlight after. If mixing your own colors the more green and white you add to the blue the more it will look like sun hitting that section but don'toverdo it becauseyou want the highlight to stand out, the more blue the section is the more it will look like nothern facing sky without any direct sunlight. In trad colors we used enchanted blue which vallejo called magic blue aka caledor sky as the base color unless we wanted especially dark then we'd use ultramarine or moody blue or phthalo blue, for the highlights we'd use electric blue, and final highlights electric blue with a touch of white and green indicating a yellow sun shifting the blue into green. In your first example thats how it was done, bottom left base color is more muted containing more grey, should have been more square though, secind example green grey and yellow green, last same as first. When in doubt paint a piece of paper to work out scheme
Here's a basic pic for blue gems with color list in comments https://www.reddit.com/r/minipainting/comments/bnb4pj/how_to_paint_blue_gems_explained_in_the_comments/
>>93959773 >>93959419
Oh and for a greyish base blue like in your example lower left, naggaroth night probably, or just grey out any blue by mixing in grey
many dads just treat children as an accesory and neglect them

it also depends how much time you 'waste' working, including commutes, lunch on site, etc, if you leave your home for 10+ hours for work you won't have much time for anything even without children, until another revolution happen to reduce working hours to 30 per week or something working from home is the better alternative to actually have some free time
love me some spooks
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One evening of static grass flocking. I wouldn't mind never doing this again, but the result is pretty good even if it's a bit towards the golf course look.
Next steps painting up the roads, cliff faces, river shores and river itself and it will be pretty much done.
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The paint's not listening to me today
>golf course look
apply some whases or spray with an airbrush here an there with different greens and browns to break the green and blend the roads in places
is it static grass, as in strands, or regular granule grass?
Been there recently. Paint breaking instantly when even slightly thinned, paint taking forever to dry, paint drying too fast, paint not leaving the brush the way I want it to, running the whole gamut.
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>is it static grass, as in strands
I'll definitely try airbrush some more tones into it
yeah do the airbrush thing then, washes might not cover too well, you can also sprinkle some rocks and sand patches, tree stumps or attrezzo fitting your setting
have you tried yelling at it?
How is actually playing on static grass boards?
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Weekend work
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I'll have to see how it looks with terrain (buildings and fields) breaking it up as well when the roads and river is painted, might be wise to do the airbrushing as well.

This is uniformly 3mm stuff (also makes it look more like a fairway) and tightly laid down so it shouldn't be a problem for properly based 15 and 28mm minis. Honestly I think the granual stuff is better though, static grass is very messy to apply and you need masks and special equipment
*Squeakend work
I'm a big fan of Tom Hodgkinson. Basically teaches the importance of taking time for yourself, and how to really enjoy that time.
That's just my life.
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They're supposed to orks from the snakebite clan. thinking i should just nix the yellow and keep it brown, grey, blue and black though
I hear that. I’ve had very little time to do hobby stuff since my twins were born; they’re the priority. I comfort myself by the thought that in a few years I might be able to bring them into the hobby with me, though. And in the meantime I can keep up with the hobby by checking in here every month or two.
What models are these? We need more fantasy games set around the age of discovery/golden age of piracy
I think the yellow would help break up all the other colours. You need to undercoat yellow with a pink though or else you are going to get the ugly coverage you have now.
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Armies on parade board is primed
What the hell happened with your skin paint? It looks like sand got mixed in. I'd strip that and start over. Also fill in the gaps with milliput and sand them.
Fuck off dont care

I paint fast an and for fun

Imma glob on more paint on my sexy lady and enjoy myself

Post ur own damn models
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Nearly done with my deco armoured car. Thought I'd post this now before I add weathering and lose this factory clean look. Turns out shiny black is a real bastard to take pictures of
Did you toss her in a flowerpot immediately after priming or something?
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I also couldn't find a way of getting the gloss varnish on without it either pooling or leaving brush strokes. Any advice would be appreciated
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Lacquers are a lot of fun.
It was my first time attempting to fill with green putty and i also tried tamiya putty and it kinda worked kinda didnt. Some spots are great but yeah coulda sanded the legs better. Thing is i dont have a good sandy tool handy and like i said, i paint fast and for fun and i rly dont care bout muh perfect cuz i do this for me and my pile of potential will keep me goin forever so why agonize
When does the Secret Santa stuff start? I've missed it literally every year.
You might want to try milliput, its much better for filling and can be sanded really well, down to a smooth surface.

Santanon will post a link here in early October.
nta but holy fuck chill out my man, if you post something on the internet you have to expect people to comment on it. The skin does look pretty terrible, unforunately
How do you guys take such good pictures of your models?
Its a wip

Dont worry ill smooth it out with my globby layers

Also, Eureka Miniatures Chaos range.
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Done for today, it will be interesting to see how the river will change things after it's been painted
Where did you get an EBR kit to convert. 3d printed?
Use a real camera and lightbox

Alternately if you only have an android phone use the app OpenCamera, it will disable all the blurring filters that phone camera software uses, which make minis look terrible.
Looks like 1/35 scale, so maybe its a scale model kit?
Getting gloss to go on evenly is a bitch without an airbrush. The layers below it matter almost as much as the varnish itself.
The best I can recommend is to use multiple extra thin layers, from the primer on up. Self-leveling is the magic word. My secret weapon is a thinned layer of GAC 500 before the varnish. It won't be dead flat but it will remove a lot of irregularity.
Your tank really looks great though, I would be extremely conservative with the weathering, it looks fine clean.
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Good light is the most important thing. My pictures tend to be way better when i take them outside, but the sun has to be behind clouds.
Good to hear, people should be sharing their techniques after all.
there are a couple guides in the OP mega, check them out
lovely verdegris, whats your process?
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Managed to do some work on my Kasrkin, adding a Medic and a Sniper to the roster and putting my Kill Team at 50% strength. Maybe being halfway through will help my motivation a bit.
They're due for a wash, but I'll handle that tomorrow... maybe.
Still can't figure out good colors for the cables. Might just do them black instead.

I did some yelling. Some of it at paint. Mostly at myself. It helped a bit.
The second tiny blockhouse is complete.
I shoulda put more posts for the barbed wire. Oh well, I still like it.
Listen to the paint then. Go zen
Nicely done
Yellow will work but mix it into the brown, coverage better and will harmonize the scheme
Looks good
General rule for hiding strokes is horizontal back and forth stroke until starts to feel tacky then stop, no touch until dry, then do next section, dad taught me
Camo looks good
Great stuff, nicer than my house
I agree, but are you SURE you aren't just saying that because you're painting a robo stripper?
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>acrylic is the safest and most convenient
>oil looks better
>lacquer looks better
>gouache looks better
I have some Open acrylics and acrylic gouache so I can artsy it up when I want to but I still find myself reaching for normal acrylics the most. They're just so easy to use.
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Does PVA glue used on basing (like diluted with water or alcohol) have a risk of turning yellow after some years? Is there any way to prevent that?
No I am not

Acrylic is very useful and better than others in a lot of ways. It basecoats well and dries quickly, and it can be mixed with a medium to do almost anything. Its also very stable after drying and you can apply any other paint type over it.
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I'm pretty bad so I got a bunch of Reaper miniatures to practice on, but this one is turning out good (to me).
How do I take it to the next level? And what color is good for the cloak? I didn't want to do red for fear of looking too Warcraft, but maybe it's the best choice color-theory wise?
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White on black on pearl on white on black. I am a retard for this color scheme.
What the fuck do you mean 'looks better'? Different types of paint aren't magic, you don't suddenly get better by switching to a slightly different type. You get better by getting better
the "getting better tools will make me a better painter" mentality is so dumb
It's a good start. Take the color you started with, that brown or whatever it is, and add white and orange to it to make a color you can highlight the shapes with to bring out the volumes of the figure. Leave the cloak as it is so it looks natural and dark and it'll look gud. The metal pieces use the same color you started with and add a strong grey and that'll be a midtone color for your metal. Add a little orange and white to that and that'll be your metal highlight color.
No. It looks gud. I like the gems too
Eh, it depends. A good brush does help a lot. But beginners don't know how to care for their brushes so it depends on if you are ready for the next level of craft. Also magnifiers help a ton. Especially if you have bad eyes.
Some of that paint is borderline clay.
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>oils blend better than acrylics
>"So you're saying that linseed oil paints the mini automatically?"
No, they blend easier, not better.
I accept your concession.
It's gud. Just needs blending between the patches of color to make a transition to make flesh smooth. But your color theory is spot on. It'll be kino. People will be surprised.
Not the same, faggot. You said they looked better, but they're just easier to do certain things with.
>attempting to hammer someone with semantics instead of working towards a mutual understanding of the truth
This pedantry is below you, friend.
>blend better
>blend easier
That's not necessarily a positive, particularly when you just start using them and frequently find your different tones blending into dull, muddy mixes on the model. Again, they require gittin' gud to get good results
Except for lacquers. They actually are just magic. But the magic also kills you.
mass incarceration or deportation
>he forgot to glue on the heads
Just bin them, mate.
What semantics? You literally said "looks better", not "is easier". If that's not what you meant, then don't say it. Use your words.
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Needing color, but grissaile is done
You could obviously do some shit like marking and heraldry that's only visible under UV light, but obviously you won't get some magical shift in colours you can see. You'll just see that UV light up.
So much better than the original, looks fucking great.
superb, are these printed or converted?
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Spooky mummy donezo
While you are dumb for choosing such a scheme, it looks good and will be worth it in the end
great stuff. love the textures
>Doesn't even sculpt the most important bone

Real shame, otherwise looking good
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Sloshing lots of paint around

Its a back and forth process
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Imagine going to buy paint and they have one of every paint except the one paint color you went up there to buy, wow that'd suck right glad it's not me
look like toothpaste
Name one thing worse and more painful than painting with white.
its by far the worst color to paint with and I always have to take a break inbetween to not lose my sanity.
at this point I'm sure you're just fucking with us
she looks thicc
Thanks man! It's really nice to hear that people like my miniatures, makes it worth it. The knight is from otherworld miniatures (rip) the shield from oldschoolminiatures, which I got some good advice from here on how to place it on the model. Now he's properly min-maxed and the autism can cool down
What paint did you want to grab?
>>Imagine painting pure white instead of diluting with another color until final highlight
Use a medium and thin liberally. I just use airbrush thinner and it makes even citadel whites usable.
They had three entire racks of it that were completely sold out, which was nuts
I'll have to go later in the week, but hopefully I have enough left currently to still paint something
Finished the first base of Riffians Berbers. I don't know how happy I am with them, I gotta refine their clothing color pallet better. Writing on the banner or just make it all green?
Is it possible to mix colors? In base/normal and contrast/speed paint format. Might sound retarded at first, but if it is, I don't see why I should buy 20 colors if I can just buy 5 and mix them for the desired one.
>Is it possible to mix colors
Why would mixing colors sounds retarded? What the fuck? Of course you can mix colors.
No, it is not possible. You need to buy all paints from the Citadel® Paint System™ to paint different things
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>mix colors?
There's arguments to be made on both sides. If you like coming up with your own mixes and enjoy the discovery aspect of the whole thing, you can go and experiment all you like, get some nice big tubes/bottles/pots and mix away.
By buying several shades you have consistency in bigger projects and save time.
Its not feasible if you have to paint multiple units with the same color. If you mix some obscure green for your military dude you might not be able to replicate it
To be fair, the way pigments "mix" is not the same way actual light mixes
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Started painting another tree and made some pretty good progress today. Got to try the AK greens that I bought recently and they're really lovely. I actually kinda regret doing the vines in this drab green now but it'll get a bit better after highlights
Looking good, if I could give any input I think glowing blue eyes would really bring it all together but what is done all looks pleasing to the eye.
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Any advice before I start hugbot? I am new to painting and this is my first all flat model.
That's a good suggestion, I did them green in the previous guy but repainting is not a huge deal in this case. I think I want to keep the runes green though, I'll see how it all looks together. Thanks, anon
>Why yes, I do only use my trusty 3 vallejo colors and a no-name brush, how could you tell
>Washes? Contrast paints? What was that other thing, "garnish"?
>What the hell is a wet pallete?
I would add some unique markings to them. To break up all that flat.
Mix any yellow ochre and white. Wraithbone task completed. 2000 xp earned.
Looks worse
It's impossible to mix paint. It has never been done before. Many have tried. Many have died. But seriously I think what you are asking is can contrast paints be mixed to create various colors? Yes. But remember that when two pigments are mixed they become more opaque so you get the highest level of transparency from single pigments rather than mixes, but a lot of contrast paints are already mixed colors and some even contain opaque pigments which you can see settle to the bottom of the pots, but most are dyes and dye like pigments so they are more transparent than granular pigments. I would avoid mixing the contrast colors that are more opaque with each other if I wanted a transparent effect. The primaries though should mix fine. They are just inks after all. And inks are just dyes and/or pigments suspended in a liquid drying medium like water and shellac, though technically a dye is dissolved, not suspended so sometimes you'll get weird color separations if you mix a dye based ink and a pigment based ink, but it's nothing to be concerned about really, just know that whatever pigment is the heaviest will sink into the grooves and move down the figure more readily while the contrast paint is still wet so you might get areas with uneven color, but like I said a lot of the contrast paints are already mixed pigment paints anyway. Now mixing two colors not only makes the paint more opaque, but also makes it cooler and darker so to have the brightest effect a single pigment contrast paint should be used, but again it's not that critical unless you want a very bright effect. Back in the day Citadel released a few primaries as mixing colors that they used to make most of their paints with. You'd be surprised how few pigments they used back then. Now they use quite a few, but they stick with azos and cyanines as much as possible because they are good in miniature paints as they don't clog detail, have strong tinting strength, and are dirt cheap to make.
looks really nice, but yeah, that'd drive me insane
top notch work, a real TREEt.
Premixing some paint on a palette to make a smooth transition can help, but acrylic dries fast so a wet palette can help, if not just at least try to work out your transitions on a piece of scrap paper, so like if you want him white paint only pure white on the top parts and top facing parts and then more and more gray as you go down, or if brown a brown with yellow and white at the top part and more pure brown and then brown with black at the bottom etc, if you work that out on paper first that can serve as a guide for your gradient all the way down. Other than that just have fun.
Or you just take notes and mix up a big batch for yourself at the outset
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On today's episode of I Will Do Anything to Avoid Painting the Skin, I did some more base coats of the parts I want to be glossy yellow, and tried to do some the glossy black parts I want on the boots.
It's looking great
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I think a gloss varnish will help smooth it out too, still working
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I think you're going too dark and too brown on the shading. What scale is this mini?
You need to add another 1 or 2 layers in between.
Does anybody work on their models on the go? I've been struggling to find time at home now that my kids are a little older, but I have an hour lunch break I rarely use to actually eat. I'm thinking of making a tacklebox of basic stuff like my favorite paints, brushes, a few tools, and the model(s) ok currently working on.

I of course can't have a full studio but just enough to get my troops and basic things done.

I imagine I can easily get half an hour of work done a day, and chip away at my backlogged, rather than the once a month I might get now, any body have experience with this?
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A fine addition to my collection
Many artists have art boxes like that. Make sure you have a big bottle of water you can squirt out and a rinse cup or two.
I have a small-ish box with some old paint pots, paper, a couple of brushes and plastic cups. I put the models I'm painting at the moment inside and sometimes get a bit of work done with some friends after work. I'm trying to find a suitable container for a miniature wet palette as well.
mini wet palette, a plastic box for traveling with soap, a thin kitchen sponge, and tracing paper. Done.
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damn some of those are hilarious
>>If you don't have time in your life for things you enjoy you need to reevaluate your life and your priorities You literally only live once, don't waste it.
>I've 2 young kids so I'm not wasting it, but they don't leave a lot of quality time for myself, especially if I want to spend some time with my wife. I don't understand how other dads do it.
I'm still wrestling with it - especially since I'm disabled and my wife's the one with the full-time job, so I'm currently watching an infant for 12-14 hours a day during the week and every second I can get on the weekend is sleep.
If you have a little time but not a lot, you can spend it planning. And organizing all your hobby stuff so you can squeak out half an hour on short notice without having to spend 90% of that finding tools/paints/minis. I'm currently using a work tray with a dust cover, a chilled wet palette, and locking cigar boxes on my workbench to hold tools.
My wife and I try to arrange at least one six-hour period out of the house with the kid on weekends so the other one has time to decompress and hobby. She does music and plays video games, I try to arrange a game or two. I've also been sorting all of my doom pile into categories, map out actual projects instead of vague clouds of "I wanna do this I guess", selling off some of the stuff that doesn't excite me anymore, and going back to reading more stuff to bring back some of the old inspiration.
I'm also looking forward to kindergarten and school, but that's a few years out.
Catching up on old obligations has been the hardest part, honestly.

Happy ratty boys.
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Had a go at some banner freehand for a small skirmish force and I'm pretty chuffed with how it came out.
looks awesome, love the eye
Looks really nice anon. Maybe one day I'll build up the courage to try and freehand something difficult than mechanicus cogs
it will not be 1:1 to me and when doing an army with this as a major color this matters greatly
ty though
Order it from gw website, you can have it delivered to local gw store if there's one close for free. https://www.warhammer.com/en-US/shop/Base-Wraithbone-2019
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I am not crazy about this dude's head so I want to do a bit of conversion. I want to have him wear the helmet he's holding, that's pretty doable by cutting it out of the hand and gluing it to the front of an actual helmet, but the issue is what to do with his left arm. I am thinking of having him cradling a combi-weapon on his left arm, but I'm not sure if that would work. I think I saw a loyalist marine character with a pose similar to what I'm thinking about at some point but there are so many captains and lieutenants I can't find the exact one.

Anyone have some input or other ideas? I am slightly scared of starting to cut into an OOP model.
Reducer like >>93964054 works, I've also found that retarder medium works really well.
Funnily enough, airbrush *medium* doesn't help even though it's allegedly a combination between the two. You just gotta test it.
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You can even mix normal paints with contrast paint. Almost anything acrylic will mix together.
I really don't recommend buying just the primary colors, your secondary colors will be duller and you'll have problems getting consistent matches.
A set with around a dozen paints (doesn't need to be this one, there are many mini paint brands that offer similar starter packs) will give you a ton of range, and if you need a consistent color for a unit you can use 1:1 mixes that are easy to remember.
A Citadel sheep is less likely to know what a wet palette is than a mixchad.
WTF is this.
Looking for some ideas for basing some models. I was doing an urban warzone theme with them so was thinking like rubble and such but was looking for other suggestions too.
Fire hydrants, broken streets, curbs, a park bench or bus bench, a sewer cover or grate, a street sign, a traffic cone, police tape, a dead person, a chain fence, all that can be integrated.
Pls no bully :(
Hi anons.
Are there any specific brand of clamps you use for holding vehicle pieces together while the glue sets? I'm tired of rubber bands.
Nothin to bully, although the claws could use a shade wash.
Neat scratches on the blade, half the time I try that the chips come out too thick.
Does anyone else just stop and look at their WIP models while they aren't painting like
>Aaaaah, that's a fine lookin' paintjob
looks good, nice colors.
No. I don't really reflect on my own work. I just enjoy painting and when not painting I get up and stretch and think, ouch, my neck hurts.
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Is this real, senpaitachi?
I'm painting up my old 3e Khorne Berserkers. I had forgotten how much fun it is painting space marines. They look like ass (it's me painting them, after all), but it's been very enjoyable.
One more stippling layer of red on the armour and I can get started on the trim.
I feel nothing but abject disgust until the painting is finished and then after that a smug sense of self satisfaction
Can you reshape wings with hot/cold water after you paint and lacquer or will it fuck up the paint job?
Better brushes/paint/tools/etc won't make someone a better painter, but you do get what you pay for.
As everyone's dad used to say, "It is a poor craftsman who blames his tools, but a master doesn't buy from Harbor Freight."
Somewhat counter intuitively, the more expensive stuff can be abused a bit more. You can get by with cheaper equipment, but you have to baby it and be much more gentle.
sure, but what he doesn't tell you is opus brushes are about a hundred dollars and are short bristled, so he's comparing apples to oranges. What he should have said is if you can afford opus brushes you are a criminal stealing money from the tax payers because there's no other possible way you can afford them.
You can try, but it's likely to crack the paint, depends on how much you need to bend them. Personally I wouldn't try it.
Largely depends on the material of the model. Some materials shed paint like a cat in summer, others can hold on a bit better. If you have any of the sprue from that model remaining, paint some pieces the same way you did the mini and test stuff out.
I'm the opposite. I still like the models while they have potential and become more and more disgusted as I see me taking that potential away with every paint session.
For me it's a case of "oh no I've ruined everything" pretty early on in the process and then managing to claw back a passable looking mini and being happy with it.
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I am a tech priest putting together a Scorpius.
What are you guys working on tonight?
>What are you guys working on tonight?
Waiting on my paint shaker to revitalize my old paints and thinking about assembling some stuff tomorrow because I am fucking tired. Couple of random Plagues to assemble and more stuff coming in the mail at some point in the (hopefully) near future. Feels a bit dirty ordering mostly pre-built minis off Ebay, but the price was good and if it is superglued I can pop pieces to customize before priming and painting.

Also fuck, you reminded me I have my old Rhino chassis paint stripped and in a bag in pieces, not fully completed.
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It's this official horned devil. The wings where super curled in the package so I opened them up but, halfway through painting, they are starting to bounce back
I'm working on putting my life together.
What shaker did you get? I've got a vortex mixer on my desk but I don't like using it at night because it gets a little loud.
Cute model.
Eh, it'll be hard to get them to reset into the new shape entirely, they were probably hot when they put them in the package and the plastic is probably form fitted to that shape. You might try wrapping a coke can or something inside the wings and using rubber bands to form fit them over a period of months, but plastic has memory and it'll want to return to the shape they were molded in. I'd just let them return to whatever shape they want. Some models have flaws like that and some kinds of plastic have more memory than others so it's just something we deal with.
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First time painting a mini, is this guy fucked or what? I started to use him to see how this green contrast would look over some different colors
One off Aliexpress. https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256806761911207.html Hoping it revitalizes my Vallejo collection. I completely forgot I have 100+ Evil dwarf models to assemble and paint FUCK. Guess that will be a project for tomorrow.
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Yeah that can be a problem. I bought one of these. She shakes everything for me.
Nah, you can always just strip it but it doesn't feel necessary at this point
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Rate my hugbot
Looks great fren. Good job.
I would like a hug out of 10.
What's a simple way to do a rust effect?
literally just watered down orange dabbed into interior angles.
I enjoy some of my finished work, especially larger or more personally important projects that I am pleasantly proud of.
Dirty Down Rust literally does it for you, it's nuts.
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I did a quick digital paintover to plan out the eyes and face. I'll be happy if I can get it to like 2/3 this standard.
that'll work well, best to start with the eyes, easier to fix mistakes
Very nice. And good call on panel lining. Also it seems you’ve painted the rotten leather of the scabbard as metal. Don’t worry though only turbo autism will notice.
I paint until I stop hating the parts that aren't good yet
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I like starting with the eyes because it kind of sets the look for the whole face, it's never going to look "right" if the eyes are blank. Lips too, but I'll to them soon.

I am having a problem getting eye highlight dogs that are small enough. Maybe it's not humid enough, any paint just won't come off the tiniest points on my brush. I just lucked out at the dot on (her) right eye. I don't know if there are any special techniques for it.

Pretty happy with the eyes though. I know the iris on the right eye looks like it goes all the way to the corner but it's just the lighting I swear.
that looks a lot better already
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I ended up painting over him with leadbelcher at the advice of my friend and for my first mini I'm not unhappy with him
It'll clog the shit out of your airbrush if you aren't careful and you should wear a proper respirator while using it, but the effect is unmatched
if paint dries too quick a little medium can slow the dry time or propylene glycol can thin it in a way that makes it more fluid, but that second option also makes it bleed a bit so choose wisely.
looks really nice, metallic but also not. cool effect
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I think it's a solid pose. Hats off if you re-sculpt or obscure the cut detal from the helmet and chest.
I usually try to photoshop my conversions before I even start buying parts or cutting plastic.
pommel looking good
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It's an old toy I got from a car boot sale I'm afraid. They're actually quite hard to find models of
Someone make a new thread, we're falling into the abyss. I'm at work so I can't whip out a banner right now
POV: You took the wrong turn in London at 3AM
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little ipa, elbow grease and something we call "the bears tonque" here and it is good to go for another year again
NABros, where do you buy your paints online? My LGS only has Citadel paints.
>you get what you pay for
Emphatically not true with Artis Opus brushes. Just because chinesium falls apart doesn't mean AO brushes are a remotely good buy. Rosemary & Co. brushes are a laughably better deal and literally the same quality, it's been hypothesized that they're AO's OEM.
Anyone ever had a go at doing vampires with darker skin?

Ive been building up a collection of minis to run a full-effort Curse of Strahd campaign for a couple of years but I don't want all my vampires/thralls to be white as fuck. If anyone knows a good way to get black and brown skin but still have a kind of pallid and washed-out look i'd love a few tips
You could just paint them purple or grey.
Undead skin isn't just paler but cooler, as the red blood is no longer there. If you would normally use a warm brown to base and mix in tan to highlight, use a cool brown to base and mix in white to highlight, and make the highlights just a little paler than you usually would.
I'll just drop my 2 cents since I have used both. Rosemary brushes are actually BETTER, because hey have longer bristles so they hold more paint with less risk of it getting into the ferrule which translates into potentially lasting longer. With AO you pay for the fancy packaging and "premium" feel. I'm also pretty sure it was confirmed Rosemary makes AO brushes but I can't remember where exactly I've read that
I could but I like to make my characters look like people not goobly aliens

I usually do a grey/white base and highlight + a purple or blue tint for your classic vampire look but I believe in a beautiful world where men and women of all descents can walk hand in hand and go on silly gothic adventures together

That's good advice. I'm really bad with colour temperatures usually unless I'm following an exact guide and using specifically listed paints. I'm still learning the intricacies of mixing paints. What colour shade do you think would match those browns? Idk how it'd go really but I'm not sure if blue would look weird, maybe a darker reddish purple or just straight up Nuln Oil
I have the Army Painter set, there's still a slight hobby tax and the bristle density is a little lower, but I survived.
New thread
Blue or purple would look more like a zombie, I would play it safe and use grey, try some Lahmian medium in the Nuln oil.
>I could but I like to make my characters look like people not goobly aliens
They're dead. Either way, black vampires never look good.
I never saw Blade? Or Blackula?
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Around Shasvastii ... stay frosty.
Good despite, not because. Blade doesn't even look like a vampire.
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Continuing to refine blends
Neat, looks like exactly what I need to read.

Lovely and retro.

It's because it's also a popular primer color.
Whatever brush you buy, taking good care of it will make it last, moreso than what manufacturer label is on the side. If you're diligent about keeping water/paint out of the ferrule and soap the brush after each use, they will last for years.

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