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Angry Marines Edition

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>Previous thread:

>Thread Question:
What are your thoughts on /yourdudes/ in general?
Yes my army is a fetish army. What are you going to do about it?
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Do you guys ever second guess you paint scheme? I have 2k points of painted saim hann and wondering if I should have gone ulthwe or bie tan instead.
I never second guess the freebooters
its a pirates life for me
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Khorne magic should be blood magic.
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I agree. Kiryu-chan.
I've learned all my 40k background from codices and main rulebooks released between 2008-2016 and that should be enough to enjoy the setting.
/Yourdudes/ are cool I wish I had the balls to make a /myguys/ faction when I started painting my army.
It is. Haven't you read Gaunts Ghosts?
enjoy? sure
Fully understand it and having valuable opinions about the fluff? No, lol
Yeah, I've painted half of my starting 1,000 points as the order of our martyred lady but I'm wishing I went for something other than black power armor. But when I stop to think about it, it is the most SoB color scheme I can imagine.
How do you make the Tau scary? Not from an omniscient reader's POV since we already know they're not, but from an in-setting Imperium POV?
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Nothin' like free bootin', ey Mistah Shmee?
Nah, I perfectly understand the setting.
Look on in disgust and revulsion and never play with you.
Congratulate you if I like your weird fetish
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The xenos should be scary. Kroot feared like Jackal Snipers.
If your army ain't personal homebrew kino it ain't good
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You know really thinking about it, in the early days beofre all the BL slop the deamon primarch names just seem to be a name given to them by the few Imperials allowed to know about the HH and the concept of traitor primarchs since their real names have been lost to history.
>Khorne is the god of rage so we'll name the primarch he has Angron
>Slaanesh is about beauty and charm so we'll name his primarch ugly-ugly (Ful-grim)
etc. In universe history and facts have been subject to ten THOUSAND years of revesion, redaction and chinese whispers. We shouldn't really know any facts other than these deamon primarch beings exist and there was an Emperor character they were seen as being loyal to once
Probably the fact that they have huge, nimble, coordinated robots, unlike the vast majority of anything factions that aren't other Xenos (minus Orks) have ever seen before.
And being faceless suits of armor that kill more of you than you do them.
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It's the crossover you've all been begging for.
>unlike the vast majority of anything factions that aren't other Xenos (minus Orks) have ever seen before.
I mean, Space Marine power armor is pretty close tbf. It would be a mech-suit if the guy inside it wasn't also 12 feet tall.
That's true but Imperial Guard are usually scared shitless when they see them anyway.
Space Marines and Sisters of Battle don't really get scared by anything iirc: Imperial Guard are the main scaredy cats.
is sanding dangerous? do you wear a mask while doing it?
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>How do you make the Tau scary?
an entire army armed with plasma guns as their weakest armament is already terrifying. same with drone swarms hunting you down like an animal. imagine being a civilian with the skies full of pic related slaughtering everything in sight.
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>is sanding dangerous?
inhaling pretty much any particulates is bad for your lungs
yes, and no, respectively.
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>imagine being a civilian with the skies full of pic related slaughtering everything in sight
only with resin
These look cool but I have no idea what they are.
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Make them eat babies.
>ugly-ugly (Ful-grim)
Fulgrim is faux latin/frech/spanish for "bright" or "dazzling".
> We shouldn't really know any facts other than these deamon primarch beings exist and there was an Emperor character they were seen as being loyal to once
nah, fuck your headcanon and nostagia because you can't handle the fluff written since 2002
If I ever do votann, I'll think about that color scheme
holy shit those are kino
nah Ful in Norwegain is ugly, Grim is Danish for ugly.
Drone strikes are scary
Even carpenters wear masks when doing lots of sanding. Having little physical chunks of anything in your lungs is bad news
Okay, I know this is crazy, and fucking hear me out, but what if you're both right, and one meaning doesn't preclude the other.
Maybe if we were talking about the Space Wolves primarch you'd right. But since the EC are all about french/italian arrogant tropes, you're wrong.
Ful- in romance languages is a root for "bright" or "shining". At best his name would be a mix, ie: "grim shining"
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So basically show this footage but happening to Imperial Guardsmen instead.
There arent really any valuable opinions about the fluff.
>>Thread Question:
>What are your thoughts on /yourdudes/ in general?
It's the reason the game exists. The fluff is a sandbox for you to glance at, and make your own dudes that exist within it. There are canonical exceptions to every single "rule" that the fluff lays out so that you can feel free to make your guys who you want
how come breaking the condex astartes is kind of not a big deal among space marines? I'd assume 40k is the type of setting that would declare that heresy and condemn and punish that or something but no one seems to give a shit
Fix that rendering before you shitpost these again
I dunno ask /hhg/
they should make another low model count elite army, but maybe not make them gay like custodes, or ugly like knights.
No, I would never betray Macha-chan by painting an inferior weak-willed "craftworld". Swordwind 4 lyfe
>big boy powerful Chapters break the Codex Astartes
they get an "OH, YOU!" a pat on the back and a free donut
>literal who Chapters break the Codex Astartes (in a very bad way)
Minotaur time
Give STLs the last link broke
>he's still trying this shitpost
40k warfare doesn't really work without a lot of handwaving, energy shields, and loads of jamming to counter ranged attacks.
IRL weapons like precision rocket artillery that rain hipersonic tungsten balls over a football area sized field are lethal as fuck. No dice rolling for anyone under that, if you're there you're going to die.
>all those filenames
And yet so few willing to give me the STLs I ask for
irl warfare is moving towards 90% drones and evnetually its gonna be drones shitting on each other until a squad mops up whatevers left, with 40k tech a humanoid droid 100% would be cheaper than using a guardsman, but yeah dark age of tech and all that...
You say that but he's firing rockets afterwards so he made his armour save.
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But we do have minovski particles and remote weapons there too.
>nah Ful in Norwegain is ugly, Grim is Danish for ugly.
GW is british, they don't give a shit about nordic countries, let alone their fucking languages.
Fulgrim's name definetly comes from the latin word for lightning which is "fulgur/fulguris"

Reason why Angron is literally named just "Angry", is because the original writers intended 40k to be more satire and humorous. So naming the daemon primarch of the god of war and rage literally just "Angry" is just them making a low effort joke.

Hell, 40k's entire developement story is literally just bunch of DnD/historical/wargame nerds in the late 80s coming together as a friend group and making a fictional universe full of inside jokes and references which was then also based on and ripped off all the settings/universes and other shit they thought was super cool.
Chaos being a prime example, it's literally just a 1:1 rip off from Michael Moorcocks books, all the way to the fucking logo of the faction.

This is the reason why the mk7 helmet is basically a rip off the Darth Vader helmet.
The original 1st Star Wars movie came out in 1977, that's 10 years BEFORE Rogue Trader.
>GW is british, they don't give a shit about nordic countries
But muh viking and furies and chaos warriors and Scandinavians
I thought MK7 design prosses was just cutting the nose of beakies
>double entendre does not exist
I've never really believed in God, but sometimes this thread really makes me feel like I'm being tested by some sort of higher power.
They served as inspiration for Chaos warriors because WHF was a more grounded fantasy setting.
Bretonnia is just medieval britain and french mixed together.
Who were historically the biggest group of raiders that came to the british isles or french time and time again to loot shit, kill people and in general to cause chaos?
Yeah, it was the fucking vikings.
These are the people that anons think it's worth arguing about secondary shit with
>What are your thoughts on /yourdudes/ in general?
Miss me with that gay shit
And where do you think the guy who made those got idea/inspiration from originally?
late 70s, actually. And yeah, GW was making DnD and Elric minis before they began doing their own thing. In fact, the 4 main daemon prince types are rip offs from old DnD monsters IIRC.
40k started as Laserburn, a Brian Ansell game until Rick Priestly later turned it into 40k as we know it.
Almost like the person responsible for the shitposting is a nomodels
I apologize for my spelling mistake, it won't be the last
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The Space Marines are generally the most 'secular' in the Imperium, despite also being amongst the most fanatical as well. That's why they're so flexible in doctrine and regulations...and why they fall to Chaos so frequently.
Things can have multiple inspirations.
But when something is so fucking obvious and plain "in-the-face" as it is what 40k, it is 99% of the time the most obvious fucking thing.
I didn't imply it's one guy. Why you? I see different filenames and one guy says he got it from desuarchive.org.

So you giving me the STLs?
>WHF was a more grounded fantasy setting.
>let's randomly place IRL countries without any idea how they operate or would logistically make sense
I don't know who any of these people are.
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Nice try James
No I don't care for destiny sloppa, nor 3dprinting. I like taking plastic models out of a box and building them without any extra fuss. Also you're snapped if you think this isn't one dude avatarfagging with multiple images.
Yeah, but Kroot do that already.
Though I do wish GW would have went in less half-assed on the Kroot savagery so it wouldn't have been "aww, look he's got a lil steak strapped to his belt, lil snack-wacky" and more "holy fuck he's eating that space marines gizzards right there, this'll be a great use for wet blood effects"
To give the Imperium a little credit, they do have servitor-guided missiles. Granted, the servitors are inside of the missiles and explode along with them...but they got the spirit of the idea down at least.
You and me both chief. Take it as a good thing that you don't remember literally who's from some psychic buzz lightyear book
Yes, I'm snapped you who miraculously knows this is depriving me of STLs no matter how much I ask.
My uncle who spent decades working in the mines got more shit in his lungs just from hobby carpentry. Pretty crazy.
I always thought the anti air rhino variants were some of the best looking ones
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I just copped some of the old boyz kit. I want to do snakebitez but I can't find a good color scheme besides brown. Does anybody have some inspo or examples for snakebite boyz?
Any tips for working with this iconic kit in general? Is there any knife/greenstuff work I can do to improve them since I heard their arms can pose a little weird?

No, but then again my only "armies" is some gitz and ultramarines and some nurgle guys. not much uniformity outside the smurfs

Saim Hann, biel tann, and ulthwe are all cool schemes.

iyanden FUCKS hardest though. their burning tori gate sigil is also cool
I dunno ask /3dpg/

>Calling all blueorkanons to the front desk for recruitment enquiries
>I repeat.
>Calling all blueorkanons to the front desk for recruitment enquiries
We've got like 3 designated blueork anons here with huge armies, only a matter of time before they pop their heads up
>destiny sloppa
I don't get this meme. That's a votann 3d print army. Everyone in >>93951582 called it that. Where's destiny?
> WHF was a more grounded fantasy setting.
which edition?
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Nah I full commit to a project and don't really budge from that. If I want to paint using other colours I'll start another project with those colours rather than pivot my project that's already started
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This. WHFB had enough grimderp once you get past the surface. We've had entire past threads discussing how infeasible much of the human kingdoms are, even with magic. Take Bretonnia where they added all sorts of stupid grimderp where the nobles, in a society where land ownership is family inherited, are inexplicably 0 inbred while peasants are practically another species. Where noblemen kids have to prove themselves in battle and many die. That is hardly scratching the surface of nonsense grimderp. What's worse is Bretonnia wasn't always like this. Even the Empire and being mostly forests where Beastmen rape you to death has plenty of logistical problems considering how they sustain their populations and numbers.

Too much of the Empire is forest. The vast majority of their lands are infested with beastmen and green skins. The empire is really just a bunch of city states surrounded by forests, with only the southern provinces resembling anything worth living in. Bretonnia is geographically smaller but most of that land is verdant fields, great for farming, horses and livestock. Far more of its land is habitable and productive and covered in villages, I wouldn’t be surprised if Bretonnia actually has the larger population. Just look at them on the map - the Empire is almost completely covered in forest, while Bretonnia has three major forests, but a lot more open plains.
I never really liked the Japanese style music you saw with Dawn of War for the Tau, I always felt like something more synth-wavey fit better with them.
I dunno ask /v/ secondary
It really hadn't. Even looking at the Empire itself you have an incoherent mess about what it actually was. You had 99% of the territory being basically a death forest full of murderrape beasts with human presence being small points of light inside of it, while at the same time being able to rise fuckhuge armies that easily travelled all over it, with basically megalopolis built on the pinnacle of mountains that had alone the industrial capacity of entire real world countries. And the rest of the setting was no better. The world was basically Earth but with fantasy elements plopped randomly, and with "what if "insert human civilization here" was actually a fantasy race?" With no regard of what actually made sense. There was nothing cohesive about it, and it was only fleshed out because it had thirty years of lore additions that retconned themselves all over the place anyway.
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Reading pic related
Might be first marinade book that I have actually liked
Instead of getting more interested into muhreens I now want to read yarrick omnibus or something guard
>What are your thoughts on /yourdudes/ in general?

Literally makes no sense to invest so much time, money, and sweat to create your army and then NOT give a shit about your dudes.

Just like how kids use their imagination to play with their action figures, you're supposed to do the same with your dudes.
Tell me how you identified it as destiny.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4hdiuRMK3UQ&ab_channel=HMDerek4 this conversation but between two Imperials on an isolated border world receiving mycetic spores and water caste envoys.
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Prefer pic related for my marinade recipes but to each their own
Because people call it destiny shit when the shitposters post it multiple times a week
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Because /v/otann is destinyshit
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Was playing around with an airbrush for the first time today and dicked around with some old generic acrylic paints I had lying around. Slapped this chaos ogryn with some grey primer, skin-ish shit I mixed up, and a mix of a few metallics I had on hand for a rusty/copperish look. I don't have a real use for the model in my armies at the moment, so I figured it would make a decent test model to practice on before starting on my GSC pile of shame.
>inb4 airbrush is for gays
Obviously I'm not going to be doing my shit in 100% airbrush. I'll need to come in with small brushes after just hitting the general sections to fix overspray and do detail work

>tfw I think I was over-thinning or over-pressurizing my shit
You may now laugh
>Jealous of Lamentits rack
Oh please, I'm a 300 lbs fat ass, I have tits of my own. I don't need theirs.
I think continuing a little further with the airbrush before moving to traditional paints would be a great help to you. A little tip for airbrushing is the thinner your paint, the less pressure and closer you can get to the model. Try the flesh mix you used thinned back a little more and get a little bit closer up and see how accurate you can get
>the thinner your paint, the... closer you can get to the model
I think this is the big brain tip I needed. I kept trying to get real close for more precision, but the air kept blowing the wet paint off of what I was trying to hit.
>blooded going up to $75
What the fuck
at least he toned it down a bit, it's now every other thread instead of every single one
Just get the unblooded, they're probably cheaper.
Keep in mind when getting closer and thinner you also have to dial your pressure back so you don't get spiderwebbing. This was a great resource for me when I started spraying and gave me the knowledge to diagnose and fix my spraying issues myself
This guy is sick
Please understand, small independant garden shed company.
>I want guardsmen with spikes and straps
Have you considered learning basic greenstuff skills and doing your own. You'd save a lot in the end if you're planning a full traitor guard army and there really isn't anything in the blooded set that is unreasonable to diy
You seem upset but there's so many buzzwords I can't begin to decifer what your problem is
wish I could do checks like that
>lamenters *basement dwelling doll fucker
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>tfw getting bullied for using contrast / speedpaints

Surely a paintee army is better than greytide right?
destiny is a better setting than 40k
It seems like you may be upset by modelposters. Maybe you could paint your own dudes in a way that you find exciting and you'd be less upset at the modelposters. Just an idea
Only people who will bully you for using speed paints or prepared glazes are people with less than 20 painted random miniatures that are more than likely not finished
>implying he owns any models
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So do you guys recognize the new female custodes appearance in the tithes animation or nah?
>tfw have one glaze paint and have never used it

Are they any good? Thought that it must have a real specific use case as it's the one green colour
>with less than 20 painted random miniatures that are more than likely not finished
>NTA but
Way to call me out. I bought some models that aren't by GW to try out this hobby and so far I'm enjoying things.
Because you aren't criticising people for using contrast paints anon
Some are great like the yellows and flesh tones. Others are a little tougher to work with like dark angels green. Generally I find the brighter contrast paints perform a little better than the dark ones
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>How do you make the Tau scary?
Tau have a "switch", on the surface they're reasonable and humane, but flip the switch, either because an ethereal commands ruthlessness or because the tau are tactically cornered and every fire warrior becomes as fearless as a tyranid under synaptic control and as cruelly efficient as a necron destroyer.

That's what you ideally want to depict when attempting to make the tau scary, the gap between how they ideally present themselves and how they actually are just behind the corner: the ethereals one moment spread a spiritual ideal and the next they are demanding a terrific sacrifice for a shadowy agenda, the fire caste is noble and collected only until they're left to return to be their xenophobic and warlike selves, the water caste may be diplomatic with one hand and deceptively treacherous with the other, the earth caste aims for scientific progress but they just want an excuse to test their weapons of mass destruction, the auxiliaries are both the proof that coexistence between races is possible and mere savages herded onto a battlefield

you want this duality shown in full
You just started so you aren't who I was calling out. More so speaking about "hobbyists" whose entire collections consist of test models half finished over 5-10 years who assume that because they have loitering in hobby spaces for long enough that their opinions on painting are valid
I don't criticize people for how they get the paintjob done.
I'm currently looking at Wargames Atlantic's The Damned and thinking of getting those and GW IG vehicles to make a chaos guard army.
I'm not gonna give anyone shit for using contrasts/speedpaints but I hate those paints with a passion
We all knew that from his first post let's be real here
>make good race le evil because i can't handle nuance
Gay, boring, retarded.
Why didn't they flip the switch here if they're so scary
NTA but where are yours?
Please give me the votann STL.
I will bully you for heavy or sole reliance on them.
I will also encourage you to embrace full coverage and technical painting. Learn to love the process. Embrace the drybrush. Admire the stippling. Fawn over a perfect wet-blended gradient.
But hey, you're right, at least you did some manner of painting which is absolutely better than grey-tide.
Noone says you have to like them, you're cool for not shitting on anyone's choice of paints tho
Like he gives a fuck what some secondary thinks of his painting abilities
They did and they beat the Death Guard
Uhh...the xenos cannot flip a switch if you disable his hand?
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Thread seems steamed rn about my yellow boys but here's one of my inquisitors for your trips
And your next post if I say anything is "post models" yeah yeah, you're a fucking meme.
Enjoy your toy soldiers however you want, but not all are equal.
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>ignore a faction's nuances because I want them to be only good
the ethereal's crimes are not stories your secondary ass would have been taught
Yeah I'm not a faggot lmao. My reason for hating them is partly my fault but it's just as much GWs misleading advertising. They marketed them as basecoat + wash in one coat which is technically true but the results are inconsistent and sometimes very subpar. When I was returning to the hobby they seemed like a good choice but I wanted to learn to paint to a higher standard so I soon stopped using them and now I have like 15 pots that I barely ever use
I've got too many troop choices to not use them otherwise it would take me forever to get through the lot (it does anyway). I love the process of getting shit done in a reasonable amount of time

I do drybrush though, mo the biggest fan of stippling, like fuck I'm gonna sit there for x amount of hours and glaze shit fuck that
If you got tricked by marketing take solace in the fact that you are not on the spectrum
I'm not even the contrast anon you idiot. Anyway I don't even need to ask you to post models because you aren't capable of doing it anyway
Tau are plenty evil already.
You don't need to start adding in some gay "emotionless killers" sleeper agent switch into them.
Gay, boring, retarded.
They are so inconsistent, some are great while others are just awful
Marketing works on autistic people, but you have to use different type of marketing tactics on them.
don't let anybody dictate how you paint your models that you spend your time on that you purchased with your money
>Wargames Atlantic's The Damned
Well fug. Looks like I'm starting a second guard army.
I never actually bought any IG vehicles so would painting the tanks in a grey colour with the Imperial aquila's shaved off make the tanks look "side agnostic" as in usable as renegade guard vehicles and as loyalist guard vehicles?
that's the thing: I'm not adding anything, it's something that's already there
Getting hit by the "contrast sloppa" every time I post something by people who have no models is tiring though
It's not, and you're just making up fanfiction.
anon, you need to automatically disregard any opinion of a person that doesn't post his models
This is truly the path to enlightenment
You mean like >>93952055 who isn't posting models with every post?
Why would I? There's no need for it in this discussion
of course it isn't, it's not like "a fire warrior would kill himself on the spot if an ethereal ordered it" is something told about the tau since their introduction after all, right?
Opinion discarded, no model secondary.
Post yours then. I'm not even a secondary, I paint, battle on the odd occasion but don't give a fuck about the lore, if I didn't do any of that I wouldn't even be a secondary
You really do not see how obnoxious this broken record of "post models post models post models" is, do you?
Well do it and stop this vicious cycle, since you keep demanding it like the faggot you are
His point is the cycle doesn't stop, dipshit
So why does he keep asking me to do it?
>of course it isn't
It is.
I mean when flat out shitting on someones models and then refusing to show yours
>other site
>tells me to post figs
But I didn't buy nor grow any. All I have is plastic. Why do some people want fruit?
Figs are expensive for what they are, not a fan desu
what weapon option/biomorph are these arms?

im putting together my tervigon and saw these in there, but i dont know what they're supposed to be
fleshborer hive
>Learn to love the process. Embrace the drybrush. Admire the stippling. Fawn over a perfect wet-blended gradient.
But fuck excessive edge highlighting.
You gonna eat all that white space?
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The best logistical thing Guilliman can do for the Imperium is devise ways to safely cook xenos. An Ork infestation gets treated as a meal. Tyranids as protein. Unsure what Necrons will become but we will find a way.
>An Ork infestation gets treated as a meal.
This could work.
>Tyranids as protein.
Tyranids are pretty toxic to eat and eating is probably going to give you some tyranids AIDS or whatever that slowly turns you into a nid or whatever.
>Unsure what Necrons will become but we will find a way.
We turn them into cooking utensils.
>Unsure what Necrons will become
I seem to recall a blurb about someone vomitting out a whole host of micro-scarabs that was devouring him from the inside due to something like that. Can't remember specifics, but point is, probably not good eating.
I play Dark Eldar so I feel the fact I'm a kinky weirdo is implied
Who makes the best 40k STLs? Any faction
Yes, nobody is forcing you to do that. You're not painting miniatures for marketing pictures so you don't need to edge highlight everything like eavy metal does. Just paint the way you enjoy, man
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>Who makes the best 40k STLs? Any faction
Nice try, James.
Please post more OG minis
You can find them on google.
>literally just a grimreaper
There is no such thing as a database for old Warhammer miniatures for some reason
Mortarian looks so much fucking cooler here than his dumb looking marvel model.
>hate that I have to spend so much time and effort with putty fixing problems with such expensive models
>feel good after doing it anyway
What do you call this phenomenon?
>muh marvel
shut up zoomer
blanche doesn't make it any better you cock sucking slurping gyrate.
It has pics of pretty much every mini in existance.
shut up retard, the moment you used "marvel" to describe anything in 40k, you already lost
>everything I don't like is marvel
Uh oh, grog meltie
So true, I'm wearing the skin of 10 men right now.
fleshborer hives for the tyrannofex
a weapon so misbegotten even most tyranid collectors know them only as the bit you use to build a dakkafex or flyrant with twindevourers

I guess you could give them to the tervigon but they would be just a fancy pair of cushing claws, no extra guns for your mom
In chronological order?
Who here /grog/?
Most marine stuff has stuff in a chronological order, at least by what year the said model was revealed/released.

Also if you're specifically looking for old models, you can tell that they are OLD and what era they are from just by looking at most of their designs and their bases.
adb night lords suck cock and is literally a shitty self insert power fantasy
lord of the night is 100x better
Only retro games I play are Ratchet & Clank 2 and 3 and Jak 3.
I'm a fake grog, if it that counts
it's alright, I'm not going to pretend I was there for real, just collecting my oldhammer things and giving some to recasters for posterity

I even got to design my own oldschool miniature for a dude's store
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Is Commorragh basically Ancapistan?
no, it's got authoritarian laws that get actively enforced, like the ones regarding the presence of psykers, and free healthcare
I find space marines and marine fans the most uncool faction in the 40k?
Pretty much same as mechs and mech fans.
Buying metal models when someone got into the hobby years after they were discontinued is the fakes grog shit ever
>getting bullied for doing the bare minimum
This is true in anything, not just hobbies
The bare minimum is putting models together and not painting them anon
No it's an oligarchy but there's a lot of stupid bullshit you can get away with.
>Surely a paintee army is better than greytide right?
Yes, which is why you're still encouraged to paint them rather than stopping at a basecoat or contrast layer
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Plasma rifles or SMS for Broadsides?
This is supposed to be a relaxing hobby anon. Having painted models is still better than grey tide or not having models at all, don't be an ass
the railgun looks best
It's a mix of contrast, base coats, washes and shitty highlights
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are bases done? if so then they're kosher
He's talking about the shoulder mounted weapons.
SMS is only worth taking if you reach a critical mass of ~30 shots across your list
Railgun on shoulder
I'm going to pull a nikocado one day and post 2 years worth of painted models to shut you all up
>Is Commorragh basically Ancapistan?
"money" is useless to DE since it's a Type-2 civilization megacity that uses captured suns as decoration, what matters in comorragh is power, influence, blackmail and slaves. it's a dark fey court in space, DE are the malevolent fair folk who go bump in the night and spirit away unlucky travelers to a realm of madness and intrigue (which is also why women flood their panties for marazhai)
Yeah, talking about Dar Eldar like people with rational motives or government systems is a fool's errand. They run on vibes, and not the good kind.
Surely you could tie a currency to slaves, a kabal could issue tokens that you could trade in for a certain number of slaves, a slave standard if you will.
Do Eldar eat? Or are they sustained entirely by psychic energies?
This. I'm not towing a few slaves to buy my evil groceries
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>Do Eldar eat?
yes, but the one held in captivity by a xenobiologist managed to stay without any nourishment for a long period of time, they've got very efficient physiologies.

another thing is how they don't really sleep either, just rest while mostly aware, and if they're exactly like fantasy elves, they have got a eidetic memory that they need to manually maintain by deleting irrelevant stuff every 3 or so days.
The HH model looks better too fwiw
Should I get all 20 [REDACTED] 18 HH primarch models just to paint and collect them?
They’re resin, right?
They cost about a combat patrol each unless you get recasts.
For each faction, yes. But it's not exhaustive, there are odd missing things.
Everyone's a fake grog according to loudmouth faggots.
2 years worth of models painted with contrast? How is that related to that post?
I mix contrasts and normal paints on my models
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>Should I get all 20 [REDACTED] 18 HH primarch models just to paint and collect them?
if you really have to try to get something cheaper and more manageable, like smaller scale prints or busts
you can even be lazier on the paintjob here and paint them like marble statues
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I wish these didn't look like bubblegum. I quite like most of the smoke effects.
No, behind the scenes he lost a shit tonne of weight, while posting a backlog of pre-recorded videos. Similar to me posting a backlog of nomodels.
If I have models from the early 2000s (when i was last collecting) and got back into the hobby this year, does that make me a fake grog?
I know the story but I don't know how it's related to me being bullied for using contrast paints
>116€ for a single resin figure
>doesn’t even look good
the fuck are they smoking, should be shelfsitters
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What about Meks?
I still have RT/Space Crusade era minis and I've been called a liar and that I bought them on ebay, so...
And how was that image you posted related to your post? Do I need to think for you too?
Liar, you bought them on Ebay
How many dices did you need to play a game of second edition?
Because that's how a shitpost works you retard, fuck sake anon get it together (you faggot)
Please refer to >>93952533 who is a fakegrog and therefor the fakest fakegrog expert grog.
Some of mine I painted with the original goblin green recipe, I'd probably still get accused of the same nonsense
God it must be stupid hours where you are
>heavy weathering effect to distract from the fact you’ve done zero edge highlights and your coat isn’t smooth
Atleast the checkerboard is nice
Undrilled barrel too. Pissening.
I mostly played SC, a bit of RT, and I only played a few 2nd ed games before moving onto other hobbies and coming back, but IIRC 2e used the extra artillery mishap dice as WHFB in addition of the scatter one
You forgot sustained fire REEEEEEEEEEEEEE FAKE GROG
>hand of abaddon dramatis personae.png
You got the ebook? Do share if so, pretty please.
Drill your barrels dipshit
The lolrandom gameplay of 2nd ed was a turn off for me and the main reason I lost interest back then. And being super expensive for a kid, of course. I got more mileage from my allowance paying for other hobbies which also potentially had girls involved.

The Limited Edition book is *STILL* available for order. People are not interested in this series. I read the first three books but then completely forgot it. Got the Throne of Light laying around somewhere but not motivated to read it.

are nids expensive
depends, theyre old models, you can grab them on ebay for cheap
You are everything wrong with modern 40k fans
They failed at creating an overarching narrative, yeah. And most of the books being forgettable didn't help.
I've read them all and I'm unable to explain wha was going on besides some of the side stories (Like The Sea of Souls, which was decent)
What about the cat girl combat patrol? It breaks immersion and has wrong sizes for the game.
I'm gay and I like black templars
>warhammer veteran
>telling people to read garbage
A likely combination.
this game would be better if we removed the dice and replaced it entirely with cards.
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How do I Greenstuff an Afro like the guy on far right?
Depends, you can get relatively cheap models from the leviathan box 2nd hand, and from there you can keep costs down a bit by focusing on big monsters but if you want to use a big horde that will cost you.
That or the explosion cooked the rockets and they're off on their own
With a lot of patience and a toothpick.
I did consider that after I made the post.
You know nothing of old warhammer fans, transient paintfag.
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"no" because IG was supposed to bring in psykers but fucked up or "no" because "le imperium is le r-worded xd! destroy ammo for no reason!". the writing is so abysmal with the sheer amount of snarky male/female brown/white bitches that it's eating my brain away.
Either way with an explosivos like that right over your head you're either dead, dying or wishing you were.
still gutted there arent any big ork cocks in space marine 2
Unfortunately Nurgle there aren't big ork cocks anywhere in the setting.

Momma told me to be kind towards autistic people so I must assume you just didn't understand the meme about forcing something down people's throats.
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The first Taros war colorized
burst cannon drones my beloved
Does anyone have that paragraph where an Inquisitor is writing about how the Tau are the most insidious threat to the Imperium because of how convincing they are?
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Are there specific 'faction hours'?
Certain times of day where certain factions are more likely to be brought up as people from different countries come on to post?
the tithe of psykers was the previous episode, this is an entirely separate story about how the administratum is such a ponderous, draconian and distant authority that entire worlds are doomed out of clerical errors and sheer indifference towards the compromises they make in the grander schemes of things

the troops on the ground were expecting supplies of ammunition
the troops sent were instead given the order to gather their ammunition, dooming the world to the orks, so that the ammunitions could be sent somewhere with more strategic value
except upon delivering the cargo to the administratum, turns out the administratum will have to destroy the delivery because at the moment they can't manage it

for the characters in the episode it was a situation about life or death, duty or treachery, for the administratum it was a 0.002% error in warehousing estimates during their efforts to better redirect the imperium's resources

the theme is solid, the writing falls flat, I agree
no, we've just got a terminally online burger schizoposter whose entire identity is BA, EC, and hating eldar, that's it.
All imperial guard posting is just me talking to myself, I am the only imperial guard enjoyer in this thread.
Reading through the "Dawn of Fire: Hand of Abaddon" novel.
We got new information about the Indomitus . The crusade is stretched to the limit and it's just to hold the gains they already got. Cadia and the Cadian Gate are lost.
The traitors repelled the Crusaders' pushback into the Cadian Gate and forced them on the defensive. Crusaders are creating a line of systems to hold back the tide of traitors and daemonic forces pouring from the Cadian Gate. They are holding for now but for how long?

That's just in the south. The North is fucked. Crusade isn't able to wrest the Nachmund Gauntlet from the traitors.

Is Grimdark back on the menu, boys? Feels like the bright hope sparked in 8th ed is being bled away.
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What's your army like anon?
>Nachmund Gauntlet
I'm painfully out of the loop of M42 shit, but wasn't that the point of the Vigilus campaign? I thought the Imperium had won that one.
They stalemated on vigilus but Chaos fucked off and blew up some planet with more pylons on it and destabilized things even more so the gauntlet is at risk of collapse now.
To my knowledge
>Imperium takes Nachmund
>Chaos corruption begins to seep back in
>Eldar show up and kill an Imperial official who was secretly a cult leader
>Marines then show up and butcher the Eldar in 'retalliation' (since the Imperium didn't know about the cult)
>Haarken storms in and pushes the Imperials back
>Entire thing is in jeopardy after Chaos blew up a pylon
Might be misremembering
When did the Imperium ever not feel Grimdark considering even at its peak of Guilliman returning and reorganizing the Imperium it was still constantly losind planets and entier sectors to Tyranids, Chaos, Tau, Orks etc.
Not really. Vigilius is just one planet in the region. And the lore was modified to minimize the Imperial victory there. Abaddon left the world but his forces didn't. The world is besieged and isolated.

Meanwhile, Haarken Worldclaimer took a HUGE Imperial fleet and crushed the Imperial forces within the Nachmund Gauntlet. They flowed from north to south and are going to smash into the Sanctus Wall.
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We did a thread survey a couple years ago about what army everyone collects and what region they're from and I remember someone made a data spread about what regions play what factions the most. I don't seem to have it saved on my hard drive though. Maybe when I get a break from work I'll check through the archives for it.
Does anyone have the image of the death company marine captioned 'Nice xv8 battlesuit Horus'? I spent a fucking hour looking for it but I guess I didn't have it saved
The Imperium won a pyrrhic victory in the ground war on Vigilus, but Chaos achieved fleet superiority in the Vigilus system and throughout most of the Nachmund Gauntlet.
>>Eldar show up and kill an Imperial official who was secretly a cult leader
>>Marines then show up and butcher the Eldar in 'retalliation' (since the Imperium didn't know about the cult)
I swear these two retards would've steamrolled everything and be on their way to colonize Andromeda if they just we willing to send some e-mails every once in a while. There's literally ZERO reason for then to be as boneheaded to one another as they are, specially in the current galaxy.
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>Maybe when I get a break from work
Well fuck you too, I hope your transport case falls on the ground and your models break.
A mildly similar situation happened on Tallarn back in older editions; Eldar show up to wipe out a cult while destroying a Chaos artifact, but they don't know how far the cult reaches and who all is part of it, so they openly attack everyone in their way. Loyalist Tallarn are unaware of the cult and simply think they're under attack, and promptly push back. It isn't until daemons start popping out thay both sides get it together and start cooperating.
So ideally the situation in Nachmund came down to
>The Eldar know who the cult leader is
>They need him to die ASAP
>The Imperials outside the planet will arrive too late IF they even trust the Eldar (unlikely)
>The Imperials on the planet who could be warned can potentially be compromised, which would do nothing but warn the Cult leader in advance and let him dig in
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Completely unfinished
>and the Imperium wins the ground again
>but Chaos won through other means you wont ever see or care about so the Imperium actually lost and everyone died
Every time
>>but Chaos won through other means you wont ever see or care about so the Imperium actually lost and everyone died
What do you mean never seen? The campaign book "Vigilius Alone" is all about Haarken leading the Chaos fleet in its conquest of the Nachmud Gauntlet.
You won't miss it. It's the book that has Haarken on the cover.
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Fuck me yourself you coward
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Can someone post the meme with the pic of the kid wearing tubas and his teacher looking down upon him, with a caption like "Emperor confronts his traitorous son Horus aboard the Vengeful Spirit"? I can't find it.
I am now sad we have no botes in this game.
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Every woman sent to join the Imperial guard means fewer kids for the next generation. It makes zero sense to have both genders be equally represented among the fighting forces of a nation. By sending women to the battlefield the "infinite manpower" that the Imperium is said to have would be impossible and most planets would have a declining population rather than a stable or growing one. And don't say muh vatborn and muh breeding programs ensure every guardswoman has had kids before being sent, vatborn are unlucky, taboo among most imperial cultures and far more expensive than normal pop growth, and sending fucking middle aged mothers of 4 to the battlefield is retarded, especially since the average life expectancy on imperial world is so low among the normal citizens.
your finished models look great, anon
Iyanden is almost cheating since Corsairs and all the Wraith units were basically "made" for them. You got your army of pirates and ghosts. It's very unique, considering most craftworlds have no flavor unlike space marine chapters and the ones that do are shit like Mymeara whose 'flavour' is an expensive resin forge world aspect warrior cult.

I like your models Lamenters guy, also I wish Lamenter's glaze still existed.
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Okay guardfag.
Praetorians or Vostroyans and why?
Thanks, but I am still learning and whenever I look back at my older models I am cringing, the process is hard.
well that explains the sheer amount of boxes and tectonic plates being unable to withstand more METAL boxes. thanks!
Not to mention that with "infinite manpower" you have an infinite number of males you could recruit. And as we all know and agree on men are stronger and make for better soldiers.
Thanks for letting us know
Vostroyans, because the British lost against the Zulu
I don't get why people want representation in 40k amongst the worst regime known to human history.

I guess it speaks to the control freak/closet totalitarian in those people
will Alph
Be Tonight
That's the question
Would it be retarded to cut off the crossbow off my canoness' condemnor boltgun and still call it a condemnor boltgun? I feel like it's a bit much to be carrying in one hand like the model does.
They want it because chuds gravitate towards the imperium and its funny to see them seethe
invert it, be proud of how far you've come and look forward to improving with each kit
Do you have any how pathetic that is?
>merely pretending
Makes it worse
because they're irl genestealers
no im deadly serious I find it very very funny when shit like femstodes come out and little virgins like arch warhammer and you get all wound up about it
crying about how 'le woke mind virus!' has ruined warhammer like hahahaha
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>sneaky legion
>has a net full of skulls and chains klinking around when they move
Stunning and brave.
That looks fucking boring. Worst primarch model.
They cute
>Look at me! Look at me!
You have no self-awareness, wow
There are some marines who are slightly attracted to the beauty of some women, but I'm not sure how beautiful those women must be to penetrate the subconscious of an Astartes, I imagine something like super model level x10.
what army do i play if i like feet
Take me to dinner first, idiot
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Are 'Warp creatures' unaffiliated with Chaos or the Gods a real thing? Like giant monstruous things which just sort of exist within the Warp and will attack things travelling in it?
I kmownthe Enslavers can exist in it but I don't know if that's special.
Worst primarch model has to go to either sanguinius or pre op fulgrim.
Character models look awful in exaggerated movement, they should stand firmly on the ground at the ready so you can clearly see all the detail and character without being distracted
waah waah waah they made one of my toy soldiers into a woman
get a grip
>the lowest caste of brainless servant cannon fodder are called goy
Bungie can't keep getting away with it
Man this Sister of Battle is interacting with the Grey Knight in a cute way, I sure hope nothing bad happens to her as a result of this interaction!
A slightly dynamic pose is fine too. Peter Turbo's model is my favorite for that reason, and I don't even like him or his legion.
Haemonculus Coven Dark Eldar
Who are you quoting?
>chuds gravitate towards the imperium
chuds prefer Kroot since their all about genetic purity
A raised arm or holding on to your weapon like morty is fine. Stumbling across the battlefield like a retard or falling down with a pillar almost stuck in your ass is not
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>Genetic Purity
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I also feel like I picked a hard to paint army as my first army, so the learning feels punishing, zandri dust is such a pain in the ass to use. But the artillery is fun.
I did this marine a few days ago and it was such a much more pleasant experience.
Can't wait to bring a fully painted army to the table, but I am not looking forward to painting 30 Cadian shock troopers, when I am already sitting for a week on the command troop.

Thanks anon
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There are beasts that were contaminated by chaos, but they are not affiliated with it.
like Caliban's beasts, for example Caliban's lion, which unlike a normal animal, kills for fun.
your goofy receding hairline not showered in two weeks blue denim jeans zelda tshirt wearing ugly ass
Are you okay?
Why Cadians if Krieg
There are animals that kill for fun though.
I mean that's true.
But Morty's model is just fucking lame, dude. It's so plain.
>chuds prefer Kroot since their all about genetic purity
Kroots are all mutts.
They literally go around snacking on different creatures to get their genes and DNA.
bliss mate
Cheers m8, keep the banter up, don't let them cunts forget where they are
Yeah, there are just random Warp beings/creatures that aren't affiliated with any god.
They just exist.
Not a morty glazer but I think he looks fine. He is a boring, impotent and bitter litte man and the model works well for that
That's not a lion.
That's just a giant puffer fish with legs.
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Dolphins are not animals, they are chaos monsters, pets of Slannesh.

Apart from dolphins, yes, there are animals that kill for fun, but they are isolated or very special cases.
Might be retarded and buy hivestorm for the terrain
Most felines do though
Caliban's lion is only called that because of its similarities to a Terran lion, it is not really a lion.
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Neat, thanks lads.
The Krieg is/was the killteam, it was my first box and got me into the game
>rapes other fish
>bombed nagasaki and hiroshima
>very intelligent
>would escape earth in event of planets destruction
>pretends to be cute to get free gibs
Truly based creatures
Sounds like what a giant puffer fish legs would say.
>tfw got warned for my shitposting

I'll do better next time I swear.
I got a ban for making that dubs get post some days ago.
Bel'akor is sitting at the post office, waiting til monday, because I wasn't there when the postman rang.
Your painting looks pretty good for a beginner. I kinda wanna make a mechanized guard army but the price of the lil' tonks is just prohibitive.
no contest
Those look fucking great, I love the camo on the basilisk, putting outlines on the camo really gives it a special look, I might do this on my rogal dorn, same pattern as the rest, just with the outlines, gave me a good idea there

I got lucky, some of the vehicles, like the two basilisks, I got from a friend, I stripped them, which was an absolute mess and repainted them, I also have an old sentinel, don't know yet if I will rebase him and give him a Krieg paintjob
>tfw looking at buying more rescue orks on ebay
>tfw they are ALWAYS painted like shit with the thickest coat imaginable

I respect my ork bros but fuck sake, stripping those boyz is a painful process
ty, it's a WW1 tank camo thing, I thought it fit. Pain in the ass to do so many times though
they're called rescues for a reason, my man.
Most of my 100+ boyz were the same way, especially those from the black reach box.
Just throw them in the alcohol bucket for a day, I had to do that with the vehicles, needed to actually put a weight ontop of them to keep them submerged

Are those the finecast Vostroyans or recasts?
Pretty sure the metal regiments were never released in Finecast, they were always re-popped in metal whenever they were available. I bought a big bunch of Armageddon Steel Legion from GW directly at one point and they were all metal.
Full metal, some I just bought when they were out but since I expanded the army I had to go to for metal recasts. I am NEVER touching resin. Quality metal recasts are easy to find beacuse I am slavic fortunately
I know but for fuck sake it's like they all had the same idea to dip them in black paint (which takes forever to get rid of with IPA) and then a nice generous coat of *insert green paint here* over the top

I like the black reach orks desu, I still have a few when I went halves in the box years ago with my friend that collected space marines. Ended up getting a 3rd party squig for the warboss from that kit as it never came with one, thought it would be appropriate to try show the free wargear on him. I found the boyz from that boxset to be easier and funner to paint
I did that, for an entire fucking week and it didn't do much. I tried the same thing with a few old metal nobz I have and it never all came off. I'm going to my local hardware store chain tomorrow (bunnings) and getting a bottle of acetone to get the shit off for good.
Remember that Acetone will melt the bases off your metal models. I highly recommend VMS Clean Slate rmvr 3.0 for stripping plastic models. Works great on acrylics.
Do NOT use acetone on plastic.
His plastic models are allowed to have some acetone, as treat.
No no no these are for metal figures only, I've had to use acetone for years at work I know what it does lmao it's the strongest solvent in the world

I need to swap the bases out anyway as they are too small. Do 32 mm bases with slots exist or do I have to cut that chunk of metal off below the model?
Oh I'll try find it tomorrow but I don't have much faith
Eternally kino models.
they might exist, but what you can do is put some cork 'rocks' on the bases and cut a slot into the cork so you don't have to cut the model.
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I LOVE metal guardsmen, but I will NEVER give james workshop money and I will NEVER but the new cadians with KNEEPADS because I am AUTISTIC
Does your astropath also have a fluffy hat?
I made fun of you in the past knee autist-san but I kneel
Are the artificier layer brushes the biggest scam Games Workshop ever released? I really doubt they are natural hair.

>posts Kasrkin with kneepads
>Kasrkin, that are notoriously Cadian
If I was you, I'd cut the metal chunk and rebase them with super glue
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I dont have an astropath yet, but here is the Baneblade commander
I accept your concession
Their legs are fully armoured, it isnt like the new cadian tacticool pads. Cadians are supposed to be in the cheapest equipment possible, I don't believe they would consider the poor guardsmans knee when he has to kneel in the debris
Don't tell anyone but I'm using the Havoc sarge as a Chaos Lord shhhhhh
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I adore biel tans lore macha but I cant vibe with the color scheme as much as I have tried green and white just looks ugly to me
I agree not having black on sisters seems weird.
I envy you mental strength on this. Though I feel I would not have had this issue if I had started Word Bearers as I originally intended.
I wish I could like Iyandens color scheme on the my models but I cant. Biel tan and Iyanden color schemes to me are my least favorites but are my favorite in the lore department. Which is why I did Saim hann as they are my 3rd fave lore and favorite color scheme.
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>eldar tummy plate
What should I get from the Chinese, lads?
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Biel Tan scheme is more doable when you realise it is an aspect heavy army and you will mostly be doing their shrine colours with a bit of green/white
What's ur ammy, bro
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So was he
OOP forge world stuff of course
beef chow mein
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I hate those bulbous bald heads.
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thats just eldar, man
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Anon Love your reaper great paint job.Though my issue is though I just dont like the color green on white as it just looks off. I can paint biel tan to an okay standard its just that it will never look good to me.

A man of refined taste
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do tau bros prefer this model? if so ive got a few of them to sell
is he supposed to be a brit in spain?
I don't see a Stella Artois?
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What's the regiment left of the commissar?
Steel Legion
The skin is VERY red
The regiment left of the commissar might be Armageddon steel legion, but they don't wear helmets like that. To the left of that guy is a Maccabian Janissary.
Maccabian Janissaries
>steel legion
Those mask and helmet ain't steel legion
>Maccabian Janissaries
The only reference I can find with brodie helmet are "cadian trenchers"
And the Armageddon helmet in Dark Tide looks more like a German WW2 Paratrooper helmet than the MICH helmet they should be looking like
I wouldn't even Calibanite lions were very similar to regular old lions. I mean to start with they were larger than a draft horse, and then rather than fur they were covered in sliding chitin plates and spines. They resembled lions insofar as they were quadrupeds with claws and fangs.
>And the Armageddon helmet in Dark Tide looks more like a German WW2 Paratrooper helmet than the MICH helmet they should be looking like
They are definitely supposed to look like WW2 German paratroopers.
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If you've got the special edition, do post the artwork included in there. I don't care about the book itself, but I like looking at pretty pictures.
Was mecha anime the only inspiration source for the tau? Because I've realized a bunch of theirt battlesuits look very similar to northern gears from Heavy Gear. Could be a coincidence, not like blocky, angular mechs are some unique thing
They are kinda schizophrenic, their society and designs look Indian, their mechs look Japanese, the Tau soundtracks all sound Chinese
Thoughts on having six Norns in a list?
my snaggas would love to play against a list like that
I am interested in starting a Thousand Sons army. What should I buy?
What is the condition and what is the price?
unpainted, been sitting in storage for 2 decades
no idea
Sex Norns?
diazepam to help you get through all the details
You wouldn’t fuck an alien, would you?
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You painted them well but man I hate the new Dark Reaper heads.
I wonder if you could kitbash Guardian heads and put the top knot onto them and just freehand the skull features onto the Guardian helmet.
Or just use all bare Eldar heads instead of helmets.
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>You wouldn’t fuck an alien, would you?
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How to git gud when painting faces?
>Ernest joins the Cadian 8th
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Post this in /wip/ so it can be added to the collage
Now this, is the faces of warhammer I can get behind.
For eyes, put a dark wash around the area first, the block eyes in using black legion contrast. Then add too small dots with an off white to each eye. I like screaming skull. It's better if you make them looking to one side too.
bros seen some shit
i want to like eldar but I cant
detoxify your brain from memes
there's much more to dislike about eldar other than their insufferable playerbase
trust me, a great deal of your opinions on eldar are actually just memes and skubwars living rent free in your head
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Like what?
I just got the digital edition. The limited edition version should reach me in a day or two. I will post the art here.
upload the epub to gofile.io, please
any plans to share the epub?
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About to order some supplies but I ran into some off-brand robed marine bodies. Should I make 5 supreme goku drip marines or is it a gay and cringe thing you guys don't wanna see?
nope, sorry you feel so tribalistically attached to ugly not!elves that you feel the need to excuse away any criticism of them
ugly models that don't fit in the setting
obnoxious lore
What armies DO fit the setting? Why?
helmets are goofy
all infantry looks like twinks
the bright colors make them looks like toys even more than space marines
literally all the rest other than votann and arguably tau
they're thematically and aesthetically consistent and have themes that play off each other
eldar are literally just space elves with bulbous smooth armor and ugly conehead helmets
they look more in line with trash like infinity
Is that your model? She looks fucking sweet.
what armies do you two play?
Yeah, and thank you :)
>you feel so tribalistically attached
on the contrary, I can assure you that I am definitely not, what I'm telling you is that you are attached to their hatred due to memes, the fact you're projecting this tribalistic thing in the first place is but another indication that you are not looking at things in terms of what you like and what you don't, but an "us vs them" thing

you need to stay off the internet or it'll only rot your brain further by making you approach other stuff in the same way
Piracy hurts us all. Nick Kyme deserves the royalties. He needs to eat.
he's just butthurt that he lost to them 4 editions in a row
Blacked library faggots deserve to starve.
>n-no you're just terminally online!!!
not even trying, typical seething eldartranny
bold of you to assume anon plays
none :^)
>fantasy skeletons BUT IN SPACE
and infinitely more cohesive to the setting than your faggy elves
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Considering they're berzerkers, if he somehow managed to win the duel would they kill him or let him go
I see now that this is bait. We deserve our own war in heaven game like HH, but nobody would play it.
incubi are cool and the main reason i would build drukhari
>Nick Kyme deserves eternal punishment for what he did to the Salamanders
Ah, the halcyon days of getting tabled on turn 2 by Eldar shooting in 6th edition.
I wish we had an actual undead faction in game.
Space Vampire Counts with skeletons being walked around in their power armor.
You're obviously being baited by the same fucking Eldar shitposter(s) again. Consider not continuing this conversation.
>I wish we had an actual undead faction in game
Poxwalker death guard
>I have no argument so I'll call anybody insulting my eldar bait
Mate we both play carbon copies of fantasy armies ported into 40k. We are on the same level. If anything, Eldar are more different than their fantasy counterparts - Necrons still use the same Not!Egyptian shit
Look up Mini-tutorial on Painting Faces Imgur
yes, khymerae are explicitly just naturally occurring warp beasts unrelated to the chaos gods which is why DE beastmasters are fine using them when the city has a no-psykers/no-chaos policy. it's just the milky way galaxy is such a shit hole and the ruinous powers are a major playable faction that most of the focus for warp shit is almost exclusively for Chaos-aligned entities, with generic warp xenos and shit like enslavers being largely background material
Incubi, Mandrakes, and the space ships are the coolest parts of Dark Eldar
>and infinitely more cohesive to the setting
Yeah, no, the faction of aliens that look like humans despite not being made by the creators of all humanoid races, and that have a set of gods that behave exactly like chaos gods despite being nominally a completely opposite thing with no logical connection to the setting's metaphysics both before and after, is objectively not more cohesive to the setting.
maybe offer him a place in the warband, or more duels until he falls to khorne or all berserkers are dead
that and grotesque / wracks are some of the cooler units in the game for me
>ugly models that don't fit in the setting
The entire Eldar range has largely been the same aesthetically for like four decades, even when they get modern updates like the new scorpions or rangers the design iterations are as conservative as possible and still based on the same 30+ year old jes goodwin sketches.

The Falcon literally hasn't changed in almost 30 years. If you think "Eldar models don't fit 40k" what you're actually saying is new sculpts don't fit the game because Eldar shit is practically LARPing the War in Heaven with how unchanging it's been
I am a nazi, Mercenary Kroot are my favorite xenos for overthrowing the yoke of t he T'*u and. No to allegiance to foreign races, yes to Pech independence. Blue faggots off my homeworld.
Do any of the current marine kits include prosthethic limbs or is it just the Iron Hands Primaris upgrade sprue?
>The entire Eldar range has largely been the same aesthetically for like four decades, even when they get modern updates like the new scorpions or rangers the design iterations are as conservative as possible and still based on the same 30+ year old jes goodwin sketches.
And GW is extremely based for this.
I agree they are the coolest part, but I find they have several weirdly unique and cool units. The army feels like a menagerie of different weird mercenaries.
>The entire Eldar range has largely been the same aesthetically for like four decades, even when they get modern updates like the new scorpions or rangers the design iterations are as conservative as possible and still based on the same 30+ year old jes goodwin sketches.
See, this I actually love. Marinefags need not apply
It depends on the context
>umm every army is 50-50 male female
That's dumb
>on the Hive World of Humandisposability VI they send both men and women to fight and die in order to keep the population from getting uppity and expanding too fast, plus if you are ugly you arem ore likely to be conscripted
Makes sense for your guys

That's why femstodes are stupid and SJWs in general are cringe cunts- there are no kits of "Female Custodes Captain Valeria Vespasiana" to be your warlord or "female custodes squadron the sisters of fire" with flamethrowers or something Custodes currently don't have. There's no lore in there like "in the Era Indomitus the custodes found their manpower taxed as those genetically compatible with their technology are few in number and there are only so many noble families to give up their kids, so they began accepting girls too". They were already there is not lore, it doesn't sell models, there's nothing positive except saying "fuck you we can retcon your lore any time". They created nothing and arguably lost the company sales- evil cannot create, only shit the bed.
Am I allowed to have a space marine army with marines from different chapters in it? I was thinking it might be funny to have an army "assembled" by trazyn through him poaching a single marine from various chapters. It would still follow the space marine codex
just play deathwatch without painting them black
>dreadnaught chassis I got was only the front piece
Okay I guess thanks ebay.

Gw will rchange them to be the spawn of the secret warp god Ret'con.
You can paint stuff however you want
it never fit the setting, it not changing doesn't make it fit any more
You can paint your marines however you want, this edition doesn't have any restrictions on army rules requiring corresponding paint scheme, the entire reason they changed detachments was to get away from that, you don't need to be painted as ultramarines to run Gladius or Iron Hands to play Ironstorm.

If you're painting up a meme army like that though I would recommend giving them at least some common identifiers between models to make it clear they're part of the same army. Give them all visible necron scarabs or mindshackles or something. Deathwatch players sometimes do the same thing where they'll be autistic and model a multi-chapter force with everyone wearing Deathwatch pauldrons
>I wish we had an actual undead faction in game.
Iyanden Ghost Legion is literally that though, the wraiths are objectively the spirits of the dead given new form.
anyone have an easy way to do nice looking snow bases, i wanna do something like that for alpha legion
>the entire reason they changed detachments was to get away from that, you don't need to be painted as ultramarines to run Gladius or Iron Hands to play Ironstorm.
you never did, you could always paint up your blood angels and run them as space wolves rules
people might have rolled their eyes if you clearly were trying to chase the meta with your rulehopping but the only restrictions have always been chapter specific units like sanguinary guard and wulfen
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if you want wet looking snow AKI's snow sprinkles are pretty good
for some reason people don't consider Eldar necromancy to be undead/necromancers despite it literally being dead people's souls fighting. maybe because it's voluntary and they're not literal zombies and skeletons, idk. It's more tragic than edgy, with Eldar feeling it's unfortunate they need to send their ancestors into battle rather than laughing maniacally like Nagash
I meant in the vampire counts sense of having actual re-animated skeletons and necromancers.
Lots of companies sell a simple-to-use snow paste. My favorite is the Tamiya one, but it's also the most expensive. I've seen good snow done with AK interactive snow microballoons pva-glued on bases and vehicles too. The Vallejo snow effect is a pretty uninspired white acrylic paste.
That's kinda what I was thinking. A scarab on all of them would look cool. I'm planning on just buying already painted models for cheap to ensure nothing matches and so I don't spend more money on paint than models
between Hivestorm and some other models I've given James over $500 this week alone. I need help.
Oh, they made a new Night Lords upgrade sprue for Kill Team. Probably useful if you like Night Lords.
Depends how crazy they are the that very moment. They might let him go even if he doesn't win as long as he fights well enough or they might all dog pile him as soon as the duel starts.
not to be rude anon but this has been out for several months now where have you been
they're frothing raving madmen, they won't let it be a duel either way
they'd probably kill the zerker he's standing off against too just because one small guardsmen squad isn't enough immediate bloodshed
Well fuck. I only came back to the hobby less than a month ago and GW deleted all the Kill Teams from their web store when I tried to look them up.
based and kroot pilled
Ye I remember waiting 6 months for the NL upgrade sprue to come out. The new chaos lord with a jetpack sprue has a good synergy for that. They got new mandrakes for dark eldar too. Pretty cool.
I started in 10th!
What did you use for the Red power armor here?
I'm practically ancient in this hobby (8th edition :) )
Finally got a warpsmith based in gunmetal colour. Painted an Iron Warrior back in November/December. 10 months later it's all coming together. Got some Negavolt Cultists, a Land Raider, Obliterator, Havocs. It's all coming up Iron.
Anon you fell for the memes.
scale75 mayhem red and army painter strong tone
>deleted them all
What the fuck this must've just happened
We need female space marines
People shit on Night Lords constantly, then they sell out in 15 min.
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works on my machine
Yeah, a small selection just came back because the new edition starter set just opened for pre-order.
They really fucked up with the selection of factions for the new starter, but this isn't /ktg/ so that's that.
Wait, is the Night Lords kit already deleted?
The fuck?
you need a bolt in the mouth
No GW just can’t run a web store
how good is the incursor haywire mine?
they're just updating the prices for the new edition
They just have some very vocal haters but they're up there in terms of popularity compared to other traitor legions. I hope GW is paying attention to that fact and use them more. Even if it is to job. It's okay I'm used to having my boys job.
Its free why are you asking / 10
Reboxing and price hiking.
Please understand, the quadrapalagic madagascan pygmy artists need their gruel.
I mean is it worth rushing a vehicle and then potentially risking deadly demise rolls?
don't worry it's just for repackaging, though they did say teams will start getting rotated out starting in the next four years.
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I gave up, I out too many correction layers and now the plastic eye detail are lost anyways
I am just gonna put two dots of wash and leave it there
I think he looks okay
the helmet is sitting pretty deep anyways, even the official warhammer paintjobs eyes look bad
Edge highlights arent the be-all and end-all of miniature painting you 'eavy metal faggot
That's fair. He looks good otherwise.
GW did create a niche market for coomer custodes 3d printers though
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Okay should I get a land raider right now or is GW about to scrap it and give us a new replacement/model update?
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It still holds up pretty good, don't really see an update coming anytime soon.
If they do scrap the classic Land Raider you can bet your bottom dollar that whatever comes out to replace it will cost about 50% more.
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When are we getting new space marine tanks that have tank treads. Not vibing with these airplane tanks. I've personally see more land raiders in people's armies than the onions tanks.
I feel like they're too afraid to scrap the classic land raider. Likewise the rhino.
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>not highlighting the edges, then re-highlighting them with an even brighter colour for double the hiighlights
I think they're scary already, not upfront scary like most of the races in 40k are, but more existentially scary in that Ethereals can basically turn you into Tyranid-lite against your will
Will never buy an umpulsar, they just look gay. Predators and Rhinos are always the mainstay.
They already ditched the classic boxnought I don't think anything is safe at this point
Pretty much every faction in 40k except the Tolkien slop aka Elves and Dwarves is fucking awesome.
I'd love to see those painted as Iron Warriors.
I really like this deep blue you achieved, I'm strongly considering painting all my loyalists like that.
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Remember to pay your taxes.
How did you get that nice panel blue?
Multiple layers of overbrush?
Also mirin that demon, if thats a freehand, you're a god, if that's a transfer, I'll need a sauce
Am I missing something or do Salamanders only have 2 unique models? Are you even meant to build anything other than Ultras?
Yeah, blood raven
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Can't wait for my spooky boys.
>marine players when every chapter isn't a fleshed out full faction
Unironically gonna get them to play Kill Team only
How many unique models do ultramarines have?


That's literally it you faggot.
I don't even see any of their models in the space marine army rule.
Wouldn't be so bad if I could play multiple chapters at once. Let my 2 Salamanders units mess around in the background while the actual army (ultras) puts in the work!
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>forgetting about VT
The Dread Talons detachment is actually pretty fucking devastating if you can force multiple battle shock rolls. Even worse now that Insane Bravery is once per battle.

Terror Descends - roll during opponent's command phase at -1
Blood Example - roll after killing a character
Raptors - roll at the start of the fight phase at -1
Daemon Prince with wings - roll after the Daemon Prince moves over an enemy unit
Willbreaker enhancement - roll in fight phase after character finishes making attacks if enemy unit hit by one or more
Screaming descent - roll in reinforcements step of movement if your unit is within 6'' of enemy unit
Sicarius, Tigurius, & Chronus too. And Guilliman is an actual boss unlike those poor excuses the others have.
>Let my 2 Salamanders units mess around in the background while the actual army (ultras) puts in the work!
as long as "the actual army" isn't named characters or other chapter specific shit thats exactly what you do?

But no every army having death company and deathwing knights in it would be dogshit
I don't know why dark blue looks cooler than black for sneaky spooky marines, but it does.
>isn't named characters
That's the problem. The only 2 unique Salamander models are named and nowhere near worth trading the ability to play the named Ultras you can pick.
Too many. Generic poster faggots deserve nothing special.
the lightning is something their armor produces?
thought it was painted on them
I don’t know about hours, but I know that any 40k posts outside of the generals are much, much more likely to be filled with lorelets and and /pol/tards.
It varies in the fluff. It's often rendered as actual electricity in artwork because they need that extra effort to be taken seriously.
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>How did you get that nice panel blue?
Airbrush, stegadon scale green over black, edge highlights with fenrisian grey.
>Also mirin that demon, if thats a freehand, you're a god, if that's a transfer, I'll need a sauce
Thanks anon, it's freehand.
Welp, time to rub one out
>have always loved scout squads from the moment I found out about 40k
>always wanted to get some one day
>finally start building my marine army
>keep putting off getting them to focus on my main units
>find out today I waited to long and they're not sold anymore and the only place I can find then is on ebay for way too much money
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It's just a repackaging and a repricing, they come out in october
Just paint them in your chapter's colors
Corax should help out his loyalist brothers instead of stalking that jobber
Thank god.
Though, I have heard that GW plans to axe some of the Kill Teams for next season or whatever.
I do hope they don't do that to the Night Lords kit. The upgrade sprue for them is cool and it is perfect if you want to make some NL themed warbands.
>black legion chad killed the orange and tealfag
They are probably going to axe the death korps kill team since they are releasing a death korps army box with an updated plastic range with the 10th edition guard codex
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>and a repricing
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These guys were probably a big inspiration - robot armies, tan coloured flying tanks, fish faces, etc. GW has always liked to ride the tailcoat of whatever sci fi franchise is popular at the time by releasing a similar army soon after.
Don't worry, I'm sure they'll upgrade the price of them for general release.
They consolidated the classic boxnaughts into the venerable kit.
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No, gooners are what's wrong with society. I have zero problem how much of a sex addict you are behind closed doors. Idk what sick or tame shit you get up too. If you show up to play a game with a naked Dark Magician Girl playmat or a masturbating Culexus Assassin you should be shamed. If you have one at home or for use among your gooner friends, that's fine.

When you enter the public space with fetish content you are breaking the social contract by taking things that are considered private and emotionally charged and forcing them into the public space regardless of others feelings. Its pissant behavior, like not taking a shower and existing in the public space. At best, 99% of people will be uncomfortable around you and try to exclude you from public gatherings as much as is ethically allowable.

You trying to FORCE everyone around you to be a cartoon porn addict as much as you are is repulsive and worthy of ostracization. This is the problem with gooners, whether they are 400 lb fat dudes in their mom's basement or trannies walking around half naked in public in front of kids. I don't care what you get up to in your own home, but trying to force these things to exist in the public space is inconsiderate, repulsive, rude, boorish etc
So long and thanks for all the fish!
>Give the facts
That's not marketing
Marketing is all about lies and feelings

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