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Bikes were pretty cool edition.

previous thread

Check out here for useful links and a catalogue of relevant miniatures retailers:
>/GROG/ Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/nnNqqFLn
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To this day I am still not sure if I prefer how 1st/2nd edition did bikes with them being full fledged vehicles that took damage and had stuff like ramming strength and could flip out and explode and all that or the 3rd edition approach that streamlined the fuck out of them and made them far more practical in play.
The early approach was fun but clunky, the latter approach was simple but generally made use of them better. Especially for when you wanted to use more than say three of them in a game.
Perhaps there's a happy middle ground to be had somewhere.
I feel it comes down to the scale of play you want. Full fledged vehicle level bikes in RT/2E are cool if you can work a scenario around that, but pairing them down to just movement boost wargear like how 3rd does it would be simple enough, too. The medium I think is the scenario focus, want a force-on-force contact? break them down to like they're in 3rd. Want a more involved chase scenario like that eldar vs. dark eldar scenario that Gave Thorpe wrote for White Dwarf? RT/2E is the way to go! Did I repeat myself in that? Probably. It's 3 am here, I am going to bed.

G'night, /grog/!
>Bikes were pretty cool edition.
Always were, still are. Respect.
do you like to play grognard editions with your grognard miniatures, or do you use modern alternative rules?
Modern miniatures, but with grognard rules. Rogue Trader rules can be applied to ANYTHING.
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Grog miniatures, modern rules with extensive homebrew.
Because Rogue Trader is a bit awkward because it doesn't quite work like you think the game will work. There was good example last thread when the Autocannon came up, and how template weapons by the book rules rolled to deviate based on the size of the template, then you rolled to hit the things under the template based on the shooter's BS. And you scatter that template via a clockface of directions system. Or you go for close combat and find there's charge reactions, push-backs and using 2 weapons actually makes your fighting ability worse.

There's a reason everyone plays 2nd for battle reports on youtube. It just works better. But I also think 2nd is... I played 2nd. 2nd is a game that whilst I like, it's something due to experience overriding nostalgia, I'd want to homebrew the fuck out of to make something that looks a lot like, well, kind of what I've homebrewed anyway. It's a game where I don't want to go back to that close combat system, that psychic phase, and certain other bits. It is however a game where I want to go back to that wonderful low level combat system of individual actions, interesting and varied weapon systems and wild combatants. I love the scale, the detail in many places and the variety, just not all the mechanics it was implemented with.
the duality of grog
Have you tried Renegade Scout, anon?
Trying to play some middlehammer with my dad and brother using our childhood models. Should we get into 3rd or 4th? Which is better and why?
Also I can't find old-school rules/codex ANYWHERE
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It's all good. People should play the old games and games in the model of the old games. Playing games is I think ultimately the goal. It makes it so that oldhammer isn't just nostalgia wanking because it makes it about doing the thing instead of just thinking about the thing.
And people can get old minis if they want, though as it's gotten harder than ever so also fuck it; recasts, 3d prints, remakes, that's good too. I'd fully expect anyone putting together a classic army nowadays to basically be faking it at least in part regarding the models.

I mean, just look at the Bring Out Your Lead event, the absolute oldhammer central. All sorts of game systems, all sorts of models from all sorts of places. All works out to be oldhammer grog stuff somehow.
That they are. Still have some odd super-chunky Canadian knockoff bikes in the depths of my spares box. And an original Chaplain on Bullock. This is one of my old conversions that I did for an Ulthwe Guardian warband, a Bike Warlock with DE, Wraithguard, and Shining Spear bits.

>do you like to play grognard editions with your grognard miniatures, or do you use modern alternative rules?
Both. We're so far past the pale of GW that nobody really cares. Pick rules your opponent is willing to play, and that fit the scenario. It's not like Rogue Trader wasn't half homebrewed anyway.
Grog Miniatures, Grog Rules - The way the old gods intended. Although I will usually use miniatures I've sculpted myself for some of my characters, but I sculpt in the style of the old figures & artwork.
I try to get my hand on models from that era, but that's just me wanting said models. I do not enforce it on anyone.
Just to make sure, 40k or fantasy? And check the OP pastebin. Might be something of use in there.


>use miniatures I've sculpted myself
Now that's fuckin' grog.
>I will usually use miniatures I've sculpted myself
Post pics, we want to see them.
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Well yes, Behelit-Anon, but not all of us are as fucking insane as you are. And I mean that as a compliment.
Certainly. Here's one of them. When I sculpt a figure I also make molds & cast him, so I have painted and played many variations of ol' StretchSkull here.

I play almost exclusively Realm of Chaos in 3rd Edition WHFB/1st Edition 40k, and I'm obsessed with the "Face of a Bloodletter" mutation (Results 07, 08, 09 & 10 on the Rewards of Khorne table)

>Now that's fuckin' grog
Verdammt Richtig

>not all of us are as fucking insane as you are. >And I mean that as a compliment.
Taken as such, fear thee not.
Here you go, anon. You know how to decode these, right?

aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZvbGRlci9jVGdHV0NoVCNGMlRFQ3dmaVN0em9URWw5TzQ3TUJn retro 40k
aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZvbGRlci9JV2hRUklESiNFa3huLTV3VjlSelotbTJORXBudFNB old-to-middlehammer whfb.

I would not hesitate for second before snatching that off the table and throwing it against the wall.
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Short version:
In early 3e, close combat is extremely powerful. In particular, Walkers were almost unkillable against regular infantry. A series of changes in Chapter approved toned it back substantially, and 4e codified them. Light transports were also extremely vulnerable to massed weapons fire, especially from bolters, but provided huge benefits to the troops inside them. The Fire Points rules in late 3E and some changes to the damage tables in 4e also addressed a good chunk of this issue. The survivability of light vehicles and extremely heavy ones got buffed but the overall effectiveness of vehicles as fire platforms got severely-nerfed. Late 4e codexes are also starting to develop the 5e trend of removing all customization options and units without clear and distinct models in "exchange" for new unit types.
Early 3e is fun, late 3e has some really cool stuff like the Creature Creator and Vehicle Design Rules that let you get more into the Rogue Trader-era spirit, and 4e is more tightly-balanced but loses a lot of the messy, anarchic fun of late 3e. Backdating a couple of the rules changes from 4e is still a good idea.

What a miserable cunt you are.
Always loved this picture, the totally-not AT-AT and the catachan jetbikers. I always wondered how those bikers were put together. I can see that there's an AT-AT toy cannibalized for the 40k knock off one, was that also the case for the jetbikes?

Anyway, the Iron Snakes muster for war once again, I'll have an army list to post for commentary in an hour or so.
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I'm not really sure if this is the right place to ask but I figured it'd be more useful than /40kg/.

I'm looking to play a big custom narrative campaign of 40k with a bunch of friends that escalates from smaller engagements into bigger ones as everyone learns the rules better bit I don't know which edition would be best for this sort of thing.

I've been looking into contemporary 40k stuff and all the offerings for long-term narrative play seem very limited. Like, "you're all fighting tyranids" limited.
Man I hate the argument that the primaris grav vehicle spam is okay setting wise because of land speeders
Well, anon, what else do you want from a campaign? From what you've said so far, you're looking for an escalation of conflict, and will probably have a whole bunch of armies to throw into the meatgrinder, right? 3rd and 4th are what I best know for campaign play, so perhaps you'd be interested in combining a map based campaign with a ladder escalation? If you recall Dawn of War Dark Crusade and Soulstorm's map campaigns that'd be a good format to copy, I think.

Further, the Planetary Empires expansion for 5th edition is a simple enough system to set up with and should marry well to either of the campaign systems found in the 3rd or 4th edition rulebooks.
I liked to imagine that it was a alot technology of the imperium, STCs limited and the technology unable to be improved.

So spacemarine and imperial guard jetbikes were a common thing, grav chutes limited to elite troops and landspeeders being the absolute limit in size being able to be lifted.
There's a whole chapter on running campaigns in the 4th (and I think 3rd) ed rulebook
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the basic idea was to either start at skirmish or even rpg-scale conflict that escalates over time into players each controlling different entire 40k-scale armies for different factions all fighting over various objectives over the course of the campaign on or around probably a single planet

for the rpg bits I'm fine with just running one of the FFG systems but as far as wargaming goes I'm pretty lost

the most important thing is a system that is beer and pretzels fun and that scales from skirmish-sized conflicts to full-army ones without too much hassle, optionally including systems for things like advancement or injury
>Here's one of them.
Ahaha that's fucking wicked, nice one anon
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found some cool shit
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Unreleased sculpts from Colin Dixon
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I'm going to cut a classic metal Bloodletter in half so I can use the legs to make my tech barbarian chief taller, whats the best use for the upper body? I considered these bits from Anvil but they're too clean so how about bionic marine legs, kinda like Darth Maul after he gets brought back as a cyborg?
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The legs in question.
What on earth
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Might do it, if he's on a 40mm base it can count as a chaos spawn.
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I think it's based on this
What on terra
Have you looked up the original White Dwarf Kill Team rules? They work very well as an intermediate step between RPG and full-on wargame. 4E has some similar rules in the main book, but it cut back a lot of the mission-oriented rules in favor of half-assedly combining it with the 40k in 40 minutes format. There are a lot of fun modeling opportunities and you can often use the models in one of the veteran squads from codexes of the time. The original 40k/40minutes (not Combat Patrol) is also a good intermediate format for low-points games.
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>3rd 4th or 5th
thank you, this seems like a good enough place to start

I didn't even know there was an older version of kill team

any idea what issues it would be?
Sorry, I had a couple of the editions backwards.
>Early Combat Patrol/Patrol Clash, 40k/40m
White Dwarf UK 274, 284
The original fansite is long dead.
>OG Kill Team
4e rule book
White Dwarf 307, 310, and 312
You can also use the Create-a-creature and vehicle design rules from 3e to screw around with other critters and light vehicles. The points won't be completely accurate but it's not like any edition of 40k has ever been especially balanced anyway, and you're doing a narrative campaign rather than something more competitive.
Heralds of Ruin started out as a Kill Team fansite in the northwest US that gradually branched further and further off of the "official" rules as the 5e codexes started violently carving large chunks out of the game.

The *5th* edition update is what I was remembering as the massive shitfest.
Post the army list, been looking forward to it
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Am I going crazy or does 3rd's Eldar Codex not include the descriptions of vehicle modifications?
Will do, chief! It's not as finished as I thought, I'm indecisive on a few things, 1,000 points ain't much, maybe I should ask my friend if we could bump up to 1200 or something?

Iron Snakes 2e 1,000 points.

Captain Thanassis: Chainsword, bolt pistol, frag grenades. Combi-bolter(which one to choose?) and Targeter wargear cards.

Squad Psellus: Devastator squad(double plasma/laser good enough? Change up the loadout?)
5 marines with bolters, bolt pistols, and frag grenades. 2 marines wtih heavy plasma guns, bolt pistol, frag grenades, 2 marines with lascannons, bolt pistols, frag grenades. 1 sergeant with bolter, bolt pistol, and frag grenades.

Squad Agapios: Tactical combat squad(all bolters or keep the heavy?)
3 marines with bolters, bolt pistols, frag grenades. 1 marine with a heavy bolter, bolt pisto, frag grenades. Sergeant with bolter, bolt pistol, frag grenades.

Squad Raphail: Tactical combat squad
3 marines with bolters, bolt pistols, frag grenades. 1 marine with a heavy bolter, bolt pistol, frag grenades. Sergeant with bolter, bolt pistol, frag grenades.


Total: 910
90 points left to play with, but I feel kinda naked without the dreadnought(despite his under-performance in all my games so far). Gonna lean into the shooting game with my marines. I think I've gone and put too much into the devastator squad, Was thinking to use them as an anchor for a firing line, or combat squadding them at deployment to cover more ground.
I'd take the heavy bolters out of the tacticals, keeping them just full bolters. Keeps them more mobile. Flamers could work thought. And I think you're not allowed to take heavy weapons in combat squads anyway, just special weapons.
I was thinking that you should drop the captain. Its just too much points for so little in such a small game. Just take techmarine and dreadnought, take the devastator squad as combat squad and full bolter tactical as veterans with veteran sergeant as your commander?
There's a scan on archive.org with the pages if you can find a downloader.
Nah, you can choose 1 heavy or 1 special weapon. Flamers could be good, yeah, especially when I go up against the orks again.
Yeah, the captain could go, maybe only bring him out for a bigger points bracket. I'll try things out again.
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Alright, another attempt, this time a surplus of 35 points. I had lascannons on the devastator combat squads originally, but it had me 5 points over with nothing else to shave away to get it on the mark. So I switched to autocannons over the lascannons, because I think the sustained fire makes up for the lesser armour penetration. Maybe I'm totally wrong, I dunno.

Iron Snakes 1,000 points.

Techmarine Eutropius-Gamma:
Bolter, bolt pistol and frag grenades.

Veteran Sergeant Priad: Veteran Sergeant of Squad Damocles.
Bolter, bolt pistol, frag grenades.

Squad Damocles: Veteran squad.
9 marines with bolters, bolt pistol, frag grenades. 1 veteran sergeant with bolter, bolt pistol, frag grenades.

Squad Psellus: Devastator combat squad.
2 marines with bolters, bolt pistols, frag grenades. 1 marine with heavy plasma gun targeter, bolt pistol, frag grenades, 1 marine with autocannon and targeter, bolt pistol, frag grenades. Sergeant, bolter, bolt pistol, frag grenades.

Squad Hector: Devastator combat squad.
2 marines with bolters, bolt pistols, frag grenades. 1 marine with heavy plasma gun and targeter, bolt pistol, frag grenades, 1 marine with autocannon and targeter, bolt pistol, frag grenades. Sergeant, bolter, bolt pistol, frag grenades.

Ancient Aritas: Dreadnought
Heavy Plasma Gun, Powerfist and storm bolter.

Total: 965
Autocannons huh, what are you using as models for that? Do you have assault cannon for you dreadnought? since you already got enough plasmas. Heavy bolters with hellfire shells are better than autocannons in my opinion, unless you are planning on shooting at light vehicles with them.
>unless you are planning on shooting at light vehicles with them.
Oh boy, am I! Fucking orks and their damn buggies, trakks and trukks.
>Autocannons huh, what are you using as models for that? Do you have assault cannon for you dreadnought? since you already got enough plasmas.
I have some stls I can smash together into an autocannon look alike. As for the dreadnought assault cannon, yeah, I could do that, actually. Would probably be better for me overall.
>Heavy bolters with hellfire shells are better than autocannons in my opinion
Kind of just depends on which army I'm facing and what job I need the devastators to do. Both choices would crack power armour nicely, one will help against light armour and terminators a little better and the other against chaff. I'll be building more heavy and special weapon marines if I keep on with 2e, so whichever for the day, I guess?
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Eldar Deathstalker in 28mm scale

Apparently GW themselves cast this in resin in the UK, around the time of the Armorcast/Mike Biasi/Epicast/Forge World USA lot in California getting the licence to do so. There was a Forge World USA version too.

Looking at CCM it is likely true, "Steve Mussared of Monolith Designs produced a small range of resin vehicles and titans in both 40K and Epic scales. With the exception of the Ork Gargant, most of these models were only every produced in small runs of 30 on a trial basis to test the market. These seem to have been made available at a few trade shows only and so were never available to the general wargaming community."

Wait, I have that book I think! which page I might be able to get you a photo of it.
If you're looking for cheap wargear to use for that 35 points, stuff like a scanner is 1 point to pick out infiltrators is handy if your opponent is gonna use kommandos. You could also load your dreadnought's autolaunchers up with blind grenades again. Remember when dealing with orks, you want to pick on the juicy targets, not waste your time on the screening units unless you're going to make a serious effort to clear them out in a single turn so you can punch into the good stuff. Still, those screens go both ways as you can't fire through your own guys. Technically it's on an individual basis but in practical sense any gretchin screen worth it is going to be blocking a lot of shooting from units behind it.
Within short range on weapons you can deliberately target crew on open topped vehicles instead of randomly.
A heavy bolter in that veteran squad would be a nice cheap weapon, and whilst it means tying down a combat squad of them to static position, well, you probably want them static for rapid fire bonus anyway so that'd be a lot of good shooty goodness.

Overall though I have a good feeling about this army, even if the orks bring a dreadnought you can smash it with the heavy plasmas and still have autocannon fire there to beat on buggies, tracks and bikes. But a lot of it is going to come down to placement and your tactics on the day. Remember, don't go in piecemeal, remember the objective, work out if it's attainable, focus efforts on what you can manage and beat down units methodically.
Thanks for the tips, was also thinking over the dreadnought assault cannon suggestion of the anon above, and I'm really liking that idea, too. That's a lot of fire power, at high strength, and some good armour penetration. Won't threaten my mates chaos terminators too much with only the -3 ASM, but heavy infantry game wide start sweating at the sight of that. Feeling kinda excited about games in the coming weeks, starting to figure this editions list build with everyone's help so far.
Absolutely go for the assault cannon on dread. Autocannons are great against ork vehicles but have that nasty chance of rolling jam on their single sustained fire dice. You can wreck all ork vehicles with bolters anyway. Like anon said, heavy bolter for that veteran squad is nice cheap option to boost their effectiveness. And yeah, you should take blind launchers for dread, its gonna save its life when orks really want to smash it.
Nah, don't worry about the termies, assault cannon absolutely will wreck them. It doesn't matter that its only -3 when there is 5 hits coming at them.
Ok, final points spent, I underestimated how much the assault cannon was, so I wasn't able to give the dread the ablative armour I was eyeing up, but the blind launchers should help mitigate incoming fire, anyway. Gave the veterans the heavy bolter, the dreadnought his new gun and blind launchers(gonna make some nice grenade markers to go with these), and the techmarine gets a bit of extra protection with a conversion field for the final 10 points.

Iron Snakes 1,000 points.

Techmarine Eutropius-Gamma:
Bolter, bolt pistol and frag grenades. Conversion field wargear card.

Veteran Sergeant Priad: Veteran Sergeant of Squad Damocles
Bolter, bolt pistol, frag grenades.

Squad Damocles: Veteran squad.
8 marines with bolters, bolt pistol, frag grenades. 1 veteran with heavy bolter, bolt pistol, frag grenades. 1 veteran sergeant with bolter, bolt pistol, frag grenades.

Squad Psellus: Devastator combat squad.
2 marines with bolters, bolt pistols, frag grenades. 1 marine with heavy plasma gun targeter, bolt pistol, frag grenades, 1 marine with autocannon and targeter, bolt pistol, frag grenades. Sergeant, bolter, bolt pistol, frag grenades.

Squad Hector: Devastator combat squad.
2 marines with bolters, bolt pistols, frag grenades. 1 marine with heavy plasma gun and targeter, bolt pistol, frag grenades, 1 marine with autocannon and targeter, bolt pistol, frag grenades. Sergeant, bolter, bolt pistol, frag grenades.

Ancient Aritas: Dreadnought
Assault Cannon, Powerfist and storm bolter, blind grenade launchers.

Total: 1,000

Thinking about an assault based army next, will think on that and have a list to share in a day or two.
This looks very good. Use cover, utilize rapid fire, prioritize targets. I might change techmarines conversion field for combi-plasma for him or for veteran sgt. He is not worth victory points and isnt something you need to protect if he just tags along with the dreadnought.
pew pew
Very nice C100 Marine. I would like one for my collection
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How do you feel about cutting up old bits? On the one hand they were made to use but if I use up two dozen RT pistols for this army project they won't be making more.
This is why I've gotten into seeking out STLs, I'm not opposed to chopping up and converting with old models, but they're a vanishingly small market and hard to source for more, so the need for recast/printed shit to work with supercedes any sort of model purist attitude I have.
In that case I'll drop the field and give the sergeant the combi and a targetter if I can shave points away from somewhere else. The targeter can be claimed for both the bolter and combined weapon, can't it?
I cut up old kits without a second thought, they're not some precious treasure they're a model made to be modeled and then painted, collectors are a blight on any creative hobby
Yeah it works on both but with bs5 he probably dont need it.
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Do it

None of those are particularly rare

Even with rare stuff, fuck it, it's yours. Magpie and Old Lead makes amazing conversions for example

God Marine bikes are so fucking cool, easily in my top five sci fi vehicles.
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Are there Rogue Trader rules for Tzeentch Daemons that don't require me to keep track of 9+ spells at a time? A friend and I are starting Rogue Trader, and she wants to use her Kriegers so I was going to use my Daemons for thematics, but like fuck am I doing all the Realm of Chaos rules game 1.

Lascannon for attention.
>Are there Rogue Trader rules for Tzeentch Daemons that don't require me to keep track of 9+ spells at a time?

No, unless you want to only use Flamers
Fuck. I was afraid of that, but thank you.
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This. This shit was made to be built and played with, not hoarded for the sake of it existing.
And with 3d printing, they literally are making more.

As an aside just a fun thing about 1st/2nd edition, it's kind of funny that the contents of that box there could probably make a decent small army looking at it. It still genuinely amazes me just how little is needed for a decent game with the old systems. No wonder they could use the mechanics of 2nd edition barely changed (biggest changes were what, pinning for being shot at, the down but not out thing and couple of tweaks to close combat beyond that?) for Necromunda and it just worked.
Do you recall the old HoR website address? They intentionally expunge all their old material every time they revise for some reason, their modern site only goes back to 2018, and even then it's formatted so the wayback archive could only capture the blog not the resources. Or failing that, does anyone have the material from their older iterations before they drank their own kool-aid?
I think I might, anon, I'll need to check my old hard drives, but I might just have a pile of their stuff up till 5th ed 40k factions.
Here's a version with those pages:
Terrible list. You should add back your landspeeder, swap that veteran squad for two tactical combat squads with plasma guns.

Also, don't worry about the Ork scorcha or chaos terminators.
>t. ork player

But yeah you should include that sweet land speeder in your 1500 points list
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That was just the only pic I have of old bits, all those models have been stripped and most of the loose backpacks went into my Iron Warriors army.

The DA veteran had two layers of enamel paint (two different colours) then a layer of black primer underneath that black paint.

I'm converting Marauders into 80's style tech barbarians, I was going to use RT bolt pistols for autopistols, got dozens of them cheap.
Good grief, nearly 12 hours and no one's had anything else to chip in with? Bah. You're getting an MC: Warzone battle report today, not just a cross linked with /awg/, but here and direct as punishment. Or not, maybe I will just cross link it instead, either way you guys will be hearing about today's game. I'd really meant to get some more of it painted up, basecoats and washes at least. But my ill discipline and poor sleeping habits have lead me to ruin again.
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>Good grief, nearly 12 hours and no one's had anything else to chip in with?
Massive headache on my part.
Gradually working on some miniatures and thinking of likes like What stats should that gun the C100 marines have, especially that twin barrel one, if counting it as something other than a bolter? Some kind of super lasgun maybe?
Juiced up lasgun sounds about right, maybe have it ape HH volkites and have it roll a round of extra hits on a 6 to hit or wound? But maybe I'm suggesting too much.
Does anyone have a metal recaster for 3rd/4th edition? My usual only has shit from RT, 2nd, and mostly 6th onwards. If you don’t want to make joining your secret club or whatever too easy for a scrub just give me a hint
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What era are these poorly painted Chaos marines from? I got them from some dead boomers estate sale. They're all plastic except the heavy weapons guys in the back, which are metal
3/4e. I started with those and metals. Good stuff.
Mixed 2nd in there too. The monopole berserkers and a few of the metal marines
Good eye, Anon. Forgot the Zerkers were 2E.They had great box art.
2e zerkers and 3e zerkers, 2e and 3e legionnaires. one with the white hair is supposed to be a banner bearer but has been converted, 3e havocs and a plague marine maybe
Rogue Trader and Realm of Chaos both demand patience and reservation from the more experienced player. Yes you COULD run a chaos champion with a daemon sword, +4 chaos armor & only the best hand picked chaos attributes and absolutely annihilate your friend, but where's the fun in that for either of you? Hold back and play to the narrative, use what makes sense for the models in the game not for you as the player controlling the models trying to win. My practical suggestion is to go ahead and run the Tzeentch Daemons you want, but just have them cast "Boon of Tzeentch" every psi phase. Random spell every time, but you still get the entropic quality of having 9+ spells at your disposal, just not the control of having them listed out to be chosen before hand. Get in character, Daemons (especially those of Tzeentch) are mercurial and nigh-impossible to control, just because you summoned them doesn't mean they'll do what you say. Embrace the chaos my friend.
Do any of you anons play older editions on tabletop sim? im looking for someone to play 3rd/4th edition 40k with to refresh my memory of the rules
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Was thinking something like:
Bolter stats but +1 strength
Bolter stats but +6" range
Something more wildcard like short range 12/long range 18 +2 to hit at short range, strength 5 -1 save and maybe a sustained fire on the big one. Get weird with it because they're arcane things.
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What is the best edition and why is it 7th Edition 40k Groghammer?
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SOVL, one of my all time favorite 40k artwork. This pic sums up the TRVE aesthetic of Warhammer 40k that zoomers and newfags who entered the hobby in the AoS era don't understand.
>the warriors grizzled and grotesquely scarred face, grimacing with anger and lust as he presses his pistol to the puny pathetic monsters little head and callously blows his brains out his ear, "h a t e" scrawled across his knuckles and "KILL" inscribed on his opposite arm
Meanwhile, modern 40k aesthetic is a mix of Marvelâ„¢ and Korean MMOs with a healthy dose of DEI and Funko pops

Soulless. Nothing created on a computer (artificial) will ever be capable of capturing the same emotions or feeling as something hand crafted (reality, physical)
Harlequin me all you want, it beats what ever the fuck is happening in current LGS with 40k.
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>7th Edition 40k
elaborate or be struck by a blunt electrical weapon
Was a damn good time to be a Dark Angel player with either BS2 Overwatch or full BS overwatch. Problem was, full BS overwatch came from using Codex Formations which were the biggest problem with 7th.

The core rules were okay. Streamlined some shit from 6th, but scale creep with fliers and Superheavies was a thing I'll give. That, and the Allies matrix was kind of easily abusable (Thousand Sons and Daemons Screamerstar).
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I don't mean to be too harsh but I think you should die.
How much these cost you?
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Show me on the doll where power 5 in pic related hurt you.
Hacking up prints and recasts is better than buying up old stuff I agree. Any drop boxes or links for Firstborn Space Marine things?
>Warp charge
Say sike right now
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>one with the white hair is supposed to be a banner bearer
Nah, similar body but it's actually just a regular legionnaire. It's the same body as the pair flanking either side of the Terminator Champion in picrel, while the standard bearer had more skulls on his armour and a big fur pelt across his chest
They are about tree fiddy
It's interesting but it misses the intensity of the composition of the original. The original's holding the pistol up closer to the face draws more attention there and its position indicates more of a derisive gesture, like it's pointing down in accusation. It also gives a very strong focal point, where the more hip-shooting stance of the remake draws attention away from the face rather than accentuating it.
The original has a very good follow-through in that the face/gun grabs the attention, then the gun with the line of fire draws the eye down to the headshot and the amusingly placed 'KILL'. The viewers eye is lead around the key details in sequence, and then left to absorb the fine details. But with the more natural pose in the remake, the follow-through isn't so clean and the eye wanders as different points of brightness draw the eye more, with really the focal point being immediately the plasma glow and head explosion, which being right in the middle of the image and close together do absolutely nothing to naturally lead the eye around the scene, let alone to key details.

The artist is clearly technically decent and has created a more realistically proportioned and posed scene, but in doing so misses the fundamental why of why the overly stylised look of the original works and failed at the basics of laying out how to draw the eye around a picture to the key details. The original's work had a far bolder choice made behind it with the extremes of focus, and was executed better in terms of laying that out.
Anyway that's why it seems not so good; it's just construction stuff about making appealing images.

TL;DR: Gun&Tiny Ork in the wrong place in the remake fucks the composition entirely.
God I love MKV armor.
You sound like a faggot nomodels secondary
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Love how fucked up some of the Marines looked in the RT book
>Dudes with mangled faces covered in bionics
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Same. I also love the sheer variety of artists and styles they had going, and the variation in what was depicted being that it wasn't always battle scenes.

You need more Loomis.
weren't lord commissars able to issue orders in 5th? or their gimmick is that they were the cheapest HQ option?
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Unfortunately not able to issue orders, anon.

Lord Commissars were 70 point Independent Characters, so that was their gimmick compared to 50 point Company Command Squads whose Officers weren't IC.
Eldars? What language is this please?
I got them all for $10

Not me
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I think Miranda Irene may be your best bet for ease of use and acceptable quality. Not a huge selection but I've never had an issue.
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Imagine your warsmith giving the warbands Vindicator a name and you are only known as 'Obliterator 2'
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>No Gravediggers until next year
Very boo.

Listen, if you wanted to be loved, you should have been born a tank.
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>Listen, if you wanted to be loved, you should have been born a tank.
what about 6th or 7th?
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Some fag who got daemons in his brain is expendable, tanks are not. Simple as.
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>nuHH sloppa meme

Please leave
If you want to be a janny, wait for the applications to open and sign up, gayboy
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Which Book of Chaos would be the best stand-in for Red Corsairs in CSM 3.5?
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Can anyone identify this metal RT mini?
>also asking /WIP/
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nvm got an answer from /WIP/
And people complains about phobos legs
None, honestly. Red Corsairs tend to , fluff wise, favor Fast Attack stuff, like Bikes, Raptors and even Landspeeders when they had them. You don't get any extra marks for Raptors and bikes only get Khorne or Slaanesh. Oddly, the Night Lords list is the most suitable for the corsairs. That or Black Legion, which gives no benefits. If you can, try looking at the chapter approved articles for potentially using more loyalist equipment in chaos armies. Sadly, only 2nd Ed actually answered this issue.
If you get a chance to look that out that'd be amazing.
>was that also the case for the jetbikes
Straight up: I don't know but I don't think so. From having played with one, based on the scale of the tree at lower left the front vanes look too small for the Star Wars ROTJ size toy to me, they're more like 1:48 scale models rather than toys. About the design, the vanes are triangles, there's only one vane each side, the engine intake below the hands is round, the engine intake exists, the foot pads are like long rectangular treads instead of pedals on bars, the engine carries on behind the rider. The principle looks to me to be inspired by the SW speeder bike but it doesn't seem to me to be from ROTJ or the biker gang style bikes in Book of Boba Fett or whatever other places the pics I looked at come from. Be cool to know the source if someone has it.
You'd just sit there and stew like the pissbaby you are. Stop trying to pretend you'd do anything different.
Lord Commissars couldn't get orders by default in 6/7th, they had to be warlord (so you couldn't have a Company Command Squad or Straken in your army because of the Chain of Command rule) and roll the right warlord trait on the IG table.
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One might also try to look through the Imperial Armour books, specially the Badab ones. Sure, they may go beyond 3rd and 4th, but it's not difficult to just backport units.
>try looking at the chapter approved articles for potentially using more loyalist equipment in chaos armies
Could just use the custom vehicle rules to make Chaos Speeders or something like that.
Which edition had the best core rules, and which had the best codexes?
2nd and 2nd
>Which edition had the best core rules, and which had the best codexes?
Depends on exactly what you want.

>codexes (pre-7th because I quit in 6th)
Rogue Trader had - by far and away - the best codices for Orks. Even if it was three of them. Arguably the Imperial Army as well. Otherwise?
>Codex rules
Most armies peaked in terms of flexiblity, an accessible scale of action, and conversion bait in late 3e or early 4e. Chaos spent some very long periods of time where you needed 2-4 books plus a bunch of White Dwarf issues instead of just being able to grab some good-looking models and make a viable army with the codex. My group specifically allowed people to use stuff like the Arch-Heretic and Alpha Psyker from the Inquisition books at a fairly mild points cost because they were fun.
>codex art
Usually 1e or 2e for anything that had one. Especially the Jes Goodwin pages in Eldar, SoB, and Chaos. The cover of SoB 2e is what pulled me in to 40k and out of Warzone. Art frequently stagnated and retreaded most of the best pieces from earlier codices after that, or was just a bland illustration of the models with only a couple of good-looking setpieces.
>best core rules
IMHO 4th>5th>8th>2nd>7th>6th>9th>10th

Based on personal experience. Started playing in end of 5th/6th when a friend introduced me, stuck it out until 9th edition then left when it was grey watery slop.

>best codexes
Tie between 3rd and 5th Edition for the flavour, lore, and SOVL art. That's what made codices worth it. Second up is 7th while it had some of 40k's disney-fication it looked dirtier than whatever happened from nuhammer onward.

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