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Archives & Other Resources: https://pastebin.com/wETipqYw
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Previous Thread: >>93949133
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I kneel
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>Even notorious anti-isekai fags like Italics got their start by making actual cyoas like Pokémon Personified (makes you wonder why no other cyoa of his was ever as popular as that huh).

Magi Case sisters... it's over.
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Jesus fucking christ not this shit again. Alright, desperate measures to save the thread.


...Not mine of course. I'm incompetent.

I know we don't usually post interactive CYOA (and interactive reddit OC is probably asking for an anon to track me down and piss in my letterbox) but I actually think this one is worth a look, at least if you're someone who wanted a creepier Jujutsu Kaisen ersatz with the serial numbers/weebness filed off.


Inoffensive design. Good length. Powers are cool. Monsters are appropriately creepy. Perfect for killing another few minutes between cradle and grave 7/10 good slop.
The true way is to let her become your right hand and then immediately start jerking with it.
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i like the art. who is the artist? reverse search has been getting increasingly shitty lately.
you jerk off with your right hand?
weird info to ask lil bro
Origin: Lab Rat
Starting Location: Abandoned Factory
Structure: Artificial Consciousness
Starting World: Primeval Age
Starting Drones: Numerous
Drone Capabilities: Sentient
Physical Presence: Hive Core (with Hive Ship and Secondary Cores upgrades)
Technological Perks: Reanimation Protocols
Drone Subtypes: Siege Drones, Collector Drones, Caretaker Drones
General Perks: Emergent Synchronicity, Extended Loyalty, Optimized Rest Patterns, Solar Converters, Inter-Drone Perception
Limitations: Limited Capacity
Drawbacks: Mnemonic Feedback
Threats: None
Quests: Seek Your Past, Life Seeders
This synthetic consciousness, born from the remnants of the terraforming system that restored the ecology of it's origin planet, is driven to explore beyond said planet by an unconscious directive similar to what individualist species call "wanderlust". For some peculiar reason, it has a fascination with extinct animals that influences the design of it's drones.
Does she not come in a pair? Can't I double fist it?
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It's fairly good. Some of the powers seem redundant or made useless by others.

>Difficulty: World Breaker

>Origin: Divine

>Perception: Rejection

>The Mark: Markings

>Origin Blessing: Dark Vision

>General Blessings:
Mental Acuity

>Archetype: Exotic

Reality: Ignis, Frost, Vetra, Botany, True Elementalism
Self: Behemoth, Regenerator, Mimic, Forge, True Biokinesis
Exotic: Levitation, Inventory, Redirection, Reach, True Liminal, Arrest, Rewind, Overclock, Alter, True Chronos
Universal Gifts: Brains

Slow Start

>Corruption Check: Strained
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Tankista truly is the blight upon the general.
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Here comes the avatarfag
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Beri can save us from the tank.
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Aight second of the new allies. How does this look chat?
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That is a zombie. This is a nightmare.
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Are you buffing the allies? Because she seems more powerful than the existing ones (except the FTL ones).

>holding the blade
This is a retard.
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This is fine probably. I don't have a problem with it.
What do you call the ideology of getting as much mana as possible? Because my build is (or will be) literally swimming in mana at a whooping 345 Mana Income.
Extremist Industrialism.
The correct one.
>t. Nudor
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yeah i already buffed aevar, legion, and sin.
Is this a better image than the one on the right side though?
How many exmanafications?
Maybe I should start wip spamming too...
Its only spamming if you do it more than twice in one thread.
Better than the other one
4 exmanafications: Gehenna, Mictlan, Tartarus, and Yomi. Beginning with 20 via policies. 2 Agents have Diabolism.
What's the appeal in the dungeon cyoa?
*20 Mana Income
It looks a bit like a robot
Fiscal responsibility
It's about having armed gangs of strong, sweaty men organize expeditions to get as deep inside of you as possible.
Then only Aro does it?
post the hyenanon OC NOW
No, only Italics and Husanon do it.
You're telling me this thread is both autistic *and* gay?
>t. Hyenacuck
It is more properly suggestive of Kimiko's concept.
Are you yet going to fix the way that most echos are just B-list capeshit powers with no flexibility or supportive potential?

Not a bad call.
Uhh, no.
Especially stupid, or are you taking the position that Abraxas is a brewing First Sinner / Terminus situation? Go euthanize Elysium and Limbo if your standards are this low.
>Are you yet going to fix the way that most echos are just B-list capeshit powers with no flexibility or supportive potential?
Don't ask aro for that. That is LE BORING! Now take your low basic powers and shut up!
If you want to give suggestions for how they can be improved, go ahead.
But they show stuff people want to know.
Incorrect, shitalics simp.
>Uhh, no.
>Especially stupid
Why? They give great Mana Income and aren't very useful otherwise.

>are you taking the position that Abraxas is a brewing First Sinner / Terminus situation?
Uh, what?

>Go euthanize Elysium and Limbo if your standards are this low.
I don't want eldritch shit coming in elsewhere and I want Saul.
>makes garbage choices
No one is surprised
>For the low low price of 300 or so mana you can deploy a magical girl squad on every single mission
>This turbocharges Abraxas into a 100% success chance
>I am one eclipse point away from being able to sic her at terminus for the ultimate mirror match at the end of time
I am so upset right now.
Aro... where is legion? are they cool now? are they alright?
>Makes garbage choices
No one is surprised
Abraxas got temporal spiraled into being semi-Terminus (the final boss).
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Could you elaborate on that? From my understand she became the concept of magical girls, which is worlds below "Origin Devil" and "Ending Devil".
I used the cyoa to make a paradise realm for myself to rule over. Otherwise I dunno.
>What's the appeal in the dungeon cyoa?
Same appeal as being the GM for a tabletop RPG, but with actual monsters and treasure.
>one eclipse point away
Status of Blood Magic: Free
Diabolism: Experimental
Stance on Defection: Realignment
Be a Blood Mage (have at least 2 blood magic aspects)

That's 8.

Tankista talked about Terminus, Merovech, Clovis, Temporal Spiral, and Abraxas in the QnA doc. I'll try to find it in the archive.
Which Way, Western Man?

It somewhat upsets me that picking realignment instead of reintegration will damage my carefully mantained mild displeasement mantained across the three mainline factions. Any other sources?
Reunionism, which will murder your relations with Purists and Reformists.
Exmanafication: Denounce, which will doom the omniverse.

So, realistically and practically, there are no other sources of Eclipse relation points.

Btw, does anyone have that QnA doc. saved? I'm can't find it...

Suppose that You, the Sixth Omniarch, are canonically an Eclipse double agent. That's a good reason for giving +1 Eclipse point as your custom bonus.
>Captcha: DAWW
i concur
Doesn't this mean that destroying her is a good thing?
NTA, but buying two blood magic aspects to be considered a blood made takes way too many spellcraft slots! Would getting my second aspect by sending out The King agent on a mission count for getting that Eclipse point?
Didn't ask
>buying two blood magic aspects to be considered a blood made takes way too many spellcraft slots!
There's the doubling cheese to get all spellcrafts...

>Would getting my second aspect by sending out The King agent on a mission count for getting that Eclipse point?
Sure, I don't see why not.
How do you get the good ending?
You write it.
Exmanaficate as many planes as possible.
I swear Nudor haunts those threads.
What, like make it up whole cloth?
I don't think going full Galactus is a good ending.
Harem is the way.
I'm going to NTR Dido. Not by stealing her lover, I mean her daughter.
Sorry, I honestly posted this and then fucked off to replay PREY 2017 for a few hours.

Artist is Gustavo Rinaldi. He seems to enjoy drawing various long boy dragons.


Yeah I noticed there's a few odd duplicates. According to the author it seems related to this being V2, he's added stuff then never removed the old things. Apparently he'll be updating it to V3 in a few days and looking to change some stuff.
based, prey 2017 was goated.
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>Mana Income:
Starting: 20
After All Missions Are Completed (Prediction): 345

>Mana Reserve:
Starting: 550
After Mission Expenses: 32.5

>Faction Relations:
Pragmatist: 160
Purist: -80
Reformist: -100
Eclipse: 8

The mission successes will make the Purist to fall in line. The Reformists will fall in line when they see how much better we're doing with me around.

Nudorism (Other)
I want more Legions. The Legions get you minions and leaders you can bang so it's best of both worlds!
>Planar Chart:
Missions and Exmanafication: Gehenna, Mictlan, Tartarus, Yomi
Missions: Eden, Empyrean, Hades, Elysium, Iriy, Avalon, Purgatory, Abaddon, Limbo, Niflheim, Duat, Irkalla, Naraka, Erebus, Other

Eden (105%): Paulon (Sacrosanct Device, Evokers). Diplomacy.
Sheol (100%): Shwitz (Mind's Eye, Eclipse Adepts, Evokers)
Empyrean: Eclipse will join the Convention, so there is no need to do this mission.
Iriy (100%): Iesule (Mind's Eye, Incarnate Substitution, Shadowseekers, Evokers)
Hades (100%): Dido (Mind's Eye, Incarnate Substitution, Evokers)
Elysium (150%): Daxmor (28 Spellcrafts)
Avalon (100%): Xina (Mind's Eye, Sacrosanct Device, Evokers)
Gehenna (300%): Espa (Planar Split), Gwyneris, Other (bonuses: Espa, Daxmor)
Purgatory (101.25%): Yang (Temporal Spiral (32.5 Mana Reserve), Primologos, Eclipse Adepts, Evokers)
Abaddon (100%): Fesh (Primologos, Guessing Game, Evokers)
Limbo (115%): Nudor.
Niflheim (100%): The King (Eclipse Adepts, Evokers). Negotiation.
Duat (50%?): Fresh Agent (Evokers), Fresh Agent
Mictlan (100%): Nameless, Thoss (Planar Split, Mind's Eye, Evokers)
Irkalla (105%): Shwitz (Mind's Eye, Eclipse Adepts, Evokers)
Tartarus (100%): Saul (Planar Split, Diabolism, Sorcery Engineers, Evokers). Saul will attempt to convince the Ark to join the Convention. The Stance on Defection policy is very generous and he should be powerful and prestigious enough to make them submit out of fear.
Naraka (100%): Darius (Evokers, 5 Sorceries manufactured)
Yomi (100%): Not-Aeneas (Planar Split, Guessing Game, Evokers)
Erebus (100%): Hysteria (Sorcery Engineers, Evokers)
Other (100%): Dolora (Primologos, Decapitated Sail)

Limbo and Niflheim are next in line for exmanafication.
It is not the good ending but it is ending [N]udor's Mana Pool Party
Exmanafication: Maintain Course
Status of Blood Magic: Free
Veiling: Lifted
Non-Mage Membership: Revoked
Non-Human Membership: Conditional Sorting
Omniarch Election Law: Chain of Command
Omniarch Rule Term: Indefinite
Doomed Plane Evacuation: Mandated Sanctuary
Measurement Reform: Unified Standard
Separation of State and Magicka: Disregarded
Diabolism: Experimental
Meme Security Measures: Counter-Manufacture
Emergency Loan: Rejection
Apprenticeship System Overhaul: Mass Tutoring
Gateway Regulation: Travel Fees
Mage Qualifications: Output Measurement
Military Budget: Deployment Cut
Cloning Laws: Criminalized
First Contact: Expedition
Mana Regulation: Unregulated
Edenite Mana Influx: Donation
Outworld Administration: Local Autonomy
Independent Caster Stance: Oecumenism
Sorcery Manufacturing Rights: Exclusive Contract
Stance on Defection: Realignment
Agent Qualifications: Quantity
Sphere Organization: Discontinuation
Planar Chart Expansion: Old Categorization
Class Action: Wizard Focus
Lift the Time Loop Research Ban?: Yes

The only things I'm dissatisfied about are Cloning Laws: Criminalized and Mage Qualifications: Output Measurement. I'll change them to Monopolized and Examination once I have better relations with the Purists and the Reformists.

Sorcerer, Blood Mage


Sixth and greatest Omniarch of the Convention.

True Immortality, Diabolism

>Final Mission:
Success Estimate: 50%
Team: Nudor, Ele, Astrapea, Me (bonuses: Espa, Daxmor)
Niggerwhip Dragons are a GO!
Im not sure if im gonna add more legions; but i am gonna add a new section with individual minion types.
What does this mean
More jobbers for my collection
Like minions without leaders, such as elementals, dark moths, psyborgs, cosmic slimes, robo-lions, etc.
I will make an Army of Children with Legion and we shall conquer the stars.
see >>93956328
>just copying anons build ideas now
Dido has no daughter.
I mean, do you really think aro could come up with something good by herself?
see >>93956328
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>dark moths
He's wrong though?
You are right. I apologize. Unless you are aro xirself.
Rolled 2, 3, 5, 2, 5, 6, 5, 2, 5, 4, 6, 6 = 51 (12d6)

>Main Style: Nomad Colors

>Flair: Inked

>Background: Death, Death, Death, Amway, Amway, Amway

>Specialization: Solo

>Weapon: A Solid Revolver

Didn’t Hurt
Locked In

>The Crew:
Keri “Carrion” Takema

>The Job:
Stage 1: Desperate, Solution 2 [Reflex] [+5]
Stage 2: Improvised, Solution 2 [Humanity] [+5]
Stage 3: Desperate, Solution 1 [Skill]] [+2]
Stage 4: Desperate, Solution 1 [Body] [+0]
Stage 5: Ideal, Solution 2 [Humanity] [+7]
Stage 6: Desperate, Solution 2 [Body] [+3]
Stage 7: Ideal, Solution 2 [Reflex] [+5]
Stage 8: Improvised, Solution 2 [Skill] [+1]
Stage 9: Improvised, Solution 1 [Humanity] [+7]
Stage 10: Ideal, Solution 2 [Reflex] [+0]
Stage 11: Desperate, Solution 2 [Cool] [-1]
Stage 12: Desperate, Solution 2 [Humanity] [+3]

All-rounder solo edge runner, curious how well it works
Stage 6 should be: Improvised, Solution 1, sorry
Dang, went a lot better than I thought it would
Lucky motherfucker
>Talent: Luck
He sure is
Huscunny will be publicly executed for his lies to the thread.
meh. interesting premise but the cyoa is quite directionless
If you pick the first improvised solution for step 10 you can choose a better ending
We still haven't seen the hoe. What the fuck.
look in a mirror
> Difficulty
> Origin
> Perception
> Mark
> Origin Blessing
Dark Vision
> General Blessings
Quick Reflexes
> Archetype
> Gifts
True Ascension
Danger Sense
> Curses
> Purpose
Unforgiving Depths
I'm smart, mobile and hard to kill, which should hopefully be enough in the end. I can just teleport out of the webs/water, I should be able to simply survive until the Tempest ends and the Echoes are just a nuisance.
>reddit format
go back
How could you say that to aromage!
I already have this face.
I'm starting to think you're saying that line to random posts, anon.
Keep going.
It's me every time, unless its not and someone else is impersonating me. You'll never know.
World Breaker



>The Mark:

Divine Discerning, Mental Acuity, Finesse, Eidetic Learning

Archetype: Reality
Reality: True Psychokinesis
Mentalist: True Divination, Fortitude
Exotic: Inventory
Universal: Brains, Danger Sense, Luck

Telekinesis + ESP, the "do everything" build.


>Supernatural Entities:
Arachnid, Big Bad Wolf, Glow Stag, Vengeful train

Easy kills.
This is not relevant to my plan.
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>Thinks greentext formatting builds is somehow website denominational.
>Obsessed with reddit and calling out reddit.
>Does not realize this kind of shit marked you out as a tryhard newfaggot back when it was SomethingAwful and that time hasn't sweetened it.
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>tfw I've finally determined all 60 quests for my overambitious WIP
The hardest part is behind me. Everything to come will be smooth sailing.
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Hyneacuck... my beloved
Seems extremely excessive.
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Is it multiple people who keep posting
or is it just one really dedicated fan?
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I have no idea why it thinks this is spam
Does it matters?
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rentry: rhasfyaz
I impersonated you a few times so far.
>Intrinsic (Memory, Stars, Fire, Matter)
This right here is the EZ win combo. Memory ensures I'll never lose track of my goal or memory of my powers, even in the event of death. And perfect recall is, in some ways, a boost to one's intelligence.
Stars luck manipulation is OP as shit, just make myself permanently lucky and make all my enemies unlucky whenever I want. Plus free and easy teleportation is super convenient.
Fire is my go-to offensive power, while also having effectiveness against the incorporeal and "metaphysical forces". Could probably do shit like "burn" away curses or magic affecting me. This seems to be the only magic offered that can dispel or cure other magical effects, big no brainer right here.
Matter lets me conjure tools, structures, food, and water into existence whenever necessary. Conjure a stick and cloth for a tent, or just directly conjure an already completed tent. I never need to pay for food or shelter ever again, and can focus all my efforts on gaining more magic or searching for exit portals.
What is it about?
It's always just one dude.
Nah, I also said it, Hyenacuck.
Make the One True Build.
>t. Hyenacuck seething
Back to the hugbox you go
The quests are the core mechanic. There'll be variable progression centered around how they're completed. It's a lot, but my goal's to maximize replayability and build intricacy. Powers will evolve over time and the quests themselves are broken up into segments of escalating difficulty, which are divided by lifestyle choices to see what you've been doing between them.

The quests are all optional, of course. They start off difficult and only ramp up from there. I've taken a lot of inspiration from Peil's A Life's Chronicle, though the structure itself will be different and the setting is higher fantasy. I'm extremely excited about it.
The core concept is that your soul is strong enough to (possibly) break its own limits under pressure, and fate is attempting to crush you to keep you from managing this. Every quest you manage to complete will give you anywhere between 1-6 stat points you can invest in your powers, between Might, Cunning, and Presence categories, along with between 1-2 rewards, possibly more if you're willing to suffer for it. The flipside is that you are, aside from your soul and upbringing, including an isekai option, a regular dude and will suffer in the extreme trying to complete these quests. This is represented by a fourth negative stat, which must be spent on an equivalent amount of drawbacks after every quest, though these can also be spent by sacrificing rewards or allowing a different quest to resolve itself without your input, which will be a mystery section at the end.

I have roughly 120 drawbacks sketched out covering a wide range of archetypes. Some of these are one-offs or can be evolved over time for compounding difficulties. An example of this would be starting off as former Chattel for +2 Might and +1 Fate. You spend both Might points on the early (expert) Endurance and Willpower powers, then the Fate point on the first tier of the Diligence virtue, causing you to compulsively work hard. For your first quest, you could try to fight off an invasion of Beastmen for an additional +1 Might and +1 Fate, which you could put into Endurance and a Scar, to have a visible injury. You record it as you go along and over time you go from a mere mortal to a hero, in the mythological sense, and become increasingly defined by your struggles. A lot of the drawbacks are circumstantial or can be mitigated later on, but they're the result of repeatedly forcing yourself beyond your limits. In the struggle against fate, you can choose to either sacrifice yourself, those around you, or a mixture of both.
This is fine as long as there's no rolling.
For me it's hyenatroon
I don't plan to have it be RNG reliant by default but I'll be numbering choices for anons that are into that.
the cuck chair beckons thee
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Filename doesn't match the one in the build.
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How is Ivory gonna be after the update?

Will there be new Pursuers?

Will you change the Siphons? They're too debilitating.
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I think the Watcher is too op. I don't remember anyone taking it.
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For ivory: Instead of trying to kill you right away, she just demands you hand over your power. Her deal with the Ancient One will be changed to give her knowledge on how to take Flames from Planeswalkers, and thats how she dealt with all the more innocent planeswalkers after the Threshold War, she just took their powers and gave them new homes.

New Pursuers: Yes, picrel.

Change siphons: I might loosen them a little bit, or i'll buff the points they give. We'll see.
If I actually act like a weaver (by helping those in the cocoon for example), will the watcher reward me?
The watcher is ridiculous and you can't get rid of it, no one will ever pick it.
Yes it will give you ice cream.

Literally all you have to do is not annoy it and just go back to your safe haven for a day or two when it starts getting upset.
who is that?

Looking forward to it, most of the oc recently have not been to my tastes, but i really liked life chronicle except the rolling ofc.
>Filename doesn't match the one in the build.
Yes, that seems to be true. The one in the build is correct.
Genuinely what does this mean

No honestly I'm asking that in all sincerity

What does this signify?
Cyoa for this feel?
Tankbros rule this thread.
Most cyoas desu.
Very true.
Aroxisters... our response?
Kill yourself
Aroooo! Anon told me to kill myself! Help me!
I want you to kill yourself too.
The fallen leaves tells a story...
You're giving it too much credit since interactives are 99% of the time bottom of the barrel shit and this one is slightly above them. If it were on the usual image format it would just be generic reddit slop. It's ass and the author has no clear understanding of the setting and themes he's trying to present (which is every single reddit author but still, you're the one who posted it here).
Why do you still post here? Why don't you go to reddit for feedback? They're your biggest fans after all.
The Cuck Lord...
The effort isnt worth it to post WIP threads lmao, and to be honest some of the people on the subreddit are a little... too autistic.
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Will the slimes be cute or angy?
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Press a button.
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That guy makes good stuff.
Ah! Now it makes sense why this >>93958216 looks like a fetish thing. Because the artist is a furry.
Quite a specific kind too.

I wish he would branch out.
>The new pursuer will be Ouro Kronii from Hololive
I agree with the other anon that something less fetish looking should be used.
>I'm picking what I am attracted to or find visually appealing
Aro loves dad bods...
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Any more symbiote cyoas? Seen the marvel ones already.
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Seriously what the FUCK was Aro thinking when she made this? I can appreciate challenges in CYOAs but Server is literally impossible
Do the telepathic abilities work on machine minds? This makes or breaks the psychic build.
>uhhhh going intangible and being able to psychically manipulate people in a setting with no people to manipulate psychically is balanced
>uhhhhh here just be a Prototype character without the city-engulfing scope, it'll be fine
>Uhhhhhhhh telekinesis
I think Aro is one of those people who has so much vidya brainrot she thinks you can legitimately just pick up a gun and noscope a cosmic horror to death even if you literally can never shoot further than 500m. Remember, in Solar Legion she apparently thinks you can beat hundreds of skyscraper-sized things that pack gravity manipulation, anti-matter missiles and those pointlessly brutal electromagnetic molten metal weapons from Mass Effect using a plucky team of operators.
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The symbiotes are in Gateway.
>Remember, in Solar Legion
I love my bioandroid wife soldiers.
Borderworlds also got referenced in the Wastes Safe Haven.
Humanity's situation in Solar Legion is so bad that a few of the stronger aliens like Starmaws are practically auto loses. You HAVE to take weak aliens like Suthi and Cypher and counter them to win.
Aro overestimated how fast a civilization can develop. Humanity starts waaay too far behind.
Nah, i'd win.
Yes. This has always been the case. She is too videogame brained. It sucks. In all her cyoas you can see it.
>vidya brainrot
If you knew anything about the Magocratic Convention esque horseshit that goes on in the modern SCP wiki, you'd know the real culprit behind this level of HFYwank.
Just add "you have plot armor" to your automatically-obtained benefits.
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Reminder that this is a cat general
Yes. Otherwise the mind and heart ultimate gods would be btfoed by any ultimate god that uses time (machine) form.
Gatto beast…please let us pass…
Most women can't scale conflicts because they lack real world experience and are not all that interested in war or the minutiae of how power systems would work in reality. They read Harry Potter and a billion other teenage novels and to them plucky, rag-tag misfits are an unbeatable force of nature. The super aliens are unbeatable regardless of strategic output on your part but you have to understand Aro is thinking on the terms of a young adult fantasy protag plot-armored to insane degrees.
There is no reason to not start in Jenia. It is the world with the most settlements and easiest threats to deal with by the powers you have.
can we fuck this pursuer?
You can do anything with enough power.
surprisingly based Aromage.
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Update on the gauntlets page.
Plese let me know how it looks.
Looking for images is hard.
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Anathema is still utterly untakeable, which makes it funny that she says "its my job to give you the tools to make it clear to everyone that it exists to serve you!" I guess that doesn't apply to anyone with values. Friendly smile is too weak since it only affects people once on first contact, and eyes of the snake is retarded. Like, sorry, I guess everyone without autism has fucking eyes of the snake natively.

Other than these, it seems to scale fine and I actually like her and the overlord thematic, I'll probably end up taking her.
If I could kill her, I would. Death to all hedonists and mind rapists.
>all these abilities just to die to a gun
>Any more symbiote cyoas?
best combinations of cultivation methods?
>Reads you mind
>Burns you alive before you can anything.
>You fall on your knees pissing yourself and then I burn you alive.
Nothing personnel kid.
Venom-ish Klyntar symbiotes also appear as options in a couple of cyoas, such as Traveller's Tale 2 and Trials of Terror
Because you should make new friends, but keep the old? One is silver, and the other's gold.
>Eventual Age: Mature

>Gender: Female

>Relationship: Partner


Natural Weapons
Minor Telepathy
True Understanding

>Future: Bill Nye Was A Cuck Anyway
I think I will make changes to anathema.
Mmm how could friendly smile be buffed?
Also what if eyes of the snake works without a need for concentration and let's you see emotional attachments between people?

Good to hear they hold up power level wise.
That's what makes me the most anxious.
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Realistically speaking what could your latest build do against a Hellfire R9X missile?
Die, I guess
Die. Or be so lucky that I miraculously survive unharmed. I have infinite respawns either way so I'd be fine in the long run.
Go intangible for a bit, teleport away.
Give other options for mind protection please. Some of these powers are mandatory but the drawback is impossible to work around.
>Mmm how could friendly smile be buffed?
it should be a constant thing, even if people can overcome it, wearing off after a few hours means its not usually useful.
>Also what if eyes of the snake works without a need for concentration and let's you see emotional attachments between people?
That would be good, because instead of me squinting at you really hard awkwardly it gives an emotional sight always on.
>snipes you
Ez pz.
My lastest build was that monstergirl harem isekai one so I guess I die, assuming starting magic wont block it effectively.
You can't you saw me and have to kneel.
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>You are now one of, if not the smartest MAN on the planet
isnt aromage a woman? why would she make a cyoa obviously designed to appeal to men?
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Shut up and enjoy the cyoa.
She has to be lesbian, no other way to explain it.
I always spec into engineering.
I will have some counter battery or CWIS solution
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IQ shouldn't be used as a measure here, it's not even the highest that's appeared. They sure as shit aren't Tony Stark.

Hyperintelligence Level 4
Mind Control Level 1

>Body Type: Bombshell

>Hair: Blonde

>Public Identity: Hero

>Creation Powers:
Kryptonian DNA [Free]
Street Fighter
Life Link
Healing Factor

>Costume: Sensible Armor

Heart Of Gold
Only You

>Mind Control:
Power Girl
Scarlett Witch

>Decisions: Gutter Trash

Why did Aromage make this? Where are the femboy options?
Intel 4

Long Dark Hair

Life Link
Healing Factor

Skin Tight Dresses
Only You


Secret Agent
(I can't find a picture of s-snake somewhat grown up without the wings, so just picrel minus the wings)
Hyper-Intelligence Level 4
Mind Control level 1
Lean Tomboy
White Hair
Asgardian DNA
Street Fighter
Hit Man
Healing Factor

Sensible Armor
Only You

Mystique (Defector)
Tracer (Housewife)
Tatsumaki (Defector)

This is fine, I made mine basically a super-physical combatant that I will give super gear through my intelligence, since i'll be making tons of stuff, andeventually i'll run my own villain organization. I'm pretty happy with this build I think.
She knows her audience
Unless, i've missed something, you're 2 points over in creation.
And tracer needs level 2 mind control
>you're 2 points over in creation.
I am, idk why I missed that
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i don't know how are the unreleased artefacts drawbacks but i have a suggestion, beside clarifying how anathema works what if you make the second drawback of each artefact give you more points?
>And tracer needs level 2 mind control
Hold over from when I was mind control 4 but changed last minute. Replace them for Sombra (Defector).
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I got bored halfway through making a build for this. Here is what's left. Probably fucked up the math somewhere along the way.

Pragmatist 120
Purist -25
Reformist 35
Blood Brownie Points: 6


Ideology: Sargon

Empyrean (Mission)
Iriy (Mission)
Hades (Exmanafication)
Elysium (Exmanafication)
Avalon (Exmanafication)
Purgatory (Exmanafication)
Limbo (Exmanafication)
Abaddon (Mission)
Nilfheim (Exmanafication)
Duat (Mission)
Micltan (Exmanafication)
Irkalla (Exmanafication)
Tartarus (Exmanafication)
Naraka (Mission)

Exmanafication: Maintain course
Status of Blood Magic: Free
Veiling: Relaxed
Non-Mage Membership: Revoked
Non-Human Membership: Conditional Sorting
Omniarch Election Law: Chain of Command
Omniarch Rule Term: Contingent
Doomed Plane Evacuation: Mandated Sanctuary
Measurement Reform: Unresolved
Separation of State and Magicka: Approved
Diabolism: Experimental
Meme Security Measure: Counter-Manufacture
Emergency Loan: Debt Obligation
Apprenticeship System Overhaul: Institutional Abolishment
Gateway Regulation: Tight Control
Mage Qualifications: Output Measurement
Military Budget: Deployment Cut
Cloning Laws: Criminalized
FIrst Contact: Observation
Mana Regulation: Unregulated
Edenite Mana Influx: Maintenance
Outworld Administration: Local Autonomy
Independent Caster Stance: Oecumenism
Sorcery Manufacture Rights: Exclusive Contract
Stance on Defection: Reintegration Process
Agent Qualifications: Unchanged
Sphere Organisation: Consolidation
Planar Chart Expansion: Old Categorisation
Class Action: Sorcerer Focus
Lift the Time Loop Research Ban?: No

Unseelie Strike (4)Interdimensional Blast (3)
Principle of Defense: Fortify (2)
Blood Magic: Invocation: True Angel (0)

Prometheus, The Survivor Dolora, The Mere

Eternity’s End
Sacrosanct DeviceX2
Temporal Spiral

Images used for knockout, lean tomboy, and bombshell all look the same
That's just your retardation, don't worry about it.
The most fucked up thing about the CYOA isn't even Aro's fault, but comics have been such a shitshow for the past few decades it's legitimately OTB to make your own henchwoman OC instead of deal with the trashfires that are the actual comic book girls
There are images of big-titty musclegirls. It didn't need to use generically pretty girls for each.
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Hyenacuck...my 100% female waifu
>Heh, a bomb is just a product of engineering, and deals engineering type damage. Fire elementals are immune to fire, so as an engineer myself I must be immune to engineering!
She used to post pornographic images of women on discord, I dont think women do that.
go back please.
Hookay uhhh
Level 4
Level 1
>Body type
Muscular, she needs to be strong
Villain, duh
Kryptonian, movement, immune(free), hitman, antimagic, healing factor and slugger
Sensible armor
Only You, I require loyalty
>Mind control
Black Cat, she should be able to complete more subtle tasks that my...clone soldier can't
Guys I don't think this is CYOA is about making your own super villain at all, seems like a waifu-maker+pick-your-own-waifu type
Not immune, but with enough prep time I can become highly resistant
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For me, it's the Carnivorans.
No little gay herbivore furries allowed.
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>For me, it's the Carnivorans. No little gay herbivore furries allowed.
They don't look that in the cyoa.
These are what their civilians look like.
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cyoas don't look like cartoons when you get isekai'd
It's real life+ unless you take a modifier that alters your perception or something
that's why authors who use anime art are dumb
Theyre vastaya dumbass
Beast Usurpation, Snakeskin Scripture, and Legacy of the World's Greatest Chef
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Chunibyou Time!
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No! I hate fun.
You are a sad human!
Mage's Magic Circles is op. Either take Eye of Ultimate Null to avoid the Mages Grimoire's drawback or Custom Uniform avoids its use entirely.
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fuck off tok.
What's the point in taking Fate Cursed? It has no positive???
That's how it works.
You pick one to bond with the artifacts and be able to buy their powers you get both for an extra 20 essence.

I think that I can change eyes of the snake easily.
The thing about smile is that it is a tier one power it can't be all that powerful.
It gives you a great advantage when interacting with people and if you don't fuck them over they will still think well of you just without the brain washing.

I think I do have other powers that can help protect your mind.
>the gauntlet has no physical powers
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>Ideology: Sargon
>Hades (Exmanafication)
>Elysium (Exmanafication)
>Avalon (Exmanafication)
>Purgatory (Exmanafication)
>Limbo (Exmanafication)
>Nilfheim (Exmanafication)
>Micltan (Exmanafication)
>Irkalla (Exmanafication)
>Tartarus (Exmanafication)
And you're cheating. There's no way you have that much mana to make those planar splits.
What the hell. Why does the weapon meant for the closest of combats is not focused on that?! I was expecting boost to strength, speed, and other similar shit. Are you sure you did not mixed gauntlets with crown? You know... these are for punching, husanon, right? The crown artifact should have this instead.
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i thought that they would bond with you for free and each on the 2 pacts gave 20 so you could reach 40 points for each artefact, but if the first pact does not give you points i suggest adding some drawbacks not connected to artefacts that give you points or just increasing the starting essence.
Does that mean that i am forced to pick one of isi drawbacks since she already bonded with me?

also, second suggestion, get rid of either friendly smile or eyes of the snake and replace it with either draconic insight or unknowable mind and add a 'punching' power in the awaken arts section
>Ideology: Sargon
That is the joke, yes
I lost track of how the fuck exmanification worked halfway through the doc, math heavy CYOAs make my head hurt
Each exmanafication needs a planar split sorcery. Each planar split sorcery costs 150 mana to make. You start with 1 planar split sorcery in storage. This is really simple math.

The real complicated math comes from assigning agents to missions and giving them sorceries and units.
Gender (female) genderbend myself even tho i dont want to because it will make sense later
Demon Impact: Demon arm + Sin impulse + Split personality

Eyes: Lust eyes.
Split eye of form duality (good hax + with this i can become a man outside of job + it pairs very well with the next eye)
Lecherous eye of harem lord. So, anyone from the opposite sex huh? then I can change people to the opposite sex with the other eye (as i guess im locked in femenine form when in the job) and outside of the job, while i am a man, I have a harem. Probably can make enemies into females once they are males under the control of my female form, can make an area of change sex and change everyone at once so they would be now girls under the harem.

Pride sin:
eye of casual inmunity (hax + ignoring vampire sun weakness) obtained by split personality

Demon aura: demon fist brawling T2 + Vampire T1 + Cursed demon arm T2
Physical build

Uniform: revealing. This is why i need to be female for the job, it makes me have those 2 eyes that make a great combo for the price of 8 points. In exchange of great great hax + being the true harem lord that even can change sexes I can endure being a girl in a bikini while fighting.

Rival shenanigans (they can't escape the harem plan)
Problems solvers
Night creepers (should be easy)
Zombie apocalypse (I can re educate them, wink)
Rogue entity slaying
The llustrious 6
Betrayer (idk if she would be affected by harem lord, probably yes as she only has 1/3 resistance. It will just take more time, but I am confident the duality eye + inmunity to dodge some types of attacks and other eyes she could have should be enough to buy time if not outright win with the physical build aura)

None artifacts, the great majority of them have drawbacks i wouldnt compromise

Star watching student
Yakuza son
Demon princess
Everyone will get into the harem, the yakuza son will become a daughter except for missions.
Don't worry there is an artifact that boosts raw strength, speed and durability.
Her themes are very christian inspired she was made from the hide of the beast, a dragon, the snake, the deceiver a satanic figure.

Isi is the exception to the rule.
all her pacts offer extra essence as you are already bonded.
You can see the CYOA as a starting point you can earn more essence to spend on each artifact with time, training and growing closer.
So don't feel forced to get everything from the start but also don't forget you have to prepare for contact with the the greater and hostile cosmos.
It is all about striking a balance you think it's right.
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>lust eyes
>bikini uniform
>gender (female)
>"i-it's not I wanted to be a girl"
Sure, whatever you say lol
Is this... Yuri?
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Post a build you nerds!
>Demon arm + Sin impulse + Split personality
Congratulations, you are no longer in control of your life. According to the demon eyes you took, you are now a prideful slut.
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Magic is for pussies! Everyone knows a true man fights either with a sword or his fists!
>No immortality options
>"Post a build you nerds!"
Not gonna happen
Too bad tok, too bad.
Immortality is for pussies! A true man dies on his feet!
Is not my fault girls uniforms have access to lust eyes easier. If there was a "speedo swimsuit" for guys I would choose it
No, if i am locked to female form due to uniform because meta norm, i would affect male opponents and transform females into males. Once every thing ended, I would transform all the victims and myself to the opposite sex, so them would stay as girl and I would stay as a guy, thats when the fun begins
Wrong, only Sin impulse would change somewhat my actions, only to make me more lustful, which is already kind of the plan.

Demon arms is one of the tamest demon impact and it lets you access one of the best auras. It doesnt change anything in your life except having the annoying sensation

Split personality doesnt change your personality, it creates a double that would only act in extreme moments of weakness and it isnt even dangerous, it would just be kind of annoying.
Power [Major]
Motion [Major]
Rhythm [Major]
Flurry [Minor]


>Setting: Khrom

>Status: Leisure
The Scion wields a confident style borne of peerless genius and unceasing training, based on power, speed and a flurry of attacks designed to create a confusing, constant barrage of attacks no opponent can escape from once ensnared it. He wields his ancestral sword, yet spurns his familial duty, using it as it was by the founder of his noble house, to test his mettle against worthy foes and beasts. He travels with a small retinue of hand-picked servants, to places known and uncharted.

I will be honest, I dislike the removal of the divine/mystical aspects of the original. There it was a master so dedicated to their craft the tapped in to something fundamental and lied to the universe. here you are just really, really good with a sword. If this fits in with his greater cosmology maybe you could become like that old hermit swordslady who can slay gods.
You... you don't have to be so defensive anon
It wasnt my intention if i appear like that, just wanted to correct someone that remembered the cyoa wrongly
Mental gymnastics!
what part?
All of it!
my love...
so nothing, i am glad you liked it!
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Wow, reading through the old one again, this is actually markedly worse. Why did he feel the need to remove everything except the competencies?

Cut down Flesh. Cut down Steel. Cut down Death. Cut down God.
if they wanted to rape me and we assume somehow i can't resist them, i just have to change them into women and myself into a man
>Uniform: revealing
You deserve it for wearing that desu
>Wow, reading through the old one again, this is actually markedly worse. Why did he feel the need to remove everything except the competencies?
Old one? is this an old version of demon eye?
deserve what? the harem?
Is aromage the strongest demon eye user if she uses that build? she doesnt need to genderbend and she doesnt care if their opponents stay as guys or not, as she is bi.

Is she... the strongest harem lord?
Why is this your default answer? Curious.
>i just have to change...
Nope, you can't beat the cock. Not the cock.
She doesn't have any Enlightened level Arts? Other than that it looks great! I'm of the opinion that Anathema is fine in principle, I'd take it anyway, it just needs to be clarified a bit so that it's clear that it's only direct applications of powers on them that are blocked so you could still beat people to death with super strength or whatever, and that they actually have to have a HIGHER ideology and things like “do what thou wilt” just puts them right into Luva's wheelhouse.

I am confused about one thing. Both Luva and Jian talk about previous owners, but I thought you said that Artifacts pretty much die when the one they're bonded to does, which is why they're so picky about who they join with, and even then want a pact to show that you really mean it. Is that wrong, or were they just being wielded like any weapon by the old owners and not truly bound together like they do with you?
Blademaster. I don't know why I clicked on the other g(irl)uys post
default asnwer to what? the case of getting raped? because they think i would somehow, with a physical build and hax eyes, get raped when in fact i have even the eye to change sex, so its a dumb premise x2 but i still want to address it. No cock is getting near me as long as I have an eye to make it a coochie
>strongest demon eye user
That would be a contest between people with Eye of Ultimate Null. You can't beat someone when they can do whatever they want imperceptibly.
they have no cock, and now... you too dont have one. Enjoy your life in the harem...
Talking about that eye, in my build i didn't choose it because i thought you become also unable to interact with anything. Kind of like the ghost girl. So is ultimate defense and movility but not much else.

Also, how does the 1/3 defense work with powers like that? do 10Points eye users detect 1/3 of the Ultimate Null user or can damage with 1/3 effectiveness?
Sorry, but it's a surprise cock ambush. You lose your will to change back with the first mighty thrust.
She has enlightened magic I'll post the full page later.
Maybe it could be clarified with people that are honestly 100% selfless?
Yeah all previous uses weren't bonded.
Living artifacts with time become incredibly resilient the highest quality possible version of the item they are.
So using one it's not a bad idea even if you can't actually use their full power.
nuh uh, i predicted your suprise cock ambush and used my eye before hand, so you thrusted your pussy, i take it as an invitation
The A, B, C etc... things that were in Isis and Jian to connect abilities and their costs are still a thing?
>i thought you become also unable to interact with anything
It says that you "can" be intangible, not that you must, so you are able to interact with things if you want.

>how does the 1/3 defense work with powers like that?
I think 10 pt eye users can somewhat detect those with Eye of Ultimate Null, but they would forget after a moment because of the memory erasure.
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>She has enlightened magic I'll post the full page later.
Ah. That makes sense. I thought it the full page.

>Maybe it could be clarified with people that are honestly 100% selfless
That'd work. Just got to watch out for those silver age super hero, and dense shonen harem protagonist types.

>Yeah all previous uses weren't bonded.
I figured, but wanted to make sure I understood how this stuff works.

Thanks for the answers, the CYOA is shaping up nicely
For example all the fire magic is linked as well as unknowable mind and the deceiver.
I just think I'll change it to a square to make it look better.
>do 10Points eye users detect 1/3 of the Ultimate Null user or can damage with 1/3 effectiveness?
It just works
Being able to interact + even 10 pt eye users basically not detecting them even with 1/3 resistance makes it so powerful it would win against all the other eyes at the same time. It is so stupid to be that way. Even the Released Witch eye is op and still needs minutes of constant eye contact to only disable them for a time, breaking the permanently rule.

It is safe to assume either 10 pt eyes has a counter or the eyes itself are only defense, stealth and mobility, which still puts it in like top 5
the Reloaded should be treated as a DLC to add onto the base CYOA.
This cyoa annoys me
Parasitic Eye and Eye of the Unclean sounds like the best combo possible and an army builder that keeps getting you more and more powers. Honestly, the best option.

Except with The Betrayer enemy you now know if you do it you will eventually explode and the demons will come out of your body
A logical counter I can think of is that a 10 pts eye user can keep constant track of someone with Eye of Ultimate Null to not forget them because new memories of the latter would be constantly created to counteract the memory erasure. It's not possible to do this 24/7, so the guy with Eye of Ultimate Null will slip away eventually.
>two 10 cost eyes
>must take sin impulse
The cost is too high for me, bro.
with that mentality, you can barely take demon impacts
I decided to read through Nexus Gateway and give it another chance. I knew there was a lot of Cluster Options in this CYOA but I did not have a clue how much of a Cluster CYOA this CYOA was.

First you choose your Heritage. Then you to choose 2 Echoes, 1 which you are free to choose yourself and 1 which depends on your Heritage. Then in the companions section you are given the illusion of a choice that you can choose your own companions. But you later find out on the next page there is a power section that has companions as their requirements and there are 1 power liked to each of the Echoes that you previously "chose", if you pick an option linked to 1 of your Echoes you get a upgraded superior version of the power and if you don't you get a weaker and inferior version. Which forces you to pick companions that are linked to your Echoes unless you don't mind making a weaker suboptimal build. Then there are the Legion options that forces you to buy entire uncustomizable armies and you also get an item from each army.

This CYOA gives you so little freedom to choose your own options. I tired playing it but it feels like I'm being railroaded and forced down the narrowest path by an overly controlling GM and don't get me started on the logical inconsistencies of Ivory.... All I wanted to do was make a symbiote dragon build but to do that I found out that I was being forced to be a eastern dragon and engage with cultivation. I fucking hate eastern dragons and cultivation. And if I take the dragon army I get a disgusting feathered dragon as my general. Then if I take the symbiote army I get a yucky male as that army's general. I will not make a build that I don't like.
You got that right. I only take appeasement and demon arm for one 10 cost eye.
It's very meta. Plotwise you're constrained by Iwhory and mechanicswise you're constrained by Arobitch.
curious, what eye?
With only 1 10 point eye I would have to choose between a small list.

+Demon's lord outer eye
+Mirror World
+Ultimate null
+Pharaohs gambling or released witch

These are the eyes that arent useless without another eye and that I see as truly useful. If i do like you I would choose between these personally. What is yours?
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Never really used this thread before so forgive me if this isn't where this goes, but I was working on a little thread game thing and was hoping to fish for ideas for it. I've seen something similar made here and there over the years but I wanted to try my hand at it. The idea is one of those Waifu Square template games, but for a kingdom with a focus on the army.

I'm still really early on and just trying to brainstorm and lay out ideas right now, so if you've got any you think would be good, I'd appreciate it. Thanks
Yes, this. It's not fun choosing between the company that you keep and
your personal powers
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Ultimate null and this is my build.

>Demon Impacts:
Appeasement, Demon Arm

>Demon Eyes:
Eye of Ultimate Null

>Demon Auras:
Tier 1: Advanced Technology
Tier 2: Barriers and Shield Creation, Divination and Warding, Mage's Magic Circles


>all magics
>no enemies
>no danger
>it feels like I'm being railroaded and forced down the narrowest path by an overly controlling GM
support and survive build, interesting. With ultimate null i would have tried to choose the assassin auras to make one hits before desappearing again
>Duality eye
>Old becomes new
>Can rejuvenate yourself
>Injured becomes uninjured
>Can heal yourself
That eye is op
Yeah fuck luminary and Husanon.
>Don't worry there is an artifact that boosts raw strength, speed and durability
>mfw I hate maces and now I have to take it to get the boost
Thank you hus, very cool.
>Wasnt planning to go the full harem route
We tried telling aro this. She just does not care. She will tell you this is shitposting or that the way you want things is BORING or some other dumb shit.
haremfags truly believe this
that not going the full harem route is pathetic? yes
>Gender: Male [+4 DEP, +3 DAP]

>Demon Impact:
Appeasement [+2 DEP, +2 DAP]
Power limiter [+10 DEP, -1 DAP]
Sin Impulse [10th Cost Wrath Eyes]
Split Personality
Demon Arm [+4 DEP, +2 DAP]

>Sin: Wrath

>Demon Eyes:
Bloody Ripper’s Eye [-1 DEP]
Avenging Eye Of Pain Eater [-1 DEP]
Eye Of Spirit Vengeance [-3 DEP]
Indiscriminate Eye Of Death [-3 DEP]
Dark Eye Of Primeval Void [-4 DEP]
Eye Of Draconic Overlord [-4 DEP]
Demon Lord’s Outer Eye [-4 DEP]
Eye Of Causal Immunity [Free]

>Demonic Aura Energy:
Demon Fist Brawling Tier 2 [-2 DAP]
Cursed Demon Arm Weapon Tier 2 [-2 DAP]
Vampiric Blood Manipulation Tier 2 [-2 DAP]

>Uniform: Military

>Demon World Foes:
Rival Shenanigans
Night Creepers
The Illustrious 6
The Betrayer

Demon Wrap Bindings
Steam Power Armor
The Maid
Mages Grimoire

Priscilla The Impudent Kid
The Secluded Vampire Boy
The Banished Demon Princess
Punishing Gaze Setsuna Reiko

Punch everything to death as hard as possible
I would have taken something with renumeration but
it is way too annoying. I get more Eyes this way as well.
The are no maces in the list husanon gave
Very powerful but between Power Limiter and Wrath Impulse, if i had to choose, i wouldnt become your ally. It sounds like a time bomb, eventually you will use the strong eyes and explode because you are mad and even before that I dislike easily angered people that could crush my head easily
>he doesn't want to spread his genes
>he also doesnt want to spread the legs of more artifacts
You know that you're replying to tok, right? Hes the only one who said previously that he wanted a symbiote dragon build.
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I'm pretty sure there already are a number of templates like this.
Fucking phoneposting, I meant
? you chose a wrong comment
>he doesn't want to raise his offspring to be strong
>everything is about sex
> Gender
> Demon Impact
Demon Arm
> Demon Eyes
Split Eye of Form Duality
> Demon Aura
Ranged Weapon Energy Aura 2
Psychics and Telekinesis 2
Weaponry Summoning 2
Advanced Technology 2
> Costume
Mage's Robe/Sci Fi Bodysuit
> Foes
Rival Shenangians
Problem Solvers
Night Creepers
Rogue Entity Slaying
The illustrious 6
The Star Crossed Lover
> Items
Data Slate
Everlasting Elixir
Power Gauntlet
Enigma Machine
> Companions
Priscilla the Impudent Kid
The Fading Schoolgirl
Star Watching Senior Student
The Mystery Android Yui
Unassuming Machinist
Punishing Gaze Setsuna Reiko

Idea is to use Form Duality to essentially surpass the Outer World Eye, by turning fakes and replicas of powerful items into the real deal with no power limit. I did this build before but this time I'm just going with Appeasement instead of trying to use Revealing.
You don't have Outer World Eye?
>Pet Lounge
>Food, Fabrics, Reading, Open window, Garden, Nicotine (Snuff), Radio, Supply House
I live with a roommate, so she'd have to avoid him, but I don't think that'd be too hard. He's gone most of the day, at a different time than me. I'd of course give her food, and I already have lots of interesting books, a garden on my balcony she could take care of, A radio she can use if she wants, as well as a cassette player and 8 track player, and as much snuff as her little body could handle. I'd also go get a bug hotel for her, since I've been meaning to get one anyways
>Bug Repellent, Sugar Lilies, Hiker Buddy, Friend Knowledge.
I guess since it's an option, I'd take friend knowledge. It'd be a lot easier if she didn't have to avoid my roommate, and I'd trust him to keep it a secret. I'd def want to use her as bug repellent, she can feel free to move them out to the garden, or keep them as pets OUTSIDE, please and thank you.
>flower ring
I'm already a pretty good gardener, but it'd be useful to have this.
>5 years later
Rest easy old friend.
Also the dragon companions power is so busted she's basically another mandatory choice
Yeah, because I want to do it better.
If I killed you I would be sad anon
Anathema is alright anons are just too retarded to understand that most people don't walk the talk and specially not at that level and even then they aren't invincible to all you can do
Friendly smile being just once on that person ever is too weak
Dunno what to think of eyes of the snake but odds are it is great on people with pokerface
Parry it.

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