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Lieutenant Dan edition

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Show the thread your kitbashes.
I love phobos armor
Old thread isn't a limit yet ya git
Page 8 and autosaging you tourist faggot
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you ever worried that the boobies will get you in trouble from some Karen at an LGS or something? amazing work tho as always.

Nearly every model here is a kitbash.
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Sure, I have tons to show if you want.
Then you might like these
I show up with my custom army that is neckbeards leading catgirls, what do you do?
alright lets see who goes first
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I'd say well memed, sir. Would you like to go first or shall I?
>neckbeards leading
Unacceptable divergence from reality
200 posts and dozens of images to go, speedbaker
"atleast it's painted"
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Oh shit really? That's great!
Genuine newfag to the hobby, what army will make me feel the most existential dread (lorewise)
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Watcha working on /40kg/? I'm kitbashing a chosen.
What are a couple decent novels for a total noob to start with?
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Not sure if this is the right place to post but I am a returning lorefag who used to read the lore from 5th to 7th edition. I feel like my knowledge around the universe is out of touch these days and I am getting worried about how much I know is just old fan headcannon explanations or are just outdated. Can some anon recommend some good lore channels or podcasts that are not just...well...slop? I have decided to have a look myself and I keep finding crash course, surface level shit where I either know half of the stuff already or things have been dumbed down enough for laymans who have a very low idea about the universe. Is there any guys out there that cover topics like imperial/chaos/ork shit in autistic detail or minutia? I am already planning on reading some books but I want shit I can listen too as well which is not just story narratives.
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nothing very extensive, left dude's still needing a fur lining on his cape, and numartes is flipflopping between this helmet and the normal nu-helmet constantly
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I should stop spraying primer and varnish in my living room
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Horus rising, the infinte and divine, the twice dead king, brutal kunnin', for the emperor and eisehhorn xenos are pretty ok books that you don't need all the lore knowledge to understand and enjoy.
Is this gonna be BA termo captain?
Why are the knight models so tiny? Is it a byproduct of the pre primaris sizing for infantry? Everything was smaller so the current knight size made sense. Now it looks like a knight can fit 5-6 crew max. Kind of silly if you ask me.
I enjoyed the siege of vraks
A knight can only fit one crew member, it's literally a weaponized agricultural walker.
When is the next Munitorum Field Manual releasing? Or when could it be? I don't know the time frames at all, just heard there would be one every 3 months? Which seems kinda crazy?
Short of it is that no 40k models are accurate size for the scale. Titans, knights, marines, tanks and many other models should be way bigger but it would be cumbersome and expensive to make them accuratly sized.
donut steel BA successor but yeah
lemartes was just grabbed as a side project down the line
can you take scouts in a primaris chapter army? Do primaris chapters have scouts?
Thank you
I've seen accurate scale rhinos, needless to say the game would be closer to kill team if we did have true scale vehicles
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Haven't posted my anointed a whole lot.
I enjoy Isyander and Koda
graphic novels:
titanicus, deff skwadron,the redeemer, and Lone wolves
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Bashing is fun. I make sure all my leaders are bashed
and levitating
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When I look at him like this I gotta say Lemartes looks better than I thought. A head swap and repositioning of the arms and he'd look great.
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Decapitated head from rhino spikes and its new life.
man, your eyes and your face are rally good, but the fucking paint is so fucking thick, you have so many splotches an untidy lines and THE FUCKING BASE GOD DAMNIT
but the face is nice
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>tfw too scared to kitbash because I'm worried I'll just ruin the model
How're you distinguishing Legionaries from Chosen now when the models are basically identical?
How do you ruin a model with a simple kitbash?
speaking from the experience of being there, just start with some chaos kill team. anything you fuck up can just be hidden behind 'lmao chaos'. goes double for anything Nurgle related.
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Another one. It'll be nice to come back to my gravis guys once the zoomers are finished. Promised myself I'd finish them first or I'd never do them probably.
Some guys at my LGS were chatting post-game about their models and I misheard the nids player saying he was planning on making a model coming out of grass as coming out of glass and now I want a model of a tyranid lord smashing through a stained glass window.
Just watched an official GW interview with Phil Kelly about the Tau.
Phill describes the inevitable clash between Chaos and the Tau. He said depending on your view the Tau are a plucky gathering of diverse heroes or poor saps vs an otherworldly power that has always existed and will forever exist.
What's with GW and repeating the line that Chaos always exists and is forever? I am noticing it more and more recently.
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Loadout basically. I also paint my legionaries with more uniform squad colors, while the chosen get to have more personal heraldry.
>What new GW sculp designs do to an mf
Hear me out, instead of scaling up, they should have scaled everything down to have proportional realism.
Nice homage to terminator chaplain
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I never finished the base desu just used the peg and never glued him in yet.
I do thin my pains on a shitty wet palette, and can promise it looks better in real life.
Heres my bashed Chapter Master too
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And two more.
Very nice looking models anon. Wish I could paint that well.
>New GW media has Imperials use vulgar words like fuck, bitch, and shit instead of made-up words like Frak!
What happened? Did the Imperium find the STC "The Seven Dirty Words"?
Tutti Frutti flavor traitors
Worse, americans got interested in the setting
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Some manlet termies.
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Just keep at it and you'll get there anon. Here's my first model next to some of my latest ones. Those were about 3 years apart.
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Wip of some biker boys. Final one, don't wanna hog all the pics.
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>Lieutenant Dan edition
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>What's with GW and repeating the line that Chaos always exists and is forever? I am noticing it more and more recently
I think they want to give the End Times treatment to 40K and are trying to soften people up.
Damn forgot to quote >>93955729
Why would they want to do that lol. They nuked WFB because it didn't sell and needed to be remade from the ground up. 40k still sells well so it makes 0 sense to take that risk
>What's with GW and repeating the line that Chaos always exists and is forever?
This has been the line since RT dude. It's a fundamental aspect of the setting's magical realist idealism. Any action in the materium has a corrolary affect in the immaterium, and all actions in the materium are driven by the immaterium. They actually tried to retcon this to chaos and the warp only existing when Horus attacked the Emperor, and the fan reaction was so massively against it that they backtracked.

Before some sped gets really upset that I used the term "magical realist idealism" because MUH GRIMDARK, "idealism" here is in reference to the Problem of Universals. The immaterium, a realm of thought and emotion, existing is "idealism" ("things made out of ideas").
>They nuked WFB because it didn't sell and needed to be remade from the ground up.
WFB sold better than every single other fantasy TTWG. They nuked it so they could completely dominate the TTWG fantasy market. Between Fantasy Battles, Old World, and AoS GW's fantasy lines have more players and more sales than every other fantasy TTWG combined.

They didn't nuke it because it wasn't making enough money, they nuked it so that they could make even more money.
Does anyone have that really old 2010 /tg/ meme of the black templars with the longcat purity seal?
The space marines’ fucking tactical squad outsold the entire WHFB range. Look it up.
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Rules question, if I use this ability does this mean that I can split all the shots that it fires, or does it mean that I can fire the same number of shots again at the other targets?

I'd assume the former, otherwise this would be stupid as hell but I also am bad at interpreting rules like this.
And now imagine those tactical squad sales for the billion 40K games they're gonna release when they shitcan the original.
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Bro, you're either not using acrylics or you're layering very thick, I am sure if I would strap that mini I'd get a few mm of paintcoat off
The latter
Thanks. I'm gonna make a character set with the new big boy termies too eventually.
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>New players are buying T-Sons because of SM2 and not because of Meta chasing.
>new players with 1k sons
what could go wrong

I think well painted armies are important for immersion while playing
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Here's a kitbash I'm working on. My brother, who's a jeep lover, says I've inadvertently made a jeep out of this kit.
I look forward to seeing lots of second hand TSons
The Primaris keyword isn't a rule anymore, and yes they do.
Always love your work, you really make the blue pop
what tufts are you using?
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what did he mean by this
Just static grass I got from Amazon. LGS didn't have the right color I was looking for.

You say finally like taking scouts was ever prohibited
That's actually stupid as hell but okay
These guys are in for a fucking surprise when they start painting them lmao. I wonder if same thing happened with the Mechanicus game
Does this mean primaris can use drop pods and land raiders now?
So they can sell entire new armies with new ranges to 40k paypigs who will mostly rebuy their forces to continue playing and being meta
I'm talking about the "primaris" bullshit in general. Can they ride in rhinos now too?
I'm assuming it can't transport non-deathwatch in imperial agents can it
That’s literal hearsay parroted by enough people that it’s become a fake fact. The IcV2 had fantasy as the third best selling tabletop product in 2013 still.

it's not, GW themselves said it
Sorry, little drunk. Primaris is gone but armor keywording still exists. Scouts can go in Rhinos but you have fuck all reason to ever do so
I deploy my catgirls army.
kek, that reminds me I still have two squads of Skittari sitting under my bed that a pal all but threw at me because he couldn't stomach getting AdMech built and painted up to scratch.
Maybe you should read the datasheet and find out
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Uh oh, looks like GW's grand plan to milk me just went down the drain
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You don't use this kinda printer for 40k miniatures, only for terrain
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Whats your favorite aspect warriors anons
how about using it for this?
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>tfw admech is the first army I've picked
>tsons was the second
I think I may just like suffering, I like both ranges too much though
They're all the same to me.
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Post them
Same. Probably my favorite 40K unit overall.
Incubi aren't aspect warriors.
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Incubi are the True Aspect of the Scorpion.
>Look at lore
>Wow Admech are so cool
>Look at the models
>Shit my pants
>Play Mechanicus
>Wow Admech are so cool
>Look at the models
>Shit my pants
>Pick Necrons
It definitely happened
hehe dickhead
No they're not.
Necrons are so chill to paint, I have a few I painted for fun, not enough for a 1000 points list.
If they'd actually have some cool vehicles and monsters I'd go for them.
Alas, even the robot centipede got canned.
>banshee fingering a warlock
How lewd.
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Denial isn't the name of a valley on Terra, Karandras.
ICv2 is only sales by independent retailers within the US. It says nothing about outside the US. Both the fact that it was still doing moderately well in the US, but not selling at all outside of it can be true.
Honestly debating trying Tyranid out just because of how cool the big boys are, but they don't seem to easy to paint either
yeah it's limited to deathwatch models, but deathwatch are pretty much the best thing you can put in it, and it's not as if the Blackstar is even that good to begin with.
nids are tedious to paint well
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I posted my admech here a couple times already. Tsons have only a couple rubrics painted so far, this guy is the latest >>93948218. I don't have anyone to play tabletop with so I just autistically do my best on every mini I paint lol
>Admech, TSons and Nids all suck to paint
I can't stop losing
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alright, this is what i've got so far.

what else should i get to bring it up to a playable 2k? most of the people in my club only play 2k games. i could maybe talk someone into a 1500 but pretty much everyone wants to play 2k standard

also which subfaction/enhancements would best go with what i currently have? the unending swarm one?
They can be a simple or as complicated as you want really, the biological stuff seems daunting but it's easier to get away with not doing details than a lot of Armored factions with all the accents and hearldry that's hard to miss
I will warn you though after I painted 70 termagants I put the rest of my bugs on the top shelf and haven't looked back
Nice enginseer my dude! I wish my enginseer would look that good
>Never actually played a game with my squad
>Just paint them and look fondly
I should probably learn at some point
Tyranids are the only faction that looks better slapchopped than painted normally because they are all biological without metals and they do not wear tiny details like ammo pouches, crosses, or skulls.
You can paint them VERY quickly in badges that way, just need precise brush work, you lose most of your time drybrushing the primer.
Join your local warhammer discord and say you've been collecting minis but want to learn the game and youll be invited to tables in no time, the people yearn for new players.
It's really not that important especially if you don't already have a group you're familiar with. It's too goofy of a game to expect to have fun with randos.
Is it better to put a chaos lord with a unit of chosen and a Dark Apostle with a group of Legionaries or to do it the other way around?
Chaos Lord with Legionaries and don't waste the points on an Apostle, unless you wanna run him for fluffy /yourguys/ reasons then he's based.
Playing mostly fluffy word bearers. Apostle is is kinda a must.
Plenty of space for a Neurolictor for a bit of sex appeal.
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I've been wanting to have fun in this hobby again so I'm thinking about getting my dad and brother into 3rd or 4th Edition. We used to play during the early dawn of war era, and stopped all playing together when I moved out of the house when 8th edition index were new.

I'm looking at 3rd and 4th, but I don't know which one would be more fun. Can any of you give some insight which one of these two you prefer, and why?
Obviously this question is for TRVE Warhammer grogs, not 9th edition zoomers
Holy shit one sec, I need to dig through my closet
>Abaddon has a daughter
Good evening, I hate nulore and loretubers
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Here's my favorite kitbash
I love the idea of having roofless buildings you can enter. I'm gonna use Into the Dark terrain to do this
Apostle isn’t a must have in WB, you can always say he’s off doing a ritual or leading your other forces while your Coryphaus (Chaos Lord) is performing the bulk of the main operations for your Apostle.
I reading/hearing about that.
Is it like she's his real flesh and blood daughter? Like Abaddon knocked some chaos whore up and that's where the girl came from.
Or is she an adoptive one? I can't remember.
Should definitely play 3e, as it is older and therefore better
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if you've got an FDM printer or access to one gloomdale/greendale is a fantastic building set that has fully modeled interiors
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>Do primaris chapters have scouts?
Thanks bud. Come on, post your stuff too
these guys arent quite scouts, but yeah more or less.
nta, but she's just a special psyker slave groomed by Abbaddon to control his Blackstone Fortress
neophytes are indeed scouts
Are there any space marine helmet bits that have more than two eye lenses? Either loyalist or chaos works.
She's a designer baby. There's no blood between them. She was created to interface with the blackstone fortresses.
eliminators have a helmet with a trinocular I think
old CSM nurgle heads did too, dunno about new DG stuff
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Okay so I bought these guys the admech starter box and some paints back in HS right after admech had come out an an actual army. I had fun at first but then realized just how much shit I was going going to have to do and then I fucked up my mushroom head dudes which completely killed my motivation to finish. They've been sitting in my closet ever since
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Skittles are easy, Cawl was a bitch to paint and assemble
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When did it become accepted that Gork was brutal and Mork was cunning? I cannot explain it, but it just seems like such a true thing it COULDN'T be the other way around. Like, what sort of retard would ever think Mork was brutal? Brutally cunning, maybe, but not brutal and certainly not cunningly brutal.
I did not get the mars trim done as nicely, my freehand just isn’t good or precise
I should get the tiny tamiya masking tape
Oh, so an adoptive one.
I mean, I guess it could make sense in a weird twisted way, where he views her as his progeny because this is Chaos. And how marines can't have kids.
So he just had Bile cook him up some flesh golem he now treats as his progeny.

Still really weird, and honestly kinda pointless. Doesn't really add much.
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Do you know that scouts are neophytes?
Makes you wonder why they bother putting that stuff in the same book if it can't interact
I don't think it's that different from Emps and the Primarchs, or the Primarchs and the Marines.
They are scouts.
Those are just the Black Templar version/equivelant of scouts.
They are just young neophytes who are paired up with a full fledged marine, and the young recruit helps the marine by taking care of their wargear, armor, weapons, etc. while the full marine himself then teaches the recruit how to be a marine, chapter culture, etc.
Basicaly they are squires to their marine knight masters.
Kind of?
Emps still viewed his sons more like actual sons, than Abaddon seems to treat this kid who sounds to be just a glorified computer interface for some space battle station.
Still cool as fuck. Yeah I don't think it's possible to do nicely without masking tape. I manage to freehand these on hoods because because small differences won't stand out anyway but they would on this guy
>a knife on his belt.
>a spare knife in the back.
>a spare knife for the spare knife in the boot.

This guy has a taste for knives.
The free handing on the left of the rhino looks sick. Anymore pictures of it?
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That marine scout hangs around those Kill Team knife specialists too much.
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>Basicaly they are squires to their marine knight masters.
Once again the Black Templars demonstrate that they are the true space marine knights.

What do dark angels have? a group of hooded little people? Ha!
Female Custodes
I'm of the opinion that 3rd/4th are the best ones to play even if the codex's weren't balanced.
grog thread has anons more tailored to oldhammer/middlehammer
Knights were just soldiers of their time.
It's what both BT and DA are, just soldiers with knightly aesthetics.
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Can I even play anything with these dudes?
>just soldiers with knightly aesthetics.
The black templars have the superior aesthetics.
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I quake in fear for my men's virginities.
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Amen x2.
Amen x3.
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Amen x4
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Can a based grog please post some of his lovingly paint pewter so we can get some SOVL in this thread? I can feel my lifeforce fading away...
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What about them?
my wife <3
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>The black templars have the superior aesthetics.
It's the same shit.
Knight marines wearing tabards using swords hating the aliens crusading in Emperor's name.
shadow spectres, heavy(?) jetpack infantry with mini prism cannons are cool as fuck
>plastic never, phoenix lord never ever
space marine 2 was boring after like 45 hours.

great campaign though
Damn what a scrub not a single service stud. Just a little baby marine.
Getting 45 hours of enjoyment out of it doesn't sound so bad though.
Swooping Hawk Tuahs
i played my 2nd game of 40k and got slaughtered
i dont know what im doing on deployment and tau ripped me apart
i also forgot i had invul saves which wouldve helped
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but without the gay undertone.
Ona. Completely unrelated note I hate that aspect warriors all come with inferior helmetless options specifically for running them as Ynnari.
incubi are so fucking sick they make me wanna buy druhkari models
what faction and what did you take

more importantly, did the tau player teach you how terrain is supposed to work and laid out
Where on the "OC do not steal" spectrum is a loyalist chapter that is secretly descended from a traitor legion?
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Seconded. Love me Incubi.
did you make them bigger again
The hair is a flaw in battle allows enemy to grip and attain leverage
aren't the minotaurs rumored to be possibly descended from one of the traitor legions?
About a 8 or 9/10
Where can you still get the old IG cadisns and sentinel, without spending an arm and a leg ? Had the new ones, no SOVL
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i played a stupid grey knights list at 1k so i took 2 dreadknights and regretted it
i think we used too much terrain but it was just some basic walls and buildings with windows, i just had shit rolls and forgot lots of stuff
i dont know how i feel about current GKs, i liked having options in psyker phase and the dual nemesis weapons were fun
crowe killed farsight though so my boy did something
blinking around the map is also kinda cool and i guess they gave them that to focus on melee
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Picking up Tabletop Sim to play games again, where can I find the models on workshop? I know they tend to have copyright-dodging names.
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the "brick" shaped bases that serve as the footprint for terrain block LOS if you are on the opposite side even if a modeled building doesnt actually physically obscure your model, said bricks are also have specific dictated position based on the game generation rules (cards with layouts).

brotherhood termies + terminator lib have been the backbone of GK for awhile i'd consider at least one of those

>psyker phase
wait, what edition is this
i played like a couple games of GKs back in 8th on TTS when i was learning, and like the only actual game i played irl was when admech got their codex in 9th
Goku at the end of dragon ball (original not Z) vs Horus-PreHeresy?

Goku at the end of dragon ball (original not Z) vs Horus- during Heresy?
Fuck off Redguard
I dunno ask /hhg/ or /a/
10th deleted the psychic phase, made all the abilities tied to a specific type of caster unit entry or made the ability a gun. I understand why they did it. 10th actually has a lot of things which makes it very different from 9th, the main carry overs are progressive turn by turn objective scoring, but army building and wargear is completely different
I preferred them having proper glaives, like if we could have the modern armour with a nice big gnarly glaive that would make them absolutely perfect in my eyes.
if you want to get pub games you're better off learning whatever the current ed is, you can keep playing older editions if you have a cabal of friends who refuse to move on or learn new things but that's going to be a shrinking pool of players unless you induct people into your cabal
All the GKs having 1 option of melee weapon pissed me off
Maybe I'll have more fun with admech
Or Alpha legion when I start building that
nice try james
I was teaching some friends 40k today and had to pull out the ol reliable. I wonder if theyd enjoy the game more with big massive primaris models, they seemed to like the game and models plenty.
as a chaos player, the standardizing of most melee weapons was a blessing, but they still let us have some variety in profiles, GK should have retained at least falchions / hammers as unique profiles for brotherhood termies
Neither get far. SB Goku was pretty low tier on the end of feats. Could probably take on the Phoenix Lords, but Primarchs are too high for him at that point.
I always thought OG dreadnoughts were bigger. Yes I'm a newfag.
Redemptor chasis ruins people's mental image of dreads
>if theyd enjoy the game more with big massive primaris models
Are they children?
good job
no, they just have discerning tastes
sovlmaxxed kino, full of creativity born out of the limitations of the time
stunning depth and detal, making prodigious use of the all technological advancements the decades have afforded us
Both. Both is good.
in that case it was probably the paintjobs
Im not the other anon, no but much like how people are impressed with new vidya graphics despite classic games looking great in their own way; I wonder if bigger more detailed primaris would make them enjoy it even more than they did.
Finished my terminator Sergeant

Quite happy with how he came out, need to find the motivation to finish the other 4 now

>Post Models
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looks great
Ah, Terminators. The great unifier. Absolutely no one hates Terminators.
They really are the best, had a fuckton of fun building the new kit

Always remember getting a box of the plastic assault termies as a kid and fucking butchering them with a god awful 14 year olds attempt at a paint job
Day 11, I think, of exercising every day until the Emperor's Children Codex is released
40k lore bros, does the warp stretch only to one galaxy? If not how come the chaos gods aren't fucking about in other galaxies not just the main one and if not how come the tyranid hivemind uses the warp?
Galaxies only have warp where there is life abundance, so there is a seperate immaterium for each Galaxy that doesn't connect with their own mirror reflection variants of the ruinous powers.
As for why nother else has ever effected the Milky way besides Tyranids, do you have any idea how long it takes to travel between galaxies with no warp travel?
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Once you can do Lee's session, only then will EC get a codex. So keep it up Anon! Work hard!
>do you have any idea how long it takes to travel between galaxies with no warp travel?
Maybe 50-100k years, at near light speed? given that the timeline runs back 60 million years, it's actually not to weird to think extragalactic factions would be able to be present, but as far as we know now the nids probably ate them all already.
buddy the warp stretches into other realities
For me? It's the dog heads.
Dire avengers.

yes they are, contrarian.
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>french press heavier than squat
But I want to keep my sweat glands.
he's still doing those wrist curls even now
Classic pixel art games are more popular than ever, while AAA games that spent a fortune on graphics are a gamble. It's a good metaphor for the appeal of Oldhammer really, I can understand the technical appeal of the new stuff but anyone who hates the old stuff is lacking something.
I've seen people try to build up the new termies by bashing the old ones. Both are great, it's not a console war.
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Scorpions just do it for me

Maugan Ra is the best PL, thou.
See >>93955873. The immaterium is a parallel realm with different laws from the materium. The Gods, and the immaterium (and thus chaos and the warp) are EVERYWHERE and EVERYWHEN, including times and places that are not, can never be, will never be, and once were but are no longer. From the perspective of the materium it seems that the immaterium overlays on top of it, but that only matters in as much as we're looking at it from the materium of the 40k universe. Khorne is fed by the war of all souls across the entire universe, but his manifestation in the 40k-galaxy is "filtered" through the conditions of the 40k galaxy. This is in opposition to "Gods of Order", like Khaine, Isha, the Emperor, etc, which don't necessarily work like this.

>how come the tyranid hivemind uses the warp?
The Hivemind is one of these "Gods of Order", which aren't really based on abstractions but rather attached directly to souls. The Hivemind is the emergent result of the souls of the Tyranids, like how Khaine and Isha were for the Eldar, and how the Emperor COULD be for Humans. These Gods of Order are fed by their race as an abstraction (The Emperor is fed by "Humanity", not "being racist"), which is why they actually care about religion (because it "channels" the race's abstraction into the immaterium), unlike the Chaos Gods that actually dislike religion (as it gets in the way of the bad-feelings that they subsist on).

Khorne COULD blot out segments of the Warp if he so desired, which would just be filling it with himself, but the Chaos Gods are engaged in the Great Game so they don't do that, whereas the Hivemind does actually want to eat everything in the 40k-galaxy and move onto the next one. Also, to be clear, while the Hivemind is in the warp, the Tyranids do FTL by changing gravity to make themselves "go faster" by shortening the distance.
The idea that the nids have depopulated the universe other than the one galaxy is too grimderp for me. I'd even prefer if they were a Necron bioweapon.
Look at it this way, they might not be supposed to be jobbers, but they are, so this can't be the first time in the known universe they faced serious resistance.
>given that the timeline runs back 60 million years,
It's absolutely hilarious that the Eldar are actually an older, wiser, more evolved, and more innovative race than the Necrons.
>eat the entire universe
>still able to lose a fight, ever
Yea, that shit doesn't really make sense, but as far as I know that's what GW is intimating as of now.
'Nids don't need to be dominating just suffocating. A drop of water isn't a big deal, but a tidal wave is practically unstoppable.
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>People complain about the limit of only 1000 marines per chapter.
>A single Vateran marine can single-handedly rape an entire army of chaos.

The limit of 1000 marines seems to be well justified.
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So apparently in the Awakening fanmade movie that was recently released they used Pokemon Symbols for a Necron Tomb, around 25:34 and later on
What's wrong with his head lmao
Why is he wearing a rugby helmet? Such a fucking goober lol
BA mogged hard
>robot legs
All I want from Iron Hands but GW makes it a pain to equip your dudes with your augments.
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kek, it also used a shitty ai voice to start it, and then fucked up the tagline 'there is only war' saying 'nothing but war'. Its pure secondary trash
Is not that bad and how can you tell they used AI when there is also Baldemort involved as VA
the opening intro anon, you hear that exact same ai voice on a bunch of tiktoks etc
It is a crown, he is the Templar king.
Well i don't use Tiktok so there's that
>iron warriors fags
Umm they're chaos but they don't worship it they make the daemons fight for them by putting them in tanks and stuff!
>word bearers fags
>black legions fags
Actually from MY perspective, the imperium are the evil ones!
>alpha legion fags (or straights?)
Hehe I am alpharius hehe
>night lord fags
>red corsair fags
"ackshully the black legion isn't the ONLY legion-sized warband and when you think about it huron is more successful and interesting than abaddon"
>2nd legion fags
>world eaters fags
>death guard
A little of my poo for you :)
>thousand sons fags
These don't exist because magnus sucks
>emperor's children fags
gw please give us back noise marines
>my dad at 23
I'm going to have a son at 38 so he comes out extra autistic
Listen up bitch they're called Unown and they're Pokemon not pokemon symbols
>These don't exist because magnus sucks
But Ahriman is a G
Time loops don't give time to add them.
why did you post this
Read the file name, Bitch. They are literal living Pokémon-Symbols
Can I make great decals just with ardcoat, water and lahmian medium, or do I really need some micro set?
>>2nd legion fags
The 2nd Legion got eaten by the Slaughth, it's the 11th legion that fell to Chaos.
>file name
Umm excuse me sweatie I played pokemon crystal when I was a kid I think I know what Unown are.
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>>death guard
>A little of your poo for me :)
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Redscar is my only true kitbash, unfortunately.
But I do want to work on kitbashing an Aggressor Sergeant to look more knightly. If that's possible at least.
I was watching an Iron Warriors video on youtube and reading the comments and the commentators being like "iron warriors are cool because they're traitors, but they bind daemons to war machines instead of worshiping them" and "word bearers panic when they lose troops but iron warriors just laugh" comments reminded me of arguments on here between autismos like the black legion lover who always argues the imperium was evil for trying to enslave space marines.

And cring redditors who always post "I am alpharius" whenever alpha legion is mentioned.
I don't understand that chart. Why are two different exercises listed on the same line?
Are the red scars a white scars successor chapter?
>Show the thread your kitbashes.
I put an eldar splinter rifle on an alpha legionnaire after reading the "xenos weapon" rule for the alpha legion detachment and then realized it was a melee weapon not a ranged one but I don't care because I like my interpretation.
Redscar is the name of the Marine, noted by his helmet.
The chapter's working title is the "Phoenix Knights", got an impromptu lore page on them and stuff, but can't design a chapter logo for them to save my life.
>>thousand sons fags
>These don't exist because magnus sucks
please go back to /hhg/ if you unironicallly think nobody plays tsons. literally the most popular traitor army
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I am now sad that I have never seen a Nurgle army based in pic's image.
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this is my greatest kitbash.
there's not really much dragon stuff in 40k period. it's easily the most striking absence in terms of generic fantasy tropes, especially since they do exist as army centerpieces in WHFB. the only "dragon" shit is some big nids
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Corpus & Blight are better. The Sixth House is far superior.
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It comes up pretty frequently as a discussion topic. Dragons as big ancient intelligent monsters with some magical power are basically filled in by the Tyranids as a whole and the Harridan specifically. They are the impossibly grand creature that no one can ever hope to master.
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It took the lack of a spear inside him to realize it's that disease daedric prince rather than Sinh.
Played when Pokeom Red Came out, then played both Silver and Soul Silver.
The Unown are pokemon shaped as symbols based on their own alphabet.
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>They are the impossibly grand creature that no one can ever hope to master.
if you have faith in the four-armed-emperor, you too can receive a neurolictor tradwife
>shitty american accents
>low class manner of speaking
Brother if you absorbed only one editions worth of codexes you'd see that it's trash. I lasted 3 seconds and then Alt+F4'd
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I play Orks since 6th edition and don't care about accents. I just wanted to see where it was going. yes is not at Astartes levels but neither the Ultramarines movies was that good, yet i watched it.
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>Be Death of Integrity, circa DAOT
>Be sucked into Warp time travel fuckery
>Finally spat out somewhere "near" to starting point
>Corruption of faggotry already taken its toll
>Send captain and crew to nearest human planet without any scouting and situating first
>Functionally post-apocalyptic humans react poorly
>AI gets into a fag sulk about it
>Turns into a digital neckbeard and copes and seethes forever after
>Never bothers to do any actual thinking with its supposedly superior cognitive faculties
>The irony that AI in large part caused humanity's regression

Redditors love this book, btw.
Still better and more faithful than anything that came out of Warhammer+, anon.
>abominable intelligence in the intro gets the tagline wrong
>uses pokemon sigils as necron runes
battle brother, who vox'd for this
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Respectfully anon, what the fuck?
The Black Library is a place of much forbidden and forgotten knowledge best left lost and damned.
What really are the blood angel's red thirst and black rage? I don't get how they could keep those things seemingly a secret for 10k years especially when they and their successors go to the deathwatch and such. But I also don't get how certain characters like Malikim Phoros of the lamenters or mepheston are supposed to have succumbed to the rage but then recovered? Not really a fan of marines and especially not the red ones so forgive my ignorance.
Votann have arrived.
curse from a khornate daemon that sanguinius banished, red thirst makes them crave blood and black rage drives them insane, making them think they're sanguinius in his final fatal duel with horus
they're not really kept secret but also not flaunted
When IG get their codex, are catachans going to get anything good? It's pretty lame that they seargents don't even get power weapons, or their squads options in general.
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>than anything that came out of Warhammer+
The Tithes is pretty kino warhammer short stories. Walking/running/fighting/talking animation aren't the best but its essentially a 3D short of what would be small story blurbs in a codex
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Sanguines like all primarchs is a warp deity shoved in a bio engineered body. Unlike other primarchs he has two deities in his body. Both the red thirst and the black rage come from the dark angel inside him, the white angel keeps it under control with poetry
Sanguinary Priests go and take Long Vigils for their the BA and their successors. However if they're too far gone they'll just kill them. The Rage and can be overcomed through sheer willpower, however.
Are you memeing anon, I don't know much about the BA but I dimly remember something about Baals two moons and some duality within sanguinius
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>the dark angel inside him
Sanguinus was meant to be the primarch of the Dark Angels too. Deepest lore.
is power armor like a mini mech suit or is it only the strength of the marine inside
i can't decide on a scheme for my knorne-allied chaos knights
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how did they fuck up the Blood Angels release so badly that even the Night Lords now have a better upgrade sprue than them?

I thought when they did Black Templars it was a step in right direction for how much stuff you could make for a unique chapter. Then with BA they took 3 steps back.
Power armor has artificial muscles.
Primarches all being warp gods has all but been explicity said by GW
Red thirst is a baked-in genetic flaw, original Blood Angels were basically ravening terror troops before Sanguinius led them. Its original source could be warp shit, I mean Sang has fucking bird wings too. Probably not too hard to keep secret by hiding it behind weird rituals and having serfs on hand, cannibalism is not unconventional to the Imperium and even anticipated of marines who can eat brains and gain memories from it.

Black Rage is basically psychic feedback from Sang's murder at the hand of Horus. It was so heinous, so horrible, that all of his sons were traumatized through the esoteric bonds they share, reliving it over and over through twisted hallucinations. I have no idea how those Sues recovered from it or how the BA hide it.
its a mini tech suit, their backpack is a mini nuclear reactor, not really nucealr but you get my meaning.
The real reason for their backpack was because early GW wanted space marines to have a similar sillhoute to napoleon's french soliders and their backpacks, with their sleeping back carried across the shoulders
>I have no idea how those Sues recovered from it or how the BA hide it
Blood Angels start howling about the Arch-traitor and tearing heretics limb from limb would just make them see really pius to the imperium anon
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Working on some paint pot killa kans. I'm going to paint when I get the other 4 made up.
>tearing heretics
yeah too bad it can be also be the fucking cleaning servitor
Zoanthropes, big unit if you can
reminder that black legion are the protagonists of the setting
It's Ultramarines, Cadians and Black Legion really. Everybody else is a second fiddle (or worse).
this is complete nonsense fanfiction sloppa
>Think of doing that
>Day 3
>I wonder what time it is, I haven't exercised yet...
>So late I'm overdue for bed and will probably sleep 4 hours
>Didn't get to do anything fun or interesting, just chores and duties.
Fuck this shit man.
What army has the simplest rules?
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>Show the thread your kitbashes.
It may be slop but its canon.
Girly Man talks about how he feels at home in the warp, so does the khan. where as everyone else is freaked out by it

They all have weird psyker powers that don't follow the rules of psykers, killing ghosts, forest walking, wolf scream

Corvax being a bird monster
Think of it like the nanosuit from crysis but with slabs on armour on top
no, the source of the curse is your fanfic shit
ka'bandha gave them the black rage
That first episode really should've been it's own series.
Now that's a propa fighty lad
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What are the best and cheapest 3rd party models?

I have always wanted to get into the miniatures but I don't want to spend a gazillion dollars if I am not sure I'll like it.
Anyone got any reccomendations for adding bits to a Primaris Aggressor?
3D or regular bits, doesn't really matter.
>cannibalism is not unconventional to the Imperium
space marines literally have a specialized organ that specifically allows them to eat people's brains to gain their memories.
cannibalism is a complete non-issue. marines are cannibals by default. Big E INTENTIONALLY made them all cannibals
That depends. What factions are you interested in?
ebay or facebook for old models
there's no explicit stated reason just theories, I'm going with the black rage being a symptom of the angels being shoved in sanguines, specifically the violent scary angels
That he would drink it up all day and anon should post more.
buy secondhand models from people selling their armies
otherwise we need to know what armies you want to give good recommendations
I have the big issue that I like them all, but I think Salamanders are the more likely my favorite ones.
Kill team, I think.
Thats rad as fuck anon.

Salamanders or Word Beares look the coolest to me.
oh cool
Are there any lore resources for the Sons of Cyclops warband of the Black Legion? I have a Thousand Sons main army and for pure fun and fluff I want to make some normal CSM that are a part of that warband. Basically Black Legion troops who dedicate themselves to Tzeench.
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>Nurgle aesthetic around a slender snake like dragon
elaborate please anon, is it just you want a nurgle dragon?
We got Nurgle dragons in fantasy with the Toad Dragons with Tamurkhan. But thats a giant wingless reptile. But we do have a reptile-nurgle connection, a connection the other gods dont have
buy them secondhand then, perhaps the easiest armies to do so
secondhand would be easy, lot of people selling marines since so many people buy them or buy starter boxes that come with them
if you don't mind buying a badly painted army and stripping them you could get them for cheaper even
plz post pics without paint on them
>elaborate please anon, is it just you want a nurgle dragon?
NTA, but that's a statue of Periyte, the Prince of Pestilence and Natural Order in The Elder Scrolls games.
Papa Nurgle's favorite pet dragon.
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thanks anon I did know that I just wanted to see if that anon had more ideas connected to a dragon idol. I've said before that chaos should take a few pages from the Daedric Prince playbook
thanks, its my take on the stormsurge.
He's basically a wannabe god of order who talks a big game but really just throws super plagues around as part of REALLY long term "plans"
Oh he also stops plagues too. Unlike nurgle hehas the power to stop any disease once it's done what he wants.
Gonna be honest here and say I don't think Periyte is anyone's favorite anything.
He's papa nurgle as a dragon minus all relevancy. And I mean minus all relevancy. He's extremely minor and hasn't had any games or expansions to himself. He makes house hufflepuff look like main characters
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Hosue Dagoth is the proper way to Nurgle Chaos Eldar.
I have a soft spot for him because he gifts you that cool warded magic shield when you do his quest
He is a pretty chill dude every time you meet him though
Together we shall speak for the Primordial Truth and the Warp, and shall drive the mongrel dogs of the Imperium from the Immaterium
>drive the mongrel dogs of the Imperium from the Immaterium
>Chaos at war with humanity because of the Navigator gene, and if humans stopped ripping into and out of the Warp they'd be no daemons and warp storms fucking them up
huh it would actually work as a plot, makes since chaos eldar/croneworld eldar would be the ones to figure out this inherent truth
>Chaos Eldar fag is back
>He's a ESfag too
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There's at least 2 of us anon, chaos eldar are canon, as are eldar deamon princes we just don't know if
>croneworld eldar are chaos eldar in that they worship/ are enslaved by chaos
>or a degenerate chaos race of former eldar beings like pic related
Could be both
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I just realized I never finished one of my robo dudes. Trying to revive a 10 year old jar of paint to finish it
It reminds me of the swordfish tank from I think chapter approved 2004? The one that came with the "build your own vehicle" rules.
I call it the King Crab.
There isn't a single chaos Eldar model nor a single Eldar daemon prince.
They effectively do not exist.
I remember there being art I think or a conversion posted a while ago in regards to chaos eldar of a crone worlder. It looked weird and interesting but I cannot find that image now
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Played a 4000 point army game. It was fun.
Redpill me on Leagues of Vottan. They dont seem very popular to say the least, but they look cool. I guess they have some similar Tau hate?
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Ok fuckos, you gentle men, you band of brothers. I finished my 3rd army, and as it stands I have Necrons, Tyranids, Thousand sons. I've essentially built one up over each of the past 3 years. So, I'm letting myself grab ONE more somewhat elite army before I just grab models for what I have now and then. I think I want a melee focused army that would compliment well against the ones that I have already. So of these three choices:

Blood Angels
World Eaters

Which one would you advise I NOT go for?
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This it anon?
>No models so not canon
guess that means, Jokaero, exodites, inquistor stormtroopers, darkmech, enslavers don't exist either. they're not on the tabletop at all but they do exist in the fluff and could become models someday
jokaero and darkmech both have models
aww looking at that style of jar makes me smile. It brings old memories I suppose.
Just don't go Custodes anon.. they're so fucking lame.
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But why?
jokaero could removed from the codex and the model got squatted.
>darkmech have models
Negavolts cultists are technically a hertek cult and not dark mech proper, even though Im sure that cult would bein a theoretical darkmech army
NTA. I just really like the space monkey model.
>good red melee guys for chads
>evil red melee guys for based retards
>giant gold mary sues with garbage balance, culture war baggage, and a shitty color scheme
Gee I wonder which of these factions is the stinker.
Have you considered red?
>marines who say they aren't marines
>more marines
I say nay to augmented big power armor pauldron super soldier/
should I get one to use as an acolyte in my Inquisition army? >>93955327

would have to be a recast I think but its something I've considered for awhile.
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First time I've seen the big bug in a batrep. How did the silver tide fare?
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Take your pick
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Yeah it would look cool, GW has made better ape models for Age of Sigmar that would look better than the old jokaero reacast one, a little grenn stuff and it would look great
NTA but first of all that's just crazy enough to work. I think the comic Doomguy is the best for Khorne. You know why.
Doom 2 guy is some mandela effect shit, I would have bet money that he was the same as in Doom 1 but I looked it up and this is correct.
ugly armor, lame playstyle, poor brazilian-bait army
Yes. It will be helpful when trying to get up to some monkey business.
NMM on that sword is beautiful
and props for not just doing the usual checkerboard reflections and blending
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A simple devastator kitbash.
Anyone miss the days of cheese when Chaos Space Marines talked like 80s cartoon villains and brutal death metal vocalists?
The wizard dude in SM2 was pretty hammy. Especially at the end.
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This guy is supposed to be a zealot with that chainsaw-flamer thing. I made him before you could just buy the actual model invidually. Would love to make more kitbashes but buying the base models is so fucking expensive. Would like to kitbash an inquisitor and maybe a few Palatines.
Nintendo about to slam them with a lawsuit before GW can even muster their lawyers.
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Very nice. Kind of reminds me of Battlefront 2 in a way.
Leave it to the genestealer to be obsessed with coom.
hmm thats interesting. though at that point I might just grab a random monkey toy at close enough scale and go to town.
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i want to make my first alpha legion squad the unsung, what parts could i do for their helmets and kassars sword
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1) Half of their model line is resin. Unique vehicles and dreads included.
2) While they're pretty much the best melee army in the game, they play the same across all detachments.
3) Your opponent will make this kind of face fairly often and probably refuse to play you afterwards.
Related to #3, a knight rampager charged my unit and Trajann obliterated it with 24 wounds. My friend wasn't happy.
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>tfw got an unopened box of snaggas in front of me
>trying to figure out a colour scheme for them

I hate that white / bone shit and want to go more into a goffs black / red scheme, just thinking to think how I could this with all of the bone details (I'm assuming their armour is made up of bones) and the fur
Is that warplock bronze drybrush on the missle launcher? Looks nice
They save money on their army because they need it for the motorcycle.
Do any of the current marine kits come with cybernetic limbs or am I gonna have to source those elsewhere?
Iron hands upgrade pack.
Hellblaster kit comes with a bionic arm, you can probably find it sold on it's own on ebay. You can also just buy 3rd party bionic limbs, like the ones from kromlech.
Thanks but is almost certainly just boltgun metal with highlighted with stormhost silver, then nuln oil and agrax all over wash. I use agrax on the black parts, nuln oil on the metal, they kinda mix a bit in the joins. The wires along the side are probably hashnut copper. The pauldron trim is reilking flesh shade and cadburrough crimson atop boltgun metal / stormhost silver.
Company heroes has an empty right fist
Hellblasters sgt left arm w/plasma pistol
ETB assault intercessors right arm w/plasma pistol
Iron hands primaris upgrade has left arm pointing
Primaris lieutenant multipart has an outstretched left arm w/plasma
Devastator kit has a pointing arm from memory, but it's a slightly different style
A marine from the deathwatch kill team has a bionic leg I think (probably iron hands)
Oh yeah and primaris tech marine, iron father feirros and firestrike turret has a socketed bionic arm.
I like ultramarines and being able to field robutt girlyman makes me want to build them
Primarchs seem like fun painting projects
sternguards have a combi weapon arm that's bionic too
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Thanks for the responses. I guess I need to buy some bits to have the level of bionics I want.
Where do I find cute GSC models?
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>Show the thread your kitbashes
Pretty minor stuff, but here is the Acolyte Iconward I slapped together the other day. Had the extra torso, head, and pistol arm from my Acolyte Hybrid box left over, so I picked up the Iconward banner, some Acolyte legs, and this random Tyranid arm/claw from the bits box at my LGS for cheap. Took a spare pistol arm from the Blooded kill team box, cut off the gun and drilled out the hand, and used a bit of Stem Wire for the banner's pole. Also reposed/pinned the claw °180 from its arm so it would face the correct direction similar to a Dead Space necromorph claw
>but y use a Blooded handgun arm instead of another spare Acolyte Hybrid arm?
The arm had that nice bit of chainmail that helps cover up the flat spot on the torso where the 2nd arm normally goes, since it was a 2-right, 1-left arm configured torso.
>lmao sprue nub on the claw
Didn't notice it at the time, but it's on my todo list
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Working on a second Biologus Putrifier.
Hormagaunts and Termagants should be:
1) renamed. they both should have either the gaunt or gant suffix, preferably gaunt.
2) a dual build kit
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A trukk. I haven't worked on it over the last few days though
And Leman Russ kits should have hunter killer missiles and their pintle gun options on the sprues. GW doesn't want us to have nice things
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Ah yes, true dread.

Well I guess I'll choose the angry red guys who like blood, hit things up close, and who's primarch fought in the air during the siege of terra.
Why the fuck are the Pariah Nexus cards not available anywhere? This is the standard mode of playing the fucking game. Why does GW produce a million useless faction cards but cut costs on the basic fucking rules that everyone needs to play the game?
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>the king crab returns
This and the mechanicus giant spider that one dude did are the most impressive kitbashes done in /tg/ history
>didn't get the old ork combat patrol due to not wanting most of the minis in it at the time
>tfw end up buying it all separately eventually anyway
Which army has the best waifus?
>15 heads
So GW litteraly leaves you with enough bits to NL your havocs/ chosens. That's nice, I hope they do it for more chapters
are you cool or are you a zoomer that plays every named character that his faction has to offer?
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Wanna see me make the nomodels melty?
None of the current models look like waifus without a huge amount of effort on the hobbyist's part. But I've seen the best lewds about Tau or Sisters unsurprisingly.
I don't have any named characters, I prefer doing my own thing. If at any point I do pick up a named character it'll be to kitbash into a generic hero
what older models looked like waifus?
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All 2 of them, baybee.
How can I talk my LGS into running a winner tops tournament? I want to get my Votann army out for a spin
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fuck you faggot, sorry noone wants to see your sloppa
You don't have a votann army
why would you need a tournament to play 40k?
None. Old GW notoriously couldn't sculpt faces for shit, especially female ones. 90% of modern female faces are gross bald bitches or negroids but Sisters at least have some decent heads.
destinyfags rarely have the money for their game and 40k
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Old penitent engines and repentia since their faces were covered but had nice booba. The old Shadowsun had a nice, cute face iirc.
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They should bring back scifi chainmail.
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I literally can't afford another army after after I got my first apartment and need to pay a mortgage.
You don't deserve an army you cuck
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>anon can afford to own an apartment
>somehow we're supposed to feel sorry for him
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>The race that pokeballed their gods uses unowns as their alphabet
Well, slap my knee and call my lawyers, GW is about to enter a world of shit.
they don't its the fan who made the video who did that
Oh fuck I thought it was one of those WH+ shows nobody watches. Then well, that poor bastard just decided to piss off the two biggest dicks in the prison shower. Legal Darwin Award.
redpill me on dread mob
is it the best for ork mechs and shit?
What munitions do you think Paul is using to shoot angels in Heaven?
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They're just trying their best, you know. It's not their fault. They mean well. The real rot is in middle management.
It has to be intentional joke about how Necrons turned the C'tans into glorified pokemon or they really are that retarded and thought no one would notice.
>The real rot is in middle management.
They are the middle management apointed by the Emperor.
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Hirtenberger Buscadero Ticondas
Spray out the back dickhead
All of them, including Jesus lasers
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Is the whole Yvraine x Guilli acc canon?
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Wanna see me do it again
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The other HH.
No, they barely interact at all
It's just a meme. They've met on like one single occasion and they don't regard one another with any affection.
>Some of those lords were vicious, many of them narcissists. Two were positively psychotic, and I remain convinced that a slim majority were always technically insane.
>And yet – here’s the thing – they were all quite superlative. You doubt this? You wish to believe that the masters of the Imperium are men and women of grasping inadequacy, forever squabbling over their own ambitions? Believe away. You’re a fool.
>There are twelve of them. Twelve. Consider what that means. More human souls now live than have ever lived. In the absence of the active guidance of He who sits on the Throne – may His name be blessed – it is those twelve alone who have guided our ravenously fecund species through ten thousand years of survival, within a universe that most assuredly desires to chew on our collective souls and spit the gristle out.
>[...] They withstood insurrections and civil strife, zealotry and madness. Every one of them is a master or mistress of the most strenuous and the most acute capability, though they burn out quickly – I have seen it – for the cares of humanity are infinite and they themselves are most assuredly finite.
>So mock them if you will, and tell yourself that they have fattened themselves on the labour of the masses and that they dwell in glorious ignorance while the galaxy smoulders to its inevitable ending. That is idiocy and it is indulgence. I served them for a good mortal span, judging them quietly even as they gave me their orders, and I tell you that though they had their many flaws, they were, and have always been, the greatest of us.
Verification not required.
Birdshot obviously.
Which brand, make, load, etc.?
i like salamanders, where do i start from to collect them
should i just wait for the battleforce boxes since there are bound to be space marines ones?
Go innawoods, turn over logs
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How is it that Goge Vandire was the Master of the Administratum, but the Ecclesiarchy was punished for the Age of Apostasy?
>try to learn space marine legion to chapters
>tons of chapters have the color schemes of legions that they're not successors of
what chapter is Titus and crew from space marine even from, the ultramarines chapter of the ultramarines legion?
Are you for real
Yeah, it makes no fucking sense. It was the POTUS shooting the Pope and hijacking his job of Brindgemaker Supreme. And somehow it ends with the Swiss Guard disbanded and replaced with kung fu nuns. Total nonsense.
wdym... just new to the setting
lorelet bros... not like this
Read lexicanum.
unironically yes
He was the Master of Administratum which made him a Highlord of Terra, AND after that he then manipulated the head Ecclesiarch Paulis the 3rd to get into the organization's favor.
Then Goge had Paulis branded as a traitor and executed, after which Goge took the control of the entire Ecclesiarchy and became the head pope himself and took the Adeptus Ministorum for himself.
The loyalist legions do not exist anymore. The Ultramarines chapter is one of the many that was formed from the Ultramarines legion that retained the name, color and icon of the former legion, as with the other first founding chapters.
You have Shas'O's retarded homebrews for the arrested development crowd infecting your vaults to this very day, why are you complaining about what's plausible and what's not?
Well, the government can't prosecute itself for its own crimes. Easier to blame it all on the Church instead.
i like the color pink can i play as emperor's children and noise marines
Yeah ik the legions don't exist anymore, but almost every chapter can be trace backed to some loyalist legion right I just assumed they should share the color schemes n heraldry of the og legions
The reason why Age of Apostasy got so bad was specifically because Vandire took over the Adeptus Ministorum as the new head pope, while the said Ministorum also still had their own military forces under it as well in the form of the Frateris Templars.
>Read lexicanum.
I don't want to
He didn't stop being the Master of the Administratum when he also became the Ecclesiarch. He also controlled the Officio Assassinorum, Adeptus Astra Telepathica, and the Imperial Guard. But out of all of these, it was the Ecclesiarchy that got punished.
>I just assumed they should share the color schemes n heraldry of the og legions
No, they don't.
Instructions unclear, bit by cottonmouth, still nomodels
Only the first founding chapters share the color scheme and heraldry of the original legions. Sometimes chapters from the second founding and beyond have similar heraldry to their parent chapters, and sometimes they don't.
Yeah if you want to paint your csm pink you can play emperors children and just get the upgrade kits for noise marines
Apparently the blood ravens (which are my fav chapter because I played w em a lot in the dawn of wars years ago) don't know which legion they trace from, I assumed blood angels just off the heraldry and the whole psychic potential-sus-for-heresy thing, but come to think of it they don't have the whole blood thirst thing at all
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Then perish.
>He also controlled the Officio Assassinorum
His insider did. Not Vandire directly, and the one impersonating the assassin Grand Master was dispatched and killed by the real Grand Master of Assassins. Who is then implied to have committed seppuku to absolve himself of the failure he had caused.
All of the said events then resulted in the creation of the Ordo Sicarius of the Inquisition to forever onwards to monitor and control the Officio Assassinorum.
>Adeptus Astra Telepathica, and the Imperial Guard.
Imperial Guard can't get punished that much since they already can't even space travel by themselves and need the Imperial Navy and specifically all guard forces are regimented specifically to specialize in certain things so they don't form a competent fighting force by themselves, this is the reason why regiments focus on tanks, sieging, being drop troop specialist, etc.
There isn't much you can do to punish the Imperial Guard as an organization. Only thing you can do is just punish, ie. execute anyone who sided with Vandire and be done with it, and move on.

And astra telepathica is already controlled by the Sister Silence who only answer to the Emperor. Meaning Vandire never really had much control over the org anyway.
That guy replied for me I am acc reading the wikis...
>Today, many Aeldari believe that Nurgle keeps Isha in a cage in his Plague Gardens in the Realm of Chaos, where he tests out every new disease and pestilence he creates to affect the mortal realm.
she literally got ugly bastard' for eternity, grim
When does new points and detachments get updated to the 40k app? Shouldn't the blood angels detachments be there by now?
They don't suffer from the Red Thirst or Black Rage, meaning they aren't Blood Angels.
Blood Ravens are pretty much all but in name confirmed to be Thousand Sons successors.
It's not even subtle as to how close they are to one another.
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Emperor created 20 space marine legions led by 21 primarchs (Alpha Legion now has two of them). This was known as the 1st Founding. After the Horus Heresy the remaining 9 loyalist legions were deemed to be too powerful, so they were split into smaller chapters. This was the 2nd Founding. 9 chapters retained the cored identities of their parent legions, their homeworlds, relics, even the primarchs for a while. The rest of the marines were given their own homeworlds (or became fleet based chapters with no homeworld, just a flotilla of ships), identities, etc.

Subsequent foundings have created new chapters, mostly using the existing gene-seeds of the 9 loyalist legions or, at times, trying something different with disastrous consequences, such as the 21st "Cursed Founding" or foundings shrouded in mystery, like the 13th "Dark Founding". Sometimes a successor chapter can have successor chapters of their own, such as Marines Errant being successors to Eagle Warriors (both still using Ultramarine derived gene-seeds). Successor chapters don't always have to follow the example of their parent chapter. For example, Howling Griffons and Black Templars are very different from Ultramarines and Imperial Fists. Often problems with gene-seeds do persist, such as just about all BA successors having the Red Thirst and Black Rage in one form of another.
Wait what, there can be loyalist chapters from one of the traitor legions? Thought the 2nd founding split was after the heresy

Yeah considering this how can blood ravens be 1000 sons
There's also a recent novel where a Death Guard lord mentions hearing Isha's laments while travelling to the Plague Garden and being moved by it.
Nobody knows which legion the Thousand Ravens descend from, it's all just fan conjecture.
>or they really are that retarded and thought no one would notice.
To be fair, how many people stop to read ancient runes in a fanmade animation?
>Wait what, there can be loyalist chapters from one of the traitor legions?
Yes. This isn't anything new at all.
Current iteration of Minotaurs (the bronze colored with angular, red bull head emblem) are confirmed to be Iron Warriors successors, and the chapter was specifically made by the Highlords themselves.
So that is the reason why they get away with it.

Silver Skulls are also implied to be Iron Warriors or at least a hybrid chapter made with both UM and IW geneseed, who specifically descend from Barabas Dantioch's IW who became "honorary Ultramarines" during the Heresy because they sided with the loyalists and specifically fought alongside the Ultras.

Carcharodons are Raven Guard descendants but there are hints that they might also partly be Night Lords descendants.
Not like you could tell them apart since both RG and NL pretty much share their appearance. (Both are pale skinned black eyed emos so you wouldn't be able to tell them apart)

Exorcists are pretty much Word Bearers successors, they even share the tattoos like WB. https://40k.gallery/oath-of-damnation/ official cover art of the Oath of Damnation book.

There's also the most recent Ultima Founding chapters like Covenant of Fire, who are pretty much blatant Word Bearers successors.

And I'm probably still forgetting some that exist.
>Vandire never really had much control over the org anyway.
He blackmailed Lord Phaedrus on his side.
Pokemon is one of the largest media franchises in the world.
And shit like the Unown are not that obscure when it comes to pokemon.
Especially in nerd culture and communities, pretty much anyone who is part of it knows what the fuck pokemon and Unown is.
Isha's an Eldar god, therefore she's a smaller aspect of a larger Chaos God (in this case Nurgle). She doesn't actually fully exist, and is merely an extension of Nurgle's own conciousness which he utilizes when concocting new plagues.
>Isha's an Eldar god, therefore she's a smaller aspect of a larger Chaos God
This is fanfiction.
What is this fascination of loyalist traitors? Even in 30k fielding traitor legions, but as loyalists is so much more common than using loyalist legions as traitors.
Ok, who let old man Gav get online again?
>The only three Eldae 'gods' to survive Slaanesh are the ones with direct correlation to the other Chaos Gods
>'Ynnead', which represents Death to the Eldar, looks like a Slaaneshi daemon
>Khaine is even directly referred to as a 'son' of Khorne
>Vashtorr existed prior to the War In Heaven, thereby proving that the Chaos Gods predate the War in Heaven, further evidenced by Daemonettes appearing during it
Bought Vulkan He'Stan yesterday, due to him being finecast should I scrub him the same way you clean forgeworld resin first or is it not recommended to scrub finecast first before working with it?
>Silver Skulls are also implied to be Iron Warriors or at least a hybrid chapter made with both UM and IW geneseed, who specifically descend from Barabas Dantioch's IW who became "honorary Ultramarines" during the Heresy because they sided with the loyalists and specifically fought alongside the Ultras.
Nope. Silver Skulls are confirmed to be UM, but at some point authors wanted them to be White Scars successors.
Barabas Dantioch's IW all died during at Sotha, and the UM Scythes of the Emperor's chapter master carried his skull mask for 10k years until they were nommed by nids.
You should always scrub resin because it has a silicone mold release agent coating it that will keep paint from sticking to it. You will want to be gentle with it on any fine details bits, though it's about as durable as Forgeworld resin.
>Vashtorr existed prior to the War In Heaven
shut the fuck up. Also that Thorpe's book along that Diamor campaign have been memoryholed by GW. With several characters that died there now alive again in 8th-9th ed supplements
Cheers mate, hopefully this vulkan He'Stan will look better than the first model once I paint him up. And also not have his sigil and spear break
>What is this fascination of loyalist traitors?
It's simple and it works easily as a "this chapter has a secret they need to keep hidden, as to which why they go to great lengths to hide it, ie. killing people who snoop around too much.)
>Even in 30k fielding traitor legions, but as loyalists is so much more common than using loyalist legions as traitors.
It's because loyalist marines going traitor is extremely vanilla and something that happens a lot.
Like if you check any BL book or whatever, there are many Chaos Marines that are former loyalists.
Hell, even one of the more prominent warbands the Red Corsairs are specifically a warband made of the Astral Claws chapter that turned traitor and became chaos marines not too long ago in the fluff.
Also the Red Corsairs have marines in it from other chapters within it too, like Lamenters and other chapters that took part in the Badab War.
Also I think it's just people inherently find "what if bad guys were good guys instead" much more interesting.

And to be fair not like there aren't some other loyalist turned traitor as well.
Skyrar's Darkwolves are pretty much just traitor Space Wolves.
Disliking lore doesn't make it not canon, anon.
>are confirmed to be Iron Warriors successors, and the chapter was specifically made by the Highlords themselves.
>So that is the reason why they get away with it.
but how, so they still have the traitor legions' geneseed laying around terra?
Nulore, ignore.
Badly written nulore that rapes setting is however not canon.
They aren't anymore since GW pretends the events in those books didn't happen, like the Crimson Slaughter being wiped out at Diamor and then appearing in Vigilus again.
Probably, considering Big E had to use something before he reunited with his primarchs
>but how
Never explained.
>so they still have the traitor legions' geneseed laying around terra?
Pretty much yeah.
Also Cawl owns the Artifact that does contain pure geneseed material from all of the 20 legions.
Yes, even the 2 lost ones. Will it ever be relevant? No one knows.

Also you should remember it's the Highlords they are the people who run the Imperium, meaning they get away with lot of shit.
Also Highlords are the ones who authorize and give the go ahead if new marine chapters need to be created.
Minotaurs are a special case since they are pretty much the Highlords own personal chapter that they control.
This kind of coping is precisely why the Eldar have essentially been removed from the narrative. Grow up and learn your place.
why tf would you make chapters out of the traitors' gene-seed though, sounds like something that'd be retarded for even the highlords to do and hard to get away with
It's still pure geneseed. Just got hide where it comes from under about seven hundred layers of beaucracy to not let it's origin be known. The only one they probably don't use is TS because tzeentch.
>why tf would you make chapters out of the traitors' gene-seed though
Because it's pure geneseed.
The geneseed itself doesn't make marines go traitor, it's not how that works at all.
Evidenced by the fact that traitor legions had loyalist members within, like Nathaniel Garro of the Deathguard.

The reason why half the legions went traitor in the Heresy is because their primarchs themselves went traitor and marines are more or less genetically coded to follow their primarchs no matter what.
But it isn't 100% effective since there is a scene in the books before Istvaan's dropsite massacre, Mortarion, the primarch of the Deathguard more or less gauges/tempts to see if Garro would ever go traitor against the Imperium.
Which didn't work and instead it made Garro's warning bells start clanging in his head silently and it made him extremely suspicious of Mortarion.
>It's simple and it works easily as a "this chapter has a secret they need to keep hidden, as to which why they go to great lengths to hide it, ie. killing people who snoop around too much.)
Then you'd imagine DA would be far more popular.
>not like there aren't some other loyalist turned traitor as well.
Sure, but it's more the popularity of the concept among players. Loyalist IW practically became a meme at /hhg/ for a few years, but rarely do have there been people make traitor versions of loyalist legions, even when FW and GW give you rites and traits for them.
Wouldn't having Lorgar's gene-seed be your geneseed cause you to be more likely to be an asshole arrogant scheming schizo yourself though so thus more likely to fall to chaos?
>The geneseed itself doesn't make marines go traitor
No offense, but that sounds like some fucking heretic gobbledygook.
>Nathaniel Garro of the Deathguard
Champion of Nurgle Nathaniel "Lord of Flies" Garro?
>Then you'd imagine DA would be far more popular.
DA are one note and boring.
Nevermind their secret is really retarded when you realize that every loyalist legion had traitors during the Heresy.
So the DA being extremely autistic about it is really stupid as a concept.

>Sure, but it's more the popularity of the concept among players. Loyalist IW practically became a meme at /hhg/ for a few years, but rarely do have there been people make traitor versions of loyalist legions, even when FW and GW give you rites and traits for them.
Then be the change you want to see.
Nothing preventing you from making traitor warbands that are Blood Angels who fell to Khorne or whatever.
Yes, any marines would inherit any flaws in the geneseed.
>Wouldn't having Lorgar's gene-seed be your geneseed cause you to be more likely to be an asshole arrogant scheming schizo
WB are more fanatical in nature.
Which is what we see with the Covenant of Fire, who are fanatical worshippers of the Emperor and go around burning any heretical texts.

>Champion of Nurgle Nathaniel "Lord of Flies" Garro?
You're an unironic lorelet to say this.
The guy who mutated into the Lord of the Flies was Solun Decius, Garro was the marine who battled and killed Decius on the moon.
how do you pick just one faction?
i feel like i like some aspect of lore/art/models or half of them
>Then be the change you want to see.
I am. My traitors are traitors and my loyalists are loyalists. All other options are haram.
>The guy who mutated into the Lord of the Flies was Solun Decius, Garro was the marine who battled and killed Decius on the moon.
I don't care what slop BL is feeding you.
That's the neat part, you don't.
Their original conception was that Gork was the orc god and Mork was for goblins. This is ancient lore for WFB, I believe 3rd edition? It'll be hard to find, and this might have been from a draft that was never officially published, but only dredged up by some overly committed and insane hobbyist. I mean this was back when orcs were sexual and I remember the document explaining orc/goblin offspring.
i IMMEDIATELY spotted that while watching it lmao.
I accept your concession.
>What do dark angels have?
The honor of being the first Space Marines created by the Emperor.
The honor of being personally gifted Dark Age of Technology weapons by the Emperor.
A living Primarch.
>A living Primarch.
Are you talking about the traitor who is forming his own pseudo empire?
The fallen angels were right about him.
Isn't this thread about to fall into the abyss?
Personally it's because I think the legions that stayed loyal are way more boring than the traitor ones, so I wish some of the traitor and loyalists had been reversed
Like the Imperium itself yeah
Like our modern world itself yeah
Like my life itself yeah
And like the Imperium we will always have a thread minutes from midnight
fuck it, lets go down with the ship
Do any of you have the new Boarding Actions book? It isn't on the Mega o Gofile.
No, we're just in decline.
The abyss is page 11.
it's rough being a toaster fucker
emergency bake
No, it had a kind of triangular head IIRC with an unsettling looking face. It did have a similar pallet of purple and white though

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