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For discussion of D&D 3.0 and 3.5e

> Tools

> Indices
> 3.5
> 3.0
> Dragon Magazine Index
> Web Articles Orbital Flower Index PDF
> Errata

>3e Resource Index Version 2024-04-17

Previous thread: >>93906274
Thread Question: What's your favorite 3.0/3.5 Campaign setting book? Tell me what cool setting stuff is in it.
Our DM keeps borrowing forgotten realms concepts to use in the third party setting we play at.
I should give these a read one of these days.
The xoorvintal is a forgotten realms concept right? One of the current overarching plots is strongly related to that.
>The xoorvintal is a forgotten realms concept right?
Apparently, but it's defined by MMV and everyone knows about it from there
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It started out edition neutral (MM5), and got added to FR during 4e.

"The concept of xorvintaal was first introduced in Monster Manual V, and was later adapted to the Forgotten Realms by Erin M. Evans.[27]"
(And Richard Lee Byers shortly thereafter in the Brotherhood of the Griffon novels)

So, anyways, it's not a 3.5 FR thing. It get ported to FR until 4e (2010-02).

I like a lot of other stuff in the FR books, even if I'm not running FR (hence the OP pic). but Xorvintaal isn't one of them. Like - this is cool as fuck, IMO. Shame they bolted it onto a shitty prestige class.
>Thread question
FR, hands down. The breadth and depth of the setting has always been impressive, even with the watering down of everything during the 4e era, and its nods and links to every other setting and subsetting make it easy to springboard into anything in a lore-friendly way. It's no wonder they replaced Greyhawk with FR as the default setting. Plus, even after running games in FR for over two decades, I learn something new about the setting every time I crack open a book or check the wiki, like today learning that it's believed that Kender imported bags of holding into the setting from Krynn (Dragonlance).
Do you have a favorite FR book? Just the basic FRCS encyclopedia, or something else? I think for me it might be Magic of Faerûn. Lots of cool shit in there. If I'm considering AD&D books though, either the three religion ones, or Cormanthyr for worldbuilding. For practical usage, probably the AD&D City of Splendors Boxed set. Very detailed city sandbox, lots of usable stuff. The 3e one is alright, but generally less detailed.
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A silly political compass about our current campaign.
I have a hard time choosing. FRCS is a given, but Player's Guide, Faiths and Pantheons, and Lost Empires are among my favorites (and I own all printed 3/3.5 FR books).

The ridiculous level of personal detail even minor deities get in FP alone makes for entertaining reading. You're right that 3.5 SoS:W is a bit meh compared to 2nd Ed., but I feel like that's because they wanted to push the setting as a whole in 3/3.5. PGtF is effectively the 3.5 revision of bits of Races of Faerun, some of Magic of Faerun and some of FRCS, and Lost Empires is great for bringing back some of the of the old history of the setting.
Have you ever commissioned/requested art of a BBEG? Post it!
Oh man that image brings me nostalgia
In my 3rd world shithole we had tons of bootleg cds/casettes/books in 2000s. I remember a stationery store selling d&d stuff, they would make photocopies of the book and cheaply bind it with plastic binder. I remember paying my entire weekly allowance to buy that book, read the crap out of it in school. I still remember the contents, elminsters introduction, the races, geography, gods.
Not from a poor coujtry, but I was still a broke teenager. I have several old RPG books like that, printed from pirated PDFs and coilbound, with a color front and back, and B&W in the middle. Both for revised WoD or 3.x. Usually because money was too tight when the book came out and I couldn't find it in the shop again when money was less tight. But most of my hardcovers are regular.

So, it happened in North America too, but here it was copy shops not caring what they print for you rather than a shop printing their own copies for the shelf.

Still. Good book.
Any progress on a collected archive of the 3.5 web content? IA's legal trouble has me a bit concerned.
Do you have a blank template of that available you can share, please. Need one for our current campaign.
I found that tool to back things up a couple threads ago but have yet to have the time to fuck around with trying to install it on my only Linux file server. I'm rather mediocre at Linux, and I haven't had the time to mess with it. Hopefully people aren't depending on me to do it, because I don't know if it'll happen if you are. I'm pretty handy at Windows, but like... it took me a couple months to finally get samba filesharing working on the damn thing, and it still doesn't show up on my phone, and I have not managed to get Plex or Emby to work on it. I installed Linux back in May, and have spent probably 6 days using the machine since then trying to get everything working as a file server. Don't wait for me. I'm rusty AF at Linux and have minimal time.
I think orbital flower has a complete list, if you want to go through and find another stable place to store it: https://orbitalflower.github.io/rpg/wizards-3e-archive.html
You can get to the category listings easily through the links in the 3.5 index PDF, too. But it'll take a while if you're not using that wayback machine scraper, manually saving each article in your browser one by one. I won't grab all of them, but I think I'll grab all the Savage Progressions ones at least.

You should be able to save it in brave by right clicking the page and doing a save as HTML or similar though. Print to PDF too, obviously, but HTML would be less of a headache to compile again later.
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Are you too retarded to blank out text? It's literally just black text on solid color backgrounds.
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So - Someone just dropped this to the 3.5 Facebook Group today. It's massive, but apparently still incomplete.

sebsauvage dot net slash paste slash ?76c845a405f0643f#ff1VJeMktjrBZWyviCSeivbJaWeNR1a9CU1gzDwE5AM=

Can't upload it here because it's fucking huge. but, it's 1282 pages and 481MB, each page is an entire article (they look like giant scrolls)

So at least much of it is now preserved. IA death or no, we have it. (Not the Javascript Tools, it appears, but at least many of the articles).
I tried to directly share the dropbox link, but 4chan thinks that's spam, apparently.
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In case people are scared of the zerobin link
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For anybody who wants to be able to save other pages: Opera has a right-click "save as pdf" function built in that will save the page as one giant PDF like the big document here >>93977934

Is you open the print friendly link and turn on /this/ CSS in stylus (extension)
sebsauvage dot net slash paste slash ?e4c8e57d7110c42f#9vJ5FhMLP6nVHN+At62Zx9bwHXU7Z6d/x91Jl0wa1C8=

It'll zoom it in to fit nicely in a 1080p screen for the save as PDF function in Opera. The saving is pretty quick. You can also save as complete webpage, and you'll get a webpage + all the files, if for some reason you want the source documents.

I won't be doing *all* of them, and I suspect for a lot of people that compilation will have everything they're looking for, but I'll be using this to save the ones that I want that are not in there.

Cheers guys.
I know there's one in the Trove that's like 4 gb
No shit. goddamn.

Does anybody have a working magnet link or torrent for the trove still?
Wait, not the trove. The repository.
Sorry, I'm braindead today.
>web compendium
Fucking sick.
I wonder how much of that stuff is note in that 3 part zip I posted a while ago.
Use 7zip to decompress, obliviously.

>From FB on what is and is not included.
>Setting stuff is not included, basically I included modules, creatures, feats, variants, basically any article grouping that would be important mechanically
>Setting stuff that is world fluff I did not include
>Savage Progressions I didn’t include it because it could be done with Savage Species and didn’t seem necessaryValas Darkholme yeah a deliberate exclusion, I didn’t want to load everything if it like have actual unique mechanical benefits but I got most of everything!
>Of course! I’m glad to have done it! I feel like it was something the community def needed
So not the JavaScript tools, setting stuff, art galleries, and I dunno what else. Check the index to see if there's anything you would want saved that he skipped and make your own backups if so.

>web compendium
>Fucking sick.
>I wonder how much of that stuff is note in that 3 part zip I posted a while ago.
That I dunno. Haven't had a chance to compare them.
The thread's always a little slow but the board's definitely quick today
For all the jibber jabber it took you to berate me, you could have just added the file already.

Who's the mentally challenged one now?
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Our boy broke 1k subscribers.
I'm so proud.
It's definitely you
I love Lost Empires of Faerune, it is realy good insperation for dungeons and why those dungeons exist, and it has Amanuator and Auppenser who are the best gods. Theres even a bunch of web enhancements for it


Unrelated question, anyone else having trouble using dndtools.one these days? The search functions seem kind of dead or jank?
Genuinely happy for him. More to come I hope.
>Lost Empires of Faerun
Speaking of which.
>Craft Scepter [Item Creation]
>You know the ancient Netherese secret of creating magic scepters-- devices that can contain much more powerful spells than a magic wand can.
>Prerequisite: Knowledge (history) 4 ranks, caster level 9th,
>Benefit: You can create a scepter that holds any spell of 7th level or lower that you know. Unlike a magic wand, a scepter can contain up to two spells, each of which has a cost in charges to use. Both spell effects draw from a common pool of charges, so they can be used in any combination. Crafting a scepter takes one day for each 1,000 gp in its base price. The base price of a scepter is its caster level x the spell level x 750 gp for the highest-level spell included, plus the caster level x the spell level x 375 gp for the second spell, if any. To craft a scepter, you must spend 1/25 of this base price in XP and use up raw materials costing one-half of this amount. A newly created scepter has 50 charges. Any scepter that stores a spell with a costly
material component or an XP cost also carries a commensurate cost. In addition to the cost derived from the base price, you must expend fifty units of the material component or pay fifty times the XP cost.

Was it a good idea to create a middle ground between Wands and Staves? Or it is redundant?
While on a first glance they seem redundant, they are great for making more specific use or combo items of low level spells (Assuming you don’t have an item that lets you hold or use multiple wands at the same time).
I like to have a Magic Missile and a Shield scepter. It’s a simple and clasic item that will always be usefull
Or one for Arcane lock and Knock
The one with the good search is the one we removed. The one with the functional search is dndtools.net. But we removed it from the OP because apparently they run malware ads and not everyone uses Brave, and some guy a few threads back got burned by it.

(I still use it all the time, but its ads all get blocked by the combination of my firewall and brave).
>Craft Scepter
Now I'm wondering about all those not-scrolls and not-wands like gems, tatoos, I think there's a rune crafting system outside of the runecaster PRC too.
What are some of these crafting systems/item creation feats that are worth anything over the default?
All of the dndtools clones are pretty sketchy at this point, and it doesn't help that every one of them is woefully incomplete. The .net address is at least "safe" if you use uBlock Origin (so you don't have to deal with Brave's link modification, tracking, and crypto bullshit), but unless you just want feats from 3.5 core+completes you're SOL. It's not that they "run" malware ads, but that the site is pretty much abandoned and Google AdSense is a worse cesspit than /b/.
is there some dndtools link that's actually downloadable with its database and whatnot (like 5etools), or would you need to scrape the site, download everything, process it, and build your own database?
Most of them are flavor. Attune Gem, for example, is pretty much just potions in gems but without the spell level limit, but multiple books have floated alternate potions without changing the necessary feat. Even FRCS or one of the many companion books mentioned berries, bread, and a few others, and one of the Completes brought up tiles.

I can't remember where I read it (an adventure hook in one of the books associated with the Sea of Fallen Stars or Inner Sea maybe?), but I swear there was an official hook with a Mist Dragon preying on ships by getting them lost in a fog, flying out of the water, spearing through their deck head-first, and being healed by a potion tile on its forehead that shattered on impact.
I have an old database backup one of these sites used :
Scrape and rebuild, as far as I know. If someone ever starts such a project with an open database, I'd be willing to donate some time transcribing content since I'm already transcribing Dungeon magazine stuff.
Aggravating. Noted.

No punctuation.

I have the tech skills to put something together, but not the time. I think if I were to go for it, I would probably grab 5etools (I see the github has been DMCA'd but I think I have a 6 or 7 year old copy of the sourcecode somewhere on a harddrive) - look at their setup, and make new pages for the 3.5 rules. Maybe make it run locally so you don't need to find somewhere to host it. IIRC their datafiles are in plaintext anyone could easily edit, without needing any technical skills. Then just plop it down here with like one entry in each category, and let you people fill it in with whatever content you want to put in it, no special tools for editing SQL Databases, and no training for working with relational databases required. That seems like the simplest option. Maybe I will take a crack at something like that at some point, but no promises. if someone else wants to take a crack at it though, that would be a more low-effort approach than building anything from scratch. I dunno what the best way would be to distribute the data files. Maybe the answer is to just let 'the people' sort that out for themselves, and the best data files will rise to the top, and be mirrored a billion times.
>What's your favorite 3.0/3.5 Campaign setting book?
Races of Eberron just because it had shifters, changelings, and warforged. But then, so did Monster Manual III. Still, changelings and warforged are two of my favorite non-core races and I would rather include changelings in a setting than dopplegangers.

thanks guys. I plan to upload more soon. Any suggestions would be really welcome too. My time to work on the channel is limited so anything I should be doing or shouldn't bother with would be good to know.
>but without the spell level limit
This is a big deal
Not really? Yeah, it means you can make level 4-9 potions, but there have been classes made that can do that, so having a DM that says "yeah, there's a Master Brewer in town that'll sell you Wish potions for your left kidney" is better than fighting the DM for the feat then paying the crafting cost and experience. Attune Gem also comes at an extra cost: a gem of value equal to (50gp * stored spell level * caster level) over the normal crafting cost, which is destroyed when you use the stored spell. The arguably "big deal" part of the feat is that the gems can be attuned with trigger conditions, making them one-shot Contingencies, but then the same concept can be crafted into permanent Wondrous Magic Items (and were, ad nauseam, in Magic Item Compendium).
How are schemas, specifically?
Somehow, I always thought it only worked for infusions and arcane spells so I never bothered looking into it, but I now that the feat only has a caster level requirement.
How do these work? Are they just artificer scrolls?
>The arguably "big deal" part of the feat is that the gems can be attuned with trigger conditions, making them one-shot Contingencies
My players did this, it was hilarious but also non-spammable, but ALSO circumstantially overpowered.
I am really on the fence about this feat, I love and fear it.
>but then the same concept can be crafted into permanent Wondrous Magic Items (and were, ad nauseam, in Magic Item Compendium).
Was this possible before the MIC? I remember by that time the edition was cooked, with books written by amateurs with no understanding of the system. The Rules Compendium is full of errors as an example, ToB had no errata, and so on.
Rumor is that the one-week autosage is finally gone or at least extended, so maybe we won't have to keep up a rotating vigil just to be able to shitpost about skill tricks
Extended would be good. Guess we will see. The other d20 thread hits a week in 6h40m.
Mmh. As someone who doesn't count as a supporting actor due to a lack of youtube credentials (no digital SIGNED footprint beyond what possibly specialized non-allowance data gathering could find), a small runthrough of your favorite pre-made adventure material with some of your thoughts and impressions could be fun (i.e. Sunless Citadel is GREAT, here's how to strip setting stuff to include it in your campaign, balance a) or b) bit rougher encounter or why XY room setup is particularly neat)...
I understand basically 95% of the remaining DMs who even run 3.5 basically homebrew everything including the setting, but I always enjoyed filching official stuff for ideas.

Excluding that, I enjoy thoughts about improving mechanically bad prestige classes. Either to align them more to what the creator possibly envisioned, or make them mechanically more sound.

Other than THAT, I guess I want a ToM shadowcaster/truenamer/binder review.
I never got into the latter ones, the rules or variable skillsets for them always caused my eyes to glaze over when I read them, and no player of mine ever wanted to play one.
I did play a (non-unofficial-errata'd) shadowcaster once, but it was sobering. I'd do it again with the execution tempered a bit more.
Very much so. 3/3.5 already included rules for uses per day in the magic item creation table, and there were a few examples of items with contingent triggers in the DMG. Just takes a player/DM with a little imagination. MIC just made them more common and ~1/4 the intended price.

Christ, MIC/SC/RC were so bad. I swear, they were thrown together specifically as shiny bait to entice newcomers to buy into the edition hoping it would be enough to convince them to buy 4e the next week. I'm using Fantasy Grounds to manage my current 3.5 group, slowly picking through and importing content, and have found so many items and spells that were reprinted with FR names removed that have completely changed in ways that make no sense. Mestil's Acid Breath (range scaling) becomes Acid Breath (no scaling, effectively 2nd level Burning Hands)? Crumble goes from 6th level to 3rd level and scales faster because reasons? I regularly have to remind my players that I often go by the original source rather than newest source for this very reason.
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You like goblins, don't you?
Spells-wise, they also imported blindly Dragon Magazine spells without re-contextualizing. Perhaps in that article they made sense.
But to me in general it looks like they wanted 3e to be broken for good so their new game would be unopposed.
This is why ToB never had an errata.
Meh. MIC is the most useful non-subsystem book for 3.5 and was more consistent than what came before.
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I mean, yeah, I do, but what
Consistent? In its inconsistency, maybe.

Take for example "Healing Belt", one of the "3 charges per day" Wondrous Items: Heal 2d8/3d8/4d8 based on charges used, +2 competence on Heal, can be used to nuke undead, useable by anybody, and costs 750 gp. Compare that to an Eternal Cure Moderate Wounds wand, which can only be used by arcane casters twice per day, 2d8+3 healing/damage per use, no other effects, and costs 4420 gp.

Or how about the cheap as hell "I can SA/crit uncritable monsters!" weapon augments with extremely bendable requirements that became munchkin meta the moment they appeared? MIC is a mess on all fronts.
Correction: 2d8+4 since only a bard can create Eternal Cure wands as they are exclusively arcane RAW. Point still stands.
That would be an item costed on usefulness to a party and the other costed on a formula that penalizes higher level spells and has no regard for how useful a given spell is.
A healing belt, built from DMG rules, would be on the order of 7000 gp, not 750. At 750 gp, a party could easily buy one by 2nd level, 1st if they pooled on creation, and have effectively three uses of Cure Moderate before it's normally available to progression. That's not pricing based on usefulness, that's pricing based on a total lack of knowledge of the system and disregard for balance.
They can also do that with a wand of CLW, which is more disruptive to balance and also core with way higher availability. As I said, costed on usefulness, because that's over 10 adventuring days to catch up to the wand, or just over 3 levels. You pay for the healing being distributed over time for it being better on a per-action basis and being a better anti-undead tool.
A normal Wand of Cure Light Wounds is limited in two fashions, though: limited total charges and limited users. Normal wands can only be used by a spellcaster with the spell on their class list or UMD and the expenditure of charges means eventual loss of resource.

Healing belt doesn't have any usage requirements, is not a limited long-term resource, and has a secondary, persistent benefit.

A Cure Light wand may be "more disruptive" if the players use it as a bomb, but then its gone. Meanwhile, the healing belt remains useful for their entire career. It's far more disruptive for its price when you take more than just its base effect into consideration.
That's a bad comparison because the two of them are on completely different tracks of consideration. You're not weighing a permanent 750 GP spent against another permanent 750 GP spent, you're weighing 750 GP that's supposed to get replaced once the consumable is expended vs a permanent 750 GP spent.
https://toolsaday.com/writing/tools/Po0ANJNqUEnmfKCOuWU6 , dnd race generator
No, it's not. Wands are balanced to a low price precisely because they have usage limits and are expendable items.

Take this equivalency:
CLW Potion: 50 gp, 200 gp for 4d8, 300 gp for 6d8 - no activation limits, can be used on others, minimum caster level
CLW Wand: 750 gp for 50 - can only be activated by casters with CLW on list or UMD, minimum caster level
CLW Scroll: 50 gp (arcane) / 25 gp (divine), 200 gp / 100 gp for 4d8, 300 gp / 150 gp for 6d8 - can only be activated by casters with CLW on list and matching magic type or UMD, minimum caster level.
Healing Belt: 750 gp for 4d8, 5d8 or 6d8 per day and +2 comp. Heal - no activation requirements, can be used on others
Even at 2nd level, 750 gp for a consumable wand is a rough sell for most parties, but a few potions/scrolls are reasonable, but 750 for permanent cure moderate or greater access is a no-brainer deal.

You pay for convenience, but pay less when limits are imposed. These considerations are delineated in a sidebar in the DMG. You also pay significantly less for consumables because they are seen as a recurring drain on player resources that will drive players to manage resources and eventually replace them with renewables (player spells, permanent items). Items like the Healing Belt ignore this balance and just tosses an arbitrary low cost on.

If a DM's generous, the lowest cost of a properly priced equivalent belt would be 1200 gp without the +2 comp. Heal. (1 * 1 * 2000 / 1.67), providing six charges of CLW (6d8+6) per day. For three daily of CMW (6d8+9), that's 7185 gp, but it's also a higher level spell effect with higher CL and DC when weaponized, similar to how a weapon jumps from 2000 to 8000 for an extra +1.

A permanent item should never cost less than equivalent consumables by merit of resource expenditure.
If you set it up i would gladly spend the rest of three eternities manualy filling in all of it so there can finaly be a good site for 3.5/3.0

Fuck me into next week, i was using the .one for my homebrew with hyperlinks. Anyone know why it stopped working or why it became like it is today?
I'm psychic. There's a gob thread on /co/ where the autosage change came up. I was making a joke about that because I assumed you heard about it from that thread, but it's actually kind of funnier that I ended up being wrong.
>750 gp for a consumable wand is a rough sell for most parties, but a few potions/scrolls are reasonable, but 750 for permanent cure moderate or greater access is a no-brainer deal.
It's the other way around. Removing HP management as a consideration for a level or two is really, really strong when you're at a level where you can still win fights through spending nothing but HP. Healing belts lessen the HP you need to spend rather than negating it fully. The healing belt is only better than the wand if you're fighting undead frequently and need it to kill them, if you've gone through 11 or more days of use and the 27 HP per day has overtaken the 275 HP out of the Cure Light Wounds wand, or if you're using it as in-combat emergency healing.

It's not a broken item. It's one that recognized that these effects were way overpriced when acquired through other means because those other means are hampered by needing to accomodate all 2nd level spells, not just Cure Moderate Wounds, and it's only situationally better than a core wand you replace when you run out of charges.
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well shit, checking my tabs that was indeed where I saw the rumor
Okay I can definitely do that. I haven't forgotten the adventure run-throughs, if you are the same anon who suggested that. I might do a bit more of a slideshow with the art for that one.

Improving prestige classes can be hard because my mindset is that if you're going to take a PrC it needs to be better than the levels its replacing. Which can easily lead to overpowered features. Perhaps not tier 1, but if you make a PrC geared toward a tier 4 class that gives it tier 1 options, it is OP in my opinion. Obviously more facets to that opinion. But I will try to be more in-depth about that.

Tome of Magic I need to properly learn. I have read it and am familiar with the classes conceptually but I don't know them well enough to really judge them yet. I really want to do a Bo9S and/or ToM based campaign but my DM energy is limited.
It's not in Aurosage. I wonder what the new Autosage duration is now.
I also go by original source, but generally I just don't use the later "compilation" books at all.
>It's one that recognized that these effects were way overpriced
That's a big philosophical divide - some agree on that, some don't. I don't.
Different anon BTW

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