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Hat edition

Previously on /slop/: >>93948573
▶ Thread Task: prompt fancy hats, ornate headwear and hoods

▶ It's been confirmed images are not saved on Microsoft's servers forever, only for 50 days. Make sure to save your images.

▶ Generators

▶ /slop/-approved styles, prompts and perspectives

▶ Videogame art styles

▶ Useful links
Color identifiers -- https://www.htmlcolorcodes.com/
List of art movements -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_art_movements
List of hair styles -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_hairstyles
World folk clothing -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Folk_costume
World body armors -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Body_armor
Names for general clothing styles (PDF) -- https://files.catbox.moe/3r0ux6.pdf
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Pollyanna was pleased with the hat provided by the stonemasons. Why were they laughing?
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Needs more plumes
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Okay then.
Besides, I have another thing for you, as she would probably sell her soul to learn the language this scroll was written in, or at least learn its secrets, so she would become more than just a librarian.
>'You are the bald one...'
The secret to pale skin is a large hat
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>thread task
Hoods are underrated...
Alternative TT sneks
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Fantastic. Is this Dall-e?
It's a couple months old at best. Hardly very old, why are you so desperate to appear an og?
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Yeah, pretty much just "x decade film screencap" and then something. The decades are pretty fun, the same prompt will look a bit different depending on which movies it's stealing from when it comes to colors, general style, hairstyles and whatever
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tfw i dont even get mentioned in the drama threads. And have been slopping for pretty much a year
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That covered eye is dope. I always find "eyes covered by a hat" without blindfolds or stuff like that to be a pain
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like always gn8 im off to bed to dream of elfs waifus
Halfling waifus are all about the Tricorn Hats
Literally who?
Witch hats are good, too

...though it does make her look a bit like a pirate.
>Hat edition
>a crown of fiber optics for thee
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Well, you know what they say: The bigger the hat, the cuter the witch.
I'm jealous how big you got yours. Bing did not want to let me have much bigger than this.
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Big witch hats can't have ear-holes. The structure breaks down if they do.
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Battle worn toan
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While primitive in design, a quick cerebral hack on utility robots can provide bodily protection for an operative while they are jacked-in.
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"As a precaution, the exobot interface should be rooted so that while the operative is immobilized, they can still disable the robot remotely via simple sigil manifestation." - RC4-X
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Tactical headwear.
the flux...
"Margrethe didn't care how impractical it might be. The hat was fun, dammit!"
"Sure, maybe it was a bit awkward and hard to keep on her head, but wasn't that the point of fancy hats anyways?"
"All in all, it was well worth having to search around that Necropolis for it."
"Honestly, anybody would be lucky to have a hat that was even HALF as fancy as hers."
"...Maybe I should get another."
Had a lot of really good gens with this I hope you like one or two of them
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Off on a new adventure,hopefully this map will lead to your dreams
My hat is a city. Your argument is invalid.
I do not have the stomach for such finery, but for the threadtask I will bear it for but a moment
How long IS that cape?
It's like Batman's: as long as the plot wants it to be.
Lol, I was gonna say it was like Spawns. It's as long as it needs for it to be dramatic or useful
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I have heard tales of you being able to grant people their wishes. Can you help me reach the bread on the upper shelves?
I can make you dreams come true, but do you know the cost?
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Bread costs are based on many factors, not limited to what kind of bread, total quantity, and how it has been sliced. That particular bread costs 5cp per loaf.
They're magic ear holes. You can't imagine how much it hurts to tuck your big ears down for hours at a time.
Is it beach hat time now?
If you want me to fulfill your dream, you must bind yourself to my service. Whenever you sleep you will find yourself in my kingdom, to do my will as I see fit, you may own your waking life for as long as you have it, but your sleep is mind to command
>Bingbing, I was looking for material for my cloak, I hear your people have very fine wonderful silk
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Well, well. As I'm sure you're aware, faefolk are accustomed to contractual obligations. In order to clarify a few points, does the sleep need to take place in three-dimensional space? Would this contract be magical in nature? Is the sleep itself yours to control or does that also extend to my will within said sleep realm? Can we clarify diction on "your will" so that I know the bounds of what is expected? These are important to be sure we get the wording correctly on.
You go right ahead. But I'm going to have to pass on the super lewd sundresses tonight
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The nature of the Dreamlands is that when you sleep in the waking world your consciousness walks the land of dream. Usually a person fades through untold worlds & does not exist vividly here,they are not unlike apparitions.

When you become bound to my service instead of drifting about while you sleep your soul comes to me. I will have command over you like any master to servant. You will do as I command within your capacity. I will probably set you to work in my kitchens. By the way there is no such thing as three dimensions, that's a limitation of perception for many mortals
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Fading through untold worlds and not existing vividly is a pretty standard state for our kind, so that's perfectly acceptable. Since it's consciousness and not physically manifest matter being given in servitude, I would like us to add a subsection "B" for section 3 here that exempts any non-standard moral conundrums. If this rule is violated by either of us, then it should be reviewed by the Seelie Court and the defendant will be found in breach of contract which voids the validity of any and all other demands. I'm sure this is acceptable, assuming you're not a weirdo.
Also, I don't mean to split hairs, but three dimensions do certainly exist. A single point is actually a zero dimension, two points create a line which gives them reference to one another and creates a single dimension, three points can be connected and thus are the basis for two dimensions, etc. et al. I'm certainly not implying that there are ONLY 3, and theoretical physics normally deals with 11 at minimum. That's not important, per se, but it's good to be clear with new friends.
I find that with these changes, your terms are acceptable. How about that bread?
>side note: Pollyanna is a character I play in a Four Against Darkness campaign using the "Way of Wiles and Wits" setting using "Fairytale" rules. Encounters that she gets into are to be solved without combat.
You can either cast enlarge object, or keep hammering on how big the hat is:
extremely large wizard hat, ridiculous big hat, oversized hat
Randomly saw your tip and decided to try it on my own prompt.
The results made me chuckle.
Thanks anon!
Well you two certainly have enlarged something
Fair point.
In the old bingen days that is how you got big boobs, just have something large in the prompt. I don't think I had anything chesty in the prompt, unlike this one
That's a hat
Thanks. Fashion is never easy but one manages when they must.
Bing is absolutely pissing me off. They keep capping my gens & putting me in timeout
We have the best! Fit for a king!
I like your sceneries, but since great majority don't fit my game and you don't share prompts, I don't pay attention anymore as I got the few that fit
Just imagine the backpain from wearing such a big hat
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>Rule number 1 of treasure-hunting, always bring your good hat.
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>tried to give him a regal crown of laurels
>no luck
here's the lion with a stupid party hat instead
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my hat has a hat and she has a hat
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...Excellent. Now dance.
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I shall not entertain you any further, witch
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I'm not sure if this is either the weirdest OR best bachelorette party I've ever been too. It IS the most interesting though.
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Not much to do with hats, but I am really digging this 1970's classic savage sword of conan black and white inked art style.
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I bet you can't rest inside your hat after a long day, though
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Ancient Romans knew how to throw a party

We had a jotunblood halfling barbarian in a campaign a few years ago. His mother was a halfling witch who used an enlarge spell on herself and a shrinking spell on a giant to conceive him.
...Enlarge spell...
...Shrinking spell...
...For some reason I don't want that to make as much sense as it does lol
Neat! Was that the exact wording for the prompt?
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Minotaurs have best the stag parties.
Did she die in a childbirth?
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I really hope she had an enlarge spell for the actual childbirth too, otherwise that'd be pretty messy
This is a really fantastic color effect what's your prompt for this?
Midjourney Niji- fantasy art (whatever you want here like 3/4 portrait of female inquisitor witch) chalk, painterly, markmaking, neon accents.

Try neoncore and neon-pop too.

It was some time ago, but I'm pretty sure it was just "1970's classic black and white comic book art with heavy inks"

His giant blood made him large for a halfling (around 4 feet tall and heavily muscled) but not so much she had trouble with childbirth. I seem to remember later in the campaign he got the ability to "hulk out" and actually become a giant during rages, which was pretty funny.
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well your pictures look good or are at least not offensive. Combined with not spamming, it wont produce much drama
Cool little dude
Tried to do a Carmen Miranda hat.
I doubt many of you whippersnappers even know who she was. Other than that one filk group that sang about her ghost.
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It took a minute but for those saying they couldn't remember if I genned Piro, here is a Piro. I remember why I don't gen her. Every single time I try to gen Piro with the Dreaming King, Bing & fucks with gen to make him black & her white. When I force it to make him white it mutates him into being a demon looking thing instead. It takes tons of gens to actually lock in on "white dude with a red cloak" next to Piro.
Did he look like this? https://files.catbox.moe/jz0tmz.jpeg
oops just noticed the six fingers
That gen took 30+ gens & a Bing timeout. Meanwhile for "the modern audience" I have a ton of these retarded gens
Could use some help.
How to make the tent with closed drapes, without any look outside? When I described in the prompt 'inside of the spacious tent', it still generated with the opening, showing what's outside.
If you ever wish a dream made manifest, you have but to ask, your world has many beautiful things, & I would seek to add more beauty to it
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I never quite could get both characters to look right at the same time.
Sure. Not many people can get him right for some reason. Most gens from others gen him with stubble & other odd differences.
I didn't find it hard. By the way, she's just there to steal your cape.
And your harem.
Stubble bad? Dang, don't have time to fix it now
What about a five o'clock shadow?
I'm afraid that I will not honor any agreement that gives a third party control. Your dreaming mind will be mine & mine alone. Morality does not factor in. You must do as I command or be punished. Also, I will warn you that when your physical body passes on your dreaming soul will forever be in my service.

As for the dimensional tangent... there exists only Azathoth in his slumber, distance of any kind is an illusion, we are but a figment singularity. How else could one dance upon a moon the size of a ball, yet another need a rocketship? A haze has no mass. A whim has no length. The material is just dream given inertia
A little bit of shadow isn't bad but these are far too thick >>93962077

You pics also show the other problem I have genning piro & him. He looses his cloak half the time despite it being pretty big in the prompt
Nice sword & snakery. Did you give her a name?
>closed tent interior
Okay, thanks a lot.
Gonna try modify it for some effects.
She is a character from Savage Worlds fantasy compendium run. She is a witch, but I did tweak the class a little, so many Hindrances I kept them all, but the Advantages are so bad. She duel-wields two chakrams, mostly so she get +2 parry with the ambidextrous Advance, but Bing can't handle that weapon.
Anyways, Icilia
And her familiar is a snake, but not a big one
I don't know why, but sometimes it still gens a window to the tent, so it looks like she was hiding in an attic.
Your average Chaos Dwarf.
We still posting hats up in here?
He seems to be SHORT on laborers since he works on this iron himself.
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Any tips for getting summoned/insubstantial weapons? Most of the time, Bing seems to just put an aura around a normal weapon or ignore that part of the prompt altogether.
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>a large flat metal ring
>Circular sawblade ring

I could keep fine tuning it if you'd like
One of the pics my friend made using Bing
How immaterial?
Cause you can do something like
>matte white minimalistic sword shape
I tried a bunch of stuff; round bladed ring, chakram (circular bladed ring), etc. But it's not an important part of the character, it's mostly there because she got bad vigour (d6), worse strength (d4), minimal armour and they can be used as thrown weapon as well.
The ring one didn't work well, the sawblade worked a little better. Thanks for the input
Baking already
Was his crime wearing nothing but white undies in public?
I love these

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