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Aggressive binary edition

Previous thread: >>93949359

>New to The Horus Heresy? Here’s Everything You’ll Need to Get Started
>Official FAQ/Errata/Downloads:
>Thread FAQ (very old, remembers Age of Terra)
>HH1 Black Books
>HH2 Rules and Supplements
>Miscellaneous Extras (Visions and Old Rules)

『Adeptus Titanicus and Legionis Imperialis』
>Adeptus Titanicus Rules and Supplements
>Legiones Imperialis Rules and Supplements
>List of Titan Legions with Badges and Colours
>More lists
>What size magnets do I need?
>homemade missions:

>Thread question:
What are some models you regret acquiring?
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Do you guys see anyone running militia in an interesting or stylish way in your communities? Picking up Auxilia as a second army, and while militia seemed really interesting it seems like more of a chore than a joy to bring together. Also, I've picked up a leviathan dreadnought but run Firewing so everything is infiltrating except for the deep striking jumppack DW Companions. I haven't been able to get a clear answer - can I have a second deep striking unit without the proper RoW if that second unit is a dreadnought that had a pod purchased for it?

Dreadwing interemptors. Cool models, I just don't really use them outside of ZM and I've since found third party arms that can turn mark 3 into interemptors well enough. Otherwise If I could go back 20 years I'd tell myself to buy and finish one kit at a time.
Regret is a strong word, but I have acquired a number of kits that remain in their boxes. Maybe a day will come that they get built
Most all of my IW. Wish I had just skipped over that entirely.
TS contemptor when I still had hope I could use it for my Rubrics
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Well for better or for worse I've built these two. James has plenty of kits that are bad but there are few that are so bad that even after assembling them I don't want them anymore.
>but there are few that are so bad that even after assembling them I don't want them anymore.
Ah yes, the old Land Raider Crusader.
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Which style of movement tray do y'all figure would be best for Solar Auxilia? I'm figuring the straight one for peak linehammer and to make squares out of my tercios, but I'm kind of partial to the staggered look
they're both fine. If you're stacking them you can make the same shape with either, but the staggered one will let you move units in more narrow lines around buildings.
Does MkVI armor make sense for a Thousand Sons army?
sure, do whatever you want
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gonna repost this for the four or five enthusiasts here. I wonder if this will prelude the plastic kits mech will get, but those are the resin sculpts of tech thralls so there's no guarantee.
hey what’s the gene trait of the emperor’s children? Been reading through my HH backlog and I feel like I missed it at some point.
Dogshit infantry really put me off LI. But the mechanics stuff looks very cool and is a far easier and cheaper way to build awesome robot army. I think the game will pick up in the future with multiple armies. Honestly they should do orks and eldar to represent GC battles
Since HH2.0 is based on 7th
Would I be able to get away with using some 7th edition codex like for playing Orks

Thinking of jumping onto HH but for some Ullanor campaign fun but want to know if I'll need to make some changes or not to the existing codex or if I can get away with using it as is?
What was bad about them? I was thinking about picking up a box this weekend
Hyper autism if an EC dedicated himself to thing he’ll get really good at it and it’s not because he’s gaslighting himself
Thanks anon
It is a godsend repost, because these is basically a list of which Mech units are next in plastic-pattern
People used to play against HH 1.0 with 7E rules all the time. 7E codexes tend to be overpowered but those kind of games are best played against friends and not WAACfags who would spam three Riptides or Wraithknights in their 30k xenos list.
Ehhh… really only for small disconnected groups late heresy or loyalists. TS didn’t really exist mid heresy and by then a lot of them were dead and/or stuck in the middle of nowhere.
>three riptides
Spoken like someone who’s never faced two Y’vara supported by an R’varna. Oh wait, neither have I, I just played it.
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2.0 has a bunch of new shit that isn't in 7th but you can do it with 1.0. I had a grudge match against the local WAAC taufaggot with my equally faggy WAAC TSons army. Was bretty fun honestly.
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I got a copy of Betrayal for cheap recently. I get it now, I'm so sorry for doubting 1.0 chads.
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They're in a fuckload of pieces,which by itself isn't the worst thing but the sprues are inefficient so you need to root around to find pieces to assemble them which is bothersome and leads to errors.
The mold lines are obnoxious although that's nothing new.
The bigger problem is how stiff it is. The feet are stuck on flat rather than a ball joint, so instead of letting you rotate the foot for a moving pose the kit has an entire extra leg, but the parts for that leg aren't interchangeable with the other legs so you have to match the thighs together with the leg armor.
The ammo box that attaches to the back also gets in the way of the pose so the torso is basically rigid.
The big ammo feed for the maulers which is super cool gets in the way of the right arm's piston when you're posing it.
It's very unsatisfying to build and the outcome isn't really worth the bother.
So is MkVII in HH a matter of ‘when’?
The whole account of the surviving Raven Guard on Isstvan V is still my favorite part of any Black Book. Following that is the Incursion at Xana II.
Ah damn alright. I can picture what you're saying thanks for the run-down. It's hit or miss for the HH plastics. I liked the poseability of the contemptor and the legs on the aethon have a surprising amount of articulation for what is basically a gun platform. Other stuff like the new solar auxilia infantry come in a billion pieces but are stupidly static and miserable to build
It's a bit odd because the thallax are also in a big jumble of pieces with obnoxious mold lines but they're a great kit because the head and legs give you just enough leeway for it to be a good build even though the arms are just shy of locked in place (because of the wires) and the heads can barely turn.
Gonna build the thanatar tomorrow.
Space Jason Sateham has gift for words
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>Looking at the Mars book
>"For the first time the Black Sword took the lives of Space Marines"
>BL Sigismund first acquires the Black Sword during the Siege of Terra
I guess Sigismund can travel through time now.
Different Black Sword, obviously.
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camba diaz, the black wall rat.
Cool well post your findings on that one too, if you don't mind.
What to read for more of this guy
Thank you for the replies. The thought just randomly came to mind about buying a 7th edition ork codex.
It wont be for serious matches, I've always wanted an ork army and just want to throw greenskin bodies on top of greenskin bodies at some space marines for shits and giggles
>The Martian Civil War
>Mechanicum civil war, Legio Mortis gets mentioned in the first couple pages
>ctrl+F "secutarii"
>no matches
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The quality in writing, aesthetics, and pure sovl is so starkly contrasted to modern Heresy. It was back in Bligh's day a true passion project, like the Badab War. Now it's just too obvious how hollowed out a lot of the nu-Heresy content is. Cut corners, cut costs, people who don't get the vibe and thematic immersion of the setting. Sad!
Something, something, nothing is Canon
Movement trays are for rank and flank. Stop being a faggot.
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poast models
Stay mad ig

you forgot

>only Dark Mechanicum units are daemon engines with reprinted free rules
>no mechanicum special characters
>no new mechanicum units(Krios already existed, just gets a rad cannon option)
>Custodes with they/them pronouns
>space marines get special characters
>distinct lack of ancient tech doomsday devices or skitarii differentiated from secutarii despite this being set on MARS

This book belongs in the trash unless you play Chaos Knights.
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Still looking for a good hammer for this cunt. I’m trying to find something that looks thousand sons-y but that’s still a thunder hammer. If any of y’all have suggestions, I’ll look at anything at this point.
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Xth for Ultramarines worst legion and Guilliman most cringe Primarch.
Best seven minutes of the Heresy.
Siege of Cthonia was a pleasant surprise for me, and that cluld not have been Bligh.

Consistent themes, unique characters, great lore tidbits, and whatnot...
The rules are dogshit, aye
But the lore is great
Siege of Cthonia missions are awesome. Inductii was a cool concept fumbled by bizarrely untuned rules. It's sad that this book represents the high mark of HH 2.0 supplement content.
I sort of wish they'd do a heresy Space Marine Heroes blind box release. Give us marines in various marks of armor in fun poses
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Working on painting up my terminator HQs
Bonus: The remains of the thallax I just primed after I left the tray in a bad position and they took a tumble. At least 7 our of the 12 survived...
Some bad luck on the thallax but at least the HQs are coming along. I see you subscribe to the doctrine that cataphractii look better with no giant gap between pauldrons and torso. Looking good
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>rumours about 3rd edition coming out soon
Didn't 2nd come out like a couple of months ago? Still waiting on fucking chain swords.
I have the 7e Eldar and Imperial Guard Codexes. I use the Imperial Guard Codex for Imperial Army all the time. It makes for a force that's a lot more capable than Militia but without the firepower of Solar Auxilia.
As the thallax are one of the best designs gw ever did, I'll buy a box of them the next time I'm in office in the big city. Does anyone here know if there are plans for releasing plastic vorax - another phenomenal design?
This dreadnought stole my foreskin
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No regrats, only future opportunities.
Kino book.
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>[laughs in hebrew]
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There's something about how rough and ready these old scans were.
A lot of words to say "fuck you"
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I want a bunch of those bolters for my infantry.
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Rare instance of a drawfag remembering Sanguinius's tattoo.
>free rules
Only if you downloaded them previously, they removed those rules from the exemplary battles they were featured in after they released the book without any notice.

A big reason as to why there is no shame in pirating GW’s garbage books is that they pull shit like this.
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I winder why they haven't reprinted in the new books those Mechanicum sections of the old Black Books, which are also the only old FW books that weren't released for the WH+ Vault as PDFs.
I want to believe in reeditions!
Not even official GW art remembers it despite how significant it is in the books, only fan artists
I’ve built them too and i honestly gotta say it sounds like a skill issue on your part.
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You can thank John French for that. There's a notorious difference in writing quality between the Isstvan trilogy that he was part of, and all the other IA/Black books before and after.
Yes, I'm being serious.
He’s the faggot who keeps wanking off IF right? And turned Sigismund from a beautiful curly haired blonde guy to an old bald self insert of himself?
He last thing he did for the HH was writing Mortis (arguably the worst Siege book). He hasn't been involved with the game since 2014.
The problem is that there's several IFfags in FW and BL, including Abnett.
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This is somehow simultaneously super cringe & cholo AF
>Thread question:
>What are some models you regret acquiring?
So far none, but I know the Spartan from my AoD box will never see use in my Alpha Legion army
I guess that's why BA are such good friends with SoH, one of the cholo legions?
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>decide to pick up a box of tech thralls and archmagos just cause the models look cool
>assemble tech thralls and love them
>"well it can't hurt to make a theoritical 2k point list just for a future project"
>check store I usually buy from
>battleboxes for the mechanicum that were sold out at a discount have been restocked and are still at a massive discount
>battlebox has a majority of the stuff that would be in the list coincidentally
It feels like a path has been laid out for me by some unknown power. The Omnissiah is calling for me lads.
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Seems safe to say it confirms the Arlatax will get a plastic release, and it looks to share enough in common with Domitars to guess they'll also make the switch. The new Abeyant design might mean a plastic HQ release. Besides those, everything else cleaves close enough to the resin designs that it doesn't predict much that we couldn't already have guessed from the sprue arrangements (Calix and Ursurax).
Are you one of those people who whine about the plastic Contemptors?
One of his arms looks so much longer than the other.
Is this from the same guy who makes that really blocky ai looking art too?
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Praise the Big O
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Didn’t know the DG had it out for the AL like that.
Looking at the deredeo and ”melee sprue” one has to wonder how much stuff is designed and done and just stuck in production queue hell for years because other games like aos and primaris slop has clogged it up through priority and lack of warehouse space.

They clearly planned for multiple releases which just haven’t happened.
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Will you be his Sworn Brother?
Honestly considering just buying Ligma stuff and playing with the 28mm scale HH rules at this point, units you need to play are actually available without hopping through hoops, having to sell your kidney or get poisoned by Chang or Ivan.
Don’t know why more mech boxes haven’t been sold out everywhere, they are fantastic kits.
Hey man don’t talk shit about space vampire angel jesus like that.
I love blanche mechanicum art like this, do you have any more?
the new Epic scale is probably the best possible one for the kind of huge battles that the HH aims at, yeah.
Although you'll need house rules to address some of the kirks of the epic minis.
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Praise the one true ultimate power
Not sure either honestly, maybe because it didn't have a HQ technically in the box as well as units people REALLY want (thanatar/secutors)? Ah well works out well for me. I have put in an order. Now I wait. With the money saved from the discount I can grab a Thanatar also at a discount. God bless these partnered stores
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I underestimated how quickly Nihilakh Oxide dries and went too far without being able to wipe off the excess, but I'm not going to repaint him. He's ugly but he's my ugly. He was also a cheap recast so I'm especially not heartbroken.
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Damn, what a booty.
I like it anon, I think it's suiting for a mid/late heresy WE who's going to be covered in gore and muck often and isn't going to care much for maintaining the brass fittings
That's the goal, so mission accomplished at least. Just did it better on other models so far.
>Martian Civil War
>to the bafflement of all belligerents Dark Angels show up out of nowhere to participate in a battle they should have been nowhere near and impossibly survive it against all odds
This is the most space marine plot twist I've read in all of published HH.
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just started painting my WS Delegatus.
DA basically ruin everything they're in. Siege of Cthonia, though awesome, would have been even better without the teamkilling retards showing up to ruin the ending.
Let's see some of the others you've worked on
If anything it makes sense that a leader who's at the front is going to have more fucked up armour, or you could just say he survived getting doused in some acidic chemical weapon
Huh, hey retcone the arlatax into being a castellax looking thing, didn't they?
I'm pretty sure it was suppossed to be a proto domitar
Why are there some many trannies in the hobby?
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The other one I have a photo of on hand that I did the corrosion with is one of the assault sergeants. Not home at the moment.
Same reason for both, long term exposure to paint fumes cause mental illness.
Have you considered using your eyes?
The fascist & feudal imagery of the imperium
It doesn't help that as the story's are told from the imperiums perspective it makes you root for them, and the fact that everything is so fucked it almost justifies the imperium, as there really isn't a way things could get better
That said I wouldn't want it to change, as much a YA slop has made it cringe dystopian universes are fun, especially one where there's no hero coming to save you and everything is only going to get worse
Looks good but drill those barrels
5th fellowship used mkvi en masse but otherwise they aren’t well known for any marks except mkII and mkIV. With that said, go ham and use the armors you like
Literally the books that were just Alan Bligh were the worst in 1.0, in writing quality of fluff and rules. The first two were probably some of the best GW ever made, fluff wise, and as ok as a 3rd-7th edition 40k game can be (so extremely mediocre for anyone else, very good by GW standards)
Pleasant Kenobi is a faggot.
FUCK MtG fags stay in your containment hobby. I don't you fat sweaty FUCKS turning what are narrative games into your WAACfag tryhard shit.
The books not written by either, like Crusade, were actually the worst in rules and fluff
It was and now comes with claws and plasma cannon which is a mix between 1.0 and 2.0.
Lol are you some Cuckstodes player?
Inferno was just about the worst thing ever printed by GW, and that's saying a lot.
Even worse by the constant delays and excuses for the fat fuck.
Didn't know that Alan wrote Crusade, one would have though he was too busy being dead.
>Thinking people who call you a retard are mad and not laughing at you
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working on a primus medicae and broke up an unfinished scarab occult tartaros command squad to kitbash with a tartaros kit, progress is slow because I’m away from home at a school.
>Do you guys see anyone running militia in an interesting or stylish way in your communities?
no, but I have a militia idea I can share with you

Van Saar militia army
Lascarbines on everyone that can have them
Arachni-rigs as Sentinels
Van Saar gangers as basic guys
Van Saar Tek Hunters as recons
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Have you?
What part of that looks like a domitar to you?
It's a castellax with a jump pack
Anon are you trolling or retarded?
Above arlatax you have castellax models and above them you have domitars. Just look up. It's celarly modded domitar.
The rumours are based on somebody claiming to be in a discord with playtesters talking openly about the new edition, but failing to provide screenshots. And address the issue of why playtesters would talk openly about NDA rules when GW instantly blacklists people like that.
And also this >>93954219

Admittedly this doesn't mean there can't be a new edition coming next year, but the proof for it definitely is non-existent at this point.
I linked the wrong post like a retard >>93954675
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Dumping more visions artwork because I forgot how great this book was, I'll stop if people think I'm shitting up the thread tho

>Tfw we got virgin smooth bikes when we could have had chad harleys
Going through the Visions artwork got a bit depressing for me. Too much thoughts about what could have been... Still can't stand the fact we got flying dildos for jetbikes instead of all the kino designs in older artwork.
That bike looks tiny next to the marine
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Open your fucking eyes, dipshit.
>same gorget
>same hood (only shifted upwards and with a thruster)
>same hips
>same chest
>same legs (only moving instead of stationary)
>same pauldrons
I put a list up some weeks (months) back about using necro ash wastes as melee militia horde which Night Lords elites would drop on the board with
i completely neglected on how to score and haven't assembled more than a box of ashwasters yet because i've lost the desire for 3.0 over LI as that's taken off recently amongst my friends now we have a 3d printer
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Black alternate schemes are kino on any legion, even the Daemon cucks

The tactical mini moto
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There's nothing stopping you from kitbashing your own anon

>more Harley supremacy
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Spiky dangles are aesthetic as fuck really make me want to do some fallen
Those big shoulder cannons looks so much worse than the "undeslung" heavy bolters of 40k
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Finished my Thallax off. Boy do I love oils.

Is Eon an Indian (Dot) or Latino?
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The red trim on the hoods is doing it for me

Shoulder mounted heavy bolters are awesome in a goofy way you pleb

I also fuck with the spent casing being ejected with the caseless ammunition
>Shoulder mounted heavy bolters are awesome in a goofy way you pleb
It is a big machine gun and should be swung about like a big machine gun. Whoever has heard of a shoulder mounted minigun?
Shoulder cannons work best for long-ranged single-shot weapons like the lascannon and missile launcher.
Yes. Guns like heavy bolters are best when they allow for dramatic panning.
At least it's a gun, makes more sense than running into a battlefield with artillery armed with a sword and a pistol

I'd be more concerned about the fact the magazine is attached underneath the end of the barrel, or that it looks like the trigger is attached to the magazine
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While that is according to the old weapon design philosophy, shoulder fired HB are secks and I will not listen to anyone talk shit about them. FW never releasing the Sol pattern ones as a pack of 5 was Heresy of the highest order and I hope whoever was behind that decision paid with their life.
The trigger is behind the magazine. And HB have always fed rather close to the muzzle, like bolt pistols and some old bolter patterns.
>shoulder fired HB are secks
What do you guys think the Christmas box will be?
>, shoulder fired HB are secks and I will not listen to anyone talk shit about them
They suck and are bad. Heavy bolters are machine guns, made for spraying at your foes, prefereably while shouting "get some" or something to that effect.

The minigun in predator was underslung, the smartgun in aliens was underslung, the heavy bolter should be underslung.
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>can't shoulder a fiddy
Your back is weak like a single twig.
You are wrong and your parents will never love you.
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This is LITERALLY one of my archmagi. He got told as a kid on the frozen feral wasteland that was his birth world that I'd the creator had wanted them to fly it would have given humans wings. Then during the Great crusade the Mechanicum moved in, rapidly industrialized the world, took him in as a tech priest, and he became a magos biologis working with the reductor cult because he thought cyborgs like the thallax was the next step fir humanity.
>"The Omnissiah did not give us wings, but he did the next best thing: he made me."

Yeah yeah I'm black laugh it up
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How about a compromise? HSS with half firing over the shoulder guns from the back row while the front row uses hip fired guns?
There is reason why this shit wasn't adopted by military.
Military likes cool looking gun.
This gun isn't cool, it's kinda gay actually and that's a bad thing in early XX century.
Thats a converted warmahordes dude right?
>Yeah yeah I'm black laugh it up
Anon thats clearly brown and not black, you better not paint like this
>Van Saar militia army
Jesus christ anon if you want to sell his organs just say so.
but the hip firing guys are still standing and probably don't want lascannons/heavy bolters firing next to their ears.
>>same hood (only shifted upwards and with a thruster)
That is a big difference, anon kek. But the rest of the model is indeed Dominar except the arms.
It just doesn't help that the face is a dome and the gun is on one shoulder. Which is how a Castellax would use it. Even if it's not.
I hate the new captcha. It got like twice the scrapcode now
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>Whoever has heard of a shoulder mounted minigun?
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AoP board is primed.
Why do early bolt weapons have the feed sooo forward?
How about a compromise no one likes and have all heavy weapons held the way you would a normal one
I like those plasma cannons.
I like em too but imagine carrying a heavy bolter like that
Lmao black!
I miss warmahordes.
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Both are fine; it boils down to whatever you like. Remainder that legally speaking, 40k lascannons aren't shoulder held. They're used like a rifle would
>lascannon vigilators
The more I read about the heresy the more it seems deserved. The Emperor was a dick.
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>That's a big difference
No, it's not. The Domitar can also be built with its missile launcher hood lowered or raised.
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Hey all. So I want to get into Horus heresy. After reading the lore I decided I like the Thousand Sons the most. The idea of guys who were victims of circumstance being forced into their position really makes me like them more than traitors like death guard where Mortarion defected because he was a jealous bitch.

The one problem I have with Horus heresy thousand sons is their legion colors. I really don’t like red as a color, especially not as a primary color. I want to keep with lore at least somewhat. Is there any lore justification for the primary color of the thousand sons in heresy to be anything other than red??
>Let's doom all of humanity to endless torture for the rest of eternity because that one guy was kinda unpleasant at some points.
Yes, that is a logical course of action.
Yeah, they can be blackshields that split off from the main legion to create their own realm.

But then you'd have to play as Blackshields(unless your opponents are alright with you using other colors and playing with the normal rules).
>A Thousand Sons guy calling out Mortarion for being a whiny bitch.
Pot, this is kettle.
Are there any lore justifications for a white or cream primary with a red secondary? Like the color scheme but flipped.
So, I don't have my black books on hand but I don't believe that any official alternate schemes exist for 30k. That said, you still have options.
>Blackshield Thousand Sons are sort of better psykers than their parent legion because of rules quirks; blackshields naturally have a lot of paint variance, and this is likely to get you the least side eyes
>Paint up a deployment specific scheme, probably some sort of camouflage using the red/gold as an accent instead of primary/secondary; this already has canonical examples for some legions, like Salamanders, but you'd be in new territory doing it for TS
>Just paint them with different colors anyway, regardless of a justification; this will likely get the most side eyes but if anyone actually refuses to play you over it then you were going to have a bad time with them anyway
Yup, Cognifex Cyphon. I had a big Khador MoW army and smaller Convergence and Cephalyx that all became useless when PP decided to primarisize every army in the game and literally killed their company, so a whole lot of those eventually find their way over after a stint in the freezer.
Theres the ivory armor they wore before being reunited with Magnus, later in the heresy you might have groups closer to the thousand sons of 40k with the chaos koolaid
That would be closer to what they wore early in the crusade, im sure you could swing it.
Actually scratch the "better psykers", I'm remembering something else.
Look up the original Thousand Sons color scheme(before they reunited with Magnus)
>This hole used to be a rocket launcher. It is now an engine, no biggie
I get it's the same hole, but that IS a big difference anon lol
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Would people be asshurt if I played them as a pre heresy force in heresy? Could I just say even during a heresy era battle that they hadn’t changed their armor? Or were part of the expeditionary force that sided with the emperor.
It sucks that it’s a pre Magnus thing. Magnus and Ahriman are both great characters and their reactions to what happened to the tsons is what drew me into the tsons.
Something like this with the secondary red on the shoulder pauldrons would be great.
If I was going to do a meme list, it would definitely be SA chicken herd. It's just a shame there is no Command walker
>two years ago the heresy scene at my store was just me and my SoHbro
>now 19 people are playing in my Beta Garmon campaign

We fucking MADE IT!!!!
Its not unheard of for legion companies to adopt or maintain their pre-heresy/early crusade colors, iirc some NL and DG did that

Could also be some Tsons forced to use antique supplies because of the whole prospero thing
If you ever want to run any Legion in their pre-Primarch colors, there's a very easy way to fluff it. They're Terrans who weren't there when their Primarch was found, never felt the super strong connection their brothers did, became bitter about the Legion culture changing as initiates came in from the Primarch's world, and basically took staying loyral/going traitor as an opportunity to try to return to the way it used to be.
Good job, Anon!
Congratulations. Do share any fun stories from the campaign if and when you've made some.
Thank you and everyone else who responded sincerely for the help. I think it’s time to pull the trigger on heresy for me.
I'm trying to do the same thing bros, heresy died at our FLGS after the drip feed for rules was so bad, trying to organize a campaign for the holidays so that folks can dip their hands in and try it with panoptica rules so that the mech and militia folks can dip into their 40k armies to fill points
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This is their scheme before they met up with big red

They're also far from victims of circumstance, they were fucking around with shit they shouldn't have been for a long time, despite being told multiple times in no uncertain terms to stop
I thought it fit the overarching theme of how pointless and ego-driven the whole struggle over Cthonia was. Imho it would have been a worse conclusion if either Garrius or Ashurhaddon had actually won out in the end and got the prize to show off, even if it had ended up being moot later on.
only that isn't possible for the thousand sons since they canonically numbered around a thousand when they met Magnus due to the flesh change and they were all on Prospero. After that point everyone would have taken the red (one point they never clarify in lore is how the TS got so much mark IV if Horus decided to genocide them using the wolves). None of the sons would dare refuse to take the red either, they all loved Magnus as a saviour and father. Either they are in the pre-Magnus timeframe or it wouldn't happen. Maybe MAYBE you could claim they are those marines who were frozen mid-flesh change in stasis and they get reawoken by Khan or something when he visits Prospero and since Tzeentch has played his hand they are cured I don't know.
The Auxilia Sentinels should come in their own fast attack Tercio.
0-2 Heavy Sentinel Squadron
0-3 Hermes Light Sentinel Squadrons
0-1 Command Sentinel
t.asshurt Mortarion and/or retard Leman Russ
That with the candy red would be tasty, and there's plenty of precedent for loyalists from traitor legions reverting back to old schemes
>theythem custards
>barely a few months after shestodes
Weelchairstodes Inc before the end of the year
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Too bad they never get to finish their job.
That's fair, but as a counterpoint I'd argue that the DA being entirely invulnerable from the moment they show up is just not engaging storytelling. They effortlessly steamroll all opposition, kill enemies and allies alike and fuck off, with barely any interaction and for no other reason than 'Well, we need to finish this narrative somehow'.
Fundamentally, I thought it was the weakest point of a VERY strong book.
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What militaries have adopted hip fired weapons?
>Weelchairstodes Inc before the end of the year
That's just a dreadnought.
I get the feeling that they originally were going to give the custard character female pronouns but chickened out at the very last second.
DA are basically always poorly written, its unavoidable.
>Soon coomer bros...
But seriously, if custodes get a new female character before SoS get one, I'm going to be really fucking mad
is this a grand tour reference?
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Archmagos model assembled with a minor conversion; replaced the conversion beamer (converting the conversion hehe) with a spare arm from a tech thrall so it looks like a more legit machinator array. Hoping my iPhone doesn’t blow this image up too hideously
Is your archmagos a loyalist anon? He sounds like a nice fella. Nice work with him!
Alright, well then they're Terrans who felt especially bitter because their salvation came too late. The culture of the Legion was immediately replaced with Prospero guys, and then the father who failed to save their brothers doomed them all when he refused to abide by the Edict of Nikea.
>Has a tear drop tattoo like some hood rat
Horus did the galaxy a favour
They were accidentally summoning fucking daemons because they were too retarded to realise that fucking around with shit they don't understand might be a bad idea

Russ and mortarion were also retards, but for different reasons

>8888 khornate captcha
>Whoever has heard of a shoulder mounted minigun?
Anyone who has played the Fallout series, Star Wars Battlefront 2, or Armored Core.
Being generous he's talking about the civil war, not the slaves to dark gods part.
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>Whoever has heard of a shoulder mounted minigun?
Jesta enthusiasts
>shoulder mounted minigun
> Fallout
The absolute state of Sisters of Silence army lists
New Vegas has one, I'm guessing that's what they're referring to.
See >>93961621
We were robbed of a standalone Drop Site Massacre novel
Britain, France, and the US off the top of my head. Marching Fire is a hell of a drug.
Thanks senpai, I wasn't sure what you were getting at
IIRC, didn't they also take the time to namedrop all the DA Unique Units and give them times to do cool things? I feel it could have worked better had the Dark Angels remained completely faceless.
Oh, it's a Lonesome Road thing. Kind of a stretch to take that to the whole series, but fair enough. Carry on.
The more I read about this Horus guy the more I don’t like him.
Did it have a plus one to hit against AL and Eldar?
Do you have some other convertions?
Stuff painted up?
I’ve also looked at the privateer press stuff as proxies for mech in the past and it would be fun to see how you used the different units.
You dont roll to hit with plasma cannons, theyre blast weapons dipshit, they scatter.

No preorders but
>Here at Warhammer Community, there’s a big change coming this week that we can’t wait to unveil, as well as more from the Chaos Dwarf Blood Bowl Team and the return of – gasp! – Heresy Thursday.
So there's something to look forward to.
can he get out of that thing?
Day 1 it's gonna be Mechanicum LIgma
The tank is a prosthetic.
>a big change
You’re going to restock things for once instead of releasing new shit?
Can he get IN? the hole looks narrower than his shoulders
>heresy thursday returns
>It's mechanicum ligma
>no heresy thursday for another month
Who pissed in your morning cereal?
Why the fuck do these only come with one set of buzsaws and clamps? For that matter, why the fuck is there only one multimelta and darkfire in there? Who the hell runs powerblades and maulers?
They'll have more Mechanicum LI releases beyond the big box. You know there's at least going to be a box of Krios. Maybe even those Skitarri who fight alongside Titans

Maybe even a new unit we haven't seen before.
NTA but everyone on this website always and consistently has a shitty attitude towards everything ever cuz they’re whiny faggots
>Why the fuck do these only come with one set of buzsaws and clamps?
GW webzone says it comes with two sets of clamps
>This multipart plastic kit builds two Castellax Battle-automata, core constructs of the Mechanicum in the age of the Horus Heresy. Each Castellax Battle-automata can be equipped with a pair of claw-like shock charges, or one may be equipped with circular power blades
That's the case with all space marine tank commanders/pintle gunners, I'm fairly sure they get in from the top then are just chilling there for the whole mission
...so it does. Nevermind, I evidently suck cocks.
But the point about the guns still stands.
Because they want you to buy 5 boxes of them so you can have 2 5-man castellax squads with all matching weapons
Maulers are incredible in 1.0, their stats really show why they were secrets only available for cybernetica, skitarii and titans.
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They fucking did it. Malcador asking for Femprimarchs? He was asking out of consistency :^)
go back to 40k
Remember those Dungeons & Dragons wheelchairs? The tank is his wheelchair. He stacks grav guns to the ceiling and rides on 24-inch chrome.
>Remember those Dungeons & Dragons wheelchairs?
At the time that model came out direct-fire blast weapons rolled to hit and didn't scatter.
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I tire of reading stories of the Custodes "dramatically" snatching victory from the jaws of defeat or of great and legendary space marine tactical geniuses. I want to see more stories about screw-ups like Evander Garrius, Geigor Fell-Hand, or that one Iron Warrior who got kicked off Pert's command staff. Let me see the inverse of Exemplary Battles.
Just read about the night lords, I dont think they have a singular win going for them
>screw-ups like Evander Garrius
Uh, his enemies were ontologically evil and thus were ASKING to be butchered?
Anon I think that label is there due to the casualties on his side.
Post Praevian conversions. I need some ideas before I get any bots. or decide to make a forge lord instead
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The GW team dropped one of the best marine character conversions a month or so ago and it just so happens to be a praevian
Phobos pattern armor is perfectly acceptable for use In HH
2/10. made me reply
>I tire of reading stories of the Custodes "dramatically" snatching victory from the jaws of defeat or of great and legendary space marine tactical geniuses. I want to see more stories about screw-ups like Evander Garrius, Geigor Fell-Hand, or that one Iron Warrior who got kicked off Pert's command staff. Let me see the inverse of Exemplary Battles.
Once seen a picture of somebody who photoshopped high heels on a phobos marines. It looked extremely fitting for some odd reason. No I did not save a copy.
Can you believe they even made a model for this jobber? Literally one battle where he got smoked like a joint by the fruitest guy in the galaxy

I hope everyone here refuses to play against retards who bring this failson, I'm glad fulgrim had him cloned so he could kill him over and over
>can't surrender the fortress if the fortress no longer exists
>Garrius's character is encapsulated by what happened at this one battle
>Larissan explains it all
Doesent fulgrim get walked by Ferrus in the rules too?
I run this scheme with black instead of white for a destroyer pride is our armor blackshield list but i also keep the blue and orange the same candy style as traditional TS red
You could argue the army HQ was a terran that didn’t get along with magnus once the honeymoon phase of his discovery was over
I forgot to mention that technically TS destroyers fall under the order of ruin/numerologists and use a blue scheme thats never been depicted in art but black reads much more obviously as destroyers
Don't have the space or probably the patience for it but Ogryn Conscripts with giants/Gargants heavily converted to be the Leman Russ tanks, holding the Turret weapon like a rifle with the front weapon as a pistol, dressed like goddamn Cadians. So much work. So little benefit, if any. Can't even take it with Industrial Stronghold to go crazy on the giants. Dudes at the back with shoulder-mounted Earthshaker cannons. That one really big Gate-eater Gargant or whatevever as a Baneblade, human dudes on his back and shoulders in little gunnery nests. One giant just A-posing, belly-down on a flying stand, no explanation of how that works, he's a Thunderbolt now.
Goddamn the Thanatar is a hot kit.
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Ferrus krumps most primarchs if we go by their respective profiles.
brutal 3 man, its a trip.
>One giant just A-posing, belly-down on a flying stand, no explanation of how that works, he's a Thunderbolt now.
Stick a mask on him and it works off the power of Lucha.
Imagine actually playing one of the Shattered Legions lmao
>Huh, hey retcone the arlatax into being a castellax looking thing, didn't they?
No, they just obliterated its stats and weapons so they're useless.
I have owned Horus Heresy miniatures for 2 years now and am yet to actually paint an army
the more you do the easier the rest gets
I can't decide on a legion even lol
what's your favorite power ranger with regards to color?
if the themes and personalities of the factions aren't standing out to you
go and read some of the BLslop otherwise as even if it's an entirely fictitious account there is some truth sprinkled about
except for the yu gi oh duel
that actually happened in its entirety
How retarded would I have to be to run breachers in a seekers arrow DA list

>Can outflank
>Breachers are cool

>Breachers are heavy but would have to take the ravenwing subtype
>Breachers are point heavy
Dubs for traitor ultramarines
>>Breachers are cool
all you should be considering
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Emperor's Children, of course
dubs confirms.

The plus side is that palatine blades are really cool.
Breachers *are* cool, but don't fit the theme at all
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tfw only medusan immortals are bad enough dudes to go in with a chainsword and boarding shield
Is that a 3d printed Sarum pattern? Can anyone share it? I struggle to find proper ones on 3dcults, people tend to take too much liberty with the design.
that is a resin upgrade mk.6 world eater helmet with its bunny ears circumcized
it is very hot
You forgot about SoH Chieftains, which are Immortals except cooler.
Oh thanks, I see it now. Time to mail Chang some more.
they might well be but they are an HQ choice and that gets in the way of a horde of the fuckers which would to me be the main draw
i ended up settling for a mass of chainsword(axe) tacticals as they go pretty hard too
Its a shame the world eaters went full retard, the war-hound phalanx sounds really cool.
mk.3pilled advancing gun/threshline boltermaxxing might be a decent 'modern' analogue if spartan-esque breachers fell out of favor (maybe with the regimentation entailed falling away t. blessed nails)
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Been trying to hammer out an update to the Campaign ruleset. Give me your opinions please
Do Night Lords actually care about winning? Seems like they exist to do pic related.
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Yea, something like that. Combat oriented breachers with power spears, probably some sort of stone-gauntlet deal where being in b2b with others makes them more durable or lets them fight in more "ranks"
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Might be a retarded question, but do you guys think these multi-meltas would fit on a Castellax in terms of comparable size? I want to fit mine for zone mortalis and I can't find any bits site carrying Castellax bits yet.
books? I really enjoyed fulgrim and legion. Was surprised to enjoy prospero burns (and space wolves). Having some real trouble caring about ultramarines and know no fear. Curious about blood angels in fear to tread.
Not even that. They exist to get mogged. Kinda like Iron Warriors, except with the rampant autism replaced with genuine retardation.
If you don't like Know no Fear there is no helping you with Ultramarines. It is far and away the best book about them and genuinely one of the best HH novels.
Go read Scars / Path of Heaven for an excellent look into White Scars, Betrayer for the same into World Eaters and First heretic for Word Bearers. All very good reads.
Stay the fuck away from Salamanders, they are universally awful.
They care about winning. They simply aren't very good at it.
I'll give KnF and UM another try a bit later. I've had a few false starts with books. Just not in the mood for it now. More curious about the other legions at this point.
What's so bad about the salamanders? Their authors or their legion?
alex - wargames
>What's so bad about the salamanders? Their authors or their legion?
Author, anon, singular.

>More curious about the other legions at this point.
The best DA book is Lion; Lord of the First. Other than their content is mostly subpar.
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If you chop the handles off it could probably work. They're noticeably thinner than Castellax weapons but you could bulk them up with some greenstuff cables etc.

You should just print them anon.
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>Nekrotek lore entry: "Many corrupted systems were given a horrific unlife by the debased code infecting them. Traitor magi, driven to madness by unfettered access to forbidden technologies stalked the battlefields, directing new malefic sentience into even the most decrepit or damaged automata."
>Look at rules
>Automata just get it will not die and your archmagos can lifesteal off of friendly units (still has a potential to not to anything even if you pass the cybertheurgic test)
>No cool rules about resurrecting automata from the dead or infecting them with scrap code that gives them bonuses near death or anything cool remotely related to the themes and ideas of necromancy and death
I know 3/4 of the Proscribed Arcana are shit and it's basically preaching to a choir at this point but seriously what the fuck were they doing writing these rules? It's not even fluffy or narratively fun, it's just shit in every capacity, and Nekrotek isn't even the only one
>Malefikite: "Oooooh scrap code sure is spooky and makes the robots basically sentient!!! Scrap code was really dangerous during the Heresy!!!"
>Automata upgraded with the scrap code have a likely chance to wound themselves and only have "free will" from the scrap code infection in the shooting phase (for one turn), not in the melee phase (since the robot is so bloodthirsty?), and still can't react without being told to by a dominus or magos auxilia
>Archmagos can become a suicide bomber and infect everyone around him with scrap code but they just get full armour and damage mitigation saves no matter what anyway so you'll never use it
Just embarrassing, seriously.

Malamina is cool at least; being able to make murderfuck vorax squads that can take on the likes of Vets in the right conditions because of their chuuni blades soaked in warp energy is the type of cool thing there should have been more of. Is it THAT hard to come up with fun ideas for Mechanicum?
Subpar is generous, I would put the DA books as some of the worst writing in the series

Zahariel is a pretty cool guy tho
Yeah, I haven't enjoyed the imperium-oriented legions as much as the chaos-oriented ones. The two DA books were not good. I thought Corax's youth on the prison moon was interesting, but not so much the main plot. Although, the series so far as mostly been chaos focused factions getting the spotlight. I don't have a large sample size, but I wonder if the chaos legions, in general, have more interesting stories. I'll start blood angels here soon, after I finish cooking.
Yeah, I liked some of the characters and some of the aspects, but plotting was a mess. There is a conclusion that needs to be reached, and actually working backwards to tell that story is difficult and lead to a lot of stupid shit.
It really doesn't help that the lion is written as a genuine window licker, and not in the way that most primarchs are written as moody teenagers, but like he has a low level concussion at all times
raised by dickwolves in the deep forest for most of his early life pls understand
Russ was raised by wolves and he wasn't a retar...

Never mind
Custodes were, are and always will be, a 30k army first and foremost.
Ain't no windows in the forest; how'd he get so good at lickin' 'em?
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This kit is fukken boss. I'm definitly getting a lascannon one, and maybe even a third.
Too bad i have to keep it in so many sub assemblies.
buttholes of multitudinous creatures, anon
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Do you want proof that Dorn is a shitty commander?
>Dorn left the pluto and uranus essentially defenseless
>Lost the entire solar system in less than 50 days
>Could not properly defend the void shield generators
>Left conscription of serfs to the very last moment
>Lost both space elevators
>Despite his "intelligence" he did fuck all to secure the saturnine wall
>Wasted his titan legion supremacy for little gain in beta garmon
>Despite preparing for 11+ years his forces started running out of ammunition and materials less than 100 days into the siege
>Allowed rebel forces to push from all sides
>Allowed the sanctum to be breached due to his ineptitude
>Was going to be be defeated due to the martial prowess of perterabu but Horus faggotmans ADHD ruined everything
>so bad that even after assembling them I don't want them anymore.
First version resin spartan... I could watch it smash into a hundred pieces and feel silent joy
Counterpoint: Terra didn't fall.
silence, trenchslag
>>No cool rules about resurrecting automata from the dead
Darn shame. The Void Dragon is RIGHT THERE, Forge World. It would have been the perfect opportunity to sneak in Necron rules and spell the word as "Necrontek."
In Adornable's defense, the BL writers are morons, so they can't write clever tactics, let alone Primarch-tier tactics.
You don't know what true suffering is until you've had to assemble a storm eagle or fire raptor
d*rn is a braindead wall rat
>>No cool rules about resurrecting automata from the dead or infecting them with scrap code that gives them bonuses near death or anything cool remotely related to the themes and ideas of necromancy and death
You wanna know the worst part
Yeah, but the stupidity becomes much more pronounced when the siege legions get involved.
>the stupidity becomes much more pronounced when the siege legions get involved.
Well, they're catering to their audience, can't overwhelm them with too much you keep track of
The idea of a siege legion is retarded to begin with, space marines are always more suited to being shock troops

>Tip of the spear legions (SoH, BA, WS)
Cool, loved by the people, excellent one-liners from their primarchs

>Siege 'legions' (IW, IF, DG)
Autistic, bad colour schemes, miserable primarchs
Ayyye that was quick. How's poseability? Any leftover bits for other kitbash potential?
>The idea of a siege legion is retarded to begin with, space marines are always more suited to being shock troops
t. brainlet
I'm thinking about getting into 30k with a Solar Aux / Ultramarines force. Wanting to lean into the narrative side of things, so I've been coming up with some ideas for the lore behind my force and wanted some feedback,
The inspiration is basically that the Ultramarine company of the army are the predecessors of the White Consuls chapter of the Second Founding. My lore for them is that they were assigned as a training unit and weren't present on Calth. As such, they remained split from the greater legion and conducted most operations in the Shadow Crusade operating integrated with the Solar Aux units they were training. The training cadre was composed of mostly veterans, so white armor motifs were common, and as the war continued more and more white was added as the sight of the gleaming supersoldiers in the ranks of the mortals was a morale booster. So I was planning on painting them in a transitional scheme.
It took like 3 hours.
Poseability is really good except for the mauler arm since it has to line up with the ammo feed. Some extra fingers and pistons and an entire extra ammo feed as extra bits but I can't think of anything to use it for yet.
It's bugging me that the mauler arm isn't long enough to point the bolters at something
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I’m calling it The Diddy Wagon
>The diddler mobile
>The siegefag lashes out in anger as his brain is too smooth to comprehend anything but standing on a wall or firing artillery

So sad to see, I'm starting a donation fund, we're raising money to buy javelins and storm eagles for our retarded friends here
remember that time the le shock troop brainlets lost their entire first company on terra because they are too dumb for sieges? lmao
Pretty cool. Unfortunately, Pride of the Legion (the veteran-centric RoW) doesn't allow allied detachments to be taken.

How centric are the marines to your army?
>Not the Doof Wagon.
Do you even War Boy?
I have a question, had horus not been stabbed by the anathame, what was the plan? Reading through it, it reminded me a lot of a railroaded D&D encounter where you make the party get bitten by a zombie or something
Chop his head off
Horus' I mean yeah there is that part in fulgrim where daemon fulgrim almost fights horus
I wasn't planning on using PotL. I am not sure yet if I want to do marines as the main detachment with a Solar Aux allied (mostly infantry) or vice versa with Solar Aux as the main detachment though. Leaning more towards the former though as the infantry are what draws me to Solar moreso than the tanks.
What's a wargear option that your legion should totally have access to but do not on tabletop for some reason?
Even if you did PotL you could just take an Overseer and dump 60 auxilia in your army.
Yes, and we also remember them getting into the inner palace, killing their rival legion's primarch, and mortally wounding the Emperor, unlike the Iron Cowards.
True, but the Auxilia don't get Provenances
so what you are saying is that speartip fags got totally wiped out because they are too dumb for sieges.
>too dumb for sieges
Sounds like they achieved more objectives than the siege """specialists."""
Well to be fair the Anathame was quite an OP weapon. Just say the name of the person you want to defeat, and the sword does all the work for you, only needing to do a mere scratch? That's nuts.
Considering the weapon is chaos tainted, the Chaos Gods definitely were aware of its existence and location. If they did not outright tell Erebus where to get it, the gods would definitely be able to set up circumstances for Erebus to find it and lay out the trap for Horus. Something like that should be peanuts compared to getting the primarchs abducted from the Emperor's heavily shielded and protected laboratories. Yes it got retconned to Erda being responsible, but aren't all women agents of Chaos by default? :^)
>a-acktually muh speartipfags objectives were losing the entire first company and having our primarch die! so we won actually.
least retarded speartipfag
>Yes it got retconned to Erda being responsible, but aren't all women agents of Chaos by default? :^)
Choas Custodes when?
>Points to one example of a failure lead by a clown
>Fails to recognise that the Luna Wolves were the most proven and effective legion during the Great Crusade, bringing more worlds into compliance faster than any others

This kind of rigid autistic thinking is unfortunately one of the more common afflictions of siegebrain, you hate to see it folks
>Rival primarch dead
>Inner palace breached
>Emps wounded
The SOH got their shit kicked in, but they certainly put up a better showing than Pert. Turns out the Iron Quitters are as yellow-bellied as their rivals.
>most proven and effective legion for bullying gay alien weaklings
meanwhile in real war, SIEGE war, they lost their entire first company to a toaster with a cement mixer. LMAO
When I read that scene in false gods of horus in the lab I interpreted it as lies being shown to horus. I am aware of just how strong of a weapon it is, I am purely pointing out that if horus was not stabbed what was the plan for the rebellion?
>Rival primarch dead
>2 speartip retards kill each other while their legions get massacred in a siege war because they are dumb
many such cases.
they had a chance to do that in Arks of Omen and opted to explicitly say there were none
>0 primarch kills
>ran away
I'd say the Iron Warriors are only good at killing civilians but even the Night Lords do that job better.
>0 primarch kills
pert beat angron and fulgrim.
dorn killed alpharius and beat fulgrim.

meanwhile all shock troop brainlets do is die and get outsmarted.
>storm eagles
Why, to torture them?
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*dumps cement onto the premier speartip out of all the legions*
*kills all of them*
The fluff for escaton power claws says they were shared between the NL and SoH but only the NL have them for some reason.
Dorn got killed by chaos cultists, immediately invalidates anything else he did

Mortarion (as a Daemon) got out enduranced by a dying khan

Siegefags on suicide watch
khan jobbed to a rusty knife and got buttfucked by vect for 10,000 years so morty won that one.
>Realize Horus is losing it
>Withdraw before Chaos fucks up the Legion
Yeah, cowardly, sure.

>Istvaan V
Cope harder
>pert beat angron and fulgrim.
>dorn killed alpharius and beat fulgrim.
Amazing, a whole 0.5 primarchs.
Incorrect, khan has been competing in commorragh motocross and banging his Wych harem since he disappeared
the khans been getting spitroasted by aeldarki drukhari for 10,000 years. fully sissy hypno type shit. vect castrated him and probably cut his tongue out for too many marvel tier quips.
This thread is just becoming nonsensical at this point. Remember when HH wasn't about marvel tier capeshit fights?
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>Remember when HH wasn't about marvel tier capeshit fights?
It's just IGfag simping for the iron nigger as usual, he has a melty whenever someone insults his daddy.
shouldnt you be jobbing to a cement mixer rn?
no, I remember people always arguing about which primarch was the strongest.
Why are you so fixated on gay rape?
its not my fault that your stupid capeshit tier primarch got cornholed for 10,000 years
I get that the Iron Warriors are space Greeks but even actual Greeks aren't this passionate about the topic of man-butt.
Counter counterpoint: Because Peter Turbo left
your primarch is vect's fleshlight. lmao.
Even the "erm primarchs are le capeshit bad" guys are joining in on primarch slap fights, oh yeah, it's over (or just beginning)
is an overseer consul ever worth taking besides "for the flavor" (which is a perfectly valid reason for me)
What's even the "primarchs are capeshit" train of thought for playing the game, is it some autistic "well the primarchs are terrible but we are recreating istvaan III" or do they just use first captains as if they are any better
people who actually play the game ban special characters.
That's such a nogames thing to say.
Recreating Army of Dark Compliance from 1.0
IDK, I think people who take primarchs *in game* are retarded, and people who argue about them out of game are retard*er*

Also this >>93965939
Ideally they bring their dudes, not BL's.
id smash your primarch with a hammer if you try to take it.
DO you take primarchs unannounced to games of heresy anon? Are you that guy?
hes a nogames 40kid fag like all primarchtards
Probably true, but I feel like it was worth the ask. Out of curiosity, how would you feel if someone used the rules for a named character but used a different mini meant to represent their dude?
>how would you feel if someone used the rules for a named character but used a different mini meant to represent their dude?
I'd feel better knowing I'm not the most autistic person in the room
Turning the primarchs into characters was a mistake. Everything should have been told from the marines' perspectives and the primarchs should have just been figures that were looked up to and speculated on.
I wonder if BL has a dick measuring contest to see who can get their shitty donut steels made into models.
I usually have enough models to run a list with or without a primarch.
>I'd feel better knowing I'm not the most autistic person in the room
Hahahahaha fair enough
Avoiding the question
I take a primarch to every game he has a dedicated place in my army case, do I use them in every game, no.
Dumping sixty bodies into your list for a low price never seems like a bad thing.
>who can get their shitty donut steels made into models
Luther when?
The legiones auxilia rules are either meh or very situation *cough* inductii *cough*

But, space marines whipping normal humans to make them fight harder is sufficiently grim dark, so I'd say they're worth it
>I wonder if BL has a dick measuring contest to see who can get their shitty donut steels made into models.
and FW never did that ever? lol
id tell them to fuck off.
>I take a primarch to every game
lmao what a retarded faggot.
Fair enough
NL would absolutely use power daggers, harrower rounds and sonic shriekers
It always amuses me that an AL FotA Comtemptor Warlord can take a Power Dagger because he's a character
I bet he uses it reverse grip too.
reminds me of the AL stealth dreadnought copypasta
speaking of primarchs and alpha legion, can you run both of the twins in 2.0?
Omegon has no official rules.
>Everything you said.
Basically states that the stories were poorly written opposed to dopey Dorn. They start running out of ammunition because the plot wants them to.
Working on some rampagers for my mid-late heresy eaters.
nope nope nope

can't run two Primarchs because there's one slot per Detachment, can't double up because there's no mechanism for that and in any case Alpharius has the Unique sub-type so you can only include him once per army

you could do it by agreement for a one-off game, or in a narrative campaign (by taking both in your army pool but only ever fielding one at a time) though I'm not sure how much fun that would be

plus to run both with the 25% Primarchs/LoW limit you'd need at least 3750 points
why would DorkMech have those

it literally says they were sealed up in the vaults of hel by the IH
badass senpai
i hope they have a tank to be vomited forth from or a warmonger to get them where they need to be
One side was outnumbered 9 legions to 3, until the EC fucked off to give the Terran population 10k year long Astartes PTSD. That's besides the number of (sub)human troops on each side, and daemon reinforcements for the traitors.
Now the loyalists did have an incredible defensible position, which does even the odds a little. But running out of ammunition under such circumstances doesn't seem that unlikely, even with years of preparation and stocking up. There's only so much room for boolets inside a certain area, and you also need food and water supplies amongst other things.
Nta but it was a generic relic before that anyone could take.
>it literally says they were sealed up in the vaults of hel by the IH
"How they were later spread is unknown, but must surely have involved the defection or capture of high-ranking Terran artificers from the Imperial Palace or the secretive tech-clades of Luna, for it is thought improbable that even those Iron Fathers who raided the Vaults of Mimir would dare to unleash such dark techno-heresy upon the galaxy. Whatever their origin, these foul technologies were witnessed on several battlefields as the Horus Heresy drew towards its climax, both on Traitor armour and among the ranks of Ferrus Manus' grief-maddened sons." From book 8 which introduced it.
meant for >>93966270, I'm going to sleep now because I somehow fuck up two posts in a row
How would one go modelling a power dagger onto a Dreadnought anyway? A blinged-out chainfist? An itty-bitty knife held in his power fist? A (comparatively) short sword on a leg holster?
It's a dagger the size of a power sword, and is in a concealed carry sheath inside the leg armour plates.
A combat knife strapped to the side of a power fist.
an entire marine chained to one of his fists flailing wildly with a small energy blade
(he could also be a fucknugget lacking legs and perhaps an arm)
>a fucknugget lacking legs and perhaps an arm
the khan...
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>fully able marine with a power dagger comes out of the sarcophagus
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Jackal; order of the jackal wore lapis blue, not the order of ruin.
In <my dude>'s campaign backstory they landed three siege dreadnoughts on the carapace of an imperator titan and dug into it until they destabilized it's reactor.
did they all die ?
are there any legions with truly and fundamentally ferocious character beyond the wolves, blood angels, scars, eaters, and perhaps luna wolves?
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FFS Dreygur is from 2015, what were the old command squads scaled against, RTB01?
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So basically this?
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“This armor is shit. Give it to the Inductii
What critique if any, did any of you have have with 1.0’s ruleset? I hear it was actually pretty decent.
Look Out Sir and Artificer Armor sergeants gave squads functional 2+ saves. Evened out primarily by the enormous amount of AP2 blasts.
Never gets old. Iron Simps and Dorncels are always whining about feats and whatnot, while Guilliman and Big Lorg literally define the setting itself

Only the Emperor has more impact
its all contrived to make the defenders seem heroic when in fact defending in a siege is far easier than attacking and requires almost no tactical or strategic brilliance given the straight up massive advantage it affords.
The second story in the Mars book is a big fumble, I've heard
Salamanders aren't awful. Nick Kyme is
You think these are shit?

I'll let you read the "Scion of Cyclothrante" warlord trait:
>Only affects corrupted automata
>Only protects against HAYWIRE, of all things
>You must ROLL for the bonus

It's so unfathomably fringe it might as well not exist.

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