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Confessional edition

>Balance Dataslate:

>Community Links:

>3rd Party Models Pastebin:

Info hash: d91d8b9daa9c5dc9105fc0ec09812cbc17a752b5

>10th Edition Rules:

>Tithes Animations

>Previous thread:

>Thread question:
that insult is cold
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Shrike kill team when?
I have yet to paint a model I own
I bought my first minis in 2020
I do have paints on the way though so I will finally correct this
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What did you work on this weekend?

I painted a Chaplain and a Judiciar. Had to headswap the latter because even though the model is really cool for the most part, the default bandana Gollum head just looked too ridiculous for me.
I have literally never played the board game or owned even one model nor can I afford it, just a lorefag
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How would you recommend someone new to Blood Angels expand from this box unit wise? Not super interested in the Combat Patrol
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>please stand in a single line to hand over your male children, it is not mandatory, but your family will be disgraced for 10 generations and condemned to social ostracism if you do not, thank you for listening.
I find the idea of feudal worlds pretty grimderp, given how production scales work, it takes comparatively 0 effort to give these worlds enough tech to develop versus yknow dealing with medieval peasants within your empire
its still cool though
those resources to develop them, a world that may not have the resources worthwhile, could go to a war zone instead anon
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>love 40k as a setting
>dislike primaris/new lore
>want to get into 40k painting/playing
>no pre 8th edition group in my city
I suffer. What do I do? I started in 4th and quit in 8th and sold my two armies. I played 9th and 10th probably 5 times each on TTS to see if I’d like the new editions and I simply don’t.
but an industrialized population is much more productive than a feudal one so they end up bringing more potential value
clerical oversight
it sounds to me like you like the idea of painting but not the process itself
You can't argue with it anon, they'll just handwave the stupidity
Idk if this counts as a confession but I love building/kitbashing/converting models but hate painting them.
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Sometimes during a game against a friend I'll realize they're forgetting a rule from their army, like a datasheet ability, but won't speak up and attribute that to the 'fog of war'
>What do I do?
Either take part in the hobby or fuck off and talk about trannies somewhere else. You don't actually care about primaris or "nulore", you're just looking for excuses to be a sperg on the internet.
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New points balancing when? I'd like to have a usable army again.
After LGT
just play horus heresy, you already know this
find something else worth your time.
I sold all my models, im hoping 11ed has somthing cool in it that isnt xenos so I can actually get back into 40k.
Painting comes in bursts. You build a pile of shit, then ask yourself why you spent 300 bucks on shit you're not painting, then in a week you paint a bunch of models that have been sitting around doing nothing for months. Being a hobby rather than a job, the enjoyment is from doing it at your leisure.
horus heresy sucks donkey dick
Are you waiting for some yet unreleased imperial faction or what?
>x*nos player
Just play HH but proxy your solar auxilia as slaves of the Slaugth, there's your xenos army.
its the edition you care about, there are no primaris, there is no psuedo power level list building, stop being a little baby and eat your peas or play HH
Primitive, savage, dead planets create good warriors for the adeptus astartes.
Core games shit even ignoring the marine on marine homosexuality
I'm painting aos now so I have nothing new to share, sorry
and Fuedal worlds can provide some basis for good recruits in lieu of something like a Deathworld
Plus depending on how fuedal you want to make it, the planet can also influence SM culture
>industrialized population is much more productive than a feudal one
Not if the population cannot function in an industrailsed society or again theres nothing to be made on mass because they live on a near lifeless rock
>Rogue Trader lets Navigators become Assassins
huh it makes sense, and its super cool. 5% of Assassins could be navigators back then
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You could do all sorts of wacky shit in early editions
Moreso was worried of fucking up the paint job of expensive models.
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My friends are such casuals that they never remember mission secondaries, so I've stopped caring about them myself.

We also forget the morale phase.
How's the game in general anyway?
Worth playing?
That is not a Goodwin-approved design.
best line in the game
I feel the same. I hate playing a card game while also playing a wargame
Any Tyranid scholars who can recommend how I should build my first Hive Tyrant? Winged seems like the right key choice but I am also an idiot so I could be wrong
I wish the game involved the card game aspect even more.
Do what looks coolest.
Or magnets.
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Consider Cthulhu head
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>3 years since last Inferno volume
Honestly it's too bad. I like these anthologies.
It literally uses 7th ed rules though.
>It literally uses 7th ed rules though.
and 7th ed was such a great edition
>I want to play pre-9th ed rules
>not those ones though
30k stuff, mostly. First set of guardsmen is supposed to arrive today though.
im not the original poster from the chain, and I'd like to play a 40k ruleset thats actually good, not something that reminds me how god awful GW writers are.
Does anyone have a link to the full 8th edition guard codex? I want to read the lore but the copy's I found only have the back half with the rules.
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>40k ruleset that's actually good
Wthat's your predictions about mark VII armor models? Will GW replace devastators and tacticals with mark X models and never mention them again - or will they release new ones for Horus Heresy? But then again - aren't them "too modern" to be part of Horus Heresy range? Or maybe they are too iconic and GW will not dare to delete them from 40k - just like they chickened out with termies? We all know they planned to replace them with gravis units...
For some reason finding 8th edition codexes is a huge pain in the ass, sorry bro
Okay so you just wanted to argue then.
GW probs wont ever squat the models, they are still probably like their 2nd best selling kit. If they did they'd make a real scale version, they made plastic models of the older marks they're not going to squat MVII
I got so mad when I saw L*andros as the chaplain at the end of the game

GW will retcon it so every Legion had access to Mark VII during the Horus Heresy.

Primaris technically existed during the Heresy so you know what the next stop is.
Despite the memes chaplains appear to be more taciturn and less shouty than their not-chaplain comrades.
>Primaris technically existed during the Heresy
No they didn't.
Do gw stores have demo armies so newfags can play like a 500 point game, or even demo kill teams so people who aren't moneybags can play them and think about buying a 60 dollar kill team instead of a 170 dollar combat patrol? I was just thinking instead of having employees play demo games it would make sense if they let people play demo games like that to advertise warhams better.

Or even better if you let people rent armies for a game. Make it like a subscription service with a little 'insurance' money for broken/stolen model. I'm a genius, GW better not steal my jewish idea.
>Wthat's your predictions about mark VII armor models?
Box of 20 in sprues of 5 in the style of other new HH marines. Ultima pattern bolters. Possibly with Mark IV pattern backpacks.
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Jes Goodwin and Gave Thorpe have been holding the eldar back for decades and I'm tired of having to pretend otherwise.
That wasn’t me, I asked the initial 40k question about not like 8-10th. I like Horus heresy for the rules but it’s dead in my city unfortunately too. I wish it were more than just marines and some imperium but I would still get into it if there was even a small scene.
I've said it before but sometimes when I'm bored I shitpost as both an eldarfag who hates BA and a BAfag who hates eldar. I don't play either faction.
>I don't play
we know
>Retcon such that Primaris have always been present
>all Cawl did was push some 10k old patches to live everywhere instead of just a few chapters like the minotaurs
>MK VII and other meme armors that you can't actually differentiate are just made bigger to fit truescale
>interpentetrators, coprophagites, aggravators, and other meme primaris units just get folded back into "tactical squad"
>gravis just get called "terminators" and has bulldog helmets on the sprue
tbqh I think this would just piss the tertiaries off even more. They'd start talking about how Primaris was SOVLFVL and Cawl and Girlyman making super space marines in a lab was LUDO PEAK KINO LORE.
I have an insurmountable backlog of not just 40k stuff but miniatures for Warhammer Fantasy Battles and minis in general I bought as practice minis. I have more on the way to complete some armies because I might as well finish them at this point.
The HH thread has confirmed you can play armies like orks with 7th ed codex rules.
>>MK VII and other meme armors that you can't actually differentiate are just made bigger to fit truescale
Primaris are actually larger than troonscale.
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My degenerative eye disease has been getting a lot worse lately and I'm considering killing myself.
I mean on the tabletop, the dorks at Black Library could never agree on how tall a Space Marine is supposed to be in lore anyways.
Hopefully in a few years consumer bionics will be available for you to enjoy life in glorious 120p
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Building some flash gits

i was a massive waacfag when i was young, and i was an eldar player too so the memes really write themselves. honestly surprised anyone wanted to play against me, i was a filthy fucking cheat and it sickens me to this day

i bought a fuck load of paints when getting back into this hobby yet my painting skills are laughable at best. i havent even opened over half of them yet. the fuck was i thinking, why did i need over 20 different varieties of green?

i went halves in the leviathan box and to this day havent taken anything out of it. maybe the rulebook, which my friend didnt want but its still all there, unassembled, sitting underneath my desk
which brings me to my next confession. i am a very angry individual, dunno if its come from my dad or not or a shit upbringing but i get furious at the drop of a hat. so instead of playing nids, i decided that i didnt want to take this game too seriously and get a bunch of orks, i thought that i could fit into the ork player trope and just be goofy and enjoyable to be around. i havent played a game in this edition yet btw, all of my army is mostly greytide getting painted at a fuckin snails pace but as long as its getting done thats fine by me, im not in a rush or anything
I only paint models to have anons comment on them because I'm lonely
this is actually a concern for me too when i paint, i have to use those shitty 20 dollar glasses with the magnification and you can buy from amazon. it wasnt that long ago that i didnt need any of that shit
but anon you confess that in every thread. you arent one of the IG players by chance are you?

I don't get along with just about every person that plays this game, I fucking hate the lot, but the nostalgia value for me is too much, I miss playing with my friends as kids, most likely I will just play against people I know and leave it at that
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What's the 40k Tabletop Sim discord these days? Thinking of getting into it again.
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NTA but you have my attention.
So are the rules really similar enough that you can just plug-in a 7th codex out of the box without twisting or houseruling or adapting anything?
I'd be interested in trying out 7E nids.
i got drunk every day because im not far off being an alcoholic but i started to build a snagga squad

ive heard that box is really fun to build. dunno if ill ever bother getting flash gitz yet but they look like great models, makes me wanna start a freebooters army
buildin' some armigers for my skitarii, gonna try to magnetize them so i can switch between the two variants
thats one thing you'll get over once you start, once you get the ball rolling, even if its shit, you'll keep going to get shit done. even if its just one model per day its still progress
Can I recommend turning your alcoholism into a hobby and making your own booze? It's at least an excuse and is certainly gratifying
we arent surprised desu. whatever makes you happy anon, even if its at the expense of eldar and space marine players
Seems like it, thanks anyway anon.
so ive thought about it, and given that ive become a massive beer snob ill need a decent setup for it, brewing lagers out of one of those cheap all in one kits isnt going to cut it. ive got friends that do it, but they own their own houses and have rooms dedicated for it, whereas im renting and we have no space for it atm, well at least an area that isnt exposed to light, heat, etc. as i understand (to do it seriously) it is quite expensive to get a decent setup but it becomes very cost effective later on. some of the beers my friends have brewed have been fucking amazing and they generally just follow a recipe that someone from a well known brewery has leaked (like Verdant brewing in the UK) which alone is a big inspiration. needless to say, despite all of my excuses, im a lazy cunt and will probably never get around to it
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Any tips for painting this fucker? Sub assembly or naw? (I haven't ordered him yet).
up to you anon, maybe look at the sprue on the warhammer site and see how hes built and what shit is best to paint separately. maybe paint him separate from that base, having to paint around those two cloaked arseholes would be a fucking pain
Wonder what the painter of that thing was thinking while painting that pale veiny shaft.
Help bros, I cant decide what chapter to paint my space marines as. I want to be a special snowflake and do something uncommon, but I also want official lore. Right now Im considering Lamenters or Novamarines. Thoughts?
No. We're doing genestealers with wings.
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Finished up my priest
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Exposed for phoneposting
Guardians of the Covenant
Sons of Medusa
Tome Keepers
Are some other options
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I wanted to make some snakebitez, so I went for earth tones with this nob. But I also like the greenish blue and yellows that the old artwork has. I don't know which to go with, but I also don't know how to apply those colors to all components of the boyz' sculpt.

That is to say that I basically don't know where to put which colors. there are suprisingly few examples and guides online for snakebitez that look tribal and beaten but still have the old colors. Right now I'm leaning towards the grey pants, brown shirt, blue straps, and black boots. maybe dirty gunmetal for the weapons and some copper.

mantis warriors, tiger claws, raptors, sons of medusa, crimson fists are some of my personal favs

that's done? put some thin seraphim sepia or a light blue wash in those things he has hanging from his collar to make the little swirls come out more. put some in the collar itself too
Space marines do differ when it comes to height. Some firstborn marines can be actually taller than primaris marines. Gabriel Angelos and Tyberos come to mind. Primaris are generally taller because of new organ, but shorter primaris marine will still be shorter than taller primaris marine.
Who are the most reasonable marines?
Fair enough anon I might go in there with a green wash
Black Templar
Grey Knights
For me, it's the Vorpal Swords. A true snowflake chapter.
You should do the Adjective Nouns
How many marines in lore are described as fuckhuge super special?
The entire salamanders chapter are supposed to be big as shit too.
They already truescaled the command squad box with the banner bearer and the normal armored captian, they truscaled terminators.
Should just do that with the tactical and devastator squads too.
>Should just do that with the tactical and devastator squads too.
nah, mk7 looks like shit
They are the most reasonable, the best of the best, the most valourous, the most loyal, the most famous, the most iconic, the most stable, the most asskicking, the most good-empire-building space marines of all the space marines.
>How many marines in lore are described as fuckhuge super special?
All of them.
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they are indeed the most esteemed and exemplary chapter in the entire setting and they have a cool rivalry with the WB
Alpha Legion
Initiate Summers is looking good anon.
In terms of what?
Ultramarines, Imperial Fists, Salamanders
>Facing the enemy head on not caring about civilian casualties?
Black Templars, Marines Malevolent, Grey Knights
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idk m8 just pick one you like
>Sallies under investigation for not duly screening evacuees
Fantastic. May the long colon of the law take the fattest of shits on them.
make that armor shine.
How do you make the armor shine, anon?
Missed armies on parade like a dumbass, I had my board nearly done but I didn't check the date
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>turns your model 20 degrees away from the golden angle
Sorry if this gets asked often but I was wondering what Black Library books you guys would recommend? (If any)
I'll take a mini that looks great from one angle and acceptable from others over fully edge highlighted sloppa any day
None, read actual literature. But if you really must then the lords of silence.
It depends on what kind of story you're in the mood for and what part of the setting you're interested in.
BLslop is unironically terrible. Stop at the setting and basic lore of 40k, anything deeper is trash and I'm not trolling you or anything
the setting and basic lore of 40k is trash too, just make up your own headcannon.
>Rift Stalkers have a dope name
>but an incredibly boring color scheme
I wish GW would bring back tabletop battlefleet and include rules for incorporating it into narrative play and campaigns. Imagine getting to fight for orbital control of a planet before landing troops. They already brought back epic with legions imperialis, so battlefleet gothic is just one nova cannon away.
How deep are you into 40k?
If you're on the surface level, go for the Ciaphas Cain books, as it serves as a great explainer for the 40k universe as a whole.
Beyond that, it depends on what faction you're more interested in.
Can reccommend the Siege of Vraks though because Dkok kick ass.
its amazing how boring the imperium is as a whole compared to the snippets of litteraly anything else in 40k. Even votann mogs the Imperium.
The fleets of each respective faction must suck, so that ground wars can happen.
If the imperial navy would manage to stop all the enemy reinforcement or worse, stop the initial invasion fleet, then there wouldn't be any ground battles, which is kinda the point of warhammer 40k.
so, the attack and defense fleets genuinely don't matter except as background fluff.
Is that a Shrike or a Winged PRime?
I'm not overly familiar with the setting aside from the basics which is why I kind of wanted to explore the books. I do like the military aspect
I'm guessing it's overall poorly written? I know of Dan Abnett from his comics and heard he was one of the better 40k authors
>I do like the military aspect
You might be further interested in the older campaign books for various factions, or longer conflicts like the Siege of Vraks, the Badab War, the Damocles Gulf Crusade, the Sabbat Worlds crusade, the War for Armageddon, or whatever else might suit your fancy.

But also yes Black Library has a history of bad writers. Look up the infamy of C.S. Goto if you want a good example of the slop.
I think Fifteen Hours was a fun read
shame you're capable of neither
>I know of Dan Abnett from his comics
The Eisenhorn and Ravenor books are good. They're not high literature, of course.
is basecoating in leadbelcher and painting the panels with akelian green a good way to get alpha legions metallic blue
Stopping being called no models secondary was a factor in my getting models
ciaphas cain series is a great start, anything by Dan Abnett is guaranteed worth
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Deathworlder, its the best most recent Bl book
Recent abnett is trash though
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Some men just want to be bulk.
I got drunk and played vidya with my friends again instead of painting. Gotta get my head back in the game.
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Leandros did nothing wrong, he did everything correct.
His fair treatment of Titus proves he is righteous and all his actions were for the good of the chapter and the Imperium.

Adhere to the Codex Astartes motherfucker.
Senile Horus in TEATD is a treasure.
This anon speaks true. Leandros is the model astartes.
shut the fuck up, I admit he was fair in the new game but no one likes a snitch, its obvious he was jealous of titus in the first game
also imagine continuously threatening him with le "one step of heresy" after what titus has done for the chapter, continuously, tell me thats not a personal grudge
dude is lorgar 2.0
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I greebled mine together but they're great fun (maybe for the first time in their history). playing them in 3rd-5th was an exercise in frustration
csm would be cooler if all of the trim was limited on their legs.
leandros is a faggot who willingly ignored the codex he was a purist for to report titus to the inquisition and not the chaplaincy, and he was wrong the whole time on top of it
It's incredibly fucking suspicious to have a marine come out of all the warp fuckery of SM 1 unscathed. A potentially chaos corrupted captain is a risk you cant afford. It would be incredibly embarrasing if an entire company went traitor and it could very well happen.
Hence why he is the Chaplian, I used to dislike him even if I understood his actions but Space Marine 2 fully redeemed him in my eyes.
How is he a snitch? It's literally your duty as an Astartes to root out heresy.
Even Titus himself acknowledged it was his fault for not dispelling Leandorses suspicions.
you report to your chaplain, not the inquisition
all he did was put the UM under scrutiny and hand over his captain to a literal daemon-possessed rogue inquisitor
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I was smiling like a madman instead
I want leandros as the playable chaplain class now
he doesn't know better than the fucking chapter master, if I was Calgar I'd demote that fucker
Leandros simply wanted to keep Titus on the right path, it is his duty to the Emperor, to the Gene Father and to the Chapter.
Nowhere in the Codex Astartes does it state you should report a heretic brother to the Chapter before the Inquisition.
>Nowhere in the Codex Astartes does it state you should report a heretic brother to the Chapter before the Inquisition.
yes it does, flufflet
the chaplains are there literally as the first line of contact with any questions of morale or loyalty with a marine in your company, it's up to them to decide if somebody's showing too many signs of heresy to be sent off for censure by the inquisition
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I don't varnish my models because varnishing seems too permanent and it's just to touch them up every once in a while when I find a flaw.

I also don't base my models. If my models have the Martian red sand and my opponent's has metal spaceship floors, it ruins my immersion.
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That's because you are thinking in nowaday's categories. But Leandros did EVERYTHING like his chapter taught him so. Chaos is everywhere, anyone can be corrupted, you need to stay vigilant, always inform your superiors (or inquisition) if you suspect heresy or chaos taint etc. He had EVERY reason to suspect the worst: Titus was called a mutant by a fucking chaos sorcerer and daemon prince in spe, he wasn't following Codex Astartes, allowed himself to be tricked by a false inquisitor possessed by chaos daemon to open a chaos gate and on top of that had contact with 40k equivalent of warpstone explonding to his face. So yeah - Leandros did nothing wrong - and clearly his Ultramarines pals thought the same, since he was elevated to a position of a chaplain. Cope.
Anyone got the interior illustrations from this? They're the only part of it I care about.
Show me where this is stated in the Codex.
Well he was promoted, if Calgar though poorly of Leandros he wouldn't give him the most respected role in the company.
I hope we get to fight along him in the sequel.
There are things that must be kept hidden.
>and clearly his Ultramarines pals thought the same
except calgar himself which knows the inquisition are corrupt clowns and that titus was clearly innocent, now, why he allowed the guy that snitched on him to become a chaplain is a plot hole if you ask me, he said it himself he was fuming when he learned of it
>Show me where this is stated in the Codex.
show me where it says talk to the inquisition first :^)
>Well he was promoted, if Calgar though poorly of Leandros he wouldn't give him the most respected role in the company.
because they didn't think of the leandros plot twist until writing the rest of the game, calgar literally tells titus he was pissed at the little faggot who got him imprisoned for a century when they meet again
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There is such a thing as doing everything by the book and being correct and still being completely /wrong/.
That's why people despise Leandros. He technically did nothing wrong by the codex astartes, but his sheer puritanical adherance to the codex still led him to make a bad call about his captain.
Ironically enough, it is that sheer adherence to purity that makes him a great chaplain.
Yet nowhere in the Codex does it state you need to report heresy to them before the Inquisition.
In the situation on Graia it was only logical to contact the Inquisition first.
Besides why the fuck would they make him a Chaplian if he wasn't the moral beacon among his brothers?
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she was hot
the first founding chapters literally operate on a level of authority separate from the inquisition and high lords, there's nothing in the setting to support an ultramarine willingly going with an inquisitor and not his chaplain other than wanting the game to end
>Besides why the fuck would they make him a Chaplian if he wasn't the moral beacon among his brothers?
because they didn't think of the leandros plot twist until writing the rest of the game, calgar literally tells titus he was pissed at the little faggot who got him imprisoned for a century when they meet again
>That's why people despise Leandros
Again - it's because people thing in real world's categories. In 40k universe people think differently and something that we call a virtue in 40k is called corruption and sin - and vice versa.
The assumption here is that my friends care about such gay ass rules.
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It was Titus himself who told Leandros not to interpret the Codex so narrowly.
she was a cadian.
LMAO that pic got me
Nah I assumed none of you finished your models
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>reddit tier meme
>doesn't base his miniatures
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>no proof you shouldn't report to the Inquisition first
>hard fact is just poor writing
Cope and seethe
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I think they're fun.
try harder with your bait next time
The only time this should concern you is if it's a special or unique model you can't get anymore. Even then, you can always strip it and start again if you aren't satisfied with the job you did.
No one asked
You got logically and morally defeated.
Take this as a lesson not to believe any cope you read on r/spacemarine
Calgar was angry at the Inquisition for punishing Titus so harshly, not that he was investigated in the first place.
wrong, watch the cutscene again
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He's a big guy.
Guy is a total lorelet and a liar.
probably forced him to that position like :
>"you wanna be an autist about the codex fine , youll first have to fucking shut up for decades"
yet all you can do is parrot memes from 1d4chan
>"Forgive me, brother, that it took me so long to bring you home."
>"My lord, that is-"
>"Fierce was my wrath when I learned of your detention. In their arrogant suspicion the Inquisition failed to recognize the truth that no evil shall overcome a devotion such as yours."
Where's the part where he was angry at Leandros?
>fierce was my wrath
>but I'm totally fine with the one person solely responsible for it
just admit the entire ending of SM1 makes no sense, the inquisition shouldn't have been called, and they 100% wouldn't bring the fucking black templars as their muscle
I'm still waiting for the part where Calgar was angry at Leandros, anon.
>What mfs who eat eggs look like
>no argument
I accept your concession
I'm sorry the the evidence you desire does not exist to support your irrational hatred of Leandros. I wish you a long life.
I'm sorry you subsist on nothing but 1d4chan shitposts and being a subhuman contrarian
Didn't need to repeat yourself calling him subhuman when you already accused him of visiting 1d4chan
Why does no one listen to chaos
>no one likes a snitch
Spoken like a heretic
>Black Templars
This meme has to stop. In Helsreach a BT literally sacrifice himself to save a ragtag group of dock workers.

In the BT short stories book, an initiate disobeys his orders to purge all the chaos tainted population by sparing a woman and her kids who seemed innocent enough.
>None, read actual literature

Why would i? Is it about Warhammer? Then why is it even a comparison worth mentioning?
>Calgar aboard his battle barge around when Graia happens
>Chapter serf/personal servant/victirx guard comes up to him
>"My lord, there has been a Chaos invasion on Graia"
>"Well huh, how'd that go?"
>"It was already contained by the second company, my lord."
>"Alright, glad that's done with."
>"The second company must be assigned a new captain, my lord"
>"Captain Titus fell on the battlefield? He was a good marine."
>*cut to chapter serf making non-committal noises*
I mean how the fuck do you lose a marine for a century, especially an Ultramarines captain
I asked
>I do like the military aspect

Gaunts Ghosts series by Dan Abnett should be a nobrainer then.
>all the lore, evidence and the story proves Leandros was absolutely right
>literally only r*ddit comments suggest he went against the Codex Astartes without ever showing any proof or quote to back up this claim
Yeah, we're the contrarians here.
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>>B...b...but bl isn't canon because one novel hat a thing i don't like so that means the whole bl is non canon
Read Space Marine by Ian Watson.
>only reddit comments
what a pathetic fallback,
maybe if you actually read your codices and not just lexicanum and 1d4chan you'd actually know what you were talking about but here we are
Where in the lore, evidence or story does it prove that Titus is a heretic?
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You're only allowed to go against the Codex if you're the protagonist.
Okay anon but if we had to explain their chapter generally outside of Helsreach or a BT short story, that is their MO.
Brother you're making the claim he's a hypocrite and went against the codex, show where is that stated and I'll agree with you but as it is, Leandros is pure of character and pure in his actions.
He is not a heretic, I never claimed that.
>all the lore, evidence and the story proves Leandros was absolutely right
except he wasn't, titus was proven loyal three times over and literally died to serve the imperium
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The same people think inquisition in 40k universe is le evil organisation because le torturing people and stuff.

Retards don't understand that reporting heresy or psyker is a virtue in 40k universe because consequences of doing otherwise may be cataclysmic, including full blown daemon incursion and turning a planet into daemonworld - just because somebody thought it would be bad to report that cute kid with pretty blue eyes to the inquisition the moment it moved something with his mind.
reddit-tier botpost
A person can be convicted of murder they did not commit without the police and prosecutor doing nothing wrong.
What if:
>Titus became corrpted on Graia
>Secretly nudges the 2nd company towards chaos
>2nd company rebels or spreads their influence to more companies
I think Leandros did the right thing. Could have been the fall of the entire chapter.
Absolutely correct.
Absolutely retarded.
no they can't, ESL
uh oh samefag melty
Can't wait to see what other buzzwords anon knows.
Calgar himself thinks that Leandros did nothing wrong.
Titus not being corrupted doesn't invalidate Leandors's suspicions and action, the man himself states he is to blame for not quelling Leandorses suspicions.
Titus treated him as a child, not a brother, he brushed aside his concerns without realizing how his actions and the situations he found himself in came across.
Same shit what happened in SM2.
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The paint was unsalvageable. 45 minutes of water didn't help and even pliers couldn't get the lid off.
Roboute Guilliman approves of Leandros.
Some very nice freehands on those shoulders
Explain how it is wrong
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this dude is finally going up for pre-order next week btw
You don't speak for Roboute Guilliman, cretin
Winged looks cooler. Don't think you can really practically magnetize it to be both if you pose it flying supported by the tail.
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Trying to turn this repentia superior into a Palatine. Need to find a good head to use and hopefully some reasonable accessories.
go back to 2nd with psyker using a dedicated card mini game
The Leandros and Titus thing is really uninteresting because it's just a ripoff of what happened in the Uriel Ventris books
>d-debate meee!!!
I shan't entertain your delusions, redditor
Leandros the chaplain, is now higher than measly Titus.
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Roboute Guilliman approves of Eldussy
Roboute Guilliman and his aeldary girlfriend who awoke him with a kiss from death!
Even by 40k standards, Leandros (and if we're being honest, the UM chapter as a whole) took the codex too literally.
The Codex astartes was penned to be more of a guidebook, a series of suggestions of what you *could* do in a situation. Not something you want to religiously follow at all times, because there's no way, even for a Primarch, to account for every single possible scenario that could ever happen in a battlefield. Touching a chaos artifact, for example, is something you want to avoid as a rule of thumb. But if touching it for the sake of its destruction helps save the planet from destruction, then that's probably more helpful than harmful.
So, by the letter of the book, which Leandros was interpreting the Codex Astartes as, everything he did was perfectly rational and pure. By the spirit of the book, that Titus was interpreting it with, Leandros failed to grasp the true value of the codex, and thus made a bad call with his accusation. Something he probably had to admit with grit teeth in SM2 when he said the taint wasn't found on him at all.
If you weren't into 40k and your boyfriend was as obsessed with 40k as you were would you find it annoying?
>GW doesn't sell the basic Inquisitor model anymore
You really need to start sucking cock.
All things considered? No.
it's not like I'm making constant references to it or anything, I just nerd out whenever someone asks me about it and shit.
To under the basic philosophies that Warhammer tries to rape.
Let me know if you do.
On a side note, do you think it's ok to use greenstuff to add a bit more hair to a SoB model, or are you better off kitbashing it in blender or something?
The Codex Astartes and Calgar speak for Guilliman and they say Leandros is the moral pinnacle of the Ultramarines SECOND company hence why he is the Chaplian.
Cope. Seethe. Dilate.
Every time a new 40k kit comes out I'm reminded that our models just look like shit compared to Age of Smegmar, and the "40k models are older" cope isn't even valid.

Like seriously, what the fuck is up with that?
It's like they have interns modeling for 40k and move anyone with any kind of creativity or experience to the other games.
you aren't fooling anybody, go back to the containment general for your dead game
By adhering strictly to the Codex Astartes that the Emperor wrote and then Roboute Guilliman also wrote because everyone apparently wrote the Codex Astartes, the Ultramarines became the most valorous and bravest and bestest and strongest and most awesome and most loyal and most incorruptible space marine chapter there ever was.
Since the Ultramarines can do no wrong, then neither did Leandros do wrong, as did Titus (except that he could and should have just broken out from the torture chambers to prove he is right).
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I find it insulting that a bunch of retards from a couple of tournments decide how strong or weak an army/unit can be.
Like, poof! some neckbeards from LA had a little game and now, your army is now -300 points!
I think Mandrakes are cool and need more love.
That is all.
>still being sold by GW
>stuck in Legends in 40k
>but not playable in HH like the other FW daemon engines
what's going on
Yeah the games balance being dictated by an extremely impossible to achieve balance point is retarded, doubly so when the 40k team are incapable of writing. Wish they had a dedicated concrete goal.
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>Thought Pariah Nexus would tilt balance to IG because of the emphasis on battleline units
>Still get smoked by TDMfags who prioritize kills over objectives
Hope to god the codex makes guardblobs more viable.
Leandros didn't report Titus for not following Codex Astarter to the letter tho'. He reported him for surviving explosion of warpstone to his face, being accused BY A CHAOS SORCERER of being a mutant/heretic/whatever and failing to notice Drogan was in fact a puppet of a chaos daemon which lead to opening a warp gate upon the world of Graia. Leandros did a good thing in terms of wh40k standards - reported something suspicious and possibly danger. It was Inquisition's job to determine if the accusation was right or false. if anything - it was inquisitor Thrax that is to blame, not Leandros. If Thrax wasn't obsessed and clearly biased against space marines, he'd let Titus go after a month of interrogation and the case would be closed.
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>Noooo don't use data from games
Ok who should I be asking? Frank from the LGS that doesn't know how the fight phase works 15 months into an edition?
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Pitch black elves are cool.
GW should play their games and run test before releasing a new rulebook, but since they want to shart out a new edition every 3 years, it seems too much to ask
And I don't want my army to get a nerf because someone cheesed and spammed something so ridiculous it should have been fixed before releasing the rulebook
>Hope to god the codex makes guardblobs more viable.
I don't even know if it's possible to make light infantry viable in 40k anymore. It feels like 4/5 models they release now is all dedicated anti infantry.
>GW should play their games and run test before releasing a new rulebook
Do you genuinely believe they dont test them?
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It did.

Not because of battleline, mind. You drank the koolaid on that one.
Man, now I kinda wanna see how some vantablack would work on Mandrakes.
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>And I don't want my army to get a nerf because someone cheesed and spammed something so ridiculous it should have been fixed
Read that sentence again back to yourself and realize what an utterly clown-tier statement it is
I might just end up using the open visored helmet from the battle sisters squad
Well I personally can't 3d model for shit but I can kinda do greenstuff sculpting so I would definitely try if I had the inspiration to add hair to a Sister.
Not him but almost definitely not. They actually had community play testers a while back in 8th or 9th but they all got let go.
The Votann fiasco proves they don't test enough. Whoops! your army is actually too strong but we already made the rules and the book, time for a pdf!
said spam/cheese should be nerfed BEFORE releasing the rules
Like those retards who spammed tau drones or DE birds and now the tau drones are glorified tokens and the dark eldar birds are gone
I can agree they should test more or they should also hire better players for testing, but I think the idea that they don't playtest at all to be irrational.
>said spam/cheese should be nerfed BEFORE releasing the rules
Ok, cool?

You also said you didn't want your army nerfed because someone dared to use the broken rules and show GW how bad of a job they're doing. So your issue is just misplaced impotent anger at tournament players rather than GW. You are a clown, honk honk.
leandros wasn't there for any of the interactions with titus and nemeroth other than nemeroth first appearing, but good try
Yeah, I tried something like that a few years ago. I was looking to capture the "hair over both eyes" feel for a custom SoB, and while it worked, it didn't look natural. Greenstuff might work better.
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What faction would best represent my oshi, Dizzy
The expectation for an army shouldn't wildly change between every update.
Votann because both are faggots.
The treaty of Mars needs to be rewoked, they're going too far.
It was so cool seeing it in the game
it's a dead techpriest reconstructed and puppeted by the nids
looks like the kind of utterly unenthusiastic basic bitch who once pressured would pick normal eldar and get bored halfway through the first unit
They might do the absolute bare minimum when writing something like the space marine codex (I'm talking like working through one or two scenarios solitaire style at most) But beyond that there is absolutely no chance anyone writing most of these fucking overpriced books plays the actual game in any real capacity.
Am I supposed to see something here? It's a cool lotd of change and a woman who I would tongue fuck.
that birb was fucking HUGE in SM2, as well.
I was almost expected some Warp Kaiju fight
I don't understand the point of this.
You never post your models?
a mentally stunted man desperate for replies like yours
>immediately thinks of orally servicing the bitch
Spoken like a true small dicked, chastity cage wearing sissy
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I confess nothing

I'm practicing doing more checks on my dudes.
Crazy tech priest accidentally starts a GSC on necromunda. Gets killed by the inquisition but the the patriarch he accidentally let loose saved part of him in the nid brain net and made a new version of him supposedly under the patriarchs control.
In the vast majority of cases it doesn't, unless something was broken and in need of more severe fixes in which case it should have been.

None of which is tourney player's fault
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Theoretically could the Imperium use this aspect of the Nids to clone people?
imperium already has vatborn clones
not the best, but i bet they look great on the table top, well done.
that's exactly what's happening? You mean non-genestealer cloning? They'd probably still require a gsc broodmind to keep them up.
I like to think he's just a slightly more individualist version of the other gsc characters and the reason all genestealer cults have kelermorphs/nexos/primuses/maguses is because they're all copies of copies of people the nids ate long ago.
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where is the pic on the left from?
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>reading through 4th edition rulebook
>100 pages dedicated to unique and exciting narrative missions, how to run multiple different styles of campaigns
>section on how to homebrew your own rules
>whole section on handcrafting terrains, making a wargaming table, crafting custom tokens, objective markets, etc .
>provides templates to make bunkers, ruins, buildings, etc

What the hell happened to Warhammer 40k? I didn't realize it had gotten so bad
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>look mom I posted it again
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Once they realized they were the only game in town GW has never stopped pushing the envelope of what they monetize and overcharge for.
>What the hell happened to Warhammer 40k?
Nothing, it's the same as always.
If you want your tables to look like the picture on the right you should start hobbying and craft that terrain.
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>models haven't even shipped from GW yet
>already picking bits out of my collection to kitbash new stuff with
I love kitbashing so much guys.
Why is it that the eavy metal pictures look so smooth compared to the pic on the left? The left one has so much visible texture
are more expensive paint brushes worth it even if im a mediocre painter?
they aren't really worth it overall regardless of skill
get a good couple of 5 dollars brushes from somebody like rosemary & co that can hold their tips well and use them for your finest detail, the rest of your work can easily be done with 20 cent bulk synthetics from china
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You might as well be speaking greek, anon.
I'd wait until you learn how to take care of your brushes before moving on to anything really expensive, but in my experience the better brushes absolutely were worth it, just kept their tip better and had better control. I use a brush restorer to keep my brushes clean though.
You started 40k after 8th edition.
you don't own any models
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I'm going to the store tomorrow to grab some paints. Maybe a dumb question but does anyone know what colors I should get for this scheme? Is there a brand should look for or are individual citadel pots okay? Is there a general color that's good for gun barrels?
leadbelcher or any steel is good for metallics
pro acryl bold titanium white and apothecary white contrast
any prussian blue for the body
Kitbashing and homebrewing /yourdudes/ is the endgame of Warhammer 40k
If i was not a retard etc. and actually had models, i would kitbash (even a little bit) every fucking model, even basic troops. I would name everyone and maybe even put marks under their bases of how many battles they have been and how many they have survived alive. Veterans would get kitbashed more shit on them and eventually get new paintjob.
Nowadays, all the information about building terrain is available online. What's stopping you? You can look up model train layout tips as well as other people's wargaming board build techniques and build this sort of board for yourself and your friends. It costs next to nothing.

As for fluffy mission play, play crusade you retard, that's literally what it's for. You don't have to pay a dime, it's all available on Wahapedia. Or, alternatively, the core rules are free now, so just buy the crusade books, they're full of fluffy, imbalanced missions.

I play crusade missions on TTS mostly (I have 3500 pts painted but some of my friends are half a country away) and there are some amazing terrain layouts available there. My poorfag friend got really into making terrain layouts that would be prohibitively expensive or inconvenient to store in real life, some even for specific crusade missions, and made them all available on the steam workshop.

Point is, this kind of hobbying is alive and well, you're just too much of a lazy fuck to engage with it
Yes. Still doesn't change the fact I'm right.
If you want your gaming tables to look cool with great terrain you better start hobbying and make it yourself.
You can't just give up because GeeDubs won't spoonfeed you.
There's a reason why a lot of Kitbashers use 3D printed parts for their armies when they can't find the right bits.
Thanks! Is just black okay for the bodies of bolters?
>>100 pages dedicated to unique and exciting narrative missions, how to run multiple different styles of campaigns
9e had ~600 pages of Crusade content, plus Boarding Actions, plus Charadon, Nachmund and Octarius War Zones

I know your post is bait but its fun to look up quite how much stuff there is that people barely play
Latham has probably posted the whole recipe online. You just gotta find it.
I'd recommend a dark grey, that way you can wash over it and add some definition still
Wow the mockup on the left really shits up the paint scheme,
The internet.
This is my first ever paint job and right now I'm just trying to get the basic scheme down. Is it okay to go back later and try to do fine details and shading once I have some more experience with painting or is there some arcane paint problems that might cause?
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I use Abbadon Black for Boltguns. Along with some metallic paints for the parts where I think it makes the most sense. But you can make your guns whatever color you think compliments their chapter colors.
Picrel, some examples for weapon colorization from /mydudes/
Oh thanks I'll go looking for it
You could do it that way, but I'd recommend getting shading into your workflow asap just to get used to it, you don't have to do the slop all over and then layer the base to clean up method that GW and duncan do, could just learn to shade into your recesses only
>edge highlight on top of a rounded kneecap
hate to say it but edgecoc was right
Whenever Huron Blackheart defeats a space wolves officer, the lowest-points space wolf units get the 5/6 chance to immeddiately betray the space wolves and join the Red Corsairs.
I believe that the children of Dorn have the worst and cruelest curse that a space marine could have inherited from their primarch, they have... magical depression.
Thanks anons, I've been putting this off for way too long
dizzy would definitely be another nid girlie bc space bug. either that or maybe DE
It's a shame, I think the majority of players would have more fun playing crusade. I honestly think the only reason it isn't more popular is that players can't shake the tournament-brain mindset and let things be imbalanced.
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I feel you, I still have a combat patrol set I've been chipping away at for years.
After that, comes the Terminators.
But now I went back to college so that's been eating up my time...
>Seeing how badly the sergeant has gunk on it after taking the photo
I swear I need to clean up these models one day and base them.
vacuum your room and dont let the cat inside it ever again
Your onager looks very nice, Anon.
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Kek I know. Luckily I moved and have no cat with me. My next paints are gonna be a lot better I promise.
How are service bolts put into heads?
they value nothing and ruin everything.
Thank you, I'm in the process of edge highlighting the red now, there's a lot more to do still.
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You should read the Lucille von Shard stories btw.
>cute redhead
How did that get past Black Library's DEI Commissars?
by them being in your head
The dyslexic employee was on vacation this time.
How big is the barrel of a las-fusil compared to a regular Devastator lascannon?
I hope it ends by her getting eaten by coconut crab tyranids.
Lion should start calling the Dark Angels by diminutive names. He used to do that before he got knocked into a coma. Corswain was Cor, Holguin was Hol, and so on. It would mess up a lot of the current crop if he started casually referring to his closest underlings as Az, Zee, and Bel.
I recently read the siege of vraks and I really liked it, picks up slow but then gets a real page turner
The infinite and the divine is fun, Gaunts ghosts is great if you liked the A-team, Ciaphas Cain is fun

I play Imperial Guard btw
You’ll like the fluff that goes with your guys most
I dare say the black rage and red thirst is a smidge worse. Although I'd say the Salamanders have the worst curse.
Been thinking about how all of the most interesting parts of 40k lore have basically been abandoned. Chaos are now generic bad guys, rather than a heretical religious opponent. The AdMech looking at tech religiously rather than scientifically is gone. Imperium in decay is gone. Old stuff being better is gone.

I've read a bunch of the novels and it's funny how all the protagonists are basically agnostic or secular in a setting that's supposed to be about religious fervor and has literal gods and demons. The idea that the Emperor is a false god created to stop the masses from worshipping Chaos is a fun one. But no he's just an actual god now
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This hurts me.
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Priest for confess thread
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His face is so red he looks like he's melting.
At my LGS, the crusade league was just all tournament metalists competing against one another lol.
Toxic girlboss material is still applicable as long as whatever fetish she fulfills is totally empowering or whatever.

And you still need attractive white women to portray in interracial relationships with black men and only ever black men.
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Best craftworld colour scheme?
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So if the League of Votann have access to the age of technology and STCs, wouldn't that imply they dunk on Adeptus Mechanicus and even the Imperium?

How can any other human faction even compete?
That's horrifically cringe, though I guess if EVERYONE was doing it it balances out? Crusade kind of demands that you play with a group of people who know respect each other and will all play by the same informal rules of not playing super sweaty. Its best for friends, not strangers.
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After all the effort GW has been putting into making 40k more appealing to women, trans people and blacks, how big is their combined demographics? 5% of the customer base? 10%? It can't just be to improve the esg score, right?
arent votann few in numbers?
The weird thing is that outside of the crusade league it's just people playing tournament style games with tournament rules. Even the LGS discord has new people asking for competitive units and lists so narrative is dead here. At the very least some of them seem interested in Necromunda. Sweating in fucking Warhammer of all things is miserable.
we have a few girls and trans people in our 40k club, so it seems to work.
He's a big fat bastard
Just build more missiles
Latino here.
It was entirely to improve their EGS score.
Shit was built and pushed by fat tumblr communists at the beheast of their masters, the political activist type.
But as for demographics? Eh. You're getting about the same ratio of Primaries to Secondaries. They love 40k but don't necessarily have the time, interests, or money to spend on 40k models.
So basically, like all the ESG initiatives, the results are awash at best and an active detriment at worst.
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the sleek surfaces of the eldar units scream to be decorated with metallics, washed metallics (think idoneth deepkin armour or some of the ways people paint the alpha legion armour) and colorshift paints
but if you want to stick to something canon then you can't go wrong with ultwhe, black and off-white in one way or another can fit any unit of the army and any characterisation of your force
but I've got a very soft spot for iyanden so if I were to go eldar I'd probably try to rework their colour scheme by turning the pastel yellow and bright blue into something more like pic related
Are they really few? They do procreate by cloning, after all, and are overseen by sapient senile supercomputers.
Their own fleshy numbers shouldn't really be that much of a problem. The fact that their votann superduper-STC-gigamechamachinebrain elders have run nonstop and take decades to answer a question because they know too much ought to be the problem that the kin are trying to solve.
>So if the League of Votann have access to the age of technology and STCs, wouldn't that imply they dunk on Adeptus Mechanicus and even the Imperium?
No real reason to.
Imperium and Mechanicus stays away from the galactic core because it is an inhospitable shithole and terrible place to live, so they just steer clear of it.
>How can any other human faction even compete?
They can't, that's the point.
Hormagaunts and Termagants should be:
1) renamed. they both should have either the gaunt or gant suffix, preferably gaunt.
2) a dual build kit
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Thanks to the anon for the change recommended to the priest, also painted up some more of the retinue
I was thinking maybe Iyanden and do nmm on the bodies. That might look good but idk, thats a lot of yellow...
Meh, just remove both and replace them with more tyranid warriors.
Warriors are cooler than any gants anyway.
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no, termagant is a word
no, their new kits are perfectly fine
>I want 40k to be even more homogeneous
Nah they should just change both into a big swarm on one big base with a bunch of wounds but make it weaker as it takes damage. I'm tired of waiting for you to finish moving your bucket of gants every turn, nidtrannies
can someone explain me the episode where they go get ammo from that planet invaded by Orkz? That was a massive brain fuck for me. Especially the end.
its a testament to how long they've both been around, that they're not a dual kit like everything else
the variation on the bodies are cool instead of just different arms
Bruh, WotC doesn't even play test Magic anymore. Do you think a sloppy ruleset like 40k is going to?
He was there when Nemeroth was talking about Titus being resistant to his touch and of the warp. The rest are implications of that fact and Leandros just connected the dots, just like Nemeroth did.
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I don't really care about KT but I do find admech aggrievement amusing.
it was about how the administratum is such a ponderous, draconian and distant authority that entire worlds are doomed out of clerical errors and sheer indifference towards the compromises they make in the grander schemes of things

the troops on the ground were expecting supplies of ammunition
the troops sent were instead given the order to gather their ammunition, dooming the world to the orks, so that the ammunitions could be sent somewhere with more strategic value
except upon delivering the cargo to the administratum, turns out the administratum will have to destroy the delivery because at the moment they can't manage it

for the characters in the episode it was a situation about life or death, duty or treachery, for the administratum it was a 0.002% error in warehousing estimates during their efforts to better redirect the imperium's resources
At that point they're certain to get one anyway so it's no biggie, the models already have plenty of wargear to represent unique stuff.
Death Guard are fucked as well.
I'm expecting a Grey Knights vs Death Guard box next or Daemons next year since those factions don't have a KT, not sure where Admech will fit in.
I could see an Admech vs Death Guard box being cool thematically, Nurgles gifts of life versus the Omnissiah's gifts of machine.
What would Admech even need as a unit though? Something from 30k?
What would Death Guard even get? Just a Plague Marine upgrade?
I feel bad for them, they've been shit for so long now
I feel like GW just doesn't know what to do with admech. The fans get the faction a lot better than they do. That said I still enjoy the minis
I only really enjoy the techpriests themselves and then skitarii and ruststalkers
everything else is pretty hit or miss
Yeah, I'm not against trying to push mechanics to their limits trying to win, but listbuilding like a competitive player is lame.

My favorite 40k flex is running balanced lists using only the models I own and have painted in real life, against my friend who keeps building pseudo-optimized lists he thinks will be super competitive (he 3d prints but hasn't painted a single model, and so far he's only played against me on TTS). So far, I've won the majority of our games by a thin margin, and I think it's starting to frustrate him. Last game I won by 2 points in turn 5, only to later realize I forgot to import a whole 10 man squad into TTS when building my list. I feel like telling him about it now would break him.
Woke activists don't spend money on niche things. They demand every aspect of society kowtow to them, but at the end of the day, they only care about Apple and Starbucks and whatever other mega corporations own the political party that pretends they matter. Pandering is what they want. Inclusivity is just the phrasing they use to hide what shitbags they are.
deathguard got gellarpox :)
imperial fists are awesome. why do other space marines suck so hard?
They literally just have to add the 30k stuff, it has the right mix of robots and priests to bring the army to the standard it should be at. It's deranged they can't do anything like that.
>the Salamanders have the worst curse.
what is the curse?
Don't say "be black"
>not the best
You're not wrong. I'll get better the more I do it.

>well done
Thanks anon!
>templates to make bunkers, ruins, buildings
Got any of them templates?
ehh I only don't really like the chicken walker and the tank, everything else is still cool in my book
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>Becomes a Daemon without any Chaos God ties
What's GW brewing up for our boy Corax next?
Seems like across 40k the people making the decisions have shit creativity. Unlike smegmar where it's just cool thing after cool thing
you joke, but...
>cool grub things, great base decoration for knights
>flies can be added coming out of the exhaust of something like a rhino or land raider
>unique glitchling sculpts (when tf else do you actually ever get glitchlings instead of nurglings?)
>hulking gellarbox dudes are honestly just cool, and could maybe pass for a chaos spawn or something idk
It's expensive for what it is, but if can get a decent deal I'll totally buy one
People think they're "good" and are cursed with being played by weak willed jabronis who don't have the stomach to play "bad" guys because they have to self-insert into everything they do and think too highly of themselves to play an "evil" faction.
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How many Iridium Crisis Suits can I build with two Crisis Suit boxes? I've seen Taufags say that you cannot build a whole squad in the iridium armor variant with 1 box.

I know the rules for them are dead, hell I don't even play Tau, but I really like how they look and wanted to build a few of them out.
ok can those big ass empire worlds produce more ammo? Are they really wasting all those spacecrafts etc for a bunch of ammo? This doesn't make sense I would make an awful administratum guy.
Maybe they know 40k will sell anyway while they have to put effort into aos? I dunno
Damn anon that's a super fucking cool admech collection. Don't think I plan to get to that much but I eventually want to have the entire range
It's crazy how much better the 30k stuff looks. Like, compare the stupid fucking higgins boat in 40k thing to the 30k assault tank
I'm fine with the higgins boat because the transport version looks like something they'd use as a maintenance craft or something. All of those extra priests would be awesome for fleshing out the cult mechanicus and the robots are just really cool.
Magnus and Angron are jobbers
Only Fulgrim and Mortarion are worthy daemon princes
>muh abaddon and lorgar
what the fuck is wrong with Tau boxes, wtf
Nothing I just stole some of the bits :)
Why did abbadon become the big bad and not lorgar?
because Lorgar keeps jobbing to Corax.
Bro even locked himself in his room to escape him.
Alright I won't say it but it is what I meant. I mean it must suck for the hugbox chapter to be so distrusted and feared because they look like they do.
It looks cool fuq u.
Hi. I'm interested in getting into 40k. Tau specifically. Any recs? I have no fucking idea where to start from.
Also I really like the weeb mech.
Should identify what models you like the look of, and take a peek as to how they fit into the rules, I suppose.

Tau's Combat Patrol is pretty decent and can fit into any detachment so thats an upside, don't have to immediately made a decision. Depends how much you know about the game or if you truly have no clue
Literally going in blind.
Alright well as I said Tau's Combat Patrol box is solid and everything in it is decent so start there if you really want to jump in, or just grab a smaller box like a Strike Team and see if you even like building/painting at all.

I like them a lot as a faction, only downside is that you won't really learn close combat mechanics all that well as Tau never want to be in it
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How long between shut appearing in the Sunday preview and releasing?
I want that carcharaodon audiobook badly
angron has done far more than fulgrim or mortarion
female custodes
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So this guy is supposed to be a zoanthrope-like genestealer metamorph?
I'll say what you're all thinking, the wings on the dark angels' helmets look horrible.
Is it jobbing if you lost to someone objectively superior?
Read more lore and, yes, get the combat patrol box, have fun with crisis commander.
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Is Farsight+Combat patrol too much for a beginner?
Are they compatible ingame?
female custodes on my dick
Ones on HH paladins are good
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no, it's some zoanthrope like spore who is raping a poor fuck sideways from the inside.
GW should retcon Perturabo being a daemon prince in the first place.
Farsight is a Leader just like the Commander in the CP box, both attach to Crisis Suits and make them more effective. Don't really run them on their own. If you go on from there to grab some Crisis then yeah its fine

Wouldn't say its too much, really down to you if you want to put that much money into it to begin with
necromunda genestealers are basically the innercity gas station crack heads
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Sexy female bodyguard squads!
What HQ's should I be taking if I want primarily kasrkin and valkyries
Arigato. I tried opening the Tau manual but it's like it's in chinese.
How does that "attach to Crisis Suits" work?
Gimme some good kitbash accounts to follow for inspiration (ie rip off)
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There's Leader units you can include in your army, and at the start of the game they can be attached so a certain selection of others, referred to as Bodyguards. Makes them function as one unit for basically all purposes, have to move around together. Things like that.

Farsight attaching to a Crisis team boosts their shooting to more easily wound when within 9" of your target, and you can use a Stratagem on them for cheaper or free. Which would be something like move after shooting that you would usually spend a Command Point to do
You can run character and its routine as a single unit, this lets them both use each others rules.

For example Farsight gives you +1 to wound, while plasma crisises reroll hit rolls of 1, so together they have both bonuses.
Shift them to their backs.
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Can someone make genestealers cool to me? I like their aesthetic, but them just being basically grunts for the Tyrannids is super lame. Likentheir main goal is to be eaten by a better faction...
Is the manual sentient? If so then you may do the morally correct thing and violate it. That is the Tau and White Scar way. It is what the language seeks too.
They're the cuck faction for a reason. Besides them the only gsc fans are contrarians, coomers with bad taste and commie revolution larpers.
Pretend that your genestealers are a separate parasitic species.
Well, they're infiltratiion grunts who infect people into becoming their followers, and then over the generations and lots of inbred fucking, after really really lots and lots of inbred fucking, new true genestealers are made.
And the genestealers love to kiss guys and girls.
there are times when the patriarch of a genestealer cult grows so powerful that it decides to go against the hive fleet because of how they're created to work independently of the hive mind and the tyranids have to go to war to quell their rebellion
This kinda goes against the idea of hive mind...
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genestealer cults form their own hivemind with the patriarch at its center
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Anyone who watches Valrak remember him saying anything about a potential separate Blood Angels model that he initially though was going to be one of the WH+ models? I can't remember the details of what he said the model was supposed to be. It might've been a Terminator Captain or something. I'm just wondering when that might come out at this point.
Combat Patrol + Farsight + one box of crisis battlesuits (built as 3 Starscythes) puts you at 500 points on the dot.
Alpha legion is for fucking cuckolds and retards
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Give him the Genestealer's Kiss.
Most unexpected place you have found inspiration for a paint scheme?
Making great progression blue bangels anon, keep it up
why didn't this retard just resurrect himself like vulcan
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When I was a kid almost 20 years ago I used to wish the emperor was real. Like I live in a very non religious country and wasn't raised in a religious family. I guess the idea of the Emperor met some unfulfilled need for faith/spirituality 10 year old me had. Yes, I was and still am extremely autisitic
>If i was not a retard etc. and actually had models
Stopped reading here. Secondary opinions irrelevant
It's absolutely unique army. 99,99% of genestealer cult are normal people infected with genestealer kiss that are fanatically protecting their deformed children, throwing themselves with knives against tanks. They are fearless rabble - but unlike zombies they are normal people that are fighting for a cause. They are revolutionists (like another anon said), but from a horror movie, not commie dream. Imagine normal people living their normal lives and then, at the magus' command, they immediately stop doing what they are doing, go outside en masse and throw themselves at guards and arbites. Hybrids are their leaders and first generations (with most alien look) are their shock troops. Purestrains sit with patriarch in the center of all this. Absolutely chill and cool idea.
Me slaanesh. Me wish some people were real for the sole purpose of raping them.
I dont understand what you mean. What's the joke?
These ones?
The Votann have given me more interest in Destiny than Bungie has in years. In spite of that, I still think of Bungie as a bunch of whiny, abusive cunts who sold Halo to MS, complained over and over about changes to a franchise they don't own anymore, and were assholes to Ensemble Studios, then tried turning Halo into Call of Duty to crash and burn it out of spite. The Votann have not made my opinion on Bungie any more positive.
There's 3 types of Crisis teams (Sunforge, Starscythe, Fireknife) all from that box, depending on what weapons you give them.
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I don't wash my hands after jacking off so i wouldn't be surprised if my models have some of my cum on them or in the paint.
>Black, Red and Gold
golly gee buddy, if only every single army didn't already have a subchapter with this utterly classic combo
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That's actually my fear if GW ever does 40k ET. The Terra Genestealer cult will kiss Emprah but Emprah is so strong he overtakes them and this somehow lets him hijack the incoming Nid fleets. Then they die to Chaos anyway.
>golly gee buddy, if only every single army didn't already have a subchapter with this utterly classic combo
Unironically /mydudes/.
I'm probably the most basic bitch vanilla dude there is.
It was more the application of it to metallics and it being dark grey instead of black.
Cringe idea.
Any genestealer or whatever genefaggot that gets 100m of the Emperor will instantly combust, burn and be incenerated till every single organic molecule is carbonized due to the immense psychic power Emps outputs continuesly.
Because if he stops focusing the warp gate directly to Terra will open and the system will be lost, which includes the Grey Knights and Mars.
High Elves and Dark Elves joined together because Malekith was the true Phoenix King in ET.
Dark angels only look good with a hood.
I never played WHF, but that still sounds gay anyway.
That was the stupidest idea I ever saw in WFB fluff - or maybe even GW fluff (wh40k included) universally. After all those years I'm trying to figure out who the fuck in GW thought that was a good idea. Dark Elves LITERALLY orchestrated a daemon incursion on Ulthuan at some point so the concept of them reconciling with High Elves is absurd.
Imo, it'd look better if they were shorter, but still I'm not a big fan. Which is weird since I do like the bunny ears on Khorne Berzerkers.
Beside the point, but I wish loyalists made use of the crests that WE use, but it feels too Chaos coded/influenced design so it'd look out of place on most loyalist marine models.
But I agree with this anon >>93964135, about putting the wings onto the power pack instead if it was possible to do so. And then maybe a small wing crest on the helmet ridge instead.
Alright, thank you so much. I ordered weebmech, and I'll try to swing by the stores in my city to buy the rest and get info about local play.
I like both options.
Enjoy it anon, take your time with painting and enjoy the process it isn't a race.
I find the implication that you can just take the wings off at any time funny.
I remember when people made posts about this having 3 weapon options with 1 being this said power sword, 1 being the mace carried by the Watchers and then a chainsword/eviscerator calling back to the HH model.

It's a great model regardless but it does make me wish to see that as a model.
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Chaos HATES him
This guy,>>93963922, has it right. Necromunda tyranids are just crackhead tyranids. So fucked up and deranged, that the hive-mind doesn't even want them anymore, but as dangerous, if not more, in all sorts of ways.
>Anyone who watches Valrak
WHFB High and Dark Elves hate each other with a passion. I'm talking
>Given a choice between jumping in Slaanesh's mouth and helping the other side, they'd physically pry Slaanesh's mouth open to stuff themselves
kekd out loud
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I used to live near a popular kink club. One night they were doing goth themed night and there was one woman in a wedding dress. Kinda had the Venom colors with Jade gems.
Kept that color scheme in my mind if I ever want to do an inquisitor, Deldar, or something of the sort.
It's fucking embarrasing that the fat cunt uses that art as his avatar.
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First modle any advice?
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I’m too busy playing a mediocre game to paint like I should.
Hood or toned down knight helmets (think bladeguard)
But the winged Helmet for captains is pretty kino.
Although for /mydudes/ I would probably use few third party items for the knight helms, unless someone has a better option.
It's important to get a nice even basecoat. Try to do 2 thin layers.
Also dont wash the model all over, just apply it in the recesses.
Also stop gluing the model to the wall, makes it harder to paint.
need to work on your brush control but that will come with practice, you should also layer your base color blue back over the non-recessed areas after doing a wash all over like this, otherwise you get this coffee staining on your raised areas like you see in your pic
don't be afraid to go over areas where a color spilled onto a surface you didn't want it on, painting is an additive process and as long as your paint is properly thinned you can put down plenty of layers before it starts affecting the model itself
Thanks definitely did that second bit will try to be a bit less liberal with it.
First, turn the picture 90 degrees. Thank me later.
Second, for a first model it's fairly alright. The Bloodied Chainsword is a pretty nice touch, and the bolt pistol is well painted. The chestpiece is a nice shade of gold as well.

In the future, consider using a secondary or tertiary colors to break up the primary color (White or black is a good place to start, and metalic trims, but feel free to use whatever color you like). Do not dunk your model in Nuln oil or other shaders, covering the reccesses is usually good enough.
Also, put terrain on first, then place your model on top, this is easier in the long term.
The irony is that in 40k it was the Harlequins that orchestrated a daemon incursion of the Dark Eldar city
I thought it was Eldrad, like always.
Thanks all enjoyed making it and will keep as is but put advice into the next ones to see how I do.
Looking forward to seeing your next model, newfren
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Same as >>93964637 but it's getting back into pokemon, I played the campaign of SM2 and finished it and it was okay, but operations are so annoying to play it made me realise I only just about tolerated the game for the story, and now that's over I have no real interest in going back to it.
One of my favourite past times is being incredibly opinionated on topics I do not care about in the slightest.
This is the way.
Noob to painting here, when you're painting a bunch of grunt units like intercessors, is it better to finish 1 model completely before moving to the next, or to work on several at the same time base coating, shading etc?
Good luck on your model painting adventure
Ah, I see based on those numbers being higher than everyone else's that you are also a Heavy Multimelta abuser.
Only makes sense to do all of one thing on a number of models.
Depends on how "Complete" you want to make them.
Personally, I like to take my time with each model, even the Primaris Tacticals, so I typically do one, maybe two at a time. But some models you can rapid fire out, like guardsmen or orks, you can speed paint with enough practice.
Working on several at a time is more efficient but also more soulcrushing. For a beginner I recommed going one at a time so you get to feel that "finished model satisfaction" more often so you stay motivated
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Batch paint your entire army
>List submissions closed 23:59 Sunday
>Realized I should have made a change just now
Makes the most sense to me, thanks
Batch painting is the best way as long as the models have similar details, it will also save on paint and be quicker in the long run, though it comes with delayed gratification as you won't have the small bursts of completion that you do with painting models one at a time. The only exception is if you're painting to a super high level, as it's hard to do things like get smooth blends across multiple models at the same time, and you'd even likely have models broken down into smaller sub-assemblies that could get muddled.
batch painting is more efficient but you'll fatigue much quicker and open yourself to missing details or making mistakes
I usually don't paint more than three infantry at a time if I paint multiples
how much blood gets seeped out when you are burning someone alive, asking in the name of khorne.
Play a different army
none usually or very little
Think in the timescale of a single character, one Inquisitor, investigating reports of a xeno cult forming underneath the hive capital of some planet. He's allowed to wander, as it is not yet time to rise, the Star Gods are hundreds of years away still. He prods a bit too much, however, and the order goes out. He must not be allowed to leave the underhive.
Or if you really don't want to deal with the Cuck aspect, there's a thousand ways to work around it, rebellious patriarch, mutated strain, Hive Fleet got wiped out before arriving, Chaos infection, etc.
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Can someone give me the rundown on this generals affection for Jumex mango nectar? I see memes like picrel of primarchs drinking it here sometimes. Is it the threads official drink of choice or what gives?
It depends how it goes down.
>covered in gas and set alight
surprisingly little
>dying in large pyre (at the stake, in a building, whatever)
maybe slightly more if the skin cooks and peels before burning but still not that much (also they probably died of smoke inhalation way before any of that happened anyway)
Honestly, the results of severe burns have more Nurgle energy than Khorne.
Almost none, the heat cooks off the moisture in the body and the dry material warping and breaking makes popping and hissing sounds as moisture is released. The smell is horrific.
there's not that much blood in a body to begin with, the fire needed to burn someone will burn the 4-5L of blood pretty fast
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Drink deep for you will find the truth
how hard is the screamer killer to customize? im not a fan of having multiple identical models but this guy seems pretty mono pose, even the ruins he's standing on are molded to his foot, not a separate piece
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even without significant cutting work you should be able to get away with an alternative look just by having the other foot stand on a tactical rock
I just finished "Dawn of Fire: Hand of Abaddon".
Does anyone want quick spoilers?
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Is it ethical to steal wigs?
Is there a lot of women and people of colour in the book? I only read books with plenty of representation.
that is acceptable. i might try to turn the head as well, but from what i can tell from the 1st one i put together, that will be a bit of a task
Yes. Women are very important in this book. Two of them from the opposing sides of the conflict break the glass ceiling and emerge from the shadows of men to seize their destinies.
Terrific. I'll put it on my must read list. Too busy to get into it now though, I have my hands full with my panafrican womens studies course work.
Anyway, we got from the novel...

The Blackstone Fortress where the final battle takes place had maps of alien galaxies which suggest that it had been there before.

....So the probability of the Tyranids being Old One bioweapons has increased imo.
yeah, the head is the tricky part, the neck in particular
some options would be:
-just printing an alternative head https://cults3d.com/en/3d-model/game/space-bugs-of-death-singing-slayer-heads
-scratchbuilding a new neck from the spare hips of a tyrant's kit
-cutting off the neck altogether and lodging the screamer killer head way more solidly inside the cavity, somewhat like a tortoise retracting its head and resembling a bit more the original model, as if it's preparing a big scream, bonus point here would be grabbing a normal carnifex's bioplasmic screaming head and giving the skrillex an extra thing in his mouth
bullshit conclusion on your part
Thats some shit lore. I prefer the women breaking the glass ceiling. Honestly all the blackstone fortress fluff was a mistake from the start.
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i rolled my foreskin over my callidus assassin mini
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At least partially.
Not a sin, be at ease. I've done it to a few of my models too.
Kesh becomes a living saint and befriends the Sister of Silence. She cures Rostov of his curse. We get more confirmation that Pariah abilities don't work of Faith Powers. If you don't know who Kesh is she is the Mordian sergeant from earlier novels. She is on the cover

Yeng betrays Tenebrus. He dies. Seemingly absorbs the soul of the BSF and steals the reforged Anathame aka the very same sword that laid low Horus. The implication is that they are going use it on Roboute or the Emperor.

The inert BSF is given to the Kin who happily tear it apart to harvest blackstone. THEY ARE GOING BE RICH
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For what purpose?
Guys maybe it was actually a good thing I was cirCUMcized...
It's funny that you guys are maimed because a corn flakes manufacturer thought it'd reduce the chance of you masturbating. Assuming you're american.
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thank god i'm not the only one
my printer is out of commission at the moment, printing room got turned into my nephews playroom, and im probably not going to bust out the chemicals again for a few more years until he's a bit less rambunctious

i've got some green stuff so i may try my head at just sculpting the neck. i also have a spare head from the norn emissary kit (the assimilator head) so i may see how that looks on him. the assimilator and the screamer killer are actually almost the same size. regular carnifex is a fair bit smaller, but i've got some extra monstrous creature arms from the tyrannofex kit i may also be able to use, but im not sure how out of place they would look, the new tyranids are significantly more....textured than even they 2012-2016 ones.
The Lord demands the foreskins of Philistines as a qualification for kingship. C'est la vie, really.
>tfw still no official Kheradruakh model
Grot behavior
Are chaos genestealers still a thing? I thought was some old lore thing that got written out.
I want to read the infinite and the divine. Where's a good place to get it that would perhaps not give GW my money?
Old fluff from when they were pretty much their own thing
Nice try Inten-kun.
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Man up and get yourself one of the OG screamer killers for variance.

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