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Best 10th cost demon eye on its own?
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Form Duality, it's incredibly versatile if you're smart about it and doesn't have the limits other equivalently versatile eyes have.
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We need more waifu makers and picker cyoas.
Ultimate null. Ultimate safety.
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Vampiric weakness? reverse it, now you are ageless and without weaknesess
Old? go young
Injured? heal yourself
Increidibly versatile. Make vacuums to drown people or simply explode them with pressure difference. Fill rooms of water or another liquid. Blind enemies. Make evil enemies good.

It's only weakness is when states have more choices without a direct opposite, which is hard to come by, a pretty situational weakness you can easily navigate
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>Dies to a super sniper hitting the back of your head
>gunfaggotry when you have MAGIC
Only if you don't have any precog or speed enhancing aura. At that point, literally every single eye jobs because they can't activate it for an unkown threat.

With precog aura or another aura like Sword Arts, you catch the bullet
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is this OC?
Just invert your vulnerability to bullets.
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Its old.
>precog needed
The classic time wizard dying to a land mine.
Sufficiently understood magic is science, which bring me back to guns.
or speed enhacing power aura. There is several ways inside to stop a bullet.
>wizard dies to gun
>wizard dies to missile
>wizard dies to drone bomb
The modern world is kinda powerful desu
It is. It just keeps losing in media because of plot convenience.
This makes you wonder wtf is attacking Kleidi that she needs a Luminary to save her. From the powers we've seen from Isi, Jian, and Luva, even if you were going all-out you can't cause more damage than a modern Earth military already could, and we're supposed to be a backwater compared to wherever Kleidi comes from.
>Boku no Jobbers Academia. Where most kid's powers are worse than just a handgun
For my hero academia cyoa. I choose to have the quirk: Gun. Where I buy a gun and use it to kill 99% of the cast.
Parasitic is power absorption, mind control, and hivemind.
>burn you to death
>drop a piano on you
>banish you to the void
>change your intestines into candy
mages steamroll its not even funny
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Physical or psychic build?
I imagine some kind magitech army of anime warriors.
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I'm tempted to say psychic because it grants 2 unique abilities.
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But it seems like physical would work better for most worlds.
The player seems to be only barely above building level. The scenario doesn't make sense.
Oh no... Aromage moment. I guess authors watched too much anime/played too many games and now think le underdogs can actually pull this shit. Is not like in every case, the villains are so fucking retarded that they keep fumbling and going easy until the end. She needs the help of the Luminary... to get those porch pirates away from her house! The police won't do shit.
Even for those too dull of wit for anything other than unga bunga, there are already powers that let you cut through, or block, literally anything. But more importantly there's a power that makes you the biggest brain around, so you could invent all sorts of comic book bullshit to win wars without having to get your own hands dirty at all. I'd also bet that Luva will have some kind of super politics perk when her page is done, and who knows how bullshit her final tier of fire magic will be. Only an idiot couldn't massively influence a war with just the above, and that's with only two and a half Artifacts out so far.
Living armor or Organic Weaponry to go with Biological Multitude?
You don't undestand if I can't destroy worlds with a thought then I'm a jobber
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Depending on the rules of Kleidi's society, feuds between noble house may have to be settled by Luminaries, rather than by their militaries. It's in no one's best interest to have planets destroyed every time one noble snubs another.

Of course, that's even assuming Kleidi can afford an army. The WIP draft gave me the impression that she's got little left other than the family heirlooms to defend herself with.
You did it anon. You beat that strawman!
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>Symbiote Personality Archetypes:
Primary: Analogon
Secondary: Doyen

>Endling Abilities:
Mental Power, Demonic Essence, Mind Over Matter, Living Darkness, Kinetic Prowess

>New Home:

>Major Threats:
Tau: Necrath
Server: Ripper
Moya: Wyrms
Skadi: Hecti
Jenia: Carnifores
Typhon: Akuya

AMOC, Morgaine, Kasumi Sato

Explore the Borderworld and research methods to leave. Make an entire organization with this goal.

I think the most promising method is to use Living Darkness to plane-shift to the Dreaming, which is why I picked Reaper, the most mentally inclined of the Subspecies. Hopefully I can bring others out with me.
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>so you could invent all sorts of comic book bullshit to win wars
Which we know is possible because...
Neither. The Biological Multitude build is Advanced Shapeshifting + Accelerated Evolution + Perfect Union.
>there are already powers that let you cut through, or block, literally anything.
jobs to barrages and sustained fire
>and who knows how bullshit her final tier of fire magic will be.
the scaling went from small building to large building, so next level is probably city block tier. maintaining and controlling the large building tier is already described as tiring, and if other enlightened abilities suggest anything the next tier can only be used sparingly without you getting exhausted
you would be a valuable asset in a war perhaps, but not a omega-tier supersoldier that could singlehandedly end a war on cosmic proportions with multiple worlds at stake, like the one kleidi is fighting. it only makes sense if what this guy >>93963229 says is true, and this assumes the "monsters" kleidi talks about are just another noble house
>biggest brain
this is a good point and further proof why isi is the best artifact
Didn't ask
>but not a omega-tier supersoldier that could singlehandedly end a war on cosmic proportions with multiple worlds at stake

Butisn't the whole point that sheneeds your help not not singlehandedly win but to help gather reaourcess and allies from adjacent worlds under her rule?

So you are building up the army that will fight that war.
And are we supposed to believe the nobles are just going to give up once their Luminary loses?
It is easily made "magic contract that forces both parties to comply" bum, competition without someone acting like a manchild and saying "nuh uh"
>t. 3bullshitauctor
Should science be separate from magic or should it be the same?
Unless they want the other noble houses to gang up on them. Societies that tolerate lethal feuds generally have strict rules as to what it is out-of-bounds.

A duel between Luminaries could be seen as a display of each house's wealth, skill, and combat potential. The loser's house is clearly weaker than the winner's, and refusing to concede marks them as an outlaw/anarchist/enemy of the empire. The assets of such a sore loser could be fair game to be seized, their contracts voided, their allies freed of any obligation to help.

. . .Or I could be completely wrong. I'm not HusAnon, and don't know how the setting actually works.
>Unless they want the other noble houses to gang up on them
This does not work as seen in real life with international law and war crimes. No one actually gangs up on the one that broke the law.
The dividing line isn’t what you think it is. You technically cannot separate science from anything. What makes magic, well, “magic”, is something else.
Man, the Lust eyes are hard to use if you don't want to go the usual hentai rapist route.

I'm thinking of min-maxing to grab Form Duality and Demon Sin, taking Holy Light from the auras, and going around 'blessing' the beaten and the broken with totally consensual mutations.
>Still just a boring normal
Where is your sense of fun?
Outer world, can basically do all things, summon creatures, make objects etc
>You technically cannot separate science from anything
But magic is supposed to be anti physics
So the fire conjured by a wizard isn’t fire?
It's begun.
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So that spell you just cast didn’t actually work?
Physics-sama, I kneel...
Aro status: retarded
Pca status: retarded
Gil status: not retarded
Gil status: Blacked
Italicts status: missing on action

his status is black
>Want to create a CYOA
>Only idea I have going for me is that the Player is a Summoner, someone that managed to awaken to a Greater Will that everyone has the aptitude to do but get filtered for various reasons (Not enough willpower, life holding them back, desires holding them back, ignorance, self, others, etc).
>Being a Summoner puts you on the same level as the most powerful of mortal wizards and angels/demons/fey, surpassing them is dependent on oneself and effort, no auto-win.
>Summoners have access to the Greater Will inside them and basically gives them access to Creation Magick to weave fiction into reality using energy from the world.
>Summoners are extremely rare with few appearing history and then vanishing after major incidents on their own volition, dying, or being hunted down by others.

It's over for me.
>not retarded
You can’t just say a known retard isn’t retarded when they have already been declared retarded.
Tri-ocular eye of hoarding is pretty high value in terms of raw points
The Greater Will doesn’t exist. The sins lay squarely with the mothers…
Am I missing something or is Gil just not here
He is very easy to spot. If you know the signs. ;^)
>pretty high value in terms of raw points
>jobs to anything with literally any other being with a 10th eye
>get filtered for various reasons
How the hell do we manage?
What the fuck are you talking about?
Point him out then.
You're talking to him now.
A little bit of gil is inside all of us
Why do people hate PCA again?
It's a 10th eye so obviously it has 10th authority.
They were each of them defective. Unhinged, from the start...
It's not fleshed out all the way. But the idea I have is that the main path to obtaining access to one's Greater Will is through obtaining unfiltered freedom of oneself. So something happened to you that left you in the midst of your despair (Like a Pandora's Box), but then you started laughing, found hope, and most importantly obtained freedom to live as you please and just connected to it.
Ymir was a schizo and is only partially right
proof or gtfo
That's also my choice
True, the problem for me is for that eye i would need to have creepling demon impacts, the "safest" one is impulse sin, but that looks like going directly to become the Betrayer 2.0, a time bomb.
Can understand the appeal
True, but also has a big stop. It can create a limited amount of creatures and weakens you in that case. I guess it would have two uses, you in combat would create artifacts and if you are not in combat send creatures to deal with enemies.
In term of raw points is 27 points, but also with limited uses and the 3 points eyes probably follow the same rules of resistances they would have. It's good in versatility but not in fights compared to the rest.

Also, when they say 4* enemies are usually fought with allies. Do they take into account the build of the player? because it could range from 1, 3 points demon eye, to 1 ten points demon eye to some freaks that dont care about anything but combat and have 2-3 10 points demon eyes.
I think the 4* enemies are people in the range of power of 10 points eyes combat oriented, Outer eye mentions to create 4* creatures
Because he’s a big dumb WIENER. GOD I hate him…
he used a big nose emoticon, which only jews have.
In auras.
Do it nigga, more OC is love, more OC is life.
Outer World is incredibly underrated. Grade 2 artifacts have Mages Grimoire and **** foes have the Betrayer. You can conjure MULTIPLE of ANYTHING as powerful as them.

If not for being able to get all magics, I would have picked Outer World instead of Ultimate Null.
gil doesn’t actually exist
who started this myth?
Personally as soon as the CYOA came out I made a bout with Outer world, mostly for self use, but it's honestly pretty good, mostly due to versatility, you can summon any theorical being with similar power to the Betrayer who has shitton of powers himself, or you know, summon an angel, creating artefacts is also good for outfitting allies and give them exactly what they need for the job.
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>when they say 4* enemies are usually fought with allies. Do they take into account the build of the player?
No, picrel. The player having 10 pts eyes is an incredible rarity and is not counted in normal situations.
He used to exist before he got blacked now there is only an empty husk where a fembooy used to be.
You can do it anon. That sounds kino and I believe in you.
where does this meme of gil being blacked come from? has he ever even included a black chatacter in his cyoa?
>swap once a day
>only 3 uses a day
It's so trash lmao.
Too many to count...
newfag chama...
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fate oc
>Fate Stay Gay
Character Creator, Harem Protag, Magic Core, True Magic Talent (Kaleidoscope), Quest (omnipotence)
A lot of the demon eyes feel like theyre in the wrong sin and that makes me dislike this cyoa.
??? What the fuck are you talking about?
good to now
such as?
>Man, the Lust eyes are hard to use if you don't want to go the usual hentai rapist route.
As intended.
I still haven't read Fate/Stay so I dunno the specifics.

Character Creator (me but young and better in every way) -1
Residence -1
Dojo*2 -2
Willpower -2
Upgraded Skill Mastery (programming) -4
True Magic Talent (something that keeps me from aging and from being discovered by the other supernatural beings in the setting) -12
Alter +2
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I like to imagine that Demon Eyes and lotm are compatible.
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True Magic Talent (Heaven's Feel) and Class Card (Demi Servant) Leonardo Da Vinci. This should basically guarantee I get the True Magic, alongside making life infinitely easier in general. I'm entering the cooking show world since I don't think anything bad actually happens there.
.....Why wouldn't I take True Magic + Servant + Character Creator .... ??
LoTM is old news and slop. When are we getting a Deep Sea Embers CYOA?
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Ok here is Luvas page.
Please tell me what you guys think.
Next the hoe!
>"I use my Abyssal Blaze to incinerate this city- ACK"
>dies to a sniper round obliterating your forehead
THIS is the best artifacts have to offer? US fire bombing campaigns could do this in the 1940s.
Do the passives work when the artifacts are sleeping?
>The moment the sniper sees me he falls to his knees.
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Probably never. Nearly no one here knows about it. Hell, I only know the surface. I dropped it early because I got bored and annoyed at its """humor""" with the doll.
>Character Creator
>Harem Protag
servant harem
>Reality Marble + Marble Phantasm + Singularity
>Quest + Alter + Addiction

from the stuff I've seen about fate this has gotta be the strongest build
This is a sign: Ivory must die.
it's a sign that she was right all along.
Idealist, please...
If you mastered the power it works as intended no problem outside of for example having to choose your respawn point with devil-body manually or leaving it up to chance.

Otherwise you generally lose the ability to use the power but the effects it already createdstay activated.
For example if you soul mark someone and Luva falls into slumber you can still command them and they will be tortured but you can't rewrite their personalities as that's something that requires the active use of the power.
>"Hmph, my imperial Majestic Visage makes all would-be assailants kneel before me- ACK"
>dies to autonomous gun drone
The future is now, old man.

Sorry but my soul marked agents already infiltrated the goverment at all levels.
The guns are mine
I actually love this one but anathema is completely unusable still. With that said, she's definitely a must take and so far may be my favorite. I don't really prefer fire but its cool I guess, but I really like her other powers of control and stuff. She aligns with me a lot.
don't answer to the gun autist. He didn't read Jian and is critcizing an artifact that doesnt power up stats, that she doesnt power up stats
Love it! My favorite artifact waifu yet, cool powers, and great art even if fucking gatofag is photobombing Draconic Insight. This version of Anathema works for me, and I'll be taking both Pacts for sure. You did seem to forget to add the markers showing what powers are linked though.
I'm looking forward to seeing what the hoe has on offer, pimpin' ain't easy after all.
Didn't aro say that each heritage would have its unique path/quest? What happened to that?
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>don't answer to the gun autist. He didn't- ACK
Shredded apart via gun.
one question. IF she is your arm, how much can you coordinate with her? because, for example, if you try to do a technique of Jian and she is just doing her thing in your arm it can be a pretty big nerf. Can she coordinate with you or just "relax" and let you fight?
does she keep her control of your arm even if she has her own body outside?
how much will she use the arm and for what kind of things?
Will be in the update.
too late, with my eye of duality i turned your gun into its opposite. A nug and its bullets into stellub, your penis into something usable and you into a happy person. Now you not only can't attack me but you won't have to as you now have a happy life.

We can be friends
why do all these whores glaze me for merely existing? are they THAT desperate for cock?
It says she can take it over when she wants, so I assume that you have full control the rest of the time.
Isn't that your fantasy? Women throwing themselves at you?
NTA but its mine.
i am that anon and no, it is not.
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Hey guys here are the new minions for Gateway, got two questions.
1. Do these minions and the setup here look good? I might change the first section to the two-per-row style that the second half have.
2. Im trying to decide if there are any kinds of customization options i could include that make it more interactive, but i don't want to railroad the player more than i already have by limiting customizations to a small number.
How many "pacts" are we able to make again?
You start with 100 general essence, each pact (stuff like Anathema) taken increases the essence you can use for that specific artifact by 20. Sleeper skills take 4 essence to access (OR 5 to master), Awakened 8 to access and 10 to master, Enlightened 16 to access 20 to master.
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oh the new slime didnt make it into the jpg, here it is.
Without descriptions I really cannot say, but some of them are goofy looking but others I like in concept. Like, synthetics could be cool in theory, but that's a very stylized picture for them. Same with Psyborg (although for them thats probably the intention so fine.)

I await descriptions before giving a hard answer.
>96 essence to just access all of Luva's skills, 120 to master all of them
Damn okay
And there's like 10 artefacts or something too. We're shafted on points.
I figured dark moths were going to look more like lumi.
How about making them less humanoid? I like my fire elementals being actual fire and not just a human with fire hair.
dont forget that there's some redundancy with artifact abilities, so you dont need to buy literally everything they offer. you dont need common flame or royal flame to gain abyssal blaze, for example.
What setting is this again? Medieval earth or something? Because otherwise this is useless.
also, these are the abilities you have just starting out. you can gain an artifact's other abilities through training and bonding over time
I see so specific upgrade powers like the fire one you only need to buy the strongest version? That cuts down some, but other powers like the mind control ones probably should be purchased individually.
>Gauntlets full of nonsensical powers that have nothing to do with them. All because retarded author based them on the waifu image instead of on the weapon
What else could you expect from a vtuber fan.
He's based, get filtered retard.
I guess if you were expecting punchy powers Luva is a big letdown.
It is. She has nothing to do with punching. She might as well be a fire staff.
Punching is gay.
This may be the most homosexual thing ever posted to /cyoag/. Who in their right mind would think fisticuffs, a time honored manly tradition, is gay?
>t. faggot who got punched once.
Draconic Overlord, anyone? It can kill like half of the other 10 cost eyes in one attack.
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Been out of the loop for about a month. Any new OC?
Magocratic Convention 2 from Tankista, Gateway from Aromage, Blademaster RELOADED by idk forgor that niggas name, >>93964050, Living Dungeon from Beri, something from NoThyme I already forgot it's name, and some others I'm probably forgetting
>I'm going to punch that guy in the- ACK
Booted in the head. Fisticucks rekt again
A fat weakling
She will likely give you full control in actual fights.
She will likey use your ar to do mischief like fondling cute girlls
nta, but I am also disappointed. When hus had not even started the cyoa. I told him I wanted a punchy waifu, and all I got was some gauntlets of charisma +5 to wear while I sit on a meeting.
>She will likey use your ar to do mischief like fondling cute girlls

but what if the cute girl is her?

Cyberpunk cyoa from Hyenanon >>93951126
Into The Cardboard Realm from Savestate >>93908322 >>93908323 (old cyoa, but posted outside QQ for first time)
THe other has hax to counter it, habe him accoupied or to escape. In a straight 1v1 in a closed arena Draconic Overlord is the strongest (imagine the betrayer against it, lol) but it can be circumnavigated by the majority of other 10 cost eyes
>She will likely give you full control in actual fights.
>She will likey use your ar to do mischief like fondling cute girlls
>2 slimes
>2 black flying animals
No there's only one slime, the primordial slime replaces the star slime.
She'll assault you and you will look like that coomer meme with one giant muscular arm
plus, the other eyes usually have uses outside of combat. Draconic overlord is 100% combat oriented and is -100 stealth + can make you the enemy of the world
>Mirror World Eye of Mary spawns a Draconic Overlord to fight you
Another underrated eye btw. It can spawn stuff on equal power to the original.
>Betrayed by aromage
>Betrayed by husanon
There is no place for us... musclefags... every author hates us.
The greatest battle of wills between me and luva... who is actually groping whom...
I honestly don't get it.
what do you mean?

Should husanon comeup with 10 powers all about gauntlests without any other theme?

He alseary said that there is an artifact that enhances strenght and resistance so should he just give them the same powers?
>Should husanon comeup with 10 powers all about gauntlests without any other theme?
10 physical powers? yes
>He alseary said that there is an artifact that enhances strenght and resistance so should he just give them the same powers?
He should have given them to this one instead. How is that so hard to understand?
the strongest aspect in ultimate god is the aspect of physical strength.
Anon was under the impression that the Gauntlet would have powers relating to it's form. The Sword artifact had powers related to swordsmanship, the Core artifact has powers related to how (You) interact with your artifacts, and so on. A draconic artifact that gives you dominion over fire and minds unironically should've been a crown of some sort.
It's funny, I found that image with the gatto out of pure luck.
It works and is a neat little reference.
And yeah I forgot about the markers but I'm already fixing that.
Personally, I am just sad. Now I don't get to have the one thing I wanted from that cyoa.
Destruction? Good luck falling without losing your mind, you raging retard.
Just ascend and become an author. Ngmi.
One Piece bros...
If each option is defined by a symbolic item like "gauntlet", then the contents of that option should relate to it, yeah. It's a bit of a thematic problem if the powers feel completely unrelated, like Friendly Smile.
The gauntlet is better because I would rather have a dragon arm than be forced to wear a crown all the time.
Okay, I finished with missions and policies for Magocratic Convention. Spellcrafts are easy, but unshoppinglistification...
>screaming inside intensifies
>to wear
Doesn't Isi's True Fusion ability let you store your artifacts in your soul? You would only need to wear it when you want to use it's powers.
Post the other luminary stuff we have, i havent seen it.
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and the now finished(?) page 4 here >>93964348
Would you look at that. The sword gets sword powers. Should have totally instead had the ability to shoot water and control animals! Now that makes sense!
SOMEBODY explain to me why the FUCK Husanon properly capitalizes SOME titles but fucks up others?
>Gauntlet of the Beast
>Core of the Luminary
>Blade of the Retainer
These are good
>Your right hand
>Sleeper arts
>Common fire
These are BAD. Your Right Hand, Sleeper Arts, Common Fire, THAT'S how it should be.
now now, we know you don't like it, it's fine, we get it. I like it, if you don't want to, pick another artifact or dont play it at all but this crying doesnt look good
If it makes you feel better the Belt will probably offer the powers you want. Belt of Giant Strength
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I find it annoying to read text in such large font size. Dunno how subjective that is, maybe it's just me. Like this it looks much better to me.
Belt of Giant Penis.
Husanon has since revamped the text as can be seen on Luva's page, he just hasn't posted the updated versions of Pages 1-3 yet
Ok husanon here to clarify my intentions with this decision.
I decided to dump most of the martial arts powers on Jian to have more creative space for the rest of the artifacts.
You can, if you want, master jians powers and use them while wielding any other artifact including fighing unnarmed.
This is all in the name of giving all the artifacts stronger identities.
Wow, a belt. Thank you so much. Time to punch with my belt.
Father moment
>Jian can sever her connection with you
Uh? I thought the entire point of bonding was that you were bonded for all eternity?
Sorry incel. It is not like that anymore. Artifacts have rights too, you virgin! Now they can divorce you and will take 50% of all your own alongside with your children thanks to our new pro-feminist artifact court.
It is her commiting sudoku.
But outside that extreme scenario none of them would ever do it.
You are starting to realize these other artifacts are unreliable and can abandon you for any reason. Only Isi would stick with you through thick and thin, in perpetuity.
Inheritors Of Old
Solar Legion
Magic Journey V3
Based aromage
say something nice about my trident
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She dies to a gun.
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Post the real version you fake ass faker!

ALSO here is some OC for you all, enjoy my new song:
That was the real version, stop copying italics.
>he used AI to try and make a song
>Video unavailable
well that was quick
>instantly takes it down
Never forget
>Tok seething
>It wasn't even the real Italics that touched Dragonfall and made it better.
ItalicsGODS, I'm sorry. I kneel.
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I took down the video and tried adding subtitles but that would take way too long so reuploded it again enjoy:
Why does Tok use that non-character from Kill a Kill as his avatar? Better yet, why does he use Hex Maniac?
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Idk, I just ignore him with hex anyways since he uses the gross off-model.
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He ruined hex for me... I will never forgive him.
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>he used AI to try and make a song
I WROTE a song and then I made and AI turn it into actual music. I might make songs for a some other CYOA authors. Anyone want me to write a song for them?
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It Tok ruined Hex for you, then what do you think of Italics using other Pokegirls for his OC donutsteel?
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Thanks friends!
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Those lyrics my fucking sides
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This is "new" since it's only recently been posted here. Might as well be considered OC.
>You can summon any portable ranged weapon you have used
Wait a sec doesn't this make Gunslinger OP as fuck? If you can create or get your hands on some extremely powerful one-shot weapon you can functionally use it an infinite amount of times.
You now remember the OC Song made for when Magi Case was going to come out.

Shit was catchy. I wish I still had the link to it.
Ghostwalker that makes you totally invincible is infinitely more op.
Actually no. I don't remember, shitalics.
It's hard countered by a Saint's cancel though.
So is everything else.
just take both of them then
>on average, you only earn 1 SINGLE POINT on the artefact you're training with PER DECADE
Wtf? Why is it going to take me so long to get points?
Ok it is based lmao
no it's not, tok.
>train a decade to gain one (1) point of essence
>4 decades of training just to unlock a new sleeper ability
>meanwhile with Perfect Mind you can pull the entirety of Earth from relative obscurity to a brilliant civilization in just "a few decades"
It's genuinely way more time-effective to focus on technological growth over new artifact abilities. Why does Isi's gifts completely and totally trounce everyone elses? What did Husanon mean by this?
The old text style was better. The new one thats smaller looks way worse.
I agree that the text styling on >>93964348 looks bad,
but >>93965480 looks too large to me also.
Unironically scaling the entire page like >>93965559 looks best to me.
I think the way the text is structed in >>93964348 is best.
Also kind of funny how apparently thread opinion on this subject has flipped since 1 week ago.
Thread opinion? It's 2 posts.
We only get 8 people here on a good day.
I've always said the original text size was the best. It still is, the gauntlet text looks like its too small for the boxes he's putting them in.
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>JRPG TraitorAnon
Are there any more based authorfags in this general?
>What else could you expect from a vtuber fan.
why are you fags so obsessed with hating vtubers? this has nothing to do with vtubers but you felt the need to bring them up.
by the way the art aromage used for mati here >>93964429 is a vtuber but i don't remember anyone complaining when she used it
One piece is so based sometimes.
hushitanon made a vtumor cyoa, aromage didnt.
This song has no right to be this good
>is a vtuber but i don't remember anyone complaining when she used it
I do, the same fags that complained before complained when I asked aromage to use juniper and she changed it.
Its a testament to AI that they can make a decent song out of tokslop. He should start making his cyoas with AI, maybe they'd be actually good.
Aromage had a based YJK? Post it.

Black Magic isn't YJK based.
One piece is so shit lmao.
Worst 10th cost eyes:
1. Tri-Ocular Eye of Hoarding: 3 uses a day.
2. Third Eye of Purest Sin: 1 hour per month.
3. Cyber-Corruptive Eye: Glorified hacking and pseudo teleportation.

Surprising that there are only 3 out of the 21 that are shit. I thought there would be way more when I thought of finding the worst eyes. Author has good balancing.
Slopingical already tried that.
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What do some Anons see in them? And will we ever have another CYOA comparable to JRPGTraitor, Hero Academy, and Outer Reincarnation?

Or will they remain the only true JRPG CYOAs out there?
>comes back
>kills all Entropist discussion
>says he's going to make a minion cyoa
>we get like 10 minion cyoas from other authors shortly after this
>never delivers his oc
You don't know, retard.
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>Black Magic isn't YJK based.
It goes a step further than those wannabes...
I'm sorry you'll never experience one peak.
>It goes a step further than those wannabes...
No. You aren't like YJK Based. BM-types are freaky ass niggas, 69 gods. Run for your lives.
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Added the link letters
What do they mean?
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And the intro for Chu.
That they are linked powers if you buy a linked power you ger all of it's lower level linked powers.
And they also give you a discount to learn their higher level version once you start training.
Based. Also Honoubound only works when specifically swearing by your name right? None of that "saying I'm going to take the trash out in the morning and then forgetting it counts as breaking a promise" shit, right? Some of those types of drawbacks are very liberal with what a promise is.
I am disappointed by the appearance, and the fact its not green text and I figured the hoe was gonna be the nature and growth one.
Most of the eyes and even uniforms and artifacts are pretty good. The only problem is that there are clear bests, so no matter how good they are on average, most never get picked.
Fuck Sakuna. The anime was also funny and even cute you may say.
Why can't Italics be as based as Hus and post actual content?
Husanon is a real author. Italics is a marketer. Big difference.
Yeah it has to be a formal promise on your honor at the very least.

I normally take the color scheme from the character itself and she does't really have much green to her design.
the orange and grey pop up much more.
Also small spoiler but to me a hoe is more of a symbol of humanity's dominion over nature than of nature itself.
Fuck off, Italics is more of an author than Husanon.
Eh, I probably wont pick them but we'll see if their powers are compelling. I'm not keen on them currently face or theme wise.
He definitely is.
He has created many classics.
I can only hope he enjoys Luminary even a little.
Does legendary deeds only affect the hoe?
No, it would affect all the artifacts.
Untakable then. How is a normal dude supposed to achieve anything near affecting a whole village with a powerless artifact?
>BMA is a trve monsterfucker
just when i thought he couldnt get more BASED
This is a drawback for long term growth.
Your initial and pact earned essence can be invested freely.
I'll be honest with you I don't even know what legendary deeds is supposed to be doing. Its very unclear imo.
Then it's free. Fighting the aliens will fill the legendary deeds quota for basically forever seeing as you accrue 1 essence every decade.
Will there be anything to spend essence on besides the artifacts?
If I understood correctly, any actions that affect large areas or people count. For example, kill the leader of a nation and you get a tons of legendary deed "points".
Count for what, what is adding too?
It is supposed to be her pushing you to change the world using your power instead of grinding all the time.
You go out into the world and etch your legend into history and that gives you the ability to spend essence to unlock or master new powers.
How much depends on how world changing the deed was.

That's a legitimate plan.
The problem would be that you would not have any new powers until the war starts.
And you will still have plenty of opportunities by dealing with the problems on the other worlds.

No, it is a resource used exclusively on them.
>until the war starts
You have time to prepare for it? How much time? What is there to do in the meantime (aside from training)?
There is a whole other section with different worlds you can help unite to gain different allies and resources.
>It is supposed to be her pushing you to change the world using your power instead of grinding all the time.
Yea but like, do I have to do a deed for every single point we get at a glacial pace, or is it just when I want to buy an ability?
When you want to invest the essence.
Oh so its like, one deed every hundred years or something at the current pace. Yea whatever that's negligible.
Yeah I'll have to do something about that lmao
Just don't make the power gain so slow, the other anon freaked out but apparently he forgot how slow we get points. 1 point every decade is like, wtf?
Please mention these things in the cyoa itself. The difference between having to constantly grind achievements like a wandering hero or simply killing some big bad every century or so is significant.
My logic with that is that you are ageless so you do have time in your hands but also have to worry about eventual contact with the other houses so you have to be careful with how you spend your time between training and world problems.
I have to also take into account the pacts.
If you can earn essence too quickly then there is no point in considering getting both from an artifact.
So I thought mmmm 10 years sounds reasonable.
What do you suggest would be a reasonable time frame?
She already says that to spend gathered essence you have to accomplish a great deed.
Psychic build is overall better not only because of the two special abilities, but because it also offers a ranged weapon with infinite* ammo.

Physical is nice, but it can't compete aside from the ability to fly which is crazy... although even then, mind over matter / prowess might also offer that if you get proficient enough?
Every week. A month to get modest fire magic seems reasonable. Anything more would be a drag; might as well learn fire magic by yourself instead of relying on the artifact if it takes too long.
Telekinetic flight is a classic, so you should be able to do it.
>>93967671 is retarded. Just don't specify honestly, you already told us how growth works, so obviously by fulfilling the bonds and goals and actively working with our items we'll eventually get stronger with them, or we wont, if we don't work with them. This isn't Dawn of the demon lord DPU tracking, we either work with the items to improve, or we don't improve.
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I mean, the sex doll seems the best, Even if I'm actually schizophrenic.
I agree with this poster, unless you're absolutely hell-bent on making it a fixed value, letting players work out how much they would improve is best. There will be anons like tok that will willfully abuse this and just say they're omegagods when they really aren't, but most people aren't like that.
Commence saturation attack.
I want to fuck Illenwyn
Ive liked this cyoa more since I made yolfi my 7th greater dragon wife.
Too complex.
post gil kino NOW
It doesn't exist.
JRPGs are slop, I liked Traitor for the Pegana references and In the Wake of the Dawn was better than all of them.
You keep asking this and nobody ever gives it to you; we have nothing to give.
she seems like a moralfag, kinda like Jian, which makes me curious, what happens if you go against the artifacts will? for example geocoding innocents.
would they fall into depression?
post tok kino NOW
Honestly, i would let it as it is. 10 years is fine by me as you said, we are ageless. Plus, the things that costs more makes you feel better once you have them. 1-10 years is a time frame we can comprehend and understand it will take effort.

Unlike the other guy that wants 1 point per week which makes pacts useless, as in 10 years you would have like 500 points to max 2-3 artifacts without counting for initial points.

1-10 years is a good range for me, I understand the opinion of letting it vague tho, in that case i would think its the original 10 years so it wouldnt change much for me
Leave it as is. The early point distribution is to help you out planning the early game. Being able to get more later is a long term thing. Maybe make some drawbacks more palatable, but the long term point gain shouldn't be all that quick.
Vague it. I don't like hard numbers like that.
No numbers.
10 years per point is way too fucking long. There's long term, and then there's LONG term. Don't do that shit, the main conflict will have started and ended in a tenth of that time and you only got one new ability in that time.
>t. mathlet
>he wants game mechanics in his cyoa
Tri ocular eye stores uses. You wouldn't need to use the eyes every day nor in every fight so you could build it. It's problem is not that
Third eye of pure sin is op. You can pair it with a 3-5 cost eye to make it a 10 cost eye, like eye of casual inmunity or the time hold eye, now they affect even 10 cost users and are improved. And if you pair it with another 10 cost eye is a win button. Released witch? now not even 10 cost eyes can resist getting erased. Draconic overlord? probably top 10 beings in the universe and counting God, Lucifer and Michael.
Treacherous eyes can probably just kill 10 cost users using the illusion hax. Pharaoh's now can summon people at its strongest. Duality with hax affecting 10 cost users directly can do a lot of things to kill without a counter

Cyber-Corruptive Eye: op if used with intelligence. Go to the goverment's computers and you could start wars by nuking countries and enemies or hack bank's accounts etc... nowadays almost anything important is connected somehow to internet or computers. In direct combat is just to run if you have a computer near but that is not its uses
The way the drawbacks are we need points way faster. The pacts are way too bad so other point sources need to be better or the pacts get better, but you already proved you are unwilling to make pacts good despite all the advice you got. Either one point every year or just don't specify a timeframe and tie it to something else, if it's supposed to be you bonding with the artifacts it makes no sense for it to be time based anyway, it should be goal based, like taking them on dates or something similar, which means the speed is completely dependent on your effort, and giving a cap to that feels cheap.>>93967671 This is an exageration.
>the main conflict will have started
We don't kow that
>and ended in a tenth of that time
A war between several worlds will end... in 1 year? Hus didn't say anything about this time frame i think but i would bet my left nut it definitely wont end in 1 year.

You have your opinion and I have mine, for me it's the nice spot
Your spot is shit.
>seething this hard over an opinion
You're supposed to bail lil bro.
>he's scared of numbers


how about this, you are already ultra powerful from the very start, you get all the artefacts with all their power with no drawbacks and can destroy your enemies from the very start with just a flick of your wrist.

don't change it. if you must change it then just slightly increase the starting points.
>So far i would be willing to take most of the drawbacks and those that i don't
want wouldn't be much of a problem if i had to pick them
Am i the odd one out or are the whiny anons who complain the odd ones? at this point i can't tell.
>10 years a point with no cap is too long even if i am ageless and i have endless time to "spend"
>You have points to spend already and more if you take the second drawback of an artifact

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