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/tg/ - Traditional Games

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Reduce Parsley Edition

Previously on /slop/: >>93956196
▶ Thread Task: gain, give us your interpretation or pun of spell names

▶ It's been confirmed images are not saved on Microsoft's servers forever, only for 50 days. Make sure to save your images.

▶ Generators

▶ /slop/-approved styles, prompts and perspectives

▶ Videogame art styles

▶ Useful links
Color identifiers -- https://www.htmlcolorcodes.com/
List of art movements -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_art_movements
List of hair styles -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_hairstyles
World folk clothing -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Folk_costume
World body armors -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Body_armor
Names for general clothing styles (PDF) -- https://files.catbox.moe/3r0ux6.pdf
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I need pictures of unrelentingly handsome men
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Or if you want something with more particle effects
>ghostly blue energy lance

If Sir Leofric was around you could ask him. He weilds a lightning bolt like a sword
>Any tips for getting summoned/insubstantial weapons?
Like this? See filename for prompt.
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>Cone of Cold
Isn't this more Eddgar's thing?

I'm always handsome
My prompt didn't involve the words "Tank", "Sword", "Flag", Explosions", but did involve mention a specific painting which does not look anything like this.
I am bad at this.
The other containment thread is still open. Its not even a day old yet faggot
We're full up retard.
>but did involve mention a specific painting
Well there's your problem, trying to get something that isn't sufficiently versed in what you're prompting to just figure it out.
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Magic hand?
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Yes sir.
Did the rat eat your toe?
Let me guess, Charm Monster.

I simply didn't noticed it, and this was the best gen I got on this prompt.
Ottiluke's Unnoticed Dismemberment.
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Charm person, but close enough.
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Three guesses & if you win you'll have good dreams tonight
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I don't get this one.
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Got it in one, nice job
I've made something similar for similar thread some time ago.
Now, how about a reward? I guess she could make use of it right now.
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She's just a gal.
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We Turoking?
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Well, good sir. I'm afraid that those terms are not acceptable. Everyone must appeal to some outside judgement for any agreement between two parties, preferably one that is outside of the bounds of benefit. That's just standard procedure, and thus I wouldn't feel comfortable acquiescing to such a caveat.
Beyond that, in the meantime, I am reaching out to appeal to the good nature of some of your harem to see if one of them...whilst in a wakeful state...would be willing to either grab this 5cp bread, or else just lift me up a little to get it. It's painful to part with money, but if we compare the cost of hiring a dwarven craftsman to the amount of pay someone would receive for a life of servitude, it's just not reasonable to concede to your arrangement.
Pleasure doing business with you, Mr. King. Please know that I harbor no ill-will due to this particular arrangement falling through, and if you ever visit the Faerealms,we'd love to have you.
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Nope. I'll admit I never quite got it where I wanted, but some of the features of each were interesting.
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Do you fags have any good prompt template to generate Baldurs Gate / Icewind Dale portraits?
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Of course not, my good baker, it is just the terms by which I operate. There are always more dreams to conquer.

BTW, anyone else spend 2 hours getting dogs with no naughty words or subtext & then a timeout? Bing is busting my balls lately
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Needs a spiral
Not the best way to beg jackass
do you prompt for zyzz ?
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"Why yes, yes it is!"
>Edgar Scrolls casts Crowdkill
>It's super effective!
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Pulled a Dreaming King and forgot the pic.
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I just said "In the style of". That shouldn't do this.
Looks like artifacts from Heroes of Might and Magic 3
What the heck is zyzz?
World of Horror isn't just uzumaki, it's ripping off all of Junji Ito.
I think a world of horror take on lilith is neat.
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Good night, everyone.
Here, have a handsome, wholesome threesome.
>Needs a spiral
Look at the snake. Now imagine it from above
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lol u mad
Image limit, dumbass.
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What did you use for the clothing?
For some reasons I love kobolds baking.
>black bandana mask, faded ragged brown cloak over tunic, metal segmented shoulder plate, bracer
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>Kalysta, High Priestess of the Order of the Undying Flame, arrives to turn the tides of war. She levitates high above the battlefield and casts a blessing, filling the beleagured knights of the order with inner fire and renewed vigor.
"Besides it's obvious usage when in a fight, Margrethe managed to find other purposes for summoning ice elementals."
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>None could withstand the heat from the Mistress of Napalm. All would melt before her disastrous rampage, as they witnessed the wrath of an ascended mage, she who gave her soul to pyromancy, relinquished her humanity, and was cursed to spread her all-consuming wrath across the planet, incinerating everything along the path and leaving only ashes in her wake...
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>Looks like artifacts from Heroes of Might and Magic 3
There's a HoMM lora though I haven't used it yet, that and picrel are just using Flux plus some pixel art lora's
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I kinda wanna make a 40k Christian remnant but how would I explain the technology without the imperium
Considering the Emperor was Jesus, the Imperium is already a Christian remnant.
There's definitely something comfy about it
The Emperor is Cain
The emperor saw him
Despite poring over hundreds of texts in dozens of different languages, Serena still felt no closer to figuring out which character was in fact the "love letter"
What kind of reward did you have in mind?
The answer is "D," you silly kitty! Always has been!
Now if you'd like to step into my... ah... office, I'll be happy to show you all about how the "D" works.
Help please, someone here gen Reimu Hakurei on Bing and post the prompt please, thank you.
>Newfag fatty detected
Some dead roidfag that dumbshits still pretend to admire.
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excellent knight
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That's easy nekomancer, the love letter is U
Well, previous post mentioned good dreams, and she would definitely dream about something different than her boring routine. Maybe about her, being an adventurer and claiming some treasure after defeating a monster guarding it?
I could have saved him.
Awww. I guess the real love letter is what's inside us.
>what's inside us.
Hey, that's what I was sayin'!
Wait! Not like that! Not like that!
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been lurking these slop threads a long time but hardly ever posted. made gens for a dnd group but it disbanded over usual shit. now im making them again because i like it.

are there any discord communities focused more on the /tg/ or fantasy aspect?
No. Fuck that cancer.
Someone stole my male Widowmaker! This is an outrage. (Not really.)
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Purple skin + yellow eyes is a good mix desu
Hmm. Need more weirdly colored boys in cyberpunk settings
>the dapper necromancer
I like well dressed people who dabble in morbid and disgusting topics
Ma'am, do not redeem the snake. Ma'am, do not, do not redeem the snake.
Do not redeem, do not redeem!
What are ya starin' at, chummer? Ya live in a bunker? Never heard bout a S.U.R.G.E.?
She's viet not pajeet
What is your catgirl's prompt? All my cat girls look like werecat monsters
The bonds of love & friendship we spin between the other souls around us are the mechanisms by which we achieve the impossible. Love strongly, live vibrantly, fight & conquer your dreams, all futures are as immaterial as a dream lest you take direct action. So seize your dreams of love, forge them with chains of trust harder than any steel & make your will manifest

Sorry if I haven't been posting pics everybody. Bing keeps making me wait.
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I use
>highly detailed rotoscoped image with dark lines and soft cel shading
As the style, that gets her in that kinda cartoony look.
The for Serena herself I use
>beautiful teenage tabaxi girl
This part helps her face look young and cute while giving her a more mature and developed body
>with short softly striped grey fur, white belly, bright purple cat eyes, pale pink nose, messy short silver hair.
The "white belly" gets me the white around her mouth and down her front. It provides a nice break from all grey all the time. I always prompt for cat eyes though Bing rarely follows through with cat slits. And I just found the pink nose cute.
Her normal attire is just
>wearing a tattered purple witch robe, black corset.
Occasionally prompting for a hat, often don't have to. While Bing is fussy over the corset prompt, if I don't add it, it tends to gen her with her robe open and her kitty titties out in the breeze.
Then I usually finish with
>fantasy anthro art
And sometimes
>romantic anthro art
And always seem to need to work the phrase "dungeons and dragons" into the prompt somewhere just to get it to come out right.
Yes, this is a lot of text for her and it leaves rather little for her background and actions.
But good luck on your future gens, anon.
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I'll just clarify that I add the "fantasy/romantic anthro art" and "dungeons and dragons" are finisher bits that I put at the very end of the prompt.
Overall going
style > character > setting > action > finishers
>Thread Task
>"I summon... THE WEB OF KNOWLEDGE!!"
Margrethe looking kinda badass while casting frigid blade. Thanks to the anon who gave tips on genning magical weapons earlier.
I love these
Didn't I do that once before? I genned her with a boat or something
Maybe, I can't recall honestly.
But well, it's up to you if you want to gen it or not.
What effect did you go with?
Thanks for sharing I like the rotoscope prompt, it looks cool
What's the smudgy style you're using?
is just
>gouache and ink, impressionist brushstrokes grainy, heavy motion blur, CHARACTER, portrait, COLOR painted background
proud prompt stealer
Hey. We saw you from across the bar and really dig your vibe...
For that one I think I used "crackling with icy energies" or something similar.
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get your ass back in the /v/ thread where you actually might summon him
I really hope folks get this one.
I'm very happy with how it turned out.
Fire manta?
bing just fleeced me. Gave me a preview of 4 images, and when I opened one in a new tab it's a different image. Not just that, re-opening the preview in another window shows the different images.
Scorching ray.
Your work is really good
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This is very good
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Does anyone share prompts anymore?
Sometimes, yes.
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if people ask
More halfling waifu in 1970's savage sword of conan style art
Yeah makes sense
That one furryanon shared his catgirl prompt just in this thread. >>93971117
I think her areola might be showing anon.
Trying my hand at creating daemonic horrors.
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Seconding for prompt. This doesn't look like Bing either
Looks like a Victorian slut.
its flux upscaled with sdxl, dont remember the prompt
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Who's baking next one?
Whoever posts another pic to fill the limit up
I bid you welcome to the next thread
This is good

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