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RTS Edition

>2024 PHB Scan (Gencon copy, not DnDshorts)
Cropped and rotated, but more artifacty

>2024 PHB spoilers

>2024 UA

>2014 Errata

>5etools (2014)

The Trove Vault (seed, please!): bit<dot>ly/2Y1w4Md


>Previous thread: >>93948537

Have your games ever just straight-up turned into a wargame, /5eg/?
only pedophiles play d&d
>outs himself like a retard
Are there any good minimalist 5e systems? Even fan stuff, not published. I've been playing lots of Mork-Borg and other lite systems and starting to appreciate them. I kinda feel like between spells and the new weapon mastery stuff, most class abilities aren't really "necessary" to represent a fantasy adventurer.

>play 5e with rules by memory.
>if you need to look up a rule, the DM just makes something up.

There is your minimalist 5e system
>minimalist 5e systems
lemme know if you find any
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Halfling fighters!
My first ever game in a LGS they gave me a premade Halfling Fighter and I was like "Oh, really? Okay I guess."
>Shit was cash
>are there any rules-lite versions of 5e? kinda like the rules-lite game(s) I'm already playing
must be pretty nice to be able to ignore Nat1 sometimes.
>If you somehow end a turn in a space with another creature, you have the Prone condition (see the rules glossary) unless you are Tiny
Any way you can get long term Reduce Person up?
using the spell permana-ACK!
Thanks for the free npc idea
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ops, forgot pic
Do you guys know any voice changer that works on discord?
Hopefully not too heavy for my potato to run with foundry and other stuff open simultaneously?
My DM and druid spent 30 minutes "jokingly" playing out a sexual encounter with a dragon.
When I'm playing in a module I've already run for a different group, would it be better to play a character that is 'in the know' of the broader plot without spoiling anything or go in acting as if I know absolutely nothing? I have a mate that wants to run SKT and I'm wondering what I should do

Also, does anyone have any fun suggestions for races/classes for Storm King's Thunder? This is the first campaign I've played in in 10 years



Well, a while ago I was fucking around with Warrior/Thief/Mage bare-bones classes. Going without feats feels slightly painful, though.
Why did you let it go past 2?
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>they removed feeblemind
Play an insane divination hermit wizard and just shitpost fake spoilers to your other players

>hes almost 2 months late
One called Voicemod works for me, though no clue how resource heavy it is. Got it set to mod voice when F13 is held (F13-24 are "standard" keys recognized by most programs, but very few physical keyboards actually have the keys so barely anything has anything mapped to them by default) and one of the buttons on my mouse set to output the same.
In my defense, I only recently returned to D&D after like a year. Totally forgot there's a new edition out.
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Thanks for the ideas last thread about the smokey firebender boss.

So I wanted his weakness to be when it's blowing strong wind, he has to solidify and he can be hurt. However this also causes his body to smolder hotter and produce more heat, meaning he's a lot more damaging.

How do I make clear that wind does this? I was going to have him face the party indoors with a breakable wall or a window and strong winds outside, so they can smash the window/wall and cause the winds to blow into the room.

I was thinking he'd stay inside the tower when the party is fighting outside in the windy area, hinting that he doesn't want to be in the windy area for some reason.
Since tome warlocks can get any cantrip in the game, what are some fun ones to combine with this invocation?
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They've changed and renamed Feeblemind
When I do solo play, I abbreviate 5e a bit.
Proficiency is a flat +3.
Character gets a single class ability (fighters get Extra Attack, Thieves get Cunning Action+Fast hands, Assassins get Sneak Attack, Clerics get Channel Divinity, Wizard gets a smaller number of spells related to their school (like the Spellcaster Sidekick class, essentially).
Leveling up is basically just getting more HP. Every 3 levels or so, gain a feat to learn more spells, class features, or whatever. Doesn't go past level 10.
Poor girl. Lost her legs and her hand is twisted backwards!
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>New Heavy weapon property
Small races eating good.
Meh just report AI slop posting as extremely low quality and move on.
GoO locks with vicious mockery
Thorn whip is a Melee attack, if that's useful for anything
>GoOlock with vicious mockery
Since psychic spells remove the verbal component, it this just giving people distracting headaches while the warlock just stands there menacingly?
>thorn whip
The visual of ripping an enemy off a balcony 300ft above you with an extremely long vine does seem pretty cool, ngl.
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What would be a good theme to focus the concept of the psi warrior around? It's subclass abilities are spread pretty thin and is generally still very bland all things considered.

That, and considering that telekinesis has a role in it's subclass kit it seems like they are a few tweeks from being !Jedi.
I'm more thinking about standing there non-menacingly.
Psychic Spell mindsliver/vicious mockery don't have components and they don't have visible projectiles so you should be able to zap someone to death in public without anyone knowing it's you.
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That's pretty much it.
Mind sliver had this art when it was first published.
That's one hell of a name
harry potter tier
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>it's not rapey anymore
why didn't you join by that point? you're clearly at an ERP table.
Well, it can still be rapey. Shutting down a caster's magic for the next month will leave them quite vulnerable, after all.
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>it doesn't make you a retard anymore, it just makes you a martial

six of one, half dozen of the other
thorn whip flavored as a freaky tentacle sounds kino anyways.
>Release date: November 12, 2024
do we have the 2024 DMG yet
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Is there a new character sheet out there that uses the 2024 character classes like MBMP?
>BG3 has proven that TB works just fine for the genre.
fights in that game end up taking ridiculous amounts of time later on. TB doesn't scale well with multiple opponents

doesn't help that BG3 has zero features to speed up animations
Is it NOV 24 yet?
>Going without feats feels slightly painful, though.
just build them as choices into the class.

Heck, most of them are just extensions of choices they already make.

Warrior's choice is fighting style.
Defense -> Heavy Armor Master, Shield Master
Protection -> Shield Master
Interception -> Shield Master
Thrown -> Dual Wielder
TWF - > Dual Wielder
Dueling -> Shield Master or Defensive Duelist or PAM
Archery -> CBE or SS
Unarmed -> Grappler or Tavern Brawler
Blindfighting -> Skulker

Thief, it's based on what skills and tools they pick expertise
>Keen Mind
>Dungeon Delver (fuck it we bringing it back)

And then the Mage Choice, assuming you're going with something that's like the sidekick classes, you've got
Healer -> Healer, War Caster, MI: Cleric, MI: Druid, Ritual Caster
Mage -> Elemental Adept or Spell Sniper, MI: Wizard, Ritual Caster
Prodigy -> Musician, Inspiring Leader, Telekinetic, Telepathic, Fey-touched, Shadow-touched, Ritual Caster
What about just PF1e rules?

>+1 ASI at every 4 levels
>feats every other level
>feats don't grant ASIs
well, he wants a bare-bones game.
that makes it more complicated what with all the customization choices.

i was trying to pair it down, not make it worse.
>he has to solidify and he can be hurt
his form turns less human like. His smokey form is buffeted by the winds leaving behind an emaciated burnt skeleton. He hunches into himself as he growls and groans in pain and exertion and...
>However this also causes his body to smolder hotter and produce more heat, meaning he's a lot more damaging.
he grows brighter like hot coal/metal as his form solidifies, regaining the mass he previously lost. The shadows within the room darkens and condenses(or just straight up gone). The party starts to drip in sweat as he grows hotter.

Something like this.
Have one open window that's blowing lots of air and make it clear it affects him

he could cast thamaturgy to close it
why is 5etools fucking broken again
added phb24
only retards relied on 5etools
I miss the trove
How much damage should a dragon going the speed of sound straight into a mountain do?
Does it actually matter or does it matter how it is described?
anon it's the 26th where's the book
how do i download 5etools
hand it over i know you've got it you 4chan hackers always have it
>20d6 is max fall damage
>Terminal velocity of a human is ~50 m/s
>Speed of sound is ~350 m/s
140d6, final answer
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So now that 5eT has made it mass-accessible and cross-referential, I think it's been long enough since the PHB leak to ask.

How is the game in practice?
Fixed a few things from 5e like crippled Ranger. Broke a hell of a lot of other things in the process.
So, how bad is that nu5e?
I won't be playing it anyway, because fuck Crawford, but I'm just curious.
>because fuck Crawford
Pretty retarded reason desu be honest.
Can you show where on the doll Crawford touched you?

I'm not sure how I feel about splitting Feats into General/Origin/etc
PHB 2024 - You can use the Protection fighting style to reduce damage to yourself, right?
Speaking of this, reminds me of a question our group had.
Is a wall of force actually invisible or not?
Because someone cast one in front of a charging group of cavalry and it ground the game to halt while the player argued with the DM about what should happen.
It's invisible, right in the spell description. The argument would be if ramming into it did any damage or not - but the correct answer is it sounds cool so do it.
how do I make my earth genasi kino
Unless I'm filtering incorrectly on 5etools, looks like the entire eligible list is "Acid Splash, Create Bonfire, Eldritch Blast, Fire Bolt, Frostbite, Infestation, Mind Sliver, Poison Spray, Ray of Frost, Sacred Flame, Sorcerous Burst, Starry Wisp, Thorn Whip, Toll the Dead, Vicious Mockery". Eldritch Blast, Fire Bolt, and Sorcerous Burst all already have a 120 foot range, boosting them further will be of varying levels of utility depending on map layouts and cover you usually run across. Ray of Frost could be fun especially combined with Repelling Blast, effectively netting them -20 movement (-30 if they Dash since the spell impacts their actual Speed while the push only pushes them) making it very hard to reach you. Thorn Whip is always funny with these features, technically counting as a melee attack so you can knock someone out without killing them if you want from 630 feet away as a 20th level Warlock (690 with the new Spell Sniper, 1260 if you take the Metamagic Adept Feat for Distant Spell, or 1380 with both) which is just absolutely hilarious. Or pulling someone off a ledge from those distances as well would be great.
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One of my back up character is a Earth Genasi Dao Warlock; but I don't feel like it's a great synergy; but at least it fits very well flavor wise.
With their immunity to difficult terrain+bonus action blade ward, anything that goes on the frontline & has to move around would benefit. I'd go with a fighter or monk.
Any thing that could fit a geomancy flavor would be nice too, though I can't recall a single subclass focusing on that, maybe a land druid with the right spells?
>Beholder with an eyepatch
Kino villain for a pirate campaign?
So a blind beholder then?
He’s still got 10 other eyes.
Plus there’s a reason he wears the patch.
Over the main antimagic eye, or just one random auxiliary eyestalk?
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>Take Vicious Mockery
>GoO lock makes it so no verbal component required
>Eldritch Spear it so it has much longer range
>Now completely stealth
>Can now think someone to death with invasive thoughts about self-doubt, being ugly, and random insults until their heads pop like it's fucking Scanners

Listen, I hate most of 5.25, but Warlock got some cool shit and this is legitimately the most hilarious/awesome ability combo I've seen in a decade of 5E. Almost justifies the whole thing, I want to build a whole character around this now.
The main anti magic eye
kek, add Spell Sniper feats for good measure
ah shit my bad, Spell Sniper only applies to spells with attack rolls.
Still a very fun and technically viable combo, though I doubt that could be done that often effectively in play. But that makes for a great assassination+terror tactic
Spell Sniper requires attack rolls while Vicious Mockery is a WIS save, but a Sorcerer dip or Metamagic Adept for Distant Spell would work.
Could be fun to combine with a Soulknife Rogue too, while the actual attack isn't noted to be invisible the blades explicitly leave no mark. A GoOlock feels like a pretty thematic dip with this type of spell.
The "white guys can't leave the hobby fast enough" guy got replaced by someone more-diverse, what else do you want?
ranger is planned since campaign is singular biome save the ending
planned for drakewarden with elemental salamander flavour and STR
however other subclasses are tempting

flavourwise i am stuck between ungabunga and takbir, information on dao did not stick good in head
So what I'm seeing the consensus form amongst my groups, here, and elsewhere, I think the idea is some things were objectively improved, at the cost of a lot of befuddling changes. Either in terms of bringing things down that no one complained about or needed adjustment, or making certain things more confusing than they need to be. It also seems to be a slow realization because of how things changed from the playtests to publishing, and seeing all of them in one place while slowly noticing minor changes. This isn't comprehensive, but this is how I see it:

>Some formatting is better (Placing spell lists up in class sections instead of down by the Spellcasting section, better book flow in general)
>Items have more defined use (Almost ambivalent and some have way too high DC, but they have literally anything written now)
>BA Potions, throwing in attacks, actions, etc. make a bit more sense & align with common houserules
>Warlock almost 100% better, could use more slots
>Ranger better than before, ostensibly worse than playtests and Tasha's version, but similar and better than base 5e
>Feats generally better and integral, most are half feats now (More later)
>More short rest recovery options for most abilities

>Splitting of Origin feats/etc., Backgrounds simultaneously more important but restrictive on character build, losing the unique features they had which were rarely used but flavorful
>Weapon Masteries a step in the right direction but require a lot of back-and-forth reference, bit confusing, and generally regarded as worse than just giving martials fucking BM maneuvers
>A few subclasses got very minor tweaks (EK, Valor Bard, etc.) that make them slightly better/less restricted, but not up to snuff with others and generally the same, or strange tonal changes (Archfey Warlock is now about teleporting, less about charm)
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sounds like a good plan, official module or homebrewed stuff? STR ranger is interesting, it's something I tried for a Monster Slayer ranger in curse of strahd but I wasn't really satisfied with how it turned out mechanically..
Not enough infos about dao in general imo, there are some interesting bits about their labyrinth city in the Earth plane; but also don't know much about them besides that they are big assholes even by genies standards and slavers
>Bunch of spells with strange changes that make them much worse for little reason (Chiefly Counterspell, which is now ostensibly a waste of a slot, does not consume the enemy slot and doesn't have anything to do with spell level being a Con save now)
>Bunch of new spells that seem way overtuned
>Everything is listed as "Prepared Spells" for all classes now, in spite of some still learning some permanently and swapping on levels/rests, or otherwise functioning as before so it's confusing and class level/reference charts are less complete
>Feat changes that made things worse that weren't great to begin with or were widely liked (Mage Slayer no longer attacks nearby spellcasters, GWM/Sharpshooter just add proficiency to damage, several others that were prompted by nothing)
>Epic Boon feats are not great, inconsistent value for 19th level and not as compelling as previous capstones
>Subclass Selecion is all over the fucking place (Some included from expanded material, some very popular ones left out, CLERIC DOMAINS AND WIZARD SCHOOLS MISSING HALF OF THEIR CHOICES, Bards going back to being near-exclusively musicians/performers, don't think anyone asked for fucking Dance Bard)
>Paladin treated very strangely but generally worse (Divine Smite is now always a spell but they get one free use and can't stack with others, no longer able to turn enemies with Channel Divinity, the lesser CD options weren't changed, no Harness Divine Power from Tasha's, Divine Sense is CD now, spell choosing mechanic confusing because of aforementioned "everything is prepared" change, LoH now a BA but can't cure disease, just generally strange)
>Other classes with similar confusing tweaks across the board even if some were more positive
>New character sheet is dogshit in formatting, aesthetic, and flows poorly compared to the past versions
>Monsters no longer have spells/formatting of abilities changed (Was already transitioning to that by MoMM)
Not comprehensive, kind of got lost there, but it generally feels like a lot of confusing changes, and that it'll be easier to take the "good" and backport it to 2014 than put up with all the "similar but different enough to confuse" changes. It's hard to make a comprehensive list because so much has changed, but just by a factor of one dice or a few numbers, or slight tweaks to the point of confusing people used to existing rules, and either not making things stronger or worse from where they were. It's a lot of re-learning for not a lot of benefit.

Also, this could've gone under opinion, and was much derided for release but isn't mechanical - the art is very, very inconsistent. I'm not saying anything about the content necessarily before people screech about it, but the colors, core design, aesthetics of it, quality is all over the place. There's no unified tone to it, some of it is even good, some of it is just bizarre, a lot of it looks overdesigned a-la WoW and Artstation circa 2012-2016. And there's way, way more of it in the book now taking up much more space. Which, combined with some of the general format changes, feels like poor book design.

Symptomatic of the whole thing - feels like a lot of two steps forward, three steps back. Not compelling, and that's before we get into non-book issues like the focus on DnD Beyond, intentionally vague "backwards compatibility" claims, cost of books, staggered release, and general reputation and intention of WotC with this.
Using the 2024 PHB baseline what would be the best Monk Subclass? Including pulling from the Extra Material like Tasha's for Kensei. I'm really, really interested in playing a Monk for the first time in like forever and could use some help building one. They're a totally new thing for me.
Not sure about "best", but Kensei has an interesting interaction I've noticed. 5e Monk's Stunning Strike only worked for "melee weapon attacks" which is a term 5.5 doesn't use which includes both melee weapons and Unarmed Strikes. 5.5 Monk it's "hit with a Monk Weapon or an Unarmed Strike", which opens the base Monk up to doing it with thrown weapons, and importantly, Kensei to doing it with *ranged* weapons, potentially Stunning someone from up to 600 feet with a Longbow which could be tasty. Kensei can also be gun Monks with pistols and muskets being in the 5.5 PHB which could be fun
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Happened before a few years back during our party's 'vacation episode' with our cruise ship being attacked by a Beholder pirate and his crew of bullywugs/grungs, the latter of which he telekinetically shoved into cannons and used them as literal poisoned cannon fodder. Was fun and hilarious over all.
Mercy is still pretty good since you're one of if not the best short rest healer, really only changes it got iirc was that you can only use flurry of healing and harm at lvl 11 equal to your profiency bonus rather than indefinitely (basically free hand of harm after flurry of blows).
The Way of Mercy still sounds like a monk who goes "I'm going to punch some enlightenment into you, hold still".
Elemental actually looks fun, and I thinks monks are lame af.
Thinking of dipping into Fighter to Buff my Monk. Should Martial Arts get a Simple Weapon Mastery? Maybe Vex or Topple? You could just use a Quarterstaff at any rate, but I'm looking for this flavor.
Would be cool if instead of straight Masteries they could apply them to Unarmed Strikes. Something like every Long Rest pick two properties (other than Nick I guess since it requires Light to do anything? Have Nick apply Light too for an extra Unarmed Strike?), when you attempt an Unarmed Strike can choose to treat that attack as having one of them (chosen before the initial attack so you have to choose Graze before trying rather than taking it and always applying it on a miss)? Might be too good, probably needs refining (limit it to certain properties? Impose a Focus cost? I don't know), but the base idea sounds like it'd be fun
A Focus cost makes sense to me, but not for every strike. Maybe like a Concentration thing that costs one Focus for each minute the bonus would apply, and only that one bonus at a time.
Not too overpowered in that regard.
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kek, I saw a tranny on (((reddit))) point out SAD shillelagh builds on I guess paladins mostly are retarded because they fuck you out of weapon masteries and all the good weapon feats give +1 str/+1 dex anyway.
True Strike is probably slightly broken with valor bards, clerics (war clerics) and eldritch knights. valor bards and eldritch knights both have features (bard at 6 eldritch knight at 7) allowing them to replace an attack with a cantrip and it looks like true strike works with divine strike and the war cleric's level 3 bonus action attack feature.
the only down side is clerics and bards are full casters so how often are they going to melee cantrip attack? and an eldritch knight would be using his or her worse stat in int to attack for potentially higher damage, so it might be something to do only if you have advantage
Now, hear me out:

Halfling paladin, jousting from atop a St. Bernard.
>they fuck you out of weapon masteries
It merely limits your weapon mastery to Club (Slow) and Quarterstaff (Topple), so it's not that bad. And if you do it on a Fighter eventually you'll get Slow/Push/Sap automatically on any weapon, making the Shillelagh Quarterstaff a great choice.
Mastiffs are listed as valid mounts in both the 5e and 5.5 PHBs which is pretty close, could probably use the same stats?
you get that feature at level 9. most campaigns end by level 10 anyway and you still are getting fucked by the fact all the good feats for a martial are +1str/+1dex and not +1int. Fighters are probably more incentivized to take the new half feats over ASIs too since they get an extra one at 6 and champions and battle masters can very easily be SAD due to heavy armor access
Yep. Works just fine. It's not super-mega-ultra game breaking. In fact, it can kinda suck (depending on terrain/mission/etc).

But damn if it ain't fun.
I was merely commenting on the weapon mastery part (and topple is amazing), you don't NEED to use your spellcasting ability with Shillelagh.
And if you do, while "losing access" to martial feats is indeed bad, you still get to pick good feats like Fey/Shadow Touched that help a lot with spellcasting for those classes with limited spell slots.
As a Paladin you get a more potent Aura of Protection if you pump CHA and for many people that was enough to sacrifice a level AND martial feats.
>you don't NEED to use your spellcasting ability with Shillelagh.
but why would you? this seems like a lot of set up for like 1 damage. shillelagh is 1d10 at level 5 and 1d12 at level 11. martial 1 handed weapons are 1d8. you can use a shield for shillelagh but I'd assume an eldritch knight wouldn't use a shield so he or she could cast and all 2 handed martial weapons are 1d10 or 1d12 anyway.
Even doing the shield hokey pokey its 1-2 damage per attack 2-6 damage per round, assuming you never get a magical weapon.
so, power source changes

>arcane,divine, and primal spell lists are all completely unique
>arcane spells can transform into multiple different spells when you upcast them. They use spell points instead of spell slots
>divine spells scale with your class level. Instead of spell slots, they get a divine favor die to determine when their god cuts them off
>primal spells change in power depending on environmental factors. they use spell points but regain spell points slowly during combat
>martial maneuvers are at-will, but grant bonuses if you mix them up instead of spamming
>they get a divine favor die to determine when their god cuts them off
as in the temperament of their deity is literally chosen by a dice roll?
>befuddling changes
>my champion is fighting for his life against the forces of evil
>but I'm not really feeling it today so I'm shutting off the magic and letting him die
never pick a woman as your patron
Gods work in mysterious ways. Maybe give Advantage if the champion is doing something favorable to the god and Disadvantage otherwise to make it less swingy.
the reason I'm doing this is to take the decision out of the DM's hands. I've met too many stupid DMs to trust them with that option
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There's also a little change with paladin with aura protection turning off if you're incapacitated, whereas before you needed to be unconscious. Also noticed when flipping through the new/old stuff OoA got a hit to its Aura of Warding with it originally giving resistance to damage against spells and now just giving resistance to radiant, necrotic and psychic damage.
the dms greenlit the backup minotaur/(hob)goblin so im just bouncing around
the elemental plane angle is great imo, but the implementation is just... eh?

the ranger build is there just because i want to be the designated "dont die of thirst in a desert" dude, the drakewarden/beast master is because me and a buddy are entering the game as a mongolian fast food stand and i'd need something to pull the cart

the dao are hardcore slavers and artificers, but fuck me man how does something like that curse or touch a living being to birth a dao
the worst part is that aside from onyx skin and ruby eyes i have no clue as to how to interpert it
>fire genasi get fire hair
>air genasi get the blue skin and tats
>water genasi are always wet
and the earth ones get to be sandy and muddy? aint that some dumb shit
honestly the only thing keeping me from the character is that i cant "see" what a cool earth genasi would look like
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Why did they nerf bear totem? Is totem the worst subclass now?
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Punishment for ancestral sins.
>Why did they nerf bear totem?
Because it overshadowed the other 2 options.
>Is totem the worst subclass now?
It's comparatively better than it was due to the flexibility it offers, in my opinion.
But yes, the other subclass options are great now so Totem won't be the only real option available anymore.
To punish llmslop posters.
>It's comparatively better than it was due to the flexibility it offers, in my opinion.
But bear sucks now and the rest are still weak. I don't get it. How would you build one?
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Anyone got a pdf of Ancestral Weapons?
>game, very very slightly, discourages you from classic DND cleric mace build
>>Bunch of spells with strange changes that make them much worse for little reason (Chiefly Counterspell, which is now ostensibly a waste of a slot, does not consume the enemy slot and doesn't have anything to do with spell level being a Con save now)
inflict wounds is now strictly worse than chill touch and guiding bolt unless you upcast it to like 3rd level but why the fuck would you do that? the only "good" explanation for it is one of the designers must have seen someone crit with it and didn't want tier 1 evil clerics to be able to absolutely nuke PCs on a crit and in theory PCs shouldn't be playing as evil clerics with inflict wounds
>placing the healer on the frontline
>wasting his actions and spell slots on mediocre attacks instead of support or healing
it was always a bad idea
retard alert, retard alert
Be honest. Do you make your PCs pay?
Pay for what?
Are you stupid or something?

You forgot the remove of personality traits, an actuial crime.
interception yes, protection no

give the St. bernard advantage on saves vs alcohol, because cartoons
>full spell caster with access to the same armor and shields as a fighter
>one of the subclasses even straight up as has access to the same number of attacks as a fighter for levels 3-10, aka the most commonly played levels
>had the only healing spells and features in older editions
>still has the most and best healing spells and features in modern editions
retard. why would a class who has spirit guardians and heavy armor and a shield waste time healing and not spirit guardians on the front line?

>cast spriit gaurdians
>get into melee because of spirit gaurdian range and heavy armor
>next round of combat
>somone has taken damage (because they are also on the front lines)
>cure wounds for 2d8+3 (because you're on the front lines so you're in range for a touch spell)
>cure wounds
>cure wounds
retard. in 5e all anyone would ever do was aid, healing word and revivify
Cure wounds was buffed, so it makes sense to use the most updated version of a 5e spell.

doesn't matter if it was buffed or not, only retards waste their action and a spell slot with cure wounds in combat
healing word also got a buff, and its still a bonus action.
>wasting your action in combat on healing
>>had the only healing spells and features in older editions
Hello, this is the 5e thread.

>>still has the most and best healing spells and features in modern editions
Bards. Also, Druids.

no one knows, nobody is actually playing it.
Choose another race to worship. You can do better than Earth Genasi. Even Air Genasi would be better.
if you had to give charisma a "thing" what would you give it?
Proactive healing, AKA making sure the enemy is dead before it can cause any more damage.
Make them a subrace of dwarf rather than earth genie, like how Eladrin are super elves.

Cha already has the entire social pillar of gameplay, I wouldn't give it anything else.
and casting AID
When is it acceptable to use cure wounds?
picking up a downed player as grave cleric
>casting AID
Careful with the wording on that.
it might be ok for out of combat healing on a life cleric since you have it anyway if you have no more hit dice or something.
really its
before combat with your highest spell slot
>healing word
if anyone is downed to pick them up without spending an action
if someone dies
What is a good first feat on a war cleric? do you tank the weapon properties feat or the crusher feat? going from 14 to 15 str at level 4 seems like a good idea for the armor
Just polling the board here... If you set up a wall of stone to be a bridge. is it considered to have a 'floor'? Curious if a wall of stone satisfies Scatters 'floor' requirement?

>healing word and revivify aren't healing
>revives aren't healing
healing word is a bonus action for picking up a downed character. revivify is just cleric tax
less healing and more emergency revives
Weapon master if you plan on making weapon attacks. you have access to warhammer and heavy crossbow, which can trigger push more than once a turn. Compared crusher's 1/turn

I think I'd say it satisfies "floor"
is push good or is it worth using a different weapon?
"10ft push"

no save
My Descent Into Avernus party are about to take on the Dungeon of the Dead Three. Think I'm finished buffing Vaaz, the Death's Head of Bhaal. Bumped his Dex up to 22, made Unstoppable once per turn rather than costing a reaction and let it regenerate one per round, added LR, LA and MA (not really a Mythic Action for him but the Myrkul statue can spawn some skeletons when he gets bloodied – now along with the Bane statue's forced prostration all three gods can contribute).
Am I retarded? How do I look at the 2014 versions of classes on 5etools?
There's a link on the homepage under FAQ.
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>Check 2014 player's handbook
>Uncheck no-reprinted
the level 11 feature is such a shit change, honestly. if they were limiting it i wish they had at least made it better.
I actually liked this art even if WOTC forgot flesh toned tieflings or I missed something between planescape and now, glad to see it wasn't AI
Me and the rainbow gang playing our favorite chinese card game variant
what are the weapon mastery power rankings?
I've said it before and I'll say it again, the face up side of the cards being the wrong color is the worst fucking thing ever
So nick is so high that it's not even on the same chart?
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Painted the mini from my Dungeon in a Box Set
Whatcha think?
Looks like knife and toad have folded, laughingman is laying his out and the tea drinker has her cards in mage hand to me?
Having your enemy spellcasters silvery barbs the PCs' successful death saving throws Y/N?
And does nay become yea if the PC in question is a silvery barbs user themselves?
Holy shit that's evil
I'm thinking of adding DCC's mighty deeds die to my campaign. I either make it a pickable feat or add it as somethings martial can do. Half-martials can do it too but they get worse dice. Any other dm's have any experience with doing that? any advice?
You are kicking them while they are down. It depends on your overall approach to downed PCs. I ignore them until there is no one to fight; then I coup de grace. A one time instance of the silvery barbs could be funny though.
downright devilish
How do I RP as Aasimar? Are they goodie two shoes because of their celestial ancestry?
They're probably more likely to lean that way, but nothing forces them to.
What are some fo the most busted ass builds I can make from the 2024 PHB? My group are just trying to make the most unbalanced shit possible.
It's just some clown slapping his name on 'mother may I' and calling it a system so do what you want, so long as it doesn't bring the game to a grinding halt
>Are they goodie two shoes because of their celestial ancestry?
Fallen and Scourge Aasimar exists, so even if their ancestry had that strong of an influence, no.
People tend to just make up what aasimar means to them, and naturally their ties to divinity and celestials depend on the setting. They have a strong inclination to do good, but they can fall. Afaik, they have a spiritual guide within them. This could be the voice of the DM, leading you on an important quest to do good. I don't care for that aspect; might as well be Jiminy Cricket.
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Definitely not the first to think this.
Why does the new book have such an emphasis on inclusivity?
Why would anyone bring a disabled person into a dangerous dungeon where their weakness is even more exploitable and problematic in dire situations?
Magic can regrow limbs… it could fix legs…
I thought they were supposed to give the booze to people dying of hypothermia, not drink it themselves.
>Wheelchair bound PC is being paraded around a deadly dungeon.
Could be a curse, or just too poor to get regeneration cast. But why would they cure it when it's what their whole identity revolves around? Curing it would be seen as problematic I bet. That's how pathological these freaks are.

>Why the focus on inclusion?
It's DEI marketing. They are trying to get a broader reach on by appealing to different demographics. Not necessarily people with said conditions, but people with their set of modern sensibilities. Don't think it works though. More likely it's all political funding.
My question specifically is why they chose a wheelchair when you could be riding around in or on something cooler like a Tenser’s floating disk, the skeletal remains of a reanimated beholder with you riding in its skull Eggman style, one of those riding cauldrons hags have or some sort of Doc Ock mechanical arms that walk for you.
That was entirely accidental but still counts. That one was literally a befuddling change, let PCs have consequences, it's a fucking 8th level spell.

I had noticed that, too, but ran out of space and focused a fair bit on Paladin already. I missed the incapacitated and not unconscious change; that's granular but stupid, nonsensical, and an objective nerf. And yeah, noticed that too; resistance to Necrotic may be good against enemies that prevent healing, but in general that's a downgrade. It's another one of those bizarre "who asked for this or had an issue with this?" changes. It almost feels like a large set of houserules made by a DM who had a few shitty encounters and made odd changes, except it's a whole official book.

Great art, btw, OoA may be my favorite player experience/theming and I need more art for it.

Jesus, that's bad. Once again, bunch of odd granular changes that nobody seemed to have an issue with in the first place. If they'd just done what they did to classes/equipment and gave everyone Lvl. 1 feats, maybe it'd be worth it, but it's feeling increasingly like a Trojan horse of bullshit.

>PCs shouldn't be playing as evil clerics with inflict wounds
Yeah, if that's any part of their thinking they can fucj right off. That's more likely an "inventing a scenario to get mad at" thing, but the whole point of the game is choice, and evil campaigns are a time honored tradition. Plus, if they out Oathbreaker and Death domain out, it's to be expected.

Great catch, anon, and I'm glad I'm not the only one. I hadn't even noticed that fully minus the sheet not having individual slots for it anymore. That's a major hit to basic character development, especially for newbies and quick games. I've had so many interesting twists on concepts I came to the table with because I rolled something fun on those. Another reason I don't like backgrounds getting "optimized" because of specific feats, but that sucks. Criminal.
Listen, compared to a lot of the fucking art, especially for the rest of the "species", this is actually pretty good. Did not put me off and actually depicts Tieflings pretty consistently and interesting and is generally attractive art. It's on the upper crust of the art in the book. And for how much people can hate players of them, they're far from the dumbest inclusions in the PHB now.

Also, compelled to mention Drow now have no negatives to play. At all. They get less stat increases to match, I suppose, but that feels wrong compared to every other fucking edition and depiction of Drow.
>They get less stat increases to match, I suppose, but that feels wrong compared to every other fucking edition and depiction of Drow.
Eilistraee is winning.
>They get less stat increases to match
Also, no species gets a stat increase anymore, they moved that to Background.
Which low level (levels 1-6 maybe?) features and spells do you guys find actually fun to use outside of combat?

For a long time I thought spellcasters were privileged but the more I comb through spells of all levels the more I'm thinking there are very very few spells that actually do fun things out of combat.

Features that make the list for me:

- pet classes like beastmaster, battlesmith, or even just a Chain Warlock
- misty visions invocation (silent image at will)
- eldritch sight invocation (detect magic at will)
- changeling race
- potentially skill monkey stuff like Soul Knife rogue, but I've never actually tried someone good at skills
Prestidigitation and Thaumaturgy are your go-to for random stuff.
Oh, I'm aware of that, and they've been prepping that longer than anything else from this dogshit book since they announced One DnD. But at least back then, they had base increases you could reassign, and as such Drow still had a higher baseline power, but the sunlight sensitivity drawback. Now that's all gone.

Generally, the problem here isn't "woke race equalization" or however you'd put it, even if that was part of the intent. Now all the "Species" are crunched to the middle to the point they don't have anything really different in play by ability aside from a couple resistances and extra spells they get. Which, I was never a fan of the bloat of them across games and move away from more core traditional fantasy races, but if they all play practically the same, and there's nothing mechanical attaching to their flavor, it doesn't end up mattering much at all.

Crazy that a good chunk of the changes in general can just be written off as "Tasha's did it better", especially considering some of the opinions of Tasha's.

>Eilistraee is winning
Kek, that's one way to look at it. I almost wonder if there'll end up being more Drow again now that you just get flavor and "Dark Elf" with no difficulty.
Honestly, a lot of it comes down to preconceptions from older editions and whiterooming. You always need a few damage spells early level and that limits some of the cooler fun stuff.

Other anon is right. Prestidigitation, Thaumaturgy, and Mage Hand are staples I manage to take on every character for versatility and flavor. Even Druidcraft and Gust et. al. get some fun uses in the right situation.

Glamor Bard gets some fun stuff that was almost reminiscent of old CP2020 Rockerboys to me. Rogues and Bards in general with skillmonkey applications with the right DM. Hell, even random instrument proficiencies on non-Bards for random tavern shenanigans and performances.

Telekinetic feat made me a very happy man when it came out.

Warlock is rife with this shit. Eldritch Sight was a favorite but so useful to the point I had a DM take it away and give me an extra spell as penance - it's Detect Magic at will, and considering its name, was just "You see in Detect Magic", which was wild with no other requirement and VERY useful in the right campaign. You already mentioned it but I wanted to put a fine point in it. Popular builds preferred Blade, but I love Pact of the Tome and Book of Shadows so, so deeply much for the thematics and cantrip versatility/ritual spells. Even did a Hexblade with it once that worked better than it should.
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The advantage of spellcasters is more apparent at tier 3-4. Here's a list of notable wizard spells.
0: control flames, gust, mage hand, mending, message, mold earth, prestidigitation, shape water.
1st: alarm, comprehend languages, detect magic, disguise self, feather fall, find familiar, unseen servant.
2nd: alter self, augury, borrowed knowledge, detect thoughts, enlarge/reduce, invisibility, knock, locate object, magic mouth, misty step, rope trick, spider climb, suggestion, vortex warp.
3rd: clairvoyance, dispel magic, fly, gaseous form, glyph of warding, major image, remove curse, sending, speak with dead, tiny hut, tongues.
4th: arcane eye, control water, dimension door, divination, fabricate, locate creature, polymorph, private sanctum, vault of amber.
5th: conjure elemental, contact other plane, creation, legend lore, planar binding, scrying, teleportation circle, wall of force.
6th: arcane gate, contingency, disintegrate, magic jar, soul cage, true seeing.
7th: etherealness, mirage arcane, magnificent mansion, plane shift, reverse gravity, teleport.
8th: demiplane, telepathy.
9th: gate, shapechange, true polymorph, wish.

If we're keeping it to 1-6, I have a couple of my favorite features in mind.
- Wildshape (Druid) means you can pilfer and infiltrate better than rogues, especially combined with Pass Without Trace.
- Steps of the Night (Twilight Cleric) / Elemental Gift (Genie Warlock) lets you fly. The Fly spell boosts movement to 60 ft, and upcasting lets the party deal with terrain and pesky dragons.
- Genie's Vessel (Genie Warlock) lets you storage just about anything in it once per day. You can also transport yourself past walls. Favorite subclass in the game.
- Manifest Mind (Scribes Wizard) similar to familiar, except you can cast more spells through it and it can only be dispelled. It's a spy subclass.
Yeah I feel like Warlock really is the class if you want to feel cool and magical at all times! I wish there was more at-will magic in the game that went beyond cantrips. Stuff like the monk stepping between shadows is sick as hell, echo knight teleporting, the psi fighter and rogue sub classes, they all take a step in the right direction. Ironically I feel like Wizard always feels like the LEAST magical class. They usually don't get anything cool to do at will. Would love to see more stuff like Transmutation 2 that lets you flex some creative muscles.

Thanks for making these lists!! Really helpful.

Totally agreed on Wild Shape, that makes my list for sure.

> You can also transport yourself past walls.
Can you explain this one for me?
>You can also transport yourself past walls.
When you exit the vessel, you appear in the unoccupied space closest to it. This can be used to bypass prison bars, doors, and other small spaces. I should've specified you need an opening. Ring is best for this.

For actually bypassing walls, you can have other creatures to occupy in spaces next to the ring. This allows you to clip past walls. Your DM may veto it, but it's technically raw.
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Am I the only one to notice clerics losing ritual casting in the new PHB?
Because everyone got it, even non-spellcasters.

Clerics do not lose ritual casting.
Sorry, I has the dumb.

Everyone having ritual casting actually feels even worse somehow.
I for one welcome Sorcerers finally being able to cast Ritual spells. Not that they have many.
Minor conjuration.
Minor transmutation
Forge cleric channel
Mage hand
Echo knight copying if you allow Mercer's shit
Shape the Flowing River

Also, you're probably underselling a lot of your spell options. Magic Mouth doesn't seem like much at first blush, but it's actually incredibly powerful, not the least of which being if you make their triggers include other magic mouths you have a logic gate.
If the heroes can...

Cheesey shit like that is allowed. Even applauded. But if you're going to do it, so am I. I have to; to keep the game challenging. Better not to turn the game into a pissing contest; the DM can always top you.

General rule is: tit for tat.
I mean, with rangers swapped to prep it would have been just basically "let's fuck over sorcerers and non-tomelocks specifically."
And especially with the nerf to tomelock and ritual caster where they only get 2 1st level spells and can't ever learn more, it just makes sense.
Hell yeah, booze dog is wearing a cask on its collar.
>the DM can always top you.
Mmm, yes daddy
EK and AT didn't have ritual casting either.
That's something different, lol.
I feel like starting with 1 level of fighter is really good for war cleric. You get con proficiency, weapon mastery, a fighting style, and you can take thaumaturge as a cleric. Fighter even has insight and perception as skills. Only drawback I see is delaying spirit guardians by 1 level.
Remind me again why Push is good? Topple number 1 agreed, but I'd rather have Sap or Vex than Push.

You've got a point. You start to wonder if they're trying to create "Unique Experiences" or making everybody a copy of each other.
>Martials get magic!
>Casters get weapons!
I did a deep dive on Cleric / Pal and the results were barely any DPR drops, especially after getting Spirit Guardians with a much better AC possible.
I really toyed with that idea, but in the end I went with 2 Pal. I agree though that barring wanting only a caster, Clerics benefit from a dip into a Martial.
Let's be fair here, how fucking often did Sunlight Sensitivity actually come up in play anyways? I'm playing a drow right now and it's basically forgotten after the DM kept telling me I was fine and it was shady enough.
24 Sorcerer got some nice stuff that helps sell "you are a source of magic" better than 14, like most subclasses having 2 free spells of levels 1-5 that don't count against the known list, more spells known total, and some actual class features. 10 rounds of uninterruptible self-buff to increase Save DC and Advantage on spell attack rolls from level 1 is a big deal. Twice between Long Rests.
Whats working for hasbro like, anon?
I bet for aura of warding they thought spell damage was a weird/confusing restriction since you can have nonspell magic damage and more monsters now have "spell-like" abilities. So they just changed it to damage types that usually come from magical sources.
Am I the only person whose reading every class as getting absurd buffs but the monsters the PHB has listed look nearly identical?
Why are 5e players demanding such coddling? 5e was already the easiest edition.
The few beasts I looked at got nerfed with lower AC and damage, don't know if that's consistent.
That's a failure of your DM or campaign specific. People ignored it or handwoven it, but it was there and rough, even rougher in old editions. Though in those you could cope with a feat.
Mostly slight debuffs.

Black Bear is identical save losing 10ft of movement in 5.5
Brown Bear has 10 less HP and 1 less damage
Dire Wolf lost 15hp, 2 damage, and Keen Hearing/Smell
Giant Spider only lost Web Sense but gained a Web Ability. Poison is not resisted anymore it just deals extra poison damage on hit, Id say the Giant spider came out a bit better
Lion lost 4 hp but gained a lot of abilities, overall a buff
Mastiff nearly identical just lost keen smell
Panther got a prowl ability so thats a buff
Skeletons have +1 to hit and +1 damage
Tiger is +1 AC but -15hp and -2 damage but gained the same stealth ability panthers got
Zombie lost 7hp
Or it's just because it's a bookkeeping negative effect that breaks exploration flow. BG3 dumped it too.
I agree with other anon, that is a failure of your GM. Especially since there is literally a daylight spell. Making it not matter in most situations such as in cities due to shade, inside buildings or dungeons, and most locations is fine but it certainly is the GMs failing if they never have any mobs try to counter you by exploiting it and NEVER have any combats in open sunlight during the day.

Also what applies in a video game is not relevant to the actual tabletop. BG3 also has environmental elemental effects because Larian
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Does anyone here have a pdf copy of DotMM Companion: Complete Edition, From Wyatt Trull.
>Especially since there is literally a daylight spell
Which is not sunlight, so meaningless for this talk.
Or rather, wasn't sunlight within the parameters of the original 5e, in which player races still had sunlight sensitivity, since they buffed the spell in 5.5.
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So Im making a gay knight character based off Loras Tyrell

What would be a good flamboyant motif for him instead of roses? I was thinking peacocks but I'm not sure if that is quite effeminate enough.
Africanized elves is the dumbest shit to come out of it.
ritual casting is based on the spell like in bg3 not based on the class. wizard might still have the thing where they can ritual cast unprepared spells though. I don't remember
>Damage against Multiple Targets

>When you create a damaging effect that forces two or more targets to make saving throws against it at the same time, roll the damage once for all the targets. For example, when a wizard casts Fireball, the spell’s damage is rolled once for all creatures caught in the blast.

Interesting, they changed the simultaneous damage rule in 5.5. No more cheesing Magic Missile with features that let you add to "one damage roll" since in 5.5 you RAW roll for each dart rather than rolling once and all darts did that damage like in 5e
>with a much better AC possible.
they have the same fucking armor. both paladins and war clerics get heavy armor. the only difference is paladins can get the defensive fighting style
>delaying spirit guardians by a level
The nicest thing I can say to you is that there are some people on the left who are just as dumb as you are.
>Fake outrage
Or maybe most people are fine with it, and it just pushes culture war reactionaries out of hobbies they feel like should be safe spaces for them?
They do, in fact, they wrote it in as a separate feature just for the dumbasses who kept skipping it.
>Or maybe most people are fine with it,
they aren't. why do you think hasbro laid off nearly all of their DND employees?
>and it just pushes culture war reactionaries out of hobbies they feel like should be safe spaces for them?
again, you push people you don't like out of hobbies and then get mad when they get into other hobbies like racism or guns.
That's what inclusion means in its modern sense: making a community focus on newcomers - or desired newcomers - rather than the people who built that community in the first place. It would stop if that original demographic just refused to buy from those companies, but people have to CONSUME.
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>get into other hobbies like racism
you earned this (you), hearty kek
Okay, so you don't have a personality, but if you're going to replace your personality with something you could probably pick something better than racism.
kek, on raw they had a bunch of netflix workers because the show is going there and it was all roasties and 2 soibois
it is a hobby
nah, I have a personality, but if you keep pushing everyone out of your hobbies then what else are they going to get into other than guns and rasicm?
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That's bizarre to me because literally every table I've ever played at has always rolled one time for big spells, and every dart for Magic Missile. I've never experienced otherwise.
Dont worry anon, Im sure wotc will edit the lighting so you cant tell their race in the Chinese releases.
Yeah, it's a thing that's not immediately obvious it's technically RAW in 5e, and even for some who realized it was RAW they didn't run it that way. Has the same average so didn't super matter which way you did it, except in edge cases like Evoker Wizards. Was an interaction between 5e's

> If a spell or other effect deals damage to more than one target *at the same time,* roll the damage once for all of them. For example, when a wizard casts fireball or a cleric casts flame strike, the spell's damage is rolled once for all creatures caught in the blast.

and Magic Missile's
> The darts all strike *simultaneously*
>oh woe is me, my tabletop game has black people in it
>i can't play this anymore, time to become a racist
sounds like the racism isn't a new thing
because vanguard and blackrock own their stocks. and vanguard and blackrocks are like public sector employee pension and 403b funds so blackrock and vanguard literally don't give a shit about losing money or RoI because it isn't their money are losing, its teachers and firefighters
if this was healthy for the game, why did hasbro fire basically every DND employee?
Ah that's a good one. Thanks.
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Uni and the Hunt for the Lost Horn is on D&D Beyond, its got some monsters from the 2025 Monster Manual. Here's the mage!

No spell slots and it's using actual spells for its reactions!
>I have no issue with black people
>but why are they front and center
So you have an issue with black people and are virtue signalling that with "genuine concern" about the formatting and branding directions.
Damn they really recalibrated CR thresholds huh. This bozo deals a ton of AoE damage and all it cost them was slightly below average HP, their AC is even functionally improved and they get a reaction that could feasibly be used each round.
If walmart was doing fine, why did they fire all their cashiers and install self-checkouts? The hasbro suits are banking on AI to be able to write their books from now on. They've been doing it for years with the art at this point, just go all in on the FotM tech.
Yep, yadda yadda, asterisk means it's subject to change, but that's what it is at the point in time that that adventure was written, so it's unlikely to change *super* much between now and final publishing, will very likely have that formatting. Which interacts with 5.5 Counterspell's wording that *spell slots* aren't expended if countered, any other resource such as an x/day would be
Walmart has actually started to reverse that in some locations because people just weren't paying at all.
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>Which interacts with 5.5 Counterspell's wording that *spell slots* aren't expended if countered, any other resource such as an x/day would be
I'm really curious if we'll see Bonus Action Spells in the Monster Manual. Since NPCs aren't using Spell Slots they would be able to cast action, bonus action, and reaction spells all in the same turn.
For example, if that Mage NPC had Misty Step it could cast Fireball, then in response to getting Counterspelled, could cast Counterspell, then cast Misty Step as a BA.
You're a fucking retard, this mans all the people who objected to white men being front and center for things is a racist too. Your logic doesnt work and when applied to your own side makes you a hypocrite, your side has already implied, lecture, and based their position on the idea that you can oppose these decisions for reasons other than bigotry.
>If walmart was doing fine, why did they fire all their cashiers and install self-checkouts?
complete non sequitur. something is fucked up when larian said everyone they worked with at hasbro got laid off.
>The hasbro suits are banking on AI to be able to write their books from now on. They've been doing it for years with the art at this point, just go all in on the FotM tech.
even being super generous to you that would still mean DND and the current DEI direction are shit because its causing normal people to lose their jobs and not be able to feed their families. I could not care any less about the top fags making money. but we both know that isn't true. DND is not meeting their sales goals because they are alienating their core audience
top fucking kek
what retarded corporate suits do has never needed to be based in reality
>congrats on record profits this quarter!
>we're firing 40% of you btw
Gosh I hate this, how revolting. If you want everything to just be per day actions then theres a ruleset for you and its called 4e
>why do you think hasbro laid off nearly all of their DND employees?
Money, as always, for the C-suite and shareholders.
>5e players: Casters are OP please fix
>Also 5e players: Getting counterspelled feels bad please nerf the only counterplay against casters.
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Apparently, this is a Very Rare item!
They don't believe their own arguments. It's okay to fill European-derived settings with nonwhite people because "it's fantasy", but they need to hire writers from specific ethnicities to write non-European setting so they can be "authentic". Faerun using a hilariously bastardized version of European history and mythology is just the norm, but Al-Qadim and Kara-Tur need "BIGOT" warning labels to shame the authors and players who built the hobby in the first place. Neoprogressivism is a fundamentally right-wing ideology hiding in the sheep's clothing of leftism and traditional progressivism. These people are racists and bigots, period, and shame on you if you give them money.
Everything conservatives hate about contemporary culture comes from Wall Street and corporate boardrooms, not imaginary Marxists.
It doesn't have to be. UwU
Simping for your overlords won't make the wealth trickle down.
I just want people to focus on the ACTUAL problems with the system rather than spend all their attention on made up ones.
Does Conjure Woodland Beings work with Beast Master's Shared Spells feature?
>Fix the game
>Make it perfect
>People stop paying for new books
Not gonna happen. At least I generally believe changes are slightly better with every iteration, but I'm just a casual.
RAW possibly, but good luck convincing your DM to let you have 2 layers of fucking Spirit Guardians+ up at the same time.
Getting mad over imaginary problems is the hobby for many anons around here
It's their capstone? The Druid would've been doing this but better at lower levels. Moon Druid + Conjure Woodland Beings is insane.
>You're a fucking retard, this mans all the people who objected to white men being front and center for things is a racist too.
Anyway, you'd have a point if that guy were insisting that white heroes on cover art represented white supremacist racism, but of course he isn't.
Any time you make a post that contains the words "your side" and "hypocrite", if you can't edit out at least one of those terms, it probably means that you don't have a point.
I see new book being advertised and sold already, yet the one here is a scan someone made with their phone. Did everyone here really go "Yep, that's good enough for me, not gonna buy it."?
Not like I'm any different, just surprised there's no oil baron around.
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Just figured out my BBEG
>superpowerful (politically and literally) artificer
>just wants to make the world a better place
>creates a gate to literal hell
>believes this will create a deterrent for evil actions, as criminals can now be threatened with an eternal punishment
Idk the rest, but this is what I'm starting with
So little changed there is no incentive to give a shit. There's not even a reason to bother playing with all the new shit because there's no DMG or MM built to handle all the new shit. You'll just be kicking puppies with these rules against 2014 monsters.

Despite their being plenty of good small changes, they fundamentally fucked up in some major places in disastrous ways for a core product intended to endure as a basis for however the fuck long. Just like 2014. What's the point of playtests if you aren't going to listen to people telling you how retarded CME is, or how shallow and cumbersome a system weapon masteries are, or that Paladins don't want their BA taken up for smites?
that + 5etools satisfies most people i'd imagine.
Nah I agree.
Counterspell isn't dynamic enough, it doesn't spice combat, just lengthens it
I've said it a million times and I'll say it again, just run Gritty Realism if you want to balance casters and martials
Yeah, that should work. It worked with Zephyr Strike so I don't see why it wouldn't work here. It is much stronger though.

>Cast CWB
>Bonus Action Command Sky Beast to use Ready Action to move on another turn
>Beast's turn
>Beast flies 60 ft around dealing CWB damage to every foe it can
>Bonus Action Dodge
>Ready Action to move on the next creatures turn
>Next creatures turn
>Creature does trigger
>Beast Reaction: Flies 60 ft again dealing CWB damage to every foe it can
The funniest thing is if you're willing not to get the reaction movement the Beast still takes the Dodge and Movement action even without you commanding it. I'm pretty confident that the 5d8 or 6d8 damage the CWB is doing is more than the multi-attack. If you have it move using its reaction then its 10d8 or 12d8 mass damage possibly a third if you can get an ally to grab the Sky Beast and move it pushing the damage to 15d8 or 18d8.
>Yes, Wizard Players, we are going to listen to Your feedback and change the other 11 classes to satisfy Your demands. The Wizard shall have the best spell list, those uppity sorcerers and warlocks don't deserve it. We are going to nerf a bit more the warlock list as an apology.
>... What's that fighter fags? Oh, maneuvers as baseline? But that's too complex for the NPC class no matter how many of you ask about it.
>Or maybe he just recognizes there's something strange about a hobby making heavy representation of people who are not their core demographic.
It's because their core demographic wants to see that form of representation. It's a kind of slactivism, it doesn't improve life for poor blacks and it barely matters to the few black people who play but it makes sheltered white boys feel better about themselves.
Wow, /tg/'s moderation has shifted HARD to the right. Deleting legitimate discussion about the state of the hobby to defend capitalist interests.

If you disagree with someone, debate them. Censorship proves you know you are wrong.
lol, they don't care, they tolerated politicals for years because politicals view ads like everyone else, but /tg/ traffic is in the shitter right now plus it's an election season so they're finally doing some chemo.
So then keep up the good work and stay based piratebro
yeah, maybe on planet retard
>core audience
They did that 15 years ago, you tourists are just the new audience they are currently bilking

are there any more weapons that would make sense as using charisma?
It's because Magic Damage vs Nonmagic Damage is totally removed from the game.

Things that care about Magic Damage no longer do, and things that used to give Magic Damage explicitly give your choice of BSP or Force (or in moon druids case an element), while things that used to give it implicitly like magic weapons and Alter Self claw attacks don't anymore.
why the fuck do those make sense to use charisma
rapiers are the classic bard/swashbuckler weapon. longswords are the weapon associated with charismatic heroes like paladins. whips are the weapons of seductresses
that's why they're bards, paladins and whores using them, not innate properties of the weapons, which were in the case of longswords hardly so selective in use. Nor rapiers. And whips are just more known for torture anyways.
I never understood why a Rakshasa is immune to low level spells, but a low level magic sword can hurt them. It's like "Level 6 or below immunity", but a barely fancy little arrow and it's extra effected? You can make those at level 3!
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That's clearly the wrong way to approach it.
Generally the things that protect you from spells are completely different from the things that protect you from weapons, and protecting from nonmagical weapons is much more common than protection from magical ones. I can't explain further, not without some kind of speculative rakshasa biology to reference, but it makes sense to me.
house rules:
>every mastery that triggers on a hit also triggers on a miss
>all damage spells do half damage on a miss/success
>save or sucks (both martial and caster) have a nerfed effect on a save
>you got any small monster trucks?
>yeah, maybe on planet retard
not at all. you are comparing walmart putting in self checkout because millennials and zoomer prefer it to hasbro firing basically all of the DND staff for christmas due to sales not meeting expectations
>They did that 15 years ago, you tourists are just the new audience they are currently bilking
the core audience of any table top, card or videogame is always going to be white guys and white guys are the most conservative group.
again, now that japan and the US stopped giving our free money we see more and more of the long noses who own the stocks in these companies turning on DEI shit. it was one thing to push their bullshit when they could get actual literal free money via zero interest rate loans from the feds. alienating your core audience doesn't fly so hot when money actually has value
>It's because their core demographic wants to see that form of representation.
they don't. the issue is that federal interest rates for the US and Japan were basically zero in 2020 and for a while after. the cocksuckers pushing all that shit didn't care if it hurt them because it was free money so the investments were less risky. we see a decent number of them changing their tunes now that interest rates in the US and japan aren't zero anymore.
the DEI pushers are objectively evil. they fired a ton of people for christmas and said they made the 2024 rules so they could nickel and dime everyone because dnd was "under monetized"
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What would the mastery trait for those be?
house rules:
>if you die, instead, you just fade to black and revive with half health at the last inn you stayed at
>you always have all your spells prepared for that level, so you're never missing a spell you need
>you don't need to track material components for spells, ever.
sap or push, I'd say
It's got twice the HP of the old one.
The fact NPCs get to cast multiple spells a turn while PCs basically can't outside of fringe cases is fucking disgusting.
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>the DEI pushers are objectively evil. they fired a ton of people for christmas
I mean they fired other DEI golems so who cares.
Well, their original plan to try and retroactively steal every IP that ever used their system and demand 25% of gross income (not profits) from all third party developers fell through, they had to come up with something.
what blows my mind is ceasing the "microtransaction" character creation from DDB. I feel like that had to be a pretty decent revenue source for them. Way more people were willing to buy character creation shit for a few bucks from a book than the book itself. Their sales had to plummet.
>lets you conjure an entity in combat up to 6 times a day
Yeah I'd say that's the right rarity, jesus.
A statblock expected to survive 3 rounds on average has no reason to use spell slots, anon.
Considering the OGL bullshit apparently made them drop tons of subscriptions, and their recent content could be best described as "anemic", I think current circumstances preclude their relying too heavily on the old Beyond model. Hell, it wasn't so long ago that Beyond declared they were dropping all support for 5e in favor of 2024, and that customers would simply have to copypaste older content onto blank templates to save it - then hastily walked back the announcement after the predictable outrage.
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So since beholder's dreams can manifest into reality, if one were to keep it in indefinite sleep and use the Dream spell or similar on the beholder, would they be able to make it reality? Was thinking of a sort of lunatic cult managing to pull this off and manifesting their god/creating abominations for said god's army by keeping the beholder captive.

>appear in the beholder's dream
>your drema self becoems real
>you now have a doppleganger
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Now you know what its like when a beholder creates another beholder. You have no idea if said doppelganger can be trusted and could even turn on you. Alternatively you could have an Agent Smith situation where you create dozens/hundreds/thousands of copies of yourself for the purpose of world domination. https://youtu.be/pF6PzjYsjCI
One of the alternative effects that a beholder's central eye can have is Mirage Arcane vision instead of an Anti-Magic Field and I always thought you could use that as an excuse for some sick and wacky dungeon design and a dynamic battlefield. Would be a cool place to house a cult "In the House of the Waking Dream".
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>mfw I made a bunch of unforced dm errors (party has no goal for last few hours of play, no cliffhanger ending, letting them get stuck on a puzzle with a single answer) in the last couple sessions and now im too embarrassed to schedule the next session cause I have no ideas how to fix it without some ass pull or god forbid a retcon
So what’s the difference between rangers and druids? Both of them are hippies that live in the woods and talk to animals

protects nature
protects civilization
Talk to your players.
>I have no ideas how to fix it.
Wizard teleports in. There's your DMPC to move the plot and get back on track. No shame in that. He's your tech-support for the heroic journey.
gay hippie nature wizards
badass monster hunters
how do I filter 5etools to show spells in 24 but not 14
use SQL
you mean just blocking the 14 spells or what?
showing the new spells
I guess you couldnt do this either with mpmm/mtf, because they are coded as different entries rather than the entry belonging to both books
Druids are forest wizards, rangers are like Aragorn from the first LotR film when they are all calling him strider and he is hunting rabbits and wearing light armor.
the irony being a decent bit of that shit was the actor asking for a bow and them making it up for the film. in the books Aragorn only has the broken sword before they reach Rivendell, tolken sperged out about a script he read that had Aragorn fight the riders on weathertop with his sword instead of just torches and then in the film Aragorn uses a sword instead of just torches.
original ranger was better fighter was based on book Aragorn who only ever used Andúril and a torch and never a bow and was mentioned only ever wearing plate armor, though tolken basically never described or mentioned nonmagical weapons or armor in his books because he viewed the description of war weapons as not important to his story.
modern ranger is like a combo of the 2000s film aragorn and legolas
So...fighters? Those two are basically fighters. Legolas is probably a swashbuckler tho
Ranger is a fighter archetype, just like barbarian and monk.
Set up sources to show 2024 PHB and not 2014 PHB.
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doesn't work, every spell in the 2024 book is added as a duplicate entry, even the identical ones
Under filter select "reprinted" and toggle it to red, I believe that's the option to show only the latest version of changed spells
what's the difference between fanthomless and great old one warlock?
Hey I usually find my players are super receptive to me admitting I made some mistakes. Start by coming up with the direction to point them in and just retcon whatever you need to to get them there, or come up with a deus ex that points them in the right direction. The players are generally good with hand waving shit like this.

The key is to just admit you didn't do your best work and explain what the plan is. I think it's alright to ask, "is everyone alright with that?", but I wouldn't leave it open ended like "how should I fix this?". Present them with a plan, make sure nobody is upset by it, and just keep on playing. It'll be totally fine.

DMs make mistakes, we don't always make the right call, we don't always provide the right answer or the best puzzles. If your players are good people, they're not going to have any issues with that
Fathomless is more specifically creatures of the deep sea or elemental plane of water. There is probably some overlap. For example Cthulhu slumbers under the sea so he could feasibly be a patron for either fathomless or great old one. A water djinn from the elemental plane of water could be a patron for fathomless or genie.

Great old ones could be ancient entities of any domain or biome
well yeah that's standard
the objective was to display only spells that exist in new phb but did not exist in old one
however this is not possible because the way 5etools is built, the spells (or any other element) don't have a property of belonging to both books, such that you could simply filter by belonging in 24 and not belonging to 14, they are 2 separate elements, one of which has the property of being reprinted.
Kind of tedious, but could at least get the information by setting the two PHBs as the only active sources and sorting by name, any line that isn't doubled would only be in one source or the other (or officially renamed like Feeblemind -> Befuddlement). Then I belive there's a feature to have an arbitrary list of spells that can be linked to that would get to the end point asked about
Is there a pdf or way to play the new unicorn oneshot without dndbeyond? Interested in running it with my group but none of us use dndbeyond.
out of combat to bring someone from unconciousness
if i was playing a scourge aasimar, i would be a zealot barb using radiant consumption to keep rage up and just be full punisher against those that i consider enemies
no mercy for the wicked
It's probably on Tools. If not yet then soon

I prefer to use Aid as a 1/day Emergency Mass Cure to raise multiple downed allies, that gives a permanent buff for the rest of the day.
Like the new ones? Just toggle reprinted to "no"
Since the movie changes were made to make him more of a stereotypical ranger.... Doesn't that mean that actually the Aragon everyone is pointing to as a template is based on Rangers rather than rangers based on him?
I'm good at this sort of thing, just not good at improv-i g them on the spot enough to DM. Those that can't do teach lol.
Give me details I will try to help.
Is Topple the only way to trip someone with a weapon now? It seems like trips as a concept have just been shifted to Topple, but I want to make sure.
nah, the game changed significantly after the DND film. minsc who was a ranger in bg1 and 2 around the time of the LotR films and he came with high strength and a 2 handed sword. its the modern rules that force rangers into being archers. old DND a ranger was just a fighter who was good aligned, wore lighter armor and could cast spells.
Minsc, the guy with the hamster and seemed crazy and in every medium is seen like a comic relief character, is the quintessential ranger?
he is a ranger in bg1 and 2 and his stats wouldn't be possible for a bg3 ranger. bg3s system hard pushes you into bows and dex weapons. older rangers were closer to fighter. part of this is the way stats work now vs old stats not being as important
Melee ranger is good in bg3, mostly because the items are nutty and it’s easy to get really strong. Ranged is also insanely strong though
yeah, but the items like the hill giant potions aren't as common in dnd as in bg3. 5e and 5.24e both hard push rangers into being bow users or dex melee. older editions that were based off aragorn allowed rangers to play closer to str based fighters

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