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Screaming Nemesis Edition


The Week That Was: Where Dreams Become Reality

Metagame Mentor: Discussing Pioneer with Bloomburrow


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Final thoughts on Duskmourn? Which cards do you think will be the most impactful across formats?

Here's your high fantasy card game
>tropes are good when I do it
no, fuck you and the boat you came in on
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modern bros? were are playing these bangers?
Here's your high fantasy card game
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This but unironically.
They're not Modern legal, those ones, unless they're early versions of the cards the actual Marvel set is using.
>black panther is selesnya
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>-2 Rot Farm Skeleton, -4 Fatal Push
>+2 Tenacious Underdog, +4 Clawing Torment

So many times, Rot Farm Skeleton ended up as a forca bruta beatstick, working to chop down blockers until it could eventually get through. Many times, it just didn't work, and it particularly felt bad if it didn't have haste via Corpses of the Lost.

Though this new include is not a Skeleton, it fills a very similar role to Rot Farm, only better. The advantages it has over Rot Farm are immense. It draws a card every time it recurs. It comes in hasty even without Corpses. And it comes with an optional 2-drop mode, solving the problem of Rot Farm feeling awkward on occasion do to its high mana cost. Tenacious Underdog is a total workhorse. If it was a Skeleton, it would be the best card in the deck... but it isn't. You can't always get what you want. We'll settle for "Solves every problem another card had" instead of that plus even more upside. WotC please reptint Tenacious Underdog as a Skeleton, thank you. Tenacious Underbone. That'd be great.

As for Clawing Torment, we rarely use removal for anything other than clearing blockers. Fatal Push at instant speed is always comfy, but you know what it doesn't do? Pressure life totals. We don't need to kill things, we just need to get them out of the way, turns out "... and can’t block." does that pretty damn well. Now all our "Pushes" come with an endless life drain. AND they can shove shit bigger than 2/4cmc aside. This weakens us against precisely Restless Anchorage, however. More tests to come to see if this card truly makes the cut.

I've tentatively swapped out Agatha's for Scavenging Ooze. Its ability costing mana sucks, but sometimes we just want bodies instead of bricks. But sometimes we don't want bodies because they can die easier. But sometimes we want to hit more than one thing in a turn, which ASC can't do. Feels like a sidegrade, not an upgrade.
yes and
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There's no and. I'm just posting completely fictional high fantasy characters. Here's some fanart of him, rare to see that for Magic characters.
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This trio of recent updates is really turning the deck into an all-out murderball. Though, we still have holes to plug.

More tests needed to solidify the final lists. Maybe manland blockers suck so much we do actually need fatal pushes. We'll see. For now, I really want to start nailing down the sideboard. It's kind of a mess right now, but I'm getting a sense for our weak matchups.

Prowess decks are obviously a problem, mostly because WotC refuses to stop printing stupid ass infinite mach speed superbullet prowess enablers. We're fast, but they're faster. Being slower than the opponent is not a problem we run into with many decks, but it's still a problem we have to solve, what Rakdos (For fuck sake...) Prowess inching toward 20% of the meta. (lol)

Any ideas for sideboard options against "Somehow faster than us" decks would be great. I already have some solutions for problem control decks, namely in the form of a favorite pet card Eternal Scourge (AZC can do
nothing about it lol.)

More to come. Rattle on, my brothers.
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>black panther wakanadan king
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Looks cool let me know how it goes
I honestly can't wait until Duskmourn drafts start, very interested to see how it all plays out, as always I get the feeling that WG or BW will be the best, but we'll see, RW had some real crazy showings at my local prereleases.
>These shit meme/trope sets/planes wouldn't exist (at least in the shameless SHAMELESS form MKM/OTJ/Duskmourn/predictably, Death Race do)
All this talk of returning to the block structure got me thinking about how you could do a concept like "death race" in a set without it being a theme park. Because if you make a new plane JUST for the death race set, that is inevitably what you will end up with

Our three set block will be
>Chariots of [Plane]
>Rebels of [Plane]

The setting is bronze age, but more gritty and low fantasy to differentiate it from Theros's mythical greece. Most of the plane is ruled by an empire with a massive, metropolitan capitol city. Rome is the obvious inspiration, but the goal should not be making "MtG's version of ancient Rome" and other empires should be used for inspiration as well, like Persia and Babylon, or fantasy ones like the Empire of Kyros from Tyranny.

The first set establishes the lore and history of the world, with small references to the themes of the later two sets. The main characters from those sets should be introduced here as legendary creatures, so the audience is familiar with them when they take the spotlight, and so character development can be shown across different cards.
The empire itself is primary in White, but incorporates every color. It is generally a ruthless, conquest driven state but all kinds of people, both good and evil serve the empire in different professions. Different imperial factions (soldiers, politicians, mages/scholars) have WR, WB, WU colors while the outlying provinces that are subjugated to the empire have non-W 2-color combinations based on their terrain and culture. 3 or 4 of these provinces will have significant representation in cards but others can be mentioned.

The second set focuses on the massive chariot games that is held every few years in the capitol. It is a major cultural event, with a long history, effecting people from all walks of life. There would be different levels of competition, ranging in terms of the violence allowed and the strength of competitors, so you have fairly normal humans competing with horses in the bottom tiers, but the top level competitiors racing for the biggest prizes would be powerful warriors or mages driving chariots pulled by vicious beasts or clockwork machines, the race as much a gladiatorial combat as a competition of speed.

The final set moves to one of the border provinces of the empire, where imperial soldiers are conquering and pacifying new territory. Rebels would return as a creature type, after having been hinted at with a few cards in the first two sets. The focus would be on showing the imperial war machine, contrasted with the irregular tactics of the defending provincials.
Cool lore, but in reality nobody would give a shit after the first set.
More tech to test in Skeletons. We actually have a healthy amount of Tokens to buff, AND it's a Trample enabler.

>Not a Skeleton
Hey Wizards, I'm gonna make a deal.
Every creature you print from now on. Every single one that's black, green or black+green.
Just make it a Skeleton, thanks.
Or else.
I want to suck your dick in real life
>Looks cool let me know how it goes
Will do, my femur friend.
I'm going to suck your dick in real like
15 minutes
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MODERN, the format where you can play any card printed since 2003
Bonny Boneboon {1B}
Legendary Creature - Skeleton
Other skeletons you control get +2/-2

r8 idea
The only card in Boros Energy that isn't from a Modern Horizons set is Lightning Bolt and lands.
>Pronouns: They:Them
>Other skeletons you control get +2/-2
... anon that kills all my skeletons.

10/10, ship it. I'd find a way to make it work, +2 power is worth it.
Kino name too. Good job.
>Jeskai control with 46% win rate has a higher metashare than Zoo with a near 60% win rate
are UW fags just that desperate to play control?
I don't see any skeletons in the near future, outside of maybe some ghost rider meme in death race.
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I mean, if they created another format where living end is legal and competitive, I would play that instead.
>I don't see any skeletons in the near future, outside of maybe some ghost rider meme in death race.
That's fine. The list already crushes it really doesn't need any more support, honestly.
I don't care about this trash. Where is the Final Fantasy stuff?
>13 out the 20 top played cards in Modern are from direct-to-Modern sets
>8 of them are from MH3 alone
>broke multicolor formatting to make captain America red white and blue
>where is final fantasy
Not as popular thus less fake internet points to go around by leaking it
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>Seize and Bolt, the two cards that exist in some bizarro world immune from WotC's frothing-at-the-mouth power creep
>>>>>Fucking Jeggers is only there from rudely inviting itself into random sideboards
I hate Jeggers so god damned fucking much.
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>50% of decks play 3-4
>"There's no single TOR deck dominating the meta so it's fine."
these designs are so fucked man
who let this man cook
damn son
at least the mtgo casual room still has shitbrews
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Yeah, I’m playin Cap
Checks out
Why is this the same format?
Wizards of the Coast?
More like
Retards of the Coast
I feel like Cap has probably held Excalibur at least once. I'm pretty sure it exists in Marvel.
They changed the ordering in Khans because specifically only the Khans used a bizarro-world wedge where one of the side colors was the "primary" color of each Khan. So that side color came first in the set, forever ruining the ordering of wedge colors in mana costs for the forseeable future.
Oh it does exist. Captain America has NOT used it, but Captain Britain HAS. As has Doctor Doom, because of course.
>yeah, I’m playing [insert legendary creature here]
Go back to your containment thread
>we can't possibly expect an artifact deck to play artifacts
>lets just give him the thing he needs for free just because
So Tarkir broke the formatting, not Cap.
Anon, this is the FIRE era.
I think order of mana costs is something they're not SUPER hard-and-fast on compared to other things. It's awkward Guile didn't get that treatment though.
Yes, Cap is the correct formatting: "Point" color first, side colors after.

For some retarded reason WotC designed the Khans so one of the side colors was the "Main" color, and then for some OTHER retarded reason decided that one-off previously retarded design decision needed to infest card templating forever.
Tarkir came out 10 years ago
tarkir was my first set
man things have changed since then
Ok, thanks. I genuinely had no idea, anon's post made me wonder.

I don't see how that's relevant.
Anon I'm so sorry...
That’s roughly 1/3rd the lifespan of the game and enough time for a formatting break to become the new norm
Iron Man being an artifact creature feels weird. I guess the suit is as much part of him as anything else, but still he's just 'piloting it', it's not 'him'.
Not that weird, he's had multiple suits that were nanotech bonded to him or stored inside his bones.
True. It doesn't seem right up front, but I guess it makes sense. He IS a cyborg, even with just the thing in his chest.
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hello i am mildly developmentally challenged and this is my standard deck say something about me
>Play aggro and win the coin flip, play Fatal Push, or die instantly
wow, great formats you'v cultivated WotC
I felt like I was having a seizure looking at this. Do you have brain damage?
wh... why?
Alright, that's enough brewing for tonight. Skeletons is growing truly terrifying.

I think I solve the Prowess problem. Pic related. Totally blanks their burst turns without having to run anything into protection tricks, or relying on life gain that Atarka's Command can cull, plus extra potential for bolstering our board for a fast clock crackback that regular 1cmc Fog doesn't have. +4 into the sideboard for now.

If you have any thoughts on potential bad matchups and way to solve them, I'm all ears.

Anyone played the Duskmourn pre-release today?
So how's my boy doing in legacy?
not good, it needed to hit both graveyards to see any serious play
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If I cast Pay No Heed and choose a Heartfire Hero and then it dies, does it also prevent the damage from the death trigger?
Yes. The source of the damage is Heartfire Hero's ability, and thus Heartfire Hero itself.
I thought Tarkir was overrated
I thought so, I just wanted to be sure there wasn't some weirdness when the source was technically gone.
KTK was great. One of the best sets ever, at least top 10.
DTK was somehow bottom ten within the same block.
I really enjoyed drafting it, actually I really havent drafted anything else nearly as much. Thats probably a "im new to this" thing more than anything else though
>Thats probably a "im new to this" thing more than anything else though
Nope, KTK is a legendary quality draft set.
Basically no format ruining bombs. Great balance over all, interesting tactical options. It's great.
>UWR Vial won the showcase challenge
I'd like to say based, but almost all of the creatures are FIREslop
>Basically no format ruining bombs. Great balance over all, interesting tactical options. It's great.
I do remember siege rhino being really strong and treasure cruise getting banned though. Actually, a lot of delve cards in KTK were considered very strong.
Drafting cards and building your deck in KTK was fun. Building into one of the three color decks and gradually discovering which color you'd fall into was fun.
Playing games with those deck, less so
Arabella felt absolutely nuts when I was playing with it in prerelease
I still cant believe that one parody comic about people playing with iron man cards came true
>Tarmogoyf not even on the list now
Absolute state of this power crept cardboard.
What is the next set? I don't give a shit about StrangerThingsmourne.
Also, countdown until Nosewater blogatogs his crybaby bias at white for Caretaker's Talent drawing cards.
Foundations in mid November
Yeah, that was absolutely a "what the fuck am I supposed to do?" kind of card each time I saw it.
I think I just realized, are there any Survivors in Duskmourne that aren't human-passing?
Like there are Humans, Elves, and that one Kor. No goblins? Or lizards? Or anything? I guess Nashi was there, but that was only for dumb plot reasons.
The only goblin who ever survived was Squee
I played Friday and Sat.
>PR1: 2-1
RW aggro, U splashed. Dollmaker's Shop/Porcelain Gallery in all my wins. Ethereal Armor & Trapped in the Screen very good value. Entity Tracker and Silent Hallcreeper okay, Jolly Balloon Man never got played in my 8 games.
>PR2: 1-2
UBG garbage. Too many non-synergistic cards and too many non-creature spells in my pulls. Only one reanimate to cheat a Valgavoth out of the graveyard.
>PR3: 3-0, no game losses
WBG aggro. 100% luckchad. Pulled W&B Overlords. Memorable highlight was Impending the Overlord of the Balemurk turn 2 and then having Delirium for a 4/6 Omnivorous Flytrap on turn 3. Found a potent combo in Savior of the Small bringing back Attack-in-the-Box twice with safe Survivor triggers due to another Ethereal Armor.
I unironically can't wait for Foundations. It will be lovely just to have a fucking Magic Set instead of the trash they've been feeding us for years.
UB is so painfully lame every time.
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>near half of the deck plays TOR
>if you go through basically every modern deck you realize they are all either stopping their curve at 3 or playing TOR
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Remember when Jace was the reason you had to had to watch out for turn 4?
Man he looks so quaint now
Jace is still the best one in a vacuum because he does everything
The others are better when every creature in the format is an insane value play in its own right
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I hope the main set cards are based on the more diverse characters.
What a fucking retarded product.
I can see cap being played in 60 cards decks, all the rest is commander trash.
>a brainstorm engine at 4 mana is now unplayable in any format except limited
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Skeleton players are an oppressed class. If we get anything good, it will be by accident.
>le Brainstorm-man for 4 mana
>the year is 2024
In a vacuum, nobody plays the fucking card to begin with.
The idea that you tap out on turn 4 and Brainstorm and by the grace of Allah, the 3 loyalty walker survives to your next turn, is an antiquated playstyle for a game that doesn't exist anymore. T3feri and Wrenn and Six are playing Magic as it exists currently.
Using 4 mana to fateseal or unsummon something is likely to get you laughed out of the nursing home kitchen table. The comparison to The One Ring is so cruel, I won't bother.
Is turn3 Lockdown into turn4 Jace really that bad a line?
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>turn 3 lockdown
Wrenn isn't played anymore in Modern and Legacy either, it's just a few Jundfags desperately clinging onto their deck
The only 'walkers that get played are Teferi and a bit of Narset
Jace is the best in a vacuum since he is removal, card advantage and a wincon all in one. Before LOTR and MH3 Jace was played more by control decks than Teferi, although Teferi saw more play overall since he fits in more kinds of decks
wrenn isn't played in legacy cause he's banned
Wrenn is a woman.
my bad, but yeah she's banned and would be really broken in a format with wastelands in it
*sharts out Boseiju*
Unsummon is NOT that impressive.
>card advantage
Once again, the year is 2024. Almost every card is about to burst with card advantage. Also, most of them you don't have to pay 4 mana for. However, if you want card advantage for 4 mana, TOR is better in almost every conceivable metric.
I haven't seen JtMS be a wincon at a table for awhile now.
I also agree that Wrenn and T3feri are funnily enough being choked out by powercreep already. JtMS's collection of abilities are nice if you completely ignore they are stapled to a 4 Mana walker, and ignore the formats in which he'd be played, all of which eat him alive.
Garruk, Cursed Huntsman is also removal, card advantage, and a wincon but it doesn't mean I'm gonna sleeve him up.
JTMS was already kinda powercreeped when he got unbanned.
>Card makes any deck with a mana curve above 3 objectively better
>This means means the price of those decks just increased by 400 dollars
>WOTC refuses to touch it because it isn't gamebreaking like Oko was and because the secondary market would get butthurt
TOR summarizes everything fucking wrong with the game. A mythic rare that's mandatory to include in multiple decks from an expansion using another popular setting that will never be reprinted outside of limited runs.
Nice to see dredge putting up some results and only using a single 'horizons' card to do so - Wonder, as a response to the go wide decks.
>ban 5 cards from the deck
>its tier 4
>but its fine that mh3 tribal can just faceroll everyone
Soon Ironman, Thanos and Infinity gauntlet in your format of choice
modern bros... i don't feel good...
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>first round of prerelease
>turn 4
>opponent and I are even on board with barely any difference in life
>he just scoops
>"yeah I could tell you were going to win"
>go to game two
>he scoops on like turn 5 with an even board and me at less life
>"yeah dude you were going to win"
did I play against someone with precognition?
prereleases bring the biggest megascrubs out of th woodwork
he was probably uncomfortable with the idea of actually having a close competitive game so he chickened out
He was trying to tell you that he likes you.
Modern is far beyond saving at this point, the format needs to die so something else can emerge in its place.
they already tried that and its name was pioneer
Thoughts on this guy? Been playing him so far with a bunch of acceleration and it's crazy what he's capable of doing. Anyone else have some secret tech for him?
And was a good thing, but now we need something with bigger power level and not tainted by Horizons or UBs
Why are they putting all the lifegain into green? Wasn't it part of whites color pie?
oh neat Regenerate is back
MTG arena is the most frustrating way to play magic. I play3d commander for 4 hours today. Got walked over a few times. But still had fun. Nothing was ridiculous. Everyone who had an OP card waiting till the moment it was hilarious not when it was frustrating.
Arena isn't even close to that. Brawl is the same 5 decks over and over. No creativity no fun. Just some list from a YouTuber or some site. Filled with all the mythic cards because they spent 400 dollars on the game. Exploiting that brawl only has 25 hp instead of 40. No alt win conditions like commander damage. I played 3 rounds on arena and I was just frustrated by the end of it. These people would do that and never get invited back by the group. Everyone would just give you shit for being sweaty and if you refused to play another deck they would boot you. Social repercussions are essential to magic. Weeds out people who aren't fun.
Wedges are overlapping enemy color pairs with the main color in the center. Putting the main color on one of the two sides and then picking one of its enemies and then picking one of the main color's chosen enemy's allies is terrible formatting. They fixed it with Khans.
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>still zombie tribal.
Zombies got dicked too.
Guess my goulish boys will always just be mid. They are so cool though.
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>Final thoughts on Duskmourn?
Duskmourn's lore and art direction are so ass that even the best and most fun mechanics can't convince me to play it. BLEH.
This is why you always see mana costs for GU as GU and not UG. If you look at the color for each of the columns, you will notice both columns descend in a wrapping WUBRG pattern. There is an order to this.
Shards can only be in one order. For Esper, WUB can only appear as WUB. WU is required to be WU, not UW. UB has to be UB and not BU, so you can't do WBU. It has to be WUB. This also puts the main color, blue, in the center of the shard.
Wedges are defined as one color and its two enemy colors. A wedge is created by overlapping enemy color pairs, like WB and RW, or WB and BG. How should Mardu and Abzan be ordered? You could WBR for Mardu, that works in color pair order, as you have WB and then BR, which are how those color pairs are ordered as noted above. You could also do WBG for Abzan. Now that's confusing. You could do BGW for Abzan, but if black is the overlapping color, why is it a third wheel on the edge instead of in the middle? There is an obvious solution to this. RW + WB = RWB. If a shard is made by two overlapping allied pairs, then a wedge is two overlapping enemy pairs. RW + WB.
And if you look at all three columns, you will find that they descend in WUBRG order with white as the first wedge (Mardu: white and its enemies) and green as the last wedge (Sultai: green and its enemies).
Although we might casually say "blue-green" or "white-red" or "blue-white," technically, none of those color pairs are ordered that way. It makes no difference since it's like the commutative property of mana. But if you're actually going to cost a card and print its mana symbols, then now it does matter. It cannot be "blue-white". It never will be. Khans didn't screw it up. Khans made it how it should have been. Yet even still, they focused on the wrong color.
>Khans lore opinion
They said they wanted the main color for the clans to be one of the allied pair, not the overlapping enemy, so that the clan identity stayed the same for Dragons of Tarkir. I think that was a flavor mistake and a design mistake. Why is Abzan, the black shard, the white clan in KTK? If you're just going to "pick" one of the allied colors, then why white and not green? It's arbitrary. It also confused the newer generation of players. People actually think Sultai is the black shard. It's not. It never has been. Ana is the green shard; the black one is Necra (Abzan). People have had it backwards in their heads. And on flavor, wouldn't it have been more evocative if Abzan were black-focused under the clans, and then once the dragons took over, they became Selesnya? Now THAT would be a culture shock and actually show a sea change. The Abzan went from the white +1/+1 counters clan to the... white +1/+1 counters brood. None of the players noticed a mechanical change, all you did was rob them of wedges. Everyone hates the dragons because they're the reason wedges are gone and they added nothing. Imagine if Abzan was the black clan, maybe they did graveyard reanimation or sacrifice or something, and then they become the GW counters brood. That would make a difference. Instead all we got was one line of flavor text saying Dromoka outlawed ancestor worship. That's it. That's how little the removal of black mattered. They ruined their first splashy wedge set by focusing on the wrong color.
Mardu should've been a band of warriors who fight for each other. They had edicts and rules in the KTK lore, but Kolaghan threw those out and now it's kill or be killed. They should have played that up even more. The white clan cares about supporting each other; the BR brood now uses them as literal dragon fodder.
Should've done with more spells and mystic shamans. They should've fought smarter, not harder. Combine Simic with Izzet, what do you get? Prowess could have been a Temur mechanic because it goes on creatures (green), buffs stats (green), but is spell-based (blue-red).
BG and WB are both the best colors for reanimation. GW can reanimate small things or return permanents from graveyard to hand. They could have been an undead army of zombies and necromancers, and then once Dromoka takes over, become a fair-fighting honorable warrior clan.
WU is often tricky, tapping and flying to win fights, while R hits hard and fast. Being red-based can be Jeskai burn like they were meant to be. Goblins, flying, creature tokens (RW), card draw, many burn spells, lots of haste. But with Ojutai, they're now a slow, defensive clan. Now THAT would feel different.
Green needs the biggest creatures and be backed up by graveyard and value. A green-based graveyard ramp clan that drops trample beater after trample beater. Then with Silumgar they become self-mill with none of the beaters. Sultai players go from ramp beatdown to draw-go UB control.
Scaled Wurm has more art than the average planeswalker.
My issue with Pioneer is that every card has a wall of text on it. There's no simple and elegant design anymore.
>These people would do that and never get invited back by the group.
>Social repercussions are essential to magic.
>this isn't a pasta
you are a massive fucking bitch and you would never survive playing any 1v1 format
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The shards & allies circle around the WUBRG format.
Do the the formatting the wedges and enemies can be better understood as WBGUR which is the WUBRG format but skipping the next color.

wow its almost like commander isn't magic
wolverine was so close to being playable
I've played maybe 10 games of MTG before. Should I get Unsanctioned?
Advertising the Gathering, bunch of idiot frogs got boiled and now look at this kingdom hearts shit
It's up.
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So Wotc is literally just ripping off Luigi's Mansion now?
>Never heard of Ghostbusters
God I wish I was you
why do mtg boomers like andrea mengucci and gabriel nassif still cling to modern as a format instead of switching to better formats?
3 Nashi's in the dimir rat deck?
Hey /mtg/
I'm working on a 2-player cube with around 160 cards for Winchester draft (so 80 cards will be drafted per round), and want to star adding some more syngery, so i'm wondering how many archetypes you can/should put into a format like that. Doing the 10 pairs in just 80 cards seems like too much with only about 8 cards per archetype in each draft. Would it be better to do shards instead?
In general, how many synergy cards do you need for something to feel like a real deck and not just a pile of cards?

literally no other formats to play. Legacy is a mess, standard and pioneer aren't real
Ghostbusters uses proton packs.
Luigi used a Ghost Vacuum.
It's a Luigi's Mansion ripoff confirmed.
hows legacy more of a mess than one ring the format? Also they could play vintage too
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>Opponent at 1 life after a long slog of a game
>They have a Ledger Shredder to block
>But my token has Menace (tee hee!)
>They have to burn the token down to survive.

>Tutor for Clawing Torment, enchant their Shredder.
>They die on upkeep to the 1 damage.

This deck fucking rocks. Clawing Torment confirmed for great include.
>once per turn
This is within the realm of acceptability for R&D giving white card draw. White isn’t allowed to be good at drawing cards, even if talent is effectively a one-sided howling mine in the right deck
probably being paid by jotc, I refuses to believe mengu likes modern as much as he says
Played yesterday
Stacked all the rares and uncommons together to make UBG deck.
Wasn't actually a good idea because there were too many turn expensive cards and had little to play on turn 1 and 2.
>windmill slams sunspine lynx

game 2?
very confusing post
>BLACK panther
>Is white and green
The ring is a way overfomo'd mediocre card. There are tons of blowout silver bullets available, peope are just too lazy to run them.
should I just take your word for it or do you have any data to backup such claims?
>is red
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>WHITE council
>Is green and blue
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>it is in fact, not white
Unsets get worse the further from original you go so no. Just buy singles of the cards you like the look of.
Well yes, it's whiteout not whitein
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new simic pile just dropped
When does spoiler season begin again
I'm assuming they'll do the reveals at magiccon vegas?
Isn't unsanctioned mostly reprints of the older stuff?
Second part of Duskmourn's Vision Design Handoff Document. https://magic.wizards.com/en/news/making-magic/duskmourn-house-of-horror-vision-design-handoff-part-2
Glimmers were originally just "Lights" and there were a couple cards that gave your opponents Lights but had benefits if your opponent had none, though nothing really came of that.
Injuries were a whole mechanic that'd create enchantment tokens attached to players, and they'd lose a life every turn if they were injured, but could pay 2 at the end of their turn for each injury to remove them. Similar to the unused Debt mechanic Orzhov had in Ravnica Allegiance. Cut mostly for unneccesary set complexity and not synergising all that well with the rest of the set.
Afraid was a state that your opponents could be in that things could take advantage of, and was basically "if an enchantment, Horror or Nightmare you control entered or attacked this turn, all opponents are afraid". Afraid did show up on a playtest card in Mystery Booster 2, notably (though somewhat different). Afraid eventually just became Eerie just because it was a bit too much for the set, I guess.
Rooms went through a bit. At first they were enchantments with "door counters" you could remove to get an extra effect, not TOO different from the final version in practice. They also tried Rooms as DFCs that were enchantments on one side and creatures on the other, and the idea was the enchantment would have some activated abilities that could only be activated once, and once they were all activated you flipped to the creature. Cut back because DFCs are VERY Innistrad-associated and they wanted to avoid the set feeling too close to Innistrad.
>a player who is afraid of you
More or less ridiculous than Crimes?
wotc's "flavorful" top down designs just keep getting worse and worse
>commander gets a bunch of fresh bans
>pauper, modern, legacy still rotting in hell
>Debt mechanic
I really hope that this becomes a thing one day, it's too flavorful to not use.
>Nadu, the card designed with Commander in mind, is banned in Commander
*slams desk*
>unnecessary set complexity
So glad that my ringbearer which is a mutated facedown Gemrazer (the Gemrazer is face up though) can venture into The Lost Mine of Phandelver (but CANNOT venture into the undercity because that dungeon is different than all the other dungeons) thanks to the Delver's Torch I have equipped it with. Gotta be careful though because when it becomes nighttime again my opponents werewolfs (but not Huntmaster of the Fells because it does not have nightbound) will become much more dangerous.

Thank God WotC keeps player auras away from the game though. I am already shuddering at trying to understand how those monstrosities would work in the rules.
commander horizons 4 when bros???
>Unnecessary set complexity
>Set complexity
Is that part too hard to understand, anon? A Standard set isn't trying to be TOO complex.
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You might want to go back to Hearthstone, lil Jimmy. It seems more your speed. The age of grizzly bears is over, you need to have two brain cells to rub together nowadays.
>Selesnya is the colour of N word
Can we all agree on this?
Damn I was hyped
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>tfw need to get new cards
>see this
>admin seems in full on copium has is servers are crashing and burning
It's over
They weren't all good bans. They banned fucking Mana Crypt. I know this isn't the commander general but what in the fuck is that shit?
doesn't coomander have rule 0 which basically means each table makes up their own rules anyways?
So glad I stopped collecting years ago. Now I just need to liquidate my collection before nose tribe the coast make anymore of my cards worthless. Cracking a mana vault in original mystery boosters was one of my favorite collecting memories 5 years ago. Now the memory and the card are worthless. Thank you wizards.
Everyone bows to the rc it doesn't actually matter. Groups that have their own rules are eccentric.
I don't play commander but I'm in the group of LGS and they do, it's a fucking mess, every time they make up some shit rules I don't even know how they can manage to follow all of that.
why is wotc okay with rugpulling on coomander players but not on 60 card formats?
commander isn't curated by wotc
Fuck, I should had sold that Jeweled Lotus in my binder back in August.
because commander isn't supposed to be played competitively
if your playgroup doesn't like the bans you can just pretend it didn't happen
you can also just proxy all of your commander decks and never spend any real money, nobody should care
I can't fucking wait to main phase 2 witchstalker a screaming nemesis for lethal bros
>Pauper being a format anyone cares about seriously
I don't think either of those cards makes the cut in RDW going forward.
there are probably more people making a living off pauper leagues than any other format out there
/mtg/ hates pauper because it stands for everything /mtg/ hates.
/mtg/ and /mmg/ would love a format called "Special Snowflake PayPiggy OINK OINK!" where the aim is to make the worst and most expensive deck and then make excuses as to why you got your shit kicked in.
it's the most popular format and still retains the essence of what mtg should be, cope and seethe about your worthless coasters
There's nothing particularly interesting you can do with him. He's just generic impulse draw. Closest you can really get is monsters with high power but bad conditions on when they can attack but this card is so slow it probably can't even see play outside low-power EDH.
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>Screaming Nemesis
>it's the most popular format
That is commander. You failed, good day sir.
>without jeweled lotus casual decks with expensive commanders
>ironically tthe cedh players this ban was supposed to hit will not be affected at all
>they're printing an anti lifegain card in the same Standard where they finally figured out how to make life gain as a strategy interesting
I'm so sick of the retards and their coast
>they finally figured out how to make life gain as a strategy interesting

but khaladesh was almost 10 years ago?
MH3 already gave three of the best lifegain related cards of all time.
Are you on crack? An easier to cast boros reckoner with haste is absolutely gonna make the cut
Boros Reckoner hasn't been good for a long time.
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I will kill you if you say that to me again
>Commander players throwing a hissyfit because their $100 got banned in a format that doesn't even require any ban list to play
I still don't get why commander even requires a banlist when it's the most casual shit ever. It's not like the banlist even makes much sense when cards like sol ring are still legal and now under some sort of format staple protection.
Commanderfags get their dues, the day of the rope is near
Most play groups have at least one person who will whine incessantly about powerful cards anyways. Most Commander pods have much larger ban lists than WotC.
I really can wait for Commander to be branded as different product from actual MtG and their player base of retards to leave.
I hope so too, but it will probably bankrupt wotc when the money from commanderslop stops coming in and they realize that they've pissed off all the goodwill from the normal players
It's a good card, but current RDW is pretty heavily into the prowess plan, and it doesn't do a whole lot for that.
Emotional damage doesn't cause the effect to trigger, unfortunately.
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>Had an ok design
>Changed because Commander players find Flash toxic
>Gets current text
>Not playtested
>Nukes the namesake format the product was designed for despite the individual card not being designed for the format that the namesake product was designed for.
>Gets banned in Modern
>At least he can be home now in Commander where he belongs
>Ended up causing the exact same problem in EDH as he did in Modern but worse because the deck is 100 cards instead of 60.
>Bites the bullet in EDH
>Overshadowed by the fact that Jewelled Lotus is now pennies on the dollar

He never stood a chance bros. He just wanted to flash.
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>Emotional damage doesn't cause the effect to trigger, unfortunately.
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he'll be fine, don't worry
I think you meant "He'll be fine, be worried"
And that isn't even the strongest Nadu list
This list executes the Nadu combo even faster
one has FoW and brainstorms the other doesn't thoughbeit
All it would have taken is for a single person in all of Wizards who had come into proximity to Eggs to come into proximity to Nadu before it went to print and the whole situation could have been avoided. Eggs was shitting up Modern for like an entire year, nobody who yunno, PLAYED Modern could forget what it was like playing against it.

>We're not banning Sol Ring and have no desire to. Yes, based on the criteria we've talked about here, it would be banned. Sol Ring is the iconic card of the format, and it's sufficiently tied to the identity of the format that it defies the laws of physics in a way that no other card does. Banning Sol Ring would be fundamentally changing the identity of the format. We aren't trying to eliminate all explosive starts—it happening every once in a while is exciting—and removing the other three cards geometrically reduces the number of hands capable of substantial above-curve mana generation in the first few turns.
>iconic card
>identity of the format
Makes me question if the format has an iconic card or why there is any value at all in having an iconic card. Why does a format need an iconic card at all. Do sports need an iconic player, do sports just fucking die when THE iconic player retires? Do sports channel the entire soul of the game through one person. Even the fucking Catholic Church doesn't hold the Pope as sacred as the Rules Committee claims to hold Sol Ring here.

Who in the fuck actually feels reverence for Sol Ring to the degree they'd let it ruin everything about the format and who doesn't hold a $500 art-alter of it.
I will concede that Cephalid Breakfast is a better deck overall, specially into an open field, but Nadu Elves or whatever people are calling it exploits him a lot more efficiently.
The entire format called Vintage?
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>Why does a format need an iconic card at all
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>Jewelled Lotus and Mana Crypt banned
>Tons of investorfags just got thousands, if not tens of thousands, of dollars fucking nuked from their portfolios.
>Nadu, designed for commander, gets banned in Commander.
Today was a good day.
What is going on with the ban stuff? Bunch of my 40k friends bitching hardcore about their side-hoe MTG cards and won't shut up.
>What is going on with the ban stuff? Bunch of my 40k friends bitching hardcore about their side-hoe MTG cards and won't shut up.
Two of the most expensive non-reserved-list cards got banned in the only format where they were played. Some people were holding onto dozens, some hundreds, of copies of each as "investments"

It's glorious.
>wotc recently release sets with expensive chase cards
>1 year later, cards get banned in the only format that drives their price up
>100€ card becomes 0.01 card overnight
Thank god Commander faggots and Cardboard investors getting what they deserve.

Hopefully they keep fucking those vermins.
>Who in the fuck actually feels reverence for Sol Ring to the degree they'd let it ruin everything about the format and who doesn't hold a $500 art-alter of it.
I don't know. Anyone who knows anything about the game knows that sol ring is completely busted and somehow it's OK in commander because it's been there for so long and printed in all precons. If they are not going to balance the format based on actual game balance, then what use is a banlist?
>printed in all the precons
This is the real reason it's not getting banned, btw
An important impact of this GLORIOUS RAIN OF FIRE FROM THE HEAVENS UPON INVESTORFAGS is that EDH staples will likely start hitting hard price caps.

This WILL stick in peoples' minds, and hedging against the risk of high profile bans will pull a ton of people out of the purchasing market.
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my chinese counterfeit guy sent me a complimentary foil dockside extortionist when I made an order once, it's over
inshallah, may they never recover
God the passive aggressive "Thanks" is so fucking perfect. It's like this guy thinks Wizards is his friend or some shit
TBF green always had life gain as part of its pie, just differently.

Green typically would get a big one time life gain (see cards like Stream of Life, Taste of Paradise, An-Haava Inn, Natural Spring, ect) while typically got repeatable small life gain (I know in thirty years there are exceptions to this, but thats how it started).
I would seriouly make an account just for laugh
I’ll be watching prices on mana crypt. I’ve always wanted one but commander sucks ass so never needed one. The time for me to pull the trigger might be approaching soon
What you get for being a "that guy." I'm sure his pod fucking hates him.
I wasted a lot of money on their product and now they are burning such product in front of me telling me i can't use it anymore.

Tell me you, as a fellow customer, if that is acceptable. WotC should burn to the ground.
Its been the nature of the beast since 1995.

This your first card game?
get fucked
This should be a game first and a product second
If a ban is healthy for the game, it should go through
If you don't understand that, you're a fag and you should kill yourself
That's the joke.
I don't pay for the product.

At most I buy one prerelease kit per set then coast off using prize packs for drafts every week until I run out.
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>Jewelled Lotus still has one home.

Legacychads now that the lotus will be worthless how are we breaking this shit on paper?
I always wanted a mana vault just as a collectible because I like the art, should I buy one now for $40 or will they get even cheaper?
this thing is of no use in legacy, rolling papers have more value
commander is a game for retards
I'm surprised a black lotus equivalent survived for so long in the 4fun format, it turned every single 5 color commander into a 2 mana one and people seriously thought that was ok?
buy stocks you dipshit
comics/cards are a fake invesment only retards fall for, might as well buy jpgs of monkeys
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Hear me out
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who let bro cook...
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>wake up
>the mh3 card that was determined to ruin commander, then adjusted at the last minute to be made for commander with no playtesting thereby ruining modern has now been banned in commander

>He just wanted to flash
Wait until it gets to a price you're comfortable with paying
>Nadu is not even allowed in the format he was specifically designed for
What this tell you about WOTC designers?
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My cardfu or some 'artifacts you control have...' card.
>What this tell you about WOTC designers?
The same thing it told us every other time.
That they're incompetent braindead retards.

This whole Nadu thing is seriously a bad look though, especially so soon after the cope article where they explain the MODERN Horizons card was designed for Commander.


goldmine rn
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Good Riddance.
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>The-The-The s-scary criminals are gonna take my heckin Magic cardirinos!!!!!
Omg dude


>updates to our Refund and Return Policy
hahahahaha oh my fucking god...
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What fucking retards idea was it to reprint Black Lotus for commander? Like it's only one of if not the most broken cards ever printed????
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top kek
Isn't that still legal in cEDH what that faggot has in his twitter handle?
There is no such thing as CEDH
Magic is not an investment and i'm glad anyone treating it as one is getting a big shit.
>bizarre magitek artifacts

It's the same kind of argument for 'I dont want politics in my game' and bitchers equate contemporary surface level politics for actual philosophy
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>What fucking retards idea was it to reprint Black Lotus for commander?

The list is from 2021 so it's pre-urza's saga. Consistancy boost to fetch Lotus for when you want to go off and you can play a toolbox with stuff like Pithing Needle.
Mana crypt getting nuked from orbit right after the special guests printing is hysterical and one of the best things that could have happened
MTG has always had advanced magitech. Namely, PHYREXIA. The Brothers' War was literally just Robot Wars on a planar scale.
People don't care about cool magitech in MTG.

They care about gay ass boring fucking lame as shit regular ass cars shitty derivative Ghostbusters proton packs in MTG.

Bros. War was cool as hell.
DSK is not.
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>Mana crypt getting nuked from orbit right after the special guests printing is hysterical and one of the best things that could have happened
Nice deck, go get em champ!
It's been a long day without you, my friend
And I'll tell you all about it when I see you again
We've come a long way from where we began
Oh, I'll tell you all about it when I see you again
When I see you again
Damn, who knew?
All the planes we flew, good things we been through
That I'd be standing right here talking to you
'Bout another path, I know we loved to hit the road and laugh
But something told me that it wouldn't last
Had to switch up, look at things different, see the bigger picture
Those were the days, hard work forever pays
Now I see you in a better place (see you in a better place)
How can we not talk about family when family's all that we got?
Everything I went through, you were standing there by my side
And now you gon' be with me for the last ride
It's been a long day without you, my friend
And I'll tell you all about it when I see you again (I'll see you again)
We've come a long way (yeah, we came a long way)
From where we began (you know we started)
Oh, I'll tell you all about it when I see you again (I'll tell you)
When I see you again
>12 Euros
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imagine being the piggy who bought the giga paypig edition jeweled lotus mere days before the ban
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The Nadu is too damn strong
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>NM Foil
Watching this shitshow unfold has been really entertaining ngl. The incompetency from the commander rules committee, the greediness from wotc and the crying of commander players is so fucking funny
>"I'm okay with taking the hit"
Cool guy. No cope, no seethe.
His videos are funny meme videos are good too, he's alright.
Was that an actual card?
I'm curious if you can tell by the way it burns
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it fucking astounds me the seethe that this ban has generated because all the faggots who dropped money on those cards are going insane at the people who just proxied them and lost 0$. Commander really is THE whale format. Like if I sat down with a fully proxied legacy deck and beat my opponent and revealed the deck was proxied he wouldnt think anything different of me because it was a combination of deck building and play patterns that led me to win. In any format that isnt commander the cards are just play pieces.

But if I did the exact scenario with commander yjk these people would automatically discredit my win because the cards were proxied so it didnt count because.... because it just doesnt. But if I legitimately paid 1k$ for the deck I beat them with they would be perfectly fine with it.

Reminds me a lot of P2W faggots from video games
>Ban the 200 dollar fast mana cards
>Don't ban the 1 dollar Sol Ring that is exactly the same
actual retard
What I don't understand is why don't all commander players proxy their decks because there is zero incentive to have real cards. At least with official formats, you are required to have real cards in official tournaments or at least not to get caught with proxies.
In commander you just play with other mouthbreathers with absolutely no reason to get real cards other than getting to brag to others how much your deck costs
What the hell is wrong with EDH players? Why do you need to own 4 Mana Crypts?
Agreed. Also I'm buying multiple playsets of each of the banned cards when they reach bulk prices on the assumption cEDH will eventually become a stand alone format with it's own banlist.
commander players are mostly just consumers, they feel good about spending money on expensive cards the same way funkopop collectors do by collecting their toys
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>they managed to rotate edh
It's been a thing since secret lair, power creep and commander only product.
Every format is getting ass raped, nothing is safe.
EDH """"""""""Players"""""""""", Anon
Only a good 10% of edh players own those cards. Most are precon onlies and casuals. Youre looking for (((investors)))
EDH used to have basically no staples with maybe only 2-5 nonland cards identical between decks, and turned into a stagnant format where every single deck shares ~20-40 nonland cards with every other deck in its colors.

WotC ruined everything.
No format was safe.
it is the commanderfag parodox
>the format doesnt matter bro, the rules dont matter bro
if commander really was the casual, budget friendly format they all claimed it is then decks would top out at 100$ max. But no, its not a casual format, people take it very seriously and invest fuck tons into decks. Yet at same time they bitch moan and cry about tryhards/sweats/whoever they lost to because in the end the commanderfag wants to fucking win but only so long as their opponents cant fight back

Actually true though

I wanted to try and build this guy because the idea of Kiki-Jikiing and not having to sac shit sounded pretty fun. Printed the whole thing out for like a dollar in colour at my library, only to find out that the deck is super one-note and does the same thing every time, so i got bored and stopped playing it, and it only cost me a dollar and asking my play group "Are you cool if i try this?" which most playgroups are.

It's like people forget that we used to proxy for 60 card competitive when spoiler season was on. Playtesting cards and then speculating how good they'd be in standard and modern...

I miss it, bros.
EDH? You mean Thassa's Oracle Singleton?
So you don't have to physically move your single copy between decks. I agree that doing so for a card worth several hundred $ is retarded; I buy excessive numbers of fake cards like Wasteland so I don't have to shift them around constantly.
The really funny part is that you just know they can't help themselves and they'll turned around and print a """fixed""" version
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>they feel good about spending money on expensive cards the same way funkopop collectors do by collecting their toys

missed image fuck
really thought what makes a group of neckbeards think it's ok to obliterate peoples' $500 cards like that overnight? I bet all of these jews sold their lotus and mana crypt too
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>he isn't buying a stack of 20$ lotuses in preperation for the post-unban rebound
Laughing My AO at you guys right now
How the fuck are they 20 dollars when they're literally useless?
>/mtg/ claims EDH is not Magic yet discusses it for half a thread
EDH won
/mtg/ is full of vengeful spirits who delight in the suffering of others. this place hasn't been mtg focused in years.

Bro might be cooking
A huge part about mtg is crying about / shitting on investors regardless of format
yeah the whole "we don't care about edh" is a meme
making fun of edh players if fun as hell
if you even voice the slightest criticism of commander in the commanderfag thread you just get shouted down by redditors
>just let people have fun!
>why are you even here if you dont like the format!
>[armchair psychiatrist about how not liking commander means youre a incel midget that got diddled by your dad]
shits peak echo chamber
Are the commander players in the room with you right now?
Sup, some months ago I came to this thread asking about a couple of custom cards that a friend had made based on characters from a campaign of Dungeons the dragoning we are playing


Remembering about this, and still mostly because I'm still not familiar with MtG, I was wondering if I could get your takes and opinions about the other cards the autist in question made that I forgot to ask

For most of them, however, I have the feeling that they won't be well designed
EDH is not real magic.
You will never understand it unless you actually play it.
Is foundations worth pre-ordering? And is it worth buying multiple and gamble on its worth later down the line?
MH1 had the best lifegain card but for some idiotic reason it was green instead of its rightful color white
>is (insert literally anything here) worth preordering?
No, stupid
>unbans happen years later
Have fun with your "investment", lmao
I still have 3x paradox engines waiting for the unban, any day now
Cards with blanket Indestructible are usually far overcosted. Green gives +1/+1 not +1/+0.

Oren and Mirimia are fine.

Repeatable counterspell on Nieltrep is basically never acceptable..

The last two have too many words, I ain't reading that shit.
you dont even need to play it to see how true this is
>the better you get and the more you improve your deck the more unfun games are and the more seethe you recieve from other player
>constant debates over spirit of the format as if this is a game of play pretend and not a game with a winner and loser
you kidding? that a very little amount of text
yeah I play yugioh, how could you tell?
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I bought 50 lotr gift bundles (because I'm a big lotr fan) and it was extremely worth it(paid 50 bucks per bundle, sold all rings for 100 bucks each and more, you do the math). Lmao, stay poor and mad
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>We should also talk about the elephant in the room. We’re not banning Sol Ring and have no desire to. Yes, based on the criteria we’ve talked about here, it would be banned. Sol Ring is the iconic card of the format, and it’s sufficiently tied to the identity of the format that it defies the laws of physics in a way that no other card does. Banning Sol Ring would be fundamentally changing the identity of the format. We aren’t trying to eliminate all explosive starts – it happening every once in a while is exciting – and removing the other three cards geometrically reduces the number of hands capable of substantial above-curve mana generation in the first few turns.
>he plays commander, because he wants to win
lmao, I can see why a manchild like you wouldn't like it.
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>Cards with blanket Indestructible are usually far overcosted
wait, what does indestructible do then?

I though that card would be broken because
>atk/def equal to its cost (the general rule of mtg)
>can't be destroyed (whatever the fuck that means in MtG
>makes enemies into useless walls

I clearly don't play mtg
>p-p-p-poooooooooor! you're pooooor!!
Go suck on corporate assholes somewhere else
even in cedh i can see jewlotus being banned because too powerful
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It's just such a retarded decision. The megakike MaRo wanted to ban sol ring instead so people would have to buy the $100 mana crypt
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i hope they ban dual lands next so i can get into legacy for cheap
I hope they reverse the unban a few days after so people will have sold all the banned cards for dirt cheap or defaced them like some have done already. Would be pretty funny
I think that's possible, but I'm betting they wouldn't start the format with it banned. I'm happy to risk $50 for a decent chance to have a 1000% profit in a couple years.
>play a game with a winner and loser
>get kicked out of the table because I won in a way that wasnt approved by the imaginary rules council in the commanderfag's head
you think commander is keeping duals up? Can guarantee you if duals were banned in commander it wouldn't even cause a dent on duals prices
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>second holocaust in october 7th 2023
>third holocaust in september 23 2024
Based low IQ poster
>No argument
I accept your concession, faggot
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>wake up
>commander is in flames
>edhlets seething
>secondary market scalpers seething
what a glorious fucking day
>>get kicked out of the table because I won in a way that wasnt approved by the imaginary rules council in the commanderfag's head
Nice schizo babble. It's just that you can play a lot of other things if the only thing that you care about is winning, loser. Cedh for example. Why aren't you playing that?
>I will lose all the time there
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jesus christ wotc is disgusting
just proxy them
obviously i cant speak for every situation but duals are so ubiquitous and generally useful thats its not weird for someone to suddenly get a bunch of them
New Budget format: Dandân but with Docksides and Mana Crypts
>makes enemies into useless walls
Until she leaves. Even just blinking her is enough to undo the petrification, unlike Lignify which is an aura that's harder to target. Also, from my perspective rules tend to bend at high mana values so being an indestructible 6/6 at 6 isn't that unusual. At least she's not Predator Ooze.

>captcha: RAJGN
How would you guys stat Rajang from Monster Hunter?
The scumfuckery can not be understated.
This is up there with 30th Anniversary Edition in terms of just pure disgusting shit.
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Also Bozo died a little over a year ago
It all makes sense, it's like pottery
if winning is not important then you're not "playing a game", you're just masturbating in a group of other masturbators
>If they are not going to balance the format based on actual game balance, then what use is a banlist?
I think the mistake here is presuming they are doing things out of a sense of balance. I don't think it's sane to suggest that they are balancing shit and therefore like you say what is the point of game balance. I agree with their justification that they want to prevent explosive plays that shit on the table, which Sol Ring does enable.

I think it is totally reasonable that they are removing Crypt and Lotus, it shows they are sensible. But then they immediately go and justify keeping Sol Ring around for retarded reasons, which means they are retarded, not net-retarded but just absolutely not convinced of their own justification to nuke Mana Crypt. Sol Ring is a fraction of whatever denomination of currency you use, it can fucking go and improve games across the board and hurt nobody except for the people who paid someone to draw on their card and in their case they can still frame the card and put it on their wall to enjoy.
I don't need an argument because we're not arguing but that will just reinforce the fact I've brought to light, you are a low IQ redditard.
but wotc had nothing to do with these bans? it was the le council? i don't play edh so I don't know the inner workings
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>pay 5 mana to kill anything with less hp thanyour mana
i know you were probably inspired by the shapeshifters that could put their health into attack and vice versa based on what they needed, but there's a reason they only targeted themselves
they have at least 2 years of upcoming commander precons currently being printed and can you guess what card is in all of those precons? Imagine the reputation blow if you sold precons with banned cards in them
Jotc pays the RC to "do their jobs."
>sold all rings for 100 bucks each and more, you do the math
you got 0 profit because you pulled 0 rings
math done, you take L now or grug smash you with club
they should just reprint duals like they reprint sol ring. one of each color per precon.
it's only fair, right?
nta but the gift bundle came with a guaranteed ring, which led many investorfags to think that ring would become worthless
you lost me. I'll say again that I didn't make these cards and that I don't know much about MtG, so I don't understand what you mean
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>2600 dollars worth of Mana Crypts
>All gone
bros I don't think I'm gonna make it
post proof
What I find even funnier is the fact that they could've avoided all the problems with just doing what they usually do: Nothing. Even better, they could have been heroes of today by banning Nadu and doing nothing else. Sure a few would have grumbled about Dockside extortionist, but everyone would have moved on and product would have continued to sell like usual.
Now it's just a shitshow (even though the piggies will still spend money)
>Imagine the reputation blow if you sold precons with banned cards in them
If people can't get over this we have a fucking problem. Are you going to cry because McDonalds shorted you 5 fries? Don't answer that, of course they will bitch if given any excuse.

No sane person is going to walk into a store and moan about Sol Ring getting killed because it costs less than paying for 15 minutes of parking. It is such a non-issue that everyone would agree games would improve if Sol Ring was gone, it's been said a million times. If they have the fucking balls to kill hundred dollar cards then what is a couple french fries?
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even beyond that, sol ring being "iconic" is also good for things like secret lairs. a ring is a very generic concept that you can depict in many different ways, which is great to squeeze a few more bucks out of people that like to theme their decks
it would show incompetence on their part, and if the nadu article is anything to go by WotC hates to be seen as incompetent

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They actually did "Remember, no refunds!" Truly one of the biggest Happenings. All fun and games until its money involved
>All fun and games until its money involved
It's true. And, importantly, this is the EDH Playerbase.
They can abuse and spit on the eternal epic gamers all they want because those fucks don't actually spend money.
But this? This time they went after the paypiggies.
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>what does indestructible do then?
ignores death due to damage
ignores "destroy" effects

but still vulnerable to lowering toughness to 0 or exile or return to hand or return to deck and so on; but given how those are less common than "oh we both have a 6/6 and you're attacking with yours, i block and they both die" you should take this longer list with a grain of salt

the ability to pay 1 mana to give ANY TARGET CREATUE -1/-1 can be repeated until it lowers that creature's toughness to 0 which would kill it. If you have enough mana (and believe me, any green deck will have enough mana) you can kill everything your opponent controls while still having mana left over to pump your creatures with the +1/+1 ability to kill quicker
the shapeshifter i referenced is pic related, plus like 5 other cards that have 1~3 abilities in their color + ability to "shapeshift" their power and toughness around
>it would show incompetence on their part
Again, anybody who bitches about incompetence over such a small thing would immediately reveal themselves as a fucking idiot who has had their head up their ass for the past decade and only pulled it out because someone pinched their leg.

The reputational and competence hit Wizards has taken over a billion other things would far exceed printing a fucking card nobody can play, including the Nadu thing as you mentioned yourself. Losing Sol Ring is like paying for more parking.
>the gift bundle
ah, WotC was fattening the paypiggies up i see
the harvest will be grand this season
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you're using logic where there is no place for such thing. Nadu had to go regardless of the desires of the people at WoTC because it's play patterns were so terrible and it completely broke the format. There is no such general opinion on Sol Ring so WoTC won't go out of their way to show how incompetent they are.
people are mad at the ban and are threatening to keep playing the banned cards regardless. dunno about this goy since the opponents can see the commander before the game starts
translation from twitterspeak: "In my games of Elder Dragon Highlander, verily, I forsooth and forevermore shall continue using the cards 'Nadu, Winged Wisdom' and 'Jeweled Lotus' and, indeed, using the latter to create the mana with which i shall always cast the former from my 'commander zone area'. I shall continue to partake in this activity, [now made illicit due to the banning of the abovementioned cards], until the Rules Committee shall find themself upon my doors' step and remove said door with an application of force."
thx boys
>people are mad at the ban and are threatening to keep playing the banned cards regardless
What stopped them from doing this before the bans? Why do these retards want to follow some fart sniffers who come up with retarded rules for a casual format?
Spoiler alert, there is no need for any banlist for commander. Just print the cards and play casually. You don't need real cards for commander and you can just play whatever you want
ah, I now truly see with my aryan eyeballs which recieve light particles to my retina
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The fuck does he think is going to happen?

>Go to playgroup
>"Are you cool with me playing this? Rule 0?"
>Sure whatever
>Plays game normally

>Goes to play at a tournament
>"Are you cool with me playing this? Rule 0?"
>"It's literally banned"
>Gets DQ'd

Like either Rule 0 exists or it doesn't make up your mind bro
Maybe this will stop retard investorfags?
it won't
that's the funny part. people were yelling at poor people to rule 0 the docksides and such out of their pod if they didn't wanna see them. but now that these got banned the rule 0 doesn't seem to taste so good anymore
>because I'm a big lotr fan
You are not.
I like how they focus on getting offended by 9/11 jokes instead of just rolling with it.
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It's been over 20 years, I thought it was okay now?
In my opinion, it's more like the holocaust
I think it would be safe to say the majority of people making 9/11 jokes today and are offended to them have no real attachment to 9/11. I'm not saying 9/11 wasn't a serious thing, I'm saying most people couldn't tell you why it was a serious thing. And I think the jokes are okay because the fact is much of the country has moved on but the people, like this guy saying it's "bad faith" clearly knows shit about 9/11 and also doesn't know what "bad faith" is either. It's just virtue signalling "you're not supposed to say that even if I can't explain why".
is this that meme where peter explains the joke
>bend card
>claim card was damaged when it arrived
>get refund
>>atk/def equal to its cost (the general rule of mtg)
Ah, to be back in those days
Standard's starting to look pretty good again eh
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That's how you spot neckbeard losers that even people at game stores would rather scoop and walk than try and bare the stench.
Is foundations going to be a bad set or not?
People still get offended over fucking Pearl Harbor. People who weren't even alive when it happened.
Because these retards saved money for months and then blew it on three cards.

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