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Day 12 of exercising everyday until the Emperor's Children Codex is released Edition

>Balance Dataslate:

>Community Links:

>3rd Party Models Pastebin:

Info hash: d91d8b9daa9c5dc9105fc0ec09812cbc17a752b5

>10th Edition Rules:

>Tithes Animations

>Previous thread:

>Thread Question
What's your main army, and what's your favorite anime?
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Exorcists are Astartes bootleg Grey Knights.
Black Templars are Astartes bootleg Sisters of Battle.
But who are the Astartes bootleg Deathwatch?
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Watcha working on /40kg/?

I am prepping some chose but I'm not crazy about this dude's head so I want to do a bit of conversion. I want to have him wear the helmet he's holding, that's pretty doable by cutting it out of the hand and gluing it to the front of an actual helmet, but the issue is what to do with his left arm. I am thinking of having him cradling a combi-weapon on his left arm, but I'm not sure if that would work. I think I saw a loyalist marine character with a pose similar to what I'm thinking about at some point but there are so many captains and lieutenants I can't find the exact one.

Anyone have some input or other ideas? I am slightly scared of starting to cut into an OOP model.
waiting for Emperor's Children
black templars and overlord.
Agitatis Ultramarini!
Dominitis Ultramarini!
Non Praestatis Ultramarini!
Nobilitis Ultramarini!
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This is how I Grey Knight.
i really REALLY hate the need for writers to explain away all the mystery of the 40k setting. they fucking absolutely god damn ruined all the mystique and wonder around the horus heresy by turning into a hyper documented historical simulator. at this point we know more about the horus heresy and the primarchs than we do about nearly any 40k character, completely destroyed the "fables of times long lost" vibes of the heresy, the primarchs, and the emperor that made 40k such a great setting. it really felt like there was this depth of unknown history, but now that its known there's almost nothing left to wonder about.
Iron warriors

From the Hand of Abaddon novel...
The Anathame is reforged. The people who interacted with it saw a vision of the Emperor dying
How fucked is the Imperium?
blood angels

trips checked.

I think the closest thing to Deathwatch astartes are greyshields but they were disbanded... the whole point of deathwatch is they are from every chapter and have all the strengths to cover each chapters weaknesses. Its about culture clash and diverse tactics and stealing alien wargear.

No single chapter is going to capture "we are from every chapter".
Its saved. The emperor dies and becomes a proper god. Age of the emperor is coming.
Give me kitbash accounts/creators
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>sisters of battle
>Space Dandy
How does BSF traveling to other galaxies ruin anything? The new BSFs spotted in the galaxy like the one from the Western Reaches are implied to have drifted into the Milky Way from the void.
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Blood Angels and Mushoku Tensei
I spent 6 hours painting a jump marine that I had already done a lot of work on and he's still not quite done. Kill me or make me faster.
well the implication of the previous anons post i was replying to is that they will be starting to explain the origin of the tyranids, which would ruin the faction, especially if they just turned out to be yet another old one bioweapon gone rogue
Nothing wrong with giving the Tyranids more depth.
A chapter that loses its ability to make new Astartes the Real Way(TM), starts recruiting anyone, and goes around hunting Xenos on a shoestring budget using dangerously xenophilic methods would probably be cool as fuck though.
>What's your main army
Grey Knights
>what's your favorite anime?
FMA: B, even after all these years
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I kind of agree but there is actually A LOT of unexplored history between 32-40k. Lots of stories and mysteries ripe for your own homebrew campaigns and stories.

There is also a lot of mystery still in the 25-30k time span that includes the fall of the crumbling Eldar empire, warp storms, psychic apocalypse, and the rebellion of the human AI that exterminated hundreds of colonies.

If you use primaris models its hard locked to 42k and after.

HH is a mixed bag but I also don't think its anywhere near as bad for 40k as a setting as people make it out to be, you just have to be above 110 IQ and understand that the things YOU THE READER know about the events of the HH are separate from what the THEY THE CHARACTERS know. Its kind of autistic to see a character in a story say "we dont know what truly happened then" and mentally you think "THIS STORY IS TERRIBLE ITS STATED DIRECTLY IN AN UNREMEMBERED EMPIRE THAT GUILLIMAN NEVER WANTED TO BE LEAD THE ENTIRE IMPERIUM".
Blood Angels and Psycho-Pass.
Kind of a mismatch. *shrug*
Let me guess you think there was nothing wrong with giving Necrons more depth too. There was nothing wrong with giving the HH more depth either I guess?
Depth is useless when it only tarnishes the original idea
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Space marines
If movies count I'd say Redline. If it has to be a series I don't really know. Maybe Baki, JJBA or Berserk or something. I just like turning off my brain when I watch entertainment.
Any interesting Votann stuff
That doesn't really make sense though because astartes just make geneseed in their bodies over time. No astartes would join them because leaving your chapter is an incredibly unusual and dishonorable situation outside of maybe Inquisitorial Requisition or Deathwatch service. Even in those situations marines are usually extremely unhappy about it.

If they were recruiting anyone they would be more likely to train human serfs or have a larger scout company to augment their chapter forces.

I do think there is a cool spin you can do on it though, in that they could be a chapter that was low on numbers and couldnt replenish them so they took in renegades/traitors who wanted to become loyalists again and covered up their past.
What if the original idea was overplayed and dull? People want answers.
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Based Jack chad
I love your dawn of war prints, they are so lovely. That board has SO much soul.
doesn't everyone consider the newcrons with trollzyn and all those myriads of different necron dynasties and their pokéc'tan to be better than the oldcrons with the four superendtimes-c'tan, though?
>setting designed with endless plot hooks fleshes out said hooks
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picrel and recently? Frieren. all time? Berserk

nothing atm, planning future kitbashes for my Inquisition army
theres a lot of retards who think

old > new

no matter what. but nucrons are better than oldcrons and anyone who thinks otherwise is just a contrarian because there was just nothing there.
Yes but things were better when they were worse.
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Tutorial on how to make the seals look more like paper/fabric? Most models I see it looks why too stiff
To be fair it's basically the last retcon that went well.
Lorewise? Nothing new that we didn't know.
Characterization-wise, we get to see them interacting with Imperial characters and fighting alongside them.

Storywise, they harvest and plunder the inert Blackstone Fortress at the end of the book
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Orks, and Jujutsu Kaisen. Really stoked to see how it ends next chapter.
If it's limited to an anime only, no manga, definitely Gurren Lagann.
Perhaps they have an enormous scout contingent, with each TOTALLY LOYAL TOTALLY LEGIT NO HERESY HERE marine being a more specialized and augmented individual. They can make more marines, but they're on a shoestring budget for actually making the scouts into marines, hence why they got into xenotech, redeeming various malcontents, etc. Like, it's not that they can't make new geneseed, it's that they're too poor to afford new armor and the like so they have to cobble the actual capital together.

They aren't fullblown heretics so they don't get as far as jamming Tyranid organs into marines as a replacement for the Johnson's Organ or whatever (on paper...), but they're not about using shuriken catapaults and jury-rigged armor.
Bludgeoning Angel Dokuro-chan
Question for you all: What do you guys do when you finish painting a unit?
Do you immediately start the next one? Do you take a break? Or a secret third thing?
>HH rhinos
>wardogs instead of PBC or predators
>GUO w/ no Morty
absolutely patrician taste
>Let me guess you think there was nothing wrong with giving Necrons more depth too.
but doctor I am a nucron player
I want to read the infinite and the divine. Where's a good place to get it that would perhaps not give GW my money?
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Honestly pretty cool concept. You don't get the cool visual note of each deathwatch marine having a different chapter symbol, however, as if they are covering up the identity of their renegade marines they obviously can't walk around with their heraldry out. Maybe they have an inquisitorial sponsor and they are a pet project of his and all their armor is different colors and has a lot of battle wear on it but they have a blackshield style shield with chains draped over it.
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Happy you like them. These same prints will soon be available from game stores as prepainted terrain if I remember correctly, kinda like the galeforce 9 terrain
holy tracking batman
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tyty anon. the GUO is probably the best model I've ever painted.
Nurgle models look so fun to paint with all their little nasty details you could fill in, he looks great anon
Considering It takes me multiple days of multi-hour painting sessions to finish a Space Marine, most of the time I'll either finish that up for the night or try to quickly lay down my main base coat for the next guy in line.
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Sally successors. Probably Castle in the Sky or Gundam: SEED.
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I see anon enjoys making enemy psykers panic.
yeah my only regret is that I'm kinda done the army? don't really have anything else I want to get. have everything I want to run the lists I want. maybe when the codex comes out? idk.
At this point, GW ought to explain who the two unnamed primarchs are and why they "failed".
blood angels successors
cowboy bebop or berserk or AoT
I don't watch much anime
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I wonder if the soulstorm sisters structures have STLs available. Some of them make really kino little square structures like their manufactorum.
I really need to learn to edge highlight
thank you anon
I really need to learn how to highlight my edging
grey knights
gurren lagann
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nta, but they really fuckin are. I feel like Nurgle models embody the "easy to learn, hard to master" type vibe. If you're just starting out, they're very forgiving. You can get away with not painting quite a lot of the detail, and write mistakes off mistakes as corruption, but also they provide an amazing canvas for skilled painters to flex their skills. You can basically do as much or as little as you like.
>lovely dull greens
>contrast off of pinks makes sure it still definitively reads green af
fuckin love him
im getting a leviathan box set due to Space Marines 2 and want to play tyranids. not gonna lie i've never watched a full series since all of it is tailored for preteens, but dragon ball z was alright.
if you're going to collect you're likely better off buying the nids individually for cheap on ebay.
I’m sorry but I’m gonna need an explanation on that one. There’s psychics in a Ghibli movie?
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Black Templar
Mob Psycho 100
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I thought I'd try assembling my stuff at the city's gamestore in order to vibe and chill out, but my brain seriously got tired just looking at this shit.

I'd need to like, take breaks every 20 mins and just hope on youtube or 4chan or discord or someshit while assembling this shit.
well you picked one of the most involved assemblies in the game to start with
Space Marines
Kill la Kill
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Working on the last details of this tank
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Main Army? Fuck if I know. Guess it's Imperial Agent's since I've spent money on the datacards. But I love Armigers and War Dogs.

Favorite anime? Between this and Black Lagoon.
what if, and hear me out here, they made a 40k game that wasn't bad?
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Also nta but I think daemons in general are like that. They're my favourite model range to paint
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They already made one
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is such thing even possible?
holy moly, you're right
darktide, sm2, inquisitor martyr, and chaos gate are all good though
I got a wardoggy and knight box to start with.

The doggos seem way easier so im starting that first, im also tempted to get an armiger box next before starting my knight to get even more assembly and painting practice too.

Id like 2x helverin weapons anyway if I want to swap to an imperial knights army as my wardogs only have warglaive compatible weapons(melta and chainsaw).
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I agree re: daemons but my kitbashed Inquisitor stuff is way more fun for me now. its all unique and mine and I get way more satisfaction from it.
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Why do chaos legions have better catchphrases/taglines than loyalists?
Meanwhile loyalists are like
Seems pretty lame to me.
The only popular Warhammer games are the ones that are worse copies of good games
7th edition GSC codex has Cult Tenebrus, which got lost in the Garden of Nurgle and then came out corrupted.
Deathwatch fails at that because GW doesn't let me put splinter rifles and yu'vath chaos emeralds all over them.
>more chaos wank
Sorry I don't consider it canon
not even worth the (you)
EC has the best one, "For the Emperor!" but as joke.
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Subassemble and paint all the armour plates, the shoulders, the weapons, the head, and top of the body. Make sure you sand down the joins at the hips, if you don't they stand out on a finished model, pic related
Knights aren't that daunting to paint or assemble when you break them down
Did Octarius ever mention any Kryptman leftover schemes/ agents still kicking around?
Whats the deal with the book on his forhead?
>too autistic to just not post
I'm more curious about his space marine pauldron that he seems to have for no reason
Dragon Ball Z
Do they still use plastic in the 41st millenium, or has some other kind of polymer taken over?
>he cant absorb knowledge via osmosis
lower life form, I doubt you even own an air fryer
Can you cretins start splitting these up I want some cheap veterans
Corpstic, it's exactly like plastic but it's made from ground up children skeletons
Dreadnaught was the best character
>I do not know where I am or when I am, all I know is that I must kill
Anyone know of a good way to pain bronze skin? Im utter dogshit at it but I want to give my balefire acolyte more character and eventually ruin it by trying to put runes on his skin
>'how much random shit can we throw together' the box
But you can just model them that way. They have a ton of weapon profiles so just say the the weapon profile that matches it the most is a splinter rifle.
Genestealers but they infected a chaos cult that already existed and rose up against the cult leadership from within as the chaos cult was in the middle of a war to take over the planet from the imperials, there are also brood brothers in the imperial ranks. Triple cross double cross quardruple cross.
>putting genestealer heads on accursed cultists

Them being a cult is literally the point. They replaced the necrons as the slaves to an uncaring alien god (the hive mind) and give chaos a run for its money.
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>air fryer
I do but I have yet to make anything good with it. Behold my sad attempt at air fried crab rangoon.
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Marines, Hunter X Hunter.
Go on wartable games and order a test kit from them.

I ordered a test kit and it was decent quality and ordered 4 more kits of veterans. I'll have an entire deathwatch veteren contingent for less than 80 dollars. The only issue is they take 1-2 months to arrive in the US. Very good quality for the price and they are battleline units.
nice paint scheme
I love ant arc. Very clean looking models.
like, actually?
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>crab rangoon.
No I won't be doing that
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Give me that Corvus Blackstar NOW
Of course not
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Very nice models. Heavens arena is the best arc and anyone who disagrees has shit taste.
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What chapter should I paint this marine?
Thanks anons. Currently in the slow process of going back and decaling stuff. And my favorite arc was yorknew city. Togashi is never going to finish is he.
Auric Patricians
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>Thread Question: What's your main army, and what's your favorite anime?
Lamenters and prolly Madoka or Jin-Roh
I mean, I thought you were just being hyperbolic with the children thing, but I could fully see them recycling people into materials.
I mean corpse starch is a thing so maybe dead bodies can have more than one use
Greed island best arc
Orange and teal
>FOR THE EMPEROR (EC trolling)
>FOR THE EMPEROR (AL trolling)
All are far better than anything the loyaists have
yeah mostly other imperials bitching that the whole mess is Kryptmans fault
Orange and teal
Isn't that how basically it always is though?
>Brother Bro, you have been asleep for three hundred and fifty eight years, everyone you knew is dead, you will deploy by drop pod into the enemy's line and kill them all!
>Hmm? No the captain did not tell me who we are fighting
To be fair the dread was a redemptor, he cant be that old
brb gonna swipe that color scheme for my first company elite.

Great work, anon.
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Finishing these two up.
also, did you use any third party bits. If so, which ones?
majestic pimp hat
gw paypiggy needs his AUTHENTIC(TM) GAMES(TM)WORKSHOP(TM)(TM) plastic, no substitutes for britland's fine craftsmanship.
Latest arc is pretty fun. Its always been slow. Ant arc took like 8 years to complete. He has health issues so he very likely will die without finishing.
Mostly heads and swords. Archie's forge conversion world swords. Puppets war heads. I don't remember where the dread swords were from.
*writes down furiously*
Got it, thanks
whered you snag the helm from friend
What's the big change to Warcom next week?
Space Marine 2 and Rouge Trader are good games.
The emperors sex change probably
We're kind of in a golden age of decent 40k games. Not great games, mind you, but decent. There's about half a dozen that are totally playable and only a little janky, although admittedly some are only getting to that point after a year or more of updates.
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>be me
>was all in on xenos as a kid, now chaos as an adult
>cynically acquire some intercessors to use for c*nt*nt because space marine 2 hype
>start painting a blueberry
>frankly just a throwaway model, I'm not planning to play/display it or anything
>still intended to at least make a reasonable effort, even though it's not my faction of choice
>fuckin rushed it, did a shit job
>some of the primer is dusty as fuck, I missed a big stinky mold line, and made some highly questionable color choices
>thinking about how to wrap this mess up and base it so I can move on
>starting to get a bit attached to the lil fucker tho
>kinda want to strip it and do it over to really do the sculpt justice and make something I'd put on my shelf
bros I played myself so fucking bad oh no man oh fuck... and the worst part is I know I absolutely fucking deserve it
Almost like we're in a GW thread. I'm not supporting bottom feeders I'll just not buy anything
If I want to get into painting and don't care if they are original (mostly thinking on doing diorama, eventually).

Where do I get good sisters of battle sirs.
>Where do I get good sisters of battle sirs.
theres a website where you can buy warhammer 40k models
3d printing would be the easiest, 2nd hands from ebay or just buy chinese recasts
Are they the best? Isn't everything cool out of stock most of the time anyways?
Outside of paying directly to GW or your local games store (which aren't bad options, but you'll want some more creativity)
3D print the parts you want to add on to the minis.
If that's not enough, or you're missing some key component, using blender to edit STLs is an option.
If you aren't blender-fluent (and I don't blame you), then using Green-stuff or third party pieces are also viable. In fact if you really want to kitbash, green stuff is your friend.
That dread was the dude who got blown up earlier by the cultists
wait, what?
Necrons are infinitely better now than being just metal Tyranids
Rate my Lamasu Legion emblem. Straights, females, gays, transhumans, androids, mutants, sorcs, mechanoids, pure bloods, all welcome to join.

Strength and speed and smarts in the vergence of diversity, evolution, and illuminati.

Known Lamasu Legion chapters:
>Szkoła Wilka
>Szkoła Kota
>Szkoła Gryfa
>Szkoła Niedźwiedzia
>Szkoła Żmii
>Szkoła Mantikory
>Szkoła Żurawia
If you're gonna put this much effort into your shitty bait, can it at least be funny?
dubs say power miners
Lamasu Legion is like The Witcher but in space and with guns?
Epic Deadpool bacon
Going all in on a single model is totally fine and very rewarding. You should, if you like him that much, make him really good. Then put him on your desk as a lil guy to look at and remember and admire the time you dumped into him.
Finally have enough free time to pull the trigger on buying an army. Really like GSC and SoB. Would going gsc as my first army be a bad idea, seem hard to learn, but I like their look and playstyle. SOB looks to be infected by troops and don't wanna be in that category
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>Be me
>wants to create custom chapter logo and decals to put on /mydudes/
>Looks up how to do
>Step 1: Grab images from Google or create your own by hand in your favorite photo editing software
>ok fair enough
>Step 2: Get an Inkjet printer, 3 different varnishes and decal paint, special paper, and a few extra cutters and some tweezers

I just want my boys to look less generic...
are any of the cheap 3d printers actually worth getting? ive been wanting to try one out for a while but never wanted to drop that much cash on one
It's not just grabbing a 3D printer. It's about having the right environment for the 3D printer.
If it's resin, you need an enclosed space with ventilation. It can't be your room or a closet. You'll need somewhere you can open windows and be away from.
If it's fillament, you can put it in your room, but you are only going to really be able to print set-pieces, not soldiers.
>infected by troops
GSC is mostly infantry anyways, though you can run the trucks and bikes detachment.
GSC used to be the most hard to play army, now it still is, but all it's playstyles have been cordoned off from one another, so you have to be careful with what you buy, I for example bought two copies of the old combat patrol, so I am more or less forced to play either the shooty infantry detachment or the acolyte melee/characters detachment.
GSC aren't really hard anymore just kind of weak. Still, if their models appeal to you go for it. They will probably get buffs soon.

SoB are on top of the world right now, and probably have nerfs coming.

Basically what I'm saying is assembling and painting an army takes a lot of work, time and money. So pick one you love from the start and make it work no matter what. It takes years before you have 4000 points of units for an army to have best of tournament lists for every game, if that even appeals to you at all. 40k is best enjoyed as a casual game between like minded model enjoyers, so get the one you think looks and feels the coolest.

dont watch anime

building some snaggas atm
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bro its so easy to buy or making a chemical venting station if you are filtered by this then you deserve to pay GW prices.

I do printing, spraying, priming, airbrushing all in a studio apartment out of a single 110 edison outlet.
>all my stuff is gonna arrive this weekend
i finally have something to do
im excited to paint again, its been a long time
>49 posters
>170 replies
That's a hell of a lot of samefagging I sure hope you aren't one of them
use a lazer printer and you wont need varnishes
whatcha got coming anon?
this is my second post in the thread
2 boxes of CSM. I'm making a custom Hashut themed Chaos army.
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>go to hardware store to get acetone
>tfw they are out, apparently theres a shortage of it atm
>get paint stripper instead

this should be fine to strip my metal models with, r-right?
who's going to tell xhir
Stop samefaggin
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Total T'au submission!
I mean its metal so probably? idk I'm not a chemist
Ok. So how do you do it?
Don't leave us hanging.
What's the difference between that and a waterslide decal?
>Thread Question
>What's your main army, and what's your favorite anime?
Sisters of Battle.
Taimanin Asagi.
1 box of legionaries, and 1 box of mark VI marines, and a thing of 3d printed alpha legion shoulders
finally starting my favorite chaos boys, once i get into the swing of painting again i want to pick up the HH alpharius model
Just go to Walmart
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>Oh my, they're having a lively conversation between fellow hobbyist instead of 1-posting! They're samefags!!
You are Big Gay™
Caption: Pray, k?
why would you do that when it sounds like you just ordered 15 Alpharius'
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>3d printing a dildo
Black Legion.
Or Last Wall, or Dark Angles. Any force that calls up a bunch of different Marines at once.
i played myself
I'm honestly trying to find a way to get custom decals and bits so that I can paint some of my backlog on the few days off I have.

Beyond that, the usual. an anon here gave me the perfect color scheme idea for my first company Veterans.
>stealing alien wargear.
If you add "stealing other chapters' shit" also, then it's just the Blood Ravens.
we dont all live in the US anon

only one way to find out i guess
You know, every apartment has a toilet. These rooms usually have ventilation or you have their windows open a lot.
Infected by troons*
Fair point, I'm just stuck between the two playstyles. I guess I'll just pull the trigger, don't think I'll regret either choice
Trips Witnessed
The problem with this question is that every astartes force is good at killing some kind of xeno.
But if we had to give the title to anyone?
Ultramarines or Blood Ravens. They've killed every kind of xenos there is out there.
GSC are a lot of fun, the models have a load of personality and they have a huge variety of units from mass squads of shooting infantry, bikers, individual renegades with bombs, and more elite blender units like abberants and genestealers, as well as a decent selection of vehicles.

the biggest warnings i would give when collecting them is that their units tend to be categorically weak on their own, its a very teamwork and combo oriented army, and even in its more simplified incarnation, it still requires significant forethought and synergy to play. they tend to be fairly low on the winrate/power scale amongst armies in the game, and their recent codex sucked a lot of power out of the units compared to the index and silo'd it into unit specific subfactions which require you to lean hard into specific gimmicks, and their units have been made much less viable as generalists than they were at the start of the edition with the index. they can also be quite expensive to collect, as you usually want a large amount of acolyte hybrids or metamorphs, abberants, or jackals, all of which come in 5 man boxes and dont cost many points, and also require a lot of characters which are very expensive and not many points either.

otherwise though, its one of the best armies in teh game in terms of model quality, gameplay uniqueness, flexibility, and interesting tactics.
Unfortunately for me, my specific apartment bedroom (as I'm sharing it with a few others) is the ONLY one with 0 openable windows. and the bathroom is comparably tiny. But it would also be the best place to put a resin printer in that case.
I'm still salty we never got a fucking miniature of him
Depends on the paint, and on the stripper, but you should be ok. Nothing sold as paint stripper should be able to damage metal casts if that's your worry, but you can always do a test model or a less visible part first.
they're still waterslides, they just don't need to be sealed like a inkjet waterslide paper does after printing
Oh cool. I think there are a few print shops nearby. I can see if they will take the job if there are. and if they got lazer printer
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I wanted to get an older Deathwatch model to convert into my custom chapter master who can double as whatever epic hero I might run but it seems like the only ones that exist are Cassius and the two named Deathwatch guys. What's up with that? Are there any models beyond cassius or were most deathwatch armies literally just Joe Space with a silver pauldron?
>What's your main army, and what's your favorite anime?
Black Lagoon
god I want to impregnate balalaika
idk ask chaos
Just started my marine army, I only have a Land raider Spartan and a contemptor as vehicle support and I've always wanted an excuse to get some knights and I'm wondering what's best, a big knight or a couple armigers as support?
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Main army: Marines Malevolent
Favorite anime: Outlaw Star
Canis Rex is a good ally who doesn't get screwed too bad by Ally rules not allowing enhancements or army rules or non-core-strats.
Warglaives are useful for armies who otherwise lack weapons higher than S10
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Painted up an Inquisitor, also printed some FDM corpses, they're actually pretty good when the printer is set up correctly.
You can use literally anything to strip metal models. I have friends who have used brake/carb cleaner in a pinch
newfag here, bought some minis
what do i need to start out? clippers, a hobby knife and a file right?
Did you buy paint or a starter kit?
In any case, get some non-gw brushes if you can. Clippers is good for sprues, hobby knife is good for decals, files are for smoothing out the edges.
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clippers, hobby knife, files are optional since you can scrap moldlines with the knife as long as you're careful not to gouge the plastic
and then you need some plastic glue or superglue
and obviously paints and a can of good primer (rustoleum primer is great for minis and doesn't cost 20 dollars per can like hobby primers, just don't get the rustoleum paint and primer combo can)
and then also an optional but highly recommended thing is some sort of painting handle
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I run a venting hose which costs like 5 dollars at home depot out my window, which has some sawdust all over it rn because of another project I was doing for a window garden.

Not a dildo thats an empty and clean printer lmao
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>they're actually pretty good when the printer is set up correctly.
Is it just me or are the death watch what the dark angels should be? Death watch can fight any enemy by designating entire target-types for quick elimination, and their kill teams include diverse unit types and weapons with multiple profiles to give them the flexibility to tackle any situation.

Meanwhile, dark angels are all about plasma, bikes and terminator. They don’t act like the first legion at all.
What's the best base for some manlet marines with mixed armor parts
I was thinking HH mk IV but they're teeny

thank you, i have a box cutter at home but i don’t think it’s good enough to clear sprue marks from the models
don't ask for the dark angels to steal yet another gimmick
Welp, I'm currently boned on that then. My apartment room is the only one without an easily accessed window. Unless I want to lug it to the other side, open the doors and print there, but that wouldn't be fair to my roommates, either.
Still, a good idea and I'll keep it in mind for whenever I move somewhere that has more accessable windows.
Deathwatch are the AVENGERS(TM) of space marines. They can leverage everyone's skills and expertise in their battle plan. It makes sense that one chapter can't match an imperium wide force.
Clippers, hobby knife, plastic cement, as well as some sanding sticks or foam sanding pads would be mice but aren't 100% necessary
box cutter would work in a pinch but an xacto equivalent is much easier to work with
Whatever you like the look of, why the fuck would I know how you want your models to look
>They can leverage everyone's skills and expertise in their battle plan
But that should be the dark angels gimmick. As the first legion they should be able to do what all the other legions do
i’m afraid of cutting my fingies :(
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How does this make you feel?
a blind person who technically be able to read the print lines
Anyone else just paint the minis and not play the game? I wanna try to get a handful of models from each faction. Some of the coolest ones are from tiny factions or sub factions. White Scars, Harlequins, 1000 Sons, Inquisition. What's a good retired/vintage micro faction to hunt down.
Thanks for reminding me that 10th ed minis suck cock
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Yeah, box cutters aren't great for clearing sprues.
If you /really/ want to budget it, you can use small nail clippers in lieu of dedicated sprue cutters. Not a perfect solution but good in a pinch.
Also, before you start painting, do some research on color schemes and wait paint you might need so you only spend what you need and not get some barely used paint.

As a bit of advice, here are some early paint reccomendations that you'll likely use in most paints:
>Nuln Oil
>Abbadon Black (or similar third party) for base coating
>Agrax Earthshade
>Leadbelcher/Runefang steel (or similar third party) for metallic gun parts.
>Retributor gold (or similar third party) for golden parts (important for pretty much any Imperium miniature)

Also, don't feel bad if the first few paints aren't the best. You will develop a better understanding of painting as a whole, and what you want to do with /yourdudes/

Picrel, one of /mydudes/, although he could probably use a bit of cleaning and 'de-linting'
Cool waifustodes and all but I feel nothing looking at it.
>FDM corpses
EDM corpses
You should work on cleaning nub marks yourself there bud
Maybe you should clean your nub for a change cheese boy
thank you so much anon
admittedly, this one was done while I was still using a nail clipper and tried to clip it down as best I could. Barely noticable unless you looked really close at it.
I have better tools now, but I still like this goober.
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>What's a good retired/vintage micro faction to hunt down
If you're looking for internet points for you to post a box of unpainted then Diaz daemonettes are peak kino. If you don't paint regularly though you will paint them like shit and ruin them. So I dunno, just buy whatever you like the look of and don't spend too much on anything because you're going to wreck it while starting out
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All of the metal guard regiments. FW traitor guard, old metal blood angels..
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Always happy to help.
Enjoy painting, and don't be afraid to seek advice.
Literally no one cares about that coomer shit except for those weird fat old dudes who come in a lgs just to blow all their mums money
Funnily enough, I once made a Big Titty SoB in Blender using some assets found on the internet. It was alright, but I couldn't really print it out. My buddy was estatic about it though.
>Picrel, one of the few screenshots I have from that time.
Those look like shit and you're a zoomie fake grog.
>tfw stuck a hobby drill through my thumb AGAIN trying to drill barrels

the first time wasnt too bad, this time the entire neighbourhood wouldve heard me. if you're clumsy / retarded like me, please dont do it
Electronic Dance Music?
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You're entitled to your shit opinion, just don't be surprised if you're mocked for it when sharing those opinions with others
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Finished up some more agents
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and just because I could.
Is this dumb? Absolutely, did it give me ideas to use in the future? Yes sir. Would I do it again...? Yeah probably. If nothing else I'd give her one hell of a boob window.
I sincerely hope you weren't the guy not recommending gw brushes
anyone know the site that shows all of the popular competitive lists?
Green Brood
Non-GW brushes can be good, but you have to find the ones specifically for model painting.
Not many people really care for em dude, maybe the old horrors, sure but slaanesh demons have always been lame.
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nta but i like some of the monopose models. what i dont fucking like, however, is the push fit bullshit
>noooooooo they are based!!!

Literally not hobby gold, you're the only fucking loser I've ever seen try and hype up these models.
Kill yourself at your earliest convenience you filthy fucking secondary.
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stop giving yourself fake stigmata anon
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Truly the best daemon sculpts that have ever existed, though the old school horrors come close
idk I just collect and play for fun mostly
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literally the only people who like the old daemonettes are animu coomers who saw those example paintjob faces and made weeb art of them 15 years ago
Fuck off hipster fag. Next you'll start talking about metal models being good.
Monopose I can deal with. Kitbashing solves all problems.
Push fit is bullshit.
What the fuck is this advice?
Ofc you need the ones for model painting?
I own several, I'm just saying you shouldn't be giving brush advice if that's how you use them.
>everyone I disagree with is the same person
Schizophrenia is grim
it was just a really basic site that showed all of the recently played competitive lists. just wanted to see if it was worth taking a particular gun or not as its the only option this squad gets
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ETB isn't an issue for marinechads :^)
stop hijacking our discussion faggot
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>nigga checking his phone
Concession accepted
i have many metal models from when i first got into this hobby in the early 2000s and i can tell you that they are garbage. some of them look cool but metal is shit to work with
>can't cope with monopose
>can't cope with metal models
Skill issue
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yes goood there are dozens of us
Most of 40ks metals sucked ass.
Fantasy had the only good metal range
You're just parroting tired old horseshit
>>>/grog/ go there stay there kys
The model is a bit linty and could use some touch ups but the brushing looks fine.
What's wrong with it?
I'm literally the one shitting on the old daemonettes, nice try little /v/ermin
Push fit is great for starters
and a nightmare to work with for everyone else.
>basecoats are patchy, can see through on the metallics to the chaos black
>highlight on the helmet is awful
>gun is thicc,
>most metallics have spilled over

This is very amateur work, I use some citadel brushes and they honestly fine, just expensive because ya know citadel moment
Here we have two people who don't know what they are talking about arguing like they are experts
Post models
Post your favorite primer.
nta but although my metallics dont look as bad as that marine, im always having trouble with them. does mixing a bit of lahmian medium smooth out some of the chunky ones? i made the mistake of using water to thin it once, what a terrible idea
Push fit is fine if you have no problems building only one of each sculpt, and don't want to convert it in any way. Only issues that occur with push fit is when people want to use a second model of the same sculpts, or want to convert the sculpt as they would a multipart kit
Lamasu Legion Lost Primarch

Boss Hiisama, The Keeper of Hopes and Dreams.


Also Dragon Ball Z, Magic Knight Rayearth, Daimos, Little Witch Academia, does anime movies count, if so, Graveyard of the Fireflies.
Shaking your paints well before using metallics will solve 80% of your problems
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Pic related was painted with windsor & newton's, rosemary and co, citadel, and chinesium synthetic brushes. You don't need to buy miniature hobby brushes as long as the brushes you are buying are decent enough quality to hold a point, and hold onto their bristles. They provide no benefit over artist brushes unless that's all you can find in your local stores
i shake the shit outta them and still have issues unfortunately
I may of misinterpreted the conversation then, I was counting artist brushes it's basically the same thing
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OP of >>93967635
I'll give you that the metallics aren't great. Although I try to be as precise as possible with the metals, I still have problems with the smaller trims and details that require metal parts. Not sure how to improve on that except to practice, practice, practice.
and I don't want to buy Citadel brushes when I have perfectly usable ones already.
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If it was your model you'd have more than a cropped version of the pic warhammer community post
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Everyone starts shit, I just don't want you to end up like other faggots who blame tools
It's a shitpost because that is a very controversial golden demon
>faggots who blame tools
This shit gets me so unreasonably steamed I swear. Mfs try one paint in a line for an application that doesn't fit its properties and act like they understand how the whole line behaves. There's a reason why when you ask the highest level painters for their favorite paints they will list like 4-5 brands depending on the colour and never will they ever suggest a whole paint line
It's only controversial if you let it make you upset. Anyone with a brain can look at something, decide if they like it or dislike it, and then move on with their life
I wanna read some Chaos Marine books after finishing my Ahriman omnibus. Anyone got any good ones? (Not interested in Horus Heresy though)
All starter painters should be using cheap synthetics and paint to rape them.
Once you understand their limits and get good at making a synthetic last, you can move on to sable hair, and paint to rape them.
Consider reading a codex, maybe painting some models instead
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Oh. I don't blame tools. I know it's just me not painting as often as I should and not having the detailing skill down.
It's gotten better for marine models, but the moment I moved to my first Vehicle I caught myself making a few rookie mistakes that I didn't catch until after the fact when I didn't want to deal with painting it anymore. It's *fine* but it's not my best work I'll admit, and if I really wanted to, I know what I would go back and correct. There were some things I did experiment with that I liked, but needed improvement.
>picrel, the vehicle in question. I had a "fuck it" moment with the Agrax Earth Shade because I was rushing with to finish it before having to move. If I went back, I would tone the fucking shading down.
Post pics or you're lying
also gonna expose myself as a phone camera user but damn I hate how some of these shots come out because my phone likes to focus.
>Poorfag with an android
lmao pottery
I'd agree with that. I think synthetics are great for beginners, provided they have a "fresh/nice" synthetic that they use when highlighting. I find a lot of beginners have like 4 brushes and all of them are ratfucked from using every single one of them for basecoats/washes/metallics. Really helps you learn brush control to be working with a nice tool as opposed to one thats beat up
If it isn't broken, don't fix it.
The Camera is just shit for modelposting and I don't feel like replacing the whole damn phone just for that.
Suggesting for your next vehicle that you trace the recesses with your wash, and do your best to keep it off the flat surfaces
Screencapped for later. Thanks.
Working on magnetizing all my hammerhead/skyray/devilfish/pathfinder turrets.
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>ate xenos
>are heretics
>ate daemons
Simple as brother
If you're looking for more info, the technique is called recess shading and is really nice for bigger and smaller models
Yeah, I'll look into that. Thanks.
Honestly it's the first time in a while anyone had the balls to unapologetically point out the flaws. It's usually the metallic details that get the bonking. Feels weird, like I should be putting my guard up or something.
You'll get better with metallics as you train your brush control and get a feeling for paint consistency which takes a little time. Recess shading is a great way to train that brush control in a low stress way that you can always tidy up by reapplying your base tones to sharpen and thin the appearance your lines
I post models that aren't yours sometimes.
You should always be posting models that aren't mine, preferably you're always posting models that are your own unless someone is claiming a model can't be painted to an extremely high level and then you should be making it clear that it isn't yours
Because I wanna know what looks best for both mix and matching scale wise and what isn't horrible push fit jank to kitbash with
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Good idea. Eat them all.
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Sometimes answers are disappointing - to the point you wish you never knew them. That was the case with Necrons. This anon is correct - >>93965785 adding "depth" to Necrons stripped them of shroud of mistery and turned them into kangs in spess. Them being mysterious alien terminators you couldn't reason with was their identity - instead you just got another ancient alien race with everything served on a silver plate, different dynasties with numerous ideas, ambitions etc. Don't do that with Tyranids. All we need to know they come from the Black outside the galaxy.
Fuck off
Relax man
He ended up a bit bluer than I had intended, he looks more teal irl, but I don't hate the color for Alpha Legion.
i called someone out in this general that was posting models that werent his and critiquing peoples paint jobs, needless to say he hasnt posted them since. if someone is criticizing your paint job in an abusive way, theres a really good chance that person doesnt even paint
None of the manlets are push fit except for a handful of characters and all of them are close enough in scale that if you're kitbashing they'll look fine to mix and match
The fanart is better than the model.
I think her armor looks nice, I'd be ok with female custodes looking like that, only thing I'd change is cover up the abs a bit more. Otherwise it looks cool.
Also I like the off-white blonde hair with a braid contrasting with the dark skin.
And yes most obvious for last; boob plate makes my brain go awooga.
>if someone is criticizing your paint job in an abusive way, theres a really good chance that person doesnt even paint
This. Generally if someone is being needlessly antagonistic it's either a nomodels secondary or someone with less than 10 models all half painted as test models. Most army painters are pretty chill even here
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>The fanart is better than the model
There's very few models that you could argue the opposite of this take. Drawn art let's you add details that would be difficult to render in 3d and cast, or impossible to paint
Well true, but in general I think the newest custodes model is pretty meh over all. I think the worst part is the posing, also the armor should've been a standard custodes power armor instead of being some weird black jumpsuit that is covered in some plates.

I do like the spear with the melta gun on it and the shield.
But having the melta barrel be offset to one side triggers my autism.
I would've liked it more if it was in line with the blade like the guardian spear bolters are.
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The duality of mans.
I'm getting into CSM and I want to make sure Dark Crusade and Armada 2 are veering me correctly on the choir boys. What other supplementary materials should I check out?
imagine worshiping one of these 4 cunts
nah ur gay, newcrons > oldcrons. ur as bald as ur warrior models which im sure you own.
I just work out a lot, im one of the boys.
Necrons has fucking nothing before.
Just spoopy terminator skeletons that appear at random and just kill to kill.
No, that's retarded. If anything the 1st legion should be the most generic and by the book legion who don't specialize in anything. But the truth is they are specialized in monster slaying and sabotage due to their history. Just because their number is 1 doesn't mean that the Ultramarines aren't exactly what you are looking for in a chapter.

>founded the codex
>model for all others
>good at everything
>special gimmick thinking of theoretical/practical is a buzzword for being able to execute any winning strategy
>use all vehicles
>use all weapons
>has their primarch, who leads the imperium
>tons of successor chapters with their own successor chapters
What's a cool song to base a 1000 point army on
Codex would be a good start
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Don't worry guys they've got this
That's not true. There's a difference between killing just for killing and killing for reason unknown. it is said in OG necron codex that the reason necrons attack are UNKNOWN.
>Necropolis Hawk Tuahs
anon we dont support hawk tuah since she outed herself as a chud...
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That's for Gundam seed.
>There's a difference between killing just for killing and killing for reason unknown
And Necrons reason for killing was known.
It was just to exterminate the galaxy off all life at the behest of their C'tan masters.

Trying to pretend that oldcrons were some unknowable force killing for some unknown reason is retarded.
best primer for orks?
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>>special gimmick thinking of theoretical/practical is a buzzword
Being autistic about this theoretical/practical is funny. Since this was a thing all the way back in the Great Crusade and it is like 10+ year old fluff at this point.
It's not something SM2 came up with at all.
The whole theoretical/practical is just Ultramarine terms for "What tactics should we use this foe?"
A green one
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Tell me what your favourite sculpt is or the anorexic space marine will make sure you never get a new release again.
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Yet they explain several time that they're out to harvest life for their gods.
I know, it has nothing to do with SM2. The point is that their gimmick of theoretical/practical is literally being able to execute any strategy, which is exactly what anon was asking for from dark angels (which isnt their identity).
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Chaplain dread hands down. If we're talking in print models then leviathan comes in close second
>Female custodes announced
>women immediately go after astartes
this music is scary :(
I want this so bad lol
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I miss the Oldcron C'tan. They proved the weakness of the Chaos Gods because if these guys were the materium equivalent, the Chaos Gods would easily be annihilated on tabletop the same way. I had hoped the inferiority of the C'tan and how easy a conventional army can remove them from the table would prove the superiority of other armies but no more. Now it's just shards I destroy instead of BTFOing the whole thing.
They don't explain shit, all they say is necrons are harvesting life for their gods, but the purpose is unclear - do c'tan eat souls? Do they order necrons to kill only for sport? We don't know shit - and the most important thing is the Imperium doesn't know shit. All they know is that some mechanical horrors sometimes show up, kill everybody and disappear without a trace.
I'd fucking mating press the shit out of a skinny space marine.
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>butt 4 Watt raisin?
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show me that redemptionist preacher conversion
>priming in chestnut brown
Por que
holy FUCK i hate chaos transfers
redpill me on push fit
they don't actually fit
Yes, c'tan feast on energy, but the reason of the attacks are still unknown. One doesn't exclude the other.
Clip the posts so they're shorter but still have some contact with the port. Press very firmly together to eliminate gaps best you can. Apply sprue goo or extra plastic glue to any remaining gaps. Sand or scrape seams if necessary.
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Transfers aren't so bad if you use micro sol and micro set. Script on the bolter and chainsword is from a really fucked up transfer sheet that got scuffed up very badly and went on great
nothing will happen. stop reading this non-canon slop.
>necrons attack places
>they harvest the population for their energy
>the energy is fed to the c'tan
>bUt We DoN't KnOw WhY tHeY'rE aTtAcKiNg
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Already posted him a few times, he's nothing new.
I hadn't seen him. Nice work.
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>blood angels' temple
>carved text is in low gothic
I can't abide
I'm convinced you just steal this dudes shit off ebay and pass it off as your own
nigga wtf you really typed all that
You have autism. Never post again.
when playing the game, how many open chuds have you encountered yet?
>he never bragged to his chaoswank opponent how there's gameplay proof chaos gods stay in the warp because they'd die in minutes if they left
Have posted models with timestamps over a half dozen times, but you can believe what you wish anon
I fucking hate that Repentia Superior's pose btw
It's a thicker grade of primer that I use for the first coat. I use an airbrush so I can easily spray white or black over it.
Thank you.
You've got issues
>It's a thicker grade of primer that I use for the first coat
Ah that makes sense, was gonna say it seemed like you were setting yourself up for a hars time as your scheme wasn't really leaning heavily on dark browns
You gotta push them
He's pretty cool anon good shit
Encounter plenty at the lgs but I only play with my friends at their place so I only have to deal with them in short fairly tolerable bursts
what’s the most chud-like faction
Now that you mention it, it is rather lazy isn't it? Wonder what the design meeting was;
>Hey Frank, what sort of insciptions should I use
>Oh, I dunno, Dan, just write 'Blood Angels' as a placeholder
You have autism. Never post again.
Anon, please do not bite the bait.
very few actually. it seems there is a correlation between touching grass and not being a chud. wierd.
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if you want an autism chapter go imperial fists.
sisters of battle
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This is what Rowboat designated as the lynchpin of the whole Imperial presence in the galactic hemisphere and at the time it had
>no people left alive
>no industry to speak of
>no fortifications left standing
>no natural resources left to draw on
>loads and loads of tyranids left stranded
And on top of that none of the above could easily be addressed since the entire subsector is so irradiated that regular human beings aren't expected to survive for any length of time, and that was before the place was overrun by six trillion omnicidal space bugs. Plus the natural of flow time literally stopped working in this specific place.

In short, Bobby made a poor decision.
Krieg, World Eaters and Imperial Fists by far.

Did anon drop Hand of Abaddon in here?
you misunderstand
he didn't choose baal, he chose dante
>imperial fists
Specifically their black templar subtype.
He was completely 100% right. In the timeline where Baal falls and the Tyranids dont get blunted the entire Imperium falls. It was Bobby coming to Baal that changed the entire fate of the galaxy. The Blood Angels managed to weaken the hive fleet so much that when Rouboute showed up to mop up the remnants they had pretty much wiped out one of the biggest threats in that entire region of space and saved Dante, someone trustoworthy enough to lead the separated half of the Imperium.
> dorn beating khorne in an argument with the power of autism
black templars are for normies. I only respect crimson fists or imperial fists
no, he believes piracy hurts us all so he doesn't do it
except I also believe piracy hurts us all, which is why I do it
Another victory for the freebooterz
(My) Sisters are black and red anyway, I figure a dark brown would work.
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and in a rushed pdf conversion
>girl at work tells me she plays league of legends after work
>I tell her about 40k
>I show her one mini
>spend the next 30 minutes telling her the lore
>show her my army
>she doesn't talk to me anymore
I'm starting a new job next Monday and this is one reason I'm leaving
learn from your mistakes
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image check
>389 pages
I could read mishimas sun and steel instead of this.
>Greyfax cameos
The new Space Marine game has me wanting to build again.
How good of a 3d printer do I need for good quality minis?
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Famous non first founding loyalist chapters
>Marines Malevolent
>Black Templars
>Red Scorpions
Famous Chaos Warbands that aren't founded by the traitor legions
Why the favourtism bros, why are there no chaos warbands as famous as these secondary chapters
Red Corsairs are pretty famous.
There are the Red Corsairs who are the poster boys for non-legion CSM. But Red Corsairs aside, for a time GW tried to make the Crimson Slaughter into a Thing™ but they never really got traction.
The quality of the print is generally determined by your settings and resin. A decent printer would be somewhere between 200-500usd depending on if they're on sale or not. And resin can set up back 30-40usd per 1000kg. The Saturn 4 Ultra is good one for beginners since the lift speed is entirely mechanical and there's no need to to deal with settings than all other printers have. It's not a perfect printer though.
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Since they got their start as the Astral Claws in the Badab War, the mini echo of the Horus Heresy back when it was mythm they are more a famous non first founding legion that happend to fall. They're not famous as a chaos warband in their own right.

I did forget about the Purge, who might be the most famous chaos warband other than the Red Corsairs
Cheers, I'll pick one up on black friday.
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>Crimson Slaughter into a Thing™ but they never really got traction
They were the CSM posterboys, they got clinically removed from the setting when their author was sued and found guily of plagiarism, he used some US civil war memoir and made a few noun changes to make it a 40k story and published it. GW dropped him after that and removed all his work. Apprantly their books were really good as well, the nightlord trilogy of their time
>lift speed is entirely mechanical and there's no need to to deal with settings than all other printers have
what does this mean?
t. saturn 3 owner
bit of a shame that you cant get a nid pregnant.
you certainly wont with that attitude
No that was the Blood Gorgons you're thinking of. The author got caught plagiarising from an Iraq War memoir.
Oh fuck I am, so the crimson slaughter was the knock off brand Blood Gorgons that went no where?
I say shop around and do some research before you purchase. Especially with resin since there are a lot of companies and resin type. I've been using 8k from Elegoo, but it's brittle. So I'm looking into abs-like from Sunlu which is cheap and flexible and can get fine details just fine. There also ZERO benefits to screens going to 24k bazillion resolution at certain point it becomes meaningless (I think 15k is that point iirc).

The vat tilts down by a motor and a mechanical arm to release the print from the vat. It increases print speed and there's no need for special FEP or quick release film or whatever. Since the release is controlled by the motor/arm there's no need for half the settings.
how do I get cute admech gf
Remove weak flesh, acquire certainty of steel
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Go on a suicide mission with her on a world being consumed by Tyranids on a quest to locate an archotech super weapon. Don't forget to be brave and a good soldier all the while, being a DEATHWORLDER helps.
you know there are girls who arent shallow bitches right anon? right?

you shouldn't even be embarassed. you have a neat hobby, you like painting little statues and rolling dice. if she's not interested its a nothingburger. im not trying to belittle you for having anxiety but it really is not a big deal.

anyway I hope you are making more money (so you can buy more minis to add to your pile of shame)
Anyone here have some Tau?
>girl at work tells me she plays league of legends after work
and you didn't drop the conversation there?
Will she then perform the rites of activation upon my dick
does 40kg have a bot problem or something?
get an obtuse admech gf and bend her over
Yes, there is anon who has bragged multiple times about posting -60 IQ posts just to "keep the general alive". might be the same anon who is obssessed with controlling the general OP.
Just checked it out and damn I want it. I've been having a lot of issues with my saturn 3.
i’m trans and i play femstodes
Not me, I'm the new guy from yesterday. I just wanted to see if somebody here had some painted Tau
>Captcha: T4W0N
How long until chapters with primaris marines fall to chaos, and chaos gets to have chaos primaris?
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I've had issues with the sat 4 ultra too. For example, I sent off pic related and a mirrored copy of it on the Sat 4. Printed one of them perfectly fine and failed 3 more times when I sent off retries. I eventually just printed the tracks on my Mars 3 pro. But the print times difference were a drastic, 8hrs vs 14hrs. I think the issue had to do with the "auto-leveling" feature which is just the build plate on 4 springs.
Next time you don't assume just because a girl plays a video game that she is a hardcore nerd.
If she told you how awesome the dawn of war or rogue trader games are, maybe maybe speak about the minis.
Not because she plays some random garbage game.
3/10, that's just not right.
Get a mars 4 pro and you are set
Yeah, I have painted Tau
You just bent her the wrong way, tardograde
>Apprantly their books were really good as well

It might be the same schizo that was shitposting in /wip/ because he gave the exact same explanation when called out
Oh, I get what you're angling at.
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Who in here can actually paint a cute female face?
dunno why people bother with faces
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Flawless Host are somewhat remembered after having rules for a bit in... late 8th edition, was it?
I can
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Another Monday another blood bowl/necromunda release for 5 people to care about

I play blood bowl but don’t need every star player with some minor variance from a base player to have a model
Just masturbated to the "Rape of an Eldar" short story on 1d6chan.
Is a knight desecrator a good antitank choice for a chaos marine list?
>The story
>Not the model
Filthy secondary.
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The chorfs look great I wish we could've gotten something like that in 40k or aos
Nice to see I wasn't going crazy
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>‘Traded your blade for a stylus, I see,’ said Areios mildly as the two broke apart. Messinius stood a little shorter than Areios, his frame narrower. Unlike Areios, Messinius belonged to the old caste of Astartes before Cawl’s miracle and the emergence of the Primaris Marines. His presence was undeniable, however.
>‘A lord lieutenant’s duties see him exercise the strength of his mind as well as his sword arm, captain.’
>‘Of course, my lord,’Areios replied, chastened.
>‘A joke, Ferren,’said Messinius, smiling broadly. ‘I admit I am not good at them.’
>Areios’ creased expression suggested he didn’t understand.
How ass would be this 1500 list based on Dark Vengeance starter set and art?

>Chaos Lord
>Demon Prince

>Cultist mob 10
>Cultist mob 10

>Chosen 10
>Terminator squad 5
>Land raider
>Predator Destructor
They've already made Dawn of War and Battlefleet Gothic, silly.
It's playable but not really. Really depends on what your terrain looks like.
Just masturbated to the "Squad Broken" short story on 1d6chan.
I dislike marines too, but that's just dishonest

Any recs?
Any pics?
>All are far better than anything the loyaists have
Acetone is sold on pharmacies and beauty product stores.
Disappointment. Power armor is the last thing this game needs.
Dude needs some WD40
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Manlets and lanklets fighting together makes me happy.

That many marines together in a crumbling building seems like artillery bait, though.
You can't just expect me to know that
>It's only controversial if you let it make you upset.
That's... not the definition of "controversial".
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Yeah sure. This is the most recent pic I got. I recently finished the 3 white tanks and wanted to take a little action scene with them.

Wut? Recommendations? I recommend you buy a printer and/or convert stuff to make it your own. Plastic kits are way too expensive and limited, and isn't always in stock. I couldn't buy and support my LGS when Farsight first released in the Boarding Patrol box. My LGS was only allowed to get 2 from GW. I wasnt able to get he when he was sold separately, because GW didnt make enough. I bought an STL and just print one. Also there are a ton of alternatives to play and kitbash with, or if you want perfect 1:1 models, there's probably a free stl for that too. The 4 suits in pic related are all printed. The commander is a kitbash using multiple stls.
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For the guy who asked for the art from the Limited edition of Hand of Abaddon.

This Yheng the sorceress who now wields the reforged Murder Blade aka Anathame aka the godkiller. The same blade that fell Horus.
Say something nice about her. She was elevated from a minor cultist to quite possibly the killer of a Primarch soon.
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I guess we'll be seeing some Krieg stuff in a couple weeks.
>female character
You won't yawn when she kills Roboute.
>This Yheng the sorceress
I know her. She's the lady who corrupted that one guy by getting him high on weed and giving him a handjob.
I'd rather she killed Big E so he can become a true god already. Also no one will ever kill robbie G or any primarch because that means they can't make more money of their models
>killer of a Primarch soon
Would be really cool and based if GW bought back loyalist primarchs and started killing them. Would remove peoples fear of the marvelfication of 40k of all plots revolving around a group of characters that can never die due to plot armour.
I don't have a particularly strong opinion about it, design looks cool, but I'm not sure it's offering anything, specifically when I picture this turned into a 40k model, it's essentially a bog standard fantasy chaos sorceress, almost like a rejected age of reckoning concept art.

add some 40k gribble, put some emphasis on the anathamwhatsitsname blade and kill an actual primarch so we can stop talking about one of them at least.

I suggest killing off khan, his return would be terrible.
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What about the second artwork?
Little do you know she'll actually kill Fulgrim with it by mistake since she's a woman and thus prone to make oopsies.
When she grabbed the sword she saw a vision of the Corpse Emperor burning and dying on his throne.

Another interesting scene with her is the Chaos Gods in the past while directing the HH looking into the future to gaze down on her. Some timey whimy shenanigans.
>quite possibly the killer of a Primarch soon.

There's fuck all chance the big, expensive, overpriced model that still sells is getting sacked any time soon. At most she gets a model as well in a campaign where she tries to kill RG and fails, leading to some kind of stalemate.
Primarchs die all the time, alpharius died fighting smurfs
This is the truth
>She was elevated from a minor cultist to quite possibly the killer of a Primarch soon.
GW is never going to kill off any of the primarchs.
This gives "Never send a man to do a womans job" vibes like crazy. Of course a lone woman with a sword would succeed where 4 gods and hundreds of thousands of super humans have failed.
It's just the Crimson Corsair character from an earlier novel who got suckered into reforging the anathame using his body in this novel.
He looks like a normal dude. No mutations or whatever.
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>blacked library fag thinks a book can kill a big centerpiece plastic model.
*allegedly died
>alpharius died fighting smurfs
Convenient that there's anither one they can still sell later
>Would remove peoples fear of the marvelfication of 40k of all plots revolving around a group of characters that can never die due to plot armour.
40k was always like this.
Instead of primarchs it was just some random Chapter Master Retardus Maximus and his gaggle of retards fighting the She'Raquill the Farseer from the Isha's Moan Craftworld.
This is a lie
>Bro GW will totally kill of this popular character who has a pretty recent center peice plastic model that still sells well>
>just trust me bro, this random never before seen Literal Who retard chaos cultist is totally going to kill a primarch
Sure, Shaskais. Whatever you say.
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>big chaos year
EC here we go baby
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Nuh uh, he got WALLED.
You know, I'm surprised she's not a woman of colour with a big afro and a nose ring. Only a true qween should be able to kill Primarchs and the Chudperor.
They have been building up her character since the start of the series. It's very likely she is going to get a model. They didn't bring back the god killer if not to use it.
This is also a lie
Good luck EC bros, I hope your codex slaps and fulgrim looks kino
Il have copium for AL getting new stuff
The next major warzone is Laevenir. Due to extensive fighting between the Aeldari and the Tyranids, planets within the Laevnir Archipelago have become increasingly inhospitable as the war goes on. Contact by the Silver Drakes Chapter regarding the imminent opening of a new front, the Imperium deploys the Death Korps of Krieg to crush both the Tyranid offense and the remaining Aeldari defenders, claiming the coveted worlds of Laevenir for the Imperium once and for all.
The Death Korps arrive to find that the Aedari are already beaten and in full retreat, having sacrificed several worlds to cover their own withdrawal. Even then some of the Craftworld forces still remain, but are soundly crushed between the Imperial forces and Tyranid swarm. The last remining Autarch within the warzone is captured and executed by Death Korps forces, with her Spirit Stone being shattered afterwards for good measure.
The Tyranids prove a aignificantly larger problem to deal with, and while initial advances by the Death Korps prove effective efforts begin to slow down once the extent of the Tyranid offensive is discovered. Much of the Archipelago has already been consumed, and the resulting bio-mass had been utilized to produce a high population of large scale bioforms to wage war against the Imperium.
To counteract this, a cadre of Imperial Knight Houses was deployed to assist the Death Korps. With both the Death Korps and rhe Tyranids now entrenched for larger-scale warfare, Laevenir has become a key defensive focus for the Imperium.
>They have been building up her character since the start of the series.
Malcador has been built up ever since the HH series too.
And he's never getting a model.
FW's HH isn't finished releasing models yet as far as I know.
I hope that all 3 of those codexes are coming in spring 2025.
But I could see GW being a dick and just releasing those 3 codexes only in 2025 just to fuck over people.
Stormboyz kill team pretty please <3
And it's still not going to happen.
I can't get over this. I mean what the hell?
Watch her express deliver her super special pirimarch killing sword directly to the loyalists when she gets killed by some random smurf captain in a codex lore blurb and be completely forgotten about
>Big Names
>Special Chaos Treats
I predict we'll get Haarken Worldclaimer's brother from another mother, Snaarken Worldtaker.
You're forgetting the third one, Sigmachus. Why do you think their symbol is a three headed hydra?
>I predict we'll get Haarken Worldclaimer's brother from another mother, Snaarken Worldtaker.
His archnemesis?
Sneedus Worldreclaimer of the Feedus chapter (formerly Chuckus)
That was probably unironically planned by GW but they just canned it because it sounded too retarded even to themselves.
>Believable setting for the 3 new factions we know are next
>Eldar are the whipping boys that get quickly wiped so Imperium gets more attention.
>large scale bioforms could be the 'missing' tyranid titan units from the old nid leak pre the starter box.
Very good bait if fake, a solid expansion if real
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Plastic Krieg Command squad.
>It's the KT Krieg sprue with a different upgrade sprue.
That'll be $80, please.

Leman Russ/Basilisk/Chimera rebox and 40% price increase.

Malcador Legend'd and sent off to HH.

Macharius? Who's that? What's a Valdor tank? Never heard of it. Cyclops? Now you're just making shit up.

Plastic Salamandrius Command Vehicle, £100.
Always loved that theory
I haven't played since 6th edition or so. Did they make it easier to field mixed armies? Like a squad or two of Marines, some Inquisition/Sisters stuff and the rest Guard?
10 man squad box of the Space Marine 2 cast when
they already have models for most of them for sale so never
Up until Agents pretty limited. Still thankfully not the ebay rescue slop it used to be
Why are people expecting news on krieg or anything 40k. They clearly stated it's going to have a strong focus on chaos.
Fuck. I wanted to make a display of the 9 + Leandros
You mean repackaging sculpts into a new box like the Darktide one? Not a terrible idea
>Why are people expecting news on...anything 40k.
Gee m8 that's a tough one
>Why are people expecting news on krieg or anything 40k
because 40k listed as one of the systems getting news, kriegers are the next codex with models incoming, and because the army boxes always get showcased and released months ahead of the actual proper full release, and since that happens early next year, those must happen during this year.
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I unironically believe it. That or the ones that died during the Heresy and Scouring weren't actually the Primarchs.

No way in hell GW will pass up the opportunity to sell more overpriced plastic for 40K when they run out of Demon Primarchs. Curze is already sitting nice a pretty in an Eldar soulstone to be resurrected and pure Fulgrim and Horys clones are canonically a thing already, just waiting an opportunity to be marketable.
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Why do they keep trying to make the Great Horned Rat happen? Nobody is buying it as a real chaos god.
It's fun.
None of them are real nigga
Horus isn't even perma-dead any more. He can legitimately just be revived now.
>Fulgrim clone
It WILL happen. Clonegrim vs fulgrim box next year. Fulgrimbowl is inevitable.
because skaven are their most popular fantasy race
Only if they settle it in a naked oil wrestling match to see who's the real Bottom G.

With an accompanying Wh+ feature length animation as well, of course.
40k was listed in the last stream and what got shown off there?
Yeah but kniggers aren't a thing until next year.
The future you envision is one we must ensure
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Based. This must happen, James.
I wouldn't expect to see a codex anytime soon but holy calzone is Lucius overdue for a plastic model.
With how pervasive he is, I have no doubt some Garfield merch survives in the 41st millennium
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How do you justify having to spend over 1K to then have to BUILD your own army? Not counting the paint/accessories and hours of wor- I mean "hobby".
Imagine a Votann that stored every Garfield comic before going insane and spitting out an orange-with-black-stripe kindred that hates Mondays.
We'll get the Christmas Battleforces and nothing else
>more mary sue shit
on brand
You don't have to spend that much
It's not work if you enjoy it. Why do people enjoy anything at all?
Building and painting is most of the fun.
BA Christmas battleforce will set the new price for battle forces, easily a 10% increase
Why do people spend thousands of hours playing the same game on repeat on the same map four thousands upon thousands of hours?
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Here it is.
Are there any examples of omega minus blanks that arent culexus assassins?
The Anathema Ultima aka the Goddess Empire of Mankind from the Inquisitor Martyr game.
He looks a lot like the Areios dude.
He's just a bloke. Straight up a normal guy.
>How do artists justify spending thousands of hours in front of the same white canvas?
>How do car guys justify spending over 1k on parts and then hours and hours of work just to drive from point a to point b?

It's a hobby. It's not about justifying anything. If you enjoy it, you enjoy it.
>were not gonna do jackshit for a few months and reveal some stuff after the tourneys
An average Joe. An everyman.
>Yeah but kniggers aren't a thing until next year
that's the actual normal model release, the release of the armybox happens way ahead of that and the reveal of the armybox even more so.
Modern Chaos is so embarrassingly cringe
Because I don't even play tabletop, I just like painting cool plastic dudes. If you don't enjoy the "hobby" aspect of the hobby then comission your painting and stop bitching
>alright lets make a cool female character
>*makes her look like a crack whore*
Good job James
Chaos is a literal soul-crack, though.
Besides going by the text, she is a 10/10.
>army box reveal oct 5
>talk about it for a couple weeks on warcom
>goes for pre-order oct 19 or 26
>release nov 2 or 9
>calm your tiddies on Krieg until after Christmas boxes
>full release wave previewed jan 5th, preorder jan 11th
at least they remembered that women have breasts
The Imperium has ten times more powerful female characters. Greyfax, Celestine, Draxus, and many more.
Chaos has been a sausagefest for too long.
they could drag things further by revealing only one krieger unit or one krieger model and slowly showing stuff during newmodelmonday
Are cyborg space dragons cool? Asking for a salamanders successors chapter
None of them are walking around with the most powerful weapons in the setting for no reason
>cyborg space dragons
No, dont even try it sallyfag. Aos models in 40k always look like shit
You are such a faggot for even considering it
That’s a cyborg hell dragon there’s a difference
true lmao
At least use a WHFB dragon. The AOS dragons look like shit
use fyreslayer magmadroth
What if themselves are the weapon
Like you know, Sister Stern the Heretical Saont.
>be a sorcerer
>through the power of the warp have the ability to bend flesh, soul and the very fabric of reality to your will
>still choose to look like a drugged up whore from the walmart parking lot
It just doesn't make sense
no, you don't want to commit to the same sin of the space wolves

if you want dragons for your marines then make them just decoration for your bikes and jetbikes
>it doesn’t make sense that people corrupted by super hell are ugly
>Whfb dragons
They all look like shit youd come across from a shitty Chinese antique store.
doesn't really work like that

ask any thousand son
Why the fuck would anyone use those anorexic overgrown autistic snakes? They look like shit a horrible take on eastern dragons
The Tson situation and a psyker reshaping their flesh or putting up illusions to be percieved in a different way is not the same
Then use the pewter dragon. You can smash your opponent over the head with it if you lose
Why would anyone in their sane mind bring curze back in fluff. The only one who would do that is Sevatar and the dude has been missing since the HH
Ahriman has a hole for a face and he doesn't realize it, according to Khayon.
no, but it's just one example of how mastery of the warp doesn't give you control, even if someone specialised in illusionism or biomancy it wouldn't be a given that they could keep up the facade at all times.
most chaotics look like mutant shits too, from what kind of dunning kruger hill do you come from to be willing to argue that chaos sorcerers couldn't possibly look like shit
Yes. Like, duh. Have you seen what the senior management of Chaos looks like? If they don't look fucked up in some fashion they're not legit.
Khayon was just calling him an asshole.
They can and will always introduce new characters to bullshit a new model into existence.

And this time the answer will be Yvraine again.
>emissar to the God of the Dead
>knowledgeable about spirit stone shit
Abaddon has been noted by many to be physically uncorrupted. His face is normal. He can take off his armor. You don't get higher than Abaddon in the totem pole of Chaos
He's the exception that proves the rule.
He's ungodly big, though. Bigger than any marine should have any right to be.
Horus isn't even 100% dead, like his soul was erased.
They retconned that in the End and the Death part 3. Emperor just stabs Horus and he just dies.
Emps even goes during their last words as far as to say "I forgive you. I will be waiting for you."
It's me paraphrasing, but that's basically it.

Horus is 100% coming back alongside with rest of the fucking primarchs.
abbaby is a super special snowflake that walks the path of the edgelord, it comes with many features that are unnatural compared to proper chaoshood.
he has no arms
Because he's more of a chaos god than trashtorr or belacuck will ever be.
Hell, even Malice of all things beats out both vash and bel in the God department because he is specifically labeled as a Minor Chaos god, meaning he is more or less only 1 rank below the Big 4.
>mentally ill man invents scenarios in his head to get mad at
There is an image of Abaddon and Typgus next to each other during the HH. Abaddon's size makes Typhus look like a dwarf and that was Abaddo n before he started using Chhaos.
>Horus is 100% coming back alongside with rest of the fucking primarchs.
No, GW is stopping at 4 traitors and 4 loyalists, 5 at most.

whatever happens, horus, alpharius/omegon, kurze, khan, corax, vulkan and ferrus will not come to 40k.
He's right though, anon. Fab Bill resurrcted an uncorrupted Horus tha Abby kills soon after.
>>cyborg space dragons
That's a robot wyvern, not a dragon.
The gods allow that to trick him into thinking he's not their puppet becuase he's more useful that way. They could easily flip the switch and turn him into a puddle of daemon cum
>doesn't really work like that
>ask any thousand son
Tsons are a special case.
The flesh change only ever effected them, it doesn't exist in other psykers.
Can't do that if they don't have his soul.
not the same
>He's ungodly big, though. Bigger than any marine should have any right to be.
That's just normal for him.
Abaddon specifically was always a giant marine that is about the same size as a primarch.
Guilliman is an expensive centerpiece models whose plastic kit is less than a decade old, anyone who unironically thinks he's going to get killed off is on fucking drugs or is the same sort of retarded navelgazing redditors who doesn't understand why Raven Guard and White Scars get less importance than BA/DA/BT/SW because they're too retarded to understand this is a miniatures game first and foremost so the people with armies and minis and a codex will always matter more than those without one.
Is that just something that happens to marines now and then? We've got him and Tyberos. Alpha Legion are all weirdly big, to be similar in size to their weirdly small primarchs.
>No, GW is stopping at 4 traitors and 4 loyalists, 5 at most.
And leave money on the table?
Lmao, that's not how they work at all. All primarchs are coming back for the sole reason they sell like crack in the ghetto.
Do you think the bloatheads from blackstone fortress choose to look like that?
Dude I put outriders on the old hideous lizardmen raptors from the value box and even did a chaplain on one of the hyppogryphs from AOS. The new guy deserves the chance to make the same mistakes. I still dream of converting one of the storm drakes into a storm speeder proxy. Magmadroths fit better tho
There's being Tyberos-big and there's looking at a Primarch at eye-level.

This pic?
Yeah, Abby was always a big lad and makes Typhus look like a runt.

Worthy to note Typhus was turned as an adult, and AFAIK these guys don't grow as well as marines that are operated on during their teens.
The irrelevant primarchs don't and the more primarchs they make the less they will sell.
The only primarchs that sell have a range to be the centerpiece for and only the ones they're making have or are getting model ranges.
The other chapters and legions have been misbegotten for decades because they don't sell, your primarch won't get made, deal with it.
Tyberos is exagerated, he's described as being a head taller than other marines, and that's considering he's always in terminator armor.
>all this talk about primarchs while im waiting for something interesting for demons to come out
You get what you fucking deseve
>Is that just something that happens to marines now and then?
Yes, it's nothing new at all. Marines are very much like humans in that regard, some are absolute fuck huge giants the size of Vulkan at 11-12ft tall, while there are some dwarf marines who are barely 6'3" tall midget of a marine.

For example:
There's even Ranulf of the Space Wolves who was also specifically called to be big as a primarch. Also had a his own special terminator armor custom made to fit his fat ass.
Ranulf is also old lore from the White Dwarf 185.

On the opposite side there is a Deathwatch sergeant Voss who is a turbo manlet. Who then compensated for it like most manlets do, ie. by lifting a fuck ton.
He lifted so much and got muscles so big that his superiors told him to stop lifting so much because the Techmarines in the DW were getting tired of refitting his armor.
Chaos makes you go crazy. Also those things are barely above daemonhosts anyway.
slaanesh combat patrol doko
>unironic delusion thinking GW will just stop making primarchs when every single one keep selling out in mere minutes.
I think the DA lore is great for them being the first. The idea of them having to be specialized xenos clearers to prepare unexplored regions for the rest of humanity is a great idea for a "first" legion, as opposed to them being the most generic "do everything" legion. They're literally meant to be the "first" when exploring new areas. (also I'm not disagreeing with you here I'm agreeing, I just like the DA lore)
So are the only 100% dead Primarchs Kurze, Horus, Ferrus and Sanguinius?
>noo chaos, the corrupting force that has been established as warping flesh and machinery through exposure alone, isn't warping these psykers they're just choosing to look this way
Daemons are dogshit and don't matter.
They shouldn't even be in the game at all anyway.
dorn and one of the alpharius twins too
Abbadon's character in the siege of terra books and the new Fall of Cadia makes him one of my favorite chaos characters behind Kharn and Talos. They write him out to be just a guy making the most of a shitty situation. Or I could just be retarded and not know how to read.
Uh oh, chaosfag meltie.
When they roll demons into their associated traitor Legion codexes and release an Emperor's Children box
>Who then compensated for it like most manlets do, ie. by lifting a fuck ton.

>be manlet
>have no muscles and get bullied for being a wimpy and a bitch
>have muscles and get bullied for compensating for your height
Manletism is truly a curse, everything you do or don't will come back to your (lack of) height in people's minds.
Only them.
Rest are MIA or alive.
Abbadon always comes across as your typical Chaos leader to me. The kind who thinks they're using Chaos and totally not under Chaos's control.
The Forgotten and the Purged. And even then I wouldn't be so sure after GW runs out of Primarchs to sell (again, for the 2nd time now)
Who cares.
Get back in the lithium mine, Gimli.
Do you drill buttholes into your thunderwolf cavalry?
Sanguinius is coming back, or at the very least BA is stuck with 3 exclusive Primarchs for the ends of time.
With my dick.
Except for the fact that GW came out and said he is legit when he says he is not corrupted.
He is the anti-Horus.
We've gone over this many times already anon. If something is supposed to come out of it you drill it. Them's the rules.
I hope you're merely choosing to be dumb right now.
>He's not corrupted, he's just doing exactly what Chaos wants and needs to achieve total victory with absolutely no plan or even remote possibility to keep going after "winning"
Sure, bud.
The point of the Dark Angels weren’t being by the book it was having so much experience that they could hyper specialize and if their autistic orders and their experience couldn’t cut it then they could reach into the war crimes closet they got from being the first.
I get where you're coming from, but as a chaosfag I read a lot of the chaos focused books and I can't really think of any stories off the top of my head that use chaos but actually think they're in control of it. I feel like most of them read like "yeah im chaos, and i am pretty much a puppet but at least i have some self control"
Say the line Bart
Tell us how he's actually totally fighting to become the new imperium leader and championing for marine's rights
fuck wait does it actually say r/BloodAngels on the base?
are you retarded
>Blood Ravens
>no librarian class

its not fucking fair...
They literally rebuilt it before he left. And explicitly told him it was retarded to leave your world as a shithole because that makes people stronger or some retard rock smashing caveman logic.
Yes, it does. The model is restricted to leddit and will be sold exclusively using reddit gold as currency.
Sons of Antaeus are a whole chapter of weirdly huge Marines.
Good. Fuck psykers, the Blood Ravens would be objectively sreonger f they were made up of only Scouts, anyway.
Proto Primeris marines?
ACTUALLY we never see the assassin kill curze, the recording stops just before that part
Cope they wouldn't exist without magnus' curved nipples
Doesn't Alpharius get bonked by Dorn at the SoT? Or is he not included cause he was probably just another "Alpharius"
Daemons' only future is with Vashtorr
Get in the fucking Soul Grinder
If you ask me the AL are just a phylactery for Alpharius and Omegon and they’re both in a eternal shadow war with each other until they kill each other or genocide the legion and then kill each other
Beyond the largely uninhabited fortress-monastery there was fuck all there in the first place. They rebuilt a house. Singular. A mostly empty one.
Sons of Anteus come from the 21st "cursed" founding. Which also gave us the Black Dragons, another marine chapter made of giant marines, but they also grow bony horns and even retractable bony forearm blades that they then coat in adamantium and sharpen.

It wouldn't surprise me if the 21st founding turns out to be just Cawl tinkering and doing some large scale experiments.
But currrently there is no evidence for it.
Old lore. Check his speaking lines in 3rd edition.
Dude, the 10th ED CSM codex says that Abaddon's agenda of revenge won't stoop after Terra and Imperium fall. That's straight-up confirmation that the Chaos Gods are next.
Actually he's gotta fuck up the xenos after the imperium
Why would you think Gorillaman the giant blue autist would only rebuild a fortress and not the supplementary facilities and logistics necessary to support it? Or that the blood angels wouldn’t after being called retards for not having it?
>Dude, the 10th ED CSM codex says that Abaddon's agenda of revenge won't stoop after Terra and Imperium fall. That's straight-up confirmation that the Chaos Gods are next.
All Chaos corrupted tards say that.
Only one that could actually back it up however was Archaon.
okay whatever you say carnac
Revenge for what exactly?
Now that you mention it, that be cool as shit if true. Kinda like how Trazyn can manifest into any random Necron Warrior to keep living. Alpharius and Omegon could do the same b/c they got corrupted pretending to fight for chaos or some shit. AL really do take the backseat in the modern 40k lore and its pretty sad.
For what the Chaos Gods did to Horus, humanity, and the traitor legions.
>All Chaos corrupted tards say that.
Name five.
The last time I remember hearing about the Alpha legion was in the Dark Imperium books where they show up like "Haha we are evil" *twirls mustache* "better come get us haha" to get gorillaman to run after Mortarion
And his revenge against the Chaos Gods involves becoming their champion, leading their armies and doing their bidding?
I grant you it's a bold strategy
The last time I read about them they kidnapped an imperial saint who kinda just went along with them???? It was a weird book I hate alpha legion books

I just hate the whole idea of the mystery of them not knowing wtf they’re doing or always hiding it being all they have. It makes plots cumbersome
berzerker surgeon and red butchers please james
Isn't the Anathame supposed to be the weapon used to commit the first murder? I know it was originally said to be a Nurgle-blessed blade, but that was retconned.
The Black Legion obeys Abaddon over anything else. Remember when the Pylons depowered the Black Legion and silenced the gods? The Black Legion marines didn't get disheartened. They fought harder and with greater resolve.
The 10th CSM codex features at least 4 named BL characters that are stated to be loyal to Abaddon and care nothing for the gods.
ADB commented on this years back. He said that the Black Legion generally hates Chaos.
No, that's Drach'Nya, Abby Dabby's catboy demon sword
>name five
NTA but why would you even need to? That’s like the first step on the path of glory and nearly every book with an undivided character that’s not a word bearer has some dickhead around who thinks this. Also Abbadon’s inner circle are completely loyal to him he’s not an autistic retard like Archaon who loses his knights to Belakor
Of all time? Either the old metal daemon prince or void dragon
anime fanfic faggotry
Drach'nyen is the daemon born from humanity's First Murder. It's not actually a sword but a really powerful daemon who is destined to kill the Emperor and usher mankind to extinction.
It's in the shape of a sword because Abaddon wills it to be a sword.
>space marines are atheists
How did you forget this. They had an entire Reddit war and even during the heresy still said it was fake and gay
digits confirm that AL is the antichrist.
As a chaosfag I've tried to like some of the alpha legion books but they all feel really pointless (most chaos books do but not to the extend of the the AL). Would love ADB to do a trilogy similar to the night lords trilogy that sets up later plot points but we know thatll never happen.
>erm ackshually MY chaos marines are so special and cool that after 10k years in the chaos realm they're completely free of chaos worship
kill yourself faggot
Me when I finally read 40k lore and stop listening to YouTubers
Starting to suspect Kesh is gay
This thread hit image bump like 70 posts ago
Alpha Legion is perfect for some rich Paranoia levels of comedy. A super secret legion who motives and actions are so secret even THEY don't know what they do or who's side their on.

The problem is the writers want to treat that seriously.
Is Arieos that same super autistic Primaris that got his ass handed to him by that black legion guy
Word Bearer.
And yes.
you aren't subtle faggot
your chaos marines aren't free of chaos no matter how much you kick and scream that they are, subhuman coldsteel-OCfag
ok, and?
there is a rumour the next kill team box will be stormboyz versus some form of flying nids. it was from the same source that told us it was scions v vespids a couple weeks before the teaser community article.

all the people sperging about this character worship tolkien and he had a random princess kill off a thousands of years old super sorcerer.

idk ask HH general
Not according to GW.
the difference is tolkien wrote quality fiction and was classically trained as opposed to some nepo-baby writers who's only experience prior to working for BL is writing gaming journalism articles getting carte blanche to add whatever donut steels they want
>New Stormboyz vs new Gargoyles
Would be kino
why the fuck do people keep comparing good works to warhammer.
GW doesn't decide what is canon
I do
>there is a rumour the next kill team box will be stormboyz versus some form of flying nids
not a rumor, that's a wishlist
the actual rumor is that the next kill team is ratlings(+ogryns) vs orks on foot (most likely tankbustas)
Dan Abnett is a reward-winning comic and fiction writer.
Matt Ward went on to write an acclaimed fantasy series.
Gav Thorpe, ADB, and Graham McNeil wrote stories for video games. The latter fixed League of Legends with Laurie Goulding and made it very popular leading to the Arcane show.
What did you do with your life?
i rote teh bibble
People routinely trick themselves into thinking warhammer is supposed to be anything more than pulpy satire
well he isnt jerking off some half washed authors for one.
matt ward didn't write your abaddonwank faggotry
and awards mean fuckall
keep seething, blacked legion subhuman
I'm 99% sure the Anathame is just a large piece of obsidian used to commit the first murder, the demon was just the result.
>anonymous is one person
I love nu/tg/
>n-no I swear there's totally multiple abaddon fellators that all type the same way
>the Chaos Gods are next
>says he, completely relying on their power and influence to do anything
Enjoy having your entire army explode into Spawndom, I guess. And that's considering the entire Sol System will tear into a near Eye of Terror if he ever manages to kills the Emps, which he does not know. If he wins he automatically loses.
Nuh uh
Don’t worry it’s gonna get worse in about a month and a half
Tolkiens works are now being remade into the same dogshit media by the same kind writers. The last passable LotR media was Shadow of Mordor. At least in warhammer we still get some good stories included with all the other dogshit media. Comparing Tolkiens works and what they have morphed into to warhammer is pretty stupid imo.
warhammer is kil
>I guess. And that's considering the entire Sol System will tear into a near Eye of Terror if he ever manages to kills the Emps, which he does not know. If he wins he automatically loses.
Abaddon knows. He saw the fate of the galaxy when the Emperor dies. It's in the 6th codex supplement. I would post it if the image limited wasn't reached.

It's safe to say that he has plans for it. He won't hand the galaxy to the Chaos Gods.
>making list for a game tomorrow
>throwing in units that don't fit in at all just because the models are newly painted
I'm going to lose but damnit I'll get to use my new stuff
Election season
>. At least in warhammer we still get some good stories
Also stated again during the Arks of Omens. He could probably destroy the imperium if he races his ass to Terra like Horus did but he wants a complete victory or some stupid shit which is probably going to fuck him over. But he has a fetish for war so atleast he’ll have fun
>Leave the blacked library slop writer alone!
Me when I can’t read past a fifth grade level
I liked Abbadon better when he was a mustache twirling incompetent trying and failing to fill his father's shoes.
I respect your opinion anon : ) do you have some good non-GW recommendations for me to read?
He's still that, too.
What cards does he have? Anything that could prevent that are the necron pylon shit, which he has been consistently destroying. And in the end Chaoos needa abaddon to kill the Emperor, after he's out of the picture they just won't have a use for him anymore. They don't even need to do much except let him be trapped in the Warp for what might as well be eternity while they flood real space. What the fuck can he even do about it? While both need each other right now the Gods will stop needing Abby much sooner than he them.
But its now canoned "all part of the plan"
Already? I'm not a burger so it's not on my radar. Also,
>2016 was 8 years ago
120 days of sodom. Or 100 years of solitude.
Reminder that Abaddon is a failure and all of his crusades have been failures. Even the 13th one was supposed to blast through and go straight for Terra, but then got instantly stopped at Cadia.

Abby is a failure and that is all he will ever amount to.
Did you forget that superweapon that Vashtorr told Abaddon about that could win him the galaxy without the need for the Chaos Gods?
a maximum of a fifth grade reading level is why you think BL slop is well written
Why is /40kg/ physically and mentally incapable of not talking about the most boring fucking shit over and over again
Who ACTUALLY gives a fuck about Abaddon? I can't fathom people giving a shit about such a generic bad guy. The leader of the main faction of the main bad guys of the setting is guaranteed to be the most generic and uninteresting villain ever; why would anyone bother to talk about him?
to farm (you)
>to avoid relying on the Chaos Gods he'll instead do what the Chaos God wannabe told him to
Yeah, that's retarded enough for me to believe GW will have him do it
>Did you forget that superweapon that Vashtorr told Abaddon about that could win him the galaxy without the need for the Chaos Gods?
>daemon telling you about a super duper awesome super powerful weapon that will 100% get him what he wants with no strings attached
You sound like the type of faggot who'd unironically fall for those nigerian prince scams.
He isn't generic. Dan Abnett and ADB made him really tragic and compelling character worth rooting for.
He is the Malcolm X of 40K.
I greatly enjoy Pale Fire
>Dan Abnett and ADB made him really tragic and compelling character worth rooting for.
How? He's just a whiny cunt.
You forget that Vashtorr is lawful Evil to the extreme to the point he never lies and also fulfills his bargains to the letter.
There's nothing new to discuss so only new people and bored trolls bring up things that people respond to the same way so conversations become circular returning to the same talking points.
Why can't they farm replies by talking about, like, Fabius Bile or Perturabo or Fulgrim or someone who at least has something going on?
Any ideas for a new topic then?
>without the need for the Chaos Gods?
You mean the one he can only get by sucking off a chaos god in itinere?
wrong again, tertiary
Poor bait.
Prove it.
What do you mean? The Chaos Gods (Tzeentch at least) are trying to thwart Vashtorr.
>Unironically trusting a demon
>You forget that Vashtorr is lawful Evil to the extreme to the point he never lies and also fulfills his bargains to the letter.
You really are a stupid motherfucker.
Vashtorr is literally "devil's in the details" type of daemon. He doesn't lie to you but will still fuck you over.
If Vashtorr is telling you that fire burns, he is lying.
Because they only have a surface level knowledge of 40k from youtube and are tourists from SM2. They don't know who those characters are, they haven't gotten to those videos yet.
Vashtorr is the only daemon who can be trusted since he is too autistic to lie.
Demons aren't lawful, at all. They have rules but you better believe they will twist them.
>you can trust me and only me
said literally any untrustworthy demon ever
>the Chaos God of keikaku dori is doing something so CLEARLY that means he's being honest
You know what? The inquisition is right about people needing to be purged just because they know of Chaos.
What's the ideal videogame genre for each faction?
Space Marines is obviously Third-Person Hack-and-Shoot
Here is the thing. Abaddon has 10K years of experience handling daemons and not just them but their gods as well.
The danger of being rulelawyer'ed by Vashtorr is minimal for Abaddon.
Every time we have an excerpt of Vashtorr speaking it's convoluted and somewhat difficult to parse. He's the kind of pseudo-liar who would convince you of something whilst actually saying the opposite truth.
yeah and he's a retard who failed 12 crusades back to back and still can't tell when he's being led on
That's implying him not being tricked so far isn't actually part of the plan.
Assassinorum but it's like the batman Arkham games.
Vashtorr is.
I would post his lore if this fucking thread isn't image full.
because bile fulgrim and perty are all somehow even more boring than abaddon
Which temple specifically?
oh i laaffed
having a niche or gimmick is automatically more interesting than not having one
>nah bro, this daemon is entirely trust worthy you should have faith in him
>trust in this chaos god wannabe nerd to help you kill the other 4 chaos gods, he will never fuck you over stab you in the back somehow
>totally would never happen
You really are like that one retarded woman inquisitor from the comics who was unironically listening daemons for advice in her stupid schemes.
Not really. You have to be an idiot to not get what Vashtorr is saying. He speaks in olde time way mixed with Yoda.
Either Callidus or Culexus.
Vanus is a 4X
Even darling little Abby calls him out for it
>What do you mean?
Try to apply that little empty head of yours.
The only way for abbadon to get the superweapon vashtorr knows about is to do what vashtorr wants in exchange and vashtorr wants to become a new chaos god.
Why in the flying fuck do you think the superweapon will allow abbadon to win a war against the gods when the only way to have a chance in that is the follow the whims of someone who's going to be a god and who will not want to be dethroned once ascended?

it's but another narrative dead end that the lazy writers will never properly fix, untie or detail because it falls apart the moment you look at it.
So we end up with abbadon written like some edgy kid who wants to pretend he's smart.
Daemoins and even gods are slaves to their nature. Vashtorr is lawful and not a creature of lies.
He can only fuck you over in the fine print of contracts if you are too lazy or careless to read the full agreement.
Probably Calexus and Callidus. Vindicare is a Sniper Elite type game and Eversor NEEDS to be a beat them up.
He is being coy and trying to impress. A typical trait of nerds and arrogant scientists whom Vashtorr is a manifestation of.
weird low effort bait
Callidus is Hitman
>literally says that Vashtorr just runs his mouth talking a lot without saying much of anything
>while also doing it by talking in backwards riddles
This already proves that Vash is not trustworthy and he is quite literally how most stereotypical daemons are depicted.
Ie. "Well, I didn't really lie to you, I just omitted some information and didn't read you the fine print of our contract which makes you my slave for all eternity. Woopsie!"
>but he doesn't lie
It doesn't mean he is trustworthy at all. But you would know this if you weren't gigantic faggot.
>Abaddon asks him to speak plainly.
>he actually does.
What more can you ask for?
new thread migrate you cretins.
He is. He fulfills his agreements to the letter in a lawful and legit matter. Always and without fail.
In what scenario is a cyborg space dragon not cool. Just do it.
Blame the lorelets, there's plenty that could be discussed but we have to stoop down to their level
Very cool. Suits look great.
I got a Farsight for ok, but I'll keep that in mind.
>retards can't even bake new threads without me
>they just let the thread die
Holy fuck y'all went downhill FAST
>Bolted on tits
>Thick wrists
That's a tranny

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