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Previous >>93930969

Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/h8Tz2ze8

This general encompasses all board game genres, whether it be Euro, American, Warfare, or Card-driven

>TQ: How do you get out of a gaming rut?
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Caverna > Agricola
>TQ: How do you get out of a gaming rut?
>TQ: How do you get out of a gaming rut?
Usually start/work on a board game I'm developing, or play bloodbowl again.
Suggest me some good midweight 6 player games
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I got a problem. I have preorders for
>The Ahoy expansions and deluxe components
>War for Arrakis desert war
>Kemet rise of gods all-in (with the sole exception of the core game box)
>Castles of burgundy reprint and all the acrylic shit
>the Ra traders expansion (worth trying, it was cheap)
Ahoy getting an expansion is shocking, I think the game could use one but I'm surprised it sold well enough to justify it
It's a Leder game that's actually easy to teach, why wouldn't it sell
Virgin Queen
Between Two Castles of Mad King Ludwig
Quartermaster General (the ww2 one)
Another game of TI4 with the group. My brother joined us this time, slowly converting him from his video game devoutness. More importantly, I walked away with the the victory. Next time I'll just play for the love of the game and go Arborec or some dumb shit. Feels good.
Arborec just felt very flat to me. They are bad and their racials and techs are so bland you don't even get a kick out of playing a "bad" faction if you ask me.
>TQ: How do you get out of a gaming rut?
I've said it before, but you just sit them out. Sometimes we get burnt out and all it takes is one good evening with a game you forgot was THAT good, sometimes it's a new release, sometimes (like in my case) a player leaves the group and you realize he's been pure poison to the group and fun surges again. Or you just come back after a year or so and go holy shit how did I stop this?
I cannot comprehend how reviewers keep this going. Of course a lot of it is the sort of professional excitement I find very depressing but it seems such a harsh punishment, to do what you love for a living and then realizing you have to keep going no matter what because it pays the bills. Brrrr.
Can only get friends to play tcgs, looking for advice on a non-tcg for us to play. Went down the rabbit hole researching alternative/indie tcgs until I had the realization to just play board games that were less component-based and more deck-of-cards-per-person-based. This takes out drafting games since Limited isn't what I have in mind for them. LCGs are okay, but hoping for /bgg/'s autism to rec the perfect games over an lcg. Also, Keyforge is ugly as hell so pass. Thanks all.
Vampire Rivals is what you're looking for. It's loosely based on VtES which is the best TCG ever.
nta but i just got a copy of the base game, but i don't know which expansion clans to get, any suggestions?
Played harmonies on bga a few times. It's suprisingly good, at least at first glance. Absolutely multiplayer solitaire, completely slapped on theme, it's clearly an abstract.
But as an addendum to the how important is art/aesthetics: I'm pretty sure I'd enjoy it less if it was the same game but without the vibrant colours and hint of theme. Honestly, I find that fact kind of faggy myself, but while I can strip down a boardgame to its mechanical fundament and judge that, I can't deny that art, components and overall presentation do play a significant if minor role in my overall evaluation. This is not to excuse miniheavy ks trash and IPslop. Rather that I am unsure to which degree it's even possible to filter aesthetics out.
I just bought Blood rage recently and haven't gotten around to playing it yet. I want to teach them the game but they're ESL. How hard is it going to be to teach them? The game doesn't look that complicated but we usually play drunk so it's going to be a bit rough
>he bought Blood Rage
>buying blood rage
Blood rage is easy despite it's size and price

>draft hand
>play 1 action a turn until everyone's spent
>reveal quests and score
>blow up zone
>get units back
>repeat 2 more times
>$ blood rag
>wife bought me Root as an anniversary present
>played it a few times and already love it
Which expansions are worth buying in to? I could see grabbing everything eventually but not sure where the best place to start would be
I don't geddit
Otter & Lizards
Exile & Partisans
According to the devs arborec are going to get buffed on the next mini expansion
i dunno, unlimited Production that you get to do after movement is pretty good, they just struggle in the money department.
If you make a house rule that they start with sarween they're pretty much fixed
take the Sakura Arms pill. It's Limited style deck construction but you choose the card pools to build from, two characters out of like twenty total (or 6 per box, plus some unreleased in the west that you're morally obligated to print and play) and you only ever get to use slightly less than half of their combined arsenal, so even in one pair there's a lot of building choices to do, especially when you start trying to factor what the opponent will bring and the mindgames begin. Matches are fast and simple, the decks are only 7 cards big, but the amount of outplaying you can do is still insane, with each attack having a Range value that you need to be in to score the hit, then the defender gets to choose where to take the damage between the easy to refill Defence vs permanently lost Lifepoints, and so on.
oh actually i didn't see that you don't like drafting. Good thing Sakura Arms isn't a drafting game, just wanted to clarify that. By "Limited" i meant/understood things like block constructed where you have access to all the cards but only in a small subset of the total card set.
1. Print the Advanced Setup Rules
2. Exiles and Partisans Deck
3. Undergound Expansion
4. Riverfolk or Marauder Expansion
5. Whichever you didn't pick in 4.

ADSET gives some extra buffs and openess to setup, making it objectively better; Undergound adds an ectra Military and Insurgent faction but the most important part is that it adds 2 extra maps; Riverfolk is for experienced groups as the Lizards and otters are probably the most complex (until Frogs and Bats come out) to play since they rely on good table talk and negotiation.
>Which expansions are worth buying in to?
imo Marauders, because playing as The Lord of the Hundreds is tricky, but fun and rewarding if you manage to get enough items in early game. You may also consider the underground expansion since it includes two sided maps, but I'm not much of a fan of the factions included in this one. But, if you are still picky about them, you can always download the tabletop simulator mod (Ultimate collection) and try them yourself.
Be careful when you're buying root expansions from vendors like amazon. I've heard that some people got chinese bootleg root
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If this was an app, playing time would shrink by 95%+.
>chinese bootleg root
I don't see gorillion microtransactions or questionably young looking women in this though
lol I wish. It's just shittier quality
It's a Wonderful World + Corruption & Ascension
Eldritch Horror if you're looking for co-op
I was very intrigued by it initially but yeah, it very much looked like the decision making:admin quota was way too high
At least its a dedicated solo game which I think is infinitely preferable to forcing the solotax on neurotypical boardgamers
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I feel not including a pun about "loot" was a wasted opportunity
Some Asians languages only have one liquid phoneme but Mandarin isn't one of them. It uses both a rhotic and a lateral liquid phoneme.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Standard_Chinese_phonology#Consonants <- Listen to the audio samples on rows 8 and 19.
I have only played the base game(s) that don't have 6 player but lords of waterdeep and Concordia venus both support that.

my group is sometimes 6 people and it seems like a nightmare player count to get mid weight games
Since you seem to know more about phonemes than me (which isn't hard): I just remembered visiting /b/ like 15 years ago and being confused by the you ruff you ruse threads. Not because the implication isn't obvious but because mandarin speakers who (try to) speak german switch consonants the other way, using "L" instead of "R", yet all the english memes had it the other way around. Not really a concrete question here, but I find it interesting.
NTA and I don't know shit about phonemes, but going for the R over the L is more common with Japanese speakers, and early 4channers would have more interaction with them than with Mandarin due to anime and vidya.
Exiles and partisans deck is the absolute best, and then I'd recommend Riverfolk. Both factions are super fun. Underworld and Marayder are also neat but I don't love those factions as much, whereas playing as or against the Otters are great every game
I got a Chinese bootleg of Pandemic Legacy and an Italian print of Scythe both from Amazon.
A friend of mine got a Chinese bootleg of Terraforming Mars. He was happy, the quality was better than the original American ed
Star Realms
E&P deck + mauraders
then the Riverfolk, then Underground, then the vagabond pack
help i can't stop playing Stupor Mundi
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>Stupor Mundi (2025)
Go on then anon
I thought it was pretty much the definition of slop but that doesn't mean it shouldn't be enjoyed
it's on BGA bro
slop feels like an exaggeration. it's nothing too innovative but I'm preferring it to Dune Imperium Uprising and probably Arnak as well. got any recommendations for more patrician similar games?
it is extremely cool if you want to watch modern geopolitics unfold in front of your eyes.

you do a little bit of playing, and a whole lot of moving things around to sculpt an alternate recent past/near future
neurotypical boardgamers have been buying solo games for a decade. all it takes is a thin coat of "co-operative" paint
>overhyped bullshit
>overhyped bullshit
>overhyped bullshit
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That's the issue, isn't it? Too many solo modes have too much admin. I like the one in Agricola because it's literally just "Play Agricola by yourself, and food is more expensive". However, without other people to mess with you it's an optimization puzzle that gets solved quickly. When you get 58 points it gets old, fast.
Concordia's solo mode is VERY good, just play a card and contrarius has a reaction. The only downside about it it's a separate expansion, and terribly overpriced for the small amount of stuff you get in the actual box.
Anyone have any opinions on the Marco Polo games? Is one better than the other? Huge fan of Grand Austria Hotel and other games with interesting dice drafting/action selection mechanics.
I have heard a lot of mixed opinions on them, that's for sure. I just really enjoy the aesthetic of single-minded plant being and the "symphony." I've never played them so this is a good opportunity because the table will definitely be against me (as they usually are), might as well just experiment while I get flattened.
>>we’ve expanded the game’s negotiation rules so that now players have a default negotiation minor action that allows them to trade favor and secrets with other players at their location
if only the black exile were here to see this
I still miss him.
Also, what a great rules addition. I can't believe that wasn't a default.
Tell me what solo dudes on a map campaign game to play
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fellas, I can only find this manga up to chapter 36, then there's a 9 chapters gap and it continues on cap 46...

This cute manga is untranslated, goddamnit
thats every wargame/consim/GMTsloppa, its 10% gameplay 90% upkeep
yes, and the anime ruined the artstyle on the girls' faces

bgchads how do we cope with such a loss
Play games.
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>MFW my gaming group hasn't been able to meet up for two weeks due to Covid flying around again
The expansion has me hopeful it might actually fix the game. Giving a way to trade shit and ways to affect the yourself or the game world outside of actually winning is patching up some major holes in the design. Will it be enough to make it great? Time will tell.
I don't disagree. /bgg/ is wise to shit on both
The only reason there's no talk about a cooptax is because the tacked on solo modes usually don't have special components. Just cumbersome additional rules.
A game having competitive, coop and solo mode still is a massive red flag though
They are good at not getting kicked off from where they are. But shitting out infantry almost is both boring and not particularly good. Starting techs are a shit, their home system is subpar, their starting fleet is utter trash. Their flagship is 'unveil flagship secret objective only', their racial techs are either bad or unnecessary. Also the clear answer to their whole gameplan is "just destroy their fleet in space, lmao". I think they are my least favourite faction to play (excl. Winnu) because, as said, I think they are one of the worst factions gameplaywise, yet have no cool/fun/interesting ability. I do like them thematically, but that's not really enough to suffer them for a whole game. Only ever played basegame though, no idea if the expansion boosts them into the right direction
Chip Theory does a good job with mixing up co-op, solo, and PVP in general. Solo games designed from the ground up to be solo are usually much better than tacked on shit though.
Thoughts on the latest SW2 factions?
Im just glad I finally get to play with my filthy boys, even if they dont follow the exact same bouncing mutation shenanigans from 1st ed.
Do they even have other games than tmb and burncycle I guess?
Never cared about them because 'we make our games waterproof' is retarded to a degree that makes me instantly dismiss the publisher
redpill me on SW2
Snappy gameplay with cheap expandible content. Solid starter box, I can honestly say you could stick to that starter and maybe get a handful of extra faction packs for armies whose gimmick or playstyle pique your interest and leave it there.
It has deck customization options if you want, but most players just go toe to toe with prebuilt out of box faction packs.
Pretty varied deck options, they somehow keep finding new design depths to plumb without keyword or rules creep like I've been seeing in other card games.
You have to be ok with dice resolution combat, but unlike the 1st edition, it is a lot harder to have complete whiffs. If you like miniatures skirmish games with plenty of dick chucking, its a bit like that but in card form and the only wincon is kill the other dudes leader.
You can try it for free on their browser based platform or on the app. It has a pretty active community with a lot of organized play if competitive scene is your jam.
I've been playing both versions of the game since 2010 and have full collections of each so I am very biased. But it is one of the few non big three card games that has also kept my interest for so long. The core rules are simple and straightforward, and I think that has really helped its longevity.
Hoplomachus, Initial impressions are it's a pretty competent skirmish/battle game, but I need to play more of it to get a real feel. The production value is a meme, the chips are just weighted ABS like Splendor chips. They're not the super nice clay chips of Zoo Vadis or something.
>skirmish games with plenty of dick chucking
Kind of a difficult mistake to make on a keyboard, anon. Was it instead phone auto correct? Though that raises further concerns about your typical typing... A Freudian slip, perhaps?
Questions... questions...
Nice summary, apart from the unintentional(?) Homoerotic imagery, though.
Ya I caught that after hitting post.
Worse part, this was all typed on keyboard after I spent 100k hours assembling the pics in paint.
Clearly I need to go outside and chuck some dicks
Cloudspire, which is one of the best PvP tactics games out there.
Hoplomachus is a solid arena skirmish game.
Hoplomachus Victorum is straight up solo only with clear rules for enemy AI. Sticks around too long for what it is though.
>We make our games waterproof
To be fair, it was the community that started that shit. They just wanted to make components that were pretty much indestructible, didn't need sleeves, and would be in like new condition after a shit ton of use. They nailed that, but it absolutely is over priced for what it is because they do smaller print runs outside of backers to ensure they get a good profit instead of needing to constantly use the next campaign to fund the previous campaign.
It's hilarious that Plaid Hat had to escape Asmodee to make a second edition for SW and Ashes. Asmodee is pretty notorious for buying companies for established properties and refusing growth on those properties.
What sector of boardgames would suffer long-term if Asmodee died
None. They are pure cancer. Europe might suffer because they have a sizable production arm there, but who gives a shit about Europoors?
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>Oh, there's a defective/missing piece?
>Call the store you bought it from
How is this legal
I watched a yt playthrough/tutorial and I'm not sold on it. For that price tag it seems fairly generic but I would love to hear more opinions on it.
Cloudspire is wide, but very shallow. The complexity isn't worth the depth.
Does BGG still like StoneMaier or has it turned against them since scythe?
Nah, Cloudspire is deep as hell if you get players that world shape, understand route planning, and really make the faction shine.
Most will never get that deep into it though, but most don't get deep into chess and I put Cloudspire in the same tier as most higher end abstracts.
Honestly that's exactly why I wanted it. Just something basic with some asymettry where you move dudes around, activate abilities and chuck some dice. Most skirmish games had too many rules or setup for what I wanted, just a box of things that can fight in two minutes or less of setup. That being said, I try to get at least five plays of a game in before forming a real opinion on it.
I've been playing Deadlock lately and picking MOBAs back up again, so your shill worked ima play cloudspire
2 player card dueller but on a grid so theres positional strategy. 24 decks now and each one plays very differently so a great game if you love asymmetry.
>East asian inspired Breakers, with wind mages who push cards around and mind witches to mimic abilities, and the summoner can mind control enemy units
>Storm Goblins that create a circuit of units with continuous adjacency to the summoner who then shocks every unit in the circuit for ping damage
>Shadow Elves summon units who have extra abilities first turn they're summoned, you can return them to the shadows, then you can even have the summoner zoom over to the space they were in like the anime meme 'teleports behind you' (pic related)
I could go on there's 24 each as unique as those.
the other great thing about the active community and the online interface is balance. there's a bunch of data from competitive and casual match-ups, so the rare few cards that need tweaking can have their changes tested before eventually being included alongside a new deck. they've only needed to do this with 4-5 cards that i can recall, but it's nice that they care
>then the Riverfolk, then Underground
Why do you put Underworld at the bottom? Crows seem like a gimmick, but moles look cool, and a new map is a great extra.
>Friend spent almost 300 bucks on this 3-hour long RNGfest party game because "it looks cool and has minis"
How do I tell him how retarded he is in a subtle way?
can you try mindbug with them?
>my suggestion to play Tragedy Looper has one again been shot down once again
>they even made fun of me for recommending it
The most outspoken/"I won't play something unless I suggest it" people in my board game group dislike most of the games I want to play, this is true suffering.
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How fucked am I balance-wise if I get the AEG version of Sakura Arms?
It aint compatible with level99s stuff, at all.
But its perfectly serviceable and a lot of fun. I dodnt find any power disparities between the gals.
Yeah the L99 part I knew, I was checking the bgg forums and apparently the AEG version of basically the original Japanese one translated + 1 extra character; and since that a lot of changes have been made like health being bumped up to 10, rebalance of cards, etc.
I'm a little worried that if I get this version I'll find some egregious shit and ruin the game for my friends before I can get my hands on the latest edition of the game.
what game?

Go find new friends
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>what game?
Wonderland War.
man, this game arrived in my country and tons of ratardids started to buy because of the theme.

Why a pedo story attracts so many people?
300 USD for this? What the fuck? Was it like a deluxe edition or something? I played a game on tts and it was mediocre but it didnt strike me as one of those super expensive games
The deluxe version with "premium chips" is $300. The standard is still around $220. It's an automatic pass for me for being an area control game though.

I've only played one of those that I really enjoyed. Ascension Tactics.
You need to be more specific if you mean this thread or gulag
Both I suppose

New Dungeon Crawl slop dropped, will this one be good?
crows and moles are both among my least favorite factions. moles are more annoying to play against than vagabond, and crows can be hard stopped trivially by a competent table. i do still like having both factions, but i'd much rather have the excellent, highly interactive marauders factions or the more interesting otters/lizards
the best map is winter. you don't need caves or lake until you've played a ton
I'll be honest in saying I don't think I like ANY of the expansion factions all that much, I think it detracts from the balance is base Root way too much and makes it feel like a different game.

I do the the different card deck expansion is required because base Root's deck is boring.

But I also just grew really old of Root, I think it's Wehrle's least interesting game to play
Well I'm only one man and I've been against them since scythe. So, yes all of BGG still hates them.
/Bgg/ hates Scythe. Gulag, idk
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Does the bishop placement must match the location the conspiracy is taking place in or can I place the bishop anywhere in the West and do the one shot somewhere else if I wanted?
My understanding is that the only restrictions are bishop has to be placed in the West and the one-shot has to be conducted in the West - can be two different cards as long as they are in the West.
Inelegant game.
Here kid, have a (you).
That's what I believe too but the situation arose and my buddy got me doubting if it's really like that.
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When you deploy a bishop you can place it on the card you're deploying it from or anywhere a bishop on that card could be moved to by an inquisitor.
>“The West”. Same as ‘The East’, except it operates in the six Western Locations
>Thus each time a ‘The East’ card is used, e.g. for One-shots (E2.1), Agent placements (E2.2), or targets of political and military ops (these are purple and dark red in color, see Part F), the phasing player chooses one of the four Eastern Locations for it.
The glossary tells you to pick a location each time the card is used and singles out one-shots and agent placement as separate uses of the card.
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>or anywhere a bishop on that card could be moved to by an inquisitor.
Oh, wait a minute, I've been playing this wrong this whole time.
It says right there in the image I posted that the deployed bishop can only go to matching locations.
You CANNOT deploy a bishop to an adjacent card with a different location.
No one hyped up Lacrimosa.
Mozart did
Would Tigris and Euphrates be a happy midway point in complexity between Smallworld and Twilight Imperium?
Looking for something to ease people into TI.

Alternatives appreciated too since T&E isn't the easiest to find.
T&E has complex board states but (relatively) simple rules. If you want to ease someone in to TI you want complex rules and simple board states.
are you joking? it was plastered everywhere and sold out at Essen.
He died a long time ago, if I was alive he wouldn't be wasting time on board game forums shilling a game
>if I was alive
Lads we've been infiltrated by the zombies
I also would say that unless they just are a group who's never played a video game before, I think base TI4 is really not that difficult to teach. It's a lot easier than many boards games that come out from kickstarter that's for sure.
This tbqh
Ti isn't particularly hard to grasp, most of the complexity comes from a lot of information being externalized on cards, objectives and the player board. I have seen multiple people go from monopoly and risk straight to ti4 without problems
>love 4x Vidya
>my gf enjoys warfare boardgames
>only the 2 of us, don't know any other local gamers
>3-6 players
It's not fair, we couldn't even manage to play settlers for half a year now
>don't know any other local gamers
local stores are full of assholes?
Space Empires 4X would be perfect for you
Try Eclipse Second Edition with reduced galaxy, it works beautifully at 2 players.
Moved to a place where sports is king and low population, plus we're quite shy. All my gamer friends are in the cities.
thanks will look into that
What state anon
tyrol, austria
I cannot imagine being a board gamer in europe.

Everything is so expensive like how the fuck do you afford the hobby?

I buy stuff at like 40% MSRP used nonstop
So local stores are full of assholes, could have just stopped there.
Thanks. I'll look into Marauder or Riverfolk, then.
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Just bought a sealed copy of Dune Imperium for $25 at a game store. I also got Dune 2019 for $25, Diamonds for $7 and Concordia $35 from there before. All new. I love being a burger gamer.
The moles are the only faction I've never tabled before. What makes them so bad, anyway?
>What makes them so bad, anyway?
They were designed as a versatile military faction but people figured out you can literally just turtle on 1 clearing, never building and then scoring 9 points a turn with basically no counterplay
Moles have the same "punch them down or the snowball" problem as the Vagabond where no one wants to waste reasons dealing with them.
The Vagabond leads to 'interesting' gameplay as a hot potato where you try to force someone else to do it, but the moles have so much gas that everyone needs to pitch in or they win.
crows have a horrible start without adset and a bad but workable start with adset
their gimmick is kinda trash too
it's true
It ain't easy. The most obscure board game I own is stronghold 2nd edition. I have a hard time finding a seller for hoplomachus or croqinole and the likes.
Never post about things you don't understand again.
moles can be really strong with minimal board presence. amazing action economy as long as they can protect like one single clearing
the only counter is for literally everyone to whack moles as they pop up around the board so they can't sway. it's fine if everyone knows how to play (also never let first or second seat pick moles in ADSET), but still just tiring compared to other factions
Root, with bland cubes instead of cute meeples.
El Grande with 25mm plastic caballeros and a two foot tall ceramic castillo
"The West" is synonymous with "on any west card". This includes placement and movement, and shit like beheadings. So any bishop in the west can move onto this card, and any west beheading can kill it. Adjacency rule applies only to the tableaus, bishop can hop freely between adjacent cards.
Marvel Zombiecide, with corner clipped counters
>"The West" is synonymous with "on any west card".
Nah. Anytime The East or The West come up you pick one country to use them as. The confusion here >>93982771 was whether or not placing agents is part of resolving a one shot (i.e. do you choose which country you're using the card as once or do you chose twice). They're two separate things so you make the choice twice >>93982913.
I don't why you tagged me >>93982943 in your post though. That post was unrelated to how the The West works.
I am 90% certain you meant to say king/dildo
It would be unknown in this general and have under 1000 ratings on the 'geek
Hansa Teutonica with an actual theme and art direction
cHicago mobsTer?
Splendor, with cardboard tokens instead of weighted chips
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Renature, with these dominoes
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Pueblo can't have this problem
nope, that stays exactly the same.
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Coworker told me his accessories for Talisman came in and my perception of him instantly changed.
He's not playing meaty 4.5/5 weight games or anything, but I can't imagine anyway who has more than 20 "gamer" games would still even touch it.
I mean fuck, his love of Wingspan was bad enough
I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt and assume he likes it out of nostalgia.
Should have spent that money on the Kingdom Hearts version.
I mean, utterly fuck talisman but this looks really neat
I still cannot imagine who'd play talisman and go what this game needs is accessoires! It's like these people who throw hundereds on pimped up versions of catan. I always wonder if they actually play the game
Im not sure how I ended up with it, maybe a humble bundle, but I got the digital version of Talisman.
The game is terribly balanced and swingy as hell, but when you don't have to do any of the fiddly bits and just sit your lazy boy and zone out playing it, it's somewhat passable. Basically if you remove all the board parts of the board game, it's not the worst thing I've played. Sort of like playing a prototype of loop hero.
Games like this? https://i.4cdn.org/e/1727218858394225.jpg
Russian roulette
There's that jenga version where pulled blocks have sex acts on em.
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Camel Up has a pop-up book decoration on the board.
>exact same small time seller puts up auctions for 2 of the last 8 items I have on my current wishlist within hours of each other, despite them being expansions for completely unrelated products and the seller not even specializing in games
>items are like 60-65% off retail and new
It's like a sign from the universe. "Go forth and clear out your purchase backlog, my child."
Follows by up on this I think we’re going to grab the E&P deck if we can find it, Riverfolk and the Hirelings pack and/or Clockwork so we can play with just the 2 of us.

I just saw they apparently have a KS for a new expansion next month so I’m going to keep my eyes on that. Im assuming you’ll be able to get other expansions through the campaign too
What are some good light-medium games for 2 players?
In no particular order:
Renature, Azul, Carcassonne, Ingenious, Hansa (not to be confused with Hansa Teutonica), Kariba, Jaipur, Blokus Duo, boop., Mandala, Tholos, Botanik, Gizmos, Splendor (original or dual version), Gin Rummy, Dominion, Lost Cities
Great game, played it for years, but deck builders aren't what I was thinking. Know anything about Hero Realms? I have that game too.
Looked this up today, and looks great. Cheap enough for an impulse purchase too, but I'll at least put it in a list somewhere while I think about which to try first.
Have looked into Summoner Wars and that looks fun as well. Mage Wars Arena/Academy is the next game to check out. They seem much more board-gamey vs decks of cards, but is should be okay.
What are some good deckbuilding games? My friend really likes tyrants of the underdark and enjoys the deckbuilding mixed with area control element, but I can't honestly think of similar games.
The undaunted series, I suppose?
But yeah I have also recently noticed there aren't many games in this specific niche. Which is weird because deckbuilding is so often tacked onto a game
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I have a few questions regarding picrel. I know it's based on diplomacy & original dune, so I think it will be good addition to my group. But before I buy it I want to know few things:
1. How asymmetrical are factions? I know each house has some unique advantages, but are they just minor differences or things that change how each house works, like in dune?
2. How strong are leaders in relation with military units? I know leaders add 1-2 swords but I have no idea how big of an impact this is compared to regular forces
3. Are leaders unique to each house, or are they from general draw and you could get some scenario where john snow works for lannisters or something similar?
4. Is this game has some dices or it is like diplomacy where everything is resolved via hidden orders?
Thanks in advance!
You can search by mechanics and rating on the other bgg. I believe you're wanting "Area Majority / Influence" and "Deck, Bag, and Pool Building"
But I trust you bros more than bgg ratings...
Me too, I always think of deckbuilding as a popular feature, when it's not actually that common as the main theme.
Isn't the undaunted series always 1vs1?
Normandy, North Africa, and Callisto 2200 have a 2v2 mode but Norm and NA need the combo expansion Reinforcements for it, while 2200 allows for it out of the box AND has a 1v2 variant built in too. But on the other hand 2200 has a lot of wacky other things that new players might not want, but I'm not your dad.
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Help me cull, boios!
By far not as strongly asymmetric as dune. The differences are starting locations (which IS a big deal), combat cards and initial track position. But they all play the exact same game. Some naturally expand easier by sea, some conflicts arise earlier.
I can't fully remember, but leaders are certainly a big deal
unique to the factions. That's one of the more interesting things the game does. You get your whole set of leader cards (which are open information) for combat. Once used, you only get them back once all your leaders have been played.
It's essentially a modified diplomacy system

That all said, I didn't like the game. On paper everything seems super cool and interesting, but the actual games fell pretty flat in my group. The victory condition is somewhat retarded, as long as people pay attention to the game noone will ever get an autowin, so the game always turned into a slog. Dealmaking was woefully absent as there's the wehrleesque strong implication what cool deals and betrayal might happen, yet the game gives you almost nothing to exchange: everything is done whith vage promises that are almost impossible to be beneficial for both sides because you all just want to control the fucking castles. Wildlings largely got ignored, the event deck randomly fucks you over which I guess is fine. It's just such a strange mix of deterministic everything and random events. Can totally see a group loving it, we really didn't. Dune was much less clean, has an untold number of vague rules and I would 100% prefer it over GoT. I should also add that I am very indifferent to the IP, so that might be a factor in my asessment
>Mottainai and Glory to Rome
do you really need both?
Mottainai for 2 players only.
GtR is for 3-4 only.
Play your games
Also I don't know your circumstances, but lest you are a group of 6 neets living in near each other there is absolutely no reason to own that many heavy to superheavy (war)games. Owning 3 coins including the two heaviest ones alone is kind of too much, let alone 4 pax games and +3 whole-day-event games. I know, I know. You want to have the options and I'm not your parents, but consider how often you really get the stuff to the table.

Also play La famiglia. And what is carnegie doing there. Feels very out of place, and I would say that like half the euros in existence are better than it.
Thanks for your assessment. it gave me new perspective on this game. my group like negotiations & table deals that why we enjoy Dune, TI4 & Crescent moon so much. Game of thrones looks good on paper as this has that diplomacy table dealing where you try to deal in favorable moves, but as game no tangible resources you could trade, i don't know if that's what we are looking for
>there's the wehrleesque strong implication what cool deals and betrayal might happen, yet the game gives you almost nothing to exchange
>as long as people pay attention to the game noone will ever get an autowin
Those two factors are extremely related. If people in your group don't know how to make deals, it's no wonder nobody managed to pull ahead. You're supposed to exchange mutual support to make plays your opponents don't expect or can't counter, and from that position you either just win because you have a follow up, or at least hold onto stuff because nobody else is in a position to take stuff from you.

>as game no tangible resources you could trade
that's the beauty of it, honestly, because it actually makes your reputation relevant. If I trade my two ore for your two sheep, we don't need to interact afterwards. It's one of few games that actually require genuine brinkmanship.
You first
What are your thoughts on borderlands/gearworld/arrakis dawn of fremen?
I hear the expansions drastically change the game for the better, whether its feast for crows or mother of dragons
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Don't mind if I do!
>are you joking? it was plastered everywhere
No it wasn't
>and sold out at Essen.
Not difficult considering its basically the CONSOOM convention.
That's every convention. You pay to get in, after all.
True but I've never seen anyone bug stuff to the same extent as Essen attendees who have to arrange to send multiple large boxes of games back to their house via courier.
I just read the antiquity rulebook. Holy fuck that game seems miserable.
>No it wasn't
I went to archive.org for the sake of it and make sure I wasn't losing my mind, it was ranked 2nd in the Spiel preview in terms of hotness.
Apparently above Heat, GTW: Argentina, Flamecraft, Revive, etc.
It stayed top5 then dropped to top15 in the daily hotness, finally getting overtaken by other games.
I'd maintain it was overhyped and fizzled but given I only looked at maybe 4 days, it might be a sample issue.
So agree to disagree.
>If people in your group don't know how to make deals, it's no wonder nobody managed to pull ahead.
This is such a strange argument. We have no problem with sidereal, chinatown, dun or ti. The problem, as I see it, is that if the only real thing to exchange is (nonbinding) gameplay decisions, why would anyone let another player even close to winning. The only exception being a deal in which you both get a castle. but your direct opponent doesn't even need to be suprised or unable to react to prevent powerplays when the player you made the deal with can simply look at the open information, go huh, you might possibly win this turn if I let you, guess I won't support you after all. Your order tokens are flexible enough, and all game winning plays are telegraphed. This leads to a certain stalemate position that is only broken when someone tries and succeeds in stomping another player into the ground and his neighbours take his lands while he has to semi-passively sit and wait until the game is over. And because the game is entirely area control, you can't even try cute things like in Ti or dune.
I get that this is an almost philosophical dispute, some groups will have no problems with this and play more by gut or high risk, which in turn likely makes the game much much better. I still think wanting players to make deals left and right without giving them any form or currency or proxy-vps or whatever is a design mistake, especially if it is almost entirely open information. In GoT, only one thing matters, castles, and you always know that 1 castle = 1 temp. VP.

That whole rant aside, I'd genuinely like to know how your group approaches the game. It's kind of a shame I was so disappointed by GoT, as said, it seemed perfect on paper.
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This is fun.
What is this? a Gloomhaven for ants?
I was most definitely overhyped. It sold out in all of the conventions. My LGS sold like 10 of those in the first week after its release, all the local consoomers bought a copy. When the con season was over the game it was like the game just fizzled out of existence. No one talked about it anymore, no one played it more than twice, and there was a TON of post-purchase rationalization to make themselves feel like the game was worth all the money/time/emotion that was invested. Fucking marketing genius to sell some mid-tier euroslop. It's pretty telling how not even the publisher tried to keep it relevant afterwards. They just moved on and started the cycle again pushing development for the next big release for next year's con season.
Made sense in your head, huh?
I've been to a few where you're just paying to rent the big space and nobody's trying to sell you anything. It's pretty comfy but they don't get famous, there's nothing to hype.
It is exactly that.
What game?
how does it compare to frosthaven?
Gloomhaven for ants.
Are you being ironic?
I'll stick with the Gloomhaven for retards, thanks
Thats what she said!
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Yeah, like I said
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so whats the verdict /bgg/?
i really like WoTR and rebellion is good too.
Does it mean i should get DUNE too?
I'm not sure about this because I hate CMON. Expansions are irrelevant and combat is apparently pretty predictable (more units = win) because there are effect cards you can play on your turn.
Every -haven game is for retards.
Wotr >>> Rebellion > Dune
I found it largely lacking tbqh. Which is a shame because dune is my favourite ip out of the three by far. A bit shocking that the dudes who created the masterpiece that is wotr apparently don't know what made wotr good.

That said, some anons that played it more than me did like it quite a bit. Don't know if they had anything to compare it to though.
Do you already own WotR or SW:Rebellion? You don't need the same game more than once, imo, unless you have a raging Dune boner and jerk off every night to badly written Fremen wormpussy fanfic.
because there are NO cards with effects that you can play during your turn when fighting*

So there is no need to waste my money on dune, sweet.

i read dune and the more I read it, the less I liked it.
when it comes to movies they are mediocre at best.
overall i like the IP but there is too much bullshit.
It's fun, but if you have those two games you probably don't need WFA. It has swingier cards than WOTR and it has some hidden base stuff like
I personally didn't like it that much but I wouldn't call it a waste of money. Well *I* would, anyway. You might want to try it on tts.
For what it's worth, I think it is common knowledge that it goes a bit downhill after the first book and steeper downhill after the third. Also I think the new DUNC movies are a shit, but I suffer from some strange version of stockholm syndrome with the lynch one. Fucking hated it as a child, greatly enjoyed it as adult.
Do people really have more than 2-3 euro games in their collection?

Because they do fun things in different ways.
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I love it for the misery.
Saving up for and building a city just to throw dead bodies into it is one of my more memorable moments in gaming.
The Great Zimbabwe makes me moist
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Its that time of the month again.
Wazzin the package, boss?
but Zimbabwe's rainy season doesn't start for another month
Weird shape. Onitama? Or Jenga?
Some Buttonshy game? ROVE?
It's a huge and varied if vague category
I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say a peculiar shaped dildo
Ask a shaman to help with that
The only one I'd keep from Needs more play is Hegemony. It's pretty easy to get experienced and unexperienced players to the table for it. Some of the others are really good but you need dedicated groups that know what they are doing (except Carnegie which is better online).

I'd get rid of all the stuff from Most Likely Stay and maybe keep Sidereal Confluence if you want a pure negotiation game that's not John Company.
two different OINK games, probably the submarine one and A Fake Artist...
>pure negotiation game that's not John Company.
but JC is not a pure negotiation game, it's also at least 40% push your luck
MLEM >>> Deep Sea Adventure
they're two different games with different playfeel to them though
They're both push-your-luck roll-and-move games where the active player is pushing everyone's luck.
They are different games but if you pointed to one and asked me to recommend similar games I could not make a more similar recommendation than the other.
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/k/ is playing Beneath the Med, for anyone who wants to get in on the action.
>go looking for 6+ player games
>they're either meaty games like TI or Dune, lightweights like Ticket to Ride, or card games

I wish Rising Sun or Root could do 6+
>dice rolls
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Posting Tabletop Simulator mods because Vital Lacerda can't DMCA me here.

Speakeasy: https://files.catbox.moe/vd5pua.json
Inventions: https://files.catbox.moe/of33q2.json
Uhhh.. play Sidereal Confluence?
If you can handle team v team, theres also captain sonar and guards of atlantis.
Spirit island with jagged earth expansion takes things to 6p as well.
SidCon is a lightweight game.
Ok but why would anybody want to go out of their way to play Lacerda games?
The assets are still coming from steamusercontent...
Valve doesn't give a fuck; they'll only delete the workshop page and say "don't do that again".
Close but no cigar.
anon youve been listening too closely to my posts these past few months.
Its impressive and unnerving.
Thanks for the Hearty Chuckle.
Is this any similar to the flying fortress game /k was playing earlier this year? Those were fun threads to follow.
Quartermaster General, I suppose?
But yeah. +6p boardgames that are neither heavier, long games nor party games are very rare.
Man I do think Lacerda sucks but that's some pretty fine art. Didn't know O'toole could draw more than UIs
As the other anon said, steam just deletes the workshop page. Assets are kept.
Guards of Atlantis 2 is the best in this category.
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>flying fortress game
It's a solitaire war boardgame like B-17, so kinda.
Not with the expansion.
Or with a finances major as one of the players
Oh shit, I was right on the money.
Spirit island is best at 3 imo, or, if you really want, do a double 3-player island.
Cosmic Frog is an option
Struggle of Empires goes to 7 and isn't too long
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As disgusting as it is to ask about, are there any good party style games that are easy enough to get that came out recently? The board game club at the uni has tripled in size this year and since I help admin it as a professor I'm trying to cater to the demographic.
Bang, trial by trolly, even codenames effectively is a huge party game
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>4x but we remove the most interesting X
>No explore
>No exterminate
It's as close to a 4x Castles of Burgundy
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Is Carcassone a 4x

>Explore means players send scouts across a map to reveal surrounding territories.
>Expand means players claim new territory by creating new settlements, or sometimes by extending the influence of existing settlements.
>Exploit means players gather and use resources in areas they control, and improve the efficiency of that usage.
>Exterminate means attacking and eliminating rival players. Since in some games all territory is eventually claimed, eliminating a rival's presence may be the only way to achieve further expansion.
challengers goes up to 16 if you get both the base and the expansion beach cup challengers, blood on the clocktower is a good social game that goes up to 20 too
I remember one anon talking about trading insurances in chinatown, a finance major in sidereal sounds fun to play with
Libertalia is a favorite whenever I bring it out, goes up to 6.
Rising Sun does go to 6, it's kinda fucky though. Stationfall's pretty good at 6.
>Exploit means players gather and use resources in areas they control, and improve the efficiency of that usage.
Farmers, pigs, and barns?
I'll check for them. Except clocktower which we already have, and I know I'm not the target audience but I really hate it. It's so strange that is rather play werewolf or do you worship Cthulhu. Clocktower feels unbelievably bloated.
But again, the kids seem to love it. So whatever, let them play it and leave me out.
A local shop has Blood on the Clocktower on sale for $100. That still feels hugely overpriced for a fat book box, some manuals and some counters. I mean, that's Pax Pamir 2+ the metal coins price. There's no way production is nicer than Pax Pamir 2.
Its worse than that even! You spend like half the game with your eyes closed so your not even looking at the shitty pages. I bought do you worship Cthulhu for 8 bucks. Fuck does it make me mad.

And one of the guys wants to spend the entire budget on getting the super deluxe or whatever version of too many bones! Wants all the expansions and shit! And that's another game that's bad (though not terrible like clocktower is).
Chip theory stuff at LEAST has pretty nice production value. Whether the gameplay is good is up to you, but the neoprene mats, weighted ABS chips and plastic cards all do feel like at least component-wise, you're getting your moneys worth.
But honestly give me a good mounted board, wooden bits, and if you have cards make them TCG standard so they can go in the nice sleeves. Hansa Teutonica may not be the prettiest, but that's a map and some wooden cubes. It'll last 20+ years easily.
>>93998444 <- checked
There is a free, first-party resource https://script.bloodontheclocktower.com/
that will give you a printable sheet with all of the role info needed for a game
and instructions for what order to resolve all of the roles.

If you're paying $100 it's for the sizzle.
7 wonders
clocktower comes with a lot of components and the grimoire is pretty useful for more complex scripts. $100 for it is a pretty good deal imo, it'd take me more than 4 hours to do the felt stuff for tokens
That logic is somewhat flawed. It'd take me an hour or more to carve out a meeple, but I would not pay +50 euros for carcassonne. Every game is a good deal if I take how long I'd need to pnp times hourly wage.
Splotter games being the obvious exception of course.
Celestia is better than both, but MLEM has its upsides. Celestia just has more hype moments.
Grab two decks of Startups! by Oink Games if you can. It'll be a bit hard to find at this point. Good news: international copies have identical game pieces but the prices can get ugly with shipping.

You can get 10-12 people into the game and it still feels competitive. Plays a bit like Rummy with less-random scoring.
Why only bene geserit has access to the voice? Didn't muad'dib and Jessica also knew how to do voice? Guild should access to auction knowledge too as they were also prescient (not on muad'dibs level but still they had it)
the Voice being BG exclusive despite some Atreides having it is because either a) game balance, and b) two people know Voice =/= an entire faction of Voicers
Spacing Guild Precience would imbalance the game too much so just assume they're all too busy thinking about shipping to think about the card auction
Thanks. I guess I am autistic sometimes
It is awesome that game has universal thing in if character is bene geserit, they are 5 power. While Duncan Idaho, who is freaking ginaz swordmaster and killed 19 sardaukar, is strength 2 leader.
Same with other ginaz swordsmen & sardaukar leaders.wtf?
One of my friends said while we were playing that leader strength translates more to they're leadership, tactics & other things they could do to influence big battle, and while Duncan Idaho was very good fighter, he was more of lone operative/champion so his impact would not be as great as say, someone who is master tactician.
I dunno. Strength 2 is silly however you slice it.
Reminder that alia for some strange reason is considered a bene gesserit character in the game
>1-x players
it's trash right?
Could dune work if you changed ip to I dunno, Warhammer fantasy or Conan the barbarian or cathulu mythos or other ip? I know they tried with twilight imperium/rex and it was mediocre at best. So how much game is being carried by the theme and how genuinely good it is?
No, stop being a drama queen
Well she does have the memories of all previous Bene Gesserit reverend mothers.
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The strange reason is they could barely find enough named characters to pad the faction. Two of the guild leaders are merchants who only appeared at the dinner party and they still couldn't find enough named characters so the 5th leader is "Guild Representative".
It's also why Ramallo isn't Fremen aligned. That one honestly bothers me more than Alia.
Dune is carried entirely by the theme. If you liked it for the game play you'd play Cosmic Encounter instead.
Yeah, 3 of emperor's leaders are basically "the lieutenant" "the captain" "the colonel" or something similar
Cosmic encounters is too fucking random. Dune has very low random parts and you can plan most of your moves.
Also the bg consider her an abomination. Jessica is also a reverend mother. I would argue she is way more bg than alia

But why are we even arguing, we all know the reason is they struggled to find 5 named bene gesserit
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genuinely asking, I wouldn't know but Slavic demons sounds badass
Dune is an sound heavy game, even if you sometimes want to shout at the rulebook
CE is a party weight game that comes with midweight rules load and length

I still struggle to see why so many people like it. Sure the plethoa of races is neat, but for every masochist, cheater or loser there are 10 that are enormously boring if X, your ships are a bit stronger than usual. Personally I think it has aged very poorly, but I admit it is relatively unique in what it does
Sometimes it's an otherwise good game that has a shitty solo mode tacked on. But usually yes.
except a meeple can be easily ordered online in bulk or proxied. the felt tokens/grim have an actual utility that is hard to replicate without digital solutions or paper and pencil which is slower
I agree with you. Jessica should have been bg and alia belong to atraides faction, as both fill same slot of strength 5 female bene g.
I dunno if mother romalo as it is ambitious if fremen reverend mothers are local kooks or are they left overs from misionara protective. As bene gee planted they're myths centuries ago, it is reasonable to assume that some were left behind to infiltrate and further influence fremen society, as such, you could stretch and say mother romalo has bene g connections.
I have wanted to type up a first impressions of spooktacular but I have not fucking found the time in almost a month.

The tl;dr is that after 5 tts games I think it's very very good for what it is; a lightweight game that takes approximately as long as Ra yet has enough meat to feel like a midweight game. It's pretty fucking great but I find littke reason to recommend the KS when the cheaper ks price will be more than matched by shipping costs. It's one to look out for before susd or other cucks that can't read more than 8 pages of rules declare it the best thing ever
Keep preordering.

Eventually you'll get burned enough on preorders taking your money and running, receiving broken stuff that never gets replaced, receiving shitty games that you wished you'd never bought, and receiving good games you never play, that eventually you'll learn your lesson.

And never forget: every time you play a game you love is time you'll never get back to spend playing another game you love, so how many games can you love?
Ty anon
I played it and its fine within its own confines. A few cards might be a bit more powerful or less powerful relatively speaking, but especially with the way you construct a deck its perfectly fine
So now I want Seven Secret Supervillains. Great, just great. Another game I will never get to play
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>play cosmic encounter with friends
>they won't let you just pick the alien that looks fun and you get shuffled a couple of sheets randomly
And all yellow aliens can go fuck themselves. Greens are nice and simple, reds are hilarious and game breaking. Yellow just has a bunch of rules bloat for lame effects like "Humans have +4"
>you'd play Cosmic Encounter instead
Lmao even
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all games are veiled auction games
Tic tac toe
Connect four
>He doesn't know
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not a game
not an argument
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It's better than Root.
That's only true if your table randomizes seating.
>better than Root
Nothing is better than furries fighting each other though
It's still not that good. I wanted it to be, but it isn't.
It also has such bad box art I want to mention it. What the fuck were they thinking. This tells you fuckall about the game other than vague sci fi vibes and looks like a gpu advertisement.
What games (preferably medium complexity) offer the best bang for your buck? I'm thinking games like Hansa Teutonica big box and Castles of Burgundy anniversary edition.
You are playing an auction game right now, anon. There is no excape.
Pax Ren
How so? It is quite expensive
Isn't CoB very expensive for whats in the box? A friend bought the new edition for 40 euro and it's a joke. Almost terraforming mars level of component quality (or lack thereof).
But it has limitless replayability.
There's an insane amount of game in race for the galaxy. I think you might get it used for ~ 10 euro
Define "bang for your buck". I assume price is one side of the equation, but what is the other quality being measured?
>but what is the other quality being measured?
Well, that the gameplay is enjoyable and that the game is replayable. Orleans is an example of an initially enjoyable game with poor replayability in my opinionl. The random events are predictable and the strategies become apparent quite quickly, so each games feel quite similar.

I want to find more affordable games, mostly below 50€ new. There's so much overproduced, overpriced shit these days
The component quality is poor, yes, but what you get in terms of content is great. I got it for about 30€.
I'll look into it
Looks good, thanks
If you are that short on money, buying used is very much the best option. Also it's probably obvious but what one deems highly replayable might not work for someone else. Very weird example, I've played a LOT of Terra mystica and gaia project. Yet I found age of innovation relatively bland within 3 games. All three use a very similar basic system and one of the for some unfathomable reason doesn't really work for me. There's no objective facts involved, this is pure and overwhelming gut response.
>Also it's probably obvious but what one deems highly replayable might not work for someone else. Very weird example, I've played a LOT of Terra mystica and gaia project. Yet I found age of innovation relatively bland within 3 games. All three use a very similar basic system and one of the for some unfathomable reason doesn't really work for me. There's no objective facts involved, this is pure and overwhelming gut response.
Sure, but that's not always the case, and in other cases, facts can be involved. Factors like variable initial game states, randomness, whether you have to be reactive to other players' choices or not can be described objectively, and are important factors as to whether the game is gonna feel replayable or not.
Oh, of course. I worded that poorly, didn't mean to imply replayability is entirely subjective.
No worries. Either way, I'm just looking for recommendations, I'm interested in subjective and objective assessments alike
I mean you could just do a knizia deep dive. Tigris & Euphrates, Lost Cities, Ra, Modern art etc. All are wonderful games that truly stood the test of time. You can get older editions of the games for dirt cheap, but I don't know what the status in burgerland is.
I also forgot to mention how chudyk games are exactly what you are looking for if this is your style. Innovation and Mottainai in particular are excellent and cheap.
>Better than root.
That's.. quite low bar to pass actually.
Space Hulk Death Angel
The Crew
Evolution Climate
El Grande
Imperial 2030
Tammany Hall
Modern Art
Tigris and Euphrates
Robinson Crusoe
Space Alert
Race for the Galaxy
>All this OOP
Also a lot of it is light games and anon asked for medium.
Oh no, you'll have to use ebay.
Best bang for your buck will always be TI4.
>no clear winning meta
>massive pool of factions
>random map
I cannot stress how big of a deal the random map is. Not enough games have this as a mechanic.

>medium complexity
Yeah I know. That's the problem. I don't think TI4 is complicated, just long.
why do you want this? I was checking out the kickstarter and didn't see anything too special
I'm not playing oop prices for anything
more games should use those PVC cards
the shuffle feel is very nice
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Based gin rummy enjoyer
Pay second hand prices for second hand games instead. Tell them "I'm very sorry you got scammed but I won't be"

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