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A Grand Imperium edition

Previous thread:>>93957952

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>Thread question:
What kind of weaponry do you wish some of your units had access to?
I wish AL terminators still had access to banestrike ammunition for their combi-bolters. And Headhunter squads no longer having banestrike ammo for the one heavy bolter the unit can take is just tragic. Not the biggest problem with that unit however, admittedly.
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*speartip assaults into a cement mixer*
>What kind of weaponry do you wish some of your units had access to?
Legatine thunder hammers.
I wish we could have a veteran breacher unit able to take power weapons or conbi weapons, with either power fists or the usual suspects for the breacher specials every 5, and a thunder hammer on the sarge, does that count?
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breachers w/ fury + heart + chainswords/axes
alas, i have sixty 15pt bolterpiggies to dote up with love and coats of grime and shit
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I wish these guys got heavy flamers.
Dunno why since they're worse than lightning guns or irad cleansers, but I think it would look cool.
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What are you working on, anon?

I love these poses and I’m glad I could find a good conversion kit.
octagonal-shaped bodies that suck blood out of you
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I gotta do this guy's base and its foot popped off so I gotta fix that.
20 tacs that an anon convinced me to finally work on
Finishing up 9 more Cataphractii and a terminator Forge lord (whose my last character to build, whoo hoo), then after that 3 more plastic thallax and 10 vets.
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squeriously bitchin', they'll look gorgeous slathered with affection
am caught in the horde trooper assembly line mire with a scorpius being worked up alongside and nearer than not to priming
much-beloved close artillery support vehicle carved/grafitti'd the fuck up by its reverent charges<3
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And so of course I forget to actually attach the pic.
Are you me? This is some Roger A Muirebe shit.
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Plasma fusils/plasma guns on servo automata is definitely something I’d enjoy. Either that or some kind of pinning shotgun or flak cannon for thralls seems like a fitting addition to their arsenal.
Posted him last thread but worked on my Archmagos and did a little conversion where I replaced his conversion Beamer with a tech thrall arm to better emulate a machinator array. I like your sergeant’s unhelmeted head anon, very cool
How has the Thanatar kit been to build? Pleasant? As bad as the castellax seem to apparently be?
The thanatar kit is an excellent build. A lot of pieces so it takes a while but it comes out great, and the sprues are much better than the castellax.
nothing gw atm, but i've still got most of the age of darkness box sitting unassembled in my closet, so my next day off i'm going to try and at least chip away at it.

biggest roadblock for me is that i don't know what i want to paint them as. i'm stuck between white scars, fists, alpha legion, and pre corruption world eaters. thought about doing a little bit of everything, but if i were to do that i'd want more different marks of armour than just straight mk6 and try to mix and match pieces, really turn them into a band of misfits or something, but thats way too much a project i'm willing to undertake
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>A lot of pieces so it takes a while
A recurring theme for the mechanicum minis it seems. Tech-thralls shouldn’t require 11-13 seperate pieces to assemble but I have to admit they look good so ah well. Glad to hear the Thanatar is a good time, I’ll look forward to making one eventually then. For now I’m dreading the arrival of a mechanicum battle force box’s since it means having to assemble these dreaded castellax that have garbed such infamy
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>my thanatar
>made in guangzhou, ~25 components, glorious oriental resin scent ever-permeating even after painted to lash the nostrils with cancerous love

>your thanatar
>2 quadrillion components, plastic nottingham simulacra of the real thing, took until the next recoalescence of the apparent physical universe to put together (but at least you got to huff acetate fumes for an eon in assembling it)
>all those spelling errors
>image sideways
Just fuck my shit up senpai I need to get some sleep
The state of New York paid me about one hundred and twenty three dollars to assemble my Thanatar while ignoring my actual responsibilities and listening to Daft Punk, so it is alright.
I might get a second from chang just to see how the kits measure up. I can already see some pretty big differences like the movable knees and the extended spades.
assemble the castellax while sleep deprived, it'll be funny.
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i'd be fascinated to see how the ultimate kits in their construction differ but alas i have thrown my lot in with oinkle xiiiiii
i beseech the universe to one day paint glorious tapestries of furry porn on CCP conference room walls
The castellax are still arriving in the mail anon, I’ve yet to obtain them. I do need to get another box of them for my 2k list but I do not have the funds to get them currently. If they prove to be painful as they’ve been said to be then maybe I might do it for the meme
It's not like someone slides your face against an air conditioning grill while you build them
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>He scrabbled across the hard ground, too frightened to stay low and move slowly, too scared to stand up and run, risking drawing fire. The result of his conflicting fears was a hunching lope about the pace of a jog. An abiding sense of self-preservation was one of Land’s fiercest virtues, and it had served him beautifully on many occasions. However, it tended to do nothing for a man’s dignity. He yelled for help as he ran, he yelled for Zephon, for anyone, damn it; and he yelled his own name several times, informing every combatant within earshot that he was Arkhan Land, the Arkhan Land, and his work was far too valuable for him to die here like this.

>Later, when he would be told about how he’d so unvaliantly whined for aid, he would deny it as base slander. There was simply no way he would ever be so undignified. Really, it said more about his accusers than it did about him.
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Side by side pic of my original resin and new plastic Castellax. Interesting that the little bump that looks like an eye and got it the nickname of the sadfrog bot early on is swapped on the upper carapace.
And now no longer in Australia mode.
i'm so sorry that you live in australia anon it must be fucking hellish
File deleted.
How the fuck did it do it twice? Fuck it, we Australia mode now.
try as you might the stigmata adheres to thee.....................................
Model heavy flamers, say they are irad cleansers?
>The SR-71's exhaust plume was so huge it created its own radar signature, so they added Cesium to it
>When burned the cesium would form an ionized cloud in the hot jet exhaust plume that absorbs radar signals. But the cesium laced fuel was toxic to handle...
perfectly feasible desu senpai maybe with a tweak or two to the nozzle
>plume of greenfuck radiation fire being spat out by a thallax's gun that bathes one in the omnissiah's prickling blessed impetus towards dissolution
not a terrible lot different from an irad cleanser or whatnot; simply a different shape
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The most obvious difference is that the resin thanatar has posable knees and a flat and moving foot each instead of only 1 moving foot. The mauler bolt cannons have more freedom since you can reposition those ammo feeds with boiling water and they're each a separate piece instead of both feeds being stuck together.

The plastic kit on the other hand lets you extend the bracing spade on the ankle, the "fingers" of the shock charger can open and close and turn at the wrist and the blade in between them can also move, and you get two positions for the "fingers" (flat or opened). Those pieces can also be left to move freely instead of gluing them in position if that interests anyone. The ammo feeds are fixed in position but you do get two of them. There are three positions for the right elbow and two for the left elbow. The plasma mortar opens and closes (not interchangeable).
i kneel, that is comprehensive
ultimately i am happy that more things can be put together with glorious plastic cement as it is an awesome and easy medium
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>everyone bemoans how harrowing the polystyrene castellax are to put together
>every example looks perfectly fine despite the trauma inflicted
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I feel compelled to also mention on the plastic kit each shock charger is 12 pieces with the right elbow being another 4 (the left elbow is 2) and the shoulders are 2 pieces each. The plasma mortar is 25 pieces rather than 8 and the legs are quite a few as well. Just to give an image of where the complexity is coming from.
for whatever it might weight, independent of everything else but with regards to its translation to plastic:
the thanatar is bar-none one of the most badass HH miniatures outright and it's good that little compromise was given to its new iteration no matter how finnicky it might be concerning the move away from resin
doesn't surprise me that so much mechanicum stuff is intricate
The new mechanicum plastics are superior to the resin, I believe, which is a rare thing. The resin thallax were so awful to put together I lamented the loss of super glue they required but the new plastic makes me want more as I'm building them.
Posted at the end of last thread. What critique if any, did any of you have have with 1.0’s ruleset? I hear it was actually pretty decent. All I know is 2.0. The new plastics must have made things easier but what about the rules?
1.0 good rules, inaccessible models (price-wise mostly)
2.0 lesser rules, very accessible models
3.0 barren rules, artificially limited models
Calibanite Warblades for regular dudes, Charge Blades for Characters.
I just want Warblades to be usable and gaining rending and gets hot is such a cool idea.
Where in NY, bro?
Zamn I can't decide between vanquishers or plasma executioners for my solar aux tanks, i like the look of both, what do you dubs recommend?
Nowhere in particular.
Wouldn’t it make sense to combine 1.0 rules with 2.0 models?
Ah, Schenectady, I wouldn't wish that upon anyone.
I personally like the vanquishers, that range and brutal 2 make me feel a lot better and anything else can be drowned in lasrifle volleys
Thanks, duly noted
Hello James.
1.0 was broken as hell. SW outclassed EC and the last Black Book was a shitshow. That being said, legion trait flaws and more impactful RoWs are sorely missed.
Would Luther's Calibanite Dark Angels be ran in game as loyalists or traitors?
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Rampagers as the start of some world eaters. Just need to figure out how I want to paint them. Not sure on the direction I want to go with the white.
Yes His dickheads were traitor cunts squatting on caliban waiting to fuck each other for a slightly better robe and conspiring to kill loyalists but did then go to terra to fight for the loyalist cause.
Alright then, I've been debating what legion adjacent color scheme to paint my traitor Solar Auxilia and this settles it. Maybe I'll collect some DAngels as well to run them as an allied detach or primary detach with solar aux allies. Good to Know
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I think this is actually worse than the fem primarchs from the literal pedo.
Idk the part where only his shirt will randomly go missing is amusing
Bro was summoning daemons left, right, and center. The Fallen are traitors, anon, regardless of what they say.
Summoning daemons you say... I might require an Esoterist...
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Putting together the rest of my Headhunters
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put the tarots on
being edgy is a full time job
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So is the difference between a regular HSS and the EC Sun-Killers that they mix various energy weapons in the squad?
Why are 30K White Scars way more interesting than 40K?
It doesn't surprise me that asians immediately go about bishoujofying the primarchs, tickles that austistic niggle in their brains
I'm able to conceptualise the idea that some people don't enjoy assembly and so prefer it be simpler and quicker, in the same way I'm able to conceptualise the idea that some people find painting an enjoyable passtime rather than a torrid chore, but I doubt I'll ever really understand either mentality.

Putting things together is my therapy, all the troubles of the world just wash away, GW finally putting out stuff that begins to vaguely approximate what you get in a proper model kit is an unqualified positive IMO.
You mean gameplay-wise or lore-wise?
In terms of gameplay, I didn't think they were still playable in HH2. But they are BS5 vs HSS's BS4.
And gain the Precision Fire and Designated Quarry rules. Not to mention Fortified Position to take a Defense Line instead of a transport. And according to NewRecruit.eu, can be fielded in squads of 20.
Lorewise they're veterans who think that projective weapons are too primitive four them and prefer directed energy. Which, being veterans, is reflected in them having a mixable loadout available to them in-game.
Don't listen to this fuckwit >>93967487 anon, 1.0 was a shitshow that required ten layers of Gentlemen's Agreements not to suck nuts. AP2 pieplate spam was ludicrously easy to achieve and made most infantry basically irrelevant with any tryhard list only bothering with the most elite and melee-focused units crammed into big transports. Melta weapons were basically useless. TSons, Custodes, and Mech were straight up broken and you could build curb-stomper lists without even trying or intending to; you had to know they were fucked and purposefully tone them down to avoid being a dick.

2.0 has, what, slightly overtuned dreads and slightly undercosted thunderhammers? It shits on 1.0 for rules. The 1.0 era was good for fluff(initially, the later books took a tumble in quality in that regard) and aesthetic(the models maybe were expensive, but they looked far better than the sloppa nudesigns).
I wish I was pretty enough that women would think me being a psychopathic murderer tortured by delusional visions was cute.
>implying 2e doesn't have a million facets of the social contract to maneuver through as well
the more things change, the more they stay the same
Even if it's just once in a blue moon a lot of drawfags will use their power to draw silly cute shit, it's practically ubiquitous
Not even remotely close. All editions of all Warhammer games require some level of self-restraint and common agreement if you don't want them to devolve into netlisting faggotry, but there's no comparison at all between 1.0 and 2.0, any more than there's a genuine comparison between 2nd 40K and 3rd.
>muh 1 dread by 1k points
>muh don't artificer tank
>muh night fighting
>muh warders
>muh lascannon hss
>muh scorpius
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>up to 800pts for 20 Lascannons in a single squad
Palatines are the only BS5 vets in the game but they can't buy ranged upgrades for some reason. Normally I wouldn't double up on ranged and melee upgrades on a single unit but if they could take plasma pistols on every man like Templar Brethren, Deathwing Companions, Sanguinary Guard, or Invictus Suzerains i'd definitely take the upgrade. All those other 2W 2A veteran equivalents can take one on everyone but they're all BS4.
NTA but
>>muh 1 dread by 1k points
>>muh don't artificer tank
>>muh night fighting
Literally all of these were also present in 1.0 (and far fucking worse in some cases, fucking 135 point Contemptor cortuses)

>>muh warders
>>muh lascannon hss
>>muh scorpius
First two weren't a thing because of pie plates deleting infantry from outside their range/LOS, the latter is the last vestige of said types of Artillery
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way to out yourself as having never played last edition
>Literally all of these were also present in 1.0
Nta, none of them were as cancerous as they are now with the new rules. For AA tanking now the defender can fuck around with wounds and hits, 1.0 required the entire squad to be characters to do that and normal tanking required positioning so if the squad got flanked it wouldn't have been as effective. For dreads now they are a span above anything because nearly everything else ate nerfs but they didn't. As for night fighting I had options to pay for night vision on most of my units unlike in 2.0 where some nvg goggles might be as much as a relic as teleporters.
Want to know what might be the actual worst thing about 2.0 is? That after they released the legion libers they stopped caring about your so-called balance anyways so you get npc armies like mech, aux and daemons being mostly shit with 2-3 standout units and armies like sisters and custodes which are filled with as much bullshit they had back in 1.0 or armies which fight whoever chooses to play like militia, where traps are everywhere, you can't choose to use what you might want without letting go of the capability of winning and even you have to resort to literal, actual, unironical waacfaggotry to have a decent game with marines. This isn't engaging, when you face them you literally have to shut off your brain and without patches written by literal discord trannies they have so many rules and wargear/weapons that don't do shit because the tard that wrote them doesn't seem to own the core rulebook.
>That after they released the legion libers they stopped caring about your so-called balance anyways so you get npc armies like mech, aux and daemons being mostly shit with 2-3 standout units
This is actually the worst. One of my most regular opponents is a militia player and its no fun for any of us because I have to deliberately cripple my lists and not use half my collection (no Dreads, no av14 all around, no lascannons, only 10 man squads, only 10 Terminators period, etc) or he has to spam shitty tanks with the one 7 Heavy Support slot provenance in order to have a chance with everything else being useless fodder to try and clog me up, which is exactly why he stopped playing 40k guard.
Would Daemon Fulgrim fuck his dad? It would be extremely perverse, which pleases Slaanesh, but also he's the Anathema, which displeases Slaanesh
Sex with your pp on fire would please Slaanesh.
Because Chris Wraight, praised be his name
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Needle weaponry
Not just so I can run my old primus medicae as WYSIWG, but I want to see what a tss with assault needlers or a HSS with heavy needles can do
Sorry anon, banestrike isn't an ammo type, it's a boltgun variant now.

I fucking despite this, I like the models but I wish they'd just made it a Cthonian bolter design instead of making the ammo now a gun
Contemptors are too cheap, Brutal is too important and I'm so-so on 2.0's reactions shutting down so many legion traits and special rules, but otherwise it's a vastly superior system to 1.0. Less crazy bullshit, more coherent structure.
That being said, I kinda miss ammo types modifying a number of existing guns rather than being its own narrow gun variant.
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Imagine if something like Destroyers actually packed all sorts of war crime weapons, rather than just two bolt pistols.
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>Phosphex Disperser (Pistol)
40k has the Phosphoenix, which is a relic phosphex pistol.
jump packs on veterans enable hammer of wrath and are therefore weapons
hand them over so i can use something besides rampagers
The resin thanatar kits are super nice. They don’t have the issue of having parts that are too thin for resin like the thallax do. Just be aware that you will have to heat bend belts and cabling, they’re made that way intentionally to increase poseability (and they have a ton of posability).
Built a few auxilia, have some tacticals and a land raider to build, painting assault marines. Not super enthusiastic about any of it but it has to get done.
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it can be assumed then that they did indeed once exist in greater profusion
this is a little elegant for a shit-tarded brain damaged destroyer marine version though
As someone who played 100+ games of 1.0 I’ll tell you: the rules were fucked. If you played “to win” and didn’t have a shit load of house rules/agreements not to be a fuckhead you just rolled over the opponent with zero contest.

I’d amend your list to:
>1.0 Batshit rules but no one cared, excellent but inaccessible models
>2.0 mostly decent rules with a few glaring issues (both on being boring shit rules, and on being broken) and too many 40kids that abuse those issues, half decent but widely accessible models (hence the former issue)
>3.0 well thought out and balanced but entirely boring rules with zero fluff, “competitive” community where everyone fields the exact same army, games <1.5 hours, highly accessible models that wouldn’t even pass for third party knockoffs, “legal” models change biannually; model size increases by a factor of 1.04^x each year, where x is years since 2012.
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Jesus fucking Christ, fuck the Castellax leg assembly and fuck whoever fucking designed this fucking piece of shit! Holy hell, I am mad.
Destroyers were always weird ones, both rule and lorewise.
>war crime unit
>for killing foes that have no right to exist
>with weapon whitch use against sentient beings was forbidden by Emperor
>meanwhile it's assault squad with 2 pistols and special grenades
>but they can take missle laucher with rad missle
>they can't even figure out if they are cc or fire support unit
Even with 2.0 updates they are still werid ones, like where is special war crime ammo for said pistols? Where is all weird shit like mech rad flamers or some toxin guns, they aren't even that special if you take into account that most of their weapons is standard marine equipment or mechanicum gear and unlimited phosphex can be used with artilery. At least they are not as borring as they were thanks to custodes disintegrator guns(that were supposed to be custodes only or Emperor will kill you but whatever).
It's from weird time when GW and FW were in disagreement what mech is supposed to look like.
So we got blue volkite gun and stuff like phosphorus gun, Phosphoenix was just relic version of phosphorus pistol that they loaded with phosphex while stating that phosphex was destroyed and Imperium can't do it anymore. And yes Mechanicus got pistols and rifles that fire tracer rounds as special weapon, kinda pathetic if you consider they had irradiated assault rifles on their basic troops that also -1T enemies in base contact because of how irradiated they are.
From the Imperium's perspective I think "committing war crimes" is basically when Imperial forces undertake actions which incur a cost to the Imperium. So using rad weapons on a planet that hasn't been forced into compliance isn't bad because it's a fucked up way to kill a person, it's bad because radiological pollution lowers the value of the prize the Imperium is trying to claim.
It's make way more sense to make Destroyers into Elite support squad loaded with all sorts of esoteric weapons denied or or limited from other units. Needle weapons, phosphex weapons, various grenades, rad weapons, disintegrators, etc. They'd be the glass cannon that can kill you six ways from Sunday, but has the durability of regular marines.
skill issue
also leave the armor plates off for subassemblies
AP2 Scythes...
Krieg got nuked for like 500 years and it just made them angry. Rad weapons are just a form of chemical warfare for the Imperium.
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Finished up a Land Raider for my Death Guard.
Either go with fire support squad with all kinds of nasty weapons or since destroyers got split into jump pack and no jump pack make 2 diferent squads 1 fire support and second pure cc with all manners of nasty weapons.
It's more that most marines legions consider them as dishonourable and keep them only because how effective it is just in case they would need, Salies have token force for xenocides because Vulkan don't like it and have his own version of destroyers who just use special flamers, meanwhile death guard don't give fuck and use alchem, bio and phoshpex munitions on daily basis just to make Mortarion smile.
Giving destroyers access to needle weapons, molecular acid HBs, then maybe another weird grenade like some sort of acidic gas, and the sarge can take disintegrator pistols? Although that might be a little much

I also think they should get some form of virus bomb, like a one use str2 ap1 weapon with some sort of special rule that ticks off wounds every round?
There's a difference between 'these things are broken and you need an agreement not to spam them' and 'these thigs are easily countered but /hhg/ don't want to fucking bother with unit diversity so they complain about them being broken'
Only one of your grievances fall in the first category
Since DA lost their acid HB we could add it to destroyers or use simlar HB from 40k with blast poisoned shell, also you could make bolt pistols/boltguns(for non jump pack ones) use some sort of poison ammo. They can also get irad clenser or whatever mechanicum rad flamers was called.
>I also think they should get some form of virus bomb
Nah, taht's not something you deoply anywhere near your troops. Phosphex must suffice.
I sure would like Pyroclasts to have access to any fucking melee weapon cuz jfc a close range unit with 2A and artificer armour that costs so fucking much, you'd think they'd at least get a fucking chainsword...
Or let me give them a dragon scale shield. ffs they have an empty hand that they are doing nothing with
What is the point of making a one handed heavy flamer/meltagun if you are not going to take advantage of it?
Destroyers are fine.
What is retarded is how rad-phage works
It should give a -1 T to a unit if you wound it for the rest of the turn
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>taht's not something you deoply anywhere near your troops

Vortex grenades when, GW, you fucks?!
Eh, I guess I'm thinking about the first mission from sm2 where you have to carry a virus bomb, but I that does end with it getting deployed in the atmosphere rather than just slam dunking it on a carnifexes head

They're ok rules wise but it would be fun if they reflected the whole 'proscribed weaponry' a little more
Please keep the sealed armour part of the rules for virus grenades, just to fuck over militia even more kek
>It should give a -1 T to a unit if you wound it for the rest of the turn
You should write rules for GW.
>wipe out an entire tyranid or ork army in a single unit shooting phase
>doesn't model his dudes with masks and gloves
Meanwhile, the likes of Rampagers and all the guys not wearing their helmets, are fucked.
Does anyone know if primarchs are affected by blind?
I figured because their characteristics can't be modified no. But I am not sure since in the last game I played my opponent insisted they were.
Vortex grenades existed in apocalypse as stratagem. So you need to bring brack stratagems, that shouldn't be a problem considering size of 30k games.
They could even bring catastrophic event rules like having mission during exterminatus, yes it was a thing and you rolled for way it's preformed like virus, orbital bombardment or cyclonic and simulated it happening on table.

>Eh, I guess I'm thinking about the first mission from sm2 where you have to carry a virus bomb, but I that does end with it getting deployed in the atmosphere rather than just slam dunking it on a carnifexes head
And it was not "real" virus bomb, only some tailored shit agains tyranid genes, otherwise it would eat up most of the jungle and Titus instead of only killing nids beofre they get immune. If you want something working as infection we had rules for unexploded virus bomb as hazard in HH book 1 and in book 4 there was nanite blaster and AL virus-poison needpe gun or something relic that jumped between units.
Warhammer day announced, no heresy
...but the article in it implied that in aos the horned rat is becoming a real chaos god, which might mean finally Vermin daemons for a ruinstorm army.
It modifies their characteristics, which are explicitly unable to be modified.
you actually take primarchs? fag.
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from the old thread but hopefully anon sees this, where'd you get these falx blade arms? I wanted to do something similar with the bits from the 40k zerker kit.
Primarchs are not affected by blind as blind specifically states that it changes the characteristic of the model, something that Primarchs are specifically stated to not be affected by in their own rules. Your opponent was wrong and they very likely knew.
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We had it in hh in ap2 version.
that seems obscene
Some relics were OP bullshit.
Yeah I think a weakened virus bomb would be cool for destroyers, would fit with the fluff better tol as there was the whole thing about isstvaan 3 being the first time virus bombs had been used in like a bajillion years or whatever
Something something virus grenades, they leave small blast templates that infect units with -1T and S, spreads to any nearby units by contact (friend or foe) except the destroyers themselves
Thanks for confirming that for me.
I don't get a chance to play often so I am easy to bamboozle with the rules.
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Some relics were really cool. I still miss the White Scars magical longbow. Never did get around to converting a model with it at the time.
>except the destroyers themselves
No way, they are also affected roll save. It was forbidden and it's not used for a reason. Simlar to skaven chemical weapons team, they were also affected but had to roll higher to get wounded.
i assumed the big bulbus bulb was a lens or something but when i checked they painted it white and fraying?!
Can militia do Melee well? I was thinking of a feral warriors + debased horde to use my old renegades and heretics in 30k, but most of my dudes were mutants and thus melee coded with a few shotguns.
Fine, but you have to do it globardiers rules then. The people with war crime grenades obviously wear armor designed to withstand the war crimes grenades
I always assumed it was a radar of some kind.
I was about to mention the WS bow, mostly to say it was whiplash how some factions got bullshit like the 'delete squad' gun for the mechanicum, and then you had a heavy 1 skyfire bow for WS? Like what?
i guess that makes sense, im just figuring out how to paint it.
It's have some guidance/targeting system so consider it as radar/auspex.
Kind of. Feral Warriors is mandatory, for both chainaxes and temporary WS4, but the second provenance has a bit of wiggle room. The ogryn boss is one of the strongest single models in the game if he's fully upgraded, since he's WS5 on the charge with six thunder hammer attacks at initiative thanks to his subtype, so Ogryn Conscripts is probably your best bet if you want to go full melee.
Probably a small radome or maybe a covered lens. They sometimes use germanium for infrared optics, since germanium is invisible to infrared and more durable than plain glass.
It's COOL. It has flavour and character and I love it. Fifty points for a S6 AP2 precision shot at full ballistic skill even if he's zooming around on a jetbike. Pin a wounded praetor to the wall.
okay that makes sense. thank you.
Okay, how about something like

(whatever the grenade profile is) - breaching 4+, fleshbane, biophage
biophage: any unit that suffers one or more wounds from attacks with this rule becomes infected. At the end of the phase and the end of every turn after roll d6, on a 4+ it and all units within 12" (friend or foe) take d6 hits as per the rules of this weapon. On a 1-3 the virus has ran its course/dissipated and the unit is no longer infected.
Units infected with the biophage suffer -1M, LD and T

And then give destroyers something like "weapons with biophage suffer -1 to wound" to represent special modifications applied to their armor to allow them to throw fucking bioweapon grenades in close quarters combat.
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>Only LI is listed
>Its almost October and there is still no signs of plastic melee weapons
NTA but which one falls into the first category. I don't really have problems with anything except for never winning against my friend's IF
or maybe something like "at the end of the shooting phase roll d6 for each model in an affected unit, on a value of 5+/6+ they take a wound with no armor or ward saves allowed (feel no pain allowed since a doctor is there to stop the virus)"
>bullshit like the 'delete squad' gun for the mechanicum
Mechanicum iirc got haywire gun that also worked with infection mechanics, nanite blaster was universal like void shield harness, everyone including auxillia could take it.
But yeah, some relics were slightly better sword or upgraded armor and other delete entire units with single shot, murder vehicle squadrons or assault 3 grav flamer that deletes vehicles and buildings or teleports behind you array.
What I’m told is basically keep sending the bodies. I think they can take chainaxes? Which helps.
Can it still work with hordes? I was hoping to use my mutants and beastmen as militia with chainaxes.
who gives a shit about plastic melee weapons? you really want to convert the same 5 monopose numk3 slop into despoilers with goofy poses?
Dark Angels got a spooky box.
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We had virus bomb rules.
Viurus works so fast that infection is not an issue, instead after hit was resolved just have units within 6" to do roll if they are affected with Bitter Duty units being affected on 5+.
I dont think destroyers are throwing the life eater virus around, but that sort of instant pathogen explosion might be more convenient (even if the annoying spread of infection back and forth in a way thats hard to contain was my intention, you throw the virus at your enemy and they run their unit into you to give it back)
Why does that matter?
You could always just run them as nurglelike demons anyways, one of the best parts about the ruinstorm list is how much wiggle room it gives you modelwise.
Kweethul (a skaven demon prince) showed up in siege of terra
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What's your take on this unit I wrote up? How much would you cost them?

Psychotropic destroyer: M7 WS4 BS4 S4 T4 W1 I4 A2 LD8 SV3+
Mind-killer: M7 WS4 BS4 S4 T4 W1 I4 A3 LD9 SV3+

Unit Composition
4 Psychotropic destroyers
1 Mind-killer

Unit Type
Psychotropic destroyer: Infantry
Mind-killer: Infantry (Character)
Psychochem projector
Bolt pistol
Frag grenades
Krak grenades
Power armour

Special rules
Legiones Astartes (Emperor's Children)
Bitter Duty
Counter Attack (1)

(All the usual shit like nuncio-vox units can take I can't be assed to type that all out)
Any Model in the unit may replace it's Psychochem projector with:
Psychotropic grenade launcher +10 points per model

Psychochem projector: Template, Str4, AP5, Assault 1, Breaching (6+), Psychotropic
Psychotropic grenade launcher: 24", Str4, AP4, Assault 1, Blast (3"), Breaching (6+), Psychotropic

If a weapon with this rule successfully inflicts a wound, do not subtract a wound from the affected model's wounds characteristic. Instead, roll a d3 and apply the corresponding effect from the table:
1- Frenzy: The model must resolve a number of attacks equal to it's attacks characteristic against it's own unit using a weapon of the Psychotropic player's choice. If there are no other models in the unit, it must immediately charge the closest unit, friendly or enemy.
2- Hallucinations: Roll a scatter dice, the affected model must make a shooting attack into the nearest unit friendly or enemy in that direction. If models in it's unit are in it's way, it must shoot them instead. The Psychotropic player may choose to select the weapon to shoot, but it must be before scatter.
3- Sedated: The model suffers -1 to Strength, WS, Initiative and Attacks until your next turn.
What choice does he have realistically? Not shilling the new models but what’s a man to do?
i'm happy to see cavill post his copy of Massacre.
who the fuck cares + literally whombst
All of your upgrades and bonuses increase your damage output to WS4 S4 Shred on the charge. You get a single turn of being the same as legion despoilers. Decide if that sounds good enough to you or not.
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why would you be happy about another custodes player being a part of heresy
Aren't militia units much cheaper?
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Because they put Marine players in their place.
3d printing. tortuga. both mog the numk3
Do these effects stack? also youre probably going to have really funky shit happen with wound allocation since the wounds inflicted dont actually inflict any damage

Maybe something like "count up the number of wounds that would be inflicted, after all attacks have been resolved the unit must take a leadership test and add the wounds suffered this way to the result, if they fail then (effects of the psychotropic weapon, but unit wide)"

Also maybe make the effects a bit more "random" but also easier to apply, so something like
1: wild frenzy: every model in the unit makes d3 attacks against itself, weapons are picked by the EC player
2: frenzied hallucinations: the unit immediately fires all of its weapons at the nearest eligible friendly unit, weapons fired this way count as gets hot, if no eligible unit then treat as either 1 or 3
3: sedated to oblivion: the unit counts as pinned and takes d3 wounds with no armor or damage negation saves allowed
literally fucking who though
who the fuck cares about this person and why?
do you not have something better to occupy your focus?
does he not have anything better to do than take banal photos of a fucking screen?
i care. you don't have to.
are you the "wall rats" spam troll ?
custodes have trash rules, how often do you see them in your games ? you're that mad that they are an option the mere idea makes you foam at your mouth ?
Also you probably want to have the weapons do SOME damage on their own, so maybe even have the psychotropic effects be in addition to any wounds inflicted rather than instead, so theyre not as gimmicky
Oh yeah, guy who wasn't in single good movie or show but is somehow supposed to make good 40k show alongside amazon. I just can't wait for show to flop if it's even get made, because only thing it has is single actor painting miniatures, it's not like guys who know least about 40k fluff are hardest 40k fans.
he owns book 2. you dont even own models.
Maybe I'm just a sausage fingered retard, but I find assembling plastic models easy and relaxing, while I find superglue frustrating and obnoxious
>, guy who wasn't in single good movie
MI:Fallout is great
Only because the writers decided to do the single most boring thing with the dangels
Do DA book ever get good? I read Angels Descent which was an absolute snoozefest and Fallen Angels was only marginally better(best part was the ending where Lion handed over the hard-won war machines to Pertu).
>That were supposed to be custodes only or Emperor will kill you but whatever
Anything that makes cuckstodes and their fans suffer is good
Some explain to me what specific degree of firing a hull mounted weapon with a (front, right) firing arc is allowed? Is it only the front arc but only the right portion? Or can it fire from the front and right?
He's a custodes nigger which means he's not a real fan
some kind of shotguns to make recons worthwhile.
Unfortunately, no. Lion is the most boring of the primarchs which is a difficult feat, and the DA have no interesting traits. Even when they became the creator's pet for the latest black books, their only thing is 'uhh they do this thing another legion does but... betterer'
They retconned basically every space marine strategy to be invented by the DA, it's so gay
I'll be honest, I didn't put much thought into the balancing, as I hadn't playtested it. Reckoned that them being template weapons would make it fairly easy to see which models would be affected, though I can see how it'd fuck up wall of death and stuff like that. They wouldn't stack, and they wouldn't affect robots or demons. The effects aren't perhaps the best designed but I intended the unit to be more of a disruption unit than a killing unit, and I thought that if they could do damage with their weapons it would either suffer from being another disappointing rad-phage or hideously busted. I'll have to do some playtesting to see what the best implementation of the idea is.
They get extremely convoluted later on. Not because the plot is all that complicated in broad strokes, but the details are hard to keep track of since there are so many parallel arcs developing at the same time, and a lot of developments happen in short stories set between the novels. Add to that that some things (e.g. Astelan's whole character) are further contextualized by the Dark Angels stories over in 40k.

I'm not saying there's no payoff for digging into all this and trying to get a clear sense of what's even going on, but the investment of time and attention will likely not be worth it for most anons.
Lion; Lord of the First is the best of the bunch. It's a pulp story that does a better job explaining their Book 9 fluff than Book 9.

Leman Russ; The Great Wolf is their second best book. It's not even a Dark Angels book.

Luther is a solid series of short stories, but isn't really a Dark Angels HH book.

After that you pretty much drop down to Angels of Caliban which is more a series of cool set pieces/scenes strung together by filler.
>1st company ultramarine colors
>Heresy black book

He’s literally /ourguy/
Theyre an elite flamethrower unit in power armor, I dont think theyre going to be OP or close to it even with their weapons doing damage.

But consider the following: currently the best result they can get is "turning an unsaved wound into some attacks by the enemy", ignoring any anti-synergy with the sedated result and the frenzy result, the best result would be hitting some elite melee unit (so 2/3A which then has to hit itself (on 4s, 3s if deathwing) and then wound itself and it gets its own saves against (so say a 4+ save with terminators).

Sure, you might have the funny highroll where you get a wound on a lucky thunder hammer terminator champion and he kills like 3 dudes on his own, but realistically youre turning a wound into probably less than a wound in most cases. Especially vs shit that ISNT an elite melee unit (10 wounds caused on a tactical unit = 10 tactical attacks, which equals 5 tactical hits, 2.5 tactical wounds and around 0.8 tactical unsaved wounds, less than 10% before you even consider shit like heart of the legion or artificer armor tanking shit). And then you have the chance to roll result #3 (does nothing to any ranged unit) or result #2 (does nothing to any melee unit).
And then you have their awful performance vs single models, which I get they arent designed to fight but result #1 is going to be "make that praetor/dreadnought/whatever charge your unit on the enemy turn" a lot of the time.

Its a fun concept, but in practice its going to be a unit you wouldnt want to take because it both doesent do its job and its job isnt really something very good anyways.

They would be a lot stronger (and a lot less flavorful) if psychotropic was just "any unit that suffers an unsaved wound cant react for the rest of the turn"
but they are also made of paper and run away easily unless they have enforcers
Recons can already get shotguns?
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Is WS supposed to be a direct representation of the martial skill of a unit/model or is it just merely an amalgamated number meant to represent a variety of factors (speed, training, weapon familiarity, tactics etc.) that show how effective a unit is in a fight?

I'm only asking because an Archmagos is WS4, the same weaponskill as a space marine, and I'm just wondering like are they actually comparable in martial skill? At what point in an archmagos' schedule do they find time for jiu-jitsu classes of all things?
Reaver/Warbringer Arm Plasma weapon, basically something between Plasma Blastgun and Plasma Annihilator, for my ultimate Ryza fantasy
Dreads. They are just annoying as shit to deal with unless you tailor a list for them. 1, 2 or 3 dreads is still reasonable at 3k points, hence the agreement, but you could spam the ever loving shit out of them if you wanted to and there wouldn't really be a way to deal with them unless the opponent is doing the same thing with their own dreads or grav myrmidons
Yes, but they're never particularly better than bolters, and for my dudes (RG) they lose their other main advantage because I can just infiltrate tacticals instead. Some sort of better shotgun that was an actual tradeoff for the unit would be neat.
I wouldn't take it as skill alone, because then Khorne daemons/Daemon engines would have very low WS as they're just flailing about madly
Martial skill is created by training and experience.
In an Archmagos's case it can probably just pack itself full of combat data alongside the experience of fending off the lesser magi that would like to be in its place.
Archmagos' aren't 'skilled', they simply chipped combat software and upgraded their bodies. They react faster than any normal human without any training
>training, weapon familiarity, tactics etc
Thats martial skill, which is already an abstract thing because its not like theres the "sword fight good" muscle and you can measure its size. Knowing how to swing your sword and knowing where to swing your sword or how to read your opponent are all components of martial skill.

>At what point in an archmagos' schedule do they find time for jiu-jitsu classes of all things?
They just run "martial_arts.exe" on their internal computer.
>learning irrelevant knowledge yourself
>not simply downloading combat sub routines from the holy noosphere
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Khorne daemons don't flail about, bloodletters are all superlative fighters and bloodthirsters are even great tacticians and strategists, though GW forgets that latter part
Thallax. Going to start on my Castellax tonight, but I think the relative success of my hazard stripes means I'm feeling confident enough to do proper IW.
Khorne demons arent flailing around wildly. Theyre master swordsmen and duelists.
>bloodthirsters are even great tacticians and strategists
there isn't much strategy required when you are bigger than your opponent and have a very large axe.
I don't care what anyone says, I liked him in Man From UNCLE.
And Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare. Not a great movie, but a rollicking fun time.
Did you do hardcoat on the helms or paint the shine one? It looks good.
NTA, but gemstone paints over a black base can get a similar effect there, which can be neat.
Speed is represented by I, WS means to represent how well unit can hit something so mostly skill, random factors are represented by roll, so your super skilled Sigismund can lose duel with random militia conscript who just managed to not shit his pants and got lucky when siggy rolled all the ones and militiamen rolled 6 on all his rolls.
>and I'm just wondering like are they actually comparable in martial skill? At what point in an archmagos' schedule do they find time for jiu-jitsu classes of all things?
WS4 on character unit is low and when he find time? He is archmagos he have more augments than flesh, he just know how to hit someone, possibly ancient martian methods of hitting stuff uploaded to his brain.
>And Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare
That reminds me, I should watch that.

>, possibly ancient martian methods of hitting stuff uploaded to his brain.
>how to survived edged weapons
Thanks anon. Painted gloss over it once I'd matt varnished everything else.
I can't stand the gemstone paints but I have Tamiya Smoke which is a runny clear black
How come?
Ah, I see. In that case I think I'd cut out frenzy and hallucinations and just keep sedated as the only effect applied to the whole unit if a wound is unsaved, as well as have the gun do damage. I think that still keeps it flavourful while providing synergy to nearby melee units. The grenade launcher would probably have to be a bit more expensive and/or limited, though.
I never thought they looked good or applied well, especially next to the tamiya clear paints. I got so fed up with them I ended up just learning how to paint gems finally.
>how astartes hit stuff and how not to get hit by astartes, overanalysis of astartes melee combat techniques.txt
best way to paint gems is to just put gloss varnish over whatever you used
Best way to paint gems is drunk.
Yea, probably 1/5 as most special weapons are.
I still use spiritstone over silver for reflective eye lenses.
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it's the old RT/2E virus grenade, which was indeed obscene, except this version works on everybody and not just Orks, Imperial Guard and Eldar Guardians (guess which one cheap wargear item skewed the type of armies people built for two editions)
BS5 lascannons that you can make BS6 with a cognis-signum techie since you're just pissing points now, and nobody gets cover saves or damage mitigation rolls against them, and you get a fuck this big lad in particular special rule too, and any mix of weapons you want is possible in your 20 dude blob at the same cost, so you can even stick some volkite in there for Return Fire and Overwatch or some plasma for dealing with tightly packed formations like SA or IF

you can even designate the enemy warlord titan, run up to him with your 1000 point suicide 20 multimelta Sunkillers and every penetrating hit will be at +3 on the VDT
He paints his models, unlike you.
It probably didn't help that two of those were horde armies in the age of metal minis 3 to a blister.
Have you seen how big they usually are?
This is some e-celeb playing 40k vidya, how is this related to 30k?
>custodes have trash rules, how often do you see them in your games ?
never because cuckstodes are banned from all horus heresy groups.
He put old tt book in background to look like "one of us", despite according to him playing custodes he have massacre(no custodes in this).
Anon how many armies do people have in your FLGS on average.
They are absolutely skilled enough to defend themselves from assassins and rivals plus there are a lot of militant cults like myrmidons or the sarum redjaks.
Post models.
He must have the scans which is pretty funny now that I think about it.
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eat shit cuckstode fag
>you can even designate the enemy warlord titan, run up to him with your 1000 point suicide 20 multimelta Sunkillers and every penetrating hit will be at +3 on the VDT
But can they kill a Flyrant, tho?
Dude they can kill suns dude it's in the name dude if they can kill suns they can kills a big bug dude
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Nogames, got it.
It still looks like a jewellery chain anon. You'll either have to get a new chain or give him a big dollar sign
IDK man, the suns pretty hot, I don't think a big laser is gonna do much to it. Sounds like false advertising to me.
I like it, but the chain still looks a little to much like a jewlery chain, maybe test adding some stuff on it to break up long lengths.
Obviously not, you need at least 60 of them.
Anon S9 with no damage mitigation on BS 5 withe rerollable 1 will do the job. This is why they are called that, they are Fulgrim's designated countermeasure against suns, perfect solution for bright piece of shit in the skies.
>melee castraferrum in ZM
can it work?
>But can they kill a Flyrant, tho?
No, they would hit on 6s so you get like 3 wounds in.
every cuckstodes "player"
They aren't supposed to be better, they're free. They trade range and AP for concussive

Shotguns aren't the issue, concussive is. If concussive was a little stronger then shotgun recons might be worth it, as an actual support squad for softening vets or termis before you charge with another unit.
Sure, why not.
Boxnoughts are equally as brutal as contemptors in melee but a lot cheaper. Getting your ass handed to you at I step 2 instead of 4 doesn't really make a big difference. They still attack before most things that can realistically hurt them and in ZM it's easier to not get shot off the table as you waddle towards the enemy
Stay the fuck away from any enemy contemptors tho
>They trade range and AP for concussive
That's a very shitty trade considering how concussive works desu
Yeah concussive is could do with a rework, I can't tell if removing the leadership test would make it too strong though
Stop humiliating yourself.
>is could do

Fuck me I am retarded why can't I format a post today
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Make it a toughness test, make it trigger like pinning

In other news, I was putting stuff away and realized I had all my dudes characters mostly assembly at this point, with just a few breakages to fix or stuff that's waiting for incoming parts left.
I think no test would be fine if you only get affected on unsaved wounds. You'd have to take multiple weapons to reliably cause it but you are at least not rolling against the Ld of a unit that probably has Ld8 sgt...
It'd also give some incentive to the enemy to evade instead of return fire for example.
And the effect should work immediately after losing a wound, in both range and melee. Just have them not stack and that'd be enough to balance it imo.
Idk why they think 7 million shotguns shots to the face should have the same probability of stunning you than 2 of them...
I wish Red Butchers were any good so I don't have to make a banner bearer for my terminators, lucky legions with good unique terminators
Can't decide how to arm my Castellax. Are they better in short range or long? Darkfire stats seem to be what people look at, but is there much point leaving them as a long range plinky unit in the back?
Giving them multi meltas risks them getting into Melee. They lose to literally a Tactical Squad in melee (thanks for making kraks ap3 GW).
there were RTB07s from 1989 and RTB13s from like mid 1990 but yeah, pretty much
>filtered by Snyderkino
Rule of thumb is that you want your Castellax away from the enemy since most units come with krak grenades or are able to chaff them up and stop them from shooting but what weapon you take mostly depends on the role you need
>Mauler Bolt Cannon
People see these as being a weak option, but they're not bad weapons for brawling, and they make your Castellax far cheaper. What they also do is make your Castellax a low threat target, since your opponent will see that they're only armed with the maulers and use stuff that would blow them off the table on other higher threat targets instead. This makes them much more likely to survive for a while, making them ideal for taking in big line units if you're running the cybernetica high techno arcana. These are the best option if you're running a swarm of them
>Darkfire Cannon
The default option for most, these shift the Castellax into being heavy hitters that remove high priority units. Ideal for standing on backline objectives if they have line, they're also prime targets for your cybertheurgists to buff with BS bonuses so that they can maximise the damage they put out and to react when they inevitably get smacked HARD in the face. They're very expensive, however, and your opponent will likely try their best to remove them from the board very quickly
These are a bit of an oddball choice since they require your Castellax to get pretty close to make full use of the melta's specialty, something you typically want to avoid since they're expensive and might not get to shoot if they get tied up in melee. They do have the benefit however of being twin-linked, meaning that they operate pretty well without needing some kind of cybertheurgist support, making them a somewhat reliable set of skirmishers or distraction units to escort along with a line unit like some tech priest auxilia (who can take a cortex controller to stop them from programmed behaviour). Far more of a specialist loadout, take in pairs or solo
Did DA plasma repeaters ever have a model?
The October 5th LIgma announcment will probably be the mechanicum so Thursday will finally be Iron Warriors Praetors, right?
It's a shame that rules devolve into these kind of nonsense posts
>"I wish my terminators were good enough I didn't have to make this kino model to go with them"
>"I wish I had soullessly overpowered shit that are good without working well with other forces"
Seriously, the idea of a Banner Bearer leading a charge of red butchers sounds fucking epic, stop being gay
you need twelve tacticals to kill one Castellax with krak grenades; if the Castellax charge then they kill 1/4 Tacticals just from HoW at S7, pile in at the higher step because the Tacticals are waiting for I1 and kill 1/4 Tacticals they swing at just with shock chargers; there's no actual benefit to the siege wrecker in that situation except that it'll fuck over any artificer hijinks

assuming points parity for a full-size Tactical squad, two Castellax with shock chargers will kill up to six Tacticals if charged but likely one or two, and up to ten Tacticals if charging but likely two to three with a bias toward four because all of their kills sit at 0.27

by contrast twenty Tacticals (regardless of Charge) attacking with krak grenades can expect to make ten hits and of those remove six to seven Wounds, but the likely eighteen Tacticals hew directly to six on average, the low-end ten Tactical survivors just three (and they will die on the second round as they lack the numbers to get out of that, even if they don't run away) and the mid fourteen Tacticals four to five, so they might actually avoid the morale check

without parity, charging into a much larger unit of Castellax to tie it up - particularly a five maniple - is only useful as a sacrificial move to delay them; it will not keep them off something valuable

given that to get that close at all twenty Tacticals are probably sitting on an Objective they might get some FNP to mitigate, but they'd also be being charged and taking far worse damage than they can deal in shooting since they're likely to be the only target the Castellax can choose - vs five basic Castellax they'd lose four Tacticals to mauler bolts in a single round and another to in-built bolters, but either way they're unlikely to be twenty Tacticals by the time krak grenades are used; LA:IW and LA:BA can affect it a little, but not by much - about 33% more W with the benefit of them
also assuming that all twenty are in engagement range to make krak attacks, they're packed in so close that even if they survive everything the Castellax hit them with to that point and destroy one Castellax, the unit would take twenty S8 AP- hits and lose five to six guys; if they destroy two Castellax then more than half the unit is likely to die etc whereas the Castellax by virtue of having fewer bodies take procedurally fewer hits and thus fewer wounds, assuming they're all within the 3" to 4" range of the exploding Castellax, which is not a given even if all the Tacticals are in range to make krak attacks due to the way wound allocation works
Shut up, NERD!
>by contrast twenty Tacticals (regardless of Charge) attacking with krak grenades can expect to make ten hits
dont kraks auto-hit
>asks anons for feedback on the chain
>he ignores it anyway
People like this are insane. It reminds me of that one schizo in /wip/ who insisted the ass on his painted model wasn't crusty when it clearly was.
How do the new blades do?
Nta, yes.
I don't know why but when I saw this post I immediately started writing up this made up narrative of how every time I use castellax I lose them to tactical squads, in I guess some vain effort to want to disprove you despite not even being the anon you are responding to, but then I deleted it just before posting it out of some random moment of clarity. I don't even own castellax, and I haven't even gotten to play a game yet of heresy.

What the fuck is wrong with me
Don't worry, I don't think he does either. Or at the very least he has been playing krak grenades wrong.
least mentally ill nogames
Put maulers on castellax because the big ammo feeds look cool
Cheers anons
I just want to see someone fit six terminators and a 12-foot-tall banner (the low end of what the GW/FW banners are sized like inside a Land Raider with any room left to maneuver. Or a Terminator with any form of back banner fitting in a Land Raider at all for that matter. If that's doable, maybe I'll change my mind on them. Until then I'd rather not be forced to make a model I hate to fit a mandatory piece of equipment I don't want to take in the first place. But it's either "have an absolute joke of a retinue with generic WS4 terminators", "have an absolute joke of a retinue with defensive WS3 terminators", or "make an impractically gigantic banner to somehow swordfight competently while holding it".
I've got nothing against anyone else liking those models, and I agree it *could* look good done right, but I have zero interest in being the one to do it. If I did, I'd build a Herald (which I do have plans for).
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might get 6 thallax for my IW
>have an absolute joke of a retinue with generic WS4 terminators
Do WE not get normal command squads...
Yes. And normal command squads are forced to take a banner. Hence "or make an impractically gigantic banner".
>have an absolute joke of a retinue with generic WS4 terminators
Anon, have you tried reading the rules?
I want 27 for my blackshields
red butchers arent a retinue they are disposable cannon fodder retards
Yes. Your options as WE for terminators to go with a Terminator character are:
>WS4 generic terminators, vexilla optional
>red butchers, vexilla unavailable
>Terminator command squad, banner forced
>Nullificators I guess if you want a shooty retinue, also WS4
If there are any other terminator squads available to WE, they're not in Liber Hereticus, Legacies, or any of the campaign books so far.
(And yes, I'm aware they're not literally using the Retinue rule except for the command squad - but that's what they're serving as, even if it costs an extra slot.)
I like the base, anon, reminds me of the old boxnaught base.
So rules-wise, what's a War Hound/World Eater phalanx? Just Vets with boarding shields and power spears?
Newfag here, where's a decent place one can find army lists for this game? I'm wanting to build my first army (Alpha Legion) but really have no idea where to start.
I can see that use case, but concussive is pretty bad, and trading 85+ points and a troops slot for maybe possibly lowering an enemy unit's WS for one turn just isn't a good trade - I'd get more out of another 3-4 veterans, etc.

But that's fine, that's what shotguns are. I'd just like a legion-specific one that benefits or promotes short-range fire, rather than being a melee support. That's in line with what the TQ asked, no?
Thursday will be the melee weapons.
You start by building an HQ and two units of troops, play a few games and slowly figure out what works as you expand your army. This isn't 40k, there is no WAACfaggotry tournament culture where people only play what is the latest list that won tournaments.

Rule of thumb is that you need something to kill infantry, something to kill vehicles, and something to kill dreadnoughts and terminators. Generally shooting is much better than melee, and as AL it is real easy to avoid getting charged so leaning more towards shooting is even better.
It's that guy. The motherfucker.
NTA, but I don't think it's unreasonable to want the option to not have a banner bearer.
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is this from the LE books?
yeah, I had heard this was a more narrative-focused system, which does sound more appealing to me. I will look at what HQ and troops I can pick up at my flgs next time I'm over there and what I have left from the old Calth box I picked up years ago. Thanks anon
Also, I can't seem to find where I heard/read this, but apparently vehicles aren't very good for AL armies. Is this true?
Not really. If you play the Headhunter Leviathal rite of war all vehicles must start in reserves, which makes using vehicles kinda difficult. But that's about it. The -2 range modifier of the AL trait means units will find it harder to charge your vehicles, get inside melta range, and if positioned well even allows lascannon predators to shoot at lascannon heavy support squads without having to fear getting shot back at. And the AL special reaction allows a vehicle to be re-deployed to safety if it does get shot at, or further forward in case of a transport vehicles with a melee unit inside.
There's plenty of vehicles which are very useful: scorpius whirlwind, predator with all its weapon options, vindicators with magna-laser destroyers, to name a few. Best thing to do with vehicles is use the fact they can move and shoot by deploying behind terrain so nothing can see them turn 1, then drive out and start blasting. Just try things for yourself a few times, don't listen too much to the internet hyperbole.
Could it be worth it for mix and match? I.e. a group of 4, 2 with Maulers, 2 with Darkfires? A group that can sit on objectives, take a few ablative wounds, have a bit of range on them and still get some higher powered shots out?
darkfire castellax can't really be given ablative wounds since they're prome to gets hot, causing the darkfire bot to get wounded and forcing you to allocate wounds to it
Look at those tiny feet. Adorable
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Finally, the sicaran I've had on the shelf since 40k 7th will get to shine once more. Many thanks for your help and tips anon.
Uhm, which type of sicaran is it? The regular one with accelerator autocannon is rather underwhelming at the moment. Against marines at least, with heavy bolter sponsons it does great against solar auxillia and mechanicum, and it's servicable enough against vehicles with lascannon sponsons.
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I thought people were joking when they said plastic mechaninicum was made of gorillion amount of parts,then I decided to buy Archmagos, as I like having GW characters,rest is either kitbashed or printed
But then I started assembling and what the fuck is wrong with whoever made this sprue
The conversion beamer is 1 inch in length
For the first time I ever I had to use pincers for a GW model to put together something
Do we know what kind of plans bligh had for the heresy before he passed?
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The fuck man
>Admitting to being a printfag
Go back
numk3 look worse than 3d prints
That's about as much pieces as the resin conversion beamer of my dreadnought. Less, even, the rods connecting the front end to the rear of the weapon also came sperate. The front dish wasn't a separate part by design, but so fragile it snapped off in transit.
Now imagine not only having to put that together, but also having to bend all the pieces back into proper shape with a heat gun and filling up air gaps. Kids these days...
Half the 3d prints now are nu-mark-3 style.
So even the 3D designers have realised marinefags will settle for slop
Yes, the og autocannon sicaran + lascannon sponsons. It's probably my favourite of the space marine tanks, so even if it's not the best of its variants it'll be one of the first toys for my hydra boys.
still better than actual numk3
Every time I see Archmagos I am reminded that in game about maximum customization GW decided to go full 40k and release only single loadout for model instead of multipart.
It makes me angry.
what is the model even supposed to be an archmagos of, as in which field?
Death guard models and colors are beautiful. Shame about Mortarion being the biggest beta bitch in the setting.
>biggest beta bitch in the setting.
thats the khan
Probably reductor or cybernetica given the releases he's accompanying
>biggest beta bitch in the setting
perturbed peter wasnt bullied into his chaos god by his underling
I don't think it was ever specified and the default option is Archimandrite iirc, as that's also the default loadout,other than the conversion beam, so maybe the master Technomancer himself?
Well, I am used to tiny parts from printing,but there I don't have the trouble of glue melting the details off when the part is tiny, unlike here with polystyrene
Have a (you) and fuck off James
Wish they would label him as such so it could pave the way for other kinds of magos
Good point, but he doesn't have a cortex controller modelled, he only has that generator thing that myrmidons have on his back too
Reading through Martian Civil War at the moment. Whoever wrote this has moments of real nice atmosphere, but clearly just learned the word 'choler', and has no grasp on continuity. It's a mess.
>glue melting the details off when the part is tiny
Use only a little bit of glue, you ape. Or just use superglue for the tiny plastic parts. It's not like the cops will kick down your door and invert your balls for not using plastic glue on plastic bits.
I didn't care for the respawning Imperial Fists in the beginning
Sadly the lore is all the book has going for it, there's not a single new mechanicum character only one "new" datasheet for that's just Krios having irradiation gun
The rest being stuff they had in exemplary battles, which is no longer available for free on warcom btw
2.5 can't come soon enough for Mechanicum,it's a travesty
I use a scalpel to add said glue to those tiny parts, that's not the issue,but I have still big hands and ironically, super glue is more forgiving when it comes to mishaps
Their rules are okay I think. It's the price that goes bonkers

For 1000 points you can get a whole allied detachment of SoS, but only 5 custodes and an HQ
What would you guys give a Cybernetica Archmagos?
Long live the grey goo of death!
>perturbed peter wasnt bullied into his chaos god by his underling
Doesn't that literally describe Angron, Magnus, and Fulgrim too? None of the primarchs chose to drink the chaos juice, they got fucked over because BL are hacks and can't just let the primarchs choose chaos for themselves. Hell, even Lorgar was just s bitch boy following his daddy after his other daddy stomped on his toys.
For me, I enjoyed the mention of "their sole dreadnought" on page 63, only for said dreadnought to be saved by "Another dreadnough, a brutish leviathan" with no explanation 2 pages later.
They can't keep continuity for 2 damn pages?
>Doesn't that literally describe Angron, Magnus, and Fulgrim too?
Not really, at least those chose where the legion went. For better or worse the EC/TS/WE falling to chaos and how they ended up was the result of their primarch. Same for WB, where lorgar and his obsession absolutely defined them.

Meanwhile mortarion was basically forced into following nurgle, and the reins of the legion were basically Typhons
A cyber familiar definitely,but maybe something fancier than just a floating servo skull, maybe like a tiny globe on 2 legs following him
And maybe less of a focus on armaments and more on the "commanding" parts, so at least a few mechadendrites with antennas, maybe Compu- I mean cogitator screens,stuff like that.
Compared to say Myrmidax would be on walking hulk of guns on a 60mm base, basically Myrmidon Secutor and destructor combined and bigger
>but clearly just learned the word 'choler',
Nah he just speed-read the BL books
The idea of independent Caliban is so retarded. Like Caliban wasn't a complete shithole before the imperium.
If I choose to deploy my Heahunter Kill Team with combi-weapons, does the bolter component of it stop being a Banestrike bolter?
So many typos, I really should finish assembling the magos and go to sleep...
The first Fail of Failbaddon
Yes, and also no.
You trade the banestrike combi-bolter for a combi-weapon. Not for a banestrike-combi weapon. So it's not banestrike, but it didn't lose that, you traded out for a different weapon entirely.
not killing loken when he had the chance is definitely his first actual fail
Could've just said "yes".
I could have, but the phrasing of the question suggested an assumption that combi-weapons modify an existing bolter, rather than replacing it. Clarifying that might solve future confusion, just saying "yes" doesn't.
Hey, they finally had their living situation sorted out, and here came the Imperium dumping arcologies full of foreigners on the planet. It's no wonder the locals started freaking out.

There was a very interesting storyline about social upheaval in an age of change and advancement with interesting parallels to Horus' own reasons for revolting that was started in the first two DA books. And then Gav decided to do his own thing.
Alpha Legion are the most devoted anti chaos crusaders. To the point where they joined chaos to ensure its victory and final destruction.
Alpha legion don't even know what their plan was

The levels of deceit, the two primarchs seemingly being on different pages, they got lost in the sauce
retarded meme legion
I would annoyed by the fact that the book says that Sarum doesn't really use cybernetica automata which contraddicts the black books that not only don't mention anything of the sort, book 6 has three entire cohorts of them on Bodt fighting Moonman were it not for the fact that the entire book is a nothingburger that will get forgotten in a couple of months. They retconned both my hh and epicAU armies cybernetica armies out of existence but the book is so shit that the section I cared about and was waiting for, the Sarum fluff, made me feel nothing. It's a shame because I enjoyed the RG infiltration and the custodes ZM stories but they are alright things buried beneath a sea of shit and I feel waste so many things that they introduce.
>Horus' own reasons for revolting
He was always a two faced power hungry cunt. The public reasons for the Heresy were just racionalizations for plebs and propaganda.
Remember how he used the Mournival to justify doing what he wanted without losing face.
The plan is simple and they are sticking to it. They know if chaos wins then humanity will be ended quickly and it will cause the chaos gods themselves to shortly die afterwards. They’re so anti chaos they are willing to genocide their species to see the fall of chaos.
I hardly think most legionnaires even knew what they were doing, aside the primarchs and maybe few of their right hands, like Sheed Ranko
Well then they are retards because it won't come to pass. Cabal's vision was fucked the moment when Ferrus got 1 primarch sized head shorter.
I feel like AL players are more up their own ass than Custodes guys
AL, cuckstodes, ksons, and DAfags have always been the bottom of the barrel.
That’s why they are the best of the best. They follow their orders like proper elite soldiers. They know their superiors have the objectively best plans and trust them unflinchingly. And they’re right, their plan is the one and only way to ensure the end of the chaos gods. Victory over chaos ensures the long decay and eventual swallowing of the universe by it. Victory for chaos ensures its final destruction and a world free from the chaos gods.

Alpha legion are objectively the only good guys in the setting.
Good morning mother fucker?
The barrel no longer has a bottom because the Iron Warriors and Imperial Fists decided to tunnel through it.
I’m relatively new here. What’s with the hate for the new mark 3? I’m wanting to get into HH, I think the armour looks cool.
new always equals bad
it looks like a bad 3rd party knockoff of a space marine
I looked around and my only choices seem to be two different sets of armour. The other being mark 6. I’m kind of limited.
lookin good matt
>the book says that Sarum doesn't really use cybernetica automata

who cares if your army is a little off-fluff now, you're not forbidden from taking other Automata alongside your dreadnought troops
These are cool! How much smaller are these compared to newer models? I like their helmets. Looks like a lot of hits too.
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Noticeably smaller and their heads are noticeably bigger, but I personally don’t give a fuck about the height difference, the older guys (MK IV) are still bigger than the new solar aux so it’s whatever
Why are Mk III tac squads very slightly cheaper than beakies and Mk IV?
Honestly I’m up for converting and using green stuff to bring them up to size. Thanks for the help. I’m working on salamanders so I’m gonna have a mix of armour types. Can a squad have a mix of marks? I figured since Sallies had low numbers and had to scavenge gear squads can look a little more mixed?
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Don't try to understand GW pricing.
We talk about the worst players but which are the best.
Even the RG infiltration has issues.
Corax fights a brass scorpion, right after istvaan, which doesn't really jive with the Liberation of Constantix II Exemplary Battle, where he also fights daemon engines - which may be blood slaughterers or brass scorpions - and doesn't have a clue what they are, only several years later. So either he's got amnesia, or they fucked that up too.
Not to mention Nex is such an after-thought, I'm surprised they reprinted his rules.
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There's a handful of autists in this thread who're upset that their existing armies were mogged by the new mk3 release. The rest of us either like new mk3 or are indifferent.

I personally don't like the new helmet design, I think they're too IF / DG / IW legion specific, but I don't rant about it.
There's plenty of people who dislike the new mark 3 because of the notable design shift, and a few autists who pretend it's all "New = bad" even when given detailed and explicit reasoning beyond that.
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Don't forget the ones who object to the diluting of the sprue quality!
>upset that their existing armies were mogged by the new mk3 release.
nothing is mogged by the fuck awful numk3. fucking anvil industries knockoffs mog numk3 lmao
I take this as a frowned upon move?
It's a surprisingly mixed one.
Some people say all the same armour across a whole squad
Some people say all the same armour per marine, but mixed armour within squads
Some people say mix armour per marine.
There's really no right answer, but there are many wrong ones.
FW suits were a notable design shift too, but you weren't allowed to say anything bad about them, so I hope all those people who thought their design was set in stone cope and seethe.
Don't listen to the autists, mixed armour is the only logical and lore accurate way. People just get triggered because they have unresolved mental issues.

>comparing a power squatting marine to one standing up straight
The classic false comparison.
That's because the FW design shifts looked cool. Changing something isn't inherently bad, but doing it shitly deserves to be called out.
Same as the original lord of the rings movie trilogy versus the hobbit: the first one changed things from the books but was done well, so people loved it. The hobbit changed things but badly, so a lot less people liked it.
I would say it just look wrong, it's not about design change but something about how it was changed and it just look wrong.
It's even worse since the walking MkVI marine is noticeably taller than the other MkVI marines.
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Good enough for recons/seekers? Or do I learn how to sculpt cloaks?
How can it look wrong without it being a design change issue? If they didn't change the design, surely it wouldn't look wrong?
Yeah it's hilarious. GW can't even stick to one consistent scale within the same kit lmfao.
Numkiii gets immediately much better if you cut the spike off the pickelhaube style helmets

>Muh 5th ed sm codex
>Muh dg/if/iw

Don't care it looks like shit
the problem with numk3 is the stupid curved plates and bellybutton skull. theres no fixing that lazy cadslop.
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nuMk III -literally- has no SOVL
It's good enougg
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You will never make a 30k army that satisfied everyone. Even if you make your whole army one mark, someone will point out it's not a mark the legion used (in such numbers) or just doesn't "feel" right. It all comes down to what you want to do and how you gonna live with that decision. Unlike in 40k, 30k armour marine armour comes as complete sets from factories and units are equipped in batches. So relatively well equipped armies would be quite uniform and equipped with latest marks. Meanwhile armies that have gone through heavy attrition and have had to do battlefield repairs to keep their units operational can have more varied quality and might even mix armour in units or on individual marines, if such capability is available to them.
It just don't look right as design, something is off, can't say what exactly. Can't say if it's something about proportions, posing or design change but it just look wrong.
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Yet people fawn over the FW helmet design, which I always found the worst aspect of it, and hate the new one, despite being far closer to the old depictions.
>The classic false comparison.
You're welcome to post your examples, rather than bitching about what others post.
Anon, I don't know if you're blind but at most one of the helmets in the artworks you posted looks anything close to nuMk III helmets.
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NTA but this one is nearly identical IMO besides missing the head spike
I know, it's just the fact that they went out of their way to write that and not much else in that section that left me bored and confused.
Having the sarum engines on mars and the book just going
>they were all created by Chrom and he disseminated them along the entire galaxy far and wide when mars was already blockaded because he just did
was weird when they had clearly been inspired by Sa'ra'am's influence on the planet but I get that they had to make up an excuse to fit them into mars in the first place. That and the automata not functioning as they have been described in the past 15ish years made me gloss over the RG story problems, it's not good but decent enough compared to the rest of the book. It has it's problems but could have been much worse.
>Missing blocks in front of the ear pieces
>Triangular bottom edged face plate instead of a slightly curved one
Nearly identical is not how I would put it.
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Maybe more suitable for /wip/ than here but should I put my basing material (slate rocks + sand) on before priming and painting the model or after priming and painting the whole model
Ah yes, instead of making some new 30k daemon engine just, like weird automata described in Bodt just put 40k daemon engines from vraks, but only ones that got discontinued in 40k.
Dark Mech is such a joke.
Before. Painted rocks look more natural than rocks.
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I was going to paint it regardless of what order I do it in, was mostly asking when I should actually add the basing stuff to the base but I suck at phrasing questions. I’ll do it before priming then, thank you anon.
Fuck you nigger belly skull is one of the better parts of the design, loyalist niggers can go use mkvi if they want to keep themselves so pure.
found the chubby chaser.
nta, but am a certified chubby chaser.
The true Chubby Chasing Chad Choice is MkV, nothing will beat those chubby cheeks. How dare you lump those of who appreciate the righteously thick with the degenerates who like NuMkIII.
Both of you are mentally ill.
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Anon we are on 4chan /tg/ we all are mentally ill.

Sigh sometimes I think TG has lost themselves along the way and this >>93975885 make me think we are going to be all right.
Nothing wrong with a thick girl. Just as long as she isn’t fat
New bread
migrate when ready
What's wrong with real fattie? She is soft and forever young. If you marry one you don't need to worry about divorce.
If by forever young you mean she will die early, yes, you're right.
I like them thicc enough to survive a bad winter in the old country, but I do not go from pp to PP when looking at tess holiday.
I would've saved that old design for the MK2
Are those the red warden conversion kits?
sorry I can't hear you down there

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