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Previous Thread: >>93902424

For: Creation and discussion of Lewd RPGs; including Solo Rpgs, Homebrews, and Greentexts about your game sessions (specify the system you are using)

>DON'T post or ask for "Looking For Group" or "Looking for Players".
>DON'T sperg about Hentai logic, Hentai Artists or NTR. Take your meds.

>What's a Solo RPG?
1: YouTube (Season 1 of Me, Myself & Die! gives a good explanation)
2: Ask in the Solo RPG General: >>93907314

3: Solo is a good way to test out systems and to avoid problems such s "Schedule Conflict" or "Playing with Weirdos"

>Solo RPG Toolkit (NPC Generator, Mythic GM Emulator, etc.)

>Official Thread's Discord

>Lewd Solo Games
Labyrinthus: https://gm-bertus.itch.io/labyrinthus
Labyrinthus Random NPC Generator: https://srr5cb2m.play.borogove.io
Lewd Attack: https://mega.nz/folder/CbhQnQyB#Xn-0F9OVyr_SHQ2s7rDhmQ
Lewd Attack, Frameworks for Maptool: https://mega.nz/folder/4ixRTS7K#nSxJQ4BuNcaZYA4slPVPcw
Powered by the Lewd: https://j5drops.itch.io/powered-by-the-lewd
Rapture World: https://mega.nz/file/PPQxVYIa#EHENwjI-gTxCvJjVTzVEeTj7Y-yl_6Ubra4RM2oZ3ck

>Other Material and Systems (IE: D&D, Pathfinder, Ventangle etc)
>The local city thief just took all of your gold
>roll a prostitution saving throw
what do you guys get?
Does anyone even run the BESM spoof BBSW anymore?
time to shuck some oysters
OP image sauce?
zoomers really are tourists
is that out yet or uploaded anywhere?
yep, the tits & nudity in it delivers too
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Looking at the updates, the base PDF went out to backers the other day.
Surprised a throwaway shitpost on a video from several months ago ended up making over 26k
Looks like Lewd RPGs really do bring in the bux
>make an even more watered down 5e system but with "reto" art
>people throw money at you
We truly are in dark times
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>We truly are in dark times
Let the darkness grow!
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Anyone play any of the Cha'alt rpgs? After picking up Machinations of the Space Princess & Alpha Blue a while back, I've been having a look at some of the other books from them.
The chick in charge is 1. XX female 2. deeply networked with her libtard ttrpg blogger friends 3. really, really good at marketing herself by astroturfing and calling favours. On top of that, the system is, at least, playable. It's a good case study of how games really succeed behind the scenes.
It shows that people are used to consume the product X which will never actually use most of the time. Fucking hell
... should I have been born sooner, for your tastes? I'll be sure to fix that next time around.

>zoomers dont recognize wakfu
based & touristpilled
Looking for some cyberpunk encounter tables.

I briefly looked at Chaalt after grabbing Alpha Blue.
I remember jotting down a lot of notes and ideas from the books but not caring much for them in general.
I have been considering an underdark campaign.

A drow city-state taken over by futanari (1/3rd of the females become futanaris) babes and their harems (the rest of the women) and the men are turned into some sort of obedient monsters after a victorious civil war.

What kind of monsters? other than undead or driders? Any ideas for something of the underdark?

Then they turn towards conquering other city-states and futanarizing them.
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>considering stopping my ironsworn starforged capaign and move on to a different setting cause the main issue is almost resolved, my dude has set up a good little community on a hidden planet, just covering tracks now and resolving conflict with evil faction
>”after all, what am I gonna do with a town tosimulate now?”
>Find ruleset for turning ironsworn into animal crossing/harvest moon
Fuck, I’m tempted to just keep going now and just take the rules for iron valley, UNFAGGOT them (easily the most unnecessarily gay shit I’ve ever read), and implement them into my lewd system. Several aspects of it are already things I’ve homebrewed.
You've come full circle from ironsworn lewd rules into harvest moon but lewd?
Is this rolling to acquire a prostitute or to convince a party member to take one (or more) for the team?
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Now that Forgotten Adventures released assets for Illithid-themed Maps i was finally able to make an appropriate blank dungeon map for the Infested Tunnels theme, which was the only one missing
you roll to see if you resist the call of selling your body for cold hard gold coin
Or, we're hunting the thief down and pimping his or her ass until we're back in the money.
that too
I think I might! The ironsworn main background vow was about finding and establishing a haven when the biggest population area was about to supernova. Everywhere else had either planet environment issues or issues with other factions causing shit. Crux of the campaign was gathering a bunch of trusty crew weirdos and using a weird artifact to find a hidden ideal worl, then keeping it hidden by infiltrating and providing false data to a big scouting and mapping group. I’m almost done and I’m not big on the space setting, but I have everything I need to just convert this into lewd harvest moon. The planet has some established mysteries to explore, I got a good cast of villagers (some are men suprisingly, though I think none will end up in realtionships. Ones old and widowed, ones uninterested, and one is too weird and insane. Gonna keep the harem plan going with everyone else.)

Either I keep going and take the tables and certain mechanics from gay stardew valley ironsworn, run it like a comfy thing with a bit of exploring until I turn it back into ADVENTURE, OR I move on to sundered isles like I was planning on doing as I like the setting more. Think I will move one but keep the notes/ journal I got for when I wanna try it.
That establishes a very different tone than the other ones, since you're literally saving against prostitution vs using prostitution to save against poverty.

That seems like its own side quest line.

I'd keep the notes for sure, just in case things get reshuffled again.
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Rolled 4 (1d20)

don't you also need to roll a fortitude or make a perception check for VD's?
how much does it cost to have the local cleric cure your Chlamydia?
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What's the best approach for encorporating into the game?
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>What kind of monsters? other than undead or driders? Any ideas for something of the underdark?
This is what you get turned into if you fail a test and aren't high enough level to become a drider.
That being said, this kind of misogynistic futashit is exactly the kind of thing lloth would slap down.
not how it works in actual dnd
the wotc fantasy rpg is its own thing
That own thing being actual D&D, sure.
3e is AD&D and oD&D is a hipster game invented by zoomers in the year 2018. You're newer than the fags playing 5e.
trying a little too hard "anon"
Corellon and those with the Blessing of Corellon are (if I read those rules cxorrectly) able to become futas
elves are canonically degenerates
drow can technically become one too, but they get sacrificed to lolth if they're ever found out
Eilistraee and Vhaeraun are probably cool with them
Look for the artist Joel Jurion.
Thank you, kind anon.
Never heard of it. Got a link for more info? If so, I'll run it solo and report results. The closest thing I've heard of on here is someone using the Tenchi Muyo RPG and adding lewd Skills to the skill system for solo games.
Halflings are honestly made by the gods at the perfect cocksucking height and onahole size
It's worth saying even before 5e added that whole "Lolth is a terf and Corellon likes big girl cocks", in Lolth's view there were only two perfect forms.
The female drow.
And the spider.
Her doing the drow head on a spider body thing was something she specifically only did when she had to, because she preferred one or the other.
That's also why Driders are a curse since they're cursed to be stuck between both forms instead of perfection.
Lol, you losers jerk each other off with tales of how your elf maiden's getting raped by orcs? Bunch of fucking wankers.
No trolling outside of /b/.
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Actually I just have loving sex with my imaginary wife. But I don't post here often either, so
Thanks, thats a pretty fun one too!
What do you enjoy about it?
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Still working on lewdsona. A lot of stuff from TVB is pretty easy to repurpose, and I'm thinking that the arcana system can be repurposed for various conditions inflicted on someone in the waking world.
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>Why are we using a horror game system for lewd gaming again?
Is anyone IRL making those anime sweaters that perfectly hug the girls jugs?
based nail
I wonder if it’s the same guy each thread or a different one
Either the same guy or someone making copypasta.
I hope so.
Post it when you're done.
Man the french, how are they so good at lewd art? Some of his stuff has the boob physics I only see in the finest of lewd shit
BD zoomzoom
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Because Puritans decided to fuck off to the new world so we could be degenerates all we wanted.
>Does anyone even run the BESM spoof BBSW anymore?
Man, that takes me back. It's gotta be what, 20 years old now? I think either that or FATAL must've been the first lewd RPGs I even encountered.
I doubt anybody ever actually played it except for the creator.
>Alissa’s Testing Run (Labyrinthus)
This runs is mostly meant to test two new spells and the new pregnancy mechanics. The new spells will be swapped from time to time to see how they work out.

<Starting Plot Line:
Tarots rolled to generate the Plot Line are the following:
>The Dragon (Reverse): Great Occasion
>The Clan (Upright): Positive Warpath
>The Sabbath (Reverse): Curse

Oracle confirms that she starts with a Curse and the first randomly generated was the Sprawling Blessing (+1 to Pregnancy Checks from Infesting Creatures), although I changed it to something else since the test should be made with no bonuses already so the Curse is re-rolled into the Flustering Curse (Character must roll Will at DV 9 or become Aroused/Horny when in proximity of her Kinks/Interests)

>Dungeon Level 1: Wizardry Dungeon. 2 Wandering Creatures, 2 Unusual Corridors

>Room 1 (Large): Hazard (Mushrooms)
>The Room presents four spots of Wyrd Mushrooms.
>Alissa successfully identifies them and decides that it could be useful to harvest them.
>She manages to harvest 10 of them.
>Wyrd Mushrooms are quite useful since they allow to regain Focus and Prowess but the downside is that they also cause Determination Loss, so they are mostly an “emergency” consumable

>Corridor to Room 2: Unusual Corridor (Eldritch Infestation)
>The Corridor presents twisted and bizarre crystalline formations, tentacle-like roots covered with eyes growing everywhere and so on.
>She fails the Will Check so for 3 Hours she will suffer a -1 to Fear and Terror Checks, Wizardry Checks and all Skill Checks which require precision.

>Door to Room 2 is Closed and Not Trapped.

>Room 2 (Medium): Empty Room (Hidden Treasure)
>Still nervous for her previous trauma, she sits for a while in this apparently empty room, but she seems to notice something that might let her try to search.
>Table of Meaning gives the result “Rally Primal” so it could be intended that although the room is empty, there are primitive paintings all over the walls and while observed they seems to showcase someone hiding a treasure somewhere.
>Due to her flaw she still tries to find the treasure although her penalty causes her to have a +0 to Perception and the DV is 9.
>She obtains 1 Success and 3 Failures.
>This means she wasted a whole hour and loses 2 prowess by trying to figure how to find the treasure.
>Frustrated she moves on.

>Door to Room 3 is Just Closed and Not Trapped

>Room 3 (Small): Curio (The Study)
>Once again, being overly confident, she tries to search for something useful.
>She’s lucky enough to find a scroll of remove curse, but that’s not enough to remove her condition.

>Door to Room 4 is Just Closed and Not Trapped

>Room 4 (Large): Curio (Laboratory) – Wandering Creature
>This large room appears to be an Alchemical Laboratory and Alissa knows that she could find some useful potion.
>Unfortunately in the room also lurks an aggressive brew slime which attacks her. This will allow her to test the spell.
>She manages to slay the creature by being only hit once, but then decides to take a break before searching for anything useful (thus ending her status from the eldritch corridor.
>The spell was useful to fight the slime since it dealt Arcane Damage, allowing to bypass its resistance to physical damage.
>She barely recovers 2 Prowess so she also decides to eat three wyrd mushroom to regain some more prowess but also losing determination.
>She searches through the places and finds what she identifies as being a “Lusting Vial”. A Little disappointed she moves on.
>Door to Room 5 is Just Closed but Trapped with a Dangerous Enchanted Trap of Summoning (DV 6).
>She casts the Detect the Arcane Trap to automatically perceive it and easily disarms it for some time.

>Room 5 (Large): Standard (Garden, Greenhouse)
>Alissa enters a large greenhouse which allows her to look for some herbs to gather.
>Apparently the place has green herbs growing that she might harvest and even if she has no knowledge for potion-making she could still try to barter or sell them later on.
>She manages to get 4 Green Herbs.

>Door to Room 6 is Jammed but not Trapped.
>She fails the first attempt to bash the door but the second attempt is more successful

>Room 6 (Small): Curio (The Chess Table)
>In this room someone was apparently playing a game of chess but left it halfway through.
>Alissa mischievously moves one piece but she notices that action causes one of the opponent’s pieces to move.
>So she sits down and tries to finish the game against an invisible player
> She makes an almost perfect victory with 3 successes and 1 failure so she obtains a randomly generated Blessing since she has no active Curses that can be removed in the same way of using a Scroll (her curse requires a ritual) and obtains the Trekker Blessing (something added in the next update) which allows her to recover more prowess when taking a break once per rest.
>She laughs at her obvious superior tactics and moves to the next room.

>Door to Room 7 is Just Closed and Not Trapped
She sounds like a dumb klutz but she beat invisi-kun so I’ll give her that.
Flustering Curse is great, but almost immediately after getting it my character found a shrine of purification :(
As i always say: the dice giveth, the dice taketh.
What's funny is so far i got the scroll and an automatic curse removal but the one she has requires a ritual
>Room 7 (Small): Hazard (Slime Pools) – Wandering Creature
>The small room presents a hole in one side of the room where a strange and green ooze pours into what seems a sort of pool made of solidified organic matter.
>A Kikimora is sitting next to the pool, splashing it with one of her long fingers while humming some sort of song.
>Apparently the Creature seems just being chilling lazily and doesn’t appear either injured nor “captive” as it could normally occur.
>The Kikimora is also distracted when Alissa enters but the mage simply decides to clear her throat to let her presence be noticed.
>The kikimora lazily turns her head towards the human and welcomes her with what could described as a smile.
>Her reaction is Neutral but Aroused and she seems to decide to inquire about who she might be and just to chat a little.
>Alissa decides to humor the creature for some minutes since she might know something useful but suddenly the slimerling (futa) hiding in the pool emerges with an aggressive (capture) behavior.
>Since the creature/wandering creature result was that the Kikimora is friendly towards the Slimerling, she was probably plying with the creature which then got mad because Alissa interrupted the game.
>Unexpected outcome gives the Negative but Recoil result and apparently the Kikimora is more willingly to side with the Slimerling than Alissa.
>Asking more to the oracle the Kikimora seems willingly to try to calm down the Creature and she seems to succeed (Unlikely Chance at 5+, she roll a 6).
>Table of meaning for how she manages to do so gives “Hire Sex” as answer.
>Apparently the kikimora tells that if Alissa consents to have some sexy time with the slimerling she will calm down.
>Neither the Creature or the Kikimora try to convince or seduce Alissa which has to decide to her own.
>Random Likeliness Chance is 3+ and she rolls a 5, so she simply shrugs and decides that maybe is better to de-eascalate things peacefully rather than trying her luck against both, especially in such a small room.
>Alissa is rather neutral to the whole thing but the fact that the creature although looking female can grow a penis might be enough to convince her to try.
>Since Voyeurism is a taboo for her she tells the kikimora to walk off the room, which agrees while giggling.
>The experience is not bad overall: the Slimerling rolled the Ars Amatoris Test of Skills and obtained 3 Successes and only 1 Failure which results in a good experience for both.
>Still the Creature counts as an Infesting Creature (without Alissa knowing) but she rolls a 4 for the Pregnancy Check so no other consequences occurs.
>Notice that old rules was 1d10+Endurance (so +2) but now you only get bonuses from different sources and even so she would have rolled a 6 while needing a 9 since not all infesting creatures have lower DV for their check).
>Alissa decides to Take her second break in here, while chatting with the Kikimora.
>The Slimerling seems rather satisfied so she doesn’t try to copulate with the mage again (4+ Chance, rolled a 1).
>The Kikimora doesn’t seem to have much information which Alissa could use, mostly in regards of a place where she could get rid of her curse.
>Because of that she simply decides to bid farewell to the treasure huntress and moves on.
I’m looking for a doujin that had a list of status ailments, including sleep, petrification, and lust tattoos, anyone have an idea of what I’m looking for? Needed to draw inspiration for game mechanics.
Try looking up an artist called "dankestofdans". He draws a lot of stuff with status type rpg elements listed.
>he kind of thing lloth
they abandon Lolth and worship a colossal erect cock and balls
>lloth would slap down.
they decided that males are weak and useless and that lolth has deceived them and taken advantage of their race. They decide to renew the dark elf race with big cocks and balls. And lots of fucking.

This causes the birth of new dark elf deity of Lust that devours all dark elf deities in a dark elf godswar* that takes place in the outer planes and in the underdark, with the conquest of all dark elf city states by the nymphomaniac futanari babes.

*could become a fun outer planes adventure, with the godswar as the framing device

The new deity is not exatly one deity, it has a futanari and a female persona or part so its two deities in sort of one. Representing the futanari drow females and the drow females.

So they kill all the dark elf deities, and the fucking like there is no tomorrow begins.
the monster must be some sort of construct made out ot the males. They are to be used against mind flayers.
>g lloth would slap down.
This effects the entire drow race. Drow on the surface start getting burnt by the sun and die, they become blind from sunlight and cannot produce offspring, almost all die a decade at most after this begins. This eradicates 99% of the dark elves in the surface except for the 1% that returns to the underdark, with their fates there being uncertain.
>surface elven hands typed this post
what happens to half-breeds?
i thought about it as they can be pretty sexy so they would be unaffected, have not worked out many details yet, and they provide the link between underdark and the surface.
eventually we have half-drow on the surface and futanari female and female drow in the underdark. And vast wars in the planes and the underdark.

and lots more fucking then before.
>>surface elven hands typed this post
>what happens to half-breeds?
of course they still kidnap hot babes from the surface or buy them from half-drow slavers as their position is now elevated
underdark is where all the slimes are

crawling buggy things

orcs goblins ect


forgotten beasts

cave man and forgotten cave man gods
One exploded alchemy lab notwithstanding the journey was largely uneventful, but hilarity ensued as Galairian and Lucie finally reached the hideout of the cult their epic quest had them hunt.
>Just about every encounter on the way there is enemies of some kind.
>Wanting to preserve their strength for confronting the cult, they sneak past all of them.
>Elf mage being a better sneaker than the thief is funny.
>Finally, they locate the cult within the ruins.
>Make the rolls for how many there are.
>1, 1, 1.
>One Cultist-Mage doing the actual ritual of sacrifice, with two fellas.
>This epic cult that has terrorized the nearby towns is literally three guys in a shed.
>Have a remarkably anti-climactic fight against them.
>Succeeding on 3+ doesn't help them much against Galairian's mastery of magic (15 dice also succeeding on 3+).
>Lucie got another wardrobe malfunction from the remaining cultists' counterattack.

One sniped mage and two stabbed cultists later, the trip back has begun. I ended at a pond that the two decided to take a bath in. Unfortunately no peeping toms, Galairian has a history of letting guys play with her tits if caught bathing outdoors.
>Door to Room 8 is Just Closed but Trapped with a Rudimentary Mechanical Trap (DV 9) which will throw bolas at her if triggered.
>She fails to detect the trap so she simply opens the door and the trap is sprung but she’s fast enough to make a small jump to avoid her legs being restrained (notice this is a new trap which will be present in the next update).

>Room 8 (Medium): Curio (Cauldron)
>The room is rather simple, similar to what could be expected from a living room of a farmer’s house or a simple tavern.
>Although there is no other furniture, a fireplace located on one of the walls has a cauldron bubbling quietly.
>Since Alissa hasn’t properly eaten for a while, oracle confirms that she’s a little hungry so she decides to taste what’s brewing from the cauldron.
>First swoop is rather average so she keeps eating, but the second tastes better for some reason (allowing her to recover 1 Prowess).
>The third seems lacking salt but the last swoop tastes weird which makes her stop.
>Eating from the cauldron causes her to noticeably increase her Corruption (and lose determination) to the point she obtains a new quirk which causes her to be always interested into poking or playing with “strange fluids” from spawn pools, slime pools and similar.
>After her hunger has been satiated, without realizing what the cauldron caused to her, she walks towards the next room.

>Door to Room 9 is Just Closed and Not Trapped
>Room 9 (Medium): Standard (The Statue)
>There is a statue of a handsome-looking man, sitting on a stump, in this rather empty room.
>The man is wearing a simple toga which is barely covering his crotch, while torso and muscles are in plain sight.
>The statue speaks with a calm but imperious voice which tells Alissa to get closer because he has a favor to ask, for an adequate reward.
>The statue tells the Mage that she will be gifted with four arcane tattoos and if she manages to remove them she will learn something useful from it.
>Without allowing her to reply, she immediately receives 3 Lupercal Curses and a Regular Curse, while the statue laughs politely.
>The man explains that one can be removed with regular means but the other three can only be passed to others through “intimate encounters with different partners” and after that the statue becomes silent again.
>Alissa obtains the Following Lupercal Curses: Eagerness, Sensitivity and Submission.
>The regular Curse is Distraction but she immediately uses her Scroll to remove it.
>While thinking what to do, she reminds that at least the slimerling she encountered could be useful to get rid of one of the curses (removing requires penetration and the Kikimora is just a female, so she’s out of equation).
>Since she also recently obtained a quirk related to slimy fluids, she is more keen to visit the slimerling again (4+ chance, rolled a 6).
>She backtracks to the small room (7) and she notices that only the Slimerling is present while the kikimora is gone.
>This makes things easier for her which immediately tries to attract the attention of the creature which is apparently slumbering again inside her pool.
>Her initial attempt by just splashing the fluids seems to have not much effect although she notices something stirring beneath (GM oracle: Vague No).
>She puffs, frustrated and then decides to remove her clothes and enter directly in the pool, so that might be enough to cause the creature to emerge (GM oracle: Vague No).
>Once again the creature seems to avoid her attentions although is clearly aware of her presence.
>She sits for a moment on the edge of the pool then decides that assuming a more alluring pose could convince the creature to appear (GM oracle: Decisive Yes).
>Finally the slime emerges with obvious intentions and Alissa lets the creature do her thing while grinning, since she has clearly outsmarted a creature that is probably too stupid to even comprehend what will happen to her.
>Once again the whole experience is enjoyable, even if Alissa loses 2 extra prowess from the Sensitive Curse, which is then the actual curse that gets randomly removed, leaving her with the Eagerness and Submission Curse.
>Once again no pregnancy even by receiving the +1 for multiple intercourse within 6 hours.
>Growing tired she quickly cleans herself and leaves the pool while the slimerling returns to her slumber.
>Alissa is in dire need for a place to rest soon since she can no longer take a break but since the creature seems to only care if someone either disturbs her while in the pool she decides to rest here, especially considering the floor is soft enough to allow to lay down and sleep for some time.
>Her sleep is not disturbed by any wandering creature and even the slimerling seems to be resting too.
>When she wakes up she quickly moves away from the room.
Games/Modules/Systems where you can play as a cheerleader?
GURPS, Fate, Champions, BESM, Maid, and Tri-Stat.
Cities Without Number. Become the cyberpunk pop idol cheerleader.

Unrelated, but I'm surprised more people don't play Godbound, especially given it's basically divine hero Scarlet Heroes. You'd think the idea of playing a Godbound of Passion/Desire/Fertility/whatever would be right up the alley here.
I had considered Godbound myself, but I feel like it's a bit too abstract to lend itself well to solo play. That and Scarlet Heroes has built-in oracle and solo adventure resolution rules so it doesn't require much of an external oracle.
I've been doing it in the format of "hour by hour" action play, and it's been working out pretty well. You just need to have solid goals for your godbound or it gets boring; as long as he's driven to do something you can essentially just randomly gen obstacles.
A lot of bondage, but not what I’m looking for. Thanks anyway.
Any good systems for Muv Luv (that aren't GURPS)?
All Flesh Must Be Eaten
Seconding this. But with Muvluv Alternative.
Games with mecha elements with be nice.
Silhouette, Jovian Chronicles, Heavy Gear, Cthulhutech, Camelot Trigger, 4e D&D
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yeh, cthulhutechs got some great material
> decided to fuck off
Anon... St. Bartholomew's day... you dragged them out of their homes and slaughtered them. The Huegenots in the new world were literal refugees.
Oh yea. Thanks for reminding me of this.
Labyrinthus, the overworld reference sheet has 12 terrains but the adventure compendium has 24?
Check the other part of the books, and read the errata
Errata, where's that?
Labyrinthus, what do you guys think order of events should be?

>6 PR, defeated at 5PR
>Cast a combat spell for 1 PR - defeated before spell finishes or after?
>Roll a 1 on Wizardry, but have Human trick of trade to spend 1 PR to reroll to a hit - so PR is now 4, will spell hit enemy or is character defeated before spell can be cast?
The example in the book lays it out quite clearly.
You should reread that part from it.
Ah page 63, defeated by casting a spell so need to do another Wizardry check, cheers
*beep boop*
Because that reference sheet is linked to the second overworld map and the type of environments present. Even the other overworld map has its own reference sheet based on those environments present which are not the same

Correct. the Wizardry check is something you do as last effort to cast the spell which can also defeat your opponent. Regarding the Tricks of the Trade perhaps i should specify that once defeated you can't spend prowess to obtain re-rolls and such since you are too tired
Do you happen to have the second reference sheet?

>Regarding the Tricks of the Trade perhaps i should specify that once defeated you can't spend prowess to obtain re-rolls and such since you are too tired

Oops. well I've played too far now so I won't go back, but I'll keep that in mind now
The handle 'jjfrenchie' is also used by the same guy.
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Amazing, thank you!
Eldritch Pillar turned my friggin character and her friend GAY
any other creature to recommend? not an arachnid.
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Carrion crawlers for paralysis or ropers for tentacle bondage.
no, i meant a creature that the male drow are turned into by the futanari drow overlord babes. They are meant to be anti-psionic soldiers.
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Systems where you play in a highschool setting?
Also, what's a good way to give a specific NPC more authonomy? I want to play kind of a stalking/voyeur game.
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Kids on Bikes is also a solid choice; just pick a trope to play and it gives you stats.
that's not how saving throws work unless there's someone actually mind controlling you to become a whore
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To be more precise (you) made them GAY, since the pillar allows the player to decide if multiple creature affected will have sex with each other or not
Panty Explosion, and I guess give the NPC a schedule? That'll be fairly strict since they're in highschool.
Shame that many of his women have fish-mouth.
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I've never heard about Tri-Stat

Cyberpunk Pop Idol? Oh wow

Porras to smash the undead? Muy basado
That game was pretty horny. iirc, the old west supplement had every other character be some sort of literal whore or whoremonger.
That's actually fairly historically accurate.
N-no you see, uh the Oracle said that the Oracle, I would never make girls kiss girls
>Anon's Character and her friend, sitting under a [Eldritch Pillar] K-I-S-S-I-N-G!
>First comes Love
I’m thinking of how to do it. If you want to do encounters in an environment, what I’d do is make a list of characters and places and use some kinda dice to decide who goes where. I ended up doing that in a game where I had a crew on a spaceship. I meet (rollD12) this tomboy girl in (rollD10) the cargo area, then I’d make up a reason they’d be there. After that, I’d do some kinda infuence roll to try and improve my relationship with them. I’d have limited time slots so I’d do 4 of these interactions per day.
If you are looking to voyeur, maybe you could do the same thing but with multiple character rolls when you go to a new area or a new time slot begins, and then chart their relationships somehow, and roll to see if the relationship is deteriorating, growing, or staying the same. Then you can roll sneak shit to remain undetected while you raid the panty locker/get lewd photos or what not.
I love the shit out of AA2 and am interested in somehow making it into a solorpg so let us know if you get any bright ideas, I’ll do the same. I always wanted to make a stealth “lewd photo club” game
Does anyone know rules for social encounters?
It only now occurs to me that bx is a good enough system for dungeon crawls/wilderness adventure. But not much else.
Just leave them as they are, but make them resistant to psionics through whatever means.
anyone looking for a femboy, futa or bimbo for a long term game? I want to make more friends
>At Room 9 there are two different corridors, one which goes towards Room 10 and the other to Room 11.
>Door for room 10 is Locked and Trapped and since Alissa can’t Lockpick she simply backtrack and goes to room 11 which has a secondary corridor that could also led to room 10 from a different direction, thus avoiding trap and lock.
>Door to Room 11 is Just Closed and Not Trapped
>Room 11 (Medium): Standard (Suspicious Room)
>There is something that seems odd in this room but Alissa seems to be unable to find it, which is actually for the best since the room contains a hidden lever who would have jammed 1d3 doors.
>She decides to reach Room 10 by the secondary Corridor.
>Secondary Door to Room 10 is Jammed but Not Trapped
>Since apparently something is trying to prevent her to enter, she is now determined to find a way in, wondering if there will be a treasure or knowledge she might use.
>Luckily for her, even with a very faint frame such hers (Body 1 Endurance 2) she manages to un-jam the door by kicking it.

>Room 10 (Large): Curio (The Portal)
>Alissa smiles with glee after entering the large room and gazing upon what appears to be a portal.
>She decides to examine the portal, trying to figure out the meaning of all the runes carved over it, and wondering if she should activate it.
>She spends some time using her personal spellbook as reference.
>She succeeds (DV 9, rolled a 10) and manages to conclude that the portal will lead her to a “different place” (Exit).
>Since she has no idea that the actual Dungeon exit is close, she is undecided, because activating the portal requires a certain amount of magical energy, and she doesn’t really have much to waste (currently she has 6 out of 7 Focus.
>She decides that perhaps is better to take a break and think about the dilemma with more attention since being reckless often causes only bad things to happen. >An hour passes and Alissa is undisturbed (extra wandering Creature Chance 5+, rolled a 1).
>Since she’s unconvinced to activate the portal, the Chance is 5+ and a 2 is rolled.
>She then decides to let the portal be and keep exploring and if things go bad she can still run back and activate the portal to escape.
>She then leaves the room and moves towards room 12.
>Door to Room 12 is Just Closed and Not Trapped
>Room 12 (Medium, Exit): Hazard (Slime Pools)
>The smell of this room is similar to the one where the slimerling slumbers but there is clearly something off.
>Larger pools of the same strange substance are present in this place but luckily for her, the whole room seems empty.
>The scent is so intense that the sensation of her intercourses with the slimerling are immediately called back with such surprisingly vivid details that she hesitates for some time, indulging into such pleasant memories (Will Check failed by rolling a 1, causing her to become Aroused and gain Corruption).
>After the moment passes she takes some time to better observe and take not of the whole room in her spellbook, noticing the natural formation of arcane crystals but also the presence of roots which could be harvested.
>She manages to gather 4 purple herbs and since there isn’t anything else of interest, after absently splashing some of the fluids from one of the pools with a hand, she decides to move through the exit.

>She gains a total of +3 XP for defeating the lurking slime, winning at the chess game and managing to de-escalate the situation with the Kikimora and Slimerling. The points are used to acquire the Resilient Feat, which increases her total prowess from 20 to 24.

Not much fighting at all, but so far the new spell seems rather balanced. More testing is stil lrequired but i wil lprobably add it in the next update
Nice one looking forward to it
There's the NPC and Creature Interaction portion of Labyrinthus adventure compendium, but anyone got something good to roll for conversations/interactions between your character and an NPC?
Use the Table of Meanings to start a conversation.
>"Preach Unholy"
Oh boy
How'd the game for from what you played?
Any issues with task resolution or kludge?
So I've got a few basic twists to the system that I'm working on.

>Increasing your bond with The Shadow Arcana gives your shadow increasingly high influence over how you behave day to day. It goes without saying that most shadows are lewder than their counterparts, (i.e. Rise's shadow being a literal stripper due to her repressed exhibitionism)
>Influences analogous to apathy syndrome/mental shutdowns in P3/P5, there are potentially a lot of these. I might limit some of them since they are functionally analogous to character death. I might also fold them into stealing a target's desires.
>Influences based on the Weird Relationships rules from Weird Kids in expanded MaoCT which is what TVB draws from. This works by burning a level in a normal relationship and getting a level in a Weird Relationship. This is basically analogous to various forms of lewd corruption.
>Lewd shadow negotiations and outcomes to fights with shadows
>Stealing the target's Heart/Desires, resulting in a change in behavior. Generally lewd. Probably going to end up linked to Weird Relationships.
>Gameplay examples where all of this is strung together to make coherent lewd antagonists, setting elements, or even protagonists.

Basically everywhere I can save room by repurposing an existing rule I'm going to.
>burn relationship to get WEIRD relationship
Now THAT’S a good idea I might steal one day.

But yeah rest sounds solid to. Keep us posted with how it turns out!
Great idea!

>Belittle People

Oh no it's highschool all over again
Mother or daughter or both and if you choose both there's a 25% chance it's YOU with the Your Daughter with your vampire wife the two of you invited into bed.
Make it 100% chance it's my daughter and I'm in
Well, finally decided to put Paladin's and Cleric's campaign on hold: Between juggling more solos, GMing and some problems with wilderness exploration, and having collected enough treasure to last for a bit, our heroes will go back to base and rest till I decide what comes next. Clericwife pregnancy will probably become visible soon so there's also that.

On the other hand, the Darkmaster campaign is all I expected and will be my focus for now . Mythic 2e fits the whole ordeal too well: Our chosen one started his normal peasant boy day with dark omens and dreams, then went on and met a mysterious witch in the forest while fooling around the area (good mentor witch), and that same night he's almost seduced by evil witch (good mentor witch daughter) while in a magical trance. New characters are being added in the most dramatic, archetypical way possible and it's very funny because it's really building up for the villain reveal and the obligatory destruction of starting village. Even his father the blacksmith went missing last session, only clue left behind is a dark banner with a serpent on it.

QUESTION: How your worlds/campaigns look like? Aesthetically I mean. Mine are a mixture between Clyde Cadwell and Larry Elmore stuff, because I love old D&D sourcebooks.

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