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But It Often Rhymes Edition.

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>Thread Question
What do you think the latest generations of the supernatural look like, and how do they act?
To answer the thread question: Probably retarded, like everyone thought about the younger generation after ones own boomerification. Depending on kf we accept V5 status quo they are either excused for being able to run tech-wise cycles around the elders and are thus usefull or a liability because they can’t put down the phone if the second inquisition is happening.
For werewolfs, I believe they might think stop oil etc is a bit fruity and semi corpo sponsored but the desire is the right one behind it. Just hope they don’t spraypaint the wrong standing stones. Not as cool as the eco terrorists lof yore.
I do enjoy the idea of autistic daughter of gaia Greta Thunberg releaaing her rage in productive ways
>intended to set up an nWoD Mortals game
>get talked in to letting one of my players play as a vampire
Am I a retard?
I imagine he grows in size, gains an innate urge to bring down aerial vehicles, and becomes hostile to Camazotz if any were alive.
Supreme Gentleman Matthew looks 10 years older without hair. wtf. Guess Pentex money and high dots in Dementation can't help with that. lol
To be fair, watchers are the best version of salubri. The weakness fits every salubri group (from obsession to golconda, chivalry, revenge, etc) and the powers are weird without being overpowered.
nothing, changelings like mummies, fallen and risen are immune to bane possession because they are already possesed
Does anyone have a run down of this? I'm happy to break down the blog posts but don't really want to sit through an hour of chat.
you can just read the kickstarter this is advertising
>the nosferatu fucked up
>Lasombra has a poorly hidden vore fetish
Many such cases
Did you had a stroke and wrote Nosferatu instead of Tremere?
Schrecknet is nosferat's responsability.
>being able to run tech-wise cycles around the elders
Not gonna lie, I like how Requiem 2nd deals with the whole 'learning technology' thing for old vampires.
If you're still floating around, what makes you prefer 1e? There are bits of 2e I'm not a fan of, but in general I greatly prefer it. Just curious.
The writing and quality appeals more to me. Not only that but the art is awful in the new books.
First edition books are something that I still like to read once in a while for ideas. The few 2nd editions books that I saw are awfull
Ah, yeah I can understand that. Requiem kind of found its footing in its supplements and the 2e ones are real hit or miss by comparison.
Samedi infestations everywhere and Baba Yaga is back so people can fight Russians without naming current political figures.
>Samedi infestations
honestly I don't think it makes sense that Lucifer would be the most powerful demon when Mammon basically controls the entire planet at this point
lucifer isn't the most powerful belial and co are said the rival if not exceed him

mammon was like the rest of his kinda also asleep till 1999 so while he like dagon presumably really likes the modern world he doesn't control jack shit because as far as dtf is concerned as even the strongest earthbounds only managed to create small cults as of 2003 after which you know... the world ends
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Well at least I know now
What should I do now? Do I roll back my decision or should I go with the flow?
Abort, abort.
Tell him to get s psychic vampire or something.
iirc isn't Mammon also Earthbound and one of the oldest of them at that
they all pretty old most of them are older than time and all, but the slayers are older than humanity, but they all been asleep between the end of the dark ages and 1999 because faith receded from the world from the work and christianity hunted down their cults

the entire dtf splat was basicly not around for the last 500-600 years and then they came back for only 4 years so they don't have entrenched powerbases like vampire or mages have as even the most ancient and powerful earthbound just woke up somewhere, if he is lucky in some descendants of a cultists house, if he is unlucky then he might have woken up in a antique shop and if they are Azrael then they wake up underground in the middle of the desert with zero faith points and need to wait for someone to come across them by happenstance. Then they have to get used to modern time as good as a demon without any mortal senses and humanity in his mindset can, then they have to rebuild their cults from scratch and only then can they even start being antagonists

and mind you they have 4 years for all of that, faith while powerful enough to wake them up is still not as strong as it was in the dark ages and they have alot more competition now from both the fallen who outnumber them and the other splats (minus woofs) who are all more interested in mortals than they used to be in the dark ages

I'm curious which clans people think the most of a rework, and how you'd do them.

I think the Assamites need to drop the Muslim vampire thing beyond that being the turf where they get a lot of members, and lean more into cannibal vampire cult. Three clans in a trenchcoat should be less about actual sub-types, more about political disagreements within the clan. The interesting twist for the clan is many think other vampires are inferior, or just food for their religious quest, but that they actually treat humans better, making for interesting villains or characters.

Setites I think need to just be redone from the ground up. I think they'd work better as the vampires of African origin. Vibes of "She". They're not just randomly assholes, but rather had to turn to seduction and intrigue to survive.

Those were always the two that stood out to me as feeling halfbaked.

I thought that was the tentacle rape fetish?
lasombra also have combination discipline where they go into people and use them as people puppets so they have, mind control, tentacle hentai, vore and skinsuit covered

i'd say the assemites need to be rebuild from the ground up because as they are right now they're more a small independent faction like the inconnu or the true black hand more so then a clan

the settites aren't that bad off. rework sure but not rebuild from the ground up
Why are sabbat clans so fucking horny?
I agree almost entirely with your thoughts on the Assamites, with my only disagreement being treating humans better. At best that should be something like the Ventrue's noblesse oblige, a thin veneer that fades away the moment it's inconvenient. I already run the Assamites a lot more like a small fringe clan more focused on killing, cannibalism, and general esoteric ends than a region-specific pseudo-sect that actively makes the Middle East more boring. I do keep the idea of them doing "contract work" though, because that's the exact kind of vampire loophole shit I like.

On the Setites though, I don't think they need that drastic of a rework. Maybe it's because I like Conan too much, that or Lair of the White Worm, but I don't have an issue with evil fucker snake cultists. I don't mind clans where the culture is rotten to the core, see Lasombra or Giovanni. If anything, it can make for very good stories when you have a character who wants to play a decent person who has been dragged into their fucked up clan and must either find a way out or have their humanity washed away.
There's a pretty notable trend between the bad(er) guys in WoD being kinkier than the expected player characters.

The Camarilla engages in fairly pedestrian perversion, and (usually) has the good taste to do so behind closed doors, occasional ghoul or blood doll in bondage at elysium aside. The Sabbat on the other hand engages in tentacle rape, bestiality, TF, and even pedophilia (source: montreal by night).

Werewolves are pretty perverse themselves, but it's the Black Spiral Dancers who have their signature character running around dressed like a Dominatrix. Or just open up Freak Legion. It isn't always true, but much more often than not, the more weird sex shit a faction engages in, the more likely they are to be the default bad guys.
>Werewolves are pretty perverse themselves
Not intentionally, that's just by design.

I do really like the concept of the Setites too. But I still think the execution is a little wonky. They tread too closely on the Assamite schtick of a religious clan.

And I understand that the Setite faith is supposed to be contradictory... but I think they took that a step to far to the point where its gobbledegook. Which it could be, but it would be helpful to understand what the doctrines are for playing NPCs or PCs alike. Right now they boil down to "Oh no the vampire gave me some marijuana I'm going INSAAAAAANE HELP ME TYPHON."

I think what I'm getting at for Assamites and Setites is that most of the other Clans are able to work just fine without hitching their wagon to a single stereotype, and they need to work better at that. Admittedly, Setites do kinda have some fumbling steps in that direction with the adaptability of their cult.
I had a game where a player in full detail described how her shadow swallowed a person whole
It was basically that Men in black starting scene with belly and everything
Haven't had this happen with anyone else
In a sense, I think the assamites should be scraped as a clan and just turned into a islamic sect, just like some of the independent clans should just be bloodlines.
Any faction antagonistic to the concept of inhibition is going to veer into these by definition. It's how cults degenerate.

Stopping to go "Wait, should we not be doing this?" is an invitation to be reduced to broken meat and bone under the bus.
A full on sect that's just "x religion but vampire" is extremely boring. The Sabbat manages to have twisted versions of christianity, Lilith worshippers, full bore infernalists, and more all within their twisted umbrella.
I'm usually very anti-crossover, so I'm not proposing this as an actually viable solution, but I do find that the Setites make a lot more sense if you view them as essentially a Wyrm Cult where most don't realize they're a Wyrm Cult.
Are Tremere allowed to teach their ghouls anything, or do you have to be a full made member to learn any Thaumaturgy?
don't get me wrong, they're wonky as fuck and definitely need a rework but not a "from the ground up" rework. however. as far as the religious vampire clan goes having redundancies between clans isn't a bad thing so long as it's used to highlight the diffrences between said clans (the nomadic natures of the gangrel and ravnos are a good example of this) which is the case for the religious aspect of the assemites and settites specifically with how the assemites will kill the non-believers while the setites are looking to convert the non-believers.
but what i particularrly took issue is that the religious aspect is way more important to the settites then it is to the assemites so it's weird that you would remove it from the setites and not the assemites

What discipline even is that. Also I thought the shadows sucked blood.
tremere ghouls are by rules allowed to take several paths, but given that they are ghouls most of them will be limited to 1 dot rituals and path powers

The Gangrel vs. Ravnos, or Ventrue vs. Lasombra work because while there's overlap, the point is to have them be opposed.

i.e. the Gangrel's beast is the most bestial, while the Ravnos's beast is closest to a reason human, if an asshole human. Ventrue and Lasombra both crave power, but in a very different way and from different sources.

Strangely enough, maybe whats best for the Assamites and Setites is to focus more on their rivalry and duality as religious clans, approaching it in very different ways. That would be a fun way to develop both of the clans better as well.
> The Gangrel vs. Ravnos, or Ventrue vs. Lasombra work because while there's overlap, the point is to have them be opposed.
that's what i said with different wording
>any potential ghoul to be considered, he needs to have a curious and open mind as opposed to being skeptical or claim to have definitive knowledge of the supernatural. For many Warlocks, the value of their ghouls goes beyond the opportunity to train them in esoteric arts. Tremere domitors tend to seek clinicallyminded candidates who work in hospitals, blood banks, and clinics, or those who have easy access to victims or stores of blood.

>Though life as a Tremere ghoul may seem ideal, they operate under a heavy set of restrictions. First, Tremere ghouls are not given permission to increase their use of Disciplines without the guidance of their domitor, nor are they allowed to study Thaumaturgy. Second, they are not allowed to move or travel freely, and are required to check in more frequently than other ghouls. Thus, most Tremere ghouls never have the opportunity to disappoint their masters, and those who don’t are either sent to live with the Ducheski, or allowed to age naturally before their release
-both from v20 ghouls and revenants

i assume "lFor many Warlocks, the value of their ghouls goes beyond the opportunity to train them in esoteric arts." and "tremere ghouls are not given permission to increase their use of Disciplines without the guidance of their domitor, nor are they allowed to study Thaumaturgy." means that they could be thought the very basics of thaumaturgy, the rules certainly support that*, but aren't allowed to learn anything beside what they have been thought by their masters in person, but i could see another st interpreting this differently

>*New Path (Necromancy or Thaumaturgy) 20 exp (Clan ghouls only)
-v20 corebook pg 499
because being a degenerate reflects poorly on your character.
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>Vampire gets a tattoo
>A few decades later it makes them look doofy/autistic/unfashionable
>Several centuries later it becomes downright baffling

How many of you have violated the masquerade because of period tattoos?
What are the universal ways becoming a vampire changes you? I have a player who dosent act like a vamp at all, just a dude who happens to need to drink blood and cant go out in the day. I know for a fact this is incorrect because of the way every canon vampire thinks and behaves but I cant grasp it or put it to words. How do you RP the vampiric mind properly? and in a way that an autist can grasp.
tattoo doesn't stick unless if was acquired pre-Embrace
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Its over for me
What extra disciplines would fit well on an elder nosferatu that used to be a corsair
There's a ritual for that.
IIRC a level 1 ritual.
There was *a* Sabbat Epstein-American in Montreal, it's not a Sabbat thing
But is there a ritual to gain a tattoo/modify yourself post-embrace? Outside of visitude?
Honest to god don't remember
All that is rooted in my mind is everyone else being uncomfortable as a 200-pound goth Hispanic woman did a sultry voice while doing her vore roleplay
>But is there a ritual to gain a tattoo/modify yourself post-embrace?
Yes, it's a cheap level 1 ritual any Tremere neonate can buy. The one to remove those was a level 2 ritual so there is a chance the local chantry doesn't provide it without like a month of waiting/notice or city hopping.
>What are the universal ways becoming a vampire changes you?
You become a very autistic asshole stuck in your ways. The problem is that most PCs don't lean into that angle because it feels like a massive waste of time to describe the little details.
Celerity because combat and Protean because the sea is stupidly dark, almost anything else would need some more details.
Getting into vampire, I still don't fully get the sect dynamic. Anarchs try to be live and let live don't tell me what to do types I understand that. And the camarilla is something like the older generations of vampires influencing the world from the shadows and trying to guide the younger generations to protect the masquerade (but mostly themselves)? But I don't get the sabbat,
Ok let me cut through the bullshit and mystique. The Anarchs are, in practical terms, any small time vampire organizations that don't fall in line 100% with the Cam/European Mafia Union but are still tolerated by them. The Camarilla are just an oligarchy of old western European vampires who just want to keep themselves in power and pretend that they are good people for doing so.
The Sabbat are just the vampire equivalent of South American Cartels, Balkan mafias and pretty much whomever the writers were afraid off at the time with more weird esoteric powers and mind sets. They are the ones who get 90 of the weird fetish shit because they couldn't find a way to fit those into the Cam because it would look fucking weird to Retcon that into the new vanilla faction.
The Sabbat is for the people who want to be the monster. You'll understand it when you play the tabletop. There's a certain kind of player than just wants to terrorize mortals with their super cool vampire powers.
I think the sabbat are pretty easy to understand. You become a vampire one night and now you’re super strong, have subtle mind control powers, and can sometimes do magic. That kind of power would easily to go people’s heads and they’d want to assert their power over people.
On the Setite/Assamite debate, I actually very much like the Ministry change, though I think it needs another iteration.
I'm probably in the minority, I really like the "elders talking through the blood" aspect they developed for V5 and think the clan needs something in the systems to make it work - you can loosen the clan organisation/formal cohesion if you make the pressure to make the clan behave the way it does come from inward rather than outward (the clan bane doesn't really cut it). Doesn't have to be MMM-level, but I do think something would go a long way.

Not tattoos, but clothes/haircut gave me the funny experience of staying the very same for more than 30 years, coming from in-fashion to out-fashionned to in-fashion again.
It's very weird seeing the same type of dumb fucks going from openly mocking me to stopping in the streets to say I have a great haircut/sense of fashion while nothing about me has changed. Fashion is such a fool's game.

That said, mlore to your point, in current period with the weird fetishistic, materialist nostalgia for things not lived, I think you can get away with practically anything tattoo-wise (I mean, I imagine a SS tattoo is going to get things weird real fast, but there's not much material that raises that kind of issues). People might find it weird, but you can definitely get away with it.

One decent shorthand way to look at the Sabbat is: transhumanist vampire supremacists.
They think themselves in the process of becoming superior to humanity through the changes of the blood.
Another important aspect of the Sabbat: the sect was founded by younger vampires rebelling against the yoke of Elders, is supposed to be about the war against elders interests that the Camarilla represents, but is now itself so old as a sect that a lot of vampires that de facto rule it are older than most Camarilla vampires - indeed of some ruling Camarilla vampires, and older than some of the vampires they originally rebelled against.
So another way to look at the Sabbat is as a failed revolution that, in the name of what it was trying to achieve has become a dark reflection of the things it still pretends to fight against.
The idea of Transhuman Sabbat makes me think of a sort of Alien-Hunger/1E style of weird vampire science.

Some vamp decides they must not just become more than human but literally transcend the corpse they inhabit. So they do some sort of weird rite/meditation/blood drug combo to literally inhabit the vitae which pulls itself from the body.
The downside is without the mind of the body, it’s just the Beast, a predatory hunger occupying a slithering mass of semi-solid blood.
Eventually it becomes a sort of screaming gestalt when it occupies a fresh body and multiple personalities fight each other.
Or the mind is retained and it forms a new body from the vitae. A kind of super-vampire that can fully mimic a person but requires so much more blood to sustain itself. The hunter’s hunter.
Which makes me think, while I personally like the V5 change of the Vaulderie basically slowly erasing clans in the Sabbat, making the blood more homogeneous in clusters via the dissolution process, we hit a small narrative road bump with the Tzimisce/Lasombra joining other sects: where do those that joined came from, and how did they manage to keep a lineage "pure" enough that we have full traditional clan members?
Could make for cool games.
Protean is a really good point. I was considering taking auspex for that same purpose, but protean also gives access to those agg claws, so that beat it out. In terms of Celerity I also agree, but I think i'm actually going to put those dots into Presence. Putting Presence on a Nossie does feel kinda wrong, but then again having it would make him the ultimate "dread pirate" in a very literal sense. Here's the spread I have for him at the moment; used the square root of his age (300) to get the number of dots. This is someone's sire, for context
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Forgot the damn image
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>What do you think the latest generations of the supernatural look like, and how do they act?

I mean, I always thought they'd be kind of socially conscious. And more inclined to share certain interests with me...
So then is their whole "sword of caine, fighting the antediluvians and preventing gehenna" thing just an act?
Yes and no. Acts of evil and savagery are a lot easier to stomach if you couch it in the pretense of righteousness. Some of them may truly believe they have noble goals, and that the fucked up shit is just necessary. Others are just there for the fucked up pleasure. Consider the kind of horrible stuff you can get people to do with the right justification. "They aren't people, it's for the greater good" kinda rhetoric feeds the psycho shit, which gives the beast more control, which makes it easier to justify the next atrocity.
My group of players consists of
>a secret demon cultist
>a man stuck in the 80's
>a secret Ventrue
>an as yet undefined variable
This has officially gone from X-Files to Scooby Doo with an ongoing game of Masquerade Chicken
The rank and files are waging a war they're not meant to win, by trampling core tenets they claim to hold.
They claim to be superior to humanity and that the masquerade is bullshit... but they have to nominaly respect it, because they don't want to open the front of a war agasint humanity as long as the war agasint the Camarilla is still going on.
They claim to wage war for the liberation of younger vampires against the influence of the Elders, but have to be subservient to the will of vampires older than those they're fighting because the war demands it, as vampires older still that no one sees are supposedly manipulating everything from the shadows.
The Sabbat is a revolutionnary institution gone haywire, whose continued unchanging existence has taken precedence to the fulfilling of its purpose and whose leaders need the war to maintain their power.
Think of the French Terror or Stalinism.
>This has officially gone from X-Files to Scooby Doo
The game will do that from time to time, depending on the players. As long as everyone is having fun...

I was thinking: you could easily pull that one from expending the Blood Brothers.
I don't disagree. Just think they shouldn't be a clan in the first place.
A small faction or bloodline would be better.
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Chronicles of Fagness
>Samedi infestations

My daydream was
>malkavian doctor siring after brain surgeries
>manufacturing gnawed
>actually hoping for split-brain syndrome that could function as vampires and still confound Malkav, containing him to the nondominant hemispheres
>one of the catatonics animates, eats the rest, writes Book of Gnawed, escapes with elder Dementation into the night
Probably commentary on the "Haitians are eating your cats and dogs" allegation.
>Alien-Hunger/1E style of weird vampire science.

I too wish we got more of that.
>Weird, baseless accusation that suddenly went hot right after Tenet Media group was revealed to be taking massive amounts of Russian money to promote propaganda
is that meant to be vitel?
Reminder that beasts get an advanced version of striking looks that makes all your social roles a rote action

You just spend a temporary willpower when you go to sleep in VtR
Unless you were Embraced Toreador, the Best Clan :)
>a man stuck in the 80's
>the Assamites and Setites is to focus more on their rivalry and duality as religious clans
Holy shit, I didn’t realize that they’re also the only Clans that actually revere and worship their respective Antediluvians. And their Clan cultures are diametrically opposed too. The Children of Haqim (Banu Haqim) are meant to punish Kindred who overindulge in their nature, while the Followers of Set are all about seducing Kindred into overindulge into debauchery. That is an interesting point I’ve never considered.
Yeah the assamites hate the serpents because while they stand for everything evil in their view they have just the right amount of similarities to scare them into falling to the same lows

Also they tried and failed to take over vampiric egypt before the crusades so while most people only know setites as vampiric drug dealers the assamites are the last people who seen them in war mode
No idea if this is a controversial opinion or not. I really don't care for any rendition of the various morality systems found in these games.

On one hand, I get it, I think it's a neat idea, but the execution is always so clunky. In order to have any nuance you need to play so loose with it that you're bordering on handling it via fiat. I suppose it's the nature of trying to tackle concepts as clearly defined yet hard to explain as "humanity" through mechanics and a short list of examples of when you should roll that can't possibly factor in circumstances and intent.
Circumstances and intent give you bonus dice (or a penalty)
It's not that hard niggy it's a game, you aren't simulating a real moral system it's just numbers
>Circumstances and intent give you bonus dice (or a penalty)
That's what I already do, you silly cunt. I still have gripes with the system.
>Reminder that beasts get an advanced version of striking looks that makes all your social roles a rote action
Bullshit, not even they would be so OP.
>and how did they manage to keep a lineage "pure" enough that we have full traditional clan members?
Easy. Both clans are also absurdingly proud and a good chunk would like to keep what they are.
>Reminder that beasts get an advanced version of striking looks that makes all your social roles a rote action
Reminder to not play Beast because it's a game for sexual predators.
Yes but /HOW/?
Is the dissolution effect from the Vaulderie receding after a while once removed from the pack and as such only temporary? If so what what did it take materially to get that plan (the sect switch) in motion?
Or do we have, say, to assume the existence of full mono-clan packs? Of members of those clans that actually subsisted all this time outside of the structure of the Sabbat while still bowing to it?
This is the power of the masquerade in action.
A incompetent leader that put people in modern slavery is now a savior.
Police reports are treated as propaganda and baseless accusations.
Black is white or Indian is black
And so on.
v5 is badly written and the author didn't think things through.
No matter how much you polish a turd it will not turn into a diamond
Statistics have always been a lie, anon.
>Reminder to not play Beast because it's a game for sexual predators.
This is not a good reason.
The motive to not play beast is because its shit
>Retard thinks he's spewing facts
Her mother is Indian and her father is black, she's always been both.

The way certain people use them sure are.
A fiery but mostly peaceful response, anon.
>Her mother is Indian and her father is black, she's always been both.
Just like Schrödinger's Feminist, the black or indian status depends on which is more advantageous at any given time.Just like her accents it can change at any time.
Like I said, this is the power of the masquerade. It's all optics for the mentally disabled that defend those crooks.
>Says the guy defending a convicted felon and pathological liar
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Have you ever run a game where the kine actually found out?
How to love?
Criticizing lies is the same as defending another.
Only in the eyes of abominations.
But this is more politics than RPG. Let's end it here.
Sure, if they're lies to begin with. But they're not, it's just propaganda.
>Have you ever run a game where the kine actually found out?
No, I don't usually run apocalyptic games.
What changed for slashers between 1e and 2e?
Not much, mostly just some mechanical updates to their abilities. Slasher is still the go-to for all the fluff and flavour
Sounds like you need to remind him, and yourself, about what the Beast is like
For one, your body becomes like a corpse, and people can sometimes tell. Your hair doesn't grow, your ability to feel pleasure is diminished. The only thing which should feel physically good is drinking other people's blood, and that one thing solves all of your problems for less than a night, because you'll wake up hungry night after night. Being a vampire should be isolating, because human beings are now your food, and they're the best thing you've ever eaten. If your morality score drops below 7, you look like a monster, and people are put off by you. It's one thing to have 1 dot in appearance, where some people are repulsed by your presence, it's another to look at something which might be attractive yet visibly dying, cold and unnatural.

Your Beast wants you to degenerate, as entering Wassail gives it control. You want to satisfy it, deep down, but rationality and holding onto a strict moral code can keep you afloat. Being immortal, the flimsy lives of others may become invisible to you, and that will only lead you down the path of no return. Socially, you only really have other vampires or blood slaves to rely on. Either group may see you as a tool, as your blood slaves just want their next fix, and vampires will betray you for some material gain, because you can still die, and your life is invisible to them. True Love is a 4 point merit, remember, and it can be robbed from you.
I like to run all my WoD games in the same "universe" so having a full broken Masquerade happen is setting an absolute end date, which I don't want. Anything after that would likey be a post apocalyptic kind of setting.

So no, I've always felt like it's one of those ideas that's far less satisfying to run than it sounds.
NTA but this got me thinking, how could this be applied to werewolves, mages and changelings?
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>niche homebrew wod circle that has persisted for over a decade in degenerate online and offline space
>they convinced another gullible neet to join their cult, put up with abuse, and take the ascension war larp as fact

some things don't change, but their time will come
Werewolves have rage and the curse. So they can go apeshit over any strong emotion, and the curse means most people are instinctively afraid of them.
Care to enlighten us as to what in the fresh fuck you are talking about?
Holy shit. Thanks. I think its more so a player disconnect. He's just either not good or unwilling to role play the horror side of vampiric existence. And even after you explain it to him he still kinda acts the same anyway. To the point where he just views vampires as humans with a disability. Which in turn leads him to think of himself as above them all and kindred society due to the way they are compared to him.
Fresh anon weighing in, I actually think this character's attitude could work if it was being roleplayed well (essentially as the cope of a freshly embraced vampire with high humanity), but I get the impression it is not.

Just my two cents, but I don't like the idea that vampires just change suddenly the moment they're embraced. It's a gradual process, the result of their new reality of needing to feed on mortals, and the temptations that come with their host of new powers, among other things. To just embrace someone and poof, they're less of a person is very boring to me. There's less cause to mourn if something couldn't have been prevented in the first place.

I'd say his issue is he doesn't want to think about the actual complications being a vampire throws into his attempts at remaining "decent". My advice is give consequences to his character's actions of trying to maintain this high ground. While too many feeding scenes can be tedious, try to drive home that he is doing something halfway between assault and rape. That's something every vampire has to do, no matter how humane they are.
>What do you think the latest generations of the supernatural look like, and how do they act?

2050 venture
VtM should be silly horror. silly because being a vampire that must obey vampire nobles and take that stuff seriously is silly and horror because actually having to serve those monsters and live with how terrible of a person you are
That's why I describe Wod as The Wacky Wild World Of Darkness
Modern Horror grimdark? Yes
Funny game where you can fight vampire clowns working for the embodiment of corruption? Yes
I strongly recommend Vampire the Requiem 2e if you are looking for a more serious game without the dated and immersion-destroying absurdity of World of Darkness.
vtr has the exact same thing he is complaining about
But it doesn't.
it does he complains about the very concept about having a boss with a noble title and that is a thing in vtr

vtr even goes way more into the feudal domain theme in damnation city than vtm ever did
You can ignore any post starting with "I strongly recommend Vampire the Requiem 2e", it's just a troll.
That is limited exclusively to the Invictus, which is best described as a sensibly written version of the Camarilla without the 90s baggage.
the absurdity is part of the horror to me
.........what "90s baggage" are you even talking about?
Your player is 100% right btw
If you don't fail the frenzy checks it's a non-issue
You're kidding me, right?
No. I genuinely don't know what you mean when you talk about 90s baggage regarding the Camarilla.
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what? did they write this scene before they decided to make him a love interest?
That's supposed to be a Nosferatu? Did they get VtM and VtR mixed up, I thought that they have to look fucked up even in the 5e (whereas in VtR you can get away by just saying that your character stinks or something)?
guy got captured by the sabbat and got vicissituded by a tzimisce elder and somehow something in his scar keeps changing his form back whenever his curse changes him back to a normal nosferatu

so on one side he looks relativly normal most of the time on the otherside his clan hates him, he is in constant pain and every sunset is a hour of actual hell as his body goes through 3 forms

problem is that he only tells you that in his route so if you don't play that you just have a weirdly good looking nosferatu sherrif running around
wtf I want to play beast now
Yes, now you're thinking with farts. One vision is as The Eldest saw, a living, thinking biosphere. Another is as you suggest, a decanted vampire, purified to the blood itself, blood is life. Another might focus on the unique hypostasis of the Cainite. The soul leaves at death, it returns cleaved-but-whole with the Beast. If a new entity could be born from a three-part soul, a powerful soul fragment added to subliminate and integrate all the potential Cainite souls, it could be the necessary predator Cainites need. Its power would separate from and eclipse that of vitae as it feeds on the immortal, mortal, and undead life all at once. A Soul Reaver
How to score Eshu pussy?
If you call "nigger" into a zephyr wind, one may visit you upon the fortnight
Batman is unironically a good template for an Akashic
>Complete detached from his identity as Bruce Wayne, borderline ego death
>Peak physical condition due to martial training
>Completely unwavering willpower through focus
>Is a folk hero to the people of Gotham
Since you brought it up, what would be the WoD/CofD equivalent of Wonder Woman and Superman?
Besides Deviant for obvious reasons.
>Wonder Woman
WtA (Black Furies) or CtD (Sidhe who left Arcadia to help the poor Dreamers)

Progenitor’s experiment
>Have you ever run a game where the kine actually found out?
So V5?
I’m of Clan Malkavian and I am in control.
Does blood taste different to kindred or is everyone just choking it down and gagging for the rest of the night? There's no way people are just guzzling hobo blood if it still tastes like hobo blood.
What does hobo blood taste like?
All blood is good vitae. The ONLY exception being SOME Nosferatu. Nosferatu can take on a merit that makes their vitae taste like shit. Like you need to roll willpower to hold it down.
blood, booze, nastiness, nothing you'd want to taste every night. you might get used to it after a century, but that's a long time to be gagging on it
What do you mean? Blood doesn't taste too bad, we just avoid consuming it raw because we're bad at digesting it. But things like blood sausage, blood pudding, or massai blood milk work are a thing.
It's coded like an addiction: it probably tastes bad at first, but the rush is so good that you keep it down. After the rush mellows out, you've drank so much you don't mind the taste.
Yeah, keep on thinking all us Toreadors are just faggy theatre kids. See what that’ll get you, asshole.
>No cute innocent Celestial Chorister Mormon gf to pervert with my Ecstatic ways
Reality is often cruel.
Yeah, I bet she's 18 too when you account for her time in a liminal realm, you son of a bitch
A long time ago I had something that described how each supernatural creature saw the others, what they knew about them, etc., does anyone still have that or something like it? Its not on the wiki that I can find.
>See what that’ll get you, asshole.
A pile of dead gristle that used to be a faggy theatre kid after he started shit. :^)
Do you mean any splatbook? Cause every splatbook has a section that describes the Clan/Tribe/Tradition's view on the other Clan/Tribe/Tradition and their general stereotype of supernaturals outside the splats' game. And I repeat, every splatbook has this.
I don't know but I wouldn't be surprised
>"Accidentally" put some hardcore drugs in the incense burner thing orthodox priests use
The Ecstatics will live on!
When running games set in a historical period, how concerned are you with authenticity?

I understand that I can't fully research an entire period to the level of true academic rigor, but I try my best to avoid anachronisms and misrepresenting the people of a certain time and place. I also understand that if I fret over every little thing it will probably just make my friends have less fun.
Wonder Woman's origins sound like a Promethean or Spirit Host depending on which one you use but fair.
>Progenitor’s experiment
To be honest that's better than what I expected for space Moses.
>how concerned are you with authenticity?
Just make it feel different from a baseline game. Just take a couple notes while watching a documentary or something and it should do enough to achieve that effect.
Nah. Its always mentioned how it smells and tastes wonderful to vampires. Its a addiction because of how good it feels and taste.
What you are describing is how they treat animal blood. A little disgusting but still feels awesome.
Have any of you ever ran a chronicle that started out one way but became something completely different and went in a direction that left you scrambling to keep the train from derailing? I'm slowly realising I may have wrote myself into a corner and I may have to completely up end the entire plot of my game or else run into contradictions.
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A new brochure for Curseborne came out. This one is a lot more in depth than the last one they did.
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Front and back covers
I may pirate it.
Best dog breed to ghoul?
Probably something like a Rottweiler to make best use of the enhanced physical abilities
The stuff here sounds neat. I haven’t really been keeping up with curseborne info, how’s it looking? It definitely has that CofD feel to it from what i’ve seen, especially with the whole “5 general splats”
they just shown of some the families on their blog and said hunters are npcs only and can range from people with curseborne cannibal powers or something to nuns with guns

so far i think that's all new info, we haven't seen much crunch since the ashcan, but the kick starter starts next month
The tiny ones. It's hilarious to see a chihuahua bite someone's shin harder than a pitbull.
Honest response? All DC JL-level heroes would be mages/mage-experiments with autistic focus on a small handful of spheres and limiting paradigms.
More on that, I think most of their powers would be metaphysical Wonders rather than straight sphere-effects. Wonders can have much larger dice-pools than a mages Arete, even post-20(because the rules are all self/intra-contradictory).

It's entirely impossible to really replicate them otherwise, unless you're willing to settle for a shallow cosplay rather than a good match.
>but the kick starter starts next month
Anon it starts on Tuesday
Not all blood anon. Merits like gift of life and psychic vampire explicitely change how your blood tastes, and merits like distinguished pallet make it clear blood has different flavors. Some books also site supernatural blood as having unique flavors in addition to the weird effects it can have on a vampire.
Has there been any fan-products that un-fuck the molestation of sorcerers in S20? I've tried paths of power and it's just Srev part 2(with new problems somehow), and Srev was pretty molested to begin with.
which is the first of next month!... i might have completely forgotten which day it is because i am working both on a important project and from home
Homo sapiens fleshcrafted into hounds
It's okay, bro, we all have a few drinks in the morning.
Anon, why the fuck would you use a species known for its stupidity and loyalty issues as a base for your hellhounds? Just increase the dog's brain-to-body ratio if you want a smarter hunter.
Fucking neonates these days...
this is more of a coke kinda situtation which is bad because i don't know any dealers
>Fucking neonates these days...
this has been a thing since the dark ages. Half the dogs in voivodate aren't dogs

some are even neonates who can't change back on their own yet
>entirely impossible to really replicate them otherwise, unless you're willing to settle for a shallow cosplay rather than a good match.
The cosplay angle was what I was interested in. The question of "how do I make a Blue Beetle exby in WoD/CofD?" feels more interesting to me than "how do I give them stats?".
If you fuckers can do that, how come you don't make your soon-to-be neonates smarter before the embrace?
No, you need to backport shit on your own.
Bro, this is serious shit. Take care of your nasal septum, remember to inject shit carefully- between your toes if you can.
>how come you don't make your soon-to-be neonates smarter before the embrace?
That neonate is never going to grow up if you handhold them like that. Besides, it doesn't matter how smart you make your childer if they don't know how learn on their own. That's why you have to filter the kine to find who's worthy of embrace, not that the bastard of the clan don't fuck that up too.
>some are even neonates who can't change back on their own yet
I didn't say it wasn't fantastic learning exercise, and punishment for servants that neglect their duties. That doesn't change the fact Kine make poor hellhounds, and relying on them is a sign of a poorer craftsman in need of a crutch.
She could work as a Galatea on the path of Iron.
There've been several threads on S20's issues and suggested fixes(some of which are so easy and obvious I think the writers at parawolf need to be screened for mental handicaps), but no one's put out a PDF or anything.
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To each their own. Martian manhunter would probably be a changeling or full spirit then.
Considering the BDSM elements of early WW comics, this is absolutely fitting.
>Considering the BDSM elements of early WW comics
It's a shame we don't get that anymore. Girls go around with WW t-shirts and don't want to hear about femdom :/
That's why the pilot stole her from her makers during WW2. See where I'm coming from? This actually works in a weird way.
>femdom :/
You have the wrong understanding of who was getting dommed most of the time in the early Comics anon...
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WW would do both. Thing is, she was one of the rare (female) characters doing *some* domming.
>I think most of their powers would be metaphysical Wonders
What in the actual fuck is a metaphysical wonder? Pretty sure you can only make wonders out of objects and living things anon.
>Martian manhunter would probably be a changeling or full spirit then.
Lost Changeling would work better given their powers.
>I'll just read his min-
>"superior Philosophy"
>Literally just the exact same philosophy she criticizes, but with the benefits of magic And superior tech that lets them pretend they're better, while being shown repeatedly across the continuity to be just as lacking in wisdom.
Wonderwoman is the only person here that needs Correction, and she needs it badly.
That's to be expected given how she has been around for 80 years.
Anon typed this with one hand.
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It's funny how his niece is the only competent martian telepath.
Is that man is actually considering saying yes?Absolutely subhuman. Stick up for yourself.
They suffer from hamster wheel syndrome, for all their efforts the world is still the exact same.
Proper telepaths must be willing to drive the mindrapetrain. MM doesn't understand that.
And authorial bias. Plenty of comics are written by authors more interested in sharing their favorite idea than actually critically analyzing for said idea has merit. Which is how you get comics that show wonder-woman being clearly dumber than the men around her in actions while the story tries to portray her as smarter and wiser for making the dumb decision.
>played VTES yesterday
>my predator playing Saulot deck filled with other 11 Cap vampires (Baba Yaga, Capuchin, etc)
>me playing with a Gangrel punch deck + diablerie
>he tries to do some shit against me
>send Saulot to torpor
>diablerizes him with Ariadne
>since she can't have Blood Hunts called on her, she goes all her way for it
Guess we have two Gangrel Antediluvian now.
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>two (2) gangrene antediluvians
It's endlessly hilarious how fucked Gangrel are by their clan weakness. The most ancient and powerful of their race are just as likely to look like a fucked-up housecat for all their trouble.
It got to a point that they even ignore the clan weakness to make the elders work.
>Guess we have two Gangrel Antediluvian now.
54 new bloodlines in a few months.
And that's a good thing!
Pretty much.
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>here's your coterie's new member, anon
>be nice to him
What do you do?
>I demand at least 4 major boons in exchange for taking care of a ginger.
Just put up with his shit, since he was probably embraced by Harrier Dubois and there's no way in hell that I'm going to fuck with a Malkavian super-cop with god knows how many points in Dementation.
Just make the curse temporary or reversible by torpor after a while. Permanent changes never make any sense, unless you're a Nossie.
The changes were always temporary, they just added the permanent option for flavor and signature characters.
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Good point
In WtA when Garou dedicate clothes to themselves, is it by the outfit or by the article of clothing? Just had a funny image in my head of a recently inducted member bundling up before a Rite of Dedication to make sure they have something to wear in winter too, or alternatively a low gnosis homid awkwardly explaining why he is now only in socks and underwear.
I think having the changes last as long as torpor makes sense. So a young vampire with pretty high humanity is probably going to have the changes for a few weeks while a vampire with a low path will have them for decades and are more likely to stack them.
Just dedicate a bag and all the clothes within it.
If you can sensibly and reasonably group a collection of items and define them as a single item, then it's okay.
If you dedicate a bag, that counts for everything that you'll put into the bag as well.
If you dedicate an outfit, that counts for every article of clothing that makes up the outfit.
If you want to dedicate multiple firearms, grenades, body armour, ammunition, pouches and more and try to define all of that as a single item under "tactical operator kit," that's when you're taking the piss.
No. The changes were permanent, anon. I don't know where you took this idea
Would you have to have every item in what you defined as a group for it to still count as the thing dedicated? Is it no longer your ritual war panoply if you didn't put on your lucky charm bracelet?
what the other anon said they only turned temporary in v20
Gentle Goy says he would have made W5 Get of Fenris the Big Boss tribe. Is this good?
I love seeing this mess. Dozens of cooks, every cook trying to make his own shit (and it's all shit).
It's more like one chef cooked something, then the manager walked in, pointed at an entree, and asked:
>Why didn't you make this entree racist and unavailable to eat?
No, but if you're replacing components of the outfit, you'll have to rededicate the outfit for those new components to factor into it. Just use common sense, seriously.
Who gives a shit? If you want to go for the fallen trouble angle there's a book for that already.
honestly why would i give a shit about what he would have done with w5? even if he somehow managed to design the bestes most awesome get fenrir version we had so far and magic them into that book that would only make it so that everyone who likes it takes it out and plays anything else because the rest of the game is still completely worthless
On one hand, if Sault's player can't prevent a single aggro-poke he deserves to perish.
On the other hand, disabling your predator is dangerous move, it might set your grand-predator on a roll.
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She's asking him, a black man, to submit using a collar. There's just something in that situation that activates some genetic memory
>the Big Boss tribe
As in they fuck off to an oil rig and have a really convoluted metal plot revolving around a body double and memes?
Ask him where his cute and funny friend is and go Embrace her.
For me, its the Dead and the Outcasts.
Share your best head canon for me to steal
Someone should go tell the Euthanatoi lmao
i'm going with hungry or dead first depending on what powerset i am going to like more

i dunno i like the idea of being undead
I wasn't 100% sold on the Dead but Zeds are very cool and I might play one of those first. Otherwise I'm more into Primals and Sorcerers but I'm not sure any of the Families we've seen for them will be my faves. I've got the feeling Sphinx and Ascetics will be the ones I want to play the most.
i am also going with dead mostly because wraith was so weird that i never got to play it as much as i would have liked to
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Most of my headcanon has to do with Antediluvian first and second city shenanigans
>Caine hated the Ventrue Antediluvian, thinking him a self important little shit. However, he couldn't just dust the bastard because without him the First City's urban planning would go to shit.
>Zillah embraced Absimiliard as a fuck you to Caine for blood bonding her. When Absimiliard hated her for scarring him and shacked up with Arikel, she embraced Haqim as a fuck you to Absimiliard, and then Set as a fuck you to Haqim. Zillah's god awful taste in men is where we get most of the Obfuscate clans from.
>Despite the image his childer depict of Haqim being this mighty and just warrior, Haqim is a coward, reflected by the disciplines of his blood facilitating evasion and the most cowardly form of combat, assassination. Celerity can even be used to run away despite its obvious power in a fight.
>There are more Antediluvians that survived the flood than the 13, but they either did not sire, or sired so few that their lineages are easily mistaken for Caitiff.
>The Lhiannan aren't LARPing when they say they're descended from "The Crone", they're legitimately descended from the Crone of the Book of Nod, who was also turned into a vampire by Lilith and sought revenge for her spurned sire.
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>>Despite the image his childer depict of Haqim being this mighty and just warrior, Haqim is a coward, reflected by the disciplines of his blood facilitating evasion and the most cowardly form of combat, assassination. Celerity can even be used to run away despite its obvious power in a fight.
Haqim being a bitch makes a lot of sense.
Not really headcanon as much as deep lore insinuations, but Ventrue is still alive and is part of the Directorate
>kupala is not actually a earthbound the other earthbound just think he is (they can't control leylines or get power from vampires and kupala can do both)
>like the gangrel and ravnos claim the lhiannan used to be a clan but got butchered by the gangrel for leaving the kuei jin war early (not sure if this counts as headcanon as this is what the gangrel claim during the dark ages)
>the setites make several references to the lasombra having stolen vitae in their veins so the Azaneali are the actual obtenebration clan
>set and typhon used to be seperate vampires before set diablerized typhon
>some claims of clan founders being second gens might actually be true, but because caine only created the curse of generation later there is no difference between a second and third gen and both of their childe would be what we call 4th gens in terms of rules
>despite some claims in v20 vitel is still vitel it does nothing to replace a character with a imposter who act exactly the same and has the same goals
>the wereotters that been killed in the war of rage used to be very important in the balance of the balance wyrm and the weaver
>most of the Insect Races where disgustingly op and the only reason they don't rule the cosmos is because there were spiders been custom made to counter them
>a secret cabal of suriving werefalcons and were eagles are influencing america to fuck with the garou
>there used to be way more tribes of garou that just died out or got replaced by their camps: another anon had a good theory about the fianna being based on a camp and the garou during the dark ages speculated that the warden of men the ancestors of the glass walkers used to be a bone gnawer camp
>werejaguar are absolutely awful to their kinfolk... the skindancer ritual is originally from them after all
>and speaking of there have been several skindancer would be tribes across the centuries the fera usually just kill them all before they become a big deal
>Ventrue is still alive and is part of the Directorate

I love the idea that the Ventrue Antediluvian has enough respect for his clan that he is content to just be incognito as a member of the Directorate/Ephorate, stepping in only when disaster needs to be averted.
i like the idea put fourth by the lasombra that antediluvians are (or at least used to be while alive) the opposite of what they want their clan to be because they are all obsessed with what they didn't had in life
So.. arikel was not only talentless, she was also ugly?
And [Tzimisce] was 100% straight and cis?
AnonClan, the (true) masters of Presence.
I can see that for some, but claiming that it's all Antediluvians is 100% Lasombra projection based on their own tendency to ruin prospective childer's lives and embrace them at their lowest point.
we know she is pretty now but acording to gehenna she can barely be described so she is only as pretty as she is because of presence 10, none of her sculptors have surrived and she never made any new ones despite being awake for atleast 50 years so yeah she is probably what the toreador would call a poseurs otherwise we would be swarmed by superpowered super art by now, it's also notable that despite having presence 10 she stayed totally hidden which is not really the toreador way

and for the eldest as far as we know he was just a minor shaman who only got embraced because enoch wanted to experiment with his beast and his master plan ends with him taking over the entire world by taking over the biggest known blood sorcery ritual known to vampire kind so we can guess that he perceived himself and his hedge magic as having lacked power in comparision to enoch
I find it interesting how armor works in WoD and CofD. In WoD, the dex penalty on all but the lightest armors make it a trap option in most cases. I've never played oWoD as a mortal, maybe they would benefit from it since there's little mortals can soak? In CofD armor's a lot stronger, though I've found that if you can stack armor with supernatural powers that provide damage resistance such as Resilience or that one Werewolf gift that's eluding me right now, you can become nearly immune to most small arms. Sometimes I wish there was a better system to handle the many complexities of how modern ballistic armor functions, but that level of mechanical complexity would probably take away more fun than it creates.

Also, I heard that apparently V5 just has armor serve no function for vampires due to how it handles damage. Is that true? Seems silly to me, an extra layer of protection would benefit even dead flesh.
yeah basicly v5 only has Aggravated and Superficial (there is also non halved Superficial damage which is what lethal damage in old edition, but it's rare and does not have a term of it's own) and armor just changes the damage type, but only for puncturing or bladed weapons
>Each point of armor changes 1 point of Aggravated damage from puncturing or bladed weapons (per damage roll) to Superficial damage, which is then halved as usual. This protection is in general only useful to mortals and thin-bloods, as vampires already consider those types of damage Superficial.
-V5 pg 304, Armor
which is weird and very reductive because i am certain there are things that you could call "armor" irl that also protects against heat and flames or would like you said help dead flesh to not become red goo on the wall
>n WoD, the dex penalty on all but the lightest armors make it a trap option in most cases. I
Just use reinforced clothing, bro.
That's especially weird since it's not even the best representation of what armor could do for a mortal.

>all but the lightest armors
>reinforced clothing

That is what I am talking about with "all but the lightest armors" reinforced clothing is the lightest armor. Anything above that reduces dex.
I think I'm leaning primals depending on the animals. If vampires get cool disciplined I might roll one of those up instead.
There are wolves/canids for the Get of Lyka, various aquatic things for the Spawn of Vodnik, birds/lizards/dragons? for the Raptors, cats for Sphinxes, spiders for the Eight Hands, and then Hydes do Hyde stuff

Vamps get Iron Edict which is like Dominate and Animalism, Smoke and Shadow which is like Obfuscate and Obtenebration, and then Vital Force which we don't know much about
>The consumption of vitality goes beyond mere nourishment for the Hungry. Properly cultivating their abilities, the Hungry gain incredible insight into its flow and mastery over its form and function
Sounds like blood magic

It looks pretty good IMO. Good enough that I'm reading through all the info they're putting out

Storypath Ultra is a solid system and works out most of the bugs with Storypath so mechanically it's all there from what I've seen. Although we've only seen a fairly small slice of the player options. What we have seen makes me think the full game will have plenty of fun toys to play with though so I'm hopeful there. My only real concern with it is how many spells Practices will has because each Lineage gets the same three so a single-Lineage campaign might end up with PCs stepping on each other's toes

Each of the Lineages, the major splats, are interesting to me. I think part of that is their overarching connection through curses. Keeps them all playing in same sandpit as far as cosmology goes. The majority of the Families in those Lineages appeal to me from what they've shown off too. 2/3 of what they've shown off there I'd happily play and there and even if not it seems pretty easy to make a new Family too

The setting has some interesting stuff going on too. Lots of realms outside reality that Earth bleeds into, or that bleed into Earth and create all sorts of fucked up spaces. Lots of interesting stuff you can do there. Including versions of the world frozen in a time period. Not much is known about the wider stetting or how they're handling that
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Best way to think about it is they're somewhat products of their time, somewhat different ideological/philosophical positions. Remember VTM also advertises "political horror" as part of its appeal. Some amount of politics is baked into each set.

The Camarilla is, as its name implies, the last remnants of feudal/aristocratic society. The very term "Camarilla" descends from the reign of the Spanish King Ferdinand VII and describes the courtiers surrounding the king who may not have any "official" role but nevertheless are a cabal of immense influence in stately affairs.

Again, it's hard to understand for some because we're living in the modern age and Democratic Republics won out over Monarchies, but what the Camarilla ultimately are is a community of aristocratic kindred who, through blood, have convinced themselves that they're the enlightened leaders of kindred (and kine!) society as a whole. They approach things from a fundamentally different mindset and it helps that most of them were embraced when people were still convinced the King could heal your leprosy with a single touch. To the Camarilla, everyone has their "place" in society, and if you're a newly embraced vamp your place is to obey your elders. It's not up for discussion. It's not a partnership. From the moment you're embraced you're part of a rigid hierarchy that doesn't offer much in the way of social mobility.

By contrast the Anarchs skew younger. And it's no surprise. Even if you're the most cynical anarchist there is, going from the (superficial) trappings of democracy to a rigid caste system will make you long for the corrupt politicians of old. The Anarchs are the imposition of ideals born from the French Revolution on Kindred society as a whole.

Then there's the Sabbat. The monsters, basically. They share the Anarch's contempt for the Camarilla's hierarchy while embracing a frankly supremacist view towards humans. (1/2)
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If you want to understand how the other factions see the Sabbat, just look up a video of "Sovereign Citizen gets arrested/tased/goes to court". You'll see these absolute retards turn a minor traffic citation into a full blown felony. Why? Because they're completely convinced of some insane idea of "freedom" that works kind of like magic. They think if they grumble out the words "Posse Comitatus" the cop that pulled them over will let them keep driving with a solid brick of cocaine on their lap. The mind of the sovereign citizen is one in which they're free to do whatever they want if they speak the magic words, no matter how stupid or self-destructive it is to society.

By comparison, what makes the Sabbat so angry at the Camarilla, is they're basically the extreme ends of Vampire libertarianism seething at some Vampire conservatives that they support things like having an army or police instead of empowering random schmucks with Letters of Marque or Bounties. Now imagine if those same nuts had super powers.

That's the Sabbat. To the Camarilla they're retards who don't get that if humanity really wanted to, they could wipe out vamps. To the Anarchs they're anti-social monsters. They'd claim both groups are mere pawns of the ancients and they're the only free ones, but both sides treat that like normal people treat a libertarian ranting about the Articles of Confederation.
Yeah, the issue is that by locking clans into factions you lose a lot of potential complexity of choice (beyond the occasional antitribu mary sue). And when two are basically "the same overall end goals, but by different means" and the third is "Saturday Morning Cartoon Villains" it makes the conflict lose its teeth.
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Why, oh why on God's green Earth, are all the fillable PDF character sheets for Chronicles the only ones with a drop down box for Merits? Vampires, Mages, and the fucking Mummies don't have this problem
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>And when two are basically "the same overall end goals, but by different means" and the third is "Saturday Morning Cartoon Villains" it makes the conflict lose its teeth.

It really depends on how you portray the conflict. As far as "goals" are concerned, at the end of the day the Camarilla and Anarchs both want to avoid being hunted down by humanity, but they've got such vastly different tactics and methods that they can hate each other more than the Sabbat. A good real world ideological conflict to take as an example would be Anarchists versus Marxists. Even if both sides agree on 90% of things, they've shown a willingness to kill each other over the 10% they don't agree on. Listen to an Anarchist and a Leninist talk about Makhnovia or the Spanish Civil War and it'll quickly devolve into some genuine hatred of each other, more than the enemy they both ostensibly opposed. And it's because both have vastly different values.

The Camarilla functions as a more authoritarian entity. How does an authoritarian look at wide-eyed idealists like the Anarchs? Well with a mixture of annoyance at best and anger at worst. If you've made it your mission in unlife to shepherd the masses of Kine and ensure an orderly and functional Vampiric society, then the Anarchs are putting everything at risk. I guess the best way to think of it is whether one regards being Kindred as an (un)lived experience, or as an ideal removed from the individual.

Let me go back to that Spanish Civil War example. From the Anarchist's perspective the Leninists stabbed them in the back: literally tried to annex Anarchist territories, arrest Anarchists, and give them marching orders. From the Leninists' perspective, the Anarchists were ultimately incompetent: their volunteers would leave the front after a couple of days because they were bored, they lacked discipline, and couldn't produce anything in their factories. Both sides regard the other as backstabbers who cost them the war. (1/2)
>A good real world ideological conflict to take as an example would be Anarchists versus Marxists. Even if both sides agree on 90% of things, they've shown a willingness to kill each other over the 10% they don't agree on.
Or in 1930s Germany, where the Socialist and Communist parties were literally at each others' throats, which meant that instead of forming a coalition, they gave majority power to Hitler and the Nazi party who otherwise didn't have enough seats to have the lead.
From the Leninists perspective, even if they *did* "stab the Anarchists in the back" then the whole experiment was doomed to fail from the start, and killing a few Anarchists *now* to save potentially millions of people in the long term was the more "moral" choice. Is it better to let a million people die because you won't compromise your "principles"? Or to kill a thousand to save a million?

And in the midst of all this, the Sabbat, despite being the obvious villain and enemy, can play up both sides distrust and hatred for each other. In Spain this meant the Anarchists tried making a deal with the Nationalists to coup the Communists government in order to end the war early. In WWII as a whole it meant the Soviets were willing to sign a non-aggression pact with the Nazis in order to secure peace for a few more years.

Where the Sabbat best fits in is as an opportunistic outsider to the Camarilla/Anarch conflict. It'll happily play up the Camarilla's hatred of "freedom" even if the Anarchs fight for freedom of humans and kindred and the Sabbat see humans as food. It can play up the Anarch's weakness to the Camarilla even as the Sabbat possesses its own glaring weaknesses. Both sides are so focused on each other that the Sabbat can be opportunistic.

And that's where the fun can come in. Making these nightly decisions about what's right or wrong with no clear answer. Trying to balance high-minded ideals with real necessities. Making a million little decisions that distance you from a humanity you're desperately clinging to. That's Vampire, ideally.
I'd just like to say, and I do not mean this as a backhanded compliment whatsoever, that you've got a very eloquently delivered and well-written point, even if I disagree very heavily with your idea of how the Sect conflicts should be depicted.
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>I'd just like to say, and I do not mean this as a backhanded compliment whatsoever, that you've got a very eloquently delivered and well-written point, even if I disagree very heavily with your idea of how the Sect conflicts should be depicted.

Thank you, I suppose I keep getting Toreador on Clan Quizzes for a reason. That said, I don't see what I write as a hard rule so much as a source of inspiration for telling your own story.

Yeah, even in groups that *ostensibly* believe the same things you can have some vicious conflict, to the point there were incidents of the KPD and the SA briefly working together against the Social Democrats.

But onto the topic of clans and sects, I think it's an entertaining writing exercise to think of exceptions to the rule: Ventrue in the Anarchs, Brujah in the Camarilla, and try to come up with creative concepts for each. Some people like to imagine a Ventrue Anarch as a bit player: a small business owner or the like, but what if they aren't? What if they're a Union Boss? Or a University President? They could be an executive that takes the "we're a family here" spiel seriously, or a ship's captain that acts with dignity and respect to his crew.

Or a Brujah agent of the Camarilla: perhaps you fear the threat of a new inquisition more than you desire revolutionary change? Or maybe you're a Blanquist that thinks they can wrest control of the system for their own needs. Hell you could be a former Anarch who's revolutionary zeal has been tempered by decades of failure.

The point is, if you break the sects and clans down into their constituent components and try to reinterpret them, you can get some nifty ideas out of it.
For the love of fucking God tell me there's a better sheet out there somewhere
Checked, and that is all my Chronicles.
>I don't see what I write as a hard rule so much as a source of inspiration for telling your own story.

That's a good philosophy to have.
No lol you get torry because you are horny. Quizz sees you through, hence your first two images. As horny regresses, your ability to express yourself progresses. But good elaboration of your views. Correlates with the biological differences between genetic "code" as its being called, eh? Smaller details are of greatest importance oftentimes.
Is this what being a Malkavian feels like?
Malks have a tendency to deliver piercing insights that get disregarded because they're delivered couched in schizobabble.
How do clans like the Tzimisce fit into all this with their more literal form of pseudo-aristocracy and mystical/feudal claims to territory in the middle of nowhere
>HunterTR Game is run by an experienced Horror dm
>Its fucking amazing
>Still includes funny stuff like a Tzimisce that split himself in two "A baby headed man and a mummified old man" called Mr.Milk and Mr.Honey
God I love Wod
Accurate observation, terrier. Now prove me wrong.
No, because you are dum-dum who cannot hop-think.
These two things are diametrically opposed and counter each other's appeals. The gonzo garbage of WoD should have been left to rot in the 90s.
I have a few:
>The Jihad is not the work of the 13th antes but just a competition between Saulot and the Eldest. The other antes only cared for their own version of ''ascension''. But everything from the middle ages to now is just those 2 antes trying to prevent the other from winning

>Zillah hated Caine to the bone and all of her children are ''chad hunters'' in opposition to farmer Caine.

>Every single diablerist or killer of a 3rd gen vampire failed because the 3rd gen can only be killed by someone of superior power. From Malkav being torn to pieces to Tzimisce burning, they always can came back in a different form. That's why they all want to transcend in one way or another.

>Leading to that, the thing that got killed in India was Ravanna but the Ravnos wasn't a 3rd gen vampire. Just so old that no modern vampire could tell the difference.

>Leading to that, Brujah isn't dead. But he is trapped in the instant of time of the failed diablerie, allowing Troile to use some of his powers and ''simulate'' her gen. That's why people can still see him in Carthage and some other sites. But he was a dick worse than Tzimisce and no one of the other antes cared enough to free him.
>So.. arikel was not only talentless, she was also ugly?
More likely, antisocial and without any desire for attention about her art. From what we saw she was very active but liked to stay in the shadows, while the clan as a whole is at the forefront of whatever.

>And [Tzimisce] was 100% straight and cis?

He is considered a abomination, so no. The opposite. But he could genuinely care about his children and siblings just be unable to express it.
Well, I guess you gonna have fun with Curseborne then.
Anon, they can't have fun with anything.
What are the main differences between the original World of Darkness, Chronicles, and Curseborne?
Saw a friend of mine read Reckoning of New York yesterday.
I still don't get the appeal of he genre, so my comments are worth very little, but I can't help but think the game hurt itself with its formating that severely limits the size of sentences/paragraphs.
Case in point, I kinda like what they were trying with the MMM talking through the interface, but I don't think the writing allowed to pull it through.
(uh, reposting, for some reason, original didn't get through)
>they've shown a willingness to kill each other over the 10% they don't agree on
That's because the differences are vital and fundational. I'm reminded of those people that were saying a couple of years ago Russia was insignificant to us because energy imports represent only 3% of our GDP.

Interesting takes in those posts. The Sabbat/Sovereign Citizen bit is defintely one I wouldn't have come up with (too alien for me, like the Fiorenza Savona/Hilary Clinton bit mentioned recently , which I stll can't see even when pointed out), but a pretty useful reference for how other factions may perceive the sect (justifiably or not).

As someone that has always been big on the personal horror side of things, I can't say I agree. Humor (or action movie tropes) can be used to defuse the horror and make it bearable in the long run, or *enhance* it by acting as counterpoint. As with anything, it's all a matter oh how you use it.
I'll grant you it can be difficult and up end turning your horror campaign into a Scooby-Doo season if you're not careful. But then some people like that too.

Almost always. I even have my "Oh shit I wasn't expecting THAT one" signal ie "Anyone wants some fresh coffee?", with players obliging while I scramble for ideas.That's the best part about tabletop RPGs. I like to compare it to collective juggling with each player adding items no one else was expecting ("OK, the chaisaw I could see, but who added the live capibara and the hot kettle?"). And as with actual juggling, the more disparate the elements, the harder the task at hands. It's a thing of beauty when everything falls into place.
Eldest grew so inhuman after rebirth the concept of empathy became non-existent to him. And having one such being without empathy but need to care for childer is very dangerous to said childer. Its petting the dog with a clawed hand and then being surprised they whimper but stay. Dog is afraid because it feels the deathly danger but more afraid to provoke the danger. So it stays. Imagine Eldest giving such "care" to many and then angrily realising its attempts at "care" are not well-recieved. For a creature of such power its just insulting.
This actually seems to be what happens in lore. When he turns into the biothing, he seems to just want to ''share'' his new state with his children. When he failed he just go to talk with his ''siblings'' to get ideas because he just don't understand how fucked up he is.
Tzimisce being some Papa nurgle is not so far from the truth.
>anyone embraced in october becomes a cute femboy
What's the name of this supernatural phenomenon?
If we're comparing Tzimisce brand feudalism to the Camarilla's brand, maybe a good distinguishing trait would be "feudalism versus aristocracy" or something similar. Maybe "Old Feudalism versus Older Feudalism" and in the time feudalism existed it had to adapt to stuff like the rise of Capitalism. Maybe a good point of comparison would be comparing Germany to Russia Pre-WW1

Both states were undeniably controlled by royalty/the aristocracy. However Germany had to reckon with industrialism and capitalism much earlier and so the system it built was one in which you've got this clash of "old" versus "new" and the aristocracy broadly changed its form and function.

By contrast, Russia had to fight tooth and nail to end serfdom, despite it being an objectively inefficient economic system, because the old aristocrats were so heavily bound up in it they couldn't accept an alternative without major concessions.

It's hard to understand from our perspective but the feudal lords of yesteryear broadly believed in their bullshit, even in the face of reality. Why did France perform so well against the rest of Europe during the French Revolution? Because it selected officers based on competence rather than "This is the nephew of Sir Foggybottom". Why did businessmen replace feudal lords? Because a lord could look at an empty plot of land and do nothing with it, his class position was protected and his ownership was guaranteed. A businessman would look at empty land as an inefficiency. The businessman struggles to turn a profit. The aristocrat thinks he should be an aristocrat just 'cause.

So the archetypal Tzimisce in modernity may be a slumlord. Their obsession is with ownership: direct and undeniable. This can contrast pretty well with Ventrue who want to "make their money work for them" and would concern themselves with finance and profit. A Ventrue would surround themselves with secretaries and employees working under contract. A Tzimisce has servants. (1/2)
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That's a fun contrast. The worst Ventrue can be an asshole boss. The worst Tzimisce can be an asshole *owner* or *aristocrat*. A Ventrue might make veiled threats, or try to bribe you into doing things outside of work ("Hey, can you skip your kid's graduation? I need you in the office today. I'll give you some Overtime.") But the relationship is arguably contractual. A Tzimisce just sees himself as your owner; he's your landlord barging into your home without asking and taking your shit. If you "work" for one he's just as likely to try and take your fiance because of some backwards idea of Droit de Seigneur as he is to whip you for disobedience. You aren't working because you're getting something out of it, but because he's decided you're his property.

>Interesting takes in those posts. The Sabbat/Sovereign Citizen bit is defintely one I wouldn't have come up with (too alien for me, like the Fiorenza Savona/Hilary Clinton bit mentioned recently , which I stll can't see even when pointed out), but a pretty useful reference for how other factions may perceive the sect (justifiably or not).

Y'know a complaint about the Sabbat I've heard is how irrational it is for them to think they can directly "rule" humans after we've invented the Atom Bomb and proven we're dangerous. But there's people out there right now who think even if a bunch of cops are pointing guns at them, they can do what they want because they pointed out there's gold fringes on a flag. Yeah it's irrational and stupid, but so are people. The Sabbat are trapped in an unhappy middle ground where the Camarilla already *does* rule humans and so they find their demands to "rule even harder" self-defeating and stupid (like how most corporate execs aren't really libertarians) and yet they're two inhuman and anti-social to side with the Anarchs. They're the middle-child of the sects.
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Hairy autistic Tremere girls
might be one of their best cosplays i seen so far
You know I hate most of the gonzo stuff too, but you're dead wrong about horror and humor being unable to work together. All horror all the time becomes oppressive, and not in a good way. Like anything, overexposure dulls your reaction to it. Humor is a deliberate contrast that breaks up the oppressive horror and tension so the dark moments work better. I don't like the gonzo when it's the rule, but as the exception it's fine.

Another thing I often wonder is how harmful this modern desire to be taken seriously at all times actually is to one's psyche. I'm so young I don't really remember the 90s, but I do feel like many people are so concerned with being viewed as cringe that they can't enjoy anything without a hint of irony or sarcasm.
not terribly harmful. every generation has it's odd idiosyncrasies that stem from the youth wanting to be mature before they understand what that actually entails. this fear of sincerity is just one of those and like all of them before it, it will be looked back on as the childish silliness it is
>I do feel like many people are so concerned with being viewed as cringe that they can't enjoy anything without a hint of irony or sarcasm
This is true. The worst possible thing for these people is for someone to think you've taken anything seriously or earnestly. Even here every discussion boils down to two ESL faggots racing each other to post "u mad!" at the other.
Holy shit the Tremere have me acting up
Aisling from the New York games isn't exactly hard to pull off. I'm still annoyed their Jeanette had no tits.
Honestly the Tremere have the best fashion because they lean so heavily into just wearing a fuckton of red. They really commit to the bit and I love them for it.
(you)r last player character has been cornered by a Sabbat pack, who say they'll let him/her go if they beat one of their members in single combat. Which one would your character rather fight? If the character is strong enough to demolish any one of them, assume you have to fight the entire pack. If so, which would they be the most worried about?

>a 7 foot (214cm) tall freakishly muscular guy wearing a basketball shorts, flip flops, no shirt, and a ceramic ballistic plate with the STRIKE FACE side facing you duct taped to his head.
>a 5'1(155cm) tall fat hispanic guy wearing a wife beater, jorts, and the fanciest damn shoes you've ever seen, holding a really cheap switchblade.
>a pretty normal looking woman wearing a trench coat, slacks, and flats with no visible weapons but plenty of pocket space to hide some.
>a 6'7 (204cm) woman wearing a crop top that says "juicy", booty shorts that also say "juicy", high heels and is dual wielding MAC-11s.
My last character would probably fight the Strike Face guy if he doesn't have a clear way to escape, mostly because he looks the most vulnerable to molotovs.
What's the catch?
Owod is all about making the supernatural responsible for everything in human history, despite being more interesting to read about it gets retarded and janky pretty quick despite asking for various interactions that would be very impractical at the table.
CofD is about giving you the lore and mechanical equivalent of Lego pieces so you can build up whatever scenario you want with minimal jank.
I don't know enough about Courseborne to give an explanation.
while less janky than wod i wouldn't call shit like mtaw 2e "minimal jank" it is probably the most jank we ever gotten ruleswise in these games
Mage is a shit show because you need a whole fucking flow chart for creating effect on the fly slowing down the game until someone learns the rules well enough to run through the process.
Hannibal Lecter is a Nagaraja that cultivates his skill in Presence over practicing necromancy btw, but he likes to take a cheeky sippy of ghost juice from his victims every now and again
i think a malkavian with the cannibal merit would fit better because it adds to the character that he doesn't NEED to cannibalize people

also the whole "you're insane" conversation
The vibe is off, though. Malkavians use their power to perceive the invisible. Hannibal has extremely refined senses and impossible powers to compel others. He presents like a Toreador, but has the proper fixation on death and murder. His art is morbidity.
So a Toreador anti tribu?
how about the Ananke malkavian bloodline
>stereotyped as serial killers
>keep morbid collections of corpse parts
just again add the cannibal merit
No way Hannibal is anything but Camarilla
I can also appreciate this.
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After learning about the Fianna i can't get the mental image of an IRA werewolf out of my head.
Due to being written from an American perspective, the Fianna are treated as being very pro-IRA and anti-UK. In fact, a lot of old WoD books have a very negative attitude towards Europe in general, with almost every European country and city described as dominated by the Weaver with a very anti-EU sentiment. The USA and Asia (due to the orientalism of the 90s) are treated like the only civilised places in the world that haven't been completely enslaved by the Weaver and the Wyrm.
I'm no Werewolf expert but I always figured America was in the grip of the Wyrm pretty bad given how much the Wyrm is associated with chemical additives in food, over-consumption, and big pharma.
The Wyrm does have the upper hand in the USA but the war wasn't lost yet, unlike Europe which is entirely dismissed as being lost to the Weaver. It's just typical Americentrism since the game was written by Americans and for Americans in the 90s, when the concept of representing and including other cultures produced gems like the Ravnos, Assamites, Giovanni, Fianna, Wendigo and many, many more.
south america was the big battlefield against the wyrm of early wta while europa was mostly weaver country, "russia" (white wolf often called the entire area of the soviet union just russia) was super wyrm country and north america was considered the standard setting the others where measured by
>Tremere have the best fashion
As expected of a former Hermetic house.

Like a wolf, surely?
Remember, Fianna is just a word.
Oi m8, yew got a loicense fer that review?

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