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The /btg/ is dead! Long live the /btg/!

Bear necessities edition

Last Thread: >>93954328

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Why are the Ghost Bears the coolest clan?
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Humbug. The Hell's horsese were the last Clan to hold butte.
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>His FLGS doesn't have a mural of a mech in the gaming room
>playing in an LGS with ransoms instead of someones comfy house with close friends
They only larp as a clan
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>decide to try Battletec by HSB
>OC DONUSTEEL SLDF dropship doesn't carry any weapon, but you have bodypositive brown woman who knows how to fly it
>Dumb capellan blows up Castle Brian just because some shitty Taurian dropship landed
>second part of the game is just chewing through one assault lance to another
>can deploy only single lance
>except of the last campaign mission, so go on and do dozens more contracts to train additional pilots
>Antagonist wants to instigate war between FedSuns and Taurians so he can ally with Taurians, by launching chemical attack on Taurian planet
Meh... at least campaign maps weren't bad, at least dancing around latina chick on pumped up Dragon with BlackJack from prologue on dusty planet was fun,
Kind of sad that despite pretty cool music and 2D cutscenes (okay glorified slide-show) character's writting is fanfic-tier
Should I give career mode a try with mods?
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Outing yourself this early in the thread is a bold move for sure.
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>all this bitching
>didn't bring up they/them pronouns
Impressive restraint. Most impressive.
I enjoy career mode with BEX and bigger drops.
>Too afraid to play a "dumb" clan
>all dumb clans placed even lower except of JF
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Since you all absolutely actually play the game, of course, tell us about your house units, clan units or merc groups. Tell us a quick blurb about each of your pilots. Do they have call signs? What are their quirks?
>>didn't bring up they/them pronouns
Well, I actually didn't bother with character's creation just made some generic dude
Also, I've pirated game, but ithis stock merc have different name
Yeah because Steel Vipers, Nova Cats, Smoke Jaguars, Fire Mandrills, Blood Spirit, Wolverine, Burrock, Ice Hellion and Widowmaker really had the right ideas, huh? Really knew what they were doing didn't they?
Career mode with mods is the way to go.
Primarily I play the TTRPG with some friends. Currently working on my own personal Merc unit for my FLGS Alpha Strike league, haven't got deep on that one. But there is one of my characters of note that keeps getting a call back. Lieutenant Skippy, You see his real name was Mathew Tybalt, a fresh faced New Avalon graduate given over to a merc company as a liaison from the Fed Suns, the problem was that all of the other players were NCOs, both in game and real life. They proceeded to make my Butter Bar's life hell. Used my battlemech to hide a still, got me hammered in game and put me in direct charge of our insufferable heiress we were escorting (We were escorting a Davion noblewoman who was also a pop star on the Capellen Boarder, they kept trying to kidnap her) who was eventually his first wife (of 5) and the reason he was kicked out of the Davion military. I stepped away from the game for about 5 months when my oldest kid was born and came back to find out they had somehow got him married and divorced 4 times, 3 of which in the span of a 2 weeks stay in the Magistry of Canopus, and given him both severe alcoholism and a porn addiction before benching him to move onto the next generation. We are still in that setting. Lt Skippy just passed away at our game night last week (campaign has been going on and off for 10 years with occasional breaks for other games) He was 105, our units CO at this point and still going strong in his love for booze and porn. I am now playing his granddaughter in his freshly restored Wolverine.......it was deep cleaned sadly the nice mahogany desk she also inherited has a strange sticky smell and seems to be varnished white......

If you are looking for sanity among the clans, you're playing a losing game.
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Mercenary battalion The Mirage Knights, formed from the scattered and surviving remains of the ComStar 6th Army's 102nd Division after the Jihad War ended. Currently employed by House Marik of the Free Worlds League. Total strength is 6 lances of 6 for a total of 36 'mechs, fielded in 3 companies of 12. Unusual feature: despite no longer being adherents to ComStar beliefs, they maintain that the battalion CO, who pilots the Knight of Gold BL-6-KNT command 'mech, represents the last vestige of Blake's dream as the glorious future Mankind is still capable of despite its tribulations. Unit colors are silver-white and red, except for the Knight of Gold, which gleams in the color of its name.
If by 'sanity' you mean 'a functioning survival instinct and a desire to protect their genetic legacy' then sure let's go with that.
Has Catalyst just forgotten to fucking print more rulebooks? Hunting down either Alpha Strike Commander's Edition or Total Warfare is turning into a fucking shitshow. I could just get AGoAC to have CBT rules, but the entire point of getting this shit was to have all my rules collected into a few volumes, not to have like five separate softcovers to leaf through.

I don't really wanna just go digital either and printing the PDFs sounds like a pain.
Star Captain Elias Hawkins of the Rasalhague Dominion Alpha Galaxy is a recently Bloodnamed Warrior who is actually pretty conservative. He sees the necessity of migrating to the Inner Sphere and taking up with the natives, but he believes that the Clan has surrendered too much authority and autonomy to their hosts. He hopes that his throwback style of warfare, favoring speed and hit and run tactics with heavy weapons, will be enough to eventually earn him the Khan, at which point he intends to correct the unequal relationship between the Ghost Bears and the Rasalhague government.
Their printing is pretty inconsistent. You just have to wait for them to come back in stock.
There's just no motivation for them to print when they can sell PDFs
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In the mean time, might as well share:
These are my Kentares Snow Rats; initially defectors from the 5th Donegal during the FCCW, they lead a successful months long guerilla campaign against Steiner forces until the return of Ian Dresari let off the pressure in the planet's Arctic regions enough for them to escape off planet.

Most of those serving in the Snow Rats were greenhorns and cadets from a training command on planet and cut their teeth on urban combat and combined arms. Many have the dubious distinctions of being some of the most experienced Stinger, Locust, Urbanmech and Chameleon pilots on the Davion side of the FCCW on account of limited access to more modern and advanced chassis.

Founder and leader, and formerly Hauptmann of the Lyran Alliance, Leon Cooper is barely an above average pilot in his own right; but his talent for subterfuge, tactics and mindgames was instrumental to his rebel unit not only surviving but thriving under running battle conditions. Utilizing unorthodox dropship sharing and equipping mechs to operate in the field for sometimes weeks at a time before recovery, the Rats scrappy resourcefulness has often made up for aging mechs and tight supplies.

A typical deployment by the Rats is the aformentioned paired lances, with one heavy recon lance trading seats with a battle lance when necessary. For a former Steiner command, they lean surprisingly light on tonnage with speed and maneuverability taking the lead. Atypical deployments of single battlemechs supporting Vees and infantry grew less common as they grew into an independent and supported command, however they're still employed in security details and can make up a broader shell-game strategy for large deployments, where extensive use of ECM and tradecraft has more than once seen enemy forces face off against their only Assault lance where token resistance was expected.
I like these guys.
Why the hell is that a picture from the Finnish miltary
Just like how everyone knows that Norway has trolls, everyone knows Finns are a scouting party for Clan Ghost Bear.
Exactly how long of a post did you want?

From the Diamond Gambit, page 6:

Founded by leutnant Katarina Haas of the LCAF in 3027 after her first (and only) tour of Duty was over, the Carmine Company has had numerous succesful, if minor in the grand scheme of things, contracts. The company has been able to prosper and maintain combat readiness under her command.

With her ties to the Lyran Commonwealth, working a lucrative security contract against pirates for the ALMC seemed like a good bet to get some on-the-field training in. However, the clan invasion may see the companys fortunes change...
What would you guys say are the 5 most Iconic mechs of Battletech? I'm pretty sure of the first three but iffy on the rest.
1: Madcat
2: Atlas
3: Warhammer/Hammerhands
4: Vulture
5: Catapult
I think the joke has been lost to most people since they've only seen the edited picture, but the symbol of the Karelian flight-group of the Finnish air force looks kind of like the Ghost Bears symbol except instead of bear arms surrounding the central symbol it's wings, and the central symbol is the Finnish air force swastika instead of a bear head.
Marauder needs to be on this list. Probably an Archer and a Shadow Hawk too.
I don't know why you would put the Catapult and not the fucking Marauder, or Griffin, or Wolverine.
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Mad Cat as the fifth
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I would never have made the connection, desu

I'd say Shadowhawk and Marauder for the last two slots.

Oddly enough, Battlemaster also seems pretty popular in art, but I think it would squeak into 6th
>character's writting is fanfic-tier
The game itself is pretty much fanfic.
However, it was salvageable material.
>Never reveal where Aurigan Reach lies in game
>all factions depicted as "colonists" "pirates" "merchants" etc.
>add few slides to the very ending (after getting Atlas-II)
>star map zooms out revealing full map of Aurigan Reach, next slide revealing neighbours: Rasalhague district, Lyran Commonwealth , Chainelane Isles
>Zooming stops at Caliban Nebula
>all while All Along The Watchtower plays on the background
I'm tinkering with making a mercenary unit started by a washed up Taurian mech pilot who managed to strike it rich at a casino in Canopus. All the mechs are painted gold. I was thinking of naming the outfit "Fortune's Folly."
I'm basing this primarily on various artworks and other media be it games, books, shows or other works

1. Madcat (Timberwolf)
2. Atlas
3. Vulture (Mad Dog)
4. Urbanmech
5. Mauler

You could honestly fit others like Marauder, Locust, Raven and even a Centurion for the 4th and 5th slots really but I'd say the top 3 are probably undisputed. I just put the Mauler there because it was on the cover of Mechwarrior 2 Mercenaries so anyone who even played that game in the past would recognise it without any other exposure to Battletech.
Why no one is colonizing space around Inner Sphere, are they stupid?

Because that would mean more work for the unpaid writers of course.
The area of the Inner Sphere is already pretty massive. If you check the map there's some mention of worlds in some fuck off distance a long long way from the edges of the periphery.
My merc unit is the Company of the Errant Star, sometimes styled as the Knights of the Errant Star, or the Most Chivalrous Knights of the Errant Star. They are actually several competing companies using the same name. They began as a militia unit on Venus, but haven't spent much time in the Sol system after Venus got wrecked in the Amaris Civil War. The ducal family that led the militia, the Veltens, lost its main line after the last duke went missing in an Amaris internment camps and his only heir burnt up in atmosphere during the assault on Terra. The remaining family branches all made spurious claims to the noble titles and stole what assets they could. By 3025 there are a half dozen self important douches leading merc companies with the same name all claiming to be the duke of some uninhabitable Venusian wasteland and cursing about their evil cousins trying to steal their titles. Depending of the time and location the game takes place I play as different branches of the family.
Colonizing planets is expensive, and difficult. Invading your neighbor to take their land is much cheaper.
Colonies do exist outside the sphere, they’re just insignificant.
As for why the houses don’t, why would they? Most planets aren’t fully developed, and there are habitable, uncolonized planets still in the sphere. Colonization is hard, space colonization double so, and it doesn’t just happen without significant external pressure.
What do you think Periphery and Deep Periphery is?
Because colonizing worlds is expensive and the Great Houses are too husy jacking themselves off, as usual.
There is a periphery political movement that's turning abductees into cyborgs so that they don't need to change the air bottles on their terraforming projects slave workers no longer.
It'd be kind of hard to stick the Aurigan Reach to the coreward area since that's one of the most detailed out areas of the Periphery, due to the Clans having come from that direction. Even before the Clans there were multiple known bandit kingdoms in the area directly coreward of Rasalhague military district and the Lyran coreward border.
The rimward side of the Periphery on the other hand was mostly empty besides the two big Periphery states there. The region doesn't get any detailed information and nothing is noted as happening there until after the Clan invasion when Canopians and Taurians start to jointly colonized the region (which eventually leads to the new colony region breaking off into its own state, the Fronc Reaches). So as long as the Aurigans don't exist as a unified state by the time that happens (they don't: while it's not confirmed exactly when it happened it's been stated that their state collapsed sometime around the late SW era, a few decades after the events of the game take place in) it doesn't really contradict any existing lore. They're just another one of the minor Periphery states that people don't bother putting on most maps because they're completely irrelevant outside their own tiny sphere and influence and probably collapse before the maps get updated anyway.
>it doesn't really contradict any existing lore.
You missed the point.
The idea was "how to give story with unlikeable characters good ending"
I only just now got into the tabletop but due to backing the mercenaries kickstarter and picking up the alpha strike and GoAC boxes, I am now at a Reinforced Battalion levels so I have formed "The War Rats" mercenaries company. I'm still at the surface level though so I have nothing beyond that. I'm thinking its a company with a Free Worlds League preference because I am a red blooded American and it has the most room for an America planet.
We also do occasional jobs for the Davions because England sucks but is better than china. Fuck Capellans.
You seem to be someone who thinks that Battletech is a setting with consistent reasoning and solid logic. In that you are mistaken, and I suspect someone has lied to you.
Cataphract fucks.
I think the locust is in the top 5 desu.
(its also the closest to my style of preferred mech)
I don’t really characterize my pilots, I’m not here to roleplay on that granular a level.
I do have a pilot in the merc campaign at the lgs, tho. Johnny ‘bean counter’ Takeuchi, unit accountant with a severe distaste for missile boats.
I use the pilot cards that came with the box set and the blister packs. Don't really care about their skills so I just draw four/five and write their names in.
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Officially remnants of the last attempt of Nueva Castille and Umayyads to overthrow Goliath Scorpion rulership, after they moved their capital and bulk of touman into Hanseatic worlds. Managed to sieze Dropship with 2 lances of medium and light IS mechs (except of Archer and Warhammer) designated for garrison clusters, but failed to link up with other rebellious groups. Each Lance carries colours of now vanished Castillian states
Unofficially Scorpion's Watch clone of Wolf's Draggons but with much tighter control (group of Watch's sleeping agents among the crew along with several official liaisons). Originally was used as bait to lure remaining rebel groups out of hiding (with several Cloud Cobras and Coyotes agents leading them) and sent forward to Chainelane Isles and now operating in Hinterlands. Also tasked with providing aid to Seekers operating in the region.
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Well if you insist.

Mercenary Review and Bonding Commission Official Listing
Organization Name: Al-Sahja Irregulars
MRBC Designation Code: I-325732-90135
Owner: Isaak Wyman Montrose
Commander: Isaak Wyman Montrose

Founded in 3058 by Maxwell Rozend (b. 3025, Alcor III), the Al-Sahja Irregulars initial claim to fame was a minor contribution to Operation BULLDOG. In the following years, the Irregulars showed little to no distinguishing achievements, before re-appearing on the radar in the thirty-second century; assisting the Lyran Commonwealth in their (only partially successful) engagements against both Clan Jade Falcon and the Wolf Empire.
The Al-Sahja Irregulars have earned a reputation for attracting individuals who, for one reason or another, have been disgraced, forgotten, or otherwise cast out from their “home” organizations. This has lead to an organization that is either an adaptable force with a wide skill range, or a derelict hodgepodge of rejects, dilettantes, and failures, depending on who you ask.
Are the chaos campaign rules in the Mercenaries box any good? I'm wondering if it's any easier to run a campaign with those rules than the regular campaign rules.
The game makes more sense if you assume ROM is fully up your ass. "Kamea" is a body double after the original 'sploded. The doctor who can fly your unique dropship is your handler (also why she's listed as the employer for certain missions). They want to blow up the cache so there isn't uncontrolled lostech in their playground. A decade later, they do it again on a high risk scale with false Thomas.
Kamea seemed pretty retarded, so the Aurigan Coalition breaking up not long after she took over makes sense.
Comstar having their fingers in the entire affair seems likely.
Two things:
Go read Interstellar Players 3. Because they are you're just ignorant.
And the maps don't show all planets anyway. Just the ones with recognized settlements on them. There are uninhabited rocks everywhere even inside the Inner Sphere, but terraforming is expensive and might be (era depending) lostech.

And why would you terraform a new rock when there are so many sparsely populated worlds still full of natural resources?
Hey guys, does anyone listen to the Battletech audiobooks?

I was wondering if there was a torrent for them. Looking for the Gray Death ones.
I would also like to know. My Facebook group loves sharing STLs and PDFs and other BattleTech products free of charge.
File deleted.
Don't know about downloads. Grimdark Narrator has recordings of the Gray Death Legion books on his channel. Razorfist has also done decent audiobooks of Ghost of Winter and Ideal War.
Get out of here Catalyst.
I remember hearing that some of the audiobooks are abridged so they might not be worth the time.
Hey NEA, do you have a more detailed photo of that OG brown Marauder?
you jest but youd be surprised how many of them try to slime their way into any online community that mentions them.
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Idk about any torrents, but some are up on YouTube. The quality is pretty hit or miss, but the ones that hit are pretty ok.
I think the "BattleTech Legends" versions of the audiobooks are unabridged.
>abridged audio books
I think I've accidentally bought a couple of these unrelated to bt. Who the fuck wants excerpts from a book instead of the whole thing? Part of me feels like it was deceptive marketing because I don't understand the market.
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And people give Ukraine shit for all the swastikas...
Instant Action v4.1 when?
Thats a ballsack.
Given how scummy they've acted on twitter and discord I wouldn't put much past them.
Rem is a pervasive disease.
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Your keen powers of observation serve you well, Mechwarrior.
I miss when community spaces were community spaces and not a tendril upon the octopus.

I'm sorry, I need more specific details than that. I own 37 unseen Marauders, 9 of which include some significant form of brown.
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Fucking kill your fucking self you fucking asshole, fuck, your fucking cancerous fucking bait in every fucking thread is so fucking bad and really fucking obnoxious, you absolute fucking fuck.
Small kitten combo-raped by series of walruses
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He's right though. With fans online having the ability to broadcast their non-company opinions and (for the company) uncontrollable aggregators, such as Google and Social Media randomly amplyfying and plattforming those opinions, the company naturally needs to control fan-spaces in order to maintain their brand representation.

It's no dissimilar to how NERF switched from screws to welding in assembly because they have no other way of controlling the potential resales of modded NERF guns.
>He's right
Pathetic samefagging.
The old ones were literally "books on tape" and each tape could only hold something like 60-90 minutes of audio, hence the abridging.
That doesn't answer the question. Who is the market? Cuz you could get the entire king james bible on tape back in the day. You just needed more casettes. I don't see any excuse for having excerpts from a book instead of the full thing. Especially not now that physical media is dead.
>They hated Supply-Side Jesus.
It is not a company's right, it is a company's desire.
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People were arguing about this last thread
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It's hundreds of hours of free work towards spreading their brand awareness if their single or single-digit group of community managers attain control of fan spaces. They'd be dumb to not give it a shot.
That's why they have the OF and Reddit.
The OF isn't even useable as a community board due to shit moderation practices.
What about? Looks like formulas are correct
Basically this. It's a smart business decision to control as much online discussion of your product as you can. Large gain, minimal risk, minimal cost, and it purges your fan base of the alienated evangelists who drive people away from consuming your product. There isn't really a downside, and it's unsurprising that an Orwellian company like CGL is ahead of the curve on this one. Expect this sort of behavior to be more and more common.
Only Davionman can save us now.
This is why every time I get someone into Battletech I tell them to 3D print or buy from 3D printers and tell them where they can find PDFs for the rules. I've brought about 8 people into the game this year and CGL has gotten about $50 from it.
Something about massed LRM-5s being more efficient than an equivalent amount of LRM tubes as a single launcher, due to the weight savings and space savings (IS only) of the LRM-5s. Technically this is correct, but massed LRM-5s also generate more heat than the bigger launchers.
This is also without considering that if you want to add Artemis it will rapidly bloat the slot and tonnage requirements for LRM-5s and bigger launchers will come out on top very quickly.
Funny enough, yes, that's actually probably your best bet for change. Because right now, they have no reason at all to change what they're doing. The only way any company makes changes is if their income is threatened, or if their safety is threatened. Drops in the ocean like >>93973814 aside, CGLs income stream is secure, and to hit them hard enough to get them to back off would require such a hit that they would shut down as a company and the IP would fall into the hands of someone who would be even worse (Hasbro, GW, Asmodee, Palladium, etc). That leaves direct threats to their safety as the only feasible way for fans to let CGL know what is unacceptable behavior. I suggest investing in canned food and shotguns.
Do cripple rules apply to clanners, or they can fight until they die while spheroids have to run?
Forced withdrawal rules apply to all units at all times, unless the scenario specifically says that they don't.
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Help me, Davionman!

Ah, what will I do!? I raise my foot on lvl 1 terrain
You are my Sun, my Federate Suns
Geez, hurry up! My quickly-lowered foot
Is a sign to you, Davionman! My sign to you

"Davionman! Davionman! Help me Davionman!"
"Davionman! Davionman! Help me Davionman!"

Well, let's go!

I can hear them shouting "Davionman! Davionman! Help me!" again today
I'll go see who I can save with my sincere, whole-hearted devotion
No gun of merica ever killed a man
Oh, look, somebody's calling me again

I'll try shouting it again today: "Davionman! Davionman! Help me, Davionman!"
This is the power of the foot that tread the porch
Oh no, the social media representative is here; they're going to get me

"Davionman! Davionman! Help me Davionman!"
"Davionman! Davionman! Help me Davionman!"

Hurry up and get here!

So, let's go help! Your foot is raised from lvl 1 terrain
You are my princess, my selfish princess
Look, I've gotta hurry! Your quickly-lowered foot
Is a sign to call me, So, let's go help! Your foot is raised up high
You are my princess, my selfish princess
Look, I've gotta hurry! Your quickly-lowered foot
Is a sign to call me, Davionman! It's your sign to me! It's your sign to me

Ah, what will I do!? I raise my foot on lvl 1 terrain
You are my Sun, my United Suns
Geez, hurry up! My quickly-lowered foot
Is a sign to call me, Davionman! HELP ME, DAVIONMAN!!
That is a project I've been working on for a while now. Once I get it done I'll be setting up a second Mega dedicated to audio books.
Just play some Bears who got the local phone book and are now aware that there are unmentionable family names present on this planet.
Problem is, there aren't many stock mechs that carry multiple lrm5s instead of one lrm10, 15 or 20
For that exact reason. LRM5s are kinda underwhelming because the majority of the time Missiles are only going to hit with 60% of their payload. LRM10/15/20 means they'll get at least one full 5 damage cluster, while LRM5s are dropping a bunch of 3pt clusters. Also the vast majority of the time if you show up with a cheesed custom LRM boat people just won't play with you.
I thought you still sorted it into 5 point groups no matter how many different launchers there were.
nope, you sort it into 5 point groups with remainders per weapon. but since the LRM5 usually rolls a 3, that's only 3 missiles per launcher.
You really only see it on clan mechs. It’s annoying both to run, and to play against. I don’t want to roll six separate attack and cluster rolls, just give me two 15 packs.

I’ve seen that as a house rule. it speeds things up, but removes the down side of just spamming 5s.
Thanks for the battrep NEA, I finally got round to reading it, been busy. Sounds like it was rough, and the position of Fury Lance looks like its a death sentence. Or it could be the units doctor, have you tried replacing them?
Anyway, it is like Helmuth von Moltke said: "No plan survives contact with the dice". I have very bad memories of burning my Peacekeepers one point of Edge during a game to get one gun, the Heavy PPC, to finally land a hit after 6 straight turns of missing with everything on some pretty good numbers.
IIRC the Finns adopted it back in WW1 before even the Nazis got their slimy mitts on it.
Rasalhague Resistance Movement
>BL-7-KNT-L ('Lelouch')
>ARC-2S ('Suzaku')
>WVR-6K ('Kallen')
I like BEX, I'm less sure about Bigger Drops.

I just now tried a game with CAC-C and the BEX expansion pack, and I dunno. Vehicles are fun but a little buggy (I can't figure out how to repair them ready them, unready them, etc), and I feel like I kinda liked the fixed equipment in BEX for ECM and stuff; it made the Mechs have more character, even if it was annoying as fuck trying to find Clan Mechs with ECM. Also, ECM is less useful now.

BTA is less buggy but too complicated to be fun for me, and runs slow even on a gaming computer because the game is so poorly optimized.

I still think that ultimately BEX is probably the best balance between complexity and simplicity.
You need more RAM.
>64GB of RAM isn't enough
Better download some more
It really isn't.
Alternate Universe ruined it for me
I would say give Suzaku the Black Knight, and give Lelouch an Awesome or Atlas or something, just make sure you run with with dogshit skill.
Give Kallen one of the Celestials.
That Battletech computer game where they force you to have a fucking Muslim chief engineer but don't let you blow up Neo-Israel was dissapointing both ways

Isn't the closest thing to "neo-Israel" in BT the Draconis March?
The Comguard should be called the Comstarmy.
Ah yes, Robinson, the world that totally isn't in the Draconis March.
I mean more specifically Robinson. Not so much the whole march.

Robinson isn't anywhere near the game area and has nothing do to with the plot. Why would blowing it up come up in the context of the game?
If you are genuinely triggered and not merely pretending, you should consider getting into a different setting which is far enough into the future that it doesn't depict real world religions.
I always fire Dekker if he survives the first merc mission. He's an Arab-Pole from the Capellan Confederation; I'd shoot him instead of cashiering him if it were an option.
It doesn't. /pol/tards are just shitting up the thread with buzzwords again. He's talking about the Aurigan Reach.
How is the Aurigan Reach "neo-Israel"?
I was just answering a question. Ask >>93975494 this guy
I see that you are using language that was popular years ago on /pol/ in an attempt to deflect, but it makes very little sense to force a player into relying on a woman of a specific religion to be in that key position. They could have let me choose from a group, but they specifically put her in there so they could earn Good Boy Points and I either passively accept it or get labelled by trannies like you. Which is fine by me, but don't pretend you are above politics when you are crudely aping what your chosen enemies made up on their own years ago.
I am also quite dissapointed that none of you pointed out the obvious Neo-Israel in the Battletech setting, which obviously would be Comstar. Obvious to any fan of the setting, at least, and not some tourist cheerleader for their google/facebook/blackrock approved flavor of politics.
It isn't. Anon is just a /pol/tard shitting up the thread with buzzwords.
Sure are a lot of ZIONISTS in this thread. Interesting.
To be clear, I am making fun of you because you are complaining both that a video game story has specific characters and that one (1) of those characters is visibly muslim. It seems like you are also complaining that an engineer character is a woman/not hot enough. Assuming these are genuinely held opinions, this makes you extremely pathetic.
>am also quite dissapointed that none of you pointed out the obvious Neo-Israel in the Battletech setting, which obviously would be Comstar.

Comstar is explicitly the Catholic Church.
>Small, politically powerful, strategically located, religious state that controls all the worlds financial systems, and manipulates with world superpowers through propaganda and backroom dealings.

I don't know, man.
>If you are genuinely triggered and not merely pretending, you should consider getting into a different setting
This is particularly offensive. I have been playing this game since the 1990s, and yet now people like you will actively pretend that you are the standard bearers for the game itself, even as you reveal your own biases, and even as your Allies worm their ways into positions of power in an effort to make it seem like you aren't lying through your teeth. I have no more issue with space Muslims than I do with space Buddhists or any other religion, but forcing me into running with it for no reason other than gaining political points is a dishonest maneuver clearly meant to garner favor with the political power players of our time and adds nothing to the game.

>Comstar is explicitly the Catholic Church.
Not at all. That's pretty ridiculous, and I think you know it.
Hey guys I did a thing.

rebr@nd(Dot)ly CranstonLogFiles

Took a bit and a while to figure out how but I did it none the less.
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BEX and bigger drops is my favorite combo. BTA does too much and fucks the game up. Long Toms are so broken in BTA.

>destroy base objective
>find area on map with base in fog of war, proceed to shell it from spawn
>great success

>destroy enemy lance objective
>spam long tom shells at likely spawn areas (they're not hard to guess)
>great success

adapt for every mission type.

The biggest crime though about the castle Brian cache is they destroyed it because they assumed I couldn't steamroll a combined arms battalion with my dudes. Gimme my lance I got in with and the lostech lance and I could handle a company of mechs and vees each. I had a quad +10dmg ppc awesome that could still 3 3 2 and could core out CTs of most mechs you think I'm scared of a Fortress class? All they did was bring my average kill count from a 5 skull mission in one trip.

The Catholic Church is explicitly the Catholic Church in Battletech.
The church of new avalon does not play the same role in international relations as the catholic church did in medieval europe. Comstar does.
Sure are a lot of little hat Comstar acolytes in here
Whats the tldr on marik militia and the free worlds league? I wanna get some purple on the table.
>BTA does too much and fucks the game up. Long Toms are so broken in BTA.
I'm betting you haven't played BTA in a while. They nerfed artillery hard in a recent update. Artillery can now only fire every 2 turns, with the 1st turn being putting down the firing circle and it can't be changed until it's fired. Artillery just means I have to run out of a circle quickly. Easy to deal with now.
Do you just have 37 marauders just chilling in a case that you can walk over and look to get that information or do you have the unit count and paint jobs if all minis memorized?
None of that actually has anything to do with playing the game. Besides, story stuff is best saved for campaigns.
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He may have it cataloged like I do.
Hmm. I feel the you are not like me meme is appropriate here.
>Naginata Battalion
Kuritan all-women unit who do the ISF's heavy lifting
>Cobalt Company
Lyran unit who still need story
>Carritos' Cavaliers
Mercenaries turned defenders of a specific planet during the tail end of the dark age/ilclan era. 90s robot cartoon vibes

My other units are canon schemes. I should really get Cobalt Company some characterization...

>>93976256 has the right answer. Once you get over a few thousand minis, having a spreadsheet listing what you own really helps.

Also, I use Marauders a *lot*, as it's one of my favorite designs. Which is a) why I will fight Shimmy until my dying breath that the dorsal gun is necessary, and b) why I know offhand how many I have. Much like BLs mom, they get used fairly constantly.
I love the old gangly Marauder.
The Free World League splits its military into Federal and Provincial forces, with the Captain-General as the Commander in Chief. Whether he can actually deploy provincial forces depends on the era and politics. Marik Militia are the largest and most basic of Federal forces, and are spread all across the nation. They're involved in almost every campaign, offensive or defensive. They don't really shine on their own since their most talented officers tend to move on to more prestigious things, but because of that they are connected to basically every other brigade in the nation.
>Kamea seemed pretty retarded
Well her rebellion was literally backed up by Canopus.
Necessity of buffer between Taurians and MoC ceased to exist once both became Capellan puppets
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>why I will fight Shimmy until my dying breath that the dorsal gun is necessary,
You will not be missed.
Same. I don't know what it is about it going the AU Fanfiction route just kills all interest in it. I should be more interested in a universe where I don't know what exactly is going to happen next but maybe it's just the comfort of knowing events.
I agree completely, the old marauder is iconic and cool. Maybe the newer ones look cool too, but I certainly wouldn't begrudge someone sticking with the classic design.
Eh my only problem with the old Marauder is it kind of looks too thin to be a 75 tonner.
>Rancid's Raiders
Defectors from the 5th FedCom RCT who went pirate. Raid around the IS until the Jihad where they go full Blakist and are destroyed along with with the rest of the WoB's cannon fodder.
Damn it shim I'm tired of boxes, when you do the Berserker it better be sleek and curvy as fuck.
I can't even picture what the new marauder looks like, the original is just imprinted in my mind's eye.
Have shotgun, will travel.
I actually think the new Marauder is pretty good. And it still has a central top gun, so all is well there.
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12 more complete. The grey hoard is done and gone.
Interesting fact. Shimmy didn't want to do the dorsal gun but we won that issue. So he did it to the Mad II instead. What kills me is his version is a perfect 3060's Phoenix version. I only take issue with them being forced as the 3025.
People often overestimate how big something that weighs 75 tons is.
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Oh is it caturday already? I didn't get a picture but Bucky here tried to attack my mechs earlier today.
Your paints are looking a little thin. You should go over them with a couple more layers.
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Handsome boy enjoying the sun. It's been raining all day here, so Hobby hasn't gotten any sun today. Also, on the internet, every day is Caturday.
Learn to fucking paint, asshole.
I don't think I could paint like this.
Looks like Cranston just posted a trove of it.
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Here's the mechs Bucky was attacking.

What's the thought process behind your painting? Seems really hyper saturated.
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Keep the Neanderthal's frill so I can put horns on it to call it the Triceratops
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Guys, anybody got a sculpt date on the original Venom? Sarna is worthless and I can't separate mine from the base.
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What's the name of this dance move?
>Welcome to Erf
It's the "jump to the right and shake that hand" step of the Scarn
I have this, the more I look at it the more I hate it. There's a deep wrongness the more I look.
I dunno how IWM messed it up so bad. Their models are usually very accurate, but the Neanderthal looks like it should be an Ost mech. Like an Ostaxe or something. Egg looking motherfucker.
I think it was the same guy that fucked up the first sculpt Thud IIC around the same time.
Make the Snubnose PPCs bigger and more pronounced too, it would look cooler that way.
His thought process is "IDGAF, dip the bitch"
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What was his beef with it? That the it was listed as left torso and not central torso?

There's all kinds of Mechs will centrally-mounted "side torso" weapons.

It's better than, say, the Stone Rhino or the Bane.

Seriously, how did they look at that and decide "10 AC/2s"?
I'm iffy on the faction itself, but I love some of the weird sidegrade equipment they bring to the table.
Nothing every feels quite as practical as Clan equipment, but a lot of their stuff is institutionally useful if you have a specific need in a build.
Except for SHEILDs. CASE2 for half the weight is kind of overpowered in the why where once you discover it you can't not use it.
There are those people who like the classic iconic look of a design, and those that want all weapons to fit a crit chart on art with no leeway. We call those second people "wrong" and "faggots." It's a goddamn miracle the Thud turned out so perfect with that thinking. Shim hit it out of the park with that one.
At the rate demographics are going it’s happening. Maybe you should have sex instead of complaining about fictional muslims
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I want the colors to be colorful. Loosely group up the mechs into what could be lances for certain factions, but at the end of the day, everything is merc viable. Ultimately though they're toys and I think they should look like toys.
Just feels good to have the whole collection done. Technically I have 6 minis left, but I haven't officially added them to the collection yet incase I can offload them for a few bucks. I'm sure I'll get some hate for not caring about having 1 or 2 of these in my collection, but those 6 minis are currently: Crab, Sentinel, Flashman, Guillotine, Mongoose, and Battle Cobra.
I may decide to keep the Crab and Mongoose. They seem okay. I'm just trying to be more discerning with a collection for once and only getting what I really like. Besides, I still don't get to play nearly as often as I'd like too and that many minis aren't needed to play the game. That's where the real joy with Battletch lies. Though I'm sure there will still be more minis bought in the future. I'll probably pick up some more tanks when the boxes hit the store.
My online friend is playing Battletech. Wish me luck guys, the watch a friend play a game through Steam function tends to be shoddy at best.
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You are a gem. Thanks a million, friend.
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Painting with a cat isn't that tough. Most of the time he just likes to be nearby. Though sometimes he does like to try and grab a mini and run off with it.
Are there any mechs that are notable for using a flail? I'm suddenly reminded how as a kid I saw what i now believe to be a Battletech miniature set at Borders where one of the mechs had a flail and I'm curious as to what mech it might have been.
>over a few thousand minis
If you aren't 3d printing everything then you aren't a legitimate fan.
Some piece of shit clicktech dark age abortion, no doubt.
I've decided I'm never going to charge people rent for how they paint their models so long as they paint them, but I think your stuff would look a whole lot better even if you just dip toned them, just to get the texture and panel lines to pop back out.
The only one I know of is the Aquagladius, and I don't think that ever got a mini at all. If it did it was a clix.
Actually it's
>wecome ta erf

Go back and listen to the line
That is amazing, why are we not getting updates on this sculpt

Well what planet are they from start with that.
Don't tell me what to do, paintsnob
On a lazy search it seems to be a Solaris VII weapon, if nothing else

>Game Rules
The BattleMech Flail inflicts 9 points of damage on a successful to hit roll. It isn't affected by tonnage or Triple Strength Myomer.[2] As it is so unwieldy, there is a 1 point penalty on to hit rolls. If the Flail user rolls a 2 on the to-hit roll, the miss inflicts 5 points of damage on the Flail-wielding 'Mech's front side and the MechWarrior must make a piloting skill roll to avoid falling down.
Huh, why wouldn't it be affected by TSM? Because the momentum is on the head and not the hand?
Same reason TSM doesn't work with vibroblades, they want to discourage you from using melee without outright saying it.
There was a Venom listed in the Kerenskycon excel doc, but recently the Venom has been depicted with the same art as a Spider since lore wise it is just a bulked up Spider. Even still has the SDR designation
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Closest I got was this
Watching my newbie friend play the game and he's using the 4 storyline pilots the game gives you. He is blessed in his ignorance about the people those characters are meant to represent.
It would make it too good for light mechs. Generally anything that doesn't scale off weight also doesn't benefit from TSM.
You could at least let them have some fun with the clunky flail before you shoot it down, it may or not be overpowered noone has even bothered to try
I don't need to test it to know that something which can run up to you at double digit speeds to smack you with an 18 damage hit is pretty powerful. And since it is powerful, it is not allowed. Melee weapons must be a downgrade from the hatchet and the hatchet must be a downgrade from punches and kicks. We're lucky they let the retractable blade punch optional rule exist.
On one hand I'm glad BT tries to avoid power creep but on the other I fucking hate how everything new or potentially fun gets pre-nerfed or comes with a dozen criteria.
This is the problem with modern games. This insistence on removing and penalizing everything before it even has a chance, because some guy ran the numbers and he could make it overpowered in a specific instance. If you are playing with/against people that constantly min/max then that is its own problem, I think you are being needlessly dissmissive. Particularly when we consider that this guy just off hand asked about seeing a flail one time. Why not let it have its shot?
Side question, if I run two flails can I try to hit with both in the same melee round?

It's more a habit of 3060's+ sidegrade city phenomena.
You can only use one melee weapon a turn, which fucks several canon mechs with two.
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Looks like you can parry with it at least, so with two you could be pretty safe on parrying
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Poor Cudgel, its entire gimmick was fucked over.
Can you use a hatchet to parry kicks?
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Finished a Whitworth today.
Love this guy, wish he had any decent upgrades before the 70s.
>the hatchet must be a downgrade from punches and kicks.

The hatchet has weight and critical slots.
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According to Tactical Operations: Advanced Rules page 86 and 87, yes.
As soon as weight and critical slots where involved it should have been an upgrade.

Especially since you still have to get close to the person to wack em.

It should have stuck to the punch table.
Yeah, and they should let you throw it too
>Hatamoto-Chi $45
>Somerset box $140
Holy shit.
>And there must be people buying this shit sadly
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MegaMek has the flail under Experimental weapons, as well as Unofficial, if you want to play with it
i think you should kill yourself honestly
so who is decker supposed to represent with his infinite dying?
Yeah, but how far?
what're you talking about? it has a nipple twister on the other hands for a reason, just activate TSM abd twist to the max.
>might be getting an unseen MAD IIC for $20

probably a scam but I'll play this lottery ticket
Off the cuff I would give increasingly negative tohit and damage based on range. Basing the throw on Piloting instead of Gunnery might be interesting/worthwhile, and you could rely on the normal rules for hatchet damage while using the normal ranged weapon tohit tables
Throwing anything with a Mech would be awkward so it would at least be a -1 by default, I'd include the Flail critical miss rule as well so if you rolled 2 you would have to then roll a Piloting skill to not fall over
Aside from the Defiance Industries example, is there a decent STL for a VP-1 Viper floating about anywhere? I may have need of one on short notice and I won't wait 3-5 years for CGL to release an official copy.
Yeah, scalpers are all scum who should be lynched.
>Throwing anything with a Mech would be awkward so it would at least be a -1 by default
It would not, and throwing objects rules are already in Tacops. Read, nigga, read.
Two on cults. Try hydra robot and vipeer.
That stl annoys me because they didn't bother changing the head and because they made the chest less bulky there's a big pedestal the upper torso sits on now that looks weird
Looks like Defiance has the Hydra version
>Basing the throw on Piloting instead of Gunnery might be interesting/worthwhile
This should go without saying imo, throwing being gunnery wouldn't make any sense. Overall, I agree with your post.
Missed a third on cults, venemous serent mech. might have some slight MWO influence.
defiance has what's probably an early version the one on cults looks much better. Defiance still has the Crud head.

Copy that. Thank you, gentlemen. Much appreciated.
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>He doesn't acknowledge the wisdom and supremacy of Blake
I would say give it a range value of 8 and for every 2 hex's you add a modifier to the roll so 8 is +4 to hit with a thrown weapon and still apply its tonnage plus bonus damage.

For example a Hatchetmen throwing its axe will still deal its full 9 damage if it hits.
I just know that Behemoth was originally supposed to be a tranny.

What's the deal with the others.
Why didn't you just answer him with a citation from the rules so he could do it already
Because I've seen what happens when other people bother to do that. People don't want a rules cite. They want to be right and/or mad. Citing rules is a waste of time. Ask NEA how often citing rules actually helps.
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Yeah that's too many rules and too much math. I'm not reading all that shit.
Some of you seem pretty joyless about this game idk
Then masturbate to me fucking your mother.
>he thinks this is a game
I feel like they could have achieved the same effect by just saying "with TSM, add +3 to throwing distance to a maximum of 9" and avoid having to divide weights and recalculate percentages.
Whether or not the throwing rule is too complex, and it seems to to me, it also seems to me that (You) are missing that within these complex rules is hidden the ability to throw other Mechs, which is cool
100 ton mech can't throw a 5 ton mech without TSM...Welp I guess it isn't cool at all...I'd rather use the rules we made up in our heads a little while back then
Okay by using two hand actuators a Mech can throw 10% of its weight. This seems more oriented to throwing objects or improvised weapons than something like a hatchet throw, thus the complicated/heavily penalizing math
You'd need a 150 superheavy to throw the average ultralight mech. And I bet the actual ruling would be "superheavy mechs cannot throw objects".
Weird, I think I can throw a gallon water jug with one hand and I severely lacl workout
The throwing rules as they are do seem pretty unforgiving desu, kind of a waste. Getting to rush up and throw a lighter mech into the ground is really cool and the fact you can't really do that is pretty lame. At the very least, you should be capable of throwing your melee weapon, not even being able to do that is incredibly lame.
Ants can carry 3 times their own weight. I think it's more about the physics of much larger creatures picking up/throwing things.
I'd rather see mech grenades. But given the current rules, they'd probably make you do trig to figure out if you can throw your grenade over intervening terrain.
let me throw a ton of mg ammo at the enemy mech plz
Grenades would just make me think 'why?' Anything you could do physically would just be better off making a dedicated launcher for it or something like how A-Pods work.
We already have vehicle scale grenade launchers, but they're like an entire forest of man sized grenade launchers rather than a proper mortar. We also have mech mortars, but they suck and are very heavy. A bomb you can huck over a hill or down into a trench is very different from the existing options. Just having the wildly different angles and launch strengths of a manual toss needed to thread the needle through trees or around rubble makes it pretty different.
>Weird, I think I can throw a gallon water jug with one hand and I severely lacl workout
Agreed, axe throwing should not rely on this table
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There is nothing wrong with either the Stone Rhino or the Bane, stylewise or in terms of performance.
>okay, the bane 1 was admittedly a mistake
>the later models made up for it though
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According to the (improvised) thrown weapons table above you would be able to throw 1 ton of ammunition with one hand if you mech was 20 tons minimum.
>I'd rather see mech grenades. But given the current rules, they'd probably make you do trig to figure out if you can throw your grenade over intervening terrain.
I'm surprised there isn't any sort of explosive melee weapon. You're telling me no pirate king or jury rigged Antallos gladiator has thought to strap some hot loaded LRMs onto the end of a stick?
Is a TMM of +3 or +4 enough for an Executioner?
I looked further into the throwing rules and it goes like this (pages 92-93 of Tactical Operations: Advanced Rules)
> Throwing at a Hex: To throw an object at a hex, the controlling
player makes a standard punch attack. Apply a +1 to-hit modifier
for every hex beyond the first adjacent hex to the target hex; for
example, throwing an object 6 hexes would apply a +5 modifier.
However, the standard –4 to-hit modifier for an immobile target
is still applied.
If the attack is successful, charging damage divided by 2 (see
p. 148, TW) is applied to the target hex (whether a building, or
terrain if using the Terrain Factor Rules on p. 63, and so on). In other
words, the weight of the object is divided by 10, multiplied by the
number of hexes thrown, divided by 2 and then rounded up, to a
minimum of 1 point of damage.
If an object weighs 1 to 9 tons, inflict the base damage of 2
points for 1 to 3 tons, 3 points for 4 to 6 tons and 4 points for 7
to 9 tons; per normal charging damage, this is multiplied by the
distance thrown and then divided by 2.
If an object weighs less than a ton, divide its kilograms by 1000,
then multiply by hexes thrown and divide by 2, rounding up. If
this number is less than 1, no damage is applied to the target. For
example, a 650-kilogram statue is thrown 5 hexes, which would
cause 2 points of damage [650 kilograms (weight of statue) / 1000
= .65 x 5 = 3.25 / 2 = 1.625, rounded up to 2].
> If the level of the unit throwing the object is greater than the
level of the target hex, then that must also be taken into con
sideration. In addition determine the potential damage for this
“distance fallen” separately from the “distance thrown.” In other
words, the weight of the object is divided by 10, multiplied by
the number of levels fallen (adding +2 for a ’Mech, or plus 1 for
a ProtoMech), rounded up, to a minimum of 1 point of damage
(note that unlike distance thrown, this value is not divided). Once
a player has determined both the distance thrown value and the distance fallen value, only apply the greater value to both the
target and thrown object.
If the attack is a failure, use the Altitude Bombing Scatter
Diagram (see p. 245, TW) to determine where the object
landed. Roll 1D6 to determine direction and then another 1D6
to determine distance (to the maximum hex range allowed for
the object as shown on the Throwing Distance Table, p. 90).
Additionally, on a natural result of 2, the carrying unit
takes an automatic shoulder actuator critical hit (randomly
determine an arm if both arms were used; for ProtoMechs,
automatically mark off the right-most critical box).
Regardless of whether the attack was successful, damage to
the inanimate object is resolved with a 1D6 roll using the rules
for picking up an object from a fixed location, but apply a +3
modifier to the die roll result.
(cont'd again, it just keeps going on)
Throwing at Another Unit: Use all the rules above for
throwing at a hex, including the modifiers added for the
number of hexes thrown, except instead of a punch attack the
throwing unit makes a charging attack (per standard rules, the
relative Piloting Skill Rolls of the attacking and target unit are
taken into consideration).
If the attack is successful, apply the damage as noted above
to the target, using the direction of the attack to determine
the appropriate location. For battle armor, the damage only
applies to a single trooper; for conventional infantry, the attack
is treated as though it originated from another infantry unit.
If the attack is a failure, determine where it lands as
described above; regardless of whether a unit is in the new
hex, the attack fails to strike that unit (it automatically strikes
any other non-unit object, such as terrain or a building).
Physical Weapons: The following Physical Attack Weapons
can be thrown as inanimate objects (whether by the unit they
are mounted on, or by another unit if the unit picks the object
up (see Physical Weapons under Picking Up Inanimate Objects,
p. 90): Hatchet, Mace, Sword, and Vibrosword.
Use all the rules described above, with the following excep
tion. If a unit is built to use the physical attack weapon it can use the weapon in a physical weapon attack), apply a –1 modifier to the punch attack. When rolling to determine
damage to the physical weapon, roll 1D6: on a result of 1-4,
nothing happens, on a result of 5-6, the weapon takes a criti
cal hit, applied to the topmost open critical slot. If the weapon
is damaged, it can still be thrown as an inanimate object until
all its critical slots are destroyed, but it cannot be used to make
a physical weapon attack as soon as 1 critical slot is assigned.
>Anon was completely right in his guess that it would be too complicated for anyone to bother using
we got a shot caller here
An easy prediction when it comes to Battletech optional rules
The lack of Melee weapons in Battletech has always bothered me. I get why no one ever really looked into it during the Star League era, but you'd think a lot of low-tech innovation would have occurred during the succession wars. Stuff like piles, clubs, or even explosives on a stick would have been damn effective in an age where technology was regressing and supplies were becoming less and less available. Realistically the Inner Sphere should have been hundreds of years ahead on some of the crap the periphery was cobbling together around the 3050's.
It feels like a deliberate effort on battletech's part to step away from the anime that inspired it.
It's been a long time since I've seen anything Macross related, but I don't remember much of melee weapons going on in that series. Just lots of missiles.
Clubs are part of the normal rules, they just break easily. There are some mechs that have no real reason to not start every battle with a club already sourced.
You are making a pretty big assumption that there are lots of advancements to be had in the melee weapons department. Bringing an ax to a gunfight is also a high risk strategy that doesn't allow for easy withdrawal the way skirmishing at maximum PPC/LRM range does.
>At the very least, you should be capable of throwing your melee weapon, not even being able to do that is incredibly lame.
>Bringing an ax to a gunfight
>He's an Arab-Pole from the Capellan Confederation
Why would you not want a guy on your crew who will steal a car wherever you are and drive it to bits for everybody's entertainment?
To be fair, Macross isn't the only anime source Battletech came from, it's just the most obvious since LAMs are a thing.
>Like an Ostaxe or something.
Now that's a Heavy Metal band name.
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I believe they retconned the Periphery to have Proto-hatchets. Thus, having Proto-weapon penalties. Long before the production level that was placed on the Hatchetman.
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I believe the watsonian explanation is rather than being the hatchet itself, the advance that made the hatchet practical was Dr. Banzai designing more capable, more agile actuators for the mech's arm that can wield the weapon reliably, hence the hatchet only taking one hand instead of the club's two and the -1 to hit. The Sword was just even further advanced actuators that could be more accurate but don't hit as hard.
You don't want your mech to drop barrel bombs on infantry and vees?
While we're discussing lifting rules
>A mech can hold 5% of its mass in each hand
>This means an 80 ton mech can hold two 4 ton masses
>Cargo containers are weightless in game terms, weighing the same amount as whatever their max capacity is.
>An 80 ton mech can carry two 4 ton cargo containers
>Infantry can be stored as cargo
>An 80 ton mech can carry two cargo containers, each of which has a full platoon of anti-mech trained jump infantry.
>Modify your Charger with a second hand actuator and use it as an APC
Those are sum bee weapons you're carrying there?
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>the forbidden weapon when?
That's just a Large Laser in a blade form.
>extra-snub-nosed PPC
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>bought both the Bounty Hunter and Abdoun Ricol Marauders
>now left with no idea which gun is supposed to be which
Once the vibroblade is mass produced, the fedcoms won't stand a chance!
It's not a new subject and people have talked about beam sabers in BT before. One idea I thought was interesting was having the damage be a tenth of the engine rating.
Another idea was having it be 20 heat to attack, and another 20 heat on a successful strike.
I like some old designs, but I have a consistency problem with them.
mayomer is supposed to wrap all the limbs like muscles, but some of them are so thin that it makes you question, is it really enough for the thing of this size?
some mad cats are also guilty of this
A super flamer with a range of 0
>Put it on a Grand Dragon
>Melee weapon on a 6/9 chassis that inflicts 36 damage
I feel this would cause balance issues.
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How bullshit are Vic's and the Legend's SPA?
>the current Bounty Hunter is a she
of course
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There's "the game is only vaguely balanced to begin with" and then there's "this would rip the game further open than clan tech did"
>the current Bounty Hunter is a she
we had dozen BH at this point
some of them had to be women
>Throwing anything with a Mech would be awkward so it would at least be a -1 by default
Don't you mean +1?
>off-center gun on the mad 2

No. Penalties are expressed with a minus sign. That's how games work. Are you new?
>samefagging just to bait
come on man
In the Field Manual Draconis Combine the sword was described as differing from the hatchet by having a longer and thinner blade (which would allow for more finesse but mean it couldn't be used to hit so hard). The reason it took until after the Clan invasion to develop was because recovered Star League technology was necessary to make a blade that would be thin enough while still being sturdy enough to not wobble around or snap on impact with armor. So it's a metallurgy issue, rather than any difference in actuators.
>It was too big to be called a sword. Massive, thick, heavy, and far too rough. Indeed, it was a heap of raw iron.
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"Elemental pickup lines"
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Gotta color one of these in black for Guts. A Charger would make sense since the barrel fist can represent his lost hand.
Question for Aerospace rules knowers: How much of a threat is a Mako to a 3025 invasion attempt dropship fleet?

My sense is that it has to worry about massed fighters but has pretty much infinite tries to pop the drop ships with NPPCs.
It makes sense when you remember that even normal armor in this setting is some kind of crazy light weight space aged ablative bullshit that resists everything from armor piercing canon rounds to lightning canons.
That's why we need to forget about these conventional melee weapons and go with pile bunkers. Myomer driven ultra dense pile bunkers.
Kinda weird we don't ave them already honestly.
I remember someone pushing for a fire lance. Basically strap some flamers on a lance, have the lance stab an enemy mech, trigger the flamers to cook the insides through the hole you just made.
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>Atlas sized Pile bunker
Would be cool, but I'm not sure if it fits.
Is there any must-have mods for playing MW5 for the first time (heard UI is fucked up)?
Tbf there are already mech pile drivers, pile bunkers aren't much of a stretch.
Eh the only one I'd really recommend is TTRulez_AIMoD2. Makes the AI less pants on head retarded. If you want to keep it mostly vanilla.
I was about to say, yeah we already kinda have them in TW and the Tech Manual. The problem is how heavy and inaccurate they are. I played with the idea of throwing one on to a mech too light to get much use out of a hatchet or sword, but at a whopping 10 tons and 8 crit there's not a lot of good candidates.
ttrulez Ai mod and the "disable jumpship animations" so you don't spend two actual real-life minutes when jumping between systems.

>Not the Berserkser
>the Berserkser
Unfortunately not in the game... although maybe there's a good mod for it.
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You'd need a more specific invasion fleet composition. In a vacuum (lol), someone could say that the invasion fleet contains 6 fully loaded Vengeances and all the ASFs on board carry nukes on the pylons.

But as a general guideline, a Mako hitting a group of DropShips would absolutely wreck any reasonable fleet composition. An invasion fleet is going to be 2-3 dozen Dropships, and the Mako will absolutely kill 2-3 in the first pass, barring insane luck. At that point, the DropShips either stick tight to each other and hope that the Mako can't overcome its initial velocity to follow them and rip them apart from NPPC/NL/NAC range at its leisure, or they scatter and accept the fact that the much faster Mako *will* run down and kill several more in detail, but that it probably can't kill all of them before they hit the planet. Of course, that also means the lone DropShips are pretty for any local aero defenses, and that means they won't be able to concentrate at an LZ and the invasion will scatter to hell and gone.

If they're banking on massed ASFs for defense, they'd better stick together, because that's the only chance the ASFs will have to do much. The Mako is both fast enough to straight up *outfly* many heavy ASFs, and it has enough fuel reserve to control the fuel management portion of an engagement. And while no WarShip can truly defend itself via AA fire, the Mako has a credible AA armament that will tear up a light or medium ASF squadron who tries to attack it alone. It'd be nice if it had better NL batteries for AA fire, but you can't have everything.

Short version, then, the Mako is actually a pretty good Corvette (ie, DropShip hunter-killer), and against a *representative* 3025 era DropShip group of mostly Unions, an Overlord, some Triumphs, Furies, and Mules, and a Leopard CV or 2...the DropShips are in *DEEP* trouble.
>Clanner describing ComStar Black Knight's "sword-shaped hatchet" after the battle of Tukayyid
>Q3 2025
only one more year... only one more year...
>But what 2 other mechs should be for the mercs 'band of the falcon'
Ask yourself this: what would Casca pilot, and how would it synergize with Griffith's Griffin but also work surprisingly well with Guts' melee focus?
Those are some really weird-looking Y-wings and TIE-fighters...
Yeah, I was picturing mostly unions with an overlord or two.

The thought started when I was reading some not very good fanfiction that involves the reactivation of some Makos in the 3020s, and noticed a mako only has a bit more than twice the armor of an overlord. I figured twenty or thirty sholagars might or might not be able to threaten it.
For the Pile Bunker: what if you used the Lance weapon, but with the Retractable Blade's advanced rules?
The Warship has capital weapons and so never actually has to get close enough to let a dropship shoot at it, so the armor doesn't matter much. Against fighters, a regiment in that era would only have somewhere between 6 and 54 ASFs, with 18 to 24 seemingly the most common numbers. Given that a mako is shooting back with ER lasers and gauss rifles, it probably actually can fuck up 3025 ASFs in the numbers it's likely to see well before the ASFs can get through its armor.

Where did you get those? I don't see micro scale Vipers on the IWM store.
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>I don't see micro scale Vipers on the IWM store.

You won't. They're Corsair microfighters. I trimmed the nose and wings, and then bent the wings down, and clipped off the central vertical stabilizer. That plus a paintjob, and Starbuck's your uncle.
In some ways the lance already looks to achieve that with its armor penetrating capability, but I could see that as appropriate with minimal tweaking.
Lances are a thing https://www.sarna.net/wiki/Lance_(weapon)
>being SW-only fan in 2024
>not knowing sci-fi franchise with best OST
Yeah but it's not the same thing, a mech lance is stationary. It's like how vibroblades and hatchet/swords are different.
They should really play with myomer. Like what if you took a flail, but instead of just chain it also had bundles of myomer wrapped all around the length so you can whip it around all snake like, almost like a tentacle arm.
New Battle Report is up, with the actual report being a bit short due to this being the fastest game of BT I ever played. Honestly surprised myself too.
What's the difference between parry and block?
"I can't see my penis, if you know what I mean"
If I had a friend bringing a 5kBV, Succession Wars era lance, would it be an enjoyable game if I faced that with a company of conventional vehicles? 4 Scorpions, 4 Bulldogs and 4 Galleon's would be just about the right amount,and organized into groups of 3 or 4 wouldn't give me an initiative advantage.
You mean like throw them at him in waves? No that shouldn't be too bad at all.
So which one of these books has all the optional rules for stuff?
No I mean, he deploys his lance, I deploy 12 tanks and we have at it.

All of them have optional rules for the stuff. But if you just want to smash 'mechs together, get Tactical Operations - Advanced rules.
Like a chain whip?
The main issue caused by spamming vehicles is initiative. If you group them, then I don’t see it being a problem.
Which initiative rules are you playing with? Because a 3 to 1 advatage would absolutely affect initiative.
I was thinking of TacOps idea of forming them into lances of 4 which each cost one activation.
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That one NEA. Its a Taurian Guard one?
TacOps, mostly. StratOps is mostly aerospace rules and Techmanual has the rules used in unit construction (and also how battle value is calculated, but all officials units have a table showing their BV at different skill ratings on MUL so you don't really need the book for that). TacOps got split into two books, with one having the rules for additional weapons and equipment and the other various optional extra rules.

> Vasili Antonova
>Vasili, daughter of Anton

So was the dead Vasili a crossdresser or something? Did they find out after they dragged his body from the Marauder?
I don't think he's very familiar with the Russian language is all.
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>Christian Månsdottir (alternative spelling: Månsdotter) was during the course of his life a ranking officer in the LCAF and in the KungsArmé, the Elected Prince Regent of the Free Rasalhague Republic, a First Lord of the Star League and a Galaxy Commander in Clan Ghost Bear.

I mean, I didn't even bring up the point that a patronymic isn't a proper last name.

Haven't been this irked by utterly irrelevant and autistic details since I found out Susan Ivanova's dad was called Andrei.

But no, I much prefer the explanation Vasili was wearing women's underwear Ed Wood style.
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I found the Kurita shitposter.

It's amusing to realize they probably went looking through Swedish noble names of olden times to pick a good noble name and didn't think of the implication.
Retractable blades are just that, rule-wise.
It's over 1000 years into the future, it could always be a case of Vasili not being a Slavic boy at all, just inheriting his last name from his great-great-great-...-great-grandmother via her son's Bantu adoptive parents who had no idea that they were supposed to call him "Juma Antonov" either.

That one has no excuse though, given where he(?) grew up.
Do Russian and Swedish surnames still actually work like this?
Slavic surnames generally have female and male variants, which is why all this "non-binary" fad that kids nowadays are so fond of weirds out those people in particular.
Swedish surnames are just surnames; the odd one out is Icelandic, which has no surnames at all, just patronymics.

Okay so, someone who speaks a modicum of Russian here.

Russians, due to permanent vodka damage to the brain, are not very creative at coming up with first names, especially with boys. That's why everyone is a Vlad or an Ivan.

(fun fact- the first time they tried to do different names was the Soviet Union. It was a hilarious disaster. You had kids called shit like Tractor or Barricade or wacky commie acronyms)

So to help tell people apart, everyone has two names - their first name, and a patronymic. However, the patronymic is different for boys and girls. For boys you get the -vitch ending, for girls the -ovna.

So Vladimir Ivanovitch is Vlad, son of Ivan. Lyudmila Ivonva is the daughter of Ivan. Note that the patronymics aren't a last name, but an addition to the first (unlike how Nordics use to just have it be the last name). So thats why slavs have three names. First name, Patronymic, Family name.

i.e. Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov was the son of Ilya Ulyanov. Ulyanov is the last name. Also note that the patronymic ending is a bit different, because Russian is a confusing language.
Interesting, thanks.

Yeah, important to note that Swedish surnames are surnames. The Russian patronymics are not, they're part of your regular name.

So Russians will commonly say, for example, "Hello Ivan Ivanovitch" in regular conversation, especially formal ones, as your name.

Only close friends and family would call you Ivan - and probably not even then, because they probably have a nickname or diminutive.

So is not only the pilot in question non-binary or some such, he essentially just gave his first name for registration.
I read it. Thanks for your efforts.
>the odd one out is Icelandic, which has no surnames at all, just patronymics.
It's rare nowadays, but the Welsh still use those from time to time.
Careful not to cut yourself on that edge kiddo. I also wouldn't start on probably the only poster in the thread whom has spoken in your defence before.

>Defiance Industries
I have a dislike of this guy, his prints are nice but he charges premium mini prices for what are, at the end of the day, mostly MWO rips and rehashes. I'm also pretty sure he's the reason a lot of the other Ebay 3d print mech sellers are gone, especially as their vanishing seems to coincide with DF starting producing prints they where making.
Do you want me to write up a cheeky excuse for this linguistic mishap about how he changed his name from Jack Johnson because he thought that a russian name would make him sound tougher, or accept the actual reason of "I just put two words that sounded cool together"?
Maybe you two namefags can just kill each other?
>premium mini prices
They seem comparable to lance pack prices at Barnes & Noble, what am I missing?
As long as they post the batrep after.
Some people consider catalyst minis ‘premium,’ I guess.
Defiance prices are fine, the rough part is the shipping from bongland
Fun fact: Spanish does it too. It's the -es or -ez ending.
Gonzales is son of Gonzalo, Mendez is son of Mendo, etc.

And we're not even talking about say, Arabic with nisbahs and nasabs. If you ever see an "Umm Salim" or "Abu Salim" that's not a real name. That's Mother of Salim and Father of Salim.

Obviously the former.

I do appreciate it lead to an interesting linguistic tangent.
Holy shit I did not check that shipping cost, it's obscene no matter where it's shipped to.
Funny, back when Bussy issued his challenge to the thread I did challenge him to a fight, man to man, atop a local hill. He, despite waxing lyrically about his physical prowess, declined.

As per my original challenge, all anons able to make it where invited to watch, and then attend a celebratory victory pint at a nearby pub. My round first, of course.

Mate, his shipping too UK addresses is a bloody joke. Man wants £12.50 for basic postage, he's having a laugh.
He overcharges for 3d prints, all his now-gone competitors charged far less, and his LAM prints are a joke, he wants IWM+ prices for them.
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>shipping cost is more than twice the cost of the mini
haha what the fuck.
>Some people consider catalyst minis ‘premium,’ I guess.
There is nothing premium about all those mold lines.
>Trellwan, 3024
>sending something across an ocean requires more labour than two hours of operating a resin printer
No way.
Have you considered buying more than one print at a time?
Fucker wants 10 dollars for one mini, I could either buy 2 from this Jew and pay retarded shipping prices, or walk down to my LGS and get a force pack of 4 for less.

Before all the Etsy sellers got purged I was able to get mechs for as low as 4 bucks each if I watched for sales, which happened quite frequently, and those shops offered free shipping if you bought like 30 or 40 dollars worth of prints. Now I gotta get my own printer because the only stores left cost more than the goddamn official minis.
is the shipping a flat fee regardless of how many i buy?
Message the seller retard
We've got some updated retail release dates for Kickstarter product


Street Dates
We are still committed to waiting to release any KS Backer exclusive rewards until after the Kickstarter has fulfilled globally AND all Company Store-level retailer backers have had 30 days to sell before we release items through our own retail avenues.

There are a few items where we committed to pushing production sooner, and those will be released over the next several months.

Here’s a summary of where we are for now on releases through the rest of the year:

Not bound to Kickstarter fulfillment:
Force Manual: Davion – September release
Universe: Standard Edition – September release
Mercs Paint Set (Army Painter) – September release
Hot Spots: Hinterlands – November release
IlKhan’s Eyes Only – December release
Drop Ships – 2025 release

Kickstarter Release First
Some of these were slated for an October release but have since been moved to November, and release dates may be further adjusted pending Kickstarter fulfillment.

Planned for November 11/27/2024

Mercs Box Set (Standard Edition)
Inner Sphere Recon Lance ForcePack
Battlefield Support: Recon & Hunter Lances ForcePack
Battlefield Support: Assault & Cavalry Lances ForcePack
Clan Cavalry Star ForcePack
Salvage Box: Battlefield Support (Point of Purchase)

Salvage Box: Mercenaries (Point of Purchase)
MapPack: Savannah

Planned for December 12/11/2024

Battlefield Support: Battle & Fire Lances ForcePack
BattleTech Encounters
BattleTech: Inner Sphere Security Lance ForcePack
Salvage Box: Visigoth (Point of Purchase)
I’m just getting into battletech and have been listening to a COMPLETE historical lore dump while I paint minis (I’m up to the Star League Civil War).

As I’m listening to this I’ve noticed that the big nations of the inner sphere are already well established and I think I’ve noticed patterns and I’m not sure if there’s merit to this, or if I’m misunderstanding things because I’m half-listening rather than reading the lore and could use some clarification:

> Draconis combine
A bunch of warmongering belligerents, seems like if there’s conflict in the inner sphere 80% of the time they either started it, or are exploiting it to create more conflict

> Cappellan Confederation
I’ve heard some YouTubers call them “weird”, don’t yet get why; but so far they seem like the punching bag of the inner sphere. Seems like They are constantly losing systems to somebody.

> Federated Suns
Exist. Honestly it feels like the only time they come up in major events is to say “and the Federated Suns were there too”. Maybe I’m missing something

>Free Worlds League
Seems like a bit of a flakey wildcard. Sometimes they show up, sometimes they can’t be bothered, and sometimes they exploit the situation and make things worse.

> Terran Hegemony
One of the big movers and shakers of Battletech history so far. The Hegemony keep coming off as these high-minded idealists that have big, lofty, ambitions but usually so nieve, or so laser-focused that they really don’t see the damage they cause along the way.

> Lyran Commonwealth
Game of Thrones in space

> outer periphery nations
They got a raw deal, just plain as. They just keep getting shat on by the inner sphere for… not being in the inner sphere and wanting nothing to do with them.

And Fuck Amaris

I have no opinion yet of ComStar or the Clans because I haven’t gotten to the part where they exist.

Is this a fair judgement? Or did I miss something
>Drop Ships – 2025 release
Just in time for Leviathans at GenCon. Clever.
> All those pissed off comments on the kickstarter page saying they would cancel if they could
I would bet the farm that they pledge again on the next one
Robot addiction is real.
>I’ve heard some YouTubers call them “weird”, don’t yet get why; but so far they seem like the punching bag of the inner sphere. Seems like They are constantly losing systems to somebody.
They are the worst and most archetypical parts of Soviet Union and Commie China dialled up to 11.7 ... IN SPACE! Additionally, the ruling family is canonically insane on a genetic level. So, yes, they are the designated punching bag among the Great Houses, though not a weak one (especially not once they team up with the MoC).
Now, their portrayal gets ever so slightly more nuanced as time goes on. In particular, the newer leading characters like Daoshen and Danai are actually more than one-note, as opposed to Romano, Sun-Tzu or Kali. They STILL somehow felt the need to add a "crazy bitch who believes to be a literal goddess" with Ki-Linn... Well, that one didn't go anywhere.
Where the other leaders of the Great Houses came from genuine noble blood and breeding, Elias Liao was literally some Confucianist terrorist who fled into space with his followers.

House Steiner's noble lineage is pretty dubious. The original Marsden line were just business men, and the Steiners were their employees who married into it. They're descended from CEOs and the secretaries that banged those CEOs.
>seems like if there’s conflict in the inner sphere 80% of the time they either started it, or are exploiting it to create more conflict
This is sorta off the mark. They were defenders in both the fourth succ war and the war of 3039, both of which were touched off by perfidious Davions.
C-suite executives are a lot more legitimate and deserving of additional titles than some chinese murderer.
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Just remember with Battletech, its important to learn about the factions and the houses ruling those factions as somewhat separate entities. As for your judgments

Pretty much. The Combine was founded by conquest and its ruling family have massive delusions of grandeur.

Anyone telling you the Cappies are a punching bag is a liar or a grog. The Capellan Confederation itself did start as the hard-luck commie expie. Soviet Union and China back in the 80s, when Russia was on the downswing and China hadn't upswung yet. Their ruling House, Liao, is filled with either evil geniuses, evil retards, or evil retard geniuses. For a long time their leader Sun Tzu Liao was basically the biggest golden child of the setting and led them from improbably win to improbable win.

>Federated Suns
Odd to say that they "just exist" when they were the driving force of much of the plot from 3015-3080ish. Admittedly, that was their brief reign of relevancy, but it encapsulates a lot of essential stuff. Though people meme on them for being warmongers, they are the least nuke-happy faction.

The FWL has more fluff on its internal issues than external, which makes it beloved among RPG and campaign players, but it rarely gets to affect much outside its own borders

>Lyran Commonwealth
No, Game of Thrones in space is the FWL. Lyrans are honestly the most half-baked faction outside of Assault Mech memes. They're the economic faction in the world where the FWL is the economic faction. Except when they become the villain faction for a bit in a world where there's plenty of other villains. Later, they're mostly defined by the war with the Clans, which admittedly gives them much more to do.

Yes, pretty much. OG Periphery material is some of the coolest.

>Fuck Amaris
Did you just remember what you wrote? Amaris was entirely justified, the Star League was built on the bones of Periphery children. Amaris was just what they reaped.
>And Fuck Amaris

No, fuck you. He's the savior of the Periphery and of the whole damn setting. We all owe a debt of gratitude to the great Stefan Amaris!
Amaris used his position of power to directly and intentionally make things worse for the periphery. He caused more periphery suffering on purpose than he ever relieved.
>BattleTech Encounters
But I saw it being sold in the bookstore months ago
Alsp, where's the McCarron forcepack?
>the SLDF returns from exile
>the periphery suffers even more, ceasing to exist almost entirely on the coreward side

Thanks Amaris.
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The Star League and it's member-states were raping the Periphery for over a century before Stefan was born. He empowered those who were oppressed to fight their oppressors, and though his reasons were his own, he saved many millions of people from being slowly squeezes to death. The lives he cost were those either living large off Periphery suffering or were enforcing that same suffering. Think about it.
Amaris directly authored a number of extremely oppressive star league policies for the express purpose of making things worse for the periphery. He was the number two man in the star league. That's why it's a civil war and not star league vs amaris empire. He had all the power he needed to make things better, but he wanted to create strife so he could gain more power for himself personally.

Amaris was entirely a problem the Camerons created, and then fostered.

I really wish the RWR had existed in some state post Civil War, it was a pretty interesting place from the tidbits, and it's especially interesting to see how it was the state that seemed most divorced from its Great House.

Yes. That's a Taurian Guard paint scheme I whipped out for a CGL project back in 2009ish that went nowhere. I have a reinforced battalion of them, mostly made of the 3e plastics, because I couldn't think of a better way to insult the Taurians within the bounds of the project than to give them those minis.
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That dress is backwards. Look at Steiner women and honestly say it wouldn't look better the other way.
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My guy, if Amaris tried to play it straight and be the force for good decades of corruption, greed, and prejudice woulda buried him literally. Instead, he played the system for what it was worth, and sure he made things worse for the Periphery for a short time, but this set the stage for it's ultimate salvation.The ends absolutely justified the means.
Don't bother, there's a very funny not at all stale joke where people pretend to be amaris fans as delusional as modern maoists or confederacy apologists.
Neither Amaris fans or Confederate fans have anything to apologize for. Neither did anything wrong, and both peoples attitudes were exactly right.
Amaris literally got the SLDF to withdraw from RWR space entirely, and hand over all their military bases. He had the power to make things better. He just wanted to be the man on the throne rather than the decision maker behind it. His empire was no better than the star league because he was calling the shots for both.
arguing with the Cult of Amaris is generally a waste of time, friend.
And both are massive losers that lack any self awareness.
Read the replies, you're preaching to an Amaris stan.
Yeah, for his home nation. Doubt he could have done that for any other Territory. You also give him too much credit, he still had to convince Richard to get anything done, and his control there wasn't absolute.

Yeah, no. I'll stan my boy Amaris, but fuck those southern losers.
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Apparently, the B-52 remote turret is the best design for my purpose.

Greatest generation indeed.
He convinced Richard to disarm literally everyone except the SLDF and the only reason they didn't actually try to do that was Kerensky directly vetoing it by saying he would not enforce such an order. He convinced Richard to implement all sorts of oppressive policies against states like the Taurians, mostly on personal grounds by convincing him that they don't respect or fear him personally. Amaris had a looooot of reach. He implemented more policies than Richard ever thought of.
>House Kurita and their facist regime
So they think facism is bad? And what kind of regime do they think theirs is?
Amaris couldn’t give less of a fuck about the RWR or its need for revenge. >>93984908 and >>93985067 had it right, Amaris wanted an empire and used the periphery’s legit grievances to get it, but you know how I know he didn’t care about the periphery? Because once he took the throne the periphery worlds were abandoned to their fate. When Amaris’ personal units in the RWR regrouped in the Amaris Empire, he had them executed, when Kerensky attacked the RWR to seize assets and remove Amaris loyalists, Amaris did fuck all. When the Lyrans invaded the RWR during the Civil War it was fucking Kerensky who was outraged. The Star League Commander gave more of a shit about the RWR than Amaris ever did.
All part of the plan. He made what moves he could to both weaken support for the Star League, the Camerons themselves, and set the stage for the Periphery Uprising. He broke some eggs to make the omelette, but he was far from First Lord. Had he taken ANY other approach at all, he'd have gotten at best a seat at the kids table with what's-their-names Calderon, Centrella, and Avellar and made to watch the member-states drain the Periphery dry.
based redditor
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Stefan Amaris not only DIRECTLY caused the most destructive war in history up to that point, he also INDIRECTLY caused wars even more destructive than that by causing the collapse of the Star League.

Amaris both directly and indrectly killed more humans than any other person in history. Also he's Asian, and Asians are ontologically evil in Battletech, so it's pretty obvious.
You don't know what it looks like from the front.
new thread:
lol Hanse Davion killed more people in the 4th Succession War than Amaris killed in the Amaris civil war
Isn't all languages in BT were slightly altered durring the course of time?
Daishi instead of Taishi
Ariel Suvorov

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