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Previous Thread: >>93962621

>Thread Question:
What are your thoughts on WIPposting?
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oc kino? :>
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OP is from OC from 2 days ago, yeah.
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reddit oc
It's ass so no.
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>oc kino? :>
Here you go fren!
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Superpowers are fucking gay and artificial as fucking fuck

External items and artifacts and rituals and minions are cooler and make more sense
Never known a man to be more wrong
I don't care what you think makes sense you are going to get laser eyes and you are gonna like it.
what ashame the guy doing it stopped before the update
>catfag with his shit taste and no builds or oc
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Ok so what if I change essence gain to work like this.
1 essence per decade is something you generate passively without doing anything in particular you could be trying to conquer a world or build civilization and you get your freebie.
But if you actually focus on cultivating your relationship with an artifact and training you can lower this time frame to up to 1 a year but this will take a lot of your time.
reducing it to 1 a year means you are practically doing nothing but grinding, eating and sleeping.

And what if there is a mechanic to on the long term pay 20 essence to the artifacts to remove the drawback of their pacts.
Hyenacuck fails again. Just as he was told. Get your first day redditor attention and then fall into obscurity.
God Eyes are OP and all these people look like 10/10 supermodels I would not fit in this world
What if... you used a better image for the hoe? It looks so fucking bad.
I would and I would get a harem with Sabrina in it because I am that guy
Either something evolves (comes into being) without intelligent input, or *with* intelligent input.

There is no third option or alternative.

There is no way superpowers would just naturally come into being without some sort of intellectual input.

This is why superpowers are retarded, as you are left wondering: “Who? What? Why?”

Nature is an overly sophisticated blind idiot. Electric eels can only zap a specific way. Nature doesn’t make pistols.
Boring bait. Is this the new shit for sciencefag?
>he’s mad because he can’t think of the existential implications
Good golly
So it really was. I guess no one was falling for the magicscience shit anymore.
I like it. It makes it not easy while giving the people that wanted quicker power a way to gain it.

On the pact part, I wouldn't personally. Pacts are like oaths with the Artifact, with "repay" it would be like a loan. It would be kind of weird to say
"You know what Jian? i am tired of not being a genocider, take this 20 points and let me kill babies"
"You know what , Luva? I am tired of you groping cute girls! take these points and gtfo of my arm"

It would only kind of make sense with pacts that make weaknesses like Anathema, but i would say it could only be "pay" back if you master the artifact in full, which would be like Luva defeating her weakness to that kind of people. But that is probably hard to implement.

Curious about what others think
> “Who? What? Why?”
Some gross pimply neck beard decided to make a stupid choice game
I am not gross and I am not pimply faced.
>neck beard
>fail if you get less than 500e
>only possible to get a total 350e
Is this deliberate?
A neckbeard is a sign of sohpistication and tradition.
I imagine so, that's why there's only text for a FAIL option.
>1 a year
Forget about the artifacts then. Focusing on tech gets 100x more results.

>pay 20 essence to the artifacts to remove the drawback of their pacts
Sure. I was gonna sever the bond then rebind (if I could. Doesn't really matter if I have them or not in the long run since tech surpasses them in a few years anyway) eventually just to remove the pacts, but this works too.
That's better. Also absolutely give the chance to get rid of pacts, eternity is a long time and all the pacts are just a desperation measure, they should be temporary.
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>Ok so what if I change
Ok so what if... you ignore the critique and keep it as it is?
as i previously mentioned if you need to change something you can just slightly increase the starting points.
1 year for a point even if its constant grinding is insanely quick.
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It's literally the same sentence. You just need to replace the subject, it's the same bait. You would need to be really retarded to not see that. We all know he is the same guy that keeps saying that anime worlds cannot exist.
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I'm not even personally against guns or technology, but please, kill yourself gunfag
you are so fucking annoying.
This is good. Pacts are manageable now, still not worth it but they have a reason to exist.
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You have no sense of time. The starting points would need to be at least doubled to be viable with the old system.
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Sounds good, even if making it completely vague would be way better.
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Why do science/logic fags piss you guys off so much? Do they threaten your dumb escapist notions or something?
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They don’t like being told how matter works
Cool, I still prefer no hard numbers for something that is supposed to be based on bonds but now it's at least not bad.
Pacts are a last ditch effort for quick power because you need it fast, they should not be part of the deal normally. In my opinion they make your bond fake so they make you weaker. The only way for the bond to be real would be for them to accept me as I am just as I accept them, making it only go one way is cheap.
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How do you feel about a CYOA featuring a short race of people that are not directly dwarves? Would you marry one?
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Aromage started an incredibly catastrophic trend where authors post WIPs and get retarded feedback that they listen to
I got a question about Your Army. Your Army states that the models you summon will be completely loyal to you but what if you have models that are slaves? Like C'than Shards? Pretty sure with C'than Shards the only way they're balanced in lore is the fact that they're not willing to comply and with 100 C'than Shards you can probably make something akin to a true C'than.
Much better than shitalics spamming WIP and ignoring all feedback.
“Don’t tell me how to imagine things”
Shit that never fucking happened. Italics hasn't fucking WIP at all and he does listen to feedback because that is how we ended up altered shit for the worse in his CYOAs.

Neck yourself.
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I will not tolerate such a short race of people. I will eradicate them, even if the attempt to do so should cost my life.
>Nature doesn’t make pistols.
Pistol Shrimp. Dumbass.
Just make it vague, the decade 1 year shit is retarded.
He is just annoying. He is going over the same thing every single time and doesnt want to talk about but try to lecture. It isnt even interesting, is like the alone kid in class trying to force a discussion with you about his favourite series and how much better it is than the rest and you just can't give a fuck.He is that annoying, not because of the topic he chose to focus his autism, is how much attention he wants to gain and the "personality" that oozes of his comments. Is like a more annoying tok, and thats an achivement
Cry about it~
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the problem is not the timeframe or the points, is that people have no idea of what they are up against so they are panicking and trying to bully you to give them more points.

>And what if there is a mechanic to on the long term pay 20 essence to the artifacts to remove the drawback of their pacts.
make it cost 25 or 30 essence to remove each drawback
Those aren’t actual pistols. Just funky shrimp. They evolved a specific way. They cannot exactly improvise. Electric eels can only shock a specific way.
He lectures because you can’t exactly go against his logic. It’s like trying to argue that religion isn’t just fiction.
>It’s like trying to argue that religion isn’t just fiction.
Fedora fag spotted
>acknowledging what religion is… means you’re a le redditor…
It blows my mind how triggered you dumb fucks get over religion + common sense
lmao if he can't counter an argument you make he'll just keep talking past you or just flat out ignore you and keep repeating the same old arguments to other people. He's a brick wall that shitposts.

Also lol if you're not actually him then you're a complete retard
>External items and artifacts and rituals and minions are cooler
>Woah! I just can't go against that logic!
No, literally just make it vague. There's only like 1 anon that actually wants points and I don't a care about his opinion. Vague is the way to go.
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in the responses there is a three sided thug of war between the guys who want it to be unspecified, the guys who want 20 points in 20 years and the anons who want things to remain unchanged, even if i do agree that 10 years is a little bit too much the other 2 options are shit
You’re not even following the same poster kek you’re so schizo it’s hilarious
Your Power x2: Spectre and the Life Entity from Blackest Night.
Your Upgrade x2
Now I'm god and can do whatever I want for the rest of eternity.
Give better feedback then.
That's definitely him, this guy samefags like hell and just expects people not to notice somehow. If someone shows up talking about how the physicsfag is actually 100% right and people only hate him because they're triggered it's just him, he's the only person that uses those talking points.
>“magic is whatever the author wants”
Then why does he throw a tantrum when the author wants a hard magic system?
What? Who are you talking to? I wasn't speaking to you? Please stay out of this conversation between me and my friend.
>he'll just keep talking past you or just flat out ignore you and keep repeating the same old arguments to other people.
care to explain your reasoning for calling me a retard?
See, this is just him samefagging again. He even did the same reddit spacing + 'brief insult at the end' thing he always does.
Because you are the catfag
doesnt try to make it not obvious "He's contered all your arguments you are just too stupid!!!"
Is the level of dickriding you would expect from an actual couple or a samefag.

Another point to hate that autist. Annoying, attentionwhore because has a sad life, thinks high school science level means he is intelligent and needs to samefag to make other thinks he is supported by behaving like the annoying kid in class nobody likes. Seriously, just ignore him until he wants to behave like a normal person
Tbh, even if you are catfag (congratulations for your new relationship with that another anon btw). I agree
>Erased comment
hmm... man, this is sad...
feel free to ignore all the suggestions to make it vague
I think he just went on a vacation. Since the anon that always supports him is also not saying anything. I guess it was indeed himself samefagging
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heh, sorry to disappoint you but I'm not him
ratfag? the great enemy of catfag?
>1 point every 10 years guaranteed no matter what
>Training and actively deepening your bond and probably the intensity of effort you are currently doing things can increase the essence development up to a whopping 1 to 1 ratio if you go full autist to the point of doing nothing else
Sounds fine to me
>Simply pay 20 essence to remove pact drawback
it should not be as easy as that.
Ah... it was you. The Asafag of this general.
Fuck off
Are they cute?
You will never be able to unsee it.
10-1 year gradient depending on level of effort is pretty vague as it goes as it just defines the absolute minimums and maximums.
But i don't see it.
>so stupid they don’t even know what magic is
Bigger eyes= more cute
Those are the rules
He has said before that “this isn’t hard to understand, it’s just easy to miss”. So boingo. Why is something a grade schooler should be able to understand so difficult for you to understand?
>anyone who agrees with him, is him
LOL schizo
>minute to minute posts
>Focusing on tech gives 100x the results
We have been using tubes that shoot shaped rocks with bombs for centuries by now.
Go on.
Make the new paradigm of handheld ranged weapons. Should be easy right? Only three years of constant R&D right?
>Reply at the same time with one minute in between
lmao the samefag could not be any more obvious.
fucked up link
Damn, that is super cute...
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>hes having a total samefag meltdown
this is too much
it doesn't matter, he wont hear your critique for her like he did not hear the critiques for Jian. but for some arcane reason he listened to that one guy complaining about the timeframe for gathering points taking too long
Reminder that the majority of the shitposting here is done by this same anon samefagging and using different bait
nta, but personally I am confused by the choice of images. Is kind of like aromage. She picks a character that has plenty of art yet for some reason decides on one that simply is not that great. Like, just pick another one, author friends.
In demon eyes. Is Fading School girl invisible to the rest of people including demon eyes users? because she is a ghost, so they should see her but is not mentioned.
Please just make it vague.
Post the cyoa.
what image would you have used?
I'm starting to think this its just one guy that is samefagging.
No, just people that prefer fun.
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Alright, sanity checking my WIP unit section... Does this selection (or the descriptions) work? Did I miss something that should be there (for a fantasy world conquest / destruction cyoa)? I'll be adding rough resource cost estimates, at least.

You basically pick roles rather than exact specific units, in case it wasn't clear. There's also an archetype section which affects the aesthetics and has pros and cons for the units.
that's not fun, at that point you could just headcanon yourself in having 20 points in 5 years since its unspecified.
I think the second image is already good. Just think the first one is not good.
Some people may, but I agree with him its more fun. If you're normal and playing in good faith, obviously you know just how much you'd actually dedicate. Tok spewing shit about how he's just going to ignore rules to say he's the best tranny ever is going to happen regardless.
This looks fantastic. How much do you plan to detail the fantasy world attempting to defend itself? Or is that going to be variable? Modular difficulties are always neat, but so are predefined challenges.
But she is cute
Without seeing the rest, it looks good, but I need context for what this is supposed to be integrated with to say if its actually good.
This is looking good anon, looking forward to it.
Interesting choice of image.
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God that peon art looks so bad. It's like someone tried to draw a warcraft 3 peon while drunk.
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I was thinking more like the Tarutaru from FFXI
try making the images bigger
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But that's the concubine
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so what happens with the fading girl?
Weird, mine looks like picrel.
>Would you marry one?
who the fuck would look at that and answer "yes"
It's a specific fantasy world, you'll be given a choice of starting locations and description of factions present around each. There are gods governing the world, but they can't directly smite you and instead have to empower their servants to fight you.

Yeah I suppose it's a bit goofy compared to others.

So everything is the exact same? Just with a coat of paint? Seems like a boring way of doing things.
That sounds about perfect to me. However, I agree with that one anon that you should only be able to buy off a pact after fully mastering the Artifact.
Based way of doing things. I don't have to worry about arbitrary limitations.
Those are pretty cute would mash
Begone, shitposter.
I agree fuck luminary and fuck husanon
Only non supernatural entities can’t see her. Deduced by the facts that (You) can see her and the narrators and their group know of her existence.
>Husanon out of nowhere
Half the fucking thread is about his shit never ever WIP
good to know. Now i am not that pressured to be with her 24/7 if she can make other friends. Will try to find some eye with the power to give her life or let her posses some body (duality eye to a robot to make it organic? maybe with help of Yui to make it similar to her original? btw, making organic Yui could end up good or bad)
>instant boogeyman seething
A new face for my collection.
Very cool. I'm excited to see your work once it's done. Do you plan on having customization outside of overall themes and unit archetypes? Perks, drawbacks and so on, etc. One of my favourite things about CYOAs is how exponential the number of possible builds grows with additional choices. This already looks like it's going to have a nice amount of build complexity.
It depends on how they look, honestly. My answer can ping-pong depending on proportions. Normal lalafells? Probably not. >>93971144 ? Not even king arthur can pull me out.
Does crawling only apply to stuff including your whole body or does it apply to stuff like moving your head really fast to dodge something?

Building a hydra for context
Tarutaru =/ Lalafells
>a new Fa-ACK
>Do you plan on having customization outside of overall themes and unit archetypes?
I want to keep the main focus on units, but some perks / drawbacks modifying how your forces work could be a good addition.
My answer still stands. It depends entirely on what you use for them and how attractive it can be.
no happy endings in Cyberpunk
>you entered a newly opened Tattoo shop to get a tattoo
>to get a tattoo
no I don't I'm not a redditor
>I want to keep the main focus on units,
Awesome. There are too few strategic CYOAs like this. Looking at the unit spread, have you considered adding a healer archetype? I see some of those in a lot of strategy game, although saboteurs/siegeworks don't get enough focus for how much they're responsible for.

>but some perks / drawbacks modifying how your forces work could be a good addition.
Possibly, yeah. When I saw <Hive> I was just thinking of how many differences there are between a termite hive, a hornet hive, a bee hive, and an ant hive, even though they're all hives. Hell, there are even some spiders, Golden Orb Weavers, IIRC, that come together to make loosely eusocial hives that can spread to encompass entire acres. Would that be a hybrid? A hybrid perk that lets you choose multiple themes to combine all of their strengths and weaknesses could be cool, but if there weren't many themes it might dilute their individual aesthetic. If there were twenty or so, that adds over a hundred possible variations, while half a dozen barely breaks twenty itself.

Your WIP's looking great so far! Keep it up anon. I swear to the dark gods that I'll be making an imagebuild when it's said and done.
wtf is this song
kek made me look
lulu and tristana are very fuckable
also i want to rape tristana's feet
Guess tattoos are reddit now then.
Fanart versions absolutely are. Canon yordles look like living bobble-heads. Its all in the proportions desu.
I currently have six archetypes with hybrid as one. They're divided primarily by function and change things a lot, like how you get more resources for units or how you handle conquest. Each would encompass a few general aesthetic themes, though I haven't decided how much your choices lock onto a specific theme.

>Hive = insects or arachnids, spread and multiply
>Growth = fleshcrafts or plant monsters, cover landscape
>Horde = barbarians, beastmen, ogres etc., nomadic pillagers
>Corruption = demons, eldritch or dark fae, control of society
>Desolation = undead or constructs, remove life and build stuff
>Hybrid = combination of two others with less bonuses but more customization

I might redo some or all of these or break them up, like make theme / aesthetic a separate choice...
Need an ability that upgrades some of the basic units or something. I need Heavy Infantry that aren't Brutes. Upgraded Skirmishers that are closer to full on Elite Rangers. And Upgraded Raiders that are closer to Elite Commandos.

I know Shadows Exists but a lot of the advanced units feel too overkill. I sometimes just need slightly stronger specialized basic units.
But what if I want to be horde and build stuff.
Hmm, how about a middle tier section for units like that? Sappers, cultists etc. would fit there better than with elites, now that I think about it.

How'd that work mechanically? Currently Horde does encampments and siege weapons mostly, maybe a rough town if you choose to stay longer. I guess one option would be to make the archetype section modular, so you could pick and combine mechanics like that.
Ye, a lot of the advanced units honestly feel like full hero units so a middle section for more elite mooks would be nice.
>Demonic embrace
If you wanna beat things up this is a pretty well balanced tattoo giving you anything you might want for having success in that.
>Garden of eden
A pretty flexible tattoo too for crowd control manipulating the combat terrain and defense it even comes with an emergency healing cocoon in case things go bad and i am lucky enough that the threat is over by then.
>Killer's time
With my other tattoos a doom clock that stacks the deck in my favor while simultaneously singling out the targets of my choosing is a very powerful thing. I have Armor a repelling field and the sturdy cocoon that probably stacks with the field to make reaching my critical wounded body take way too long. All i have to do is to not bite more than i can chew as i cannot bring allies (because everyone but me is marked for the death roulette) and being assured to win is likely to be moot if i rely on stalling alone
>Mental clarity
These three make me way more resistant to attrition.
Might as well stack another layer of defense. Can never have enough
Walking and jumping on the air is pretty useful even if i can just use vines for that. Vines still need somewhere to attach them i think? Unless they can come out of thin air. Even then that's something less i have to manage.
>Abel Erye
Pretty good support and if i am lucky son of the sun can persist on killers time to stack the odds harder when i activate it.
>Christopher Soriano
It's always nice to have someone with a plan. Also gaming nights with him and Abel.
>How'd that work mechanically? Currently Horde does encampments and siege weapons mostly, maybe a rough town if you choose to stay longer. I guess one option would be to make the archetype section modular, so you could pick and combine mechanics like that.
Forcing people into stuff like that is goofy. If someone wants to pull a rimuru and make a monster nation, or some demonigga starts corrupting thr landscape, why shouldn't they be able to do that? It seems weird if you're teying to put a timelimit or something on factions so they have to move.
This is an interesting spread. I think that'd work well.

Modular archetypes could lead to some weird combos, which could be fun to see. This has me thinking of some confused dark lord bending over backwards to make frustrated ogres follow an organized work detail, while sending brittle skeletons to serve as heavy infantry
Brittle skeletons? Add exoskeletons to the frontline skeletons
Skill issue
My build is
>Blossoming death sword
All cutting sword, 3m inhuman reflexes and an illusion world once enough blood is spilled
>Garden of Eden
Agree. Is very good and I imagine you would be fighting during night mostly, to keep it as secret. So is powerful, flexible, crowd control and emergency cocoon.
I was between this or Cerberus, Cerberus is more combat oriented but the utility of the Garden is too good to pass out while enough capacity for fighting and being bonkers during night.
>God's eyes
The best tattoo. Mind control. Mind reading. Apply forces at a distance and direction which is very good to counter enemies and attacks. Kamui-like ability and teleport

This is a good combo I think. The strongest build against a lot of opponents and going solo would be Killer time + demonic embrace + blosoming death sword. Embrace + sword makes you almost unkillabe (3m of the sword + speed + all cutting sword, 3 seconds of Embrace + boosted stats + the projectil defense of embrace) and killer time would kill the ones you don't kill or can't kill. Still, i prefer my build.

>Mental clarity
>Air step
Yep, these are the best if you don't go the railgun build

Revenge story and hot? great, her powers also sound op
>Abel Eyre
Bro, support and debuffer
Inkshadow: Prayer to Morrigan, Demonic Embrace, God Eyes
Uncommon: Healing, Recovery, Mental Clarity, Levitation

Fastest wind speed is 372 kph and average person sprint speed is 24 kph. 372 + 24 × 5 = 492 kph or .4 mach. This speed + 3 second precog + teleportation is enough to dodge practically anything. God Eyes is an op must pick because you either mind control the opponent or teleport their head for an instant kill.

Abel Erye: He can weaken the enemy's mind defenses for me to control them.
Sabrina Fitzgerald: Possible revival is valuable.
>teleport their head for an instant kill
Doesnt work like that
>Teleport yourself to an envisioned space
>Drag people with you
>Warp away attacks
Warping the body parts of enemies is not mentioned
>Fastest wind speed is 372 kph and average person sprint speed is 24 kph. 372 + 24 × 5 = 492 kph or .4 mach

munchkin. Choosing the fastest wind when it was not literal (or how are you as quiet as night?) and ignoring that speed is when you have wings and trying to multiply that (and even sum average human speed when it wouldn't count as your speed with morrigan is with wings) when is clear that levitation "base speed" means on foot, not another type of flying with wings.
Cerberus Garden Eyes is probably good for railgun build
>Warping the body parts of enemies is not mentioned
Doesn't matter. I can target whatever I want for teleportation. Or are you saying that anything that isn't people or attacks can't be targeted, so cloths and other carried objects don't go with you?

>Choosing the fastest wind when it was not literal
You don't know that. It said wind, so I picked a wind.

>levitation "base speed" means on foot
I don't know what you're trying to say. You do know that the average person sprint speed is calculated on foot, right?
Blossoming Death Sword
Demonic Embrace
God Eyes

>Tattoo Sparks:
Mental Clarity
Air Step

Able Eyre
Sabrina Fitzgerald

The three Tattoos that are the best for staying alive, anything that manages to not get teleported away, countered, precog'd or deflected can still be weakened and healed by Able. Sabrina seems like a veteran mentor.

>t. shitposter

There's a difference between travel speed and reaction speed.
>reaction speed
3 sec precog bro.
No in this case its actually a system issue apparently.
Oh nononoonno you are going to lose!
I like how the 3 cost eyes are full of instant mind control effects that don't work on people with 10 cost eyes, so they're basically made for enslaving normal people.
I'm ok as it is but if you really feel the need to modifying it, having 5 years of hardcore training instead of one would be better. (so you can either choose to train like a madman to get double the points or focus on something else)
and also the cost to remove drawbacks must be superior to the points given by the drawback.
whatever you do don't be vague.
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System Issue!~
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Hey guys i added more minions, including some restricted to certain heritages. Lemme know how they look and if any of you have ideas a potential minion improvement section.
Makes sense. The 3 Letter Glowing People have already semi enslaved almost everyone.
>Doesn't matter. I can target whatever I want for teleportation. Or are you saying that anything that isn't people or attacks can't be targeted, so cloths and other carried objects don't go with you?
Yeah, you can target whole things. Whole. Things. That's why you can drag people, but you can't decapitate people with it. You can target attacks, but you don't have a spatial blade. You can target objects, but not half objects

>You don't know that. It said wind, so I picked a wind.
And it also said you are as quiet as night, so you can't talk nor make noises. We should calc the quietest night and see how you maybe can do ant's noises at max. If you want to take it literally. But let's say you are right because the next part makes discussion useless
>I don't know what you're trying to say. You do know that the average person sprint speed is calculated on foot, right?
Yes, I am aware. Are you aware your calc used fastest wind + average human speed x levitation speed multiplier right?
It has 1 mistake.

Why would you do Flying speed + running speed? i dont see the logic behind it. Do you think it stacks? because it doesnt.

Conversation the author had:
Q: if including levitation can I fly even faster or is it redundant (the guy also had chosen Morrigan and Levitation)
A: Redundant. The higher one takes priority.

So, the higher one takes priority and doesnt affect the other. Is either Morrigan's speed or Levitation's

Btw, you get 3x stats by simpling having tattoos. Which means your base speed is 72kph. The levitation's multiplier is 5 to base speed. So 360 kph.
So choose, 372 kph of morrigan or 360 of levitation
Dark Moths are cool. Love the casual panty shot, that's hot.
It wouldn't be a hard limiter, rather just what your army's abilities and aptitudes are. You could try to get your roving ogres build a grand metropolis but the end result wouldn't look very fancy. But yeah, I think I'll go for modular approach for all that so there's more possible builds and leave it for the player to pick stuff that works together.
>it also said you are as quiet as night
No, it says you *fly* as quiet as night, which means the flight is silent, not anything else you do.

>Conversation the author had:
>Q: if including levitation can I fly even faster or is it redundant (the guy also had chosen Morrigan and Levitation)
>A: Redundant. The higher one takes priority.

>So, the higher one takes priority and doesnt affect the other. Is either Morrigan's speed or Levitation's
I had no idea about the author, so sure, I'll take the his word.

>So choose, 372 kph of morrigan or 360 of levitation
Levitation then. And instead of morrigan, I would take garden.
at least another Garden brother
I think the intent of the word is that the amount of time for an essence point varies from 1~10 years depending on how much progress you did towards that. I imagine it as an imaginary essence point progress bar (with built in passive gains) rather than a fixed time.
Didn't ask
Wrong again.
Normal people and the majority of normal demon eye users. Majority of people are normal, majority of demon eye users has 3 cost eyes, rare ones 5 cost eyes.
10 cost eyes are so rare only 3 companions have it, the leader of the academy, a demon princess and the strongest (nah, he'd win).

With enemies, the betrayer has it and the only reason she is not lvl 5 of danger is she getting weaker in mind and body and her 10 cost eye isn't directly used in combat but to acquire more powers. The maximum threat is lvl 5 and are defined by having powers equivalent to 10 cost eyes.

So those 3 cost eyes are kind of op. Still give me my chuuny 10 cost eye because i don't need mind control to get someone when i am demon chuuny batman with a lot of companions
Elementals, dark moths, and synthetics really could use different art. Steel worms are also goofy looking but that may be intentional. Elementals are ok if youre deadset on them being just humans with X element I guess, but dark moths should be like the cryptid mothman imo, and synthetics are still too stylized for my liking, but its not too bad. Everything else seems fine for what you're going for imo, even if I think stuff like steel worms and blackbirds are just weird in general.

Also you removed my god damn lagomorphs reeeeeeeeeeeee. I hope yaogai are decent.
How in the fuck is Italics supposed to compete with Husanon's literal kino crafted by the community's desire Luminary? Husanon is actually fleshing out his waifus while giving you power and showing off his pages.

What has Italics have to show to us aside from a cough?
Shitalics was just a shit author taking advantage of a dead general. Now that we have authors again, he has gone back to becoming no one.
He just released Magi Case 4 months ago. Then a wuxian CYOA.
Irrelevant to being a shitty author. Even shittyauthor himself was better and he was literally shitty.
Scarecrows are fucking retarded wtf.
>having a small army of tireless magical humanoids who cant feel fear or pain and dont need food, water, or oxygen is retarded
What makes Italics shit¿
It is when you are at this level of power. This is jobber level that any fucking robot can do too.
Husanon is a discordtranny while italics isn't. Discord corrupts a person's soul, he is no longer capable of understanding truth or beauty.
Robots need energy and maintenance and dedicated engineers. Scarecrows can literally just slap themselves back together.
Italics writes extremely complicated characters into very simple CYOAs, he is essentially making mary sue reverse-fanfiction of other people's imaginations.
What makes a person a discord tranny and why is Italics exempt?
No dreamweaver heritage?
>slap themselves back together.
That is what I do every night to keep going...
I'll never understand this. Literally everyone under 35 uses discord if you play any games or do anything. What you just said is basically akin to the native americans saying a picture steals your soul. You're either lying and also use discord like literally everyone else, or you're a luddite incel genuinely, OR you're some 50 year old that somehow found his way here and atill uses facebook and shit. Pick your poison.
Causal Immunity is the best 3/5-cost eye for Split Personality
Just make actual golems or something else, scarecrows are fucking retarded as a concept for a minion.
I wouldn't find Italics characters to be complicated, the only way they are complex is because he puts too much information a out their backstories.

Pasille from Pokemon exists to completely glaze you as her glorious "Hero" and meat ride you, metaphorically and physically.

Remove all the lore shit about a cult and Drac profile is just her copying Shirou and going Mind of Steel for someone else/group and being a cog in a wheel.
Based, seethefags BTFO
>le incel
I wonder who wrote this?
A man, someone who knows what you are.
I love war cyoas
>le incel on le incel website
Shitalic's characters are just 90% lore dump and 10% character
>A simp, someone who knows how to simp
Italics characters have more character than lore.
>I wouldn't find Italics characters to be complicated, the only way they are complex is because he puts too much information a out their backstories.
Sincere apologies, I didn't know this about them because I get whiplashed by his ability to make opposite kinds of boredom co-exist.
What opposite boredoms¿
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>It's ok when husanon lore dumps using the character profiles.
>It's ok when husanon arbitrarily limits your options behind companions and obligatory drawbacks.
I wonder if husanon could get away with murder too.
"Oh no, there isn't anything happening and now I'm underwhelmed" < Choices about your character in an italics CYOA.
"Oh no, there's too much here and now I'm overwhelmed." < Choices about other characters in an italics CYOA.
Aro could never.
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Its ok anon, we can get through this dark time in your life together.
I might be a retard. Can you explain it better for me please
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>Picks both
Skill issue anon.
Making a jigsaw puzzle of archetypes, thematics, and mechanics sounds like an interesting challenge. I was already looking forward to your OC, but now I'm envying my future self. Best of luck on your work!
It is just the anon that is obsessed with husanon. Just ignore him.
yes. But I think people take it majority of time because of the anti aging aspect. When several eyes or powers can do the same or better
Bodyshaper + that jellyfish that can rejuvenate itself
Simbiosis to drain life when you are old enough
Duality to reverse aging
The apple to become angel/demon
The scythe
Or simply becoming a vampire
The artifacts and vampire have great drawbacks (althought duality + vampire is perfect) but the rest of eyes do the job too and are not dependent of 100% activation.

The defensive aspect of Casual inmunity is also given in a lesser form by other eyes. So is the best but not the best best.

The best 3-5 cost eye for purest sin i think is Pain Eater of wrath, healing is good enough but giving your injuries to enemies is op, simply not counter except an ultimate defense eye or ultimate eye attack that can kill in one hit before the accumulation of injuries that could kill 10 people is upon you
Does each author have a dedicated hater anon or is it just one seethefag?
I think they are like 3 and are rotating, sometimes a new challenger approaches to help them. Sometimes an author is doing the seethe because they don't like people giving more attention to something they feel inferior.
By 'an author', you mean tok right?
Some have multiple, like italics, fuck italics and his defense force.
no i'm talking about anons who hate authors, not those who defend them. I don't care about them, they're purely reactionary.
>he didn't get it
in part him, but he is not the only one nor i think the most common, to be honest
True Conscious Blinking Eye is teleportation to anywhere in a literal blink. It one of the fastest teleportation eyes and with the least restrictions.
>Someone shits on Hus
Nooo stop
>Someone shits on Italics

>she's actually making the cyoa worse
Didn't ask.
I don't wanna see Adult Demon Hunter die to CIAkuna :<
Why are you booing him? He's right. If Perfect Mind can make the entirety of Earth into an exemplar of progress and technology (even in the eyes of literal aliens) in just decades, you objectively gain more from focusing on tech than you do with Artifacts. 1 essence a year means 16 years of intensive, non-stop training to gain any one (1) Enlightened power, and another 4 years to master it. Husanon himself has said this scenario is more about you accruing the power, allies, and resources to fight Kleidi's enemies rather than personally fighting all of them, and since you need to do "nothing but grinding, eating and sleeping" to gain 1 essence a year you HAVE you ignore your other responsibilities to get it done.

When you're fighting a war, why spend 20 years to give yourself the ability to burn down cities when you can instead spend that time taking command of and upgrading the armies already capable of doing that? Not to mention giving yourself that ability through technology.
Yeah because knowing how to make something means you have the means to make it. Of course.
Besides i wasn't given a harem of cunny weapons to sit on my ass
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>Yeah because knowing how to make something means you have the means to make it. Of course.
>completely ignores the description of Perfect Mind that explicitly says how long it would take to accomplish the uplifting
Why are you being willfully obtuse?
How is the Perfect Mind dude supposed to force the world's governments to accept his magic technology?
Duality Is ridiculous, the author really should have placed more restrictions.
nah, let it be, why? because its my favourite
It’s supposed to be. All the 10 cost eyes are supposed to be ridiculous.
Has the author mentioned how long the eyes can continuously be used?
Anon, what the hell do you mean "force"? You are House Arany's chosen Luminary and representative of Earth, you are Earth's only ambassador with the rest of the cosmic community. Kleidi literally says you have legal right to rule over Earth in the intro. The premise automatically places you in an influential position of power, and therefore in the position to enact change. If you cannot take power despite being the smartest person in the galaxy AND having an actual cosmic empire back you up, you were too incompetent to be a Luminary in the first place.
>You have legal right.
I don't remember giving somw fuck face anon the right to represent me in the cosmos. I didn't even vote for him.

Fuck House Arany, stupid bitch. I'm not a slave.
you will accept our rule or you will be nuked from orbit. the choice is yours
>anon realizes that he doesn't matter
You're my slave now.
Nah, I'd rather die.

Freedom and Democracy is non-negotiable and is worth more than my life.
virgin appointed by a monarchuck vs CHAD ALL MEN ARE FREE & EQUAL
>Nah, I'd rather die.
Ok. You were a NEET anyways, nothing lost.
>kills themselves
>changes nothing
Very chad.
It's not about changing something, it's about sending a message and standing on business. So put some coco butter on that crusty ass face.
>Retards think their vote actually matter.
>That their puppet candidates actually represent them.
I will give the oligarchs price they have perfected the art of propaganda.
Just instate fall guys while staying in power behind the scenes is extremely smart.
>Free and equal
lmao even
People don't have the same value and to try to suggest so you have to be delusional.
for some reason this sounds like something aromage would say
>it's about sending a message
That you're a jobber.
C'mon, she's not *that* retarded.
>It's not about changing something.
Ahh so you admit you are retarded?
weird flex but ok.
No. Just like those two anons and you, aromage is a woman and doesn't understand integerity and having value in ideals higher than your own immediate pleasure.
Based retard.
How much freedom do you think you actually have right now kek
>understand integerity and having value in ideals higher than your own immediate pleasure
Looks like edgypost kino is back on the menu.
The freedom to call my leaders retarded bitches and call all women whores without the police arresting me.
Ok but your ideals are used against you to enslave you to a system where you have only the illusion of having any say in.
Would you rather be ruled by an omni-conpetent godking that will help uplift the lives of everyone?
Or the illusion of choice between parties that all want to ass rape you?
You're just beneath notice.
NTA. But, you guys are fucking narcisst retards on the level of Kim Jung Un or Mao. Shit is fucked worse and why authoritarian governments are hell holes.
Yeah their fall guys are there for a reason.
And You are barely allowed to say negative things about women.
And thought crime laws are already being implement anyways.
Tell me.
Did you vote for them?
if there WAS some monarch who was genuinely appointed by God and had divine prescience that let them always make the correct decisions, i wouldnt mind them taking power undemocratically. i support democracy because it gives me and others a better life than all the alternatives, not because i necessarily care about liberty or no taxation without representation or whatever. i think a lot of people would agree with this too, the president of el salvador has basically become a dictator and thrown the democratic process out the window, and the people there love him anyways since he solved their gang problems and made their lives better.
Isn't Split Personality basically free with Ultimate Null (and some other eyes)? It's hard to conceive of someone (not retarded) with that eye ending up in extreme stress or weakness.

On this note, which 3-5 cost eye would be best with Ultimate Null?
I wouldn't. I would argue with God why he doesn't love me and had to make an OCDONUT.
Indeed, results are what matter, not whatever bullshit politicians say to convince you to vote for them.
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Well said. Does not even need to be god appointed. I kneel before my emperor. Get these useless fucks out of here and start the new age of humanity!
I'm glad you all agree with that my rule is best.
extreme weakness is one of the 3 triggers. There is also:
Extreme sin (any of the 7 i guess)
Extreme stress

Imagine you were fighting someone, winning but you are late to a fight where your friends are at a point where they could die any moment. Stress and sins are going to happen anyway even if you choose ultimate null and purpofully avoid 10 cost eye users missions. We are humans, not anime monks.

Within sloth, only the time stop is good with null in a fight. Outside of it maybe Pain Eater or Utter hatred from Wrath.
Accumulate Injuries and unleash them after you deactivate UN, re activate if not dead.
Accumulate heat and unleash it after you deactivate UN, re activate if not dead. Or freeze them.

Any eye that has good attacks that are instant
>House Arany wins via industrially revolutionizing Earth and good rulership
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>We are humans, not anime monks.
>inner eye of the beholder
>become anime monk
>Want to kill himself by dulling his emotions until he is a husk and another person. A healthy pale boy
>inner eye of the beholder
>become anime monk
Dude, just use that eye to dispel the split personality.
I mean.
That makes perfect sense.
drawbacks triumps powers
That is not written anywhere in the cyoa.
is a common rule that should be followed unless say so otherwise. Because if not, then you have cases like duality making fate cursed into fate blessed and being hyper lucky, power limiter becomes power unlimiter and gives you power etc...

Nobody would think a drawback can be overcomed by a power of its same price
>Kim Jung Un
Behold, your vaunted "democracy" in its final stages.
>is a common rule that should be followed unless say so otherwise.
According to... you.

>Nobody would think a drawback can be overcomed by a power of its same price
And you speak for... yourself.
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Italics here. There will be a slight delay for Luminary. I in review I feel as it is, it's not good enough in its presentation for you guys. Main problem stems from you receiving dialogue only from your interactions with the goddesses in a rotating manner and I feel that does not provide you enough of a connection with them as characters to like even with their different circumstances/ways they go about presenting each section, even with them individually commenting on your choices

The delay is to try and implement a sub-section called Misadventures to give you more things to do with your goddesses as they raised you and gleam more into their character. Such as going on a treasure hunt in the desert with Uraia to discover a deceased god's ruined shrine or being taught to sing to attract giant crabs and jellyfish for a show with Outhal.

Possibly attempt to include a new sub-section for additional goddesses and interactions with them as I have some images I cannot use in my other CYOAs that I feel like I should use, somehow.

That is all and I do apologize.
True. But that's not what you would expect from the premise of being a knight and getting a bunch of weapons.
Wow, who could have seen this coming? Besides everyone, of course. Hell, this very thing you are changing was told to you back when you first said the only interaction was going to be like that.
newfag? drawbacks being absolute has been a thing since... the start
>them individually commenting on your choices
Tankista's psyop has succeded.
Don't worry my king. Take your time.

Btw, cute~ red ears
If the cyoa states that.
>Tankista's psyop
Bold of you to assume it was Tankista. Clearly it was all secretly a misdirection from Gil.
I hate narratorslop.
... yep, a newfag trying to act smart when everyone know that unless stated drawbacks can't be overcomed.
>Clearly it was all secretly a misdirection from Gil.
>falling for that retard
Fuck husanon.
Lee Kuan Yew was incredibly based
I mean knights generally had lands to rule and in exchange they offered military service to their lords.
While their subjects paid taxes to them in exchange for protection.
That's basically how the feudal system worked.
>need to train for years to get more powerful
>but also need to govern a planet for your imperial masters
>and you need to build a competent fighting force to defend not only your planet but also the ones your master owns
>and that may or may not require diplomatic missions to other planets to get them to help
something doesnt add up here, wheres the time slots for bonding with your waifus? does husanon expect us to work like dogs for decades on end?
The goddesses commenting on your choices have always been an element in the CYOA. I took the idea from Eternal Blue that used it. What are you talking about?

I'm not your king.
tsu-tsundere~ kya!
It's pretty common for cyoas to severely underestimate empire/kingdom management regarding paperwork and corruption of nobles. I personally would never rule more than a city-state unless a cyoa offers Guilliman-like lawmaking/logistics abilities.
This is why I don't get why anyone would want to rule. Ruling fucking sucks. Is just being responsible for everything. Work, work, work.
Just delegate.
Didn't Husanon said something about a robot companion that was running thing on earth already or something?
Yeah, Rome and later Eastern Rome got really messy when things became too much for a single person. Lots of corruption and assassinations.

The more you delegate, the less control you have. If you're not careful, it can end up with the delegates running the show.
Just mind control the delegates.
Use soul mark as some kind of proof of official sanction.
Kind of horrifying but it would be effective.
>If you're not careful, it can end up with the delegates running the show
Luva's Soul Mark goes brrr
>Use soul mark as some kind of proof of official sanction.
Official? You want to make mind control OFFICIAL? Are you out of your goddamn mind? Such things must be done secretly. S e c r e t l y.
If only you had a Perfect Mind™ to create the perfect bureaucratic system so you can effectively govern while still having time for other stuff... if only...
>need to train for years to get more powerful
Just don't? You gonna get essence regardless
>but also need to govern a planet for your imperial masters
>and you need to build a competent fighting force to defend not only your planet but also the ones your master owns
>and that may or may not require diplomatic missions to other planets to get them to help
fuck that noise grab a couple of chucklefucks and mindrape tand give them a bunch of rules to follow so you can go and murderfuck the threat without issue while they crunch the mind numbing part of being boss
we know nothing about other worlds in the cyoa but at the least for earth you can lie to the government saying that house arany will genocide the entire world if they don't obey you.
Might as well go one step further and just say you learn the I win spell that wins everything.
Don't worry, since it's not (you) in the cyoa I won't connect with anyone.
I'm not understanding. What do you mean?
This ones's really good. Anything else from the author?
It's Hyenanon on Allsync.

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