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Tyranto Dino Edition

Here is a thread to discuss trading card games other than the big three.
>Build Divide
>Force of Will
>Final Fantasy TCG
>Legend of the 5 Rings (L5R)
>Flesh and Blood
>Gate Ruler
>Battle Spirits
>One Piece
>The other DBZ game
>Magi Nation
>Lord of the Rings
>The Condemned CCG
>Grand Archive TCG

Post about card games you've played and help other anons get to know your games!

Pastebin/Rules for some games
>Dragonball GT SD
>Gate Ruler
>Build Divide
>Ashes Reborn
>Fusion World
>Various Japanese CCGs without western translation (page is in moonrunes)
>The Condemned CCG

voice chat for playing /acg/

>Last Thread

>Thread Question:
How has your favorite game changed since its inception? Was it for the better?
Ok let's brainstorm theme elements to attract a TCG player base. These could be combined. No licensed IPs.

- Anthro animals (like sonic)
- mechs or robots
- waifus
- unusual art style like pixel art
- meme references
- really weird and distinct factions

I'm thinking about the next game after my realistic historical Evropean setting has succeeded.
^ Don't feed this troll. Dude fucking ruined the last thread.
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My favorite game first changed when it got dropped by UDE and picked up by Cryptozoic. This was bad. Shortly after, my favorite game was then killed off and cannibalized to make a shitty mobile game with micro-transactions. If my life was worse off and I had nothing to lose, I would domestic terrorist attack Blizzard for what they did to my favorite game.
>- meme references
Serious question, are there people who don't hate this? Only time I can accept this is if it's extremely subtle.
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Today's Build Divide reveal is a Rare from set 15.

Carpenter by the Riverbank, Beaver
[Evol - (2R, 3C)]
[AUTO] When this unit is placed by Evol, you may place up to 1 unit card from your D Deck into your Energy Zone rested.
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Yesterday's card

Shikigami of the White Wolves, Iizuna
[CONT] For the first damage that each player takes each turn, ignore any Buster or Shot trigger effects.
<Territory> Power +3000
>best selling tcg are all simple and brain dead IP smashes
its apparent to me the average tcg buyer doesnt care about gameplay, only the IP being used. With this in mind, here is how to make a popular tcg:
>pick a popular IP (or multiple, can introduce them later)
>make the gameplay piss easy. stealing 99% of how another game plays is preferred.
>make the art either super cute or super serious. if you do anything inbetween it wont sell at first.
>make sure all the good cards are 1/box or less and that players need x4 to play. this attracts whales giving the retarded base your aiming to sell to the idea their cardboard has value if they ever dont want to play again
>give local game stores incentive to push the game over other games. ala ceasy and cheap distribution and shop promos you can only get at the lgs people need tonply

there enjoy your next big 3.
Don't worry anon, this is merely a drop in the water for reasons to commit a terrorism against Blizzard.
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News has been revealed for the 16th main set.

Return to Eternity
Releasing on 12/13/2024
A total of 13 Aces will be added in this set with many of them being from the 1st and 2nd years of the game.
New Aces
I agree but I still feel like a tcg with a competitive gameplay + Decent tournament support + prizes can do well

But then when you look at Battle Spirits Saga then my point is mute.
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Promo if you preorder 3 boxes

Confrontation of the Great Rivals
[Evol - (2B, 2R)]
Choose 1 of the following. If you played this with Evol, choose all of the following.
-Target up to 1 Ace card from your Cemetery, and add it your hand.
-Target up to 1 Ace card in your Energy Zone, add it to your hand, and put this card into your Energy Zone rested.
You can find any example of any type of TCG succeeding and failing. Even within the same IP.
Arts for some of the units in set 16

>the Spoils
comp gameplay doesnt matter a shit. even mtg doesnt give a fuck and caters to pickle rick my little pony edh players.

if you want to sell a game, good gameplay is the last thing that matters. simple shit gameplay sells.
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>make the best gameplay of any modern tcg
>sabotage the game via deliberately terrible art
>sabotage the game via underprinting set one
>sabotage the game via hilariously terrible leader balance
>sabotage the game via crappy and undesirable foils (curling, dimming, etc)
>sabotage the game via lackluster and incoherent theming for the second set
>sabotage the game via boring draft gameplay for the second set
>sabotage the game via barely-there tribal mechanics for the first three sets
>sabotage the game via extremely underpowered set-exclusive keywords
>sabotage the game via comically bad cards in sets 2 and 3 (developers and/or playtesters don't appear to understand how their own game is played)
>sabotage the game via deliberately slow-rolling the start of organized play for no apparent reason
>sabotage the game via extremely limited quantities of official events, with extremely miserable prizing

the only thing Unlimited about this game is the number of unforced errors holding the gameplay back
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Is it yuri?
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>upgraded set 1
Holy shit we have come full circle. This feels like it's either the last set or they do a reboot after this. I'm interested to see what is coming.
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We already got the yuri season, it will be something else this time
>yugioh edgy tween rip s1
>wixoss edgy yuri rip s2
>vanguard esgy yaoi rip s3
calling it.
Clearly not the same guy. And ruined nothing, last thread was masterfully trolled and hilarious.

>I want to be that serpent of worlds
A breakdown of the decks used in a release day(?) tournament for the hololive card game
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TQ: some really cool mechanics were added, i think it's a shame they haven't been here from the start. Game faced death, yet prevailed. Can't say it's thriving but also don't feel like it's dying. Unfortunately there is no organized play in my area, so i don't get to interact with the community that much, but as far as I can get my hands on new sets it is alright for me.
I also feel like the overall artstyle became more hit or miss. There has always been some terrible ones, but cool drawings are more common now.
T. Keyforge player.
You're just describing Bandai's business model, except the LGS support is terrible (have to order like 4 sets in advance, in bulk, with no OP promos to speak of)
It was very funny to watch Magic players flock to Lorcana when it was highly collectible and then all leave as soon as it got reprinted
I'm sorry for trolling Build Divide fans. There is no season 3
So apparently weiss is introducing a new rarity for autographed cards 'AGR'. But it says they are only distributing them via redemption cards seeded in packs now, wtf???
bandai saves the pricy promos for their events.
The Japanese cards have separators so you can tell where effects start and end in the paragraph.
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The art for this game has gotten so much better over time
Honestly I think unusual art will only put people off
Card gamers are reluctant to try new things so most games try 1-2 new things at most while keeping the rest familiar.
For the love of god stop the Evolve summoning shit. Bright is infinitely better since it doesnt have this stupid mechanic.
Why dont they just put them on new paragraphs as this is still a pain to read
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Please do. And then call up Panini/Score and beg them to relaunch the old one.
i am entering your house and killing you if this is false
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Bro wtf ;o;
It will just be the sandland tcg, there is no way they try to reboot Duel Masters. :^)
Don't you think that looking unique is important to stand out among generic digital art or anime slop?
Genuine question, is there any TCG that has changed substantially for the better after launch?
It's FFG, what did you expect?
>pinned ya
>ha ha
>the best gameplay
Until you play against control and they just durdle until they deck you out. Turns out alternating actions does have down sides.
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>remove Tinkerbell from parks but make her giant in your card game
>MILFs shotas and hyena deck I'm starting on
For the thinking man
>until they deck you out
That's not a real win condition at any competitive level, the only mill anyone runs (vigilance) is purely as a form of removal for your answers in the mirror.
yeah, this >>93973813
you could see all this coming long before it actually released. there wasn't any universe where modern FFG + modern star wars + a TCG model was going to work out.
>modern ffg

Basically nobody who was part of FFG, say, eight years ago is left. This is essentially the first product of the current incarnation of the company.
Holy fuck that giant Tinkerbell card and the fact the card is mocking the pirate crew made my dick burst
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Lorcana has improved significantly with more cards and archetypes available. In fact most games are pretty bad in their first set because there's just not a lot of depth possible.

>he doesn't know
why she is doing Heil? Is disney going back to it roots?
Most successful German-Disney collaboration in 90 years
a fucking nother one? what ip can they even rape this time, didnt they use them all in UA?
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Bring back shotalolicat.
>15 meat damage
shame ANR didn't have the balls to go this big
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Nobody cares but I will continue to post reveals when I think about it
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7 isn't as funny of a number, but in any sane board state 7 is big enough.
Set 3 was the final straw, Im done with Fusion World. Set 3 Masters was so much more fun than this steaming pile of shit.
>Set 3 Masters
You liked Frieza apes?
is there any reason why the account only following digimon and dbf tcg account ?
Is this game in English? Never seen it in any game stores.
yeah WOW was great. I didn't even mind the cryptozoic era that much.
honestly in hindsight it might be better off. It got to live during a great era for games, got to do all kinds of experimental shit, and it has some pretty solid fan continuation. more fun to play now than it's ever been.
I can't take the polarizing matchups anymore. It's so fucking stupid how unwinnable games can be.
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It was really cool when he played the card my deck can literally never out really fun game design. It's unreal how dogshit this game is it deserved to die the way that it did.
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>play the current shittiest deck in the game
>vs a deck that can top tournaments and in general has a good matchup against that color
>lose and call the game shit
it's okay anon, we all get mad sometimes
It is shit though. There should not be cards that create unwinnable matchups for decks/colors. Favored is fine, unwinnable is just shit fucking card design.
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The first two sets of ScoreZ were terrible. By set three, they figured it out, and the game became an absolute gem. It wasn't without its share of flaws, of course, but they really managed to make something special.
But it's not unwinnable. Hell back during set 1 Blue Vegeta was considered the worst starter and now look.
Seriously though FW is dead as absolute fuck on a local level
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First draft of the rules for Spirit Callers.

Next post I'll give a screenshot of the cards for the tutorial fight.
Should I build Green Gohan in FW? I have most of the cards to put the deck together and I have 50 pack codes for sets 2 and 3 each.
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Forgot to mention, the tutorial deck is 4 of each of the elementals for a 64 card deck with a semi-fixed opening hand.
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they did. it got banned for being too easy and efficient.
I'm new to Bandai games, but why does it feel like they and Bushi Road absolutely have no will to support their existing games, and just shit out new ones?
I think part of it is that tcgs honestly are not games that lend itself to growing over time. Especially if they do not have a rotating format.
Card pools get larger and larger and old cards can get hard to source. So the barrier to entry gets higher over time. If you aren't one of the big boys, I think it's really hard to grow your player base. So I think Bandai and Bushitroad just constantly release new games to act as entry points for new players.
but why not just have a rotating and non rotating format?
You have to ask the japs for that. If I had to guess, it's psychology. People hear "rotation" and they have a kneejerk reaction to it.
Same reason people advocate for eternal formats when in reality most games powercreep old cards out anyways.
By constantly launching new games with eternal only format, they keep creating new entry points without the stigma of rotation.
>why not have rotating format
they essentially do, they just rotate whole games instead of sets. just a different approach. it means you don't have an eternal format, but from a publisher perspective the eternal players aren't a useful part of the ecosystem anyway.
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Recent reveals.
I feel like mtg "had" in the past cracked the formula on how to handle TCGs, by having a balanced low power rotating format and adding a strong card here and there, and an eternal format that slowly accumulates strong cards. So you have a fast changing format where people get to try out new things, and a very slowly changing format where people have a home for their old powerful stuff.
And from a publisher perspective, by having an eternal format present it tells people their stuff will maintain value over time, so players are more likely to get in, knowing they have a potential of selling out if they want to get into something new. Aren't people more skittish about trying a new game from a company, knowing that in like 2 years no one will be playing it, having it be replaced by a whole new game?
No. Because casuals are too casual to think that far ahead.
A casual isn't going to be wary that their boku no pico tcg is probably going to eos in 2 years, but if they hear that that they cards will be illegal in 2 years no matter what, they will freakout.
Also, launching new games catches more of these players cause the fotm is always changing. No one cares about One Piece anymore? Bring out the HxH card game.
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Nearly every single main focus and damn near every background character has shitty perspective and weird angles. They'd be better off with AI art at this point.

As another anon pointed out, FFG is two full generations of employees removed from their glory days, so it shouldn't surprise me. But this game is already fading fast. I can't find any LGS near me that hosts tournaments anymore, for instance.
Bushiroad still supports its 2 oldest tcgs though?
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Today's Build Divide reveal is a Super Rare from set 15.

Rise Again, My Fellow Countrymen
Target 1 Black unit card in your Cemetery. During this turn, you may play the target from your Cemetery. (Pay the cost and play it)
>Waste 1 ener to now heckin summon only 1 unit from the grave instead of just playing the 4 cost that does that already
It's decent right now. Has an out to Jiren, can beat blue and black, but struggles into Droids maybe yellow too.
BD art reminds me of FoW in that both look like low effort deviant art anime style 75% of the time.
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No, it got banned the day they released Mutually Assured Destruction because they didn't want the cards to combo.
Is there a pokemon general somewhere? I want to ask about collecting full sets. Cardmarket lot/collection tab doesn't list any
try /vp/ they have a topic about tcg
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games with an interesting twist on traditional unit combat?
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/acg has officially turned into discord/reddit

I'll leave it at that before I get banned again
The unit combat takes places after the game
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I don't remember asking you a goddamn thing.
The way Bandai handles Digimon is just sad
That's why I stopped coming here. Notice a distinct lack of passion? That's the vacuum I left behind in my absence.
FAB has been here for like 400 threads, it's time to move on. and the game can still be good even if the playerbase is cringy.
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The place just needs some more cats.
Please make your criticisms more vague and less helpful.
Contrary to your entire belief system, no. Truly it doesn't need that.

Beyond redemption at this point; so why fight against the wind?
The fuck this has to do with FAB?
The moderation of this place has turned into discord/reddit level of retardation
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Blue Character P-084
7 Cost / 8000 Power (Slash)
Cross Guild / Four Emperors

This character cannot attack.
If your leader is [Buggy], all cost 3 and 4 characters cannot attack.
[On play] Play up to one cost 6 or lower {Cross Guild} type character from your hand.
I don't understand. Sometimes people say bandai doesn't print enough and sometimes people rage over bandai reprinting shit...
>lack of passion
I mean, I don't mind if some anon that only talks about 1 acg stops to talk about it that much (being honest)
But I feel you, people (trolls) have been abusing the report post feature to the point people are being banned for off-topic when the post is on topic.
Well the youtuber mentions players going from Bandai games to wanting to play MTG or Lorcana etc due to supply issues.

Referring to it as Artificial scarcity to make short term profit.
>But I feel you, people (trolls) have been abusing the report post feature to the point people are being banned for off-topic when the post is on topic
Lol people actually report posts here?
Fucking he'll might be time to leave this bitch made place then
>posts here?
In all of /tg/ long term threads. Trolls will be trolls.Some engage with pastas while others engage with making actual discussion impossible (because of reporting).
This also happens in the W4K, boardgame, minis painting and mtg threads (last time I checked).
Spirit Caller dev here, I have a couple questions I'd like to see the thread's response to.

1) Would you prefer if the cards were designed as a single card with two halves that always come together, or would you prefer the halves were designed separately and could be matched with any half of the other type?

2) How do you feel about effects that wouldn't be possible in a physical TCG? One of the mechanics I've been looking to implement is buffs being permanent, no matter where the card moves. So you could buff a card, have it die, shuffle it into the deck and then draw it with the buffs.
>no matter where the card moves. So you could buff a card, have it die, shuffle it into the deck and then draw it with the buffs.
Seems awful to track especially if you have multiple quanitities in a card in a deck.

Not sure what point 1 is about though. What do you mean by halves?
Strange that it isnt simply all cost 4 or less cannot attack, I guess it would shut down aggro decks way too hard. Otherwise it's not too often 1 or 2 cost will swing anyway.
Sucks to see such a card be released as a promo though.
Blue Doflamingo players are losing to this card though.
The gimmick of the game is that each card is essentially two cards. All cards are playable as a creature, but the other half of the card is either a spell or playabe as a resource as an effect.

>Seems awful to track especially if you have multiple quanitities in a card in a deck.
It would be in paper, hence my question about mechanics impossible in a physical TCG. But this is going to be a digital game, so it doesn't have those restrictions. The game just keeps the card as the same object wherever it moves.
Oh then it would work. Shadowverse the digital game has Discard Dragon, where you could discard cards which would give permament buffs to every card in a deck.
Yeah, my question is less "would it work?" and more "would people be put off if there's too many mechanics that aren't possible physically?"
>playable as a recourse as an effect
That should be "playable as a resource with an effect"

If you want more info on the game's current state you can see >>93979365
I havent played with him but Buggy just does Doffy's gimmick but better right? He gets to spam bigger characters and has top end with the 10c Buggy.
I didn't find permanent buffs in Runeterra to be a positive experience.
Noticed he also has the initiative thing from SWU.
When I had first tried SWU, I found it weird but that's just me not being used to it.
It works much cleaner in SWU. It was wonky in Runeterra, because they tried to do a weird asymmetric thing with it, where you had attacker turns and defender turns. Which also, going on a bit of a tangent, contributed to Runeterra feeling pretty noninteractive at times. In SWU it's just "am I better off giving up some actions this round in order to go first next round", which is simple but strategically deep.
Why not? I thought it could be interesting mixed with the life deck, as healling shuffles cards into your deck.
Yeah, I really like the shared turns/alternating activations system. That said it may get scrapped if it becomes an issue for the AI.

The entire system is just a mish-mash of mechanics from other acgs with the split-card gimmick.
It caused hella balance problems, was mentally tedious to keep track of, didn't really offer any gameplay benefits, and was almost by definition uninteractable. The humble permanent with an aura is the workhorse of buffs for a reason.
Hmmm.... I'll keep that in mind for playtesting.
Is the old Call of Cthulhu living card game any good? I got a buddy that has the complete collection and when I asked to play it he said "It's a lot to learn, I don't mind teaching you, but I'm gonna need more than the hour you got left to hang out with." I had to get back home, but if it is gonna take more than an hour to learn, maybe I should just pass.
I liked the dice and card hybrid they made, unfortunately it was the canary in my coal mine for FFG card games. Fuckers will just stop making content randomly and they have a dog shit release schedule. I never touched another card game they made since that wasn't complete right out the gate (like Rune Age).
Oh, he also has a complete collection of Warhammer Invasion if that's a better game to learn.
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Getting into Flesh and Blood. Narrowed down my choice of leader by cutest girls. Should I go with Azalea, Dorinthea, Prism, or Melody? Can do multiple decks if I can't decide.
You could try learning the game beforehand so you guys can jump straight into it when you meet, or atleast cut off a good chunk of tutorial time
I think the last one they did right and properly finished in some sense was GoT. which is a very solid game, and manages the rare balancing act of having balanced multiplayer free for all scalable to different player counts. but unfortunately FFGs track record since has been pretty rough.
Test the decks before to find out which you like the most. Note that Melody is only legal in the blitz format, so you might want to skip her
Was hearing from Shadowverse Evolve players that this game will do good in the West
Too bad they're too slow at announcing the English version
Try out the decks.
Azaela is a blender deck, you will play defensivly until ypu have the cards stacked via luck, planninf or straight up memorization to pull off power turns where the enemy has to claw back.
Mechanic wise you want clear order of activaction and buff either 1 big attack or have low numbers multiple attacks turns win you the game.
Dorinthea is a flex all-rounder, leaning to agressive.
With her you are usually flexible with how much you block, ypu can do great turns with 2 cards hands.
Generally you are doing more mindgames then usually and can play cards to suprise your enemies.
You are the angel guy, its more of a magic green players game. You will telepgraph your attacks and turns, and if the ebemy doesn't deal with it, you run away with it.
Alao a very techincal hero, turns can be in general simple but lots of interaction can exist in the game.
Best girl guardian.
It's ok, nothing really that special, maybe if you've got literally nothing else better going on
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is androids just the most popular deck or do i have bad luck? it's like playing in set 1 again. all i do is face green fucking androids. it's so tiresome
Let's do a Top 5 tcgs with the worst artwork

1. Metazoo
2. SWU
3.Vandaria Wars
4. Final Fantasy Trading Card Game
5. No Idea
>4. Final Fantasy Trading Card Game
I like the drawn stuff. The 3d models look weird but idk if I would even classify it as artwork lol. Does anyone know why the opted for character model screenshots instead of drawings for the later games?
Only masters is alive at my locals at this point. Fusion world was mostly one piece players trying to scalp prizing.
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>Final Fantasy
You can do better than that. While the layout of the card sucks the art on most of the cards that aren't 3d models is great.
Hello, Newfag.

You're an idiot. Most discussion has died down here because of the divisive trolls. They salted the earth so much that the sincere posting moved on to higher ground.
>Bushiroad taking a shit on the card game they created for the 100th time.
A tale as old as time, just ask their more recent casualty.
Rebooting Cardfight Vanguard was the nail in the coffin for them. Stores and players completely lost faith and dropped the game after that.
Yet it still sales better than most acg games. Curious!
Take Bushiroad's dick out your mouth faggot lol.
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Today's Build Divide reveal is a Rare from set 15.

Star Traveler, Satella
[Evol -(2B, 2B, 1W)]
[AUTO] When this unit is placed by Evol, target 1 unit card with the (Resonance) attribute but without the (Taboo) attribute in your Cemetery and add it to your hand. If you added, discard 1 card.
Top 3 worst layouts? Hard mode: nothing before 2010
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From the major ones. Battle Spirits Saga, followed by Lorcana. I mean look at this.
>Yet it still sales better than most acg games. Curious!
most acgs are dead. Not figuratively dead, but literally dead games no longer in production.
Battle Spirit Saga's card layout is alright, got more of an issue with the card text font they've used.
Ok, now you have my attention.

Shill me about battle spirit saga
I fucking hate bandai for this. BSS is the best game they currently have and they killed it with the most retarded influncer ad campaign, focusing on cash prizes and the worst boxes I've ever seen.
sir that is the new overwatch character
New Bloom is shit though
The art in SW is so shit that I cant play the game at all.
the thing i hate about old nerd culture is how little history was recorded/archived
how will i ever know who the best magi nation players were
who was the strongest kaijudo player in the usa
who was winning every week at their lgs in ani mayhem? what was the metagame like?
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wow more bandai shovelware. so cool
>who was the strongest kaijudo player in the usa
Fuck Wizards of the coast
I got my first 3-0 at Armory! Granted, it was draft, but I'm still chuffed. Verdance has some nifty plays, and arcane damage is just great.
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>ashes reborn is a really great game you should try it
nah i'm good bro
Akora TCG
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Either that or elestral tcg
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Unfortunate but understandable.
>someone bought metazoo
holy shit am I going to be able to offload my bags?
>who was the strongest kaijudo player in the usa
That was the Bobby Brake dude who won the last tournament with some L/W/D control pile or something
Well? What was it?
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finally found this card, was looking it for couple years now

what would you want them to announce?
it's going to be gundam.
I don't trust Bandai enough to go near a game of theirs, plus even though I like Gundam, a tcg is gonna be 90% characters from series I've never watched.

But if it had to be something other than "original IP with novel mechanics", which is obviously off the table, I guess the most exciting thing for me personally would be the Souls/Sekiro/Elden Ring tcg people have shitposted about before.
I get banned more itt then discord twitter or even facebook.
>mtg but using annoying stones instead of lands
>terrible card frame
>ugly art on 50% of the cards
>print over powered staples set 1 and shit in next 3 sets
yeah nah.
I suppose I'm lucky that my tastes haven't led me towards a card that rare. Happy for you, Anon.
>>mtg but using annoying stones instead of lands
Maybe if we hadn't been such idiots and savages towards the developer anon from the last thread, we could have had something truly amazing. It would've been better than this..
a gundam game ripping off FaB gameplay where instead of womens shoes you have actual mecha parts and instead of bad mtg lite art you get cool lazer battles would be fun.
Oh, I'm bad with dates.

I'd like a One Punch Man fighting game with some sort of unique mechanic to represent the power levels.

I'm expecting a Gundam game with zero flavor that is essentially an art/name swap with OP or DBZSMCGFWSSJ4GSS.
>developer anon from the last thread
Who? That guy was a troll. Even got banned by the janny
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you can get that by posting a wixoss card. that doesnt mean anything.
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Everything but the cardframe being terrible is just wrong.
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I want her to violently rape me to the point of tears and convulsion
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Set three leaders so far.
Leaders look exciting.
Good morning Card Weavers! Just had an epic battle testing my new design and mechanics! I'm definitely feeling the flow and creative inspiration this week. Going to use my time off for making more cards today and treat myself to a special lunch for being such a hard worker!

Homebrewchads sound off!
Oh God not another one of you people.
That's because you know and follow the rules of those forums: don't call people niggers or faggots, pretend to accept troons, and vote blue no matter who

>Union Arena
No unique mechanics for the setting and also a pretty bad game. If my LGS stocks it I'll probably play a bit but nothing I'd get excited about.
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I lost all faith in Elestrals when they printed Glimbatt. It's not even a good card, but it has an effect you can resolve without hemorrhaging life and that undermines the game's promise to Yugioh refugees.
Anon thats not Carnival
this is the actual card I was banned for.
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New card spoiled on The Condemned website. The Ace of Spades is a versatile Weapon that can be used at both Melee and Ranged.


Woohoo! More homebrew! How long have you been working on your game? If I'm reading that pic right, it looks like a creature battler?

Jog on, you waste of dubs...
>Jog on, you waste of dubs..
Why you triggered BAKA LOL
>how will i ever know who the best magi nation players were
I think this was recorded but do not know where you can find it now (maybe in interned archive or in the forums of the game), I literally remember going into tournament results and deck lists as a children.
>who was the strongest kaijudo player in the usa
I think it was flopped from the get go, It never became big enough for wotc to care.
>who was winning every week at their lgs in ani mayhem? what was the metagame like?
Ani Mayhem if I m not mistaken never had a tournament scene, it was mostly kitchen table card game (you get that after reading the cards and seeing how the dbz set is unbalanced). For metagame: play DBZ if you want to win is my guess, maybe you can find some stories about it being played in gencon meet ups.
really can't wait for the tcg bubble to pop again
Lorcana and SWU are bigger than Yugioh in the US. Duelma mogs the entire west in Japan. There is no big three.
>Duelma mogs the entire west in Japan.
It's still funny to me that it was invented as a pipeline to get nips to play Magic.
>that art
>that storyline
god I hate what they have done to onepiece.
>Lorcana and SWU are bigger than Yugioh in the US
Making me fucking laugh mentioning SWU
Gear 4 Luffy looked cool asf.
Gear 5 was a fucking mistake.
>Duelma mogs the entire west in Japan
Imagine if Kaijudo had still survived till this day
I played Duel Masters way back when it was in English but I never touched Kaijudo. How was it?
kaijudo was just worse vs of duelmasters that already was killed once and any idiot that bought it giving wotc money a second time should not breed.
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SWU is flagging pretty fast. But Lorcana is bigger than OP or YGO in terms of product sold in the US, and on par with OP in terms of events and players.
>got into op like 12 years ago
>took a break when I caught up
>tried getting back into it after getting spoiled on gear 5 shit
>can't even bring myself to finish wano with how shit it is and how retarded everything becomes after that point
doesn't help that zoomers love one piece now too, the one piece is real shit really cemented the series as dead in my eyes.
Way to go, man. I love draft for this set because you can pick a lane of the four and still be completely open to the next two lanes until you read the room on what's getting passed over.
Maybe it doesn't look so retarded in Japanese?
Stupid newfags took over the thread. I hope you persistent trolls are loving every minute of it.
Which planet?
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One of us is coming back tomorrow to put One Piece tcg back in it's place....
if its Gundam I will suck so much Bandai slop cock
>I will suck so much Bandai slop cock
Ill make the slop-game devil look like a joke
ill make char fujos look straight
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Sorry, I will never play a crossovers game. A standalone bleach TCG and maybe I'd have bitten.
>play that new Pokemon TCG Pocket game that's only available in New Zealand with a VPN
>entire game is just attach an energy and attack
it's so mind-numbingly boring it's unreal is this what real Pokemon is like?
I really hope this game crashes and burns
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hit a wall with most of my designs
Fairy one had (intentionally) terrible combat so I finally removed with success to only realize I crippled the entire design space
Horror one is conceptually interesting but outside resource mgmt it's pretty bland and I don't think smoothing out the roughness will add any spice
Stock market one has too much thematic baggage that it's either betraying real world expectations or providing too much incentives to destroy companies rather than grow them
I haven't gotten stupid deep on any of them (save the first one) but not feeling that fire to start anew
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no, real Pokemon is that with ten thousand tutors
Bad news, anon. It crashed and burned...
So what’s new with FAB? I’ve been away for 1 1/2 years. The good and bad.
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>since nothing in Patchwork’s text (either the original FFG text or the updated official text) says anything about the trashed card needing to be a different card.
Thanks NISEI. Maybe next time fix the card instead of maiming the rules.
Drawing for free is out.
Magic is in (thematically).
LSS can't into balance, every talent has been a mistake.
Mech-only set was terrible, Heavy Hitters was good, Mistveil was parasitic and mediocre, Rosetta is looking to follow Mistveil in the long run.
Game is still pretty fun, way too expensive, and doesn't have counterfeit support anymore.
monarch 2, CRU 2 and aria 2 have been released, next set is bound to be everfest 2
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I think I've been at it for over a year. I really don't have as much free time as I used to and I'm not going to go into detail. It's honestly just boring stuff, but nothing really terrible or fascinating either.

There's one friend I play test with on and off. I really appreciate his feedback and criticisms, he's a real blessing. Back in July we did several games and he gave me some good food for thought.

I toned down the complexity and made things a lot more noob friendly. Almost all the guys in the demo box I have are now vanillas apart from a select few guys here and there to showcase how certain effects are formatted.

Holy moly, you've got 4 games going on? I can barely get one to be halfway coherent. Hats off to you good sir. I know exactly what you mean about hitting a wall. I was stuck for nearly 4 months with nothing new until just recently last week. It seems like we are similar where our creativity comes and goes as it pleases.
>Homebrewchads sound off!

Got a new project here >>93979365 >>93979375 and looking for some feedback here >>93989715. Game is for a single player card RPG because we need more of those in the world.

In other news I've stared working on a first draft of set 1, so I have a cardpool to implement and test with.
What the hell is monarch 2? I remember the first monarch
dusk til dawn (DTD)
What's the theme and what's the gimmick?

>Would you prefer if the cards were designed as a single card with two halves that always come together, or would you prefer the halves were designed separately and could be matched with any half of the other type?
I think either one is fine, but you need to build the game around it. That second idea sounds fascinating, if you can pull it off. I hope you do, it sounds like something ripe with opportunity for shenanigans!
BRB, hurricane incoming
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One more joins the crowd.
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>That second idea sounds fascinating, if you can pull it off
The biggest issue I can see with that method is the card organizer. If there's 40 cards of each color in each set, then that's what, 6,400 effecive cards per set?
Gear 5 is fucking peak. Wano was straight asscheeks tho. Actually worst arc in the series. HOWEVER, if you can make it through Egghead is one of the best arcs in the series. It’s worth catching up.
>just eat loads of shit I swear youll end up liking the taste
shonen fans all have something wrong with them.
What the actual fuck is Force of Wills deal with Moons? Last cluster you had moonwanking shit and sun wanking shit and now the latest booster shows moon wanking shit to the next level.
asians love the moon
Wano was bad but it wasn’t “drop the series” bad.
>political figure that was known to flee from battle has its card care about attacking
your brain is rotten, sorry.
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I'm thinking of updating my Muzica Deck off Team since I'm using my Madoka for my Urith deck so I'm wondering how can I improve the current deck I have cause I'm looking for Alternatives for Myu// Memoria or at least just Have one copy of it since it's really pricey right now.
The Link below is the deck I was originally planning to make so I'm wondering witch one is better?
I was talking about the entirety of OP. Not just one arc.

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