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Work in Progress, Get Hugged Edition

>Full-on /WIP/ OP Links Pastebin:

>WIP Tutorial Images Mega

>Saint Duncan's "Six Things I Wish I Knew When I Started Painting"

>Saint Duncan also explains thinning your paints

>Paint thinning 102

>Darren Latham's 20 top tips for miniature painting success

>4 EASY Chipping Tricks For Beginners

>Decal Like a Pro

>How to Edge Highlight

>How to use contrast style paints

>How to Paint with Tremors

>Who's Johnny, she'd say, and smile in her special way

Previous threads
i paint so i can finally play but because i will never get to play i will just paint into eternity
god bless this silly hobby of ours
Asking again since new thread
NABros, where do you buy your paints online? My LGS only has Citadel paints.
Friend of mine printed me this Trukk proxy
Same-ish, only I don't even consider playing in the future, I just paint because I really enjoy it
North America? I buy either from Noble Knight or Army Painter's webshop.
I think you mean best friend lmao.
Trips of truth. I could never play Warhammer. Frankly I'm too stupid to ever remember any of the rules without consulting the manual every single roll.
10th is shrimple, don't make us paintfags look retarded.
Or have you been painting in the "witness me" variety?
I bought a critidel paint set many years ago, and now the paint is really starting to brick up in the pots. Separation, gel-ify, etc. I've been keeping it limping along with metal mixing balls and acrylic thinner but it's really starting to get worse. Is there anything I can do to save it?
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Good morning /wip/
reposting the eye work I did last night. anon suggested I try some flow improver or retarder to help get the tiniest white dots for eye highlights and I'll try that when I go in to do more of the face.

I'm starting to think I should add some more warmth to the skin tone though. I'm adding some subtle blush to the face anyway but even the arm and legs are a bit too brown and not pink enough I think.
What kind of acrylic thinner? You might have been better off adding water.
really really hot water, about a teaspoon in each pot
Needs more freckles, not memeing.
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>finally sunny day
>hey I should varnish what I couldn't varnish until now, it's quite the backlog now and a game is coming
>order varnish
>now the weather is completely shit again
I know. I just wanted to get them in because I like them and wanted to jump ahead and do some before wrapping up the night. hopefully the flow improver also helps me get some smaller dots on those too.
i enjoy building way more than painting bros
so what do i do now, just pump endless amounts of money into sets?
maybe focus on larger miniatures like maybe tanks or something that you build for a long time?
does someone maybe make cool tanks or stuff?
kitbash minis, disassemble them and kitbash them again like some sort of perpetual frankenstein process?
sorry, lets get back to the previous point, maybe large models with lots of parts are the way to go, surely there are some autistic as fuck ww2 tank models or something that can satisfy that part of my brain that wants to assemble miniatures for 3 hours straight
>Spikes on wheels
How does this even drive, the fuck?
I know they're orks and all, but basic laws of physics still apply... right?
That would work anywhere with rough terrain.
>I know they're orks and all, but basic laws of physics still apply
You'd think that! But actually no! They canonically do not.

Yeah, you could just really meticulously build guys to a high standard, lots of customizations and all that. I swing wildly between only wanting to build and only wanting to paint so I just always have unbuilt kits so I have something to do I'll enjoy. But I do also like painting.
Skin tone first, details after. Now she looks like a corpse.
Orks can make anything work as long as they believe in it
freaking awesome!
one drop acrylic medium, one drop propylene glycol, one drop water, toothpick and stir, still broken? repeat until smooth.
>Now she looks like a corpse
Yeah. I'm not sure why it's more apparent now, but I think it should be fixable with some pink glazing.
Colored tufts look great. Good job.
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This is very relatable. I need to organize my stuff better because every session is "where the fuck did I put my paint/tool/etc" and I've no go to recipes because I decided to replace my aging citadel paints.

>My wife and I try to arrange at least one six-hour period out of the house with the kid on weekends so the other one has time to decompress and hobby.
That's really healthy and a good idea. My wife can't drive so that's another reason time to myself is super rare.

>I've also been sorting all of my doom pile into categories, map out actual projects instead of vague clouds of "I wanna do this I guess", selling off some of the stuff that doesn't excite me anymore, and going back to reading more stuff to bring back some of the old inspiration.
Also smart. I've been buying plastic at the same rate pre-kids and it's just become a burden.
Reminds me of the time when anon on /40kg/ that admitted to fapping to another anon's minis
That's a violation of something. You never fap to another man's minis and admit to it.
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Started on the second unit of 6 knights, this one not quite Realms of Chaos themed.
adorable! Do they say... neeeee?
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lmao this fucking place sometimes
What was the mini?
Asking for a friend. 40k minis generally aren't very sexy.
Monument hobbies ships directly if you want proacryl, they're quite good. I used to buy a lot from miniature market too since they had a lot of P3 paints (press F) and scale75. Spraygunner is good if you're looking for anything air-brushable or stynylrez primer.
If I'm making base toppers with air dry clay (or polymer clay) and a roller, can I use superglue to attach the toppers without issue, or do I need a different kind of glue? Only done the toppers with greenstuff so far for a test batch.
Hi anons, I’m planning a project next year of doing some blood angels but in the style of old hammer with the vibrant red, black and yellow/orange weapons. What paints would you recommend for the red? I know there’s Baal red contrast but on all the models I’ve seen it’s more pinkish than the traditional orangish/red it used to be.
well as a rule you always use elmers glue or whatever the similar water soluble is in your country for basing
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I'm still around. Tho I've been painting tanks and chaos qts recently.

Anon, it's possibly the greatest achievement an artist could get. And I still have the interaction framed and sitting on my bookshelf

I dont know which minis he was talking about specifically, but it was kingdom death
So that IS your proudest fap and you weren't even the fapper. Epic.
Do you have a significant other?
What do they think of your framed goon reaction?
Got it. Wasn't sure and figured I should ask - have superglue on hand but not white glue.
In citadel's line? Base with khorne red, midtone base mephiston red, upper midtones evil sunz scarlet, and final edge highlights with wild rider red, then go back and black line for that 1980s effect.
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based, post some of the kd minis I don't think I've seen yours
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I don't, but I have a plan for that. I've surrounded the framed pic with other cringe. The babes won't even notice the weird goon reaction. Also why would I care about what people think?
What the fuck is that sonichu book lol. Also nice, another weeb buyfag in wip, heartwarming
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My 'current' project is summer lucy. It's not a new pic, but it's the most recent KD one I got. It takes me forever because I always get stressed out painting them because I'm afraid of fucking up. They're not easily replaceable, and you never know when they're ever get a rereleased. Kinda why I've been painting 3d prints recently
Based & inspirational & hope pilled
I fucking love orks
Thanks anon, how does the Mephiston red spray compare to Khorne Red?
ohhh you're that guy, I've seen your progress pics of that bitch. Good going, anon. I have 2 unpainted KDM minis, now I have the motivation to paint them really well so that guy can rub one out looking at them
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Anons, I need someone with experience to guide me here.
I've been painting historical minis for a while, and now I want to finally base them on 60mm x (40-100)mm bases, to use with a variety of rulesets. The thing is, that since I'm planning on moving in a few years to a completely different part of the country, I'm going to need to move these miniatures eventually. Because of that, my idea was to create pic related and pay someone to print it in PLA or some other shit. Those holes are for magnets, and they don't go all the way through so I can comfortably just stick a 5x2mm neodymium magnet in there and call it a day. But printing those is relatively expensive at around 1 or 1.5 dollars each base, while simple 3mm MDF bases would be MUCH cheaper, and at the end of the day I can use a fuck ton of blue tack / two-way tape when I'm moving to keep the minis in place, since it's only going to be a one time deal.

What do you recommend? Anyone has experience with something like this? My other option is to buy drilled MDF bases and stick a magnet in there (possibly a 5x3mm neodymium one that goes all the way through), but that sounds like it's going to be a headache.
I had to crop out my PC tho lol. It's mostly covered with ahegao stickers and stickers from artists I follow.
I found and bought it on amazon. Found it hard to follow, so I never got vol 2. But honestly, it's not the weirdest thing I've read.
You didn't buy a medallion, did you?
I admire you for truly living that "hello I'm from the internet" life, I hide my power level.
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you get better at painting the more you do it right
but does one miss out on something if he doesnt constantly drive to actively better himself by trying new things and techniques
that's nice. The water looking kino
Never used the spray but khorne red is about a full tone darker and more purple, I wouldn't skip it if you want a nice rounded body but you won't need a lot of it, the mephiston red is a deep scarlet red, but by evil sunz scarlet you are into the orange red territory, wild rider red is a strong orange red
No. I want to, but I know what wearing it does. I know how to moderate myself irl, but just dont care how people judge me all that much.
the bird looks real, gud job
Correct, intentional practice makes perfect. Repetition will only solidify what you already have, you need new inputs incorporated into the practice to change.
>bite around the corner of the cuticle
Birds are dicks, but I love them
When you say size 2 1 and 0, would they be size 2/0, 0, and 1? I see one that also has size 5/0, 4/0, and 3/0.
I don't know what the "/0" means
No, size 2. 2/0 means 2 zeroes. The more zeroes, the smaller the brush.
Well, kind of: Orks can slightly alter reality around them depending on how much they believe in something and the more Orks there are in any given location the more influence the mob will be able to achieve. But it's conditional on them genuinely believing in whatever it is they're thinking of and even then it's limited in a centralized area around them and cannot actually change or warp reality, just slightly bend it. They can't cause impossible things to happen, but they can make the improbable probable.
The Trukk given in >>93969332 is actually a great example of this; if an Ork made a Trukk with, say, square-shaped wheels because he thought that they were more right than circles, the Trukk would still be unable to drive properly and he wouldn't get anywhere. But if he fitted the Trukk with wheels covered in spikes ("But whut'iff I gav'um a whole buncha squares? That'd work evun bettuh!"), because the wheels are still functional circles and the spikes don't inherently block it from driving properly, the Ork thinking it would work better than normal wheels would either allow them to drive the Trukk like normal or (if other Orks are around) allow them to drive like they actually were better than normal wheels. Another good example is the event in older editions where rolling a number that makes a group believe they are invisible doesn't actually make them turn invisible, but them suddenly just charging straight at the enemy in the open makes their opponents so dumbfounded by their brazen stupidity that it pretty much makes them function like they actually ARE invisible.

TL;DR, Orks aren't wizards, but their faith-powered abilities makes it so that reality will allow them to slightly cheat at things so long as what they're trying to accomplish is close enough to actual reality.
>spend half an hour trying to adjust skin tone
>too pink
>too grey
>too orange
>too grey
>okay, think I got it
>it looks exactly the same as when I started except there's more paint buildup
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I mean I guess it's a little bit more pink if you look real close.
Any recommendations on good, if not overly expensive superglue?
bulk packages of tiny squeeze tubes.
Brushes run whole numbers from smallest to largest 0,1,2,3 etc but below zero run in reverse from largest to smallest like 0, 00,000,0000, etc to abbreviate some companies mark double or triple zero as 2/0, 3/0 etc. So you want a size 2 regular as your standard brush, 1, for details, 0 for fine details, maybe 00 which is also marked sometimes as 2/0 for super fine details etc, but if the brush is good almost everything can be done with a regular size number 2. Synthetics should generally be smaller than your sables because the tip isn't as good or just get a rigger brush of the same size as the sable and you can usually use that for details, but in my opinion an assortment set of synthetics designed for miniatures and a size number 2 sable will do almost everything you'd ever need. Some people like to have a separate dry brush which is just a make up brush used for blush details on women's faces or really really gay men.
it's not pink! It's salmon! One on the right has more orange overtones, so it is different.
Krazy glue gel works for me.
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you can achieve tabletop quality even without these overly expensive brushes
Jesus christ, so you guys have a bot problem too
This might sound like a bad joke but I just found a bunch of McDonalds Star Wars ship toys that came from Happy Meals in one of my countless boxes filled with random shit. And my first thought was hey, it could be a lot of fun to paint them! They could be something like unmanned reconnaisance drones or something or even just scatter terrain or ships for an alien race much smaller than humans, because it's way too small to be actual ships.
But then I thought: Would I even be able to make them look any cooler? I am a newbie, my skills are very low and they already are painted in a way, I mean, I could use them as is. Do you see bigger potential in this?
Do you paint or repurpose stuff for your miniature wargames that are not mimiatures?
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Size comparison
/wip/ has an anon who is afraid to bring sand into his house because he thinks ants or something will infest his house the instant he brings them in
that very same anon cannot even oven said sand because he thinks it will turn into glass so he actually boils it outside to make it safe for hobby usage
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Continuing my self imposed Kasrkin a day challenge in an attempt to actually get shit done. Slathered this trooper in some paint today and redid the Sergeant's base so he's not over an inch taller anymore.
based but highlight the red
At least the faggot that we thought was a couple different schizos shitting up the thread has been gone for a while now. An occasional primer/nmm/whatever meltdown is nothing compared to what that guy was doing
There is also the Anon(s?) who panic over static grass, resin, paint fumes, glue fumes and fairy farts all trying to kill us unless you wear MOPP gear and operate your hobby room in a bunker.
It's all one guy I think. It's also not that stupid, some of the chemicals can be harmful but you'd need to be exposed to them for extended periods of time. No harm in, for example, wearing a simple surgical mask when working with resin
Sure you could use them for games or repaint them or enhance them. I used to repaint my toys all the time. Back when Micromachines were a thing. There's a X-Wing game that's pretty cool, you should be able to find rules online. Something like this https://www.scribd.com/document/333040335/XWing-Junior-Rules-v1
Are you so sure he's gone? ;) Maybe he's just working professionally to produce the stuff you jokers buy from the companies that hire him. :)
You're gay
he can be making a living sucking black dicks for all I care as long as he doesn't shit up this thread
It is all about using caution and common sense. But that Anon is bound and determined to put fear into anyone who is not buying boxed minis and using safe paints/products. Still not sure if it is a paranoid user, a troll or a shill.
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Working on my autarch kitbash. I just need a head, then to sculpt the greenstuff ovals for some leg plates.
Thanks anon, I think I’ll base them in white and then layer up
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I'm not sure if the skin needs more work or not, I gave it a light shade glaze already but does it still look blank?
Buy some cool model kits, there's a lot of variety out there. I always have a few on the shelf for when the building bug bites me. Next one I'm building is pic related for example.
it looks nice and smooth but pretty flat at the same time
thx, I'll try a darker glaze color, maybe a highlight too
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Quick, is the right leg liven up enough, or do I need to push it more orange/pink still? Lust provoking imagery to help get responses before my glaze dries. I keep looking at shit and it looks fine irl and then when I take a picture it's barely any different. She IS supposed to be super pale, but not look dead.
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Yeah, that would help. I'm no expert but here's what I'd shade(black) and highlight(red). Very smoothly of course since it's skin
I really don't care.
Don't you fucking disrespect Kingdom Death like that.
Too late. I just did. And you were the butt of the joke unawares. Intelligence is a gift. Some people don't get it.
NTA but the periodical "do I *really* have to protect my lungs from stuff that will fuck them up?" post is the most facepalmable thing ITT
there is common sense and then there is being overly cautious about everything and thinking single huff or touch of of something will instantly kill you even if it was just a speck of sawdust
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Tried using sponge to do some "texture" of sorts on this titan, looks kinda bad in some areas, kinda neat on others, might do entire vehicle painted in sponge eventually, it's kinda fun.
Also neat to just paint simple FDM titan as pallet cleanser mini, it's just really basic design to do.

Could have done heraldic shields better, might get better on next one.
Resin, atomized paint (even if acrylic) and lacquers shouldn't be fucked with, without protection.
Wait till you hear what comes out of car engines! Or factories!
Doesn't mean you shouldn't protect your lungs from optional exposure like hobby supplies.
I would like it more if the base game wasnt 300 bucks or sonething crazy lile thaz or individual heros for lile 30 bu ks idl
I like it, he looks aggressive
What can be done about blantantly toxic art materials being labeled non-toxic? I found a pigment company selling fucking Cobalt Titanate Green Spinel with "non toxic" on the label. Another has chromium oxide - no heavy metals. Do they send you an empty container?
I'm really fed up with these stupid hippies who think natural means safe, but from my research, art materials are very unregulated.
They treat SDS like a joke, by the way. If the color is sketchy they literally just don't include that color in the SDS.
You're going to die someday, so why don't you just suck start a shotgun now?
I don't think you're supposed to do that without a VoC mask and a spray booth.
For future FDM prints, you can take a hair dryer to the model to get rid of some of the stringy bits. There's also a product called XTC3D that claims to smooth over print lines but I've never tried it. Mod podge does pretty well too but its annoying to apply at that scale.

Do you regularly suck on the end of car's tailpipe? Dosage and dilution are the important factors in whether or not any compound will give you adverse effects. Painting with lacquers outdoors in a light breeze will be fine, but indoors will give your lungs exposure issues.
Glaze in shadows with thin magenta then reapply the midtone to blend out to what you've got there, pale flesh should have a cool red shadow tone, you are going too bright only because you haven't established any shadow so it looks darker and cooler to your eyes than it actually is, once magenta applied it will by contrast appear correct and you'll only need some of the original color to remain because the rest will be blended into you cool shadow creating volume
Can you draw another diagram for where the cum goes?
Oh man I should not have asked this while the resin huffing lung baby anon is ITT.
Nice work
He can't. Too many circles.
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here you go
I already did that, strings were burned off, the leftovers there are ones I didn't file off propertly.
Cancerbros we got too cocky!
Stupid question, but in this case the general shading is just the sides where my fake light isn't coming from, right? So the left in this case just all up and down the leg, and where the skirt covers. I'll worry about knee bumps and shit later.
How did you do that cloth? Just painting thin lines I assume?
Ok, do you think Rosemary and Co is a good brand for these? I intend to use brush soap to keep them working fine so $9 a brush seems fine to me.
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Quar base coated and washed. Need to decide on a skin color.
Ochre yellow
I just want to say that every time I see this thread I think it's the Homebrew thread, because I see "WIP" and think of work in progress systems and stuff like that every time. You'd think I'd remember, but I never seem to. You guys are alright, but you really need to put "We're for painting minitures" in your OP or something. Love you guys either way, sorry for taking up a post.
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Refining blends
>maintain good tools
You're gonna go far kid.
Getting better. is the paint you're applying too thick? It looks like it in my eyes.
So that's why people complain about pretty much any product...
but nothing can replace the feeling of knowing some old english bint hand selected all the weasel asshole hairs I'm putting in my mouth to eat the paint from
Hey folks, quick question for those who use pigments. Do you really need a pigment binder/fixer?

I'm primarily looking at using pigments for some more natural basing and I already apply matte varnish once complete. However, I don't want to ruin a perfectly good piece because I didn't properly use pigments.
It's bad, but luckily most professional art companies put the pigment on the label so you can do your own research. What is PR3? Look it up. PY37? Look it up. Most acrylic hobby paints are low toxicity, but oil paints and fine water colors can carry heavy stuff. My pigment collection has some nasty stuff in it and I'm getting some more soon, once I can afford it anyway. The more deadly the more expensive it seems. And that helps a little because cheaper paints generally have safer pigments and mixes to create hues that only imitate the real stuff. As a professional artist I have the cheap stuff and the expensive stuff, but nobody wants to pay for quality oil paintings anyway or to wait for them to be made so it's pretty irrelevant.
Well your general shading creates volumes, let's say the knee cap is kind of like a ball right? what makes it look like a ball? the light, the shadow, the midtone and everything in between. The shadow is the darkest part that you can see, a lot of the time there's a darker part you can't see but we can ignore that in 2d art, but in 3d art we don't because we can turn the model so we paint more generally sticking to the overall volumes more and leaving out the really dark core shadow otherwise we'd have really dark lines running down the legs of our models that would look strange if we turned the model, but that's how non metallic metal effect is actually done, the core shadow is painted on there to enhance the shiny effect, but with legs and such we don't go that dark or they look too glossy. Let me draw up something to explain real quick what shadow really is.
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I airbrush so I really autism dive my pigments. What's really aggravating me ATM is a paint I got with an obscure synthetic organic pigment, sorry for being vague but I've already been bitching to support so I don't want to dox myself. Only two brands use it in some colors and neither one has those colors listed on the MSDS. At this point I'm going with "when there's smoke there's fire" and just not using it.
I am unironically taking it out on the pigment company selling cobalt as non-toxic, it's so flagrant I'll probably just sic the glowies on them.
rosemary brushes are fantastic, highly recommended
you can use water or ipa, water won't hold them as good tho
Seconding that Anon's question. I got some pigments in a drawer that I haven't used yet and he reminded me of them :D
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if you're just gonna put the mini on a shelf you can do without fixing the pigments
>a slight breeze appears
i used matte varnish as a binder once, it turned out ok

Yeah, I'm definitely leaning towards some a binder/fixer for the pigments. With my luck I'll sneeze and shoot it all over the place like some sort of earth-tone cocaine.
>I'm really fed up with these stupid hippies who think natural means safe
I feel your pain, brother. You have no fucking clue how many times I had to tell some crunchy fuckwit that the synthetic dyes I use are actually fairly neutral to the environment, but the NaturalTM shit he wants can't be produced without causing a minor ecological disaster, both for how it is collected and how it is processed.
Got any pictures? I wonder if the "dusty" effect remains after binding the pigment with what is, in essense, a liquid?
Lahmian medium also works well if you have some already.
>cup of tea ready
>doggo sleeping on my lap
>a fresh WIP thread to go through
Life is good.
>decaf tea went cold
>dog out barking, so I'll have to bring him in
>wife angry because I didn't want vanilla sex
>no paintbrushes touched today
Aw yeah, it's wip time
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Okay here's a more detailed diagram, Here I point out the highlights and shadows occurring naturally from the light in the room, that's your guide for where shadows should go, these natural shadows define the volume of a thing, the 3d shape, in mini painting we enhance the volume as much as possible to give an illusion of scale, we have to do this because the lights we use are large in comparison to the size of the figure and light the figure too evenly, so we take the information from the lights in the room and use that to informs us as to the shape of the 3d thing so we know where to paint in shadows. The shadows shouldn't be harsh, they should be blended into the volume of the figure so that the highlight is gradual moving up the scale through the shadow into the midtone and then into the highlight. Your problem so far is you only have midtone and it's a fairly light midtone so the figure is picking up more reflected light in the room than it should hiding the volumetric shape of the legs (which are cylinders by the way), so the figure looks too light, but since your midtone is warm we need a cool shadow, magenta will do, so we mix magenta into the color of the legs we already have and blend into the shadows to make a 3d shape, then the current color of the legs becomes the final highlight and the rest is a lower tone than when you started, this can be done with any color, magenta, grey, red, brown, dark orange, etc, but for pale flesh magenta and crimson work best. The problem is the grey of the boots has a cool highlight so then you want to mix a little white and a weak red into your leg color to make a final brighter and cooler highlight for the legs to take some of the warmth out of the upper end of the spectrum while doing the actual highlights as I did or the highlight color temperature of the skin won't match boots.
Hope that explains things, flesh is hardest aspect of painting.Once you master all else easy so practice nudes as often as you can.
it still fucks me up that there are married people with kids on 4chan now
>neckbeard whose wife still wants to fuck him
Are you retarded?
yes, they are very good, but the shipping takes a while because they come from england, i use them for oil painting, but I also use winsor and newton series 7 sable size 2 for miniatures and lots of synthetics for quick bitch stuff since expensive brushes get tore up if you go over things that are highly textured and such, so it's good to have a mix of cheap brushes and a few good ones, you just wash sables out with water until session over then gently brush across soap under running water, rinse, and put some human hair conditioner on them and reshape the tip to harden like that and rinse out before next use, but with synthetics you just rinse and ignore them, they are cheap so you don't have to wash out with soap unless you get paint up near the metal part (ferrule). I use a lot of synthetic rosemary co brushes too. Good brand, but like I said takes a long time to get them because imported product. Just remember sables are for fine work and synthetics for everything else. I was in my 40s before I ever touched a sable and did world class work using synthetics only so you don't have to spend a fortune on brushes, you just got to use your brush right (that's what she said.)
>synthetic organic pigment
Here's a little information that might help. https://www.handprint.com/HP/WCL/pigmt1d.html
I refer to handprint once in a while but he doesn't have much safety information, and he doesn't even have the obscure pigment I was complaining about. I did find another source saying to avoid skin contact so that pretty much seals the deal for me.
water, IPA, pigment fixer, mineral spirits, enamel thinners, acrylic medium/varnish. Anything that saturates the pigment will help it adhere but change the properties a bit. If you are applying matte varnish anyway that will be fine for basing
That obscure huh? Pigment name? I can only think of red synthetic cinnabar/vermillion/mercuric sulphide, but that's not really organic, but I've seen it listed that way before.
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God speed, anon

Thanks! I'm still on the fence about adding a thin layer of water effects/texture. It's fun figuring out the waves, but it's literally flat on the base.

Looks good so far. Good effect on the eyes too. Anon is right about the flatness of the skin. Nice brapper. I want to get Morgan up, but I have too much shit on my desk already

Just get a jar for that.
I recently picked up a couple of these brushes and spent the day yesterday (about 8 hours) using only those brushes.

I could tell right away that the brushes were different from WNs. They don't have as large a belly so the brushes are a little on the slim side. Not necessarily a problem, but only using it would tell. The bristles are seemed just a shade longer than I'm used to. The handle and ferrule were both nice enough. Overall the size (I ordered the short handles brushes) were the same as my favorites.

I wet the brushes before using them and right away I could see that my #1 had a bit of a stray hair issue. Not a huge problem, but annoying to see in a brand new brush. Once I get some paint on it and started using it I could tell that they were definitely kolinsky hairs. There's just something smoother about working with kolinsky. The hairs have just the right spring to them. On the other hand, once you start painting you can also get a better sense of the construction of the bristles. And that's where you can see the difference. There's a certain symmetry to the bristles on a WN7 brush. With that symmetry comes predictability for where your paint is going to go. That symmetry is missing from the Rosemary brushes. I found myself constantly rolling the brush on my pallet to shape the brush to get it to conform to a good shape. That stray hair was also an issue.

I forced myself to use the Rosemary brushes for the entirety of the day and towards the latter half of the day it really felt like I was forcing myself. I wanted my WN7s back. The Series 33 brushes show how using the right materials is only half of the job of making a good brush. The other half is getting the construction quality right.
It's not those. It's like PR184 where it's an obscure toxic variant of a common, usually nontoxic pigment family.
I sent the inquiry under my full name so it might be a dox.
I object to Rosemary co using the number 33. I hate that fucking number. Masonic digits every fucking time.
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didn't have too much time to paint today unfortunately so I have to leave some details and base for tomorrow
I just use matt medium and pretty much just treat it like it's paint. The problem with pigments mixed with something is that they go on dark and lighten when they dry so it's impossible to blend or know exactly how it's going to look until it's dry.
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this seaky git is lurking around my desk !
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Something's not quite working here.
Might need a darker magenta.
ah, well just in case you are looking at the barium sulphates those might be listed as organics but are actually cadmiums and shouldn't be spray applied. the handling toxicity is low for cadmiums as they are heavy pigments and generally don't float in the air, but spraying is quite different and being a heavy metal can cause cancers, breathing problems, and liver problems, fever, chills etc in accurate exposure situations.
for what? the moon or the flames?
It's not those either lol but I appreciate the warning. I ain't spraying this mystery meat, don't worry.
looking pretty
Then blast em'! Nice weathering.
that's a pretty cool skin
>the good painters got home from work
I meant in between the flames
>magenta on the moon
Found the colorblind anon.
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>anon called me a good painter
Off by one but you tried.
No I was just wondering which area you were having trouble with. I wouldn't use magenta on the moon. I'd use a warm purple like hematite if opaque or a quinacridone violet for a transparent color. You want to shift it out of the orange range and magenta is too close to orange and will end up giving you a crimson red. Your other objects contain purples and green you want to cut through the wheel sideways more dramatically and get into the purple range otherwise your moon will be much much warmer than the rest of the piece.
>decaf tea
>I didn't want vanilla sex
What are you, 60+?
>is on /tg/
>"is he retarded?"
Well, obviously, yeah.
I'm not him I was just having a giggle.
nta but next time I'm painting skin I'm gonna ask you for a similar diagram lmao
I'm nowhere near close knowledgeable enough to have such a detailed opinion but every detail work I wanted to do I did with rosemaries no problem. Guess I'll buy a WN7 if I get the chance to see if I can tell the difference
Go and zenithal prime your wives cunt you dumb cunt
>zenithal prime your wives cunt
ah, np. it's hard to keep track here, never understood why they don't have post ids here
>Excited about kitbashing some Deldar with Corsairs
>Let my excitement get to me
>Start posing and gluing
>Look at my (mostly) finished model
>2 hours later
>Look at the model again
>Realize I should have stopped at the body and done sub assemblies on the arms and head
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Extremely helpful.
This is definitely better (I've only done the legs, so face and arm(kinda) for comparison. I'm noticing some things I still need to go in and correct, some shading on the left leg (our left) might not go deep enough, and the thigh muscle line needs to be darker on the right. also tiny mold line that showed up on the leg that I never noticed before but I'm just going to have to live with that, you can't see it from the angle I want anyway.
And I think I need to blend the highlights out a little more on the areas where the skirt isn't covering.
yeah it definetely needs some more blending but it will look fantastic once you smooth it out
yes way better, good job, and of course obligatory... would
Well Rosemary and Co aren't currently shipping the Sable brushes to America so I might just go with Winsor and Newton series 7 since I can get them here but they are twice the price per brush. Between 0, 1, and 2 which do you think are the two most important sizes for painting infantry and cavalry (Specifically, Brettonians + Imperial Guard + Blood Angels)? I might just get 2 of the three for now and then get the third down the line.
I suggest number 2 for almost everything, 3 is a bit big for miniatures, we use them in comic book inking a lot, but minis, 2 is best, 1 is okay for details, but most things I can do with a 2 anyway, but I use magnification too so that helps. Get them from amazon, much cheaper, usually less than 30 a piece, art stores charge much higher https://www.amazon.com/Winsor-Newton-Kolinsky-Sable-Watercolor/dp/B000YQG9ZK
So you would say in order of importance from those three would be 2, 0, then 1?
Yeah that's fair. But I'd just get a size 2 honestly, and then an assortment of synthetics like these. They are a little rough and you need a light touch, but you can't beat the price and the assortment. https://www.amazon.com/Green-Stuff-World-Models-Miniatures/dp/B08KTDN8C4
The red sables are quite good and cheaper as well. I have a red and a kolinsky and they are very close. The red has slightly less spring.
Da Vinci has a set of 4 Kolinsky Red Sable brushes (2/0, 0, 1 & 2) for $60, is Kolinsky Red a different kind of brush? What would you even use a 2/0 for that a 0 couldn't do?
>is Kolinsky Red a different kind of brush?
I honestly don't know, that's weird.
>What would you even use a 2/0 for that a 0 couldn't do?
Hyper detail of course, but with acrylics it dries way too fast. I use liner brushes for detail.
>Hyper detail of course
True but how detailed can minis realistically get? I imagine a size 0 can paint eyes right? What details are sharper and finer than eyes that you would need something smaller for? Maybe freehanding small details?
I have hog hair for oils from da vinci I think. It's pretty gud
NTA but does it work for minis? I tried a few bristle brushes for minis, nice ones, and none were that good for minis specifically.
Not really, for dry brushing and for scratches on a flat surface they can work, but hog hair is made to move thick paint easily over a rough surface so it's basically an oil paint thing, and really only when painting thickly even then or for scrubbing a layer of oil paint very thin for soft flat finishes.
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>voice chatting with my gf
>we talk about my miniatures hobby (bless her, she listens to that shit and is very supportive)
>i talk about how I got 30 unpainted miniatures which I am too scared to paint cause my skill level is very low and i might ruin them, they are really nice minis
>she asks if the paint application is permanent
>well not really, i could paint over it, but only so many times, or strip it in alcohol and brush the paint off with a toothbrush, it worked decently once
>ok, then why won't you paint them, anon
Fuck bros, she got me good
I guess now I have to, huh
I would mix a fuschia into it
Hold on a second. There are people here who actually know what they're doing? Why didn't anybody tell me earlier?!
She cucked you with paint stripper. Why even life?
Well sure I know what I'm doing. I'm a professional artist after all, but I keep getting banned. Jannies are trannies after all.
>just legs and panties
I literally just coomed and now I gotta coom again. Thanks.
>There are people here who actually know what they're doing?
The average /wip/ anon has four golden demons at home, didn't you know?
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Bought a second hand Wight King for a mini project. Very cool mini
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I didn't have a lot of time to paint tonight, but I cleaned up my first base of infantry, re did their flag and their skin tone as well as painted a second standard bearer. I like how they look all grouped together. I'll have more time to paint tomorrow and hope to get the first squad finished.
those look great, I love longer bases like that. It just feels right.
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I know I'm posting a lot of really tiny updates today, but I think I'm pretty happy with where the skin is at now thanks to anon's help.
Women don't like insecure men. If you can't even man up to paint some plastic figures, guess what conclusions she will draw from that. Maybe not instantly, but she will, eventually.
You better paint your shit quickly and stop crying about your "struggles" to her.
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I converted and painted a Warboss model for a friend of mine as a later birthday early Orkober gift.

My favorite little detail is that I wrote some Orky cuneiform on one of the plates, but it's just gibberish that spells out his name.
Very cool, Anon.
looks great fren. he's a fantastic ork
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Finished this one recently. I hate that nolzur's young dragons are on incorrectly sized bases, so I always trim the bases and fill them with greenstuff and a couple washers for added balance.
Front view.


Thanks. I imagine the gift recipient will be ecstatic.

I had the model left over because I intended to convert him as Nazdreg, but then the Mega Armoured Warboss came out and that's just a better baseline model for that sort of project so this was just kind of stuck in a drawer for a while.

Fortunately it's rather easy to convert a megaboss to a Warboss, plus I feel like I'm getting a better handle over using guitar strings as wires.
That's a great dragon bro.
fren will be very happy no doubt
A darker teal instead would make it look like the smoke is glowing from the inside.
Yep, much more lively. Don't apologize for posting wip in wip.
Good, but a little too schizo on the color scheme. I'd paint the gun blue or pink.
Somethings off about her face but I cna't exactly tell you what. Maybe the freckles need to be smaller? There's also some texture on the chin but I don't think that's fixable at this point, always wait for the previous layer/glaze to FULLY dry before you apply the next
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Big bug
Very cool big bug. I'm not super big on your scheme but it's painted well
I mostly like it but the pink in the spiracles is a little off
I think the pink is fine, it goes well with the blue, it's the brown I don't particularly like
thanks doc
Yes, you can use superglue, but with thick layers of polymer clay specifically it tends to have substrate failures. It's worst if you put dots of glue down on the clay, a thin even layer just on the plastic part of the base holds better. Basically the CA glue inflitrates a little bit into the surface and instantly hardens it, then shrinks and cracks up the underside. If you drop it the glued parts stay glued to the base and the rest of the base can shatter or pop off.
That said, if you're pinning the mini securely into the base through the clay, putting the glue on the base and not the clay, and keeping your layers under 1/8" (or a couple mm) seems to be fine.
Waterproof PVA doesn't have the same problems, it just takes longer to cure and thinning it down can seriously mess with the bond.

>What do you recommend?
Bro, you're overthinking it. Get pre-drilled bases. Or a drill, make a jig, drill a couple holes in some regular MDF bases. Or a rotary hand punch and a sheet of plastic. No matter how you start, you can just glue a sheet of plasticard or thick chipboard/cardboard on top when you're done.
Theoretically Wargames Atlantic is adding more bases to their magnet line, but I'm not sure what sizes.

is it wrong that I want Chonkachu and Redheaded Barbarian lady to have buddy-cop style adventures fucking up other people's isekai stories?

>Do you paint or repurpose stuff for your miniature wargames that are not mimiatures?
All the fucking time. Hubba Bubba generators are one of the classic examples. I made a 6mm firebase a while back out of parts of an ERTL space shuttle, MDF offcuts, and a Toblerone box. Just look for interesting shapes and put them together until they look like something.
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Painted for fun. Drybrush sword and contrasts and ,ettalics. Nothing fancy.
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>>93980169 >>93980180
very nice. also brutal, which is very nice
love it. scary thing, grab the raid
nice models! mad max gun cool too
Have you tried not being a fucking bitch? She will think less of you if you're a wimp even on something as insignificant as painting plastic toy soldiers. I'm afraid I'll fuck them up" is just a shitty excuse for people that don't actually enjoy painting btw

Base on steel washers, line storage bins with magnetic tape.
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Why the fuck is it so hard to sit down and paint a damn model sometimes?

Nobody needs a pep talk to play vidya, but these threads are always full of anons who want to paint but can't get off their asses to do it. What's your deal? How do you force yourself to start slapping paint on plastic?
Or are we all just fucked, endlessly browsing /wip/ and buying shit we'll never paint?
Can I buy Vallejo primer that has some images of it being loaded into an airbrush and then just use it as brush on primer? Or is it a bad idea? I don't think it specifically says its for airbrushes but it might just be that all vallejo primers are either aerosols or airbrush based
Unironically she doesn't get it
Paint your minis tho
>Having a gf
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Played with enamels and pigments on the iron. Oil paints on the copper and bronze, first time trying these

I don’t like painting metallics much, I do like painting oxidation tho. I know I do go overboard to the point that equipment looks dysfunctional or abandoned rather than realistically weathered. Normally I do it with acrylics so once I’ve gone too far I tend to stay there rather than try work it back. Now I’ve attempted it with oil and enamel I don’t have that excuse and can pull it back if I want to. My friends tell me I should, that it’s OTT. Should I remove some rust or verdigris before I go back in with metallic highlights?

Worried less about nailing realism than interesting saturated colors
I've heard newer Windsor and Newton brushes have quality control issues? Like splitting tips and such.
Has anyone /here/ experienced that? Leaning towards Da Vinci Maestro for that reason but I've heard they have less spring than W and N (Whatever that means)
I like painting but it's work. As you said, you need to sit down and do it, it requires a bit of discipline and some people instead want instant gratification, which doesn't make sense because some video games are work too but the brain probably doesn't perceive it the same way
I like it, looks very real
I dunno I only browse this thread when I'm actually painting something and sometimes when I'm at work. Staying here and agonizing over the lack of motivation to paint feels pointless
I think people theorycraft their painting. Daydreaming at work, thinking "alright that cloth I'm gonna lay in some magenta shadows then I'll start laying in some highlights with a peach then x then y" by the time they get home and actually have some free time they are now worried about actually painting the cloth in case it doesn't match the image they have in their head of how they want it to come out. If you don't actually do the thing it can just stay perfect and hypothetical in your head.

That and option paralysis where you have many projects at different stages of completion and drive and you keep chopping between what you're gonna actually sit down and work on that you don't end up sitting down
Yes. If you google it, you'll find videos on how to apply it with a brush.
GL anon.
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I fucking hate this paint. It's like painting with pudding. Are all Vallejo metallics like this?
Ty bro, I did manage to find the answer myself but I appreciate the good going
Do I treat it mostly like regular paint when its on the brush then? i.e. not have it hanging there too long, not overload the brush and so on? Only used rattlecans before but I do wanna be able to prime in the winter without having to go the airbrush route yet
Fellas I went for a walk to get some sticks for my forest bases but they're a bit moist. Can I just dry them in an oven at some reasonable temperature? I was thinking 100 celsius
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I primed with pic rel before getting a rattlecan. You have to be really quick with it, because it dries really fast and will gum up your brush.
Go as thin as you can and be careful around grooves because it likes too pool and turn into horrific pustules when it dries. Not recommended unless you're priming death guard. Never touch the same part twice, apply it quickly and if you notice an unprimed spot, wait until the 1st coat dries before going in for corrections. Also go in with a plan, take a look at your mini, divide it into sections and decide in what order you'll go over them.
i have very large drier ment for vegetables and assorted fruits with timer and adjustable temperature
sometimes i just stick my models in there for 50 celsius and something like 2 hours and watch a movie
best purchase ever
50 for 1 hour
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God... This is so smooth, it soothes my so tired eyes
The regular Model and Game Colors, yeah. The pre-thinned Model/Game Air formulations are a fair bit better (mostly), and the Metal Color range are top notch, if a bit lacking in options for the 'coloured' metals (brasses and bronzes and the like)
I needed this recently so I'm guessing someone out there needs this. Someone is looking at pictures and videos of minis painted to a high standard and feeling unworthy to pick up the brush. You're looking at a sick model and afraid that you'll ruin it with your paint. This is your reminder that growth only happens through practice. You're going to make something ugly before you make something brilliant. You may never make something brilliant, but you should make something you enjoy. Have fun with the process. You can wash, layer, drybrush, dip, or just basecoat. it doesn't matter. No technique makes you a better or worse painter. Just have fun and paint something.
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Currently I am only priming and painting my minis (normal color).
Which single next step would make my minis look the most better? Edge highlighting? Washing? Whatever else exists?
I try to add one new technique at a time so not to get overwhelmed.
washing/shading instantly gives definition and adds depth while not requiring that much skill or effort, I'd say start with that. There's a reason citadels "battle ready" is basecoat+shading
give it a wash of agrax focused around all the crevices
Where did the dark splotches come from?
im not sure about these days but back in the day normal learning curve started with basecoat-drybrushing-highlighting and then inks/washes came into the picture before trying anything more special
i think now the preferred way they are pushing is just basecoat+contrast paint+edge highlight
used to be you found your own way in time by trial and error but now everyone just looks youtube straight from the getgo ans apes whats being said there
Shading. Either washing (for lots of small detail, like a mini covered in fur, or scales), or panel lining (for lots of flat areas, like that marine you posted).
If you go for this make sure to pick up an *odorless* paint thinner and work in a well ventilated room.
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battle ready paintjob is currently base+shade+basing
or contrast+basing
People are saying shading, but I'd say you would probably get more bang for you buck with edge highlighting or light drybrushing first given how dark your base coat is.
Shading would still help, but it's just not going to pop as much as highlights would in this case imo.
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Since when did Contrast work so well on Space Marines? I don't believe that at all.
I think it's 2 coats thinned 1:1 with contrast medium. Only way they got it so smooth on the flat areas
Whaaat? You don't think contrast creates those edge highlights on the helmet and armor panels? Preposterous!
They're not neat so it's possible
b-but wouldn't that make it... 2 thin coats instead of 1 thick coat as it was initially advertised?
From the same company that sells single pigment paints that offer zero contrast as "contrast"
It's much harder to believe they used ultramarines blue over a cold white base, and it comes out so bright. In my experience the end result is much darker and flat, it doesn't even look like a contrast paint.
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At least some of them are brushed on, you can clearly see it when zoomed in. Gw being assholes as usual with the misleading marketing
yeah lmao, at least their competitors are somewhat more honest by calling this type of paints speedpaints/xpress or whatever
Ok anon you have sufficiently spooked me
Was gonna go for white one for my nids but I'd kms if it were to clog up the details on the leg gills
How do you thin it, is water enough or do I gotta do contrast medium stuff?
As somebody who's tried the contrast method on space marines, even 2 thinned coats (yes with the medium) - this is total bullshit.
There is probably a technique you can git gud at and make it work, but I guarantee that beginners will hate the results they see. It's not just at easy as slapping the contrast paint on.
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Aight that's what I went for and they're nice and dry now, thanks anons. Probably a major waste of electricity to run an oven for over an hour to dry a couple small sticks but whatever
>it soothes my so tired eyes
I'm very happy to hear that anon :)
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WIP Karlach from Baldurs Gate. I'm going to give it to my friend for his birthday.
Ok, thin was not the right choice of words. I did not thin it down, honestly not sure what water would do to it. You should however make your brush a damp before picking up the primer.
I meant that you should be careful with the thickness of the layers you apply.
It's thicker and stickier than normal paint, so the way it climbs onto your brush and then floats from the brush onto the model is somewhat different, but it's not that scary. You'll be able to see if it dries nicely and without bubbles within 15 minues, so just keep some IPA and a toothbrush handy; they should make short work of fresh primer.
Definitely do a test run on some sprue sticks. You need to see for yourself how quickly it dries in your conditions and how long does it stay receptive to spreading if it pools. That will give you more insight than I ever could through text.
How hard does the superglue weaken over the years? Would superglue + maybe some greenstuff around the joint be enough? I really REALLY don't feel like pinning 20 ~dudes
there was a reason they sold those pinning sets back in the day if you are working with metal models
you will shoot yourself in the foot in the long run, just drill them and the anon 20 years from now will thank you
Based bro being a bro to his friend.
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Trying to get a bright and vibrant red power armor for my Blood Angels using Vallejo Game Color.
I think that Scarlet Blood is a fine basecoat color but what should I color should I use to highlight? A bright orange for thin highlights?
And I wanted to use panel lining instead of a wash, would that work fine on a Space Marine with all the lines in the power armor?
Also if I do panel lining should I maybe basecoat with a darker red and work up so the shadows are still darker?
>Redheaded Barbarian lady
Looks like Risty from Queens Blade
I've got a model where the arm is separate, and will need to have the seam filled before painting it. The problem is that the hand covers part of the face - while still being able to see through the fingers - that will make it difficult to paint part of the face if I glue the arm on first.
So I have a weird chicken/egg situation where I don't want to glue the arm on before painting it, but I need to glue the arm on first to fill the seam before priming.

I'm not sure how best to do this. I feel like I will need to just paint the main section or at least the face, and then mask it off, fix the seam line, and then prime the arm and paint it separately but that seems like a hassle and I'm not sure.
I’ve begun to basecoat the first of the Tyranid Warriors and I can already tell that painting these guys is gonna absolutely suck. Not large enough to be easily covered or accessed in all parts, not small enough to be quick or clean, and just detailed enough that any mistake will be very noticeable. And on top of that my Tyranid Warriors were the most difficult things I had to repair when I started to get back into the hobby, and they’re still quite delicate even now with me having to be careful just to make sure I don’t accidentally snap most of their scything talons.
Hopefully the replacement pieces I have created for them will not look out of place once all of them are painted (I had to recreate the entire left arm and the layered carapace plating from leftover parts and apoxy clay for my original 4e Tyrant Guard and no one seems to have ever noticed that), but with how tight some of the places will be to reach and how detailed these things are they will probably be the most difficult thing I’ll have to paint in the army.
Fucking horrible, I hate drilling and I don't have good brass rods
What about for resin models?
Zoanthropes are only somewhat bigger - albeit less spindly and bit more compact - and they were a total breeze for me.
Are you doing sub assemblies? Doing one pair of arms separately might make it easier
i use wood drill bits before i harden them and metal drill bits after they are hardened myself
your results may vary depending on many things so dont take my word for it
How do you, personally, keep morale up when working through a slog of a project? Lot of troops ahead and I am not enthusiastic.
I personally switch back and forth from terrain projects to painting my guys to actually playing games. It's a nice balance that keeps me from burning out on a single thing and let's me return to tackle things that I thought I couldn't do with a new perspective and vigor.
The problem with shit like resin and lacquer is that you'll be fine for a few years, or a decade. Then you'll wind up like Luke APS. Or one of the guys I used to work with in stage effects. Having a contact allergy to resin is a motherfucker, and so is coughing like a thirty-year smoker when you turn 40.

Break it up into manageable chunks. Listen to music, a whole-ass album or like 8-10 songs on a randomizer. After the album's over stand up, wash out your brushes, and go the fuck outside. When you come back, maybe do a character model or sketch terrain or the like to keep the creative parts of your brain from shitting down your neck. It also helps to clear the desk and just have the one thing to focus on for a while.

Eh, probably just trying to avoid hand tremors.
I’m planning on splitting the Warriors up into their groups of three and doing my Zoanthropes in-between them, because the Zoanthropes seem like they will be incredibly easy to paint and I’ve wanted to paint them for a while now as well. Hopefully breaking up the Warriors will make it easier to keep going and not burn out.
>sub assemblies
The Tyranid Warriors are old and (mostly) brittle, which is part of why I had to take the time to repair them all earlier in the year, and since I made them when I was just a kid the majority of them have their limbs completely welded into place. There is no real way for me to remove at minimum their second set of arms (the main cause of a lot of the problems) without destroying parts of them again. Only one of them has it’s gun detachable from the body, and it’s because the manner that it’s gun broke off allowed me to be able to interchange it with one other gun, so I didn’t choose to fix it. But that second gun has since broken and doesn’t really fit in anymore so I will probably glue it’s original one back in place, and I’m only waiting to do that because I might as well take advantage of the fact that it’s off of the body now to be able to paint it better before doing so.
I avoid it at the root. I don't think it's really possible to buy an army, build it and paint it in time for a game or tournament, and enjoy the process. I buy what I want to paint, and the result is I have a collection of things I can make an army out of.

The only solution I can think of that would work for me is to set up a job and reward system. For example, paint five rank and file troopers, then paint a character as a reward. Slogging through shit you don't want to paint is the exact opposite of what I'd want my hobby to be, so I feel fr you anon
I switch between painting/building projects to keep things fresh. Currently I'm working on getting all my sylvaneth stuff done to get stuff out of my pile of shame, and I'm painting 6 of the dragonfly riders. The dragonflies themselves have been incredibly annoying to paint with a brush, but I've kept myself sane by switching over to kitbashing tree-revenants whenever I'm getting frustrated.
Also, podcasts or videos help pass the time.
The answer is layering because everything you do is a form of layering
why are you painting? We spend too much money and time on this stuff to not enjoy it, IMO. And assuming that you don't work in some kind of mini-painting sweatshop, nobody is forcing you to paint. Spend your time and money on something you enjoy!
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Just about done, just have the crystal left, unless you guys think there's something missing
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Is your friend gay?
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Also the pommel on this dude is gonna be an amethyst gem, but I'm wondering if it would be better as metal instead
He doesn't look smug enough.
>edge highlighting

All just names for "put paint on the model". Rather than ask us for techniques to try, look at your model and try to visualise what would make it look not only better, but hoe you _want_ it to look.

We have no idea if you want it to look brighter, darker, cleaner, damaged or whatever.
>why are you painting?
Because I'm not going to field unpainted models in a game. I enjoy the characters, the dreads, all the one-off stuff. Repeatedly doing the same 5 or 6 sculpts (if I'm lucky) for 30-60 guys is what kills me.
>There is probably a technique you can git gud at and make it work
> It's not just at easy as slapping the contrast paint on.
i have been painting with contrast paints for few months now
that said i have over 20 years experience painting normally and im kinda reluctant to admit i really like them contrast paints
they work really good as basecoats and when used as i presume was intended you can paint a sizeable force in one day if you really put your mind into it
if i want to paint knights of the raven as my first army,can i use dupli color platinum silver spray as both a primer and base coat and get good results? their color scheme is bright silver mostly
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Spent this evening assembling cataphractii and thallax until I ran out of plastic glue. Cataphractii are pure timeless kino sculpts which will be a joy to paint and thallax are also great designs, but goddamn were they a pain in the ass and tedious to assemble. amazing how much stuff gw can cram to sprues these days.
At that point it's just a question of whether your time is worth it when you can just pay somebody to paint your mobs for you.
Your value assessment to make, but if I didn't enjoy painting I wouldn't do it.
I use them as regular paints as well. But the idea that you can just splash them over a flat white/bone or slapchop is misleading.
if you have problem with people not learning the basics first and jumping straight into slapchop whatever its called then i agree wholeheartedly
great paints to try and have in your arsenal
What a useless fucking answer.
What he meant to say was practice edge highlighting since it's pretty obvious on space marines, and you'll learn that you never want to do it again, while learning a little brush control.
great buildup of interest in the wings
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Almost got my 1000pt of guard done
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Welcome to the trenches, motherfucker
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not one step back
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forgot to attach a photo of the primer can
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Don't you dare. Take that nid out of the jar before you do something you'll regret.
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Anon, its already too late for that :^)
Oh, phew. Just Simple Green. Close call. Move along.
Can I just use Army Painter Speedpaint (Graveyard Gray) as a shading substitute?
A single unit having 1000 points is crazy, that guy must be an absolute monster. He even got the golden gun skin for 1000 confirmed kills.
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Also working on a soon-to-be jar nid

Big dommy mommy thicctor
This for the highlight.
Yes, orange makes it very fiery. Pink is an option, but that would dull down the red a little.
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How do you guys not get demotivated when you sit down for a session and all you get done is like basecoating skin on two models.

Like I know progress is progress but goddamn.
oh i don't mind it taking forever to complete each step
i find it quite enjoyable to get myself lost for a couple hours
I'm resolved this by conditioning as a child to tolerate delayed gratification, so progress feels like progress which is good. Instead of progress feeling like it's still not complete, which is bad.
You could go back in time and have better parents?
what's with all this negativity today, god damn
I don’t know what it is about that thing or why the variants and model updates only made it worse but the stuff people do to the Lictor is just incomprehensible to me. It’s just weird and bizarre.
Basecoating is always the one part of painting anything that sucks; it’s long, tedious and plain. But it’s probably the most important part of painting because everything you do afterward stems from it. Once you start looking at it not as a chore, but the one thing you need to do in painting to get to all the really fun stuff, basecoating becomes a lot easier to do.
what paint(s) did you use to get that nice flesh tone with magenta recesses?
i really really like it
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2 more grimy kasrkin join the fray. I decided I'll shade them all in one go once I'm done basecoating. 5 left to go, but I only need another 2 for kill team this weekend.

I haven't tried that yet, but I'll see what I can do.
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I used Wraithbone for priming, then I used some fairly diluted Carroburg Chrimson for the recesses and skin, afterwords I went over with Wraithbone again to highlight. To finish it all off, I used some satin varnish to make it look less dry.
ohh very nice nidders
i really need to use more warm tone/off-white
>bahl red just looks better with an egg'y white undercoat
ty youve made painting sisters faces just a bit easier (after some ork stuff though)
>that bald slut comes with the 40k magazine subscription in the far future
mmmm i'll use your technique on her - the varnish im too lazy to not do that last + i always use matte
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Okay calling the tree done. Went with anons suggestion and made the eyes blue. The difference is barely visible but it does tie the weapon into the mini better, I think?
I don't know what exact shade that paint is but I use apothecary white to shade white and it works nicely
It stains too much. It'll work if you use a bunch of medium. (I'm not recommending Dispel Magic in particular it's just the first pic I found)
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>Lictor? I did a lot more than that with her!
>Agrax earthshade
>Hey, you know that speed paint we're trying to sell? What if we just compared it to a product meant for a totally different purpose?
It's pretty obvious that the wyldwood contarst paint is similar to theirs, maybe a bit thicker, and just a different color, meanwhile they make a point of it being in the least visible place, while fucking rhinox hide of all things, and a shade/ink are compared.
It's taleofpainters comparing contrast mediums, including their effects on washes and normal paints.
I really need a light box. Got another stand done, wish I had the time to work on a third.
Could I dissolve dried acrylic with a powerful solvent, and re-activate it with water or acrylic medium while the solvent flashes off faster?
install dust seals my man
You know anyone with chris chan paraphernalia is automatically a subhuman even more than a bunch of coomer figures would make you, right?
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Oh, buddy, do I have news for you.
lovely work anon, hate to be contrarian but while I think the blue eyes work well as a single model across the unit the green might be best?

Your photos are always so clean, whats your photo setup if I may ask?
Oh hey that’s the same way I paint my Nid’s skin; just with a pinkish-purple wash instead of a crimson one.
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Ah the joys of kitbashing. Truly it is plastic crack
Interdasting. Are you working on a model or a container of dead paint?
I've heard of a lot of paint revival techniques but none for paint that was totally cured.
Do it. For science!
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Almost done
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I wasn't really having a problem, just a random thought I had a while ago when I saw how easily lacquer thinner cut through cured acrylic in my airbrush (I thought it was clean... I was wrong). Maybe I'll test it out though.
It brings to mind two chemical reactions in paint, which may or may not be relevant:
Alcohol-based bubba's acrylic thinners, in which I don't think the alcohol out-evaporates the water all that fast, in fact the whole solution dries faster.
Water-miscible oils, where the water completely out-evaporates the oil with only slight effect on the oil.
It's a chemistry question above my pay grade. Maybe adding retarder would help the water survive longer to wait for the solvent to flash off?
Looks good for 15mm, smart to use contrast to make bringing out the tiny details a little less frustrating.
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I haven't used these new fat cavalry oval bases before (all my ork bikes are on the thin skinny ones). Anyone have suggestions on how to decorate and cover the stem for koptas? I have magnets and my basing scheme is snowy ash waste
New thread:

I'm not all that familiar with the new game color line, but I have a few, hot orange 72.009 mixed with the scarlet blood would work and use it pure for the final highlights
He's earned his colours. Sent many of my buddies tyranids straight to hell

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