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Black Library Edition

>Balance Dataslate:

>40k 2025 Roadmap:

>Community Links:

>3rd Party Models Pastebin:

Info hash: d91d8b9daa9c5dc9105fc0ec09812cbc17a752b5

>10th Edition Rules:

>Tithes Animations

>Previous thread:

>Thread Question
Do you read Black Library books? What's your favorite? Do you have any models/kitbashes of characters you like from the stories?
Very rarely and nothing recently, but Path of the Dark Eldar is a favorite of mine.
But do you own any Dark Eldar models? Was BL successful as an ad to get you to try to model the stories?
I thoroughly enjoyed Infinite and the Divine, Ghazghkull Thraka, and Brutal Kunnin. I don't own any of the models from any book save for Ghaz, but I'm probably going to sell him because I dislike named characters.
I tried to get Ufthak when he released but he sold out before my LGS could put in the order.
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To the idiots from the previous thread. Read this. Vashtorr does not lie OR TRICK.
Even Abaddon noted that Vashtorr is very straightforward when it comes to daemons.
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I reject your topic and replace it with my own

Chaos guys already got their chances to get primaris geneseed and tools. an entire indomitus crusade fleet was reduced to friendly-firing berserks due to a khornate curse, primaris and sisters included.
So chaos could definitely have its primaris already but, both narratively and model-wise, it is an useless and even detrimental escalation for the vast majority of their model ranges, especially since the new ones emphasize how they represent the veterans of the long war, rather than new renegades that just got to glue horns to their armours. The creation of primaris for loyalist marines was also but one of the things GW did to distance chaos marines from being just the spiky version of normal marines, the roster of demon engines being another one.

The only two way to include primaris in chaos that I argue would fit seamlessly and with a certain merit to them would be:
One (1) unit of extra lanklet marines in the emperor children/creation of bile subfaction, which would be explicit new chaos primaris (perhaps brought to an even higher peak), although not presented as something that will replace or upgrade all the normal chaos marines, nor distributed to all warbands. instead they would just another type of elite unit, one the forces of slaanesh can perhaps bargain or gift for favours.
I'd rather read boys love novels where a femboy is jerking a ambushes cock tits off before I read anything that has the black library logo on it.
Yeah, actually. I started Dark Eldar in 5th edition because their Haemonculus Covens models are sick as fuck.
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The other option for chaos primaris would be to open the red corsairs army rules ALONE (as the most famous and best representatives for all those newer renagades) to the capability of fielding primaris units in their roster, although not with specific new models, but just in the same way a genestealer cult can take imperial guard units. just grab the loyalist primaris, deface them and their iconography, and paint them as corsairs, standing in for either newly renegade primaris or corsairs using scavenged primaris tools.
I'd also say that letting huron blackheart alone become a primaris via a blackmarket rubicon surgery after stealing the methods for upgrading marines, would highlight his piratical nature and give him another distinguishing element compared to other chaos forces and lords.
Dude. Have you been living under a rock? Entire Primaris strike forces were corrupted to Khorne by the Murder Curse. A recent EC story features a fallen Primaris.
Vashtorr doesn't lie or decieve like a daemon because he isn't one. Vashtorr is Vaul.
>implying eldar don't lie as much as any demon
He lies like an elf, then
Whatever happened to that one artist that was drawing a dark eldar lady with an adopted kid.
Even Bile says flat-out that chaos primaris are a stupid and useless idea
Bile is a tsundere for Cawl and his advancements.
Also it doesn't matter what Bile thinks himself. Abaddon and the others are who bankroll any of his shit, if they want Chaos Primaris Bile is going to make them if he wants to keep his funding and his head.
He is still doing it because you don't say no to Abaddon.
If you mean JBR she's still around and doing her thing.
My favorites are Horus Rising, Infinite and divine, Primogenitor and the twice dead king. No kitbashes of any of the characters though. Might make a kitbash of Oleander Koh if we get some cool new EC bits next year.
Bile is also stupid, arrogant and hypocritical enough to make his own primaris marine just to show how they should be done or to mock them.
all of the path of the eldar books
Have you ever played any games bigger than 2000pts (either with regular or apocalypse rules), /40kg/?
How did it go?
Congrats, you managed to make GWs shittiest new character even worse.
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More. Vashtorr is a creature of order, not chaos or madness.
Why exactly?
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What the FUCK did you mean by this?
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I read some of them, still trying to find the second Gaunt’s Ghost omnibus. Just finished the soul drinkers sextology, a kitbash of Sarpedon sounds cool but every one I’ve seen was fucking horrible and I’m not gonna be able to make a decent one for some time.
Are there any specific eldar weapons that need to have their barrels drilled out? or do they all operate based on "its elvish wraithbone science, I ain't gotta explain shit" and don't actually barrels?
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>GW's shittiest new character
I really don't think she's been dethroned yet
I did a 2v2 with a total point level of 1500pts. It ended in a draw and we had to stay almost an hour after normal closing time.
What's the hate for her?
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Still torn between Blood Angels, Sons of Horus and Luna Wolves color schemes for muh doods.
Shame the Death Company boxset doesn't come with the new Blood Angels transfer sheets for whatever retarded fucking reason.

What specs printer should I get to be able to make my own transfers?
I think all of the gun ones do have barrels, only ones that don't would be prism-based.
A single mention can derail a thread into discussions of a primarch's elf cocksleeve
1500pts per player*
Her story arch kinda went nowhere, combine that with her being a new character and not pure fetish fuel to gaurantee pissed of nerds.
>no /40kg/ in thread title
you absolute fucking inbred retard
Unironically do your own paint scheme and freehand the chapter insignia.
I've never played a single game
Sallyman are of the gay.
I hate women too but atleast we got some eldar porn because of her. Chudtorr is just unnecessary and a huge nothingburger. If they had to make him they should have gone all out and made IW devoted to him and made Peterturbo be his daemon prince.
>Popped up out of nowhere
>Role was handed to her in an undeserving way
>Failed at the one thing she set out to do
>Outright harmed the Eldar and Dark Eldar both in universe and in media
>Is considered a complete joke by the broader fanbase because all she's ever done is revive Guilliman
Hate is a strong word, but barring porn Yvraine has literally nothing going for her, especially at this point.
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Will my opponent smash my models into dust if I use specific characters as generic HQ's?
I like this chunky lad
He is an ally of Pert.
Also, many of his followers are Iron Warriors. In the Hand of Abaddon novel, the guys who ran Vashtorr's challenges and rituals for the person meant to reforge the Anathame were Iron Warriors.
Yes, he might also smash your skull into dust
Depends on how autistic you both are
They aren't even on that friendly terms. He's mostly grateful to her and her death cult but told her to fuck off the Imperium's way.
I'd rather not, it wouldn't be consistent enough and would take too much time.
>No title
>Didn't delete
aaaaand you've fucked /40kg/ for the next 12 hours or so
That is a generic HQ though, Castellans are the equivalent of Lieutenants for BTs.
Ally isnt enough. This would have been a great way to explain how he is an undivided daemon prince even though the big 4 don't do them any more. GW always halfasses everything and I'm fucking tired of it.
That doesn't stop the jokes/coomers
>>Popped up out of nowhere
>>Role was handed to her in an undeserving way
Isn't that all the Gathering Storm characters?

>>Failed at the one thing she set out to do
I think that's better than them being handed everything and then succeeding. Failure is important in stories.
That's the thing anon. Yvraine has nothing else. Her one other plotline was shut down by the decision of management. The idea of Guilliman painting her womb white is pretty much the only thing left for Yvraine.
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Does Jonson strike you more as a Slaanesh guy or Tzeentch? In an alt-hist scenario that is. With the Dark Angels being the secretive plotters that they are, Tzeentch seems a safe bet. But if the Lion openly declared for Chaos and his Angels with him, there's no more need for them to be closeted.
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That's a lie. Roboute and Yvraine+Eldrad are allies. He contacted her about his armor and even requested she retrieve the Hand of Darkness from the Warp which she did for him.
omg thats really cute.
Yeah, that's what I mean. They're allies, not really friends. That Rogue Trader that calls him Robu is much firendlier than Yvraine.
True. I will explode.
Quick, post your favourite miniature I should add to my collection.
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Its too old. I can't delete it. We are at the mercy of the jannies now.
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What's the general take with 3D printing? Does most players shun it or most don't care?

Looking to get into warhammer and 3D printing seems way more creative (?) and cheap, but i guess I'd like to actually play the army eventually and I don't know if people like to play against "bootleg" armies.
Most don’t care, just don’t advertise selling prints in store discords and shit.
most players don't care as long as you use decent looking sculpts and don't shill your prints or makers at the table
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Get this guy and paint him to a decent standard. You'll understand true suffering and achieve nirvana as a bonus
You can find STLs of actual warhammer models if you do a bit of internet sleuthing. If you are smart enough to find niche torrents of anime or TV you can find STLs to print your army. Whether it will be good enough quality prints to pass as real GW product is up to your skill as a printer and quality of your resin/machine. Both are obtainable, and the cool thing about 3D printing as a hobby is its actually really fucking useful more being able to 3D print anything you need that's a plastic part.
I got one for free and I haven't painted him because I don't play Admech. It seems really hard for zero return.
gorgeous sculpt, got him already!
If you just want to build one army, it likely costs less to just buy it than it does to 3d print. a 3d printer will only "save" you money in the long run, and the savings will only be present if you would've bought an enormous collection.

No one but official tournaments will care about proxies
>Shame the Death Company boxset doesn't come with the new Blood Angels transfer sheets for whatever retarded fucking reason.
It doesn't?
matter of preference really
So do we know when the next point updates is gonna be?
I mean finishing a nice miniature is a reward in itself but I understand because admech rules are supposedely garbage
The return is that it challenges your painting skill trying something you would never normally paint. Also it looks cool : )
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I liked him enough to buy a second for custom kitbashing my own Arch Magos for crusade
na its got a different one for death company + some successors

it should've been a couple weeks ago so at this point probably not until after all the big fall tournaments.
What's a good way to make a chaos lords daemon hammer look nurgle-y?
Probably the same time as last year so around the second or third week of October.
meat tenderizer
>it should've been a couple weeks ago so at this point probably not until after all the big fall tournaments
So that would be around halfway/by the end of October? Neat.
Shit onnit, clean it up slmewhat and varnish the stains and poop bits in.
After LGT.
Sallyanon is king
>maw on the side it hits people with
>eyes on the sides
>butthole on the back side
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Leviathan dread. Posing them is fiddly but very fun
I suspect I already know the answer but are there any good Iron Hands books, or ones about their successors?
There’s some decent short stories but the name eludes me.
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Anyone else use these for painting sub assemblies? I know they're a big ole scam, but I get at least like 10 uses out of every knob using glue and mounting putty. For me they make painting small details far easier since I can use them with the painting handle.
I'd they look good and are painted I have no qualms. Only really have issues when people treat them differently than plastic minis and don't take them time to build them nicely, or stay committed to their army, but I would never decline a game because of it. Just seen too many mfs get a 3d printer and then they never finish painting an army because they are switching to new projects so often
He's really cool anon good stuff
Blue tack and barbecue skewers or pieces of mechanics wire straightened work just as well for subassembly work.
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I will NOT buy your useless peripherals, James
Unironically this guy.
damn that kitbash is cool as fuck, anon
I bought a few prints and the time I spent trying to get the prints to the standard I want (I paint but dont play) was a massive waste of time. Would only be worth it for me if I am trying to get a mini that doesnt exist.
>i posted it again
And I’m glad they did.
does he squeal with each strike?
oh okay, you must've missed it the other hundred times it was posted, I understand
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Veterans in gravis armor when?
no he honks
No he just gets mad if you insult his hair
>jap delinquent hair
Does he ORRRRRA you if you look at him funny?
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I get that but like the solid glued connections for larger subassemblies over wire and blue tack (wont get loose if i bump it or shit). I'm still using the ones I bought when buying my first set but I guess I could sharpen some sprue and get the same result. Before I paint a kit i get all my assemblies setup and it keeps me organized and keeps me from losing bits (im retarded and lose heads alot picrel)
Coulda been the new sternguard. Big boys carrying big guns. But no, they're plain tacticus shite.
No he just gets mad if you insult his hair
Heavy Intercessors
Not veterans.
Lame. Just like his hair.
How could you
You have said this about several model posters but there can only be one true king. Choose one.
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Every man a king is fine by me.
Stick a purity seal on and stop the hobbylet tears
Maybe, but Huey Long was assassinated for a reason.
Is it true that Eldar can become so depressed that they outright die from sadness?
there are girls in these threads too. scary I know. they even post models.
they couldn't possibly be kings though
Alternatives are so easy to make and use that there’s very little point in buying these things. Paperclips, wire, hobby metal rods, bluetack, extra bits of sprue, etc.
Wasn’t the assasination because he fucked up his killer’s dad’s reelection? COINTELPRO hadn’t taken off yet.
They can though
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True, I’m so used to my male dominated profession I slipped up.
“Every man a king and every woman a Queen!”
(Though I only have one true queen)
what is that imago about?
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How are the Soul Drinkers books? For that matter what are some good basic muhreens books to consider when developing homebrew chapters?
I approve, saber worst grill
Are these "girls" in the thread with us right now?
Whatever excuse they need to make truescale chaos space marine minis I dont care if they call them primaris or not.
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I will kill you if speak poorly about her, my waifu, my king.
Bitch is King Arthur who was actually a girl retconned into being a man because women couldn't be kings. She's resurrected to fight as a spirit in a battle royale between mages competing for an omnipotent wish-granting device where she gets BTFO by a school teacher that knows Karate and is being buffed by an also resurrected spirit warrior in the form of a greek sorcerer, I think Medea, even thou King Arthurette there is a pre-cog.
It's neat, but the proponents of it are generally subhuman cretins of the lowest order.
>claim it's simple and easy to set up
>don't mention any of the bullshit involved with handling liquid resin
>claim it'll be nice and smooth to work with once you get your plate leveled nicely
>no one bothers to mention the fat bin of failed prints they invariably have
>literally a stiff breeze shaking your building a bit can cause misalignment of layers and fail a print
>also, need to make sure your table is reasonably sturdy, because if it's not any calibration you do is essentially pointless
>claim you don't need to learn supports
>no one mentions that a vast majority of "pre supported" models actually just use dogshit autosupports and you'll have to redo them
Basically, it will save you money only if your time is entirely worthless. The people who claim it's so good are either:
A) independently wealthy, and enjoying it as a hobby, so the time waste doesn't matter
B) impoverished and coping
makes sense
I disagree, but such is Fate(tm)
lol that is a pretty nice summary of fate, anon
Taiga is best girl, your bri'ish slag can fuck off.
this. 3D printing is generally a scam unless you have an industrial level setup with all the proper equipment and cleanup.
>they also don't mention the toxic waste
surprisingly accurate
Soul drinkers are fun, perfectly capture how marines are basically all just catty teenagers at heart. Most other SM focused books are kinda shit to be honest. Only renegades are particularly interesting.
The best sm literature is what you wrote for your own dudes. [\spoiler]
False, lancer is the best girl
Big man boobs.
My issue with 3d printing is what a slog it is to get stls. No on in the 3dpg ever posts sauce, that thread might as well not exist. 3d printing is a hobby in of itself, I prefer to just buy prints off people than do it myself.
>$400 for a basic entry-level machine
>$200 for a wash and cure station (mandatory)
>Another $300 for supplies and PPE to protect yourself from toxic gases
>Dedicated 70sqft room for setup
>$200/mo recurring costs for specialized disposal pickup
>$50-150/mo subscriptions to even get the STLs
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wait what, so many people here are praising 3d printing as second coming of christ while it's actually barely(or not at all) worth it if you're just a regular hobbyist painting a kit or two a month?
Lancer ga shinda
Jesus Christ anon, this is a blue board. Spoiler that filth, at least.
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I don't have a wash and cure station and I have made resin 3D prints am I fucking up somehow and I don't know.
>250$ for printer + washing station on sale
>20$ for chinese bootleg resin
>5$ for gloves, respirator is for pussies
>Toxic sludge goes into the toilet
>STLs for free on Telegram
i like the primaris armor but i really dislike gravis. the moonboots and extra thicc cables on the backs of the legs are dumb as hell
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How much /yourdudes/ potential do these guys have? I get you van bash models to imply a particular mutation strain from their maleable biology, but without rules for that kind of thing it's mostly gonna end up looking like a premium skin type of thing. Can you translate nid fluff into mechanics?
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I'm afraid by this point it's terminal. I'd say you should spend what time you have left with your loved ones but your body must be so saturated with uncured resin now that you could make them sick by being near them. I'm so sorry, anon.
I just use a tub if isopropyl and put my model on a windowsill with a lazy susan rotating.
>he's not a bootmaxxer
You're getting the clampy claw.
Jesus christ bro that stuff is in your bloodstream now. If you get enough UV it'll cure inside and cause an embolism
As advice if you really want to use 3Dprinted bits on your minis or make fully 3D printed stuff, just ask someone else to do it for you and then pay them for the trouble.
owari da. I hope my mask and ventilation station was enough.
inspector gadget lookin motherfucker
Inquisitor Gadget is one of our best.
Yeah pretty much. This anon >>93972526 has the right ideas. Also you can just go on etsy and buy bits too. Even if I had the space (if you live in an apartment, you don't) I would rather use it on something fun like a model train layout.
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Printing is its own hobby and you shouldn't expect to save money unless you're printing a lot of models, entire armies even. That said, I enjoy having the freedom to say Fuck You to GW for some of their more expensive kits when I don't feel like dropping $60 for 3 models (it counts for me because I've definitely evened out on the initial cost by now). Also, there are some wonderful STLs out there.
Those who shill 3d printing as the best thing since sliced bread are very wrong and it's annoying to see everyone scream "ITS SO CHEAP BUY ONE NOW!!1!" every time they're brought up.
It will never be easier to print a model than it will be to buy and build a plastic one. But that doesn't mean you should shut yourself off from an entire part of the hobby.

Additionally, not one person I've ever met in real life has given a shit about printed models. Paint your shit and they'll just say "hey that looks sick!"
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Love your orks anon. I prefer more drab ones since my favorites are Blood Axes and I think less saturated colors look best for their klan specific models like the kommandos, BUT your super saturated Deathskulls work wonderfully.
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She's also best buddies with Alpharius
c______ s____
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Blood Axes are cool, too. I had a kick of them a while ago before I started painting my Deathskulls again.
Not adopted, but a true born child with despicable angelic features. As rare and powerful a birth for the Dark Elder as it is a terrible inconvenience on her mother's soul.
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no, he moans.

anvil squigs evolved to have a neverending migraine that only gets better when someone pounds them really hard, so they always stick around someone who can pound them over and over.
please explain.
Are catachans going to be put into legends come the IG codex?
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Rate my Kill Team to 2K custodes plan:

>Buy 9th edition combat patrol
>Get battleready with 2 guards and 5 sisters, maybe 2 more guards after
>Buy 10th edition combat patrol
>Buy tanks and individual guys to top off

This is going to be my first time painting custodes too, and I've heard awful things about the Retributor Gold spray. Would Citadel black spray, then zenithal white, then brush on gold work? I'm considering just saying fuck it and getting Rustoleum paint and primer 2X from Walmart and going at it.
like a 2 out of 50
A lot of the characters in that series look like saber. The joke is on the Legion all looking like Alpharius
Is talking about the female custodes forbidden here?
Red saber best saber. Simple as. Umu.
Yes, by general decree
The Nasuface is eternal
You are free to post your coomtastic fantasies of musclegirls but I am free to ignore them.
No such thing exists
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The best Saber is Barghest.
>gold muscle mommies

I'm all for it, Sororitas is cringe and I want more attractive women to paint
How do you paint chestpieces if the chestpiece is covered by a gun?
Very carefully
How would eldar fans and chaos fans react to it, if it would be true?
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assembly painting
Sub assemblies.
I wouldn't see why make that correlation now when they kived away from shit like that before. At one point Khorne and Khaine were rhe same shit.
I need these people to die
Somehow companies listen to them
brother... relax
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We should have gatekept harder, brothers. The invaders have already reached the rank of Primarch. I
at this point I don't know if it's satire
dunno, try asking /hhg/
Just because you have boobs doesn't mean you can't be a bro.
I personally find it very funny Redemptors are 210pts
Can confirm, been calling my girl bro since we met
It's not and its annoying
I wonder, if night lords are not alright with getting associated with a chaos god, do you think they would be alright if they were to link up with the nightbringer amd some oldcrons instead?
>Kill Team
who's gonna tell him
You really should have changed it to sis after she went through the operation. It's not polite to misgender people, especially your significant other.
Don't worry, Heretic is gender neutral
Far-leftists should actually embrace Chaos.
Like, Space Mahreen fans don't literally like fascism, but they like the aesthetics of the faction and the superficial fantasy, so they spout the fascist slogans.
Leftists should literally do the same thing wish Slaanesh, no reason why they shouldn't, (except that EC have zero lore).
>Space Mahreen fans don't literally like fascism
Bespoke teams suck ass and ruin the entire appeal of kill team. Kill team being as complicated as 40k is such a waste of time.
dunno ask /ktg/
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I think you'll find plenty of SM fans who like fascism, anon.
No that's dumb, they still dislike xenos as much as the next human
We are literally just going through a conversation about how everyone is bro if they're bro, stop being a faggot right winger about something that supports your freedom to misgender
This guy?
I dont get people who complain 40k isnt woke enough. They complain that 40k is a parody of fascism and nazi/right wing fans are being made fun off.
But then the woke fans want to ADD woke things. But then it wouldn't BE a satire. It wouldn't represent a dystopic, relgious based, masculine led, xenophobic culture in decay.

So why do they want woke things like female custodes and marines and removal of brotherhood themes?
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Finished my stormboyz for a game tomorrow. It'll be the first time I've ever used stormboyz.

What's everyone working on tonight? Post models/WIPs
Gw will never have the balls to show things like your pic
Anon I'm not saying it isn't good in the current edition, I'm saying it's getting squatted in a week.
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When I was getting into the hobby the marketing worked on me and I got the previous GW painting handle and the large one.

I have since given them both away to a friend getting into the hobby and I now use a rattlecan lid and poster tack as my painting handle. Works just fine for me.
fuck off with your thinly veiled fetish shit
>thinly veiled fetish
Yeah, Dark Eldar
>right winger
I'm an anarcho-communist though. Maybe even a bit of a posadist.
>cries in hivestorm
you do know none of the teams are losing support and you're a retard, right?
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I love the medic nuns. Best units to put them into?
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>At launch, the new edition will feature 33 kill teams with their rules updated and balanced for the new edition

Can you see Custodes?
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Last week I posted a dubs get and got banned for it for a model I should buy.
The winner arrived.
Looking forward to learn how to blend with a make up sponge on the wings.
Any ideas for the base / color scheme?
ah, you're RETARDED retarded
Dubs say blue
Concession rejected, try harder
not spoonfeeding you, little mental midget
Why is she power stancing?
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none of the bespoke* teams
There's a difference between following someone out of loyalty and following someone for personal gain even if you dislike that person. But you're likely an ESL that doesn't understand what he just posted.
Nothing to be spoonfed. Explicitly stated there are only going to be 33 KTs, and you didn't make the cut. So sad :(
Share a photo of your last game naow
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What's wrong with Vashtorr
I play hunter clade
sorry you're too smoothbrained to understand basic ass posts about edition changes
These things are the modern pearl clutchers that saw Satan everywhere during the Satanic panic, the kind of people that see the devil everywhere in entertainment media and did when they looked at early DnD/Harry Potter.

Their modern counterparts are these living stereotypes for lack of a better term that operate in the same way except instead of seeing Satan everywhere they see "problematic things" everywhere and want it either gone or sanitized to their sensibilities.
Warhammer 40k just happens to be the big thing in entertainment nerd culture right now so naturally like moths to a light they'll swarm it.
Can't, don't have the pics anymore. It was so long ago I switched phones.
nothing, ignore carnac
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Why aren't you?
Basic ass posts like "here are all the teams" and there not being some teams on there?
I love that you can tell gw hired a bunch of privateer press sculptors and 40k fans praise those models whilst shitting on the warmahordes models from the same designers.

Vashtor has so many iron kingdoms traits.
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Sure thing.
I dont think Jain is dancing away from this
Oo, does someone sell those buildings printed for dirt cheap?
I used the Challenge stratagem to try and have her snipe the Blade Champ. She did literally zero damage then took over a dozen damage back from him alone. That wasn't a good game.
so one thing I've been thinking re: Agents is that Canis Rex might be slightly over-rated. Its so many points that your opponent will just hard focus turn one. Thinking instead I'll take a Sisters squad split between two Immolators and a Helverin.
Please get a job and change and grow as a human being.
But all the models in my picture are painted and based anon.
Ranger's long rifle has been described multiple times as firing a toxic needle propelled by a laser (so, a Needle Weapon https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Needler ). So, maybe it has rifling (there are also depictions of it being simply eldar Long Las, I like to think that those are different "patterns"

Also, maybe drukhari splinter weapons?
I just don't like how vashtor is anorexic, maybe if he had some tits I could forgive it.
I wish this was true but KT21 is getting BTFO


Literally unplayable in the new edition. Not even a digital update like KT22 teams. They are getting rid of Group Activation and Defense stats. Unless compendium teams get new replacement stats I'm pretty sure it's fucked. If there's any official workaround like just ignoring those stats on the original cards, I'd love to know because my golden boys are just sitting around otherwise.
>Vashtor has so many iron kingdoms traits.
How so?
Granted I never really looked at Iron Kingdom that much.
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But the barrels aren't drilled
Because he should've been Hashut...
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LGS owner has an FDM printer that he has running almost 24/7 for terrain, so i think he just got an STL for them.
not a rule
>elfgirl taller than human
YWNBAW, freak
-15VP for hobbylet backtalk
Does the manager know what maker of the terrain is from?
Printedscenery was the first professional mini-terrain-stl-maker that popped into my head when I saw the terrain.
I mean you can easily port them to KT24, def and ga are 3 and 1 by default as normal, the only problem is equipment, which is team wide instead of per-operative now but it's not hard to fix:
Vratine faceplate is teamwide for all sisters, takes two slots if you take 10 sisters.
>Psyke-out is single use team wide
>Tanglefoot is single use team wide
>Oath is single use team wide
>Misericordia is single use team wide
There ported.
looks like greendale potentially
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Read Valedor and two of the eldar path books when I first got into 40k and liked eldar, currently slowly reading the first Ragnar book to see if it's any good (it's okay so far), considering reading the NL or DE trilogy instead since I've heard good things about them but I don't find either army too interesting
I did some searching but I couldn't find a match. I'll ask him tomorrow during my next game and post his answer with my game pictures.
what am i looking at?
>So chaos could definitely have its primaris already but, both narratively and model-wise, it is an useless and even detrimental escalation for the vast majority of their model ranges, especially since the new ones emphasize how they represent the veterans of the long war, rather than new renegades that just got to glue horns to their armours
Aren't the majority os CSM relatively modern, even in the original legions? It was my impression that the bulk of those armies were guys created recently, like Honsou.
They are attractive but cringe
That's pretty good, I might use that as a base and switch out the units to inches to make them updated. I think my LGS won't give a fuck but it is a bummer to lose out the whole of the compendium at tourneys
a warmachine warcaster for their undead faction. techno-lich with cursed dragon blood or something

lich lord terminus
i'm aware
however it's not so in the elf comic that this pic parodies
sorry, meant to also tag >>93973726
I just watched the latest Auspex Tactics video. Is he talking out of his ass? Or can we actually expect aspect warrior refreshes in 2025?

How are they cringe? “Intense” is the word I’d more likely use to describe them.
The weapon is too big
The frilly sleeve is dumb
The wing swords are really dumb looking and also look plain bent
Otherwise is "okay" although wings have a bit of a playdough texture to them and same goes for the cape
Yeah really not seeing it
it was pretty good for like 2007 and being made of solid metal
shame, I think they could have formed a cool spooky halloween think going on together
Auspex Tactics is one of the least talk out of his ass 40k tubers.
Yeah thats all fine the model is ancient, would be considered like 4th edition sculpt for 40k or something timeline wise but the design elements of vashtor are there. A lot of the warcry warbands after the first bunch look very warmahordes
they're not remotely similar, are you blind?
I can actually kind of see it.
>A lot of the warcry warbands after the first bunch look very warmahordes
>The weapon is too big
warmachine had an exaggerated comic book/video game aesthetic, this was pretty par for the course

>The frilly sleeve is dumb
the faction has a heavy pirate theme, they are all pirate captains in addition to being undead dragon cursed mecha lich lords. cryx had a lot of aesthetics going on. there were also satyrs and trolls

>The wing swords are really dumb looking and also look plain bent
the whole faction has a kind of tim burtony look to its mechanics so that was also kind of regular for them. long jagged twisted bits of metal and crooked hafts, curling horns, flared and exaggerated smoke stacks. wasnt really supposed to look clean or well made
Honestly had no idea, I just watch him for unit tier lists and the giveaways. I’ve never watched his leak stuff until I saw the thumbnail in my subscription box.

To summarize, he said that there will probably be a Krieg refresh + IG codex around Christmas/new year’s. He said it’s most likely gonna be krieg infantry and maybe death riders, with Killteam handling veterans. Also he said to expect fire dragons and warp spiders in 2025.
>they still dislike xenos as much as the next human
There are plenty of CSM that deal with Xenos.
Fabulous "Nah, Not Real" Bill is a big eldarboo.
Red Corsairs have had a whole crusade launched with big xenos merc + dark mech support.
The Broken (I think that's the name, unsure) are a warband of BL that have been cursed by Gods to never heal wounds & they use lots of cybernetics & even xenos flesh grafts to alleviate that.
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They kinda did that with the killteam of them fighting the mandrakes
At least GW isn't WoTC
>the faction has a heavy pirate theme, they are all pirate captains in addition to being undead dragon cursed mecha lich lords. cryx had a lot of aesthetics going on. there were also satyrs and trolls
Holy based, I miss this in 40k
Amen to that
Fuck WotC, at least this much we can all agree upon
You cant see the mechanical contraptions and exhaust pipes on the back pack? Anyhway its not just that model there's a style I see thats similar with a lot of releases
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So why exactly am I not allowed to take a valkyrie in GSC if I can take almost everything else?
I agree. Remember when the Pinkertons were sent by WOTC?
Those stupid Reddit NPCs seemed to focus more on the fact that Pinkertons were still a thing than the gravity of WOTC's action in sending Pinkertons.
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GW themselves said new aspect warrior unit coming in spring in their roadmap reveal video. You can check the original vid yourself if you want to hear the exact wording.
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Damn. How do one convert him into AdMech?
Ahriman is the biggest elfaboo out there
This was such a a good box. Especially considering how much they gouged the prices up on the individual kit releases now. The terrain pieces is great too for KT and Bighammer.
You don't and just accept that models you like don't all belong in your army
lowest bar to clear in the history of bars
doesn't mesh with the underhive cult operating from the shadows aesthetic.
New or update?
He's an Otaku for elf media and really, really wants to get a Library card to check out their vintage pre-fall manage collection.
but imagine if they were in a pact together.
them, a few oldcrons and a few drew carreys.
nightbringer, belakor and whatever lurks in aelindrach.

just sometimes, in a terrific teamup against someone bullyable.
>whatever lurks in aelindrach
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Hate is hate, but didn't some recent CSM mention Night Lords warband being mercenaries for some xenos?
Playing some 500 point games made me reevaluate why we bother with anything over 1000 points.
It feels nicer to switch units in and out of lists than have to shove everything in a list as well.
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Also to add to this post >>93973863 of mine, we already have a pretty xenophilic Night Lord character
>They were once greater in numbers, but the Grell were nearly destroyed by the Corvas Vault's Deathwatch forces. When the Night Lords Chaos Lord Veska'gar learned of this, he attacked the Watch Fortress in a rage with his Warband. By the battle's end, the Corvas Vault's Deathwatch forces were dead and Veska'gar had all of their eyes taken out. He would deliver these to the surviving Grell, who accepted the gelatinous prizes with relish. The Xenos then tell the Chaos Lord, that his actions earned him great favor with the Masters Beyond
9th edition CSM codex. Guy got even emotional because his kayos xenos bros suffered heavy losses
>doesn't mesh with the underhive cult operating from the shadows aesthetic.

but a basilisk does?

please. its for potential balance reasons. nothing else. GW is too afraid to give them a flyer from another army purely based on mechanical concerns for the gameplay implications.
I can take all of the baneblades, kasrkin, basilisks, manticores
sure, I always liked the idea.
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>have played 5 or 6 full games of 40k
>don't think I enjoy it
Damn. I really tried but no matter what I do the games never like I even have a chance. It doesn't help that my friends have multiple armies as well but they are all just different flavors of TEQ. Trying to do anything into termies is not fun.
I think I might just start selling models.
I like building, I like painting, kitbashing and such. The game itself, it's not fun?
You thought THIS was a good box for $140?
>they still dislike xenos as much as the next human
that's a meme
I mean yeah if you're getting your shit stomped every time then obviously you're not going to enjoy it, but your conclusion from that is that the game is bad rather than something potentially being up with your engagement in it?

I'd hate 40k too if all I played against was 2-3 friends who all played shooty armies and we had 3 beer cans for terrain
It's 200 in my LGS.
What’s your faction? List?
I lose all my games too because my friend is a luck vampire who can say"I'll roll 10 6s, watch" and do it with my own dice. The game is secondary anyway, the modelling part of the hobby is what matters.
I think I would really only enjoy playing it for the prospect of taking cool staged shots vs other painted armies and maybe editing the photos in gimp to look like propa battles
Also narrative sounds kind of fun
I also can see myself trying tourneyshit but entering with purely meme lists and see how far I can go, I remember in 9th some lad showed up to a GT with a randomly rolled nid units which were all abhorrently dogshit and he got like 3rd place
The game is not good, but 2k is way too much for new players. As a teen my local store suggested 1000 point lists until you had like 2.5k painted up and you were 50 games into 40k.

And for afternoon games, just 500 was what we played. And you NEED to play as many games as you can, short games make you learn better.

Youll learn more and have more fun with 4 500 point games than 1 2k point game. God forbid its multiple players like 3 or 4 doing 2k.
I've never actually enjoyed the game itself I just like seeing the armies laid out
Both could work, imagine a story where trazyn loses one of those giant bat xeno monsters he probably has in his museum and hires a warband of NL to track it down through some dark hallways
>As a teen my local store suggested 1000 point lists until you had like 2.5k painted up and you were 50 games into 40k
1 game a week for over a year before moving on from 1k is bonkers. I was done with learning 500pts after like 3 of my first games, its just a shitshow
It's gonna cost like $150-160 with the two separate teams
what army are you playing? what models do you have to work with? what kind of lists are you struggling against?

these "i keep losing to X" posts without list details for the player and their opponents are not going to get good advice because nobody knows what you are actually working with and against. we need specifics.

if they are all running terminators all the time en masse, then there are some very obvious solutions available, terminators have serious weaknesses, but without knowing what you are running its hard to recommend anything. dark eldar dont solve that problem in the same way as orks.

also the hobby is like 80% of it. a lot of people dont even play more than once a month.
Yeah and thats fucking horrendous, doesn't make the box good
Yeah the GW games aren't exactly known for being good inherently. It's just one of those things that you use as an excuse to shoot the shit with.
That is some ugly ass terrain
>someone bullyable
tau? guardsmen? votann? is there a place with all 3 together?
>he doesn't know the secret technique to rolling certain results
>Struggling against terminators
You dont seem to understand how complex the 150 page rulebook can be for most noobs. For some people it takes 3 games to understand the phase order and how strength vs toughness works.

But id say the shitshow is fun especially when its all new to someone. 500 points is enough for
>1 farseer
>5 dire avengers
>5 striking scorpions
>1 wraithlord
>1 wave serpent
So thats quite a bit of modelling and painting to do, and quite a lot of variety in what you can bring and really OBVIOUS roles for every unit.
You learn how to move melee units to be effective, learn how vehicles and transports work, learn how powerful a big walker can be.

So if someone is brand new and jumping into 2k, they will hate it. I stand by playing tens and tens of 500 point games with different lists, then moving to 1k for a long time.
It's not just with dice to be fair. Everyone around him goes through a lot of hardship and misfortune while everything goes his way without trying, been that way since he was a kid.
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>Post models
I painted some dudes, I like how they came out but I'm no pro.
For some unforseen reason they've kept the broodbrothers concept around but refuse to do anything interesting with it. Hell they're not even an actual proper unit they're just purely visual
Nobody reads the rulebook. If you suggested new players did that I'm not surprised they felt overwhelmed, its a terrible way to learn.

and yeah that little list sounds great but the first thing anyone competent learns is that its a LARP, and while it would be nice if the game works that way, they're going to get crushed if they take that mentality into larger games. They've effectively picked up a habit they'll have to un-learn
at least use some green stuff or something to cover up the nurgle corruption
no, they're an undivided chaos legion
nurgle just blessed that armor
Are centurions primaris or firstborn? Are they gonna get legends'd?
probably legends'd because nobody likes them and even GW doesn't want to refresh those piles of shit
>purple marines
Purpleanon's got some competiton now. May the most worthy of the name win.
Why? I'm not of the opion of IW hate chaos
Naw but you are
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In chalnath, I guess.
IW hates flesh mutations with a passion
Well yes usually you teach someone the game, but tbf too many people never ever read the rule book. Read it once and you'll be golden really.
But anyway, Im not sure what you mean by the last bit. Id rather players larp and role play their socks off. In my experience players come in ready to describe how their plasma pistol took their arm off when they rolled a 1 and how they punched open a tank, and crushed the pilots head with their terminator powerfist when they destroy a tank with one.
Then they get sucked into youtube, netlists and tourney mentality in friendly games. Then the game becomes really unfun.

Anyway, my main point is just that its wayyy wayy wayyy too overwhelming to try and learn via 2k point games. Too many rules, too many unclear unit roles, too much downtime on enemy turn
Good thing that's a deamon engine and not a marine then
Mine is still a humongous WIP
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>revolver shotgun
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Damn I kinda liked them. Alright I'll avoid them then thanks anon. What about the invictor warsuits? Those are kinda cool.
Mine aren't very good so I assume the other anon will win, but I appreciate some spirited competition.
it's kino
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>he lacks the awareness
The funny thing is they were probably the first attempt of GW to make bigger better space marines.
Im not sure how I feel about the monopose marines. I know they are in my picture and I will always always cherish them, but its a bit too samey. Great vibes from this game though, those grotesques are very unique.
holy SOVL
The Night Lords kit is so kino my brain always tries to find an excuse to buy them and integrate them into my Black Legion army.
Y'know how I'd improve invictors? Let the driver eject when it reaches critical health. Maybe give it an ability akin to titanfall where the dude sets it to blow while he lands safely away. Would make it a cool threat in close quarters where you want to have it self-destruct but don't want it killed before you can do so.
Worse, it's a "bolt shotgun". Peak retardation
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They’re primaris, kinda bad rulewise but I like’em too.
Paint them black and they'll fit into your black legion army, numbskull
I like them too but $75 is a bit too much for an overpriced upgrade sprue.
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It was a great fun game,, old marines vs old dark eldar

>The fuckin mold line on the marine in the front on the second floor.
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Lorewise, how Aspect Warriors VS SM Scouts would go, realisticly?
The terrain is nice too. Great angle on this shot. Im going to make a classic space marine army, bikes are on the list next.
>Likes centurions and invictors
You're the antithesis of /40kg/'s tastes lmao. Invictors themselves aren't too good or well-liked BUT there is a chapter with their own mech suits that are always good to have by way of their range having a whopping ~6 kits (including named characters).
Aspect warriors would probably slaughter the scouts.
Stop spamming and realistically if not put on retarded oil refinary with 0 cover like that box scorpions would slaughter scouts.
eldar are the designated cuck faction so they'll lose
Going strictly by what we're told about their comparative "power levels", in so far as such a thing exists, 8 aspects would demolish 10 scouts. Going by the way 40k novels are written, a really spunky pair of scouts would probably conquer a planet of exarchs as a rite of passage.
aspects tear them to shreds
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Hell yeah there's mold lines

>Im going to make a classic space marine army, bikes are on the list next.
I believe in you anon you can do the thing
Sometimes I think about going full schizophrenia and just playing solo games with myself. Im the only one that plays it right :(

>not skinnership
>Im the only one that plays it right :(
You wouldn't be aware you were playing it wrong (which I guarantee you do in some capacity)

I have a feeling dark eldar lost this game!
I also have a retro dark eldar army, but its like 400 points and its hard to find raiders from that era. Id love an old talos too.
They took quite the hammering, yes, it was fairly one sided thanks to some truly awful rolls on the part of my opponent.
What was your list mr crimson?
Scouts win with significant casualties, as described in the book those teams came in.
>my boxnaught is painted in grey knight colours
>realized GK no longer have a 'generic boxnaught', only venerable dreadnaughts
I hate 40k so much. I hate it.
T. Eldar fan who also likes space marines
lol elfcuck seething
Even if you go with in game stats and mathhammer scorpions will always beat scouts 10v10
Captain, 3 five man Tacs, 3 bikes and a razorback, 4th edition.
CSM into DA heavy termies on their side.
On my side, Legionaires, chosen, vehicles.
Forgefield, pred, venom.

The closest I ever got to winning I had to being a heavy Anti-infrantry lost to try to force mortals. But the only list was able to do that was my DW but they no longer exist. The knights are annoying with their dmg -1 stuff. Shits exhausting. If anything im just drained as a game takes us 6 hours and trying to throw everything at an army time and time again gets exhausting. The first few times we played I tried to do missions and such, at this point I don't even care. The score was 40 to 3, as at sometime I just gave up and tried to end the game as soon as possible. Even then, 6 hours.
I will try to suggest 1k, as anything beyond is fucking intense
stats don't matter
Tons of context missing but I stopped recently because trying to remember all the rules and playing with sweats left a bad taste. Been playing another game recently but it's not uncommon for 40k enthusiasts to stick with the art, lore, and/or Vidya portions of the hobby only.
Im right and no one will admit it as the world is against me.
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What kind of hobbyist am I if I only buy the models to paint, but don't play the game or pay attention to the lore?
I'm not feeling the highlights.
why does it matter?
Nobody said playing 1k at all was wrong, dipstick
What should I paint the interior of a Rhino? Leadbelcher?
Yeah I think I'll ask if we could play 1k.
He might seem to be getting the hint that the game is waning on me as he asked if we can use my tyranids or he might even get some necrons.
It sucks as even their other games are turning into huge bloat games. Kill Team was originally meant to be that nice and tight game you could play in 45 mind to 1 hour but even that's a 2-3 hour game.
I mean you're just being WAACfag'd to death there. Different game size won't help if all they're going to do is be cunts and spam DWK
Same, I sorta regret them
tau light ochre
Sure bb it's your model
Kt has been massacred with bloat. Its really fun with compendium teams where a single smoke grenade can change the game, every model having super powers really ruins the tactics and drags on. Try 1k and it will be more fun I promise.
Honestly super based lgs owner
Who's book is it? Not that it helps the eldar thatbmuch consider Asurman's book has him being nuked from orbit.

Aspect Warriors are supposed to outpace full-blown Space Marines at what they specialize in, like Banshees in melee, so there's no way scouts can do anything about them in a straight up fight against other stealth specialists like the Scorpions
you're the based kind of hobbyist. Ultra based if you buy models you like without caring what faction they're from
What should every firstborn army contajn
Marines, probably
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>ynr creations of bile
>they could’ve brought it back as a stratagem
Here is a summary of the booklets' story:
>Spamming DWK
Lemme guess, he has a land raider redeemer, too? Cave his skull in with a fucking hammer. He’s being an asshole and beating up on the new guy
Dude, scouts aren’t even full space marines. If 10 scouts wipe 8 aeldari with “heavy casualties” then you’d only need 100 Gravis marines and 5 Repulsor executioners to wipe out Ulthwé. The power scaling here is fucking bullshit
as it should be, elfcucks stay mad
okay so to deal with deathwing knights and DA terminators, you are looking for a few things. you want AP -2. any more than that will be wasted on inv saves, any less and you will bounce off their armor. you want either damage 1 preferably or damage 3+ weapons. deathwing knights have a -1 damage taken effect, which has zero effect on damage 1 weapons, 50% damage reduction against D2, and 33% damage reduction against D3, so its specifically really good against D2 weapons. they have 4 wounds a piece, so that means you'll need 2 failed saves against D3 weapons or 4 failed saves against D1 weapons per knight you want to kill assuming they are not also getting a FNP from somewhere.

venomcrawlers weapons are all D2 so that things just gonna be dead weight against them unfortunately. it has the worst damage profile into their specific mitigation

forgefiend is another story, if you run ectoplasm on the arms and head, you are getting 3d3 shots that will wound them on 2s, has damage 3, and enough AP to get to their inv save. it also has blast on all 3 guns, meaning for every 5 terminators in the squad you get +3 shots. if they are running a big brick of 10, a single forgefiend is bringing 3d3+6 shots, 3s and 2s, with AP-3 and every 2 failed saves kills. now we're getting somewhere, and thats without any external buffs. if you can get a second forgefiend, that would help a lot against this matchup. its got enough range to threaten most of the table, and access to devestating wounds which will give it further armor punch.

legionaries wont do much into terminators but small 5 man units are okay for objectives. cultists are also good cheap objective chaff.

not sure which version of the predator you have, but niether are particularly good into deathwing. annihilator could see some use if they are bringing vehicles or dreads, destructors autocannon will bounce off their 2+ armor

sad to say you have exactly the wrong units for this matchup for the most part
Destructors are AP2 into infantry and dam3 with decent volume. Theyre great.
Okay, but don’t get mad when I point out a solitaire dumpstered several custodes
cuckstodes are sissies larping as elves with their faggy cone helmets
>scorpions will always beat scouts 10v10
Scorpions won't even get into melee with Scouts, lmao
Enjoy being T3.
haha scout shotty goes BRRRR
>Destructors are AP2 into infantry and dam3
true i forgot about their destructor rule

>decent volume
not really. 4 shots with the autocannon or 6 if they're close, you've got 6 shots with heavy bolters at ap -2 but their damage is getting cut in half with the deathwings effect, meanwhile a forgefiend is getting somewhere between 9-12 shots at a better profile against terminators than the predators autocannon with S10 being a pretty significant advantage in this specific matchup, and the forgefiend can also get devestating wounds.

i dont have the math hammer on it to hand, but against deathwing knights, if i had to guess, the forgefiend is doing something like 2-3x the effective damage
Pretty much anything. Competitively? You are supposed to hit as hard as you can with glass canon elite troops while your vehicles form the backbone of the army. The way people play sisters its about trading up, not being durable. Spending 55 points giving durability via FNP 5+ to a unit thats supposed to shoot twice and die isn't a good deal.

In terms of most efficient? Your biggest and most important infantry unit, so probably a BSS or Dominion squad with a canoness attached. Unfortunately they cannot be attached to Sacresants, which would make them significantly better.

In terms of memes? Run them solo and stab people with needles.
rolling for multicolored blue and purple tzeentch wings
>Trade up with fragile, high damage infantry
>Support with vehicles and heavy walkers
So sisters is aeldari for imperium simps?
Who cares? Run your dread as a venerable. Or if you're playing with friends, use the legends dread datasheet. It's only an issue for sanctioned tournaments
Nah, its cool. I bought mine seperate from 2 guys who didnt want their's for 30 bucks.
Neat idea. They already have rules for this with the Canis Rex pilot too.
One most people will ignore until you post models as that's your only interaction with the hobby
Dios mio, mucho texto autismo
Eldar more like smelldar
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Honestly they are really similar
>dice manipulation
>elite infantry/invuln saves everwhere
>high damage 1 wound battleline
>vehicles are extremely aesthetically pleasing and form the core of the army
>walkers are very strong
Asuyani more like AssFurYummy
More like Crapworlds
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Eldar's just getting TORCHED today
zoanthropes should not be squads. they should be 1 off models like lictors
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'Fraid so
It seems a little goody that the scouts are even doing as well as they are but scouts are usually decades old soldiers at this point anyway. Reading through the snippets it wasn't that bad. If the trap they set worked then it was jobbertown though. The eldar should be smart enough not to step onto a giant pile of grenades.
I like the anons idea of having Vashtorr being a exiled demigods, that the remaing forgemasters have to deal with as a political wedge while trying to gain more power and influence while keeping the Forge an impartial place from the gods bickering. Daemon Primarch Perturabo and the leader of the darkmech being Forgemasters would also be a great idea
>NLs thats buddies with chaos xenos
The Watchers’ Eyes
Veska'gar flies into a rage after learning of the near extermination of the Grell, a xenos conclave who supply arcane, psychotraumic instruments. Tracking their slayers to the watch fortress of Corvas Vault, the Night Lords overwhelm the
xenos-hunting Deathwatch. Veska'gar slays Watch Master Mordas, prising apart his ribcage before skewering the loyalist with his own vigil spear. Imperial investigators will discover every black-armoured corpse accounted for, yet not a single eye between them. The Grell survivors receive the glutinous prizes with relish, and tell my lord he has earned great favour with the Masters Beyond.
Arcane psychotraumic instruments is a pretty cool concept, giving eyes as payment for favour from Powers beyond is pretty bloodbornesque in the best way

>The Blood-horde of Boranis
Upon a surge of dark inspiration, my lord Veska'gar commands our allies in the Cult of Boranis' Doom to divest themselves of unnecessary ornamentation. When the Night Lords attack Boranis’ capital hive, their assault is preceded by the Cult’s screaming mobs, not an inch of skin remaining on any of them. Boranis’ shaken garrison falls swiftly.
This is also really awesome, hordes of raving flayed cultists heralding the coming of the Night Lords
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My new custom dice came in, just in time for tomorrow's game.
May the power of blue imbued into these dice carry me to an army well krump'd
that's cheatin
>The Evisceration of Governor Prendis XXIII
>Veska' gar learns of negotiations between the Simonis Belt worlds and the Union of Tel-Marque, sending his own earnest salute.
>Night Lords veterans steal aboard the Governor's void-barque, where negotiations are to be recorded and broadcast to billions of citizens.
>There they release warp-tainted hallucinogens and daemon-possessed servo-automata, which hunt down and flay the maddened delegates, the last of whom break into the Governor's chambers seeking refuge.
>They find Prendis alive, but with skin and flesh stretched and nailed to bulkheads.
>Then the daemon servitors reach them.
>All that follows is recorded and transmitted to the hopeful worlds of the Simonis Belt. Panic grips billions, and anarchy and civil war rage.
I know we all shit on most BL slop and secondariesm and the bigger 'grand narrative' of 40k, but the little fluff stories still remain the same great grimdark
The Lexicanum made up a few things in the entry about the Grell that jus aren't in the 9e CSM codex, they invented the Grell 'once being in great numbers' and that they are 'small' in size.
Redpill me on Dread Mob
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What are we thinking?
2000 points of Guard
You need to find trannygram groups for this, no other way. Giving exposure to creators anywhere else really is a dead sentence for them.
Is there a Kill Team Chalnath summary?

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