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Previously: >>93966420

Banlist Update

>OFFICIAL Commander website, where you can learn the rules, see the current banlist, and read the format philosophy, laid down by the rules committee:

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen color identity.

>Deck List Sites: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck strategy and card choices.


>Proxy a deck or a cube for cheap

>How to proxy using any printer

What do you think of the new bans?
remember, you can always rule 0 the manacrypt back guise : )
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Crypt bros, how we holding up?
Thirty (30) starting life is objectively superior to fourty (40)
Holy shit. My mom came into my room to bring me a plate of chicken nuggets and I literally screamed at her and hit the plate of chicken nuggets out of her hand. She started yelling and swearing at me and I slammed the door on her. I'm so distressed right now I don't know what to do. I didn't mean to do that to my mom but I'm literally in shock from the results this morning. I feel like I'm going to explode. Why the fucking fuck Dockside banned? This can't be happening. I'm having a fucking breakdown. I don't want to believe the RC is so corrupt. I want a future to believe in. I want Sheldon to be alive and fix this broken format. I cannot fucking deal with this right now. It wasn't supposed to be like this, I thought he was okay with rule 0???? This is so fucked.
6CMC commanders with no green and no eminence are now dead without JewLo
>brownoids literally think trespassing is tolerated
I cannot IMAGINE living in a shitskin area
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A promising start but didn't go far enough. They'll never ban sol ring which is coward shit, but if Biorhythm is banned there's zero reason for Thoracle to exist. Any "you win the game" cards should be banned on principle.

Door to Nothingness can stay.
My lgs has house rules about poison counters. You need 20 to kill a player. I like it.
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Why does the RC hate Narset?
>What do you think of the new bans?
I think they'll be reversed and it will solidify EDH as a primarily competitive format. I am enjoying the hilarity of all this though.
Should have told her she was trespassing, I’m sure the cops would have escorted her out of your room
I had several hundred dollars of value eliminated today but I'm unironically fine with the bans.
too much. if it was 15, i would understand.
is having the same commander as someone else in your pod frowned upon
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Take the MoxPill
Not removed from my deck lists. Excited to have it in my opening hands. Not mentioning it in rule 0. Can’t wait for the reactions.
I mean it'd probably take the cops 2 hours to reach you since you apparently live in the sticks and the nearest station is 200 miles away
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BL, Ron, VZ, and PrinterProxyKINGS are the real winners
>If you bought real cards, cucked
>If you bought fake cards, cucked
It depends on the pod but I would only build the same commander as someone else if I could build it in a very different way.
How many times did RC reverse bans so far? I started playing magic in early 2024, so I'm not familiar with what they did in the past.
I'm mainly a 60-card competitive player, I started playing cEDH because they added leagues on MTGO so I could play that but after they added Duel Commander (or French Commander idk which name is more popular) I kinda don't see the point of still playing cEDH, these bans just further confirm my position, cEDH just isn't for me
6CMC commanders are still comfy to play without JewLo
Just get good :)
it's the same as playing any other banned card, anon
>plays Mana Crypt
I accept your concession
I’m happy that you’ve lived your whole life without getting smacked in the face with the cold slimy hotdog of reality anon, but the cops don’t attend every call and they don’t enforce every law.
They are not going to physically remove someone for sitting quietly at a table breaking a rule of some card game that sounds like kid shit to them. They’re just not.
They’ll probably tell you to call them back at closing time if the guy is still there, otherwise it’s a civil dispute that they want no part of.
Anyone got that image of the guy going to vintage and standard tables for comp and then deciding EDH is "perfect" for him?
Bro... take your deck and go home
iirc they reverted pic rel after a few years of absence, and Painter's Servant (while banning Iona in its place)
A new era of jank is upon us.

Post cheapo decks.

>but the cops don’t attend every call and they don’t enforce every law.
That's why beating up trespassers and stealing their cards works.
they should've banned oracle
fuck oracle
Not removed from my list either. I also don't care about the singleton rule. I have 3 to 4 copies of various cards in my 80 commander deck. It's double sleeved so it doesn't look like I have less cards in it.
It can be stale if you play very similarly and confusing if you play at the same time, but I wouldn't say it's enough reason to avoid building a deck if you're genuinely excited for it. Most people have a couple decks so especially with precon commanders there's gonna be repeats.
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Why on earth would they Ban Jeweled Lotus, and Mana Crypt? Mana Crypt does more damage to you than good, and Lotus is one time use.
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The whole thing was approved by WotC.
They milked the players to the max with dockside, mana crypt and lotus reprints and now that their storage of collector boxes is empty RC got the green light to announce the bans.
Why would you use those cards if they aren't good?
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Crypt bros what are we swapping to?
Nah I think I’ll play my mana crypt lol
Does that text mean the ONLY way to untap it is to pay 4 or can I cheese around that?
If you were too dumb to proxy then no one should have sympathy for you.
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ive kinda wanted to build a jodah deck as my first 5 color since he came out, i was leaning more into big instants and sorceries instead of big creatures which my buddys deck seems to lean towards
Folded hundreds in a sleeve.
Enjoy the loss idiot lol
Im pretty psyched about these changes
I dont care that I have to replace all of these cards in my more powerful decks
>mana crypt is banned

Good, all cards that I can't afford should be banned.
>remove the charge counter
Oh ohohohoho
I miss card art like this so fucking much. You got a clean hi-res Maze of Ith?
what is Gay Bolas' opinion on the bans?
Good to know. Beat the shit out of that retard who plays mana crypt. Burn all his cards and throw him out of the store. Cops don't enforce every law after all. I hope you're not going to argue that they suddenly appear in 5 seconds and do everything to help that absolute mongoloid who played mana crypt.
You can cheese it. Flickering, voltaic key, bouncing and replaying it over and over; your options are infinite.
>had dockside and crypt in mono R
Well I guess more impulse draw, if I can't make up for red not ramping I'll just burn through the deck quicker
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Nah most people are going to keep playing it and ignoring crybabies who need to tattle sorry not sorry <3
In green decks we have 1 mana dorks
In non-green decks we have plenty of 2 mana ramp spells
Thats what im doing and im glad to to it
Old cards are so fucking ugly. The art. The font.
I accept your concession
I don't want to be ruled by cEDH...
You’re doing it again. You’re trying to twist the argument and by doing so showing how little you understand.
The whole point is that he is non violent. That’s the fucking problem, police will be reluctant to use force to remove someone who is non-violent. The very premise of my argument.
The fact that when you try to twist it, you immediately include violence to make it more absurd just demonstrates that you DO understand that there is an inherent difference between violent and non-violent behavior.
Yes it would be absurd if you were being violent for the police not to respond.
Equally, it would be absurd for the police to respond with force when you are NOT being violent. Physically removing you is force.
That’s what the other three people in the pod are going to say when you start having your crybaby crypt moment. Kek. Seethe.
No proxies at my lgs, I have none of the banned cards by the way.
They should seriously get a different format
I started playing commander a couple of month ago at my lgs and I've never seen somebody play that combo. So, go find better lgs.
Look if I can't play with Jihad, you can't play with Mana Crypt.

I bet you weren't even around for the last major ban update.
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shut up cracker
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>What do you think of the new bans?
Wish I'd sold my dockside and crypt, but I'm pretty happy with the ban. Should have includrd Sol Ring though.
Go to another LGS
No they won't, every time there is a ban people accept it an move on.

You don't need to come out of the closet here.
In my opinion all positive mana rock should go

There must be consequences for playing a big cmc commander, it's just common sense in the game philosophy
Trespassing is enough of a reason, you fucking retard. Violence is irrelevant.
So far the only actual genuine complaint I see being pushed is "MY PORTFOLIO!"
Fuck you and I hope you have to go bankrupt due to this. Like I hope your financial situation is really bad as a result of this and you're in a panic on if you'll be homeless in a year.
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Never owned and nobody in the pods I've joined play those. I'll be expecting the next banlist to include Rhystic Study, Smothering Tithe, and Cyclonic Rift.
Shit taste detected
Post your old cards then.
>inb4 you're simping for old cards even though you don't own any
trying to play a non-disclosed banned card is like waving air at the table saying it has an effect on the game.
and the rest of the table will agree with me
This is a change dictated by casual not competitive
As it should be

b-b-but OLD GOOD!
This is good bait.
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>investors and cedhfags crying on X
>Nadu got cucked out of the format it was designed for
>Dockside banned
The only thing wrong about this day is that there weren't more bans for shit like Throacle and/or Demonic Con, but this was a great day nonetheless.
It isn’t. The police are not your personal enforcers.
They don’t go “a citizens rights are being violated! We must right this wrong!”
They hear “ummmm someone at my game store isn’t playing the rules of this card game correctly, I’ve asked him to leave and he wont” and they go “is he being violent or abusive? No? Sounds like a civil dispute. Call us back at closing time if he’s still there”
The end.
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Bro, I made better drawings when I was 5 years old.
Most bans aren’t for expensive format staples they shoved in booster packs to maximize sales the last 3 years. Mana crypt is staying in my deck. You can tattle and we’ll see what happens haha.
why do people want consultation banned but never bring up tainted pact?
>unironically calling twitter "X"
The violence I'm bringing up is in response to his whole "police won't do anything at all" schtick. Will they or won't they? And if you've ever worked anywhere in your life you'd realize that the police do remove people for non violent trespassing all the time.
>nothing but buffs for 5 consecutive expansions
>barely a scratch from the bannings

Honestly you could have a perfectly fine and valid EDH banlist if you simply banned the 1000 most used cards in the format regardless of what they are. If someone uses a card, that card is most likely a problem. Maybe you could go easy on basic lands but anything else should be nuked if it's popular.
deadnaming isn't cool
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>my friend ordered a dockside literally 2 days ago
i cant wait to see if he can try and cry to tcgplayer to get a refund
The most popular commander in the format got banned 3 years ago and people got over it.
Bros... I'm not ready to say goodbye to dockside...
You clearly never go to a lgs, you have your imaginary commander games at your house, so who cares? I doubt that you even own a mana crypt now.
>not calling it Twix
It is closed, right now, for that person. Now what?
This reply would get hidden on twitter
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I said it last thread but this is essentially 90% of the kvetching. "Muh portfolio." These faggots dont give a single shit about the game or format outside of playing babbys first stock market and stomping on timmies.
I bought a Delighted Halfling to replace my Neon Green Mana Crypt when I saw this announcement. Boo-fucking-hoo.
Maybe people should stop treating the game like stocks, or at the very least understand that JUST LIKE WITH STOCKS, YOU CAN GET FUCKED.
Look. Mana crypt is staying in my deck no matter how much you cry. Do you understand? You can cry here and you can cry at the lgs and it will still be in my deck. Period.
He's going to be unbanned any day now. I bought 20 copies of that commander a day after it got banned.
>>barely a scratch from the bannings
Honestly it probably gets a power boost from the subtractions from the meta
I'd just charge back.
>3cmc commander
>commander ninjtsu UB
>whenever a ninja
>drains every opponent

i still get mad looking at her
>>Nadu got cucked out of the format it was designed for

Maybe WotC finally learns that they should not fucking design cards for EDH.
Thats why we call it "right-naming" now
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story time:
>go back to 6-7 months ago
>at the local LGS
>there's a guy that comes there every week
>classic combo kid
>he wants to step up on his game
>buys a ton of pricy commander staples, mana vault included
>except he takes a loan with the store to pay for the cards in the following months
>fast forward to today
>mfw he wasted money on cardboard and still has to pay for them
Pics or it didn't happen. Post a picture of your mana crypt now, with a timestamp. I'll accept your concession in advance.
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>Roll up to my LGS
>Turn 1 Black Lotus into Voltaic Key and Time Vault
>Someone tells me I can't play those cards because they're banned
>Tell him I don't care because EDH in its original form only banned one card: Beacon of Immortality, and I only respect the original based banlist not the new cuckshit ones.
>Call them a crybaby
>He runs out of the store sobbing like the crybaby he is. He just couldn't
handle my sheer power as a competitive investorCHAD
>Store owner comes over
>"Sir I'm going to have to ask you to leave."
>He stands there, completely flummoxed.
>He calls the police
>"911 what's your emergency?"
>"There's... this guy... in my store... I need... help!"
>"Sorry sir. Being based isn't a crime."
>He reluctantly walks over to me and hands me the deed to the store
Think in a week I might buy some jeweled lotuses on a spec play. It's unplayable in any format outside of Commander, and its not particularly broken.
Shes 99% 2 cmc. Nobody casts her at 3 and if someone does its a sign of weakness
>Maybe people should stop treating the game like stocks, or at the very least understand that JUST LIKE WITH STOCKS, YOU CAN GET FUCKED.
This is why I call it stocks with bowling bumpers. Retards except magic investment to be risk free and unable to lose money in.
>police won't do anything at all
Anon. I want you to take a deep breath and think for a minute. Did I say that, or do you think I said that? Which is it?

Because my position has been completely consistent. Before deciding whether to attend a trespass the police will want to know what the situation is. As soon as you admit that the person is just quietly sitting at a table playing a card game and the whole dispute is over whether the rules of the game are being played correctly, they will not fucking attend.
If the facts were different it would be different. You understand that because you keep trying to introduce new facts. Even here:
>And if you've ever worked anywhere in your life you'd realize that the police do remove people for non violent trespassing all the time.
I fucking guarantee you’re referring to theft, drunkenness, or threatening language all of which are different scenarios to the one in question
>Post your old cards then.

Literally impossible, I have hundreds of thousands. Wouldn't fit in any photo.
Post your Golos deck, because people said the exact same thing then.
You also forgot
>do thing, put card in hand
Thats ok, give it time.
Acceptance is the last stage of grief
*Moves table*
I prefer they learn the lesson that they should test all cards in a set. That seems more important than modernfags hate boner for EDH.
Any store that does this is automatically shit because the only people that would do that don't know any better due to disabilities or being actual children, and the store knows it.
If the cEDH Chuds can ever unironically agree to a format split, they'll go up at least a little.
*mana CRYPT
vault is not too far off though...
i realize that, its me more griping she has all of that at 3cmc, while still having an ability that also makes her only ever cost 2.
I accept your concession
What reaction do you think you're going to get? Le epic trolling will not happen here. People will respectfully remind you it's banned and ask you to remove it from the game. Which you will.
Seems easy to get out of said loan since it probably worked via verbal agreement and I doubt there was any paperwork or legally binding shit.
post a tribute shot
oh fuck yeah i forgot you also get the FUCKING CARD YOU REVEALED.
apolgy for bad english

where were u wen crypt die

i was at house eating dorito when phone ring

"crypt is kil"

Don't get me wrong, I've definitely "specced" on some cards here and there when new commanders get spoiled. But there's tons of cards I own that have lost value, like my Phyrexian Elesh or my Judge Foil V.Clique.
Does it sting? Eh, maybe a bit.
Do I care? Not really, cause I still really like the cards and think theyre cool. The judge Vendillion is my favorite art of that trio so it going down in price doesn't matter to me as much.
All those replies lol. And mana crypt is still in my deck. My deck list still contains mana crypt. It will this Friday at commander night too.
it's like the only store nearby so where the fuck is little jimmy going to play commander with his group of friends?
Based RC, it shows they love the game and fuck wotc
Whoever designed Nadu shouldn't be designing cards for any format. It's the most blatantly broken creature I've ever seen. No amount of playtesting should've been needed to see that.
God I am glad I don't live in rural areas and that there are 15 shops in an 11 mile radius.
>the person is just quietly sitting at a table playing a card game
Has never been the situation in the threads, but okay.
>the whole dispute is over whether the rules of the game are being played correctly
Irrelevant. You wouldn't say this if the call was that someone has a hostage and killed a dozen people.
>I fucking guarantee you’re referring to theft, drunkenness, or threatening language
No, you can't sit wherever you want on other peoples property. Hospitals, schools, gyms, planes. It doesn't matter that you're just sitting quietly. I don't get how you're this stupid.
Careful anon, I’m reliably informed that the police are every game store owner’s personal enforcers. If you get caught with a banned card the cops WILL escort you from the premises upon request
I was watching Bleach when the news came
>hello yes officer
>this man refuses to leave my store
>what’s his behavior like? What is the issue?
>hes sitting at the table playing mana crypt
>Only got into commander a little bit ago
>Playing golem tribal
>Just bought a mana crypt about 2 weeks ago
>Pod will not allow banned cards
Feels pretty shit desu, but it is what it is, I still have one to use in tabletop constructed we also do.
>lgs has an urza's iron alliance deck
>buy it, play it at commander night and win, to the the surprise of my pod
>absolutely blinged out whale gives me "advice"
>you need to buy mana crypt and dockside
>wait, that's not in my commander's colors?
>Who cares? dockside is a staple and goes in every commander who has red in its identity
>good for you, I don't care
>he has multiple mana crypts, docksides etc.
These bans make it seem like WotC & RC are looking to "balance" commander. The support for cEDH makes me think this is a definite possibility. I'm no expert, but I have played cEDH since about 2017 and here are my retarded thoughts about potential bannings/impact/finance
>fast mana
Most likely to receive further bans. Even before these bans games were very swingy depending on how much fast mana you saw, and people mulliganed until seeing them. These are some of the priciest pieces of a deck, and include many old cards (so won't harm sales except promo cards/reprint sets). 3/4 things banned today give mana, all the 0-1cmc rocks are on the chopping block
Rhystic Study and Mystic Remora are obvious targets both for the insane card advantage as well as the annoying triggers on anything that happens. I think Timetwister and Wheel of Fortune could be targets too
I don't think duals or fetches will be targeted, but I do think Sol lands could go. Specific meme lands might get hit like Inventor's Fair or Gaea's Cradle.
I'm about 50/50 on the 1 and 2 cost tutors getting b&. Unlikely but these bans would really dampen combo in competitive
I only foresee Thoracle leaving, nothing else. Thoracle is just too efficient and wins through everything, I think its more likely tutors eat a ban as a way to slow down combo, as there are just too many combos to police everything.
Its possible specific commanders will eat a ban, but more due to annoying play patterns (like Nadu) than strength.
>what would I buy today to be an evil investorfag
Hyper efficient 1 and 2 cost spells and also free spells. Each competitive deck has lost 2-3 sources of fast mana, meaning less mana is available. A higher premium will be placed on free spells, even more so if additional sources of fast mana eat bans.
>how will the cedh metagame shift
Decks that abuse Grim Monolith, Mox Amber, and LED will be king. RogSi retards will truly have the best deck
> >the whole dispute is over whether the rules of the game are being played correctly
>Irrelevant. You wouldn't say this if the call was that someone has a hostage and killed a dozen people.
This is bait
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>Whoever designed Nadu shouldn't be designing cards for any format
>Ultimately, my intention was to create a build-around aimed at Commander play, which resulted in the final text.
>We didn't playtest with Nadu's final iteration, as we were too far along in the process, and it shipped as-is.
>gets btfo
>this is bait
>Hey, didn't you hear that card got banned?
>You're still playing it?
>Okay, just let me get out my P9 proxies real quick
if you deck depended on two rocks like holy shit lmao
Yeah. I’m not removing it from my lists either.
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meanwhile this is designed for commander and is a fucking mythic despite being a piece of shit card
I'll remove you from the list of life then, bitch
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Well, one of the loops I can pull with Xiahou is Rings of Brighthearth. Not only does it make infinite mana with Deserted Temple and Coffers with some set up, it can be used to have Xiahou recur himself. I also use Blood for Bones, which can be used to recur and reanimate Xiahou and something else. It also has banger art.
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WTF it's real?
>As soon as you admit that the person is just quietly sitting at a table playing a card game
He isn't, because as soon as the Mana Crypt gets played people are going to start refusing to play with him. If he just sulks in the corner about his banned cardboard, then yeah, there's no reason to try to trespass him.

Mana Crypt gets played once to 0 benefit. Now what?
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The faggot even thought giving permanents flash was a good idea at first. I genuinely hope he's out of the job.
Based bans. Good riddance. Maybe put some actual thought into deck construction.
ManaCryptfags on Suicide Watch
>He isn't, because as soon as the Mana Crypt gets played people are going to start refusing to play with him
The poorfag’s delusion.
Why are cedh players so annoying? They are like 5% of all players.
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>Bans your cards
>Just to print Sidegrades and make you spend again

Love it
>Rhystic Study

Study should honestly be either reprinted until it's $1 or banned. It should be illegal for a common to be a $25 card.
Every other color just got slower except green. The ban was only to force players to remove old staples and buy new ones. That’s why I’m just gonna play mana crypt.
Cope. Take the L and move on
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I guess I'll start making changes
Ebin gore
>Sol Ring but only for commander mana
whats the sidegrades?
i guess i'll just toss in mana vault instead of crypt..
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Nooo not my super expensive copy of dockside ahhhhh help me ghost of Sheldon
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>check cardmarket
>dockside dropped to 17 euro
>jeweled to 20
>crypt to 45
I haven’t played this game in forever. I’ve got a sizable collection of cards and sealed stuff. What’s the best way to sell? Tcgplayer?
>Doubles strength of Modular, moving their counters around on removal
>Doubles strength of Living weapons, moving their equipment around on removal
Sounds dumb, let's go
>>what’s his behavior like? What is the issue?
Nice larp,
It goes like this
>is he trespassing?
>we're on our way
>*police arrive*
>retard who wants to play mana crypt :I just wanted to play mana crypt
>police:what? Leave or we will forcibly remove you
>you :REEEEEEeeeeEeeeeEEE
Safest and fastest is card kingdom buy list
CEDH is the competitive Smash Bros of card games
I can’t find a fucking sidegrade for him anywhere. I don’t give a damn about the price, I just need something that makes treasure tokens at 2CMC. Tapped is fine.
unironically (((CK)))
yeah I was trying to build it around for myrrodin/living weapon but still it should have been a rare rather than a mythic
>"expanding loop of the sun"
>cmc 2
>"T: add CC to your mana pool for each time your commander has been cast from the command zone. spend this mana only to cast your commander."
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Why do people want Sol Ring banned? Seriously though whats the best argument for why it should be banned?
Don't care. Still playing Nadu (in Legacy)
what the FUCK is that picture? AAAUUUGH
based even though he sounds like he's coping hard
except little kids don't play CEDH so there's less child molesters
never understood the appeal to take away the fun parts of smash bros
Thanks. How safe we talking? Also would I be taking a hit with buylisting as opposed to selling individually? I have tens of thousands in cards easily.
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>cEDH right now
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>yfw after today's ban announcements
Literally all the arguments they gave for banning Crypt and Dockside apply equally well to Sol Ring.
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Impulsive Pilferer. Not quite the same but it's cheap and can be recast in a pinch.
Enterprising Scallywag, lol
>mana crypt mongoloid got so thoroughly btfo that he keeps samefagging and replying to his own posts with, totally bro, you're the best
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>mfw I see a cEDH fag
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they're just mad their shitty cardboard investments just got doompt
>how is he trespassing? Is he indoors? Is he belligerent?
>no, he’s just sitting with some other players playing mana crypt and I had someone complain
>Had jewelled lotus, mana crypt, dockside
>they were proxies
lmbao portfoliotards on suicidewatch
Sol Ring wont be banned because of its ubiquity.

Mana Crypt and Jew Lotus were 150-200 dollar cards.
Sol Ring is 2 dollars and comes in every precon.
The genies well been let out of the bottle. You cant put him back in, at least with Sol Ring.
Honestly so fucking glad Crypt got banned, every single faggot at my LGS had one on every single one of their decks.
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First Time?
i think this just shows wotc should stop preying on the mentally ill.
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>Original design changed because people find flash toxic
>New design broke the game in half

He just wanted to flash bros. Apologise to him.
>cEDH internet tough guys
Why is this such a thing?
Is it because they didn't compete in sports during high school?
>proxyfags cry about not having staples for years
>proxies become more available and accepted
>expensive cards get banned
>proxyfags still spiteful
That’s why mana crypt is not leaving my decks.
Realistically it never should have been in the format. Having a moment of "Oh shit Sol Ring!" now again is fine. Issue is Crypt and Lotus make it happen all the fucking time. Not a fun moment but rather just a power crept game.
>Seriously though whats the best argument for why it should be banned?
It's fast mana you literally have 4 mana on turn 2 while your opponents are on 2 lands.
based. proxy all prohibitively expensive cards
>mana positive rock
>warps starting hand decisions and turns 1/2/3
>reduces creativity by dominating 1 slot in literally every single deck, turning 99 card deck into 98 card deck
>literally 0 drawback
Its unironically more cancerous than any of the 0 cost mox which have a drawback and give less mana available turn 1 and 2. Once again "muh tradition" and "muh identity of the format" fags have caused Sol Ring to dodge a bullet
>You cant put him back in, at least with Sol Ring
You very much can. If Sol Ring were banned, most people would just slot in another land and the format would otherwise continue unchanged.
i own one mana crypt and one dockside. i took them out, put lands in their place, and now will put them in my cube. no big issue.
i am going to kill myself if they ever touch ancient tomb
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>i am going to kill myself if they ever touch ancient tomb
me too bro
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>tfw just bought a borderless Jeweled Lotus a month ago
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>Nadu, Winged Wisdom is banned

>Thassa's Oracle still legal
This is what passes as “humor” to magic “content” “creators”
Lmao get fukt
tick tock
I have like two chrome mox hopefully they don't get banned but I won't be too mad about it, fast mana can go
>how is he trespassing? Is he indoors? Is he belligerent?
>Yes, he's refusing to leave after being asked and my customers are complaining about his behavior
>Right now he's been muttering to himself, but he looks really agitated
*wee woo*
the fact that nadu was banned and this wasn't is just proof that magic isn't even worth playing anymore if idiots of this caliber are balancing the formats
kekkkk reserve list baggies your cards are next. i guarantee it. sheldon is actually dredging right now
>how is he trespassing?
>I told him to leave and he doesn't leave
>we're on our way
it's fine if it happens due to reprints or power creep.
not clicking that shit
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>i can't make good decks without busted cards
sounds like a skill issue to me
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>Droping a nuke on investorfags who bought Crypt and Lotus
>Thoracle still legal
How much did you pay for the cardboard?
Are these "proxyfags" in the room with us now?
>end of turn conditional trigger
Absolutely fucking not.

Maybe. Not ideal, but could be worth investigating.
>be a retard and buy 1000 dollar versions of crypt
I want them to ban Ancient Tomb and City of Traitors so I can finish my playsets. For being a singleton format, commander sure fucking spikes prices more than anything else
>t. legacy and premodern chad
For the best
Mana Crypt was my most expensive card. It felt good to play, fair but powerful. I'm legitimately physically sad about it.
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>bought 200 copies of dockside extortionest to hold onto for my retirement.
Well... I don't know how I'll recover from this.
the cedh salt is real
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You're surprised? Really?
I've said for years that cEDH players are little more than faggots who couldn't cut it in actual competitive formats so they scurry away to the MAKE NEW RAT format to bully little Timmy so that he has a way to compensate for his shitty life and feel like a winner.
Now take that away from these fucking losers and of course they're going to seethe and act all tough and shit.
This was all they had.
dockside, crypt and jew are used in casual. No one in casual really uses thoracle.
Thoracle is a few bucks and they've dropped some good tech to fight against it in recent years. Also it's locked to blue and a specific strategy/cards for combos. The cards banned today are all ubiquitously played and pushed
*boom boom boom*
We got a 10-38 at Sneed's Feed and Seed
>What do you think of the new bans?
I was going to pick up some dockside proxies but I guess that's off the table now
meanwhile in reality
>what is he doing
>I asked him to leave my store and he wouldn't
>is he stealing anything
>no he's trespassing and loitering
>sir, this number is for actual emergencies only *click*
you are DELUDED if you think the cops will come down for a guy playing magic they don't even come down for car accidents half the time
Keep crying. Mana crypt will still be in my deck lists lol.

I think it's really cool and funny that J.Lotus got banned from literally the only format where it has a text box. The card became as useless as Power Surge after mana burn's removal.
>dockside, crypt and jew are used in casual. No one in casual really uses thoracle.
cEDH should should be just as much a focus of bannings as casual because its meta is indicative of cards which are truly egregious in the format.
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>Millions of equity
>1200 dollars
Bro Im not saying that doesnt suck but grow the fuck up. In the grand scheme of your life 1200 isnt that much money.
People loses cars and houses to more random bullshit and find ways to bounce back.
Get over it.
cEDH should have exactly 0% consideration on anything commander.
Don't forget the Discord echo chambers
It's so over basededh bros...
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Only time I saw a thoracle played I responded with this and it was fucking hilarious
wanting satan to take over the fan format.

wtf is wrong with these dick lickers?
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guys i need a new commander deck, but i can’t find any cute legendary bobs. can i get some cute gril commander recommendations?

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cedh is just played by yugioh solitaire lovers
if they actually wanted to make commander fun they wouldn't have banned the one card that made non-green timmy decks viable, instead you'll see even casual commander flip to more aggressive, explosive playstyles because you have to play fast before the nigger playing blue starts drawing all his counterspells (which also should have been banned before jeweled lotus) but hey, I myself am a yuriko player so who cares, if wotc are determined to enable it, I will play it :)
r/competitiveEDH is a goldmine right now
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Seb does have banger art.
Thanks for the tips Xiabro, I'll go to work.
I hope your Cao Cao deck will work wonders
Bowmasters? Really?
I've never seen them make much of a slash in EDH, moreso in other formats. Are they really that bad?
this literally happens every time the rc do a ban
>ban worldfire
>decks become even more tryhard
>rinse repeat for golos and everything after
the only legitimate ban is black lotus and nadu lmfao
No thanks
sorry but erm i just pulled an underworld breach from my mb2 box so erm you can't ban it ok?
No timmy in casual was rocking mana crypt in their dino precon upgrade
>Banhammer for cEDH staples
>PR disaster for last cEDH committee so they can't try to do one now
These people have got to be in fucking shambles.
my favorites are Drana and Visara
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>My deck literally can't function without Black Lotus in the format stuffed with colorless 2-mana ramp artifacts that nobody bitches about
Tfw you didn’t lose anything because you’re just keeping the cards in your deck and can’t wait for the reactions
>911, what's your emergency?
>somebody did a crime
>how did he try to do that?
>wait, what?
>what did YOU do? I'm going to scrutinize you for some reason to hell and back, this is how every person working for ems acts
Some cards that end up being an issue in one format end up with a reputation that gets them in trouble in formats they aren't a problem in. See: Nadu
>source: my ass
Literally never seen a thoracle/consult at a casual table at my LGS in 5 years of going. Never seen one on MTGO.
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Best day ever, love the salt
Re: Smothering Tithe

Can I just refuse to draw the card? Even if it's the first of the turn.
Let's be real. Here are the reasons why Lotus and Crypt got banned rather than Sol Ring: pump and dump scheme by RC + WotC. The signs are all there:
>Gave away Commander Masters (Premium Lotus) and Lost Caverns of Ixalan (premium Crypt) with the latest Secret Lair
>Sol Ring is in all the precons so they wouldn't even be able to sell a format legal deck
>Easy way for the RC to dump their inventory
I am still forever salty these two don't have partner.
Yeah, I’ve spent more than that on art commissions for my D&D campaigns. If you can’t afford to lose the money, don’t spend it on cardboard.
I play my black lotus all the time. Their faces are priceless
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Based Cao Cao enjoyer
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pls don't kill my deck
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please no banerino
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You guys talked about the Marvel card leaks already? Some retard was trying to sell them on FB marketplace
tithe is a 4cmc enchantment in the color with the worst mana issues.

Im not sure ive seen a less problematic card.
Once it hits $90 and wotc and the rc dump their copies
No deck "Timmy" deck relied on these cards. "Power Level 7" fags who wanted to win at casual play so badly relied on these cards.
The rules comitee is a fucking joke. If they wanted to encourage "slower games", then why in the fuck are cards like sol ring or any 0 cost mana rock for that matter still legal? Banning crypt and lotus makes no sense what so ever. Most people don't even play these cards or rule zero them out yet they are completely set on fucking over CEDH or people that want to play at higher power.
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>people keep meming on cedh
>a single card in my deck was hit, and while it was good, I'm just going to replace it with city of traitors
Meh I got my crypt for $60 when eternal masters dropped and played it for a solid 8 years.
well as long as it's not banned in pauper (I have like 5 copies kek)
The games unironically in a much better place after today, right?
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Anon but think of the investors!?
Some people bought hundreds of Crypts! Those were INVESTMENTS anon! Their portfolios have been ruined! What about their retirements?!?!
The average person that complains online about cedh knows nothing about cedh.
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lmao get fucked fags
I listed it as one solely because I have a white bordered one, but others are on the table too. It could be a fun thing to do, I mostly want a monoblack deck where I don't feel like that I need Coffers.
Sweet dreams, anon!
Yes. Because after Lost Caverns there have been too many Crypts in casual play. Won't miss them.
>Most people don't even play these cards or rule zero them
Sounds like it's not a problem for your playgroup. Why are you crying about this then?
>then why in the fuck are cards like sol ring or any 0 cost mana rock for that matter still legal
Rule 0 them out of your games if those cards are so triggering for you.
So many people saying that "Jeweled lotus made high CMC commnaders playable". How? It's a 100 card singleton format. If you needed one card out of 100 to make your deck playable your deck was never playable
>lost Dockside
Are you okay?
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>Yeah, I’ve spent more than that on art commissions for my D&D campaigns.
Anon I have never found a more appropriate use for this image. My brother from another mother, godspeed.
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THAT'S AGAINST RULE 0!!!!!!!!!!!
>All those gullible retards believing and hoping for more bans and praising the RC for doing something good

You will not see bans anytime soon, not in the coming years, this was just to appease poorfags. It was all a market manipulation scheme. There were many more banworthy cards but they chose to ban three of the most expensive cards in the format.
That's my main point; almost everyone complaining about cedh knows nothing about it.

Good. The only thing gayer than the pretend cardboard stockmarket are the scalpers trying to profit off it.
>be me
>15 years on the force
>you think you've seen it all, and then the city finds another way to spit in your eye
>just come back from a triple homicide
>sitting in the cruiser
>can't get the memories out my head
>those poor kids
>suddenly, "all units, attention all units. We have a reported trespass at the Dick Goblin Trading & Collectibles store"
>I snatch the receiver faster than a greyhound on a racetrack
>"I'm on it."
>floor it the whole way there, sirens on
>pull up outside and get out, no time to close the door
>weapon drawn
>kick the door open
>all seems normal
>just a bunch of confused nerds playing their games
>look over at one especially fat nerd
>food stains on his shirt, eyes looking in different directions, looks like he's been crying
>"you must be the owner"
>he nods
>"what's the problem?"
>he points a shaky hand to one of the tables
>I quickly identify a game of Elder Dragon Highlander, or EDH as they say on the streets
>"M-M-Mana Crypt..." snivels the owner
>banned card. Everyone knows that, but-
>"Rule zero?"
>the owner shakes his head tearfully and points to a sign on the wall
>"...WPN store..."
>mother of god.
>he reaches for his Jeweled Lotus and Dockside Extortionist
>I unload 6 rounds of hot lead
>maybe it was just my imagination but his death rattle sounded almost like "fuck the RC"
>there's some cases you can just never forget no matter how many times you try to drown them
>It was all a market manipulation scheme.
100% chance the RC dumped every copy of Crypt/Lotus they had immediately prior to the announcement.
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Proxychads... we'll have to print off new cards... oh no. thats 90 cents of equity lost.
can't wait for my unset cards to be made legal in edh soon
I have all banned cards save for Nadu proxied, too bad I guess? lol
cringe trying too hard cringe
hell yeah, bro.
got a signed YAAV I can whip out, let's do this.
>Hullbreacher's set becomes out of print
>Ban Hullbreacher
>Lost Caverns of Latin America whale bait is out of print
>Today's bannings
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>playgroup decided to ignore these bans because these cards don't ruin our games
Feels good to not play with sweaty nerds
What's this casual trash?
It was not immediately prior, that's for sure, it was probably gradual over time. What happened immediately prior is WotC dumping their remaing Commander Masters and Ixalan packs as a gift with the MB2 secret lair, from which packs you chase, you guessed it, Lotus and Crypt.
They don’t ruin anyone’s games. Wizards just wants to replace old staples with no ones. Only way to keep the pay pigs on the hamster wheel. Nah I’ll just keep my mana crypt.
>be me
>working for 30 years at the ems
>murder rate sky high
>violent crime rate sky high
>because we follow the laws of some mongoloid from 4chan
>we ask 50 how, why, when where question whenever somebody dials 911
A job well done.
okay have fun playing ur imaginary, non-canon, [headcanon], fake format
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> Sounds like it's not a problem for your playgroup.

That's an assumption. You don't know the people i play with.

> Rule 0 them out of your games if those cards are so triggering for you.

I don't mind playing against these cards at all. I am just saying that their logic is hypocritical, since by their logic they should ban basically every 0 cost mana rock and sol ring.
>It was not immediately prior, that's for sure, it was probably gradual over time. What happened immediately prior is WotC dumping their remaing Commander Masters and Ixalan packs as a gift with the MB2 secret lair, from which packs you chase, you guessed it, Lotus and Crypt.
I know you mean Kaladesh and not XLN, but yes. That did actually happen recently
Should have banned sol ring as well.
I still play hullbreacher
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I'm gonna Donate Mesa Chicken to an opponent and then Mindslaver them and force them to cluck until they lose enough weight to look human.
>changes the subject to try and make his lie seem like reality
only casuals used jeweled lotus you are a retard
I'd tell you to kill yourself but I'm sure you'll do that all on your own when I counter your 6 mana commander every time you try to play it
Based fun enjoyer
>schizo post
Not reading
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We're not banning Sol Ring and have no desire to.
>Sol Ring is the iconic card of the format.
We're not banning Sol Ring and have no desire to.
>Sol Ring is the iconic card of the format.
We're not banning Sol Ring and have no desire to.
>Sol Ring is the iconic card of the format.
We're not banning Sol Ring and have no desire to.
>Sol Ring is the iconic card of the format.
We're not banning Sol Ring and have no desire to.
>Sol Ring is the iconic card of the format.
We're not banning Sol Ring and have no desire to.
>Sol Ring is the iconic card of the format.
We're not banning Sol Ring and have no desire to.
>Sol Ring is the iconic card of the format.
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you should
you should make a girl do it
that would be funny
(ha ha)
I mean exactly Lost Caverns of Ixalan where you could pull the most premium Crypt so far. Look at the Mystery Booster 2 secret lair bundle (festival in a box)
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Mark Rosewater himself says anarchy magic with whatever cards you want is "the most played" version of magic for all the popularity of commander the truth is that all official formats are dead because nobody wants to engage with wotc's retarded arbitrary bans
Ah of course, forgot about that one.
Just rule 0 ban it at your pod if it's such a problem
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What if she lays an egg haha it probably would stink and she would be so embarassed haha
>make a point of buying extremely expensive versions of cards
Why would you do this with non-RL cards? This nigger would be crying if crypt got reprinted in a precon and dropped 90% price
>ban all mana rocks grrr!!!
I mean at that point just change the format to
>play green or fuck off

Sol Ring is fine but they should make a rule where every player starts the game with their sol ring already on the field so there's no luck factor in who draws theirs first.
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What's the matter anon?
Can't make a custom banlist with your playgroup?
Are you still doing this? No one cares.
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me when someone plays mana crypt
That's incredibly stupid as every 2-3 cmc commanders will become imbalanced af.
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Everything's fine like wine
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>bump limit in 1 hour
but they're already like that by virtue of being 3 mana at all
bowmasters is annoying because the guy drawing 100 cards isn't always the one getting punished, it's taking out things from the other players as well. not broken or anything but causes salt
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Everyone allows me to play mana crypt and at the same time nobody wants to ban sol ring or whatever else is making me cry. This is totally happening and I'm not just making this up to win an argument on 4chan.
He should sue the rules committee. I'm not even kidding. There should be a class action lawsuit
>keep playing mana crypt
>watch other adults have a full blown meltdown
All win
Today is a historic day for EDHG
He'll be fine financially since he was clearly very well off and likely worth over a mil. Most people posting shit like this are millionaires who deserve zero sympathy over losing 2k
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if you are mad now, dont look at the Marvel (tm) spoilers
>What do you think of the new bans?
Nature is healing.
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Free Gleemax you cowards
>2 mana on turn one is just too stro-AAAAAACK
They're printing cards with Regenerate again? TI thought this ability was retired.
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Damn it feels good to see these tryhards seethe about losing money on abusing bullshit fast mana for years
why would those make me mad?
Loved it. Thanks for the giggle anon.
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>Deck becomes BETTER after the bans
How does she keep doing it?
>wotc destroying the game for everybody EXCEPT eldrazichads
holy based
This is how commander is supposed to be primarily played.
>There should be a class action lawsuit

Boy wouldn't that be a lawsuit for the legends.
>Wolverine without regenerate
mega flavor miss
it's funny to watch losers like you project when all the strongest cedh decks like yuriko just got even stronger lmfao
your pathetic ass is gonna be back here in a month crying your eyes out
How so?
>t. Yurikochad
they don't gaf for commander products. i haven't looked into the marvelslop, but i can't imagine it's standard playable
(I have never even heard of this card desu)
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>this was worth 3,000 USD yesterday
>the mana crypt mongoloid is still samefagging
It would go nowhere since the RC isn't the correct person to sue. You'd need to target WOTC.
Lmao get fucked
It's a GAME, not stock market
A card being expensive is not in any way a protection from it being banned
In fact it's the opposite, it raises the risk and you should factor that into your decisions
Call the cops on him
sol ring, mox opal and lotus petal are still unbanned so idk what the hell wotc accomplished by banning mana crypt but I'm glad I can finally get the ixalan version for cheap
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>Pull Mana Crypt from LCI standard pack
>Wanted it for EDH
>Some guy says he wants it real bad and can pay asap
>Say fuck it and sell it to him
>Realize i can just order another Mana Crypt from the chinaman now and no one wil bat an eye
>Get my mail 1 month alter alongside with Crypt, Chrome Mox, Imperial seal and other stuff
>Play with them on tournaments and stuff and no one gives a fuck
>Realize spending money on edh cardboard is fucking stupid
>Banlist happens today
>Feel nothing as i'm unsleeving my $0.50 cardboard

I'm starting to see a pattern here when it comes to spending money on this game
You have to be trolling. Police don’t just show up not knowing what situation to expect. They absolutely are going to fucking ask what’s going on.
>oh boy a trespass? We’ll be right heckin’ there! Bless my science! No no, it’s fine we don’t need to know if we’re in any danger or if anyone is injured, all trespasses are the same and we respond to them all equally!
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>A card being expensive is not in any way a protection from it being banned...
.... before the company men sell out their stock.
I will legitimately quit this game or start ignoring the banlist if Rhystic study, smothering tithe, mystic remora, or any of the tutors are banned. I want an EDH format that allows for powerful consistent decks. The 100 card singleton aspect is a limitation to be built around and mitigated, not something to lean into.
fast mana was the only thing keeping her in check because she's so cheap, now she can just outvalue everyone and win by existinc as a 3cmc commander
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>little wolves of Wall Street getting their nuts blasted for the 9001th time
They must love the abuse
As someone who owned a fancy Crypt, why?
Why the fuck do you need 20 fucking copies of the same card?
How much EDH do you fucking play and how many decks do you have that NEED a Crypt to justify this?
What the actual fuck.
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I just proxied 2000 cards
And it is 100% legal for them to do that and even rub it in your face.
So rule 0 those out of your commander games or why can't you do that?
>cards only 5 people on the planet could afford get banned finally
>bad players pretend this will in any way mitigate their scathing losses at the hands of others in the shop
There's a decent chance it's ragebait loss porn using Chinaman knockoffs
>How much EDH do you fucking play and how many decks do you have that NEED a Crypt to justify this?
More importantly, why not just buy one (1) copy and swap it between decks as needed?
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based, ban all free mana rocks, specially sol ring
Wait, you retards pay somebody for proxies?
It’s funny watching all the playing it anyway chads posts make all of the eternal poor seethers seethe harder
Only thing I'm "mad" about is that Black Panther got in over Storm and the Wolverine card is kinda boring
if you're so much of a child you can't handle legal cards you should quit magic, there is no rule 0
I play edh the same way I play 60 cards, to the banlist and just like real magic I also make fun when obviously nonsense bans get published.
>And it is 100% legal for them to do that and even rub it in your face.
Collectibles markets are a wild fucking ride, I tell you what.
And the meta is now all-in on abusing Thoracle which Yuriko is good atuntil it gets banned too
Sounds like you're a child and cry about sol ring not being banned. Stay mad and keep crying.
Yes, I had to pay fedex kinkos. color ink is expensive
CEDH as a format should ignore the bans.

If you were bringing these cards to casual EDH, you are a tryhard who misses the point of casual EDH or are in a fucked powercrept pod. Same for people running more than 2-3 tutors.
>rich retard streamer who refuses to play against people with proxies is mad at the bans after whaling hard for the most pimped out versions of these cards
lmao get FUCKED
>>cards only 5 people on the planet could afford get banned finally
Moshi moshi, newfag desu. Whato isu proxyu?
yeah MPC is based and i sell off any proxies i dont want to other dudes. i basically make 2x what i spent on them
Based EDH spirit understander.
Why yes I do play RogSi and was picked last in gym class
>Gets MDFCs so she can run virually 21 lands and more burn
>Gets Nu-Satoru
>Gets Kaito
>Gets Mockingbird
>Every other deck gets crippled while Yuriko doesnt even need Mana Crypt or Jeweled Lotus anyway
Someone in R&D and RC is a Yurikofag.
Anon, Dockside was a precon card. There are a whole bunch of completely casual players running around with copies of it.
Didn't read. Who asked? Kill yourself
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As a wise man once said,
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I'm mad because over the last 15 years I've accumulated every expensive goblin for my jank Wort deck, Goblin Wizard will be all alone now.
>sol ring, mox opal and lotus petal are still unbanned

...All of which are 10x weaker than Crypt.
Crypt and Lotus were literally the most powerful fast mana in the game. That's why they were killed the first. It's perfectly logical.
Wubby literally uses proxies though?
There is no "meta" unless you're playing cEDH dumbass.
Wotc didn't ban anything, brainlet
>opponent plays Mana Crypt
>"Hey that card is banned"
>"I'm playing it anyways! I payed $100 for it!"
>"You lose, your deck is not legal"
Wow, finally a Turn 0 wincon for EDH.
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I've already seen like twenty people try to cope and say Jeweled Lotus and Doubling Cube are a combo in vintage/legacy so it won't lose value
Fucking hilarious
Is the seething and salty tears of this ban announcement bigger than the salty tears that was the Golos ban?
nb4 she gets the hammer for breaking the spirit of the format because there's "fair" ninja tribal commanders now
Nah the cEDH meta was stale as hell. It took Nadu to compete with Dockside/Thoracle tribal.
The fact Wolverine has regenerate alone makes me interested in this.
Oh like this fucker is hurting. This nigger literally just opens fucking beta boosters on a spur of the moment because he just wants to. He went to Japan and impulse bought a graded time twister. He's a fucking millionaire. Might as well show me moistcritikal crying.
Aye Tony isn’t it suspect that all those banned cards were recently all printed multiple times in the last three years because the game creator knew edh players wanted to open them
he has been on record multiple times saying proxying is bad and won't play with people for doing so. rules for thee but not for me, classic rich fuck mentality.
He said, through tears.
it's what they deserve frankly
Stat lines for Panther and Wolverine are retarded. Panther is on Caps level and Wolverine literally has super powers.
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>In my opinion this is terrible ban list and unhealthy decision for the format. Putting out a ban that a lot of pods will simply ignore just fractures the community further. We deserve better leadership, or a dedicated CEDH rules committee
No u
Seeing a lot of the same kinds of cope but today's ban fucking over investor dipshits makes it better to me.
One thing that is absolutely true is that basically everyone respects the EDH banlist.
>"Just make a custom one with your pod!"
It doesn't work. Nobody does this, it causes too many problems for bringing new people into your group.

Saying "People will just ignore it!" is pure cope and nothing else.
What's going to happen is everyone is going to laugh at you for being the idiot who got fucking scammed, then get on with their games with their format legal decks.
If Yuffie ends up being strong, Im ok with that. I just want a cute ninja waifu commander
Show me? Because he has said the opposite in his streams and videos.
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you love to see it
I think that he just likes how they look and possibly because they are expensive. If he's mad, it's because he can't use those cards to flaunt, those are just a drop in a bucket for him costwise.
What does someone like this deserve exactly lmao. All I see in this thread discussion is subversed brainlets who think they got "justice" in a card game of all things, while the RC issued meaningless bans to execute their pump and dump scheme.
Teferi is my favorite avenger
buy the dip while cEDH trannies finally establish their safe space once and for all?
that's why it's so funny. it literally should not matter to him. but it does, because he likes to flaunt his wealth and thinks he should be able to crush players who are not as wealthy as he.
The poorfag cope is so wild lol. Like damn just don’t be so bitter that you’re poor and I’m rocking my crypt and extortionist. Can’t wait for the lgs meltdown.
>listening to wubby
I am shocked this dude isn't canceled in the community considering he is openly racist and has been banned from twitch for that shit before.
>execute their pump and dump scheme.
Source? Schizo
My group hasn't changed in 8 years we're good bro
Gonna be so funny when you lose every match because your deck isn't format legal lol.
Its 2024 and people are still complaining about this. Its MTG, a human soldier and a squirrel can have the same P/T. An Astartes Warrior is a 2/2. It's not meant to be canon, it's made to function as a card. Please don't let powerscale brainrot take your mind to the point where you're offended that Wolverine has less power on his card than Captain America.
We're not the ones upset we lost money and are now bankrupt and financially ruined by losing 2k (a relatively small amount of cash)?
>those are just a drop in a bucket for him costwise.
i am well aware. and the whole "commander show" he has is likely just so he whale as a tax writeoff. that actually makes it funnier.
Call the cops on them. Lmao
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that does bring a smile to my face.
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Why would a guy who can survive a nuke have 2 toughness? And again. Panther is as strong as Cap and as athletic. He is peak human without need of science.
It needs to make sense in context of its own universes cards.
Probably an investortard
Gonna be worth it to watch you freak out over a casual card game
>still 120 fuckin dollars
Wake me up when it's $10 and I might actually get a copy
Why would I freak out about easy wins?
He clearly doesn't have a mana crypt and doesn't even play with other people. He's just larping. Very poorly at that
Hope the other two players in the pod agree with you or you’re gonna have to have a little freaky freak out about my crypt lol
>ban the 3 best enablers of high cmc commanders
>give blue an indirect buff
>make red the worst color again
>op reserved list cards, free counters, thoracle consult, rhystic study? Lmao no bans just rule 0
In 6 months all the poorfags and casuals will be crying that every game is thoracle wins and low cmc valueslop commanders. At least now I can buy a crypt and lotus for cheap before they inevitably get unbanned.
Somehow I don't think this bitch is going hungry
I hope my LGS doesn't sell their copy of full art JewLo too early. I can imagine one of the sweaty nerds who plays there still buying it for like $80
Because it's meant to function in the fucking game of MTG you retard. Because having 2 toughness makes the card balanced. Characters are represented in MTG cards based on their effects, their statlines don't necessarely correlate to their in-lore power, Emrakul can be blocked and killed by 15 squirrels.
What? I'm playing Ovika just fine, never even needed sol ring
>trust me, bro.
Nice source
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>What do you think of the new bans?
The only problem is that they didn't go hard enough, I want to see all of the "Heyyy, we printed this busted card JUST for commander and it is a guaranteed slot in every single single deck that can run it!" card banned as well.
If your deck relied on drawing a single card out of 100 to function, your deck was always shit
>tries to scam her LGS and gets rejected
>complains about it on twitter
Or just one squirrel with 14 +1/+1 counters.

Holy fucking based, saved
meant to post here and not last thread

Dockside ban based
Nadu ban based
Mana Crypt ban ULTRA based
Jeweled Lotus unbased super cringe i just bought one of these (but also based)
All around good bans, even if I'm surprised they made Jeweled Lotus into a noncard basically
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imagine being this retarded with money
If Sol Ring were banned, every precon would have an illegal card in it, and they're meant to be introduction products to the game. It's a non-starter. It was hard enough to explain the "unchanged is ok" exception to Pioneer precons.
I didn't know it was this much. People really spend $180 on a cardboard for made-up format? Like, why?
>a little over a year
>sheldon passed a little over a year ago
>sheldon dies and they instantly start profiteering
>not banning Sol Ring
>not banning Thassa's Oracle
>not banning dual lands
>not banning Farewell
>not banning Atraxa
>not banning Ur-Dragon
>not banning Yuriko
Was Sheldon the good guy all along?
retards love winning using their wallet anytime they can.
>Retards trying to make this into some scandal even though there is nothing wrong with it
>Its 2024 and people are still complaining about this.

Of course. People complain because it's bad. Cards should have a consistent measure of what X points in a stat means within the lore.
>muh squirrels
Squirrels should not even exist as a tribe. The smallest creature in Magic should be big enough to kill an adult man.
It's your choice to believe in all the coincidences. I can just guarantee you you won't see any more bans until the next pump and dump scheme accumulates after a couple of years.
>keeps mana crypt in my deck like everyone else will that owns one
>keep playing the game normally
>if someone freaks out laugh at them and keep playing
Some people are making a decent living from investing in trading cards, believe it or not.
Lesser evil. Still a douche
Burrito Splendito was involved in 9/11
Things that will never happen
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>Ur-Dragon needing a ban
And those people do not deserve to have the game exclusively cater to them. If so then I want US Government intervention in the game.
and then everyone clapped
Cope lol
No, they shouldn't. Because it's a game first, and everything else second. The P/T should be considered based on balancing, and that alone.
I'd just punch you and then stomp your skull until someone stopped me desu senpai
>nooo you wouldn't
Got BPD. Don't test me.
Why was one ring not banned? Hello?
Your post is 100% cope lmao
It's over for you Rift faggots
Here is a direct source for you.

Exactly enough time for both WotC to sell their commander masters and ixalan packs, as well for the RC to dump their stock. It's all coordinated.

I'll just shoot you since we're having tough guy fantasies today. :)
reprint edgar markov and nobody gets hurt
Do women think highly of cEDH players?
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Eeeeeesh yeahh so I’m just not taking mana crypt out of the deck sorry. I’m just not going to.
no they cant think
>one ring
it is annoying, but far below the level of the others. more of a modern issue than an EDH one, to be frank. you should be packing exile removal. if you can't deal with a one ring, that is on you.
Women don't think about cEDH players at all, sucker. Only fags and troons.
They really wish they'd stay out of their bathrooms
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>>sheldon dies and they instantly start profiteering
>The P/T should be considered based on balancing, and that alone.

You're not thinking about it in the right order you retard.
You first determine the appropriate stat, and THEN decide what the card is in the lore.
If appropriate stats are 3/4 you make it something big like a golem or a war machine. You don't make it a fucking bird or bunnny rabbit.
They need to literally write the lore around the mechanics so that both fit seamlessly together.
Actually false. You sue each member of the rc for our losses. People lost a lot of money today because of the decisions of non-corporate actors.
>not banning Farewell
>not banning Atraxa
>not banning Ur-Dragon
>not banning Yuriko

None of these deserve a ban. Stop trying to turn EDH into Weenie Hut Jr’s: the format. Strong consistent decks are a good thing.
they were already profiteering with secret lairs
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>dockside banned
>jeweled lotus banned
>mana crypt banned
holy fuck I might actually get back into this format
never thought the RC would actually do anything to improve the format but color me surprised
the RC is not printing secret lairs, retardo.
The death of Sheldon should mark its all format. Like ShelDH or something, prior to the corrupt committee taking over.
I was talking about magic in general
cEDH players and cEDH in general is based as fuck because it exposes how completely fucked this format is on a fundamental level.
The RC is a suggestion. They have no enforcement method and also are not owners of the gamer. You may as well sue the group that said you can't use your cEDH deck at their table.
>not so proud owner of 2 crypts and 1 dockside
Welp my Ob Nixilis is dead. Yuriko it is then
My list was mainly aimed at """investors""", but a meta shift would be nice, it's boring to see the same decks over and over again
Your deck was always trash if it relied on having one or two cards in opening hand in 99 card singleton.
In what fucking universe is Mana Crypt a fair card? It's now literally banned or restricted in every single format.
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>yfw you proxied the cards that got banned so you lost 0$ and get to enjoy all the whale seethe
>a for profit company is profiteering off of the product they produce
wow, so insightful. not what i was talking about, retarded faggot. it is about the RC, the people directly surrounding sheldon.
Yeah but the entire point of the format is for it to be a completely fucked anarchistic hellscape where you can plan all of the most powerful cards that have ever been printed across the history of magic.
Ob greatly benefits from the fast mana. It can still win but its too slow now. The commander is busted but theres no point if I cant power him out on turn 2
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Any payoffs for starting with 26 life?
Ive been thinking about a deck that hard mulligans for Providence, not for any reason other than mulling to 2 and starting with 26 life sounds like a challenge. I think EDH players are shit enough that it'd still be possible to win from there. The Derevi deck my friend and I brewed that literally does not cast spells has won a game somehow.
Deck needs to have white, probably blue and black would be good. I'm thinking the deck would need low mana recursive card advantage to catch up and some boardwipes and then go from there.
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I have ~7,800 dollars in Crypts and Docksides.
It always sucked. What did you do in the 9/10 games you didn't have it in opening hand? How the fuck were you even surviving playing a deck that require a card to be available turn 1 every game? Your deck is hot garbage propped up by money.
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Even when I started proxying all my stuff I avoided putting Crypt in every deck because I don't want to be that guy.
I only had to change one deck and I welcome no longer having a single clearly best clone target in that deck.
>>sheldon passed a little over a year ago
Let me guess, he was vaxxed
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Sheldon died of ass cancer, didn't he?
Make sure to get those prostates checked, anons.
he probably was, but he had cancer for a long time before that.
>Why do people want Sol Ring banned?
It's so good that it turns almost every 99 to 98+Sol. It's like a mox as you can play it on turn one to turn your landmana into two colorless. But wait on turn two you get two colorless plus the land mana. Imagine if mox did that? With ancient tomb you get pinged for two. The constant 2-for-1value is too much for a card. Even lotus gets sacced when you want those three mana.

But WotC won't ban it as it's a cent card and they can print almost anything on to it and milk the gullible playerbase for all the possible reprints. The moment the format becomes dry and there's no cows left to milk. Then it gets 100% banned.
looking into this
>start with 26 life
>other people won't swing at you because you're already at a disadvantage, giving you time to build your board state
More fast mana

If you complain about Prosper, you should be complaining about Ob Nixilis even at a non powered level. You seem upset anon, youre not the one who lost cards.
I'm actually more upset that I can't play the cards, rather than the financial loss, considering all the money I spent on this cardboard game. I just really like to duke it out with powerful cards.
I shall have you booted from the LGS
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Still legal btw
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Out of all the cards to be banned Im so fucking glad this little nigger is gone. Because holy shit it completely consumed to the format and turned it into an unfun shitfest

Where are all the faggots who were claiming this card wasnt a big deal anyways?
>not banning Whitemane Lion
I didn’t lose any cards. I’ll be ignoring these bans until they’re lifted and enjoying the sperg outs.
I'm not mad they banned Crypt, bought it like 6 yars ago and had my fair share of fun with it.
I'm kinda scared they could ban my gaea's cradle which I had to male some sacrifices to buy and only got last year
banning gaea's cradle would be retarded
With your personal enforces, the city police force? Please anon, anything but that!
People are really upset about this ban. My lgs has already agreed they are ignoring it minus banning Nadu.
Fun times ahead in the casual commander format i guess.
why don't you proxy?
I counterspell the police
Watch them ban Reserved List cards next. This is a way for WotC to manipulate market price without reprints, and the collectors wont be able to do anything about it. The RL was about reprints, not about banning cards in the most popular, casual format in MtG.
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Wallets in shambles
Yeah all the people with none of those cards at my LGS are so mad about these cards they don't own
It's going to have its turn. What we are going to witness in the coming every couple of years is a market manipulation scheme where every card that accumulates price above a 100 bucks is going to get banned. Once the table is set for let's say Smothering Tithe and Rhystic, the next more expensive thing will get banned and so on.
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>This banlist update will ruin the format!!!
>Look inside
>Banned cards ruining the format
I'll have you know that I recently topped 8 a BIG TIME cEDH tourney.
I'll fuck all your girlfriends, dweebs
>Watch them ban Reserved List cards next.
Many will still hold value regardless.
If I manifest dread this fucker, I can flip it at any time for cost right? So I basically have a 7CMC "I don't lose" instant?
I'm in esper. What makes you think I don't have one to respond with?
Investorfags seethe when their cards lose even a 10th of its value
If you come into my LGS that I won with my father, you will not be playing banned cards. This is a family game.
Cause it was my favuorite card when I was like 10 years old in 1999
Are the police your family too?
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these two need to go next if the RC is finally deciding to give a shit about format health
How'd you and your dad win an LCS?
The father-son dick sucking tournament?
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mfw watching people turn into That One Hitler spergout scene from Downfall in real time
>competitive children's card game player
>magic players
>being able to have a relationship with a woman
>competitive magic player
>fucking someones girlfriend
God damn. You are a real comedian.
At that point I’d just start ignoring the banlist. A lot of cards are expensive because they are good, and I want to play an EDH format where everyone wants to play with good cards.
they beat Maximilian Pegasus
>deflecting swat
Are the investors in the room with you right now raping you and tossing dollar bills on your back?
Yes, flipping cards I believe is a special action that doesn't use the stack, so you can even do it against Split Second. At least that's how Morph works as far as I know.
>Crucible of Worlds and Yawgmoths Will on a single card
Yes, my brother and uncle are both cops. They only play Legacy, though.
>It's fine, we'll just use Jeweled Lotus instead
>My fuhrer...Jeweled lotus is also banned
I mean I agree but there's probably a dozen cards up before them.
Wouldn't that be the other way around? As they are certainly taking it up the backside.
I'm interested in what happens, maybe you get a lot of pity for starting at 1 card and 26 life despite the fact I literally did it to myself.
I'm just so jaded because games are uninteractive and low quality nowadays; I think as a result of how many legends get printed and deckbuilding being shallow piles of engines related to the commanders text instead of fully realized thought out and lean decks. You're not incentivized to build anything but uninteractive bullshit that goes faster and harder than these decks, or joke decks like Providence/no spells just to challenge yourself so you can have some fun.
I used to have fun testing cards but there's so many cards printed that I can't get good testing in for a card since there's both so many to test as well as new cases to test against.
Seems kind of obvious as a commander but could be in the deck as a 5/2 beater. I was thinking Zur in the command zone to get access to card draw.
Yep, except turning creatures face-up is a special action that doesn't go on the stack so they can't stifle it or anything.
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Its free misdirection, which is the 2nd best thing to a free counterspell
>3 mana effect green has always had
>8 mana total for a single turn of yawg's will
its shit
mh I'm sure no card is safe now
Nah, any card printed in a pre con should never be banned. They should instead reprint them heavily to crater the price. Also I enjoy EDH because it allowed me to play a pile of busted cards from all over Magic’s history. Policing it too much is literally against the spirit of the format.
Can you weigh in on whether the police would attend a trespass at a store where the reason for wanting the person removed is for breaking the rules of a card game?
This is still not a source for your absolutely outlandish claims. lmao
Oh sorry I was talking about your strawman for people who own expensive cards you don’t because you’re poor. I didn’t lose anything because I’m still playing with my copies.
Pick one
>ban all "zero-cost" counterspells
>ban all mana positive rocks (Sol Ring, Moxen, etc)
>leave 0-cost counterspells
>Simic dominates the format
>leave mana positive rocks
>Sultai dominates the format
Neither. Banning rocks makes non-green decks shit. There's no reason garbage 0 mana artifacts need banning
None, because I want EDH to be a bullshit high power format that allows all the busted cards that have been printed over the years.
>for starting at 1 card and 26 life despite the fact I literally did it to myself.
you don't start at 1 card, though? also, people aren't going to pity you, they are going to become suspicious as to WHY you would handicap yourself like that, more than likely they will swing at because it is so suspicious.
Ban thoracle
Ban thoracle
Holy shit is it so fucking hard to ban the obvious ass cancer
Zero cost counterspells are usually card disadvantage, so they're not really a problem.
>cEDH player
No one cares.
>I want EDH to be a format where the richest player always wins
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>Watch them ban Reserved List cards next
Unfathomably based, WotC would never
These are literally cEDH bans nigger. Fucking nobody goes casually infinite with Dockside, and nobody plops a Crypt at a casual table
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>general that cries fucking constantly about the spirit of the format and actually engages in woman tier social policing over what people are allowed to play suddenly think commander should be a high powered format
>duuuuuuuuuude what the fuck is a proooooxyyyyyy????
>Rule 0
Sure bro. At that point play with black lotus at that point.
I mean theyre not breaking any rules with that. Its not even banning in a """real"""" 60 card format. It would definitely cause a shitstorm though, some real class action lawsuit stuff.
a banned thing
No, because I’d rather they just reprinted everything heavily so the prices crater. Actually, in my ideal scenario, the collection aspect of the game would be completely eliminated by wizards doing print to order sales. As in you could order any card ever from wizards directly at any time.
>I’ll be ignoring these bans
You won't. You'll obey them like the good little sheep you are.
>until they’re lifted
They will never be lifted.
>Fucking nobody goes casually infinite with Dockside
dockside has been a combo and tempo staple for virtually every deck with red ever since its printing.
>t. stopped going to my lgs because "7 power" level games consistantly came down to playing dockside first
>think particular cards should be banned
>particular cards aren't banned
>cards that didn't deserve to be banned get banned
>"kinda hypocritical huh?"
Fuck off retard
Proxies are not allowed in any format in case you somehow didn't hear that until now.
why did they not deserve to be banned?
You keep saying that, but you're wrong.
>LGS retards think they're playing 75% when they're playing cEDH
That's not Dockside's problem
Winning with Thoracle is even more braindead
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They'll go bankrupt as everything will lose value and they will be no different than chinaman. But I'm with you.
>build golos taking turns deck
>golos gets banned
>buy a foiled jeweled lotus for my edward markov deck
>lotus gets banned
what the fuck is with these retards? why not let players play what they want and use rule 0 to soft ban things they don't want in their playgroup?
>muh value matters
he says as retards line up and spend hundreds for SLDs worth 5 dollars in singles
They never go to any 911 call about trespassing. A lot of murders happened because of that, but what can you do. Trespassing is not illegal after all.
Jeweled Lotus in particular is the only way to get non-green 6CMC commanders out anymore
And Mana Crypt doesn't give you mana literally 50% of the time. People always focus on the 3 damage not being enough of a cost, but the real cost is that it's random chance whether it's a brick on the field.
Dockside I can see an argument for, but like Nadu, I've never encountered a player running it because it's generally accepted as bullshit
fuck off Satan you rich fuck
this. having manacrypt is was less sweaty than not having it
You're assuming people think, but yes that's what I would be thinking if an opponent mulliganed to 1 to start at 26.
I mean you'd start with however many cards you had to mulligan down to, and I'm mulliganing to 1 each game to try and find Providence if I don't find it before then. Not including Serum Powder in the math it's a 45% chance to find Providence in mulligans.
By Mulligan down to I mean I would be at that many cards after putting X cards on the bottom per mulligan-1, I am aware you always see 7 cards since we're on London mulligan rules so you're more likely to find a singleton than otherwise.

The other deck I've been thinking about is a sort of chaos deck that just seeks to make gamestates almost unresolveable. Chaos usually puts someone far ahead as a function of randomly random a random onto the battlefield, but I think it'd be easy enough to engineer a deck that just makes boardstates very slow to both resolve cards in as well as progress.
>edward markov
Edgar's lesser known brother
Well, their "suggestion" caused me and others go take a significant financial loss. Those "suggestions" have real material consequences. This is America. You can't just devalue people's assets on a whim like that.
>And Mana Crypt doesn't give you mana literally 50% of the time
Are you actually retarded?
There you go changing the facts again. No one has ever said police will not attend a trespass. All that has ever been said is that the police are not your personal enforcers and will not show up to remove someone peacefully playing a card game from the premises because you want to kick them out for playing a banned card.
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Feeling pretty good about it, even if I'll miss my Jeweled lotus. I've played it once in a game and now it ends up in my binder forever lmao
yep. we'll just rule 0 it
It's not Lord of the Pit, dumbass. Even if it deals damage to you it untaps.
Didn't read. Who asked? Kill yourself
I'm too autistic to know if this is real or not. But I loled
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2016 was only 8 years ago
Thank you for consneeding
Unfathomably based
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someone bought 6 jeweled lotuses 14 days before the bans happened lol
It's the fucking best. I hate all the people who go into a casual game and just blasts down mana crypt or lotus and act like that is fine
Yuriko has once again dodged the ban list
Haha suck shit.
U mad
Derevi has once again dodged the ban list
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Many of my favorite cards are RL jank like Naked Singularity and Thought Lash so if that happens, I'm leaving the format
what are red/ black rituals or white ramp. get better at deck building LMAO
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I mean, theres no reason NOT to right?
Ban the rocks you fucking Timmy. Stop crying someone went neg 2 to stop your unprotected 8-mana sorcery.
>lets a racist misogynist on his show
Prof becoming based?
>XX biological women on twitter love the bans
Oppositional defiant disorder retard.
You been punching yourself in the head recently buddy?
Prof doesn't even let darkies onto his show unless they're certified members oft the Mayo tribe
12 euros
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My cards from my color printer. My sleeves are penny sleeves.
Yuriko is the designated waifubait commander. They wont ban her unless they want all the bushiroad refugees with alt art Yuriko sperging out
>they'll lift the ban
>they will unban it
>reverse the ban

>Check if this ever happened
>it did
>years and years and years later
kek, I hope you retards go for your investment and buy ""low"" until it "" inevitably"" gets unbanned
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>I wish for a cEDH separate format where the high leve cards are unbanned

It's directed by a freakshow of reddit users since they will have the local support, they will organize on discord and the comitee will very quickly devolve into a shitshow with MLP and Silver border cards allowed, they will have bi-monthly dramas since the 40% of the higher ups were highly unstable troons and wanted to push some kind of political message
Lmao even
Unironically the only RL cards they need to ban are the lands (Duals, Cradle, Sanctum, Tabernacle) and Mox Diamond.
better than literal neo nazis lmao
>Watch them ban Reserved List cards next.
You might as well play conquest at that point
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Can’t wait to laugh at precon craws when I keep playing these ‘banned’ cards
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I don't think I have an anime girl smug enough desu senpai
No one uses tabernacle in commander.
He should go open a box of alpha to calm himself down.
Theyll play with you once then say they have something up, leave and never play with you again
whats wrong with dual lands?
Its a luxury card for landscommander.dec. They can loop that and Glacial Chasm with Life from the Loam for a grand time
You're acting like this is a monkey paw. That's literally what happened last time and it instantly imploded. cEDH "fans" are mostly people that lack social skills and don't understand why people dislike games being insanely sacky.
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Oh how will I recover? Anyways I’ll love still playing with my nice cards.
They're not problematic by powerlevel but there's basically no reason a deck with 2+ colors wouldn't run them. It effectively makes them into an $800 per card tax on optimizing your manabase which is a ridiculous thing to expect out of a casual format without acknowledging proxies.
Funny. Little sad to see Nadu go so early but having played in games with him in play, I get it. Though I don't think they've gone hard enough. If they were going to do this they should have hit many many more cards. Especially with the reasoning they gave.
No. That would be trannies. Cedh "fans" are usually hold outs from other formats or long time players.
skill issue
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He means the old ones that don't enter tapped or have any other drawbacks.
I sure as hell hope so anon. I sure as hell hope so.
No one is forcing people in a casual format to optimize their manabase for that much though thats retarded
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kookus BANNED for reserved list crimes!!!!!!!!!!!!
>They're not problematic by powerlevel but there's basically no reason a deck with 2+ colors wouldn't run them. It effectively makes them into an $800 per card tax on optimizing your manabase which is a ridiculous thing to expect out of a casual format without acknowledging proxies.
OG duals are an optimization that has negligible impact on the performance of the deck. For the most part it's literally just bling, and Ravnica duals are an almost 1:1 substitute in almost all cases. You could make the same argument about "inaccessibility" for Onslaught fetches and at least there it would hold some weight, because those are some busted lands.
>and then he was alone at the table
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im going to carry a couple of these around specifically to slip into my decks whenever someone wants to rule 0 these bans away.

>"no anon i meant i wanted to play the specific banned cards i want to play"
I'm serious. My drawings in 3rd grade were better than this "art" on this card.
Yeah ok you're a badass thanks for reminding us
He will call the cops on you for that
stop with the boring bait
nice blogpost, faggot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! what's next, gonna tell us about the time you were raped in fourth grade by the gym teacher? tf outta here

What speed is the second effect? Can I do it on someone elses turn?
It's objectively badly drawn, faggot overdosing on nostalgia
instant speed but uses the stack
i started playing this year
Not really? I like the little gundam guy in the background.
Only on your 5th turn during your end step and never again. Added rule change
Yeah he has the gundam horns and red thing and everything.
Why do you wanna get rid of tithe? It's a 4 drop that is like one of 2 cards that actually make White not ass.
he's just a little el goblino. the "gundam horns" are a V-fin crest in the center of the head (unless it's the gay ass aerial, which uses the bunny ears). the "red thing" is his nose, it is a chin in gundam.
Do we buy the dip lads?
Because you don't need to actually be monoW to run it. It's one white pip.
>Wolverine is a 2/2
Nigga what the actual fuck
>lotus dropped by 25% tops
still worth 75+
What's the point of this? I don't get why there are any bans to begin with in a casual format. You should just be deciding before the game what's fair. I only got hit with 1 mana crypt, but it was for the deck I only used to play the over the top cEDH games like once a month, and I doubt those people would care if I still left it in.
Maybe it's a sign I should be selling my edh decks. Haven't made a new deck in a year and haven't played a game in like three months. There are better TCGs out there.
most old magic art is horrible
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holy flavor text
>1G regenerate
This is much more offensive.
>be ban committeefag
>dump your lotus, dockside, crypt
>announce ban
>everyone panic sells their cards
>snap them all up for pennies on the dollar
>after the overwhelming negative backlash announce that the cards are being unbanned per the community's wishes
>sell everything for a huge profit
a 4/2 with 1G regenerate, who gets bigger every time you use him to block or he gets blocked.
>Just decide what's fair
Okay then
>Go to LGS
>Everyone is playing a "7"
>Niv-Mizzet drops Curiosity on precon
>They both insist they are a 7
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Idk anon, looks like he's going to start shouting about his fist burning red and shit, but I do see how you could say that.
Do you not know the people at your LGS and what kind of decks they play? I get this problem if it's literal strangers, but after a game or two you get the feeling and get to know the people.
You can never go back to 2013 EDH
On the negative side you now have no ability to moderate or balance the game as you have signified to your whining children that you will cave under any minor pressure.
That's my plan. Can you stop sharing it around? It's not going to work if everyone buys them
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I know
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bro u can get them for 50 on tcg already
ya or .03 on wangchuckdickswinglingbingbong
Average is -24% it literally shows that in the price graph
>He's not buying the dip
>tfw I was playing crypt in 2013
I feel like this ban hurts casuals the most. I dont even think crypt is top 10 most expensive cards in my deck, but I know for a fact its the most expensive card a lot of people own.
see you at the bottom brother
oh so we are at the bargaining step already?
casuals have no idea that crypt exists
This is genuinely a one in a lifetime chance to get stupid amounts of free money
The backlash on social media is too high but they can't back off now.
The only reasonable option is to make a new Commander Competitive format with all high power cards unbanned.
That will enable them to keep selling packs with Crypts and Docksides as chase cards.

If you miss your chance to stock up on these cards after they hit the bottom you will be extremely sorry.

They arent retarded, especially with all the fancy new arts in collector sets it's very well known and one of the most iconic cards in edh. Anyone playing longer than a year or so 100% knows about it.
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>Last embers of cEDH viability yextinguished
>Can't play dedicated discard stax in casual
>I feel like this ban hurts casuals the most.
I thought it was rough when they started reprinting everything cratering the value of my collection but yes now they’re going big to do it by banning strong cards and it is painful
>The only reasonable option is to make a new Commander Competitive format with all high power cards unbanned.
Why wouldn't people just switch to this and then play this casually?
>Muh value
Just buy stocks nigga
Not low enough. They are literally worthless out of super niche formats no one is playing. I want them under 10 dollars godfuckingdammit
>people don't like when their cards lose value
It's a game not a stock portfolio. Were you planning to sell those cards? If not then they held 0 value
>0 mana do nothing
>implying anyone respects the rule committee after years of nothing
Anyone respecting the commitee after banning 3 chase cards from wotc premium sets just as the supply dries up is an idiot anyway
The more people that buy means the supply will be lower when it's unbanned
>comparing el goblino to shining or burning gundam
how dare you disgrace the name of domon and all of japan like this.
Not even TWD Secret Lair caused this much of a meltdown
Yes it's a TRADING card game, people like to TRADE their cards, and they TRADE them depending on their value. If someone bought a card for 20, they like to be able to sell if for 20 when they decide to buy something different.
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>when it's unbanned
in 6 years
I sell cards I don’t play with or have duplicates of all the time. Like the other poster said it’s nice to have valuable things. Looking forward to your next non argument.
It's true. Cracking a crypt was like getting a shot of heroin right in your cock for a new player, and now they're experiencing the cbt of wotc for the first time. Competitive autists like me will always be competitive no matter what the rules are, that guy who cherrished his lci crypt like lottery winnings is the one who is hurt the most.
This is the biggest mtg happening of all time. Looking forward to the fallout and unbanning. This will absolutely tank trust and booster box sales.
Only retards buy sealed collector boosters
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What a strange time for this announcement.
Behold. The age of angry manchildren is upon us.
An unbanning will legit kill the format. They either stick with it or the entire team resigns and WOTC takes full control. No other way for this to end.
They didnt even have to buy a box. Could have been one pack. Could have been a gift. Who knows. Like I said, I'm just going to shrug and run city of traitors instead, barely impacts me at all.
>you can’t buy expensive singles
>you can’t crack expensive singles
>you can only be a 4chan artist like me and cry about strong expensive cards

Argument over
>after 6 years
There hasn't been a sperg out this big over a ban in the formats history. They'll cave within a year or when Hasbro executives need to sell more premium sets
You know guys, I'm beginning to think that maybe letting unelected nobodies with no accountability dictate what is and isn't legal in a game with 100 dollar cardboard wasn't the best idea
>no refunds
Theres literally no turning back from this. People have sold, bought, ripped, burned, their cards over the announcement.
Turning back would only do them even more harm.
>Ever kowtowing to children throwing a fit
Parenting 101
most people have bought a collector booster or two for the meme gamble.
No, I will not allow you to play your mana crypt as a rule 0 considering.
it will probably go lower, give it a bit
Can we vote for disbanding it and leaving it disbanded?
I'm still playing mana crypt
Just make every possible rule and ban a twitter poll. That's basically what retards are asking for.
>Ever kowtowing to children throwing a fit
They will when manchildren stop buying the product keeping their company afloat
watcha gonna do about it bitch boy? The other two people already agreed.
Again just make everything a twitter poll then.
Same energy
>when manchildren stop buying the product
Twitter polls would unironically moderate the format better than the rules commitee has for the past 5 years
People bought a fucking monty python set with cards worth under 20 bucks. It sold out in 60 minutes. SLDs frequently have less than 20 dollars of value and still sell out in record time.
I don't have access to twitter so I don't like this solution.
The same crowd complaining about this are the same crowd that bragged about their proxies because they can only deckbuild in an environment where they have an edge. Wotc is missing no sales from this
play karakas
>The sweaty Korvold player approaches the casual table and asks if we can Rule 0 the ban announcement because he doesn't think its fair.

loving every laugh
Because they're collectible and scalpers recognize it will be very difficult to reaquire the rights to the ip, especially in a limited release product you dumbo. A new crypt you cant use is a book mark, and not even a neat one.
>meme secret lairs are the same as using banworthy chase cards to move paypiggy collector boosters
It's free. If you have access to 4chan, you have access to twitter.
Yeah I know I’m just going to keep running the mana crypt I opened in my janky monoblack deck. Ugh I know I’m just going to keep running it.
my restriction to is morally based
Your autism is showing
This game would be better if it catered to my whims
I'm going to the SEC over this banning.
That's schizophrenic
Over status: It's
>People won't buy and the game will die
>Except those products. They'll but that. But it won't matter
Man I would not want to be an lgs owner or associate this Friday
>le proxy boogeyman is the only one who used crypt
Never watched someone at the lgs drop a grand in packs chasing a crypt or lotus have you?
I can't imagine being you.
I'll go hug my child or wife when I want a shot of dopamine. Or achieve something in real life that matters.
You know, what dopamine is meant for.
My LGS night is Tuesday which is even worse since it means people had all of 30ish hours to know about this.
I'd personally give leeway if someone played these cards against me tomorrow. It's not unlikely someone didn't find out about this stuff if they are not religiously into the game
Haha what a dipshit. They got what they deserved
>unironically thinking secret lairs generate anywhere near the same level of income as sealed product
lol lmao
Nice autistic larp but people enjoying owning valuable things. Keep coping in your next reply.
Loving your family has nothing on a good game of EDH.
Sol Ring into Skyshroud Claim is REAL Magic
watching retards sounds wrong
Mak nu. Image limit reached
Rule zero and a banlist can never truly coexist
It's just autism.

I'd love to see what this guy's restriction to his diet looks like.
>Theres literally no turning back from this. People have sold, bought, ripped, burned, their cards over the announcement.

Lmao fucking drama queens
All of them deserved to get fucked
Where do you think you are?

I have a cute dog, I have a fiancee. I dont get my dopamine from cracking packs, but a lot of people do. I get my dopamine acquiring extremely specific and coveted vintage cardboard on the secondary market.
>over 800 on page 6
holy shit guys chill it's just cardboard. you can always rule 0 it back
Hey guess those pieces of paper don't hold so much value anymore. No wonder you're sad. Meanwhile I'm sitting here with my sick son watching total drama and laughing at all the lonely mad autists in here.
So basically I'm just not gonna make it (the social media account!!).
I know..... UGH I know... I'm sorry!!!!!!!
It's just that I'm not gonna make it is all Hahahahahahahahaahaha
>missed the drawfag
>opening a box of Duskmourn
>up to 4 copies of Leyline of the Void
I guess I can run this in every black deck now if I wanna
Here laughing at the tards who can't handle a change in a hobby.
I see the appeal of simic now
>I feel like this ban hurts casuals the most.

No, it very much hurts investorfags the most. Casuals literally DO NOT own a Crypt or any other card over 10 bucks.
You get what you deserve
Yurikofags are next
This is an extremely specific place to be; you dont find it by accident. Sounds like grade A copium to me.

>posting on 4chan with your son
Absolute degeneracy
This is what I love the most.
Oh well. They better lawyer up I guess. Me and lots of angry autists will be serving them soon.
>posting on /tg/ with your son
Absolute wholesomeness
>forest sol ring pass
>forest skyshroud claim rampant growth pass
>forest cast silvos, rogue elemental from the command zone, go
yep, it's fair magic gaming time
You'd be surprised. A lot of casuals have one or two random expensive cards they got from cracking packs. Why does everyone assume every casual is a drooling inbred moron? But yes, investor fags get the rope first.
Spirit of the format bros.....
we won
wtf is the spirit of edh?
Only if you post your birth cerificate where you named him Avacyn. Otherwise? Pretty fucking degenerate.
We should just rule 0 our commanders onto the field at the beginning
He's real identifiable from that description. U a pedo bro? Do I need to be worried?

Hey bro, were all on the spectrum. I'm just on the end that can meet a woman and remembers to go to the gym and shower
Paypiggies deserve to suffer for buying the sealed scam instead of proxying or buying singles but it is funny watching someone drop 200 dollars on collector packs for their best hit to be a shivan dragon
I rule 0 my proxy of black lotus
Worried about .05% of players
Will be switching to Yuffie when that happens
Even though I had a crypt I never played it kek
The recent banning of Mana Crypt, Dockside Extortionist, and Jeweled Lotus in Commander is a significant shakeup, especially for competitive EDH players. These cards are key pillars of fast mana strategies, enabling explosive early plays that often define high-power Commander games.
For cEDH players, this ban hits hard. Mana Crypt and Jeweled Lotus are central to fast mana ramp, letting players quickly power out their commanders or game-changing spells. Dockside Extortionist is particularly powerful, generating enormous amounts of Treasure tokens in artifact-heavy metas, allowing for quick combos or massive value plays. These cards collectively enabled some of the fastest and most broken starts in Commander, making their banning a huge blow to decks that rely on aggressive mana acceleration.
The decision was driven by their overwhelming influence on early-game dynamics. The Commander Rules Committee felt that removing these cards would help slow down the format's speed, which has been increasing as more powerful cards are released each year. Additionally, while Dockside is more frequently seen as a casual playgroup staple, its presence in cEDH was undeniable due to its easy combo potential.
Many players are left questioning whether this signals a push for a distinct ban list for cEDH or an even more radical change in how the format handles fast mana. The financial impact is also a concern, as these are some of the most valuable Commander cards, especially Jeweled Lotus, which was specifically designed for the format.
In summary, the bans will reshape the cEDH meta, likely forcing players to reconfigure decks or find alternatives for ramp and combo strategies.
Again, where do you think you are? Christ newfags are retarded. Always have been. Always will be.
thanks ChatGPT
Haha the paypigs thinks they have a case. Go back to buying collector boosters

Anyway fun to laugh at all you, but my little guy want to play Lego.

Fuck paypigs forever.
>wake up
>see notification
>dockside banned
WUT am I still dreaming?
wizards hates goblins, why are they so antisemitic
>You can't just devalue people's assets on a whim like that.
He's right, but it's only true if you are part of the small hat club


Didn't read, but congrats or sorry that happened
We have like 3 pages to go, retard
Dude, These things are quite literally worthless now.
They literally do not function outside of one format, and they are no longer legal in said format.
this is basically EDH 9/11
We're image capped, dumb fuck

Image limit is full, thread is dead.
Rocks got to go
secret lairs probably make a whole lot more profit.
>print less than a packs worth of cards
>charge the price of a prerelease event
>all that money is directly to wotc/hasbro, no store middle man that hosts the event
>simple packaging, next to no cash spent designing new packs
>no collation
>limited print means less issues of unsold stock clogging up warehouses
and before you make a comment about the warehouses thing, limited print was always the goal. data collection was the point before then, to see how much each lair generally sold, so they would never overprint. secret lair makes bank. they make more total from sealed product, but the ROI is much better from secret lair.
if you are don't wake up. I wanna live here
The complete guide to "investing" in current MTG:

Case (1): Card is overpowered >> It'll get banned and lose its value.

Case (2): Card is not overpowered >> It'll get powercrept out of whatever format and lose its value.
good, fuck investorfags.
You can't prevent people from opening things they purchased. I don't know how you would cancel anyone from any of the tabletop scenes. In magic you literally only need 1 other person to play.
I also don't see how he acts any differently then people I've met at my game store. "Canceling" him would more or less show that people in the magic community straight up don't like or play magic with the majority of people who do.
Not to mention that the people canceling him would more or less just be pawns for WotC to enforce their DEI rules.
he's talking about how the entire community of people like the professor don't say anything, because cloutchasing is more important than their publicly held moral viewpoints. see >>93973750 he was literally on TODAY.
Meh, i just switched it with Mana Vault.
Universes Beyond does all kinds of wacky shit for the meme. Captain America and Guile are red, white and blue for reasons having nothing to do with their abilities, Chun-Li has multikicker because lol puns and Ryu’s hadoken uses the untap symbol because it looks like the directional input for the move. A character who’s well known for his regeneration powers having regenerate is small time.
because mentally ill people point and go
>look look everyone plays it so it must be broken!
you know, like how everyone plays fucking lands because everyone needs mana
what these idiots don't realize is we need MORE colorless ramp, not less, without artifact fast mana there is NOTHING stopping green from just dominating the format. Guess who the biggest bitches about artifacts are?
get back on the fries nigga faggot
Bro i payed 4 dollars total for funny enough a dockside and Lotus among other cards currently in the mail. It may take months, maybe years to recoup my loss, but Il survive somehow
Probably because he's just joking most of the time and to be frank him busting that beta pack out said more about his character than him ever saying "faggot."
Cyclonic Rift as well and im with you
Same. Thinking Throne Of Eldraine and a land i guess
But the memories shall remain
then you didnt like the cards because they where fun, games are fun, not invesments
*strip mines u because the only people who run fucking mana crypt are high level players who carry land removal*
good job, loser
none of these cards are actually op, bring out griselbrand. you'll still get crushed because the actually broken cards are in blue and totally untouched

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