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1.728.024.M21 - Another /40kg/ thread was made

>Balance Dataslate:

>Community Links:

>3rd Party Models Pastebin:

Info hash: d91d8b9daa9c5dc9105fc0ec09812cbc17a752b5

>10th Edition Rules:

>Tithes Animations

>Previous thread:

>Thread Question
Which resurrected primarch should die first?
>start playing a friendly 1500 point game against my gf at 2:30
>it's 6:30
>shes still working on her second turn
>she's mad because "her dice are unlucky"
>this was right after she got a 6 on 2d6
points update this week?
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Lorewise, are chaos marines with boltguns and havocs ok in a World Eaters army?
For context, I run 15 zerkers, 3 bikes and predator, but I of course struggle to win. I only play with friends for fun I just don't want to get fragged before making a charge with only two berzerkers left (Yes i'm painting a rhino)
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Unlike all the memes, Khorne loves guns. He brants guns as gifts and has daemon engines which are just guns on wheels.
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How do I make this work
I remember there also being a khorne warband (or world eaters special unit) that used heavy bolters
Thanks king I could hug you. Buying 10 marines, 5 havocs and some WE vraks heads right now.
more skulls
>more skulls
But it's supposed to be a servitor on a rabbit body
oh I thought it was an eversor in the form of the rabbit from monty python.
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He could never be /ourguy/
I know most people here don't play games, but to those that do, how many points do I need to allocate to holding my backfield objective? Do most people just dump a generic 50-100 points battleline on the back field objective and call it a day?
>"From the moment I understood the cuteness of my flesh, it disgusted me."
depends on how competitive you and your friends are, and your army. tyranids can drop single ripper swarms or use neurogaunts to cheaply screen. knights can't
>guy gets a die roll that's a standard deviation below statistical average
>"*SIGHHHHHHH* okay, so that's happening"
Not a cavill fag but I thought I read somewhere that he still hasn't played a game or finished his army. I'm sure he's a busy dude but he was never one of us
Let her use your dice to do some rolls, or let her reroll some important dice rolls if she seems super upset about an outcome. It's better to keep her engaged in your hobby by keeping it casual than it is to be super serious and have her lose interest
With the level of lore he understands I find it hard to believe he doesn't actually play. He's been a Warhammerfag since he was a kid.
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Depends on what you are fighting against.
I played against a Tau army recently, dude was playing mostly battlesuits and overcommitted on placing stuff for deepstrike, hoping to get me with one of those 3" deployments. I was playing kids and cucked him hard by blanketing my backfield with 60 termagants and leaving a biovore as objective anchor.
If there's no big risk of a catastrophic deepstrike on your DZ I think you can get away with leaving a random squad and focusing on the midfield
Nids ffs.
That's what I get for phone posting in the job's shitter
His understanding of lore doesn't make him a hobbyist, he just spends plenty of time flying and reads novels all the time
You shouldn't be cucking children anon
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Give it house centipede legs made of GS and paper clips
I wonder if as a richfag with private jet flights you could sneak model assembly time on flight.
Painting seems like a risk with turbulence, but beyond stabbing yourself, putting an army together in long flights sounds comfy as shit
If you can't bring nail clippers on an international flight I doubt you could bring hobby clippers and knives
Private jet anon.
Your stuff still gets scanned through tsa even on a pj. My uncle has a few planes and last time we flew with him(was like over a decade ago mind you) we still needed to go through baggage scanning, we just got to skip the line for the airlines. I'd imagine you have to be a pretty important mf to just drive up on the terminal and throw your stuff in the plane without someone checking it
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Why is it so hard to make Night Lords rules that don’t suck?
I might just be wrong, but I think most private jet shit is basically just getting to the hangar or wherever it is in the taxi runways and you just get in.
I mean, we are talking Hollywood tier money or beyond.
Maybe if it's a "rented" private jet they might still have baggage rules, but if its owned or under long term contract I'm dure they can just bring in whatever
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How fast do the tau reproduce? I don't mean in a "unf human men tau female sexo" way but logistical way. If a colony fleet gets blown off course horribly but still decide to set up shop in a system, how long would it take for them to say atleast double in each caste?
Word on the street is they're waiting til after LGT
I might have read it's slower, but more logistically that biologically.
Because as a Tau you are literally handed a fucking breeding licence and partner at your local ethereal convenience and will (or maybe another type of superior, idk)
Don't listen to that other anon. You wouldn't tolerate that behavior with any other opponent, you can't start making exceptions now
Water caste negotiate the breeding licenses and child rearing.
But how long does it take? Gestation, aging to a useful age, how often they hand out licenses? I skimmed one codex but didn't want to waste time if someone knew of one tau codex thar touches on it.
Seems like an express ticket to having your gf resent your hobby
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The entire race must die. Tau are fish commies.

Down with Comrade Farsight
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What is a good game to play with those are getting into Warhammer ttrpg wise? Dark Heresy, Black Crusade, or what? Friends played DnD, Shadowrun, CoC, and Cyberpunk, so I imagine they can get in the right mindset all fine with a session 0
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If he's got some deep strike threat, use more than you think you need. If he's got 3" deep strike ability, you either castle up hard on your home objective or have something ready to respond. I usually start the game with grots and weirdboy+boyz in the back, then I swing a trukk back after it's dumped its passengers. Sometimes I successfully wait out his reserves and he has to drop them somewhere else, and I can move more stuff forward. sometimes I accidentally leave a gap tho
Ask /40krpg/, they'd know better than us in the wargame thread
holy shit im blind
my bad for going in wrong thread, im retarded
Listen all's I'm sayin is upholding high standards of play starts at home. Better to be single than date a casual
or just play 500 point games or something rather than 1500
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>Which resurrected primarch should die first?
I like how anon only asks the order and not if they should.
>Better to be single than date a casual
I dunno about that but you do you anon
At times I wonder if Khorne is okay with heat-based weapons given blood would evaporate at those temperatures.
It's made up nonsense warp influence setting they aint never dyin.
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>Better to be single than date a casual
I am now inexplicably sad that I can't recall a Khorne faction that self-mutilates and attacks enemies by spewing blood over them, but regenerating because
>muh blessings
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Some of us just aren’t born gamblers. We let our feelings show.
B-But muh Sanguinius and muh Curze!
Yeah and when their corpses get dragged out and Sanguinius is a big blood dipping melty faced golden god with a ironic rictus grin and Curze is a big flappy batty boi they arent going down a second time.
I've told my gf that I'll only propose marriage when she beats me in a proper 2k game. She's gotten close a few times, but her movement and staging are still a little sloppy. This is the future mother of my children, anon, I gotta know she's resilient and resourceful
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Day 13 of exercising every day until the Emperor's Children Codex is released
Of all the things that didn't happen, this didn't happen the most
They want to be lore accurate
Sallyanon is king
Don't forget to stretch, we're all counting on you
Sure, whatever, but who ARE you?
not gonna lie that tau scheme is terrible
Listen pal maybe you're fine when your gf doesn't activate her units in the optimal order in the fight phase, but I take my relationship seriously
elaborate way to tell us you play with yourself in more ways than one
He is sallyfags biggest glazer obviously.
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Your local nomodels least favorite poster
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>Slaaneshanon by the time emperors children get a codex
Wait so it's lamentitties who's been glazing sallyman recently? Are all the prolific modelposters in cahoots?
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>Are all the prolific modelposters in cahoots?
Shockingly, those that paint models like seeing painted models
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What are we looking at for christmas boxes
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Hopefully they make fake diamonds small enough to fit in their eye sockets. Was also thinking of making the energy bits red, what do you think?
shit taste
They just share a discord where they masturbate to how much they like cuntodes and hate le chuds
Looks like some badly primed metallic
Anon will be the size of an actual noise marine. /fit/ will worship him as a saint.
Metallic Gold, the best kind.
Is there a model this would look good on?
Harlequins maybe?
That won't look good on anything, if you want schizopaint look at the colorshift stuff that will at least be smooth
The insides of a daemon of tzeentch cut in half by a power sword.
Thousand Sons Void Beast?
The perk of an attentionpost like this is he never needs to prove anything since he can cry dox
Don't worry, we'll find where he lives and challenge him to a fight. We'll get the boys at /g/ to help hack him.
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Fuck, I guess the Eightbound remains unpainted another night
Ai generated spill
At least you didn't splatter your space with something worse.
I did it with a near new pot of retributor gold
Would green copper colorshift look good on death guard?
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Gooble gobble.
Deathguard look terrible in anything but their HH and default scheme
Is retaliation cadre worth going if you only have 2 crisis squads + coldstar and farsight? I am trying to build an army from what I already have with minimum purchases and I'm stuck between retaliation and montka. I also have ghostkeel and stealth suits but I dunno if they're that good with bonded heroes.
Kinda looks like what happens when titus pulls the helmet off a rubric marine.
last year reveal was 10/23, youre a month early
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I took a before pic the day I started. I will post it and an after pic on the day I hold the Emperor's Children Codex in my hand
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Wash goblin goteem
Because baby cannibalism isn't really something you could translate to a stat buff on the table.
Theoretically. I think it would really hinge on how you do the details, like the mutations and stuff
>Day 13 of exercising every day until the Emperor's Children Codex is released
Don't say that, mine are gonna be dark green with purple guts.
Dark Angels box with the Lion seems like a lock.
I'd bet on a robot-heavy Tau box too.
Beyond that, who can tell?
Ferrus Manus, how is that even a serious question.
Moral debuffs? Higher wound count?
I think pearlescent flake looks pretty ass compared to pearlescent powder mixed into medium/varnish. You should be able to pick up pearl powders from places with resin pouring supplies, or autobody paint shops. Often times the autobody shops offer cheap sample baggies of their pearls and you won't need to buy giant 1lb bags of it
Think good old red would do or maybe slightly more effort is necessary?
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LIke expensive ass carpaint colorshift? Because that would look cool as hell if you're loaded.
I haven't played much of 40k since 8th Ed (one game of 9th), and I didn't really like 8th at all (grew up on 3.5e and 4th).
What's the state of the game currently? Is there anything redeemable about it? Not interested in math hammer or WAAC-fagging. Just is it actually fun, or is it a ballache of special orders, detachments and other extraneous nonsense?
Where you do you get the baby minis to paint and put on the table? You COULD convert cherubs but then you've have to also find suitable civilian models to make into crying mothers. Seems like a lot of work just to be lore accurate.
It's not too expensive if your buying small amounts, it just gets a little crazy when you need enough to paint a car
Greenstuff world has colorshift paint for minis and I'm pretty sure there's at least one other brand that calls it something different but is functionally the same
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Name a character that went through more pain than him. I'll wait.
Wouldn't you also have to buy the specific topcoat and mixing medium that doesn't fuck the paint as well?
Good point. I don't even know what other games would have baby models. You would have to get them custom made or 3d printed.
Could get away with a lacquer based clearcoat, but I'd imagine a good quality gloss acrylic wouldn't change much either
Fear/leadership shit never is actually fun to play with and that's their entire gimmick
Both Djoseras and Oltyx have gone through a lot. Magnus suffering is nothing in comparison.
>3d printing tiny babies just to mutilate and paint them for your silly army man game
That's when you know you've crossed the Rubicon Retardus and have become worthy of being a true Night Lords player.
I would buy night lords if they didn't have the stupid skin and body parts all over them. I get that it's their thing but it just looks so stupid and completely ruins their cool bat wing/lightning look
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Does it count if he liked it?
The Emperor, no father should live to see his sons go full retard.
All that's left is to get a bunch of tattoos and piercings while dating a emo chick/ astrology women.
The silent king. It's basically the same as with magnus but the rubric affected his entire race instead.
>emo chick/ astrology women.
Sorry we're fresh out of those, but there's plenty of crystal/ceramic fairy girls in the backroom if you'd like
The tats would have to entirely on brand bat related or else you'd run the risk of being a faggot.
>ceramic fairy girls in the backroom
But anon, I don't want to play Nurgle!
You mean the types thousand son's players marry?
Anon, pls, we all know those cucks only marry their body pillows.
Why is it that a lot of 40k players aren't interested in giving older editions of the game a try? Maybe it's just the players in my area, but everyone seems to be focused on playing competitively and practicing for tournaments and they only play 2000 point games. Why is this? Is this just how the game is played these days? I've been trying to find people who would be interested in playing 2nd, 3rd and 5th ed. and I've been outright told to go find players elsewhere as nobody who plays 40k at my lgs is interested. This is baffling to me, as my lgs has a large group of people who kept playing Warhammer Fantasy after the End Times and have now begun playing TOW while still being willing to play 6th and 8th ed. whfb. This isn't flame or trying to start a game war, I'm genuinely curious why this is happening.
Because old editions of 40k weren't good,

Fuck off you fake grog
Does it count if I only play OldCrons?
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I'm OK with the concept of Nurgle sisters since it's not a moral failure but pure biological. Same with Tzeentch since you could argue pure mind control.
But... why? Why weren't they good? I can present you with several reasons why I prefer 6th and even 8th ed. whfb over TOW, but I'll still play TOW if that's what my opponent wants to play. Why is 40k different? Why is 5th ed. bad, in your opinion?
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I posted a couple days ago but it was near thread end. Here are my paint pot killa kans (wip).
There are canonical slaaneshi and khornate SOB.
We have come for him
(By We I mean just me and the voices)
They cute
I think the orange and tealfag still has you beat for living rent free in people's minds
I love these
Because there is no incentive to even bother.
They only live about 40 years, so I would assume sexual maturity would happen more quickly as well. It's a bit hard as they're an intelligent species so we would assume there is an extended childhood to develop complex behaviors.

I'd hazard a guess and say a Tau would he sexually mature at about 6-9 years old. They'd be elderly by 30, they'd likely need to have their family by no later than 20.
Does the imperium believe in evolution or that the emperor created them?
>pure biological
It's daemonic corruption still
>mind control
Any of them would work with that, a whole fleet that included primaris and sisters went kookoo bananas when khorne sprayed blood cocaine into orbit
Probably to do with whatever shiny new minis they've invested in.
Take Primaris. You can't play them pre-8th, so why would someone who sunk $1k into their army voluntarily play an edition where their army isn't valid. I'm not up to date on all 40k stuff, but I bet there's plenty of similar examples (GSC, Leagues, etc).
>avus malum
they're created in the emperor's image but they know evolution and devolution can happen
Can we get a gsc battleforce that's just ridgerunners and jackals please
Would probably start gsc if they did this honestly
i hate faggots
I hope you like big units
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I'd agree with that, he is the true uncontested boogeyman of the nomodels. I don't know why, his stuff is pretty nice all things considered
you can get cheap jackals and ridgerunners if you know where to look
Would you still play Warhammer if minis were 1/10 of the price?
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hello fellow regulars
I'm glad we have an actually cool gkanon to replace the old faggot who didn't paint any of his own models
Why would anyone stop doing something they already like doing if it was cheaper.
my pile of shame would actually become a problem at that point
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Nurgle Sisters would be fun if they weren't just Plague Marines with tits. What if they drew upon some of pappy's other themes instead? Like what if they all took after Nurgle's noxius garden blooms so were all plant themed? For example, pic related, the Amazon rain forest giant Corpse Flower, which smells like a combination of moldy cheese and puke inducing ripe rotting flesh to specifically draw in and eat anything attracted to said smell like a giant six meter Venus Flytrap. They could look beautiful SoB's in vibrant plant colors but with grey rotted skin and yellowing eyes on closer inspection, while constantly having the like of mutant carrion beetles and flesh flies swarming them.
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>GW announces massive price cuts for the first time ever
>Models are a 1/10th of what they used to be, rejoicing all around
>Release a points update for all games the next month
>You need ten times as many models to play a standard game of any GW game
>Black widow sisters who look beautiful but actually just look attractive to lure victims in to suck their guts out
>Similar ideas with mosquito or tick sisters
Any tips for painting Imperial Fists?
It takes away the prestige
You act like recasters aren't a google search away
i would honestly be fine with this because i dont play, i just collect and paint. i've had maybe 3 games in the last 5 years but i've bought 4 full armies in that time
i wasnt even talking about recasters. im talking about actual GW tournament legal plastic.
>what if we took existing thing and chaos?
Chaos enjoyers are embarrassingly lame
Paint crimson fists instead
>his stuff is pretty nice all things considered
>all things considered
ESL here, what does this mean?
Use yellow
That's going to be both a big barrier to entry (like WHFB 8ed) and lots of paint.
>chaos corrupted custodes
You would buy this, be honest
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So just chaos marines with spears
I plan to eventually paint some Crimson Fists. I'm getting back into painting after a 4 year break, Starting simple with Imperial Fist and some of the successor chapters before going back to Chaos.
>Why can't I shove chaos into every single faction
Thanks anons. Thursday some guys are giving me some more sprues and paint pots. Can't wait!
I would buy every plastic model of every army except for Custodes, Agents, & Space Marines.
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Do all your shading via recess shading over a bone base and then go over top with a translucent yellow glaze.
I'm not really a Grey Knights player.. I just have them for my Inquisition force. Though I will admit I've given the idea of picking up other stuff for Grey Knights now that I've got these terminators. Would have to be a pretty far off project though.
Insect/Plant sisters would be pretty coo

I would like them to do something with Vashtorr. I love the Forgefiends and such and I really want to see more mechanical monstrosities.
Thank you. My first act of an Adeptus Retardes was gonna be painting them a hot pink. You saved me turning Rogal Dorns sons into the Gay Marines.
May as well throw parasitic fungus themes in there.
you joke but undercoating with pink is a good way to get really rich dark yellows
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You've replaced the blackpilled gkfag in my head, and have usurped his title of the designated gkanon of /40kg/ as far as I'm concerned
Thanks, Looks amazing. Gonna give it a try next time i can afford financially destroying my life. Wish me luck.
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Thanks anon, you got this, no stress no worries
Really? might test that out on some spare parts i have to see how it looks.
He's correct
>Christmas marines, overly dark black and purple with yellow highlights tau scheme. All actually competently painted but with just the worst fucking taste.
Why are you like this?
>competently painted
Wtf are you talking about his shit is awful and he's literally proud of them being bad
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Not mine but a good example of what he's talking about. Generally something you want to use an airbrush or do a zenithal of pink->white with your rattle cans
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>play OPR
>use 4th Edition 40k vehicle and terrain rules
>no pre measuring
Why did no one tell me this sooner??!
Uh oh nomodels melty
>black and purple bad!
okay tastelet
>play OPR
Already a lie, no one plays OPR they just complain that no one speaks to them anymore
Does that happen alot here?
I play Warp Ghosts anon, you're not as cool as me and my time warped 60K future ghost-chaos marines.
Working in the aquarium industry has ruined plastic plants for me but I like your recipe for your metal walls
They’re fine. B- at worst. Not display pieces but hardly terrible. And I don’t think he’s proud. The weirdo seems to Want people to talk shit about them. He only seems to stop his drive by posting when someone offers advice.
Chaos & Xeno are the only good armies.
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Every day.
expect killteams to take up a portion of the christmas boxes.
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well ty anon, hope I can live up to everyone's complete lack of expectations.
you got deathguard confused with dark angels.
That's a shame, figured peope herr would be more refined than your average v poster.
Dark angels only looking good in one scheme doesn't magically make deathguard flexible
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It’s tradition!
What happened?
Tropical blue shrub #32 was inserted into my urethra by a kinky marine biologist. Had a rash inside my penis for a month
Any other cheap terrains I can use?
So far I have aquarium decorations (thank you) and doll houses.
Shave your pubes, paint them green, use as grass.
What does that mean
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Newspapers, cigarette butts
But then I won't have anything for my veggie shakes.
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I just spray primed black and then quickly dry brushed Walmart silver paint
it means you are going to buy the box.
it would work if you painted their skin a lighter shade, but as it is the cloth and skin has almost no ending
This is gonna surprise you, but if you have actual friends you can play whatever games you like instead of relying on what's popular at the LGS
My guess is:
>Dark Angels + Lion
>generic Space Marines
>Tau robots
>Eldar maybe with a focus on tanks.. double Fire Prism box?
>CSM big guns stuff. Obliterators, Venomcrawler, Havocs, Forgefiend, Warpsmith etc
I plan to try when I get around to painting them more. I started with The Fang, would it be bette to start with grey, wash blue, and then drybrush the darker hue? Or just leave them lighter?
>Having to use a tweezers to painstakingly, individually stand up pubes to paint them ass grass
Seems like a lot of work for lore accurate grass.
OPR advertisers don't have friends that's why they bring it up
Pretty sure he's been into the hobby for longer than Custodes has been the quasi-legit army it is.
Took 3 hours to assemble my possessed squad. I now have opinions on weird CAD sculpts where half a hand might be a separate part on the sprue, without a reason besides their dumb process. Unironically bring back the days when it was just "torso, head, arms, legs" and you slapped all those together, why do I have to put like 12 different bits together to make one guy?
what about chaos xenos?
Possessed are honestly the worst kit for that. I've grown to really despise them.
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A late Birthday and Early Orktober present for a friend of mine. Converted it from a model that I was originally planning to use for Nazdreg but then the Mega Armoured Warboss came out and that was a much better base model. I painted it in his color scheme, which felt a bit weird, and the Knight faceplate is a trophy from another mutual friend and common opponent. Not my best work, but I'm feeling sentimental about it.

Hopefully he'll need to borrow less of my own Warbosses for tournaments in the near future.
it'd honestly be easier to just get tactical marines and put genestealer bits on them
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AL lord wip
Must paint the hood and some other stuff
Chaos Orks are the only cool Chaos
The problem with how 40k is vs. fantasy or aos is that "orks but chaos" comes off as inherently anti-orky. Other races like the eldar/dark eldar can't worship chaos because slaanesh will eat them (chaos/crone eldar presumably are spiritually bound to other chaos gods that protect them from slaanesh). So 40k would need a race that is specifically made to be the "chaos xeno" niche, like the yu'vath.
Now that 10e has shown it's just copypasta between armies, they could easily bash a detachment rule that grants psuedo-Stealth (i.e -1 to hit) to Nightlord units that kill another unit. Maybe a charge debuff against that unit, too? Pretty much give "fear" more crunch than Leadership tests.
But muh Gal Vorbak
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chaos orks are cool, both the nurgle boys and the stormboyz that fall to khorne
>inherently anti-orky
nah its just outside the current flanderised idea of chaos and orks. I think having groups like pic realted at the outside of ork soceity being touched by chaos is okay.
I wouldn't be opposed to finally getting a xenos race made to be chaos xenos.
warp ghosts do have cool lore though.
They do, but I like their glowing ectoplasm theme paint most of all.
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>everyone just switches to playing 200 point games
Nevermind barrier to entry, you'd be barred from entering most GW stores because you'd need a luggage train to bring in 1000 space marines or whatever.
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NTA, but isn't this a bit ironic coming from a 40k player?
I don't play 10th, it's fucking dogshit.
I don't play 40k you butt munch
Can blanks be part of an inquisitor’s retinue?
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>continue to play older editions
>reap only benefits
Fuck it, even if I HAD to play the current rules, 10 boxes of legionnaires for the current price of one is an incredible deal.
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They may be called upon to serve if necessary.
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Is this a Slaaneshi SoB?
is there anything else ork players can do against deep strike?
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looking lovely anon
why would you ever want to engage with someone in a hobby that clearly can't enjoy it without being completely coddled and catered to in it? you're better off not even engaging with her
Years of working with live plants has made it impossible for me to see plastic plants as anything but plastic plants
Yellow and blue orks are so kino.
Anon you aren't painting without a primer are you? That grey on the pelt looks suspiciously sprue coloured
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How’s this nob coming along? I wanted to make snakebites but they have a really odd “scheme” unlike Goffs or evil suns who are just red or black respectively.

Should I do Russ grey for the top knot same as the harness straps?

I tried following the tutorial that tabletop ready did, which came out pretty nice.
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Gee I sure hope GW makes these boys better or at the very least cheaper.
Couldn't pass them up at $130 a box
>not using water proof paints and using aquariums as your board
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Here’s the back. I’m going to highlight the skin and pants one more time a little bit
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All acrylics are waterproof so it's just the basing you'd have to make truly waterproof. I've seen more than my fair share of tanks that would be insanely cool to play on though
>How’s this nob coming along
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Fucked up how the aos tzangors absolutely fucking MOG thousand sons.
I think including yellow and blue on his topknot would be cool
are you retarded? Genuine question
Are you?
That would be really cool to play.
Wouldn't the models float when submerged thought? Unless you're using the old metal models all the plastic ones won't have enough weight to sit at the bottom.
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Tzaangors aren't just an aos thing you can run them in tsons armies as well
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Design so good GW felt compelled to make them multiversal
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Could stick a weight to the bottom of the bases, but you'd prolly have to drill small holes into larger models so they could let trapped air out
Cadia stinks!
Clearly not, since I don't think fuckugly birdmen look better than kino egyptian wizards and dusty automatons
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Can I choose to remember something better looking instead of that stuff
I want to see modern khorngors
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Feel like shit miss him daily
I laugh at you, you think the kino musclebound bird men are worse than the poopy token exotic faction, it is the wrong opinion to have. Thousand sons are even worse when you consider there are two other factions that handle the egyptian dialogue better in every execution, also the terminators (the vocal point of marines) are DUMB!
I'd say it's safe to call this guy a modern khorne gore given his horns have grown into the khorne emblem shape
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Both are cool for different reasons
That's what Tzeentch wants you to think. Nobody would see it coming.
Not canine enough
Looks like a grey seer on steroids instead of a weird bull-wolf hybrid
As expected of Tzeentch. We look at pic and see Khorne but he actually represents Change.
Reminder that that killtam of 40k beastmen were meant to be the new gors for beastin AoS until Gw decided to kill the faction and dump them in the old world. They're drastically different in design and proportion from the Blackstone Fortress beastmen for this reason
these look more like skaven than beastmen.
Why would I play an older edition? Ii understand maybe playing 9th still if you haven't gotten into tenth, or just sticking with an edition with a buddy for friendly games, but I'm not going to go out of my way to play an older edition with a new person because they don't want to catch up.

The newest edition is the standard an unless we have some previous history, I'm not playing an older edition with you. Get with the times, old man.
The best shopping is done at Orkea.
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Is Khorne still meant to have a dog head like the really early art implied/depicted.
GW has gotten much better with animals, apes, cats, dogs in AoS so new Khorngors/Bloodgors would look really amazing
Couldn't agree more.

Slava Ukraini, brother!
Interesting schizo theory
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Is this the default scheme?
Just because it doesn't have every detail the original metal trash had doesn't mean it isn't a beastman whose obviously aligned to khorne. You don't have to like it, but to claim it isn't a khornegor or the closest thing we'll ever get to a khornegor is just silly
>Slava Ukraini, brother!
No hablo gente del nabo
Cherry-picked. He’s undivided.
I used to hate them before I knew that they were a sort of beastmen.
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I've seen people here recommend to use proxies for armies, but only seen one army that was mostly proxies. It was a guard army.

Really how rare is it for people to make proxy armies or 90 percent proxy armies?
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i believe, anon. i believe
These are awesome anon
>I don't need any new models
>But kill teams are gonna be getting more expensive and my lgs has a box of Imperial Navy breachers I want to have in case I ever use Imperial Agents
>Want a legionary kill team box for painting, The rogue trader unit looks cool too
The Legionary KT really mogs any other infantry in the Chaos line. The marine with the HMW and the Balefire Acolyte are both peak. The Balefire and Anointed models also look much better as Word Bearers.
>The Legionary KT really mogs any other infantry in the Chaos line.

its just the legionary kit with a small quarter sprue of extra bits, most of which is taken up by the extra guns. has a couple cool bits and heads but the baseline legionary kit is doing most of the heavy lifting unless we're talking about the nightlords version.
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Is he undivided?
I feel the sudden need to kill him
i like it anon, although if you had the option i wouldve swapped that choppa out for a power klaw. i think a lot of these schemes are up to your own interpretation, you might find a similar one that you find easier to get through a 1089238011 boyz with

i HATE painting any bones / teeth / skulls, i fucking HATE it, im not a fan of those sorts of paints
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>find a new painting technique
>try it out
>tfw fuck it up and get exposed as the fraud that you are

has this happened to you recently, /40kg/? happens every time i pick up a paint brush, although it hasnt deterred me yet
if you won't try new things you'll never improve, anon. Fucking up is just part of the learning process, keep at it.
So are black legion but some of their guys are khorne aligned
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>Cadian Castellan gives his unit Sustained Hits
>Detachment gives units Lethal Hits
>mfw rolling 42+ exploding lethal dice at a 10 man group of intercessors
Genuinely need to buy more dice if I want to lasmax my cadian troopers
I just noticed a demons combat patrol and boarding patrol make exactly 1k points

Should I take the plunge for corn?
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god no dude that sounds like a rancid idea
That's how you learn, you make mistakes, and then when you go to do it again you remember making that mistake and don't do it again. All the best painters fuck something up from time to time, the difference between a bad painter and a good painter is a good painter will keep pushing until they get their stuff looking the way the wanted. It's almost more damaging to get a good result the first time you try something than it is to get a bad one and learn a little more about how the technique works. If you get good results off the bat it can be hard to tack down exactly what happened to make it look good
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Does the Slaanesh DP head fit on the Keeper of Secrets, size-wise?
The flesh hounds are kinda cute though, that's 20 hell puppies, outside of the screamers and creepy horses they are the one part of demons I kinda like
The boarding patrol is god awful dude, unless its being sold for half its price I wouldnt bother, just get two combat patrols (but one at a time obv), also make sure to complain here when you have to deal with the mold lines.
Redpill me on Dread Mob
oh i know, its just disheartening at first. ive come to really hate stripping shit so i try make sure it never comes to that
the funnest and most unpredictable ork detachment, but probably the shittest (well 2nd shittest, da big hunt is the worst)
Well, I'll take both your advice then
Never been that interested in demons just kinda liked some sculpts at best and got curious
Great there goes my plan of making Orks too
Anyone got that Genefather novel about Bile and Cawl? I want to read it but I don’t want to give GW money
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Boarding actions is fun
Isn't that more of a kill team thing though
If you're really excited to paint daemons then sure, but I wouldn't buy it just because you can build the army for cheap
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Clearly you're not a consoomer.
Thank you anon. Have a nice day
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anyone know how to get that shitty mud look on the tyres like this trukk?
Would be pretty small, but you might be able to mount the dp head into the hair of the keeper kit via GS and have it look okay
definitely not. DP is like less than half the size of a keeper
I definitely consoom as anyone else does but definitely not for no reason
this website is notoriously shit, completely inaccurate in some cases
I prefer doge khorne. Fuck that random beast look.
These are actually all terrible.
Looks like drybrushed ochre over black
it looks like that old stealth suit scheme, i dont mind it on stealth suits but not army wide
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This can't be true, right?

I haven't played since 8th edition. Can someone explain to me how that works? It seems so good that it must be an oversight on GW's part.
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Why can't GW codexes have such nice model pictures that ForgeWorld studios books has?
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Haven't played 40k in a while, how are morale rules and armies that manipule them this edition? Bad as always since Space Marines ignore them anyway?
Criticals (6’s) generate both an extra hit and automatically wound. Intercessors still get their usual save toll as las guns don’t get any AP. It’s not even that bad he’d maybe kill 1 intercessor due to wounding on 5s
>wounding on 5s
>0 AP
Good luck killing more than 1 guy
is that tau light ochre?
does the extra attack from the sustained hit also wound automatically with lethal hits?
Battleshock is a joke because most armies are either LD6 or LD7 so you’d have to get unlucky not to pass. Even units that have -1 or force battleshock rolls aren’t as effective as you’d think. My raptors have maybe caused 1 battle shock from combat in 10 games.
No because you aren’t rolling extra dice you just get extra hits. So if I rolled 40 dice and say 6 are critical then I get 6 extra hits but those extra hits don’t autowound you’d still just have the original 6 auto wounds from the first roll.
Are the morale modifiers from different sources cumulative this edition?
It's not
oh ok its not as broken as i originally thought
Cumulative but even with stacking then the impact for battle shock is you don’t get OC, can’t fall back and can’t use stratagems. If it’s really critical you can just 1CP for Insane Bravery but that’s a hell of a way to waste CP.
Yeah that anon was retarded because even stacking buffs on las guns they’re still wounding on 5s and the Marines still save on a 3+ or a 2+ in cover. He maybe kills 1 intercession with 40 shots at best.
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>SHIELD-CAPTAIN or BLADE CHAMPION model only. While the bearer is leading a unit, ranged weapons equipped by models in that unit have the [IGNORES COVER] ability.
>Blade Champion
>ranged weapons
Wait, what?
I’m assuming it’s so if he’s leading Custard Guard they ignore cover on guardian spears. Which only really works with Sentinel storm and using the blade champions Martial Inspiration.
Marines don't get to a 2+ in cover anymore lad
Imagine being this retarded
>Models in that unit
No clue what ochre was used, but it's definitely a dark yellowish brown drybrushed over black
probably just a phonepost autocorrect
alrighty, thanks anon, ill try figure it out, i could probably just use a bunch of browns to a similar but darker effect
Just this >>93980039
Cope and seethe about your shitty lasmax plan.

Even at 3+ it’s still 1 marine dead at best because lasguns are only S3
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Postan the visitors
2.5 marines with just lasguns but really that unit is going to be packing 2 Plas and 2 Grenade Launchers.

Not that it's a particularly frightening combo regardless
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>>Blade Champion
>>ranged weapons
>Wait, what?
He just throws his sword really hard at the enemy.
Decided to splooge on these two to turn at least one of them into an inquisitor. Damn, they really sculpted a nice face for the girl.
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No casualties? I think there was a time when CSM had this thing that made me lose models by the amount I failed my leadership test?
I think you mean splurge anon. At least I hope you meant splurge...
They're one and the same to me.
Even then the marines get to mulch them next turn in melee (assuming they’re assault intercessors)

Nope in 10th the worst thing of battleshock is you can’t use a stratagem on a shocked unit. Maybe some factions have something for failed leadership but afaik it’s basically redundant.
i like grots
Both terms can mean both definitions.
Have you ever put too many purity seals on a model? On purpose, for a meme or otherwise? Sometimes I think about recreating that one picture of a marine completely covered in purity seals since I've got a lot left over from basically all imperial kits.
You can lose models by falling back and it gets worse when your battleshocked but gone is just losing models because you failed
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Not yet, but I plan to recreate this guy.
Any way to force a fallback?
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James Workshop is really allergic to money.
They get this massive exposure with Space Marine all they had to do is having a little Titus Mini ready for the game realse that is pushfit, doesnt have too much details, comes with a brush, 5 little paint jares a clipper and a small flavour text and gaming journal on how warhammer is played and how to paint the mini. But nothing. they WANT to realse Space Marine 2 related SOMETIME when all the hype dumbs down. Truely the most dogshit company when it comes to making money ever.
You swing second in ongoing combat if it's your turn so if you're in combat with something that will mulch your models, sort of. But no forcing it
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Based GW not giving the vermin an easy in
>Screw the Emperor? You believe the Emperor is a Xenos for your dick?
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is that an actual character from some lore?
GW lost the ability to make their supply meet demand since 8th. Even with aggresive massive expansion with new factories they can't do it, hence the price hikes to try and lower demand so they can actually meet it.
>cool art
>cringe writing
I've also noticed that the Deathwatch are the one group of marines that seem to always job to chaos space marines
>Khornate Warband kills all 600 deathwatch brothers in a watch fortress
>Nightlord Warband wipes out a watchfortress and impales the watch master on his own spear and rips out every eye of the slain deathwatch
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Why are there so many threads up?
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And where can I buy it? I cant thats right
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>This game will initially be sold exclusively in Target stores in the United States of America, though a similar set will be coming to other territories at a later date.
Valrak reported there is some tie in with the game being released that includes the Titus model and called recruit edition
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Why are witch hunters so much more stylishly dressed than their colleagues from other ordos?
BEEING released thats exactly what I said. They didnt had anything ready for game launch which is a massive oversight
What the hell is that chaos marine eldaraboo?
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you forgot this dude
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Why not include older minis?
assembled my first mini today
i’m happy
I just grabbed the ones currently in the webstore. Otherwise I'd feel obligated to track down good pics of minis from the defunct specialist games and event exclusives.
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So what is it?
i’m at work :(
Something big.
For you.
a cliffhanger that won't pay off as much as we hope
The real direct links between the hive mind and the hive fleets
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cliffhanger or a story/idea hook that is being left for the future like the bioplanet they are building
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I've probably asked this question before but anyway; does anyone know where I could buy a few base extenders? It's mostly for my old metal models that I couldn't be fucked swapping over and just wanna stick an extender on it and call it a day. Also for the people who do use them, did you fill in the gaps in between the extender and the base and what did you use for it?
Imperial agents look so fucking bad dude.
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What's interesting is that according to new fluff Ziaphoria-like structures existed as far back as M34 (or maybe M32, could be wrong)
Personally I hope its not just beacon "HOT FOOD HERE" for other nids and instead planet-sized thing filling same niche as Doom of Malan'tai except on industrial size
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The same as 99% of all major plots GW introduces and forgets about.
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>major plots
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I like Ostromandeus and his shouty buddy.
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>buying more models faster than i can paint them

This is only going to end in tears isn't it
Did you already forget the massive impact he had on the setting?
Silly anon, it's never going to end.
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What other major plots have there been like the flesh planet?
Nachmund became a big warzone campaign book and narratively showed what the BL was up to, until Vashtorr showed up and took centre stage.
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I'm putting my money on a GSC overdrive switch:
it's an underestimated fact that tiamet is profoundly connected with genestealers and the hybrids, not only the latter do pilgrimages there but the very first genestealers were born there in the first place
having something that assumes direct control over all of the hybrids in the galaxy at once, coordinating them in the same way the hive mind proper does with the nids instead of leaving them to act in skirmishes and their own localised broodmind, is an endgame scenario
Plot "progression" in 40k has to be the most half assed shit in media ever.
it makes sense when it opens more options than it closes, unfortunately that's not always the case
Blade of Infinity, Medusa V, Terminus Decree, Noctis Labyrinthus, Golden Throne failing, the list goes on. They drop all sorts of little things with implications, or have campaigns, but never go anywhere with them. This was already evident back when they rigged the Eye of Terror campaign to basically not make any major changes.
Part of the issue is morons like you who don't consider it plot progression unless Terra is destroyed, and the Emperor or Abaddon are killed.
feeling lonely and pensive, post models to cheer me up please
Do you or anyone else has short story Aria Arcana?
>it's an underestimated fact that tiamet is profoundly connected with genestealers and the hybrids, not only the latter do pilgrimages there but the very first genestealers were born there in the first place
Oh yeah, that also works.
Absolutely aligns with some of the newer fluff where - I believe it was in the loremasters video on some 4th Tyrannic War stuff? - a Neurotyrant straight up [assuming direct control] over a bunch of cultists making them go Total War skeleton robot walk. Obviously I am dressing it in funny terms but you get the idea.
Another development is that I believe it was only moderately recently confirmed that Hypermorphs & Metamorphs are all created by a specific signal created by an approaching Hive Fleet. To add, it's been vague in the Deathworlder nook, but there is a brief encounter there with a more savage subsect of GSC that have treated another captive GSC main character with quite the contempt, saying that they intend to capture & bring them to "diviner of entrails". While Deathworlder elegantly obfuscates subspecies & other info known to us, I choose to interpret it as hyper/metamorph gang that wanted to bring them to a Haruspex (duh, word for word greek term).
Also its been known that GSC make pilgrimages to Ziaphoria & Nids spawn nascent cults by boarding vessels, infecting everyone inside and them letting them go.
Overall I've been quite enjoying how GW elaborated on GSC & Nid relationship dynamics, there's now more nuance to it than just 2E "nids show up and eat them all" and I think it still escapes a lot of people.
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>Nachmund became a big warzone campaign book and narratively showed what the BL was up to
And it was nothing.
No one cares about Nachmund. It happened and that was it.
>until Vashtorr showed up and took centre stage.
No one truely cares about him.
He's a random retard GW just shoved into the setting and is now massively trying inorganically shill to get people to like him.
Which has the opposite effect.
You got it, buddy.
Fuck all.
It's some background shit that will likely never be expanded upon or if GW ever does so it will fall completely flat and make people lose interest because it's lame as shit.
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>marvelization of 40k is horrible, i hate it! its nothing but noblebright herohammer now!
>but also i am not willing to care about niche scenarios and warzones
>no im not going to pay attention to them, neither am i actually interested in new minor xenos/chaos xenos fluff
>instead i just want to complain about primarchs and maybe femstodes if i'm feeling spicy
okay but seriously, what was the point of abbadon getting a w against calgar if he was just getting a KO. The exchange the two of them had wasn't even notable beyond being how fucking forgettable it really was.
>Personally I hope its not just beacon "HOT FOOD HERE" for other nids
It's just that. That is all tyranids do, they just eat.
Evidenced by the fact that we have never before seen tendril of Leviathan attacking from the galactic west.
The nids are just mounting a pincer movement as they try to devour the entire galaxy.
Why do people say shit like this and then wish for HH to had still remained an age of myth and mystery?
It's the same shit. At least be consistent.
Mystery plots are good and don't need to always be resolved, they're there to hopefully get some creative juices flowing for your own narrative campaigns or dudes.
What options has it opened? Adding a bigger number to the end of a Tyrannic War, Sphere of Expansion, and aBlack Crusade?

Problem was with GW cramming everything to the last few years of M41 and focusing all on named characters, so they'd be bouncing around the galaxy on multiple battlefields at the same time. Stretch the timeline out, focus on different areas, eras and people at different editions.
This is the best way to learn. You will fuck it up maybe 10-20 times but the next time you'll get it great.
>That is all tyranids do, they just eat.
And all Chaos does is corrupt or eat (soulstuff). That's a pretty gross oversimplification.
>femstodes stan
>Verification not required.
thanks broze consider me cheered
Also don't worry if your army looks like a bit of a progression.
If you asked most people what happened in Arks of Omen they'd think you were talking about the GT pack not the giant galaxy wide offensive that nobody gave a fuck about because nobody meaningful died.
Its not all that noteworthy, hypermorphs are like, a roughly middle ground (in strength) between aberrant & abominant, its the wargear option with the scorpion tail.
I am more or less okay with femstodes because they make custards a little bit less like marines-but-gold, making them a somewhat less embarrassing mistake of a faction. That's it.
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>its only meaningful if someone dies
Of course nobody remembers it. It follows the same trend of 40k storytelling which is

>Whoa new place
>Here comes the main characters
>Oh more main characters show up
>Time to fight
>Nobody dies okay off to the next one
>Look at all these things happening! The casualties are "heavy"!
>Oh who died?
>Marine #2493 from the endless supply of marines!
>Aria Arcana
It was included in pic related: https://gofile.io/d/UrTTlg
>Noctis Labyrinthus
The deamonic and cursed tech on Mars? isnt that just world building about how much high tech stuff has been lost and corrupted?
>Golden Throne failing
didnt the deldar also steal the emperor DNA somehow and clone him with their own golden throne in the webway?
>Hypermorphs & Metamorphs are all created by a specific signal created by an approaching Hive Fleet
>subsect of GSC that have treated another captive GSC main character with quite the contempt, saying that they intend to capture & bring them to "diviner of entrails"
Good catch anon! yeah that does make sense
would be nice if GW had stories about something they arent selling yet
>inb4 the EC book
Chaos marines of a different color that GW still has some expectation of you owning that they made a detachment for.
whats the point of a war if no one dies
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>angron and the lion return
>not meaningful
>>marvelization of 40k is horrible, i hate it! its nothing but noblebright herohammer now!
Only people who say this are secondaries, tourists and lorelets.
40k was always herohammer, in the past it just revolved around Chapter Masters and the like.
>>but also i am not willing to care about niche scenarios and warzones
I don't care about the niche scenarios because they reek of corporate bullshit, ie. GW is obssessed with shoving every single faction into every warzone, making them all bland formless mush.
>>no im not going to pay attention to them, neither am i actually interested in new minor xenos/chaos xenos fluff
Minor xenos are trash and boring. No one cared about the Kroot update and don't care now.
Minor xenos do not adding anything worth while to the setting.
Chaos xenos are just pure cringe from the get go and I'm glad GW will never make them a thing.
>okay but seriously, what was the point of abbadon getting a w against calgar if he was just getting a KO.
To show that Abaddon could kill Calgar, but GW selling plastic miniatures is more important than even Abaddon.
GW are the true Chaos Gods, everything else comes after selling plastic.
>Adding a bigger number
and a different location, at times somewhat different faction dynamics, as well as a previous fluff becoming a piece of history instructing on new stuff

if we remained locked with the previous status quo completely then the pariah zones wouldn't have been a thing, nor the hunt for blackstone, nor the arks of omen, or the war of faith in the chalnath expanse, or the solblades, or the emergency for the octarius cordon getting breached.

none of these things come without their flaws in how they're implemented or what they offer, but it's definitely something added to the setting, unlike developments that merely remove options from it.
I remember seeing an interview this year where he says he still hasn't played a game of 10th edition but he has for sure played games before. He had a Salamander and Blood Angel army before becoming a Custodesfag.
The Amazon agreement is probably delayed because Cavil is demanding to play Vulkan
So what do you like about the setting, anon? Surely there is at least some joy left in your blackened heart?
oh wow mr fag returns and has done so much for the rainbow marines. Angron doesnt do anything (which honestly suits him)
angron was never away and the lion returning has been a complete nothingburger, yes

but I'm not that anon and I honestly don't care enough to know on what side of the argument I'm on, so disregard my truths if you want
He's a daemon, they always return no matter what. Unless Emperor kills them.
Everyone knew that he was alive and that fluff is like 10+ years old anyway.
Everyone knew that once the Rock and DAngels were involved Lion was coming back and this was before the Tarot shits that were "teasing" the Arks of Omen happenings.
And once Lion actually woke up he didn't even wake up inside the Rock.

You want to make people give a shit that Lion came back?
Have angron come barging into the DAngels fortress and have Lion then wake up due to the said commotion.
>Noctis Labyrinthus
It's the C'tan Void Dragon, trapped there by the Emperor during the middle ages and the source of the st.George myth
>didnt the deldar also steal the emperor DNA
they tried, but eventually failed when the imperials realized their purpose and destroyed the golden throne parts they had carried to the webway for evaluation (deldar hoped to find his DNA somewhere, even dead skill cells)
Your verbal diarrhea will be disregarded, yes.
>Why do people say shit like this and then wish for HH to had still remained an age of myth and mystery?
And it should have.
We don't need everything to be explained and explored.
Just leave it as is.
I've flown on a corporate private jet a few times that goes between Canada and the US. The hanger was near an international airport but as far as I could tell they didn't do anything with my bag and going through customs was just handing your passport to the front of the airplane. No one searched anything and I never once saw security, this was even flying into a hanger that Trump (right before his first election) was landing in a few hours later.
You absolutely could bring whatever you wanted onto the plane.
He represents the tech side of chaos so I automatically liked him
I am not disagreeing, I am pointing out the discrepancy there
Thank you
Oh boy more big names turning up to fight and never kill each other! More Mary sues wandering about!
Are combi-weapons always a boltgun with a combi-something attached to it?
what do i play if i’m a huge coomer
Sounds right
>And all Chaos does is corrupt or eat (soulstuff).
Exactly, which is boring.
Also the exact reason why both chaos and nids are shit that should've been carved out of the setting 30 years ago and never added.
>So what do you like about the setting, anon?
/mydudes/ who don't interact with the gay faggotry that you idiots are obssessed over.
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The Gorehorn is actually supposed to be the Khorne one. One of their KT requisitions is fluffed as an unmarked gor obtaining a gift from one of the gods, and one of the options is becoming a Gorehorn.
lol this is a new one, orks and eldar can't carry that load that nids and chaos do for the game, you fat idiot
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>We don't need everything to be explained and explored
Look, I'm here to see the big guy with the big fist punch a big dinobug from outer space.
You cannot hang in front of me the hint of a planet sized bioship without expecting me to want to see it in action and no amount of "uhm achtchually the lack of writing is the quality itself!" will change my mind, you can keep that crap for the irrelevant little tidbits of info about some parchment locked in a box in uranus, not for a tyranid deathstar reaching segmentum solar in a book that promises to detail the 4th tyrannic war's campaign but only delivers on a passing introduction to the event at best.
How are niche warzones and minor xenos not /yourdudes/-adjascent? Having an aversion to that but enjoying /yourdudes/ sounds kind of counter-intuitive to me
>lol this is a new one, orks and eldar can't carry that load
Thankfully the Necrons, Tau and Votann exist to replace them.
We don't need chaos or nids.
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>having 100% antagonistic and evil forces is bad
Weird take for a supposedly bleak universe.
chaos doesn't carry anything, they only parasitise other storylines and make them worse.
there are two ways to look at the coomer angle. people call tau a coomer race but that is NOT reflected in their models at all its because they have a lot of big breasted animu tau girls art.
the other are factions that do reflect the coomer in their lore and style (Nids, Dark Eldar, Emperor's Children etc). They also have art
>Chaos xenos are just pure cringe from the get go and I'm glad GW will never make them a thing.
having humanity be the only species that can be corrupted by anything (chaos, genestealers, whatever) is the dumbest fucking thing ever and there's nothing wrong with little fluff pokes that might serve to inspire someone to convert their own little army of genestealer orks or chaos eldar or whatever
>and Votann exist
Quality bait for the amount of fluff they have
>How are niche warzones and minor xenos not /yourdudes/-adjascent?
Because GW keeps shoving all the faggot factions into those warzones, making them formless mush.
I liked Pariah Nexus, liked being the keyword.
After GW came in and had Vashtorr literally break through reality, I stopped giving shit because I knew it would devolve into Vashtorr wank and other terrible horseshit.

I refuse to interact with any of the dogshit "warzones" GW comes up with because they are boring.
I mentioned Orks and Eldar first because they are the big ones. The ones you listed are nothingburgers. The game would be dead within a year with the necrons as the main villains
Anon there is a decent amount of recent fluff for Ork (Octarius Killteam books), DEldar (Vorgani), Tau (that one Earth Caste experiment) and Eldar (admittedly Ynnari BL shit) Genestealer cults. Expecting to get models of those is a tad bit unrealistic tho IMO.
That was a completely logical outcome though. No shit the daemon of technology is gonna manifest when the two most technological advanced factions have an out-of-control arms race.
I never said that.
I just Chaos is boring 1 note, 1 dimensional shit that is only inhabited by 4 technicolor variants of evil demons that want to rape reality and every person within.

Nids are the same, just barely changing graboid fuckwits that only exist to eat dirt, literally, and then eat and rape every person that exists in the galaxy.

Wow, absolutely riveting world building.
That's just a gift, unlike squawkgors, some of whom are born in that very particular tzeentchian form.
Khorne needs dog beastmen.
Redpill me on votann
>Anon there is a decent amount of recent fluff for Ork (Octarius Killteam books), DEldar (Vorgani), Tau (that one Earth Caste experiment) and Eldar (admittedly Ynnari BL shit) Genestealer cults.
That's good!
> Expecting to get models of those is a tad bit unrealistic tho IMO.
I don't — I expect people to convert them.
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I don't know what you think is coomer about the existing models for Emperor's Children (Lucius, Noise Marines). Maybe you meant Slaanesh Daemons?
Also Dark Eldar shit on the actual models is pretty grotesque and the small amount of tits, thighs, midriffs, and feet aren't even on particularly attractive models. They're a far cry from their Dark Elf half-naked ladies from fantasy.
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give him a collar, some handlers actively keeping it still by pulling vigorously on the chains restraining it, blood dripping from below the skull, a base littered with corpses
and a space knight in command of the whole diorama, you can give him a squire with vox speakers in place of his hands too
It's a perfect amount of fluff, they don't need more.
>the stakes just got higher!
Did they?
Name two Votann characters.
>That was a completely logical outcome though
I don't fucking care, it's boring. And Vashtorr is a boring wankstain.
dark eldar are just BDSM weirdos taken to it's extremist level
Ûthar the Destined
Yôht Grendok
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okay man
I can't engage further because my autism disallows me from comprehending someone disliking techno-chaos
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>I expect people to convert them.
Well, that's on the community's shoulders really.
One anon from here had DEldar with boney armour that had fluff similar to Vorgani, and Vorgani are a sect of DEldar who have started grafting GSC limbs as a tiktok fashion trend until they have grew increasingly insular and retreated into deepest parts of the dark city, developing a fascination with the Tyranid-infested craftworld of Lethidia. His guys also had a bunch of funky GSC limbs, was pretty cool. Don't have any pics but here's a hybrid Loxatl from insta.
Most people won't do that for similar reasons why most people won't really think too hard about what kind of TTRPG character to make.
thousand sons
not talking about their models or armybook art, numbnuts. I'm saying the faction's themes and motivations involve coomer shit. Yes slaanesh daemons is another one.
Thats the leaked 30k automata Castellax for the 40k Thousand Sons pretty sure, not darkmech
Would be cool. I'm not sure the way it is painted (barely visible in the grey scale how it is weathered) or the aesthetics quite match the Thousand Sons, though.
well it was confirmed in some Pariah nexus fluff that the TS were there using 30k automata and that those parts look like automata parts.
I'm really not seeing how that claw could ever be on a TS model. It's got design details similar to those on Chaos Knights and Vashtorr. It's either not a TS model, or it's the most visually unfitting TS model ever.
It would amuse me if TS got one of those in 40k before ad mech.
That's not what "leaked" means
pariah nexus snippets of fluff say a lot of things.
Those are not thousand sons bits.
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When are they finally going to merge all the Eldar together so I can use big flesh monsters in my Ynnari?
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As an AdMech collector "amusing" is not the way I would describe it.
Ynnari and the Haemonculi don't like each other
Yeah I collect ad mech as well and it's baffling how they haven't pushed the 30k stuff into 40k yet. All of that stuff would complete the army pretty much.
Lorelets, what do we do when the lorebros take over the thread?
Those rumour engine parts look just like those things on the bottom left
Oh, they stopped selling Blackstone Fortress, it seems. Must have been recent, because I recall looking at the 360 views of the models this month or last.
chaos drukhari
>i'm autistic and mad when someone fellate this dogshit of a character that was needed and is blatant lore rape
Yeah, no fucking wonder you love it.
Would you like to try typing that up again, but this time in a way that makes sense?
Play 30k.
Why say chaos twice?
They already are slaanesh worshippers in denial.
Can any lorefriends explain why the nids don't give all the Gaunts genestealer claws since they can slice through terminator armour like its nothing
I have some 30k mech that I'm slooooowly working on, but I've got a bunch of Necromunda goons and 40k ad mech that are in the way first.
been gone far longer than that, all year at the very least on the australian location store.
You can get some of the models from other kits besides
>Chaos psykers
>the new Ur-ghul models (maybe coming with the deldar codex/refresh?)
>The BSF big and small drones
>the two generic CSMs
You don't need to act coy. You already know.
Because GW is retarded and just keep adding shit and fluff blurps into the setting without actually thinking any of them through and how it effects rest of the setting.
Same reason guard doesn't give all guardsmen power weapons, too resource intensive.
I'm well aware; don't worry. It was simply a smarmy way of pointing out how rushed and sloppy your post was — possibly as a product of an incensed mind. It would serve you well to take things more slowly, and look over your posts before sending them in the future.
Negavolts too
I haven't really paid any attention to 40k since 10e came out but did they really just squat Deathwatch?
Fun fact, there are canon DEldar servants of every chaos God.
Is this the mandarkes that were sworn to chaos from those deldar books?
I know theres eldar dedicated to every chaos god/ eldar deamon princes for all of them, but deldar living in the dark city dedicated to the gods?
If only it was a Grimskull mini instead

the claws work the way they do when the organism is tailored for it, it's not just that the rending claws are sharper, it's that the tyranid is built to apply tremendous amounts of pressures with them to tear limbs apart

plus there might be a psychic component to it, the bigger genestealers have a more prominent psychic field running on the edge of the talons making them essentially power weapons, and a measure of that might be present in smaller genestealers since they're all relatively psychic due to their role as hypnotists and independent vanguard organisms
Honestly it's bad marketing considering games inevitably lose steam and people become less invested into merch.
I will ever see the appeal in admech
robes and tubes
Big freaky robots and the freaky cyborg priests that direct them around are cool, and all of the weird arcane weapons their cyborg infantry carry around are also pretty cool. Mad scientist priests of all kinds are also great.
Can't they just keep a bioship of stage 4 genestealer cultists and harvest infinite genestealers
We don't have any 12" deep strike deny units like some other factions do. Grots can cover a lot of ground for cheap, 40/80 points for 11/22 bodies
I don't like that and I'll say that it's syikl arbitrarily not as efficient as other spawning methods, but feel free to use that idea for your dudes
Why dont Admech bros just proxy or convert their own stuff using 30k bits?
>but resin
comission a 3D print off etsy or something
He said "should," not "already has, multiple times." Ferrus Manus doesn't deserve it, he's just really unfortunate.
Because many of the units don't translate to 40k. You can't have myrmidons and secutors play as electropriests. Some of the battle robots are too big to stand-in as kastelans, etc.
Orks should be cheaper
Counterpoint: Every unit should be 20% more expensive.
I agree but make it only 10% for Orks so that they're cheaper
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What are your opinions on taking lore from other things into your dudes. I'm so close to making a Sisters of Battle/Inquisition force based on the Scarlet Crusade, with red and white theming and custom transfers to differentiate from Bloody Rose a little.
pay that reddit tax
Why is the Avatar of Khaine not immune to [Melta] weapons
Your god was almost taken down by 3 nobz and only won because the nobz refused to work together through to the end
Sounds based.
Because it's too wargamey of a rule.
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I have those same plants!
That's 40k tradition at this point, as the setting has drank from so much stuff already that incorporating and adapting stuff to your dudes seems fun
Would you guys be ok with using a dice roller app/program to hasten a game?
Surely kult of speed is the shittiest
Does anyone have the Bitter Salvage short story? The premise seemed neat.
remember: piracy hurts them all
>nick kyme
good thing it's only 5 pages long
I’ve always been told Kyme was one of the worst BL authors but the one book I read he wrote I enjoyed, which was a Necromunda one about an enforcer during a zombie plague.
Thank you, anon! Love anything to do with the Marines Malevolent.
Kyme has grown a lot over the years. He got a bad rep for his Salamanders stories way back, but in more recent years his output has been much better with outings like Volpone Glory and The Iron Kingdom.
I've kinda thought about theming some Marines after Dragoons from Final Fantasy, though not quite visually.
>Marines Malevolent goading Templars into an honor duel on purpose and then stealing their armor and sword as their trophies for winning
Remember, the same MM gets knifed in the throat by a White Scar and his buddies killed by sororitas for being cunts.

Piss marines get what the deserve, fucking oblivion.
>the same MM gets knifed by a white scar and his buddies slain by sororitas
Say it ain’t so, boss.
‘Fraid so. It’s in one of the dawn of fire books I believe.

They catch him executing a bunch of civvies to steal their shit and deal with him accordingly.
Sup Nick
Well that’s a shame. I’m curious now, are there any MM books with them as the protagonists? Or is it all just them as silly little side character antagonists and this short story?
>You can't have myrmidons and secutors play as electropriests
Easily IMO, myrmidons are 40mm and electropriests are 32mm, the difference wont be that noticeable. Secutors have melee weapons, electropriests have melee weapons. If you're that autistic about it not fitting well, take some copper wire, bend it organically and slap on secutors to convey that they are in fact, electric.
>Some of the battle robots are too big to stand-in as kastelans, etc.
You can scale up and down STL files. I am not sure how many 30k admech STLs are out there but probably enough to replace units you don't really like in 40k admech.
I don’t think there are any with them as protags, hard to keep reading books where characters like that are the focus. The book Reynard gets knife fucked in is Iron Kingdom. Lmao at all the MM fanboys who whined about it too.
You never know! The Night Lords trilogy is one of the best BL works there are, all it takes is a good enough author to make heinous characters people to cheer for!
I wouldn’t know. I couldn’t stand talos’ whining and stopped after the first book. Just wanted a daemon to pop in and murder everyone they were so unlikeable. Even the navigator chick.
Really? The NL trilogy is genuinely pretty good, especially the audiobook versions.
mandrakes serve the 5th chaos god, but you guys arent ready for that yet, your kids will love it tho
cyberpunk RED I think has the punchy combat and tone that works with 40k and it's easy to learn for new players
Still reeling from my Agrax Earthshade spill yesterday. Can't bring myself to paint out of shame.

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