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Holocaust II edition


The Week That Was: Where Dreams Become Reality

Metagame Mentor: Discussing Pioneer with Bloomburrow


▶Current meta, complete with deck lists
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▶Build and share Cubes

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▶What is EDH?

Will MTG ever have a nonrotating format again?
it's called premodern and we should all pray to god every night it never becomes a sanctioned format
Hooray for commander cucks getting raped
don't worry WotC are hard at work making direct-to-premodern sets selling for the same price they sold the official proxy black lotus
>EDH was rotated
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The commander players are having a laugh actually. The cEDH larpers and """investors?""" Not so much
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did you remember to buy singles?
always remember to buy proxies
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Imagine investing in WotC owned cardboard when stocks are doing record numbers. Manchildren playing baby's first investment get the rope they deserve.
>pack cracking is gambling
>investing isn't

must be a larper.
anyways, i went full proxy for cards over a dollar ever since commander legends, where they reprinted good shit across the board, and that wasn't a financial hit close to this
my 2021 ETFs are still in the red thoughever
only thing i buy is paper because i already have sleeves and whatever was in the FLGS draft chaff dump to make proxies with
this, I rent proxies
never buy proxies when you can make them
i print my proxies with vanishable ink
sometimes you need your proxies to look like real cards
anon you have to pay for something
unless you piss printer ink or something
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only if you're a fancypants who cares about bling
why would you go to MTG tournaments when the gameplay is at an all time low?
and if not tournaments, what other reason is there to have fakes that look real?
cause tournaments have good prizes like power 9s, force of wills etc
ikea pencil and the paper from the office printer, then draft chaff lands/commons from local game store to use as cardstock
add sleeves (which i already have a lot because i play other card games) and voila, deck made of proxies
are you sure they're not fakes too?
>which i already have
so, paid for
i would simply fuse them mismatched and play both of them in one slot
Those are proxies/fakes you can tell by gloss and reflection (but maybe the print quality is so bad that they are actually real lmao)
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aside from Jeweled Lotus being fucking expensive, wouldn't it be better if Sol Ring got axed and every copy replaced with a Jeweled Lotus?
Sol Ring pushes everything you do multiple turns ahead.
The much less abusable one time Ritual for your commander seems less problematic
>We should also talk about the elephant in the room. We’re not banning Sol Ring and have no desire to. Yes, based on the criteria we’ve talked about here, it would be banned. Sol Ring is the iconic card of the format, and it’s sufficiently tied to the identity of the format that it defies the laws of physics in a way that no other card does. Banning Sol Ring would be fundamentally changing the identity of the format. We aren’t trying to eliminate all explosive starts – it happening every once in a while is exciting – and removing the other three cards geometrically reduces the number of hands capable of substantial above-curve mana generation in the first few turns.
tl;dr sol ring isn't banned for the same reason brainstorm isn't banned in legacy
This looks proxied. I can tell from some of the gloss and reflection and from seeing quite a few shops in my time.
well brainstorm is at least interesting
They can't ban it. Wizards puts Sol Ring in like literally every product they make at this point
ok fair, but if i was playing with "real" mtg cards i'd have sleeves anyway so it's a non-factor in my opinion

in the army when i print&played Air Land & Sea i just cut the 18 cards out of thick office paper and we played with that, was pretty neat and nobody was a bastard who looked at backs of cards or how the sides were cut to gain an advantage. I don't see why you can't do that with a 60 card deck other than it takes an assload of time and you need steady hands,

in theory fakes are free. you pay for the premiums of them looking good (chinaman), or playing good (sleeved paper with chaff as backing) or both (chinaman sleeved? idk i havent tried the chinese fakes yet, other anons would know more about this than i do)
The ones destroying the cards are the ones having fun with it, the actual melties are the people who are coping that the price will rebound.
I love seeing "investors" in this game lose money, they are an absolute blight
Brainstorm would get banned if 100% of the decks played it like with sol ring. I just find it hilarious that the <€1 card doesn't get banned while it's $100 version gets banned and the argument is that the $1 version is "iconic".
get a load of this crap.
this is what investards are 'aving melties over?

the rules commitee isnt Wizards, or not?
Also, apparently Wizards can put busted chase cards in their product all the time, only to ban them a few weeks later.
literally stolen money, how can they keep getting away with it?
but they are le reason this game could be profitable some sixty thousand years ago :)
hot take: I like when cards retain and even go up in value over time
it feels good when you build a deck and 5 years later you look at it and the cards are not draft chaff. Also when you open a pack and get a good pull it can go in the collection binder and not immediately lose value
>the rules committee isn't Wizards, or not?
They aren't but Wizards would step in because it's constantly being reprinted in new sets unlike MC and JL which doesn't hurt Wizards since they aren't being reprinted
investor niggers are fucking parasites, no amount of suffering is too great for them
realistically speaking what would it take for the FTC to get involved? Especially when you consider there are definitely WoTC employees and WoTC employee adjacents who liquidate or buy up entire stocks prior to bans and unbans?
>Also, apparently Wizards can put busted chase cards in their product all the time, only to ban them a few weeks later.
>literally stolen money, how can they keep getting away with it?
Konami does it
>stolen money
>realistically speaking what would it take for the FTC to get involved?
It's not possible.
Collectibles markets are unsecure, non-fiscal realms. They're total wild wests when it comes to finance, which is why shit like WATA Games / Heritage Auctions can blatantly scam millions of dollars from people and get away with not even the tiniest of slaps on the wrist.
Banning a card in official tournaments doesn't make useless as a game piece, technically. Whatever would happen would be a battle of technicalities, which is always won by the party with more money, which would be wotc.
literally who gives a fuck
who will stop you from playing at your table, if nobody else cares also
What does it matter? You will never sell any of your cards.
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it's just funny seeing edhtroons having a meltdown over this shit
If people start somehow making derivatives out of cards.
Imagine Monopoly except instead of paper deeds you play with buying and selling Transformers you've bought specifically for this variant of Monopoly. It's the same game except you're wearing your "deeds".

Then one day, the unofficial scarcely associated rules coordinators for this Monopoly variant, who are not employees of Hasbro but merely people employees in Hasbro sometimes speaks with regarding Monopoly, declare that the Transformers can't be used and now we're using My Little Pony.

Do you really think consumer protection is going to step in? Because some group of guys and faggots who aren't even a legal entity decided that Transformers can't be used in this variant of Monopoly? Do you really think you'll be able to prove damages because your Optimus Prime, can't be used anymore?

And if you still think you can get the FTC involved, just remember that that same FTC can't muster the legal resources to regulate supplements, which if you aren't aware, involves companies selling sugar pills to consumers at $5 a pill.
Ah, but this is the real thing that is happening here - the mask of the vocal Commander player community has slipped today as it has been revealed that they were all bigger tryhards throwing money at cards way more than actual professional Magic players. They can't turn around and cry "Well, rule 0! Commander is a casual format after all..." after what we have seen today.
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>literal $90 cards being banned in the most popular format

Ringbros, I'm scared...
Commanderfags are deranged enough to shoot up WotC HQ. I hope Mark Rosewater is safe, bros..
The CRC have no ties to Wizards and thus do not benefit monetarily directly from bans or unbans.
>I hope Mark Rosewater is safe, bros..
as long as he's on at least the second floor i don't they could reach him
I feel like Mark Rosewater secretly has a gun or a body double. Just seems right.
There is absolutely no way they ban a pack mover like Lotus without having at least a talk with WotC before. Imagine if Wizards had a reprint for it in some EDH booster release in the near future.
but they do have ties to wizards
I don't know how many times we have to say it: Bans are not based on secondary market card values (nor should they be).

The one and only constant in recent years is that WotC is extremely reluctant to ban a card that is still making them money by moving sealed product (read: things still in currently printed runs like One Rings in LotR products). Outside of that, anything is fair game.
>you are killing your player base
Remind me, how well did Bloomburrow sell? How many sisters and girlfriends were roped into the game with the funny animal set?
there are no "ringbros"
if you genuinely own any copies of the ring, you know exactly what you're signing up for
hahahahahaha epic zesty bans
bye bye dockside! bye bye mana crypt! cant wait to see the saltiest tears being shed, my fcking sides lmfao. nadu i was expecting but the others i wasn't prepared for and it makes my day honestly

proxy chads we cannot stop winning
Even then, when it's both absurdly prevalent AND causing constant poor play patterns like Nadu, they'll still ban it even when it's still in circulation. One Ring is pushing up against that, admittedly, but "ubiquity" isn't INHERENTLY a reason to ban it by their own metrics.
Very clear it will go in December. This is like clockwork now.
Bloomburrow is still selling. We don't know numbers of course, but what we've been told is that it's doing very well. Maro might not tell the whole truth, but he doesn't usually outright just lie about data like that.
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kek my favorite
>Tim Pool
Who the fuck cares?
Is Rudy okay?
Is he an actual, literal Timmy?
Rudy is always okay because he knows the reality of the markets and isn't emotionally attached to the price of the cardboard. Unlike Timmy Pool, Rudy knows the absurd reality of treating collectibles as a finance and with that understanding comes both big losses but also steady gains. He'll be upset that his Commander Legends sealed holdings will be shot to shit and whatever singles he was holding are now worthless but with that knowledge he can liquidate stocks and put the money into something else to try again.
MTG - and collectibles in general - will still be worth money long-term because, put simply, it is a surrogate for lonely people. The money has to go somewhere. I know an 18 year old who 'treated' himself to a play box of MH3. I know a mid-20's lad who has sworn off having kids with his wife and so the money goes straight into MTG. People are gonna be into MTG forever, and most are just playing for fun. Scalpers and 'investors' trying to turn the thing into a hustle knowing full-well that it's a financial Wild West shouldn't turn into emotional crying w*men when something like this happens.
I'm going to put my kids' college fund into 1st edition Charizards.
We're going to be so rich.
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I'm stealing this, thanks
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Pioneer mana denial it's happening
You know what the EDH bans today remind me of? Anyone else remember all the melties people had over Mox Opal getting banned in modern?
>tapping permanents at instant speed
I kneel
Mox opal getting banned killed two of the coolest decks in modern though
/mtg/ laughing at edh players when you fags still cry over faithless looting being banned in modern lmao
>fag vocabulary
>fag opinion
checks out
no one here plays modern still, we're not that delusional
>They literally released a set not that long ago about critters and shit
>Already have a new set about to come out
Jesus fucking Christ, do they pump sets out like candy?
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Here's a list that no one's gonna try because no one plays this game. I wish that streaming wasn't so lame because this would be a perfect against the odds type deck that can win a few matches in a league but there's no way to break in to that sort of thing any more and I don't want to do it for the money I just like sweet decks
August- Bloomburrow
September- Duskmourn
November- Foundations
Feburary- Death Race
4 standard legal sets in 6 months
Its not too late for RC to do the right thing and ban all Universes Beyond cards
bro the mtg streaming section has like 4 mtgo users and 30 arena users at any time, guarantee you you'd get viewers for the sole reason of not being a basic bitch arena andy
so what's the game plan here
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bro is never making it out of compsci 101
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I appreciate you brother, you're a real one
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Uhhhhhh Bros?
>there's no way to break in to that sort of thing any more
people only think that because they've set their standards to what big networks of """content """creators""" """ pull in with modern internet traffic
for any given amount of effort, the kind of numbers that people consider a failure now would have been respectable or even exceptional for the equivalent effort 15 years ago
tldr youll probably get a least a few people watching you and leaving comments and stuff
Old news, now we're watching EDH have a melty.
Fuck this game.
If you think this wont eventually catch a ban you're an idiot
>put all these fancy versions into ixilan
>ban a few sets later
>in a format that is heavily house ruled anyway

wtf are these guys smoking
Nah dude there's no one TOR deck oppressing the format so it's fine
I thought February was Innistrad Remastered. When is it, Jan? March?
oink oink paypiggy
I just saw in my YouTube recommended a video saying Leyline of Resonance will 100% catch a ban so it must be true, right?
Well 100% is as high as % goes, so it sounds sound.
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>Investorfags in ruins
Man, what a great start to the week.
So... I set aside about $2500 a month from my paycheck to invest. I was scrolling the catalogue and saw this thread. Did the price on these just plumet? I assume if they get unbanned later they will skyrocket again right? Should I just buy a bunch and sit on them? Just the cards mana crypt and jeweled lotus right?
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Even if they unban (they won't) I would not expect them to return to the pre-ban price
Also investing in this shit is retarded and difficult put your money in big boy stocks
just arena babies having their first spoiler season, card is awful
I normally do, just figured i would ask. TYVM
There have been 5 unbans in the last 10 years of commander. None of these card will ever see the light of day again.
>Investing in cardboard
Fuck's sake anon just buy stocks or even crypto.
Fags were saying the same thing about SSS and leyline unironically seems weaker so I doubt it. That being said, invoke despair wasn't particularly good and still got banned for being "annoying" so maybe. I'd say 60/40 in favor of not getting banned
I'd wait for mana crypt to go to like $50. Still too risky at 70-80. If it doesn't, oh well. Just put it in vintage reserve list.
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i got a set early and have earned more value in prize support than i originally paid for them
>build deck
>win packs
>open packs
>sell singles or trade for isc to 'go infinite'
i have not paid actual money for a local event entry since 2014.
based and correct
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jelly, my local stores all stopped taking store credit for event entry
I'd wait for them to drop under $10, but it doesn't sound like a bad idea. I think there's an inevitability that the format will one day get an official split that leaves them only banned in the casual version.
Rudy is a pig apologist though. He's also likely racist and makes weird ass comments about women and poor people. He's fine for general financial/investing stuff but his personality is pretty fucking shit
It's not fully corrected yet since the ban just dropped today. Look at latest sales.
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I top 8'd almost every FNM for about 7 years and pulled maybe 2 cards of value.
wtf I love rudy now?!
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Yeah, Rudy is a pretty cool guy
I bought two duskmourn collector boxes, I'm gonna get the rarest cards ever :))))
feels amazing
Ancient Tomb is about to skyrocket. It's the next best thing in edh. Legacy chads and scalper chads better get them now.
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>/tg/ is full of /pol/tards
Expected no less. Going back to /mtgag/
If the RC doubles down ancient tomb will be banned next.
>A small group of friend ca ban cards based on their person feelings
Nice format there coomander players. Good to know that a group of people not related to WOTC can literally render your cards unplayable in the format there some explicitly made for.
Ancient tomb is not nearly as good as Sol ring and Mana crypt which is why it's fully legal in legacy and vintage and the others are banned/restricted
>4chan is full of cool people
Lmao bye
I'd rather play Ugin's Labryinth
then leave retarded faggot this isnt a safe space and you will never be a woman
Do MtG decks give me a code to get the deck for Arena?
hahahaha the tears are so yummy yummy yummy
Me too, anon
>Implying I play coomander.
I'm a pauper King, if one of our cards gets banned, we're down a buck fiddy max.
here's a tip for Arena
>only log in to complete quests that reward Gold
>use the freebie beginner decks for this
>use the gold you earn to get packs
>open packs that reward 'golden pack' track
>collect wildcards for a few months
>review the current metagame for whatever Arena format you want to play
>pick a tier 1 or 2 deck
>use your wildcards to build that deck
could take a while depending on what deck you want but it only costs time rather than money.
I've never had a card banned from under me, and I've been playing this game for close to 20 years. I play every major format, standard, modern, edh, legacy, and vintage. It helps that I tend to play fair decks, and even within fair decks you can generally sense when a card is an issue, like Nadu isn't really a surprise.
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My greatest hope and dream right now is that this causes a bunch of whales crack and WotC loses their buffer of retards willing gobble up literally everything they shit out.
Hoping some investors offed themselves
Nearly every Commander player has Sol ring. Only paypigs and proxychads had jeweled lotus. A company can safely piss off 5% of their customers and not have to worry. Pissing off 99% of their customers is a different story.
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not so fast pauperfag
Everyone has Sol Ring which means it's dirt cheap which means less people getting annoyed about it getting banned
Over this? No. The worst they did was contact a lawyer.
My retard, WOTC's design philosophy has ensured every card is going to lose value and be draft chaff in a few years time. They've already hit the ceiling on the established power levels and have no new mechanics to dream up that both fit in with the old power level and are interesting. That's why every creature's toughness has slowly been creeping up to 4 to avoid bolting and why so many cards now have ETB or other immediate value. Vanilla is barely a thing anymore even among the worst of Commons.

Thinking this cardboard is going to retain any value is supreme idiocy. Sell what you got and replace them with proxies.
Fair point, HOWEVER, this is not WOTC pissing off the player base, but an unrelated group of friends who have no official tie to WOTC. This groups of friends just tanked some of WOTCs biggest partners, the various giant game stores like SCG, inventory and lowered WOTCs reprint equity forever, WOTC will never be able to put Crypt, Dockside, or Jeweled Lotus into a set as a chase card and WOTC will not take this sitting down.
this defeats the entire point of MTG: Building your own deck and having fun playing your own ideas
>That's why every creature's toughness has slowly been creeping up to 4 to avoid bolting
It's never been possible to take Cube people seriously but the fact they haven't figured out everything is either at Bolt range or out of Bolt range and still packing lists with Shocks is just another one of those behaviors I see in Magic that makes me feel like everyone is just as incompetent as the next group of people.

There's simply no elite class in this game anymore. Everyone is just posing with money, years spent, and experience that really doesn't amount to enough experience to teach a new player.

It's so fucked up man. There will never be another generation of decent Magic players. I don't know when the last batch could have been produced but it certainly isn't possible now. Just meth addicts encouraging each other to take another hit.
but I just bought collector boxes, are you telling me that this cardboard is worthless?
I'm shocked WotC didn't erode the RC's independence a long time ago. Maybe this will be what finally spurs them take direct control of Commander and find a way to destroy it like they've done for every other format.
I don't know what the precise cut off year is but it really is damn hard to build fair cubes using cards printed past the late 2010s. This game really does feel like it's reaching an unrecoverable point. Commandtards got reminded of that hard today.
>This groups of friends just tanked some of WOTCs biggest partners, the various giant game stores like SCG, inventory and lowered WOTCs reprint equity forever, WOTC will never be able to put Crypt, Dockside, or Jeweled Lotus into a set as a chase card and WOTC will not take this sitting down.
WOTC Nazis knew this was on the horizon for over a year.
>Actually believing something that has never been backed up with evidence.
WOTC knows chase cards move product, they are not going to allow some randoms to dictate their cash cows.
>WotC gives Sheldon cancer
>Behind the scenes, the RC bends the knee to WotC, but maintains the facade of independence
>WotC forces the RC to discredit itself by banning popular cards
>Next WotC will intervene and take direct control of Commander, framing it as a necessary move for the sake of the players

All according to keikaku
They're absolutely getting some angry phone calls from WotC right now, on the slim chance they haven't been getting them already. I wouldn't be surprised to see legal action being threatened, or something on that level. For the past few years they've specifically been trying to restrict third party power in D&D and MtG, the RC could slip through the cracks because they were playing nice up until now. Absolutely zero chance that WotC isn't planning something to fuck the RC for this.
>damn hard to build fair cubes
Here's the thing, I don't think fair cubes were ever produced. They were since I could remember, which I feel like since the beginning of Cube, just a pile of the strongest shit in the game. It didn't matter what kind of Cube it was the curation amounted to "the strongest shit". Some pretended that they were making a special snowflake but the fact was 90% of their list was identical to that other guy's list. And when they landed on a theme Cube it was still the same fucking list as the other guy who was doing that same theme because it was just slamming all the same most powerful shit of that type into one.

I'm reading a 100 Ornithopter Cube right now and it's just the strongest shit. You just draft the strongest shit among all the choices which are the strongest shit.

I know people put Innistrad on a Limited pedestal but it deserves that spot for a reason. And those reasons haven't been learned by fucking anybody building Cubes. It's been over a decade since we saw actual Limited perfection and nobody seems to have learned anything from it.

Just to caveat what you're saying, it has gone far past the tipping point but Magic will never die, it will continue to print money forever but it will never be good again. Once a community/store dies everything good that was there goes with it. You can't just build a community from nothing, especially when the pool of players are fucking crack addicts. The greatest souls I've met playing the game have all left; we get together for food but all our Magic careers are over. This generation has zero fucking mentors.
you're free to do whatever you like with no judgement from me
boomer reminiscing about his boomer days
WOTC wouldn't need to shoot themselves in the foot just to make up an excuse to get rid of the RC, it's not like they've shied away from making unpopular decisions before.
>just draft the strongest cards
incredible insight
MtG doesn't give codes for Arena if you buy physical?
You think the Rules Committee isn't directly controlled by WotC? They're literally a sock puppet.
Why would they use a sock puppet to slash their own profits? With other formats they have to at least pretend like they care about balance, with Commander they can hide behind "just rule 0 it" and then keep printing chase cards that sell packs.
>being smug about being poor
don't even reply to me, i play every format because i'm a proxychad.
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They already pumped out Mana Crypts and Jeweled Lotuses last year, and waited to empty their warehouses before making the ban announcement. The only people who got hosed are suppliers who are holding on to dead inventory now that Commander Masters is worthless.
>but Magic will never die, it will continue to print money forever

I don't know, Hasbro is doing its damnedest to stranglerape the golden goose. Yeah, people have been saying "Magic is doomed" for years and it's still chugging, but the breaking point exists somewhere out there where trust and interest are broken and demand starts falling. Once that really hits the secondary market, that's when it's over. WotC and Hasbro can't be sustained by just individual addicts. They need the ecosystem of investors and collectors.
The trick is that no one can really predict the straw that breaks the camel's back. It can only be determined on retrospect.
>And those reasons haven't been learned by fucking anybody building Cubes.
Ever consider that people who build cubes out of draft chaff just don't bother to put them on the internet or take them outside of their existing playgroup? My cube hasn't even been to my lgs, it's purely for kitchen table house play.
This isn't to say it's necessarily well designed, but it's definitely very far from a collection of the strongest shit I have.
It's not in WotC's interest to eviscerate reprint equity like this. It's why they're such fucking pussies about bans nowadays.
They're busses about bans while they still have inventory to unload. As soon as they finish offloading the product, the ban hammer comes out.
Yeah but now they can't continue to pump out mana crypts and jeweled lotuses. It's not like there were hordes of people complaining about it or threatening to quit if they weren't banned, the cards have existed for years. Fucking over suppliers isn't good for them either, not when there's nothing gained from it. Not to mention now people will be wary about more cards being banned. This is unequivocally a loss for Wizards.
Wizards doesn't care
>Fucking over suppliers isn't good for them either
That hasn't stopped them before
A wizard bans precisely when he means to.
This. Nothing ever happens and everyone who """invested""" is gonna get over it and consume the next hot thing tomorrow
That's how it works for real formats where WotC has actual incentive to eventually balance things, but EDH doesn't operate on the same principals. It's not a competitive format. There's no incentive to ban things.
>They need the ecosystem of investors and collectors
No, no they don't. Because Magic Arena has definitively proven that the players do not care about collectors or investors. On Magic Arena, Magic has become a disposable product just like any video game. Think of the greatest multiplayer games that once existed, they are forgotten with no way of overcoming the attrition.

The digital game fills the missing requirement stores couldn't financially accomplish and that is put players in seats reliably. It also means the low barrier of being able to socially converse with another human being is gone. Convenience has come to Magic in a way that has never existed but a community could only have been built when people had to cooperate and tolerate each other in-person. And that community isn't necessary anymore. Nobody playing Arena knows who maro or Richard Garfield is, why the fuck would they need to?

Magic can only ever make less money but the camel's back will never truly break because as Arena shows things like trust are irrelevant; and interest is enshrined forever because no game will ever be able to compete against Magic's legacy product. Right now it will simply never be a healthy camel again. It's just a shitty camel.

I agree with you that the individual addicts are not enough to sustain paper. One day when paper dies, only EDH will remain but once physical card supply starts to decline and it is no longer economical to buy and sort cards EDH too will collapse. But we're talking a good 30-40 years following the death of paper until EDH eats shit forever.
Because in those cases they had something to gain. In this case they don't.
>Because Magic Arena has definitively proven that the players do not care about collectors or investors.
why would i care about a bunch of scalping niggers who have no interest in playing the game? they are a necessary evil at best and all they want is to jack up the prices of chase cards to gouge money out of actual players

tell me why i should feel sorry for wannabe logan pauls who bought 500 mana crypts
This assumes that Arena alone is enough to sustain WotC and big daddy Hasbro, but I doubt it. The death of paper will be the death of Magic, if only because it means WotC won't be able to maintain the profitability that Hasbro needs from it. When that happens, WotC will be butchered for parts and I doubt MtG will survive the transition with full momentum. MAYBE it could be revived afterward by whoever acquires it, if they play their cards right.

>One day when paper dies, only EDH will remain but once physical card supply starts to decline and it is no longer economical to buy and sort cards EDH too will collapse. But we're talking a good 30-40 years following the death of paper until EDH eats shit forever.

That time frame is ridiculous. Most EDH players (most TCG players in general, really) are way, way more ephemeral than that. If new releases really stopped, most would slough off almost immediately. Only a small handful of people increasingly fueled by nostalgia would hang on after a year or two.
Because they're the only thing keeping paper alive in spite of WotC's fervent attempts to mismanage it to death.
paper will be replaced by cheap e-ink displays imo like in sci-fi movies or moving newspaper portraits like in Harry Potter. Idk how it can ever become this cheap but it should be powered by ambient light and very durable. Then again, at that point they will ask: Why cant I just have 30 blank e-ink displays aka cards and then load up whatever card I want onto it
This jewish pedophile (but I repeat myself) is so repugnant
It'll get replaced by an app on a tablet.
Oh wait.
What's the deal with >pic related? Another rat gnawing through card board? Water damage?
There were EDH bans which hit a handful of ultra expensive cards. EDHfag outrage ensued while others either laugh at them or pray that this is what finally breaks the whales.
You're right, the vast majority of EDH players would slough off the moment there's no more hype about new shit.

I don't think WotC will be butchered for parts. The fact is D&D and Magic are the two largest dogs in the marketplace, there will never be a time when they would just sell off the winners or even allow the winners to decline to such a point where they cease to be able to compete with Pokemon or YuGiOh. Magic is just so inherently good that the fuckups that kill other companies won't seriously detract from its success. The Duskmourne art is simply the art style that makes video games failures; nobody wants to play a video game that looks that ugly and lacks fun gameplay but Magic has the gameplay down solid. Magic has not failed to appeal to every generation on the back of gameplay alone. You can't even see how shit the art is on a phone they'll get away with AI art soon enough.

One thing that has to be considered is that Magic is now a marketing platform, like how Amazon is a sales platform. Every brand, and there are many, will pay Wizards to use Magic as a platform. And every single whore IP owner out there will figure this out and Magic will have everything. Ghostbusters and Post Malone are just the bottom of the barrel, there will be Halo one day, probably Blizzard. Bob Ross' estate is raping his name for profit and it should be no surprise they jumped aboard. There's already Square Enix - the entire Japanese IP environment will jump aboard the moment the Final Fantasy numbers roll in.
it does for packs, which helps accumulate wildcards over time. it doesn't give you singles or precon decks though.
I'm going to try playing dredge at modern tonight. Hopefully I don't want to kill myself 1 round in. Wish me luck
Play Premodern.
>four (4) /edh/ threads with 600+ posts each
>last /mtg/ thread had EDH discussion dominating
>this thread is becoming EDH discussion dominated
EDH Chads run this game
Show me a more pushed uncommon in recent standard sets than this.
2 mana, removal spell for ANYTHING on the board, already good enough on its own in white. Then they follow that up by making it a creature aura, giving +1/+0 and lifelink, which is already good enough for a 2 mana aura. Then they throw ward fucking 2 on top of it. That is INSANE. Whoever was in charge of this set should legitimately never work on MTG products again.
Magic: The Gathering art
your opponent has to pay 2 mana for the privilege of getting a 2-for-1. how will he ever recover.
I can't be the only one that thinks 90% of the duskmourn art looks like shit.
They had a slam dunk horror theme that could've had a lot of unique shit and instead went for generic 80s le stranger things bullshit.
>The fact is D&D and Magic are the two largest dogs in the marketplace, there will never be a time when they would just sell off the winners or even allow the winners to decline to such a point where they cease to be able to compete with Pokemon or YuGiOh.

Never underestimate how retarded Hasbro is. They'd happily strangle the golden goose and then sell off the corpse while it still looks shiny. If they were at all interested in maintaining the long-term viability of MtG, paper wouldn't be fucking dying in the first place.

>One thing that has to be considered is that Magic is now a marketing platform, like how Amazon is a sales platform. Every brand, and there are many, will pay Wizards to use Magic as a platform. And every single whore IP owner out there will figure this out and Magic will have everything. Ghostbusters and Post Malone are just the bottom of the barrel, there will be Halo one day, probably Blizzard. Bob Ross' estate is raping his name for profit and it should be no surprise they jumped aboard. There's already Square Enix - the entire Japanese IP environment will jump aboard the moment the Final Fantasy numbers roll in.

That's assuming companies are paying WotC for the privilege of the crossover, but I'm not sure it works that way. Do companies pay Fortnite for a crossover?
At any rate, becoming a cumdumpster for 3rd party IPs is a way to make quick cash, but it's not that great for retention. If you keep making the game itself shittier and shittier, how long can you expect to keep these people who only came here for their God of War EDH precon?
And that goes for most recent sets
in a format where 3 mana is the maximum for a boardwipe and 2 mana is the maximum for a single target removal spell, making your opponent pay minimum 3 mana to get countered by a shardmage's rescue is pretty fucking backbreaking
LMAO whales having a fucking meltdown over their "investment". Remind me again why these cucks dictate reprints or not? If your card game has to rely on whale oil then maybe it shouldn't exist.
Because WotC seems to think that if their game is affordable in any capacity then it will die because people won't whale on packs. That's why Pauper decks are somehow $80 and Standard decks are $200 now.
I don't think Hasbro is so retarded as to sell of IPs, the entire North American market is about holding IPs. The only example I can think of selling an IP is Square Enix selling off their Western IPs to chase NFTs, which is magnitudes and beyond what the sale of something like Magic would entail. Bioware is on the brink of fucking failure but that studio can and will close and EA will absolutely not let Dragon Age or Mass Effect go, there is simply no way they will lose control.

I don't know who pays who when licensing an outside property, this is something that I have also always wondered but the answer doesn't seem to exist. Maybe Wizards pays, maybe the IP pays, maybe the IP gets a cut of the sales. The point is that the IP holder "pays" by giving Wizards access to their IP, which means they don't have to dream up any marketing pitch they just need to tap a market that already exists and it being a game there's going to be appeal already.

Wizards knows retention is something like 5 years. After which point they can just rehash shit with a new coat of paint (IPs are a form of paint) and the new generation of God of War fans won't be the wiser. It's the same with how Pokemon (video game and card game) is there for every younger generation it's a staple go-to no matter how shit it has become. We know Wizards doesn't give a single fuck about people who leave, enough stay to sell the game to the next generation and digital makes it incredibly easy.

For two decades people I know just randomly tell me they're giving Magic a try. All my convincing didn't push them to the game it was something else, something Wizards did like Fallout. Players like me aren't necessary. They just need IPs or online shills like Day9
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I've noticed that when a strong card is printed the print answers in the following sets to deal with it. If they don't work or the answers become a problem they ban the card.
>a few EDH bans happen
>every "investor" and professional EDH loser goes ballistic
>videos on the bannings, crying on every forum/social media space imaginable, amd articles about this shit
As if I needed more evidence that EDH is a blight on this game. Outcry over shit like Dockside Extornionist. Kek.
I hope more based rats eat peoples collections.
With play boosters having multiple rares, what stops people from putting some extra rares in their limited decks?
At my LGS the first place gets a whole display and people keep have decks with 4+ mythic rares while I have zero
EDH is cancer, end of story. Banning cards in a casual format is dumb as fuck though when the format already requires you to hold a workshop before the game where you discuss your deck's power level and what allergies you have so that your opponents can better pander to you.
is he high? that's not worth a million lmao
maybe ARS
I'm more interested in how the fuck is a made-up format dictating prices of some cards. Some tools out there are really spending $200 dollars on cards playable only on a kitchen table.
Standard decks are more like $300, more if you need Sheoldreds
>there are people that pay more than 10 dollars for any card
which is exactly why people hate mtgarena and play on mtgo or xmage instead
It sells extremely well in Poland at least, as I can see from prices.
>duskmourn booster box sells for ~25$ less
poland is keeping hasbro afloat
Removal spell that requires you to have a creature. Imagine sitting there with nothing on the board staring down a 6/6 demon and this is the only thing in your hand
>Banning cards from whales
A bold strategy Mr. Bond
The best part is brokies already proxied these cards and will continue to play their proxy decks against their friends and this banlist only effects tryhard richies
Saika didn't die for you to be such a faggot
Wizards is probably seething right now and there's a nonzero chance a Dockside reprint is currently off to the printers somewhere.
It does for the two player Starter Decks
I saw some discord posts from the commander committee member talking about how they planned the bans WITH wotc year in advance. So wotc printed the cards for an entire year knowing that they will get banned
dial8 on the way out
>the entire North American market is about holding IPs.

Didn't Warner Bros sell off a bunch of IPs not too long ago? And then there was all that nonsense with Embracer Group snatching up a fuckload of IPs.

>Bioware is on the brink of fucking failure but that studio can and will close and EA will absolutely not let Dragon Age or Mass Effect go, there is simply no way they will lose control.

That's sort of the reverse situation to MtG. Bioware is a failing subsidiary while EA is doing fine. Meanwhile WotC is a successful subsidiary while Hasbro is struggling. Bioware failing doesn't put EA into desperation mode and they can just shift the IPs to other studios, while WotC failing might as well be a declaration of bankruptcy for Hasbro. When the choice is selling things off or bankruptcy, then it's not really a choice.

>Wizards knows retention is something like 5 years

I have extreme doubts about this figure, especially with newbies drawn in by these crossovers.

>It's the same with how Pokemon (video game and card game) is there for every younger generation it's a staple go-to no matter how shit it has become. We know Wizards doesn't give a single fuck about people who leave, enough stay to sell the game to the next generation and digital makes it incredibly easy.

Pokemon's business model is basically impossible for WotC to replicate. Pokemon's an entire multimedia franchise aimed at kids, while WotC's consistently failed to expand MtG beyond a card game (albeit the biggest card game). This whole Fortnite strategy that WotC seems to be doing is their way of getting around their failure to breach other media spheres by instead inviting them over to MtG, but comparing anything about that to Pokemon is an absolute stretch.
So is duskmourn the america set
nta, but here's my experience with the game
>Played 20ish years ago (all Type 1 or Legacy)
>Playerbase was utterly atrocious. Actually awful people to interact with. One of the worst playerbases I ever dealt with.
>Reserved list gets established
>Quit game because I felt it was such a horrible idea at the time
>20 years pass, only hear about game in passing sometimes
>Some friends playing EDH
>Decide to join them because it removes my #1 issue with the game (the players)
>Find out there's like 50 more problems with the game that sound like exaggerated cartoon versions of issues I had 20 years ago
>Game itself is completely unrecognizable (this is not a bad thing in itself, I expected the game to be different)
>Find out there's a dozen formats now and they're all dead except the one with the worst banlist
>Decks are absurdly expensive for some reason, Pauper decks are $80 when they should be $6
>My shitty EDH deck is projected at $300 despite being nowhere near competitive
>Can't justify ordering real cards to myself because there's zero guarantee this thing will be playable in any other group due to it either being too weak or too strong
>Eventually all our games fizzle out, go to LGS and see it's precons VS precons
>Buying real cards would be me paying $300 to stomp Little Timmy playing Mr. House no wincon tribal
It's legitimately just the fact this game would be a large investment and it feels like any cards I buy have no future because they're tied to a group of players rather than a format. Having dealt with selling my collection once I can tell you that's not an experience I want to repeat even if I could get 100% of my spending back.
>Playerbase was utterly atrocious. Actually awful people to interact with. One of the worst playerbases I ever dealt with
Aww poor baby
Will the commanderbabbiez flood into the other fast mana now that mana crypt is gone? Do I need to finish my playsets of chrome mox, mox opal, and mox diamond sooner rather than later?
it's the legally-distinct-yet-recognizable-pop-culture-horror set
you need to proxy them
CEDH decks that ran Crypt usually also already ran the moxes so you're probably fine.
Any decision that makes Russian Asset Tim Pool mad is automatically based.

All of 4chan is. /pol/ wasn't a containment board, it was a welcome mat.
Why are edhtards talking about Dockside, Crypt and Lotus being fine because of rule 0 and getting mad when they can just rule 0 the ban away?
Because EDHfags like to pretend their format is super serious and competative
Because they "lost money", despite the fact they never intended to resell those cards
It's not getting banned, it's getting power creeped out when the Infinity Gauntlet lands in the Marvel set.
This whole edh ban has been hilarious. It really shows how retarded the format is, has been and forever will be. I hope it dies honestly.
This is a format that lacks any semblance of competitiveness due to it being a 4 way free for all.
Players have split the format in two, one were you are allowed to cry about your opponent's decks and one you are not.
But now that real bans are happening (but not really cause there is no OP so who gives a fuck), the so called competitive players are the one most mad about it.
And all these talk about "ban/unban anxiety" or "losing confident in their purchases", lmao! How much more of a pussy can a "competitive player" get?
>I hope it dies honestly
I just want it to go back to a casual joke format (never going to happen)
Wow I went 3-1
2-1 WBR MH3 tribal
2-1 Through the breach
0-2 Ruby storm
2-0 Frog Shadow
I mean for a horror set this IS horrifying on a meta level
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>The gauntlet and stones are Exodia for Magic
list? also based dredge player
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Anyone here buys proxies? What's the average price for them and how long does it take for shipping? I'm talking about well made colour ones, on cardstock and with front and back.
And i red someone talk about chinaman proxies... What's that?
There is a huge regional modern tournament coming up and I want to dab on sweatlords with my faerie brew but I have zero idea about the actual meta. Is MTGO the only option to playtest my deck? If yes, how affordable is to buy a deck if I have never played the game and own zero cards?
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I got some proxies off of shien after my gf found them while shopping
The quality was all over the place, some were great while others were arrifacts
>but not Sol Ring
Buck broken clock has one point, Sol Ring should have been banned 10 years ago.
i don't know why people refer to chinese counterfeit cards as 'proxies'
you're not fooling anyone you disgusting parasite
Approximately this, yes I was over 60
-1 Ox
-1 Thundering falls
-1 Blood Crypt
-1 Wonder
-4 Gaze
-1 Fetch
-1 Silversmote Ghoul (I only had 3 copies)
+4 Time Scour
+1 Racous Theatre
+1 Cephalid Coliseum
+1 Watery Grave

Next time I would cut the Watery Grave in favor of another red shock or Coliseum and maybe go down a fetch and/or up a shock. I would also like a second Conflagrate. That new Duskmorne creature and the supporting mill cards that go with it will be legal this weekend so I'll try to get them for next time.
In many way it still is a casual joke format. This whole drama is caused by people, wotc included, taking a joke way too seriously.
Oh shit, I thought it said creature instead of nonland permanent the first time I read it.
Buying proxies with the official art is fucking stupid. They're not real cards so just put whatever the fuck you want on them and make sure you can read the rules. There is no utility to a fake card pretending to be a real card unless you're actually trying to defraud someone.

Fucking retard.
Are you still defrauding people if they're indistinguishable from the real thing? Serialized cards can be checked, but is there any measurable difference between a Chinese card and a WotC card?
Are you trying to excuse yourself for spending a shitload of money on real cards or what? I just want to play casually with cards that doesn't look like shit. Or maybe I'm trying to defraud retards like you. Cope with it
It makes it clear what that card is to all players if its got the same art though anon
Im not trying to sell these cards on, im just trying to use them at the table
I feel like I shouldn't have to explain that counterfeiting is not a matter of the quality of the fake; but efforts to replicate exactly a printed card beyond play-ability concerns are either wasted effort or, by definition, fraud.

You don't have to be so fucking delicate about it. I'm not your fucking dad, I'm not going to spank you for shoplifting collectors boosters.

That said I don't see a point in paying a quarter of the price of a card to get a convincing fake when I can play just fine at a table with a sleeve and a slip of paper over top of a junk common.

I'll concede that, though rarely at my table are games going fast enough that anything more than being able to distinguish one card from the other and having clear rules on them is important.
>counterfeiting is not a matter of the quality of the fake
Is a fake that is indistinguishable from the real thing still a counterfeit, though? If the cards are completely identical except for their return shipping address, how am I supposed to know that the shop I bought the cards from sold me "real" cards?
Anon I know I don't have to explain to you why Counterfeiting is illegal because you literally just explained it.

You can't know-- if succesful-- which is why beyond play-ability (which can, within reason, mean having it look acceptable next too other cards on a table) making proxies too close to the real thing stops passing the sniff test.

If I decided monopoly money looked like shit and I wanted real looking money for games, at what point does claiming it's for private use stop holding water? I can get the color and patterns all right and even skip on the "not legal tender" boilerplate, but as soon as I start insisting on getting the watermark and microdots right there remains no credible reason to do so beyond malicious conduct.

Even if you want to have produced proxies covering your ass against these allegations and making sure you can keep your cards straight is a good idea. Throw "Proxy for Private Use" onto the artist line or something so if it slips into a pile at the shop or into your trade binder people will believe you when you say 'whoops".
WotC is not the government. If I can get cards that are actually fucking centered properly from China, I'm going to do it.
They're gonna cast Teferi's Protection (Roof Koreans)
Okay. Mark your cube so I don't get any of your fake shit twelve months from now when some retard steals it and it makes its way to my local shop.
The fact that you can't tell is my point. Even in your example, the money has a serial number on it because every other aspect is replicatable and the value it possesses is arbitrary. If you have to be told that a card didn't come from the WotC factory because there's no way to distinguish it, then the chinaman is making real cards.
>Throw "Proxy for Private Use" onto the artist line or something so if it slips into a pile at the shop or into your trade binder people will believe you when you say 'whoops".
Or hear me out, don't do that and do your part in flooding the secondary investor market with good looking proxies so authenticating becomes such a chore that it burns everyone out and the extra labor that goes into authenticating even a $5 card causes prices to go up so much that the game just fucking dies.

Do everything you can to help Chang upgrade his printing setup so we reach a point where proxies and the real thing are indistinguishable and WotC has to call it quits and we can all be free. I hate this game and you should too.
I'll do it. How do I get in touch with a chinaman to print some cards?
>jewside lotusionist
brilliant design WOTC
If we're abandoning all pretense of this not being just fucking counterfeiting, do whatever you like. I'm not a fucking cop. I am however also not going to give you a fucking economics lecture and life-advice seminar on all the externalizes you haven't fucking considered.

This isn't about paying twenty bucks for a piece of cardboard that says "Blue or Green, jam a nail up your urethra if you want to turn it sideways.", it's about eating a ban from my local store because your 'perfect fakes' spelled 'lotus' wrong.

This is about how much effort you need to put into killing cardboard before they just do fucking digital, which they're already trying to fucking do.

Its about not subsidizing a theft based economy that will give chang all the money he needs to kill any hypothetical or real good game.

More than anything else, it's about you fucking off with your brilliant 5 year plan for magic, because with Hasbro already at it we don't need anyone else trying to make MTG worse.
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Been toying with this one for a while. It's really just halfway between Mono White Midrange and Mono White tokens.
But I think Selesnya provides some huge boons to the strategy that mono-white doesn't have. Namely: violence.
>If we're abandoning all pretense of this not being just fucking counterfeiting
They're not counterfeit. They're real cards.
HM I wonder if Sandstorm Salvager is effective in an Animar bounce deck.
It's a shockingly decent card. I've had nothing but impressive results with it.
We might be laughing at our commy sisters but it makes me sad knowing we won't ever get such a spicy ban announcement
>We might be laughing at our commy sisters but it makes me sad knowing we won't ever get such a spicy ban announcement
Yep. Sadly, any big money bans we do get (ONE RING, FOR EXAMPLE) would be seen coming from miles away.
we won't ever get such a spicy ban announcement because we aren't babies. it's probably a lot of people's first ban.
This discussion cannot continue if you do not understand the difference between a "real", "original" or "true" object, as opposed to a "fake", "counterfeit", or "replica (sometimes called a 'proxy', in that it is standing in for a real card)".

I can address how wrong you are, however I do not have any means of resolving your metal deficiencies-- be they congenital or the result of trauma.
>magic """investor"""
>never talks about liquidity
>AKSHUALLY Sol Ring is equally problematic compared to the three free mana for 0 or sol ring for 0 mana
How are you guys this retarded? I've seen this sentiment everywhere and it's a little absurd. They keyword is 0 mana- it's gas with absolutely no drawback whatsoever. Sol ring gives you a lead, but you still have to sink mana into it the same way you would a ramp spell.
Sol Ring is problematic cause it's another card that more or less goes in every single deck no matter what it's trying to do
>inb4 "that's just a staple!!"
Fuck off, retard
I miss Allies. Is there a format where Allies are playable?
last time I saw allies was in penny dreadful
It's in every single deck because it's in literally every precon. It'd be like banning Command Tower at this point.
>it's in literally every precon
This is the main reason it's never getting banned but that doesn't mean it shouldn't get banned
>retarded opinions from bluechecks
isn,t it a solved format?
So if I get this code and submit it, I get the deck in-game?
If Mike Rosewater was fired from WotC, would the company improve?
I wish I knew who Mike Rosewater was.
I think reading these threads is funnier if you don't

Buy high sell low
MTG Goldfish features decks played in formats, but their interface is ass
MTGO is the most populated but i have seen some Modern games on Xmage and Forge so try looking around
and don't put too much heart into it, Modern currently is Horizons Block Constructed feat. LotR and whatever the one new overpushed card from the latest Standard set is, it's not a fun time.
I'm Mark Rosewater and I hate you all. You know I'm legit because I once wrote for Rosanne. Hope you guys are looking forward to the Marvel set.
>the difference between a "real", "original" or "true" object, as opposed to a "fake", "counterfeit", or "replica (sometimes called a 'proxy', in that it is standing in for a real card)".
It only exists if you can perceive it. If you need me to mark my cards to show that they're fake, why can't i mark your cards to show that they're the fakes around here? The fact you can't tell the difference is the point. Why does a card being "real" have to have any meaning on it's price, if the "fake" is so indistinguishable that you need it marked? Tell me where you live, i'll bring a sharpie, write "PROXY" on all your cards, and you'll give them to me for bulk prices, how about that?
Also, you resorting to ad hominem marks you as a fake fan and a homo. Go get nibbled by rats like your "investments" get nibbled.
>banning Command Tower at this point
you should, colorfixing being so easy has and always will be a mistake.
Based, what's the best ching chong proxy site?

It's insane the lengths Predditors will go to defend Wizards.
The biggest issue MtG faced was the reserve list. Catering to wannabe investors is the easiest way to kill a game.
Hopefully this is just the first of many. I want $1 fetch lands.
cEDH retards deserve it for not having the balls to stand up and make their own banlist as was obvious a decade ago
kill yourself. investors are what made mtg big in the first place. you think people would give a shit about this game if it cost $20 for a whole deck? part of the allure is the collectability and you can't make something collectable without making it valuable.
Nigga I can't be dealing with your brain damage this early in the week. I wouldn't have to reach for the ad hominem if you weren't dumb as hell, the only thing retards like you understand are violence and insults.

If we're going to break out the hard philosophy over the shiny cardboard, I'm going to whip out the hard solipsism and send your bitch ass to the shadow-realm with a blink.

I play the fucking game you retard. My cards aren't an investment, they're toys. Maybe I'll sell my toys later if I ever quit, but who the fuck is stupid enough to speculate the cardstock goblin market? You and your china loving fellatio partner can stop with the weird ass viral marketing campaign and try not being a blight on society for five fucking minutes.

If you trade me your bitch ass lead-lined fake cards I am going to will the universe hit you with a bus and see if the ER takes fake Ancestral Recalls.
>Investors are what-
Killed the game.
When a game becomes an investment vehicle it becomes a way for investors to make money and the most important things in a game (Fun and balance) take a backseat to investing.
Japs are ignoring the banlist. They call their event SUPER EXCITING COMMANDER.
>hareruya needs to dump their bags
Reminds me of Frontier back 2015
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I refuse to buy this set solely for the fact the Commander symbol is so fucking ugly.
japs need to learn that commander is not magic
Like funko pops or comics or beanie babies or baseball cards where the only actual valuable ones are the really old stuff precisely because its old and the original?
At least they have the balls to play with the full pool of banned stuff, like black lotus. And that it is specifically for an event and not a separate format. Meaning they can do this event as much they want until people get bored of it.
>Duskmourn is coming out now
>Bloomburrow is already forgotten
What went wrong? I thought the furries were supposed to save us.
BLB is pretty basic. DKM isnt even regestering with people, atleast BLB still has that lasting cute impression on people who like this stuff
I don't know a single person who's excited for SHITmourne
Because its fundamentally uninteresting. Now its dead and buried faster because of the bannings. Its a sad state of affairs really
People said Star Wars would be around forever.
In Duskmourne I kinda wanna build a Jeskai enchantments deck with some of the new cards and that's literally it
With Bloomburrow, I was excited to see what could be built out from each of the major tribes
what did WOTC mean by this???
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>investors are what made mtg big in the first place
They are on the political left
Foreshadowing Gay Bolas in Return to Tarkir.
I'm pretty sure cEDH lists don't even run tower despite most top lists being 4c/5c, because it's an untyped land that only taps for 1 mana. That's how much of a shitshow the EDH banlist is.
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>Nadu, Winged Wisdom DESTROYED by FACTS and LOGIC

read the sidebar and you'll know everything there is to know about the chinaman proxy. Prices per proxy range from 1€-4€ each depending on quantity and how fancy the card you're proxying is. If you're not ordering 1000+ cards at a time expect each card to cost you between 2€-3€ + shipping
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Clawing Torment is cracked beyond belief. It has already won many games, in particular against "tall" decks like Nykthos Ramp. Having your removal double as burn is FUCKED in a deck that puts out this much pressure.

I have steadily noticed that Sandstorm Salvager plays a very similar role to Skeletal Swarming, only 2 mana cheaper and with more immediate board presence. The instant big trample has won a few games, but having the trample faster to plow through Cats and other chumps right out the gate is a bigger upside imo.

Underdog being able to come out with haste sans-Corpses has been huge. Slinging out fast aggro then chaining Underdogs to beat through the last few life points won several "Damn I wish I had Corpses right now" games already. Incidentally, he's also an insane way to enable Corpse bouncing itself, unlike Rot Farm.

Driven // Despair continues to be a brick house. Turning a game from reletively even to "I draw three cards, you discard your hand" on turn 4 is... Well, when the card is good, it just solos the game. Sadly not ideal in multiples, and does nothing to actually win on its own, so it has settled into a 2-of support card.

Tinybones is back. I don't think he's good. I just like the guy, and we needed one extra 1-drop to balance the curve. The upper limit of infinite value grind, and bottom end of a deathtouch dude, I think makes him better than the other sub-optimal dudes.

Only tiny updates remain, I suspect. The list is getting VERY tight.
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I think the list is good enough that I'm going to start records keeping like I did with Prion Black, to find key weak matchups and get some real data.

initial results after all the tunups is that it feels comfortably Tier 1. It's just a very nice mix of speed, value and relentlessness that harshly punishes slow decks/hands, bounces back from interaction but doesn't crumble to 'yard hate, and has enough high-power haste to still threaten lethal second winds even if they fully stabilize.

Hope more people get to test it. Even if it doesn't end up at the top, it is VERY fun.
I could be way off base but I feel like this deck might want rotting regi
Fuck off to Reddit.
>I could be way off base but I feel like this deck might want rotting regi
No thank you.
But I'll test it anyway.
It's just a retardedly huge beatstick that generally survives meathook.
Almost everything in the deck survives Meathook.
Miner/Gutterbones/Moss-Pit just self-recur. The Case token gives me a Demonic Tutor if you kill it. Corpses of the Lost bounces back for another go if you wipe our board. Tenacious Underdog can Blitz from the 'yard.

The only board wipe that is particularly a problem is Temp.Lockdown as it eats the Case alongside exiling everything.
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since my beans list got rotated out I was looking for ways to renovate it, stumbled upon this list who won two leagues (I know pretty much anything can win leagues but still). What do you guys think? I can't tell if this deck is just carried by the mh3 cards in it or if the loam + mox diamond package in a FoW + brainstorm deck actually does anything

Endless spoiler season means that on the rare occasions WotC does something right, it isn't allowed to have a lasting impression. WotC doesn't want you to savor Bloomburrow, they want you to forget it and buy the next thing.
Skeletons is tight. Going back to some older brews. Found some sick pieces for a few of them.

If you have any ideas for a shitbrew I may consider tackling it.
>What do you guys think? I can't tell if this deck is just carried by the mh3 cards in it or if the loam + mox diamond package in a FoW + brainstorm deck actually does anything
I think the thought process is
>tamiyo + frog + the usual blue spells is a deck
>tamiyo makes clues
>clues need mana
>mox diamond + uro + loam gives you lands (and mana)
>frog interacts well with uro (draws and discards stuff to escape him)
>frog interacts well with loam (lands to discard to frog)
>frog interacts well with mox diamond (faster frogs to draw more cards)

it does sound like a viable alternative to bug beans if you want to grind games out
>boot up Arena to dick around with the new cards
>play a game of Bo1 standard
>opponent is mono-red Leyline of Resonance
>whoop his ass with my Bloomburrow Bat Tribal deck
But I thought this card was gonna ruin standard????????
thats how I felt about it too, and I like what I'm seeing cause the one thing I hated about BUG beans is how weak it felt to mana denial strategies, mox diamond and loam fix that so now the only issue with the deck is not presenting any fast clocks vs combo, but maybe thats not even true anymore with frog being a thing now

This and also land>tamiyo>diamond>brainstorm, flip tamiyo>uptick is already a pretty stupid play pattern. There aren't many ways to lose a game after that.
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No raceswaps in FF Universes Beyond at least
>JotC still there
>Valve still there.
At least it's both still run by Saint Gaben AND not publicly traded so shareholders can't be extorted.

I think the diversity in FF is wide enough to not really need the extra push.
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Not if I have to put those cards in my deck I don't
>Trying to make a joke about cards being banned.
>Choose to do it in reply to 'fucking Leyline Binding
I'd bet he's 100% serious, these jackoffs just parrot whatever "financial advice" they pick up from Twitter and TikTok without actually researching anything themselves, so they're convinced everything they do is a sure-thing that's bound to make them rich. The real money isn't in the cards, it's in the rubes buying your advice.
Because everything politically correct has been failing left and right and costing companies hundreds of millions of dollars, will WotC abandon it soon?
>everything politically correct has been failing left and right and costing companies hundreds of millions of dollars
>source: my jiggly pooper
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hey bro, wanna die turn 2?
(from the other thread)
Not a problem we can Leyline Binding on turn 1 lol
If your gameplan is to hit a free spell with premium single target removal against an aggro deck you're already done
Boardwipe tribal is a bo1 shitter deck, no a competitive option
>Arenabab being a retard.
Lmfao nothing to see here, carry on folks.
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What were they thinking !?
>standard Timmy gains confidence after new leyline puts him on a rank he doesn't deserve
>queues timeless
>turn 1 leyline + swamp
>not even a thoughsize
>scam a grief
Standard fags need to be punished
Can't Stay Away is better.
Call of the Death Dweller is another solid choice.

Honestly recent sets have printed an absolute shit spew of "3 or less" reanimator. Seems like a good setup, might try it out.
that blue deserved good cards again
>No Ward 2 on Abhorrent Oculus
I see they forgot about FIRE
Wrong color? Reads like a black card lmao
Can I get a QRD on why everyone is laughing at Commander and why Commander players are currently panicking?
Is it actually true there's only 2 white guys in this entire set?
Three of the most expensive non-reserved-list cards ($200, $100 and $90 respectively), which were only playable in Commander, all got banned in Commander in one fell swoop.

Many players had dozens of copies of these cards for all their EPIC BLING commander decks. Tons of people lost thousands, some tens of thousands, of dollars overnight.

Additionally, the Saga of Nadu continued, as it also got banned. The card for MODERN Horizons that was adjusted to play better in Commander, got banned in both Modern and Commander.
Everyone has been laughing at commander players the whole time commander has existed

On this particular occasion there happens to be a slightly more convenient excuse than normal
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Ah, and even more hilariously, this banning came quite soon after WotC shilled SPECIAL SUPER DUPER PREMIUM versions of one of said cards as a chase card.
Mana rocks staples got banned and the cards price tanked. The panicking its just normal faggot behavior (you) can encounter in such formats.
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>having duplicates on a singleton format
Yes, please understand.
They're Commander players.
>Change completely fine and balanced card that was tested thoroughly because you're concerned it would be bad for commander.
>Card ends up being banned in the format you designed it for after shitting up the format it should've been designed for.
I hope the asshat that made the last minute fix to Nadu gets fired.
how will we ever recover....
People playing MtG have sometimes more than four copies of a card, too.
You know why.
Sad for the doggo. Should have been the wife.
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The best thing about this card is it's explicitly not for EDH.
>be me
>summer 2072 banlist released
>oh noes, my scrungle GX-9001, ver. 2 got banned from standard, hyper-modern, mega space explorer, and astro-legacy
>Neo-Iron man, Willy Wonka, Candy Visionary, and Pikachu banned from plasma-quark pioneer
>no worries, I’m playing in a neo-extended mark 4 tournament for fnm tonight
>grab my bag with all my supplies
>sit down at my hologram table in my kitchen with my microchip-hud overlay
>opponent is that asshole who stomped me with Indiana Jones tribal last week
>pull out my plasma dice
>roll out my matrix-enhanced virtual battlefield playmat
>pull out my deck
>forgot to charge my deck
>Get told the card is being monitored for 5 years
>Wasn't enough notice
EDHtards are something else
Can this card help Dredge/Delirium/Root decks become a thing again?
>Can (new card) help make (old deck) a thing again?
Probably not
The new auras are making Boggles insanely powerful anon. What's the logic of saying that?
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>Watch trailer for Duskmourn
>Talking rat with purple Mohawk and sci-fi gear
What the fuck is this? This is not Magic in the slightest.
What MtG set was it that made MtG turn pozzed?
>What the fuck is this?
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Brazilians btfoing the white culturewarite
define pozzed
Isn't pozzed just a shorter version of saying politically correct?
I'll put it in my modern dredge list and one guy is posting screenshots in the dredge d*scord server of him getting Altanak into play on turns 2 and 3 with what appears to be an Ideas Unbound BUG list but it has Psychic Frog. I can't tell if its consistent at all or if he's just posting the highrolls
Fifth dawn
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Don't blame me, that's when magic lost identity and became a soulless husk
Enough of speculator nonsense post custom cards
last I heard Commander decks have been homogenized because of the precons and the universal staples like command tower, command signet, solemn simulacrum, sol ring (fast mana but it's fine because jotc reprints it, really makes one think) and if i played commander i'd tell you more cards that every deck uses but i don't
Why not just give it Haste?
>Tons of people lost thousands, some tens of thousands, of dollars overnight.
Imagine spending thousands on cardboard, lol, lmao even
So the player casting it doesn't get to use it. Basically what if Howling Mine but on an unkillable, unremoveable creature. Though there is a way to get rid of it.
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this is so stupid, once I was watching this dude called calleb_mtg on twitch, left a comment saying something like "this dude's deck is crazy" referring to his opponent and some mod in chat immediately hit me with the same rhetoric. Bro who fucking cares about the gender of the opponent, its just a casual comment in twitch chat
I once made a custom core-set that was essentially a magic reboot with a yugioh-style extra deck with fusions and extra wishing and such. Never got to play any games with the cards but I had fun putting it together
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Looks comfy. I like it.
>using this many rare wildcards on a meme
God I wish
Okay most of that I get, what's Hexmage for? Just 'two things to sac'?
Looks neat, been having fun myself with snake turbo brews
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They didn't lose shit. They bought a product and they still have the product.
No dude they were totally planning on selling them
>$200 cards
Wrong. Sol Ring is a staple. Arcane Signet is a staple. Mana Crypt is cedh p2w bullshit only used by competitive players in tournaments and paypigs who want to pubstomp in casuals.
>retard doesn't understand what investments are
I think investing in mtg is retarded, just as it's retarded to invest in the stocks of failing companies, but an investment is still an investment. If you invest in stocks and that company loses all value, would you say the investor "didn't lose shit" because he still owns the stocks that are now worth pennies?
It's not a stock. It's a game piece. The actually functionality of the product has not changed.
A ban changes the functionality of a game piece. A game piece that can not be used is useless.
It can still be used though. Chaos Orbs are still functional game pieces too.
If a buy a toy, I'm not expecting it to go up in value 200% in a few years like a drooling retard.
Why is it useless now exactly?
>e-erm my friends won't let me use it
>my kitchen table group won't let me use it
The alternative is retarded, but I bet you'd support it.
Reading the commander thread is funny as fuck
Sometimes I forget how dumb those motherfuckers are lol
>The alternative is retarded, but I bet you'd support it.
What the hell are you talking about?
You are essentially saying because I'm buying a product (for a fucking card game of all things), it's functionality can never change and nothing can ever happen and the price can only go up.
It's painfully retarded.
No I'm not. Learn to read, retard.


Too hard daddy it hurts ;^;
This is the real take we need. FUCK THE COMMANDER PRODUCTS
war of the spark (omg it's just like my freaking marvel kinos!!11!!1!!!!)

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