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Archives & Other Resources: https://pastebin.com/wETipqYw
Allsync: https://cyoa.allsync.com/s/owWor64yLTngDk3
Previous Thread: >>93968958
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>the worst woman and omniarch is chinese
What did he mean by this?
Still better than Aeneas though.
Well, it's a good thing that Aeneas never was or will be a woman, just like how his wife never was or will be a real Omniarch. She has no true immortality, she has no electoral support. She is a grieving widow distorted by blood magic into a mockery of the Convention.
Not-Aeneas is still one of the most powerful being in the multiverse by virtue of knowing everything Aereas knows.

Imagine if the Convention mass produced Omniarch level mages...
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I didn't want this to be updated. I HATE it when authors update CYOA's, they just invariably make them worse. Don't do this to me Tankista you're only only one making consistently tolerable tl;drslop.
No he is not, you are just nostalgiafagging and being a hypocrite.
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>Imagine if the Convention mass produced Omniarch level mages...
Viable and would btfo anyone and anything standing in the Convention's way. Only problem is that people might riot if that is discovered, but that can easily be fixed with Usurpation.
Nah Aeneas is based
>If you don't achieve pretty much all that she didn't managed to do during most of her career at the very beginning of yours she was going to fucking try to ruin the mission and murder your very important agents
Any other stuff by Hyenaanon? I just played wiser men from the OP of last thread and it was a blast. I'm not even a fan of cyberpunk.

I'm coming to discover it's not just about choosing things that makes a CYOA for me, that often leads to bland powerfantasy it's also about having those choices have lasting consequences that reward or punish. A hint of rng is ok too because otherwise you're just optimizing.

Damn I loved that CYOA.
We still don't have a good cyberpunk cyoa.
>t. hyenacuck

holy based?
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Cyber-Agent exists.
His elder scrolls cyoas are pretty good.
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>it's also about having those choices have lasting consequences that reward or punish. A hint of rng is ok too because otherwise you're just optimizing.
Try his other CYOA based off Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri. Don't remember it's name but it should be in his Allsync folder. You may also enjoy A Life Chronicle by Peil, or some nxtub CYOAs such as Prepare For Winter or The Hospital. There's also pic rel
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A most puzzling state for a cyoa. It is completely playable and very good despite being a WIP. Why did the author never finish it?
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If CYOA Authors had Domain Expansions, what would they be and who would win?
>Darius overthrows Dido, ruining her ambitions
>and then he lives on for a few more ages just to see his double agent ruin her ambitions all over again
name a more based omniarch
Dying Luminary is a trap. 1 Stress for $3M is fucking insane.
>1 minute apart
So true bestie
Wtf you fucking hypocrite.
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I miss rwby. This one gets a gold star just because I like rwby.
sorry I was away for a bit and I haven't worked on my cyoas I started watching young justice and got distracted. danger, chupacabra! is going to come out though.
Test Subject

>Section 1:
Upgrades: Nerve Stabilizer, Cortical Backup
Mishaps: Smooth Sailing
Tests: Stock Trading, Virtual Resort

>Section 2:
Upgrades: Perfect Willpower, Metacognition (rolled twice), Hive Mind
Mishaps: Smooth Sailing (rolled once)
Tests: Enrichment Plan, Final Preparations

>Section 3:
Upgrades: Utility Function (rolled once), Cognition Virus, Mind Like Clay, Grand Design
Mishaps: none
Tests: New You, Ghost

Superhuman (33)

I become a super fast learning hive mind that does the best possible actions based on my knowledge.

Played too conservatively, ending up with 7 Calm and 0 Stress. Whatever, I can always upgrade myself after the cyoa.

Nope, it's actually kinda hard to die.

I ain't opening that link nigga
The princess aint clickin on that link g-man
Unless you post a picture or give a synopsis or something im not even going to consider clicking it.
Even the most annoying attention whore here won't even click your link.
Tankista sure does know how to write woman. Her entire life is a woman moment of cataclysmic proportions ruining everything for everyone forever.
Stop trying to shill your shit retard. Everyone knows it's you. Make better stuff other than your usual slop and your cyoas might last longer than one thread and get more than 5 builds.
Isn't it funny how (You) can achieve everything she has been fighting for and disband her terrorist organization in moments just via paperwork?
Well, that only became possible because the Convention got so fucked... because of her
Is github considered unsafe now?
So that was her thousands years scheme...
I just wanna click a fuckin link and I'm nobody else does either. Post jpgs like everyone else you arn't special.
You didn't provide any summary or picture for the cyoa. I'm not even going to consider reading it.
Half the Agents have mastered at least one aspect of blood magic. The reunion is inevitable.
Thats not OC
Thats not a CYOA in the sense of this thread
Thats a Shadowrun character generator, you absolute loon.
It is but I thought it was funny.
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Ignoto, The Sixth Omniarch

Class: Sorcerer
Spellcraft Proficiency: all but Usurpation aspect of Blood Magic

Sorcery Slots: 4 Unit Slots: 3

- Custom bonus: triples all the personal benefits. Inspired by Espa/Apse. This is less about raw talent and more about optimal usage of his position plus A LOT of motivation. Anything less is not sufficient to fight At the Edge of Time.
- Custom bonus: UNKNOWN. Some sort of weird personal sorcery most likely, like many Arcane tricks it's inspired by quantum bullshit and simply doesn't exist until proper measurement that is facing absolute doom of the Final Mission, therefore it's not a "current tool available" if only in pure technicality. Maybe it can unlock the odds beyond 50% by stacking 100% mission successes (a bit like Magnamaria). Yes, expecting 100% success chain to just continue even in the face of something like the Final Mission is a pipe dream, but turning dreams into reality and despair into hope is kinda the point. In the end it's nothing but a purely narrative bonus to justify "Nah I'd Win".

I don't trust Temporal Spiral. Even if I'm reading too much into Siegreise's words, this thing has an unfortunate history of being hijacked by blood mages and Void related entities like Destroyer-First Sinner. Wouldn't it be funny if Terminus couldn't just delete everything by himself and simply fool everyone with some variation of Vacant Arcana in hopes of hijacking any sort of omniverse-level countermeasures? I won't bet on this though.
On Other/Darker Skies Ahead: blood mages are affected by Terminus pattern too, and with things like Nameless Warrior spell and Abysswalker bullshit he can easily obtain all the power he needs. Global mana drain can't really stop him, but it can destroy his greatest opposition. True Angels are wrong, I'm with Saul here. There must be another way.
The implications that Void related beings aren't united are very interesting indeed.
Moralism is super broken, or maybe it's Ideology: Other has too harsh disadvantages.

Final stats:
Pragmatists: 60
Yeah, my rule is quite pragmatic.

Purists: -35
Fuck Purists. Maybe gently in the case of Ele and the likes. But seriously, fuck Purists. I'll still try to increase their approval in the future though. Ugh.

Reformists: 35
People aren't perfectly pragmatic beings. It's paradoxically pragmatic to not be too pragmatic with them.

Adversary/Eclipse: 9
Even Dido must be satisfied with this. We need them At the Edge of Time.

Income: 120
Reserve: 432
With this and couple of Gateways still in stock I think we're as ready as reasonably possible on this front.

At the Edge of Time: I'm ready to face another True Immortality. As well as the fact that Terminus may bypass my own. With Gateway and an extra agent slot it's trivial to boost chances to 50%. I plan to bring Thoss/Mr. Feather (they count as a secret Adviser, I guess) to commit to the theme, but it's not truly decided. And leave Nameless out of it to exploit his plot armor, but it's not decided as well. There are many initial plans, even for the very unlikely scenario that Terminus is not a problem anymore, but omnicide still happened somehow. Dreamscape with Boundary and Spark of Defiance plus Sabbath can let everything begin anew.
But nah, we'll win perfectly.
Ideology (You)
-30 -30 -30 -150 500

-55 -55 20 2

-25 -105 -30 5 -100 500

-35 -100 -15 5 -90 500

-30 -115 -5 5 -80 500

Conditional Sorting
-25 -120 10

Chain of Command
-20 -115 10

-15 -110 -5

Mandated Sanctuary
-25 -95 15

Unified Standard
-10 -85 15 5 -75 475

-15 -60 5

0 -85 -20 7 -75 475

10 -80 -20 7 -75 425

5 -90 -10

Periodic Pupil Mandate
-5 -85 -20

Tight Control
-10 -75 -35

Output Measurement
0 -75 -40

Deployment Cut
20 -95 -25 7 -50 425

15 -80 -10

20 -70 -15

20 -70 -15

45 -45 10 7 -80 425

Local Autonomy
50 -35 25

60 -25 20

Exclusive Contract
75 -30 30 7 -60 425

Reintegration Process
80 -40 45 8 -60 425

75 -30 40

65 -45 25 8 -50 425

Old Categorization
60 -35 25

Warlock Focus
60 -35 35

60 -35 35 8 -50 425
+70 Income from missions

Extra agent slots for all missions with 8+ Adversary reputation

10 Diabolisms for -250 Reserve, 11 in total, effective +55 INcome

Empyrean 100%
[Merlin (Diabolism, Mind's Eye)]

10 Diabolisms, 4 Mind's Eyes

Iriy 100%
[Gorokh (free Manastream Custodians), Not-Aeneas (Sacrosanct Device, free Magicians (Manastream Custodians))]

+95 Reserve

Sacrosanct Device 1

Hades 100%
[Apse/Espa (Diabolism), Hysteria (Gateway, free Manastream Custodians, free Magicians (Manastream Custodians), free Gatekeepers, free Battlemages, free Sages), The King, Gwyneris, Seb, Daxmor]

+20 Income, +100 Reserve

Elysium 100%
[Thoss (Diabolism), Nameless, Merovech, Clovis]

[Prometheus/Dido(Diabolism, free Manastream Custodians, free Magicians (Manastream Custodians))]

7 Diabolisms, +30 Reserve

Gehenna 100%
[Shwitz (Diabolism)]

Purgatory 100%
[Shwitz (Diabolism, free Manastream Custodians, free Magicians (Manastream Custodians))]

+5 extra Income, +20 Reserve, 6 Diabolisms

Abaddon 100%
[Darius (Diabolism)]

5 Diabolisms
Thanks, anon. I made a few other CYOAs kinda like this, such as Harem Activities and Recon Rover Rick. I think one of my favorite CYOAs and one of the best is Jedi, General, Pirate, Sith, which is kinda like Wiser Men Than Us but on crack, but it's way too long to be posted here.
Limbo 100%

Niflheim 100%
[Robert (Diabolism), Iesule (free Manastream Custodians, free Magicians (Manastream Custodians))]

+10 Reserve, 4 Diabolisms

Duat 100%
[Fesh (Primologos, (Diabolism), free Manastream Custodians), Su (Primologos, Mind's Eye, (free Magicians (Manastream Custodians))]

+10 Reserve, 3 Diabolisms, 3 Mind's Eyes, 1 Primologos

Mictlan 100%
[Dolora (Eternity's End, Guessing Game)]

Eternity's End 0, Guessing Game 1

[Invidia (Diabolism, Incarnate Substitution), Cleo]

2 Diabolisms, 1 Incarnate Substitution

Eden 100%
[Nudor (Diabolism, Sages (Continuum))]

1 Diabolism, -15 Reserve

Naraka 100%
[Paulon (Thauma, free Manastream Custodians)]

1 Thauma, +5 Reserve

Yomi 100%
[Abraxas (Temporal Spiral), Astrapea (free Manastream Custodians, free Magicians (Manastream Custodians), Sages (Perception))]

0 Temporal Spirals, +20 Income. -5 Reserve

Erebus 100%
[Xina (Curtain of Gloom), Fein (free Manastream Custodians, free Magicians (Manastream Custodians), Melio (Incarnate Substitution)]

0 Incarnate Substitutions, 1 Curtain of Gloom, +20 Reserve

Tartarus 100%

Irkalla 100%
[Urom, Rhea (Old Guard/Eclipse Adepts, Blank Agenda)]

-13 Reserve, 0 Blank Agenda

[Saul (Sabbath, Guessing Game), Gamayun/Yang (Decapitated Sail, Diabolism)]

1 Sabbath, 0 Guessing Game, 0 Decapitated Sail, 0 Diabolism
Now this is what I call spam level formatting.
Efficiency Improvements
Repairing Nanomachines
Augmented Hearing
Reinforced Skeleton
Armored Ribcage
Thickened Skin
Artificial Blood
Hypergrowth Hormone
Cyber Limb x4
Pain Inhibitors
Lightning Reflexes


Sarah Arlon


retarded asexual murderer
Mayoneas almost killed the Eclipse tho, then no more inhabitable worlds would need to be drained. They pulled some last resort bullshit sneaky move out of their assess to save themselves, now they are ruining existence with their LGBTQ chaos blood magic unchecked again.
Some times the good guys are destined to lose, just so a better story can be told.
>Periodic Pupil Mandate
>my rule is quite pragmatic
Sure it is.
It is pragmatic to not be too pragmatic sometimes. They are pragmatic enough to understand.
Sure, I'll make one
>Your Path: No Past, Strange Land [+100 EP]

>Race: Human

>Starting Location: Shade Academy

>Semblance: Blank Slate

Beacon Of Ferocity [-10 EP]
Bastion Of Will [-10 EP]
Paragon Of Beauty [-10 EP]
Exemplar Of Intelligence [-10 EP]
Flawless Memory [-20 EP]
Boundless Strength [-20 EP]
Unirvalled Agility [-20 EP]
Endless Energy [-20 EP]
Trickster’s Guile [-20 EP]

>Talents: Bladesmaster [-30 EP]

Weapon: Melee [+900 LIEN]

Dust Compatibility [-100 LIEN]
Weight Enhancement [-50 LIEN]
Collapsible [-50 LIEN]
Masterwork [-100 LIEN]
Dust Infusion [-300 LIEN]
Inconspicuous [-100 LIEN]

>Misc Items:
Scrolls [Free]
Auto-Targeter [-200 LIEN]

Fated [+40 EP]
Hunted [+10 EP]
Aggro Magnet [+20 EP]

>What The Future Holds:
The Tournament
The Stand
The Hounds

Anna L’avan
Dawn Mynama
Zuri E’Bardhe

>Nemesis: Redaxe

The only true cyoas are isekais
>Aggro Magnet
Not worth it.
And another thing that I just noticed from this card.
Faustina knows every aspect. Zenobia knows every aspect. Basilia knows every aspect. Espa's tardwrangling ability is more impressive than True Immortality itself.
But DIDO, the CEO of reunionism, is the bare minimum of a Blood Mage. No wonder that the other Blood mages were unwilling to agree with her unconditional acceptance of their kind when she, leader of the magical technocracy, only knew two aspects after thousands of years studying the arcane arts and then relying on them to save her ontologically unsorry ass. She knows even less of it than the supreme moralfag of the Convention, honestly suicide would not be enough to make up for this lack of face, she needs to use her stolen Temporal Spiral to go back and count her cause of death as a real one.
As a thought experiment, you can get 4 spellcraft 'points' from different agents, plus a whole Aspect from The King, and another one from sages, and if (You) are a Wizard then you'd altogether have enough points to learn every aspect. It is possible to play as a better Blood Mage than the cluster B terrorist that wasted all her points into Arcane and Entropiss elements.
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>you can get 4 spellcraft 'points' from different agents, plus a whole Aspect from The King, and another one from sages
You forgot about Espa doubling and Other with Espa's bonus doubling again and them doubling each other. This results in x16 for whoever else is in their team.

Tankista did not think this through... or was this intentional?

This is just mpfaggery.
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No Past, Strange Land


>Starting Location:
Atlas Academy: Atlas

Seems like the safest.

Mind Control (Blank Slate)

Beacon of Hope, Bastion of Will, Paragon of Beauty, Exemplar of Intelligence, Flawless Memory, Unrivaled Agility, Endless Energy, Tricksters Guile


Sniper Rifle (Ranged, Dust Compatibility, Weight Reduction, Collapsible, Masterwork, Dust Infusion), Scroll, Auto-Targeter

Fated, Hunted

>Challenges and Adventures:
The Tournament, They Come at Night, The Hounds

The least dangerous and the Tournament is the only one with a reward.

Anna L'avan, Dawn Mnyama, Ronald Jonathan


Worm my way up Atlas' government and lead humanity to victory against the Grimm.
so it truly is a /cyoag/ classic...
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Nah, I'd win
Italics fears Husanon who actually listens to people here to make his CYOAs better.
Bloated Spirit, Vampire, Multi-Lich, Wizardry, Weapon, Cloak

Why is this so insanely huge? Why is so much crucial information not in the cyoa?
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Hoe update.

I honestly feel that she might be one of the artifacts that might need tweaking the most.

And about the essence debate I'm not sure what to do honestly all the different solutions have their downsides.
>Shadowrun 5th Edition Character Creator
Is this a front for dolphin porn
Anon I thought that the other guy was kidding.
>Earth manipulation
>Craftsmanship buff
>Tool "enchanting"
i dont know where you're going with this but i like it. a very down to earth heh and likable artifact
Meh, I don't really like her but she seems good and I might take her, but probably not.
Because her work is more sketch than hard diagram and people like asking a billion questions to pin down and expand on things.
You're right. Hard to say why, but sci fi cyoas are rare in general, with "hard" sci fis being even rarer and actually good ones being even rarer still. Takes a lot of effort to world build for something that relies on some level of hard logic, unlike high fantasy where you can just say "it's magic i don't gotta explain shit" and the audience will just nod because there's an implicit vagueness behind those kinds of stories that makes them so accessible (and thus widely popular)
I really like this one.
No Future goated
Oh shit it's already out? I've missed out on a lot since I last came back here lol
I can fix her.
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Pretty good. Little reason to not sell a lung, get 10 intelligence, and work for as a neuracorp researcher though.

https://dn.imgchest.com/p/vj4jdxlax48 Use the hmtl version below the first image.
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Rolled 39, 21, 34, 31, 51, 58, 7, 14, 60, 53 = 368 (10d60)

rolling teammates and nemesis
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> +100
path: no past strange land
age & gender: 15yo male
race: human
starting location: vale
semblance: gate
gifts: bastion of will, exemplar of intelligence, flawless memory, unrivalled agility, endless energy, unwavering precision
> -10 -10 -20 -20 -20 -20
> +1000 LIEN
weapons: ranged
> -200 LIEN
upgrades: dust compatibility, masterwork, dust infusion
> -100 -100 -300 LIEN
miscellaneous items: scroll, dust stock*5, outfit*5
> -5*50 -5*10 LIEN
what the future holds: light up the night, the father of death, the tournament

teammates (rolled): ronald jonathan, anna lavan, zuri ebardhe
nemesis (rolled): the crimson shadow
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i asked this previously but what happens if you go against the artifacts will/morals? for example geocoding innocents.
would they fall into depression?
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This is a good improvement over the original that fixes and improves on pretty much all the issues I had with the original, except that the final mission still exists. In the first one, you don't have a choice in giving a shit about any of the other missions besides the omnicide because of how all-encompassing it is, which the new agent system somewhat fixed, but the big problem with it is that it's way too time-consuming and complex for how it all comes down to one coin flip anyway. With your wise leadership and delegation, (you) might have silenced Aeneas' bitch wife and snuffed out the spark of defiance along with dealing with all the other bullshit the universe has to throw at you all the while whipping the Convention back into shape with your policies, and then it all doesn't matter at all because even with perfect play, you only get a max 50% chance for reality to not end. If he simplified the agent system this would be a fun CYOA, but irregardless, the main plot of "something or someone somewhere will do something at some time and destroy everything" overshadowed everything else in the original, and now that everything else has been improved it leaves an even sourer taste after all the extra effort you need to put in to be an Omniarch.I still liked the CYOA, though.
>There will be a slight delay for Luminary. I in review I feel as it is, it's not good enough in its presentation for you guys.

Lmao, Shitalics. You should stop making CYOAs in general because you can't write choices or adventures for people to experience for themselves. You can't write characters and only do long drawn out lore dumps and nothing else. Poor excuse of an author can't even finish a CYOA on time or listen to feedback to improve your material unlike other good authors.
What is with these new shitposters? It's genuinely worse in here now than the old moral-loli shitfights sometimes.
Why are you upset about simple facts and logic? Better yet why defend Italics and his shitty behavior and attention seeking about himself while Husanon eas in that thread?
influx of low quality newfags both form reddit and other boards
>defending Italics after he posts about his own admitted failure
Damn, this general has gone down.
Its been shit for at least a decade, stop being delusional
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You shouldn’t take the 50% limit seriously. The chances calc is explicitly inaccurate, infinitely more so for the final mission for which there isn’t enough information. Hell, with all our meta information, the player knows more than what was used in the calc.
There should never have even been a % for success. The chances should have been ??? and said DO YOUR BEST TO GATHER AS MUCH MANA AND MILITARY MIGHT AS POSSIBLE.
>t. newfag redditor
>I have been here for 8 yea-
No, you have not.
I have been here for 16 years, newfag. Next time watch your manners
It is hard to execute a concept of a CYOA into something. I have general concepts of what I want and not how to go through with it.

I want the CYOA to be an adventure where you fuck off and fight strong enemies, no gay ass you are the chosen one shit trash or mary sue shit or being the dog to some cuck ruler, there are harem elements but they are side content.
Recon Rover Rick is a good one that works like that.
I can't post it tho because it's file size wiener is way too big for /cyoag/ to handle.
Also I don't think ur hyenacuck...I got a sixth sense for susing out undercover authors.
In a practical sense.
It will make it more difficult to generate essence with them.
In an emotional sense they will try to dissuade you and feel sad.
Their cope might be different depending on their personality of you go through with the big genocide.
That sound generic af, I really hope you have something more specific in it.
>general concepts
>sounds generic
Not the sharpest tool in the shed are you
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Sharper than you apparently, since your general concepts are clearly not enough to carry the cyoa, because they are too generic.
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>I want the CYOA ... where you fuck ... gay ass you are the ... shit trash or ... some cuck ...
I've decoded the message from satan, it's a new Italics cyoa!
Can you soul brand the artifacts? >:)
"(You) are the traitor in a JRPG party," "(You) are the commander of a tank crewed by waifus," "(You) are a Star Wars stormtrooper." These are all general concepts of CYOAs that hook people in and can be expanded upon in interesting ways.
"(You) are an adventurer" isn't much of anything. It's boring and generic. It's the barest skeleton of what your CYOA will be. You want to make an adventure, but you haven't thought about what that adventure will actually be.
She looks good to me so far, I like her. As for the essence thing, don't worry about it right now. In my experience worrying about every little detail now will make sure that you never get done, so focus on getting the first full draft of the CYOA done, and anything simple fix ups that won't require massive reformatting can always be ironed out later.
Can someone explain what New Moon does? Why is it supposedly so good?
I am 100% too retarded to be able to play this without it being an interactive
Just start with Policies and write it down patiently.
>t. readlet
Nah, it is just a redicordfriend. We have many of those here now.
I skipped it the last few times it was posted because the Shitty AI art and fashion theme of the first page threw me off but finally played it last thread and actually enjoyed it. At one point I got a crit-success despite rolling a one because I'd randomly dumped points into the perfect skill after the previous job, it was fucking incredible.
The only other Hyena CYOA I've played that I really liked was the Jedi one, but that's probably because I'm a SW fanboy. They are usually too verbose for me, but this one worked since you only need to read 1/3rd of the choices once you get to the jobs.
A couple other RYOAs I've liked lately are Destined for Greatness (pic rel) and Super Luck (which is more suited to /trash/).
I really think RYOAs have more potential as a single player game than CYOAs, as long as the player has enough agency over the rolls. Whether that's from modifiers, rerolls, choosing from a pool, etc.
I should probably just go play a solo TTRPG
I hate self-insert shitposter. That one guy who "thinks" all CYOA is about (You) literally going to another world and not like a traditional RPG or any other game.
It is incredibly easy to get every mission to 100%. You are just intimidated by the prospect of using their brain.
This is a cyoa I will play one day
O.o I didn't consider that...
Why would you want to do that?
They are already literally ride or die for you.
>I skipped it the last few times it was posted because the Shitty AI art and fashion theme of the first page threw me off but finally played it and actually enjoyed it
I did the same
many such cases
shit art can completely ruin a cyoa
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>all CYOA is about (You) literally going to another world
>Why is it supposedly so good?

(You)r spiritual avatar?
I honestly don't understand or like Stellar Pacts, even Halfmad Mechanisms are more fun.
Well, *I* wouldn’t do it, but there are plenty of benefits like making the oaths easier or even irrelevant.
>change Jian’s definition of innocent
>change Hoe’s definition of legendary
>change Gauntlet’s definition of morals
You joke but even with Luminary slightly delayed to add a new sub-section, I'm still working to get new CYOAs out.

If I can I would like to make a spiritual successor to Pokemon Personified but in a more original world, reuse some concepts like the Darkness, Pasille appearing as a new character with a new history but still clingy, and more. But that is for another time since I don't know how people would take those projects if formally started.
the heavens are full of stars, each of which is an afterlife that produces a particular type of superpower once the souls of the dead inhabit them, but people can't make a pact with more than one, and once they're dead they're in the start they made the pact with forever

stellar pacts lets you take one innate superpower as your main pact, and you can also make secondary agreements for other stars to lend you power, which is called astral essence, with which you can use those different superpowers

if you have new moon you break both conventions that a literal infinite number of other people need to follow, you are now capable of opening pathways between stars, can you imagine how much the souls of the dead would love to become part of your moon if you made this public? how much astral essence do you think you could farm? you'd have thousands of superpowers in a year with just some public relations work, and since you have a fucking moon that everyone can see in the sky now most of it is done for you anyway

you also get the moon avatar which is you, can move between stars for you to change your pact, and can do separate things for you while you're doing something else, such as for example study false wizardry spells or perform divine transcendence cultivation

read this word of god pdf for more i guess
It is nothing but slop that managed to get popular because the bar was too low back then.
name a comparable cyoa that does even like half of the same work of setting up separate power systems and then offering options for them to interact with each other
PoV: Stardust CYOA

Overall very mid as a setting with what is presented you could easily copy and paste it into Starfield, the choices lack imagination fuel and characters are barely characters with a story to tell you. The strong things going for it are graphic design, large choice customization thanks to stat autism too, and it being an early precursor to more complex design CYOAs especially we transitioned away from stat focus.
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What other old CYOAs have never been beaten in their niche to this day?
What's the niche of stardust? Micromanaging starship stat points?
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starship sci-fi kino
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>away from stat focus
lmao, it has a heavy stat focus, almost every choice has like eight different stat bars god damn, look at the fucking weapons, 70% of their description space is just different stats
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My comment talked about all CYOAs drifting from stats
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This one too, no other power armor cyoa has come close to beating it.
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Some retard wanted to make a game but is not talented enough so they made a cyoa. Happens more often than you would think.
I think it happens a lot. In fact even back in the day when these old CYOAs were made I was already saying that the entire niche of CYOAs is that they're easy to make. They're a genre of semi-interactive fiction with a low personal effort and time investment on the creator's side. If you feel like making something vaguely like this, there's nothing easier to bring to completion than a CYOA.
>0 builds
Such is the way of the world: pretty cyoas get builds, pictureless cyoas don't.
Not interested in going to some cardboard realm, whatever that is.
Your builds aren't valuable to anyone other than yourself
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Say it's a joke RIGHT NOW.
It is ok to find interesting ways to deal with drawbacks but this would completely invalidate them.
So it is not possible to soul mark them.
Cyber-Agent >>93977221
Cyoas with truly evil and horrible magic that makes you sick to your bones??
Like this?
Mpreg Wizard
This is literally like black magic retard. Go read that.
Sacrificing children and animals? Black fucking Magic.
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>black magic
Why are old white people in suits like this
Anon you didn’t even post the scene of the kid’s head exploding in bugs and snakes that eat him and his parents alive.
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This might be a bit too much for you anon, you better be very very sure before clicking it open. And don't say I didn't warn you...
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Good CYOA, pic realted

Bad CYOA stop posting it

Not feature complete, needs eternal youth to be fully playable
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Very good I like it very much!

Cool build I like it a lot, the time magic is always cheesy and that is why I avoid it myself but overall good solid and fun build
i don't get this cyoa, why the random weird eye fetish
>thinks the one-dimensional demon eye slop cyoa is good and the chain of isekai cyoa that actually makes you think is bad
Low IQ issue. I bet if you tried to explain why you don't like it would amount to "I don't understand it," or even more damning superficial issues.
I want to make a cyoa with a hard magic system but that one shitposter has really gotten to me :(
Don't worry about it, anon.
But I am worrying about it
he is a shitposter he only seeks to say whatever he needs to say to make the place worse.
Well stop.
don't call it 'magic' but retain everything else about it and the shitposter will have no power over you
as long as it's not called 'magic' he will have no ground to even stand on
not that he has it regardless
He said hard magic is “disingenuous” but what does this really mean?
Magic can be anything bro. Your hard magic system is just as good and valid as Tolkien's :)
don't listen to this retard here >>93983304
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If you let shitposters control your thoughts and actions, you're a big faggot.
Nothing. He just wants the way he uses words to be the way you use words, even though most people don't use words that way. Don't listen to him.
Says the poster that shitposts at Italics
italics is a very frequent shitposting topic though
Gattofaggo, the irony is lost on you!
You did not convinced anyone, retarded magisciencefag. Stop falseflagging, idiot.
Chaos cults have completely overrun the upper escalations of society, a lot of them don't even identify as white/human anymore.
What's "hard magic"?
Even you fell for the bait, catfaggot. I am disappointed
>unironically preferring slop
You can make a hard (“hard”) magic system, it just has to retain the mystery: the thing that makes magic.

Hard magic doesn’t work because magic is soft inherently. Magic can’t be used as a hard definition.

Hard magic is denying the psychology of magic, which is why it’s disingenuous as well as insulting.
hey, Demon eyes is good, don't diss it because tok had one good opinion and another bad opinion in the same comment. It's tok
the opposite of easy magic
>it just has to retain the mystery
No it doesn't.
he has a very rigid idea of what is magic and refuses to see any variation.
he is an irrelevant blockhead autist
>it just has to retain the mystery: the thing that makes magic.
Get your Nasuverse bullshit out of our thread.
Wrong. Magic can be anything.
>it just has to retain the mystery: the thing that makes magic
That just means it's incompletely understood science.
>he's back
>magic is soft inherently
Not my magic. My magic's the hardist shit on the block nigga.
you can't trick me when you have
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>muscle magic
>greater gains = greater magic
>each muscle represents a different type of magic
I was tricked twice. gj
You think of magic as a black box, but in reality it's your eyes that are clouded. When you swipe the grime off your big nerd glasses, you'll see that it was SCIENCE! all along.
The problem with Chain of Isekai is that there is too much text, not enough images for all the options and the images are seemingly random and do not represt the options well. And the graphic design of the CYOA makes me want to game end myself. If I glance at the CYOA I don't even know what the fuck the CYOA is about which makes me and many others filter it. If your CYOAs graphics does not excite the reader then you have failed as a CYOA author. Since no matter how good it can be it will not be read since others will not bother reading it because if anon can't make a CYOA look fun, then how can he make a CYOA acctually fun. Judge books by their cover and force lazy shits like Savestate to learn how to make good looking CYOAs.
Actually, magic is business.
You pay sacrifices to nature, demons, gods, etc. to receive blessings.
Magic that’s treated like a science. To the point where you wonder why people even keep calling it magic. Are screens magic? Depends on who you ask; who you show it to; etc… To a medieval mind? Yes it is. To someone who appreciates the wonder of modern day sci/tech? Yes it is.

It’s easier to agree on magic being some veil, or proxy, or placeholder, or “magic”, than something specific. It’s harder to get everyone to go “Yes, this is magic”, when magic to one is not magic to another.

This is why hard magic doesn’t work, as you are relying on society to align with a given idea of what magic is, or should be.

But make no mistake. It only takes some weird phenomenon to have someone go “magic!” or “witchcraft!” etc. The physicist goes “Huh. I wonder how that works” the moment they come across a weird thing.

No different from stage magic. It starts all religion. “I don’t know, therefore gods”.

Often magic isn’t even magic to capital-w Wizards. They’re too transcendent or just humble to isolate it like that. They’d really rather enlighten and show you the magic in the world. Sorcerers are just charlatans (even to themselves) with sufficient, artsy presence. The wizard who is also a fooler is a dangerous creature indeed.

This is why elves don’t believe in magic in lord of the rings. Not their own anyway.

An alien UFO is as magical (“magical”) as a sorcerer conjuring some “demon”. That is the key here: magic is “magic”.

All of this is a lot to take in, I get it, but it’s important. Very rarely do fantasists go to lengths to consider the in-setting psyches and perceptions of their fictional setting’s inhabitants.

Kind of like how elemental bending in that Avatar cartoon is only magic to the viewer as a sort of joke. “It’s firebending, dummy, not magic!”.

It’s the same with the Jedi, who have lost touch with how people perceive them.
ah, a fellow wizard, what a nice surprise
Sorry champ. Magic can be anything. Hard magic works.
That’s essentially what magic is, yes. The occult. The esoteric. The arcane. Etc. It’s why the stereotypical wizard is a hoarder of secrets, most jealous.

The charm of magic is too clear: “I know something you don’t know!”
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>mi mi mi mi
>If your CYOAs graphics does not excite the reader then you have failed as a CYOA author.
This only applies if you're trying to target a certain demographic of mental nine year olds and midwits in general. Which, given the theme of the CYOA, which you presumably know, wouldn't work in this instance, as the CYOA is trying to first describe meaningfully different power systems and then get you to think about how combinations between them would work.

>Since no matter how good it can be it will not be read since others will not bother reading it
This is midwit cope. Plenty of people have read it. Long discussions have happened about it. A summary of previous interesting questions and discussions is in a 144 page pdf that was posted in this very thread.

It's one of the best CYOAs ever. Instead of offering you stale lists it makes you consider possibilities. You being literally too dumb to appreciate it is a you problem.
>>Cool build I like it a lot
Thanks, yeah time magic is very finicky and unpredictable.

Your build was something else. I always refrain from doing what you did, because i would like to imagine myself as the one doing the adventure when possible. But i guess you have found your meta, with this build now linking to the many others?
>Magic can be anything

Had you actually read my post instead of having some petty argumentative pang—you would have already understood this to be my stance.

Magic is in the world, and science is just magic that works. Without science, magic would not work. If anything works at all, it is science.

The thing that makes magic isn’t science and its lack. It’s more nuanced than that.

It’s like the scientist reminding people that “it doesn’t go against physics”, and that it “goes against our understanding of such”.

That’s all that magic is. An angle.

But this insistence that magic has to be a specific thing, is certainly religious.
You're wrong. Magic can be anything beyond even your limitations. There is no thing that makes magic. It doesn't have nuance. It's not an angle. It's more than all of that.
So you agree magic can be anything, which includes hard magic systems. I don't understand where you're getting confused??
He doesn't agree. He's just pretending to, while shitposting.
Honestly aside from enthuasism or autism, Italics himself is pretty much harmless and seems (?) to enjoy this hobby as a hobby.
He’s right you know.

It doesn’t matter what magic you go and make. Some hypothetical alien won’t see it as magic. They will understand it better than you do.

Inb4 “abloobloobloo”
i wasn't talking about italics as a person, i was talking about italics as a shitposting subject
Who's hand is that? Aromage? Italics? Hyenanon?
what about the hypothetical alien that understands it even better than the first hypothetical alien and says that actually it is magic? lmao, you just got completely owned by your own logic
>There is no thing that makes magic

In this world of science, where everything is deconstructed into essences and then reconstructed, there is indeed something that makes magic, well, “magic”.

Mystery, wonder, horror, etc. Ignorance!

“I don’t know how he did it. He’s a wizard or something.”

All religion starts/started this way.
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But unironically.
We aren't talking about religion, dumbass.
It has to have a thing? So now you're saying magic can't be anything?
Hard magic implies magic is a specific thing, when that can’t be the case when it is everything (in an angular sense), lol.

Hard magic is like trying to call fossil fuels magic. “That glowy blue shit that enables me to teleport short distances? Magic.”

“That black blood of the earth that gives life to machines? Magic.”

It’s retarded.

Magic in a hard/scientific world survives as something to describe (“magic”) not something to define (Magic™). Once you trademark magic you’ve isolated it, which won’t work when “omg I don’t know how it works—it’s magic!”, “your shit is heretical and I don’t like it—you’re a witch!”, etc.

Magic. Isn’t. Hard.
A specific thing is still a thing, thus, anything.

Magic. Can. Be. Hard.
He writes like a fag, but he's entirely correct.
Too bad. Magic and religion are quite indistinguishable. Miracles are magic by any other name.

Would God view Himself as a God? Does God view His miracles as Miraculous? Is a human a god to an ant? Is giving them (the ants) a jelly bean a miracle?

It’s all relative.
So by your logic, stage magic is not magic because the magician knows how it works?
Yes. Gandalf isn’t a wizard back home in Valinor. The elves don’t see their works as magic.

Just considering something magic is art, and art is something to impose.
You can't really separate the topic from the person because they share the same origin.
He’s saying that all magic is stage magic (“magic”) at the root of it, deep down. It’s not really incorrect.
Then there is no such thing as magic, because anything that could be magic can be understood by whatever performs or observes it, thus making it not magic.
You faggots are falling to Phydocs/Sciencefag shitposting but he's just using Hard v. Soft
>no response to >>93983728
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And again, everything the elves do is just Art to them, the same way everything we do/have in the 21st century is art-ificial to us.

People like Alan Moore strongly suspect that Art (inseparable from science) is the basest form of it—magic. Even ignorance is a form of art. Religion.

You don’t need mind control powers to mind control people. You just need art. It is why religion is so powerful. It’s more or less a story (art) that dominates. Humans play pretend way too hard.
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The Village. So far no one has made a better comfy cyoa.

theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rIKFWGw9jMA
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>magic can be anything
>except it can't be hard, it has to have "wonder"
>also it's indistinguishable from religion, so it also can't be anything that isn't a religion
You're laying on more on more conditions I see.

You're wrong. Magic can be anything.
Does cold exist? Does darkness exist? I don’t want to have to go down this road again. The point is, magic isn’t supposed to exist, to exist. It’s a hole. Does a lack of information exist? Does it? Everything is information. Everything.
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>Husanon uses arts to describe the powers of the artifacts.
I didn't know he was thinking so deeply about the nature of magic/science/art
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Go ahead, make it hard, but then you’ve confronted the problem I am positing. It’s not going to be magic to others.

It’s like one scientist describing chemistry as magical, while another does not. “You don’t truly appreciate nature or science if you don’t consider such things magical.”

Some people into systems just can’t see the magic or beauty or mystery in things.
Then that means everything is magic, as all it takes to make something magic is to make the observer forget how to understand it.
>but then you’ve confronted the problem I am positing
No I'm not. You're the one who has that problem.
Yes, everything is magic. Magic is in the world. That’s the capital-w Wizard. Math, was seen as magic for thousands upon thousands of years. There is nothing that is simpler than that/math.
In my world, it's considered magic to everyone. What now?
I don’t have that problem, because I have acknowledged the psychology of it. You are not. You don’t see why hard magic is a flawed stance/take. You haven’t gone in to the minds of others like I have. What is magic lies within the mind’s eye. It is very personal. Something can look like magic, and still not be seen/treated as magic!
>In my world, it's considered magic to everyone.

You’re now relying on everyone to keep seeing it and calling it that way.

Is the person who cries “magic!” when a man does a wondrous thing an idiot now?
Yes you do. You're the only one here who has that problem, in fact. Deal with it or cope with it, just don't pretend anyone else has it without evidence.
No. Because he was stating fact. Everyone knows its magic.
He's really just complaining that he doesn't like hard magic systems.
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Lol. Troll/shitposter I take it? I often get stunned by the intellects here. It could be that.
So what do you want out of this world? Why do you exist? Is that really air you're breathing?
Now you’ve gone and isolated it. Some other culture or race or dimension won’t look at it that way!
Nope. Everyone in the universe knows its magic.
pot calling the kettle nigger
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All I’m getting from the conversation is that authors like Aro and PCA are indeed retarded
I guess my take of anything can be magic is shitposting...
My argument is consistent: "Magic can be anything, without exceptions or conditions". Your argument is inconsistent: "Magic can be anything but here's a list of random exceptions and neuroses that it can't be".

The only troll here is you.
no u.
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Disguise: Truck
Weapons: Handgun & Blades
Special: Fembot & Balls of Steel
You’re still not getting it.
I get that you're a troll who's been backed into a corner perfectly.
>"Magic can be anything, without exceptions or conditions"


Those exceptions and conditions exist in the form of people—where magic begins—and ends.

The moment someone says something is or is not magic, it begins / it’s over.
His argument has always been “magic is everywhere” retard. Drop some candy bar wrapper into the past and it will be seen as magic.
Wrong. Magic has. Your rules are meaningless, they're your own headcanon which nobody else needs to follow.
So magic can't be anything?
No, your argument is "Magic can be anything as long as I approve of it". You aren't an authority on how words are used, sorry.
>such distinctions and even the definition of magic are subject to wide debate.
Wow, it's true, we can see it right here. This is all the brits' fault.
Would you marry a character like this, Anon?
>Little reason to not sell a lung ... and work for as a neuracorp
Except for a little thing called "the System is rotten to the core and must be destroyed and rebuilt from the group up"
in a heartbeat
i would rape and kill her... it would feel good...
Cool. I was thinking of adding a short race and wife options to my CYOA.
I cannot open this file at the moment but I will assume that is a child
I would swing her around by her ankles until she grows beyond shin height.
>I will asdume it's a child
Diddy no...
They may "know" every aspect of blood magic, but they have their own limitations. Zenobia the Narrator, for example, gets a random grab bag of usable spells each day, much like an old school D&D cleric. So she may not have the spell she really wants or needs, and can't really plan ahead.

Basilia can use all aspects but only to a limited degree. If you pull up her section in Blood Magic, her only really trump card is that monkey paw-style wish spell. The one that's actively trying to kill her from a prior use (hence the mission to save her).
So he’s right? Magic is precisely a “wandering word” in that it isn’t meant to be agreed upon. That’s soft, not hard.

But the point remains, understand a thing to the point of science, and it’s no longer magic, not unless you still consider it to be, which won’t be assured for everyone.

Again, it’s why the elves in middle earth do not believe in (elven) magic, and when I tell Tolkien fans this they often lose their minds. Same with machines = magic.
Magic can’t be magic without someone to be there to consider it magic anon. It’s all art. The mind’s eye.
>not unless you still consider it to be
kek the backpedal is starting
>elves in middle earth do not believe in (elven) magic
prove it
Yes it can. Sorry. You're fundamentally wrong.
The 21st century is practically Atlantean, but is the internet magic? What about your phone? The average teenager can’t even tell you how their tabloid works, but it’s still not magic to them.

Magic is just a way of looking at a thing.
>hes still samefagging
>hes still bringing up Tolkien
>hes still coping
>hes still at it
Say what you will about this retard, hes not lacking in stamina.
Answer the question. Can magic be anything or not?
Galadriel understood what Samwise had meant when he called her doings magic, and she then played along. “Behold, the magic of Galadriel”.

Sounds like you need to up your skills at interchangeable psychology. Magic is an inherently one sided thing.
I’ve already answered this with a resounding “yes”, several times in fact.
I didn't think it was possible for someone to be more obnoxious than Tok until this guy showed up.
So hard magic is fine.
Read the books
Diss Tolkien at your own peril faggot retard
Has Tankista ever explained The Coiner? The coins clearly aren't limited to Sheol.
If magic could be hard, then it wouldn’t really be possible to be anything. Fire isn’t anything else. Magic is a descriptor, not a definer.

Hard magic is like calling science magic, which is still a descriptor, not a definer.
oh... so no proof.... then fuck off... idiot..... moron.... dumbass.... stupid.... jerk..... loser........ bitch..................
If magic can't be hard, magic can't be anything. So magic can't be anything?
>The coins clearly aren't limited to Sheol.
It's not surprising. The moment the Ark/Eclipse/Supremacy leave Sheol is the moment any coins some of their members secretly kept hidden start spreading.
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You don't understand how definitions work. A definition is literally just a statement about the meaning of a word. When you say 'magic is the unknown', you are making a statement about the meaning of the word magic.
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Tolkien was a fat gay retard and I would give that nerd the biggest weggie of his life had he not died like a pussy ass bitch.
You guys keep going out of breath trying to fight him off. Kek.
I don't see why island cyoas used to be so popular here.
Lol. First time into’ing semantics, buddy?

Have a timeout.
He fought in world war 1, you did not.
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This is unbalanced. With omnipotence you can get a gun with a bullet and a gf.
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Hard magic is more like a flawed attempt at understanding something.
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AK-47. It can kill them from range, and kills them very fast with little effort from me, compared to the knife & glove.
So magic can't be anything?
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Definition
> https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/definition
> https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/definition
Try and prove me wrong.
And look where that got him, died of terminal ass pain form to much weggies.
This is unbalanced. With a gun with a bullet you can steal the pill and get any gf you want.
Nah, it can be hard (“hard”) it’s just very fucking disingenuous.
So magic can be anything, but this certain type that you don't like isn't as genuine?
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Youre just proving his point lol
I pick top left.

The "eyes can't communicate" bit is wrong. They can communicate by blinking. Even if they don't understand English (words written on paper), with some time and effort you could establish some protocol by using pictures.
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It’s disingenuous because magic can’t be used as an honest/hard definition at all.

Magic isn’t supposed to be honest. You don’t ask a magician for their secrets, do you?
>take sexy pauldrons
>go into public
>wear/remove 100 times
>get waifu
This thread kinda bores me, you guys are lame, shit cyoas (Destined for greatness and power armor aside), barely any builds! You are no fun!
>Magic isn’t supposed to be honest
So magic is supposed to be something and therefore can't be anything.
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> his
>magic can’t be used as an honest/hard definition at all.
Clearly it can, and no one has problems with it except you.
We need to build a wall and get these dirty immigrants out of here, they're taking all our cyoas. Sad!
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Trump wanna be!
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Garbage CYOA for garbage thread
Not enough boobage!
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Did you ever get to grope your sisters boobs, tok?
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Nursery, I wanna live forever.
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Not tok! Name's Nymyon
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Small titties better.
Just don't like em.
Sigh. Buttmad anons. Haven’t yet figured out that Magic is Ironic.
Take over the world and create a new, better one
>here’s this cool power system I made you guys
>cool, what’s it called?
> ……
ok i admit it
i raped her, so what? it felt good
feels really good to rape you know
yeah it's good
You know in those kung fu movies where the long white haired evil lady is called a “witch”? Magic is like that, it just a title for something.
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>here’s this cool power system I made you guys
>cool, what’s it called?
>Excellent I love being a wizard
So…. a description?
>>take sexy pauldrons
>>go into public
>>get beaten to death by random rednecks
Maybe don't live in southganistan, Cletus
Except for all the times it isn't of course.
Excluding the Magi Case. Are there any other CYOAs with a deep and categorized system of magic for their CYOA?
>gets a random grab bag of usable spells each day, much like an old school D&D cleric
She didn't say that it was random.

>The one that's actively trying to kill her from a prior use (hence the mission to save her).
That was the doing of Thoss (whom I forgot to mention as the third "knows every aspect" inner circle member), either by action or inaction, probably the first to be honest.

>blood magic
>black magic
>white magic
What more magics do CYOA authors need to turn into codified power systems?
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>Magi Case
>CYOAs with a deep and categorized system of magic
So you're saying there's a chance.
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Cat general
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Show me one CYOA with a fatto catto option
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If it's categories that you want, Innermost Institute did them nicely, even with a graph of their history (heed this, Italics - Magi could've had a nice graph of the history of Clans also).
So this is the power of redicord. Cyoag is done for
Uh oh, image limit reached. Pages 3 and 4 will have to remain unposted.
Anyhow the graph I meant is at the bottom of page 2: >>93985078 . I think that kind of thing is really neat.
I'm proud to announce that, because of the recent video game controversies, i will be adding the african sengoku-period retainer Yasuke to all of my cyoas.
What is the African sengoku period? I only know the chink and jap ones.
go read The Very Hungry Caterpillar and come back when you're above a picture book reading level
Savestate is OPAQUE AS FUCK
The Sengoku period but more based with muscular blacks fighting for percoeved honor and revenge killong, hot choco waifus, and GOAT tier music.
Some anon mentioned making a transformer cyoa a year or 2 back, but he's completely disappeared since then.


Ground Zero
I fucking love recovering lost artifacts and facing danger
>author that is obsessed about redguards
Yes i would mash potatoes. But not this specific potato.

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