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previous: >>93974658

Banlist Update

>OFFICIAL Commander website, where you can learn the rules, see the current banlist, and read the format philosophy, laid down by the rules committee:

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen color identity.

>Deck List Sites: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck strategy and card choices.


>Proxy a deck or a cube for cheap

>How to proxy using any printer

do we agree with the bans of mana rocks or mana advantage cards? is this a slippery slope?
Holy shit. My mom came into my room to bring me a plate of chicken nuggets and I literally screamed at her and hit the plate of chicken nuggets out of her hand. She started yelling and swearing at me and I slammed the door on her. I'm so distressed right now I don't know what to do. I didn't mean to do that to my mom but I'm literally in shock from the results this morning. I feel like I'm going to explode. Why the fucking fuck Dockside banned? This can't be happening. I'm having a fucking breakdown. I don't want to believe the RC is so corrupt. I want a future to believe in. I want Sheldon to be alive and fix this broken format. I cannot fucking deal with this right now. It wasn't supposed to be like this, I thought he was okay with rule 0???? This is so fucked.
>one guy posted a video of him shredding his mana crypts and docksides and another is losing his mind because sol ring wasn't banned
please get the video, please please
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oh no no no
I could take or leave mana crypt being banned, Sol ring is staying forever, and there aren't many others that go in every deck
> do we agree with the bans of mana rocks or mana advantage cards?
> is this a slippery slope?
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while we still have you all gathered here today, i would like to remind you all.
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Why is everyone being so willfully retarded?
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>do we agree with the bans of mana rocks or mana advantage cards
>is this a slippery slope

Not sure why everyone is upset. RC was going to have to do something eventually. The game has been powercrept to an insane degree. Wizards fully admitting for years now that they create sets with commander in mind and it's caused the format to speed up dramatically. The only thing RC did wrong was allowing these cards to exist in the format for as long as it did. Sol Ring shouldn't have caught a ban as well but I think they knew it would cause riots. There excuse being that sol ring is """"""exciting """""" is one of the funniest things I've ever read. Nobody likes turn 1 sol ring. It makes everyone on the opposing side groan and makes you priority target for the rest of the game. More bans will eventually come ESPECIALLY if this finally causes cEDH fags to fuck off and make their own format.
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O no! My Nadu that's a fringe card in my otrimi deck! What will I do? It also costed 2 dollars so ain't mad
How many of the RC play green? I want answers right fuckin' now
the only people I see upset are the ones that get really sweaty about playing casual commander at the LGS
i have 5 nadus. all now coasters.
>Actually caring about casual format bans
>Hmm... bussy good...
*should have
I think this is more of evidence of new leadership of the RC.
Sheldon held significant sway when he was alive and his philosophy was to be as hands-off as possible and to let people decide via rule 0 what they want for their game. That's why, under his reign, the ban list very rarely changed. Now that he's gone, we're seeing what the new leadership believes is best for the format.
I'll buy up all these Nadus and make a card cube like that one cube made out of rifles
people were buttmad about jeweled lotus when they were printed and they're buttmad now that it's gone

people are sheep
>that avatar
>0 mana
>sack for 3
>same color
>can only be used to cast commander
>without recursion is a 1 use artifact

>Sol Ring
>1 mana
>get 2 colorless literally every turn
>enables a 2C1? play on turn 2
>can be filtered into anything
>can be untapped the same turn

It's fine if you think Sol Ring should be legal, but you also have to accept it is far more powerful and the only reason it isn't banned is because it's in every precon.
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Don't worry piggies they're going to give you a new dockside and Mana crypt in a few months for you to oink over. And you'll fall for it over and over and over again while sneering at the proxy chads
i honestly didnt think nadu would get banned in commander. ah well.
i have 5 because i opened a lot of mh3 boosters.
I opened a box and got zero of the bastard. I did pull two ocelot prides that I sold at $10 thinking I made out like a bandit, though...
Crypt and lotus bans are going to push high cmc commanders that already struggled into the dustbin and weaken builds that weren't a problem, dockside was one of about 5 cards that made red good but a bit more deserved than jewlo and crypt. I'm just waiting for them to come after vault and rituals once the casuals start crying about those while the committee continues to never touch any of blues horseshit or actual problem cards.
>cedhfag is a tranny
Tale as old as time
one dude's Nadu commander was running roughshod over my LGS casual commander nights. Tutoring for Lightning Greaves and a Scute Swarm. Killed him with my rats cause he had no artifact or black creatures and no Haste enablers at the time
He didn't say that.
Did anyone actually use jew lotus outside of mono white/mono red decks?
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>one of about 5 cards that made red good
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too cool. banned from everything. but not forgotten.
Thirty (30) starting life is objectively superior to fourty (40)
When they make a new Nadu card, what will they print on him?
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I was comparing it to crypt not lotus. Sol ring is admittedly better than crypt but it's also
A: a commander tradition
B: accessible to anyone who wants to play
C: now just 1 card in 99 that can catapult you several turns ahead rather than 3 and that makes an enormous statistical difference.
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won with my boy otrimi yesterday, it felt good, and I didn't need JewL to cast him
Nadu was a huge mistake that would have never made it off of rough draft had it been play tested longer than 10 minutes
His original effect.
It's popular in every 6CMC deck that doesn't have green
*sol ring is better than lotus. crypt is miles better than sol ring
I dont understand this mindset, do you mulligan down untill you get 1 in your opening hand if your running a high CMC commander? Your saying it like the you always have it when you need it meme. Ban Cyclonic Rift btw
>Ban Cyclonic Rift btw
this but unironically
>t. absolute moron who doesnt play any other format
Just make it pic rel, word for word. 1GU 3/4. Boom.
>but thats not original design
Look they put Mindmoil's text in Arjun, anythings fair game.
Ban all boardwipes
Ban all artifacts
Ban all multicolored commanders
Ban all nonbasic lands
i'm talking about a commander ban in a commander thread dipshit
my brudiclad didn't run it and that deck shat ramp out
Ban Farewell for being too efficient.
Make Austere Command Great Again
I ment it, Fuck rift. I have never seen a game not go to shit if it resolves. It just sucks the life out of the table every time I have seen it resolve. I say that as someone that use to run it, untill I realized I didnt want to be what I hate
>get more mana
>draw card
Wow how revolutionary for simic!
For pure cedh, it’s kinda true. The top deck unaffected by this is Rog/Silas and it’s basically Dimir pile with Red Rituals. At worst they just slot out Dockside for the one ritual they weren’t running.
Your lack of knowledge and inability to assess a card's power level speaks to your lack of experience with it.
Why make a reason for a rule and then not apply to a clear cut second example of a violation?
Bull, I’ve made a ton of high cmc cards work without it.
I haven't played EDH in ages, but with the current kerfuffle I thought I'd ask a question that was on my mind back when I did play. If Sol Ring is so ubiquitous, and the current ruling explicitly protects it and makes the claim that it's integral to the identity of the format, why isn't it simply stuck in the command zone alongside your commander?
how did u catch a 4 sec old tweet u creepfag
Luxa is too slow. Not easy to get additional precombat in simic either so you can't even cheese it like you could if it was upkeep
because mana crypt was over 100 bucks and sol ring is in every goddam precon

accessibility is definitely a part of these bans, when a major card that is basically a forced staple is restricted to only those that can afford it, it's a problem
>He was relying on jlo and Nana crypt to get his 6cmc commander out
Anon I am delighted that you have fun at the kids table but the adults are talking.
Come on anon, rift is a reasonable play for a fuckload of mana, on top of being extremely telegraphed. Step it up senpai.
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Other cards that should be banned according to casual's logic

Rampant Growth.
Kodama's Reach.
Nature's Lore.
Birds of Paradise.
Three Visits.
Llanowar Elves.
Because the format is just that you have a commander in the command zone. There have been plenty of mechanics based around adding shit to your command zone like backgrounds and partners and shit, but if the card doesn't say to do it, the format isn't going to change just to enable 1 card to be added to the command zone
>accessibility is definitely a part of these bans
>Mox Diamond

my ass
The same reason critical hits in tabletop games aren't typically a resource to be spent at the player's discretion. It's the thrill of spiking a sudden advantage that people like about sol ring, not the card in itself.
Fuck if only. Green has so much fucking common ramp its unreal. If they're not going to give it to any other colors, green needs to be knee-capped
You forgot harrow, ig/noble hierarch, elvish mystic, avacyn's pilgram, fyndhorn elves, burgeoning, and exploration.
Just separate casual and competitive already
yeah but none of those are backbreaking to not have
dual lands especially are overrated
Flare of Cultivation bros... we won
>why yes I do only play casual commander
>no I have not been playing this game before covid
Get outta here grigger, aint nobody wanna listen to your farty ass mouth.
None, or else they would have banned Bowmasters as well
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shh, keep the red jeweled lotus safe
but my wamp! I need all ah dis faw my wamp!
>Slamming a Sylvan Primoridial on someone's turn with Prophet of Kruphix
fuck this gay earth
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RogSi worst nightmare
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ok yeah but...
>LGS rando on discord says Burgeoning should be banned too
Loving every laugh
if a mana crypt is why a player wins a pod then everyone else is doing targeting wrong
Okay, but WHAT the fuck are they releasing down the line that's going to break the format/hugely powercreep them and be new $200 staples?
I have a Brago deck, but I kinda hate it. I want to keep the blink archetype but pivot to something else. Should I go Roon, or Yorion, or something else entirely?
Why do you hate it?
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5 color commander that lets all lands tap for any color of land
Spending R to get RR is nowhere near Jeweled Lotus. Still a decent red card though.
I really enjoy Roon. He's slow and clunky but eating shit with Sundial of the Infinite or Containment Priest and nuking people's lands with Brutalizer Exarch and Nevermaker is funny as hell.
anon it's 3 red
the jew lotus cope is funny because for every faggot crying about their 7 mana commander being less playable now you had 3 faggots with 3-4 cmc commanders just windmill slamming that shit turn 1
A Black Lotus that you can only use to cast Universes Beyond spells
Is there a name for a "big tree" strategy? There's almost no land hate in the game, and there's so many green auras that make a forest or other land tap for more mana. I think it would be funny to make a decklist that's just about slapping all these effects on 1 tree and having it tap for like 10 mana. Maybe throw out something that doubles the amount of mana something taps for
It would save me time if someone has already done this
actual nightmare fuel
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Does anyone have the TPB edit of this with Ricky saying "I'm gonna pay you two maps to fuck off"
the effect happens before it enters the graveyard
Yes, but it's azorious for some unknown reason. No other strategy does one big tree, but a few do many small trees.
Just play Sythis and fill it with aura ramps
Because it's their tweet
Too powerful. I want a more value-amassing deck rather than combo stuff. I don't feel good doing reality acid combos. Maybe I can take it out, but I don't really know how to win in azorious beyond crippling other people's board states. There are some damaged outlets like meteorite that I vibe more with but...eh.
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fine fine
but they'll never take away my braids of fire and seething song
No it's not. Rite of Flame is not put into your graveyard until the spell is finished resolving. It can't see itself.
>608.2n As the final part of an instant or sorcery spell’s resolution, the spell is put into its owner’s graveyard. As the final part of an ability’s resolution, the ability is removed from the stack and ceases to exist.
>the seething continues
I applaud the RC, I hope the next ban wave is even greater
>"nobody plays these in casual, it's a non-issue"
>"banning them is important for casual"

So which one is it?
That would be Jeska's will, which is another bullshit card that should go along with reddit basedboy studies
Yeah can do, or Yenna. I'm not so much concerned about what should go into the deck, just if it has a name that would enable me to find decklists to get ideas from.
Maybe "world tree"
Oh really? What deck is that?
not as usable unless you have a card that lets you keep mana across phases
Farewell should be banned ONLY after it's reprinted with a "Choose two" instead of "One or more".
Austere Command is peak.
Density is important as well
1 sol ring is different than having access to 2 and lets not even pretend they are even remotely the same powerlevel
yeah its called win the game before turn 10 dork
>bro its just so unfaaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiirrrrr that the color whose entire gameplan is to accelerate on mana and win the lategame is good in a format that benefits it in every way
yeah commander's rules are retarded
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>too powerful
>I want a worse deck
I got no help for you anon. I could help you improve your brago deck or pick a better commander, but I have no interest in aiding this line of faggotry. Do whatever you want, it literally doesnt matter.
do you have an argument or are you just being vaguely disagreeable fo the lols? mana crypt is better than sol ring in commander. period.
>costs a mana
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>Plan to ban powerful card
>Use it to sell packs
>Wait until the warehouse is clear
>Ban the cards
Everyone knows the Rules Committee takes its marching orders from WotC. If people can prove that WotC was planning to ban those cards while using them to push sales, there will be a fraud lawsuit. I love watching paypigs seethe, but watching WotC get sued would be even better.
> I don't really know how to win in azorious beyond crippling other people's board states.

Crippling other player’s board states is perfectly fine and people should expect it to happen to them. MTG isn’t a solitaire game of show and tell no matter the format despite what thin skinned players would want. You shouldn’t feel bad about playing strong strategies, commanders, or cards.
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Dockside banned, damn
Unironically ban true duals, Cradle, Sanctum for the same reason. Hell use the same logic to ban Tabernacle. Every deck wants them but very few can afford them.
>If people can prove that WotC was planning to ban those cards while using them to push sales, there will be a fraud lawsuit.
Unfortunately this is impossible to prove.
The problem is an inconsistent definition of both of those terms and banning crypt makes it less hazy
>I want red to be unplayable in EDH
>There have been plenty of mechanics based around adding shit to your command zone like backgrounds and partners and shit
Those are the mechanics that begged the question. I figured they were breaking the rules already so what was the harm in doing it with an auto include that's already in the 99. I figured there'd be very little difference because nobody is going to pay 3+ for it if it gets removed.
So it's the thrill of drawing the advantage, got it. If it's T1 reliable it ruins the mystique. I thought it would work more like Bamboo Harvesters from old L5R.
Thanks for answering anons.
Have a guy in my play group that played a apocalypse sheoldred and significant portion of the deck is just trying to come here out turn 1-2. He did it ONCE and after that everyone laser beamed his fast mana and commander until he shelved that gay shit
If there was an email exchange, it comes with a timestamp
>he says trying to be competitive at the bouncy table format
More proof that Neon Dynasty is the most powerful contemporary Magic set
red has been powercrept for like 5 years straight now its perfectly fine in edh even if its biggest pushed cards got banned
>>bro its just so unfaaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiirrrrr that the color whose entire gameplan is to accelerate on mana and win the lategame is good in a format that benefits it in every way
No color should have a monopoly on a game mechanic that all the colors need access to.
It cuts both ways in that blue should not have all the draw power in the world. But why the fuck they would give draw power to green when it already has ramp is beyond mystifying

All colors should have draw and ramp and removal, the specifics of how they interact with each other should be the only difference

Every color had some annoying thing that liked it. This thing coming out on turn 2 or 3 used to annoy the shit out of my table because it's so hard to deal with unless someone was waiting with a counter. It usually can end a player before they can afford to deal with it and it sets whoever deals with it way behind.
I feel like this a dick move because rule zero exist but I am gonna wait for The Professor opinion on the issue to express my own.
Bonkers in Rakdos Grenzo
Other than it will absolutely kill you if you run it. Grabbing a crypt or a sol ring off urza's? Sol ring every single time. The one extra hypothetical mana isnt worth the draw back.
>local pods are full of sweaty overtuned tribal decks
>my jank decks can't compete unless i put in the top end staples
>bought multiple copies of every staple, hoping to bling out my decks so they can hold their ground
>start getting more consistent wins, but pod is getting cluey and starts focussing me generally over other players
>tech counterplay to try and fight back
>healthy back and forth ensues and win rate normalises
>bans come out of fucking nowhere
>win rate will drop substantially

It sure is fun getting your brews pushed out by tuned precon bullshit. Zara, my beloved. You were too pure for this world...
Thats some alex jones tier reasoning
Im not saying you are wrong but damn dude thats some real speculation
What if they just banned a busted card for being busted?
Hold that L paypiggies
I started playing this game a couple months ago btw Idk if that's important
>becomes part of the problem
>complains when solution to original problem happens
How big are we talking?
>grab ichor wellspring
>oneshot someone
Or darksteel citadel is fine too.
Ok so real question
how expensive of a card are you willing to actually consider
or, how expensive does a card have to be for it to be BS
I think it's more suspicious that the very first banning after Sheldon's death is 3 of the most powerful edh staples ever printed and 1 of the most broken magic cards of all time
Consider buying?
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>colorless one time use fast mana is toxic
>but 3 for 1 continously value ramp isn't
To be fair he died like a year ago and there were several RC updates that were all "no changes". People trying to blame this on his absence are huffing the copium.
Money is no object, just proxy if you're cheap. Lots of expensive cards are not good, or have a much cheaper variant.
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who are the dumb fucks still buying this?
All colors have access to mana rocks, and there are a lot of mana rocks to choose from.
No. The giant paragraph about sheldon before the ban means they knew he'd be rolling in his grave.
this card sucks giga ass except in the insanely land heavy lands decks
>t. lands nigger
for context jew lotus sales today
Sheldon wasn't an all seeing all correct god of game decisions
There's a slight chance the bans are reversed after enough backlash
I’ll buy one if it drops under ten dollars for the inevitable cEDH split.
I'd consider buying a $50 single if it was both mechanically and aesthetically awesome, but I'm also better off financially than 90% of the US.
>an almost certainty that the attention whores on the rc will cave when hasbro's iron gavel smashes their scrotes
Fixed that for you.
poorfags think they won when anyone with a single braincell is buying up docksides and mana crypts for the inevitable unban
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Swing low
sweet chariot
comin to take me home
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What are you talking about? We've known that WotC controls the rules committee for a long time. They maintain their status as an independent body to shield themselves from liability, but there has never been a strong incentive to push the issue until now. There's nothing sinister about Dockside or Nadu, but Mana Crypt and Jeweled Lotus were THE chase cards in sets released just last year. Evidence may never surface, but I would be shocked if WotC didn't know this was coming while they were pushing those cards.
Being obtuse to get replies isn't nearly as funny as you think it is.
I know someone who bought a crypt last week from tard kingdom. Absolutely btfo.

I'm still putting a proxy lotus into my favorite deck. I don't care. My friends don't care. The RC can eat my pod's ass. I hope some some piggies who got financially bodied over this get together and sue somebody, though.
What's the most expensive individual card in your deck, mine's sitting pretty at 10 bucks
This >>93977269
Though I'd also put money on them reversing the decision. I guess I am putting money on it lol
Earth craft, whatever that's at right now.
Real card? Ancient Tomb. I'm never buying a card over $5 after the bans today, though. Too risky.
I want to maximize fun at the table. I stick with burn because I generally attack their life rather than their board, so they get to enjoy advancing their own plans while I try to kill them. I consider control the exact opposite.

I think I'll swap too Roon anyways. I think green can add some fun tools. And give me some big creature payoffs too.
"wotc wants to ban chase cards they're pushing" is retard logic

broken shit sticks around in modern for centuries because wizards doesn't want people to get feelbads
I bought the cycle of channel lands
That is about as much as Im willing to spend per quarter
it's basically a black lotus proxy for that bird card and garth one eye now
You don't seem to realize there will be an unban.
Then there will be a million posts like:
>based WotC!!!! I'm gonna guy buy 100 packs for the new chase right now safe in the knowledge it won't be banned!!!
anon banning chase cards theyre pushing has been wotc's MO for years now in other formats
>We need to ban these cards
>If we ban them, reprint equity disappears
>We'll reprint them one more time while they're still valuable
>Wait until our inventory has sold
>Okay, do the ban
It's not that crazy
I don’t understand this mindset. I wouldn’t find it fun if someone was playing with kiddie gloves against me. The fun comes from trying your very hardest to fuck up your opponents while also trying to stop them from fucking you up in turn. Maximizing fun, in a way, involves not considering the feelings of your opponents.
It's not that you need it in your opening hand but you need acceleration in general in the first few turns or you'll fall behind trying to ramp your big commander. Now that 3 of the most potent mana accelerators are banned high cmc commanders that already struggled are going to become unrealistic because 2 and 3 drop commanders will have already won by the time you can cast them or they'll eat one of the blueniggers 500 counters.
>ban rift
Silly anon that would require the rules committee to ban a blue card
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Unban Mana Crypt
Mox diamond is like $1000 cad. Transmute artifact is sold out at $650. My foil 7th static orb is sold out at $474.
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It's time to free him
>weve known
Frankly this move calls that speculation into question
In 4 years
I have a ravages of war and savanna in selvala
My wheel is in 4c sodomy
These are from back in the day though
Keketh. I thought the point with CEDH was pushing the game to its limits while adhering to the banlist. If they really gave that much of a shit, they should just be playing with moxes and black lotus.
Nah, Jan 2025 at the latest.
So, how low will everything banned today go?
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I can finally get a jewelled lotus for my deck. Just have to wait a few days until it hits single digits in price on cardmarket
First time?
>you dont seem to understand my speculation
Yup. The salt from the unban and panic selling will be hilarious.
>clown profile name
>cropped trap porn picture
>posted 4 seconds ago
Come on man put some amount of effort in it but I guess you got 3 people still.
Same. This is going to have deep affects in the community. I genuinely don't really want to play anymore if anything I play just gets banned. They also slowed the format significantly with this. Game is already too fucking slow.
If they reverted the ban they'd be at bigger risk of a lawsuit.
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Huh, my Mana Crypt just came in the mail and it appears to have a blood stain on it? Wonder what that's about.. Ah well, time to turn it into a Sol Ring proxy!
Depends on the deck, but for most of them its going to be around $60-$80. Usually because it's some special printing that has accrued in value since I got it.
I hope youre ready for the endless cycle of
>new OP mythic
>dominates the format
>shoots to 80$+
>wotc product runs out
>banned (optional)
for the rest of this format's existence
now that cEDH is a rotating format, what can we expect the new meta to be?
i'm still going to play ghalta stompy
How would the rules committee realistically spin back the bans? How would they word the PR statement to basically say " ok we hear you, stop your bitching there unbanned". People would think there more of a joke then they already are
No, we've known. It is not speculation. They've already said that this ban was in talks with wotc for a little over a year. They've said it in the past too, that they get shown cards in design to make comment on power level. They are ostensibly a wotc body that isn't in payroll but have other "non monetary business agreements".
Its 4 cards anon
One of which you assuredly were not playing
Cards get banned, get used to it noob
$90 Chrome Mox in a half eaten Rhys the Redeemed deck I made after dropping $1000 on a case back in the OG Double Masters release for my 21st birthday
Obviously buying any card over $60 is a no go for me nowadays, I can barely afford spending $300 on a deck now before I cheap out for tapped lands haha
Unban? I don't expect it to be unbanned. I just want it for my deck for cheapo.
and tonight, your prostate shall take the hit as well, selesnya-player.
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That's how Konami runs Yugioh, and it's the biggest factor in why I quit
>be at bigger risk of a lawsuit.
RC has the rule 0 loophole, you can't do shit.
Lmao schizo
Oof the cedhfag will get uppity because you're taking the format lightly
'blue' hurricane followed by 7e foil birds of paradise
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>announce ban
>wait for everyone to dump their cards
>announce unban once stock is sold out and you bought it all up
If they reverted the ban you'd have people accusing them of having done the ban to crash prices so they could buy them cheap.
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Pick up a black lotus as well since you're fine with banned cards
urza's saga is the only scenario when sol ring is better than crypt and only because you're not paying the 1 for sol ring anyways. the damage it deals you is nothing compared to the one mana you have to pay for sol ring. this is a 40-life format. and if you're running crypt you're in a high-power pod and people are winning with combos anyways so life total is irrelevant. even ad naus decks will prefer crypt most of the time because of the tempo it saves you
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$200, though I have a framed LED I'm not using.
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This is the first ban in THREEEEEE YEEEEEEEARS and they're getting so much shit for it.
They're skittish, clearly otherwise they would have been banning far more actively. Obviously they've been afraid of backlash. They finally dip their toe after 3 fucking years and get exactly the backlash they were afraid of.
They're going to fold and go back to doing fucking nothing.

This should be a wakeup call that we don't need a rules committee. The whole idea was retarded as soon as the format got well-established.
It's like 95% a done deal at this point. I'm just waiting to see the rollout.
They literally just banned 3 of their biggest chase cards for any new reprint set in commander product tho.
They've already layed the groundwork in this ban. Or did you miss all the talk of "silver border project" and "working with wizards to make more in depth tools for rule 0 conversations".
Maybe they should have gone after something that wasn't near or over 100 dollars first.
foil is sitting at around 100
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>For listening to the outright statements of sheldon and the RC for years
Beta Demonic Tutor
>cards being expensive should be a shields from banning
You know people keep asking for a one ring ban in modern, right? Going by this logic it should not get a ban due to its price.
Probably the Tempest Ancient Tomb I got for my Boros deck because Aurelia is a big girl and she needs all the mana she can get to stay on the battefield
Lol 404
>t. doesnt play cedh and doesnt play crypt
They should errata crypt to do 6 damage instead
Or even better just print that next set
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He's next, isn't he?
Cedh is a joke and the players should be shunned as the drooling retards they are.
Except you didnt do that
>cards being expensive should be a shields from banning
That's not what I said you fucking nincompoop.
>you know people keep asking for a one ring ban in modern, right
I'm one of those people.
Nah. Only retards clamour for that one, it's fine. They'll never ban anything again.
there are dozens of us
Or just banned it because it costs 0 and taps for 2
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Nay, black lotus is mega expensive. I want cheap cards. Jeweled lotus is already down to 24 bucks. I'd get one fir maybe 10.
Well the aftermath is not very interesting to me. As long as I get fun cards for cheap for my deck it's awesome
>edhfags have never lived through a ban that affected them before
Hurts, doesn't it?
And we have PLENTY of time tweeting on twitter!
>When we initially talked about banning these cards, we discussed Sol Ring and its place as an icon of the format. But we'd been approaching that discussion solely from our own perspectives, having mostly played with each other for the past few years. From the feedback we've been getting, it's clear that many players also see Mana Crypt as equally iconic, a part of the format's identity that doesn't see play anywhere else in the game.
>Similarly, Jeweled Lotus has, for many players, been a way to live the dream of opening and playing Black Lotus, the most iconic card in the game's entire history. We'll be showcasing this with a new, old-bordered Secret Lair version of Jeweled Lotus with art by Dan Frazier.
>Finally, our conversations with affected players have made it clear that Dockside Extortionist really is kept in check by the power level of the tables it appears at, much as we'd initially surmised. More to the point, Dockside punishes opponents for playing cards like Mana Crypt, so reintroducing it to the format along with the other two is the best way to keep things from spiraling too far out of control.
Sell now
Still have my Serra's Sanctum from Blaxos' release. Following that would ve YawgWin, Hazezon Tamar, Rasputin Dreamweaver, and a pack foil Future Sight Akroma's Memorial I've kept all this time
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>it's 2 mana for free
I'm selling mine tomorrow.
Ancient Tomb is next, sweaty. Can't be too explosive.
>How would they word the PR statement to basically say " ok we hear you, stop your bitching there unbanned".
Literally yes. Here I'll even draft it for you, fill in the blanks with whatever you want.
>...the purpose of this committee is to listen to the players...we want to avoid the mistakes of the past...it is not our place to tell the community how they are allowed to have fun...rule 0 exists for a reason...that said, we were doing what we thought was best for this game we all love...thought it was right at the time...many of you have made your opinions heard...we are grateful to those of you who have done so respectfully...we are reversing the decision...we would like to announce [new way to give feedback]...we are hoping to facilitate a more collaborative rules development process...

Literally that easy.

>People would think there more of a joke then they already are
They're not a company, they haven't got any stakes here other than their own reputations. If they need to walk something back because it was unpopular, they will.
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If you're getting cards that aren't even legal, why not just proxy them all for less than a dollar? You can run 100 jeweled lotus for the 10 you're about to spend.
One of my favorite MTG artworks of all time I wish I could afford a playset but I only have one
Cope it will never happen
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>Don't be schizo, WotC was totally surprised by this unexpected development
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Cause I don't like proxies. They aren't fun to play. I like having the real cards. Collecting and showing off my collection is fun.
What's the difference between a Chinese card and a WotC card?
who do I sue if they walk it back after I sold my shit?
Use counterfeits. My crypt and duals are counterfeit. Nobody can tell.
I'm actually happy I can buy one of these for cheap now they have cool art
>that avatar
Please do not open the Ship of Theseus box.
>reee RC never does anything
>reee RC why did you do something

mtg players are mentally unwell and need to get a hobby.
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>commander fags right now
You can't lol
CMM and LCI were probably already locked in even before the conversation arose. Sets are made like a year in advance.
>Cause I don't like proxies. They aren't fun to play.
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I'm going to try to get a full set of LCI Crypts.
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I am still playing it. Even with randos.
based soon to be arrested anon
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One is real, I like real.
You wouldn't be proud if having a Cholex but you'd surely show off your Rolex, no?
Dunno what that means but it sounds cool. Good luck anon sama
I still run Primeval Titan and will continue to use my Mana Crypts once I order them for $5 each
Does it feel pathetic to have a 96 where most players have a 98?
Lmao that was my favorite saga to come out of these threads
>I want to show off my wealth
holy cringe
But most people in the thread seem to approve of the ban. The seething is mostly on Twitter and to a lesser extent Reddit.
More likely to get cancer from the Chinese card.
More likely to support cancer being printed with the WotC card.
On an IQ test result????
seething is very strong here. No idea why you're trying to pretend otherwise.
You are very dumb. I'm very poor and the most expensive card I have is a foil mondrak and I'm very proud of owning it.
those are the ones i meant yeah.
sounds good anon
I'm sure you won't have any problem with me playing my Karakas and these power 9 proxies I got from MPC, right?
It's your girl, the big jellyfish
>I am proud I scrounged up money to buy this and was bad with my money
In a decklist, you know how it's referred to the 99?
Yeah. I worked hard and bought myself something I really like and I'm proud if having it.
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Lost Caverns of Ixalan had six different neon ink foil versions of Mana Crypt in different colors. The were between $200 and $850 depending on the color.
Do one for when they unban it after buying out everyones lotus for 20 bucks a pop
i own a mondrak i opened at a pre release. It's how i randomly get my expensive cards.
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What's he thinking right now?
One is made with better card stock. The other is a WotC card.
How the turntables. They're not singing this song a couple of weeks ago.
That's how I view casual play. People are spending their time to coordinate going to an LGS on a Friday and playing magic through the evening. I don't think they'd have a good time if they sat down at a table and I'm looping agent of treachery to steal all their lands....and then not actually be able to close out the game. I'm okay with combos, but I want to actually win, not fuck up the board enough that they decide to scoop. And I think these things because that's how I want people to treat me. You'd have a good time against a board wipe deck with no wincon?

If they were a charismatic person or otherwise managed to make the experience fun that's one thing, but I don't think I can manage it and I don't expect it of your average MTG geek.
I don't see problems with JewLo or Mana Crypt.
JewLo is narrow enough that it doesn't matter. Maybe it should exile itself when sacked, or only work if your commander is 6CMC or more. But fuck it, it doesn't bother me.
Mana Crypt is stupid to get annoyed about in a format where Sol Ring is still legal. Is 1 mana to cast Sol Ring equivalent to the X life you pay with MC on the field? Idfk but I don't think it's any worse for the game.

Dockside I can see the reason to ban. It's never even been played at tables I'm at, but I've seen it on YouTube going to the Moon, so fuck it sure.
Nothing. He is dead.
They are still too expensive. I want 10bucks at max. I can't afford lots of expensive stuff
He's not.
I am entertained by you pushing this meme, but be careful not to get slapped with a defamation suit. This site isn't as anonymous as you'd think.
>Satan is a nogames
Checks out
Diversity really was our strength :)
shit is there some way we can tie this ban to the culture war bros?
They need stuff like fire diamond that enters untapped.
2 mana for a rock you can use right away for 1 of a colour.
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>made for commander
>only works in commander
>only in commander sets
>literally still being printed as a chase card for a commander set
>what are talismans
>"Dockside Extortionist is an anti-Semitic stereotype"
Oh wow look you got a bajillion gazillion more cards to choose from
can't be played in mono color decks
Now it knows how ante cards feel
not the first time
>one color
>WotC prints overpowered card
>RC bans it because it's overpowered
arcane signet
27,986 actually
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Good news
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And how many of those have been the flagship card that they used to sell packs?
Just tell ur play group you have a lotus and youre going to use it.

Who the fuck cares about a rules committee committing insider trading
Censor that. Mana rocks are banned, bud.
Fellwar Stone
>you cannot ban this because you put it in packs before
Should enter tapped.
>commander only card
That's four mana on turn 3. Five on turn two with a Sol Ring, a staple of the format. I'm sorry anon...
Better let modern fags know One Ring cannot be banned because it was the key advertising card of a set and is expensive.
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How do you search for the full art profile cards like pic related?
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you dummies the point is that two and three color decks have access to way more mana rocks than mono color decks
since mana rocks are the main way for non-green decks to ramp, mono color decks need more of them and a cycle of diamonds that enter untapped of have a slight upside would be a good place to start
Non basics
That's a funny post but not only is the Jewish God not real, but the modern concepts of Hell are a complete fiction- one that is completely inaccurate to the fiction that historical Jews and Christians thought of.
In the time of Jesus, and he said nothing to contradict this, the soul was not distinct from the body. That is a greek pagan influence added a century after Jesus. Rather the writers of the Bible right up until Paul believed that people are animated by breath, that we lose when we die. It doesn't go anywhere, we just cease to have it, like Adam being clay before God breathed life into him. Then in the end times, God will resurrect everyone's physical bodies and put the breath back into them and the Kingdom of God will be on Earth.
The first Christians fully believed that Jesus was to return in their life time. As they got old and it increasingly became obvious that he wasn't coming back, the Greek philosophical influence (among which Paul was raised) dating back to Plato, offered a neat solution. That there is an immortal soul separate from the body, and that will go on after death. That way the bits about witnessing the Kingdom of Heaven in their lives could still be true.

Isn't learning fun?
I love these Dan Frazier signets. I'm slowly collecting them. Have like half so far. Some are surprisingly expensive, and some are dirt cheap. Like the g/w one is $5, but the u/b is like $30.
>art:side-profile border:borderless
Sol Ring.
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Sol Ring
Unban Primetime
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too powerful, needs to go.
Shock lands
Should have never been printed
>off by 1
Which just so happens to be the mana value of Sol Ring. Coincidence???
Which one of these has a CMC 0 and taps for 2?
...and then two and three color decks will still have access to more rocks, since they'll be able to run the monocolored ones as well.
Woah dude.
Cool it with the antisemitism.
Ancient Tomb
Like Arcane Signet, should have never been printed
an objectively stupid card
Oh yes, sorry I forgot my main point. At the time where Christians and Jews did not believe in an immortal soul, the idea was that God's punishment for the non-believers would be for them to suffer a second torturous death.
Not believing in immortal souls, it would not make sense for there to be eternal torment.
You didn't even quote the line correctly.
They should reprint OG duals and put them in every precon. Double down on total paypig death.
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that's fine because after a certain point having more rocks doesn't help you that much
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I'm not sure where I misunderstood anything. The point of the post I was replying to is that he is suffering demon rape in hell.
But not only is hell a complete fiction, this concept of a plane of eternal torment can be traced to a century after Jesus himself at a time where Christians were coping about the fact that Jesus obviously wasn't going to come back in their life times.

It would be stupid to believe something so provably false.
stop quoting a woke movie
Color fixing is good for the format
It was especially needed back in 2011
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Holy shit, Duskmourn got Dale Gribble?
That card exists for about every creature type
Nobody remembers your boomer show anymore. You might as well be referencing Ghostbusters or the A-Team
>mono white
White is the second best color at ramping though
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>You might as well be referencing Ghostbusters
So you're saying King of the Hill crossover confirmed?
>ghostbusters patch
>boros charm
The fuck???
Is it literally just because it's physically red and white? That makes no fucking sense. The Ghostbusters are all about using technology to fight ghosts. They represent monoblue or azorius at a stretch
>Nobody remembers your boomer show anymore.
while wrong, that means it is literally perfect for an mtg crossover.
>evil dead
>princess bride
>monty python and the holy grail
>doctor who
they make the crossover shit FOR boomers. or haven't you realized? it even has a reboot coming soon, which makes a crossover even more likely.
Oh fuck thats dumb
Literally go fuck yourself
>watched the LRR archenemy commander game with the precons
How is this entertainment?
Me or the card?
It's because zoomers have nothing iconic
the fact its boros charm just because its red and white
I cant believe i didnt see it before
Embrace the Command Zone, it's tranny-free
It should be Rakdos to exile graveyards.
They have those really ugly cartoon network shows that I cant seem to ever remember the names of
I only watch their trannyless vids
also wrong, it is just that the boomers who make magic and make the decisions are either too dumb/ignorant to realize what the kids are into OR (the more likely) they aren't willing to do crossovers that only kids will like because they don't have the cashflow to buy the crossovers.
I was going to make a joke like "Yeah, they should reference <unpopular zoomer property>", but I couldn't think of anything LMFAO.

Proxychad win...
I had the feeling they scripted the games and OMG A PLAY HAPPENED LMAO shit got old real quick
I guess that shouldn't have stopped me from listening to the podcast but it did
>anon is afflicted with a vision of the future
>the year is 2054
>WotC have just announced a "soundcloud rapper" Secret Lair
>the vision cuts to a fat middle aged man opening his pack
>he admires his izzet Juice WRLD shattered foil
>"straight bussin"
>anon is back in the room
>panting and sweating profusely
Telling you didn't name something zoomers have that is iconic
Twitterfolk hate this conspiracy being NOTICED
it's mostly anime. JJK and CSM type shit. minecraft is fairly iconic.
Mana Vault bros...we're gonna make it
>working hard to buy power in weeniehut jr the format
how long does it really take a guy to make 100 bucks? I mean I had a dockside and a crypt in some of my decks, im not crying over it
The cowards didn't b& enough, but cEDH should have it's own b& list now anyway.
Is Maro okay?
Didnt minecraft come out in like 2006?
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>"Buckle up for this next play, I'm going to pay Green and 2 to cast Cultivate, which lets me find 2 basic lands, put one into play tapped, and the other in my hand, I pick this forest for the battlefield and this swamp for my hand"

>cut to Jimmy by himself in an interview chair
>"Cultivate is a card that works really well in this deck because it both ramps me and secures my land drop for the next turn, it's a really powerful card that will let me play my commander next turn and also colorfixed me since I had little black mana."

>cut to Josh by himself in an interview chair
>"So Jimmy just played a cultivate, which let him ramp AND get him a guaranteed land drop for the next turn, on top of securing him some more black mana. He's setting up for a real explosive turn 4, I need to draw into some gas to be prepared for it."

>cut to random 2 guests together
>"Jimmy just played a cultivate, are you worried about that at all"
>"No I have something up my sleeve, Oh but I shouldn't give too much away :^) *forced laughter*"
Why are you asking a question you can very easily just look up?
Step 1. Make Commander casual
Step 1.1. Make cEDH complain
Step 2. Create official cEDH format
Step 2.1 make cEDH people happy
Step 3. Official Commander precon prerelease event
Step 3.1 make casual commander players happy.
I like to be spoonfed, what can I say?
Surprised you're not complaining about the fact they put literally 9 mins of ads into hour long videos. Sponsor Block chad?
Its called a conversation
What step is the one where we ban all direct to commander and UB cards?
You sound like an annoying person to have a conversation with.
Step 4 Make a Chud playgroup with your friends from FreeMagic
NTA but you seem like the guy who answers "Why do you want to know?!" angrily when someone asks how you are doing today.
2009 is when the alpha was released. but it started out fairly small. full release was in 2011. minecraft, fortnite, roblox, and league of legends are basically all that many zoomies have ever known.
Sounds based, can I get in on that?
Speaking of nostalgia. My older brother hit adulthood before search engines were good and I have the fondest memory of him telling me how him and his roommates once spent an entire night arguing about whether a particular actor had been in 40 movies in a single year- a blatantly absurd claim.
Your little dispute reminded me of that, and it made me feel warm inside.
Damn. I've been using her as my colorless deck for ages. She just feels great to cast.
need a hell's kitchen style MTG competitive series
Do you also complain about how fake CSI shows are?
*sips monster* yup, I remember when Fortnite was a shitty zombie survival game.
Its weird cause I remember my shop teacher talking about it in high-school but I graduated in 08
what are you complaining about? Them doing those interview like things scattered through out the episode? That shit is obviously recorded after the game.
I thiiiiink Game Knights has used that violin sting sound effect. Could be wrong
You can't google me to find out how my day was.
It already exists
Its called game knights and it sucks
Especially when that autistic guy with the wacky suits is on
So if "cEDH" splintered off to form a "muh Dockside is a pillar" format, what is cEDH 2 called?
The cEDH that uses the regular EDH banlist.
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but if I could I still would ask you.
You're probably thinking of the game Notch ripped off. I don't remember what it was called. But yeah it was a block game with mining.
I'm glad that I already had a couple mana vaults. They're shooting up in price.
Codify the numbers for power level. Instead of banning cards set some of them to 8, 9, or 10. A normal deck can be assumed to be a 7, but the presence of a single card of a higher level makes your deck that level.
The same thing it always was: edh.
Buddy that's literally the show being discussed >>93977978
It's excessive
i've suggested this before and everyone here called me retarded. new format, only legal cards are cards that have been standard legal, plus ban fast mana and RL. would also not allow companions in deckbuilding, that way lutri could be legal. despite calling me retarded for wanting a new format, most people also replied "stop trying to shit up EDH, get your own format", not realizing that is exactly what i was calling for. this would keep away all UB (except reskins) and all partner/eminence bullshit. the only cards that would make it in that shouldn't are command tower and arcane signet (they were standard legal in 2019 with the release of the brawl decks).
This is delusion to the highest degree
I'm not sure if I'd want to go that scorched earth on commander yet but it would definitely help modern and legacy if only cards from standard expansions were legal
Uppity Crawfags have been unbearable today.
The games are also blatantly scripted.
Shitposts aside I'm glad dockside got banned. That little green nigger always sneaked himself into midpower pods with the retards playing him not accepting how overpowered he is.
I'd be really happy if they reprinted several expensive cards with a special border that says they are only allowed in commander. That way I could get lots of powerful cards for very cheap
i mean, to be fair, so do zoomies. it was also from 2011.
you remembered wrong. either he wasn't talking about minecraft or you graduated later.
Hey bros. I just woke up and saw that a bunch of my price points just triggered for the staples I wanted. Picked up 10 Jeweled Lotuses and 10 Mana Crypts for basically chump change, just 30 bucks each. I can't believe it but the order went through and everything, should be arriving next week. I'm so pumped, my decks are gonna be so good now.

WAGMI bros :)
I don't think that's an accurate way to rate power, I just think it's a shorthand that strikes a good functional balance between rule 0 and hard bans.
Cry more crypt's not coming back
Thank you anons
Thank you EDH rules committee
Today has honestly been the most fun I've had on 4chan in years.
don't neck yourself when they 10 dollars in two days.
Yup. I think it's a small group of very dedicated spammers. Most of the people complaining were sad about their meme decks if anything. It also seems very likely that the RC will reverse some of the decision.
Game Knights? Nah, they have way too many dead draws and shit that just doesn't go off. It would be one thing if there was some le epic play that got stopped because someone had the EXACT card they needed, but more often its just like "yeah my commanders been popped 4 times, I haven't done shit all game, I guess I'll spite someone on my way out"

Now if you were to say they pick their opening hands or maybe even stack their decks, that I would believe. But I'm not buying a script.
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Anyone else loving these changes? Fuck investors. Fuck Cedh. Fuck Twitter. We battle cruiser now
>cards that every Commander deck needs to be competitive
>dropping below 30

Pft sure thing bro. Just stay jelly I found some fool willing to part with them for cheap. I'm gonna be rocking these so hard in my decks.
i want to see it as an alternative. i like the idea of predh, but i don't like how stagnant it is. no new cards entering the format would mean that the only way to shake up the meta is to regularly ban and unban cards, but there is no one doing that, predh's curation is even more derelict than edh.
>Picked up 10 Jeweled Lotuses and 10 Mana Crypts for basically chump change, just 30 bucks each
Kek shit that didn't happen
>I really need an untapped land to cast this boardwipe
>peels top card
>zooms in on a temple of triumph
>All of this crying
>No one is actually playing the ban list yet
>Can't even legitimately confirm if ur deck iz ded because too busy kvetching into the void
>t. doesnt understand what this ban did to cedh at all
If anything you're further from viable than you were before the announcement, even if you didnt have a crypt.
Here's the thing anon, when you're good at the game, you can predict how things will happen without having to play them! I know that must sound like magic to you, no pun intended.
The only way this would kill a deck (other than nadu lole) is if your general gameplan and wincon relied on killing and reanimating dockside for infinite mana.
This ban fucked cedh
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>Buying 10 at $30
>Not buying 30 at $10
I'm but a noob but I'm pretty sure 90% of commander decks can't run jeweled lotus.
This guy would do that shit so well
>dockside at 30
JLO gets unbanned is my prediction, that is if they dont do a full split between cedh and casual. That is mostly because JLO is literally dead in all other formats barring meme usage like doubling cube
Try 100% lol
Barely. It just made the barrier to entry much more expensive.
>It also seems very likely that the RC will reverse some of the decision.
There's like 0% chance of that happening any time in the near future.
Korvold decks in shambles
I think you literally cant use it for that anymore, but I may be mistaken. I personally think it was silly, but so was the crypt ban so time will tell.

Just like there was 0% chance nadu would get banned for being a nondeterministic timewaster, right anon?
January 2025 at the latest.
This post is pure cope.
It goes in literally everything if you can afford it. The only decks that aren't interested are meme decks that never play their commander.
Unless you're playing blue farm, sisay, or rogsi. This ban dumpstered a ton of fringe and antimeta decks that were starting to appear.
>I'm going to play with it anyway
>wizards needs to take over the rules committee
>They're going to reverse this
>the format is dead now
>the ban list shouldn't exist
>They should ban 50 more things
Are there any other slots on the ban announcement bingo card?
good, they should play actual competitive formats instead of trying to shit up the board game kitchen table version.

Honestly canlander would fit them the most probably however I have a feeling some just like cedh because its easier to win.
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>Partners the Gathering is negatively affected by bans
Sad! I still won't be playing it
There's enough normal ninja commanders to ban Yuriko now.
She breaks the spirit of the format by evading commander tax.
They'll nuke Derevi too to make it look fair.
>"Green is overpowered now"
>Just like there was 0% chance nadu would get banned for being a nondeterministic timewaster, right anon?
What? Nadu being a ban wasn't a surprise at all to me.
Give it time, more will make themselves clear
cEDH is an oxymoron, investorfaggotry should be the basis for card bans and, basically, everyone partaking in either of those activities should be lynched.
To be clear I hate cedh and I'm glad it's fucked
Still playing yuriko
Well.. no. It doesn't work in 0cost commanders, doesn't work in 1 cost commanders, doesn't work in 2 cost, 3 cost, 4 cost and 5 cost of different colors... that's like 90% of commanders. Playing a 0, add 1 mana for your commander is kinda worthless
Is that supposed to be some weird joke?
You've been making this post all day, fo to bed.

While this is true, my deck in particular wasnt hit very hard. New things will come out in time, that's not the main issue. The main issue now is that if you want to get into cedh you need to shell out 3k-10k in increasingly expensive staples. I swapped crypt for city of traitors, no big deal power wise, but it's more than double yesterday's price. Same with monoliths and mox diamonds and whatever; either you need to be fully kit-ed out playing an expensive 4c+ manabase, or you need all the other rocks. Crypt and lotus were at least accessible to casuals and often reprinted
Why people actually angry? Like haven't people been wanting jeweled lotus and Dockside out of the format for a long time?
It's like breaking up with a girl and then realizing you won't get to have sex anymore
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cEDH has bigger problems to worry about than losing a few toys like players forcing the table to 4 way draw by pointing a gun at a player who would win.
Nah, it's just some nerds pretending they got "an epic win" and a bunch of reallt salty investor fags. I got 8 years out of crypt, and will probably have more in the future, no big deal and most people I talk to feel the same way.
Yea but I ran crypt and dockside in your pic related. Il live though
You can use it to pay commander tax, retard. At the VERY worst, it's a Lotus Petal.
That's a win win
Investors are mad because hundreds (or in some cases thousands) of their dollars evaporated.
cEDH players are mad because they're just now realizing that their "sub-format" is a joke
There are endless ways to get around commander tax already. Having one more way doesn't really change that much
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>yfw idiots destroy their cards in a tantrum and something gets unbanned?
How do you get around commander tax without paying it? Are you dedicating multiple deck slots to moving your commander between zones?
I still don't understand why cedh players want to play a 1v1v1v1 format competitively when Canlander and Duel Commander both exist.
I like her, she's cute. Like when she but denjis tongue off and then blew her own head off. That was cool
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How do people play this format, man? Competitive BO1 FFA magic is about the dumbest shit I can imagine. Fucks sake duel commander just got put onto MTGO just play that if you've got the itch
This has been my favorite part of today. I saw the announcement and was like "well that wont last" while a bunch of tards went full spaghetti and instantly capitulated on the fucksword. I get doing it for the views or the memes, but a lot.of people are going to feel real dumb very soon.
cEDH players are not intelligent people
Duel commander has a god awful banlist. Some pods are just stronger than others; there is only one edh.
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Yeah she's great
I feel like Lotus comes back, and MAYBE (very unlikely) Dockside.
Crypt stays dead.
I often put my commander in the graveyard instead of the command zone and then use like noxious revival to get her back into my hand.
It's really not that hard.
If you proxy your decks, you don't deserve to have an opinion on the game.
Poorfag casuals are the only ones celebrating. Since wotc reprinted lotus and crypt little more than a year ago and marketed them as the top chase cards there's now more lotus and crypts in casual decks than ever before. Most of the people who got a crypt or lotus in this time are rightfully feeling burned since it's painfully obvious to anyone with a brain wotc planned on banning them and used the cards to move product only to ban them once the warehouse was empty. Rules committee also conveniently ignored actual problem cards like oracle consultation, rhystic, and overpriced fast mana on the reserved list.
If Dockside come back so will Primetime
Cant abuse or have social clout decide your wins in 1vs1 as easily.
rhystic is not a problem just pay the 1
>but a lot.of people are going to feel real dumb very soon
2 more weeks, sister
>Most of the people who got a crypt or lotus in this time are rightfully feeling burned since it's painfully obvious to anyone with a brain wotc planned on banning them and used the cards to move product only to ban them once the warehouse was empty.
Hullbreaker wasn't THAT long ago, how do people forget?
I blame the UB newfags.
Crypt isnt that good, to be honest. As someone who ran it, the draw back is huge and will absolutely cost you games, despite what nonplayers want you to believe. And in banning it the gap between good decks and bad decks increased massively with very little affordable recourse. Dockside, however, is dead forever.
Longtime modern player wanting to build my first edh deck. Thoughts on Yuriko? Am I going to get hosed every game?
that's funny my friend who proxies his entire decks and has crypt in every deck was seething about it.
>I slide him my force
Why do they ALL talk like this? Do they really show people cards and then not cast them? That's not very competitive.
>unlicensed nuclear accelerator
clearly izzet
pretty good and fun
>Longtime modern player wanting to build my first edh deck. Thoughts on Yuriko? Am I going to get hosed every game?
She's getting the hammer soon now that the nu-ban precedence has been set.
Don't even bother.
>one sided sphere of resistance that draws you cards when they don't pay and slots into every deck with blue isn't a problem
Jeweled lotus and mana crypt weren't as big of a problem as rhystic study
Very easy to pilot and you can adjust the power level however you want.
Holy fuck you're mad
>wotc planned on banning cards they have been given new printings and spent hundred thousands of dollars to market
I dont get your logic.
Who the actual fuck is this ban for? Casuals apparently can't afford them enough to run them, and cedh is too small of a playerbase for it to make a significant enough impact. Yet the prices are tanking. I genuinely think people are deflecting to cedh as the reason for the bannings when casuals are the only ones playing it. The only people playing these cards would be people flexing in casuals, at which point you just rule 0 the power level before you start the game and choose to not play it if it's too overtuned. At which point, why the fuck would you ban a card that's apparently prohibitively expensive that not enough people even play it? No one benefits from this banlist whatsoever! Even wotc is going to lose consumer confidence as less people wanna buy their stupid flashy cardboard on the fear that it would get banned. I just don't get it.
Too strong for precon Craw trannies, so you'll be "that guy" forever and ever unless you solely play cEDH
>one sided sphere of resistance
This always cracks me up. How can people be this bad?
>Who the actual fuck is this ban for
Justice, honor, God.
do you think things are going to get that dire?
like i said, just pay the 1
creature based decks can play a one sided sphere as well with thalia or sphere of resistance
as long as you're paying the 1 its the same thing
>Do they really show people cards and then not cast them?
He's showing a card that he has and declaring intent. If both agree, they draw. If one disagrees, he gives the win to the other player.
>that's not very competitive
Sam is going to lose either way because his play got countered. He can't both counter the culling ritual that will win the game, and still be able to keep up with Tymna. Because draws are worth more than losses, his best chance of placing high in the tournament is to get the draw.
All of the other players know this too, that's why the table drew instead of going "Fuck you, Sam".
thalia or thorn of amethyst*
You got it. Almost all the memeing done in favour of the ban is from idiots. It'll be reversed in fairly short order because it was illogical.
for the casuals having to deal with sweaty cEDH tryhards in their casual pools
Hullbreacher wasn't marketed as a top tier chase card
Hullbreacher wasn't 200 dollars
Hullbreacher was a serious detriment to the format with a similar but weaker card already banned.
It's for the health of the game
>Who the actual fuck is this ban for?
the shit storm for the reverting of the ban will be even bigger than todays shitstorm. Lawsuits will be filed.
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>do you think things are going to get that dire?
These two cards actively break the fundamentals of the format, so they'll be gone soon.
I suspect the bannings will occur more frequently, similar to 60 card some years back.
Within 2-3 bannings no doubt.
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Olivia doesn't like it and blames her game losses on her opponents having it, so the cucks banned it for her.
So that's it then? Rule 0 doesn't mean fucking shit? What about communicating powerlevel before the game starts? Are we all to assume everyone is tryharding every game and not communicate in the """social""" format? Fucking pointless.
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>lost 2 gobbos and 1 crypt
I cracked the monkey goblin foil and now hes dead. Rip funny monkey and rip retard crypt. The game was more fun with you here, rip turbo edh 2024
>Biological women (XX) on twitter LOVE the bans
It's for gigachad. It's not for soijak
I get that, but the first time he said it. Seems like a pointless flex/power move that doesn't actually do anything and gives your op info for no reason
>"well that wont last"
It will. People destroying their cards is still retarded, but talk about it not lasting is just naive cope.
I am gonna use this logic to argue why One Ring can never be banned even if modern dies due to it.
Not even close.

>t. things that never happen
It's boring as fuck to play a good deck against a goof.
Why can't people just get over the fact commander tax is annoying?
all signpost bans telling the autists at your random lgs to chill the fuck out with the silly casual format, stops spending so much money. It's actively made to save the format and for the players of the format rather than the tryhards in the kiddiepool and investors.

Also just rule 0 it never works because of pubstompers.
>Who the actual fuck is this ban for?
Actual players of the format (Not investors or players of the separate format known as cEDH)
>MAYBE (very unlikely) Dockside
They described Dockside as the least problematic of the three. If only one comes back, it's the goblin.
>"Bans will be reversed any second now. Just watch"
>*nothing happens*
>Lawsuits will be filed
Lol, no there won't. I know most of you are too young to remember previous bans, but people say this shit literally every time.
I mean you might think that way but the average rando is equivalent to the mtg arena nigger and has no respect for anyone else on the table.
Remember what happened with nadu. Hasbro is going to slam their balls in a vice tomorrow morning.
>Not even close.
Yes. People will be even angrier. Stores will also be angry as many are liquidating their stocks. People will be livid because the RC will have effectively stolen their money. You could also then argue it was intentional so that they could crash the price and then gobble up the cards.
These reasons are why no unbanning will happen. Damage is done. Reverting this in 2 weeks won't cancel the sales or unburn the cards/uncut them
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>1. Like I actually read their nonsense
>2. Any consistency from RC
You know what the difference between thalia/thorn of amethyst and rhystic is? Rhystic dosent require any build around since it's effect isn't symmetric you tard.
The asymmetrical effect is the reason cards like cyclonic rift is 30 dollars after a dozen reprints and similar cards like evacuation are less than a buck.
Rule 0 is mainly just figuring out what power level everyone wants to play at. People rarely ever actually are fine with banned cards.
just pay the 1
If only you knew how jewish things really are
I'd sue if I was an LGS and just took a 30k hit due to obvious insider trading shit.
7 CMC Commander
Cast on turn 7
Simple as
If the average rando is like an mtgo player, then why would you cater a ban to a group of people not representative of the average player?
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Erm, aren't you forgetting something?
>Oh no how dare the RC actually give a shit about the casuals of the format!!

Today is a good day.
>having 30k of your net worth be based on 4 magic cards
>retards beg for sol ring ban for years
>RC bans expensive-sol-ring
Further evidence people only wanted sol ring banned to further widen the gap between haves and have nots
I'm going to play Crypt anyway and the cops CAN'T STOP ME
Only in your head.
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Isn't that super slow?
You need like a changeling outcast on turn 1..
ninjutsu her on turn 2 and pray to draw some eldrazi for like 10dmg
also have enough mana to cast changeling outcast again
Then attack with changeling outcast on turn 3 and have another ninja to ninjutsu which usually costs like 4 mana and pray you draw another eldrazi or so for another 10 damage
also cast changeling outcast again
And on turn 4 you eat an ur dragon and pack up
I'm vr vr dumb but I don't see why this is strong.
Enjoy no one playing with you
>4 magic cards
There's like 8 different versions of lotus and crypt.
Who cares about the cut cards? People seem obsessed with this point, but no one gives a shit what some reactionary dumbass did. And in the same turn, if stores are liquidating their stock, they're equally likely to pick some up for cheap, and effectively the secondary market doesnt exist for wotc so I dont know why you think that's important.
you cant file lawsuits for secondary market values tanking my dude.
I'm a different anon and caught up to your conversation.
Don't worry I agree with you, I don't share the same opinion as that other anon. I don't think that trying as hard as we can do kill each other is fun in our playgroup, because then where does the "powering our decks" stop? We keep adding stronger and stronger cards and then it becomes like yugioh (which is where we came from and moved away from because of the fast paced speed, we wanted something slow like old Yugioh).
That's besides the point though, I also had a Bravo deck that one friend hated and the other wasn't a huge fan of. It did have some win cons (Sol Ring + Another mana rock + Strionic Resonator + any ETB draw card + Brago) that would win pretty early but it was fast with all the tutors in azorius.
Ultimately took out the blue and made it an Elesh Norn deck. It is literally just value through double etb, and I can win through the usual Felidae Guardian + Angel + Altar of the Brood, which was also in the Brago deck now that I remember. So yeah don't be sad about taking apart Brago, that card is bullshit in my opinion.
>who cares that some people get fucked
The people that got fucked.
Women can't into good deckbuilding.
I know a woman with a "Barbie Fairytopia" deck, which is Bant faeries with a couple unicorns. It does nothing.
You can sue for literally anything
>>Biological women (XX) on twitter LOVE the bans
I can see why women (XY) hate the bans now
Good luck to casting an Ur Dragon t4 without Crypt or Jeweled Lotus
But seriously Yuriko decks are pretty efficient at being able to hold up interaction while burning a table to death with triggers. There's a reason why she's a viable cEDH deck.
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>It will get reverted!
Copium sales through the roof tonight
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Aaaaany second now..
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I'm just gonna run two copies of sol ring now
The problem with splitting the format into two formats is that they’ll then feel free to ban a lot of stuff in the casual format like all the tutors, rhystic, rift, whatever, so that it will be truly casual. But then there are players who will want to play high power where you can use those cards, but not be truly ‘competitive’ where you’re trying to thoracle off as soon as possible. So those middle players who’ve just been playing the game a long time and have large collections of good cards they want to use without going full cEDH won’t really have a good banlist to work with.
Two more weeks
>anon did gene testing on random people on twitter
You really can't. Especially not in tort, which is what you would hypothetically be suing under here. You need either a right that has been infringed, or for the other party to have owed you a duty of care.
Could i realistically sue a store for buying a card from me before it spikes?
>cEDH trannies' first big ban
The hysteria over this ban is proof that cEDH is not a real competitive format
Again you can sue for any reason at all.
I have concepts of a banned list...
The biggest problem I see is cedh being full of mentally ill people with personality disorders and the format would implode within months.
No of course you fucking couldn't. How could they possibly know the price would go up or down?
Please stop encouraging retards to do retarded things.
>You can't ban this because it is expensive and they sold a set based off it
Better tell moderniggers that The One Ring is here for life.
But you have no hope of winning. It's not realistic. You're just being silly.
But they absolutely deserve it and did it to themselves. No one will have any sympathy for them other than sheisters.

>"Why did line go down? Line only go up."
>W-well you see hasbro-sama there was a change to our most popular format banning cards we were using to market sets with and-"
>"Who changed them? Can we fire them?"
>"N-n-no hasbro-sama, they're the RC, they technically dont work for us."
>"Why the fuck did you let them do that? Get rid of them. Make line go up."
>"Y-yes hasbro-sama, s-sorry hasbro-sama."
>Please stop encouraging retards to do retarded things.
But it's fun
It's a lot better for a format to have a hard floor of what's acceptable and for Rule 0 to cover a bit of spice being added back rather than have people pubstomping.
Not true.
There is a sweet spot between cEDH and casual where it is highly tuned non cEDH decks.
That powerlevel runs those cards, and that's where it has the biggest issues. My playgroup has some decks in that range (we mostly play below that), and when we do play with those stronger decks of ours then those cards just run away with the game. Specifically dockside, but when turn 1 or 2 crypt comes out then that also just tips the scales like crazy.
Sometimes you gotta be a Vic Mignogna
>thinking this will make line go down
ESL kun...
Never heard any complaints when Oko or Omnath got banned few weeks after release. Such strange behaviour and those were the chase mythics of the set.
Yesniggers get the rope
Hopefully they invested in mana vaults too.
look man either it's a casual format that shouldn't have bans
Or it's one of the major pillars of Hasbro's marketshare and should be more directly regulated
can't have it both ways
It sure will. Not only that but it'll lower nps and be giving their metrics a fuckton of negative signals when they do market sentiment analysis. I'd be surprised if hasbro hasnt spoken with them already.
Vic's case was fine, his lawyer tried to pull a fast one by submitting affidavits right on the deadline, and then the judge told him he could fuck off if he thought he was going to sneak them in under other means.
The shit Monica Rial, Ron Toye, and Jamie Marchie said about Vic was absolutely defamatory.
>Vic's case was fine
oh did someone's wallet get a bit lighter
lmfo even
But how often does pubstomping actually happen though? Maybe I’m out of the loop because I’ve had the same group since highschool but it doesn’t seem like people are exclusively playing with complete total strangers. Once you show up at an LGS a few times you’ll be a known quantity.
Honestly I think this is good and its also healthy RC care more about the format than the money wotc makes. Which is pretty obvious with this ban.

Honestly letting wotc get control over edh would be terrible and it would lose its appeal as a fan format.
It's purely hypothetical pumpstomping. It doesnt actually occur.
>But how often does pubstomping actually happen though?
Literally any time my group lets a new person in they end up being some cEDH fag who cannot comprehend people not liking games ending by turn 4
>all those prerecorded match videos that had the banned cards played
>go around publicly stating that a man is a sexual predator
>only evidence you have is him cheating on his wife, banging twins of legal age, and propositioning you in a hotel room even though your own witness who you claim saw you in distress immediately after that situation says you seemed completely fine.
>work with the guy for a decade after that including going to each others houses
Yeah, I'd say that's defamatory.
You can easily have both. Choosing one or the other is a trap.
What was that anon from a couple weeks seething about again? I don't remember
> Or it's one of the major pillars of Hasbro's marketshare and should be more directly regulated

Based on the amount of pre cons and other products made specifically for commander, and the playebases for each format, EDH is already this and we’re all just waiting for Hasbro to catch up to that fact.
Mana Crypt isn't ban worthy
Signed cards.
Honestly it seems to me like a lot of people complaining about this are newer to card games and only play commander.
This shit happens a lot in Yu-Gi-Oh. Super broken expensive card everyone runs 3 of gets either limited to 1 or straight up banned happens and are people a little upset? Sure but not uproars of this level. Just deal with it, I personally think there should be more of a ban list. Be fascist about this and enforce cancerous shit out of here, if you want fast high powered degeneracy then split the format.
The format just get a little slower for all this seething lmao
Right, something about TCC giving signed copies of the Eldraine showcase cards. Good times.
This is the same fandom that had such a meltdown that it created the reserve list
If sol ring is ban worthy then mana crypt definitely is.
Sol ring is better than crypt and neither are ban worthy.
Yugioh isn't filled with investorfags who view themselves like the nobles of the game
Sol Ring isn't ban worthy
YuGiOh is entirely designed for each set to be more broken than the last. You get into it knowing that whatever archetype is winning tournaments right now will be literally unplayable in a year's time.
This is an eternal format. There's 100 old cards that would never be printed today, the dual lands for example, but they're still legal because that's the fucking point.
They printed a strong card specifically for this format, and a bunch of unelected literal-whos banned it without consulting anybody.
These guys will an hero if something like Tearlament ban dropped
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I will only accept a revert on these bans if ALL bans are reverted.
I think it's just an issue of people wanting to live out some power fantasy.
>it seems to me like a lot of people complaining about this are newer to card games and only play commander.
Sol Ring is objectively more powerful than JewLo
Is it really only investorfags upset about this? Like sure I believe a majority of the people upset about it are salty their $100 card is now worth $50 but you don't think there are people that are upset for the power level or cedh reason?
cEDH fags are a tiny minority of players.
>hmm should I engage with what people are saying ITT?
>should I take them at their word and attempt to understand their perspective
>nah it's a lot easier to make up reasons for the things they say and choose to believe that instead
They are people who want to play EDH but also completely break the format in ways it shouldn't be broken, also have austism that makes them want to play the most optimal magic possible.
I understand your perspective. It is retarded.
Neither are ban worthy. Jeweled Lotus is self-nerfed.
>I cast my 5 drop commander on turn 2
>Cool. I swords it.
>Your turn
Wow so hard
No. It's just retards trying to dunk on people for playing in a way they dont like (that they will certainly lose to if they encounter them).
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>it'll get reverted
cope overdrive
>my pod will allow them with rule 0
doesn't make them legal, retard
>I'll just ask people at my lgs if it's okay
99% of randoms won't accept you playing these cards. They're banned. Get used to it.
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>Though you’re restricted in what you can do with the mana, four- and five-mana Commanders can pack a significant punch nowadays, often draw cards to make up for the one-shot mana, and defensive abilities such as Ward
My perspective is that JewLo is fine and only caught a ban rather than Sol Ring because SR is in every precon. If it were reversed, JewLo would be proclaimed a staple of the format and SR would be gone.
you don't actually ask what cards your opponents are playing before the game right?
Part of the fun of commander is unexpected plays
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No you can't do this to me
Does Oathbreaker belong in this thread?
>Part of the fun of commander is unexpected plays
Great reason to ban jewlo, crypt etc.
I would expect players to mention that they're playing something controversial. I declare my Rhystic because it's literally the only card I own that people online bitch about. No one has ever complained at the table.
oh yeah I say this fully in support of the ban, I meant this in the case of, I assume from the getgo everyone is running legal lists
It's up to the person with the illegal card to bring it up
if they spring it mid game, out it goes
There are people who will win no matter the banlist. I am one of them; you can literally ban hundreds of cards and I'll brew until I find something broken to push people's shit in. What people are complaining about is that their chosen playstyle isnt as powerful as they'd like, while ignoring the fact that they're bad at a game they never tried to be good in. They just lie a bunch to cover that fact.
You'll get fewer glares here than in the mtg general but I doubt you'll get any salient advice either.
You aren't entirely wrong about that, but I think them banning something like that kind of prevents the yugioh-like design.
Like let's say Commander Masters 2 comes out and they design Portside Extortionist that makes a treasure for each artifact, enchantment, and creature for 1 Red. That would be bullshit and I think nipping it at the bud could prevent that.
I personally think "cards designs for commander" are a fucking mistake. They should design for limited and standard and if something good comes out then edh players can slot it in.
How much was Master Peace worth before he got the hammer? I wasn't playing at that time nor am I now, but that's the only card I can think of that meets the criteria I mentioned.
nobody would've had a problem if they banned cards and actually shook up the format. Instead they banned nadu, the only card to shake up the meta in the past several years.
I could totally see a turn 2 Voja stomp causing all this
Dont be disengenuous. Nadu was mid-high power level, and absolute top nondeterministic time wasting faggotry. That's why it was banned; as it should have been the second anyone read it.
I think oathbreaker is cool and wish it was more popular
Yes he did.
I bought 500 lotuses today AMA
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that's ruff buddy
how long is it going to take you to eat them
>magic player try not to scream that the meta shifts challenge: impossible
there was nothing wrong with nadu, buzzword spouting faggot. People just hated him because be could actually beat thoracle and yuriko so he was killed. It's that simple.
Want to send me one? I'll trade you either a random but neat foil from my binder, or a really cool basic land.
so lands that literally tap for 2 mana are ok but mana crypt isn't? lol?
people hated him because he killed modern
I'll trade you a proxy plains signed by the head chef of my local mcdonalds
Thoracle is pretty mediocre because it's heavily prepared for, and yuriko isnt that great. Nadu would take 45 minute turns that dont win the game. I would set a 15 minute timer when nadu players would start going off, and if they couldnt win in the time limit, the table would universally agree that the turn will end. I did this 7 times, nadu only won once.
>lands that literally tap for 2 mana are ok
How about 3(THREE)
>signed plains
literally destroyed pennys of cents
I guess that's a risk I'll take.
A pod I play with sometimes has gotten into Oathbreaker and invited me to join them. I've been interested in the format for a while and have pretty much settled on Lili, mainly because I have a sadistic streak that enjoys getting off her ultimate in Standard. However, I'm not sure what to chose for her signature spell, especially since casting it multiple times will be limited in mono black. I've thought about removal to help protect her, discard to strip hands faster, and draw to break parity from her upticking, but don't really feel like any particular card is clicking.
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>RC actually bans 4 degenerate cards
>Investorfags up in arms
This game needs to be nuked
Why are your hands that color?
I dont know anything about oathbreaker. But my suggestions are:
>dark ritual
>hymn to touarch
haha dudes *takes a hit of my blunt* dies to removal brother hell yeah
to get (You)s
You've never even seen a Jeweled Lotus in your life.
This is a tiny leaders thread.
How about Cabal Ritual? It lets you get her out a turn early, and with threshold it can be worth it even through the command tax a second time. Sadly dark ritual is banned but I suppose otherwise it'd probably be the correct option for most Bx decks.
Actually there's a guy at my LGS who plays it.
>he says in the thread that is mostly people laughing at cEDHfags and speculators
The Day of the Rat is a wonderful thing.
A ritual or edict effect sounds like it would be very flavorful.
Edicts could get her ult off through semi protection of creature removal.
A lot of the historically most oppressive decks in Modern and Legacy would lose to a Standard deck today. You should have expected bans at some point.
I still believe they should bring back "Banned as Commander" and "Banned in 99"
That would at least bring Rofellos and Golos out of prison and maybe even Nadu.
Right, that's why $800 dual lands exist right? Because design has become so much more powerful across the board?
I think he might have been out in the sun too long? I dunno, it was pretty hot here - 50 in direct sunlight.
How are those cards any less oppressive when in the 99? If your answer was "You may not draw them", the same argument could be made for Time Vailt. How does putting them in the command zone make them healthier?
Get that gay shit out of here
Even nu-delver shits on standard.
That seems to be a common choice with her. But I have a hard time believing it would be a good pick when other players are doing things like ramp or go wide tokens, leaving me in a worse position every time I could cast it.
>dark ritual
>hymn to touarch
One that I've considered, and probably my choice if I go discard.
Enchantment, needs to be Instant or Sorcery
Oh, I do like that. Also gives the option of going higher curve for some bombs, and maybe allows for some crucial double spell turns.
Sheoldred's Edict would also be a versatile pick. I'm actually a little surprised to see it's not banned.
I'm liking these options.
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Foil metalworker in my kozilek the great distortion deck . Got the metalworker back at 2007 for like 300 usd among other foils .
>Voja literally got JLO banned
Unironically yes. Griselbrand has been powercrept in Legacy by Atraxa.
You know that Flash Hulk once exist in legacy.
They should make a functional reprint of golos that isn't banned, let it be legal for a year, and then instead of banning it, they should have all copies of them explode at once.
Legacy Tendrils would lose to Gruul Prowess.
Modern Splinter Twin would lose to Gruul Prowess.
It's because they all got arrested by the police
Either Null Rod or Replenish, not sure which is worth more right now, but it used to be my Survival of the Fittest until that got stolen.
Revised Badlands
Going to get it signed by Rob Alexander in a couple of weeks and lost TENS of dollars in value.
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Seven bozos left
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nta but Nadu in particular is stupid as hell in the command zone because his ability makes the command tax absolutely pointless. Killing him is a speed bump for the deck. In the 99 he gets exiled or goes to the graveyard when the player doesn't have recursion and he's done.
You realize Nadu decks ran Endurance in maindeck in MODERN, right? That's like saying Amphibian Downpour cucks Nadu it can absolutely answer it in multiple ways.
Let's see what our japanese friend had to say
I've been reading JP mtg posts on twitter; they're funny
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Modern had multiple copies of Nadu. If your Nadu gets hit with Swords, Farewell, or whatever in the 99 it's gone. I don't even know why I said graveyard since I knew some nerd was going to ignore the "DOESN'T HAVE RECURSION" and bring up recursion anyway.
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whats a commander/color pairing that always lets you be active? i like being able to pull answers out of my ass or use decks with lots of moving parts
>If your Nadu gets hit with Swords, Farewell, or whatever in the 99 it's gone.
so what you're saying is "bring back 'banned as commander'"?
That's the post chain I was replying to, yes.
lmao woops. i can't be arsed to go back 4 posts to see context. fuck this gay website.
why did they even get rid of "banned as commander" in the first place
based domino
wtf i love Japan now
Ayyyy lmao
Couldn't be assed to program MODO
You realize a wincon is not any less oppressive when it's jumping from the 99, right? "They might not have it" directly implies the player is misplaying by not holding up counter magic.
Nadu is not an card that requires your whole deck to be built around it. There's maybe 3 cards that you need to run for it because getting the pieces uses generic tutors thanks to all the 1/2 mana options being legal. It's a card that you can both build around AND slot in as a small instant win package. Compare Thoracle or even Sanguine Bond/Exquisite Blood. They both all win the game for free with 1 card setup.
please understand, players are absolutely retarded. it was too confusing to have "banned" and "banned as commander".
Official reasoning is that only Braids was on that list and they didn't want to see Braids back anyway.
Real reasoning is probably that it didn't work on MTGO so WotC strongarmed it.
Rofellos and Grizzlebrizzle were also Banned as commanders IIRC.
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i will be quite upset if there isnt a grey legend in that space set comin up
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Honestly the rule zero is the best thing coming out from this
Cheers, anon. I also had a history with Yu-Gi-Oh. I hope you always enjoy your hobbies.
who cares, did you know the banlist is mostly for sanctioned play and not really aimed for casual commander? it's just pieces of cardboard anon, if your pod is fine with playing these cards then by all means you can do so, but cEDH tards got btfo epicly
>Wait 5 minutes for post
>Posting from your IP range has been blocked
Someone make a new thread
Those cards can't be run in the command zone and that's the difference to me. Nadu is resilient and slow as a commander in a way other combo pieces in the command zone are not by nature of its ability. I don't view it that differently from other combo cards inside of the 99 because it must still be set up and if its stopped when the player goes for it they don't easily get another try by just casting it again from the command zone. My original point is just that it's far too stupid in the command zone. I really haven't seen enough of it in the 99 to make the call on whether it would be fine or not, my gut says probably not but I'd be willing to at least see more of it before making a final judgement. Not like they do banned as commander anymore I guess so it's all theoretical anyway.
Honestly, every deck you make you should strive to make it like that. Interaction and removal wins games.
Nah. Nadu is krark but not interesting. It's a faggot simic value engine that combos out to a non-deterministic wincon. It should be banned in every format and regarded as a horrible mistake never to be spoken of again.
Azorius if you're a faggot
Dimir is a bit more acceptable
Sultai can vary.
unrefined list but i built a "land voltron" that puts chronic flooding on a land and twiddling it out. valgavoths lair seems fun bc it has the baked in hexproof

i wanted to also include C.A.M.P. and get something going with the junk tokens but it seemed a bit much
ultimately i was waiting for a more clear idea
half of those are telegraphed and summoning sickness meaning, they can be dealt with and don't provide immediate ramp, and once tapped you can't do anything else with them unless you've got vigi, so it's really not even comparable. dockside ETB can give you so much fucking mana in an commander game.
you guys are out of your fucking minds, every color has common ramp, it's just green has more, because that's part of it's philosophy, if you want every color to be the same then start by giving green some counter spells first then we'll talk.
there will be no fraud lawsuit, you retards knowingly paid ungodly amounts of money on pieces of cardboard barely worth the paper and ink used to print them. it's like saying they should have gotten sued for banning "racist" cards a few years ago. nothing will happen, and retards will keep paying money for cardboard and proxy chads will continue winning forever and ever.
Nadu is such a horrific balance failure, that they should just take the dignity blow, lie, and say 'no, we didn't intend for it to be that strong, that was an unintended oversight' and nerf the fucking thing with the errata - it's less humiliating than thinking it's okay.
Im suprised necropotence and skullclamp are legal in edh.
the sanest cedh player
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I want to tap and then untap things, but I don't want to be locked in solely blue/white since I want to be able to end games without combos. Spoonfeed me a commander that isn't Derevi onegai.
Clamp is worse than Necro but yeah both are insane.
I would be okay with both going.
>you guys are out of your fucking minds, every color has common ramp,
Name blue ramp cards right fucking now
No, colorless artifacts do not count.
Do you guys just not want any strong cards in the format at all? Draw engines need to exist in a 100 card singleton format unless you want things to devolve into 25 turn long ‘draw go’ games or force people to devote 20 cards per deck to draw.
Dreamscape Artist, Vedalken Engineer, Apprentice Wizard
High Tide
Jackie Chan
Point proven.
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>If you don't want this card that draws 30 cards in one turn with minimal setup legal, you must not want any draw cards legal!
Only dreamscape artist is really ramp out of those cards. Show me the blue spell that tutors lands out of my library onto the battlefield
bwos? ur wayfarer's bauble? :)
here's some-
here's some SUPER SPICY generic ramp 4 u, no need to thank me
by that logic, sol ring and mana crypt aren't ramp either
It's in every one of my decks that has a commander with two generic or one generic and two pips of the same color.
Or should I say, there was proxies of them, until now.
Getting a 5cmc 3 color Commander out on turn 2 was nice, now I need magical Christmasland hands again for amazing early game setups.
it's two birds with one stone, nobody that is a mentally stable person brings them to a casual table, but some degenerate retards that suck at the game but have a lot of money to throw away still bring their cEDH deck to lower power tables because it's the only way they can win (if you call the rest of the table scooping immediately upon seeing what's going on with your deck, "winning") so most of us aren't effected but also we now have the added bonus of not encountering degenerate retards like this often
Necropotence I can sort of understand but bitching about skullclamp is too much. Sure it’s strong but you gotta have the 1/1s available to sack
i run this in reaper king.
>tfw LGS has taken down their JewLo listing within the last 12 hours
Fugg bros, I hope they haven't actually sold it. I wanted that fucker
It's 2 cards for 1 mana off something that's very easy to do which generates its own value.
Here's 4 examples. This game is EASY.
Rocks are not sufficient ramp. There's a reason green is in half the top commanders

It is an inherent gameplay advantage from an era when the game was designed like shit.
No color should have greater access to a core mechanic than any other. Color philosophy should relate to how resources are used, not just inherently dumping more of a resource than any other color
get 100 free lands from the back of the LGS, make a pdf on mpcautofill, grab whatever sleeves i have laying around, go to fedex and pay 10 bucks to print out a $1k + decklist
repeat this process for every deck i make

inb4 someone says 10 bucks is too much, i sold one rhystic study from a stack of goodwill cards which is what i use for the proxy budget, i still have enough to make six more decks like this
Things generating their own value is fine, that’s the entire point of value. Why would you play a card that isn’t value in some way? And anyway it’s 2 cards for 2 mana since you have to play the thing, then 4 cards for 3 mana and 6 cards for 4 mana. That’s not egregious at all.
A single Jeweled Lotus was the only card I lost from this. I had it in my Kozilek Eldrazi deck because it's essentially a 3 mana discount and draw 1. Got it from a pack so really I'm only out $5.
>I can have ramp if I literally steal it off your field
Lmao the cope
bro I can feel the salt in this post
Bro never lost to a Solidarity deck and it shows.
yeah except the fact it's contingent on being flooded with lands, meaning you don't have anything to cast with the all the mana you just ramped. it's still a very very good card but everyone making the comparison is being a bit retarded
I saw the lotus and the crypt and thought to myself - cool cards, would be happy to open them. But I did not buy extra packs or singles just because they got reprinted. You got a spending issue my friend.
Sign in Blood/Plumb the Forbidden like cards exist
Brainstorm like cards exist
Rishkar's Expertise and other creature draw exists
Faithless Looting and Thrill of Possibility like cards exists
The game isn't lacking draw spells, it's the ultra retarded ones that I have a problem with.
Skullclamp doesn't go in every deck, but it is the best card in ever deck it goes in. Cards like that are a problem. In the decks it is in, making 1/1s is like breathing
>it's contingent on being flooded with lands, meaning you don't have anything to cast with the all the mana you just ramped
Gee, if only green had tutors that find lands...
> but it is the best card in ever deck it goes in. Cards like that are a problem. In the decks it is in, making 1/1s is like breathing

None of that is a problem. Cards are allowed to be really good. The sheer fact that you admitted it doesn’t go in every deck is already reason enough not to ban it. There is going to be some card that is the best card in a deck, that is okay.
dumb fucks? i think you main gigachad big brainers buying the dip. we aren't at the floor yet though which is when i will be buying all the jewlo and mana crypts for 2 bucks a pop to use as coasters
yeah they should sue themselves for consuming oxygen that the rest of us could have breathed instead.
Getting to use skullclamp is one of the benefits of being able to spam 1/1s
It's also one of the best draw engines available to most mono white decks
Yes and sign in blood/brainstorm will only ever draw you 2/3 cards, and faithless looting and thrill of possibility don’t even get you card positive because you have to discard. Meaning the more you have to rely on one-time card draw spells, the more of them you need in your deck. A 100 card singleton format needs repeatable draw engines on permanents.
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a full art unglued forest (picrel)
everything else is printer paper in front of basic lands
everyone saying muh lawsuit is coping so fucking hard lmfao it actually has my sides in orbit
Yeah but it is literally the best in EVERY deck it is in. A card that is either not run at all, or the best fucking card in the deck, is inherently bad design.
Yes cards are allowed to be good, but not at such a low cost and everywhere it is played.
If it was banned, replacing it with Transmogrant's Crown would be a suitable replacement. I think that is the perfect downgrade for that card and I am sad that card doesn't see any play because "just play clamp"
Yeah and I am saying that is a problem. Getting out 1/1s is too easy that skullclamp is arguably the best card in those decks.
There are plenty of triggered draws. Enchantress stuff, ETB creature draw in green, repeatable looting in red. It doesn't have to be all one time draws. I just think clamp is a bit much
This is quite literally the answer for both of you.
take esper sentinel too
i demand more salt !!!
>Seedborn Muse in command zone
Uhhh Sheldon you might want to take a look at this one.
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nothing personal kid
noooo, don't quarter my ghosts
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My wife.
We've been together for a very long time.
It's obviously a joke. Nobody is going to count a 7 mana spell as ramp. Land destruction, on the other hand...
>Yeah but it is literally the best in EVERY deck it is in. A card that is either not run at all, or the best fucking card in the deck, is inherently bad design.
>Yes cards are allowed to be good, but not at such a low cost and everywhere it is played.
Is this an argument to ban Sol Ring?
> Yeah but it is literally the best in EVERY deck it is in.

So fucking what. Some cards are better than others and that’s okay. That is the natural and obvious situation when you have almost every card ever printed legal in the format. You have the benefit of being able to choose the best amongst them. Any also transmogrant’s crown has a black color identity so it’s not a great replacement, and drawing one card off of 4 mana is not a great rate at all. It seems like you just want to power down the format for the sake of it, which isn’t an objectively good thing and rather your opinion.
I will say when I played Darien, Skullclamp was one of the best cards in the deck and I included equipment tutors to grab it (and Lightning Greaves and a few other cards) but other cards like Cathar's crusade were just as powerful and game warping because they let me actually kill my opponents instead of just durdle
Obviously if you're playing a commander like Edgar which can make 1/1s for almost no cost at all, no matter the board state, then it's more oppressive, but that's more a problem with Eminence and similar mechanics than it is with Skullclamp itself
Due to inflation, your ghost quarter now only has the buying power of a ghost 16 cents.
no worries bro, too bad you won't get to draw it because i'm going infinite with time vault since we're playing whatever we want right?
what the fuck? I didn't expect her to be that pricy I could have sworn she was like a $25 card.
okay? and?

since we're grasping at straws, what's the most expensive magic card of all time and is it legal in any format?
the RC literally told them not to make this card. I'm glad they finally grew a fucking spine and banned it.
off by one, that would have been fucking hilarious
I've made my point several times in these threads. WotC knew that the Rules Committee were going to ban those cards while they were being used to sell packs. It's false advertising at best and fraud at worst.
Of course wizards could just pull an uno reverso and start managing the format directly overnight and there wouldn’t be a damn thing the RC could do about it.
They won't. The illusion of separation is something that benefits them
I wouldn't mind that either.
Maybe I am in the minority of this, but I believe the best card of a deck, the shining star should either be the commander or a high CMC bomb.
Not some 1 (ONE) mana thing that lets you draw a million cards effortlessly.
But it seems like you are saying that it is necessary for non black decks to compete with black and blue's draw power. I will completely agree that banning it would nerf white 1/1 creature stuff but I believe there are suitable replacements. Not at 1 mana, not draw 2, but good enough in my opinion.
There you go, that's what I am saying. Comparing a 1 mana thing with a 5 mana thing. It makes more sense for the higher CMC card to be the best card since you gotta make your way towards that, you spend the mana, and you drop it having an impact.
Eminence on Edgar let's clamp show off it's worse, but even disregarding eminence. I argue that clamp is good enough that you can run tutors for, and not even have other equipments in that deck.
Where instead of running clamp or the equipment tutors, you can run other ways to draw off your white weenies, like rumor gatherer for example.
yeahuppp, i've had this faggot sneak his nadu stax deck into our midpower table twice by pretty much lying during the rule 0 discussion, he ran all four of these cards and i haven't felt this happy in ages knowing this retard just instantly lost 600 bucks.
Why would they? They've known for a year this card was gonna be banned. Jim literally confirmed this. They sold Crypt, Dockside, and Lotus knowing they were gonna be banned and WotC employees almost certainly were the people selling off these cards en masse driving the price down even before the announcement. WotC isn't hurt by this at all because they can just make new format breaking dogshit.
> Maybe I am in the minority of this, but I believe the best card of a deck, the shining star should either be the commander or a high CMC bomb.

Yeah that’s not how I look at deck building at all. There shouldn’t really be a shining star card in the deck and high cmc bombs should be avoided as much as possible. It’s about all of the cards in the deck gelling together into a synergistic machine. I try to have the average cmc of a deck be as much under 3 as possible.

That applies to all of the banned cards, other than Nadu, but yeah Dockside was the worst offender.
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I want to play a deck with pic related as the centerpiece of my wincon because the art is sick
>inb4 Varragoth
it's the best way to tutor for it without running Sidisi, plus there isn't many options if I have to cast the demon for 6 black mana
Also, commanders aren’t there to be the best card in a deck, they’re there to enable the best cards that are in the deck
You can try to cascade him.
>Where instead of running clamp or the equipment tutors, you can run other ways to draw off your white weenies, like rumor gatherer for example.
But in mono white your draw options are shit so you have to run skullclamp, all the good equipment tutors, and rumor gatherer / mentor of the meek, and caretaker's talent, and do janky stuff like stick gift of immortality on random creatures with ETB effects, and abuse brought back, etc, etc, just to keep up with a simic player ramping and casting harmonize variants
I think it's good that Dockside, Jew lotus and crypt are gone but there comes a point where you ban too many powerful synergy cards and you just end up with a goodstuff format
Is skullclamp busted? Yes, but it's the kind of busted that requires a deck that's not just a pile of staples
>lose 30k by being retarded
>decide to lose even more money filing a lawsuit you have zero chance of winning
what happens next in your fantasy scenario?
Oh no, I agree that a deck should be synergistic.
If I am playing a reanimator deck, playing the entombs, the buried alive, the faithless looting, etc should build up for a bit Rise of the Dark Realms or Living Death bomb that wins you the game.
That's how I see deck building and enjoy it.
Make the wheels turn until you have enough to play one big card to end it.
Yeah that is mostly the case I agree. But a commander CAN be your best card/ace.
I have always had the mentality that some colors just can't keep up in certain things and that's just the nature of the beast. Like I think it is okay that mono-white can't keep up in card draw to the simic-faggot, but you have stuff he doesn't. It is a give and take. Maybe it's just me piloting a deck wher I tutor for clamp every game gets kinda unfun for me and others since they see it every fucking game.
It's why I took apart my Light paws deck because I would just fetch the same shit, every fucking game.
Yeah I’m more along the lines of ‘death by a thousand cuts’ for reanimator id go more for animate dead etc, things I can use as early in the game as possible. Or use a commander like karador that allows me to recur karmic guide, reveillark, etc over and over and over again. Big bombs are too easy to disrupt
>I have always had the mentality that some colors just can't keep up in certain things and that's just the nature of the beast. Like I think it is okay that mono-white can't keep up in card draw to the simic-faggot, but you have stuff he doesn't. It is a give and take.
This mentality works for some formats but in commander every single deck needs strong sources of card advantage to keep up on board, dig for answers and win conditions, make land drops to enable recasting the commander, etc. The same goes for mana ramp which is why mana rocks (even weak ones) are ubiquitous in commander but rarely seen in other formats.
> Maybe it's just me piloting a deck wher I tutor for clamp every game gets kinda unfun for me and others since they see it every fucking game.

That’s why I have 16 decks. If I want to see different cards I’m just going to switch to a different deck. One of the points of playing a certain deck IS to see the same cards over and over again and to execute the game plan. Then I’ll just switch to some other deck entirely to switch things up.
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Yidris as an option is cool too but I wouldn't really want to miss since I would need to cascade from at least a 7 mana card
why does blue even need ramp when you can cast all your shit for 0 mana anyway
I'd include animate dead and reanimate in the deck as well, but do you think that animate dead deserves the title of "best card of a deck" than living death does?
Because I think that is where we differ, I consider bombs, although disrupted easily I agree, to more deserving of that than small cmc cards that can have less of an impact but cheaper and faster.
If you can get a cheeky turn 3 Sire of Insanity out then fuck yeah do it, but ultimately I see it as a "what card is most responsible for you winning a game/becoming archenemy of the table".
I think bombs that have impact should be those cards, then again this is my opinion and who gives a shit.
I actually think it's the opposite. Because it is a multiplayer game, it is a free for all. If you are behind, then people aren't really looking at you. I won't look at the mono white player making 1/1s if I see the sonic faggot drawing 5 cards a turn, then that gives you opportunity to catch up, play the social political game, etc.
Yeah I've got 12, but even then it's like "alright haven't played this deck in a couple of weeks, alright bring out Lightpaws, attach this, fetch this, alright now she is unkillable turn 3 thanks for coming guys".
I get what you mean though. Maybe I just see clamp too often, it is pretty prevalent in my playgroup and we all groan and moan when it comes out like people do with Rhystic or Tithe.
what's your point retard? okay cool i played burgeoning to play all the lands from my hand and the one card in my hand that wasnt a land was a tutor, let's say skyshroud claim cause it's the best one, awesome now i can play even more lands on the field, and then what? just hope that i topdeck something i can use the mana on? oh cool it's another land, OR, oh cool it's vernal bloom, so now i can double tap all my forests to cast... still nothing... because i'm flooded and meanwhile i'm completely open with tons of untapped lands and nothing to use the mana on, but hey good thing i have tons of tutors to get even more lands if i need to.
it's neither false advertising or fraud. to this day they still use black lotus in marketing to advertise the game. it is not playable in any format except for vintage where it is restricted. let me know when you start the false advertising lawsuit.
>I actually think it's the opposite. Because it is a multiplayer game, it is a free for all. If you are behind, then people aren't really looking at you. I won't look at the mono white player making 1/1s if I see the sonic faggot drawing 5 cards a turn, then that gives you opportunity to catch up, play the social political game, etc.
You can definitely win games by avoiding the spotlight but that also means that you're spending most of the game sitting in your corner being irrelevant. I'd rather lose and have a big impact on the game and get to play more of my own cards.
> I get what you mean though. Maybe I just see clamp too often, it is pretty prevalent in my playgroup and we all groan and moan when it comes out like people do with Rhystic or Tithe.

Yeah I don’t really groan and moan about any card really, I don’t really get ‘bored’ of seeing cards a lot. I treat the game more like chess or strategy games. Being able to consistently answer and deal with threats is part of the appeal. MTG isn’t a creative or ‘expressive’ kind of enjoyment for me, at all. I’d just do straight up artistic things to scratch that itch.
Yeah the whole avoiding the spotlight thing doesn’t really work in my group, we tend to not play politics at all and basically always treat the 3 other players as opponents. You’re just as likely to get taken out since you’re the weak one.
But clamp and necro are actual design mistakes and rightfully banned from everything?
You don't think you need the other two players help to beat the one guy far ahead?
I see edh as a social board game so I guess there is the difference. Social deduction games are my favorite kind so the discussion, deal making, etc is what I like.
Fair point.
No I would think I do, but it’s more like the deduction of who is ahead is done separately amongst the other three, who are still thinking of how to take out the other players as well.
Yeah my favorite kinds of games are explicit, straight up PvP winners/losers games
wotc/rc employees
>You realize a wincon is not any less oppressive when it's jumping from the 99, right
yes, it is. the premise of your post is downright wrong
Nadu is not oppressive in the 99 he's only oppressive in the command zone because he doesn't go away, in the 99 he's just some free ramp
this is how you know the person speaking is a low skill retard who barely plays magic. Everyone who uses this word is a moron
I liken pulling a Sol Ring in the opening hand to a critical hit in a video game. It’s a low-probability event that you’ll see your deck perform strongly. It’s a fun way to inject variability into games.

As long as every deck has it, of course. Cost/supply prohibition would make it unfair, but WotC has printed it into the ground.
b-but jewlo is just black lotus...! who cares if practically speaking all it does is remove commander tax once per game it's le broken!!!
>So that's it then? Rule 0 doesn't mean fucking shit?
You can Rule 0 a different ban list, if you want. The RC's banlist is to make it easier to get good pick-up games at your LGS, by simplifying the power level discussion.

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