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Bugged edition

>Previously in the Mortal Realms:

>Official AoS website:

>Downloads, Rules Errata and FAQs:


>Anvil of Apotheosis hero creator:


>Thread question:
You weren't retarded enough to believe Underworlds is gone, right Anon?
No but im worried that they are going price hike the shit out of it like with kill team.
How is 4th edition so far? Are people happy with the changes made to the game?
It's ok. After 40k 10e we more or less dodged a bullet
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I'm new to WH shit in general, but canning UW right after releasing Wintermaw sounded fucking stupid on any level.

Legend'ing the scrolls for most of the UW stuff was kinda fucked, though. Saved me from buying the Zealots from WM though, I guess.
is good fun, just longing for endless spells to not be clunky and annoying i think they're very cool
I’m only buying directly from GW from now on. Everything I get from third party sellers is ALWAYS is busted up because they’re too cheap to use basic packaging. So I return it (idgaf if they put “no returns accepted” ebay will force them to do it) and now instead of getting my money minus a couple bucks for a cardboard box and some packing paper they get no money, pay shipping both ways, and have an unsellable damaged product! Incredible business model!
I what shithole do you life where online stores don't have proper boxes and stuffing material?
The USA, God’s kingdom! Where Top Rated Plus sellers send you expensive goods wrapped in a plastic bag and a prayer!
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in general id say it wasnt TOO fucked, some of those UW warbands are showing their age (skaven, skeletons, sylvaneth) and just arent representative of the style those armies are going for anymore and would just be ANOTHER thing to try and balance rules for. Ultimately they will definitely revisit those since AoS is kinda in its "revisit older stuff that doesnt fit anymore" phase.
But goddamn they really got rid of some of the very recent ones too its very fucked
I think the isue isn't age, more of the fact they can't be bothered to balance them and they waste up to 2 warscroll slots per band.
With some armies having 4+ warbands that's multiple pages used up on them that makes the army feel bloated without adding anything
personally im a fan of how they dealt with the plaguepack since like they didnt want to do anything new for pestilens (yowch) they just turned one of the UW warbands into a generic unit you can take multiples of, and ISNT a hero (very good for skaven, they have alot of heroes)
Still mad that eshin and pestilens got the short end of the stick, hell even moulder only got the bare minimum (new rogres, plastic master moulder, new medium sized rogre monster, and lost quite a few old units) while skryre got so fucking much even though they already had quite a bit before (new acolytes, jezzails, 3 new hero sculpts, 1 fully new, new weapons teams, 2 new war machines, plastic doom flayers) (they already had plastic warp lightning cannon, stormfiends, doomwheel, and a PREVIOUS plastic AoS hero that is now useless compared to the new one)
less angry at the new releases, more so just sad that skaven is becoming much more skryre heavy
They clearly want Skryre to be the face of Skaven in AoS.

Should have bought Battletome:Pestilance
Im liking it a lot after the bloatfest that was 3rd.
More interactivity with magical intervention and countercharge.
seems surface level similar to 40k but without nearly as much issues that 10th launched with (and still has)
Some issues like free endless spells and free terrain make barrier to entry a bit higher than it should be, and also makes some armies like sylvaneth play around their terrain too much.
Skaven is weird because you dont NEED to use gnawholes but because they're free, youre just handicapping yourself if you dont bring them, whether you use them or not
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How many buckets of red paint do I need for BoK?
Buy a hitachi magic wand
Use that thing to mix paint buckets until it breaks
Then, double that and you'll have enough.
Why not make red paint from your own blood ?
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how do you pronounce her name?
lack of eye
L-a-ook-a Veh
lowkey have never seen a game of underworlds played so it seems weird they'd bloat the range more than Warcry already does for it
l ow kuh v eye
It's busines model relies on rotating formats, like Standard in MtG.
Plus the deck building part relies on new cards
Kill Team/Warcry rotate, it's just weird to see a team of dedicated rules writers, artists, etc for stuff that's sold at the same price without all of that a few months later
>Warcry rotate
How. It has rules for half of AoS
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If anything, Tzeentch would love being Mike Wazowski'd. He'd plan it centuries in advance and use it to concoct a scheme that no one would notice.
They rotate out of their respective systems and AoS. Warcry will have the bulk of its range oop soon.
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This is the future Morathi wants.
This is just gonna be a fun little thing for the army, no real rules. I just gotta find a nice elf girl that fits better in the back to act as a boss
Masturbate before posting
a friend's chasing the new Slaven battle tome, what direction should I go to find it
Is there any reason to take another general enhancement over ward save (if available) in spearhead? It seems too powerful. After my few games with Skaven, the clawlord’s 5+ ward enhancement has allowed him to live much longer than he otherwise would have. Is it common that one option is pretty much always the go-to? Because that’d be pretty lame.
Does spearhead let you take two enhancements?
We don't know, haven't seen it pop up yet. Might take a while
can someone post the chaos dwarf battletome.
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No, just one. The clawlord ones feel really underwhelming besides the ward save that has now kept him in the game far longer than he otherwise would.
>3/3 enhancements
It's so embarrassing to see 4e drop to this level of support
Shows GW future proofed LoA
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What you lads been working on? Picked this guy up cheap as a little side project and painted him up yesterday
which versions of the Clanrats have alternative heads, and 2nd banner? presumably the stand alone box, and the start collecting?
Probably going to paint up all the Morbid Conjuration spells.
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Some shit's burning.
new corpse cart
i believe it
It's part of the scenic base for whatever had the drowning guy.
Fighting Fyreslayers for the first time soon, does anyone have advice?
Nice blue bones, reminds me of soul wars era art
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you tell me last week we saw a tar pit of darkness drowning a man and now this week we're seeing black flames consuming nature?

I wonder
They are a lot more durable than you think they are.
>what you think it is
something cool
>what it really is
something dull
I'm thinking about geting a Vargheist
bro their whole army is like 6+/6+.
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What's the verdict on Ghoulmere Grots?
i rly dont see how that could be a corpse cart
If you slice off their diapers and lose their power
It's fair to think that. And it's exactly why I said they are more durable than you think. Fyreslayers are a stacking buffs army. They both punch and take a lot more than what their base profile suggests.
Is it possible to extract runes from Fyreslayer's dead body and put them into own body?
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That's literally the whole job of this guy
dying without fully using the power of the runes must be a great shame
its just a lot of wounds because they're cheap, they only get one turn of 5+ ward. They stacking buffs aren't really defensive.
I hate:
>Manifestations being free
>Some faction terrain being even more essential than before
>The unacceptably anaemic (lack of) variety of enhancements
>Subfactions that don't interact with all units and instead are "the subfaction for taking a lot of this unit or units with this keyword"
>The regiment system and how many logical and expected allowances simply aren't there
Everything else is either okay or good
The legendary Skab Picker
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Starting this big ass mother fucker finally.
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>TQ I didn't believe it was any more dead than it usually is. My main cope was GW justifying skipping the single team releases as "Oh we just put out a boz with 4 teams, that's double what these fucks usually get" so they could put it on the backburner.
They also have multiple ways to get -1 to wound and +1 save or equivalent. I didn't say they are the most durable army in the game. I said they are deceptively durable compared to what you would think looking at their 6+/6+ profiles.
I miss summoning conceptually but not mechanically
I mean they just gave everyone summoning really, the idea was to balance battle traits for thematic setting important rules instead of making everyone play with zombie infantry
Maybe only buy from people with good ratings.
Also if they can't look at your eBay profile and see that you actually review people (and that you have given negative reviews) they won't give a fuck (this only applies to businesses, random people selling one off stuff don't care anyway)
I meant like "BAM! big ass daemon in the middle of the board because the stars aligned" summoning
Only the screaming bell had that tbf
Fight first on the mounted lord-vigilant for stormcast definitely has use-cases that goes above the 5+ ward save one.
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crossposting from wip, close to finishing this guy
can anyone post the new skaven armybook please?
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If you think about it, the fact that Pestilens units are the only ones that can directly invoke the power of their god proves that their sect is the only correct one. You'll never see Skryre or Moulder have their prayers answered.
massively depends on what army you're playing. It's good to utter shit, not just in terms of how strong your army is but in how fun it is as well. As a player that likes building lists and fun synergies it feels like that shit cratered for most of my army, with many units being completely redundant internally, and externally points won't fix it. If cav eats nerfs gamewide I could see two of my armies just being completely unplayable (Morbheg and Kavalos nerfs), not that they're setting the world on fire already or even fun to play.
>Nurgle keyword
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Is the new Varghulf on a 60mm or 90mm base? I can't find an updated base size chart
base size is written on the webstore
90mm oval
>base size is written on the webstore
Shit, never noticed.
Theres a new one? Do you mean the fec one?
Genuinely can't believe they're charging 80 USD for a single kill team. Thank fuck I live in the UK
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Working on briar and bone at the minute
they are charging what?
the point of kill team was being easy and cheaper to get into
I guess I have to agree on that, getting fight first from a command in my last game is what allowed my clawlord to kill the enemy general.
They did it before, warbands used to be like 28ish bucks.

The price is going up because the boxes are going to have the cards and tokens for that KT, I believe.

Not that that justifies the new price, but it's not just a price raise.
vizzik (rat jesus) isn’t pestilens
>the power of their god
which god again?
Did they really up and say it directly?
Is missing
Is there a faction of naked screaming retards in Alliance of Death (something like Fyreslayers, Bonesplitterz or... frankly, most of Chaos)?
bruh FEC
What colors would you use painting a Shyish themed Fyreslayer army?
well if you count RPG content as canon which i know some people don't since it issn't made by GW even though GW ha to okay ever thing in these books
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One of the default shemes that has dark skin+white ash markings could work for a spooky theam.
Shyish fire is mostly depicted as green, despite realm's colour being purple (amethyst)

Kratos with green or purple fire.
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ok, that looks cool. Looks like it will be a bit of a pain painting 60 dudes with the white marks, but this looks properly spooky.
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>What colors would you use painting a Shyish themed Fyreslayer army?
That page does.
God I wish that was me
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I think this is the first time I have seen a limited run box this heavily discounted. Good thing imo that it flopped, shows GW that we aren’t retarded paypigs.
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today i painted khazgan, excuse fat fingers and terrible quality i haven't sussed out doing miniature pictures on my phone yet
well i got thundrik's from stormbringer and managed to pick up (haven't painted yet) the exiled dead so i'm glad it isn't
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>he thinks it's the horned rat answering their prayers

lol. lmao
Was there, this is just the tldr version
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>skaven rules removed from warcom
>no new rules given, so it's either buy the overpriced book or fuck off
I'm tired, bros...
save all the indexes. continue playing indexhammer
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I’ve also been painting today.
nice elf, how'd you take the picture so good? i can't get shit like that on my phone
No, it's the battletome and it's missing
That's a 2nd hand source, GW doesn't give a single fuck about this
clean it up
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>it's the battletome
Where do you think information that Pestilance magic is Nurglish in nature comes from?
It's the 4e battletome. That's the 1e battletome.
There is no Nurgle keyword anymore, cope.
Thanks. I just held it on the light, on iphones you can just tap on the point you wanna focus on. I don’t know if that works on other phones though.
25% off is normal third party discount, lemme know when's it's more
NTA but it’s been 15% maximum advertised discount in the USA for about 5 or so years now. Some stores get around by offering extra percentage points off if you spend over X amount but they don’t advertise it and leave it to you to ask about any special discounts. Or in the case of my local stores, sell at MSRP and wonder why your Warhammer shelves collect dust.
Shhh everything is fine Skaventide is Selling Fast! Trust the plan.
yeah at MSRP pricing at retailers, I just buy from GW directly, no point in anything else then
I bought a bunch of the skaven stuff individually but not skaventide because spikes and sharp edges are always damaged in the big boxes.
Just got this for 100 bucks, how decent is it?
like 300pts of two different armies
Obvious bait, anon.
That’s a pro. Ordering from GW direct costs more but has a hidden benefit. If your shit is damaged or wrong they will usually just send you a full new kit for your trouble at no charge. You don’t get the 15% independent discount but you’re potentially getting a lot more, but at the same time damage and problems with kits is pretty rare. Personally I don’t think buying from GW for insurance is worth the 15% cost. I’ve never had a kit that was messed up in my almost 20 years in the hobby ( never bought finecast )
I've already got FEC, I guess is the nighthaunt stuff any good or coherant? The babby ghouls I might just toss some cryptguard junk on.
obviously given dominion they exempt these edition starters from that "rule".

I've had a single head missing from a KT box (debating even emailing over it) and a sword or two break on the sprue, but they're always the accessories.
that's 1160 points of Nighthaunt and 500ish of fec.

the heroes are all fine and the myrmourn banshees, rasp and stalkers are still usable as chaff.
Holy shit?! Well fuck I've got a lot of nighthaunt then. Guess it's a good thing ive got olynder and Nagash floating around too. Anything else youd reccomend boss?
>perhaps take the battle to its master, the lord of plagues himself
wait, so pestilens even with this in mind wouldn't be actually followers of nurgle, just in a deal with this renegade nurglite demon

the grimghasts are not a legal unit sadly, they are run in units of 10, there was a lot of that in the soul wars box.

pretty damn good for $100 tho! surprised it was so cheap with Nighthaunt dominating RN.

man is it sad that I know exactly which releases those models came from?
Most of them weren't released anywhere else. Would be sad if you didn't know

What I mean is that they are all from the hachette magazine.
Still have 3 grimghast painted from that set that I'm never going to use. Bought into legions of nagash and soulwars cause I liked the concept of a combined spooky Halloween army and got promptly btfo. At least they're still good for warcry
And the starter boxes for 2nd edition
I wouldn't recommend anything until I see how the coming nerfs look for them.
Guy said he got em years and back and didnt care for the game, found a bunch of lots like this and wound up with probably too much death. But some cool minis.
Maybe they'll just nerf the good stuff and buff the lame stuff?
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Anyone has the Kragnos Avatar of Destruction novel?
>When you wish you could play 5 armies at once
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give me some minutes
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Can't see shit this photo stinks

This >>93985452 happened to me too and they didn't do shit. Probably cause it was a big expensive starter box that was sold out and oop.
which army is this even supposed to be?
Looks neat, no idea what I am looking at, but it is neat
Ratfags, tell me what your favorite verminlord is and why or perish.
whats funny is that warcry is written by (atleast some of ) the AoS team where im pretty sure that kill team is just made by a different team than 40k is
Imagine going to all that trouble just to contrast slop and not take the mould line off the whip.
I like his model
I like fist weapons
I'm looking to get a low model count, elite sort of army, any recomendations? Ogors or Throggs seem the simplest choice, but is there any other option that is more viable/fun to play?
I think Sylvaneth would count? Not sure how viable or fun they are but they don't field a very large force. I probably wouldn't buy into Ogors right now since if anything should be getting a range refresh now, it's them.
I made a custom Moulder one because they didn't have one and my friend gave me the kit (minus the torso bit)

Sons if you wanna get real low on that model count.
>low model count
Sons of Behemat
You be the judge lol.
Gloomspite has a nice "powerful but not nerf bait" win ratio, I don't know how much of that is Troggs though.
FEC, Soulblight, and Seraphon all have a "monster mash" option.
Nagash some some cavalry/monsters?
Brodd is ready to smash some manlet fucking shits
make em squeal
I hate how much they reduced the size of the column that should be his signature weapon
>, I don't know how much of that is Troggs though.

most of it. even the lists that arent 100% troggs are still 60% troggs. a lot of their shit is in a pretty sad state actually, and its mostly being held up by a few good units. manglers are terrible, spiders are terrible. troggs are hard carrying that army right now, with a bit of help from some squig infantry units. the entirety of the spider section is so undertuned its non functional, the armies wizards have been raked over the coals losing casts per model and casting bonuses left and right, the keyword bingo got somehow worse again, bad moon faction traits got dumpstered, and fanatics got nerfed so hard i'd never take them. squig herd are actually solid despite early impressions, hoppers are okay, bounders lost almost all of their mortal wounds but still pack a punch in melee and remain cheap but lost a point of save. manglers lost, and this is not hyperbole, 80% of their damage from 3rd edition while also losing a point of save.

seraphon monsters are all also currently pretty shit. carnosaurs are okay and just somewhat overcosted, and troglodon still kind of does its thing but its hit penalty was massively nerfed, but the stegadons and bastilladons are actually almost unusably bad. you could drop both of them by 100pts a piece and i'd still be wary of taking them,

soulblight has some legit decent monster options with veng lord/lauka vai, the vamp lord on dragon, and the mortarchs (and beast radukar if you want to count him as a small monster, he basically is), though i think in both SBGL and FEC the non mounted dragons and terrorgheists are dubious and undertuned. FEC do have probably one of the top 3 monsters in the game with ushoran though, and frankly a strong contender for the best. nearly invincible levels of durability, debuffing, and regeneration, provides army wide buffs, has an insane combat profile for his utility, and priced to move with a quite affordable points cost.
NTA, but I would like to have seen something like him grafting on or carving handholds into a pillar about the size of his current hammer haft. Like a giant battering ram, or those things you joust eachother with at trampoline parks.
I see. How about something with infantry?
You can't say low model count and then say "No, that's too low".
Gotta give

>Low model count

Pick one.

Best bet is being a WAACfag and running Chaos Warriors in StD at that point. Which is gay.
25% off is pretty standard for starter boxes. My gamestore sold Leviathan and Dominion at 25% off.
how about this, you pick 3 armies which aesthetically appeal to you. any 3, and post the list here.

then, we can help you narrow down which of those 3 might have a playstyle you would be interested in
Like I said, Ogors and Troggs, and also Seraphons I guess. Big dudes, but not necessarily straight up monsters
I mean uhhhh stormcast...?
Pretty much every army has a viable either all-big guy or all-cavalry option at this point for low model count. Mawtribes does sound most up your alley though.
Stormcast or ogors i guess? Stormcast you can field a bunch of heavy infantry and warp them around with movement tricks if you need
if you are looking for just raw power turn your brain off ez mode, troggs. the infantry is virtually invincible, everything regenerates like crazy, and they can soup in squigs or wolves if you feel you need to supplement troggs low speed. trugg is a pretty decent beatstick with some fun random effects, and the dankhold trogg boss is a solid artifact carrier. rockgut troggoths will be your bread and butter, most trogg lists run at least 2 units of 6. fellwaters are more of a niche debuff support unit to amplify your other units damage, and dankhold troggoths (the non boss version) are a sort of slippery bruiser that can slide around combat in a strange way.

ogres are glass cannons. a lot of wounds but absolute garbage armor and no wards, they are deceptively squishy, but also like 2-3 times the speed of a trogg army and at least twice the damage as well. their monsters arent quite as good as they used to be, and their points havent quite caught up with their reduced combat profiles on the stonehorns. also surprisngly good spellcasters in the army. bread and butter units will be gluttons mostly, and ironguts and gorger mawpacks to a lesser extent. most of the beastclaw stuff is currently quite undertuned but when its good its a high speed high impact section of the army, particularly the stonehorns, which act as small one man army battering rams.

seraphon definitely have the best variety. you've got a legitimate spell bully with kroak, melee bullies with the carnosaurs, some really great bruisers with kroxigors and aggradons, both of which have a ton of health and damage, and some extremely high speed cheap cavalry strikers with raptadon chargers and ripperdactyl riders. the stegadons and bastilladons when they work are a more tanky slow segment of the army that are hybrid melee/shooting units, though they are currently VERY overcosted for what they do. hunters of haunchi are one of the best units in the game for objective control play.

as far as downsides

troggs: slow as shit, not really any ranged damage and a very limited roster. they are a small part of a larger army, so if you are excluding the rest of the gloomspite index, they are kind of one dimensional, and dont have a ton of kits to hobby, like 4 kits total i think, though rockguts have a ton of build options so you can easily build 3 or 4 versions of that kit and not exhaust its possibilities

ogres downsides are the glass cannon nature of them which is deceptive at first, really REALLY bad internal balance with a TON of trap units that just eat shit on the table, the monsters are very mono-pose, and a lot of the range released in 2005, so they are somewhat dated.

seraphon downsides are that they kind of lack a lot of buffs or synergies, contrary to all of their previous incarnations, its combos have been massively pared back. it has a fair amount of trap units and internal balance problems, and while i wouldnt call them squishy, they are also not really tanky anymore, in general being 4+ save or worse across the board with few wards, almost no regeneration outside of a random recursion mechanic tied to the frog which may or may not trigger, and not a lot in the way of defensive buffs or debuffs. but their models are almost all modern or nearly modern plastics. skinks and saurus guard are the only really dated kit left anymore, and there is a decent chance they are getting refreshed in the next year or so. monsters are somewhat mono-pose but you have 4 different monster kits so not as bad as the ogres situation
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A city where everyone is fat.
You seem well informed, whats a good description for FEC?
psuedo recursion melee glass cannon army. can run horde or elite, a bit more dependent now on running ushoran but is that really a problem? his model is a big reason a lot of people want to play the army these days. they can stack offensive buffs and defensive debuffs, they do have some shooting in the form of shotgun range death screams which are okay and are attached to units that can deepstrike and have just enough range to deepstrike and shoot with it. their actual cavalry is pretty fast and hard hitting. overall the army has high damage and low durability, and also has pretty good access to wizards and priests.

their central mechanic, deeds, revolves around your heroes killing things to stack up points which can be used to provide an aura attack buff or reanimate dead troops.

model range is split 50/50 between brand spankin new amazing plastics and some more dated kinda goofy plastics (some people have taken to using ogres gorger mawpack as crypt horrors instead of the default models). another issue of note is that almost without exception the entire army is on 5+ or 6+ saves, if anything touches you you just evaporate, so its very important to either have weight of bodies with reinforced ghoul units, or strike first with things like morbegh knights and crypt flayers utilizing deepstrike. ushorans strike last effect greatly helps the armies survivability in key fights, he's a great anti-hammer

the riderless dragons are a bit sub par from what i remember.
always a big fan of the mega gargant models, even if i find them as an army to be boring and unfun (something similar done better would be ogre's)
I feel like there really needs to be some smaller gargants, bigger than ogors still be smaller than mancrushers. Also just some other variety, like have the weird little gremlin things be a swarm unit that SoB can have ( i get that kinda defeats the purpose of "all giant army" but you could still do an all giant army, it would just make them less of a full gimmick army)
i enjoy running a single mega gargant mercenary
A unit of creepers in the style of nurglings would work. Gives the SoB some smaller models, but they're still "Big" models that have a lot of health and such
NTA but whats a rundown on skaven?
Oh shit good to know other people are using gorgers as the non flying crypt dudes. I swapped a few heads and replaced the clubs with deffkopta blades from 40k orks for a giant blunted rectangular "sword" since they're supposed to be knights. On top good to know Ush and heroes will get use since I got all of em. (Except scroll dude)

I'll have to keep up my research and get some games in but this was very helpful.
Gonna be real anon, I really appreciate these. I'm saving these in a text document for future reference.
good rrat
oh thanks i didnt know that, ill take that in to consideration when making my army.
SoB just need SOMETHING to cover more areas that they dont have, as while i get the idea of the army is a gimmick of it self, why even have it be a different army from, say, ogors, if they arent gonna give it its own flair.
Hell id say troggs are about as much of their own army as SoB is
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Is this an image of Wexford, ireland
Do people collect old battletomes for fluff and artworks?
In the digital era owning a book for that isn't all that needed.
Same. The whole tree stump shpuld have been the column
I usually collect the core rulebooks for that, but not individual battletomes. They reuse a lot of the art and stories anyways
>borrow someone my glue because i wasn't using it
>sudden urge to kitbash
>but i don't have the glue now
this is why you hoard your shit
>borrow someone my glue
I keep all my old battletomes out of laziness. I keep telling myself I'm going to chop my favorite art pieces out and pitch them but I can't be assed to frame them so the books sit on my shelf collecting dust
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What's your favorite paint, and your least favorite paint you've used /aosg/
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Rakarth Flesh, for both answers.

Its the best paint hands down for versatility, because it takes on whatever wash or glaze you put over it really well. it can be flesh, bandages, bone, teeth, parchment, drybrush it onto bases, drybrush it onto warm greys, or dirty blacks. its also grey for all over model drybrushing if you want to be lazy because its so vague a shade that it doesnt stick out.

Its also the worst paint ever because it dries up in 6 to 12 months unless you either put it in a dropper bottle, or add extra medium to the pot.
khorne red is probably the ideal paint in terms of pigment. i swear its the paint that gets closest to being able to completely cover pure black, or pure white in 1 thin coat.
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Balance changes

They made it less painful to be a tree. That's good.
hey they gave maggotkin a new ability, thats neat.
Oh hey, temptation dice now have an actual fucking downside for your opponent instead of just being free shit.
Still bad though.
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>those NH nerfs
god damn we needed it but still hurts
>Astrolith bearer good again
>IJ point drops and multiple Waaaghs
double yay
nvm I read Astrolith's ability wrong, its still shite.
NH needed more nerfs
Cool gecko
Those Sylvaneth changes seem kinda crazy? Alarielle going to end of turn and once per turn (instead of just your movement phase) has to be broken in some way, you can just keep throwing treelords at people and they get recycled. Also means if the opponent kills her on their turn, she gets a shot at coming back in time for the hero phase.
>Kragnos, the End of Empires
>Lowered points by 100 to 580.
wtf, expect to see him in every list now. These people are idiots.
>Alarielle going to end of turn and once per turn (instead of just your movement phase)

That's not what happened, her ability is still in her movement phase.
who cares
Boat boy changes are nice enough, means I can run this.
Kharadron Overlords | Aether-runners
Drops: 3

General's Regiment
Brokk Grungsson, Lord-Magnate of Barak-Nar (270)
• General
Grundstock Gunhauler (180)
• 1x Sky Cannon

Regiment 1
Drekki Flynt (160)
Arkanaut Frigate (320)
• 1x Heavy Skyhook
Endrinriggers (240)
• Reinforced
Skywardens (140)

Regiment 2
Aetheric Navigator (130)
• Voidstone Orb
Arkanaut Frigate (320)
• 1x Heavy Skyhook
Endrinriggers (240)
• Reinforced

So what? good, treelords suck and its still a 4+
Yeah, I noticed and now feel stupid. Still good changes.
>Ironjawz Waaagh!: Ability may now be used once per battle per Hero.
still a bit meh that waagh doesnt work on companion abilities like big pigs but its still a nice change.
So where are the massive foot hero price drops and the regiment changes?
they changed how one of his abilities works so he's a fair bit weaker now
no changes needed
They literally nerfed soulblight harder than NH.
I ate 120 attacks from a single unit of Graveguards so they can get fucked.
>List drops by 70 points
>Cheapest unit is 120 points
Time to fucking rejigger everything again
>Sigil of tzeentch rework
Neat. 3rd ed version was pretty frustrating to play against (unless you're playing khorne), but the 4th ed was just useless
Random ass point changes.
Shark and turtle discount is nice but the army has bigger problems than points.
>Cheapest unit is 120 points
Ossiarch? It's still not 100 but it's great to finally have some "cheap" unit to fill points, it's also an indirect buff for the gothizzar.
Still waiting for the Stalkers to go around 130 points before touching them
Wahapedia will have it soon
Not having PPM is so gay
They should at least have a kind of in-between 1 guy and full double size like adding stands in Conquest laok.
My Troggs finally became good then they hit my list with a 130 point nerf...welp I'm not interested in this edition anymore.
>undercosted unit gets points increase
>no other abilities are affected
>im no longer interested

why are gitz players like this? Just play 15 troggs instead of 18, you can probably fit in another unit of spider riders you fucking fuck.
>Waaaaah I will only olay this hobby if the exact miniatures that I like are grossly overpowered
No one will miss you. I played throggs all 3rd and they where amazing, now in 4 they are simply broken and you cry if they try to balance them?
troggs got hit worse than nighthaunt. gtfo of here.
>Crawler gets a 20 point drop (yay)
>Guard, Harvester and Stalkers get a 10 point drop (whatever)
People that lose interest in the game from a slight change in points never had any interest in the game. He should save the money and avoid buying what it's clearly just worthless crap to him. Disgusting.
>My 20 chosen and 10 knights are no longer a neat 1500 points
Very mad
>Chosen are even more elite, even if slightly
Love it
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Neat none of the dudes got hit in any meaningful ways, I guess that means I'm not playing the meta...?
>worse than nighthaunt
If your list increased by 130 from a 20 points increase, then you need to spam less.

Read more than just the points, the biggest problem of army wide run and charge is gone.
>sorry the models you have got nerfed into non-viability and aren't even a full army any more
>guess you'll have to buy more teehee
You can only get so churned before you're sending good money after bad.
watch them still sit at 60%, their competitors all got hit hit with them.
>troggs non viable with a 20 point increase
I envy you. How untroubled you must be by the burdens of intelligence
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Only fitting for troggs and i say that as a gloomspite fag
actual peanut brained retard
Are you an actual Throg?
trugg, felwaters, and skragrott weren't even good.
But hear me out, what about Mollog :D
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>Warhammer Age of Sigmar fans can look forward to the next instalment of Blacktalon in 2025.
So when are these changes being reflected in the app? I still see libs as 120 points for example.

I just went cold turkey on playing 40k over the Summer because of the rules changes being separated into different pdfs and not reflecting on the app so don't want to start dealing with that shit for AoS.
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Man now that we have the Token rules and some Underworld bands returning i really hope Mollog can come back into the tome.
neat. looking forward to it.
Update your app its live
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I honestly do not care about her or her story or whatever arc she's supposed to go through

but I hope we get to see more of the other factions or at least the idoneth gal
Oh store update instead of an auto one. Thank you.
Wow Kruleboyz are still overcosted and full of shit foot heroes
Well I know he's a bit stubby but I wouldn't call him squat.
Why do we keep getting anime, while 40k gets full blown pixar level cinema
because they've got more cinematic trailers with assets they can reuse and because 40k has a wider pool of paypigs that justify any investment

plus power armours, robots and rigid uniforms are way easier to animate than organic naked bodies and flowing clothes

the easiest aos story they could make up would be about kharadrons vs ossiarchs
If it helps, they've been slacking on the animations (as in the way the models move) lately, but that still works against AoS stuff. The models looked great in the 4th edition launch but lacked weight like crazy in various parts, including most of the Skaven movements. Got to see more of this during The Tithes.
>full of shit foot heroes
that´s almost all armies though, youre either a wizard or useless.
Nighthaunt over here with one generic foot wizard that only exists in a starter box from years ago... what the fuck was GW smoking.
KB with the swampcalla too.
True, the skaven tome has given me hope though. Hoping at least the murknob moves into the mob-wrangler role
Thank you, this has been very revealing. I might end up going for troggs but with a few gobbo units for utility
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Nicely timed, I was literally just about to buy Seraphon to start playing AoS
Lord-Terminos and Reclusians looking kind of decent now.
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What was the conclusion of the 1st season?
Just "she was a chaos warrior"?
>blissbarbs +10
>slickblades +10
>everyday is exactly the same
so it begins, give us 2 fucking units that are actually playable, everyone spams them, start nerfing then every battle scroll. How about giving me something else in this faction that isn't shit. Why are we slow rolling -10 decreases again on Slaangors and Chariots when they're fucking god awful. Why didn't Myrmidesh go down when they're obviously markedly worse than twinsouls. Btw the euphoric change doesn't fix anything, you still can't give people 2 dice.
these poor fucks in the paint dept when AOS is freshly baked, they have mirror sculpts to paint and head office is like "make 9 schemes all different but the hair has gotta be orange"
my zombie dragon and vagina lord got buffs soo....
Shoulda just copied dark iron dwarf colors, those fuckers are still the coolest.
Having two terrorgheists has never been better! Yay for death duo faction units.
an entire army of monsters riding monster with bigger monsters with shit on top of them is peak kino imo, would love more shots
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>"make 9 schemes all different"
Actually it's 12 schemes.
>the dong lodge
>the beard lodge

real creative guys
Kind of. There are hints that she has some past connection to Be'lakor and that he's currently haunting her. But at present the only thing that's known for sure is that she used to be a Chaos champion and that Sigmar is extremely keen on making sure she never becomes aware of this fact.
if all 12 of those were based the same and were fielded as a single unit I wouldn't bat an eye
And it's a good thing they did. Meanwhile over in Legions of Nagash/Soulblight Gravelords there aren't even unique paint schemes for the handful factions with rules.
you shouldn't anyway, mixed variation schemes are based.
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This is just two pages and they do more to inspire a prospective painter than any two pages in one of the latter DoT tomes.
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Emberneth wives
Okay but >>93979655
I can't read.
Which one of those follows the magister For'chlan?
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Saw the guy post them on twitter. He even made custom rules for them.
That's why asked about the verdic, cause maybe someone here attemepted to playe with the rules.

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Very well. Have the simple version.
Wtf is this and is this playable at all?
The Chaingun Lodge
I'm colour blind
fagtasy had a character called long dong
Long DRONG, he was a slayer pirate!
Wait, so Spiderfang get Crit Mortal for every attack on a 5+, instead of just 5+ for the existing crits on companion weapons?
Does anyone remember that Ben guy? Does he still lurk here?
You called?
Do not believe him>>93994430
I'm ben
random screengrabs from loremasters
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I'd like to have non-horde Death army. Is it even possible?
This particular picture is old, like 1e old
Nagash + those dragons from sbgl
I know but I also happen to like it because I'll eat up anything Bonner puts out.

>$1 skull mask
>$1000000 skull maks
I've seen this art before but I just now noticed the little guy looking up at her.
What's with the translucent copy in the background?
I am not a particular fan of nagash.
Use anything other than Mortek as Battleline in OBR?
graphic was to lazy to put a real background in there
dudes hammer perspective is on point but he fumbled that banner hard.
This. It would be cool if they have them Interact with every faction so we can watch the EPS for the factions we actually care about it want to know more about
Yes. You can do that with any of them
You can run any army as horde, oops all cavalry, or monster mash. Just get the big models you like and run it
File deleted.
That's the new lord-relictor? Dammit, he's not fat and beautiful any more. They even nerfed the skelly standard.
All the undead have a big duder and big monsters and nagash as the biggest duder so I imagine yes.
The problem with her identity isn't that she was a chaos warrior, but that sigmar decided to take a chaos servant to make a stormcast, instead of choosing one of the good, honorable people who believed in him instead.

It's not a tornus situation (be a chaos person, get blasted by the prime, get purified, be stormcast-ed), it's just sigmar directly taking a chaos follower. Which mean that even if you fight for him, maybe he'll decide to "save" your opponent instead of you, which could be seen as a treason for many people
So.... Sigmar lied....?
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They have to make her special SOMEHOW cause grabing a Choas fag against their will instead of taking literally anyone else isn't how Sigmar works
>Temptation Dice got a buff

We’re so back, Degenerates.
Does healing return models to the unit if it 'overspills' and there's dead models?
Yes. Otherwise healing a 1 wound unit would be pointless

>twist my dick to make lists that fit 1k (store max for time’s sake) and a 2k for funsies.

>see I’m now 30-60 points over.

Healing doesn't resurrect unless the ability says it does, and it doesn't return models with partial health.
do you mean rally or regular healing? normal healing just recovers lost health and doesnt bring back models.

with rally you cant bring models if your succesful dice count same as or higher than their health characteristics
No, unless specified that it can in the ability itself. And for future questions sake, no you cannot “heal” a replacement unit that starts at half strength. It is an entirely new unit with a starting strength of the original.
>silver and red stormhost
Oh dang, thanks. For some reason I thought troggoths would respawn necron-style
my personal theory is that the entire backstory of neave being a former chaos champion is just a big lie of Belakor that Sigmar, and by extension the stormcast, fell for.
>It's not a tornus situation (be a chaos person, get blasted by the prime, get purified, be stormcast-ed), it's just sigmar directly taking a chaos follower.
we don't know the actual situation for her getting picked by sigmar, she might have repented and redeemed at some point and bearddude is a back up because she might remember only that she was chaos and not her redemption, or something

but I'm sure they will make it more convoluted than necessary
So is this guy any good?
New plague rats when? New eshin rats when?
It's really funny they had a kurnothi in the first season for about 2 seconds who never showed back up, and implied they're aelf manlets because of how fucking small he was in comparison to everyone else, even the idoneth.

Blacktalon is such a bizarre show because it was a terrible intro to the setting and made no attempt to be one, but also incredibly arcane about deep lore in ways that make it weird to watch while also getting shit wrong (like the core conceit of neave's plot requiring you and her to not know Redeemed exist). It also barely did anything with any of the plots it tried to be about. It's half episodic, then the other half is evenly split between being about neave's incomprehensible retconned backstory and being about the admittedly kind of cool nurgle villain they randomly throw in and then kill for no reason. That gives S2 a clean slate to do what it wants, but also gives it very little to build on
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what are the competitive FEC units?
Who cares, metafags deserve the rope
My understanding is yes, but he is also very expensive and you have to ask yourself if you want to sink points there
Yes, we all know everyone plays age of sigmar for the thrilling narrative opportunities the games present lmao. Go play an rpg. AoS is a competitive game.
Go play chess you unlikable faggot, this is a game for narrative players and always has been
show models, right now
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>AoS is a game for narrative players
>always has been
You can't be serious
>he doesn't add narrative flavor to his chess games

look at this scrub
better than I expected but still not going to shake up the top tables that much other than NH getting the boot. Slaves is going to go to the top challenged only by LRL.

Traditional dropping shit warscrolls by 10-20 points gw balancing. That's not going to magically make some units decent or add fun rules back into the game.
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Now what meta spergs?
>mixing troggoths with spider clans and wolf riders
I kneel before your respect to lore
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He tried to use reddit to tell a narrative but he failed to read up on reverse image search lore. tragic.
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Oh no, a bunch of meta fags found my reddit. What am I gonna dooooo?!?!?

I’m not a metafag by any stretch, but >post models always leads to “doxxing”.
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Already had my reddit found by 40kg and nothing came out of it then, and nothing will come out of it this time
I've already contacted his employer about his membership to the fascist 4chan organization.
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Go for it, my boss is hella racist and would prolly laugh

Fair enough.

I just wanted to post the funny movie quote. I've been "doxxed" too and have had the same outcome.

Neat gobbos btw.
hey, /aosg/, have a good day.
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I refuse
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My day was rigged from the start.

>tfw try to prime some minis to soothe the pain
>rattle can is empty
Why would you keep an empty rattle can

One more reason to justify blowing my brains out ready to go when I need it.
Sometimes it's hard to tell if it's REEEAALLLY empty when you get to the bottom. I've gotten some use out of rattlecans I thought were almost dead before.
I'll have a good day when I pay off mt credit bill...

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