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previous: >>93976772

Banlist Update

>OFFICIAL Commander website, where you can learn the rules, see the current banlist, and read the format philosophy, laid down by the rules committee:

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen color identity.

>Deck List Sites: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck strategy and card choices.


>Proxy a deck or a cube for cheap

>How to proxy using any printer

Post your commanders that run the latest banlist and how much it affected the deck overall?
First for muh worthless cardboard
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Nadu was too cool. banned from everything. but not forgotten.
What's the next part of Gay Bolas's master plan now that he has awoken the RC, initiated the Dragonstorm story arc, and gotten new art in Bloomburrow?
Well I have a Riku of two reflections deck that’s all about blinking palinchron, peregrine Drake, great whale, and until this ban dockside extortionist for infinite mana in order to create infinite tokens to win, so now I have one less option for that and am down to only 3 enablers for that combo line.
Probably getting filled with Ugin's white mana again, same as every night.
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He still got it good though
due to the mana crypt ban, my ur-dragon deck just lost his turn 1 win combo, bros...
hold me...
What's the best way to sell off a lot of large value borderless foil and rl cards at once?
>The illusion of separation is something that benefits them
Yeah benefits them so well when the chase card from a set just a year ago goes down to 1/4 of its value overnight and mouthbreathers are blaming the company that didn't make the decision.
I'm sure the board of directors loves that.
Overall it's meh, I played him for years without them before I went to chinaman for my lotus and crypt for a local tournament since I couldn't justify spending 300 on cardboard. It'll make it harder to pull t1 wins but shouldn't hurt much. Just glad I dodged a bullet and let wotc justify printing any expensive cards from now on.
Djeru+Hazoret got hit the hardest since it used all three of the relevent cards. Though it didnt matter since they were replaced with Coalition Relic, Fellwar Stone, and a basic. I got to live the dream of t2 DnH twice so thats good enough for me.
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These bans are extremely dangerous to our card game market. We NEED an intervention
I mean, you're trying to make some sort of commie argument that inexplicably money shouldn't be a concern to a business, but the redditor is right.

WotC are selling cardboard for value. By suffering the RC to exist, they have allowed someone else to influence the value of that cardboard, and it affects how the consumers feel about paying for more cardboard. It's not something WotC can tolerate for long.
Rudy already sending his minions to do the work.
i really hope he makes a video on it
He doesn't care, he just cares about the reserved list and Lego now.
He's one of the very few legends to spawn so many memes, esp from the japs. That alone is pretty remarkable.
>Wotc took charge
>they unban Primetime and let Dockside rot
Would be kino
Here's a little secret for you
That value that that these cards have? The ones that are banned?
They're exactly $0.00 for wizards. They already have your money, and no longer care. All these bans mean is that they'll have to print different chase cards in the next masters set, and it's not like there's a shortage of stupidly costly reprints they can go for.
And before you say some waffle about "Oh this will affect consumer confidence and cause less pack sales" you gotta remember, people buy cards for reasons OTHER than reselling them (A lot of "Investors" don't even do that to be honest) and more importantly, wizards has a decade long pattern of behavior that can be summed up as "Fuck the consumer"
They already got their bag from these cards. They no longer give a rat's ass.
these people are pathetic
No one has promised or guaranteed that these cards will hold the value at all times and cards have been getting banned in various formats and other cards games for decades. The risk was always there and it doesn't go away just because you decided you don't like it and that you can ignore it.
>calls someone else a commie while trying to enforce price controls
It's like pottery
>WotC are selling cardboard for value. By suffering the RC to exist, they have allowed someone else to influence the value of that cardboard
WotC barely know what they're doing half the time and are constantly caught off guard by what ends up being meta. Their only "safe" bets are printing more and more monstrously overpushed mythics and reprints of cards they know are expensive already (because the players did the job of evaluating the cards for them)
So what's everyone replacing mana crypt with?
yeah, wizards would have leant hard on the RC to not ban lotus if commander masters was released this year, but sales of it have slowed down enough that they don't think this will be lost sales
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shouldn't people be happy?
>i can finally replace mana crypt and jeweled lotus with something else!
They can't print 5 different "fixed" versions of these cards if the originals are hanging around.
It's honestly hilarious how many people crying about this shit are calling others commies. Some guy called me a commie earlier because I said that wizards as a company didn't deserve to exist if the only thing holding it up was grifters and investors.
never ran that shite to begin with but i am looking forward to buying it for pennies so i can make onlyfans videos of me eating them piece by piece and then digging through my turds to put the pieces back together again.
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Buy Sol Rings
Nothing because I didn't run broken fast mana like a degenerate.

I replaced the dockside in Feldon with a sunspire lynx because I like punishing my friends for greedy land bases.
which stage of grief is this? denial or bargaining?
Wizards themselves have done shit like this in other formats before. A few years back it was a commonly held belief that even the most busted cards wouldn't get pruned from standard/modern/whatever until the set they were printed in had been out for at least a few months.
the jap is right. wizards WILL be pissed.
I give china my money for cardboard. Today I lost $5, but it was worth it to watch all the paypigs squeal.
Definitely, there an almost Todd Howard like unspoken "we'll ban the one ring when you piggies stop buying LOTR packs"
I'm just curious as to what people are replacing them with
>That value that that these cards have? The ones that are banned?
>They're exactly $0.00 for wizards. They already have your money, and no longer care.
You're a fucking moron anon. I don't say that lightly.

People who chased the mythic probably spent more than the value of a JewLo for the CHANCE of cracking one natty.
And even the ones who aren't gambling addicted retards had to have bought from someone who either bought from a gambling addicted retard who sold it, or cracked the packs themselves looking to sell.
When people don't have confidence in the value of their cardboard, they don't go buying packs, and they don't pay as much for singles so less packs are worth opening.
That hurts Wizard's bottomline.

This is like saying "ummm akshually the casino doesn't care about the value of your winnings after you leave the premises!"
They fucking do if the government suddenly inflated your 100k to literally 0 within minutes of you waking out the door. It means the next person isn't going to bother gambling because they have no confidence that the currency will maintain value.

>No one has promised or guaranteed that these cards will hold the value at all times
The single most reddit response I've ever seen.
I think it's fair to say that a $100 card getting banned without warning, the first ban in 3 years, having no value in any other format- is a bit of an unusual case.

>Their only "safe" bets are printing more and more monstrously overpushed mythics and reprints of cards they know are expensive already
And players are now reluctant to buy those mythics because they may suddenly become literally unplayable overnight.

See previous.

Cool, don't care, didn't ask.
I'm having fun watching the paint-drinkers clap for Japanese twitter posts about this situation when the Japs are notoriously bad at card game design.
I genuinely believed the RC wouldnt do shit since it has been 3 years. Sometimes its good to be wrong.

Now the question is: how are they going to follow it up? I'd say more bans, and seperate banned as commander again.
The fact they haven't banned in 3 years is evidence that they're afraid of backlash. They have now received backlash. They're going to reverse the decision and fuck off for another 3 years.
commie turbofaggot
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Kind reminder. It's all a coordinated market manipulation scheme, neither WotC or the RC care otherwise about the bans. Then they came up with a bullshit excuse not to ban Sol Ring which would actually have a meaningful impact. Also kind reminder that immediately prior the ban WotC dumped their remaing stock of commander masters and Ixalan boosters as a gift with the latest secret lair, which makes perfect sense now.
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>Randoms with personal interests in control of what cards hold value based on legality in the EDH format
>Unload crates of specific expensive cards at peak value slowly to not draw suspicion
>Ban those cards for EDH, tank their value
>Buy them up for pennies
>Introduce official cEDH format in a year where all the bans are no longer applied
Proxy everything from now on, if they haven't been clear enough all ready, it's just open market manipulation now even to the dumbest goys
They'll let it settle for a bit but the mana crypt ban has blown the possibilities wide open.
Nadu was to be expected.
Dockside and Jeweled Lotus came too late and I blame Sheldon for not having the stomach to insta ban them.
If anything WotC hopefully stops designing cards for commander and pushing them over the top to sell product and I expect the RC to insta ban those mistakes in the future.
I'll just put more red rituals or cheap green ramp instead, no biggie.
They wanted to ban JL 3 years ago, but WotC needed to pump it for reprint equity first. Now we're going to get Jeweled Lotus Petal, Jeweled Lotus Bloom, Gilded Jeweled Lotus, Jeweled Lotus Cobra, etc.
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Fuck it man, if the format is changing might as well clean house and sweep out the trash with some more bans. This current set of cards should have been axed years ago but better late than never.
Why should and would they?? And no the screaming adult children on twitter aren't the main audience of edh
Well I only used it in CEDH so I'm selling it along with any other card that holds any value and replacing them with Chinese bootlegs.
>don't make a decision for 3 fucking years
>clearly you're fucking sensitive then, otherwise you'd be more decisive
>first decision you make after 3 fucking years
>get abused online because your decision was shit
>sensitive fucker that you are, you're probably going to appease those people so they go away
Literally that simple.
The casino doesn't care about your winnings once you leave.
Not even in your shitty, meaningless analogy. They already got their bag, and frankly you getting ANY winnings whatsoever is undesireable for them.
There will always be a new mythic to chase.
There will always be an old card that overly inflates in value that they can reprint.

You're also an actual mouthbreather if you think that wizards had no fucking idea that the mean 'ol Rules committee was going to do this. They knew. They did not care. And now a bunch of whales just had cards in their deck rotate and need to purchase new ones, which may or may not come from most recent sealed product or upcoming secret lair.
>The casino doesn't care about your winnings once you leave.
Yeah, I diagnose you as clinically retarded. Walk yourself into a mental ward, they'll take one look at you and know why you're there.
the correct opinion
Bruh some of you guys are fucking addicted to fast mana.
Thirty (30) starting life is objectively superior to fourty (40)
I hope they keep banning more degenerate cards. EDH is a meme 4fun format you play with your group of friends. Anyone who spends 200 bucks for a single card is a tryhard paypig.
Replying to yourself in agreement is embarrassing.
>from now on
sorry for your losses anontard
but someone has to be caught holding the bag
Burning JLo live
they are called rocks for a reason
You're doing that stupid person thing of attacking a single irrelevant point in an argument like it proves anything.
>ban 3 expensive and powerful but arguably op cards
>do this right as the sets they were chase cards in prints supply finally dries up
>do this after a suspicious amount of influx sales during peak price over the past few months
>don't ban expensive reserved list staples despite one of the ban reasons being their price
>don't ban problematic cards the community has been complaining about for years but cost substantially less
Glad I was waiting for some shit to sell before buying, just gonna stick to the chinaman and my friends printer for now on since anything good will just get banned once their set is done selling.
From the moment I understood the weakness of my Cardboard, it disgusted me. I claimed the strength and certainty of a printer. I aspired to the purity of the blessed machine. Your kind claim to your cardboard as if it will not decay and fail you. One day the crusty cardboard that you called a temple will be banned and you'll beg my kind to save you. But I am already saved. For the machine is immortal. Even in death i serve the OfficeJet.
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> EDH is a meme 4fun format you play with your group of friends.

Regardless of whatever power level it is at, this is simply no longer true. Based on player count it is now THE definitive magic the gathering format that most people will spend most of their time playing when engaging with MTG, and it should be treated as such.
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>You're a fucking moron anon
>gambling addicted retards
>they don't go buying packs
>The single most reddit response I've ever seen
>The single most reddit response I've ever seen.
You know I am right and it makes you angry.
>Implying it's me
I treat myself to a nice +$10 older magic card like an OG printing Preator or Angel for memberberries every now and then but I don't even use these cards, I just hate the rules committee for being a bunch of insider traders is the thing
It's not like your post got better after the first line.
The gambling institution relies on your belief that your winnings have value. When the value of your winnings drops to literally 0 in an instant, suddenly everyone is less inclined to gamble.
Will the market recover? Yes. Does it matter to the gambling institution when that is? Yes. Are they inclined to avoid the market crashing in future? Yes.

Falling back on the tautology of "everything will just go back to how it was" based on literally nothing is fucking dumb.
This is a unique situation. It's an eternal format not used to many bans. There hasn't been even a single ban in 3 years. One banned cards was literally the prized card of a set just a year ago. It is a card that has no use in any other format so can't maintain any value beyond aesthetic. The ban decision was made by people who are not accountable to WotC. Players are already incentivized to proxy because there are no tournament rules in the format.
All of these factors dissuade consumers from chasing cards in future. That hurts Wizards' income.

There's every reason to think "hm this is bad for WotC, they probably don't want to let it happen again"
And your only basis for an argument against this is "lmao they already have your money thooooo" because you're a habitual paint-drinker with no understanding of supply and demand.

See above. You've said nothing worth replying to, just clinging on to that other anon like dingleberries.
It's doubly hilarious how a lot of "Investors" are actually hoarders. An asset's price may as well be a big fat 0 if you aren't planning on selling it...
I live along the I-5 highway, which runs from Canada to Mexico and importantly runs close to WotC headquarters. Before the Scroll Rack reprint a few years back, I entered a shop in a different town also along I-5 and found they had just purchased about 50 Scroll Racks from a seller. This was when Scroll Rack was around $80. Commander Legends landed a couple weeks later and absolutely demolished the price of Scroll Rack ever since.
I'm not saying these bans used inside information to make someone rich, but I'm definitely saying there are insiders and knowers that flee like rats from a sinking ship when reprints and bans happen. Absolutely nobody sells 50 Scroll Racks to a local game store at the exact same time without a reason. If I ever see another pile of sells like that, I'm going to dump my copies too, but I honestly have never seen shit like that since.
There's nothing worth replying to. It's clear that you've been hit hard with this so you're just making things up as you go in order to cope. You can type an another post that takes up the entire screen and these cards will still be banned and no one is going to revert these bans any time soon.
>There's nothing worth replying to. It's clear that you've been hit hard with this so you're just making things up as you go in order to cope.
It's you that's coping by attributing motivations to me that I don't have to excuse yourself from admitting you're wrong.
All I have said is that the redditor in this post >>93979600 is correct.
Look, here's me saying it: >>93979611

I am right. I have explained how I am right in a way you have no answer to. I guess that's the end.
Reversing it would be an even worse decision and would only further the shit storm on top of killing the little credibility the RC has left
This very well could just be one last big money making scheme on the way out for the RC before WOTC formally takes over the most popular format if that were the case. Sell their copies, ban it, buy them up and either Wizards reverts the ban and they're golden, or wizards doesn't and they lose minimal money on a crashed product not going back up. Ever since Kokusho and Elenda got bought up right before the rules change to count going to the command zone as dying I knew they were all a bunch of thieving crooks.
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>hear about the bans
>sol ring isn't banned and they even tried to rationalize it in the announcement
Fucking spineless cowards.
You raised their credibility in the last thread. The don't have any, and they have more incentive to appease the mob than they do to stick to their principles.
And that's without considering whether WotC puts pressure on them, or outright takes over the ban list of Commander entirely.
>implying the rules commitee had any credibility before today
I wanna fuck that sliver
The fact that you consider this a unique situation just shows that your head is up your ass. This is literally just latest in a series of bannings just like this, most of which were done directly by wizards of the coast themselves. The only difference is that near human primates like yourself can chimp out over some sort of Rules committee shadow council garbage since the entire rules committee is technically (We swear, wink wink) not a part of wizards and an independent entity.
You also just... flat out don't seem to understand that wizards shifted to an EXTREMELY short sighted business model AGES ago. You know all those super rare chase cards that you're harping on about? Yeah those literally only exist because wizards STOPPED caring about the longterm health of the game and prioritized short term profit.
I have watched this game, both magic and commander, for over a decade at this point, and I have seen firsthand the transition from magic being a relatively sustainable money printer to a slash and burn FOMO ridden hellscape, and the transition of the EDH rules committee from an actually relatively independent entity, to just another part of Wizards in everything but name. And the fact that you still operate under the delusion that wizards DIDN'T know this was coming, despite the RC LITERALLY SAYING THAT THEY DID, just goes to show how absolutely amazing that setup is for wizards, since most people's isn't directed at them
Why would wizards pressure them? RC is just a proxy organization for them and has been for years at this point. It lets them pull stunts like... well, this, and not get any blame for it.
Time to take CEDH yuriko and rogsi up to every lgs I can find and spam thoracle lines until I get banned.
>Post your commanders that run the latest banlist and how much it affected the deck overall?
Be honest? Is this deck even playable without Dockside?
>The fact that you consider this a unique situation just shows that your head is up your ass.
God I hate arguing with the illiterate.
>This is literally just latest in a series of bannings just like this,
It isn't, this is the first ban in EDH in 3 years.
>most of which were done directly by wizards of the coast themselves
Hm, almost as if the fact this WASN'T a decision by WotC was raised as a reason this situation is unique, along with the other half dozen things I said.

>rest of the post is just the "everything will continue as before" tautology even though you're replying to a post that lists several reasons why we should not expect this to be true in this case
What is there to say?
Kros, Defense Contractor
It didn't affect the deck at all, going through all my booster boxes made me realize Goad with Stuffy Doll from Kros is a fucking OP combo though so now I'm trying to think of ways I can turbo out Stuffy Doll besides dropping money on Worldly Tutor
What are you trying to do with the treasures with this guy?
I'm torn.
On the one hand, I want to replace it with signets or talismans because it's a cheap alternative.
But on the other hand, it might be time to bring out some big value mana cards like Sarevok's Tome, Firemind's Vessel, Thran Dynamo and Hedron Archive instead. Think that any deck where I'm playing the dynamo will get the bigger mana replacements, while the decks in which I'm not will get the smaller mana artifacts.
>winnings drops to literally 0
>implying fiat currency has become worthless
You aren't as smart as you think you are. Speaking in hyperbole is for faggots and women.
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Dockside + Sabertooth = infinite mana. With Minsc as an outlet to draw infinite cards
What other comparison should be made, oh wise one?
JewLo requires you to have a commander. It is now only legal in 2 formats that do not have commanders.
It's price is now at about 1/4 of what it was before this announcement. It is extremely likely that it can go lower.

Please, bless us with your superior analogy.
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>This is a unique situation. It's an eternal format not used to many bans. There hasn't been even a single ban in 3 years.
How cute, three years really?
you can technically use jeweled lotus as a source of mana for doubling cube and the mana the cube makes won't have the restriction, so it's not 100% useless outside of commander
I can't because, being the retard that I am, I thought I needed those cards to play Commander, so I got proxies of them, but they've been sitting in a binder ever since.
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Fuck Jeweled Lotus

Fuck Mana Crypt

Fuck Dockside Extortionist

That is all
he cute
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So...for 3 mana...you can create 3 mana...?
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Reminder that WotC printed a companion for commander and previewed it as such and the RC still preemptively banned it. They didn’t do shit then and won’t now.
Or 6, 9 and 12 mana. Outside of commander you can run multiple copies of a card.
I don't run overpriced slop
I'm glad /tg/ is still a giant pile of crying poorfag Timmy casuals, this place never fails to make me laugh.
I'd fuck that sliver
Banning Sol Ring would be more damaging than banning Crypt.
You laugh until you realize you can proc the ability twice in a combo and fire off your whole hand like a machine gun
These bans prove this general has no actual opinions and just want people to be mad for its own sake. Why shouldn’t people be able to play with the high power cards in the most busted format?
>3 unusable, will always be unusable
>double to 6 but 3 is still unusable, we'll say you have 3 lands just for the -3 cost
>double again to 12 -3 for the double which we'll take from the pool this time, down to 9, -3 is still unusable
>double again to 18, -3 for cost to 15, -3 still unusable
>double to 30, last double, -3 for cost, -3 unusable
So you get 24 mana from 4 doubles. Each of which was 2 mana to put on the field? No one in the world is ever going to attempt this, much less pull it off.
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The masterpiece card should still be a cool reward even if you can't play with it
2 activations gets you 6 mana to play with: >>93979990

Assuming you start with enough mana to begin, but subsequently deduct from the generated mana to pay costs.
I mean you could have 9 from the doubling if you have 6 lands to begin with. Which seems a little redundant.
Because this entire shit board is filled with the riffraff poorfag beggers that cry about formats with cards worth more then 2 cents. Literally look at any MTG general, they have cried and cried for decades now about how fucking poor and communist they are and how anyone who owns anything should get eaten for being the perceived imagined whales that haunt their brains.
>you should rule 0
>I can't rule 0 it
Literally cuts both ways tho. What a shitty meme, I bet it came from reddit.
Just rule zero it bruh
you didn't understand the meme, go and have another try at it
>they have cried and cried for decades now about how fucking poor and communist they are and how anyone who owns anything should get eaten for being the perceived imagined whales that haunt their brains.
Many such cases.
I love that we get to live in a world where people who are depressed and want to do nothing with their lives but play games and smoke weed are convinced that they have the solutions to all the world's problems, if only their ideology was in power.
>I spent hundreds on playing cards and I'm reliant on everyone collectively agreeing that my playing cards are "worth" hundreds
There is no “rule 0” in CEDH. No one asks to play the most busted cards or the cards with the worst play patterns or silver border cards or asks for power level in CEDH. It’s competitive. You would know this if you knew anything about commander. In CEDH you sit down and you play and this ban changes the format entirely if we now have the door opened to rule 0ing in power.
But thats vintage or some of the highlander formats? Edh is the format you assemble all cards of a certain artist into a deck to have fun.
>missed the distinction between cEDH and casual pods
Are you a pubstomper?
Yeah the meme is clearly slanted towards saying "I am silly! I can't convince anyone to rule 0 this because my motives are impure!"
But by the same cutting edge, if people weren't able to convince people NOT to play the banned cards with rule 0, maybe the rule just doesn't fucking work.
You made the shitty meme, didn't you?
>I am poor so any people who want to play things should get lynched from the rafters because I don't have gibs.
The fact that absolutely none of you fags bitch about sol ring because it's cheap as shit proves you don't actually fucking care about the format, just your poorfaggotry.
>I need my meme card format to also be an investment vessel I spend thousands of dollars on
There's no change whatsoever though. You're not playing in a tournament. No matter how competitive this shit is trying to be it's still stuck in the casual limbo so just make a fucking group to be a sweaty tryhard. Hell I already see some of the cedh community make their own spelltable group in spite of this banlist
>thousands of dollars is an investment vessel
Come on now
Once again, you don't give a single rats ass about the format, you are literally only pissed because you can't afford shit. Fuck off and die in a gutter somewhere you walking abortion.
Or it’s the format where all your cards are of someone sitting down. Or it’s the format where all your cards are of your favorite tribe. Or it’s the format where you make the most busted deck possible against 3 other busted decks. Why decide that the latter doesn’t get to play the way they want to play?
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>you're poor lol
nah mate, just scottish and tight fisted. the fuck are you paying more than a fiver for a playing card for? also sol ring should have eaten a ban years ago and I've pulled it from most of my decks already.
>Sol Ring is banned
>except for unmodified precons that came with it
Boom, fixed the issue
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Holy shit, this thing is really good. I wish I'd known about it before it got banned.
I agree sol ring should have eaten shit years ago. I'm calling people poor because they simply don't give a shit about the format, they only are pissed they can't afford shit. To them they are happy not because the bans were justified or not, it's because they couldn't afford shit and have the mentality of "if I cannot afford it, nobody deserves to play with it." Fuck these creatures and fuck you for enabling them.
I mean you can still do that?
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What a shitty piece of shit designed card. Rest in piss, you won't be missed.
So cedhfag can't find another overpowered combo lines because all they did was netdecking and couldn't brew to save themselves
It's not like every deck that ran mana crypt didn't had sol ring already
The ironic thing is that slapping a bunch of expensive cards together is not even necessarily strong. My LGS is full of proxy babbies who play $10-20k decks and still end up losing vs upgraded precons.
It's simple, just make cEDH it's own format. Boom, everything fixed.
God I wish, I've been wanting this for ages.
>"investing" in mass-printed made-for-commander slop like JewLo
You deserve to lose a lot more money than you have already lost. Some "people" even slabbed and graded these retarded cards
Just play pauper edh lmao. Decks cost 10 bucks max.
Poorfags are like that, their petty bitterness blinds them to see how they are being played like damn fiddles. Not only for cards, basically for everything they can be easily manipulated and their hatred redirected from the bigger picture. Just like they have now been subversed to hate the people owning those cards while the RC executed their pump and dump scheme.
You assume you have no Cabal Coffers Urborg combo
What if...now this might come across as crazy...but what if the community simply banded together and collectively ignored the RC and played commander but without the banlist? The EDH rules aren't copyrighted and the RC has no authority other than de facto community adherence so why not just fork it and create the Rules Conclave?

Cards for EDH would still be printed by WotC because the underlying ruleset hasn't changed. Is the magic community so soulless and afraid of rebellion that they'll gladly take a double dicking from WotC AND the RC without raising a fuss?
New rule, no effect can be activated/triggered more than 3 times per turn, even if the card leaves the field.
Fixed your format.
>dude out here fighting against imaginary enemies
How schizo are you?
Okay. Looks like you blew 100 dollars. If you were actually rich you would probably have friends to play with at your own home so you wouldn't have to obey any RC rulings anyway.
It's a card game. No one is gonna shoot you for playing with the cards. You might not be able to play and pub matches, but those were probably too low level for you anyways (:
I'm not even that guy but
Literally read the thread fag, you can see this shit all over the upper half of the thread until they got called the fuck put and got real damn quiet.
>What if...now this might come across as crazy...but what if the community simply banded together and collectively ignored the RC and played commander but without the banlist?
Literally what all the comments on videos about this seem to be saying. I’m surprised how gay 4chan is trying to be about it. Ever the contrarian I suppose.
I’d say like 19 out of every 20 comments are saying it’s a bad ban, other shit was more worthy, etc etc
Next on the chopping block please. Having an ornithopter as the commander that can color mix-match is a mistake plus all the free commander-centric interactions that it enabled right on turn one.
The only poorfags here are those left carrying Jeweled Lotus bags lmao
>you would probably have friends to play with at your own home so you wouldn't have to obey any RC rulings anyway.
Okay so why couldn’t you ban these cards with your friends?
I can agree with this, this card is pretty bullshit.
I don't play commander because I'm not a woman.
Nah. Fuck Jeweled Lotus, fuck Dockside and fuck Mana Crypt. Now they just need to ban Thassa's Oracle and a few other obvious outliers. If you want your busted cards back go to a cEDH table and rule zero.
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>my investments noooooo!
Banning sol ring in commander would be like banning lightning bolt in modern, legacy etc.
>EDHers so out of touch with the game that they think fast mana rocks were the problem and not the game overall getting 5-10% faster every year in every format because wotc is in ygo power creep printing mode now
knew this was a casual format but wow, keep up lads
>oh no my land, sol ring, talisman, elf turn
Nothing of value would be lost.
The definition of playing yugioh in magic, red got the best flare cycle just because of him.
As if that happens every game
I wish the competitive losers could go back to shitting up 1 vs 1 formats again.
I don't mind people who all agree to play with competitive decks, but commander is just inherently not a competitive format. It's really just about having all people you're playing with agree on what power level is ok.
If every precon a came with JewLos and Sol Ring was the $100 chase you would be saying the opposite
You know the worst part, this thing would already be stupid even without the partner ability and commander worthy, you can still do extremely dumb shit with this while sitting back with a second commander to do asshole gangster shit with.
Gonna sleeve up my bosh deck only so I can throw jeweled lotus and mana crypts at people :)
And so would you. Format identity is pretty relevant if you ask me.
both are a problem
more than one thing can be a problem at once
Problem is they would have to ban 20+ cards and keep an eye on every set if they started banning good payoffs.
Woah there the cedhfag will get upset if they hear this.
That's the point, isn't it? Sol Rong is just too ubiquitous. It'd be like banning basic lands.
We had a guy in our group at uni who we all called Asshole Tom (as opposed to Nice Tom). He got t1 land sol ring signet so many times it became known as the Tom Opening and we had to start cutting decks in a casual kitchen table group because of it.

>Why didn't you kick him
He owned the flat we played in because it was the nicest and the closest to everyone, also his flatmate was a lovely man.

>What about Nice Tom
he tried to get two of the guys' girlfriends to cheat with him and became known as Worse Tom and unceremoniously booted form everything.
The point is the guys running RC don't actually care about the format as a whole, they are just pulling a Konami and are all about the grift.
>printed as a 0/1 creature with four great keywords to be pumped for voltron
>played as a 0 mana cost red partner to enable mox amber, cull the weak, free commander spells, and the red flare
Yet another entry in the long list of "every single nonland 0 mana spell is bad for the game"
Not much would be lost, there are other generic red partners. Mox Amber stocks would drop for sure tho
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>find out crypt and lotus got banned
>kneejerk reaction is to be pissed that I lost value
>remember that mine are all proxies
oh right
All those people here talking what should be banned as if there is some meta in EDH. There is no meta in EDH you dumb self centric pricks, nobody cares about your Roghakh flare combo, you only have a local meta you need to cope with by yourself. CEDH is where there is an actual meta and it's the only format they hurt with the new bans - i.e. the bans are absolutely meaningless and if they really wanted to make an impact, Sol Ring is literally the only card in the EDH format which matters if it is banned or not.
>Worse Tom
Just errata the partner out and we good.
If they didnt give a shit they wouldnt ban made for commander chase mythics anon..
The problem is that they're going to turn around in the next year and claim crypt is a "signpost ban" and that it represents all fast mana and you should "have a rule 0 conversation" about it.
They're too naïve/retarded to understand how their own banlist works. They think we all go
>ahh X has been banned, clearly this means that everything that does X like things is under its umbrella and I should not play any of them
and not
>Y got banned, that means that Y is the cutoff point and I'm going to play Y-1 and Y-2 instead
Primarily lower-class people (i.e. poorfags) "invest" in collectibles like fantasy card games precisely because these objects are more accessible to the lower classes—anyone can buy a Mana Crypt, but you have to know someone to buy a Hollowell or a Huanca. Most actual (i.e. high-born) richfags like myself don't care if every single one of their cards went to zero—we like them as game pieces and mobile artwork. People will accuse me of LARPing or of being a cunt, but this is the harsh truth of things.
I actually bought Mana Crypt and Jeweled Lotus, and I'm still happy they're banned.

Less happy about Dockside getting hit tho. He's more a combo piece than a fast mana piece and losing him actually kills a lot of Gruul decks.
What's your actual point faggot?
They literally didn't ban it until they ran out of stock at WOTC, this shit is peak Konami Yu-Gi-Oh grifter shit.
>specifically calls out the red colour combo that still has access to shit tons of ramp
Too young in the hobby to remember original edh? It's not supposed to be busted.
I'm deflating the accusations of poorfaggotry by those critiquing the bans.
I wanna build a sliver deck. Overlord or Queen as commander?
>Why shouldn’t people be able to play with the high power cards in the most busted format?
You mean vintage?
Because this is the thread for EDH, a format designed to be slower and have wildly inconsistent decks.
>There is no meta
>you only have a local meta
Dumb ass
queen and it's not even close
Queen is an infinite combo piece
Your response has been noted and your reply is your answer is dogshit because it's a legitimate argument in the context as to why it is made. It's one thing to be unable to afford shit, it's quite another to shout for glee that the expensive thing is dead because they can't afford it, not because it matters, it's because they simply couldn't use it so nobody should be allowed too. It's like going to play an eternal format and bitching about why people can use older cards, which is generally perceived as stupid as fuck.
are you retarded? the "meta" is different in each playgroup = no universal meta for the format as a whole. you fucking donkey
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Dockside is mostly used in infinite mana combos. You only ever see him get tempo'd as fast mana in desperate situations. And even then the mana is conditional. He's not coming down on turn one and giving you 2 or 3 mana.
Are you retarded? You said there is no meta and then tried to talk about the meta. And you're still doing it. Is this a LARP? I refuse to believe someone can be this stupid
nobody gives a shit about that, people are gleeful because of all the bitching and crying and moaning and seething and coping and retarded takes like "muh insider trading" "muh fraud lawsuit" sorry your cardboard with imaginary value went skiing down to pauper prices.
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The difference between a vintage TOURNAMENT and most commander games is that there is nothing to win in any commander game. Unless you are playing CEDH for MONEY there is literally NO reason to ever spend 100 bucks on a single card.
We are laughing at the people who are pissed that their measly 100 dollar investment into a casual format meant for draft chaff and pet cards is banned.
I personally don't think any card should be banned from commander. I just like seeing commandertards seethe that they can't pubstomp precons as easily.
It's ramp. There's a million cards that give you extra mana. Figure it the fuck out you faggots. Every other format deals with this. If it was truly a casual game, then you wouldn't have spent that money anyway.
>just realized I'm not feeding the dockside anymore with my cedh Sythis
Walking Ballista wins again.
Overlord if you want the entire table to target you first. Queen is the only real option.
I don't necessarily disagree with anything you claim. Again: I'm simply relativising and thus deflating your accusations of poorfaggotry, which I find improprietous and trashy coming from a person like you
You are full of shit and it's hilarious, I don't even play with those cards, I was just pointing out the retarded hypocrisy you assclowns have even espousing all over every MTG general and you shower me with your preconceived demons in your batshit schizophrenia.
RC should have banned all fast mana other than mana dorks and rituals.
My LGS gives packs as a prize for winning. So... you know, where there's incentive there's tryhards. Even playing with friends you still have tryhards because no one likes losing.
Only truly intelligent and creative people should be allowed to play EDH. Once you let the bovine masses in it degenerates into a net-decking power-creep fest. Innovative deck-building, obscure and exotic cards and interactions, themed decks etc. disappear out the door.
you're unhinged, i said i'm lmao'ing and lol'ing at the copium levels, and somehow that means i have schizophrenia and i'm assaulting you with my "demons" get a grip on reality faggot.
Prize support for casual 4 player commander? Do you pay for entry?
You first troglodyte, learn to read.
Morophon makes most slivers cost nothing
Posting to say that I agree with this comment. Fuck partner.
Rc should allow non legendary creatures into the command zone.
Out of the two:
Queen is great but might make your deck slowly slide into "oops all combo" instead of just slivers.
Overlord will stay a sliver deck but tutors in the command zone means most games will feel samey.

Personally I like "the first sliver" the best as a commander because of the randomness, Legion is just an overrun in the command zone and Hivelord doesn't do much nowadays with the huge amount of exile-based removal
dude let me in I'm a fairy
>you're full of shit, you shower me with your preconceived demons in your batshit schizophrenia
what i'd actually like to do is unlearn how to read so that i wouldn't have had to be subjected to any of your worthless (you)s that you hath provided to me
>Competitive Mario Party
>Competitive Monopoly
This is what you cEDH fags sound like
>Mario Party doesn't have a leader board
>Monopoly can't be played at a high level
Are you actually retarded?
How should have I phrased it so that your small brain could understand it?
This ban hurt casuals the most, and most of you are too stupid to realize this. Compfags just swap crypt for a slightly more expensive and niche card like city of traitors. Casuals now find themselves in a situation where the only reprinted fast mana is banned, so either you need $10k+ for a set of 4c+ lands, or you need grim monolith and mox diamond type things which are 2-4x more expensive than crypt and lotus, while being significantly less swingy, or things like chrome mox/mox opal that require a lot more build-around effort and come with significant drawbacks. Of course gut instinct is to say casuals dont play these cards anyways, but the backlash indicates they absolutely do, whether by choice or by accident after pulling them, and now you're in a situation where less enfranchised people are left at a massive disadvantage compared to older players, not just in terms of skill, but in terms of access to powerful cards. Meme all you'd like but this is the gentrification of the format, and it'll either result in a schism, or an entirely new reserved list that is now unbannable.
correction, no one likes waiting for the tryhard faggot to finish all four of his 20 minute turns to combo out and win while everyone's played land and nothing else but listened to "hmmm.... ummmmm... i..... hmm.. . . .." just for the result to be "i win, you all lose at the same time."
most people are perfectly content with losing if they actually got to play their deck a bit beforehand. i'm in that camp, i actually don't even like winning that much which is why i play edh to begin with, if i wanted to be competitive i'd play 1v1 formats, what i do like doing is making funny shit happen, like taking other players out with me when i die, or reverse kingmaking where i try to boost the person that's most behind. i find that most players are kinda the same with the exception of the tryhards that can't win in their quarantined cEDH tables so they have to try and trojan horse their shitty stax deck into our casual mid-power table because they just really want to win for once. but idk why the fuck your LGS would give prize incentives to 4 player casual EDH unless it was pauper. so you just give prizes to the people with the biggest wallets? might as well just ask for everyone's decklists and give a free pack to the person with the most expensive single and save everyone the wasted time.
And I'm sure special ed classes have Pin the tail on the donkey leader boards as well
NTA, but you can make a leader board for anything and everything. And any game can be "played at a high level", doesn't make it not retarded to play it that way.
But the fact you were actually trying to steel-man his example shows you are probably legitimately retarded.
>this is the gentrification of the format
The "format" was already gentrified by idiots like yourself who think playing fast mana in a casual format is at all appropriate
No. There is only one edh, always has been and always will be, the only difference was player skill and budget. Now regular players are just getting priced out with no chance to catch up.
we actually have a gay retard leader board in this thread right now and you've got the highest score at the moment.
Nearly chocked on my dinner reading this
Right. I only feel sympathy for the actual casuals who had to buy these cards in order to keep up with fat tryhards at their lgs to play a casual format
The fact that you scoff at the idea of competition in games is baffling
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>Now regular players are just getting priced out with no chance to catch up.
Commander is not a competitive format. Play draft or standard if you actually want to compete. Stop playing the 40+ men's with testicular cancer softball league and start playing hardball you faggot
Read in down syndrome voice:
>"Da fact dat yoo scoff at da idea of compedishun in Mawio Pardy is baffawing"
And you are too stupid to realize that no casual player is ever going to even spend a picosecond considering purchasing any of the shit you mentioned. And they also won't be playing with anyone that has those cards.
The only people these bans affect are wannabe pubstompers that hide behind "tee-hee I'm totally playing a level 5" or "competitive" edh players experiencing baby's first ban list.
no, because any casual that wants to play high power that they can't afford could just make proxies. gut instinct is correct, most casuals, in real life, do not play these cards. think for one second. why would anyone that casually plays something have a deck in which 3 cards alone value over $600, there's nothing casual about that, especially when you factor in that for every 1 casual player running all that fast mana, there's 3 at the table that are not, and they certainly aren't going to be that thrilled about the 1 guy that is. the only people it hurts is cEDH faggots because they'd be the only people looking to play in official sanctioned / competitive events in which these cards are absolutely essential because every deck will have them.
cEDH 'tards like yourself are scared of real competition so you have to LARP in a party game format
Whether you like it or not, fast mana is fun mana, and people will always find ways to optimize any banlist. Crypt is a vintage level card, and outside of sol ring one of the only vintage level legal rocks, but it was priced at a relatively affordable "modern" pricepoint so it was accessible. Banning it doesnt hurt me at all, because the next step down is banning legacy level fast mana, and that is entirely unrealistic for a wide variety of reasons, but mostly that it's at a price point that isnt attainable for a lot of people. Shove sol ring jewled lotus and crypt in your deck with chrome mox ancient tomb and mox opal and you're like 80-90% of a good deck for like $500 all in. A single city of traitors costs about that much, and a mox diamond is almost double that. For all your bluster the only people hurt by this ban are new players and scalpers, who always deserved the rope.
What dickhead would play any fast mana besides sol ring in casual? Why do you need the rules committee to tell you that?
Because when every card is legal people are gonna figure out some really nifty stuff and they're gonna want to try it at the next fnm (:
>noooooooOOOOOOO you can't play to........LE WIN!
why are rule 0 tourists like this?
>Take game
>Figure out game
>Compete with each other
>People lose their minds
I can understand not wanting to play against people who take it seriously, but you can't even wrap your heads around the idea that there are people who take it seriously. It's like people who freak out about cheating when speedrunners use bugs in an Any% run.
>but the backlash indicates they absolutely do
Casuals are probably not even aware of the fact that there is a banlist, let alone participate in the discussions revolving around it online. The backlash is all the few people who are mad they lost money.
ah yes, the casuals running ~$100 cards in their decks
Again, like it or not, that's the direction the format is shifting in, particularly since edh came to mtgo. In your hubris to have a safe space pretty much every format was killed off, and as time goes on, people are naturally going to want to play stronger decks or use the cardboard they already have. This will lead to wotc printing newer, more broken fast mana, or an absolutely inaccessible gap between the haves and have nots. I built my deck slowly over the course of a decade, and I'm in a position where the bans dont really hurt me, but they absolutely hurt newer players.

Every casual loves sol ring. If crypt was $5, every casual would love it too. Fast mana is fun mana and edh is/was the only format where you can play it, and still is the only format with "ramp" as a concept outside of vintage.
Many people need to compensate for their inadequacies, and stomping on other people in games is one of the easier ways to achieve that.
My Urza deck lost Jeweled Lotus, which I guess means I can't t1 Urza anymore, but otherwise I wasnt using the cards. I was saving up for a Crypt and now I don't gotta, and the Dockside that's been rotting in my red binder is doomed to remain there.
Overall, the utter and complete schizo meltdown has been worth the money I paid for the lotus and more
My LGS already made a post showing off Mox Amber's, Lotus Petals, and Mox Opals to encourage people to pick up fast mana replacements.
I like how you have to make some weird accepting to Sol Ring, because otherwise it would completely undermine your own point. Btw, Sol Ring is more busted than any of the fast mana that got axed.
>If crypt was $5, every casual would love it too
I don't want that shit for free, I ain't gonna ping myself for 3 every turn bro or fling some coins
I understand why people take it seriously. I just think they should play 60 card formats with me and all the other people who take it seriously instead of wasting time playing commander with whales.
Casuals arent retards. In fact, you both are probably casuals for better or worse despite being retarded. A lot of people just end up with these cards after cracking a pack or two and think they're neat. Now they're in a position where they cant use a card printed under a year ago and that's a huge feelsbad.
This is why sol ring is better than crypt in a lot of cases anon. New players are just horrible at evaluating cards, especially 0 cost ones.
they're getting banned next
I had some cards banned in the past and it never felt bad. If anything, I wish that every single card drops to max $1 and most of the auto-includes that you see ad nauseam in every deck fuck off forever.
First sliver with both queen and overlord in 99
I have the impression you've been around too long in the EDH scene and your impression of a casual warped over time. Casuals buy a precon of their favorite TV show/video game, put it in pic related and maybe order 3-4 cards that are under a dollar.
I dont care how expensive a card is, they should be cheap and accessible for anyone, but hating good cards conceptually is just for dogmatic luddites chasing a dream that was never real in the first place.
>take game
>figure out game
>waste time and energy getting as good at the game as you possibly can
>since game was never intended to be that competitive nobody takes you seriously or wants to play the game with you except the other 1% of mentally ill tryhard losers that had no skills in life so they took something simple and casual and pretended it had the same level of competitive integrity as legitimate games designed for such things
>except you aren't even good at it and get btfo by the other tryhards
>take your retarded "skill" and pwn casuals so you can feel like you're not a complete and total loser
>le shocked pikachu face when it makes everyone else miserable and everyone laughs at people like you
b-but my heckin competition!!! i'm freaking nerdmaxxinggggggg!! what about the speedrunners any% on donkey kang! you cant honestly wrap your head that??
>ooooh look at me going oob and completing the level in 1 minute
Not a skill, not a speedrun.
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>It's okay that people take this format seriously
>That's why they should play a different format
It was a card that was commander only. It should be good in commander. Printing cards designed for commander is the problem. They even banned Nadu for this reason alone. Commander shouldn't even have a banlist lmao but because wotc is retarded they have to intervene.
I'd be sad to see them go, honestly
But I cant really weep for Crypt
yo what the fuck. went to play a game today and after I slammed my crypt on board 2 players straight up left the table. the last guy kept playing but lost shortly after for not having any backup against me. is it really that easy to get free wins today?
mtg players are already the most whiney, moany, crying, bitching, seething, coping, cringeworthy bunch of retards, and now this is nuclear levels of butthurt
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kek found it
But those people who play actually order $5-$20 singles once a week/once a month with a couple of packs here and there, and then at the end of a year have like $250 worth of cardboard kicking around. Then they find out some random card in their deck is $40-$50 for mysterious reasons to them, and that's their first taste of the secondary market that gets them hooked. Tale as old as time.
cedhfag is actually not even that good at playing magic. There's one time where they make a video on vintage and the guy that played bazaar dredge turbo put black lotus and deathrite shaman in it lmao.
It's a lot easier I think. I don't play commander because I don't find it to be an enjoyable competitive environment entirely because of things like rule 0 and the distinction between casual commander and cedh.
>this made up nonsense post
If you do anything as a hobby you should always seek to improve. Do research, practice, develop your skills, and surpass your limitations; this is part of liking a hobby. You can also play wacky goofy meme time to blow off steam. What you cant do is complain that the wacky deck you built with no intention of being good is bad because you had no intention of it being good in the first place. It's okay to like bad things, being a passive aggressive loser trying to guilt trip people into your preferred playstyle is just petty.
No, nadu was justifiably banned because it was an abomination. If it won the game promptly no one would care; it durdled for 45 minute long nondeterministic turns and everyone knew it was going to get the axe.
Wow awesome posts b lore dipshit lmao
The fact that guy bought up speedrunning like it isn't one of the most laughed at activities ever means he's either a giga-autist or a troll. Probably the former.
Tbh speedrunning autism really is a good parallel to "c"edh. Imma use that example in the future.
True. If nothing else I'll always appreciate that part of him. Even if games against him were complete solitaire.
They literally said they designed it for Commander and didn't test it. It went specifically into a set for modern. That's what I'm trying to say. If wotc didn't make cards for specifically for edh, this wouldnt have happened.
Mana crypt has also been banned in every other format for a while. This doesn't seem like a big deal all things considered.
> It's like people who freak out about cheating when speedrunners use bugs in an Any% run
And nobody except the most autistic retardd and trannies give a shit about OOT speedruns where you fucking roll into a wall for 5 minutes, teleport directly into the end credits and say you "completed" a game. Same thing for games of magic.
Speedrunning has nothing to do with being good at the game, and is entirely incomprehensible to anyone not on the spectrum because they create specialized groups and minmax within them, then the second someone does something slightly different they create a new category. There is no cedh, just edh, and some people are better than others at it. In fact, "casual" edh is very similar in the arbitrary nature of the application of their made up rules of engagement.
>You can also play wacky goofy meme time to blow off steam
That is this fucking format. you are the one playing it wrong.
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>Video game speedrunning is for autistic losers
>t. Magic The Gathering player posting on 4chan
>People bitch for years about RC not doing its job and banning broken cards
>RC actually does its job and bans broken cards
>People bitch because they paid 200$ for a card and its value goes down after being banned
It's a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation. Also, if "I paid lots of money for it" would be a valid reason to not ban cards, Black Lotus should be allowed in every format.
No matter how much an autistic loser you are. there's always a more autistic bigger loser than you for you to look down on.
And they're a speedrunner.
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I'm following the same rules as you, I'm just better. You can change the rules all you like, I'm still going to be better. Do you know why? It's because I know more, I've spent more time learning, and I worked harder to get there. You can get there too, but guilt tripping people for not enjoying your made up restrictions is just dumb.
>casual format with close to 28,000 cards still counting
>but you can only play a tiny winy bit of fraction from it because muh optimization
>Kros, Defense Contractor
That's an interesting one. Goad in colors that don't often have it. How do games with it go usually?
Who are you talking to? What's your point?
madeup nonsense post? it's literally your fucking post with the greentext expanded

i agree with the part about how people should approach hobbies, but after that it devolved into utter fucking jibberish. and we aren't talking about hobbies retard.. we're talking more specifically about taking things that aren't designed to be competitive, making them competitive, and then being shocked that most of the other people that enjoyed the non-competitive thing find tryhards insufferable and don't want to play with you. i tried to be vague to allow it to apply to any strawman example you might give including speedrunning, playing mario party, competitive candyland or whatever else you try to bring up as an example.

there is no such thing as casual speedrunning, however, there is playing the game the normal way. just like there's nothing casual about winning on turn 3, or preventing everyone else from playing the game, or taking infinite turns, etc etc. which is why the format has banned things that enable this type of play. you aren't "better" at it because you have more expensive cards that let you pop off faster than everyone else because they are playing casual decks, if you are winning without anyone else being able to interact with you, you're just playing single player while wasting everyone else's time, there's no skill involved. if i gave a new player a cEDH deck with all fast mana, perfect starting hand, and gave you a piece of shit old power 4 precon, you're gonna fucking lose despite your supposed "skill"
Seriously, who the fuck is spending this much time to save up for cards like this? If they had fuck off money then sure but if they're working to save up for only three cards that means their financial situation is not one where they should be wasting money on cards that expensive.
Lame, isn't it? The potential for something cool is there but they completely ignore it.
the simple answer is retards, it's retards all the way down anon. it's retarded if it's fuck you money, it's retarded if you had to save up for it, it's just.. retarded. every single aspect of it. retarded. i don't feel sorry for any of these people.
Surprised they never did anything with that one event background that let you do that. Thought it may eventually make it's way into the game legally one way or another.
>passive aggressive guilt tripping because people enjoy things in a way that he doesnt
Classic scrub behaviour. Just because YOU dont enjoy something doesnt mean other more skillled people have to hate it as well.

>if i gave a new player a cEDH deck with all fast mana, perfect starting hand, and gave you a piece of shit old power 4 precon, you're gonna fucking lose despite your supposed "skill"
Nice hypothetical to try and guilt trip people. It took me five years to become a competent piloit of my deck and around 8 years to build and tune. Could someone learn to do it faster? Perhaps. But magic begins when everyone has access to the strongest cards, you seem to think this is the end point.
>Best of 2
>Max 4 copies of each card except basics
>Sideboard call
There's a lot more skills going on in constructed so why don't these tryhards go there?
Is this ban the most impactful in terms of sheer amount of value lost? Surely at least tens of millions of dollars worth of value is just gone now.
Alright that's true. Regardless of situation, it's just stupid to spend that much money on cards. But man, when I see these people going on about how they saved up for these cards it just baffles me. Are they that bad at budgeting that they don't see how dumping that much money that they had to save up for on a card is a ridiculously bad idea regardless of how it goes?
Uuhhh what's this sideboard thingy?
Hint: they do. I play legacy pauper and vintage. I frequently win cube drafts, and I've been posting here for a decade helping people improve their decks.
Why do you think we don't play multiple formats?
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Because we assume that if you played any other formats that are actually competitive you would know that edh is just a joke format and taking it seriously is stupid.
This. It still blows my mind that anyone would play multiplayer EDH seriously
kek, you spent all that time learning just for me to netdeck a more expensive deck than yours and rape your ass with it, you might have had a chance in a 1v1 but this is EDH so sorry chud but we're gonna archenemy you and you're gonna be the first to be bounced off the table and go shitpost on /edhg/ about how skilled you are while the rest of us enjoy the game without having to endure your faggotry.
Black Lotus is banned so why should Jeweled Lotus get the pass then.
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It's crazy, isn't it? One on one is already swingy by the nature of a cardgame, but when it's a four player free on top of all that everything pretty much goes out the window.
And you have every right to do that, but I'm running a fully tuned max power deck; you cant just google a random list then throw money at it to beat it.
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I worked at a casino for a year early in my 20s and it made me completely numb to watching people do stupid shit with their money. Some people just do not posses the ability to say no to themselves when they want something.

and fuck Nadu
Necropotence is next on the list.
Oh yeah? Well, I will just rule zero your ass.
>I worked at a casino
Fuck. Yeah, you're going to see some of the worst decisions people can make daily in that line of work. I'm just glad no one I know is that bad with money that they would spend that much on this game.
Sure thing scrub-san. One day you'll learn that close games with meaninful interaction decided by tight plays is the most fun way to play magic. And when you do, I'll be there, looking unbearably smug about it.
What you're describing isn't a casual, that's a newbie. I know plenty of casuals with decks in the $500-1000 range who have a poor grasp of the rules, only play a few times per year, and just don't care about magic outside of the social element.
Autism exists on a spectrum, you should know since you're on it.
Speedrunning puts you on Chris chan level autism.
commander players are idiots.
All these bans are good for the format in the long run. All these cards always showed up in peoples "cards that should be banned" lists or were banned on tables, now that they finally banned people are mad about it or they complain "why so late". Dock was on the watchlist of the RC.
Let's see how cEDH shapes up now, but except Flash the bans were never for cEDH.
cEDH (or just individual tournaments )can have a separate banlist and I see nothing wrong with it.
Actually it's a good thing they're killing competitive commander and normalizing silver border so I can bring my mane six deck and everypony can win! We did it pegasisters, we saved commander!
>tfw I have the same birthday as chris-chan
It was a dark day when I found that out.

Dockside and nadu? Great bans. Crypt? Retarded, but understandable if you squint and ignore common sense. Jeweled lotus? Just regular retarded; wasnt even good in the first place.
>it took me five years to pilot a deck
>eight years to build and tune
is this a flex of how skilled you are? it's cringe inducing.

no one is guilt tripping anyone, you can play it however the fuck you want to, but 98% of the people that play the format don't want to play with you. that's not their problem, it's yours. you're just trying to pretend like everyone that plays EDH wants to or even can play it at the highest level possible with only the strongest cards and decks, which is the antithesis of the format, and is precisely what the point of the other 60 card formats is, and is exactly why cEDH is even a seperate term, which i didn't invent, meaning other people agree by and large that there's clearly a difference. regardless if you keep repeating yourself that there's only one EDH.

sorry you can't find success against other cEDH players that are more at your "skill level" and have to instead demand that people who play a social oriented multiplayer board-game-style casual free for all format respect your overly competitive, selfish playstyle of choice even if it is antithetical to the format at large and not at all fun for the other 3 people.

anyway don't bother fucking replying to me, your fast mana got banned faggot. keep crying.
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>Leovold banned
>Hullbreacher banned
>Narset legal
>Notion Thief legal
Much consistency very guiding
>poor grasp of the rules
>don't care about magic outside of the social element
If they are that casual then this ban isn't going to affect them. Your made up demographic doesn't exist.
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Why dont cEDHfags just make their own format?
>normalizing silver border
What does this even mean in practice? What silver boarders can they really make legal? This part still seemed strange.
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Skimmed your post, it's just more whining and guilt tripping. Apply yourself, scrub anon. Stop complaining about how other people have fun. It's okay to be bad, but if you dont enjoy it you should do something else with your time.
Last time they tried someone became a nazi.
> Crypt? Retarded, but understandable if you squint and ignore common sense.

It should have been banned 20 years ago.
>spend a few hundred dollars proxying every high value staple in existence
>buy bulk commons for a few cents each and play my 4000 dollar decks that realistically I only spent 20 on
>ignore all of the drama
feels good man, my sleeves cost more than some of my decks
Yes, but definitely not after reprinting it 10 times and waiting 20 years.
Say goodbye to Nadu and hello to a new bullshit bird.
sure i can't but it's not a 1v1 format so it doesn't matter if i can beat you alone with a random cEDH netdeck, there's at least two other people at the table with resources to use and given that you're clearly the most insufferable mouthbreathing retard at the table, you get dogpiled by 3 and have to scoop up your 8 years in the making pile of skill and find another table.
>acorn stamp
Not legal anon.
better late than never, that's why I was saying it's good for the format in the long run. The bans should be for the future health of the format, not bound to some sunken cost fallacy.
But it doesnt help the future health of the format at all. It just hurts people who cracked a crypt recently and no one else for the most part. Like 4c+ cancer decks already considered cutting it, and this ban just cements that as the optimal way to play.
Heh, sorry kid, we just rule0'd you. Now I'm going to flicker this guy a bunch and cast Battle of Wits.
We are talking about edh you retard.
There are unironically more than a few silver border cards that work as printed and should be allowed
This but unironically
This will be your only warning, the RC's new project on silver border and acorn cards is being done to move these fake alchemy cards stomping around on arena into the real game. In two years you will be playing against a paper version of Mythweaver Poq.
You understand that good decks are designed to win through three players of interaction, right? You seem really threatened by the concept of skill in mtg, and it's evident you dont know very much about this format, why dont you try to learn about the things you enjoy rather than making excuses for how you totally arent actually bad even though you never tried to be good and had no expectation of being good in the first place?
Alchemy was a mistake
Poq is unironically a non-issue in 4 player commander because there are going to be 3 other people at the table that hear his name and see red instead of the usual one
They've attempted a "fixed" version of lotus so many times and almost every one of them is either broken or shit. It's kind of funny really, like its actually a cursed flower.
>his deck needs to go through interactions to win
>But it doesnt help the future health of the format at all
>easy fast money that creates snowballing games
>no brainer card that should be in every commander deck but costs hundreds of dollars in contrast to Sol Ring, creating a barrier of entry for new players
>not played anyway on most tables because of cost and it's too powerful, so effectively banned except for the triehards you run into random games
Hoping it finally happens this time so we can be free of these trannies sucking off the RC and resisting the departure. Already in a couple groups that've split off.
bbbbbait. always bait. bait bait bait. yap yap yap. insert reddit.gif 8 years of pure skill in the making.

i enjoy everything. all of it. i enjoy 3 way scooping against the cEDH player bringing max power to a mid-power table and hearing his heavy breathing rage before he storms off with a "sucks for you guys" cause nobody wanted to play out the game waiting for his 20 minute turns to go infinite. it's okay to be antisocial and retarded, you just should keep it contained to tables containing other retards like you.

what's extra funny is i have cEDH decks (proxy chad) i have old border cubes, i have tryhard standard decks, i have mid power EDH decks that focus on more things than just "win as efficiently as possible" i have a lot of variety because i'm not an anti-social retard that has to subject my will unto any and all in proximity of me. i understand there's nuance, a time and a place. and that my faggoty 8 years of tuning max power deck doesn't belong in every game of commander i play.

apply yourself anon, learn how to tune and play decks that that have intentional limitations and making the most of it an a turn by turn basis. there's more than one way to have fun, to be good, to be skilled, to play a game. min-maxing isnt the end all be all.
I can make one, easy peasy.

Blackish Lotus
Legendary Artifact
~ Enters with 3 stun counters on it.
You may spend 1 colourless or 3 life to remove a stun counter from it.
Tap and sac: Add 3 of any one colour.
I'm confused why this even uses the Conjure mechanic and doesn't just create a token that's a copy of the lands in question. Like, this is obnoxious I guess but it's weird that they intentionally decided on a less clear mechanic than just "For each of them, create a token that's a copy of it"
straight up could just be a paper card if it said that and whatever precon they jammed him in had cool token versions of all of its land inclusions (mostly like another 20 token forests or whatever since mono green)
You can't put tokens in your deck. Conjuring creates the actual card into your deck.
>giant post of passive aggressive guilt tripping and elaborate hypotheticals
Going to ignore all that.

>learn how to tune and play decks that that have intentional limitations and making the most of it an a turn by turn basis.
Obviously I know how to do that if I know how to make a good deck, dont be intentionally retarded. This is why everyone has multiple decks. You know what absolutely isnt fun? Playing with a guy who writes giant essays on why you're hypothetically retarded for playing the game to the best of your abilities.
Conjuring into anywhere other than the battlefield just seems like it would be a ruling nightmare. I really don't see them adding it into the game.
>doesn't enter tapped
Even if that is the case there's a lot ways to untapped this shit.
I just mean because it says to conjure it onto the battlefield, you know? How often do people have to shuffle their lands back into their deck on arena or wherever these online only cards come from that it couldn't have just been normal?
or wait
does it mean
>Play a Basic Forest
>search your Library for a basic forest and put it onto the battlefield
?? because if so, that's retarded
That's why the card has acorn stamp and this mechanic is only for Arena.
No, it just creates the card ex nihilo. As far as conjuring COULD work, it could work with basic lands, but it's still not really something I can see ever getting into paper proper.
I know. But this talk about exploring silver bordered cards gets me nervous. I don't know what they mean by that but it's a strange point to make. Honestly, I'd rather there weren't any silver bordered cards to begin with.
Mechanically, sometimes it matters whether the permanent is a card or token, as some abilities refer only to "cards". Of course that also means they don't fizzle when changing zones.
I thought stun counters tapped the boy and instead of untapping removed the counter. Meh, there are lots of good ones, just make it a creature that enters tapped and most of those problems are solved.
Oh I'm sure, I just feel like it's a weird way to go about it since they had a way for this card to work on both paper and online but opted intentionally to put a stupid mechanic that can't translate directly on it instead.
>Whenever one or more nontoken lands enter the battlefield under your control, for each of them, create a token that's a copy of it. This ability only triggers once each turn
boom, fixed, still gay but fixed
Vantablack Lotus
Legendary Artifact
As an additional cost to cast this spell, sacrifice two basic lands
Tap, Sacrifice Vantablack Lotus: Add three mana of any combinations that the sacrificed basic lands could produce
Yeah I get you, it's a strange thing. It's my first time seeing that card so it gives me ideas, but it's relegated to online only due to the silly conjure mechanic.
Flying Lotus
Legendary Artifact
Tap, Sacrifice Vantablack Lotus: Add three mana of any combinations
At the end of your turn, you loose the game

(it's probably broken)
It matters because Poq is a lands deck that can dig the conjured copies of fetchlands out of the graveyard with crucible, ramunap excavator, aftermath analyst, and pic related. Tokens vanish when they change zones but conjured cards do not. The copies also enter untapped as long as they aren't copying a tapland so it's just retarded with cards like scapeshift because it copies EVERYTHING it sees enter as long as it all comes in at the same time. Cards like these are some of the most popular on arena and you can bet wotc wants to let them out of the cage.
i don't care if i'm certified scrub or highest on the mario party leaderboard. i care about having a good time, with other people that also want to have a good time, playing the premiere casual format of a card game.

and when i want to play more seriously, with other people that also want to play more seriously, with the goal of winning as efficiently and quickly as possible by any means necessary, then we agree to do so, with no holds barred, because we're all on the same page, with the same intentions and expectations.

i think you need to be less obsessed with skill and "being good" at the game, and more about how to be skilled at social dynamics and interpersonal relationships. it's a social format, nothing you say is going to change that. and if you really cared about the game you'd understand that there's a lot of different ways to play it and you don't have to just play only the highest power possible at every table. you want to keep talking in circles i can go on and on.
>flying lotus
Oh man I fucking love that shit. Not the card, that's just silly, but the musician.
I will admit that sounds fucking terrifying lmao I think even just toning it down to tokens would make it far more fair than that
being able to vomit out conjured copies of fetchlands sounds awful
copied the template but forgot to change the name in the card text, embarrassing

Flying Lotus
Legendary Artifact
Tap, Sacrifice Flying Lotus: Add three mana of any combination
At the end of your turn, you loose the game
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I don't even know what they're trying to do with this one.
It was made directly for Alchemy, so they wanted to have it use a digital-only mechanic. Not that hard to understand.
nice anon, me too
>Black lotus but first it has to be mended

Actually doesn't sound that bad.
kek, maybe that's the way
>giant passive aggressive hypothetical that has nothing to do with any of my posts
Classic scrub. Why would I have multiple decks at different power levels? Playing magic is fun. Close games with meaningful interaction are fun. Micromanaging the hypotheticals an autismo may or may not find fun isnt my problem.
I would say it's broken in Emry but she already has Lotus Petal.
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How we feeling today bros?
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Pretty good. Ban's going to inevitably reversed, I get to spend all day shitting on shitters for normal shitter things, I have energy drinks and nachos in the fridge, and retards who burnt their cards are iredeemably btfo'd. It's a good day.
>bans will get reversed
everyone loves the ban except investorfags
Nah, the crypt ban is nonsense conceptually and only hurts new players, and the lotus ban is hilarious. Dockside and nadu are perfectly fine to be banned.
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>ban reversed
Just like Golos (most played commander), right?
Can we now ban all the card draw green/white has been getting since no one is allowed to compete in the ramp department now?
Who cares about golos? I dont think anyone even cared when he was banned other than those quirky anons who ran him as pocket coffers. Free my nigga sundering titian; he did nothing wrong.
>the crypt ban is nonsense conceptually
overpowered fast mana
>and only hurts new players
nope, weakening paypig decks relative to precons only helps new players
>the crypt ban is nonsense conceptually and only hurts new players
exactly what "new player" has a $250 minimum card that almost exclusively shows up in cedh??
You're just mad because you're a fag who spent too much money on cardboard
kek there was no hypotheticals in there, that's genuinely happened several times (the 3 way scoop gg next against the cEDH fag lying about his deck's power level)
no passive aggressive anything, i'm being directly confrontational. what is passive aggressive is saying "going to ignore all of that" while directly addressing it instead of well.. ignoring all of it.

>obviously i know how to do that if i know how to make a good deck, don't be intentionally retarded.
let's see paul allen's decklist then.. go on.. let's see this 8 years in the making decklist made by only the most skilled mtg player in this thread.. i eagerly await the inevitable "i-i have nothing to prove anon-kun! i wont share my decklist!"
you're larping big time.

>you know what absolutely isnt fun? Playing with a guy who writes giant essays on why you're hypothetically retarded for playing the game to the best of your abilities.
this doesn't even make sense retard, i'm not writing essays while playing a game of commander. everyone should play the game to the best of their present capabilities, and hopefully aspire to improve each time they play. i've never argued against that a single time. what i have argued against is bringing max power to tables where that is not what is being played by the other players, and dismissing the problems that ensue from such ordeals as purely "skill issue" being totally disingenuous cope for not knowing how to read the room and play in a way that's most conducive to everyone having fun and getting better at the game. in order to get better at the game you have to be able to play the game, and if you're running a precon against a cEDH fag, chances are you're not going to be playing the game much and instead you're going to be exclusively be listening to him playing the game while everyone else scoops of boredom.

inb4 "muh passive aggressive hypothetical guilt tripping"
Free my cute wife Emry (Emrakul, not the fish).
if cEDH trannies want to play with the best cards why havent they already been ignoring the banlist?
How come I dont see cEDH with P9 cards?
We just had this conversation dumb anons. It doesnt impact me, I'm going to run city of traitors. It absolutely assrapes new players who cracked it in the past couple of years and removes the only two accessible nonsol ring peices of fast mana.
Phew, I'm legal in my LGS again.
>why would i have multiple decks at different power levels
because if you are bringing something that is nowhere near the power levels of the other players you aren't getting close games with meaningful interaction.. and therefore no fun is being had. is this really that hard to understand?

you are the autismo you fucking retard, and none of this is hypothetical. i'm genuinely getting the impression you don't even play the fucking game and are just baiting at this point. here's another (you)

and while i'm at it let me give you a hypothetical..
so i've got my dick out right
for some reason your mom is there
she sucks my dick and i blow a load on her cow tits but when i dig around in my pocket for the $10 bucks she asked for the only thing i could find is a lightly played mana crypt which i promptly toss on her cum splattered chest i guess it'll have to do.
>actually pretending city of traitors is comparable to crypt
>It absolutely assrapes new players who cracked it in the past couple of years
so near 0 new players impacted
>removes the only two accessible nonsol ring peices of fast mana.
crypt is not accessible you braindead paypig
ritual spells are accessible and cheap
>shifting the goal posts and still writing essays
You were so busy making elaborate hypotheticals you forgot to read. And then you still made up hypotheticals about bringing cedh decks to precon tables to try and guilt trip people when I literally said the opposite, repeatedly. Also, dont you know the number one rule of engagement: dont post your list mid argument because some faggot is trying to dox you.
>$300-400 for 2 cards is "accessible" to new players
like i said i knew already you would pussy out from posting your list because you are a fraud. you could simply export the text version of the list, no doxxing involved. you're fucking retarded lmao
>city of traitors
It's not really, but it's a fine enough replacement for my needs.
>near 0 new players impacted
Twitter would disagree.
>crypt is not accessible you braindead paypig
It is compared to mox diamond, grim monolith, and city of traitors, which is where the window shifted to.
Yes, considering the replacements are between $500-$1000 each.
>Isocron into Time Walk
>All lines revolving untapping Time Vault
>Turn 0 Flash Hulk
>Entomb reanimate Griselbrand for steroids draw at the cost of two mana
Yeah I think they deserve this shit if they want to be sweaty
so basically no new players are effected by this? no new player was buying Mana Crypt
>Isocron into Time Walk
*heavy breathing*
New players are already catered enough. Why this discussion has shifted about them specifically is pretty funny.

With that said, anyone still buying MtG products and not proxying anything over $10 at this point are idiots and deserve tk be fleeced.
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I only have an old picture. Notable changes, added a foil winter orb, mindbreak trap, consign to memory, and a few of those mdfc lands. Cant be fucked to figure out what I cut. I'll figure out what to do with crypt later.
So the only people this affects are the pubstompers that wanna pretend they are good by playing with casuals with their $400 cards but aren't man enough to play real "c"edh with the big boys and their $1000 cards?
twitter shills are not new players you retarded kike
>It is compared to mox diamond, grim monolith, and city of traitors
all of those are accessible compared to Mishra's workshop, see how retarded you are kike?
Time Walk is a sorcery
Isochron can only imprint instant unfortunately
Mishra's is very niche, this isnt vintage.

Pretty much yeah when you put it that way. Or people who are too dumb to proxy.
When Flash got ban there's not much noise coming from the cEDHfag but why?
yep big fucking mistake.. i just ran the exif data through my doxxmaster 9000, i'm comin fo yo ass cEDH tard aint nothin hypothetical about it. get that hole ready
Hulk was previously banned, everyone knew it was coming. Just like dockside and nadu getting banned. The crypt and lotus bans were out of left field.
Sure thing scrub anon, now fuck off for the next two threads. On the third you can resume your retarded banter because I am a merciful god.
cedh community was fucking begging for flash to get banned it was retarded there
What do you grab with Merchant Scroll?
They're afraid of this guy.
post irl decks and shut the fuck up about the bans
because flash wasnt expensive
this is all investor kvetching
High tide or a bounce spell usually. You can also grab mystical tutor and grab polymorph off a top or a draw spell. You can also get dramatic reversal or swan song if you're setting up that combo.
>Yuriko easily bypass his restrictions
Another win for our ninja girl.
I hear there is a buyout because he's getting unbanned.
It is kind of hilarious I wanted to see what cEDH players are saying and in some youtube comments sections like 90%+ are just about "muh money"
Like that is their complaint about the bans mostly, also seems like babys first ban for the majority of them
Your overpowered chaser mythic got banned? Who could foresee that would ever happen

Some say that red might not be viable or some specific decks but I actually want to see what the meta will look like with dockside gone
A lot of the meta seems to revolve around it, which is a sign it might have been unhealthy after all
Like what decks with like artefacts and enchantments was it holding back, for example
>Rhystic hate in command zone
Find it funny that's the main reason cedh didn't want him back
No, and if you're not posting your own, you're part of the problem you're screaming about.
kinnan will ALWAYS be better than your old fart, retard
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I don't think I get it.

It's between one and two cards out of 99 getting banned. How can you allow your game hinge on 2% of your deck?

And if you're in it for the market, you must be aware that "X becomes worthless overnight because Authority Body does Y" is a clear and extant risk in any market.
>i'm a merciful god
>in plaid walmart slippers
>with thousands of dollars of cardboard actively plummiting in value as this post is being typed
>btw it took me 8 years to make this extremely skilled decklist
oh no no no, pls post more reddit reaction gifs dr neckbeard sama! ill be back with some hypotheticals next thread
The main issue with the ban is that it punishes monocolour decks and pushes the already pushed 4c+ abominations at the top of the format. Dockside is a small fish, sure people used him, but those decks always had lots of options. Lotus and crypt were absolutely not banned for balance reasons if cedh was part of the consideration.
If you want to improve at your hobby you dont go join the sunday League football club where its nothing but hangover students and 40 year old dudes that wanna blow off some steam.
That's what edh it and what Fnm used to be. Start going to GP's and play real formats anon trust me it can be fun.
cedh should never be part of the consideration
why would hasbro care about the secondary market losing money?
Monocolor is fine
The RC has made it abundantly clear multiple times that they do not give a fuck about cedh and rightfully so.
Haters gunna hate. Kinnan is ugly as shit and simic is bad and gay.

>criticizing slippers
Weird flex but okay. You'll wait three threads because you who just got your dick kicked in and that is the law as decreed for a response to your hubris and faggotry. Because I am merciful, you may resume after three threads. Now post a picture of your deck.
I don't see it this way at all. Mono color decks are not disproportionately but.
>if cedh was part of the consideration.

it wasn't, they explicitly stated the bans are for commander as a casual format (insert mandatory flash mention here).
Interesting I didn't think much about how lotus and crypt were more pushing monocoloured or double coloured decks in contrast to 4c+.
Like I said I am curious how it will play out.
I hardly even play edh ever and kind of hate it but he is right
If you want a healthy format for cedh there are about 1000 other bans needed, and I don't see any cedh players clamoring for them
Yes yes, cedh bad, whatever the question was about how it impacted cedh.

Why do you say that?

I'm pretty sure the bans will be walked back. And if not, they're in preparation for something really broken in the pipeline.
ahhahaha he took the slipper bait
and fuck no im not posting my deck i dont want to get doxxed wtf rule number one of engagement helloooo?

i'm just amazed it took you 8 years to come up with and "tune" the most basic cookie cutter mono blue cEDH deck ive ever seen in my life. truly impressive
Im gonna make a hatsune miku deck with all my favorite cards.
>whatever the question was about how it impacted ced
you didn't ask a question
You're pretending to be retarded and acting like a faggot, take a break for a while, refresh, and come back in a few threads to try your best. You can do better, I believe in you.
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Just updated the decklist. Gonna post the others soon(tm)
Added a little bit of Duskmourn to a few of my decks now
Honestly 0 mana cards that gives such a big mana advantage sucks to play against if they go first. Like you can't even fairly interact with it so I just don't get what so fun about it in a casual multiplayer setting?
This is one of the first times I've ever seen the "post your deck" gambit backfire. What an age we live in.
>paypig fierce guardianship
Holy trans
Delete this part and your post remains true. Banning Mana Crypt but not Sol Ring is literal schizo tier reasoning that can only be reduced to these peoppe purely economy bans, and nothing else. And even then you'd be left wondering why other cards didn't get hit. There is so sound reasoning to this decision unless they plan on axing a lot more cards that fall in a similar line.
It's really not that big of a deal, especially in casual. It's not like they're hitting you with the t1 trinisphere.
Pretty good. I'm a massive artifact fag and I'll gladly give up some fast mana if it means I don't need to worry about getting punished by Dockside.
Cybersnap you need to increase the volume on your videos. I have everything at max and can barely hear you.
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Ban only affected Nadu in the 99 of my bumbleflower deck, otherwise dockside and jewled lotus just nerfed some annoying Prosper and Juri decks I play against, so pretty good
I use him as commander for my Slime Against Humanity deck.
That was my concern. If they gut the format of all fast mana, edh is dead and so is magic as a whole. But based on the pushback and people acknowledging these were nonsense bans, smart money is on them walking it back. The only argument to the contrary is "muh burnt cards", which is hilarious and will make me laugh for years to come, and that the rc cant compromise or they look weak, but look at the rc; they're a bunch of circlejerking hugbox faggots who cannot take this much heat and will cave.
Personally, I think Lotus is the only somewhat questionable ban.

I don't think I need to justify Nadu and Dockside being banned. Everybody hates Nadu, and Dockside is a card people have wanted banned for years.
The issue with Crypt is that it's basically auto-include. Every deck should run Mana Crypt, and if yours doesn't it's just because you don't want to pay the cost. Having auto-include cards is bad in general since it reduces deckbuilding options, and that goes doubly for such an expensive cards, as it means your choices are either dropping several hundred dollars per deck or playing with an "incomplete" deck.
I know people will bring up Sol Ring, and I do think Sol Ring should be banned for the same reason, but unfortunately it wasn't. Sol Ring not being banned doesn't justify not banning Mana Crypt, though: if "but broken card X isn't banned" was a valid reason to not ban broken card Y then nothing would ever get banned. Getting at least one banned it better than getting neither banned, and of the two Crypt is vastly more powerful (getting 2 mana for 0 is infinitely more efficient than getting 2 for 1, and with Sol Ring you at least sometimes have to make a choice between a turn 1 Ring or a turn 1 1-mana spell that needs colorless mana, whereas Crypt lets you get 2 colorless in addition of 1 colored mana from your land, greatly increasing the amount of stuff you can cast on t1).
Lotus is strong, but it's normally once per game one only works on one specific thing, which places some pretty big limitations on it. As soon as your commander dies once you're back to casting it on the curve for rest of the game, where as Crypt gives you mana every turn. It's more comparable to something like Dark Ritual, except it gives you 1 more free mana and in more colors, but at the cost of only being usable on your commander.
>asset's price might as well be zero if you don't plan on selling
Most financially literate mtg player
There is no pushback you deranged troon and gutting fast mana would only benefit edh
That's ai
>t. Retard
Use your big boy words, explain why.
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Jeweled Lotus was called out instantly as a greedy pushed mistake that never should have been printed here when it was revealed and now there are several ready to die defending it. What happened?
>Dhur Hdur I'm a cucrumbler
People bought it. So sunk cost
Very few peoppe are defending the bans. The issue here is that the bans are completely asinine when they also allow similar cards to exists, which makes this entire fiasco feel completely pointless. For what purpose does banning SOME of the fast mana do if the rest are allowed to exist?
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I'm having fun in the archive
yes because they did nothing and then people bought it because "welp so thats how we are rolling from here on i guess"

people with money dont care about the bans that much
the people super fucked are the budget people who bought one thinking it was a good card to keep around
They bought
I'm not "willing to die" to defend it, but in terms of metagame-warping brokenness (or just being annoying as fuck to play against in the case if Nadu) its not nearly on par with the rest. It being one time only (unless your deck is built around recurring artifacts) and being limited to only your commander makes it less bad than the others. It's more comparable to cards like Dark Ritual, which while strong isn't really something people are clamoring to be banned.
Also I find it kind of silly that a card explicitly designed for commander and completely useless in other formats (its effect only works if you have a commander) getting banned in commander is just kind of funny.
This. They need to ban sol ring already. Rip the bandaid off
dude nobody wants to play 5 hour games
fast mana is fun and only actual children cry about it because fast mana is too expensive for mommy's credit card
>games last 5 hours without fast mana
Nta, but surely there's a better argument
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I'd have rather packed the foil etched, but I'm not gonna not use it, it's pretty based looking
first time I've taken a pic of this one I think. This one got the most cards out of my two Duskmourn Boxes so far.
that's literally what happens you idiot if you ever actually sit down at an edh table instead of larping here you'd understand the value of fast mana existing in the format
These are the idiots who told everyone that mana crypt goes in every deck
That video was fucking hilarious. None of their point made any fucking sense. The only point that was not completely fucking stupid is that wotc can't make such bans if you wanna sell $200-$4000 boosters. But that only makes the bans even more based.
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it existed and turned out to be a balanced card so people changed their minds? almost as if the initial impression people get of cards isn't accurate
>fast mana for combo
>fast mana for more big boi to hit face
mister fidguttt my anus"
Is the cope and seethe in the video funny enough to warrant watching this?
Find the thread where that guy was going on and on about nadu.

Yes, ban the pay off not the enabler.
>over 5 cards that are in the next banlist update
>0 personality voltron drivel
this deck fucking sucks so bad i actually feel bad for you
actually true
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>car just got fixed (rip my wallet)
>got some pepperoni and beers for the boys
>going to drive two hours to play some games
>in the process of selecting music for the ride (April Wine)
Should be a good time.
Because the type of person who wants to play competitive calvinball: cardgame edition is also not the sort of person with the skills to organize their way out of a paper bag nor are the people they surround themselves with.
God gives his fastest mana to his fattest retards.
Like a million bucks, watching people cry because their cardboard lost value after a banlist is the best part of card games, not even building decks is as fun.
This guy gets it.
Kinda. The mental gymnastics was fun to hear. They say they don't like the cards but still "muh value".
It's was also funny how they said that the bans are ok but the RC just went about it "the wrong way". But the ways they suggested are even more retarded.
Is this people's first ban or something?
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Try introducing player to commander with recent fresh precon and instructing them to switch Sol Ring to another mana rock or land card. It would mess up first time user experience for most if the precon isn't ready to play immediately.
Unironically have a good time.
A lot of these people operate under the assumption that a card being worth hundreds of dollars means it's never getting banned so they treat them as safe expenses. It's not the rich people complaining, it's the regular joes who scrimped and saved to afford them not understanding that putting your money into cardboard was a stupid fucking idea from the word go.
Yup and a large portion of posters are from other formats rubbing it in after edh ruined every other format.
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Whoa there buddy, you mind taking literally Leovold out of your deck? Shit should have been shipped off the format with Nadu this list lucky it didn't go.
I sat down this weekend with a bunch of randos at a store that I'm unfamiliar with in an area I'm not from. I played my janky Gorion adventure deck, my opponents played Urza, Shalai and Halar, and Indoraptor. Not even the Urza deck was using fast mana other than Urza himself. I think Shalai and Halar has arcane signet out. Either way, the game lasted for an hour and 15, maybe. Our other two games, the Indoraptor guy changed to Bria, and then Zada. I changed to Talion, and those games lasted under an hour, and no one had "fast mana". I think Bria guy pulled out a sol ring turn 9 or something and joked around saying, "there's always a time for sol ring".
Maybe you could stop being such a try hard?
There are people asking why there weren't any heads up given before the ban. kek
guilty as charged
Funny that the faggiest of cEDH channel had the most cool response towards the banlist.
>just a bunch of random names
>urza counts as fast mana
Of all the things that never happened, this never happened the most.
can't wait for the wave of alchemy cards to come and people here will WISH they only had to deal with jewlo and crypt
Contrary to popular opinion, most cedh players who arent retarded investment cucks are cool with it because they've played other formats where cards were banned before.
I will shoot myself if I ever see a paper print of this card
it's coming
What the fuck, what does this even mean?
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Basically how I see the situation as well
Maybe because they are actually competitive. The only people I have seen mad are the wannabes.
I hope more cards get banned, like thoracle, as this format needs more spring cleaning.
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You niggers are completely missing the point of the ban. There is NO WAY stockholders would willingly allow this company to lose its biggest cash cows. Not unless...they had something BIGGER to fill the gaps. These cards fill the specific purpose to ramp you into the game faster, but why try and carefully disect reprint equity whrn they can simply be replaced? I've been saying it for years that the reserved list boogeyman means jack shit because there's nothing stopping wizards from printing cards more powerful than the existing reserved list. It's all a numbers game at the end of the day. They don't even have to go that far, there is still plenty of room to sneak up to the power level without overdoing it. Ever wonder why the diamond cycle of rocks were never replaced with ones that are simply untapped, let alone ones that cost 1? The moxen take the cake at 0 mana but there's STILL room to make busted 1 drop rocks that don't come in tapped and can tap for a specific colour. And guess what's just around the corner coming next year? Wouldn't take a genius to realise a complete cycle of busted rocks printed in a universes beyond set would eclipse the one ring any fucking day. Especially from the company that treats that one source material like the fucking bible, so much so that it paved the way for the shit mtg turned into today. A reckoning is coming and none of us will be even remotely ready. Mark my fucking words.
Ok Papa John
These cards wont work in paper unless you go the Yugioh route with a actual second deck with all the bullshit residing there
yes, you're correct because nobody expected jeweled lotus until it actually got printed
we'll see replacements and people will deal with them like the one ring
my delulu is coming trululu
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Had a bit of a laugh at that, thanks
Winter seems like he's gonna be stressful to deal with if he's not removed, but even then, I doubt it'll be that big of a problem
The moment I saw him I knew I wanted him for Coram
Another updated list
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Reminder that we already got a legal "alchemy" commander in the format.
if thoracle, yuriko, tainted pact and rhystic get banned I will finally be happy
Dogwater take
I sat down with unedited miracle precon yesterday and cast one with the multiverse into picrel on turn 7. 6/8 spells later, board was wiped, value engine online, snowball into a win after 30 minutes of play. Pod had Gev, Prismatic Bridge, and RinSeri, everyone happily shuffled up for another after. Games can go fast even with durdle engines and without crypt. No need to seethe at imaginary games played by happier people than you anon, real adults don't suffer from your brain worms.
>It's not the rich people complaining, it's the regular joes who scrimped and saved to afford them not understanding that putting your money into cardboard was a stupid fucking idea from the word go.
That's their fault for treating cards primarily intended as gaming pieces as investment. For most mtg cards their value is tied to their utility in the game, and that means the value can and will change depending on how playable those cards are. And WotC doesn't, and definitely shouldn't, take into account how much money you paid for a card when determining whether a card has a negative impact on the game balance and should be banned.

Not really entirely related, but this whole complaining reminds me of something that happened with another collectable product and investors. At one point Lego made this huge Star Wars battleship set that cost like 600$, and it came with clone trooper minifigure that was at the time unique to the set. For a while people were selling that clone trooper for 600$, and when Lego later included the same minifigure in a 20$ set they bitched about their investment being worthless now. But that original set wasn't marketed as a 600$ clone trooper that came with a free giant battleship, it was a 600$ battleship that came with a free clone trooper. If you bought the thing just for that minifigure and considered the actual main product worthless, that's your own damn fault.
Mucho texto
All they have to do is make it so all the perpetual effects just give you an emblem instead
Welcome to playing with power mtg
Powerful cards
Powerful formats
If you're unable to close out a "normal" game of commander in under an hour and a half without fast mana then that says a lot more about your skill as a player/deck builder than fast manas impact on the format
>had to make up a second story after his first made up story got called out
kinda sad
A single emblem wouldn't work.
mmm~ no it says a lot about how necessary fast mana is. Nice try though. Fast mana also still exists. In green all you're doing is proving what a retard you are with every post. Kill yourself and save us from your idiocy
Put a +1/0 counter on it?
Nope. Because by the nature perpetual, it can go into the hand or library.
Both Lol and Lmao
Seek is one Alchemy mechanic that could more or less work with actual cards with slight rewording. IIRC "seek [card type]" means "put random [card type] card from your deck to your hand". Rewording it as "reveal cards from top of your library until you reveal a [card type] card and put it in your hand. Shuffle the rest of the revealed cards into your library" would accomplish the same thing and be in line with already existing effects.
Investorfags get the rope
>all those money cards
>Headless Horseman
>Dauthi Mercenary
>Stromgald Cabal
>Moorish Cavalry
>Dawn's Truce
>Moonshaker Cavalry
cut all of these dogshit cards
>Doesn't actually refute the "lol bad" accusation
>Resorts to cyclical logic
>Gets mad and starts telling others to kill themselves
Lol bad
The card has a select amount of cards associated with it and you pick one of three on ETB. This particular card has 15 fucking cards associated with it for some reason, and I see literally nothing in common between them.
whale format
>the rules dont matter
>muh rule 0
>its a cheap and budget friendly format
meanwhile the nanosecond these 60$+ cards got banned everyone sperged out. Anyone with half a brain quit ages ago and in their place legions of consoooooooooomers took their place
I mean on the emblem you keep track with a counter.
I wanna play with the bear that goes fishing and I also like the design of the specialize cards. It shouldnt be impossible having this.
I personally think its because Sheldon was dying

Now hes gone, and they are going back to work.

EDH was better before the concept of rule 0 anyway.
Except seek doesn't shuffle or reveal, so it's fundamentally different
You need to go back to l3ddit
>Headless Horseman
Flavorful Knight
>Stromgald Cabal
I originally was gonna cut this til it pinned down a Jodah deck so hard I was able to win off of just denying the guy his commander for as long as possible
>Moorish Cavalry
see Headless Horseman but add even MORE flavor
>Dawn's Truce
This card gets so much flak despite being completely fine, it's not the best but I like it
>Moonshaker Cavalry
where does this meme come from?
I doubt most of Hasbro's shareholders have even seen a Magic card, let alone understand the nature of the game balance and secondary card market well enough to say "you can't ban card X because it's highly wanted in format Y, driving the sales of boosters for set Z". All they care is that profits are up, and as long as that's happening they don't care what the game designers are doing (and if profits go down they just get people laid off, rather than demand them to unban chase mythics or something. I doubt they've even heard the phrase "chase mythic").
If players can rule 0 cards out, why can't they rule 0 cards in? This ban is utterly meaningless unless you play with randoms at an LGS
Yeah but its referencing a specific card getting a +1/+0 and that bonus has to stay with the card as it moves zones, including hand and library. There is other perpetual cards like it that just don't work or would be very wordy and mechanical to make work.
>draft bear
That would be easy. That is basically just having a unique wishboard.
Also easier to implement as that is basically like having a DFC card but you just swap the base card into what you want from your collection.
I mean, the banlist in general is utterly meaningless except for that sort of scenario.
Yeah, the closest to perpetual in paper would be like Skullbriar or Me, where they keep their counters until they go to a private zone. And that's still 'different', fundamentally.
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>squirrelGODS yet again get away completely unscathed by bans
>only better for it
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Got my new miku sleeves from dragon shield for my weebu deck! Hype
Don't listen to the haters. This deck has soul.

No pump knights?
I've got Marshal of Zhalfir for the +1/+1, Knight Exemplar for the +1/+1 and Indestructible, but the real pump is Vodalian Wave-Knight which is ridiculously good. Are there other ones I missed? I know there's some in Boros, but I'm in Esper
and thanks, I'm super proud of Sidar Jababy, it's a really fun deck and I always have a blast with it
Mana vault for me in most cases, and mix diamond in others. Jeweled lotus can somewhat reasonably be replaced by lions eye diamond
>where does this meme come from?
It's white. WotC could print Thoracle in white and /edhg/ would say it sucks because people here assume every white card must be bad
People are silly
my favorite thing to do with Moonshaker is revive it in the First Strike damage step so the smaller/weaker Knights that got through just suddenly bump off entire players. I don't think I've ever once (or ever plan to) hard cast it.
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>Jewelry Lotus
>Cost 0
>Tap: you may cast your commander without paying mana cost. It gains shroud. Exile it at the beginning of the end step.Exile jewelry lotus

There I fixed your mana rock
Those look real nice anon!! What's the deck? Ninjas?
explain how and don't say "he uses bad cards"
I hate Toski and hope that squirrel niggers get a painful death
>Exile it at the beginning of the end step
>hope he gets a painful death
Indestructible, chuddie. :^)
Sol ring should be banned

Sol ring and mana crypt were in everyone one of my decks without exception. The whole time I've been playing them, I've always told people those two cards are the most important bans in the format, over thoracle and dockside.

Why would I deny myself the two best cards in the format while they're legal. Even in my berserker tribal deck I like to win. They enable wins in meme decks just like the enable wins in cedh. Nobody's complained when I use jeweled lotus to cast lovisa coldeyes...

I'm impressed the rules committee finally did something to improve format balance. This shows that they're on the right track. Now we need to convince them to deal with sol ring so I can have another slot for fun cards while still playing to win.

Ban sol ring.
just change it to "next end step" and done
How would you nudge a player who is getting into mind set of
>Oh I did not lose because my deck does fuck all but because I did not have enough silverbullets towards decks that killed me
into proper tracks of trying to actually build a deck with a gameplan?
He is a good lad but not the quickest of wits so we have reached a loop he loses and following week comes decks stacked with more silverbullet interaction (like "tap U, cast extract, search card X that killed me last week" level of silverbullets) but is not able to win because suprise all he has drawn is interaction and not the gameplan. I tried to ask why he is not changing his deck to a control strategy and response was "nah control is dull".
Why do squirrels cause so much seethe? They are now a mainstay tribe thanks to Bloomburrow. The seethers better get used to them.
What's his commander?
Because like every other animal tribe they exist purely for the cute heckin animal crowd and every single motherfucker playing them is an annoying asshole.
My local store does this and it does not fix the format.
Get him to use one of your decks that has a solid gameplan after beating him with it. Alternatively, beat him with his own deck.
Blame the game not player
people are so bad with money it hurts, good lord
You know, there would be an easy way to have cake and eat it to with a sol ring ban. As there is precedence for something similar. Back in 2011, Stoneforge Mystic was banned from standard. It wasn't legal except if you were playing the event deck (aka precon) called "War of Attrition" which had 2 copies of Stonforge Mystic. Yet the condition was that the deck must be kept intact. Meaning the deck couldn't be modified.

So, what if they did that with the current commander preconstructed decks? Where they ban sol ring, except under the the condition that preconstructed deck is not modified. Then with future precons, they just quietly phase out sol ring from subsequent decks..
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>Indestructi- ACK
It's ninja and samurai. I also have 4 of the 5 legendary spirit dragons
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>Thought I placed an order for cards last week
>Haven't shown up
>Check to see if they shipped
>All still in my cart
We can help you become one
Wait, so if I play two spells, and then the third is Cerulean Wisps (or any untap + draw instant or sorcery) then I can draw my whole deck with Stella Lee, or as many cards as I want?
Not really a commander or a specific deck issue. It is a trend he as a player engages sabotaging his own decks into thinner and thinner gameplans while adding more interaction that does not help him win.
Not really. For starters sol ring is not a 4 of and decks aren't built around it. Its an enabler of mana. You can cut it for a basic land and get the same function. Your deck just loses the broken speed draws, which are luck, not skill. Unlike lightning bolt, which matches a certain strategy, sol ring goes in every deck. There's not a single deck in commander which can't cut a card for sol ring and become stronger
And, uh, if there's a twinning staff in play, I can infinitely copy any instant or sorcery I control on the stack because I use one copy of cerulean wisps to untap and copy the wisp and the extra copy to untap and copy the other spell?
>"if I cannot afford it, nobody deserves to play with it." Fuck these creatures and fuck you for enabling them.
explain why a piece of cardboard should be sold for 100$. explain why a game piece should be treated like a fucking stock?
The only answer is because you get some weird feeling that you are "getting value" from your little rectangle. its not real. its a monopoly, a purely controlled supply and easily captured market. Its not a stock and never was. But your monkey brain need the line to always go up for your pointless hobby collection, so you applaud the garbage practices that result from this. I'm not mad, just sad for people like you who are still slaves to this game.
just played the first commander game in a long time with some coworkers. all 3 decks were complete jank, and we had fun. this is how commander was always meant to be and I wish it still was. The power creep and forced rotations are what is killing this game.
it's so crazy that card hit enchantments too lmao what a fucking joke of a card
>the seething continues
Based RC, bless the ghost of Sheldon
If ya got the copies for it. Yes
narset and notion thief are nowhere near as good as:
- a card that let's you have the effect in the command zone
- mono colored, splashable card that gives fucking treasures in BLUE
>banning a 30 year old 200 dollar card is bad for new players
good bait anon

Maybe that was true in 2004, but now there's too many people who like cedh, and too many people who like high power for that to make sense.

Edh is the most played format. If I want to find games, its a safe bet. Decks don't rotate(bans notwithstanding) and I have a huge number of options to explore in new decks.

Like it or not edh must serve both the competative and casual communities.
Shelden Mannery, may she resr in peace, never understood that, and dropped the ball on banning cards like dockside, jeweled lotus and mana crypt which needed the hammer.
if crypt was 5 dollars it would be in every deck.
Sir this is a rage thread where we talk about the bans. Why are you trying to discuss edh?
I love playing against people who think that way because I know I am going to kick your ass
if your deck dies to mana crypt before it wins from the massive advantage, you're a casual player.
>schizo can't fathom two people disagreeing with his fast mana melty
digital keyword.
basically, you take a card from outside of the game and put it in your hand, or in this case, deck.
WOTC will print your entire collection into the ground to make a buck. It's best you start realizing it now before you lose even more money. Just wait until hasbro starts doing really badly and they start really fucking you to keep themselves from dying.

wake up
I've actually seen rule 0 cedh games and no banlist cedh games. At the end of the day, cedh is edh and edh is a meme joke format that isn't actually taken seriously by anyone except the idiots who haven't figured it out yet. We've really gotten borderline delusional about this just because hasbro is milking us for all we're worth we think we're some special super serious business not to be messed with. But at our core, we are and always have been a joke format looked down at by every other format and now we're hated by them because of what we've done.

rightfully so. I started edh back in like 2010 and even I hate most edh players.
Doesn't even come close to muh heccin spiderman is powered up by a nuka cola machine so he can take down optimus prime and save the 4th doctor from being absorbed by the actor who played such and such on the walking dead.

Nothing matters

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