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/tg/ - Traditional Games

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Phantom edition

>Chess websites, tools, videos and books:

- Vugar Gashimov Memorial: Rapid and Blitz | September 25th - 28th
- Champions Chess Tour: Julius Baer Generation Cup | September 25th - October 1st
- Global Chess League | October 3rd - 12th
- European Chess Club Cup | October 20th - 26th
- lichess Autumn Marathon | October 26th
- Women's Grand Prix (2nd leg) | October 29th - November 9th
- European Individual Chess Championship | November 7th - 20th
- World Senior Championship | November 16th - 29th
- World Chess Championship Match | November 20th - December 15th
- US Masters | November 27th - December 1st
- London Chess Classic | November 29th - December 8th
- Sunway Sitges International Chess Festival | December 12th - 22nd
- World Rapid and Blitz Chess Championship | December 26th - 31st

>Previous thread:
>European Chess Club Cup
Surprisingly stacked af.

I'm currently USCF classical time controls rated 880. If I had 15 hours a week to devote to chess starting right now how long would it take me to be 1500? Please recommend me a training routine. Don't just tell me to do tactics...(I spend half of my time doing tactics) Be as specific as possible.

I'm embarrassed to show my face at the local chess club because the lowest rated players there are 1300. I literally lost 22 of my 25 placement matches. I only won twice... with one draw.
>to be 1500
A couple of years.
You'll get bored. Change your schedule every week. Start with videos and try to replicate the lines explained there. If you get a book, use a physical board and try to analyze positions by yourself. Use Stockfish only AFTER you got your own idea of what to do, and always set it to show the best 3 moves, not just the main one. Getting a local coach is also better than doing everything online. Good luck!
What sort of videos? Like on anything?
Doing analysis first before using the computer is a good idea.
Yes, except speedruns.
In the past two days alone I went from 900 to 500 score, losing almost every game, because I'm playing very impatiently and in a fucked up way, pushing through, ignoring threats and trying to be creative. I don't know why I'm like this.
>- Champions Chess Tour: Julius Baer Generation Cup | September 25th - October 1st
I broke through into being an average player(3 min games).

More people at this level seem to have weird 4s waits before playing very obvious moves, and 4s before playing brilliant moves in cluttered boards. Werid.
>trying to be creative
That's good anon, ignore elo and push like a mad man.
Why did this general slow down so much? Haven't been here for more than a year.
The psycho left, thank god.
I don't know about any specific people as I never browsed this general frequently.
Faustino going for a GM norm:
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>got a brilliant by castling
It's for the knight sac I think.
One person caused everyone to leave and now /chess/ has a new home on video games general
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Do you guys prefer puzzles from real games or chess compositions?
Day 2:
Tough decision. I'd say from real games, but they suck on lichess, because the board is usually filled with pieces that do nothing. Compositions are cleaner, but too difficult.
Perhaps they are cheating by playing a second game with the computer, so they have to check every move even if obvious but also are relatively fast for complex moves? Just a guess.
Move times being consistent no matter how obvious or difficult the move is would indicate they're using an engine, something that's usually forbidden no matter what the time controls are.
How did Fabi end up in division 3? Damn, that format is so confusing.

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