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Banlist Update

>OFFICIAL Commander website, where you can learn the rules, see the current banlist, and read the format philosophy, laid down by the rules committee:

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen color identity.

>Deck List Sites: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck strategy and card choices.


>Proxy a deck or a cube for cheap

>How to proxy using any printer

What is your favorite Mono commander to play?
Thirty (30) starting life is objectively superior to fourty (40)
Is there any interesting way of building Kona? I don't want to just play Craterhoof for the 100th time.
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consult the charts
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Unban Mana Crypt
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>he bought
Jeweled Lotus has been in the format for four years now? There's no way it's been that long.
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Is something wrong with me for NOT caring about the Crypt ban?
I owned a fancy Crypt, and it sucks that I cant play it because the LCI Neon ones genuinely look really nice, but I 100% understand why the card was unhealthy for the format.
Plus they banned Dockside and Jeweled Lotus which I have viscerally hated since their inception.
At least 4 of my Magic buddies have texted me to see how I feel about the ban, and they find it weird Im not more upset.
I just bought a Delighted Halfling as a swap and moved on with my day.
>Is something wrong with me for NOT caring about the Crypt ban?
It's a casual format, no one cares about banlists.
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That's it, i'm thinking i'm finally done with my budget anim pakal deck. If you guys want some sub 50 usd deck to be build, just ask

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My decks can reliably beat precons 50% of the time!
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>sets your hundred dollar cards to 10 on year 5
holy fuck his expensive. fucking hell. $65 AUD.
The greatest power doesn't always equal to greatest threat, it is kind of a niche tech in my opinion.
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That is because you understand it and have made peace it with and can just go about your day. Others are struggling with that.
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"Ward - Fight" man. 0 other hydras in the deck, I play this deck as a budget way for mono green to control the board and interact with the stack
Nah. In general most people are shrugging about it. Their reasoning was nonsense and investors are mad, but I used mine for years. It is what it is.
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it just me, or this is underpriced as fuck?
>tapped on second main phase
>craterhoof “please play me before you attack” behemoth
But why
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if you pull out a crypt at the table im pulling this out.

>"noooo i meant the banned cards I want to play!!!"
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She got some new tools recently so I need to do some editing. Can have a little trouble closing out games. Quirion/Scryb Ranger and bounce lands are the mvps. I've also been playing Volrath for a very long time. The jew lotus ban is gonna hurt that one a bit.
I just know it goes great with Rayami.
post irl decks
Pie break
I brainfarted, but the point still stands: I don't want to play Eldrazis or generic big green creatures. I think there's no other option more than big artifacts, since green enchantments are boring. Maybe an aura deck?
Uh, thanks I guess
>$17.99 CAD
No. Tapped treasure tokens when it dies. If anything it's about $12 over priced because it's still in standard.
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sure, here's my favorite deck
There is nothing wrong with you, that is a normal response to a ban you can swap for. Now, if you were some kind of addict with 50 decks with a copy in each one I could see the kind of breakdown people are having, that would be a multiplicative effect.
cope harder knowing you have to pay 5 mana every time you wanted to flicker.
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>tfw bought these as a long term investment
I never noticed that fat fuck has the body of a desert monitor, that's a nice touch to theme the hydra to the plane
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>proxy my decks
>never include gay cards like jew lotus and mana crypt
>even if i did play shit like that i would be unbothered as i paid cents for each of them
Why buy real cards when someone can actively make your cards suddenly worth a fraction of what you paid for them
>graded an 8.5
5 mana to repeatably flicker my entire board and make dozens of tokens to kill you? Sounds like a deal to me.
What if they do a Jeweled Lotus revision and its a 1 mana generate 2 mana for your commander only?
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>Hmm... bussy good...
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Fuck the rules committee
Fuck wotc
And most of all, fuck (you)
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since we're in a new thread I'll just post this one until I take the updated pic of Nekusar
eatin' steak first
Reminder the 1/1 TOR was graded a 9 out of the pack because WotC's print quality is so low.
I got mine from China and I'm still mad
>black core
aww he tore up a proxy woxy
>Nuke investors because fast mana bad
>But don't also ban Sol Ring for the same reason because xD it's le heckin iconic!
nice vintage lands sword bro, based.
i used to have you on discord but i got mental illness and deleted everyone. can i readd you?
i was an ausfag if that helps
Never forget what WotC did
>the only way is to kill the sorin player!!!
or..remove sorin with a removal spell? I knew the RC were mentally retarded shitters who lose to 30 cent cards but holy hell, what's next, crying about sire of stagnation? lmfao
Cut up a real one you fucking coward
so they pumped, dumped and will release a new chase card next set exactly like when they printed omnath
You can counter it, but if it resolves, nothing is stopping the sorin player from getting priority again and activating it
Still, a stupid point from the RC
WotC did what magic players let them do, they did whatever they wanted because they weren't stopped
>crying about sire of stagnation?
I played the eldrazi precon at my lgs and literally everyone complained about this card
yeah, this is fucking not good bros
No worries, sure
mental illness do be like, and thank you
OTJ had a lot of 'neat' art pieces in service of a world they told us barely anything about.
OTJ was based and fuck anyone who hated on it.
they should do more sets like it.
so now that mana crypt is banned can I finally by the ixalan alt art without spending a fortune?
Wait like a week when supply is flush
Just keep watching the market and pull the trigger when you feel it gets low enough. The only home it has now is in vintage and that is as a 1-of in decks.
Gay Bolas in return to Tarkir?
Wait like a week when the acceptance stage is reached. It might be two more weeks.
I like it conceptually, but I just wish they had a fucking Planeswalker's Guide or Legends article or anything to tell us anything about this place and why people are there.
...why would you buy a card you can't use?
MTG prices follow 3 week to 2 month cycles.
Prices for cards almost always stabilize to their final value within 3 weeks to 2 months of reprints/bannings/etc.

Chill for a short while.
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i don't think smelltable players are taking the bans well
>Ah shit we can't actually do anything neat or cool with the Wild West ever again in any medium because natives
Be careful, it's still played in vintage and they're likely to reverse their ban. If it goes below 200, pull the trigger.
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same reason I own this
it's cool and I like looking at it
>it is.... le bad for le format ;]

>tainted pact/demonic consultation not even considered
>ad nauseum not even on the radar
>sheldon menery has never once seed a Food Chain at his table
>whinges about wanting to police "fast mana"
>leaves ancient crypt, mana vault, lion's eye diamond, grim monolith and mox diamond to celebrate at the funeral
>gaea's cradle still legal
>TIMETWISTER still legal

hourly reminder this is all brought to you by the genetic retards who think Sway of the Stars is too powerful for their format
>All the architecture on Pooladesh is swirled like a shit
Really makes you think
Sway the stars isnt too powerful, it just makes the entire game before it irrelevant.
what kinda curly-ass poops have u been making anon
which one of you did this?
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You must first acquire harmony within yourself, and spirals will follow
Dear /edhg/, I want to make a Jeskai enchantment deck with the sole purpose of putting a variety of enchantments under the control of everybody at the table via recurring fractured identity. Any recommendations? It's not really a donate deck because I want the whole table to have a copy, so Zedruu is out unless someone can give me a compelling reason to run him.
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Whenever you're doing dumb shit in Jeskai and want to slow the game down, it's nice to only be attacked by one person.
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>wins only by turn 8 or turn 9
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dude is out there taking those cosmic geometry shits
that's why I never take the rc or this general seriously, they are so divorced from what the average person actually plays in edh that they're effectively nogames passing rule judgements, it's absurd
How many asshurt fags are going to ask to Rule 0 absurdly busted cards that got banned now?
I'm all for Rule 0ing your own banlist.
I am not for Rule 0ing things off the banlist.

Fucking nobody wanted Mana Crypt in the format. It was just something you had to play because it was broken. Good riddance.

Now if only the RC wasn't a bunch of cowardly retards, and they banned Sol Ring too.
Let's say that cedh gets its own rules committee. Who would earn that responsibility? Would they be elected?
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>absurdly busted cards
turn 0-1 tainted/thoracle wins are commonplace now, legal and wholly encouraged
why do you care if billy plays an emrakul on turn 8? who gives a fuck if todd reanimates a griselbrand in his mono black deck on turn 4?

the entire banlist is complete nonsense, because there's no consistent thought-process across any of it. the only thing preventing people from not turning it into a format of purely thoracle/foodchain is community goodwill of wanting to actually play the game

recurring nightmare? reanimator combo is slower than thoracle wins
power 9? thoracle decks already consistently end the game turns 0-1 already
cutesy feelbad shit like rofellos and ionia? oh no, it's fucking Mono Green i'm going Fucking Insane, Holy Shit the Mono Color Deck Can't Play Their Shitty Fucking Spells!
why is stranglehold legal if feelsbads are banned? why is opposition agent legal?

there is zero consistency in any of the ban logic, and fuck you i'm asshurt about it
Found the cuck who actually runs cards like Dockside/Crypt lmao
>Now if only the RC wasn't a bunch of cowardly retards, and they banned Sol Ring too.
Based and checked
it's ok bro he's never had to play against food chain or thoracle decks therefore they're balanced
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I got word from a friend that wotc corporate is fired up today. There's a lot of buzz around the office and higher ups are not happy.
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i'm the cuck who got mad about the primeval titan ban and never recovered
"oh no every game is people bouncing Primeval Titan with Deadeye Navigator! what should we do?"
>ban primeval titan
>deadeye combo remains a staple of the format until powercreep happens 6+ years later
genuine retardation, always has been
the RC will walk it back, Sheldon was the only one with the ability to stick to his nonsensical decisions
Go to reddit or twitter and bring back some salt
Is that even salt? Do better anon.
>bans suck cause now I can't play my deck
>I always play with rule 0
That's an oxymoron
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updated my Nekusar deck
all I really did was add Withering Torment and Needlehead
>I tried posting defending cedh on other MTG subreddits
So he went out of his cave to bother regular people and was surprised no one wanted to listen to his bitching?
>Their reasoning was nonsense
Made perfect sense to me
Cedh niggers have been exposed forever. I hope they ban toracle next.
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What is the meaning of kwab?
a weak, blubbery mass, notably: of human or animal tissue, such as quivering flesh, or a brain lobe. of aquatic plants.

Noun · a weak, blubbery mass, notably: of human or animal tissue, such as quivering flesh, or a brain lobe; of aquatic plants · (zoology) any of several eel

Kwab may refer to: Sparisoma chrysopterum, a species of parrotfish also known as kwab or pink kwab; KWAB-TV, a television station in Big Spring, Texas
This is cope, nobody plays banned cards
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>MTG is the one game popular enough where multiple formats are both supported and popular.
>Every single one of them except for EDH has a decently healthy playerbase sans maybe Paper Vintage
>You pick the one fucking format out of a dozen where people DONT want to play competitively
>Ruin it with your absolutely obsession with competitiveness and winning
Reap what you sow you cEDH faggots.
cEDH is for faggots who have the capital to play Legacy/Modern but are too chickenshit to do so without busted mana rocks and a 9 card opening hand.
"Kek What a Bitch"
In the spirit of cEDH, battle royale. The best players set the rules, if somebody doesn't like it they can challenge them, hop in the pod, and eliminate somebody else. Then it can finally, truly be determined who has won Elder Dragon Highlander.
I’m mostly annoyed about the Dockside ban because I have intense autism about the aesthetics of my deck and so have to find something that not only works as a sidegrade or downgrade but is also available in borderless. I might have to reconfigure my deck to move a different slot into the borderless treatment and then put in Charming Scoundrel or something in Dockside’s place.
>wet spot on the table.
Actually perfect representation.
Ah yes, fringe cEDH decks like
*checks notes*
Nadu, which got the #6 amount of top 16 placements for a 1y timeframe in a 3m period, and had the highest conversion rate out of the top 100 decks.
Its banned for the same reason the sub game cards are banned
Remember that turn 5 Sorin is considered over 75% power level and is basically cEDH tier in the RC's agreed power levels
>not posting the empty legacy table one
>people still freak out when I play Norin with impact tremors
Pic related is literally me when I play norin and impact tremors
So whats the aftermath of the bans? People still seething?
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Literally me
Oh yeah those to-decks that
*checks notes*
not use mana crypt and even jeweled lotus at all, fore sure
What does that even mean? Nadu was played for like a month, no one had time to adapt to it, and by then everyone knew it wasnt that great, just nondeterministic and boring, so they moved on.
The RC will reverse their decision, investor fags are in shambles and this is great, cedh is largely apathetic to the whole thing, other formats are loving every minute.
>I cast smuggler
It's a testament to how enduring this meme is that it was around when Smuggler's Copter was in Standard and the same shit keeps happening. Then they banned the Looter Scooter and everyone lived happily ever after.
>The RC will reverse their decision
> investor fags are in shambles and this is great
>Cedh is largely apathetic to the whole thing
>other formats are loving every minute.
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Who's been timed out or banned from the official commander discord for making fun of people crying about the bans
>>Every single one of them except for EDH has a decently healthy playerbase sans maybe Paper Vintage
>has a decently healthy playerbase
>It was actually bad! People didn't adapt yet
It's being played in Legacy right now where you can't put it back in the command zone.
If I were the RC, and I'm not, and I knew for sure Wizards had intent to take over the format officially, which they don't, then offloading tons of expensive staples at peak price, banning them, and then picking them up for cheap regardless of what Wizards scrambles to do in response could make sense to just make as much money as possible as they chalk up their hands to toss you out the door. To not look like clowns beholden to randoms on a rules committee and go along with it before reversing decision is probably being run through various rooms right now.
Even if it's a broken card, people who are screeching MUH SOL RING Whataboutism are straight retarded.
The things come in every fucking precon for over a decade now. There's no way they can axe the fucking thing.
Mana Crypt hit maybe <5% of the playerbase.
Banning Sol Ring is affecting probably 99%+ of it.
Wizards WOULDN'T allow it.
>A group of self appointed leftoids decide and tell you that you can't play with your cards
>The whole internet either spergs out or obeys

Lmao even

Can't wait the moment when someone makes a scene when I play my mana crypt and tells me something like I lose the game or I can't play anymore. But guess what? It will never happen. I never met such screeching cringelords and incels like the ones I see online.
>he uses discord
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Yea it's an easy way to stay in contact with friends
Hasbro backhanded wotc for being retarded, and wotc is in the process of delivering that message to the RC. It's silly nonsense that might result in line go down. As to cedh, people who play monocolour decks are mad about lotus (which was never good in the first place), everyone collectively shrugged about crypt apart from it being poorly handled based on flimsy premises, literally no one cared about nadu getting hit, and dockside was a long time coming.
this is the quiet dude at your LGS anons
>when I play my mana crypt
I accept your concession
The only complaints actually related to game balance I've seen have been along the lines of "X was very strong, but maybe not quite banworthy". The only people seething are "investors" who complain the value of their cards went down.
I say screw them. Whether a card should or should not be banned should be based on whether it has a negative impact on the metagame, not whether it affects the monetary value of the card. If being expensive was a valid reason to not ban a card, then why is Black Lotus banned everywhere outside Vintage?
Even with the shambles that Modern and Legacy are in because of Horizons, neither Yugioh nor Pokemon come anywhere near the format diversity that Magic has.
The ONLY one I think think of is GOAT/Edison in Yugioh, but thats it.
Fucks sake Ive even been to stores that host Premodern.
No other card game has that sort of community.
>card comes out that's actually cedh viable
>people play it cuz no one knows how to play against it yet
>ohoh high conversion rate
you're an idiot, I bet you play cancerous control decks and then cry when other people play black to rip the cards out of your hand
Then leave the table and play with someone else. Lmao.
>Admits to pubstomping
I bet your balding and wear glasses.
>t when someone makes a scene when I play my mana crypt and tells me something like I lose the game or I can't play anymore.
the funniest treatment to these types of people is to tell them they can 'play pretend' any banned card they want into their hand at that given moment
they always do some boring shit like black lotus/ancestral and it never makes much difference
>I play Mana Crypt
>Anon you can't, it's banned.
>Everyone shrugs and just decides to ignore your presence at the table while we play
>"Heh, fucking owned libtards."
This is a fun week.
yeah sol ring is a whole other beast to tackle from a meta perspective
plus mana crypt is 0 cost compared to sol ring 1, which makes also a difference
A cheap card that every deck needs is exactly the kind of card that should be banned.
The format existing in theory is not the same as it existing in practice. There's 5 stores that host YGO while the nearest store that hosts Standard (or Modern) is a 45m drive. Legacy/Vintage is downright impossible to find.
nobody does that, they just adjust just like how people still play golos, griselbrand and primeval titan. Just like people play sway the stars. The conversation will actually go like this
>isn't that card banned?
>yes, but it's a stupid ban
>I agree, I was so mad when they banned worldfire
>*game continues*
this should immediately call whoever your local law enforcement is, because guaranteed you have had inappropriate contact with children
No, I never pubstomp out of common courtesy. Sometimes I hold back if I realize my deck is overpowering the rest and I always try to make sure the other players are having fun too. But if you are demented enough to make a scene if I play a certain card and ruin the whole table you can leave.
Stella Lee is cEDH viable and did not have this play or conversion rate at all.
No. The Internet loves to blow things out of proportion. I had everything that was banned except Nadu in my mono red deck, but Im fine, theres plenty of other options. A good life motto- it is what it is.
This is a comment by someone who is actually stable and can interact with people.
Yeah. I would prefer for Sol Ring to be banned since it has the same fundamental issue as Mana Crypt (one of your card slots is automatically dedicated to it, meaning less choice in deck construction), but at least Sol Ring is so cheap and ubiquitous that having one in every deck is actually possible, unlike with Crypt. At this point it's more like basic lands: do they get used in almost every deck? Yes. Does that take up slots you'd rather you for some actually cool spells? Yes. But taping lands for mana is part of the core game mechanics so we don't really complain about having a third of our decks dedicated to them. Same with Sol Ring. A Commander deck is for all intents and purposes you commander, Sol Ring, and 98 cards of your choice (except about a third of them will probably have to be lands for the deck to actually work), and that's just how the game works. Might as well complain about needing to have a commander.
>Gets cops called on
>Goes to prison
In like three shells. The breakfast one seems like the best, though the meta has adapted. Green suns noncombo toolbox seems like the worst. And I think it's a one-of in a throwback bant deck that isnt great instead lf uro, but that deck was outdated before beans was a thing.

Yup, exactly. The type of people om the rc are circle jerking clout chasing faggots who barely understand mtg, and their first act without our immortal lord and savoir sheldon was to kick a hornets nest straight into their house. They're going to jump ship, it would be retarded not to after a blunder of this magnitude.
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>Stella Lee is cEDH viable
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>Is that....is that a seven mana creature?? In MY format? The format in which I rule like a king and ordered them not to play it? Playing a card that I forbid is against the LAW. They test ME, KING OF ELDER DRAGON HIGHLANDER????
>What is your favorite Mono commander to play?
because she is not cedh viable
It is a one card combo with cerulean wisps
If you think the #27 cEDH commander is "not viable" then cEDH is not a real format. It's a farce.
bro you could bond it with a Deadye Navigator and bounce it a couple times
imagine how bad that would feel for your opponents, have you no heart? fucking tryhard
She literally is and top 4'd several cedh tournaments
brother. Ugin's labyrinth was printed like 3 months ago
you are all DELUSIONAL if you think a replacement for mana crypt isn't coming. You will all live with fast mana and deal with it, even if it doesn't take the form of an overpriced artifact
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In theory? Absolutely. 100% agree.
But the execution would be impossible, and the repercussions would be massive.
Sol Ring is damn near a symbol of EDH. I can't think of any other card in any other card game or format in a card game that is as ubiquitous as Sol Ring is to Commander.
Does that make it okay? No, not at all. It's still a busted card.
But imagine the sheer amount of shit that WotC would have to go through to ban that card. Imagine having to explain to a new player that that "Ready to Play" product they found at their LGS or Target is actually illegal to play and you MUST swap out this one artifact card that used to come in EVERY DECK otherwise your deck isn't legal.
The logistics of the whole situation would be an absolute fucking nightmare.
Sol Ring would have had to been banned either BEFORE precons ever started to be made, or early on in the life cycle of precons, like 2015 or so.
Now? It's far too late.
>not viable" then cEDH is not a real format. It's a farce
yes, it is
that's why when stupid bans come out that make the farce worse instead of better people complain. Good job for finally using that noggin of yours instead of crying about a bird
so true, when are we banning island?
and RDW top 4ed several standard tournaments, but nobody is running around pretending rdw is anything but a meme that sometimes works
No u
>2 additional mana is busted
tired of this meme
the whataboutism for sol ring is insane. Shut up
if they didn't print any 0 cost artifacts in MH3, I can't see any other product having one any time soon
It's mostly nogames theory crafters who say this stuff then make up math to justify it. Then they get the card, realize their hypothetical combo isnt in their hand, cast something quickly, eat a table of hate, and slowly ping themselves to death with the stupid thing.
That's two cards, retard anon.
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>Literally just worse Chromatic Orrery
>investors seething
>meanwhile I am here sitting with 30k in legacy decks with nobody to play with
>i hope every day that they decide to at least remove dual lands from RL and just fucking print them
No. Fake formats don't deserve respect. 99-card singleton ending with kingmakers forcing draws is not a format that deserves any respect.
I'm in the same boat anon. The worst part is they powercrept my "budget" decks out of legacy (8/12cast, monoblack midrange, goblin stompy) and now I'm stuck eternally waiting for something new to revitalize me.
anyone who spends money on this game is a fucking moron
just buy proxies for 1/100th the price
I lost a couple cents you lost hundreds of dollars AHAHAHAHAH
go to bed grandpas
RDW is a classic eternal archetype in every competitive format of magic you dumb dumb
Remember, there is no cedh, there is only edh; some people are just better at it than others.
Wizards sold literal, actual proxy cards for $1000 and people still didn't get the message, they won't now
You always have access to your commander in your hand
2 mana in a format where your all encompassing value engine cost 2 more to play after its removed.
But you still need to resolve it you dim bulb, and it's the most telegraphed card in your deck. If anything comboing with your commander is a drawback outside of the first time you surprise people with it.
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>Bring my 3000 dollar Kess deck to an LGS
>Timmies 1,2, and 3 all sit down with their dinosaur precons
>Stomp the shit out of them by turn 3
>Heh, guess that's just a skill issue.
Holy fuck anon you're so cool and mysterious and I'm sure everyone will invite you back to play again and you'll make plenty of friends.
>Fucks sake Ive even been to stores that host Premodern
That's cool anon, but I've been to stores all over my state and can count the amount of times I've seen a table playing a non edh format on my hands, and that's counting pauper games at my hole in the wall lgs.
Agreed, these retards need to get their heads checked.
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>tfw my playgroup had already house banned Crypt, Lotus, and even Sol Ring
more people need to acknowledge that they're just bad at the game
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>they're likely to reverse their ban
What's the expiration date on this cope?
I'm not going to act like EDH ISNT far and away the most popular format, it absolutely is for a multitude of reasons, but I still stand by my assertion that no other game has as many popular, consistently played formats that MTG does and finding something like a Modern or Standard tournament isn't that outlandish if you are a competitively minded player.
>save me BBB!
>Sheldon's ghost is erasing my value!
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imagine being the wagie at 7:30 am replying to retards like this
I have to drive
to play any 1v1 format
You are saying this is a sign of success.
>elaborate hypothetical trying to guilt trip people
Classic scrub. First of all, kess is more like $10k and is currently outdated. Second, that would be incredibly boring and very unlikely to happen because almost everyone with a deck like that has a few other decks. No one enjoys games lile that, they're purely hypothetical, especially if you've spent the time and effort to build a complicated deck like that. Third, the average lgs dweller has a deck in the $300-$500 range with a few bells and whistles, though varying build quality, very few people roll precons straight out of the box.

Can we skip to the part where you admit you dont actually enjoy playing bad decks when they lose, though they were never designed to win, and want to play close meaningful games with people at the same relative power level, or are you going to pretend to be retarded and samefag for a bit?
Many other anons and I aren't able to find a 1v1 table, nevermind a tournament, within an hour drive. 60 card competitive formats aren't realistically played in most areas anymore.
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First of all
>I drive FORTY FIVE MINUTES to play a 1v1 format.
I drive 40 to my LGS to play EDH because the people are much more chill than the LGS thats 15 minutes away from me.

Secondly, my point is that in any other card game you'd have ZERO options. That forty five minute drive wouldn't exist. In any other card game you'd play EDH or you'd play FUCKING NOTHING AT ALL. The fact that you have the OPTION proves my point because that doesnt exist in Pokremon/ Yugioh.
It's the reality. WotC is mad. Hasbro will be mad, if they arent mad yet. The rc has an incredibly flimsy argument for their existence in the first place, they will obviously cave or be replaced.
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>Words words words words
I accept your heartfelt concession, despite it's schizophrenic delivery.
Thanks anon!
I think that maximizing cEDH player suffering is a worthwhile moral endeavor that is worth pursuing, so i am very happy with the RC's decision
dockside killed my grandma
As expected of country grown vegetables. Take your three thread time out and try again. I believe in you anon, you can surpass your limitations and ascend in your shitposting, you just need to apply yourself and work on it.
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I'm still playing it
>Sol Ring: Handsome. Doesn't hurt partner in bed.
>Mana Crypt: Ugly. Hurts partner in bed.
No way. That might be the most damning evidence of all, wotc is usually extremely quick to update that stuff.
>Banning Crusade? That's fine
>Banning Mana Crypt? They've crossed the line!
>it's real
What did they mean by this?
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RC/CAG fags, trannies, and jeets will be removed and papa Hasbro will save the day.
This argument is disingenuous because that's like saying I can go play TOSS format in YGO. Yes it's a real format that you can find a group for. It's however not nearly as popular as the premier format and when your premier format is the shitshow that is EDH that's an awful situation. You are driving 40 minutes to play the same format just because the closest store is full of spergs. I have never had this issue in any game but MtG.
The fucking BLM bans still piss me off and I hate that people didn't give a shit about them because of retarded ass virtue signalling.

The only card that shouldve ever been axed was arguably Invoke Prejudice. That's it.
All of the other bans were such a fucking sham.
Are we getting any more Dead by Daylight promotional tie-ins?
>Open companion app by WotC
>Says Island isn't legal in Pioneer
Finally. God bless.
Lmao the cope just keeps coming
Nah invoke prejudice is fine. Only faggot jews think that history shouldn't be remember
Ya know, these bitches wouldn't have lasted in the 2005 to 2010 era of EDH. When the RC were banning and unbanning multiple cards every month.
The ban page itself says
>This is a reproduction of the announcement from the Commander Rules Committee. You can read the complete announcement and explanation at mtgcommander.net.
Posted by the Commander Rules Committee as their one article there. The non-zeo chance some low level manager just OK'd this article from them to be posted on the official Wizards site on previous orders to go along with what the RC says is pretty funny but I doubt it
I guess my argument is that you're much more likely to find people playing Modern/Standard/Pauper/Draft in MTG than you are to find people playing Edison/GOAT/TOSS in Yugioh.
Again, I 100% agree that EDH's popularity has gobbled up alot of other formats that used to be FNM staples like Modern/Standard/etc. (though there are other factors that contributed to this.) I would still argue that in most places it's easier to find competitively minded 1v1 formats in Magic than other card games.
Modern might not be the king it once was, but it still absolutely exists for the competitively minded players who want to play a competitive format, though I concede mileage may vary and that the landscape might look very different if you live in a part of the US/World where you have one or two LGSes and that's your lot.

As for my own situation, I drive 40 minutes because the people by me ONLY play CEDH, and I am much more of a MAKE NEW RAT beer and chips kind of guy, which is the vibe at the LGS I drive 40 minutes to has.
>it so fishy they sell product but also ban product
>muh market value
Rule zero should in theory sort out a lot of the issues presented by powerful, fast-mana cards like Crypt and Lotus, but in reality there's not much someone would do if the rule zero conversation didn't favour those cards.
In my opinion, for those specific cards, it's very reasonable to suggest replacing Crypt and Lotus with a basic land if the vibe of the table is much lower power, but would the sorts of players running that actually agree?
I guess my point is that rule zero is much more implementable and for a wider range of cards during the deck building stage rather than sitting at a table where someone only has high-power fast decks whilst another player might only have jank and battlecruiser decks.
Again, it's why I said arguably. While I personally don't care, I understand how the community and populace at large could consider IP's art offensive.
The others were such a fucking joke though.
A fucking ANTHEM EFFECT got banned because some spicy memers posted memes about Christian Crusaders.
And no one gave a FUCK because "muh BLM."
>we at wotc have nothing to do with this, dont get mad at us
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Look at these fancy coasters. Haha...
To be fair, there is alot of "coincidence" that happens with the financial side of Magic cards that has raised alot of suspicion over the years.
The market trends before Pioneers announcement were awfully serendipitous.
WotC absolutely do "insider trading" and while it's not illegal, people have started to take notice of how they try to move the needle.
And you can have it all
My empire of dirt
>still keeping them sleeved
No they’re not. Memory deluge was incorrectly marked as standard legal for a week.
But they're still expensive you know... Right?
>woman and a paypig
Good, maybe these people will stop playing MTG.
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They have been every other ban announcement, particularly after one this big, and literally no one cares about standard.
>room temp water
Not even going to (Y ou), faggot.
Manacurves is a chick, you can tell because she puts they/them in her bio lol
Well again, they don’t have direct control over commander bans (which haven’t happened in years anyway) so it’s not that nuts that it slipped through the cracks after one day.
And people do care about standard again, it caused a whole glitch in MTGO
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Reminder to take the premodern pill.
I really dislike that artwork. Reminds me of aztek stuff. I find those things ugly
>Even if you can't play it
Imagine buying a home and then voluntarily moving onto the street because Jack Faggot from the House Committee banned living indoors
I don't think I've heard a dumber comparison.
I attend my local game store weekly and have for like 10 years. No one has ever rolled up with a banned card and asked to play it. This is purely some fantasyland scenario you've concocted.
Destroy it. Demonstrate your resolve for the world to see.
This is the most apples to oranges shit I've ever heard. Please fuck off because your IQ is clearly room temperature.
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>Get hundreds of dollars stolen from you by insider traders
>a-a-actually it's okay because they're allowed to do it!
Genuine battered woman syndrome, probably stoked for the Marvel sets as well
I accept your concession
Cardboard investor sisters... It's over...
That's a good thing actually. Learn to take it like the good goy you are.
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Based, let the seethe continue
We all know the format would be better with Sol Ring gone, and yet they won't ban it.
How curious...
>trusting anything gavin says
>especially on discord
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Troons with $0 to their names won.
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Stolen how? I still own the card. It's in my hands right now.
What, is the RC and it's Pinkerton goons about to bust down my door and demand my Crypt at gunpoint?
What exactly has been stolen? Please show your work.
And no, something depreciating in value because of a shift in societal norms is not theft.
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>There is no intention to reverse these bans
Post the discord code so we can call him a faggot to his face.
sol ring isn't prohibitively expensive or a win con, near everyone has it
discord.gg/commander harassment is only a 1 hour timeout but if you mention proxies it's a permanent ban
>you dont actually enjoy playing bad decks when they lose, though they were never designed to win, and want to play close meaningful games with people at the same relative power level
they can never admit this because if they actually played "close" games they'd realize they simply suck at magic and then they'd have no excuses to hide behind anymore
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I haven't bought a magic card in like 2 years
You are the tard who went gambling and stock trading. Get buttfucked.
I only buy anime cards
>There are NO intentions to reverse bans
>Wait 6 months after buying up all the banned cards
>Release official cEDH format where bans are not applied
This guy gets it.

Thank you. I will be back with salt.
>several people are typing
>"I am going to be a salty investor"
>gets 1 hour timeout or banned
Have fun with that.
I would be calling him based
Anon, I've been on 4chan for 16 years. I'm going to bait them into saying some dumb shit and post it here for the lulz.
It better be funny.
Nice fancy words magic man but your valuable card is no longer valuable because the money energy contained within is was stolen, simple as that, when you wipe the tears off your face you'll see I'm on your side in all this
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Can someone recommend me some funny tech cards for him?
You ever consider something can be valuable to someone outside of it's monetary value?
>harassment is only a 1 hour timeout but if you mention proxies it's a permanent ban
>bro my dad gave me this foil mana crypt before he died bro it's so important, that's why it's double sleeved, the sentimental value
a ton of you guys are going through the stages of grief with all this, all at different rates, anonymously. What a mess.
cedh will not become an official format. Wotc will invent a paper version of brawl instead, so basically commander but any planeswalker can be your commander
it will have its own ban list and people will flock to it because they want to be assured in their product purchases.
Commander will remain its own casual format and finally the people who enjoy high power commander can have their fun without stepping on the toes of casual edh players
I've learned from the past the nothing's forever. I used to play with pod in modern and on that day I vowed to never buy magic singles or boosters that are above a big mac's price. Only if the cardboard is really what I want, like or need then I'm willing to get it. Also at my locals everybody plays jank to begin with and a literal two mana counterspell is seen as a salty card.
What are the stages of happiness?
Wotc can invent whatever they want
Player made formats are the future
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>You're SOOOOOO upset dude
>I mean maybe a little but not really
Okay anon. Whatever you say.
I already ordered a Delighted Halfling to replace the Crypt.
Maybe one day you'll understand that there exists rational people who don't have Twitter brainrot and someone can lose 400 bucks and move on with their life.
Does it suck? I mean yeah, sure.
But the format is better for these bans, and as someone who enjoys EDH as a format and Magic as a game, that's more important in the grand scheme of things.
I don't treat the game as a stock market. And even on the occasion I buy expensive cardboard, I do it knowing full well sometimes my cards will increase in value, and sometimes they'll decrease. That's just how collectibles work, dude.
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Just this one singular stage right here
I could get used to this
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My Gorion deck! It's janky, but it's won way more games than it deserves to have won.
tl;dr crybaby
>adventure shit
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el em ef ay oh
that's a fucking female? Jesus
My fucking sides. You get what you deserve scum.
Looks sick desu
Recommend a mono blue commander
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More like Swoleburrow; the more you eat the bigger you get, the bigger you get the more you fuck.
you want creatures and enchantments that are bad in your possession or are beneficial to you when leaving the battlefield, like Hopeless Nightmare and Treacherous Blessing
He deserves a medal
I doubt hes going to get it though
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I'm just playing two sol rings from now on
I really like the fish
You could try Octavia. It's fairly different compared to other blue commanders and can be built on the cheap, just fill it with token generators like Murmuring Mystic and cantrips then swing for big damage.
Holy shit these people are not anonymous at all. Like they didnt even try.
still coping and seething in this thread too, huh? How long do you think the petulant bitch-fit will last, anons? Another week? Two?
More salt
>people form their identity around playing one single cedh deck that mostly wins a single way and will quit if parts gets banned
Is this true? Thats kinda sad.
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>Self important people who imposed their beliefs from their echo chamber upon the entire world.
The irony of a cEDH faggot saying shit like this is so potent it could kill an elephant stone dead from 500 yards.
Holy fuck these people are mentally ill.
>being in charge of casual may as well mean nothing at all
>the way 90+% of players play the most popular mtg format
I'm actually starting to feel bad for them. Imagine being this set in your ways.
The irony of you finding that ironic is hilarious.
>screw anyone who wants to win before turn 10
LMAO did this faggot had even played a high powered edh
cEDH faggots have browbeat the format to their retarded need to compensate for their tiny pensis for way too long. They can fuck off and play any other format rather than shitting up EDH.
We have had enough of their kvetching and bullshit, and seemingly, so has the RC.
Cope and fucking seethe. These bans affect less than 5% of the EDH community at large.
Why do you think winning before turn 10 is high power? I can consistently win before that with my nonsense decks
self delusion is powerful
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It's a shame we're in this lame timeline of lame faggots. I have exciting information that would make oldfags laugh but fill everyone else with existential dread. Maybe you have suggestions on where this information could be shared? After all it is my specialty. It is most definitely magic related, but this is no longer the right place for such things.
>no professional in the room
who is gonna tell him? i mean, wait for him to come down from his tantrum, you don't want to get too close to a tard swinging his arms around in impotent rage.
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Rule zero is the biggest faggotry ever create in the history of this game.

If I sit in a commander table in any LCS around the planet I should be able to play what is allowed to win. It's the same logic of every tournament available. You sit there to win. The objective of the game is to win. Who gives a shit if my opponent is playing a jank squirrel tier 3 deck.I am fundamentally based to win the moment I joined the game.
These are the same people who vote left
That, ironically, is exactly what you were complaining about, but the shoe is on the other foot. Casuals have, consistently, been both the biggest shitposters and loudest faggots in the format. It doesnt matter what you change, some people will be better than others, and people will adapt. The only ones who cant are a cult of retards that constantly lie to themselves to justify their own existence.
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Because as it turns out, Magic is not a well-balanced game and playing it optimally has been a slog for years, which is exactly why every other format is dead.
It kinda seems like people thought they were more intelligent for playing busted cards and now that a couple are gone they might realize they were midwits like the rest of us all along
>95% of the community thinks a game piece is problematic
>5% don't
>Clearly we have to cater to that 5%
Shut up retard, go cry about it.
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>cedhtards go pubstomping
>just proving what everyone thought about their kind and people who lied their cedh decks were 7s.
everyone should play to win, but you must also realize the inherent gayness of bo1 free for all and how non competitive it is and maybe not try and optimize the fun out the game, because a table of lower power decks can still play kingmaker/team up on you and you will lose. if you want to play high power or something actually competitive, go play a real format. this is for people who want to play monopoly or clue with their friends, but maybe have it be a little bit more engaging.
Correct, learn rogsi and smash these fags until they form a real banlist.
>No links
Try again retard
The exact opposite.

This is also fair.

Here you go, complaining about people having fun again and using hypotheticals to justify it with made up numbers you pulled from your ass. Not all opinions are equal.
>organized pubstomping
Man they really are malding against the casual side
trying to think of how to use this and break stuffy doll
No Lotus, No Links
I’m aware, just asking if there’s any that are particularly fun to abuse and recur and lesser known
Just rule zero among yourselves dickhead you even fucking got your own table
Don't care. Keep seething. Keep crying.
To be fair, they've been slinging shit nonstop since the announcement and throwing themselves a faggot parade, when in reality it kicked casuals down a full peg in terms of powerlevel. You reap what was sewn, stupid games and stupid prizes and all that.
Cancerous OP with no links
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>Not all opinions are equal.
yeah, and yours obviously isn't worth anything because it still got banned LMAO
Exactly. Why should anyone care about your opinion? You dont even play magic.
based op with no links
literally 'no u'
cmon now
My opinion is that the justification is retarded, and if you were going to ban crypt, you should have done it 15 years ago before reprinting it twelve times and promising casuals it will be the cool new chase collectors item. You know, a reasonable one founded in logic.
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Love me some seas. Love me some skies. Love me some "Island, pass."
>cedh babbies crying because they're addicted to degenerate fast mana
>casual babbies pouring salt in the wound because they've been crying about cedh babbies for years
>investor babbies crying because they're too dumb to invest in proper assets
Damn this format really is filled with gay retards on every end. I've wanted format splits for years but you fags always tell me no, now it might finally be time for
>standard edh
>pioneer edh
>modern edh
>legacy edh
>vintage edh
Players win. Brewers win. Shops win. Evil investors win. Game quality goes up. When will you fags finally embrace the glorious vision of stapling edh to already existing formats?
Okay anon. Whatever you say. Keep pouring your tears into my cup.
They tried this with Brawl and it's proven its an absolute dogshit format.
still legal in vintage, still makes appearances in cubes, you can still rule 0 for higher power level (like lots have done before. there are still golos decks being built, there are still decks that use channel, there are still decks with emrakul). an 80 dollar card is still a chase card, retardo. and again, your opinion is still not worth much, because you are still impotently screeching into the void!
>standard edh
Ew now. But we can have the rest.
Just don't post in it. Problem solved.
That's my point. Even with the banning a good deck can still win before turn 10 and it just shows how much fast mana has become a crutch for all these so called competitive player.
Duel commander is unironically more fun than Cedh tho
AHAHAAH got immediately banned from discord slop
Alright I've done a ton of cutting but I need some help on the last few cards. https://www.moxfield.com/decks/Hz0U2kM2Jka4-mWHgqdC6w
The idea of the deck, inspired by an anon a short while ago, is to cast Licia repeatedly for cheap by gaining life, and exploit the multiple ETBs with things like Warstorm Surge and Sanguine Bond, especially with anthems or other effects that make her bigger when she enters. Then I can use fight/fling effects to do some more damage and be able to cast her again. The Angels are there because I like the idea of an Angel/Vampire duo tribal deck, but also because some of them at least have decent synergy.
I just can't figure out the last 10 cards to cut, I'm considering at least the following:
Mila - Actually for Lukka and specifically his ult as that's a warstorm surge on an emblem. Great to have but too greedy?
Drana, Olivia (cleavage ver.) - Brings creatures back from the graveyard which is nice but not directly helpful?
Debt vs Exsanguinate - below 6 mana Exsanguinate is better, above that Debt is better. Not sure if I'm really going to be casting that sort of spell for high cmc.
True Conviction - Nice to have but pretty greedy. Really just want it for lifelink for all my creatures.
I'm also unsure of my mana base since I have only 35 lands but 10 rocks.
God no, what a horrible take.

You're right, but the timing of the announcement and their justification js retarded, just like the people advocating for the ban in the first place. Aint even mad, it's like being mad someone shot themselves in the foot to spite you. While they hop and cheer, in reality my foot is fine and they're the ones left with a limp.
Uhh.. no... anon. Are you dumb? The fast mana is supposed to annihilate chance. A card game is pure chance, 0 skill. Fast mana turns some of that chance into skill.
I mean this is scratching at what the problem with commander is, (one them, at least, and the biggest one) and I don't understand how it's so popular is spite of it. In literally every other widely played game I can think of, the rules and expectations are set in stone. If you show up to a game of pickup basketball and say "erm, I don't like three point shots, can we just ban those?" you will get laughed off the court.

The idea of "rule zero, discuss expectations with your table" should be LAUGHABLE. Commander literally only works because people pretend that it works, and is given a helpful nudge of a 'soft ban list' with some cards being prohibitively expensive. If commander was played the same way every other game was played, well, that would be cEDH, and even if I personally think cEDH is stupid, that's besides the point. The point is that the player base at large doesn't like cEDH and doesn't want to be playing it.

From even a halfway objective standpoint, banning mana crypt and dockside is a good thing for the format, these people are seriously just having a meltdown because they've realized that they spent too much money on cardboard, cardboard whose value is arbitrary and volatile, and they can't come to terms that they've lost money. Banning jeweled lotus and thus making it a card that does literally nothing in every format is a slightly different story, but the card never should have been printed in the first place so fuck that card.
>it's like being mad someone shot themselves in the foot to spite you.
but they haven't shot themselves in the foot.
They sure have. The RC did, and they braying morons did as well, in more ways than one. The real damage wont be felt until they wake up with a hangover and they need to deal with the consequences of their own actions.
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This one, a bit costly, but so is your commander, so you can make it work.
You just sac minions and enchantments and lay down extra control. Add like a smothering tithe or something with treasures or wayfarers bauyble effects that you would run anyways and salt will flow.
>Black Lotus, banned
>Jeweled Lotus, banned
It's that simple
I hope someday do be as hopped up on copium as you are right now, just to experience it once in my life
>The real damage wont be felt until they wake up with a hangover and they need to deal with the consequences of their own actions.
If the real damage is some players quit, that is not really a loss. They are replaceable as it always has been.
Someone should make a counter for days these cards got banned lol
You've been replying to every post in the thread saying it's a cope. Get some new material.

That's not the real damage at all. Think about what happened. I explained it in depth this morning and I'll post about it again another time. I cant be assed to write an essay; I'm playing a new game.
>im playing a new game! you're coping! i could link to the previous post, but im gonna pretend that i HAVE to write a new one and that's too much work for a gamer like myself! :^)
we all know who is coping. this won't do shit.
It's only EDH to you because there's no competition in pubstomping precons. You probably shy away from the cedh tables and cry about proxies too because you're ultimately a pretty bad player. If you weren't you'd be playing another format or actually seeking out ways to improve by actually playing against good decks.

Makes sense though, they don't say this format attracts all the scrubs for no reason.
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I kneel
>Is something wrong with me for NOT caring about the Crypt ban?
I ran crypt in both my Sliver and Eldrazi tribal decks and I'm not upset in the slightest.
Mad why? That's 3 slots open in their most popular format they can now capitalize on and replace to sell packs to the same whales they just raped up the ass. This is a win for WOTC in every way which is why they allowed it to happen. Unless you actually believe these morons will quit their addictions to cardboard, in which case stick around the next few years and you'll get another even better show as to how hasbro handles business.

The rape train only just made a stop we have plenty more stations to go to and a functionally unlimited amount of passengers.
You keep saying stupid shit like this, but you're completely ignoring the fact that WOTC KNEW ABOUT THIS FOR A FUCKING YEAR YOU BABY BRAINED RETARD >>93982472
>the person willing to exchange money for an advantage over their peers is suffering

how delusional do you have to be to beg for sympathy in this scenario lmao. all the spite from us poorfags is built up from the years of seeing people like this shamelessly forego growth and creativity by throwing money at their deckbuilding problems
I'm thrilled with this ban
you are the kind of person who made these bans necessary
The avatar they have kind of gives the text that feel, like they just witnessed a war crime atrocity.
Good that ho fetish seeker deserve worst shit
You're going to be seeing a lot of stages of grief from these people for a while. Acceptance is not going to be easy on this one, but I am confident in saying most of them will live another day to give hasbro plenty more of their hard earned money. That's just how they are, mtg would not be in the state it is now if this weren't the case.
Im pretty sure most cedh players who proxy most/all their staples are perfectly fine where they are and are probably excited to discuss meta changes and replacements for different archetypes
Cedh and duel commander players should just pick up canlander
Good luck casting it without your precious investment slops, especially in green.
A card that every deck needs should be banned.
Here, fixed that for you.
>bigoted, racist
Stopped reading there.
cards should be enjoyed for their art and function, not the price
>Driving a lot of players, myself included from wanting to play with, connect and share space with people that find joy in banning cards
>ban my cards!? i'll ban you!!
lmao so fucking gay
>Bans are almost never on the right side of history
i wonder how he feels about gun laws.
The Joker rising.
>plays cedh
>buys triple digit staples he cant afford and get's financially destroyed
85IQ confirmed. I doubt he can pubstomp anyone playing something above a 5
The debt collectors are looking for the money I spent on crypts
They are being dishonest and think they point out some hypocracy when it's honestly fine because most people will only run one fast mana in their deck (sol ring) and that's it. Consistency and all that.
Meloku is interesting to play around with
Sol ring should still be banned and it probably wouldnt even be that big of a deal, so a bunch of shitty precons are now 99 cards, who cares, turn it into a colorless land or buy literally any other 10 cent card and sub it out.

Hell just play the 99 cards until you figure it out as a new player, no one would care or even notice I dont think there's a single convincing argument for sol ring to stay
JewLo prices are bouncing, it’s not fair. Whales will buy a useless card for $40 just for the chance that it won’t stay useless

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