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Electronic wish fulfilment edition

>Balance Dataslate:

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Info hash: d91d8b9daa9c5dc9105fc0ec09812cbc17a752b5

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>Thread question:
Will someone please save Admech?
All ad mech needs are the 30k models but I don't think GW is set up that way. I hope they get a good kill team at least.
>Thread question:
>Will someone please save Admech?
GW needs to stop the deliberate rivalry they pit their sub-divisions like ForgeWorld and Boxed Games against each other and have all quarters work together to properly make products. And so that hopefully HH units can be usable in 40k.

I want veletaris power axe section so badly in the guard it is unreal. Nobody at the LGS wants to play my homebrew where all I did was copy the Sisters of Battle crusader stats.
I wish Marines didn't have to heir guns so close to their bodies, I hate needing to paint guns separately
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No. Their problem is the same as marines. They have one good detachment and it still feels bad. But because they put up occasional wins they will continue to be ignored
He sees you. He don't like you.
Fuck I thought I cropped that one.
Waiting til Spring 2025
might be a short while
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Big knight or small knights as allies?
Can't go wrong with armigers.
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Emperor's Children confirmed.
How augmented can common shmucks become without being inducted into mechanicus cult?
I want my daemon engines back.
common shmucks
what kind of common are we talking about?
>fiancee left me
>now have way more disposable income
>spent $500 on warhammer last week
Inqusition agent tier shmuck?
Not very. Not just because the Mechanicus keeps tight hold on full-borg cybernetics, but just that even basic prosthetics are prohibitively expensive to the common shmucks of the Imperium.
Now, wealthy nobles could afford to go mostly mechanical without being part of the Mechanicus. Especially if they have connections to heretical ancient or xenos tech.
can be very augmented. read Eisenhorn.
If you're rich or have something they want you can probably get whatever implants you want.
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Oh. Working for the Inquisition? With the Inquisitor's backing, they can go almost full Adam Smasher.
>FOMO got me and I supported the WGA The Damned gamefound
Should I use proxy tanks like pic related as well as the proxy army or should I support the LGS via buying the official Leman Russ kit? The LGS' main source of income is trading cards anyways so maybe it is okay for me to go with proxies?
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I like most of their range, call the cops I don't give a fuck
then very
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>Will someone please save Admech?
He will.
>WGA The Damned
You may as well go full proxy at that point. Do you at least buy paints from the LGS?
>Emperor's Children snorting Thousand Sons to get high as a kite
Sounds about right
That looks more like rubric dust than cocaine, sorry
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Do you ever use a canon character figurine+rules and refluff it (and paint it) as your chapter/regiment/warband/cadre/etc commander?

It's clearly Horus Heresy Salamanders.
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I do buy paints from the LGS when I can. Sometimes the paints aren't there so I order online.

I'm still trying to figure out what chaos runic like symbol I'll use for the chaos guard army like the standard bearers. I want the tanks littered with runic symbols that I'll freehand paint on.
Most nid players do that
I've seen couple people proxy Be'lakor as other stuff
Sometimes marine fellas do it
Post models. Then we'll decide whether we sympathize with you
>I want veletaris power axe section so badly
Go play Horus Heresy then.
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Fuck night lords and marines malevolent. That is all
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Kroot Dragons.
How the fuck do I start playing this game
step 1: have friends
step 2: don't
Combat patrol or boarding action until you build up 1000 points, get a couple games at that to learn your units and game mechanics, then build up to 2k and jump in the shark tank. Practice is the key. Gotta get reps.
don't post that gay furry shit here
self-reporting on what you're reading into a normal model
Looking to get into Necrons, with a fairly diverse army with no specific unit skew. Is there anything in particular that I should really avoid, be it for either utterly dismal rules or poor model quality?
Agreed, I'm pretty sure it's supposed to be the ashes of the Eldar child Vulkan burned alive.
they're really good right now and honestly nothing in their index is innately bad, even the fliers could be useful if u wanna see over terrain, just keep healing every turn and you'll be good
Leagues of Hashut
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>normal model
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I post my stuff plenty anon.
just admit you want to fuck the dragon and stop projecting, freak
Can you make a thematic alpha legion list?
Ugh, this feels like shit but getting a Plasmancer and Skorpekh Lord alone are $125 from that royal court box, and this saves me having to get a combat patrol to start my necron army anyways. Help me justify buying this so I don't regret it, bros. Did I fuck up? I feel like I fucked up.
I'm sorry to hear that anon, I hope it wasn't because of your hobbies
Its still cheaper than the combat patrol + royal court, so its not the end of the world.
Deceptors detachment with plenty of cultists and legionaries.
Naw that's you.
you fucked up dude
a starter set's half cannot cost that much
naa its because of my schizophrenia.
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yah bruled it
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>Want to make alpha legion army
>Remember that all the chaos legionnaires have such bad CTE/Parkinsons that they forgot how to shoot sniper rifles
>no longer want to make an alpha legion army
Our condolences
why don't you play it with loyalists rules?
That's like the only thing I've had cooked for my list so far 2 10 man legionaries and a 5 man squad that's supposed to be the unsung, and 2 10 man cultists and 1 stack of 20
Then I wanted to either do 2 chaos lords for the twins or just field alpharius using Abaddon rules
It's a previous edition's box that's been out of production for a while now. That's honestly a good price, from what I can find now, especially for something with 2 pretty scarce models which haven't been updated for this edition that have only been sold in larger sets.
>The Mordian hits you with that parade ground stare.
>mordians aren't nightsiders
This is fucking me up.
how hard are tyranids to paint?
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Nice try chief.
Not terribly.
Easier than most, organic looking things have more leeway to look good even with mistakes because it can be attributed to biological imperfections, whereas stuff like marines has to be accurate to the model.
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>Pictured: A Primaris Space Marine Reiver, Raven Guard Chapter, 2nd Company, mid-reiving. Colorised.
Trying to paint some already assembled marines. Is it better to prime in black or grey? Also what shade of red should I use for sargent helmets?
Black from below, grey from above
hey to that one guy that was painting figures while I was shoveling sand, I wanna say hi. Anyways fuck the lot of you /40kg/.
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Imagine Andrew Tate as a Commissar in the Imperial Guard.
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Do aspect warriors NEED to be on their original color scheme? I get I can paint them however I like, but would it be fluffy?

Guardians are so meh my infy just won't look like they're part of the army if I have to paint banshees bone, scorpions green, avengers blue, etc. Has anyone managed to keep the vibe of the original colors while also making the AW look like they're from a particular craftworld?

I'm thinking of going with either a green-heavy Biel-Tan or something inspired by NGE, original I know.
I'd rather not
is there a size comparison for the tanks? Also is everything going to be in plastic?
what would he be like?
what would happen to the female guardsmen?
>Imperial official whose whole thing is executing people for cowardice
>A guy who scurried away into a shithole country to dodge getting imprisoned for being a sex trafficker
lol yeah great match bucko
Manipulative shamer that doesn't actually gix anything.
he gets fragged not even a minute into his position.
Give them secondary/hints of the aspect colors
Combat Patrol or Split a starter set with a friend.
its genuinely not worth it. Find some other game in your local area if you really wanna get into a BOARD game.
because he's based
imagine having the top G as your commissar
i would follow him into the depths of the warp
>Do aspect warriors NEED to be on their original color scheme?
No, while they do have their archetypal colours and you're encouraged to have some thematic color element to their uniform, different shrines have different variations.
Dunno, ask /hhg/
I don't think 30K has comissars.
Me but with Joe Biden
He’s a mediocre porn actor, sex trafficker, and grifter preying on the insecurities of beta males. I don’t think you know what based really means. Teddy Roosevelt was based. George Saint Pierre was based. Your dipshit would get raped to death by a slaaneshi daemon or executed by his fellow commissars for inappropriate relationships with the rank and file.
He would have to be a Commissar with the Catachan Jungle Fighters in order to have a regiment that can keep up with him
What do you use for your desert bases?
Posted this on WIP, a friend of mine printed this Trukk proxy for me
>more Cadia shit
Looks nice anon, I'm still working on my shitty kitbashed trukk atm (havent touched it in a week). I need one of those massive ammo chains like youve got there
I'm building an objective marker representing a crate of supplies for a hugh ranking cadian officer. What should it contain?
>vintage Amasec
>gold palted lasguns
>the remains of some saint (it's all some elaborate smuggling scheme)
Any other ideas?
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Is it too soon for spookposting?
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Got a link to the STL?
I'm working on my own printed trukk but that one would make a fine addition to my other 4 trukks
A servoskull to keep tabs on his precious things. Maybe add a number somewhere to your diorama so that it can be a numbered objective too.
Golden Halo?
>those nob heads

Dunno why it looks so funny
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A piece of Cadia
Had a silly thought while making my coffee.
regular boyz heads would've been tiny on those bodies. The modeler makes his orks fucking ginormous and i didn't feel like scaling down and reprinting
This isn't legit is it? My friend bought me one when he went to Germany but was convinced it was just a piece from some random building
Looking at mongol/norse eating habits, khan and russ would fill theirs with whatever raw animal milk their planet has and all the other primarchs would aboslutely hate the stench it gave off
Nice print anon, looks oldschool in a good way.

Get in here: https://t.me/wadfadst

And search for Orkaz Party Wagon, by Station Forge. It's made in modules so you have plenty of different configurations to build it.
Khan would have it black with a tiny pinch of salt and maybe spices like cinnamon.
Shit, you right.
Yeah, it's gonna be numbered. I'll use some Roman numbers from GSW
I actually have a spare laurel from the Empire state troop box. Cold be a "Laurel of Command". Mabye a that and two golden guns?

Probably not much further than bionics that are just fancy prosthetics.
the stuffed remains of the regiment's pig mascot.
Regular boyz heads really are small aren't they, the only ones I have that are in between the two for size are a bunch of 3rd party heads
AK texture pastes, sandy desert and desert sand. They're really nice
Vulkan is black.
You've got problems
>lightning claws
>chain weapons
>jump packs
Aside from the above are there any iconic weapons or gear for Night Lords? Guns in particular since I need to print at least some special and heavy weapons.
Sounds cool. Just thought of something that would be appropriate and easy to get a hold of.
Oh right, do you use many paints for it?
Indeed. They fit the boyz kit and any kit made with the boyz kit (lootas, burnas, etc) but nothing else.
Much obliged. I got banned from 40kstl (still don't know why) but I was able to find the Orkaz Party Wagon in the greenskins STL group.
Not without getting into 30K territory.
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ChaosBros, any opinion on a Lord Of Skulls over a Knight for a fun big thing to throw into a list?

I like both models a lot but I would be tempted by the LOS so I can utilise all the CSM rules and strats. But at same time dont want to miss out on a cool Knight ally if its a good idea
Chainglaives in particular
Flamers aren't really a stated "thing" for NL but I've always associated Raptors with them
Tbf burnas heads would look sick on something like that, could almost make it synthwave themed
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Shit, forgot my image.
What else was there?
Imagining things about other men in your spare time is what homos do.
Go for the LoS. It's pretty fun to build and use.
Would be cool but sorry anon Blue Orks are the Best Orks
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I might as well get involved in the trukkposting
They're incredibly autistic about staying on-topic. If you said anything other than 40k STLs, even if it was advice about printing/stls, you get banned
That group admins are pretty nazi about offtopic or posting external links, maybe it was that. Didn't know about the greenskins group, nice addition to my collection, ty.
Anyone play boarding actions? I don't think I have enough free time for a full army anymore but I'd like to get back into 40k in some way. Was thinking of starting with Kill steam, but I could see myself maybe trying boarding actions as well. I really want to build/paint some of the new von Ryan's leapers but sadly they're not legal for kill team, so maybe BAs would be a good place to utilize them?

I threw together a quick list, do you all think this would be workable?
Well you have me beat, I hate those fucking tracks and would choose the Knight just for that. But if you like both then LoS should have your legion special rule so better synergy.
Could still work in a way, just make blue the dominant colour
Not that many, you don't need to paint the pastes because they have a good color already. I wash them with 1:1 mix of brown and sepia washes, drybrush with cream colors(ushabti and screaming skull) and add some dry pigment to reinforce the arid look. It's mostly about the texture pastes though
Why does he only have four claws on each hand instead of five?
This Trukk looks a lot more like an "Orkaz Party Wagon" with that disco ball lol
What are the nids equivalents for terminators? you should take that for boarding actions
Yeah, figures. at least I can still see crossposts and download files that way. I've been able to find anything I've needed in the greenskins group, luckily.
Kino. Scratchbuilt ork models are king, even if it's not blue.
>blasting vengabus as they charge enemy positions
This is basically it.

>playing Alpha Legion
>not using whatever rules you want and gaslighting your opponent on what chapter you're painted as
They were big on glaves during the heresy
Flensing knives? Just slap a few bones and flayed skin on any weapon and it will feel NL
That's funny. How much did he pay for the rok?
That falls under chain weapons, I'll try to print them in place of power weapons probably. I'll try flamers and meltas, already pretty much my thing.
Anything in the books perhaps?
wolverine alignment. 3 blades between 4 knuckles

If you want guns specifically then the volkite cavitor seen on the bottom right is unique to them.
They had a relic power weapon known as the Flayer in 9th edition
Black or gold decals on Blood Angels? Can't decide which I prefer. Gold looks more regal but black is far more brutal.
black on normal dudes, gold on death company
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Toughest thing they have for boarding actions is tyrant guard
Dang forgot the profile
Has a culexus assassin ever gone rogue?
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2/4 saying I fucked up isn't the end of the world, I guess. I'm just going to cope and be glad I'm finally starting my necron army after pussy-footing around it for so long.
is it a bot.
I do plan on doing this with the rest of my vehicles, gonna make a neon pink sign out of wire spelled WAAGH on one of them, probably not that trukk though. Need some party ork heads and torsos
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Imagine the smell of a Tau woman after a full day of combat.
Is there a PDF of the new boarding actions book?
The WGA Damned minis are in hard plastic. The tank example he gave is going to be in 3D printed resin.
She probably still smells better than you.
>Verification not required.
May i see it?
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Go for proxy tanks
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Commit the saga of Haarken Worldclaimer to heart.
I don't read slop.
He's the Herald of the Apocalypse, not the Purveyor of Slop. Get your facts straight.
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I haven't bought the Killteam Hivestorm box. The Vespid with the stealth suit intrigues me. Is he meant to be some kind of Assassin character? Does it work as a lone operative?
Haarken is slop.
No idea, don't think it was much, but yeah he felt like it was scammy
Between plasteel, angelsteel, and strangesteel, which do you think is the more durable material?
>but that wasn't an op-
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Wraithbone is still less durable than ceramite. You can tell because space marines wearing ceramite can easily smash wraithbone to smithereens.
Damn, all the flat sides and angles on panzer 3/4 really lend themselves to 40kification
I wonder what happened to the tank. Is the Imperium gonna put it in a museum? Feels appropriate.
They are criminals, it's yubitsume.
And Banshees wielding wraithbone can slash through ceramite armor like butter. But wraithbone is implied to be anle to be made as tough as needed by the singers, whereas there seems to be harder limits to.how strong Imperium-materials can be, or at they vary much less in quality than Wraithbone.

Is this because Eldar exist almost solely to job and thus their material gets inflicted with the "too strong to win" curse hacks are so fond of? I do believe so.
>And Banshees wielding wraithbone can slash through ceramite armor like butter.
Banshees use power weapons. They cut good because their energy field severs molecular bonds.
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Fuck you too
That legitimately sucks gkanon, take some time for yourself and have some fun hobbying
Guy's a loser
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Wait until October at least. Those do look cool though.
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I finally got my paints, of course it's about to rain outside now
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Ave dominus nox motherfucker
A question to Night Lords fans: are those helmet batwings a mark of some rank or just something the whole legion does?
They're meant to be spooky.
And for catching on the tops of doorways when they enter a room.
Name one thing scarier than someone having bat wings for ears?
You can't
They're ceremonial from nostramo origin
>Name one thing scarier than someone having bat wings for ears?
Columbo but he likes using guns.
Remember to wait until it drys off for a day. Humidity will fuck your shit up
Its so you can look sick as fuck while you pillage, do drugs, and lose
The new DLC for the Rogue Trader game lets you share a bath with an Eldar.
Or a Dark Eldar.
Or a Tech Priest.
Ceremonial, if someone wears them it's usually because they're a captain, champion, bodyguard etc and not some nameless random foot soldier.
Ops meant for >>93984434
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Be honest /40kg/, do you think you'll make it in life?
Will you achieve the modern minimum success of 6'6" height, 10 inch penis, 6 figures, wife and kids, 2 cars, a house, a summer house and a boat or is there a small crusty appartment full of unpainted plastic in your future?
The guys with the wings are allowed to go "BLEH"
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thanks, and its okay.. plenty of fish in the sea and all that. this stuff gets here tomorrow.
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I don't worry about tomorrow. Tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.
But in the interim, I have custodes to paint. And that's enough for me.
This is a sick mix of stuff for kitbashing, should be a blast to throw together some dudes out of them
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>Drukhari are possibly one of the weakest and most irrelevant factions in the galaxy
>They've also constantly placed at or near the top of every competitive tournament
They're basically the Taliban, even if you kill most of them or their leader they'll just stay hiding and strike when the time comes.
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>Kitbash anon puts the most work into his dudes out of anyone in the thread
>Life fucks him over
It's not fair, but I'm glad to see your outlook is positive
>11 days
>6 figures
I play Orks I have several thousand figures
Years ago, I used to love Chaos Space marines. Especially World Eaters, Nightlords, etc. Once I turned 14 though, all of that seemed much less attractive to me. Now that I'm an adult, Basically all of Chaos is way too edgy and child like to hold my attention, don't you all agree?
>Name one thing scarier than someone having bat wings for ears?
Well, I just hope I can finish my studies to get a degree and then a job.
But currently even that doesn't look promising because the times are ass and no one wants to teach.
Why do they keep killing the imperial fist chapter masters?

yes we have lysander and tor goradon for captains but they seem to replace the chapter master constantly for fists.
>Women with bat wings for ears
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its toy soldiers m8, its meant to be child like and edgy
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>>Women with bat wings for ears
That's sexy, not scary.
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I'd honestly rather take my chances with a csm than talk to a woman. Not because I'm afraid but because I hate women and having to listen to one talk makes me wanna kill myself
That happens to be their gimmick.
IF chapter master die and need to be replaced.
Seems like the Celestial Lions for whatever reason have inherited this flaw.
The most childlike thing is trying to claim that one aspect of a hobby is for little kids but your current favorite part of the hobby is for grownups.
Can someone other than chaos-army having manchildren reply to me though?
It's how I've always viewed chaos honestly.
I just don't care for it because it is just one note and very boring.
Also their models look ugly.
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>everyone that calls me on my retarded take is just a chaos shill
Cope and seethe. Pretending like your army is for grownups when it's all plastic spacemen toys is truly embarassing
Yeah its too hot too. I'm going to have to wait a week before I can do anything
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Lol naw, kids, wife, house(maybe, FUCK investment firms that buy housing) are doable. The rest doesn’t really matter dog. To be honest just having kids and raising them well means you’ve achieved all you were really meant to as a living thing.
I love Nightlords because hey are explosively edgy, and they love doing it every single step of the way.
Also because "in midnight clad" is such a cool concept.
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I've yet to see a warhammer player whose raised kids have their kids turn out normal and like 70% of the players at my lgs are dads
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>Space Marine 2 recruit edition revealed
>It is worse than the Target board game
>It will probably cost MORE than the target board game because GW threw in some paints
Unfortunately in my country you need most of those things already to be considered human by women so wife and kids are out. I'll settle on having a medium sized appartment filled with unpainted models.
is there any reason to take a melee carnifex when screamer killers exist?
>Also because "in midnight clad" is such a cool concept.
They're just cosplaying as bad weather.
Just buy the target one. It's really only good for nids players who want gaunts anyways
When I was a teen I thought Tau were the coolest.
When I was poor and in my 20s I liked orks the most
Now that I'm in my 30s and can afford plastic men I collect CSM, I like the whole Imperium has fallen billion must die ethos.
It's just something they do. It's not attributed to anything in particular. They're just like that, there's no "because."
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Normal is a pipe dream. My dad wanted a footballing playing jock, he got a nerd who had to be coerced into playing rugby and wrestling by threatening to not get any more books. Raising them well means at least equipping them to live life on their own terms without being complete retards and having reasonable empathy. Anything else is just a bonus.

Damn that sucks bro. My fiancé knew I was broke and had minimal prospects when we met and literally just fell for me because I liked to read and was witty enough to make her laugh when she needed it no matter the situation.
Because it looks cool. Goteeem, checkmate and etc..
I was hoping it would be more than fucking 1 space marine. Like damnit give newfags a proper squad or something, teach them about leaders and controlling more than 1 unit.
Wall pieces are a grift. There wasn't enough wall to turn into the amount of souvenirs being sold.
Why would you want one to begin with.
I'd rebuilt that shit in a heart beat. Fuck berlin.
Kids never turn out normal, evreyone is a freak in some way until your late 20s. Unless you're talking about actual developmental issues which is a whole other thing
I've been a ĺoyalistfag since I was 10 years old. Still a loyalistfag 20 years later.
Chaos is not cool, being good is.
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>11 tyranids
>1 space marine
Who the fuck is this for lmao
They always do this shit. The actual learn to paint kit from 8th only had 2 marines iirc.
I hate you and your zen.
It’s just not fair.
>just be funny and read
I wish life was this easy for everyone.
Buy an edition starter if you want marines. There's plenty of avenues for beginners to get marines.
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If chaos isn't cool then why CSM stands for Cooler Space Marines?
Checkmate loyalists
It wasn’t, I’m still ugly and starting to get fat.
Get you a scourge girlfriend
They come in both angel and bat wing varieties.
>what reads frog? (what does the frog read?)
>10 books, which "vdochnovljait"? all good and nice person/people on (the) internet
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>He's ugly and STILL managed to get a bitch
I am talking about legitimate developmental issues. 10 of the 15 kids raised by people from my LGS have advanced autism, 1 has down syndrome, 2 have anger management problems, 1 has tourettes, and the last one is in an electric wheelchair and he's like 8 years old or something. I wonder if it's something in the plastic glue
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Thought this was a joke what the fuck
It stands for Cunty Space Marines.
Because they keep complaining about the Imperium like they are karens.
Especially Abaddon.
They also serve absolute cunt
>Lieutenant Titus gets charged by 10 Hormagaunts and fucking dies; the game
Gotta clean that warehouse out of those dogshit gants that aren't selling.
Someone who likes nids more than marines
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Have you heard the Word of Our Lord the Brush Surface Primer?
It works all day every day. You want zenithal priming? Just drybrush it later with grey!
Dunkelgrau, my beloved
It's crazy to me that they sell this shit without ever mentioning that you need to prime your minis.
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Anyone did any alternative paintschemes / kitbashes for the lord solar?
With the new points and rules he is an auto include in every guard army since he can give orders to squadron and regiment units
But his blue, white and gold boxart just doesn’t fit in
Or that you should hold off on gluing the arms to your miniatures if it's going to cover the chest and make it hard to paint it.
No I haven't, I'll keep that in mind for future projects
This one got me when I started. Thankfully it was only 1 mini in before I realised "Oh shit, that's hard to paint and I'm retarded"
He's not supposed to fit in, he's a super fancy dude, he's supposed to stand out.
Looks pretty good in krieg blue-grey with steel armor and gold trim
I got ahead of myself and assembled everything, glued it together, primed it, and then when I picked up my brush I realized that I completely borked it all up. Those five marines are still sitting on my shelf, unfinished to this day.
I once was batch painting a bunch of guardsman and I was using a gray primer that you almost didn’t see and I forgot to prime once guardsmen and it was frustrating me so much that the paint kept chipping and not applying correctly, it took me a while before I realized I didn’t prime that one where I was already done painfully applying all base coats so I just finished and varnished it that way, it kinda works but it’s bad.
If it's anything like the Target box game it's more like
>10 Termagants Charge a Named Space Marine and Fucking Die: The Game.
Weird to do this when they have models of other characters and countless close-enoughs for the ones they don't
It's a board game for literal 7 year olds to point at while in target, get a handful of models, paint them poorly, and then play pretend with their friends using their batman playsets and their minis. Noone buying these is actually playing the game included
I have 28 minis and 3 vehicles all fully assembled and I'm not stopping until they're all painted
A 1/12 batman might as well be a primarch at this scale lmao
Which further begs the question of why this isn't a normal battle box in the first fucking place. Like why can't it be Titus with a squad of Intercessors vs Termagants? Just do that and include datahseets. It's the most low effort cashgrab imaginable and they somehow managed to put in less effort, I swear this fucking company can't even be greedy right.
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>batch painting a bunch of guardsman and I was using a gray primer that you almost didn’t see and I forgot to prime once guardsmen
Mf the bases are a different colour than sprue plastic, as well as sprue plastic being glossy while sprays are satin. Your ass blind as hell
Yeah i want to give him the gold trim and the red cape but I also want to keep the military green aesthetic so I am looking for inspiration

I was thinking gray uniform, green armor plates, burgundy leather and gold trim with the horse silver green and dark gray
wet primer is glossy and not everybody's so dogshit at aiming that they get primer all over the base
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Good Lord, what is happening in there?!
Just wait until you realize they could have been selling full sets of fully assembled minis and rule/paint sheets to kids for years and they've never even attempted it.
They weren’t based
I pin and glue them to the base after painting
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thanks anons. the flagellants/cawdors are for a couple units I'm calling 'fanatics' to use in place of Navy Breachers. Basically a bunch of civilians the Inquisition has given guns to and told to go die for the Emperor.

main chick in the Shadeborn is going to be my Lord Inquisitor with pic related as some of the parts I've planned out to use for her. will probably use the others as acolytes at some point.. maybe an assassin?
>half a kill team of compendium intercessors vs half a kill team of compenidum nids using simplified rules and two to three pop-up mini ruins.
As underwhelming as the Darktide game seems it at least is a serviceable introduction to the tabletop, why didn't they do that.
>Thousand Sons
Space Wolves
>Word Bearers
>Black Legionn
>World Eaters
>Emperor's Children
>Cheeto Kings
>Alpha Legion
>Iron Warriors
Imperial Fists
>Death Guard
Your mom
>Night Lords

Corvus hates lorgar but I've never heard of Raven Guard specifically hating Word Bearers, they have some unspoken rivalry with Alpha Legion but they don't seem like they hunt them across the universe. Dark Angels hate Dark Angels (Chaos).
Because it needs to be at a price point that both new players/parents won't be intimidated by, but also be at a price point that longtime hobbyists are used to. So it's priced similarly to combat patrol margins for established hobbyists but is still around the same price as a new video game, so parents are more likely to pick it up
The Eldar started a party that would never end. Now the elves are all gone but the party continues without them
You don't paint over wet primer, also you need to prime their feet too secondary kun. And their feet are attached to the base
I dunno ask /hhg/
>Now the elves are all gone
The ones who started the part are still there. They just had a change in outfit.
world eaters despise ultramarines because the planet angron was mutilated on was sanctioned in the ultramar sector
space wolves despise world eaters for mogging them at close combat and almost killing their furfag primarch
Raven Guards should hate Word Bearers because they're the ones that opened fire at them during the Dropsite Massacre leading to their primarchs duking it out, but I don't know if it's referenced later on beyond the Lorgar and Corax grudge.
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Uh... A Rift that leads into the Immaterium!? In this millennium, In this century, in this part of the Imperium, localized entirely within your system?
>their feet are attached to the base
their feet have a cut off piece of paper clip drilled and glued in and they are stuck in a winecork
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>the new chaos sorcerer qween kills the Emperor because you dont send a chudboy to do a girlboss' job
>terra becomes a warp rift
>leads to the emperors new domain, the Emperors table(tm)
>Big E becomes chaos god of righteous hatred or some shit
You know it will happen
Alpha Legion has a rivalry with Raven Guard, Ultramarines, and Dark Angels.
Other guys would make sweet assasins or more specialized operatives. Been meaning to pick up a necromunda warband and some aos dudes to throw stuff together like pic related
Actually Alpha Legion has a rivalry with chaos, they are deep undercover still serving the Emperor
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Projection. Just because you're unable to paint/base around feet doesn't make it an impossible task. Most people prime on their bases
Post hole
There's a local shop in my city that has 13 Leviathan boxes at retail price still (around 250 usd give or take a couple dollars due to currency exchange), thinking of buying and reselling all of them on ebay
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Sure but there's a sorcerer guarding it
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>boots full of glue residue and dust pieces
No, the other hole
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>There's dirt on the boots of a man running through a warzone
Yeah sometimes
Titus doesn't even look like the game model either :/

People's shoes get dirty when they go outside, anon.
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Why didn't they make this into a kill team anyways, it's basically what it is, just double the sprue and you're good to go.
No, I don't think so
Yeah, not when I am doing concrete based for my urban camo guards
neat conversion idea there yeah. this dude did another banger too if you want inspiration.
You don't have any urban camo guard
Do you faggots just tag eachother in and out or something?
Yeah I primed my fingers gray
noob doesn’t even pin his minis lol
You are aware that concrete is just as dirty and covered in dust as any other rock that's outside
Absolute beginner question, is it super gay to play the Ultramarines?
>Yeah I primed my fingers gray
>noob doesn’t even pin his minis
You didn't do either of these things
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Abaddon is a spider?
Online people might take a jab at you, in person noone will ever say anything besides complimenting your minis.
madboy mad cause he never thought about not immediately glueing his mini to a base

In soviet russia maybe, proper civiled urban areas maybe have some dogshit but not Dubai levels of sand on the street
help I'm fucking retarded and can't find a good torrent site for The Exodite or Iron Within. I used solidtorrents for H&B and Angels of Death, but I'm fucking worthless finding new sites! I'm too poor to pay for the warhammer+ sub! I'm sorry GW! <:^(
Not if you paint them well.
why is it that very often when there's a meltdown in this thread lamentits is involved somehow
uh oh nomodels melty
Alpha legion is cool and I wish they had proper models
Atleast the night lord bros got something
Nah that's just biologists are insufferable nerds
You've never touched a base or glue before
your guard aren't fighting in civil urban areas
First space marine game got me into 40k and I liked ultramarines since
Who cares what randoms say online anon, slap rowboat girlyman on the table and purge some heretics
Dubai would be a cool place for a 40k battle
>In soviet russia maybe, proper civiled urban areas maybe have some dogshit but not Dubai levels of sand on the street
This is someone who has never gone outside before
EC with Iron Hands. Death Guard with White Scars. Night Lords with Dark Angels. That's all based on campaigns in the Heresy.
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It’s tradition!
stay mad, you probably use the citadel cuckstick for priming too

tau propaganda
I didn't realize spunchbob was wit the shkreets like that
You've never primed a mini tourist kun. You could prove us wrong by posting models but we all know you don't have any lmaooo
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What the FUCK did you mean by this
sorry I live in a place with clean streets and functioning city services

spec:ops the line kinda scenario with the city buried under sand
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Can you close it?
Oh yeah? Where do you live? Exactly. Give me your address.
I prime my bases at the same time as models but not while there glued to the base, makes it easier to do texture or environmental based
Blue tack is the best hobby supply
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Go outside and lick the road and then post a pic of your tongue afterwards since you apparently live in candyland
Tideliusgatan 12, Stockholm
>citadel cuckstick
got a chuckle out of me
Damn, that’s why people don’t wear white shoes
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>He has yet to be proven wrong
Wasn't he proven wrong on Vigilus, the campaign for which he was invented?
Also, lmao at him joining Abbadon for the promise of nothing but some nebulous notion of wounding of the Imperium. He literally does it for free.
>not night lords and blood angels
what are you? retarded?
You've never owned a pair of white sneakers if you think they never get dirty from walking on concrete
You could do that one too. Night Lords spent like half the heresy fighting with Dark Angels though.
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>discord fags coming up with elaborate ways to derail the thread
>thread derails on its own over fucking dirt on minis feet
They never get dirty to the point that they cease to be white sneakers, they do not get a layer of dust, they do not get brown, they do not have little pebbles glued to them, some pebbles stuck in the sole? Yeah but they do not get the kind of dirt and tear you get on trekking shoes, at all.
It’s also completely unacceptable to wear dirty shoes to the office too.
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Ya gotta love it.
>space marines
>fight in the vacuum of space
>with zero gravity
>somehow they are supposed to have dirt in their shoes
just a cope by people who besmirched their minis
I don’t know, I think the point is valid, you shouldn’t glue them to the base before priming if you intend to do nice bases.
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I have about 300 points of Space Marine models from a starter box and a sprue of infernus marines a friend gave to me for 15 bucks. Could I top off my list to 1k with the old Blood Angels Combat Patrol and the current Space Wolves CP? This isn't really a matter of viability just a matter of "I want a new team and my LGS still has the old blood angels box lying around"
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Even gold shoes get dirty man.
You definitely don't go outside if you've never had white shoes get dirty. Here's your last you nomodels
i haven't played since primaris were announced
are manlet marines dead
If it all adds up to 1000 pts and you like the models I don't see why not. It won't be meta but chasing meta is for faggots
Not quite. You can still proxy with a bit of imagination and recently an all firstborn list got top 3 at a GT.
They're still around. They haven't got any new models designated for 40k but they've refreshed a bunch of the manlet patterns in HH so if you wanted to run a full force of short kings you definitely could
We get some termies every now and then.
Sallyanon is king
>anon lives in a dirty place, uses public transport and/or doesn’t take care of his stuff
don’t join the military if you keep looking for excuses to have dirty shoes

Sorry Sally, we pin models to the base after priming here

I feel like you're 18 and you've never had a job or had to take public transit.

You'll see them locally still. Lots of people still like them. You'll even see old base sizes still.
at a casual glance i think you're just a little bit short points wise
the old combat patrol is like 425ish points
i dunno what the infernus marine sprue is
thank you anon. seeing this gave me an epiphany on my thousand sons scheme
I’ve literally only ever done that for Vulkan when I put him on the dead gargoyle. You only need pins if the base is unsteady. I’ve done everything else priming on base with a light gluing, I take them back off sometimes to do the base but usually paint around them.
>an all firstborn list got top 3 at a GT
bro probably felt like HIM pulling that shit off. walking around like his dick just grew a couple sizes.
i mean lorewise did any of them canonically refuse crossing the rubicon
i know initially they said the conversion rate had horrible loses but now i can't seem to find it
it just seems idiotic to risk all these veteran supermen and end up losing half of them to make them better supermen

are termies all manlets still? or do they just handwave and say you can cram primaris marines into termie armor now
Yourdudes are not walking through Tokyo bud, they're walking through Gaza. Yes they get dirtied to all fuck.
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I live in filthadelphia. We're dirty here


Their shoes tell a different story.
>I live in filthadelphia. We're dirty here
>i mean lorewise did any of them canonically refuse crossing the rubicon
That's probably up to the chapters after accepting the initial recruits and changing how they create new marines.
Which event was this?
They fixed the rubicon surgery after they got some more data from the first couple thousand attempts, it’s still kinda dangerous but 8/10 survive now. I dunno if any characters have outright refused it since then. Primaris has been removed as a keyword so only armour make matters. Theoretically terminators could be either firstborn or primaris.
NTA but I live quite close by. Want to play a game?
A story that they're out of place in the setting yeah
Dicing death II GT.
He got second place. And I was wrong, he has some of the new jump pack marines in it. But it’s mostly tac marines vanvets and rhinos.
Best what? BEST WHAT!?
Best lictor in the swarm
Try to spot it
huh, neat. if you just glue the tyrannofex guns tubes together with the arms in the sockets, the tension is enough to keep em in place, but the tubes are springy enough that you can just pop em out when you want to switch. works with both the big guns

no magnets required
what the heck happened to assault squads
tacticals and devastators and scouts still exist
wait what the fuck happened to sniper scouts
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Yerrrr, qt scouts anon
I wouldn't rely on tolerances to hold bits in place. Magnets are cheap enough that there's really no reason to do anything else for swappable weapons
You should learn what all the punctuation marks do and then try this shitpost again
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Can I get a better pic of the missile scout? Also god I miss the camo cloaks.
Still reeling from my agrax spill yesterday. Can't bring myself to paint out of shame that I wasted 7/8ths of a pot.
What a very specific fraction. Are you German?
Agrax has fallen, dozens of pennies must be spent..
I invested in a big bag of plastic chinesium pipettes for transferring contrast paints to my airbrush and found them very useful for picking up the majority of a spill. Knocked over prolly 6-7 pots of contrast paints and washes and always manage to recover about 75% off my work surface by sucking it up bit by bit via pipette
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No, I just spend too much time looking at a tape measure

And a 15$ air freight fee...
>And a 15$ air freight fee...
Did they send it over in a personal helicopter? The fuck?
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What are you working on 40kg? I'm trying sub assemblies for a change
Private jet with complementary champagne
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I mean I could order it from amazon with free shipping but it take ~2 months because ocean freight (if it even makes it, still waiting on my vajello black and white paints I ordered in august). Being an island nigga has its downsides.
>no models shitposters have just been replaced with a salamander autist who can't paint for shit and the rest of his discord

I miss the secondaries at this point
Christ. At that point just take the oilpill, it's got to be easier to source
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Didn't GW add some lore recently that implied Slaanesh and the Keepers were all actually ascended Eldar from the cult of pleasures? Something about comparing the Emperor's potential ascension to Chaos Godhood to the birth of Slaanesh?
you aren't subtle
40k is too popular and successful. I need 40k to be a niche hobby for autistic fathers produced by a failing company
Neither are your highlights, thin your paints
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Maybe you'd be better off on another site for nomodels if modelposters tilt you that hard
US Virgin Islands :^)
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Don’t worry I’m going on a break in a few days for… well a few days. And I honestly don’t know the other model posters. Sorry we’re not a secret cabal of people trying to fuck up your good time that you and so many other people seem to want. Only other random weirdos who just can’t quit this stupid fucking website after over a decade of autism and amusement who have bad opinions.
Try Age of Sigmar or the Old World for that.
>Anon's paint is at risk of rogue wave

I'm sorry that you must go through such hardships
The idea that model posters are actually the ones shitting up the board is so absurd that I genuinely don't know how many levels of irony he thinks he's posting on.
I don't do edge highlights, schizo-kun~
>mention that avatarfagging even with models is gay
>dick sucking of each other continues

Just be anonymous and post models you attention seeking faggots, this is the only general with this issue.
Hipster contrarianism is fucking gay. Go play one of the other dead games if something being popular is that damaging to your opinion of it. It doesn't make you cooler or more interesting as a person because you partake in a niche hobby
uh oh secondary melty
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It's only an issue if you don't have models to post and get upset about modelposters
god I fucking hate this thread so much, how do I leave I always come back no matter how hard I try
Unfortunately there's no known cure for autism, so we're all here forever
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Avatarfagging is cool and good, actually
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ITT: Secondaries and Tertiaries fucking it up again and faggots keep taking the bait
>this is the only general with this issue
Never been outside /tg/ I see.
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chaplains don't actually worship the emperor and that's not ok
I hope the rumors about Corsairs getting a detachment and a wave of releases akin to Harlequins is true. They’re the coolest faction in the setting
Laughing whores mind
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The rogue wave in question, james workshop brush was the only casualty

Not sure which grade of oil to use, I have 5W-20 and 0W-30 on hand. I think I'll just mix some brown in some nuln oil and work on the eightbound tonight.
>the rumors about Corsairs getting a detachment
Renegade Raiders already exists :)
>secondary mad about the fluff that has been the same for decades
>wave of releases akin to Harlequins
So literally nothing? Sounds pretty plausible
It'd be funny if chaplains were the only marines in a chapter that worship the emperor as god, warranted by the Imperium as necessary for chapter loyalty, and all the other marines begrudgingly put up with them screaming about the God Emperor
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>I have 5W-20 and 0W-30
You cheeky fellow
Harlequins got a wave of shit like 10 years ago is what I meant
Marines are nowhere near as cool as Corsairs.
Corsair are just red and black chaos space marines, there's nothing unique about their aesthetic really and therefore nothing to release
They are marines though? What an odd thing to say
are we getting a non kill team box for the new scout models?
Are those classic jump packs on primaris marines, anon?
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nothing til my new stuff gets here tomorrow
>techmarines are marines trained by the mechanicum to maintain equipment and maybe spy on the chapter for mars
>chaplains are not marines trained by the ecclesiarchy to maintain spiritual integrity and maybe spy on the chapter for terra
Yeah. I had them lying around. About half the squad is firstborn. Over half when I get the other 5 with heresy jump packs done.
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There’s only one Corsairs you fucking morons. And it’s not the Reds, it’s the Anhranthe
when you put it like that, it does seem a little weird

>Slaanesh tempts even the most devout of Imperial citizens
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and yet, they're named the Red Corsairs. Curious...
>encounter alien women whom whole purpose in life is to breed with local men to produce alien horrors
>they still are laughing at you

Why live?
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I am getting my shit rocked by custodes at the moment.
Librarians are marines trained by navis nobilitae to do magic and maybe spy on the chapter for the navigators?
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Damn that's crazy how noone cares about gay elves
Apothecaries are marines trained by Guard medicae to do medicine and maybe spy on the chapter for Gary the squad medic
It's the Freebooterz!
Hopefully they have fat tits so you at least have something to look at while they're slamming your ass in mating press
>There’s only one Corsairs you fucking morons.
The Gellerpox mutants?
You got eyes in the back of your head or some shit?
Most realistic 40k fanart to be conceived
No anon just the normal eyestalks we all have haha right
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need a custom chapter where every officer is actually a spy for some organization and everyone knows every other officer is a spy, but no one is willing to blow their cover. They've been trying to out manuever one another for centuries but nobody's managed to do it without outing themselves yet
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haha yeah, carry on brother
Ah, of course.
Gee billy, two cattle prods?
There's Ambulls in that fortress man
That's just alpha legion
You'd figure GW would have made at least one other melee Tau suit variant by now to squad up with Farsight. Seems like free money for them.
for a snow base is the simple method just mixing elmers glue, white paint, and baking soda?
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Tau aren't allowed to fight in hand to hand for obvious reasons
Baking soda yellows over time so I'd advise picking up a proper snow paste
I just put glue on my base and rattle it around in some snow. Looks great and costs practically nothing.
Crisis suits with Onager Gauntlets would sell like hot cakes
I would have liked to see GW continue to make relic bits packs like they did for Black Templars. It would have been cool to see an official design for the Onager Gauntlet.
AKI snow best snow
making a farsight enclave exclusive unit wouldn't make it sell as much as another normal tau unit and handing a melee option to normal tau in general would undervalue the schtick farsight has

the solution would be an experimental battlesuits team dual kit with some of the options being exclusive to the farsight enclave, but gw has other priorities
cant you just seal it so it doesnt yellow?
Tau don't do well in melee range
No clue, I'd imagine it would still yellow from uv. Would be better off either using a snow basing mix or a white powdered grout mixed with cheapo white paint
At least the weather and scenery is probably nice
world eaters dont do well at shooting but that doesnt mean they dont still have access to land raiders, predators, hellbrutes, and forgefiends

40k isnt age of shitmar, its armies arent one trick memes. every army can do everything, they just do it in different ways. GW needs to get with the times and give tau some melee suits
Space marines get to be good at everything because they're the protagonists and antagonists of the IP. Side characters get to be one trick ponies because they do not matter

this is like bragging that tyranids suck in combat because a marine managed to catch a termagant by the tail.
A coat of paint and a base and I think this will turn out alright
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I'm a retard
Please post an example of a non farsight tau doing anything impactful in combat
>world eaters dont do well at shooting
Khorne willing they'll get back that lovely Crimson Killer relic pistol when they get their full codex
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Yeah, that was definitely one of the more one-sided games I've played. We ended it at the top of turn 3 with me only having some Boyz and a trukk left, and I killed a grand total of 4 models (the dreadnaught didn't die after 2 rounds of this combat).
Maybe a big smoked ham/turkey or a box of cigars could be a cool addition
Oh fucking wait they don't do relic weapons anymore never fucking mind I'm a fool god damn it how ignominious
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>unpainted minis
>not even fully fucking glued together minis at that
I'm so sorry that happened to you, man.
That telemons elbow be doing some crazy shit
There is something very endearing about that turret silhouette. But the regular lemon russ looks baller too, especially the new 30k one. Id go either way. Whats that from btw?
not just space marines. look at necrons; they can shoot, they can fight, they can lean into speed or slow tanky bricks. look at tyranids; disposable hordes or elite monsters, gun bugs or screamer killers, flyers, tunnelers, scouts. look at genestealer cults; hordes of idiots with AK47s or genespliced mutant retards that can bend a truck in half with their bare hands, hit and run ambushers or muscle bound brawlers, mass infantry or rapid skirmishing dirt bikes and dune buggies.

pretty much every army in the game is able to field almost every role in the game, they just function differently in each army playing into their unique quirks, even the nuns got nundams and shield sisters to shore up their melee bruiser slots
They had a good thing when tank shock was based on strength. But I dont want a melee unit honestly unless it's a crisis suit upgrade exclusively for farsight enclaves.
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Not really walking away from the game with a bad taste in my mouth, though. The guy with the custodes is one of the nicest players at the store and he even paid for my drinks afterwards.
I'm still tapping my fingers waiting for the balance dataslate to throw Orks a bone.
I'm used to it at this point. There's maybe 1 other player at the store with a fully painted army (being generous)
>There's maybe 1 other player at the store with a fully painted army (being generous)
Blueorkanon deserves better
That's a good idea for base decoration tbf. A box of premium Iho-sticks
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Oh and to his credit, the models he has painted are very nice. I'm a sucker for white and gold schemes.

Very common thing. I have a painted army and one that's about 70% done and rarely do I ever play against something painted. If it is painted, it's either a partially done list or parts of each model.

Dads be busy. Everyone else gets teased about it.
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What is everyone's favorite paint of all time as well as their least favorite.
Rakarth flesh
>least favorite
Runelord brass
Genestealer purple
>least favorite
All Army painter paints
also which one tastes the best
Runelord Brass
>least favorite
Ulthuan Grey.
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Rustoleum hammered gold spray
Nuln and Agrax no contest
Pro Acryl Bold Pyrrole Red
GW White Scar
TTC battle mud wash. This stuff is literally liquid skill.
>least favourite
Army Painter speedpaints. Apparently they've fixed the reactivation issue but it's left me soured on them

Screamer Pink

Tie between Corax White and Bugman's
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Emperor's Children for sure this time...
Background and colours used on that background imply tzeentch sorry anon, maybe next year
Ork release actually
How old is your runelord pot, mine was barely 11months old by the time it separated into brass silly putty and a strange milky fluid
vgc washes taste dreadful. they smell nice, but the smell is a lie. ye been warned
My current pot is about that old and is starting to separate now. I normally go through a pot of it before it does that but I've more or less caught up with my backlog (for the army that uses it at least) so I haven't had that happen until recently.
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Probably just a tease, not even a full model reveal
citadel contrast paints taste like ass, especially the red ones

I will literally pre-order the EC box twice if it has a new daemonic Lucius model and battleline noise marines.

>I don't even play mainline 40k
But have they actually announced anything for them? Any chance we get new scout bikes too?
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>can't shoot from far away because lone op
>can't shoot close because stealth fucks your hit rolls
>can't move block it because infiltrators
>can't charge it because Fights First
how the fuck do you kill this thing

To my knowledge? Fucking nothing.
Lol no

the stream is "chaos themed" because they've got to announce a skaven warband for underworlds, a limited edition chaos sorcerer, and they have to try and hype the a chaos book for aos
I'd laugh really hard if the 40k reveal was just a mini of the villain of space marine 2
I'd like that but would be annoyed if that was it
Damn, I like scouts but I really dont want to pay so much
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Careful, Anon. Saying awful things like that speaks them into existence.
the name for the chaos sorcerer isn't imurah
To me the biggest joke so far is that the only new mini we've got is ANOTHER Primaris Lieutenant
>10 companies
>2 LTs per company
We get closer everyday
Thank you James
>decide today is the day I start painting
>realize I don't know how to start
How do I hold the minis while spraying?
wear disposable gloves or stick them to something like a ruler with bluetack or double sided tape or superglue and hold that
By the scruff of the neck, like a misbehaving cat
Drive a vehicle into it
Get a flat long stick, like the ones for mixing paint. Stick some blu-tack or other putty to the bottom of the base and press it on to the stick. Otherwise just put one some gloves and hold it by the base rim.
Best army to build for a submissive crossdresser?
Space Wolves
Marines are literally trans and go on self-penintences if they ever disappoint daddy
I'm not a tranny.
World Eaters
What color are their nipples
I need to know before I start painting
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yes, I am a man.
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Day 14 of exercising every day until the Emperor's Children Codex is released
thumbnail looks like a poorly cooked steak.
i skimmed the new witchhunter codex and damn theres some actual good art in there.
Its a shame the rules are going to shit because this is leagues better than 8th
Flamethrowers or damage 2 melee specialists.
what would a good weapon for a blank be? like something that works with a blank's null powers, since i imagine most psychic weapons like force weapons wouldnt work
a gun
Flamethrowers and/or swords.
Blank powers have a short radius.
Blanks can't channel their powers like psykers. They just work around them.
Jurgen uses a melta, which is about as devastating as a simple man-portable weapon gets.
The only real blank-specific weapon is the Anima Speculum and that's not something any random Joe is gonna have

toot toot
cut out the cardboard of the delivery package so you have and layer it so you have a nice sturdy long broad flat stick

use doubled tape on that long broad flat stick
glue minis on tape
spray while wearing glove

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