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"No Lotus, No Links" Edition

shame on you RC, shame on you
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I love playing dinos.
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pubstomping season is open boys!
>My deck is power level 7
All of the people whining about their “lost value” due to the Lotus / Crypt / Dockside bans are massive faggots.
Card game NIMBYism. That’s a new low.
Zero (0) starting life is objectively superior to all other values.
I always tell people my deck is a 9 and then when I lose in 3 turns I go
>oh...maybe I was wrong...
What does he care? he's got the rubles to buy as much as he wants. Rich greedy fucker
I don't care that broken cards got banned. I care that WotC knew they were going to get banned while using them to sell packs.
>I care that WotC knew they were going to get banned while using them to sell packs.
The RC and WotC are two entities dumbass.
And one of them is completely subservient to the other
They shorted it. Fucking Tim Pool faggots. Can't even say anything because the other side is worse.
>less than 30 seconds
Speed run getting banned from the commander discord
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>two entities
make sure you were actually banned fag and not timed out.
>admitting you use friend simulator
May as well post your redditname. Glad you got banned and hope you die.
nice OP dumbass, your mommy make it for you?
why don't you get nadu to bake for you next time, he can do it up to twice per turn
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Let me get this straight. People actually thought investing in unregulated cardboard was a serious investment?
Just an idea. Someone just make another format, call it Coomander, let it have its website and make everything legal. Why should anyone give a fuck about wizards or this committee that came up with the bans. Play around it.
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There is no "enough" for culture war grifters, there is only "more".
>gamblers are braindead
Took you long enough
What horrendous artwork
Yes. They thought it was a stock market where losing was essentially impossible.
It's actually hilarious to see them cry about it.
As if that isnt a common occurrence in the fucking stock market that happens daily.
Be nice to him. His planeswalker spark got nerfed before he could fix himself up.
It's all people who started playing in like 2017 who consider themselves old guard but are actually just idiot whales skipping meals to spend money on what is essentially an unsanctioned kitchen table format at it's core.

They get what they deserve and they will get over this and continue spending unhealthy amounts of cash on the next commander masters replacements that wotc will inevitably print in the next few years only to likely be blow the fuck out again. Rinse and repeat until they're so demoralized they quit and are replaced by a newguard of whales who just want spiderman cards.

This is the furute we deserve
Thirty (30) starting life is objectively superior to fourty (40)
Funny since I quit 20 years ago when the reserved list was established specifically because, regardless of how much my Underground Sea would appreciate in value, I thought it was a bad idea for ensuring the actual game stays fun.
I'm glad this "investor first" mentality is still alive. I love my game being shit up because retards want to live in the YuGiOh anime where the person with more cardboard money wins.
Has anyone built a marina vendrell yet? im close but my deck is mostly putting all the rooms i have plus suppport i think fits like marvo and zur.
Im probably gonna rework my deck but i don't know if i want a flicker strat or a tap/untap strat. On one hand i could have an always filled hand, on the other i could just be spamming rooms over n over again.
>Order from TCGPlayer
>Have to wait a month for cards or pay shipping that costs as much as the cards

I'm tired of this.
You forgot import fees that are as much as the cards as well.
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>mfw my two jeweled lotuses came out of the single commander masters box I bought for $200 for shits and giggles that had plenty of other great cards in it while my friend spent $1000 trying to find a mana crypt and another $250 to just buy it outright.
when tcg takes over a month I bitch and then they send another set of cards or refund me and then first batch comes in like a week later. I've done this like 5 times
>they're just repeating the same bait on loop
Jesus christ you faggots have a lot of energy today.
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What type of goyslop is this
I have this problem but with card kingdom I swear no matter how many cards I order the shipping will always be almost if not more than the cost of the cards
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>As if that isnt a common occurrence
it is difficult to quantify this level of disastrous trust handling when it comes to the economy of a hobby themed after collecting items

in the sweep of one night, they have evaporated tens of millions of dollars in value at a historically unprecedented level
entire boxes of reprint stock don't have this much impact on the overall market - it is absolutely a wake-up call and a stab in the back that nobody should really be gloating over

the only ones who win from this are zealous proxyfags who (literally) have no investment stake in the collection aspect to begin with
Of course Tim Putin would be cEDHfag
I refuse. I've never seen an uglier dragon
why shouldn't I be gloating? I am smarter than them because I didn't do that stupid shit and they lost thousands of dollars and I didn't
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Maybe you rancid fucks should stop speculating in cards
I can imagine being a commander player and not thinking these guys are clowns.
Cause I am one and I'm happy. I can finally buy a jeweled lotus for cheapo for my deck
>Nobody would ever want to play this game if their cards don't go up in value
This is a design failure and the solution is more bans.
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U guys think buying one for 20 is alright or should I wait in hopes it drops even further?
I've seen quite some bulk buying for whatever reason. The ones under 30 bucks are gone within minutes
Anyone who bought cards as an investment deserves every bit of loss they are taking atm.
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How much of a burden is playing this shit now that Dockside is banned? Asking for a mid-high power Krenko deck. Should I play the d20 version instead?
I've been watching this furfag have an absolute mental breakdown/tantrum and laughing my ass off at him for the better part of a day now. I was actually sort of against the bans from a pragmatic perspective but seeing these people throw tantrums and make up all these nonsensical arguments has made me change my mind. It was a good thing. A great thing even, man this is hilarious hahahahaha

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there is no difference from the man who spends $200 on a single card or the man who eats shit after investing in ten of the same - both are made fools by this, and both are left with a distinct mistrust of the product they put their interest into

this is 'squatter's rights' levels of disillusion where you cheer for the misfortune of one party as if the rest, and you, are immune to it
it is inexcusable pandering to contrarians at best, and a complete breakdown of consumer trust at worst.
worse yet, the bans themselves do almost nothing to "cure the format" - where is the consultation/pact ban? the food chain ban? the regulation interests toward any commonly available 2-card combo that ends the game on turn four at the latest?

entirely a product of mishandled effort and catastrophic misunderstandings. nobody should praise this at any level - nobody wins by encouraging the blind to lead them like this
Ultimately, even if you're taking it on the chin this week, the most important thing for investors is also for the game to remain healthy. If the game gets bad enough, ALL the cards go to 0.

So quit bitching.
What commander do I play if I just wanna put negative enchantments on players and creatures?
This guy's a known retard and ragebait channel.
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should have been banned too
Do these retards not realize that this sort of behavior will force the RC to be more aggressive with bannings if this starts happening?
This is unironically the greatest ban I've ever seen. I went to my game store today, and the exact people you'd think would be upset were acting like 9/11 just happened.
Was the plane that flew into these towers piloted by the ghost of Sheldon Menery? We may never know.
>I lost on my investment and you should feel bad for me!!!!!
I bought cards to play with or because i thought the art looked cool, not as an investment. Any single over 2$ I proxied. It's a game played with valueless cardboard not a stock portfolio.
Whales buying cards and collectors jerking off over the value of their collections deserve every bit of pain they are getting.
oh I just found him today searching "commander banlist" cause I was trying to find news. My mistake
Good lord I hope so. Just imagine cEDHtards being thrown back to when the RC was active.
that one black white bitch from eldraineo
these people would be crying if there was no ban and these cards were just reprinted en masse instead
no actual care about gameplay or quality
Meh, fuck 'em. If they want to shitpost and gloat, I'm happy to treat them they way they pretend to be treated. I spend a lot of time helping new players who do nothing but cry and bitch and whine about made up problems. Let them have some karma for a change. Might smarten them up.
you are mostly missing the point - it's not about the pyrrhic victory of clashing beliefs with this commie-tier bullshit of whining about the price, it's that the ban itself did fuck-all for 'the health of the format'

the most powerful decks remain so, and the ban list continues to be an abstract nightmare of inconsistent ideals. the only thing this does is needlessly kick a hornets nest, and upset a very large number of people
it's funny because these cards lose value when reprinted, you are always holding the bag when you buy non-RL cards
>Uhhh actually this banlist didn't improve the game because... it just didn't! Think of my retirement portfolio! Nobody will buy cards unless they go up in value!
YGO, FAB, Digimon, One Piece, Lorecana, and Pokemon TCG all aren't real btw.
I've had issues with hasbro/wotc for close to a decade now and people like you were viciously defending every single thing they've been doing that has demonstrably been ruining basically every single format.

Actually the fact this is where you're just now starting to distrust them and realize what's actually going on shows just how badly you've been ignoring/unaware of the blatant problems with the managment of this game. I don't feel sorry for you or these types at all, you need a kick in the ass to see just how stupid your deicison have been and how little you cared about how they affect the rest of the community. Welcome to the disappointed by hasbro club buddy, we'll mail you your 1 day pin shortly.
>it's about da health of da format!
Lel. The format is a kitchen table and ment to be played among friends for fun. Rule zero is the only rule to be followed among you and your friends.
The only thing the RC ban did was show who actually cares about playing the game and who's just a salty tryhard/investor/whale.
>didn't improve the game because... it just didn't!
explain to me how the ad-naus thoracle deck is damaged by this ban in any significant way, and you might have a point
i'm down to shitpost about rudy and his cocksucker investor cult all day, but these ban decisions on their own do next to nothing outside of pointless uproar
Counterpoint: If I'm getting into the game and see a card that goes in every deck is $200, I do not want to play it because that's a retarded ask. Why do you think every 1v1 format died? Pauper decks are $80.
>Uhh new players will just play budget decks
My group plays with no bans, fucking hate playing against the eldrazi deck of a player, but I would rather only play against that deck in every match forever than deal with bullshit bans like these.
It is now harder for Tivit to threaten a win on turn 3.
There is one less 2mv creature that wins the game if it resolves in the format.
The universal sacky 2-mana button was removed.
The most degenerate wincon since Four Horsemen was banned.

Wow! Tangible impact!
>you cheer for the misfortune of one party as if the rest, and you, are immune to it
I am though.
Every 1v1 format died because edh existed, you only needed to buy singleton copies of cards which spiked the price of absolutely everything cool, then wotc decided they wanted that edh money and started printing untested outrageously broken nonsense to cater to literal retards, all predicated on the lie that shit budget decks are fun because they're all squirrels or whatever, and then literal retards threw their wallets at it.
Has grummz weighed in yet to accuse the bans of being woke, even though he never heard of a "magiks the gatherers" until yesterday?
So you mean 1v1 died because cards were expensive and not getting banned?
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These are the people against the banlist.
I hope they ban all the mox's and LED and the one ring next
This logic is awful. So, one ring should forever stay in modern because it was a chase card? One ring is more valuable than lotus. Weirdly, there keeps being discussion in modern about banning it. But as we learned with this banning, expensive cards must be ban immune
Atleast charge him rent my homie..
not now that he's banned he can't
Can you prove otherwise? This argument would get you jailed in court for contempt
EDH existed for years without any cards printed for it, it's not popular because it exists, it became popular because people got tired of their cards rotating.
No. 1v1 died because casuals wanted to own competitive players for meme narrative purposes and were willing to accept literal unplayable garbage because it was marketed towards them, and then doubled down by pretending to enjoy the shit they were being fed, either because they were too stupid or too arrogant to try and learn to enjoy a hobby they pretended to like.
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It's genuinely really fucking funny that there's so many people that just say, "hash things out with rule 0!" whenever there's a discussion about objectively overpowered cards. When those sort of cards are banned you never hear those same people say, "it's no problem, we'll just rule 0 it back in!". It's just them shrieking and complaining.
Proxychads wwa? Feels great knowing wotc just keeps justifying the chinaman
>This thread has a grummz fan
Lmao how's that game development going?
>the seething continues
Perhaps I was too harsh on Sheldon and his RC
They announced the revert yet?
Partly true, but also because WOTC basically just up and abandoned all the formats. They could have easily kept it all going it would have just taken some money and effort on their part, but they'd rather go where the easy money is.
>Fuck the game, fuck the formats, give us money!

And unfortunately, EDH has a shit ton of retards who gave them as much money as they could afford. It was inevitable outside of having a good down to earth management team to keep the ship set straight. As a long time EDH player myself, there is no point in denying it, Because of hasbro and EDH casuals/whales the game is basically fucked

And we're the lucky ones too as EDH players, because we can insulate ourselves from basically every single change and problem with custom rules and private playgroups. Everyone else is absolutely fucked.
go back to sleep, wagie
>civil war between cEDH invaders and real commander players
Gift that keeps giving
It's currently legal on gatherer so you tell me.
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So you're saying the entire EDH playerbase conspired to... do what exactly? Play EDH instead of Modern? Ragavan, Wrenn and Six, Grief, and Fury weren't exactly EDH standout cards, but they ruined eternal formats all the same and dodged the banlist for far longer than they should have.
I think it's a beautiful day today in a post mana crypt world I think I might actually leave my basement and kiss my waifu hell I might even jerk off to real porn instead of my little pony
Committee is a fan organization managing a fan format, they have no interest in financial aspects of Wizards of the Coast and their game. Sorry.
Made my Marvin list, have 3 slots left. Noticed I have all the available artifact animators in the list so what would be some real cool noncreature artifacts to include, specifically to turn into a creature so Marvin has them bilities
>>93983777 (Based and checked)
Ummm so you really believe that? Lol lmao xd lulz kek
Same energy.
He cares about the shops. He is not complaining for himself. You are both fucking retarded
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then as an officially sponsored group placed in an officiated position by their governing corporation, they deserve to be rightly brought out back and put before the proverbial firing squad for betraying their benefactor

mishandling of product to this degree is a deathwish in any other circle - i do not expect hasbro to be kind to them in any deserved fashion
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sac him, recast him, sac him again, order your deck however you want
He's capitalizing on sensationalist news. He doesn't give a shit about stores, they've been fucked far worse than this by wotc and I'm sure he couldn't give less of a shit
it's a step in the right direction
it will never get full healed because wotc will keep printing broken cards faster than they can be banned, but it's a battle worth fighting for
People are mad but you're right. The only reason these cards (minus nadu) are banned is price. There are 30 cent cards that are much worse for the format but they didn't get touched. Further, it's pretty obvious just a pull and rip when they announce official cedh format
>oh wow look the cards are valuable again haha no.... I didn't stock up on them while they were cheap!
I don't even mean this in a 'haha 4chan' sort of way, I'm serious: I seriously think that you should be seen by a psychiatric professional.
Would a weighted banlist be too complicated to enforce? All cards allowed but problematic ones have a score and you can agree on playing X score decks on the table. As a proxychad I believe you should be able to play everything.
Which 30 cent cards are you talking about?
hasbro almost certainly gave them the green light and saw this as financially beneficial to them. We'll see for sure in the next few commander masters products with all the new powercrept replacements that whales crying now will buy with absolute certainty.

This actually makes the most sense because we can only have so many OP mana accelerant auto includes, and they can only be reprinted so many tiomes before they’re bargain bin prices. They can't make a cool new one when there's already an over-saturation of auto-includes. But if something were to stop people from being able to include them… Now we have a new slot open for

>mana cave
>tap to add 2 colorless mana
>mana cave deals 2 damage to you during your upkeep
You're right. I'm mad at the wrong person. I'm just sick and tired of these gaslighting faggots pretending to like things, then dirty marketing faggots pandering to them, which benefits nobody in the long run. Can someone enjoy a tribal deck? Maybe, but 99% of the people who build them dont because they lose all the time, and rather than taking responsibility or working to improve, they pretend they're having the best time ever and anyone who isnt them cant possibly understand what fun is and deserves to be banned into submission. It's like a whole generation of morons picked up street fighter, only played dan, then got mad at everyone who even attempts to find some enjoyment from the game. Inevitably some faggot is going to meme about me being mad and how he totally has the most fun ever when it's an outright lie; a very specific person enjoys losing the way they want to play, and it absolutely is not representative of the average experience. In the end, I could give a fuck about the bans, but I spend a lot of time teaching people to play magic and being patient when it comes to their retardation, only to be completely ignored because I have the audacity to know what I'm talking about because I spent a large time learning it.
Tivit was already on his way out anon. Also not a heavily played commander not very tangible at all!
What retard shop was holding hundreds of crypts and lotuses? Even major online places don't do that.
Most shops had a handful and are out tops like 2k
How long until I can buy jewish lotuses for $1 to use as treasure tokens?
soon my child. I'm sure they'll include it as uncommon in a new set just to send a message
Never because people are ODing on copium and believe the bans will be reversed
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>nooooo! my investments!!!!!
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I'm really tired. I don't have a full playgroup and I only play at home 1v1 with the decks I built. Don't care about any banlists, I just like building fun decks. You spergelords are having a constant discussion, currently over 30 hours non stop about this stupid banlist that has been imposed on you. What's the point? I will never understand it because I will never play at an lgs and even if I wanted to I'm probably too old for that. Sometimes I fantasize about it and try to adhere to the rules you obey but in reality I just hope one day I will play kitchen table with my kid. Please try not wasting your life and energy on stupid banlists and try to have fun. Here is a non related copl picture for you about Magic should be like.
Yikes. Good luck though!
He's complaining to get attention for his retard politics takes so he can turn social media impressions into government propaganda money. Retard.
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>nooooo! my investments!!!!!
It is what it is man, everything eventually gets ruined. Sad to say it, give it another 10 years this game will be unrecognizable. Comes with the territory of the company not caring about the state of the game. The countless amount of retards I've seen argue
>Well hasbro needs to make money man, so we gotta take that into account!

As if they themselves are on the board of directors and not just a casual pleb player at the bottom... Followed by some absolutely egregious bullshit that hurts all players from wotc... It just can't go on like this forever. Most players argue against their own interests and then when it finally hits them, they cry like a little bitch. This is kind of where we end up with that playerbase. I've seen this verbatim with a lot of other games too. They all end up in shambles eventually.
Proof? Seems like he likes the game and cares about the community that fosters it to me. Is there any replies to his own tweet trying to funnel you towards his political content?
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The beanie speaks again
I'll keep this one in mind but I have a few mill/surveil creatures and a couple put a card from GY to bottom of library so I can already, I presume, stack my deck how I want. Thank you!
>chud tournament
will I get a free Trump coin if I win? Maybe trump stocks?
My LGS has house rules and banned Thoracle ages. The seethe about the bans is purely the lost value of the cards.
Having some sort of tiers or point system for cards in EDH is something that gets proposed really often, but nobody ever does anything with it because it'd be a huge pain in the ass to try and rank thousands of cards by viability
Literally who
Makes me question why everyone kept begging to ban a 150 dollar card in modern. Expensive cards must be ban immune
I hope the irony of your post does not escape you.
Foreign Agent for Russia.
Culture war retard who got busted taking money from the Russian government to post boring "Libtards get OWNED compilation #233" slop to Youtube. He also works for Infowars and - oh wait hahahaha
Canadian highlander has this. It seems pretty interesting honestly
He wears a beanie 24/7 because he's ashamed he's bald. How can anyone respect this dude?
Is he still wearing the fake bulletproof vest over his clothes all the time?
Post the screenshot of the guy with 5 "different" golos decks
I saw his little vanity music video project and seeing him there trying to be stoic and serious singing in a fucking dirty ass beanie made me refuse to ever take him seriously.
you know what would be funny? It'll never happen, but one of those 'playtest' cards that they do for special events, that reads something like:

Paperweight Lotus
Casting cost - 0
Tap, sacrifice Paperweight Lotus: Choose a Vanguard in the command zone. Add three mana in any combination of that Vanguard's colors.

and let me just make this obvious, vanguards are colorless so even if you were playing with vanguards, this card does nothing.
I don't know about that, I don't follow him closely, I just know about the pathetic beanie boogaloo
Investards are obviously retarded but disengenious faggots like you are somehow even worse. The ban hit players and investors alike by making game pieces essentially worthless in the only format they saw play.
>only the pre-9/23 banlist
>acknowledging RC's authority by respecting their other bans
Fucking coward. Unban it all.
People angry the RC did not take WOTC business into account (card worth, whether this would cause 'trust issues' with the game) are effectively stating they think WOTC should surplant the RC.
Cool. I hope he creates a non-tranny and fag safe space. I'll definitely check him out.
I gotta be honest
The meta has not been particularly good lately, even if I cared about losing my crypt it was time for a shake up
This isnt exactly wow classic you are going back to
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how is this guy real hahaha he's an IRL basedjack
cyka blyat
Man this discussion isn't off topic at all.
>they think WOTC should surplant the RC.
do you think that's an unpopular opinions? Even amongst the casual crowd? Also the word you were look for is supplant. Supplant means to override and replace.
Ban an entire commander and no one cares
Ban two overpowered fast mana and everyone loses their minds!
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We should have bannings more often these last 24 hours have been priceless
Poolman wants to play with the big boys of /tg/, he gets his bald head posted and called a retard. Only a fool wouldn't have seen this coming.
Yup it's consistently happened across my life and I cant figure out why. Every hobby I've enjoyed gets infested with parasites that ruin it, then discard it, and blame me for the state it's in. I'm taking up drinking beers and fishing. I dont really want to catch any fish, but sitting on a dock with a shitty ice cold beer seems like something hard to fuck up.

Of course not. I understand what I'm accusing them of is exactly what they're accusing me of. The difference is I genuinely care about them and want them to be better, I know the path forward and I'm willing to put in the time to help if it makes my hobby better; they just want to knock me off my high horse because I'm a jaded faggot yelling at clouds.
>I want WOTC to handle bans
Yeah looking at modern having suffered hoggak 2 that sure seems like a good idea.
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i want him to stompy me
So realistically what happens if I have a deck with one of these cards in it at an LGS? Just ask the group if they want me to sub that card out of the deck? Frankly even if he's banned I still want Nadu for a deck idea I had, and because his art is cool.
Yeah, it's a good idea, but Canadian Highlander only assigns points to a few dozen cards out of thousands.
And there are some notable cards on that list, but I don't think it's extensive enough for it to actually be useful.
The type of people that play with these completely unaware of a bunch of bored people watching them play solitaire and have a 30-minute turn makes me happy. I would never play with any of these cards unless im playing cedh because I'm not autistic faggot.
in any other format this is a valid argument, but in one as casual and open as commander, where most "players" would probably just be playing with friends using proxies of expensive cards, this hit investors and wanna be investors way harder. Basically all the players who have been whole sale buying every printed for commander set since 2019 got fucked hard by this and are lashing out. It's why you're going to see a lot of people happy and laughing about this, the same players encouraging WOTC to warp every format around masters sets and BS OP staples are the ones who will suffer hardest from this.

It's a calculated decision from wotc imo to open up the field to milk the whales even more in the future while also pleasing the vast majority of the player base. Hopefully they learn a lesson about over leveraging on cardboard but I'm not counting on it
Edh is not good because its a well made format, its goof because it has less wotc influence than others
>I'm taking up drinking beers and fishing. I dont really want to catch any fish, but sitting on a dock with a shitty ice cold beer seems like something hard to fuck up.
Not a bad thing to do anon, definitely not worth stressing out, pretty well should avoid getting overly invested in anything with some kind of centralization. Unless you love the experience beyond anything else and are prepared to take a 100% loss.
The japanese players proving to be smarter.
>Event instead new format (can always do subsequent events and stop when it gets crusty)
>Highlight: Pick 5 banned cards, those are legal for your deck for this event.
It's time I got into commander.
Any tips for making a mostly black deck?
Post custom cards
I mean you can already ask to play any of the shit on the banlist, whether or not they let you do it is another story. I've never had anyone trying to bargain me to let them use Paradox Engine because they bought the masterpiece version.
This general is too active
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If you put Nadu in your deck I'm putting Emrakul in mine
>it was time for a shake up
They missed Thoracle tho, so expect more Kinnan and RogSi instead.
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Sure. I was half asleep and did this in 30 seconds.
One ban every five years
We've earned it
Oh christ you're the 8 year deck faggot aren't you?
I'm in favor of the bans but if you asked me I would almost certainly say go for it. There's not one card on the banlist I would have an issue playing against besides maybe fastbond and the moxen. Even then if we're all on the same page it can be fun still. I play leovold in the 99 in one deck and I'd say 7/10 games people are like "sure why not" I dont abuse him though and make that clear so maybe that's part of it too.
This is probably the most anger I have seen from the community in 12 years. Walking dead cards outrage didn't hold a candle to this.
Thats next quarter
>Walking dead cards outrage didn't hold a candle to this.
More reason this is all deserved honestly.
>Edh is not good
that's the end of the statement
>less wotc influence
how the fuck do you believe that when we get a commander product with every single set release? We get commander products shoved into premium sets that are ostensibly meant to be for the modern format? How are you so delusional?
Didn't realise the thread had moved on, also I've been tweaking the deck still >>93984374
I'm hoping that's the reason I got no replies rather than noone cares
it's crazy because even serious investments can leave you bankrupt the literal first rule of investment is
>never invest what you can't afford to lose
Go right ahead, I will just hate attack you from turn 2 every single time you play that deck.
Thanks man, I feel much better getting that off my chest. I'm pretty autismal and I just really want people to experience things and enjoy them. The older I get, the more I realize I cant let my idealism get in the way of my own happiness, and constantly fighting losing battles with people ruining the things I enjoy gets me nowhere. Appreciate it.

I've been playing a lot longer than 8 years, so probably not. I started playing magic in 2004ish which was a pretty eventful year all things considered.
I think that's fair because the emrakul ban is retarded anyway
>nooo a 15 mana card shouldn't win you the game on the spot!
it absolutely should
that's why these people play fisher price investment
Reminder that printer paper is free if you can sneak into the back of the library
makes them look extra childish because any real investor wouldn't bat an eye at a card dropping like a rock, their advice would be to diversify their portfolio
>this level of disastrous trust handling
I might be just a clueless thread tourist
shouldn't the opinion on bans be based first and foremost on whether or not they improve the game, rather than their impact on fucking cardboard stock market?
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I will be there. I will be bringing my beautiful commander, or some call it EDH, deck. Many people say I have the best decks. I don't but many people say that. There will be much winning. Just like I knocked Crooked Joe out of the race I will knock my opponent out of the game. He probably plays simic. What a loser.
unironically why is she even banned when thoracle exists
>shouldn't the opinion on bans be based first and foremost on whether or not they improve the game, rather than their impact on fucking cardboard stock market?
No. This is an investment first and foremost.
It is too easy to cheat out and too expensive to get rid of.
This is the grease I use to lube the asses of Thoracle players
Anger? all I'm feeling is schadenfreude
this but ulamog the defiler
I don't get it.. wouldn't those rules make magic a completely obsolete thing. It's a tgc, the one with more money always wins. If you allow proxies, it's just like playing the lottery or UNO
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At this point, I just hate Eldrazi in general.
You're gonna have to rule 0 that card in, buddy. Have fun!
I'm fine with that, I played against an Emrakul deck as one of my first Commander games and I've been wanting to try and beat it in a game. And that wasn't even a particularly well made Emrakul deck either, but it was a good exposure to the kind of bullshit Commander is capable of as a format.
In my case I'm horrendous at Magic so I could have a netdeck cEDH deck and still get rekt. I just wanted Nadu because I think he'd be a good companion to pic related.
Don't frog me, it's the truth. Magic is like professional poker with the exception that only rich people are allowed to play. Once people of equal money meet, it's just a poker face standoff. There is no skill in here.
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The other side is The Power Switch, On.
Its just mana barbs on a 2/1 first strike with 3 transform back, any player can use.
Lolno. That's when magic begins anon. Literally the starting point is when everyone has access to everything.
And now you play poker.
It's kind of impressive how delusional you gambling addicts are.. I feel sorry for you.
Because all other formats also get cards printed for them but wotc does not have direct control over those ban lists. Try to keep up.
It should have been a package ban with Dockside. Either both in or both out (preferably out)
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>I will just hate attack you from turn 2 every single time you play that deck
>that deck
>colorless 'I win the game' creature
She's going in EVERY deck.
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I would rather gamble while playing Commander.
Except in poker you cant manipulate your own deck by construction or card effect, and you cant tune your deck to the competition. That is to say reading your opponents is the only transferable skill between the games. Maybe some loose probabilities, but magic's math is much harder.
Trump would play giant Wall deck with goad cards like disrupt decorum and make his enemies kill each other.
The nature of edh is pretty well "proxy whatever you want" because even if someone isn't ok with it, no one is doing a deck check and really not many people ultimately care. Most people will be more upset at pub-stomping, whether you proxied the deck or bought the whole thing the experience is the same.

You're thinking of actual real 1v1 tournament formats which wotc has made it clear they dont give a shit about anymore so yeah no one should give a fuck about official cards anymore if they're gonna make a kitchen table format their flagship
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Holy cope..
>b-but poker involves skill
>b-but the earth may actually be flat
>b-but this time I know I'll win the lottery

But ofc there is no reasoning with an addict. You people make up whatever to justify your addiction and not look deranged.
Dont forget Insurrection and teferis protection
But I am immune to it. I don't support WotC financially at all. When we wanted to play MtG, we'd play on Workstation. Now we can do it on TTS. Why would I want to give them any of my money or expect to make money of somebody else's product? That's profoundly retarded.
Trump would play Rakdos as it most appeals to his personality
You can pretend to be retarded all you'd like, but if you cant see the skill involved in playing magic I suggest you do something else with your time.
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Damn, outplayed again!
Also, I've never traded, but isn't $200 an absolute pittance by real stock market standards? Unless people are usually buying like 100 copies at once, it sounds like a laughable amount for an actual investor. From the reactions you would think these fetch the price of an original Picasso, rather than being tip money.
$200 is a rounding error. Hell, $2000 is a rounding error on some investments. I sold $200k in stock this week and while it was a major alteration to my portfolio it's also not a life-changing amount of money for me.
I lost 600 bucks in options this month and im not even breaking a sweat
You guys should buy me a promo xiahou dun if it's such a pittance.
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/biz/ is worse than /pol/
Isn't the judge promo half the price of the P3K one?
Found the faggot commie
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then by your logic, why in any capacity do you have right to make statements on a financial issue you hold no interest or stake in?
you are pissing gasoline to a fire you hold no part in, simply to watch it burn
I could start /vp/osting if that's preferable
I'm gonna need new kidneys, man. The salt from the mana crypt and lotus bag holders is fucking delicious.

Enjoy your physical NFTs! Mald, cope, seethe, etc.
Do it pussy
Why so angry?
What's my ROI looking like if I do?
Yeah but it's the one I like.
>/biz/ is worse than /pol/
I play limited exclusively, have a 65% winrate and am essentially infinite on gems in arena AND tix on MODO. Havent put a dime in the game since 2021.
Smg is dead idk what happened to it but I can assure you the rest of biz is cancer
Nothing beats /pol/ in awful
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may as well, that's all my reaction images are anyways

I've thought about trying the pokemon TCG again now that I'm old enough to read the rules but it's not really my speed. Apparently there's a fun rule where if you hand has no pokemon you can play turn 1, you're forced to mulligan and your opponent draws an extra card. If you run exactly one valid pokemon and the rest of your deck is energy and certain item/trainer cards, you can have a very very stupid and inconsistent mill deck.
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I hate you fuckers for continuing to prop up WotC. The sooner you faggots realize what a massive amount of money, effort, and emotional energy you put into it, and STOP DOING IT, the sooner WotC can fucking die.
hit me
if you're dumb enough to dox yourself I'm dumb enough to spend $80 on a shitpost
Depends. It would increase your nps one standard deviation and provide you one net favor from a long time internet degenerate with many talents.
Id unironically pay 60 bucks if my xiahou dun playing friend would log back on to mtgo and play for a few months
That guys deck was a perfect mix of degenerate, fair and unique
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Glaceon should get Snow Warning
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>supporting an LGS that almost exclusively deals in buying/selling singles as product
>continuing to prop up WotC
rudy's investor cult has ruined the collective consciousness of what it means to involve oneself in a market of collectibles entirely
i hate that your viewpoint is justified for that reason alone
fuck it
we'll watch it burn together then
That's not the dumbest thing I've heard this week only because anon said Volcarona should evolve into Slither Wing as if Eviolite didn't exist
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Nice to have more cards I can use as proxies
>Tim "If it's Russian I'm Bustin'" Pool
At least do it with nice handwriting!
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Fuck, those are good. Or maybe intervention pact or scout's warning. Damn, I should put together a Trump deck list.
Marxism is the most Rakdos ideology though.
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But think of your investments!
Fuck this is tempting. A great many men want me dead and it seems almost impossible to set up a discrete PO box. Maybe I'll dox myself when I get drunk later tonight.
Monologue tax?
>Marxism is the most Rakdos ideology though.
Also fascist
This is why there will be no revert of the ban. This anon will commit a fucking terrorism if he is told tomorrow they reverted the ban and he is out several cards solely because he was an idiot who knee jerked instead of waiting.
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>A great many men want me dead
Fuckin James Bond in this thread
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This card is beyond terrible right? I mean 4 mana to pay full price for bad cards can't possibly be good.
We're doing a starter deck league where we get to add 2 cards a week and the only two decks left are this one and the selesnya one and I gotta be honest I already have 4 gw decks I think it's time to play something else.
Fuck it. I'm desperate. One condition. It needs a custom message that says "Fuck Faggot, hope you choke on 1 million dicks. Love anon".

3905 4th Ave Ne 101
Seattle, Washington 98105
So now that they've banned 3 of the most expensive cards in magic history they're gonna stop pumping out $300 masters products and start making magic the gathering more affordable again right?
I am rejoicing with crypto niggers getting what they deserve
holy kek man
>actually giving out your assassination coordinates
/biz/ is the only board on 4chan where you need to register to use
Anyone collecting redditor tears over the ban?
close but the exact opposite. Get ready for more masters products, more staples, more powercreep, more crossovers, less value, less formats and ultimately a worse time. IT's ok though, it's tje f
Many men wish death upon me
Ink in my eye, dog, and I can't see
I'm tryin' to make my deck what it's destined to be
And wizards tryin' to take my deck away (Come on)
I put a hole in a wizard for fuckin' with me
My back on the wall, now you gon' see
Better watch how you talk when you talk about me
'Cause I'll come and take your life away

Many men
Many, many, many, many men
Wish death 'pon me
Lord, I don't cry no more
Don't look to the ban list no more
Have mercy on me
No man ever steps in the same river twice, anon.
>So now that they've banned 3 of the most expensive cards in magic history
Lotus was worth less than some print to order SLD cards that are only a year old. Cabin of the Dead cost more than lotus did and it's banned everywhere but commander and like vintage
I have this gem from earlier.
Pair it up with shit like Viconia that resurrects for free, and price reducers.
The proxies I order from Hong Kong come in faster than the real cards I get from TCG Player. They went to shit when they got bought out.
poorgods we won
I wish I hadn't traded away my foil Nemata a couple of years ago. I kind of want to build him again. Making saprolings is fun.
>casual players are kinda being dicks right now.
its a dollar, even for the foil
Actually that's Mardu and Fascism is Abzan
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mama didn't raise no bitch
Also I'm like 5 miles from you so check yoself before you wreck yoself
>at the highest level
unless you are playing doomsday, cedh aint it.
D-did you send the note?
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why i have like 20 more of them plus its even funnier with shit blurry hand writing on them lol
jeweled lotus is worth nothing its a 0 do nothing in any legal format card now
anyone actually upset sucks at building decks

The only deck i used them in was a meme light-paws deck and i put a jeweled lotus in the trash bin tier LTR elves deck
I expect to see his decklist in the next week
Take some pride in your craft, your hand writing isn't bad enough to be funny, so try to make it nice!
Couldn't find a field for it, sorry mate
Also couldn't find a way for it not to send a receipt so if it sends you MY address imma be pissed
>When someone talks about their retirement fund being cardboard for a game that has been in decline for 5 years.
It's honestly astounding how Magic is the ONLY game where people are retarded enough to do this.
Well, you're a cool guy and I'm sorry I pulled this dirty trick on you, but it's too funny not to tell you at this point. True people search that address.
Looked like a normal apartment complex to me
Hey I want someone to buy me cards :^(
I don't get it, does a fed or wotc exec live there or something?
nobody likes a beggar, get lost.
The little fuckers aren't in stock at my local stores though. The old border foils, that is.
>All we did was try to take over your format,make it our own, and kick you out!
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What in the goddamn
I hate that goober so fucking much.
Holy fucking shit. Anon, you mad man. If he wrote that note it would make the news.
Who is it?
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>jeweled lotus is worth nothing its a 0 do nothing in any legal format card now
But think of the Doubling Cube synergy
Damn, kinda want that in my Lucea Kane deck now.
He was fine when he was only doing product reviews. It all went downhill after he made more mtg content.
Also he is sucking Gamegenic cock ever since they partnered with him to release his shitty deckbox.
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>Anybody outside of this format really doesn't like us.
I wonder why that is.
I have never met a humble cEDH player in my life. It is far beyond the normal Spike attitude.
alright, lets address the assumptions implicated in this post
>commander is a better format than other formats
>commander is a better format than other formats, and the reason for this is because WotC does not have (direct) control over the ban list
Laughable. Lets get the elephant in the room out of the way, firstly. WotC absolutely does have indirect influence on the Commander ban list. The committee will not admit it, because of course they won't, but they are absolutely scared shitless about ever doing *anything* because they know that if the displease WotC then they can, not literally, but effectively dissolve them and ignore them, and manage the format in-house from that point forward.

Thinking that a theoretical WotC-curated would be worse than whatever we have now is a challenge, because the ban list we have now is fucking nonsense bullshit.Thinking that a WotC banlist would be slow to ban new, cash-cow cards? Well it took the current committee four years to address Dockside, a card that even some cEDH fags had some consternation over. Those fags that always want to screech about how the ban list doesn't matter because of 'muh rule zero'? That will be just as true as before.

Saying I'm not a fan of WotC or the products they have been releasing would be an understatement. But I still think they would do a better job curating a ban list than the commander rules committee.
Being a top player in the top format will do things to your mind
wotc knew
Unironically considered Doubling Cube for Galazeth Prismari. Should I make the call?
cEDH players are the very worst card gamer stereotypes rolled into one, they are all, without exception, dumb gay fat baby idiots
and they asked the RC to wait a year with the announcement so they can sell boxes.
whats the problem?
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Could be used in a 60 card urza deck still maybe too? idk

Dockside ban has been needed forever in EDH. I dont even care since I used him in one deck being Anje turbo dragon combo but man it was ass playing against since nearly all decks use some sorts of artifact ramp these days.
They comitted fraud, that's the problem
There he is again!
Laugh at the freak!
how did they commit fraud?
Imagine bragging about being a little bootlicker
Fraud is when they sell real cards in booster packs for money???
What is your definition of fraud in this case???
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The average "cEDH" player I meet in my city's different game stores is just someone who clearly got their ass kicked and netdecked something to stomp people with. I could give less of a fuck about the people playing it in isolated tournament pods. It's the little faggots who get cEDH decks to show their friends they're tired of losing to casual shit like Jetmir, Krenko, Go Shintai, Alena, or whatever is the big bad casual deck among their local scene is and how "they're gonna learn what real power is!" That's who's bringing this shit to casual pods in my experience. The guys playing in tournaments don't seem to do it, just the pubstomping wannabes.
They sold you product that they knew were gonna be outdated in a short while, kind of how apple/samsung keeps getting taken to court for selling old product before announcing new product or updates that render the old incompatible. /s
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They used the secondary market price of an extremely desirable card to justify an inflated sales price of a set while planning to make the card worthless. They pumped the reprint equity as hard as they could one last time before they banned the card.
jeweled lotus is right where it belongs. I am gonna laugh my ass off when it's reprinted
>wotc shouldn't be allowed to ban cards they've sold recently, it's fraud!
That is their business model. You got the mental cummies off cracking packs thats really all the guarantee you get
They shouldn't use high prices to justify high prices when they're about to make cards worthless
>forgetting the modern Fury ban just before they released an alt art version of it
WotC isn't so bright that they sabotaged themselves.
Did you not see the /s? The one I put there to show you that it was a fucking joke?
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Wotc is 100% getting control of CEDH LMAO
No, I did not see your reddit meme.
Then I recommend you try that argument in a court of law and see how far it gets you
That just sounds like a variant of some Spelltable-y thing.
Oh ho ho. Who said they were going to walk back the bans? I did. I fucking knew it immediately.
>Sheldork dies
>RC becomes more based as a result
I foresee a bright future for EDH.
>Spend $50,000 defending battered wife consoomers
The argument has merit, but an actual lawsuit will never materialize.
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I wonder if there are anons here who are part of the club, who got the heads up to dump their mana crypts at peak value instead of all the bag holders, you cheeky fucks, downright squirrley even...
>throwing the dumbest content creator under the bus
top kek
Damn, seems like 4chan ate it, damn you hiroshimoot!
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Nah he monologues, he doesn't pay taxes for it though.
Fascism is clearly Mardu
I always liked the art on the full art double masters crypt, would unironically give you five dollars for it if you put something funny on it.
this, lol
unless it's highly liquid RL cards or extremely valuable stuff like p9, most shops only hold onto 1 or 2. you can tell when shops get a big supply of recently released $100+ staples because they'll typically undercut by a considerable amount on tcgplayer
>thought the people complaining were players who now couldn't use the 100 dollar cards they bought
>the one's actually complaining are the equivalent of scalpers who have been hoarding these staple cards to sell
Card games are gay now
Every "collectable" adjacent hobby has been gigafucked since 2020, if not earlier.
>stack the triggers wrong
fuck, I have gotten sloppy playing in paper
What happened to the spammers? Did they get bored and fuck off or was there another happening.
Didnt he pull the monologue tax on Kamala during the last debate? I didnt see it but there was the thing where he said a thing that was her thing but now its his thing
What deck anon?
>secondary market price
>extremely desirable card
>inflated sales price
>make the card worthless
>reprint equity
So you don't actually play the game and instead are solely focused on the price of a card? Why didn't you sell them when you had them then??? Sounds like sour grapes to me. It's one thing if they tell you "Jeweled Lotus is now more accessible than ever to all Commander format players, make sure to grab your copy while you can!" It's another to just sell a printing of the card, they never forced you to buy the card at all. It sounds to me like you wanted to hold this thing until the price was good enough for you to unload it.
why did you crop the picture?
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>"""Casual"""" fan made format has been twisted and warped by both the company and playerbase over the past 10 years
>format has become just as cancer and unfun as the regular formats it was made to combat
>ban list complaints are more about not being able to sell the cards rather than actually playing them \
Even if they go back on the bans this format's image is fucking cooked. People were already getting fed up and blaming the format for Wizard printing broken cards over it but now its revealed that majority of the vocal players are either cringe cardboard scalpers or some of the sweatiest subhumans of any card game
The collectables market has always been a nest of scalpers and fraud, but it exploded in 1996.
Never mind. He must have been eating dinner or something.
had flameblast dragon and Savage Ventmaw
needed 4 extra damage to win
put ventmaw on first like a dumbass
I'm pretty sure you meant atarka, otherwise you have more problems than just the stack my friendm
not atraxa
vocal minority not majority
her tits look wavy
>This product costs twice as much
>Because we put expensive cards in it
>We've sold all of our inventory
>The biggest chase card is now worthless
>Not just "worth less", it Actually unplayable
>printing sets like they were counterfeit money
>Bloomburrow just came out and now we have another set
>this ban list shit show
This is genuinely too much in both cost and to simply keep up with.
oh gross nvm
See >>93986810
If it was players complaining that they have been taken for a ride, that wotc sold them spoiled wine, that would have been a valid complaint. But traders going after "chase cards" can get fucked.
I really hope they reprint Mana Vault in Foundations or something so the price craters as a response to the price doubling overnight too
Jeweled lotus is still $40
the punishment must be more severe
Everyone knows it will be unbanned. I cant believe people were eating and burning their cards yesterday.
I am a player complaining that I got taken for a ride.
Copium. It will never be unbanned
Then you have my sympathy.
Crypt is already unbanned. I think you'll be surprised.
Ban it if you want I'm still playing it
Nah. You can't walk back a ban like this, they'd lose all credibility if they did. This one's on the player base. It's time we make a cEDH format and a casual EDH format. You can have the obvious broken cards in cEDH. It really is that simple.
It's still banned
Literally just midwits left holding the bag whining when they didn't listen when they were explicitly told not to put money in any card WotC can reprint at will.

It is ironic that they caught a stray through bannings, but the advice is still accurate.
Check gatherer.

They already walked it back. It's done.
Cool, cool. I'll also be putting in my deck Fastbond, Emerkul, Griselbrand and all the other goodies on the banlist.
Jeweled Lotus isn't even a good card
>check the obsolete site that wizards abandoned in 2011
It isnt obsolete for any other card, funny how that works.
>vault is 100 dollars now
Holy shit I got mine for 20 bucks. Now to wait for the meta to wrap around it and sell it for a huge profit before the next ban.
You're trolling, it's banned.
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>noooooo the casual players are being mean to us and telling us to fuck off with our super serious competitive format in this casual format
Not according to gatherer.
I'm rich!
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>turn 1
>i play land for turn, cast jeweled lotus, crack it and cast my commander
>jeweled lotus isn't a good card btw
how many cards need to go before edh starts feeling like a brewer's format again? feels like there are way too many situations where around 95 cards are an 'auto include'
Over 1000. Maybe more. Definitely all the green ramp.
The only way this happens is if someone actually gets minecrafted irl. They were 100% prepared for backlash and absolutely knew how this would go. Thinking otherwise is stupid, about as stupid as thinking wotc was blindsided by this.
none, edh is a brewers format for people with an ounce of restraint
cedh is a quarantine zone for all others
start with anything that has the word "commander" in it's oracle text
Not according to scryfall

Gatherer is defunct and you know this. That's why you're a troll
>plays banned card
I accept your concession
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Thoracle needs to go, any mana rock that costs 0 with no drawbacks, most tutors should be considered. Just about every made for commander cards. Things like that, really.
>Banlist happens
>I lost two cards from my deck
>mana crypt and jeweled lotus
>I will miss those days of dropping a turn 1 shrouded beatstick that was a 26/26
>"But anon your in green why do you need more ramp?"
>because I wanted to haymaker people
>While a tad sad to lose both cards, it only costed me $0 as I played online versions that were completely free.
>I never bought the physical copies because fuck off, I am not spending like $300 for two cards for one deck.
>Sol Ring
>Arcane Signet
>Your choice of 3-4 boardwipes
Where are the 95 cards from???
>banning Dockside over Jeweled Lotus and Mana Crypt
What kind of retard thinks that's the most problematic of the three?
I only have sol ring and basics from that list you have
I cast swords to plowshares
um I control my commander chud, which means I counter it with this free spell that's free if I ordered a big mac earlier this week.
>monocolor commander
Monocolor commanders are not good and are not competitive by the way
That is not what cedh has told me in the past.
that is only the refuge of cowards and noncreatives
Ok it's like this. HAs wizards made an amount of money they deem sufficient? If yes then we may consider entertaining the idea of possibly banning it. If no then come back later. and We'll possibly consider the above. Maybe.
>mono colored
Dual colored, actually
Have you babies stopped crying yet? Yesterday was so much fun
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>Have you babies stopped crying yet?
'''Investor''' tears are still flowing like a river. Cheers!
Migrate whenever

They're going to be crying and shitting themselves all week it seems
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If you look in the RC discord, its constant tears still.
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Yeah, he said, "excuse me, I'm speaking... do you remember that?" to Kamala when she interrupted him in that debate, but that makes it more of this spell, rather monologue tax itself.
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Excuse me?
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I literally lost 1500 dollars
This dude is dead as fuck after the most recent bans.
JewLo prices are bouncing, it’s not fair. Whales will buy a useless card for $40 just for the chance that it won’t stay useless
you didnt lose it, you wasted it
there is a difference
How elated has the bans made you feel? I for one revel in the salty tears of walletfags.
as someone that runs multani idgaf about mana crypt and jewlo. if you're taking multani out that early you are 100% losing the game. it's way more kino to get card draw engines out, and some ramp pieces like wild growth, gaea's touch, and sneak a selvala on the board before multani comes out, so when he does you have huge amounts of mana available to bait out counter spells by casting fungal sprouting and overwhelming stampede, and then when no one has mana drop akroma's memorial or squal line and end the game. my deck is usually the lowest power and lowest salt level on the table and usually flies under the radar during the first handful of turns. end up winning a fuckton by not drawing attention with shit like mana crypt or jewlo which pisses off everyone else who isnt running fast mana and makes me the instant target.
my sides have been in orbit but at this point i'm bored of hearing everyone's opinions on it, especially "c"EDH fags and all the copium. ready to go back to normal EDH shitposting.
I would feel bad for them but they're also the people propping up everything I hate about this game now so I'm revelling in their pain to tell the truth. I find it glorious because I hate them and most of what this game has become, I hope there's more bans and more pain and when they're crying and seething I'm going to tell them what they told me

>It's just a game, why do you even care so much
I'm the happiest I've been all week.
Cedh fags arguing, people coping about reversing the ban.
This guy gets it, I would feel bad but the people crying about this are the same people who make the format insufferable.
I'm not the guy giving them money. haven't been for YEARS t: Hunn

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