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Archives & Other Resources: https://pastebin.com/wETipqYw
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Previous Thread: >>93976712

>Thread Question:
What CYOA is the prettiest CYOA?
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I won cyoag. What is my name?
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Lamentations catto sexooo
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OC (Lands of Mercia) is a cyoa apparently based on Lone Observer's Be The Noble, which was posted here a while back in an imagechest link, but some of the images there were too large to be posted in /cyoag/, and they were annoyingly large-resolution anyway (3016 width).
I haven't read it yet, but I compiled it to 2 tg-postable image files.

ALLSYNCANON! Add these images ( >>93985360 >>93985393 ) to https://cyoa.allsync.com/s/owWor64yLTngDk3?path=%2FCYOA%20Creators%2C%20Authors%2FCharlemagne%27s%20aka%20Paradox%20Autist%27s%20CYOAs%2FThe%20Lands%20of%20Merica%20CYOA%20(by%20charlemagne%20aka%20paradox%20autist)
I played this already, therefore it's not OC
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I actually meant OP, not OC
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>What CYOA is the prettiest CYOA?
Seinaru Magecraft Girls.
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Here's your cat companion.
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This is Tankista's worst CYOA
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And it is still better than anything aro has done.
Solar legion >>>>>>>>>>>> any fagsta cyoa.
Yes, we know you are.
ok i guess i slit your throat, monkeyman
That's not Fate / Another or Outer Reincarnation
Silence, peasant, you cannot hope to stand against the United Discord Front (Aromage, Husanon, Gil, Sandnigger, ...). CYOAG is ours, because we are organized, while you are not. The threads shall collapse beneath the flood of our WIPs.
Nah i'm right.
Two of those arent even active authors
You mean Gil and Sandnigger? Gil is working on a slavery CYOA, Sandnigger released a CYOA just a month ago.
I like Aromage cyoas, but Magocratic Convention, Time of Troubles, and Outer Reincarnation completely mogs all but Ultimate God.
I truly pity you for being unable to taste anything but shit.
Sure he is.
just sush it and update your best cyoa again aromage
I already have this face. If I could update it, i'm waiting on the gateway stuff to drop.
>it's just me, the aggressive arosimp that replys every time
Lol. Lmao even
>Gil is working on a slavery CYOA
he isnt
>Sandnigger released a CYOA just a month ago.
he didnt
This is the answer. Technology stomps
A new face for my collection.
>A new fa-ACK!
what is this even supposed to mean.
Check the clown dlc for answers.
>literally just spouting nonsense now
Its ok anon, we can get through your mental problems together.
>he said the line again
Technology IS magic you big dummy
see >>93986645
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hehehe another dead body.... hahaha...... another corpse....... hohohohoho... another decaying mass...... huhuhuhuhu...... another rotting morass...... hmhmhmhmhmhm......
jobber goddess
are you stupid
he's in cyoag
She threw a fight to make the "winner" look scarier, as part of her righteous plan, that's the definition of jobbing.
Wait, the Emperor of Mankind is... a jobber?
Lmao. Aint nothing righteous about that whore. Ameno/Libertas or bust.
>The Southern Steppes

>Beast Master
>Great Scholar

>Tents and Supplies*
>Stock of Food
>Almanac of the Lands
>Thaumato Seeds
>Shamir Worm

>Farmers x5
>Shepherds x8
>Miners x2
>Hunters x5
>Physicians x2
>Blacksmiths x3
>Runesmiths x1
>Stone Masons x4
>Leather Workers x2
>Weavers x2
>Potters x2
>Beast Tamers x2
>Men-at-Arms x7
>Architects x1
>Alchemists x1
>Priests x1
>Archers x3
>Paladins x1

>Hell Pigs*
>Moa Bird*
>Terror Birds*

>Earth's Wrath
great, thanks for compiling
>Starting Location: The Central Highlands [+300]

Archwizard [-25]
Legendary Warrior [-20]
Brilliant Tactician [-20]
Midas Touched [-20]
Elusive Shadow [-20]
Grey Eminence [-20]
Great Scholar [-20]
Beast Master [-15]
Industrialist [-30]
Immortal [-40]
Godlike [-50]

Book Of Saint Cyprian [-20]
Munich Handbook Of Necromancy [-25]
Book Of Leo III [-20]
Rite Of Yog-Sothoth [-35]
Chaos Armor [-10]
Gromil Armor [-10]
Axe Of Sabnock [-10]
Lance Of Longinus [-15]
Staff Of Hermes [-10]
Emerald Tablets Of Thoth [-50]
Bottle of Dionysis [-15]
Tents & Supplies [Free]
Stock Of Food [-5]
Scrying Orb [-20]

Farmers [-1]
Shephards [-1]
Miners [-1]
Lumberjacks [-1]
Hunters [-2]
Blacksmiths [-2]
Carpenters [-2]
Stone Masons [-2]
Leather Workers [-2]
Potters [-2]
Beast Tamers [-5]
Physicians [-6]
Men At Arms [-5]
Archers [-3]

Chickens [Free]
Ducks [Free]
Giant Stags [Free]
Giant Eagles [Free]
Wyvern [Free]

Dark Skies [No Points]
Drought [+20]
Barbarians At The Gate [+40]
Hidden Blades [+20]
Behemoth [+30]
Eldritch Gate [+100]
Monster Girls [+50]

Nah, I'd win
It will never matter. Just like all the slop you spam.
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I'm looking for the name of a CYOA, if anyone can even identify it from my vague description.
>urban fantasy/paranormal investigation CYOA
>vaguely buffy/dresden files, but grimdark
>the mission system is the longest part of the CYOA
>I believe that I made a private investigator with psychic powers
>had very good structure and aesthetic design principles, but very poor color design and readability. The colors of the text and boxes were all faded and dark, that just blended into the black and grey backgrounds
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What the fuck does that even mean? Name a CYOA that "matters" more than any other
Pretty sure that's by nxtub but I may be mixed up
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Supernatural Investigator? There's another one by the guy who made Overwind I'm also thinking of.
Supernatural Investigator is good, but it's not that one, I've got both it and my build on my hard drive already.
I think you might be looking for Urban Phantom. Also, Strange Rains never ever. I weep and gnash my teeth.
Is this Hexalby?
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Paranormal Debt Collector

One of my favourite CYOA and the reason Why I got into CYOA
>reddit version
Where do you think you are? This place is done for since aromage brought her discord here.




The Temple

Fast Learner

Bad Influence
Senseless: Blind
Deadly Secrets

>The Force
Major Heterodoxy

Jedi Guardian

>Basic Force Powers
Force Barrier
Force Sense
Force Control
Mental Shields

>Advanced Force Powers
Force Repulse
Force Revitalise
Battle Precognition
Force Lightning
Advanced Tutaminis

>Your Lightsaber

>Lightsaber Design

>No Mods

>Lightsaber Form
Form VI: Niman (Mastered)

>Advanced Combat Techniques
Advanced Telekinetic Combat

Martial Skills
Awareness (Level 2)
Athletics (Level 2)
Intellectual Skills
Knowledge (Force) (Level 2)

>Covert Skills
Survival (Level 1)

Heavy Armor
Beskar Reinforcement
Holocron (3)

The Separatists (Enemy)
Corporate Sector (Enemy)
Neutral Systems (Enemy)

Oriana Crespin

Initian Cruise
Securing The Past
Ruins OF Rhen-Var
Medical Mission
Jungle Run

>Final Mission
Home Of The Jedi

Honestly I prefer the discordfags than the shitposters.
Same, at least discordfags want to contribute in their own way.
yep, looks like a human female build alright
>simping for subhuman discordtrannies whose sole purpose in life is to project their mental illness onto others
god this website really is doomed
That's just the shitposters like you.
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>Magi Case came out before Strange Rains and Tome-Fu and Saint Slayer and all the others.
It's literally over.
The only one projecting their mental illness is you.
The fuck you mean reddit version?
>not shitposters
>not mentally ill
>a-anyone who uses x website is mentally ill!!! I'm normal!!!
Kill yourself.
That's the one. Thanks a ton, anon!
I'm starting to think you're the real tranny, you're acting like one.
>Advanced Force Powers
>Force Repulse
>Force Revitalise
>Battle Precognition
>Force Lightning
>Advanced Tutaminis
You can only take 2 Advanced Force Powers.
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Why has there been no kino yet guys?
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>t. discordtroons
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Did anyone care about the various race options in JRPG Traitor? I have a few races but they are mostly fluff description and cosmetic. Is that the right way to go?
You should have been beaten more as a child
The apo one is so much better.
I cared, if only because I like being an elf and having beastman/demihuman wives.
How do I write supposedly good companions? What makes a companion good?
These categories are each independent of each other, but the most popular CYOAs have some overlap.
>Make sure that they have a niche.
>Make sure that they don't exactly overlap with another companion as a gender-swapped version of each other.
>Make sure that they have an intriguing backstory, that doesn't overshadow the player.
>Make sure that the general selection of companions are flexible enough to work with almost any character type, and there's no companion shortage if you pick a particular series of options.
>Make sure that they're attractive.
>Make sure that they fit a fetish.
fuckability for most anons
Implying I'm not posting it because I know how much everyone hates it. slop goes in the slop thread my friend.
Is this the level of retractive cope we're getting too in the thread now.
why appeal to braindead anons?
If I picked a group to adventure with irl, it would all be men, just like WW2 and LoTR.
Anon, you're not gonna have much of a choice in the matter.
Before saying you don't want any women in your party you need to have the capability to get women to join
why should I care what women think?
Because you should think with your genitalia.
Technically reddit OC
no thanks
>>Make sure that they have an intriguing backstory, that doesn't overshadow the player.
Elaborate further.

What defines an intriguing backstory?
They are a glownegress but not the lame kind, they're not femme fatales, they're just federal agents that are female and will be corrupted to support my ideology in the coming days.
This is Tankista's best CYOA
you have such a way with words
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Make them female. Anons are THAT easy.
Good on you for having a spine, they're hard to come by these days.
The irony.
>!*!*!*!*, AHS, PCA, Angelanon, Bliss, SDA, Black Magic Anon, StonedCelt, Rosanon, Gil, Dreadarian, ZBG, Apotheosis, Thistlewaite, Highlander, Gammaflux
christ the author graveyard is sad to see
Not bad, thanks for the oc.
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>Sandnigger released a CYOA just a month ago.
>he didnt
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>Thistlewaite posted Scion 1 year ago
>PCA posted Ouroboros 1 year ago
>Apotheosis posted Tentacle Realm update on /trash/ a few months ago
Them I'd consider alive.
>300 points

>Central Highlands

>Archwizard 25
>Brilliant Tactician 20
>Elusive Shadow 20
>Grey Eminence 20
>Great Scholar 20
>Industrialist 30
>Immortal 40
>Godlike 50

>Book of Leo III 20
>Staff of Hermes 10
>Emerald Tablets of Thoth 50
>AK-47 5
>Bottle of Dionysos 15
>Tents and Supplies 0
>Stock of Food 5
>Scrying Orb 20
>Stock of Gold 5

>Darkened Skies +0 due to Industralist
>Drought +15
>Barbarians at the Gates +40

I bring no people with me. As an omnicompetent immortal superhuman, I can pick people to work for me from the locals.
My servants won't need to farm or herd animals, as I feed them wine from the Bottle of Dionysos, and heal away any ailments which stem from the wine-based diet with the Staff of Hermes.
After I've hired enough mooks to serve me and defeated the Barbarians with my magic, I dedicate my time to understanding the Emerald Tablets of Thoth.
With the knowledge gained from it, I will make all humans unaging.
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I don't really see the appeal of the Entropist CYOA. It's like a watered down Domain Master CYOA.
>Domain Master CYOA.
ehh... I would say it's a matter of tastes so you wouldn't be wrong because it's subjective but there are 2 problems that are objective.

1. Domain Master and Entropist are very different. It's weird to compare them. Like, yes, you choose minions in both but even that is different as in one you choose the power to create them and in the other you buy a number. The rest is very different as Entropist is more power and lore oriented and Domain master is about a domain.

A better comparison is the one everyone does, Dawn of a Demon Lord

2. Entropist is way more complex and with more work behind than Domain Master. You could say you like Domain Master more but calling Entropist a watered down is simply wrong even ignoring point 1.

Entropist has like 10 pages longer than the ones in Domain Master that has 3. Plus extra pages in the gacha + lore etc... watered down is the wrong term

I like entropist way way more btw
None of the responses to the CYOAs posted in this thread have anything to do with the CYOAs in question.
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https://imgchest.com/p/n87wvem8b4x for high res.
Anyone have any lude/erotic CYOA?
Bonus points for single page.
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https://pastebin.com/GkqPm9BA for boosts.
https://pastebin.com/rnciDBx2 for curses.

Almost forgot.
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Do you have to buy EVERY sigil in Bitter Dissatisfaction except Parasitology (which is shit btw) to get Mageweaver?
That's the rule. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Worth it. Human marionettes + sun forger is op as fuck.
The rules seem to imply that
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Who is the Moo Deng of cyoa authors
There's like 3 types of fans of Entropist

Mostly in for the power fantasy since it covers almost every powerfag's checklist (immortality, pocket dimension, endless scaling, planeswalking).

In a strange twist of events for whatever reason Entropist has some of the best waifus in any cyoa. Them being virgins also shut down like 90% of potential shitposting.

While we recently got several good minion cyoas we literally spent years only getting one, maybe two a year. Entropist having minions was a pretty big deal I'd say.

Then there's the lore though but I think a lot of the lorefags are into it because of the other 3 reasons and just like the lore as a side dish. Ironically I actually think Domain Master has a ton of flaws but since nobody really sat down to analyze it to death like Entropist I've never really seen any point in talking about it. Like off the top of my head 3 major issues Entropist had are present in Domain Master to a much worse degree and no one has ever pointed it out and for good reason since it detracts from what little conversation the cyoa can still receive.
literally me
Gil means bouncy pork?
>has some of the best waifus in any cyoa
It really doesn't.
Can you buy more of the same sigil, not for boosting, but for getting more spells in the same Blessing?
tok. Retards think it is all a joke but one day he will snap and kill people.
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Pygmy hippos don’t snap they just sass
>Them being virgins also shut down like 90% of potential shitposting.
Only you and otherfags would start the shitposting. I remember when no one gave a shit then new faggots like you obsessed with virginity showed up and ruined the general.
I hate popular cyoas so much I would rather we just go back to shitposting about lolis and physics or something
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>You need your waifus to be virgins to be picke-
Goddesses won.
Post your favorite CYOA and be judged hipsterfag
I just want to make CYOAs everyone or at least one person can enjoy.
Make it for yourself, not others.
motherly dark skin smug lolis are the best
Why does everyone pick godlike? boring.
An extremely rare breed strangely only produced by Italics. In fact I don't recall other authors making dark-skin loli wives or waifus.

I think it might be Surnical as the latest person to do it?
Gil translates (roughly) to ‘rampant ass fucker’
It's framed as an isekai scenario, so picking the options that would benefit (You) the most makes sense.
Don't listen to this faggot >>93991810 . You must make CYOAs for me and me only.
The fear of my CYOA failing on release is fucking with me. How do I do actually cope and do better or do I just ball?
Replace your fear with hatred. Don't fear the shitposters, hate them and release a CYOA (You) want to see out of spite.
This is why aromage is the most based author.
shoving low quality slop in everyone's faces is in fact a gigachad move
You don't have to be a shitposter to point out Aromage errors that she keeps repeating. Her CYOAs lack a certain type of soul and charisma to them.

Art selection can be better but the main problem with her CYOAs is that they have a bad foundation as a narrative and setting. This leads to a very dry world ans choice options, it's like a corporate board putting a product together. It's more about what would move numbers and meet engagements at a desired level for mass appeal over something more personal and engaging because it was made as a personal craft and art.

Tok has the same nature in his CYOAs too, so it's not just Aromage. She needs to get out of her comfort zone to improve.
She’s based because she goes out of her way to put in absolutely dumb fucking shit in her cyoas for the hell of it. She doesn’t give a fuck about being a low iq mutt.

Had someone told her that 2+2=4 she’d put 2+2=5 in her cyoa.
People generally like having Race Options both for being overpowered and having fluff options.

Personally I only ever play Humans thought.
>You don't have to be a shitposter to point out Aromage errors that she keeps repeating
It’s because she doesn’t like criticism lol
she’s brain rotted not wanting to listen to people, like Gil
Just lmao at you in every thread
I think its not quite that. Aro clearly has a specific "type" of thing she likes and she frequently adds that shit into her setting. Her issue is that her attempt to grow from that is just "how do I add things people like".
Aro needs to be more selfish and ambitious as a creator, to have clear goals and ideas with her OC and to not worry about upsetting or pleasing people. She needs to confidence to properly explore her comfort zone and make something with a clear vision.

Thats the thing though, shes a contrarian child obsessed with anons. The need to spite and subvert is still enslaving yourself to others, no different to needing to please and pander.
You now remember Italics confirming marriages in his Lamentation being Human Male on Female Anthro and taking over an entire pagr of lore.
Select one. The two are ontologically incompatible.
I stopped respecting the physics fag the moment he started defending gil desu
>a biological woman
>producing content on /cyoag/
>with a 60% image-to-text aesthetic ratio
I'll believe and consneed the point IF and WHEN """she""" posts proof. As is, I can see none. Honestly, Highlander comes across to me as vastly more feminine than Aromage. Just look at what they've done, sprawling heaps of passive-toned lore with little direction outside of establishing a theme. With women, the broad idea and sweeping vibes are what matter, not the detailed crunch or specific mechanics. I believe Aromage has terminally low testosterone and is a long-term tranny, but a woman """she""" is not.
Go talk about it in your discord instead and then kill yourself
You could have just said 'i'm schizophrenic' and saved us the time of reading.
Take her most recent cyoa as an example, gateway or whatever its called.
Aro clearly had a couple of ideas "what if you arent very strong as a planeswalker", "what if minion cyoa" and Ivory, who is probably quite relevant in the grand metaplot of aro cyoa and is the driving force of the narrative of gateway.
But none of them are particularly well expanded. The meat of the cyoa is as much as anything picking personal powers and making yourself as strong as you can, so the feeling of weakness isnt established except by looking at her other cyoa and noticing that you get more shit there.
The minions exist, but because you dont have very many of them and there isnt much to them beyond picking some that aspect of the cyoa also feels shallow and "fake", you dont get the feeling that youre shaping this fledgeling interplanar society or army or whatever, but instead just pick what flavor of mooks to fight some nondescript enemy with.
And then you have ivory, who is powerful enough to render the rest of the cyoa largely worthless (your combat robots arent going to be much use here) and who frankly could have been the cyoa on her own, its an angry vengeful god infinitely your superior who questions the very premise of the cyoa and who essentially sets the scene for everything that came before. Except she essentially "loses in cutscene" and just agrees to be your best friend/waifu because youre so great and just said "but im not evil" when she decided you were evil and needed to die.

Its a mess of garbled ideas and "filler" which exists for no reason but to pander to the presumed audience. If aro was just more selfish and JUST made a cyoa about dealing with her new OC donut steel character it would be a more interesting and worthwhile thing.
Aro doesent do detailed crunch and mechanics, aromage purely does vibes and pretty pictures.
It's not my fault you're blind to the wonders and rigours of feminine qualia. Those who know, know. I can identify prose by someone with XX chromosomes with pinpoint accuracy. There are so many telltale signs it strains comprehension. Aromage is a decent author, probably the second best Reddit has, but he's clearly a man.
Based desu.
All of this.
>the moment he started defending gil
when did he do that?
name better waifus
Your translation needs a bit of work. It actually means "one who receives anal"
>Just look at what they've done, sprawling heaps of passive-toned lore with little direction outside of establishing a theme.
You just described Italics
Yes. Italics is a black woman.
>he respected physics fag
Zodiac Brides, Drifting Hearts. Castitas, Rika, etc.
Hathor, Bastet, isis, Nepthys, Tefnut
We love our discord friends who have made a grand total of one (1) CYOA in like three years and our awesome thread celebrities and their autistic devotion to their ritualistic shitposting gimmicks here in /cyoag/. Urm, Gilworm!
I like gilworm :>
My nibba husanon is serving some of that with Isi.
But he likely was inspired by Italics to do so.
when he cited blood and fire as an example of ‘the psychology of magic’ done right
that magic is bad though
NTA but
Who are the best waifumancer autors?
>inspired by Italics
Then why so many lolis?
nostalgia clouded taste
not according to him
He said he will have non-lolis.
Maybe it is a coincidence he has only showed lolis?
Aro has a hairy lip. She waxes it off every morning. Sometimes she doesn’t, and will pass off as some Mexican, which can be handy at times.
This is a weird general. You’re all weird but individuals.
Being more selfish is how you end up like tok and slopingical. Ignored and no one cares for what you do. Time wasted
Weird is Good
Anon this is a pure escapist general it would be weird if everyone were well adapted individuals
Tok isnt selfish, hes a shill and a whore, hes just a retard who wants to seem aloof. His cyoa are soulless pandering, theres no drive or "goal" there, its just shit he hopes people will like.
I could only ever enjoy one (1) Tok cyoa and I will let you guess which one
NTA but I really don't want to guess or know
He is selfish. Everyone in the world could tell him to do something else and he will ignore it and do it anyways. For years he has been shat on for his taste yet he has not changed anything. If what you said was true, he would have long since changed to appease people. Just his update to dragonfall tells you everything. He does not care for feedback.
Being selfish is how you end up like Italics and a failed programmer.
Everyone should be selfish to a certain degree, otherwise you have no self pride whatsoever, and you don’t actually love yourself. Absolute selflessness is actually a plague upon the self.
I unironically do. If you’re not a red faced retard who just wants to argue you can actually see the wisdom and learn things behind that asshole personality of his.
>t. the retard in question
We already know is you, shitposter. You already outed yourself on the other thread when you seethed so hard and could not help yourself from replying ever 1 minute.
>admitting he shitposts at work
You’re the worst sort of shitposter
Do you even have an agenda?
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>he posts here in his free time instead of on the job
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Why did someone make this cyoa look like shit?
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There's no wisdom in arguing your opinion like its fact. The only red faced retard is the guy who sinks threads with his off topic pedantic bullshit.
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https://imgchest.com/p/6eyrdor6l4p for pages 3 and 4.
>cucked by file size
You hate to see it
Highlander is a dude. There was a post many many many moons ago where his friend talked about how highlander's laptop was stolen because he went to the corner store and left his apartment unlocked and referred to him as a he.
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>In the Beginning, there were two opposing forces
Looks like Eigenweapon isn't part of the Ultimate God setting.
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No it is, Order is Skai, Chaos is the Void. Ultimate god starts out the same way.
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Ayo wtf, I found a version with higher res in the 4chan archive than the one in allsync.

This means another origin to add in the Ultimate God update...
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>Ultimate Slop Setting
Anyone else get really emotional over the wholesome CYOAs?
The cozy cyoa and recently that Halloween one made me experience it again, but for 'normal' CYOAs I can make a build with relatively little investment.

When all the choices are genuinely wholesome though, I sometimes cry because all the choices are genuinely too good and hard to decide against. Warmth, hugs, and good vibes are just too hard to choose between, I want them all!
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For me, it's sad cyoas that seem like they lead up to sad endings.
This is word for word copied from a reddit post
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P-please... more slop... post your most braindead sloppa...
no it isnt
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why are you lying?
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its SCPslop
i am not clicking on that link
Anon, we know. Aro filled this place with redditors. Why do you think everyone is defending her?
Because they're not retards like you, aroseether.
I've grown so bored of you shitposters that I would unironically rather have them since they aren't as annoying and they make OC.
So this is the new shitposging meta
Lol, lmao.
Cope harder.
Do you like combining magic and science? I think they're really strong when you use them together.
Have a rare one
>Atavist (gatto)


>Unquenchable Hunger
>Scars Innumerable
>What Remains
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Italics here.

Genuine question about the direction of a CYOA project (Catasterismi). Would you rather have it be a traditional JRPG Adventure featuring a wife and daughter niche as you go out with them and your party to fight trouble makers of the world as someone chosen by higher powers.


A JRPG Community builder. It will still feature some JRPG mechanics and skins, the niche of a wife and daughter option, but it's more like you become a mayor of a town/another occupation and you go about building it up (defenses/attractions/institutions/etc) to deal with natutal events come your way in the world rather than head out and explore?

I've been mulling over extensive changes to some CYOAs and thought about y'all input.
I want star runners or magi case redux.
This was some good shit, it lets you stand out from the common rabble. While watching your people grow AND giving you some enemies to fight.
Why does it seem like you're working on 7 different cyoas at the same time?
I don't have a strong opinion, but the second one does sound more interesting.
>lets you stand out from the common rabble
Don't act like you're any different from them anon
Because you want to think I'm working on 7 different CYOAs at once.

Star Runners and Magi Case Redux are not the main topic.

>Star Runner
You're not that frog poster?

>Magi Case Redux
I think I may have added too much new content, probably gonna filter people since I know people said it took them awhile to make builds and they commented on it.

That one anon that said it should have been an anthology of CYOAs may have been right. Other news I like what Tankista did for spells in Magiocratic Convention, it's design is somewhat like I had in mind for spell examples in Redux.
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>New Cleany Thing
Gib eternal youth.

>Living Miracle

>Sacrifice Choice (+1 special)
>The Reflection
Alt universe me? Finally a companion worth picking.

>Final Frontier
In an act of grand generosity I'll help this gay Earth out of its stagnant state by giving it a boost of advanced tech.

>The Night

>Falsewalker (+1 companion)
Cough up the planeswalking, I don't care who you are, I want it!
Don't worry husanon is working on the slopiest slop that has ever sloped.
Theres no such thing as true kino; everything is slop.
But i am tho? Without me they would be dead by the end of the first week.

And i just realized that i fucked up, if the cyoa gets reposted i will post the updated version.
>You're not that frog poster?
>Always two replies defending
>Always 1 minute apart
How many phones?
Idiot. You making redux does not make the normal version stop existing. You are like those retards that seethe at remakes of videogames when the original is still there to play.
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>I don't care who you are

Gattofag, you fucked up. I don't feel sorry for you, I feel sorry for Multiverse.
>he's never read black magic
12 phones
No phones needed when you wait 1 minute to reply again, lmao
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Author here.

What should I focus on next after my latest OC is released?

>CYOA where you fight otherwordly horrors besides edgy magical girls as their handler (something like a 40k commissar).

>Edgy Isekai where heroes are summoded from our world to protect it, you are a bug in the system.

>CYOA where you help girls with different supernatural powers run away from a research facility.
>Is instantly proved wrong
First one sounds the best. So funny too
>multiple people instantly realize im retarded so clearly they're samefagging
I dont want to have to kill magical girls for cowardess so I choose the last one.
Lmao this is so pathetic. At least wait more between replies, samefag.
13 phones.
Also >So retarded that he can't read timestamps and determine how long it was between each one
Going to say instantly again or are you going to try and at least make an effort to pretend to be someone else?
I'm going to perpetuate this because its funny to keep you schitzoposting.
I respect that you're not trying to pretend to be multiple people anymore, at least, but it seems like that's mostly because you're on the defensive.
>t. samefag
What are you expecting from Star Runners as a CYOA?

>You are like those retards that seethe at remakes of videogames when the original is still there to play.
Sometimes originals are too outdated to go back to play, some people have a issues doing that and it is understandable. It's also okay to be upset (you are not a retard) with what is supposed to be a "remake" and not a reimagining for deviating from the original to do its own thing. A decent remake is like RE2 vs something gone bad FF7Rebirth.

>You making redux does not make the normal version stop existing.
But it makes it obsolete since Redux is a definitive version making the original a lesser/cheaper/inferior experience
Magical Girls > > Escape Facility > > > {Power Gap} > > > > Edgy Isekai
>Edgy Isekai where heroes are summoded from our world to protect it, you are a bug in the system.

This one.
I don't think handler cyoas will be popular. Ever.
Edgy Isekai for me, I like being the bad guy
this, but completely reversed
>Edgy Isekai where heroes are summoded from our world to protect it, you are a bug in the system.
I like this, time to prove that i am not a bug but a feature.
Do you know how calling someone a samefag works, newfag?
1 > 3 > 2
You responded to the same post twice, that makes you a samefag, retard.
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I prefer cyoas that don't revolve around companions, so edgy isekai it is.
>Still does not understand
As expected
>What are you expecting from Star Runners as a CYOA?
>you are a bug in the system.
This one sounds really cool.
>But it makes it obsolete since Redux is a definitive version making the original a lesser/cheaper/inferior experience
Sure bro. Whatever keeps you from posting it, I guess.
>he actually believes this
This is the funniest part. I'm so glad whoever the other anon is is helping me perpetuate his schitzo meltdown.
You don't even know what that means.
>Author here
what cyoa did you make/are you working on?
they all seem interesting, but i like the third option more, mainly because i think magical girls are stupid.
Getting called out made you seethe so bad. You are not even pretending anymore. Go ahead. Seethe some more.
>CYOA where you help girls with different supernatural powers run away from a research facility.
Would there be an option where it (sooner or) later turns out the event that let them escape in the first place also exposed the whole group and got them permanently shut down so there's no more danger to run away from?
Your rage arouses me.
>Edgy Isekai where heroes are summoded from our world to protect it, you are a bug in the system.
What kind of bug, exactly?
I love marrying science and magic to make magic guns with all the strengths of both so that I can civilize medieval fantasy worlds with universal literacy and republican governments.
I hate that this is a never-ever. I really do.
To clarify heroes are summoned by different gods as their representatives
You are summoned by an unknown dark entity
>the actual one seething so hard he has to reply to every post
I'm husanon
Does the guy know he fucked up? Is his master plan in shambles? Will the other gods laugh at him?
Hmmm, I guess being an exobiologist and/or warlord, so ship customization and the companion section specifically. Any kind of minions or drones are also cool, stuff akin to the space opera cyoa in general plus the actual good companions I imagine you're going to create.

Also, kemono harem.
So you’re an invader? Kinda like in abyssal agent?
>blah blah blah
The only relevant info you could share is when OC will be released. Didn't you say "late August" for Luminary?
I love this cyoa, I really wanted 2.0 to come out. Apo makes such good cyoas only to waste their potential on tentacle realm when they could update their pokemon, dragonball, or this cyoa.
Luminary got a slight delay, I also got sick in August and needed to deal with doctors.
Magi Case came out before MGI v7...
I really want to get Ecclesiastes out the door in the mean time but I don't know how long it will take to produce the pages in Photoshop.

I also know many are not very enthuastic about it the CYOA either compared to something mike Luminary or Echoes despite its size and content.
Edgy Isekai
Research Facility Escape
magical girls whatever I sleep
The faster it gets out, the faster we get to CYOAs we want. Simple as.
>What kind of bug, exactly?
Edgy Isekai, then Escape from the Facility, then Magical Girl Manager.
I'm working on the details but right now you are just seen as a weird oddity.
As all heroes are summoned at the same time some might assume one god or another might have tampered with it to get two champions.

Something like that,
>Genuine question about the direction of a CYOA project (Catasterismi). Would you rather have it be a traditional JRPG Adventure featuring a wife and daughter niche as you go out with them and your party to fight trouble makers of the world as someone chosen by higher powers.
>I think I may have added too much new content
if you cut it downi will kill you
edgy magical girls!
tentacle realm and monstergirl isekai have basically the exact same strengths, the race/class combo section is excellent but unfortunately brought down by everything after it

apo would do better just focusing on those initial sections instead of perks and skills desu
Fool, I know all things that are worth knowing.
Nah I love the perks and stuff, they're fine. Tentacle realm is just shit cause its specifically about trashshit. Apo could update any of the actually good cyoas or I would love to see a one piece cyoa, but instead they seem to have fallen off. Unfortunate, because I love apo stuff.
hard disagree, the apo perk and skill sections are disasters
No, they're always good. Some of the best parts desu.
>The faster it gets out, the faster we get to CYOAs we want.
Considering all the effort, that sort of wounded me. Hopefully I can turn you around on it and you can enjoy this one new content coming out with it, it involves lolihags and powerscaling.

Content bloat is an actual thing. But I'm in too deep to cut and a lot of the bloatrd ocntent is focused around player history/building and new companions/Familiars and the revamped quest system.

I also want to map a map about locations in the Magi Case world about location of institutions and other cool stuff.
>many are not very enthuastic about it the CYOA
I hope there are references to order and new world in there italics, or i will rape you.
>Content bloat is an actual thing
Considering you considered the magic section on a magic cyoa bloat i doubt you know what is bloat
>Hopefully I can turn you around on it and you can enjoy this one new content coming out with it, it involves lolihags and powerscaling.
I'm sure it will eventually have fans like all original OCs, but things like Magi Case or Echoes already had a playerbase. They will naturally be more popular.
Also to add to the magical girls one it will be similar to gunslinger in tone but you also get powers you are just part on an experimental force as an alternative to just killing the girls

> Power
Living Miracle
Former is primarily for the willpower boost, to get the most out of my other powers. Latter synergises greatly with the aforementioned willpower boost.

> Companions
The Artifact
Getting her to obey will be hard, but now I'm nothing if not persistent. Having such an overwhelmingly powerful option at my disposal should be well worth the trouble.

> World
Damned Mushrooms
This one gives me the most power, and given how my Special option works it's in my best interest to be as strong as possible so my system scales higher. I'm isekaing out immediately anyway so the world itself isn't important. Assuming I get to choose what my protagonist bullshit is, I'll go with True Magic (or something adjacent at least) like Aoko.

> Special
Reborn In Another World, I Became the OP Cheat System
Has by far the most growth potential out of the options since you can outsource it, and has the best chance at a peaceful resolution. I'll be reborn in One Piece because it's relatively weak, so I'm safe and should have an easier time getting people to use my system. My system's going to be magic based, and as easy as I can make it.

> Challenges
Ultimate Fistlords
If I can convince The Artifact to help this should be relatively straightforward. If not, well I'll try my best.
But gunslinger never got made
That sucks, I don't want to have to be mean to the girls so I wouldn't play it.
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I'm talking about the anime/manga
No, you don't understand. It was nearing 400 spells and all of their effects, descriptions, upgrades and etc. I know people already died by the time they go to companions.

Yeah. Echoes has had a lot of revisions from when PSY first released. I think people are going to enjoy it because it's more like a classic CYOA with choices, though since it features endings. It's only going to have a magic feeling of going through it once, because then you will learn what choices would lead to the other endings in the CYOA and metagame.
You don't have to.
But it is conscription or the wall for them.
How you motivate them is up to you.
>Italics here
>Prompt question
>Random Author here
>Bunch of prompts
Hmmm sus
I see, so its an 'i'm going to overthrow the government' type cyoa.
You can do it but remember that they are the ones dealing with the monsters that are destroying humanity
Sometimes man is the real monster.
I think that "Are You Still In Pain" is the one CIA I mean CYOA featuring feds where I didn't reflexively want to overthrow the local government. Of course I'm still not siding with their representative, because he knows nothing and is even further out of his league than the rest of the weirdos.
I like the second option better but the first one is cool too. Just not as original except for the family thing.
>No, you don't understand. It was nearing 400 spells and all of their effects, descriptions, upgrades and etc
Shut the fuck up. Now there is nothing. I bet you even deleted them.
I still have all the spells that were completed and all the draft spells for the other clans saved.
post them
Italsics please, will there be references to order and new world?
u should post em
Nah. They're nothing special and some descriptions will just be reused as an example of basic vs advance vs master spells in Redux.

What are you talking about?
hurry up with the hoe then, also i change my answer, the edgy isekai would be better
Ecclesiastes is set in its own universe with no direct relation to New World / Order. It has some concepts from Order/New World, but they are different from what you are thinking.

The most common trait shared between them is an event known as a Calamity War. But, Ecclesiastes version is different and you can choose not to have it as your catastrophe (Main Quest/Antagonist) and can pick from 7 others that will disturb the balance of the world: Dealing with an immortal god emperor and his proclaimed eternal kingdom, the return of the Shadowlord from the mythological era, manifestation of a force outside the planet's influence and the Beasts.

There are also multiple side-quests with you fighting one of the strongest Hero's of the modern era to marry his daughter, and other shennigans since you are a VERY important person/one of humanity's strongest warriors.

It's very JRPG-like.
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>Edgy Isekai where heroes are summoded from our world to protect it, you are a bug in the system
This one sounds the most interesting to me.
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>Ecclesiastes is set in its own universe with no direct relation to New World / Order.
>Calamity War. But, Ecclesiastes version is different
There will never be a redux of new world, Hagia is gone forever
He's not very smart but he trys very hard. Please understand.
>Coming back after 2 hours just to samefag to your own posts and suck your own cock
>Redux of New World
Most likely never.

You have Hagia at home (Magi Case)
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Not that anon, but thank you for your instant reply on the subject even two hours later.
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It is not the same...
>H-how dare you stay in thread! Why don't you have a life reeeeeeeeeee please believe me i'm not the same person!
You don't understand anon, you're samefagging and he's definitely not mad at all, its YOU
>Captcha: WYGGAR
Further elaborate, I don't bekieve New World could be successfully made in a pleasing manner especially as it held incomplete material, ideas, and a bad foundation for progression/character building. It presents itself as a bad patchwork in review.

I can take the original core of Pokemon Personified though, theme/lore/characters and retool them into an original setting that is healthy and complete for you to enjoy even if it doesn't hold Pokemon ginjka characters.
>he's admitting he sits in the thread all day like its a badge or honor
NEETs are something else.
>Complains about instant replies while replying within 5 minutes.
Schizofags are something else.
Aro's worst cyoa by far. The powers are so fucking lame and you get jack shit for points.
Lol. Lmao even
>He unironically decided to come back and samefag while accusing everyone else of doing the same thing.
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>I can take the original core of Pokemon Personified though, theme/lore/characters and retool them into an original setting that is healthy and complete for you to enjoy even if it doesn't hold Pokemon ginjka characters.
y-you would do that? For little old me?
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>inb4 phones/edit
How many of these phones are in the room with us now?
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I like it. I'd say her worst cyoas are the ones that never ever get posted.
>still does not give a date
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It also doesn't have a setting. I thought that it was going to commit to being a tribal fantasy world until I saw magical SWAT units at the start of page 2.
This is in that category.
Ask >>93995549
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Holy, italics has really outdone himself with his luminary hateboner this time. Every time someone asked about it he would go
>Are you suuuure you want this?!
>Do you even know what this is about?!
>Can I interest you in this other cyoa instead?!
Then he went bald when it won the vote and cried that his other WIP was not popular. Now he straight up delayed it yet somehow he has time to release something else, lmao.
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oh wait I retract that statement.
There are tons of cyoas that don't get posted on /cyoag/ that I enjoy
Don't bother. The samefag lives here and instantly jumps when someone insults the queen aro.
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Why doesn't Tabea support Palestine?
Why is she dressed in a soviet uniform?
I wish aro would tell him to go home already. He's not doing her reputation any favors with his constant retardation
So what? Italics is just going to delete everything new in redux because it was going to make the players in his head sad? I say in his head since he never fucking asked anyone about it.
My only question with this cyoa is, what is corruption and why is it bad? It seem alike some classes actually want to be corrupted, so whats wrong with it?
I have a core concept already lined-up, but I won't be able to truly touch on the project until I clear up a lot of stuff already on my list. The general gist (/following core from PPP+) is that the CYOA takes place on the sphere known as Constellia that had a devastating Era of Ruin marked by the weaponization of Calescent a powerful-energy source. A Hero appears from a rift in the sky thanks to the Calescent and ends the era, allowing for an era of reconstruction and establishment of the Imperial Thrones as a central government. Several generations later, you appear thanks to a rift in the sky from the Calescent having lost your memories but been imbuned with powers as strong as all the other people who have been overexposed to the energy source.

You coming to Constellia has opened up veins of Calescent across the planet allowing it to be harvested in unregulated ways and certain portions of the public consider you the Second Hero or the "Second Herald of the Calescent" to deal with the coming crisis as maligned forces oppose the Imperial Thrones and some whisper about the "End of the Red Skies".

Characters like Pasille, Arios, Ciel, etc will return but be different.
I like how it has come full circle and now the fag that was accusing others of samefagging and being aro simps is now getting called a samefagging aro simp.
It brings a tear to my eye.
Or you know. You can just get new art of humanoid pokemons of which there is plenty.
I think you're a little confused, one fag was getting BTFO and accusing everyone else of samefagging and is now samefagging in order to better accuse others of samefagging.
I love shitalics giving me excuses for why he can never meet his own deadlines.
Corruption creates monsters, and some monsters are feral predators instead of people. I think that's a good enough reason.
>Or you know. You can just get new art of humanoid pokemons of which there is plenty.
It would be easier this second way from something new.
He's not confused, it's him. He's trying to muddy the waters after getting repeatly blown out. It's a pattern
Yes i've been following, in which >>93995706 and >>93995739 just called that retard an aro samefag, exactly what he started out calling us at >>93994306

Unless you're telling me he unwittingly replied to >>93995562 not realizing he was shitting on the antiarofag. Nigga can't even follow his own reply chain.
How? You still need to find images for everyone in either case.
Rolled 1 (1d10)

Is this based on a franchise?
Its based on a character skin in league of legends.
Ok but that's not necessarily a bad thing if you can steer your own growth, or if you're already a lich or something with a drawback (which also would increase your potential level cap, since we already know of a lich at least level 180, and demons can go up to 200 at least.)

Couple this with one of the powers that already makes you stronger the more corrupted you are, and I don't really see a downside in this?
What the fuck does the mystic element do?
You'll never be released

Not to push, but some characters like the 16 oldest seats could have different forms since they are gods.

Others could just be replaced entirely with pic related. Remaining seats could instead have powerful subordinates ally with you instead?
Yeah, but I don't have to be extremely picky about the images or go searching for old ones if they might exist out there.
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I thought that it would be fairy, but they're all fairies. So it's fairy squared, like Fyora?
Its fairy. Theyre not all fairy.
One of the best. Most of the rest seem like a hassle to be around.

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