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The /btg/ is dead! Long live the /btg/!

2nd Hussars edition

Last Thread: >>93968682

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Angela Bekker is my fav clanner
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Whose Second Hussars?
I'm dreading the inevitable new edition that removes everything that isn't Mechs and Tanks and Elementals. I need to by the boats and space ships and submarines while I still can.
>Also he's Asian

What do I add to my ilClan era Kurita company?
So far I have:
Nova Cat
Grand Dragon
How would these blurbs look like for your guys pilots? Or just for some of your fave pilots?
Got to have a Mauler in there. It's like their coolest mech.
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Meanwhile, in Clan space
FRR KungsArme. Fought to the last man against the Ghost Bores during the invasion.
>Fought to the last man against the Ghost Bores during the invasion.

Not bad. Better than the 3rd Kavalleri who got tricked into surrendering early by Wolves controlling the media.
The new Kurita Marauder II, Lancelot, and Mongoose designs. Then I dunno, a Tenshi? Are you trying to keep it all plastic?
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Finally finished collecting all the mechs I wanted (except for the Hatamoto-Chi in place of the Thug). Gotta start cleaning and spraying at least but the rainy season is coming...
>Wonder how obvious 'which lance goes to which faction' is
Wait, they spelled it 'Leftenant?' I mean I heard that the Brits read 'Lieutenant' as 'leftenant' not 'lootenant' but damn
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Look on the bright side, they do that, you can place your Merc HQ underwater on a water world, making you completely invincible.
How's that for plot armor.
Got Audiobook Trove up and running

rebr@nd(Dot)ly CranstonLogFiles

Whoever does the next thread will you make sure to add this in, please and thank you.
Brb, inventing Land-Sea mechs.
How many of those were abridged into oblivion like Children of Kerensky?
The only two are the old ones from the 90s.

They are labelled as the Battletech Chronicles.
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A valiant endeavour. Kraken Unleashed could use some more buffing up of their forces since the SpinDrift.
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Wolf Trap
Hitotsume Kozo

or you can go with my favorite Drac mech the Tenshi.
was the space/orbital planetary blockade a thing before the clan invasion? iirc there was no warships then
That reminds me, it's strange that the Dracs aren't naming their mechs after their WW2 boats like JSDF does
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Don’t speak to me or my son ever again.
I speak only to point out that they will bring glory to the Dragon.

DropShips and Aerospace fighters can do a blockade if necessary. It's impractical though, ties up a lot of assets you could be using elsewhere.
i like to make all of my pilots horrible people so i can laugh when they die horrifically

Colonel Eddie "Twitch" Casper

Affiliation: Dead Jesters Mercenary Company

Unit: 2nd Lance "Balloon Dogs"

Battlemech: Nightstar

Young, impulsive and hailing from the periphery Edward Casper did not hesitate to jump on the chance of abandoning all of his responsibilities and by extension gambling debts when he got offered a job as a cargo hauler for a roving mercenary company. Through a collection of favours and some unfortunate "accidents" in the companies pilot roster Eddie managed to weasel his way up the ranks and become the pilot of the units much maligned Nightstar battlemech which he affectionately nicknamed "Jack in the box" after its tendency to randomly malfunction and get its pilots killed. To the surprise of his lancemates Jack in the Box has yet to have any incidents since Eddie took over as its pilot a mystery that is likely to remain unsolved.

Id include the mechs mini but ive yet to take any pictures of it
There were no warships after the 2nd succ war. However dropships can launch aerospace fighters. Jumpships are so expensive and difficult to construct in that era that they are almost never risked.

While it would be possible to blockade a system in the 3015 era by stationing jumpships with dropship support at the jump points, there would still be pirate points opening and closing making it difficult to get complete coverage.
Theres also the problem that no major power has enough jumpships to spare, so leaving them on blockade duty means food or parts or troops arent arriving somewhere else.

The best way to blockade a planet at that time is to drop mechs and take its spaceports.
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>Chu-i Raine Selene, Lance Commander. A solid, dependable, ambitious commander who pilots a Marauder. She's a veteran of Operation Bulldog and still struggling with the scars that conflict left on her.
>Casey Uzuka: A brash young Black Knight pilot, Casey was shaken not long ago by the betrayal of her best friend, who defected to Steiner forces. She's made hunting down and capturing this friend her personal mission.
>Heather Anderson-Ishikawa: Raine's designated successor as Lance Commander, Heather is struggling to learn the responsibility required of an officer. While she at one point contemplated suppuku after giving an order that had an entire battle armor squad wiped out, she's stabilized under Raine's guidance and is becoming a capable commander in her own right, with her Blackjack-Omni and accompanying Raiden squad.
>Kimiko Small: Youngest and most eager of the Lance, Kimiko has become absolutely enamored with the Blitzkrieg mech salvaged from the Lyrans, and the fast moving, hard punching style of warfare it encourages. Outside of the cockpit, she studies poetry and philosophy, doing her best to get her lancemates to appreciate a bit of culture.
>only 15 of the original omnis + the artic wolf at launch
wasn't be mad until I noticed the Fire Moth was the one they cut.
Maant to reply to >>93985573
Ambitious color scheme. Good effort. Try painting several coats of thin white over the surfaces you intend to paint gold, or avoid hitting those areas with the black basecoat first.
Go back with your black and clean up the recesses where you went outside the lines with the orange wash.
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too busy painting Free Worlds League instead
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holy based, bro
Folks, battlemechs have a star under their pilot's ass. How in the fuck can they only move a 100 ton machine at 54 kph?
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Ok, which one of those light & medium mechs can I spam the most number of pulse lasers?
Probably the Viper, but we won't be sure till we see how the omnimech configs work
We have engines...right now. That can do that, hell, even back when BT was first coming out.
>The MC's Trial of Position opponent mechs are:
>Match 1: Summoner vs. Mad Dog
>Match 2: Summoner vs. Hellbringer
>Match 3: Summoner vs. Mad Cat (scripted to lose apparently)
fair match?
i dont think those engines also have to power a suite of complex electronics and weaponry anon
>arctic Wolf

Isn't that from like 3060?
There are many things about the battlemech construction rules that do not conform to modern technology or indeed real world physics.
>There were no warships after the 2nd succ war
Wrong. Comstar had Suffens, and the Taurians had a Vincent Mk39. We kept the Vandenberg all through the Succession Wars, the only non Comstar polity to do so, proving yet again that the TC is better than the Suns in every possible way.
Oh n/m you meant the Arctic Cheetah.
Battletech says it's a realistic game, so it needs to confirm to those things.
You can only extend that reasoning so far.

I honestly think that BT needs some kind of construction rewrite. Everything feels like its forced to conform to ancient rules that holds the game back in a lot of ways.
It's unusual for the first target to not be the lightest of the three, so if the Mad Dog is up first that probably means someone higher up in the clan has it out for the main character.
ComStar had more warships too, just in mothballs.
I'm honestly surprised the BT Legends audiobooks have done all the literal who novels from Derp Age but not the Warrior Trilogy, Blood of Kerensky trilogy, Wolves on the Border, Star Lord, the Aidan Pryde trilogy, or Twilight of the Clans.

At least they did the Gray Death trilogy.
Comstar's fleet was in hiding, and nobody cares about Taurians.

None of the people who were actually doing anything had warships, they are for all intents and purposes extinct.
The rules are fine as long as you don't get too autistic about them. changing stuff like how large a percentage of the total weight the engine takes up to match real world vehicles would invalidate all designs and annihilate the current balance.
>I honestly think that BT needs some kind of construction rewrite.
It needs a full scale reboot/rewrite. Delete EVERYTHING and start over with a construction system that makes sense, more inclusion and fewer problematic characters, no meta storyline and just a setting for people to fight in, and a game engine that plays more quickly so that a company v company game can be completed in fewer than 2 hours.
Anon, its a tabletop game. Autism is part of the gameplay. Like how lasers and PPCs are just straight up better than anything else in the game. Load up medium lasers, and as many DHS as you can and you just melt everything. There is no point to using ballistics at all.
ships supposed to look like this?
Yes. Those are actually pretty fucking accurate to the TRO3057 artwork. What's probably confusing both of your brain cells is the fact that most of those vessels have Dropships strapped to them, which makes them look weird.
Those are probably the best depictions of BT warships we've ever had. Theyre clearly inspired by the original illustrations but are able to look less like flying cock and balls in space. The sabre cat actually looks like a generic low tech human scifi warship. All the orbs are detachable dropships, they get ferried into the system on the jump capable warships.
I remain cautiously optimistic about this game.
This better be this one dude's intentional characteristic...
If these are fully rendered 3d models, will we be able to yank them for printing like people have done the mechs?
The problem is that in the early 3000s even drop ships are pretty expensive and difficult to produce, and they arent really great at space combat. You'd need to have enough of them to spare to get total orbital coverage and maintain 24/7 sensor watch. Its not easy.

Fundamentally "resource scarcity" is the reason why BT revolves around defending or attacking one or two strategic locations on a planet rather than trying to fight in space. Theres also the problem that orbital bombardment doesnt leave you much to claim ownership of afterwards.

Hell iirc at one point Focht even gibly says "we could just strap some rockets to some asteroids and blast the planet with them, but then there isnt much point to owning it afterwards is there?" in one of the books.
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what's this from?

gives me babylon 5 vibes
You shouldn't. It's already confirmed that it's going to include DEI content like women and minorities and two men in a relationship.
preview stuff from MW5: Clans.
Video source?
Send this dezgra to the khan and have him reaved!

>being bitchy about acronyms and women
I recommend killing yourself immediately
Pirate points though. When has there ever NOT been a pirate point when it was necessary? And space is big. really big. Youre going to need a pretty sophisticated detection and tracking network to cover everything.

>Unable to harvest or process resources and turn them into complex things
Yeah, thats also fundamental to the setting, at least in 3SW era. Everyone is desperate to maintain control of what little industrial base they still have, which is half of why warfare has become semi ritualized raids that leave objectives and often most of the combatant forces intact after the decision is obvious.
it is baffling that they still havent switched to procedural animation for the mechs by now the animations look just as janky as mw5 mercs (tilting on a dime, no hip sway, no ankle pivot)
I make a distinction between the autism that lets you optimize within a system and autism that can't get over an AC-2 being 6 tons and having a range of 720 meters when the main gun on an abrams weighs just over 1 ton and kills tanks at 2.5 km.
>women and minorities and two men in a relationship.
It's a fucking clanners
>Noble families and mercenaries
>giant robots x99
The only valuable info is that mech controls and movement now more sleek (which is a good thing)
Mad Dog: 60 tons
Hellbringer: 65 tons
Timber Wolf: 75 tons
Oh shit she's in
Seems fine, though I think that most Clans have different weight categories - so if you're in a Summoner, you might be against a Nova, then a Hellbringer, then a Gargoyle or something.
Yep, I was thinking of a different mech for the Hellbringer.
Fairer than Clan Wolf trials
>csj sabre cat

I'm excited.
It looks... SciFi
I wonder if she realized the insult of being put in a Warhawk C for her Trial.

I also wonder if she cared, but less.
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Close enough.
Literally who?
I'm watching an interview with the voice actress for "MechWarrior Mia", and she says

>Mia is fierce, she's loyal, she's determined, and she's very serious

So at least one of the voice actors knows how to play a Clanner (even if there's literally no distinguishing characteristics).
>"I challange you to Circle of Equals" to a Star Colonel
Don't expect too much because
>>Mia is fierce, she's loyal, she's determined, and she's very serious
That's how most of the feminist sees their characters
I dunno if I'd ever call clanners loyal. Earnest, maybe even honest. But they'll trial you to death as soon as you show anything mistakable for weakness.
And the Star Colonel responds by scoffing.

Some barely out of the sibko challenging their Star Colonel to a duel and the Star Colonel being like, "Get fucked, kid" is perfect for the Clans.
But they actually started fistfight after that
>extremely generic traits are a sign of feminism
Imagine being this stupid

Apparently someone at some point told them to stop doing it.
If you are taught that being loyal to the clan involves constantly purging it of weakness and anyone who loses a fight is by definition weak doing klingon promotion still counts as loyalty.
The guy who did the preview video noted that everyone else speaks without contractions, so yeah I'm sure it's this character's tic.

Throwing this out there: I hope the last act of the campaign goes all Halo Reach and we see our star mates get killed off one by one. Would be appropriate.
Back around 2021-22 Tex was in talks of doing both the Warrior Trilogy and Blood Trilogy and there was even a sampling of that.

But that was a while ago.
There was actually a cutscene where he gets in trouble ("watch your language boy") for using contractions so I think it's his character
>Final mission is the battle of luthien
>half of the dialog is you just listening to the Nova Cats getting slaughtered at Kado-guchi while your own Star is being killed off.
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What would be the best and cleanest way to detach the Widowmaker Dire Wolf torso from the legs? I want to repose it and put the torso on a pair of legs that aren't hunched over?
That would be awesome.
>The guy who did the preview video noted that everyone else speaks without contractions, so yeah I'm sure it's this character's tic.

It would actually fit in well if he was the token freebirth.
They're Jaguars.

Do we see the result? I hope that we do at the Star Colonel kicks her fuckin' ass.
I turned that photo dump of the Mercenary Chaos Campaign ruleset that's floating around into a PDF. Too big to put on 4chan so here.


Enjoy, all.
Any positive trait is a sign of feminism when a woman does it.
Listening to the interviews and voice clips, some of the non-American actors have pretty shitty American I mean Star League accents.
Then I wonder why Nicolai Malthus wasn’t outright mercy-killed after being repeatedly defeated by a Steiner, then made into a laughingstock by being turned into a cartoon villain by Lyran propaganda, and being arrested and sent to Lyran jail after trying to fight the judge when he threw out the defamation lawsuit.
If they were going for pathos they could have you win every engagement you participate in and have it not matter at all. The performance of individual stars doesn't matter when the Khans and Galaxy commanders are delusional idiots that ignore the intel they are shown.
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can you use catbox or something instead? rather avoid downloading the damn app
>all five main characters are white
>only one woman
>almost all of the other characters are also white

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Because Falcons are weak compared to the glory of the Smoke Jaguar.

Just open it on a desktop like a real person. phones aren't computers.
They likely will never do that. They may make the units extinct (RIP LAMs), but the rules to play in earlier eras will always exist.
>Because Falcons are weak compared to the glory of the Smoke Jaguar.
>The story of MW5:Clans doesn't resolve around the trials and tribulations of Clan Smoke jaguar as a Clan....
Tbh Nic was actually superior mechwarrior to Adam
Because they need you to care when your whole star dies halfway through and all the characters with voice actors that can't act are gone. Why else would they pay them?
Their biggest misstep is going to be trying to make the clanners likable instead of leaning into their haughty arrogance and superiority.
I can't imagine any attempt at hiring Tex to do something official would succeed. The man is practically allergic to money/success, and seems set on self-sabotaging to maintain his persona as a miserable everyman.
Considering that we have Galaxy Commander Perez and the Sabre Cat, I bet the bombardment of Turtle Bay is a major plot point.

>MechWarrior Contractions is appalled
>the rest are like "dude, they're just freebirths"
Their biggest misstep is actually going to be a critical lack of those tight white twinks getting ELEMENTALED by a big black Osis.
think they're all trueborns
>Victor being 160cm tall
the irony
The Star League Department of Weights and Measurements had some strange ideas and the Inner Sphere has never been the same.
I was referring to the Dracs killed during the bombardment.
And with a sword. Pretty phallic.
Given how they pretty much confirmed dlcs, I doubt they gonna kill off the starmates in vanilla
Alternately, the DLCs could be campaigns from different perspectives during the Clan Invasion.
I wouldn't be surprised if the DLCs introduce new characters. The ideal would be each one coming with a new campaign and presenting a new clan's perspective on the Invasion.
>DLC just leads up to the fall of the Jaguar during the Second Star League.

Gonna be dope.
I would kill for a campaign as Clan Wolf in the Refusal War...on the side of the Crusader Wolves.

It would also be fun if you got to fight Natasha and got an achievement for killing her with a JumpJet to the head (MaxTech called this the "I am Jade Falcon" maneuver; does it have a name in the current ruleset?)
If you mean using jump jets to land on another mech and kill it, that’s been called death from above or DFA since forever.
> Yes. That's a Taurian Guard paint scheme I whipped out for a CGL project back in 2009ish that went nowhere. I have a reinforced battalion of them, mostly made of the 3e plastics, because I couldn't think of a better way to insult the Taurians within the bounds of the project than to give them those minis.

The 3e minis are not the best, but at least are the OG classics. I would not consider it an insult. Can i get a close up of that Marauder?
No, for using the plasma exhaust from a JumpJet as a weapon.
Forgot the second part.
NEA can you post the record sheet for the mace No Dachi?
Potential headcappers, nice.

Does any Mech have 4 JJs in each leg? Maybe the Dragonfly? It has Jump 8, but I don't know if some/all JJs are in the torso.
No mech has 4 JJ in each leg, because each leg only has two crit slots free.
Was gonna say this.
Also, do IJJs work the same way as regular JJs? Since those take two crit slots but you can only fit one per leg.
Probably, yes. They were introduced after this was written, I'm pretty sure.
The 3rd edition boxed set minis are absolutely garbage and your garbage for not thinking they're garbage. Any real Battletech player would have purged that shit out of their collection years ago.
Damn, that kinda sucks
The Patron went out of production for a little while, but it's safe to assume that there were clones produced of it, right? Even the Dracs made an upgraded version of it that was 20 tons. It's pretty much just a loadermech.
>Equipment Rating D/D-D-C/C
Seems common enough yeah
The patron specifically is supposed to be a symbol of hope when it goes back into production, but you can assume everyone has some kind of loadermechs kicking around.

I prefer to think anything that has an ICE has statistically identical copies made in all sorts of places. The idea of all LRM carriers being made by a single company for centuries is too stupid to take seriously.
So the CSJ fought the Dracs, the CJF fought the Lyrans and the CGB fought the FRR? What did the Wolf fight?
FRR and Steiner.
Better question is why Wolf was the only clan who didn't share invasion corridor with another clan.
Oh, I'm an idiot. For some reason I thought 4 free.
IJJs were also in MaxTech.
Either had to do with the other clans trying to teach them a lesson, or them trying to make the other clans look like pussies for needing to team up. Wolf didn't want to be there, but the council forced them so they decided to go harder than anyone else and make them all regret it. After Turtle Bay, the Wolves declared warships to also be for pussies and that they'd permanently bid away all of theirs for the rest of the invasion, unlike certain weak clans who can't fight on the ground properly. This forced everyone else to match their bid to save face.
Looking at it, does MUL have the availabilities for the Patron-2 and Patron-2M switched? The 2 is the one that was being described as being sold to anyone who can afford it, while the 2M was described as being anywhere, but mostly territories within the FWL. The Patron-2M also has the M designation, which is usually for FWL variants.
It might, but in this case the M designation doesn't mean anything since all Patron models are FWL models.
The Bears didn't either.

Anyway, Ulric put the Vipers in with the Falcons and the Cats in with the Jags because he was trying to fuck with them, and those two pairs had feuds. He was intentionally sabotaging them. If the Horses had been a Reserve Clan, he would have put them in the Bear corridor.
Bears fought the FRR and the Dracs - in fact, mostly the Dracs, for all that the devs were like "Bjorn Jorgennsen? He must be totally Swedish!".

Wolves were mostly FRR and a little Lyrans.
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Yeah, but it would be slightly more in theme with how units are usually designated, even if the Patron (other than the Drac upgrade [that we know of]) is mostly made in the FWL. Pic is the related excerpts.
That looks like a death trap. Why would I use this over a Quasit except in an ambush?
bidding is still the single most retarded thing in clan culture
it works wonders when you're slap fighting over an omnimech design or a trinary of mechs or some shit, as it tricks the meatheads into wasting as few resources on their autistic shitfits as possible (making that the norm so even evolutionary dead ends like the jags can survive is one of many pieces of evidence that nicky boy is a retard and couldn't have had the mental capacity to trick all these soldiers into his caveman larp but whatever)
but the fact they kept all their little rituals even when fighting a gaggle of cornered crackheads and the phone wizard illuminati hurts my brain even if it was the devs' attempt to balance their op mechs against IS opponents
Maybe it has large lasers and LRMs.
Then maybe Battletech isn't for you, and you should consider yourself filtered.
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I need a mech to paint in Mega Man X's color scheme. Which one fits the best?
At the time it would be because that's what you can get on short notice and/or afford and you're a planetary government panicking about blakists and rampaging Regulans.
maybe you should stop choking down dicks, and you should consider yourself a faggot
Never underestimate the army/navy rivalry.
I'm assuming that's a pre-rendered cutscene, ergo the models used are not going to be released in the game files.
Bandsaw. Trust me.
Because everyone already bought the Quasits.

I also forget, did ICE and Fuel Cell engines not track heat for missile and ballistic weapons?
I believe that's actually a vehicle rule rather than an engine rule. Conventional vehicles only care about heat from energy weapons and must have enough sinks to be 100% heat neutral at all times.
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Bradley Milton

Rank: ???
Affiliation: Pirate
Unit: Milton's Millionaires

Bradley started life as a hovercar salesman in the Outworlds Alliance until some not so legal sales caught up to him. He handled it like any proper salesman would, and booked it for the nearest dropship heading off-world which happened to be a merc unit whose garrison contract had ended. Putting on his best smile, he sold himself a seat on the dropship, a job in the unit (as their marketing and contract negotiations agent no less), eventually sold his way into a mech, and finally sold his way into commanding the entire operation. His tenure as a Merc CO was short lived when he discovered it was more cost effective to just loot the planet instead of protect it. The Millionaires are now no longer recognized by the MRBC. Milton was unphased and just went back to his roots and took the operation door to door. Its much easier now, hard to have the door slammed on you when the foot wedging it open belongs to a 65-ton Thunderbolt.
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I like the cut of this guy's jib

Ol' McKibben is running AIBC Sercuity Solutions in 3088 and while the brewery side of things is going well, the merc life is a bit slow at the moment.
It's because the Kuritas don't even have a sacred Emperor.
Yeah it was weird that they got rid of both the Tenno and the Shogun(ate)
>The Bears didn't either.
Diamond Sharks
NGL, those look pretty good.
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>edgy teenager of the edgy Clan being edgy through use of their brainrot offensive teenage lingo
You know, people like to shit on the writing of the BT games, but they are actually really making an effort to be on point more often than not.
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You know. for "designated retard of the team" Jags came out with really good mech designs
Theyre the unga bunga clan they have really good clubs they just only know to swing the club
BT is a future history series, not a popular japanese scifi comic, which usually are about how Japan of the Edo period contained the perfect, transcendal model of governance and society.
I may be slowpoking here, but anyone notice that BEX 2.0 released last week for HBS?

It's on modsinexile under Battletech Extended - Tactics.
>invents protomechs
undoes all goodwill
>One of the items that is causing a hold-up for NA shipment is the plain House Arano Challange Coin
Yet another reason to blaim Kamea
Another crazy thing is that the 2M has the Ammunition Feed Problem quirk, but the 2 doesn't.
Probably because they use MWO models and MWOs engine/netcode I forget which literally cannot handle Firemoth's speed. So they never made a model for the mech. And God forbid they spend any devtime actually adding mechs to a mechwarrior title
Add that to the ever growing list of why you should be able to side with House Espinosa
>surrounded by Cappies
What else to expect?
Besides, she spend at least 3 years in Canopus.
Kind of ironic since she idolised Star League but ended up rulling realm in the only corner of the galaxy which wasn't graced by Star League's return
Nah they are retards as well, should've called FWL or FedSuns
Should I add stripes before or after finishing highlighting base colours?
Best bet was with the Concordant or Canopus
Fooking finally. Thanks, friend!
Did the download work? I got an access request from someone, which is weird because it should be set to public.
cratch that, you didn't make the file public so I'd need to request access. Fuck, learn to share files properly.
Fuck. Let's try this one.

Yeah, that did it. Thanks!
Confirmed. My thanks.
They didn't get rid of them, the Emperor lives on Terra and the Combine is basically the Ashikaga Shogunate in everything but name. If anything, Kurita has exercised remarkable restraint in not stepping on the Son of Heaven's toes over centuries of being a functioning state.
Enforcer or Commando, one of the more twinky humanoid 'mechs
That reminds me, do the Liao rulers call themselves the Tianzi/Son of Heaven?
They just go by Chancellor, but are total autocrats.
The coordinator has both spiritual and temporal authority, and so is both emperor and shogun. It is mainline combine doctrine that when Christians pray to the lord they are supposed to be referring to the coordinator. The Gunji no Kanrei is sometimes shogun ish but usually whoever is actually on the throne retains the ability to strip them of rank in a way the emperor can't in a shogunal system.
>The coordinator has both spiritual and temporal authority
Over the citizens of the Combine, not of the Japanese people. At no point has the Coordinator ever been described as divinity. That remains firmly with the actual Emperor on Terra. What we have plenty of is evidence that Kurita is a weeaboo state LARPing as a caricature of a shogunate, basically an upjumped zaibatsu that became a nation.
The Sharks weren't really in the Bears' corridor. They didn't really do anything at all until Tukayyid.
You are hairsplitting in a very strange way. The Combine has declared that the Coordinator is master of all humans everywhere and that people should either have no religion or have a religion that venerates him above all others. That is not really a shogunate or zaibatsu thing to do.
Wonder if there are people who teabags/trolls the opponent by intentionally turning the mech's back and kills the opponent's mech with the ass/rear lasers
And you are headcanoning against what lore has already been established. The Coordinator is not the Emperor, never once has that been claimed over 40 years of this game existing. They are distinct, separate things. The Combine also is not a religious order, it doesn't care what religion you practice so long as you're loyal to the Dragon (see: the Azami). What they are are culture bullies, it's like Pepsi imposing its corporate doctrine on all its employees.
Can anyone here decypher the bullshit CGL laid out in the mercenaries kickstarter update? They seem to blaming everything on one challenge coin for a minor house that I hadn't even heard about before.
>They seem to blaming everything on one challenge coin for a minor house
Yes. Correctly.
It was the small periphery faction that HBSTech focused on, hence it being popular.
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No clue if it's useful to anyone that's not me, but just in case: It's the 17 August 3148. My RPG group is about to drop alongside the Dawn Guard to try and rescue the First Prince's arse. So I quickly whipped out a topological map of the Cilitren Containment Zone, to visualise where the action takes place.

The small grid is 1 km apart, or about 2x2 standard battlemaps in size. The Johnson Industries facilities and the spaceport (labelled JNSC) are to the east of the city's urban area.
They under produced some items, so orders containing those items are delayed while they make more. If you want you can strike those things from your order for store credit. They can't just send the missing things later because mumble mumble, mumble mumble mumble.
Oh yes, the Atlas's or Archer's veritable, definitely light-mech destroying array of
*checks notes*
Two medium lasers.
I believe that's the point of BM'ing
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Same map, with a Strategic Battleforce hex grid overlay (500 m horizontal, 30 m vertical resolution). Cut down to fit through the site's file size limit.
So what was the reason of Alaric rejecting Rasalhague Dominion to join his Star League? Didn't majority voted to join it?
See, for that to work, you'd actually need to kill the opponent.
I can. That's what the anti-fascist gun in my feldherr bag is for.
It wasn't enough to get a narrow majority, all clans should be leaping to obey him because he won the magic contest everyone stopped competing in multiple generations before.

We will maybe find out in the next book whether that was supposed to have been a cunning and savvy bit of politics or a crippling mistake that dooms his whole enterprise.
>all clans should be leaping to obey him
But isn't ilKhan power over other clans restricted as Khan's over Galaxy Commanders (if no then why Ulric didn't ordered Jags, Falcons and Sharks "Stop bidding you idiots")?
What's it like living inside CGLs colon?
Oh. What ruleset did this happen in?
I don't appear to have anything that has been mentioned but 20 items (mostly dice) are on a list we aren't allowed to know about. I'm a non-us customer so I feel like I am being shafted while US customers got their orders along with bonus vehicles in some items.
>I'll never buy another battletech product while CGL has the licence and I'll pay someone to 3DPrint any future mechs I want/need.
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Okay, may be coocking coctail of 4 colours to make such generic brown (expected it to be more vibrant) was not most rational idea.
Still Inprogress (had to add lime-yellow and work guns and other metall parts)
House Arano was formally canonized in a sourcebook in 2019.
>though facial tattoos and a half-shaved head can't hide her natural beauty.
Wanna fucking bet?
>Long-range head shots have become her specialty.
Oh yeah? Miss 4 gunnery skill is specialist in getting long-range head shots? Is she now? With her 4 gunnery? You a headshot specialist Miss 4 gunnery Alison Young?
l-o-l, lmao even.
Bet you this was someone's self insert.
The funniest part to me is the implication that she's delivering AC/2 headshots. Which just means she's piloting the blackjack wrong.
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Keep on hating tourist...
I like how the city kinda resembles the shape behind the Jaguar logo.
It's all fluff anyway. There's no combination of official SPAs (Marksman, Sharpshooter, Weapon Specialist, Sniper and Range Master would be applicable here) which makes head shots at range specifically more likely.
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Well, it says the mech was captured from the CapCom, sonit could be a BJ-3 with two PPCs and DHS.
Other than Defiance, what are some other 3d printshops in the EU?
I'm putting together a team. Here's what I have so far:
Centurion CN-9A
Hatchetman HCT-3F
Rifleman RFL-3N
Shadow Hawk SHD-2H
>Oh yeah? Miss 4 gunnery skill is specialist in getting long-range head shots?
What's the official number of headshots in a game you need to perform to be considered a headshot specialist, under what rules, and at what range?
The Shadowhawk is too fast for your lance. Swap it for a Hunch 4N, it'll do the same job without paying for speed you can't use.
Aurora borealis in your kitchen?
You son of a bitch, I'm in.
Counterpoint: the 4N is actually good and Anon is clearly collecting shitmechs.
Please explain how putting an AC/5 on a hunchback is good.
It's good despite having an ac/5. The LRMs and AC/5 let it throw ok damage at long range while it waddles into medium laser range.
So run a Hunch 4J.
Yeah the 4J is better than the N, and both are better than the shadowhawk.
Right, but the theme appears to simply be shitmechs, not the absolute bottom of the barrel. Otherwise the Raven 4X of either of the Hornets should be on there.
>theme is medium shitmechs, not lights
Rifleman is there

Theme looks to me like 4/6 shitmechs, which is my principle objection to the Shad's inclusion.

Is it really that bad to have one mech faster than the rest? Doesn't that let them play a flanker role?
Is the goal to theme your lance or to make it viable?
I can't find the BV calculations for the secondary pilot for a 'mech anywhere if you have a Cockpit Command Console. Is this just more for roleplaying purposes then or can I legitimately put a 1/1 secondary pilot there, switch on turn 1, and then never play against that person again?
>or can I legitimately put a 1/1 secondary pilot there, switch on turn 1, and then never play against that person again?
You're not even going to finish the turn with gamesmanship like that.
Obviously, but that means they've given up and I win.
I would say you have to pay the modifier for the highest pilot
I think he needed any shitty bullshit excuse to weaken the Dominion; The Dominion was too big and too powerful for him to be on top, especially after spending his army on the siege of Terra and ilKhan trial and all, that they could be legitimate political rival/threat to him
BJ-1 is way shittier than the 4N in that case.
May I see it?
He was insulted that they held a referendum to join instead of just unilaterally joining, even though current Rasalhague law prevents that.

I think also, at that point, Rasalhague was probably stronger than the Wolf Empire. They weren't as battered as the Falcons, sure, but the entirety of the touman is on Terra, and they still took a beating. Rasalhague also had a reduced touman from their brief civil war, but the majority of those casualties were Freeborn natives. Their Trueborn assets are pretty much entirely intact.

Letting Rasalhague in would imbalance the Council and basically immediately create a faction that would usually oppose him, politically.
Alaric is such a bitch. I'm hoping his pet Smoke Jag auxiliaries pull an Arminius on him when he's up to his neck in shit.
I'm hoping his Down Syndrome Star League blows up in his face and spurs a BULLDOG style campaign to finally eradicate the Wolves. Showers should Abjured them for their constant resistance to REVIVAL. They are due to get buttfucked on national television.
I just wish Alaric was genuinly competent villain, instead of a megalomaniac retard
He kind of has the 'smart guy written by stupid guy' problem. To an idiot, an intelligent leader seems to be acting almost at random, with no coherent plan or goal. The worst part will be if he somehow outsmarts the entirety of the Inner Sphere and weakens them, somehow. Like inviting all the faction leaders to Terra and then killing them or something. I expect to be disappointed.
Well he is competent as long as story bends to him
It's the Cameron Curse.
Anyone who takes Terra immediately becomes retarded.
So long as it's not one of the ascendant DEI Wokebaby factions, I'm fine.

Which are?

Or was this just a brainrot moment?
He's having an "I'm bored so I'll try to derail the thread" moment.
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>They are due to get buttfucked on national television.

Are you lost? Do you know what franchise you're talking about? The closest to buttfucked the Wolves of all flavors will ever be was the Jihad, and look at them all now.
I don't know about that. I would say that the Camerons were actually unusually successful. It's rare for dictatorships to last past the founding generation, and the Camerons were adroit enough rulers to last like 6 or 7 generations, over 200 years. The only truly incompetant Cameron was the Richard, who paid with his incompetence with his life and empire.

That's not to say they were geniuses, mind you. But they were adroit enough(with the exception of Jonathan) to maintain their rule and keep the ither Great Houses happy. Even though that usually meant taking the lead of the Inner Sphere in exploiting the Periphery.
Obviously the curse only started after all the Cameron's were murdered.
>Com* and WoB being religious retards

>The Camerons had secret orders that should their line die out, their loyalists were to put retard powder in all of Earth's water supply, continuing for time immemorial.
Basically scientology or mormonism
So how far ahead of the Great Houses was the Star League, technologically speaking? How many decades ahead were they?

Was it how I assume it was, with the SLDF basically up to 3039 and later, with the rest of the IS still using 2550 shitmechs?
This is like asking if English or French or Japanese, or Taiwanese, or Korean manufacturing is behind American manufacturing.
It depends.
But in all cases, America simply has a larger population and more resources and can produce more stuff. The Star League is much the same way. The worlds nearest to Terra had much higher populations and far more factories in so many eras. It's why so much of the fighting in the SuccWars occurs there and why so many nukes were deployed in the worlds around Terra.
They were mostly on par, except the SLDF had a monopoly on certain things. The great houses knew about DHS and pulse lasers and gauss rifles and had some, but the number of companies allowed to build any of it was limited and the supply was mostly earmarked for the SLDF's elite Royal units. Their higher tech stuff was mostly in infrastructure, and a lot of it was more about having the resources to manipulate entire worlds than actually having higher technology per se. The star league is an overgovernment, not a nation itself. Its technology is the technology of its members. If they hadn't nuked themselves stupid, the member states of the star league would have only missed out on the few Terran Hegemony black projects that they never recovered in canon.
Any faction that didn't exist in 3050 is a wokebaby.
Virtual parity once the Battlemech leaked. Like other anons said, apart from monopolized tech like the Royal upgrades and certain black projects, there was no appreciable tech difference between the SLDF and anyone not some Periphery rump state barely scarping along.
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incoming kino
>2.5 hours of Tex jerking Focht off
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Don't forget the mandatory qrd on the entire history of the Star League (tm).
Still, looking forward to it.
Tex is so fucking cringe. I don't know how anybody can stand him.
After edging himself for that long, Tex must've cum with the power of a thousand suns.
Thank you Anon.
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These are awesome! What software are you using to make them? I've got a Tukkayid game I'm co-running in a couple months and Id like to generate some maps for handouts I'm working on.
So even after getting decimated at Misery, only few months later the Dragoons were able to tank the focused Drac assault for years somehow?
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These are all made in QGIS. About three days for the base map, three more to get the heightmap where I want it to via defining contours, ridges and height points, and a shitton of practice using the tool.

Doesn't Tukkayid already have an official planetary map? I only bothered here because New Syrtis has some descriptions, and they are inconsistent at that (when did the planet go from having an ice age to being warmer than Terra again?).
Yes, it is known that BT fiction logistics operate on Clown Car rules.
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It does! but I find them a little underwhelming. Thank you for program info!
They still had multiple regiments after misery, and most of the Drac mobile reserves were occupied with the Lyrans.

The weirdly extended engagement times is a recurring thing in war writeups.
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What >>93995322 says, but also they probably still had big "Brian Caches", maybe together with their fucking WarShips.
They explicitly didn't have time to go open a cache, they go directly from misery to the draconis march and the 4th war starts like a month later.
Interesting if true
The Great Houses should get together and violate the Ares Conventions so hard that Terra ceases to be a habitable planet. Find some way to knock it out of orbit, even. Tell the tube babies that anyone wanting to be the ilClan is going to have to set their throne on the surface of the Sun. Just end their dreams and leave the Star League in the past forever.
>Needing to be mag clamped onto the deck
A true clanner would go without. No mag clamps, light mechs only, final Sabre Cat destination.
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Honestly, the idea of the Great Houses pausing their fighting for a long minute to completely wipe out Humanity's cradle, all just to kill Star League as an idea forever so the Clans can shut the fuck up about it and the Great Houses can get back to the shit that actually matters to them would be oddly fitting.
Nothing is sacred in the eternal war for the Inner Sphere dominance, not even Terra. Like a massive crab bucket, uniting only in pulling each other down to the bottom.
But capturing Terra is the whole point, isnt it? Without it, why even fight each other at all? In fact, the fact that the houses dont even try to expand into unknown space seems kind of dumb. Its literally free real estate. Telling me they cant shoot a probe into space?
Spend money on colonies or spend it on masquerade balls and 100 ton mechs. This isn't a hard choice.
I still remember ramming the stone rhino/behemoth into space in MW2:GBL.
>the fact that the houses dont even try to expand into unknown space seems kind of dumb. Its literally free real estate
The thing is, resources spent expanding into unknown space are resources not spent defending your borders from the two or more hostile states who want to invade you. It's also a massive up-front investment to economically develop a planet that will take generations to start actually contributing anything to the nation, whereas if you invade one of your neighbors, you can capture important and rich planets that can contribute materially on day 1. And doing so hurts your enemies. Since it's a zero-sum game, that's the better choice.

They do expand a little bit - compare the 3025 maps to the 3152 maps and each successor state has slightly expanded outward. But it's a slow thing, probably pushed by fringe movements similar to the puritans all getting shoved to north america in the 1600s.
So after the game lost it's soul...
Then it died 5 years down the timeline.
So they did put that IED dropships thing in
>But capturing Terra is the whole point, isnt it?
Terra is just another planet at the end of the day. The idea of conquering Terra being an instant win condition is something so stupid only a Clanner would believe it.
Also it's easier to let a Periphery nation develop itself with its own money and effort, then bully it when it finally has something worth taking.

Yeah, what's more of a realisitic questions is why the IS isn't surrounded entirely by Periphery states created by refugees, and the pirates that prey on those refugees.

Like, the only development we get at all is the Fronc Reaches. That's pretty much it. And I guess the literally-who RWR successor planets.
It WAS until the Clans came through.
>The cradle of humanity is just another planet
I am sure most of the inner sphere disagrees
>Without it, why even fight each other at all?
Why fight each other even with it? A major point of the setting is that the Succession Wars were nothing more than than a dick waving contest between the Great Houses. If Comstar hadn't established Terra's neutral status it would have been a battleground too.
There's loads of inhabited worlds out there, but the only ones that show up on the map are the ones with jumpship capacity. Most of them never see a visitor from another planet.
Let's say the Capellans managed to take Terra and and the Chancellor declared that made him First Lord, does him saying that on Terra actually matter to the other Great Houses? Terra has cultural meaning, but in terms of power it is just another planet.
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>Its not important
>Actually it is
I'm sure the civilian populations that will never see Terra in their lives probably don't
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Lance for Friday. All introtech basic models, I'm up against a fairly new player. Hoping to teach him that just because it's an Atlas doesn't mean it's invincible.
You can pretend to be stupid all you want; I've made my point.
Yes. It's important for status and moral.
But tactically it's just another dot on the map.
Terra is Earth, home. If you can't comprehend how being in control of home matters, then any further talking to you would be a waste of time.
What BV?
The vast majority of people in the sphere do not think of terra as home any more than modern icelanders think of norway as home. It has been many centuries since the various nations were established.
5k. Technically 4860, but I don't mind being a bit down. When I play against a new player the goal isn't to win.
The Davion's didn't cease to be when the Dracs took New Avalon. Why would all of the sphere roll over just because Earth changed hands again?
It's just a place.
do we know how tall lincoln osis was?
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Taller than chistu
Why would you bother expanding into the void where nobody has ever terraformed anything when you've got functionally endless amounts of free real estate with human life friendly environments already inside of your current borders? The average great house planet has entire fallow continents, and there are worlds that people used to live on where the radiation from the nuclear cleansing has long since faded away.
Nobody cares about getting more space just to have more space. You want factories and cool shit like Brian castles and data repositories and your enemy's favorite theme park, not some rock covered in parasitic dinosaurs or plants that shoot acid at anything that moves.
It's more accurate to say that they're single planet nations. Places like Astrokaszy get visitors all the time, but it's just one world so when it shows up on the map at all, it's just a dot.
>Hoping to teach him that just because it's an Atlas doesn't mean it's invincible.
I'd think the real lesson from facing your lance would be that focusing on the big "scary" Atlas will just buy time for the Panther and Kuritapult to tear your apart at range with their PPCs while the Jenner sneaks around behind to rape you in the ass.

Hit the little guys first to take guns off the field,
giving you space to maneuver around the slower Atlas in safety, so you can force him to engage you on your own terms in favorable terrain.
I don't know, it's almost poetic with the Great Houses pausing long enough to show the rest of the IS that Earth is just another planet, that they fought over the Cameron's empty throne back in the succession wars only to reject the revival of a Star League in Victor S-D's generation. They even tried making it a border buffer with the Republic and followed Stone's lead for a while, and that ended up a bust.
The Great Houses existed long before the Star League, and they survived well after every incarnation of it. It would be a nice wake up call to the Clanners if the Great Houses got tired of all their talk about reviving Star League and taking the seat of Cameron and just blew it all up, showing they stopped caring about Terra's cultural importance a long time ago.
Either way, we'll see what he does.

Gonna bring some terrain for a 3D map as well, since I think he's only played on flat paper so far.
Terra abandoned everyone after it couldn't effectively exploit them. The entire reason the great houses even exist was that the Terran Alliance said "lmao, everyone outside of 40 LY from Terra is free, go fuck yourselves yokels." And then the strongest colonies took over, merged into the great houses, and started fighting in the Age of War. Then Terra comes back, basically tricks everyone except the FWL into joining their fancy new star league and it's mostly just a tool to oppress even them. The periphery got it worse, but the Terran Hegemony was lording it over the rest just the same.
It's been a thousand years since humanity left Earth. Terra isn't home to anyone outside of the former Terran Hegemony any more than England is considered home by her colonies.
And then the succession wars start out with everyone saying "of course the star league still matters, but I should be the new boss of it" and none of them quite realized that all of them were actually saying "of course the star league still matters, but only if I get to be the new boss of it", which renders the entire idea moot. So they stopped caring about it since nobody would accept any leader except themselves and they all knew it.
>some rock covered in parasitic dinosaurs or plants that shoot acid at anything that moves.
That is EXACTLY what I want.
Pray for me, one of my TW copies that arrived today is the 06 printing and I'm 90 pages in on formatting bookmarks for errata.
Osis is an Elemental.
You can't explain sentimentality and emotional/morale factors to sociopaths, anon. That's who you're dealing with here. They are literally incapable of understanding those things.
That interviewer is fucking retarded. "HURRR how player play if no kill and get shiny trophy??"

If anything, having the players fight a retreating battle back to the dropships after almost dying in a massive brawl would be great game design and good story telling.

Like, how else did that retard interviewer think that was going to go? They were basically asking for specific plot beats.
It was probably a leading question specifically to let the interviewee talk about how the war's a backdrop.
It's a good thing that the nobles, politicians, and generals of the Inner Sphere are all well adjusted, kind, and sentimental. Honestly you're both kind of stupid. Did you write the ilClan storyline for CGL, and is that why yoy're so immune to reason?
>the sociopath reveals itself, recoiling as it strikes you
>Looks at the inner sphere
Yes exactly, you're proving my point entirely. The Inner Sphere is run by power hungry, elitist sociopaths who only ever gave lip service to the idea of Star League because they wanted to paint themselves as the rightful heirs to the failed Cameron Dynasty. If we were talking about well adjusted human beings then the Inner Sphere wouldn't be a broken, war ridden mess.
Very few people outside of it are sentimental for Britain, and that was just the last few centuries. The people who would become the great houses ditched Terra 800 years ago. It hasn't been home for over 30 generations. Do you deeply care about a place your great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great grandparents lived before they fled it for what was probably political or economic reasons?
How long is one generation in the BT, given that the average lifespan is much longer than now?
I'm glad you confirmed you're just a troll.
Someone with warrior: riposte handy can check this but I think most of the people at the wedding think it's kind of neat being on Terra but definitely wouldn't think anyone that forcibly took control of it would gain some kind of moral authority or anything.
Generations aren't longer than today. They were in the Hegemony, and maybe on core worlds, but not most places.
conflating national heritage with the entire planet that gave birth to your entire species and was your home for millions of years is a dumb equivalence
also we got niggers RIGHT NOW fighting over jew land based on millennia old claims so it's hardly unprecedented
Not to mention Earth has the densest arcologies of humans, SoL has some of the best weapon and ship factories in the IS, some of the best defenses, the ONLY HPG core factory in non-clan hands until ilClan, the ONLY HPG college in IS space, on and on.

The place has all the appeal of any Successor State capital world but MORE. You want Earth for the same reason Hanse wanted Luthien, or Yori wanted New Avalon, but it's an even better return on the investment.
There were a lot of worlds that they really really wanted. They just didn't want anyone else getting them more. In the Ilclan, the appeal is the lowest its ever been.
I just want record sheets for the canon dinosaurs as units
Megasaurs have canon sheets IIRC since 3rd edition. You just have to convert them from RPG stats.
That is why it must be destroyed. A coalition of concerned star empires needs to get together and maneuver a series of asteroids into colliding with Terra, bombarding it until the surface is molten. A monstrous plan that will ensure that humanity can move beyond its creche and grow up strong, free from the sentimental delusions and fairy tales of the past.
Rocks are not free!
Worth the cost to free humanity from the poison of the Star League's shadow.
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Fuck off, Char.
Damn, the Raven looks cool but shame that it comes out so late for Introtech
Which Introtech mechs have weapons that would require TAG?
Actually it could be great. Imagine a group of Belters and Jovians going, a THIRD Star League? This has to end..." and they have Terra slagged. This could lead to a Jihad 2.0 as groups of people across all of humanity collectively lose their shit, blame both the Great Houses and the Clans for the loss of mankind's cradle, and a chaotic pan-human movement against them gets turned into a decentralized ideological war. A sort of "red panic" for all established factions to deal with.
Which would be more fun, a Gargoyle with 2 HAG20s or a Warhawk with a Suoercharger?
Warhawk has cooler lineart.
I don't think any of them. TAG works with Arrow IV Homing Missiles and Semi-guided LRMs. Arrow IV is something you could theoretically dig up from a Brian or comstar cache (although it's not introtech, so nothing using it is introtech), but SGLRMs haven't been invented yet.
I just feel sorry for them, for they have never known a home.
iMM when? I want mortars that don't suck.
TAG can spot for indirect fire without several usual problems
Shout out to the boys in Chiba, looks like japan's getting Clans too.
Hey be fair, Char is long dead in universe probably. iirc BT Char was a 'Goon in a red Battlemaster.
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>Buy big lot of old metal on ebay
>Dude bothers to pack them all correctly and nice
>Nothing damaged in transit

My heart grew three sizes today, /btg/.
In my headcanon he faked his death and changed his name to Quattro Vagina
I thought that was only for Semi-Guided.
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TAG: the only way battle armor can reliably inflict 40 damage per turn.
Is there a rule against a unit having multiple TAG units? (To give multiple chances to make the connection).
Pretty sure a unit can only fire one TAG per turn even if it has multiple. That said, there's nothing stopping you from putting TAGs on multiple units. You can even take TAG-equipped Kage suits, which don't have any guns and thus won't draw fire, have BA stealth, and jump 4, so they can easily get into position and tag stuff you want tagged.
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Scratch that. I checked both the Tech Manual and TW. While Light Tag specifies that BA can only fire one even if multiple are in the squad, there's nothing similar for full scale tag on armored units. Looks like you can stack tags and designate all you like.
How many TAGs do you have to put in a Warrior (9/14 VTOL) or Viper (8/12/8 Mech) to ensure you make a solid hit?

TAG counts as an energy weapon, right? So ICE vehicles need the amplifiers or whatever?
>Lincoln Osis knocked Sarah Weaver unconcious with a missile blow to the cockpit
How big of the SRM can an Elemental carry?
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It's at least TW-accurate.
A. Her cockpit might have taken previous damage before that
Isn't the Khanship Trial 1:1?
Every head hit requires a consciousness check, nigga.
Previous damage...from him.
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Just consider this - many planets in the IS have a longer colonial history than South America.

Like who cares about Madrid?
Some Australians kept calling England "Home" until after WWII.

Also, Lily Collins needs to eat something. Especially ironic since didn't she do a movie about anorexia?
Shit why did I forget that
>must be of the Princess passing every fucking check when it becomes relevant
It's not like it's a hard check to pass.

And remember, Princess never cheats, she just plays with robotic precision unlike us weak fleshbags who can't always know what is the mathematically optimal number of hexes to move each turn.
It takes 4 hits before KO is more likely than not, and by then you have usually just headcapped.
They're formally still part of the Commonwealth, even if they seemingly treat british work migrants like the Israelis used to treat the non-slavic Jews.
It was on the outer hull of a warship, so maybe he just poked a hole in it and let the vacuum fuck her up.
Which, if you count the colonization efforts in Australia, took less than 200 years. Meanwhile there are inner sphere planets that have been settled for four times that long.
>Lily Collins needs to eat something
Ok, fatty lover. A proper woman should never have a BMI over 18.
Human arms should not be that thin.
How did the Dracs transport their Kanazuchis during the Clan Invasion? All the infantry transports were carrying 6 tons of infantry at the time.
Planetside? You just carry them as cargo. A cheap and ubiquitous Planetlifter has 20 tons of internal cargo space, for example (70 tons if you use the "unprotected bay").
Either they didn't use the TacOps true BA weights or they used Karnovs, which have plenty of space.
Can't Karnovs from that time only do 6 tons as well? I thought it was only pretty late in the invasion the Karnov got a BA version, but that was after the Kanazuchi was introduced.
So, anything with the cargo space and effectively convert it to infantry space?
I'm 80% sure that at the time all BA took 1 ton of space regardless of size.
Still do unless you use an optional rule from TacOps
So, standard rules and not advanced rules are more canon (what happened in universe) for this case? Because if converted cargo bays are a thing, there's still plenty of vehicles that could have transported assault Battle Armor, but it would be weird for some of them. Like the Battlemech Recovery Vehicle.
You can justify a lot of weird combinations like that with fluff, circumstance, and improvisation. Need to transport a bunch of BA semi-securely while the pilots are recuperating and have two K-3N-KR4 Kisos standing around doing fuck-all? Well, now you found your new BA transport 'Mechs.
Did you see the maps on https://hpgstation.de/2020/11/27/battle-of-tukayyid-campaign-maps-english/ ?
The obvious way to handle kanazuchi transport is to split the squad across multiple APCs and use the remaining space for regular infantry that screen and support the BA.
>Also, Lily Collins needs to eat something. Especially ironic since didn't she do a movie about anorexia?
Method acting?
>Not giving the Jenner or Panther increased piloting
Off topic!
Hot Topic!
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No, this is Patrick
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No, this is Patrick.
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No, THIS is Patrick!
Poor Patrick. After all these years and not even important enough to get an updated portrait.
It is kind of amusing to read what little there is of him being so heroic while looking so weaselly.
based of him
New thread? New thread!

Pre Helm, 2 Medium Lasers are quite nasty against most commonly encountered Lights, enough to significantly damage one or even cripple/kill it if you get lucky. I do recommend playing an all Lights game with the common 20-30 tonners, a Medium Laser is actually quite a big hitter at that level.

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