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at least we can still play it in vintage edition


The Week That Was: Where Dreams Become Reality

Metagame Mentor: Discussing Pioneer with Bloomburrow


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are there any cards you would unban in any format right now?
chance of them reversing the bans after community points out how retarded they are?
>Rakdos Aggro already inching toward 20% of the meta
All formats
Let the game burn
When have they ever done that before
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>chance of them reversing the bans after community points out how retarded they are?
I'll buy your MC set for three fiddy
the lotus ban in particular is the most scummiest and retarded ban they’ve done yet
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Legal in REAL Commander
its actually going down if you check 14 and 7 days, I remember it being over 25% at one point, a lot of people are picking up Wx decks to obliterate it and it's starting to show
My favorite card(Braids) has been banned forever so fuck all of you
>/edhg/ seems to love the bans
>/mtg/ hates them for some reason
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This is obvious, low-hanging fruit, but that doesn't make it not true
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I agree. Banning Black Lotus was an awful decision. My portfolio has been destroyed by this harmless staple card being taken out of the only format it was playable in.
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>Play Standard
>Atraxa on turn 3
>Quit, go to Legacy
>Atraxa on turn 2
At least the retarded, pushed, 4 color big dick creature with too much text is something cool like a Phyrexian and not a Bear or a Human or some shit

free Deathrite!
It would be WAY cooler if it was a bear
I'm an edhfag and I don't like the banning of Mana Crypt. The others are fine, but that one is retarded and inconsistent.
Yeah, if they'd hit Crypt, Sol Ring, and Mana Vault I could understand wanting to move the format away from that meta, but they only hit the most expensive one right after WotC used it to sell packs. If we see a crazy chase Mana Vault soon, we'll know that's also on the chopping block.
I'll concede bears are pretty cool
>If we see a crazy chase Mana Vault soon, we'll know that's also on the chopping block.
It was one of the SLD chase cards for Fallout. You know, those super ultra mega rare cards that have a random chance of being included with an SLD order.
>they shouldn't ban black lotus
>"it's only usable for HALF of your infinite combo"
right. So stupid. Why did they do that?
Lurk more
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TQ: Post your favorite art from Duskmourne
>EDHtards saying Force of Will is more toxic than Black Lotus
I will never understand the minds of theae people.
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Probably this. Helps sell the "I'm still in this house" aspect the best.
Reminder that the CRC is illegitimate. The only ones who have final say on the banlist is your local playgroup and nothing else matters.
This half of this version of Reluctant Role Model is the only thing in the set that even comes close to being scary. The only other card that might compete is Twitching Doll, but that's only because I have acute arachnophobia.
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>/mtg/ - /edhg/
Very good image. Very spooky. Me like.
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>Commander takes over Standard
>Commanderfags laugh at Standardfags for 4 years straight
>Do ban list
>Watch as Commanderfags meltdown
The aren't retarded, eat shit
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How do you have dogshit art like this...
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When in the same exact set, you get art like pic related?
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i cannot wait for the day that hasbro forces wizards of the coast to spit on the """""reserved"""" list and seeing the salt that will flow as a result
>i cannot wait for the day that hasbro forces wizards of the coast to spit on the """""reserved"""" list and seeing the salt that will flow as a result
Anon, 30th Anniversary was 8 years ago.
>When in the same exact set, you get art like pic related?
I would utterly destroy Wizards with a mountain of lawsuits if this happened. You don't fuck with Promissory Estoppel.
Nah, the bans are fine. Jeweled Lotus should never have been printed. 3 mana for free is retarded as fuck and anyone complaining about this is just a scalper doing damage control.
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It's one-shot mana, retard not to mention it's a 1 for 2. It's not as good as you think it is.
It's funny that people seriously think this.
Is this the most seething to ever happen in EDH? I only started playing last year.
>i was okay with all the bans...... until this one
>tournaments with cash prizes
the only people who care are the ones foolish enough to spend 100 on a mana crypt. their mana vault's are next and they will be surprised when it happens.
Why do commanderfags even care about the bans? Even they all know that CEDH is a total joke.
i'm scared that hasbro is strategically weakening the reserved list by pulling stunts like magic 30th. not a lawfag but no one litigated magic 30th and it feels like this could be used as a future defense in the event that the rl ever gets reprinted.
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>free mana isn't that good
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His fence riding powers are truely legendary. He's going to put up cash in order to create his own format to spite the Rules Committee, but respects their decisions enough to adhere to all of their other bans. I kneel.
Edhfags are really fucking dumb
Like they unironically believe the color pie should be abolished because its unfair that green has cultivate levels of retarded
>black lotus isn't good if you can only use it for the best card in your deck you always have!
>before 9/23
Fucking pussy. Shit with different sprinkles.
What is the point of this image? A B is a good grade right?
It's a 13/100. She got an F.
This would be most fun case ever, because it would be Promissory Estoppel on the grounds that the brand grew as a result of hoisting the secondary market...

If they lost it would open up PE as a claim against WOTC infringing on the OGL D&D license.
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Lmao even
are any of these cards legacy playable
He's not wrong but they should've gotten rid of Sol Ring as well. Sacred Cow cards are fucking retarded.
they'll never get rid of sol ring
mana vault and grim monolith though...
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god i hope they ban gaea's cradle one day. i'd love to own a playset of cradles
cradle sees play outside of edh
there's no reason not to ban it now.
>wants exactly 4 cradles
>somehow this still makes him a coomander player
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I just ordered my playset for $10 from Ron.
yeah i know, but seeing how much mana crypt went down and how much mana vault shot up in price made me realize just how much power commander has in dictating card price
No point. They won't win back the crowd if they did, and everyone would just think they were flip flopping retards at that point.
>literal Russian asset
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I hope they ban Mana Vault too for laughs.
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I came to Commander after Memedern and Pioneer were a complete disappointment. As a (former) Godo player, where do I go from here? Pauper? Pre-modern? Is there a format untouched by the charlatans at Hasbro/Wotc and their proxy "Ruling Committee"? This is a distress call, I'm running short on hopium.
>I came to Commander after Memedern and Pioneer were a complete disappointment. As a (former) Godo player, where do I go from here?
If you're smart?
Escape. Be free. Leave the piss pit that is this game behind.

If you're sophisticated?
Curate a cube.

If you're retarded?
Get on the Standard hamster wheel.
buy a shitload of bulk for like $40 and make a cube
2 more weeks
I'm definitely not smart, maybe sophisticatedly retarded? Is there such thing as a Commander Cube? Or are you referring to other formats?
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The EDH bans didn't really effect players who honestly play the format, it just fucked investors that thought they were buying immovable format staples, but on where to do from now.

Modern horizons and other supplemental sets also fuck those formats as they print commons, only reason there is little whining is that it is trivial to buy into the new meta.
pretty much a solved format, some people like that, but other get bored pretty quick

Real answer for an untouchable format:
Cube or Penny Dreadful
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>theyll unban, theyll unban. my investments are safe, theyll unban....
Conquest, lol, lmao even
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Premodern is gatekept (good thing) by a bunch of rich boomers. I don’t own a full set of power + 40 duals so no point in even trying to play
I actually hope they double down and are like
>Well we're getting doxxed and threatened now so we're banning sol ring and all the legal moxen now too, because might as well... Also say goodbye to thassas's oracle, come up with a new wincon cedh
i feel that youre thinking of 93/94
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can we get some cube tutorials please? post everything you got.
>can we get some cube tutorials please? post everything you got.
Pick 360 fun cards of relatively even color balance.
Put them together.
Wa la. Cube.
It fucked all the whales who buy every single set that's released and consume commander anything purely off the label alone so really I can't say this was a bad move, there's just too much great collateral damage that makes me smile.
wotc R&D specifically designed jeweled lotus and nadu for EDH then had to ban them anyway like a fucking shitcoin exit scam

how does anyone at wizards still have a job
Cards "designed for EDH" are bad for EDH. Hope that helps.
Jeweled Lotus was a design mistake. It's banning will be nothing but good for the format
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>how does anyone at wizards still have a job
Pump & Dump profits look great on quarterly reports?
>pretty much a solved format, some people like that, but other get bored pretty quick
Someone needs to make a pseudo-rotating format so that you can play with only old cards but without having a static metagame
For example, have the total cardpool be all expert level sets from Invasion block (first 21st century block and beginning of modern set design) to Ixalan block (the last 2-set block) and all core sets from 7th ed to Magic Origins
That's about 21 blocks worth of cards, but say only 12 of them are legal at a time, and every few months 2 of the other 9 are randomly chosen to rotate out, and 2 get rotated in to replace them
So over time the metagame would have to adapt to different sub-groups of the total card pool being legal
They'll reverse it by announcing Legacy Commander, a new format
Cards designed for modern are good in edh.
Cards designed for pioneer are good in edh.
Standard? You guessed it
>b-b-but the number of legendary creatures is actually going down!
Fuck off, nose
>how does anyone at wizards still have a job
because they made wotc a fuck load of money by pumping and dumping low IQ EDH players who are shelling out thousands for a kitchen table format? Just wait for the next commander masters cards, they'll sell like crazy and be the next hot thing for a good few years before we end up in this same cycle again.
Power creep is the death of all card games and made-for-commander cards are really pushed.
>design mistake
>implying that watzy playtests their games
troonmander players really are something else
A lot of newer players lack a significant amount of context though, I think that's part of the problem. I was talking to a new player who started about a year ago, mentioned we've seen more power creep now than ever before and they proceeded to tell me "No actually this isn't powercreep, yu-gi-oh has major powercreep but there's no powercreep in edh that I can see"

And it's like ok, you are literally avoiding 99% of the card pool because most of it got crept out and you're proceeding to tell me that actually 99% of cards don't even exist. They're currently seething about this ban by the way because shocker, they purchased evey single commander made staple at all time highs to overcompensate for their lack of experience. This is wotcs current customer base at the moment.
>tfw complained about made-for-commander cards being in standard sets in 2013
I'm not disagreeing that there's power creep but where are we creeping up from?
Certainly not from Ancient Recall and Black Lotus
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>live in relatively small city
>no friday night events apart from EDH since precovid
>closest lgs to me announces theyre starting theirs back up again
>but where are we creeping up from?
gray ogre and grizzly bears
You mean those cards that were printed in the same sets as Black Lotus?
yes, creatures are where 90% of the power creep in MtG happens (the other 10% is planeswalkers)
spells only get better to keep up with creatures (i.e. removal) but the best removal spell to this day was still printed in alpha
Black Lotus and other ABU fast mana are balanced when the strongest threat you can put into play with them is a Shivan Dragon
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Mana Vault doubled in price overnight and is nearing $200
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need it or sneed it
Duel Commander, we even got challenges on MTGO back after like 6 years I think?
I jumped ship completely from cEDH, at least DC can maintain a proper banlist
That's pretty nice
I had the triple of Sol Ring, Mana Crypt and Mana Vault in Kaladesh Masterpieces for my favourite deck.
I'm so tempted to flip the Vault now that Crypt is banned and pick up a UMA printing instead.
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>>closest lgs to me announces theyre starting theirs back up again
Give me your LGS now
You don't live in New Zealand
Lmao kiwi-fucker
pic related
oath breakers, tiny leaders, and brawl chads we are winning so fucking hard right now
this guys is a huge lolcow, im not surprised he's a commander player. Bro tried to drift his way into the skateboarding scene in his state and got completely utterly btfo
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>set comes out on arena today
>48 days until next set comes out on arena
never-ending spoiler season was already bad with 4 main sets in a year. Now there's six plus bonus sets plus coom precons with every set? I haven't even read half the cards in this set and now there's a fucking month and a half before next product?
Those fucking shareholders better be happy
It's designed to a dumb broken multiplayer format where popping off earlier than you're "supposed to" can get you hated out of the table. Crypt and Lotus are strong but that level of power should be expected on a format where you can run stuff like Sol ring and a free cycle of instants so the bans on these cards are kind of retarded considering what the format is going for.

I do agree that dockside needs to fucking go though, it's a combo piece that ramps into its own combo or any other combo and is annoying to get rid of since it can be reanimated.
The only issue with the bans is they didn't happen sooner. Those cards were a detriment to gameplay and and if they had been banned sooner the price wouldn't have climbed as high.
But no one plays competitive commander anyway and every sane casual group already house banned them.
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Today, I have decided that I, Donald Trump will be attending this event. Tim Pool, what a great guy. I will be there. I will be bringing my beautiful commander, or as some call it "EDH," deck. Many people say I have the best decks. I don't say that but many people do say that. Its gonna be big. There will be much winning. Just like I knocked Crooked Joe Biden out of the race, I will knock my opponent out of the game. Crooked Joe. He probably plays simic. What a loser. Just like Comrade Kamala. You just know she plays Arahbo. She's a cat lady. They call her "Kamala the cat lady." Everyone calls her that. I heard she doesn't even build her own decks. I build my own decks. Built the from nothing. Now there's the biggest most beautiful decks there are. We are going to take this format back. We are going to Make Commander Great Again.
MtG makes a Thanksgiving set?
There should be a set for every major holiday, and the Saint Patrick's Day set is just a normal set but Jace is there and he's fucking smashed
>A lot of newer players lack a significant amount of context
You're absolutely right about this.

I feel like it's the established players who are to blame for this for not gatekeeping and teaching new players that context, indoctrinating them. But to take it further it's Wizards fault that established players have become so fucking incompetent. Any given community needs decent people and to make more decent people to overcome the natural attrition of players just stopping for whatever reason. And at some point it wasn't possible for sane people to outnumber the retarded people. There's nothing sane about spending $500 on a pile of cardboard, however, spending $500 on a pile of competitive cardboard and establishing a baseline of skills is better than spending $500 on EDH dogshit where you will only learn how fucking sociopathic your fellow players are same as you would playing a game of Catan or Monopoly.

It's fine if you don't want to be a competitive grognard, there are many ways to play the game. But the grognards had to be competent to be competitive and you need this high level to attract people who are simply also competent at life to ensure that the retards don't have free run of the place. Once the competitive game fucking died or just shifted online you are only left with the most useless fucking people in-person at stores welcoming new players and essentially ensuring that only the stupidest people stick around while the decent people leave. Once, and only once, the store owner managed to convince some women to come play a prerelease, and some total piece of shit just couldn't stop saying flagrantly uncomfortable shit about women "as a joke" and because nobody told the guy to shut the fuck up (myself included), those women never showed up again. And it's not just true of women it's true of all decent people when the store is only full of people who are clearly incompetent, as most EDH players actually are.
>at least we can still play it in vintage edition
wait until the next ban wave : ^ )
How do I cope with the fact that I still want Thalia, I still am upset because she is with another man, I'm upset because he has something I don't, and I'm flooded with guilt for desiring another woman. How do you cope with the fact that the love you felt for a woman can't be replicated by the woman you can actually get to be with? How do you not feel cucked for the rest of your life and feel like your relationship is a lie? I would have left my whole life behind to be with the guardian of thraben. It would have been so easy. I hate that that's true. That feels like cheating on my girlfriend. I don't know how to cope with the fact that it still bothers me after two and a half fucking years.
Holy shit.
It's been two and a half fucking years of this shit.
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Jace is probably a sad drunk.
In limited this card might as well say "win the game" haven't seen anybody play it but i have not lost a game where i played this, i don't think
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Pic rel!
Wait, I live in NZ, what fucking city is this? Kapiti?
Fucking based lgs. There are no cards banned in standard right now ( and no cards need to be banned either)
The weird thing is the sets for standard are all so incredibly good. I have no idea how they can pump this shit out so fast but i wish i had more time to enjoy them
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wait what the fuck?
This is nonsensical we don't even know the next set yet.

Holy fuck we're gonna start getting previews in 2
Auckland, Baydragon is the store. $10 entry fee and there's a drink included in the entry fee I believe. They don't have judges but Fred is a really nice guy and it's a mum and pop store.
MKM was a bit of a dud, but overall Standard sets have been pretty good for the past year and a bit, at least mechanically.
>This is nonsensical we don't even know the next set yet.

It's Foundations
It actually feels a little odd that we haven't seen anything from death race, not even the title. Hopefully that's them pulling back on the breakneck pace, but I doubt it.
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>foundations prints mana crypt into standard
>There are no cards banned in standard right now ( and no cards need to be banned either)
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>Starting with Foundations, the Nyx-frame will also be used for all non-creature enchantments as the default frame type to parallel the artifact frame.
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>It's Foundations
Can they stop being homosexuals and give me a good chandra commander already?
also lmaoing @ jayce getting replaced
What card is this where the color of the creature is white and red and has 4 arms?
i was around during standard with Baneslayer. Go for the Throat was my favorite response
Can't have prominent white males in 202X
>Also I'm a half-dragon-demon-angel
This is so fucking stupid whatever redditor made this cartoon should be beaten with an aluminum bat
>all in WUBRG order except Chandra and Lili
Everyone's even in the right position too, what dumbass suit swapped them?
huh, i like that, but then again i always liked clestial stuff. my desk mat's picture is a photo of a nebula, so im biased in that sense.
with Kaito whos always dimir...

i guess he will get a straight blue card in foundations, but would they have 5 pw's in a set when they were trying to scale back to 1 per set? also kaito is already in dusk.
its kind of part of the joke, it was made in a time where people started discovering, and justly, hating the idea of Mary Sues. the inside joke with this bit is "fuck Tumblr"
>would they have 5 pw's in a set when they were trying to scale back to 1 per set?

They'll just say foundations is a special exception or something
lm@o at this traitorous fucking loser. cant wait for him and the other tenet media faggots to get jail time for taking russian money.
christcucks don't deserve to have their holidays celebrated in this game after spending so many years calling it satanic
holy meds
>but would they have 5 pw's in a set when they were trying to scale back to 1 per set?
you're retarded if you're actually trusting wizards with this
They used to say that about Pokémon too. A bunch of mentally ill retards.
Thanksgiving is a christian holiday?
dumb retard. there's nothign illegal about a private citizen accepting funds from a hostile nation. especially if it's just to talk about stuff.
Because it's specifically meant to be a set that encompasses Magic overall, and Magic has planeswalkers. The sort of 'notion' of Foundations is "what if you had a set that was just called Magic the Gathering, what would that have".
it's a pretty good explanation for why a mary sue character would inexplicably be immune to those things
Jace is getting replaced for however long his villain arc lasts, so give it a year or two.
They're bringing back core sets, but they're too embarrassed to admit that getting rid of core sets was a bad idea.
Or she's just an angel who has holy protection and is experienced at fighting those things, thus her name?
...so core sets?
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never forget what they did to our boy demonic tutor
yes more than christmas apparently, which was banned in new england by the puritans for being too 'pagan'
I mean, yeah.
that's the actual reason, but the actual card baneslayer angel isn't a mary sue stereotype in a funny webcomic, it's just a card
>herp derp treason is based as long as my guy™ does it
>hurr durr I'm a patriot
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>The sort of 'notion' of Foundations is "what if you had a set that was just called Magic the Gathering, what would that have".
it would have Jace and either Garruk or Nissa in it instead of those other literally whos
What Bloomburrow could've been...
Jace not being in is probably just a matter of where he's at as a character right now. Four of these characters haven't done much of anything in recent story, Kaito's done some heroic stuff, Jace is going more antagonistic. He's apparently too complex a character to have as a face right now or something.
>He's apparently too complex a character to have as a face right now or something.
aren't Vivien and Lili also morally grey antihero types? or is Lili so deep into her face turn that she's considered a straight up hero now?
I think it's a testament to how prevalent Jace was that they had to pull out Kaito for blue because nobody else was viable.
literal who
associated too much with Jeskai
package deal with Rowan
too much of a fishfucker
>Mu Yanling
I'm actually a bit surprised they didn't go with her, but also literal who

They had to pull out a donut steel OC who has never even had a mono blue card to get a guy who meets the criteria, because Jace has been filling that slot for over a decade.
Current Jace seems a bit more villainous than grey, Vivien is an ecoterrorist at worst and Lili is merely selfish. Jace is planning to blow up the multiverse or something like that.
Liliana's more just a grumpy anti-hero at worst nowadays and Vivien is barely a character anyway who gives a shit about her.
I mean, they haven't made any real notable mono-red Planeswalkers that could replace Chandra either. Only Green and White have any real 'replaceable' ones, honestly, Lili's hard to replace either.
>I feel like it's the established players who are to blame for this for not gatekeeping and teaching new players that context, indoctrinating them.
It's worse, I've seen it. A lot of older players actually did the opposite, they embraced the obvious problems and shamed any level of gatekeeping. I honestly believe I'm only in the mindset that I am because I came in midway through the game, before anything significantly bad was happening and the biggest complaints the community had was planewalkers and card borders.

Holy shit do I miss that honestly. I miss when standard was cool and even the people who couldn't afford the money or time to play still paid attention to it and gave a shit. Commander as an entry point is also batshit stupid. I've seen the players this creates, they have fuck all understanding of rules, interactions, priority and this will go on for years. I have been a guest in many of those groups and it feels like you’re playing with people who started maybe 6 months ago and then you find out they’re 5 or 6 years in and it’s like holy shit what have you been doing in that time, you should know this basic shit by now but you're arguing with me because your group doesn't know what a fucking mana ability is 5 years in. I don’t even blame them because what the fuck are they supposed to do when that's the recommended experience? I love EDH but it is an endgame format not an intro one most people do not learn in this environment very well and believe me it shows
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I hate that we don't even get portrayed as unambiguously villainous anymore.
t. black loyalist
Chandra is definitely #2, but I think Koth and maybe Sarkhan would be better replacements than any of Jace's. Lili is in an odd spot because black tends to be the villainous color, but they clearly don't want that. Sorin is really the only viable candidate that isn't a complete lolsoevil dude.
Correct, which is why they blacked Aragorn and Gandalf
Gandalf was riced
Please understand anon, there are two groups of people mad about these bans. The first is investorfags, and the second are the room temperature IQ retards who try to play a format explicitly designed for casual timmies competitively. This twitterfag is from the latter group.
It really is so fucking bizarre thinking about it. Imagine telling people 10 years ago the best selling set was going to be a lord of the rings set with a bunch of race swapped characters. People would think you were ill and describing a delirious fever dream you had. I'm not even mad I'm just truly bewildered
Sarkhan is a bit too pigeonholed into DRAGONS, but Koth could work. The problem with Sorin is that he's become too WB over the years. Jace's potential replacements have the same issue. Teferi is UW, Kaito is UB, Ral is UR. It seems difficult for Wizards these days to make a pure blue PW or a pure black PW (who isn't evil).
I miss when Teferi was mono blue and didn't look like a clone of Idris Elba
2014 was around the rise of the woke movement it wouldn't sound so far fetched.
>they have fuck all understanding of rules, interactions, priority and this will go on for years.
I've seen posts refer to EDH as a board game and it's an apt comparison. Like a board game, the actual rules of MTG aren't really rules in EDH, but more like guidelines for what is generally supposed to happen. Because there is no strict set of rules or guidelines, you also have a bunch of petty squabbling over what should be allowed and what shouldn't be.

Such an environment is not only not good for learning how the game actually works, I'd say it actively discourages it because EDH revolves around group consensus and not pissing off the other people in your pod. Like you told Timmy that his indestructible monster isn't immune to being sacrificed by Sheoldred's Edict.
Sorin's actually gotten less WB over the years, he had four in a row after his initial mono black card but now he's gotten three mono black and a flipwalker that only has white on the back.
>Sarkhan is a bit too pigeonholed into DRAGONS
Yeah, and everyone loves dragons. Not like people complain about Chandra being autistic for fire or Lili for undead.
An important thing to keep in mind when looking at the choices for the Foundations Planeswalkers is that the set is designed to be printed and sold for at least 5 years, meaning that character choices involve future plans not really changing them in the short term as the inclusions must be somewhat Evergreen.
Sarkhan will deff be involved in the Return to Tarkir set so he's not really usable. Sorin wouldn't be a bad inclusion but as mentioned he shows up as WB as much he does Mono Black, also I suspect we'll be going back to Innistrad sooner than we might think judging by the tease of it at the end of the Duskmourn story.
People would easily believe Lord of the Rings being the best selling set of all time and probably be excited by the news, but they wouldn't believe it if you showed them the cards like The One Ring or Orcish Bowmasters (and explained their impact) or if you described the whole 001/001 Ring bullshit. Once you started describing the raceswapping, they'd fully dismiss it as a shitpost. No one was genuinely prepared for black Aragorn. It still feels like a shitpost come to life.
Then again, the past 5 years of MTG has felt like Wizards deliberately trying to take the doomposts of yesteryear into the realities of today.
>and a flipwalker that only has white on the back
And that's him when his spark ignited yeah
Clearly the real solution was 0 planeswalkers.
desu it's on the tolkien estate or warner bros or whoever handles the LoTR IP to draw the line and tell WoTC they can't just turn their character into queer transgender people of colour
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>has flash
>doesn't surveil when it enters
why do they do this
I would be lying if I said I don't love seeing his IP raped by the very people he tried to defend back in WWII. Karma is bitch.
>back in WWII
I wanna see them kiss
And add Segovian Angel in there too, she's a cute
Lmao, clueless zoomer chiming in.
MaRo bled for his country back in '42 you insensitive asshole
He probably thinks you're talking about his military career and not about his letter to the Germans
>they embraced the obvious problems and shamed any level of gatekeeping
There is this tipping point at any store, if identified, where the remaining players realize that if more people don't start showing up the local community dies. And the thing is, these very players don't realize they are the reason why the community is so blown out and depleted. But what happens is that they multiply, whoever walks through that door is raised into the stupid retardation, the toxic positivity that just tolerates how fucking shit the game has become, which is why much of the blame is on Wizards because if the game wasn't actually becoming totally shit, some number of sane people would still be showing up wanting to spend their precious money/time even if it meant putting up with the few social rejects.

>it feels like you’re playing with people who started maybe 6 months ago and then you find out they’re 5 or 6 years in and it’s like holy shit what have you been doing in that time
This has always been a thing in any game, it's not a recent phenomenon. There are people who substitute owning cards and years in the game for competence and they are often the most worthless of people and unfortunately the wealth flex tends to impress people who don't know any better. And sometimes all it takes is to hit players with your wallet to establish some kind of dominance. What're you going to do, tell that Saudi Prince they can't drive for shit when they have more money in vehicles than your entire personal worth?

I don't know if Standard was ever cool or if Standard being cool was necessary to make the community good. Whatever was the secret sauce I miss when most players wanted to be better and had a reasonable financial path towards getting better.

I agree with the sentiment that EDH as an entry point is stupid, which is why I hate it. I also agree with you that it should be the endgame experience and if it was that I wouldn't despise it so much but it isn't.
>He probably thinks
Being really generous there.
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great format
that's what you get for ever bothering with memedern
The sequel will be more remembered than the original.
What make them call it a sequel if the original happened on Innistrad?
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>melties pretending their beloved mtg needs to have '''value''' for them to continue playing the game
LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOO imagine admitting that nothing from the reserve list is safe from reprints and still chasing cards. if you don't feel safe anymore because you need to feel that the cards are worth something, then stop laying. go on. sell all your 'valuable' collector pieces and switch to another card game. cocsuckers fellating a jewish company whose prime directive is to make money got burned being retarded and somehow its the jews fault hahahahahaha
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Feels like classic art, very distinct compared to the recent slop.
YO that's actually sick. i'd play standard there.
better than the foglio garbage they used to print
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>6/8 Boros Energy
>2nd place Jeskai Control played by GigaChadSigmaMale
>his military career and not about his letter to the Germans
neither one had anything to do with WWII
What do you mean "used to"?
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>are there any cards you would unban in any format right now?
Mind you, with the current state of modern and legacy, I doubt Birthing Pod would have any kind of impact.
>spends all this time googling just to say the dumbest shit as damage control
Should've stayed quiet, zoomzoom.
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facebook com/groups/155404544545444
Enjoy if you're going to go, and I hope you get some good numbers. I won't because I'm not interested in standard.
With the current state of creatures, Pod would immediately be Tier 1.
it's so ugly and it was everywhere in early sets
I'm not in NZ though.
Fuck no, Pod would be way too slow for this meta.
Is that the bald guy that makes videos on the oficial magic youtube channel? Why is he using a character from reboot as his profile picture? Why is wotc reducing their reprint equity, what other "commander chase" card they can reprint at mythic that is worth money and needs a reprint?
True. I for one am glad they don't seen to want to reprint it, otherwise I would be tempted to return to play modern.
Point formats, like Canlander. The only bans that count for those are literal Vintage bans.
The meathook guy took the omenpath and decided yo start meathooking another plane of existance just for fun.

But actually it's just WotC being creatively broke and going "oh horror films have sequels, we should make a le epic reference to that in our horror film set!" and thus they slapped a 2 on to some card and that was that.
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Help me Anons, what's the deal with seven variants of Mana Crypt? And why does this variant cost over $3500??? https://scryfall.com/search?q=%2B%2Be%3Aspg+%22mana+crypt%22
That style was a super rare pull in Ixilan Collector set, and that version in particular was the rarest one by a lot.
Does wizards publish the odds of each rarity in a pack somewhere? Thinking of doing a little EV calculator side project but it sounds like hell trying to figure out the percentages behind each slot in a pack, specifically with shit like guest cards and the list and the big score and shit like that
I've always really liked Spirit of the Labyrinth against brainstorm decks, and I'm getting the same sort of feeling for Ring decks. They still lose life from the number of burden counters even if they don't get the draw, so putting in a Labirynth off an aether vial in response to them tapping to draw feels like it would be strong right now in modern, since every deck is running Ring.

I'm also looking through the popular decks and seeing a lot of fetches and nonbasics. Leonin Arbiter is always sitting there quietly waiting for his time to shine. Plus they just printed White Orchid Phantom in modern horizons 3 which is a new toy to pair with him.

The downside is that I'm seeing a lot of Bolts and similar effects, but that's nothing new, we've always leaned on Giver of Runes and Spell Queller and stuff like that to protect the team.

Idk, I'm feeling some DnT in modern. I'm going to give it a try.
dnt is better in legacy than modern rn
why mess around with spirit of the labyrinth when you could splash black and play orcish bowmasters
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This is what horizons does to your brain.
Good thing the Tier 0 decks are dominating so hard right now that a tier 0.5 has no chance of winning
wait no nevermind Spirit and Bowmasters are an anti-combo, damn it i hate Horizons Block Constructed
The only retard here is you. And all the other EDH players.
That's not what he said, retard.
He said the price doesn't come from EDH and if it was banned it would not go down.
Cope and seethe
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Give it a few months after the prices on Mana Crypt and Lotus hit a stable low. All of a sudden an "investor" will do a mass buyout. Then, after a few more weeks.months they'll unban one of them. It's like printing money because idiots don't print proxies.
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All Duskmourn art is fugly as hell
They tried a thing in a few sets (2?) where there was a chase card and then the chase card has color level of rarity as well. So you could pull a crypt that was blue as a "common" up to a yellow or red "ultra mythic rare"
tl;dr Wotc was trying to copy yugioh and have 5 tiers of rarity above mythic.
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none of that alternate art television shit, the original is sick as hell
Garruk as well...
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>Rudys latest video

Shit taste, would never let you pick the movie
it's objectively ugly
gay even
you must pick ugly and gay movies

Shit taste verified by double blind study, OP sucks dick is now settled science
How do we feel about Manifest Dread mechanic?
Most flavorful mechanic of all time.
Zero. That would mean that they acknowledge the secondary pricing market and it would open up uncomfortable conversations for them as a company.

Seeing players of a "casual, anything goes" format get revealed for what they really have been all along (pay to win tryhards even in a "casual, fun" format because people have to be special 100% of the time) has been the most entertaining thing to happen all year.
No, not the color of the card type, I meant the actual creature in the art work was red and white and had 4 arms. Not that it required red and white lands to summon.
Why are non EDH players so pissy about this ban? It didn't effect this general at all
>open random pack
>Mana Crypt
>cant sell to EDHbab because banned
>promise a pack with cards
>receive a pack with cards
Yeah... your lawsuit would go absolutely nowhere lmao
T. Actual lawyer
I want to gift my bro something magic related for his 30th birthday. Are custom cards art cards a good idea or is it something too big of a hit or miss?
Follow your heart, do that if you think it's right. I'll give a suggestion. Maybe he's been playing a long time and is sentimental about a particular old card. You could buy him a mint-condition single of that and it would be a very thoughtful gift.
Custom cards are a great gift
I got a bunch of custom art cards as gifts, and I use them all the time.
its jewish kvetching
RC had been so hands off with commander for so long they thought their speculation would never fail
>yfw this was all orchestrated primarily to get people up in arms about the banning of expensive cards so that WotC can point to it as justification for not banning The One Ring
if you're willingly playing a format where the one ring is legal, you deserve everything bad that happens to you
Someone answer me?
I, for one, can't wait to use Jewelled Lotuses as Treasure Tokens.
I don't even remember the last edh ban other than that preemptive ban for that companion
We must establish a Commander reserved list.
Wrong thread, bub.
The other anon gave you a perfectly fine link to find your guy, just remove the "c:rw" and find whatever you're looking for
Are we dumpling or not?
Oh I'm absolutely dumpling
I'm unsure if I should laugh or cry, because of Leyline of Resonance my games last two turns when they used to last three.
Guess I'll be a filthy monored spammer in BO1 until I have enough stuff to craft a real deck to play BO3, aggro meta is dumb as fuck
>"But you just lose to fast interaction!"
I think what people are failing to respect is that you already lost to interaction without the Leyline.
Just play the same deck in BO3 but without the layline and add some green for tech and you'll be fine.
they won't ever ban the one ring from the lord of the rings set
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Great potential for esper "weenie reanimator" in Pioneer with Oculus slotting in so cleanly.

Esper even gets the best enchantment removal to push through hate pieces.
>Could even run Greasefang at the same time for the meme
>All your shit would be able to reanimate Greasefang anyway
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I've been playing with this, but more focused on just the Eye.
The version I have is $130 in my country, might as well sell it now. I bought it for $65.
Wotc already got their money on the cards they banned, there's a reason they delayed the bans and all of those cards got one or even multiple chase printings in the past year
I think black provides valuable tools that you don't want to miss out on.
Souls of the Lost sadly doesn't throw out any value, but it's a VERY good card to hit off Manifest. Easy to bloat it up to 9/10 power in no time, especially with Dread putting the other card in the 'yard.
And, of course, Can't Stay Away is premium as you can cast it from the 'yard even if you do mill it.
Black also gets you a few more heavy hitters. Other than mana consistency, what are you gaining in just pure Azorius?
Oculus should not cost this much, I want to play with it
I've been playing something like this.
How's it been performing?
>dude what if surveil AND manifest?!?! I am a genius this is just like my Lego™©® blocks
>non EDH players so pissy
Nobody from the players is pissy
Investors are pissy but they're non-players so who cares
It's a fucking power creep abomination and absolute pile of vomit-inducing shit.
stop playing Arena, it is not real magic
That's gotta be AI
Koth was desparked and they don't seem to know what to do with him and his mechanical niche is "likes Mountains", which isn't super wide, but they made a bunch of Nissas and Nissa's niche was "lands and/or Forests" so who knows.
The Tolkien estate actively encouraged them to make it different.
The story is apparently somebody from Innistrad wound up on Duskmourn and the story of the original Meathook Massacre ended up spreading through the house, and a few Razorkin heard it and went "holy shit that sounds great, let's do our own".
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like azorius fliers with less fliers and more control
you are AI, as in your brain is like a toaster tossed in a bathtub
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>Play MtG 2013 to learn Magic
>Someone says 2015 is better
>Look it up on Steam
>"This product is no longer avaliable"
Dont draft UW in DSK
Yeah, it is rigged garbage. When it was new I did have fun building a drakes deck that always beat monored and monoblue bo1 decks, though. I got wrecked by Chup and other decks, but it was worth it.
>it is rigged garbage

>put a couple of sunspine lynx in my shitbrew
>never see the one ring again

you just need to game the algos
Exactly it doesn't simulate real magic
That makes it better, not worse
>shuffler never lets you get properly mana screwed or flooded
it does
the rigging in MTGA is fucking insane. I spent months, literal months grinding out wildcards for a decent elves deck that I could use to grind out more wildcards. And when playing BO1 (I couldnt afford a sideboard dont judge me) I could see the algorithm kick in constantly
>just start playing for the day, decently fair games
>win too many games, only get matched into jeskai control with damage sweepers on curve every game
>lose too many games, get placed against literal bot accounts or people who dont draw a land for 7 turns in a row
this isnt even mentioning how at the time some youtuber figured out how to run like an 11 land RDW list that abused the shuffler's rigging to always get 2-3 mountains in your opening hand
come back home to xmage bros
So what yall drafting at lgs im thinking rg del or wb reanimator
I'm not. DSK is fucking shit I don't want anything to do with it.
>I couldnt afford a sideboard dont judge me
I will judge you, the vast majority of good sideboard cards are uncommons, you would know that if you actually tried playing bo3 instead of being a mindless bo1 drone
I agree that arena is rigged but bo1fags deserve everything that comes their way
Welcome to Forced Engaged Matchmaking. Enjoy your stay.
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wow, it's almost like there's an mmr in place, so when you win more, you get matched against people who also win more
>One human male and it isn't even a white man
>3 females, 1 "black" 1 white 1 "indian"
>1 furry
Is foundations destined to fail?
MMR doesn't account for the statistical anomalies caused by forced engagement algorithms.
I'm just gonna say it
I like Vivien. She's cool.
Ghost crocodile slingshot lady is alright.
May I see your data set, from which you've drawn conclusions about the anomalies?
I can not describe the degree to which I despise the people in charge of MTG's lore.
the sideboard I was looking at for the time was primarily rares and mythics but honestly I cant really remember the list I was copying at the time because this was during the peak of eldraine misery.

Also another contributing factor was that missions required different decks so I would try to make decks mostly out of uncommons and they would be pure misery trying to make a borderline pauper deck work in BO1.
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>you get matched against people who also win more
Nope, that's not how it works.
>bo1fags deserve everything that comes their way

>maindeck 20+ cards that all say "players can't gain life"
>matchmaker perpetually queues me into ocelotshitters
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What do you think MMR is?
It's sad how western entertainment was destroyed by political correctness but there is hope as it's all failing this year. Concord being by far the biggest failure. God I hope MtG returns to normal eventually.
>God I hope MtG returns to normal eventually.

Zero chance of that. Hasbro stock price has nearly doubled since the gigapozzing commenced
Ajani gets a pass because he was one of the original planeswalkers
Kaito is more diverse than jace and therefore better, honestly acceptable because people are sick of seeing jace all the time
Liliana and chandra similarly are fine. Hair-not-on-fire chandra is super hot, wish we had more art of that
Vivian is a literally who they ide’d into garruk’s original spot
It could have been worse
>Ajani gets a pass because he was one of the original planeswalkers

Absolutely fucking not.
planeswalkers are cancer, always have been, always will be. Mechanically, aestheticly, thematically: planeswalkers are shit and will never be welcome in magic: the gathering
>planeswalkers are cancer, always have been, always will be. Mechanically, aestheticly, thematically: planeswalkers are shit and will never be welcome in magic: the gathering
'Walkers should always be, as they were designed to be, nigh unreachable titans of such immense power that they simply can not be depicted on cards.


Adding 'Walkers as cards obliterates a key piece of Magic's milieu.
My post was commenting on the selection of planeswalkers, not the idea of a planeswalker card type. Idk what the fuck you’re on but you’ve reached the wrong audience for sperging out about it 15 years later
>you’re a dumb stupid zoomer
Lmao no, I’ve been playing since onslaught block
Well, that's why planeswalkers use loyalty as a resource. You ask a few favours of them (which are represented as card abilities), not their power in full. You can't kill them, they just fuck off if you ask of them too much or they don't like something.
Walkers as cards are okay, you just need a little bit more flavour.
Looks fun and spooky
What really activates my autism, though, is the graveyard.
If your deck is your collection of spells (either your memory or physical library of books and scrolls) then why both creatures and other spells go into the same place? If graveyard is what it is, a physical space, then only permanents should go into it, and everything else should be exiled after resolving. And I can't believe immediately think of what the graveyard is if it's not a physical space.
...some kind of residual spell energies that can be interacted with?
>Walkers as cards are okay, you just need a little bit more flavour.
No, they are unacceptable in all contexts.
The only cards referencing 'Walkers where it would ever be acceptable are epic named spells like we saw on Urza's Ruinous Blast.
I have, like, no opinion about her because they just... Have done nothing with her. She showed up ostensibly having something to do with Bolas, promptly did nothing against Bolas in WAR, then showed up in Capenna and did nothing at all.
Why you, as a powerful wizard, can't ask another one for aid?
Hasn't been true since 8ED and the modern frame. The soul and identity of you being a powerful interdimensional wizard who can siphon the power from entire biomes was dispelled when the card frame no longer looked like it was from a scroll or spellbook.

Everyone talks about nu-mtg pozslop art killing the theme of the game, but the game did truly die with the modern frame.
>...some kind of residual spell energies that can be interacted with?
Fits my own headcanon where I've always viewed the graveyard as a place between worlds or a pocket dimension/limbo where you can reform the energy there under certain circumstances as opposed to being completely and utterly obliterated beyond recognition (exiling).
That flavour part of Magic was only really a marketing thing, it never really held up when you started playing.
>"You can't double dump."
- Rudy
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>Become bag holder after a pump and dump scheme.
>IMMEDIATELY go and start speculating on Mana Vault
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>shilling his Patreon again

fuck you Rudy I hope they all leave
you're a dumb stupid zoomer
so if everything is just magic doesn’t that mean monsters are the same as spells. when you destroy a summon does it just turn back into magic dust? same as sorceries and artifacts or whatever.
the original planeswalkers were creatures that triggered and flipped into planeswalker cards. i think that’s actually more retarded lore wise? aren’t creatures just magic copies? so that would mean your magical clone had its spark ignite?
Lorwyn planeswalkers weren't two sided.
As hilarious as it would be mana vault isn't nearly as egregious
Mana vault is fast mana, but mana crypt is fast mana AND permanent ramp
magic: the gathering, the world's premiere miscegenation-themed ponzi scheme
They will never go back on a decision like this, the opportunity for market manipulation is much higher if they do.

Stop putting money into cardboard and expecting a return you fucking investor bro retard.
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i want to cause problems, how would one go about making a deck that revolves around time counters?
The leather club is two doors down, bud.
thanks. i will ask there

Modern: Skred, Lantern (RIP), Affinity, Faeries
Legacy: Parfait, Top, Stax, Merfolk

> Favourite deck today?

IDK I'm coming back to legacy after two years and the meta looks awful. Always liked Painter though, maybe try to get a DnT/derivative going. Always crushed with Ruby Storm/Epic Storm as well.

Wrong thread retard
>pay to win tryhards even in a "casual, fun" format because people have to be special 100% of the time
This has been the punctuating moment of the whole thesis that EDH ceased to be a casual format the moment Wizards officially acknowledged it. It's a notion EDH players have for the most part denied but now they can't. They ruined their own fucking format buying the dogshit product Wizards made, embracing the pandering Wizards gave them by polluting every other product with their dogshit, all the while saying "I'm only playing for fun". Everyone in all of Magic could have been perfectly fucking great if EDH was never elevated to official status but no, we have to take pride that big daddy Wizards is giving us the attention we deserve.

Congratulations, you're now a real format. Because a real format follows rules and now you have to follow the banned list Rule-0 be damned because we all know no group can properly negotiate and enforce Rule-0 properly so they default to the RC. A real format has $100 game pieces that can be banned for no real good reason and won't be banned in a timely manner and nobody is going to cry for anybody who lost money because everyone has signed up to be governed by a useless pile of retards who provide the worst fucking justifications why something has to go even if it is correct that it has to go for the health of gameplay.
Vintage long.dec

Red prison

Long.dec? More like long.dik. The combo deck of all combo decks.

Which red prison? Classic jam blood moon/Trini?
>Which red prison?

The one that lets me larp as a predatory sadistic asshole playing with my food. My opponents WILL have non-games, simple as
I've been thinking about it and Forge
Which one is better? Which one is more populated?
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It appears to be like this, yes.
This card does not meet Magic community standards. It may perpetuate racism, contain harmful stereotypes, or depict a sensitive real‑world event.
why dose he care so much about the commander banlist? feels like such an insignificant thing to be outraged about. isn't he a political grifter or something?
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Fuck Jihad, unban Crusade.
>Card that anyone can buy or proxy easily
>Apparently MTG is integrated into his ego so much he has to brag about it
Truly, and I mean this seriously
That is truly, truly pthetic.
You are wrong. The 'original' planeswalkers appeared in Lorwyn and were Ajani, Jace, Liliana, Garruk, and Chandra. Of those 5 only three were depicted as flip-walkers in Origins. Ajani later received a flip card in MH3 as well I think.
This makes me even more embarrassed to play MTG than normal.
I run crusade and no one ever says shit about it
I feel like you don't achieve the status of political grifter worthy of hundreds of thousands of dollars of Russian state funding without having some natural ability to feel outrage at every insignificant thing and vocalizing it to the public.

It's not like I pay attention to these guys all the time but I've never seen Tim Pool have a moment where he came up to the line he wouldn't cross and demonstrated sincere remorse before he mustered up the courage to wholeheartedly cross it. Alex Jones, who has gone far beyond where Pool has gone, had his moment when Kanye started praising Hitler and Jones broke character numerous times to actually candidly acknowledge how fucked up the situation was and I have to respect him just a little bit for having his brain turned on just enough to realize that his credibility may take a hit in that moment. It doesn't redeem these people but that little bit of self-reflection demonstrates that the grift is conscious and purposeful.
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>Gruul Aggro
>Boros Energy
>Rakdos Aggro

>Literally every major format has an aggro deck at the top of its meta, taking up 15%+ of its metagame
>85% of format is midrange/control/combo
>still complains about aggro
I think they should have had summoning sickness. Walkers that protect themselves really make a difference.
>in the interest of competitive diversity, Splinter Twin is banned from Modern

Fun that today only white males die in cards art, but it is not racism
Just wait for the netflix show
Nah, walkers are only playable if they cost 3 and have lots of bullshit abilities.
Its been the time that cmc4+ walkers that created creatures were op
the one good thing about dnt being weakly positioned in legacy is that no one really packs hate for it
whats some DNT-specific hate? Torpor orb?
Yeah I played against a guy in pre release whom didn't make some favorable trades. After, I offered what I woulda done and he said Ohhh yeah I forget you can double block. I asked him how long he'd been playing magic and he said 4 years but in edh.
It's okay, Melira fixed him
The only banned "racist" card anybody actually cares about is Invoke Prejudice
>Spooky KKK lookin' dudes on the cover
>Card #1488 on Gatherer
>Art drawn by a known neo-Nazi
>Is literally the concept of racism manifest as an enchantment spell
I was in a group that was convinced they could respond to mana abilities. I would tap a land for mana or tap a rock or something and they would pull an "In response" and they were also convinced they could in response destroy the tapped mana source and I wouldn't get the mana.

Commander players for 5ish years. Now imagine having that argument and 3/4 players are mad and telling you "this is how we play" "These are the rules" and they act like you're the dickk for explaining how this is actually ruled. It's not worth it.

What's your point? Standardfags also meltdown everytime they have to ban something af a supposedly banless format
>Duel Commander
>The joke format that even banned mana cyrpt, solring and Ancient tomb
>Remotely dimilar to EDH
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Be at peace my child.
Where da elf puzzy at
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Then we Fix it Ourselves

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