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previous: >>93984219

Banlist Update

>OFFICIAL Commander website, where you can learn the rules, see the current banlist, and read the format philosophy, laid down by the rules committee:

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen color identity.

>Deck List Sites: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck strategy and card choices.


>Proxy a deck or a cube for cheap

>How to proxy using any printer

what is your favorite mana rock
Thirty (30) starting life is objectively superior to fourty (40)
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Sol Ring is better than Mana Crypt
I pay a lot of R so one extra mana to make my artifact removal hit any nonland permanent is nice.
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RC Discord is a fucking cry fest right now, actually incredible. So many butthurt chudedhers flooding in. I hope they never free Jlo, crypt or dockside
Unironically put this in every single one of my decks even when I don't run artifact hare because I know someone else will
I'd be fine with Dockside unban, actually. Fuck fast mana for sure but Dockside is a combo superstar.
I missed a lot of the chan talk but are people actually upset over these bans? Seems like the rules committee is laying down some ground rules for WotC by saying “if you print bullshit into the format, we will ban it”.

Shame about Crypt since it the most expensive card I’ve pulled and owned but I was barely running it anyway.
>the seething continues to burn
Absolutely based move by the RC, I can't believe they surpassed the Golos ban
CEDHfags, speculators, and Hasbro bootlickers are upset about it.
Dockside is just fast mana under the guide of a creature
I honestly don't get why they hit Dockside at all, It's nowhere near the other two and it requires you to be in red.
Nah. It's mostly investors crying and a lot of people thinking they're nonsense.
We went through like six threads before it even remotely started to calm down in like one and a half days.
The only "people" upset by are /r/mtgfinance and scalpers. Most casuals don't care because banning a 100+ dollar card they weren't playing anyway, or had proxied, doesn't affect them in any substantial way. Sucks for the cEDH crowd tho.
cEDHoids, portfolioBros, and pubstompers are seething, but most people are fine with the ban. the threads are mostly filled with people laughing at the previously mentioned group and one retard insisting that the ban will be reversed.
Wolf of Wall St makes a take
I like a rock and roll
These retards have no idea how long mtg sets take to actually make. LCI and CMM were printed and finished by the time the RC probably even brought this up
What's wrong with that take? He's right. Well other than about the stock market analogy.
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My favorite mana rock. I love it in my flicker deck with Loran, Witch Enchanter and crew, and my Bart deck with Leonin Relic-Warder cheese. It's so fun machine gunning people's commanders.
it feels cute in the rare 5 color deck i put together sometimes
That's a new one.
I wanna ram my cock into that so badly. Make a bunch of autistic kids while I'm at it
>what is your favorite mana rock
liquimetal torque turns natures claim into an even better card
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So, what other creature based infinite mana combos exist in Gruul? Trying to salvage my hamster deck and I'm now realizing it leaned heavily on Dockside/Sabertooth to generate infinite mana.
I have a buddy who told me that wotc offices are in panic mode today. Men in suits coming in and out. Everyone moving fast and talking in hushed tones. Something big is coming.
Jesus Christ you can tell none of these autistic retards have ever played another card game, they'd literally hang themselves if they played Yugioh or Lorcana or One Piece. Don't even mention the R word around them ( Reprint )
Savage Ventmaw/Neheb, The Eternal + Aggravated Assault
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>shares of ownership in a company
>cardboard stock with no legal protection
>Neheb, The Eternal + Aggravated Assault
Wasn't Neheb errated to say 'second main phase'? She doesn't go infinite with Aggravated Assault now
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I'm not aware of any errata. The gatherer ruling is still there. Can you cite a source?
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ok but how do I ascend to this level of play?
Kodama East + Tireless Provisioner + Bounceland which also is infinite landfall triggers in general.
Investards and pubstompers. Basically dumbasses who are shit with their money and dumbasses who are shit at the game and rely on broken cards to fuel their lack of strats.
Nevermind I found it. They need to update the gatherer rulings. That's pretty gay.
Why do you want infinite mana? Just run Tooth and Nail with a Kiki line
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>comparing stocks to cardboard with pictures
Mole and Fog
Both are made up value tho
Magical Christmas Land, the card. One in ten games, you'll actually have the opportunity to try and make that happen, but you won't because you're tapping it for mana.
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>splitting hairs about fraud
I do it almost every game I play the card. Do you not run removal?
Sol Ring is one of the most broken cards in the format but it will never be banned because of how many precons it’s in and how many times it’s been reprinted
I'm fine with the floor being a 2 mana rock that taps for colorless. It's not like I'm putting it in every single deck.
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How the fuck do I ramp now?
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Dockside is just a 2 mana PrimeTime. It's the same type of play pattern of flicker dockside, copy dockside, reanimate dockside, copy opponents dockside.

Fuck dockside.
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Somebody call the BBB!!
>this with Shenanigans
>Vindicate with Dredge 1 for 2R
The Infinite mana is used with the commander as a way to get infinite draw. -2 to sac Boo targeting Minsc, Minsc dies and you draw a card. Use infinite mana to recast Minsc and repeat cycle infinite times. Kiki lines are already in the deck.
>wont give a good reason
>well you see...
Did that anon actually mail that card to that address?
niggas will run two card infinite combos with 20 tutors and somehow get pissy when you counter something
Why don't they just codify tiers of EDH and ban high-powered cards from the lower tier?
too much work
and it would be basically useless even if it was made
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I like space rock.
why dont we just collect names of people saying they wanna pubstomp casuals and ban them from all stores/online spaces?
Ok hitler.
noooo magic is for everyone*
Not really. Just have a modern and legacy equivalent for EDH. It's not difficult at all to implement. Unironically just make cEDH it's own format already
why would anyone want to play that?
>Unironically just make cEDH it's own format already
but that crashed and burned in less than a week when they tried or did everyone forget?
>uhh anon is that a dark ritual?
>that's tier 3 on the ban list you can't play that here
>this is the ultra casual tier 4 dino table you have to leave
I’ve been to many commander nights at LGS and I’ve never seen one instance of someone bringing in a cEDH deck and clearing house. You niggas must be the ones that cry “cEDH!” when someone plays a Cyclonic Rift or Smothering Tithe
People already play cEDH and it's already understood that you shouldn't sit down at a table of casuals with a fully tuned cEDH deck. Just make it official.
N-nyo u dun understand, cedh is just edh at the highest power level and played competitively!
cedh players need to man up and adapt to their new upcoming meta
>muh dockside!!!
>muh mana crypt!!!
>Muh lotus!!!

Cedh existed before most of this and it did fine, step it up and stop buying 200 dollar staples at all time highs. It was way more interesting 7 years ago too compared to the 5 color made for commander garbage I see everywhere today. Literally boring
Who the fuck designed that card?
>a hero duo of a dude and his loyal pet!
>oh and he keeps killing his own pet for fun
Tinybone or ashnod?
Konami "wipes out $100,000,000 market cap" or whatever the fuck these idiots are saying two-three times a year so this is all very humorous to me. From experience, the whales will just buy the next best deck, and continue stomp the casuals. Also, since yugioh has exactly one relevant format, this has almost entirely eliminated stockbros. It's a shame the game is so power-crept that you can invent your own Ultra Hyper Autism Solitaire Turbo Champion Edition mode and essentially get the exact same experience as actually playing the game.
I'm not talking about tiers. Just two banlists. The same way modern and legacy have their own banlists.
More useful than everyone just saying their deck is a 7 because they don't know how to be objective.
Most cedh players dont want to stomp your shitty chair tribal deck with their fully tuned rogsi, that shits boring. Only faggot pubstompers do that and the cedh players think they're fags too
Exactly. They're just memeing.
did you miss the posts a few threads back where cedh players are discuss about wanting to pubstomp casuals for this ban?
I lost a two weeks worth of money ... some has to pay ... in blood ...
Yeah because if someone talks about something on the Internet they will definitely do it
We've really come full circle. People used to say this about standard and so they moved to modern, then they said this about standard and modern and tried to move to pioneer. Now here we are in commander and people are like
>I spent 10k in staples and they rugged me why did they do this???

I don't know timmy, maybe because they wanna get another 10k out of you and this is thier plan? No no it couldn't be that it's actually sheldons fault. Have you considered purchasing the latest spiderman precon to help you feel better? Come on... You love spiderman!!
the first design from the standard set was more on theme.
They thought the RC actually gave a shit about cEDH shitters last week. They all are waking up and smelling the roses.
That's the point.
Looks like you didnt read the part where they're usually nice but idiots rubbing salt in the wound pissed them off.
I did, but then he started acting funky and I canceled the order. Still looked like a normal apartment and I might've gotten double-jebaited, but while I'll happily waste $80 on a lark making an anon have a good week, I'm not going to just send a card into a woodchipper.
Maybe it's just the vocal minority who are mad right now but if I go by just the internet right now, it seems like they actually do want that.
>t. has a fringe cedh deck he plays every now and then at cedh tables
Then explain this anon.
childish logic and behavior.
That was Gavin's address
You already paid anon, the toll has been fulfilled thank you for your efforts. We'll print jeweled lotus in the next set at common for your efforts :)
It always is a minority, the entire MTG reddit represents probably less than 5% of the audience.
Let’s make the game slower and ban the most popular cards. Ok what should we do with sol ring ? Keep it … makes sense if ur stupid
that's what I get for trying to do secret santa three months early
Says the same people yelling cope and seethe at everyone while acting as inflamatory as possible. It's justice, no more, no less.
Where to go from here? I was mono red. i want off this ride bros. Should I just build a cube and call it quits? go to pauper?
>actually getting mad at trolls
We'll organize secret santa /k/ style this year. You and me, just for the boys.
You need to adopt minmalism and stop worrying about your staples anon. Let the pages go free or use a folder
Mono red has so many tools now, if 3 cards getting banned makes you unable to play a color just pack it up and play simic.
Splitting the format will only add another dead spin off to the pile like Canadian highlander and oathbreaker. Pubstompers won't go to the cedh format and continue stomping casualbabs with the next strongest thing and the format with less players will inevitably migrate to the more popular one rather than hope to get a game. Splitting the format will help no one.
Consistency reasons and not make every single commander precon not legal maybe?

Same reason vintage has restricted.
Why wouldnt they be mad? You tried as hard as you could to make them mad, and that's what happened.
Post yfw when they print a fixed Dockside next year that creates tapped tokens and scales off one opponent
>like Canadian highlander
He's dead and you're going to be fine with it and like it.
>let's pubstomp with our cEDH decks at casual tables
>that'll definitely make the casuals and the RC take us seriously!
Lmao even
how about we take this minority group of players that keep shitting up whichever is the most popular mtg format and send them to an island where they can compete? And we can like live stream their awkward interactions and outrage as they lost a game or whatever. Would be hilarious.
I'm honestly not opposed, but I've also never seen one of those go well if not run at a board level and after the doxxing problems this general's already had I'm not sure people would/should trust a random anon with their addresses
oh 100%, there will be a fixed jlo too
If you can't understand that 4/60 is way better odds than 3/100, then you're kinda dumb. If you're losing turn 3 24/7 you're playing cedh, if you're not you actually are and just don't know it. If they're going after consistency, tutors should be their target, not mana
The redditfags saying they're going to stomp casual tables are trannies throwing a tantrum that the cards they whaled so hard to get are now worthless. My fringe deck got hit by the dockside ban and I removed the dockside lines for dualcaster combos and the sticker goblin instead of crying.
>what deck you playing
Is this people's first day on the internet or something? You should never pay attention to trolls jfc. How do these people even function on the internet if they get mad at every single gleeful idiot trying to get under their skin for fun?
It's simple. They enjoy being mad
you're right with sol ring, it should be banned and there's no good reaon to keep it around. Every argument I've seen is just special pleading.
>well yeah it technically meets every possible criteria they listed to be ban worthy
>Buuuut sol ring is sooooo iconic and like unique and it makes me feel special to play it.............
Imagine getting mad at trolls.
I'm sure someone said exactly this when legacy was made. cEDH is already it's own format in all but name. Just kick them out of casual EDH and give them their own banlist already.
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4/100 is still higher than 1/100 anon.
cEDH dead from bans, casual players most affected
but every mana rock needs to be mana value 2 or less!! my youtuber who is totally not an investorfag in disguise told me so!!
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>4 mana and 5 mana
noooooo! how am i supposed to pubstomp with such slow mana rocks!?
I hope so. I havent found too many toxic cedh players which seems to put me in the minority if i go by the internet
>Nath stax/discard

The crypt and lotus actually are pretty rough when you already have a borderline not viable 5cmc commander but I'm gonna keep at it and try to make it work
>Gilded Lotus and Thran Dynamo
Those are 2014 era cards gramps
Your gonna be shocked when you learn how old Mana Crypt us
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Can be had for next to nothing. Most shops just have it laying in the bulk box.
>JL, Dockside, Crypt and Nadu get banned
>Most people who have them only have one copy, so the loss is lessened
>The ones who lose the most are the investment trannies who hoard hundreds of copies
>Many end up selling their card stocks in a rage and leave the hobby
>Thousands of cards flood into the market, letting people suddenly buy expensive cards for cheap
>New players make use of the newfound affordability and jump into the hobby
>The game ends up growing, game experience is improved
That guy has to be trolling kek
Ouch, Nath was already having a really bad time but those bans really hurt. Guy at my lgs runs Nath and he's been getting weaker and weaker every set, hopefully you Nathbros get something good soon.
And don't worry about what fags on the internet say, most cedh players I've played with are pretty chill, a lot of other anons have the same experience too.
I unironically started putting worn powerstone and thran dynamo back into my decks and im pretty happy with how worn powerstone is working. Thran dyanmo and gilded lotus worked pretty well in my grixis deck but they feel greedy
it's bad tho
That's right skipper, and we're fucking going back and we'll drag you there if we have to
WP is fucking good for non-green fat cmc decks
Meh, they wont get gifts. I'd wager there's only 10 or so quality anons here at any given time. We can always give them virtual vouchers or set up proton mails or whatever
You're bad
>oh no we intentionally pissed some people off and now they're going to pubstomp me, whatever will we do?
Bantz is fine, but you both know this was punching down on people who wanted to play the game. Scalpers can get fucked, but a lot of people put up with a lot from shitters to ensure they stick with the game, and it's a natural consequence that they would stop being helpful afterwards.
I love these cards but I feel like jumping out a window if someone abrades them.
Can I get a quick rundown of which precons has extra goodies. Im getting back into it after a looong time and just learned that the March of the machines ones came with planechase cards.
yeah I cant tell you how many times I look at him and wish he was 4cmc haha but I'm sure he'll get something eventually, he is definitely on the fringe, though I think if I played cedh more I'd probably get another deck and keep him around just for nostalgia he's no gitrog thats for sure
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The new mate decided to double graveyard hate and then touch mana pools by destroying an arcane signet and a sol ring.
We dogpiled him hard and he lost 2 turns later.
Gotta learn the hard way, kek.
If Nath was printed today, he would be 4 CMC with ward - discard a card

Holy shit. $127,332,292 loss and people think a lawsuit isn't coming.
>muh yugioh
Shut the fuck up. The big boys are talking.
destroying people's resources after they already have beatsticks out is a choice. hope he learns the correct sequencing from this and doesnt join battlecruiser
It's a one mana mana rock that taps for 1. It's good if you care about going fast. If you care about long term value, it's not good. If you want your explosive turns it is very good. Also a 0 drop for eggsfags.
Yeah he would for sure, We may even live to see a new nath of some kind I wouldn't be that surprised. He's hanging on by a thread pretty much via the nature of 4 player randomness but I wont lie it is hard with minimal interaction, if they ban even more rocks I think it could maybe help nath but idk if that’s gonna happen.
127 million that never existed in the first place.
Ward - Sacrifice an elf
Eyeblights DNI
I'm not watching a video. Where did this number come from?
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Total investorfag death
He did that stuff on turn 3 but a mono black commander and a 3color equipment commander out are more than enough to deal 40dmg in 2 turns. Those things get dangerous very quickly
All value is subjective. That's the nature of all bubbles. Doesn't mean value isn't real.
>127 million
mtg financers are fucking CRAZY
imagine basing your income on a children's card game
more like the little goys are crying
oh but when Hasbro does it it's fine?
Isn't that what every games store owner does
Rudy was mad in today's video. Never hear him cuss that much. People are not happy about this.
>Is it fine when a children's game company does it
Yes, explain it to me. I'm not watching the video.
You saw that too huh? He was seething shitting on the rules committee every couple sentences too. Pretty funny, I genuinely wonder how many crypts and lotuses he has sitting in storage that are just going to evaporate. He's also been getting fucked on sealed product too with the way reprints have been going. Just look at original innistrad in 2017-2018 compared to now. Ouch.

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>Company makes things
>People buy things
>People sell things
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Seems like he estimated how many each of the individual cards were printed based of print data, then calculated the loss % based of price averages yesterday to today then subtracted that percentage from the total cards printed for each card.
Yes and they’re all broke niggas that have to resell Sprite cans and Dorito bags to try and break even
the bagholders don't want to take into account that to hypothetically dump their inventory they'd have to sell below peak price
buying mana crypt 7 dollars
meant for
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>all this shilling on reversing the outcome came from investorpig
They need the electric chair treatment for good.
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Commander Cube
So proxying is always morally right from now on? I'm not an investor, I'm just a dude who can't get hosed a few hundred on a game. I rationalised that if I bought expensive shit I could sell it if I wanted different stuff or got out of magic.
I hope to fucking god the RC goes scorched earth and rips the bandaid off and bans the rest of the cancer killing this format
That's silly math, but it will scare the shit out of hasbro and wotc.
Textbook dead cat as people are desperately trying to get out without looking too desperate. Should see a lot of it for months
So they're going to ban you? Weird to throw yourself on the sword like that but I support it.
always proxy pricey cards and frankly if someone takes issues with it, just lie that they're real and double sleeve and keep your mouth shut. No one will or even can ever know
watch it buster, I dont appreciate the implication.
proxying is always morally correct because cards are just play pieces. Imagine starting a new video game and half of the fun shit is locked behind a 60$+ paywall.
to be fair what if the paywalled content is just the ability to use the noobtube
I would kowtow to that level of based
You don't. Monored is useless now. I think colorless is better.

So brawl?
I make my own precons and make my friends play them against eachother
>So proxying is always morally right from now on?
Always was
Sounds comfy.
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I feel personally attacked by this post
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>tons of rituals
>monored is dead
Mana Geyser chads we are so back
Leave me out I don't wanna fight but if you insist there will be consequences t's like I'm getting stomped on my face while I'm down on the ground though I survived the worst but the worst has yet to come, and I don't do this to me now, I've gone numb, Do not make me already lost my keys to the door wotc shut only have one wish - now it's never gonna come true trapped in time, forever in remorse how could I ever be in peace when nothing else matters to me?
Weird, my uncle at Nintendo said the same thing. I wonder what's going on.
red has been so fucking powercrept for the past 5 years its insane yet nobody ever points out how obvious it is
>waaaah waaah red cant draw cards
every red card now gives pseudo draw via impulse effects
>waaaah waaah muh mana muh green gets da lands
every red card now shits out treasure
Shut up grigger, no one likes you.
The fact red got a stronger Yawgmoth's Will is insane, and then also Deflecting Swat and Jeska's Will. Comparing red in 2013 and red in 2023 is like day and night.
So has anybody tried playing with the new banlist yet? Which decks won and which decks lost?

Feels like Ad Naus and Peer decks have suffered, since they have lost three very important cheap cards for turning cards into mana.
Steal and copy decks have also been nerfed, since you can't easily rely on people having busted cards for you to steal.
Any kind of gruul shell took a hit, since dockside was an important tutor target. So this is a big nerf for creature based toolbox strategies.
Value commanders that relied on enlightened/vampiric lines are now worse too, since they relied on fetching the crypt/lotus so they can play out their value commander early to start their spiral gameplan.

But who were the winners in all this?
Maybe the big winners in this boardwipe decks. If games are less explosive, I feel like there are more opportunities for big boardwipe plays.
Do thing get mana draw card
What's the best creature to replace Dockside if your aim is to get infinite mana by bouncing it?
Old school Peregrine+Navigator
Tap for power dorks and haste or Floppa or Altar-bullshit
Bruh these generals have never moved so fast

JewLo prices are bouncing, it’s not fair. Whales will buy a useless card for $40 just for the chance that it won’t stay useless
Priest of Girx/Urabrask or >>93988296
Temur Sabertooth+Sanctum Weaver+Lightning Greaves
imo sheldom should've fixed the ban list before he died
either make it a true ban list and say fuck rule 0, or a suggestion list
suggestion would be like
>2 card combo is against the spirit of the format
>don't play with cards like Thasssa's Oracle, Flash, or Biorythm
>Red: Exile top card of library, make a treasure
>Simic: Draw a card, play a land
Technically, yes. My last game a few weeks ago was played with the new banlist, since no one in my meta runs any of those cards except for like, two decks that have a dockside, neither of which was being played.
>Blue: Stop drawing cards, make treasure
>Black: Draw card outside of normal draw? Ping you for card, amass
>White: Once per turn, do thing, draw a card
The truth is the ban announcement didn't go far enough.
more of the moxes need a hit desu, the less fast mana the better.
If the RC banned yuriko I would never talk shit about them ever again
Real. There's a dozen cards that need to go on the list and even more that need to come off the list.
Now kiss.

Eh they'd have to ban every green ramp card and then I'd let it slide.
That one should just be an errata that commander ninjutsu is subject to commander tax
yep, sol ring, thassas, rhystic, negation, arcane signet and command tower all need to go
I'll kiss you dadddy just buy my jlos and crypts first uwu
Yes, ban all fast mana, rituals, tutors counterspells, removal, and stax. Edh is a craw only format
Nah Im with you on that. Rhystic Study; Mystic Remora; Sylvan Library; Thassa's Oracle; and Kinnan all gotta go. Or reprint Kinnan to less shitty art and keep him alive.
Sorry, I dont kiss men, but the circlejerking faggots posting at the moment are probably good candidates. I will buy your lotus and crypt, how do you feel about two all will be one foil lands and a single old foil of my choice?

the RC tea is out
if youre not gay why is my dick in your mouth?
Scalpers and investorbros are not people
>calling it anything but jew lotus
you forgot the cycle of free spells if you have your commander out
Fact flood
one piece chad here, so what the fuck did wotc do this time? heard some mangled shit from locals today and just wanna know what actually happened.
banned the biggest whale consoomer cards in the format
commander is majority populated by funko pop collecting consooomers who enjoy extra hoppy IPAs so theyre all upset
>Non-wotc affiliated party runs the largest formats banlist
>They banned 3 high profile expensive cards and 1 everyone knew was getting banned
>MTG Investors and metaslaves(CEDH players) are malding to levels never seen before
They rugpulled their most dedicated EDH consoomers
Mana Crypt is a fine card and is not overpowered at all. There was no reason to ban it.
God I hate these lying colluding faggots so fucking much. This is the worst type of gaslighting imaginable, and they know wotc is going to make them walk the ban back.
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Mana Crypt, Jeweled Lotus and Docjside have all been banned. /r/mtgfinance is losing its mind because the cardboard they invested in is only worth tens of dollars now. Casual players are rejoicing because the formerly multi-hundred dollar cards they were getting pubstomped with are now a non-issue.
mana crypt is a 0 mana sol ring. May as well not even have any other text than the add mana ability since you have 40 life
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It's joever
It was always morally right before this. Magic is horrifically overpriced cardboard and actually giving Hasbro money has supported all their nonsense like FIRE design. Not only that, but the company itself sells proxies (30th anniversary being the most prominent). Professional proxies from China look great and are indistinguishable from the real thing and bulk proxies from places like MPC also look good in a sleeve. There's never been an actual legitimate or logical argument against proxies, it's always been seething nonsense from investards pissed you aren't buying into their ponzi scheme and pubstompers pissed you aren't letting them pay to win.

This is just another win for proxychads. I had one nice Ron foil of MC and JL in my premier deck, and a bunch of MPC ones in my others. I lost about 10 bucks worth of cards on the bans.
>Designed for edh cards are stupid and is killing not only the format but the whole fucking game!
RC bans pushed edh cards, wotc's reprint equity be damned

Why are people mad about this again?

Also, if you lost hundreds of dollars from this ban, you should instead be mad that the cards costed that much to being with. The real issue is wotc using these stupid cards to justify $200+ boosters. RC is based for not giving a fuck.
And if you lost thousands of dollars on this ban, you were an investor-bro and thus subhuman. Someone had to be left holding the bag and this time it was you. Congrats.
It's funny how casuals universally have this incorrect opinion that nobody who runs it does.
>He's never seen someone lose to their own mana crypt ping
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Foglio has a token kick starter and has sexy gob
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Were people actually threatening them? That's absolutely unhinged. Threatening people over children's trading cards is crazy. Investors are really psycho aren't they?
bro this will actually kill the game man, why would anyone be happy about this? as much as I hate investorfags I know they are a necessary evil.
And there's nothing wrong with that.
The investor class of magic is universally retarded.
This document was created BEFORE the ban, keep that in mind. They knew how mad people would be and were genuinely scared because they knew they were doing dumb shit.
WotC used those cards to justify an inflated price and made the rules committee wait until the product was cleared from their warehouses. These cards were very expensive, so you only needed to have a few decks to lose thousands of dollars.
twittermongs were posting shit about Olivia Hicks
without investors you are NOTHING!!!!!!!!!
you NEED them to keep this game alive you worthless peasents
Iol thats a non issue in the majority of the games and life is a resource as proven by every other broken card that trade life for resources. Hell i happily pay 3 life for 2 extra mana.
He's trolling or an idiot, anyone who says a card that's banned in every format and restricted in vintage isn't overpowered is either one or the other.
>most popular casual format that's fanmade is headed by a "rules committee" did a major ban of three expensive cards, this committee have arbitrary ban guidelines and explicitly ban for casual play
>a minority subsection of players who play the casual format competitively are angry because the banned cards hurt the diversity of their meta and the rules committee doesn't care about them because they're basically competitive smash players
>finance fags are angry because the dozens of cards they bought which were worth $100-200 each are now worth literally a tenth of their price before the ban, basically taking a 80-90% loss because of the decision of this rules committee as these cards are basically unplayable outside of the casual format
>said rules committee has a history of overall inaction and barely manage the format with bans anyway so a sweeping ban of these four cards comes at a major surprise
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What's an investor?
Again, it's immediately obvious you've never used it because it absolutely is a problem, especially when people are prepared for it.
A fool who is easily parted from their money
no you don't, invest in something that will improve your community instead you parasite.
>bro this will actually kill the game man
lol, lmao! Same day this ban went down I hit up a packed draft at my lgs. The game will be fine, shops will be fine, investors and "cedh" enjoyers aren't people and no one should care about them
People with more money than sense.
>cEDH players crying about how the bans effect deck diversity
lol wut?
isnt cEDH just about who can dc into thoracle first anyways?
The kind of retard who thinks cardboard is a good investment are not the most emotionally mature people
I recently started playing on mtgo again with a new account with the intention of playing entirely free outside of the $5 new account package that is required for trading
It's becoming painfully obvious that color fixing is the most important thing to get right in your deck, I'm losing 1v1s left right and center because I either can't cast my double pips on time or because of shitty tap lands
I really can't image why mana bases are still relatively expensive when playing without them is basically just asking to lose.
Unironically, if they had timed this ban better, it would have MADE wizards money, since a lot of people would suddenly be in the market for a couple ridiculously costly cards for their decks.
I wouldn't be surprised if we see something on the level of at least one of the banned cards getting printed in the coming months.
the reaction to all of this has been pretty good proof that most CEDH players and MTG investors are not emotionally mature
No. It was that for like two weeks, and then people memed on it because they liked the narrative. A lot of fringe decks are dead, monocolour decks took a massive hit, and the best decks in the format got better. Everything just got more expensive and the gap between strong decks and weak decks got much MUCH wider.
not worth talking finance on this board. you can make profit putting money into sealed product that matches or beats the s&p 500. you just need to know what you are doing and only play with money you have leftover after you max out your 401k and roth ira contributions for the year. which only myself and maybe 1 or 2 other guys who frequent here do, all the other anons here are broke losers who did nothing with their lives.
If wotc had any say JL wouldn't be banned.
>These cards were very expensive, so you only needed to have a few decks to lose thousands of dollars.
more than a thousand? maybe thousands? fuck off. If you bought 7 copies of mana crypt to put in all your edh decks you are the retard.
ok bait
It's genuinely hilarious to think that these near human primates are actually considering a class action.
"Yeah, so we've been trading in these completely unregulated and untaxed assets for years, and we're pissy because we lost a lot of money on a completely unregulated market. Please help us government man!"
These were the same people who cried over Slicer because it went against the spirit of paying 35 life into Necro with no consequences
Buy an ad
Why do you play a children's card game anon? That's kind of pathetic
Dont talk about cards you dont use. You know what is extremely common? K4rn, ouphe and null rod. There's a reason most nonshops vintage decks dont run it.
He will never ban Fury-
it's near impossible to sue over a rugpull in a crypto scam, let alone something like this
>Iol thats a non issue in the majority of the games
t. crawfag
It's fun
It all makes sense now. Cryptobros losing money off their manacrypt coins and nfts. Except physical.
Dude, the RC has been a WotC puppet for years at this point. They knew about these bans for longer than anyone else, and they did not do anything about them, since they do not give a single flying fuck about people crying.
And yes, I am aware that Jew lotus was the jackpot card in a recent set. They already got their bag from that set, so it's okay to ban the card. This shit has been happening for actual years at this point in other formats.
Vintage is a different format....
cEDH players bitching is funny because they're honestly even less balanced than Vintage. The format is defined by taking an insanely aggressive mulligan and hoping nobody gets to become kingmaker and extort a draw from it.
>what is your favorite mana rock
All time it's sol ring, but Relic of Legends has been doing work for me in recent times. Honorable mention: cursed mirror
The thing is, they actually CAN sue, and they might even win. It's just that if they do, Uncle Sam will take a good hard look at TCGs as a whole and probably end up making a few new rules.
But who cares about that! You beat the mean 'ol rules committee! Who cares that you need to declare the value of your jeweled lotus on your taxes or get arrested by the IRS now? You won!
Would it be unwise to build him as an even split of legends matter and enchantments matter? I know I wanna run some rooms and stuff with him at the very least
Cards were printed, sold, and banned.
What seems to be the problem here? Explain this without making any reference to the secondary market.
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>Be adult
>Have income
>Have EDH decks
>Buy a few cards each month
>Put cards in decks
>Cards get banned
>I am a retard for not proxying
I guess you're right
What's with the vile hatred of competitive players towards timmies? I have seen it a lot lately in comment sections and it's kind of disgusting. Was it always there? Why do you care in the only format where being a timmy is kind of feasible?
And now your pretending to be retarded, or are genuinely too dumb to take part in the conversation. Makes no difference.

>t. doesnt play or know about vintage
Yes you are
cEDH players are retarded overall
>I want to play competitively... in a format that's literally not meant to be competitive
>4 players FFA, competitive
>NOOOOOOOOO we're heckin' valid EDH players too so the RC should care about our competitive needs in this explicitly casual format
>Why are these casual scrubs so angry at us? We just want the RC to ban based on our competitive needs in this casual format!
No they definitely cannot sue lol. Well I mean, you can always try and sue, whether or not it will go anywhere is the thing
>>Pull a Jeweled Lotus from my lottery loot pack
>>Need to declare my gambling winnings to the IRS now
WotC invented an absurdly powerful auto include card, then pressured the rules committee to delay their ban in order to make more money. They knew the cards were about to be useless, but used it to push their product anyway.
>enfranchised players put a massive amount of effort in to help new players
>something happens that they dont like
>suddenly out of nowhere thousands of retards are frothing and pouring salt in the wound
>enfranchised players immediately regret helping them in the first place
The hatred is entirely self inflicted by your behaviour, dont be surprised that people you were trying to piss off got mad.
Who are you going to sue? RC? Also it has happened before cards still in print and sold very recently are banned, expensive cards at that. Stop being stupid and waste money on a game as an investment. Or atleast try and create a collectible market like pokemon where it's not the game pieces that are expensive and a ban when it's ruining the enjoyment of the game won't affect the price.
Nothing. The cards are game pieces and their legal monetary value is 1/Xth the price of the pack they were in, where X is the number of cards contained within. And there's no issue with a game self regulating what pieces are and aren't legal.
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I'm poor too. I only make 1k a month but I get to go to anime cons and cosplay and play card games with frens.
It's a lot of fun
If are are an adult with income, a few hundred dollars is whatever.
If you spent more than that and it is actually hurting you, why did you spend that much to begin with? An adult doesn't buy cardboard and expect it to "hold value".
It's not timmies in general but the "le spirit of le format" reddit timmies that constantly whine and cry about le cedh boogeyman then cry for bans and kicking players for using a card they think is unfair when they lose rather than figure out how they couldve played better or build a better deck. Think all the redditors that cry that tergrid or urdragon is unfair cedh bullshit. Most general timmies in my experience are cool.
imagine if people were like this in videogames
payed for a fancy weapon skin then sued when the weapon got nerfed
"I was only trying to help you by telling you you need to buy these $200 cards"
Should stick with reserved list for anything above a certain price point. 50 freedum bucks or so.
I don't know who they'd sue. I'm not retarded enough to treat a card game for adolescents as an investment vehicle.
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Alternatively VTSAX and chill, already up 20% since last year
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so anyway, i started blasting
the classic gem of asking for advice and the only thing they can do is point out that maybe the most expensive overpowered cards in the format would make your deck stronger... the utter lack of creative thinking
What the fuck did the "Enfranchised players" do to help new players? And don't say youtube or any social media crap.
Anon, I've helped hundreds of people build decks across basically every budget you can think of. The fact that you reduced my argument to a unfounded meme shows you're part of the problem. I dont need to help people, I did it because I enjoyed it, but that joy and good will is evaporating pretty quickly as people continue to act retarded, regardless of ban.
You are acting like you fags won't be crying if the RC banned the cards before the reprint.
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>I missed a lot of the chan talk but are people actually upset over these bans?
It is exclusively cEDH fags (who need to learn that this is not their format and they are, at best, guests and at worst invaders) and Investor bros who want to play fisher price wall street
Yeah. Ban Thoracle too
>Anon, I've helped hundreds of people build decks across basically every budget you can think of
He means he told them to go to EDHrec and order the average $$$ decklist
>It is exclusively cEDH fags (who need to learn that this is not their format and they are, at best, guests and at worst invaders) and Investor bros who want to play fisher price wall street
this is 100% accurate!!!!
What enfranchised players? The scum at lgs that try to shark kids out of their valuable pulls? This has been going on for longer than edh. I think it's an ego thing.
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No laws exist in any country on Earth governing this in a card game that is desperate to avoid federal oversight. It is 100% legal for them to inside trade and your method of getting back at them for that is eating shit. You can do nothing.
Go ahead and file a suit. WOTC will have cause to counter sue.
I tried to watch some Highlander and cEDH gameplay on youtube and it looks like the most unfun uninteractive games ever. People with two different "Deck themes" having the same like 4 opening turns
Pssst don't buy a Gaea's Cradle it's getting banned next
>crawfags have finished their tendies and are back to cry about cedhfags "ruining muh casual gameplay experience"
I don't think they can sue without it just being a massive waste of money, kinda like buying expensive cards in the first place.
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Nothing they can do at this point unless they can go borrow Gavin's TARDIS and go back in time. Damage is done. Reverting the ban won't fix anything now.
I've spent hundreds of hours explaining how cards work, helping people build new decks, teaching people to play magic, and genuinely helping people out, expecting absolutely nothing in return. A lot of people do the same thing very consistently in every community, and the past two days have made them regret it.

Nope, we're talking full autismal write ups with budgets and retarded restrictions in mind. Evidently it was misguided; that was made incredibly obvious.
I never understood why this was meant as a joke. Nintendo employs thousands of people. Pretty believable some kids uncle was the janitor of the building they rented or some shit.
Neheb has received further errata to bring back the infinite.
They could come out and say they did that then laugh and even mock the community and your legal recourse would be to suck this dick.
Cause fucking every kid "had an uncle at nintendo" or sony or whatever you fucking zoomer fuckwit.
ok boomer
my craw wurm these days draws 5 cards, puts 2 lands into play, has ward and leaves behind a body when it dies.
Yup. I'm going to bed, they'll be tired by the morning. Good night anon and fellow quality posters. Tourists, if you're begging for spicy tech in a week, you're going to be very disappointed.
How bad are stores hosed by this? Seperate to all the worthless singles that they now have a lot of people are going to be cagey aroumd expensive singles now and switching to china.
I don't understand why people think "unelected nobodies made an expensive card literally worthless overnight" is an illegitimate argument.
Sounds like sour grapes to me. The have-nots just want everyone else on their level, rather than aspiring to better things themselves.
>collectible card game
>people pay for cards to collect them
>those cards go up and down in value
I really don't get where you guys think they have a right to sue. You are collecting the cards, that is their entire promise. That you can buy packs, and they will have the right number of cards in them. There is nothing else they are selling. It doesn't matter that their cards on the secondary market have crazy value and then they erased it. You can still get them in the packs and that is the only thing they have to deliver. You people are all retarded
LGS lost 50% on their copies of JewLo. I know they buy for 75% of value, so they've lost money on them for sure.
No one cares about the BBB. They're irrelevant because they have no enforcement and literally 100% of major businesses are F rated by them.
I'd just stomp them.
Physically. Like violence. I'm saying I would physically assault them.
That is actually how you are supposed to run him lol enchantment creatures and legendaries with enchantments to buff them
Demon of Fate's Design into an Omniscience? Oh my goodness
Why would either care?
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Rudy's a pro at faking outrage for attention and views about whatever bullshit is happening in the game, but he's actually just angry in that video.
>buying from some literal who place
All major retailers like card kingdom have refunds for this.
Also charge backs exist.
>I really don't get where you guys think they have a right to sue. You are collecting the cards, that is their entire promise.
They obviously don't have a right to sue, but to say consumers don't have a right to be angry is stupid.
It's a card literally designed for the commander format, was the prized card of a set only a year old, and its value has been wiped out in every sense literally overnight. Why should people not be angry about that? It's not some act of God. A flood didn't strike or something. Unelected nobodies made a decision, without warning, without consultation. And whether you like cards being valuable or not, they are. People actually can expect a card to have value if it is good or rare.

>It doesn't matter that their cards on the secondary market have crazy value and then they erased it. You can still get them in the packs and that is the only thing they have to deliver
This is actually the retarded take.

If cards have no value, no one will buy them. Then there is no fucking secondary market, and there is no primary market, and there are no fucking packs to be delivered.
I don't get how this is such a hard concept for the economically illiterate. If Magic was just about the game, 100% of players would proxy 100% of the time. But they don't. People want the officially licensed WotC cardboard. If a $100 card from only a year ago drops to $20 and less overnight, literally cannot be played in the format it was designed for, because of a decision WotC themselves did not even make (so can't be held accountable for), why should anyone chase the next one? They won't. And then people will be opening less packs themselves. People will pay less for singles, so sellers will open less packs too. And suddenly WotC is feeling the sting.

How are you incapable of tracing this line yourself?
Most cEDH games end by turn 5. 3 x 5 isn't 40.
most stable "enfranchised" mtg player
I legit hope he dies of a heart attack but is stuck on life support for months. At least wubby pays the game. Rudy doesn't even know how to fucking play magic.
>spend money on card because you want it
>card goes down in price
>Wahhhh I don't want it anymore
Shouldn't spend money you don't have retard
This is why you proxy
>le childrens card games
Beggin you to leave your YGOTA meme in 2008
>Shouldn't spend money you don't have retard
Hope you have the same take on the housing market lol
everything after 03' is not mtg. rudy plays with high end mint vintage decks if you ever see him at an event.
>big boys
>manchildren who hoard cases of a card game for socially awkward teenagers in their basements and treat it as a retirement plan
Stop it
Why were you buying one singular card for hundreds? Why do retards argue like when people buy cards it is always some huge purchase?
Know what I purchase for 300? Bout 150 cards.
So...a days wage at most? Wow what a financial hit!
I had to pay 48k for a funeral recently. You know jack shit about sudden financial hits.
>If cards have no value, no one will buy them
Braindead take. The percentage of people that have ever sold a fucking card on the secondary market is minuscule.
People have disposable income, they don't need to flip every single thing they buy.
It's only retards like you that let themselves be fleeced by wotc for $200+ boosters that now NEED secondary market value to justify their dumbass purchases.
>Why were you buying one singular card for hundreds?
Why not? Why do you believe buying 150 cards for $300 is inherently better value? Wouldn't it be better value to proxy 1000 cards for $100? So why don't you?
Oh, because you want the official cardboard. Oh because there is a price point you're willing to pay for them. But for some reason you think people who are willing to pay more are inherently wrong just because they don't have the same threshold as you. And the guy proxying 1000 cards thinks the same thing as you. So who's right?
No one ever actually said this anon. Don't pretend to be an old man.
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We all know who did it
Who said I was stable? At least I am not so retarded I think everyone outside is well adjusted and there are no people who would snap my neck for giving them the wrong look.
>Most cEDH games end by turn 5. 3 x 5 isn't 40.
Mana crypt is a giant flashing sign that says PRESSURE MY LIFE TOTAL on top of all the hate you would get from an early sol ring. One or two pings from mana crypt can and has decided games in cedh. But you are right 3×5 isnt 40 and I'm glad that some casualfags can do basic math.
>>If cards have no value, no one will buy them
>Braindead take. The percentage of people that have ever sold a fucking card on the secondary market is minuscule.
Kek, I routinely sell the rares I win at my LGS back to them, and pretty much any time I pull an anime card I sell that too. That is the secondary market.
And guess what, faggot? If you've ever bought a single that was the secondary market too/

You're DESPERATE to believe that the secondary market is some bizarre stock market completely divorced from the game itself. It isn't. It's people selling cards they don't want to people looking to buy cards they do want. If there was no value in cards, there would be no secondary market.
Again, if Magic was just about the game, 100% of people would proxy 100% of the time- but they don't.
Not seeing a good reason to not mug Rudy if I saw him then since that's an easy way to get more money than hitting a major bank. I'd gladly get banned for life for 500k

It has literally been two days. Some decks have been made unviable but new decks will rise to replace them, people will need time to figure out this new meta and innovate. I, for one, expect Tassigur to make a comeback.
>Why do you believe buying 150 cards for $300 is inherently better value?
Because it objectively is. Not reading the rest of your post. Mald.
No, WOTC will die. We could just make custom sets and continue playing. No one needs WOTC.
>It has literally been two days. Some decks have been made unviable but new decks will rise to replace them, people will need time to figure out this new meta and innovate.
I lmao at people who think nothing is going to change.
This is not your every day run of the mill meta shift.

An unelected committee broke a 3 year silence to ban a $100 prize card only a year old, that is only viable in a single format, that format being eternal with a very small ban list and a general expectation that cards will not usually be banned, with hundreds of cards more deserving of a ban, without consulting anyone, without prior warning.
Not the own you think it is genius.
I belong in the minuscule percentage and I admit as much. I'm not the retard saying "no one will buy them" or "100% of players would proxy 100% of the time".
YOU made the claim that if there is no secondary market there wouldn't be a primary one. Don't shift goalposts you faggot.
Holy fuck cEDH must have been less balanced than Dead By Daylight if banning 3 cards (that do nothing but provide mana so they aren't actually tied to a strategy like, say, splinter twin) destroys every deck and annihilates the format.
I wish I was pretending.
How old are you anon? Older than prof?
Why don't you reply to the people you're obviously responding to, coward.
>No, WOTC will die. We could just make custom sets and continue playing. No one needs WOTC.
Kek the commie fantasy.
1. Not your IP, someone will retain it even if WotC went literally bankrupt
2. You've never done anything productive or creative in your life so what you actually mean is someone else will make custom sets for you to play
3. The fuck do you think is going to prevent these exact fucking circumstances happening again?
Classic commie retardation. If you just fuck up society enough, utopia will emerge from the ashes...somehow.
Loving the ongoing coping and seething, going to sleep lads, I hope to see more cope and seeth tomorrow as well
>1. Not your IP, someone will retain it even if WotC went literally bankrupt
Don't care. Will keep making custom sets and playing. You also cannot copyright rules.
post hand.
God I hope we go net runner mode
I don't care about your retarded /pol/ memes. Suck my cock.
Lmao, I enjoy a brief concession. Usually you retards really drag it out.
>I'm not the retard saying "no one will buy them" or "100% of players would proxy 100% of the time".
>YOU made the claim that if there is no secondary market there wouldn't be a primary one. Don't shift goalposts you faggot.
Where is the goal post shift, you apoplectic spastic?
Why would anyone ever crack a pack if a card had literally no value? For the love of the game?
Packs are inherently bad value, they are just gambling. But if someone wants a really good (official) card, then they can either spend money on the slot machine, or they can buy it off someone else. Where did that someone else get it from? Oh, they spent money on the slot machine.

If cards are worthless, why spend money gambling? Why not proxy every card you want?
And if everyone proxies, no one is buying singles, no one is buying packs, there is no reason to print cards.

Fuck its so fucking simple but you treat it like the butterfly effect
>You also cannot copyright rules.
>if Magic was just about the game, 100% of people would proxy 100% of the time- but they don't.
It turns out that people buy decks of playing cards even when they know what's in them.
No idea how old prof is, and I also don't care. But 30. I grew up in the HEIGHT of "My uncle works at nintendo" shit cause of pokemania.
>If the secondary market didn't exist, 100% of people will be printing 100% of birthday cards
Check out brainiac over here.

Not everyone is a poor that doesn't have disposable income to spend on their hobbies you hobo. Sounds like you are better off spending your money on cardboard that can shelter you.
Because it doesn't annihilate the format and people are being giant pussies. We will see how it shakes out and what new decks might emerge.
I am actually still baffled how people overreact to these bans. The only reason would be if you lost a lot of money, but c’est la vie you bought a piece of cardboard and there is regulatory risk in any investment.
I terms of actually playing the format these bans are either inconsequential for most people or good. For cedh they should actually ban Thassa's Oracle to really shake things up and bring down blue a bit.
>page 4
>no links
No, the height of that shit was during the NES and SNES days. Not the fucking N64, zoomie
Threads should always be made at bump limit. No one cares about your retarded rule.
Repost for the slow-in-the-minds

Right so you think the market will survive on precons? Remind me when a JewLo was printed in a precon. Oh? It never was? But Sol Rings were? And JewLo was a $100 card but Sol Rings are $2?

Huh fuckin weird...it's like...it's like rare cards have some sort of intangible value based on scarcity...has anyone ever thought of this before?

Lmao you don't even know what you're arguing anymore.
>we don't need a secondary market!
>uh also people buy cards just because they can not because they have some kind of value!!!!
Uh huh. And what do they buy them with? Money? Oh right. And they pay a particular cost for those cards? Fuck, what do they call it when someone is willing to spend a particular cost, in money, on something...begins with a V or something...idk
You are very stupid.
Do you have any points to make, or are you just venting your frustration?
My points are in that post, those weird squiggles? Yeah those are letters, they're used to make words, and those words make posts.
If you want to concede you can do so without replying
Don't conflate your retardation with a lack of understanding on my part. You can barely keep your narrative together.
Cards have value and people buy them. So what?
How do you make the leap from: things having value to; having value in a secondary market to; a secondary market needs to exists for there to be a primary one.
>Cards have value and people buy them. So what?
>How do you make the leap from: things having value to; having value in a secondary market to; a secondary market needs to exists for there to be a primary one.
Yeah those people buying cards for value? That's the fucking basis for the secondary market.
People buy packs to chase cards they want.
They buy singles when they don't want to buy packs.
To buy singles, someone has to have opened a pack.

If the cards are worthless, no one is chasing cards, no one is opening packs. There is no primary market.
How is this so difficult? Basic fucking supply and demand and you turn it into pulling teeth.
They made you think they are needed, just like many other "professions". Wake up and think for yourself.
>They made you think they are needed, just like many other "professions". Wake up and think for yourself.
Retarded commie bullshit again.
>It doesn't matter that their new years cards on the secondary market have crazy value and then they erased it. You can still get them in the newsstand and that is the only thing they have to deliver
This is actually the retarded take.

If new years cards have no value, no one will buy them. Then there is no fucking secondary market, and there is no primary market, and there are no fucking new years cards to be delivered.
I don't get how this is such a hard concept for the economically illiterate. If new years cards were just about new years, 100% of players would proxy 100% of the time. But they don't. People want the officially printed new years card. If a $100 card from only a year ago drops to $20 and less overnight, literally cannot be gifted in the year it was designed for, because of a decision WotC themselves did not even make (so can't be held accountable for), why should anyone chase the next one? They won't. And then people will be buying less cards themselves. People will pay less for new years cards, so sellers will stock less cards too. And suddenly WotC is feeling the sting.

How are you incapable of tracing this line yourself?
I agree, our money should come way before the health of some game that is attached to those valuable pieces of investment we have.
*glug glug glug*
Phew, sorry, new collector booster just came in.
>durrrrrr greetings cards are printed on cardboard too so card games are comparable!!!1
This is the stupidest shit ever to have been written on this site. You didn't even manage to reply to the post you were addressing.
Has she? That would be incredibly based. Makes me suspicious. Got a source for that claim? I want to believe you but I'm far too jaded at this point
>If the cards are worthless, no one is chasing cards, no one is opening packs.

Addressed here >>93989084
>Not everyone is a poor that doesn't have disposable income to spend on their hobbies you hobo

You have to be trolling cause you are beyond retarded. Yes they are very much comparable. You made the claim that a secondary market needs to exists for a primary one to. Prove it.
>Addressed here >>93989084
Addressed here >>93989155
>Lmao you don't even know what you're arguing anymore.
>>we don't need a secondary market!
>>uh also people buy cards just because they can not because they have some kind of value!!!!
>Uh huh. And what do they buy them with? Money? Oh right. And they pay a particular cost for those cards? Fuck, what do they call it when someone is willing to spend a particular cost, in money, on something...begins with a V or something...idk

>You have to be trolling cause you are beyond retarded. Yes they are very much comparable
I beg you to explain how trading cards are comparable to greetings cards.
Is it because they're both printed on cardboard? Is it because people pay money for them?
>they know wotc is going to make them walk the ban back.
Sure they are, buddy. Any day now.
Sure, the moment you explain how a primary market needs a secondary one to exist.
Kek you can't even commit to the bait. If nothing else anon, I'm gonna be laughing at "trading cards are comparable to greetings cards!!!" for weeks.
Nothing huh? I accept you concession.
I will be off to the concession secondary market to value my value of your value value concession now. Wish me luck!
You could build a whole deck for the price of one of those cards.
Do... do these people know the comittee is an independent fan organization with no real power?
Lmao good luck collecting greetings cards anon, I wish you well.
I never watched him before but this dude talks with some sense actually, for a scalpie.
Coming with the next collector modern rimming:
Faded Jeweled Lotus (0):
{T}, Sacrifice Faded Jeweled Lotus: Add two mana of any one color. Spend this mana only to cast your commander.
Get your wallet ready, piggies.
>thread with no OP text clearly made by a investorfag who will never recover from the rectal devastation he suffered yesterday
Just report it as spam and make a real thread when this one is dead.
Nigga you are out 200 dollars max if you are buying to play, the faggots whining are thousands of dollars in the hole.

Its a casual fucking format nobody is checking your cards at the door, just play what you want and have fun.
>If a $100 card from only a year ago drops to $20 and less overnight,
>why should anyone chase the next one?
>They won't
Expensive cards phase out of the meta and drop in price all the time, but whales still pay a fortune for the new shit anyway.

This sort of doomsday scenario where all the investors leave the game and the game dies is pure delusion that falls apart the instant you look at any other card game on the market.
At best, you're telling me MtG is already a corpse of a game propped up by artificial demand by investors buying cards that nobody actually wants except other investors.
>Expensive cards phase out of the meta and drop in price all the time, but whales still pay a fortune for the new shit anyway.
Not eternal formats with an expectation that cards will stay legal.
In fact you could even say that people play those games BECAUSE the meta changes very quickly.

Plenty of broken cards that would never be printed today that are still legal. Dual lands for one.

>This sort of doomsday scenario where all the investors leave the game and the game dies is pure delusion
I haven't said this is doomsday. I'm replying to someone who literally does not see the connection between the secondary market and Wizard's bottomline. He delusionly believes that Wizards doesn't care because they've already sold the cardboard. My point is that they do care because if a card is more valuable on the secondary market, consumers and sellers will crack more packs to find it. It is easier to establish that connection when we imagine the scenario of cards having NO value, and that is why I used that example.

Also this thread is fucking dead, move.
>Not eternal formats with an expectation that cards will stay legal.
Yugioh is nothing but an eternal format.
The most expensive pokemon cards haven't been legal in anything in decades.

Both of those disprove your premise that a secondary market won't exist if people are aware that cards will depreciate in value. People know that, and still buy the cards. Your example is simply incorrect in every way.
>Yugioh is nothing but an eternal format.
Hey nice dodge on the 2nd half of the sentence you fucking quoted.
Wow, you're right. Yugioh cards get banned all the time!
Does this support your argument that people won't spend money on the cards in an eternal format if they're aware that a ban might occur?
>the objectively and legally correct take
>Nooooooo no one will buy cards cause 4 got banned!!!!!!!!
I also never said no one can he angry. I get you wanted to type alot and try to look smart but it had the complete opposite effect lol
>if cards have no value no one would buy them
Except for.......... everyone who wants to play magic! MOST hobbies are not looked at as vehicles for investments and they operate just fine lol. Magic did just fine before any real secondary market emerged too. Literally everything in this post is wrong and pants on head retarded holy fuck

Don't be so fucking smug when you're horribly wrong. Know why you're wrong? This will not stop me from buying cards!
>Most people don't sell on the market
>kek I do all the time!!
Cool, also entirely irrelevant because yeah, most people don't sell on the secondary market.
>heh bet you've bought singles
I have! And will continue too lol
>if magc was about the game people would proxy 100% of the time (cause I said so!)
Objectively incorrect. You're retarded please kill yourself. You genuinely don't even know what you're trying to argue anon, you just want to argue
If you can't afford to lose all the money you spend on magic then don't buy cards. Your financial stability should be more important than collectables.
you can't recoup losses if you're a guy who builds model trains either
this expectation you'll one day get out of magic and resell is a delusion not just because it's a childish fantasy but because the money is meaningless, that's why you exchanged it for cards in the first place. For an experience that you knew deep down was only fleeting. Such is life
man i only had a single regular non foil of each. but it’s kind of a wake up call. i stopped playing modern because it became a rotating format and my decks got hit with bans. this is just a reminder that top tier competitive magic isn’t something i can afford anymore. no hate to people who are gonna stick it out. i’m just tired of the grind. i’m gonna sell out of my cedh decks and stick to upgraded precons
Who are some artists that consistently deliver the kino?
Well to quote everyone who ever replied to me when I had a concern, it's just a game man, why do you even care? Touch grass you'll be fine
Reminder to proxy all your cards. This is a casual format, you don't need to use actual cards unless you play tournament.
>Implying the RC doesn't exist purely off the benevolence of WOTC on the condition they run every single possible decision through wotc headquarters first
WOTC knew of this, approved it and is strategically planning around it. Remember this the next time you're setting yourself up for a S tier pump and dump.

WOTC knew, and they're laughing right now
Nils Hamm
Seb McKinnon
Rob Alexander
Terese Nielsen
Andrew Robinson
Yeah you're right. Mana crypt is shit. I'm glad they banned it because I die to it all the time. Its basically just a land except it
can be played the same turn as a land and it makes two mana instead of one. Anyways its just colorless mana...
>0 mana
>transcendent lotus
>sacrifice, add 3 mana in any combination of colors
>spend this mana only to cast a commander of cmc 5 or higher
>commanders cast with this mana do not accrue commander tax
too underpowered. I need my commander to have a ward and be uncounterable from it or i wont buy. Also can we make it have a negative cost? Like when I cast it I get to float a few mana on top of the ability of the card? I'll pay
I'm gonna buy it and you can't stop me

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