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Emperor's Children Edition

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>Thread Question
What quarter 2025 will Emperor's Children be released?
forget EC, GK when
Next edition
they said 2025 sometime, so probably fall-ish
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How did your last game go, /40kg/?
When will Alpha Legion get their own codex
>they said
GW has been very tight lipped about To C plans. Where was this mentioned? When they said next year is the year of Chaos?
in one of the preview articles for Agents they mentioned "Grey Knights get their turn in 2025"
They'll get their turn at being folded into the Agents codex like the Deathwatch.
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It was crazy. 4k a side, one of the biotitans exploded doing over 50 wounds to things around it. I was losing big time but was able to do a secret mission to get me over the top. Every time I play this dude, we have epic explosions.
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It was okay, but a couple months ago at this point. Templars are more durable than I thought they'd be.
why would they? GW doesnt care enough about generic undivided chaos marines to give them separate codices. what unique units would the AL even have to justify getting their own codex?
Lost to Knights 54-72
Opponent had an Armiger that refused to die despite shooting everything I had at it over multiple turns and a Lancer that fucking exploded when I killed it and did massive damage to several of my key units
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Marine (Sneaky)
Extra Sneaky Marine
Sneakus Invisibalus (Named character)
Alpharius* (may or may not actually be Alpharius)
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>gay pie plate "objectives"
>unpainted models, couldn't even be assed to glue them to the bases
>huddling behind cover like a game of paintball
40kiddies really can't help themselves, can they?
I may be autistic, but at least I'm not "browses generals for games he hates" autistic.
the absolute state of that glutos
just watched a batrep that proves warlord titans aren’t even worth 2k points, let alone the >3000 they’re charging for it at the moment
titans need better rules to be worth their massive points costs, and I’ve come up with a fun one I’d like some feedback on
I call it “divert power” it’s a pick one of three like the primarchs have. Activated in your command phase.
>Divert all power to weapons
doubles the attacks characteristic of all ranged weapons, model cannot move this turn and invulnerable save is disabled until next command phase.
>Divert all power to shields
Gives the titan a 3++. Can’t move or shoot this turn.
>Divert all power to engines.
doubles the move characteristic of the titan, cannot shoot and loses its invuln until next command phase.
One thing I don't get about AoS, the armies basically just line up and attack each other head on, does terrain not matter? What strategies are there when you just run into each other in melee? Like your picture is just a bunch of centerpieces teeing off on each other?
How did the fight with the custodes go as orks?
You mean a Nova Reactor?
This is 40k general, not 40k 10th edition/nuGW general, you cock glazing fag lmao
>This is 40k general
Why are you posting AoS in it then?
Not a term used by someone who likes 40k.
sure that whatever, do you think this rule is enough to make the warlord (or really any of the titans) actually worth their points?
How is 40k any different except you spend the first few moves arranging all your minis so they cower perfectly behind Loss blocking terrain?
AoS has plenty of shooting units.
40kiddie is a term reserved for newfags who started in nuGW 8th edition of later (you) and whose only idea of 40k is the modern cooperate boardgame slop they churn out
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I'm more of an AOSfag than a 40k guy, but at least I'm not you.
They will never know the pain of having all your vehicles glanced to death by one Necron Warrior blob's shooting phase
No it's not. It's what non-40k-playing /tg/ users call 40k players.
File deleted.
The meaning of the term is however I feel like using it

>but I'm not you
Sorry to hear that, I'm tall, blue eyed, jacked and handsome
>What quarter 2025 will Emperor's Children be released?

I have not been up to date on the latest leaks but I do not think we will see a new EC product line anytime soon.

I think that 10th ed for chaos will be new war machines. My longshot guess is that we might see a full Iron warriors range release before we see EC.

Chaos has needed a "shooty" niche for years. It would offer an intersection of aesthetics and play style that chaos hasn't really had in modern 40k. Its also felt like its been seeded in lore recently with different mentionings of perturabo and vashtorr being in a sort of alliance.

I dont think they will be paired against space wolves like everyone thinks- not yet. I think we will see IW and GK paired together on release.
Doesn’t the fact that so many C’tan were sharded or destroyed (annihilating their physical law components) strongly imply that the Milkyway is somehow special or unique? Or are we suppose we to believe the physical godly manifestations of physical laws are just all shining out in our galaxy for some reason…
the ctan didn’t create the universe or anything, they’re not even really gods, just very powerful star devouring beings. the Milky Way isn’t special and neither are the ctan, at least not on a universal scale.
I dunno ask /hhg/
>battle report
>warlord titan
Secondary detected
They're star vampires.
Up until the necrontyr discovered them they were sipping off the EM radiation and chilling in the orbit of suns.
The humanoid forms in which we see them are contrivances of the necrontyr. In reality they're just amorphous blobs of electromagnetism.
>the physical godly manifestations of physical laws
That's something that the cult mechanicus came up with. Something to do with the motive force and other such nonsense.
niggas aren’t allowed to watch videos or talk about titans anymore I guess
Last game was more than a year ago. If I remember correctly my boyz krumped my buddies necrons real good thanks to some lucky charges.
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Are there any better resources for building a Stompa? the instructions it comes with are pretty terrible.
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if you're running a warlord titan, you're doing it for fun, not effectiveness

pic from a game I was in that had a warlord
last game I played was many many many months ago
I was playing thousand sons, I was about 500 points short because I had taken magnus out of my list and forgot to add anything in to replace him.
I think a warlord would be more fun to play if it was more effective
Nice post, you really showed him.
There's a guy on reddit who made a better one, try there
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Damn that's sexy.
How come Timmy's mom let's him have two vaults. Btw, I've finally started to stage my models for a legion photo. Here is my royal court.
I like the idea of a "pick one" but I don't like the options you set forth.
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there were a lot of necrons there
Choices? in 10th edition? This is madness!
why not?
orks would be cool if they had some gorlz.
Are there any lore instances of Tyranids infighting?
I really feel like tyranid vs tyranid is the most unrealistic match up
I think there was a story of a splinter fleet being so infected by Nurgle that it went rogue, the hive mind cut it off and any other tyranids attacked them on sight
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>Heavy weapon scouts

I hope the new EC releases aren't AOS looking.

Hive fleets do fight each other IIRC. Survival of the fittest and scrape the best genes from the loser.
They feel to all or nothing.
>I hope the new EC releases aren't AOS looking.
you'll get knock off Black legion instead.
Is there any reason that the "low numbers" legions turn chapters were still low on numbers before the Primaris marines showed up? Specifically the Raven Guard and Salamanders (since this didn't seem to affect the Iron Hands quite as hard)?
Like I get that they didn't split off into as many chapters as the others since they didn't start with a full legion but did they both just fail to build back up to over 1000 marines at any point for 10,000 years?
Yeah it’s supposed to, the rule is “divert all power” not “divert a bit more power”
Oh damn I want a pylon.
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I hope they lean more 3.5 chaos pink and black armor with a bunch of siren related gear and speaker backpacks.

They wont. They'll probably do a mix of AOS Slaanesh and 30k EC purple and golds.
>4chan filename

no games?
yep, this happened after the Bugs sieged and nom-nomed through an entire Daemon World of Nurgle.
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>What quarter 2025 will Emperor's Children be released?
Probably Q1 around Febuary or Q3 near Black Friday.
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I played against unpainted dark eldar (not play against them in 10th yet) and it was uneventful. I had my barbed Hierodule count-as an Exocrine who was the MVP for the game. Hormagaunts were also 10/10 vs DE for just rolling well. I've been running these dumbass squads of 3x10 since my 2x10 gargoyles I was running are mostly broken off their flight stands. I also ran 9 rippers which proved to be annoying. Tyrant died turn 2, warriors and zoans hide most of the game.

>I hope the new EC releases aren't AOS looking.

Because the last few releases for 40k were so good?
what is the most unlikely matchup in lore? not counting mirror matches
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Damn AOSnon, you got the whole squad laughing
i dont want a codex for AL i just want them to get something, at the very least an "alpharius" model thats like primaris sized
Daily reminder:
>what is the most unlikely matchup in lore?
Necrons vs Tyranids
Tau vs Chaos
The former because Tyranids avoid Necron tomb worlds like the fucking plague, and the latter because Tau don't have a real presence in the warp, so using them for anything Chaos related would be pointless.
>metal biovores

wew lad, how long have you collected nids for?
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>cheap knockoff of a superior joke
whats a good narrative reason for some world eaters to fight craftworlders (friends army), or how can i fluff up just wanting to claim some skulls
honestly AL, NL, IW and WB all need at least 1 unique unit each, probably a character
never happening though, especially now that they don’t exist in 10th
are csm expensive? i like emperor’s children and chaos marines
the silent king came back specifically to fight the nids, necrons are coming to them
tau vs chaos happens all the fucking time, for some reason it’s always khorne
craftworlders have blood and skulls. Also because they have the stink of slaanesh on them.
like at least for alpha legion i understand not getting a specific named character, but they could do something to just go with the meme
kassar would be a cool model to have though, id just like anything thats not just HH models or regular chaos
is khaine v khorne based, pretty sure he's gonna use an avatar in one of the games
>for some reason it’s always khorne
>for some reason
I seriously don’t get it, farsight has almost fallen to khorne corruption TWICE now
>almost fallen to khorne corruption
He's literally thriving off of melee kills, what do you think is happening
not every melee unit is a khorne worshipper anon
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awesome nids my guy, got any more pictures? I'm a sucker for those 3rd-4th edition era ones.

my last game went well for the 'ol dred mob
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>lust provoking image
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>base rims not blacked out
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Khorne is the patron god of warriors, bravery and bloodshed. And like all chaos gods he bestows blessings to those who act favorably, even if they do not willingly worship chaos.
It's fairly common for Khornites to fight amongst themselves. I really don't know why you didn't notice it sooner.
>big gunz

nice, did you play them as legends or a proxy for something else?
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Did some painting last night while I eavesdropped on gnomes duking it out against vampires in bloodbowl and Magic players complaining about bans
Hobbying at the LGS is comfy
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it's in progress, I apologize. I'm rebasing a lot of old figs these days. They will all be fixed soon

I put them on the bigger bases to use them as mek gunz these days. I've extended the lobbas as well
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it is, isn't it? Is that a newer daemon? I don't recognize it
fuck yeah, ive still got a few metal kannons and lobbas but ive left them in storage. quite jealous of those 2nd (or 3rd, cant remember) grots you have, i really like the look of those old metal monopose ones

also id thought id ask since you have the old metal stormboyz, can we still use them if the bases are swapped out to the bigger ones? i wasnt sure as they are like half the size of the current stormboyz
Space Marines vs Custodes
Sometimes space marines go full retard in their zealotry and kill custodes.
This only happened two times IIRC
>Custode visits Dark Templars to deliver them new Primaris marines
>Dark Templars sperg out, declare the Primaris to be a heresy and kill the fucking custode
>Custodes are chilling on Terra
>High Lords get into a feud over religion
>Half the High Lords rebel, use the Minotaurs to stage a rebellion, end up killing a handful of custodes
>also featured: Valerian shitting his pants in the face of Moloc
What armies do gays play? Is there a divide between twinks, bears and jocks?
Nta but that's a bloodthirster using skarbrand legs and no wings
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Why play Chaos Marines? Loyalists just seem superior in every way.
That ork player should give some tips to that eldar player on how to do snow basing that doesn't look like marshmallow fluff
Big womanlet energy
I always sorta feel sorry for those fat bearded guys painting in a corner all alone
they can't be that superior if they've been fighting the same war for ten thousand years and aren't any closer to winning
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>Dark Templars
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How disappointed am I going to be for the chaos reveals on Warhammer Day and why did Tzeentch get the Mike Wazowski treatment?


Oh wow, just watched the 30 second video on WarCom, 40k wasn't even mentioned unless you count Kill Team. Never mind, I answered my own question. The drought continues.
You're sending mixed messages with that image and your post contents but both are cool for different reasons. Anyone arguing one is cool and one is gay is probably autistic, annoying or both
Fuck it, I'm tired
It's Skarbrand with a bloodthirster head (i don't like his normal head) and without his wings (yet)
You shouldn't feel bad for those with painted models as theyre having fun, it's understandable to be jealous if you're a nomodels though
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>dark templars
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fun fact, I did both bases! the DE bases I casted and the snow is part of the cast. I also did them over a decade ago and the ork bases are from this year so I've improved over the years.

finishing the ork bases is the next job (pic related)
>forgetting the time word bearers massacred the custodes that were meant to be keeping an eye on them
before you say “oh but they’re chaos marines” they were still space marines at the time
I remember reading in several places a while ago that ruins should block line of sight on the first floor for balance reasons, but doesn't that give advantage to melee over ranged?
EC can very easily fit the "shooty" niche for chaos. Sonic weapons defines them, he'll they used to be a heavy weapons option instead of elites.

Iron warriors aren't getting shit. At the absolute most and upgrade spruce like the night lords received.
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looks great
GK vs Custodes
whered ytou get that MDF terrain + how much is it?
Gk vs deathwatch
>actually wanting Mega Dumpster Fart terrain
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I'm sorry, this was at a buddy's house so I don't know. I've been badgering him to paint it for years though
EC aren't getting shit either, slaanesh isn't popular and GW is very aware of that
post your tables
EC codex is all but confirmed, we just don’t know if it’s this edition or next
>my youtubers said it so it's true!!!
games workshop said it
though i guess they have a youtube channel so you’re kinda right
your adorable delusions never get old
Do you anons think Deathwatch has a chance to make a comeback or are they dead for good? It still feels unreal that they got Old Yeller'd before Grey Knights did.
not a chance, they were literally the least played army in the game
With the kind of clientele they're courting, you'd think it would be
>a faction infinitely less popular than grey knights was killed before grey knights
Imagine my shock
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>slaanesh isn't popular
I think that has to do more with GW not wanting to show more Slanneshi stuff on their end because how the fuck do you appeal to "le wider audience" when you have a faction and ideology that makes Jeffery Epstein look like a damn vanilla-fan?
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>actually getting butt flustered from that comment
Lmao even
We know it will be part of the narrative event that closes out 10th ed the same way Psychic Awakening closed out 8th and Arks of Omens closed out 9th and brought back Angron and Lion.
Is Chaos Gate worth getting? It's on sake right now, but I've heard mixed things.
trips of confirmation
it's not marketable and it's also never been popular
they had a very brief stint of a secondary spotlight with dawn of war 2 and it faded immediately
beyond delusional
Deathwatch is the antithesis of the direction they want to take the game. It's interesting and requires the player to actually rub 2 braincells together when building a list.
You're not even bothering to try, huh secondary-kun?
By leaning into the fact that Slaanesh has more sins under his purview than just SEX! DRUGS! and ROCK & ROLL!
You dumb cunts kept saying Slaanesh was going to get squatted in AOS and then he roars back with a wholly dedicated faction that's still more popular than the Tzeentch one. Khorne gets all the retarded unga bunga faggots and one of the GW designers won't let nurgle rot in peace.
>slaanesh is totally more popular than all the other gods in AoS I s-s-swear!!!
Slaanesh is more than "LOL CUM AND BOOB AND PEEPEES AND DUDE EBIN DRUGS XD" and the fact that you can't acknowledge that truth is a tell that you're a secondary
They've released slaanesh daemons
They've released slaanesh AoS stuff
You expect anyone to believe they wouldn't release slaanesh marines which will obviously sell better than slaanesh daemons/AoS?
>requires the player to actually rub 2 brain cells together when building a list
no anon, they’re marines. marines do not require brainpower no matter how fancy their equipment is or how specialised they are.
the fact that you don't know what being marketable means is a tell that you're underaged
Got you rattled enough from a fart joke so why would I have to try lmao
I like them in concept but literally everything about them in the actual game was incredibly dull.
>When they said next year is the year of Chaos?
You'd think GW would embrace the fact that you have to buy multiple kits to build each different kill team.
Like the classic Proteus Kill Team would use the Deathwatch Veterans kit, plus a Terminator kit, a Van Vet kit and a Biker kit.
Newer squads like the Primaris-centric Fortis Kill Team used Incercessors, Assault Intercessors, Hellblasters and Outriders.
Indomitor Kill Team has a base of Heavy Intercessors, but you can add Aggressors, Inceptors and Eradicators to them. That's 4 kits to buy for each one of them.
But GW doesn't like that the kill teams are customizable and encourage kitbashing and extra bits rather than just buying kits and building as they look on the cover of the box.
>evil super soldiers that do experiments on themselves to be even more super that kick ass at close combat and blow people up with metal music isn't marketable
>...in 40k
>reading comprehension
If you could read you'd notice I was talking about how there is more to slaanesh than ebin sex drugs and rock and roll memes. They are just as marketable as aos slaanesh stuff and will eventually see releases
>By leaning into the fact that Slaanesh has more sins under his purview than just SEX! DRUGS! and ROCK & ROLL!
You're right but two things anon:
1) That's the easiest albeit not only way to show what excess could look like - a personal example I love to use is "Slaneesh will have you going from "eating a steak" to "Eating a person after torturing them for a week."" That's Slannesh to me.
2) All things that Slaneesh does she/he/it wants done in excess. How would you express excess in a way that is not something to do with vice?
I know how I would, as I had a short story idea where a hive noble turns into this grotesque abomination of the human form because of his ever growing desire to become "perfectly beautiful" and agents from the Ordo hereticus are sent in to stop his cultist bs. But I don't work for GW, or Black Library.
>If I say you're the strawman in my head in all caps, that makes it real!
Are you an Ork, anon?
>the faction that they treated just like World Eaters last edition is totally going to get squatted and totally not going to complete the four mono-god cult armies
Fuck, you're dumb.
you said it yourself, secondaries only see the rape and drugs aspect, that's unmarketable ;)
When they made all power weapons generic and made SIA a stratagem I knew it was joever
6/8, almost believed the b8
not as dumb as the tranny that thinks the most popular legion getting a codex indicates the least popular legion would totally get one
You're slipping as you're getting genuinely upset that no one believes you.
>world eaters
>most popular legion
ok now I KNOW you’re trolling
>I have no argument left so I'll call it bait
the pitiful, deluded slaaneshifag
Not even trying anymore.
how do i build a dread mob army starting from a 9th ork combat patrol? i was thinking a couple of grots and maybe killa kans / meganobz first

a stompa would also be really cool not gonna lie
world eaters have been the most popular ever since the first models jes designed for them back in the 90s were teased
sorry you're getting so upset about basic facts
Impressive how you typed out slaanesh 3 separate times and spelled it wrong every time. Doesn't really seem like you know what your talking about. Also
>That's Slannesh to me.
>I had a short story idea
Literally who asked for your gay headcanon
shit bait, try again
don't know why you get so mad over basic facts
but in reality more than likely you're not even the slaaneshifag I was talking with and just a tertiary /v/ermin who butted into the conversation to bait both sides
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>Not even saying I'm wrong, just pointed out that I mispelling Slaanesh at almost 2 in the morning.
anon, I...
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What's a good weapon for a chapter master to signify he's the Big Bossman of the place? I'm thinking of a halberd or a Deathwatch power sword.
you’re right, I’m not the slaanesh poster
I’m just someone who saw bullshit and called it out
chapter masters should exemplify the chapter they lead
his weapon should represent the chapters themes and ideals
>just pointed out that I mispelling Slaanesh at almost 2 in the morning
Maybe you should go to bed, and spend some time on your duolingo streak esl-kun

Hedonites are doing fine in AoS, visually at least. Glutos is a fat fuck, and most of the mortals are just pride and speed-freaks, but they look fantastic.
Power Swords are usually a safe bet. Thunder hammers are also a pretty good choice imo if you're looking for a bit more of a "Da Bossman" feel.
It depends on the chapter you're making, /yourdudes/ or not.
But a Halberd would be interesting to see if you can make it work.
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terrible b8 m8 I r8 0/8
>alpha legion
>generic undivided marines
>All things that Slaneesh does she/he/it wants done in excess. How would you express excess in a way that is not something to do with vice?
I would lean into the excessive sensory stimulation side of things with not just sound (Sonic weapons), but also visuals (light based weapons) and the glamorous aspect of the EC taken to an extreme gaudiness and the whole "using xenos biology on themselves" gone wrong for some xenos-chaos-marine freaks. There's so much room for cool model design without going anywhere near "sex". The EC have never really had much to so with sex anyway, it's always just been a meme within the community.
Thunder hammers are kino and under represented. Or dual power fists
>somebody says EC aren't getting anything
>singular ECfag throws a tantrum for 30 posts in retaliation
I can really see how they were born from the eldar now lmao
I played CSM against Blood Angels. Did alright until his big blob of Jump Marines charged and did fucked my guys up. My Raptors did a surprising amount of kills and my Obliterators 1 shotted his dreadnought.
bait is getting worse, not even worth a (You) anymore
Cataphracti Terminator Armour.
Thunder Hammer in one hand.
Lightning Claw in the other.

Snikt and smash.
it's not bait, your chaos undecided marines are all the same and deserve nothing but the flavored detachments they already get
>inb4 t-they aren't chaos!!!
not interested in your fanfic, all CSM factions are chaos slaves
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Well I was thinking of making the chapter a successor of another chapter whose sole duty is effectively planetary cleanup duty while their predecessors do space marine stuff outside their system. Halberds look cool but for working in and around crashed space hulks I suppose a really fancy breaching tool would be better. Maybe a hammer with a pointy end and a prying tool on the base. Though I'm not sure how I can kitbash one just yet.
>thunder hammer + lightning claw
Ew, no
I thought I was in HHG.
Also yes.
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>not thunder hammer and shield
chapters can’t be successors of eachover, all chapters are successors of the original 9 legions
>never went through the eye of terror
>most of them believe that they're genuinely aiding the imperium by attacking it
>waiting around for Omegon to show up before actually deciding if they're loyal or not
yeah sounds so chaos to me, I dont get why you're being so retarded honestly, each of the csm factions have their own special brand of retardation, this is alpha legions'
wrong, there are several successors of successors in official fluff
I succeeded your mom last night
name 1
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My Deathwatch (played by my buddy) vs my Sisters.
Take and hold only, no secondaries to have to remember, he's still learning all the strategems and shit.
Deathwatch was 1st company with Agents of Imperium bullshit to shove in a corvus and a kill team.
He won by 5 pts on his second 40k game ever (with coaching) and we had a good time all around.
>uhm ackshually MY chaos legion is super cool and anti-chaos renegades they just wear chaos iconography and work with daemons xP
>not volkite charger and power axes
Fair enough, I do agree that excess can be seen in various ways as well. Whether or not 40k gets the same treatment is up in the air.
>I would lean into the excessive sensory stimulation side of things with not just sound (Sonic weapons), but also visuals (light based weapons) and the glamorous aspect of the EC taken to an extreme gaudiness and the whole "using xenos biology on themselves" gone wrong for some xenos-chaos-marine freaks.
See that can be quite good. The pursuit of perfection and excess perfection is the EC stuff. Never really got the whole "EC are sex-addicts" meme though, I mostly thought of Noise Marines when I thought of EC special units.
>There's so much room for cool model design without going anywhere near "sex"
You're right, but when dealing with Slaanesh daemons, it might be a bit more difficult. This here >>93989088 is a good start, but then how do you make, say, a gluttonous fat demon look good in Slaanesh's roster?
Marines Errant
Captains in Terminator Armour can't even take Thunder Hammers anymore.
Or Storm Shields.
Fuck Volkite.
And if I'm going to take something Unwieldly, I'm going to get muh Brutal (2) on.
mantis warriors
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if you could point to the chaos iconography please
you know slaanesh isnt all that interesting when you think about it, even BIG E has more going on than her.
Sounds like you're making a Space Marine Chapter of Space Hulk shipbreakers. In that case, a Thunderhammer, Storm Bolter, and Terminator armor should be good enough.

Actually, Shipbreakers sounds like a very cool SM chapter name, now that I think about it.
Why does Alpharius have hair
Tiger Claws
White scars
Cute trashbash for the terrain. I recognize a berry container, some fruit puree pouch lids and some straws but what's the rest of it? Any chance you've got a pic of it unprimed?
>eight point star on his rondel
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>chapters can’t be successors of eachover
Tell me you don't understand how chapter succession works without telling me you don't understand
Because he's not evil.
Legion of the damned
wrong, mantis warriors are successors of the marauders who are scar successors
(you) tried
>White scars
White Scars -> Marauders -> Mantis Warriors
(you) didn't even try at all
it's over for you fantasy nerds when total war 40k comes out
Not a chapter, or even a legion

damn, marauders have their own primarch and gene seed? didn’t know that.
>how do you make, say, a gluttonous fat demon look good in Slaanesh's roster?
Prolly the same way they did in aos
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cope harder
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You mean the one that is not in the typical 8-point layout? Really that one? That's your proof? Hm, let's see what a typical chaos marine looks like.
if you’re using the white scar gene seed you are a white scar successor
It is in fact a legion as demonstrated by its name, checkmate secondary
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(you) tried
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>how do you make, say, a gluttonous fat demon look good in Slaanesh's roster?
Idk maybe do something like this
But we already had dawn of war
it literally says white scars in your own post, you didn’t even try
cope, you lost
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Pedantry doesn't make you right, it just makes you look like you can't hold an L.
Deathwatch are the single biggest marine jobbers
>8E CSM codex has a World Eater warband discover a Watch Fortress and kill all 600 Deathwatch astartes for sport
>9E CSM codex has a Nightlord warband exterminate a whole watch fortress and impale a Watch Master on his own spear, then carve out all their eyes to give to their chaos xenos mates
>Space Marine 2 has a whole Deathwatch Kill Team wiped out at the start
Best of the best astartes specialised in killing xenos yet get murdered by chaos marines
faggot we were talking about successors of successors, they're a successor of the marauders who are white scars successors, making them white scar genestock
how hard is this as a concept for you to grasp
They took out vengeance bolts away, we had no defense
Ok, fair enough. Hopefully we'll see that translated into something more 40k themed, unless GW does the lazy thing and just says "you can use this for both AOS and 40k"
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Didn't realize you guys would seethe at something as innocuous as "my OC chapter is a successor to another successor". Like isn't that how a few chapters get around codex compliance? Breaking down their legion into smaller legions and going "oh we don't have 10 thousand marines we have 10 chapters of 1 thousand marines."? Pretty sure Guillliman did it too.
I’m not moving anything, in order to be a chapter you have to have to have gene stock from one of the original 9 legions
there’s no possible way to “succeed” a chapter from another chapter, it doesn’t make any fucking sense, it’s not possible
Damn that's crazy. You should tell /v/ the same thing and see if you get an achievement or some gamer score for it
not what was being discussed but cute attempt to hijack the conversation, tourist
Noone cares lorefag, read a few more wiki articles and maybe we'll respect your opinion
Do you have to try to be this retarded or does it come naturally to you.
trips confirm successors of successors are canon
in what fucking universe is the marauders gene stock so different to the white scars genestock that it has to be classified as its own separate thing with its own successor chapters???
>ultras have a successor
>that successor grows to over 1k marines
>splits off, new chapter is successor of original, while still having ultra gene seed
Its really not that complicated
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Shit bait

I'd hope 40k got the same quality put into it as Hedonites did. If they did the Daemons of Chaos overlap shit on half the roster it'd be a pretty big insult given how popular some EC stuff is/was.

If AoS can do it, the bigger of the two can sure as fuck do it too.
It defaults to the oldest known chapter, they want to go as far back on the family tree as they can.
So Marines Errant were founded by Eagle Warriors GS, but they know it's Guillimans GS. You would say Marines Errant are Eagle Warrior descendants, Ultramarine Successors.

As opposed to the Tiger Claws, who are Astral Claws successors because no one knows who founded the Astral Claws.
what's it like? sucking dick for a living?
>believing any numbers games workshop publishes
You haven't been playing for very long have you
then that would be an ultramarine successor, not a whole new legion and primarch and gene seed.
Any easy color schemes for orks? Black or white primer?
in the universe where imperial armour volume 10 released and page 63 stated that the mantis warriors are successors of the marauders
so this one :)
Its a successor of a successor
Never said anything about a new legion or primarch retard
*monkeys paw curls*
Sorry anon only team available to work on slaanesh was the team that did the new sanguinary guard. Please understand, small British business.
having a unique genesire isn't what dictates a successor, the tithe being passed down and not assimilated back into the parent chapter before being used to form a new one is, but cute attempt at deflection
>that successor grows to over 1000 marines
how? gene seed isn’t replaceable and the imperium can’t make anymore, a chapter can only get smaller not larger
White primer, paint skin, then fill in details after
same reason why there are new foundings, they're not entirely made from recovered geneseed you know
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>tfw that is plausible

I just want a good fucking Lucius model and Noise Marines that aren't that one $35 box.
gene seed is literally what determines who is a successor of what
white scars gene seed means you’re a white scar successor, same with ultras and blood angels etc
Performative Stupidity is still stupidity, anon
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Working on turning this AoS witch hunter guy into an inquisitor. Need to figure out which head to use. I would like a guy with a bionic eye but I don't got any extra ones, except space marines and their heads are way too big.
That hasn't been the case for ages, chapters receive primaris guys all the time now. Look at lamenters who somehow get back to almost full numbers about every other edition
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Since january yeah. And I didn't even start with Marines so it's not exactly my forte. I discussed my OC donut steel lore with a friend on discord who's been playing for like a decade and a half and he was just like "cool they're like the space coast guard"
nothing stupid about any of what I just said retard

Primaris was a 1 time thing and most of these chapters go way before they showed up
This is like watching a guy step on rakes over and over. Seriously why are you even weighing in on this if you don't know even the most basic facts on the topic?
You should give him a typewriter for a face instead with a list of ebil heretics coming out the top like a pompadour
If he doesn't have a big hat you're a faggot
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nope, they're a marauders successor according to official lore
your impotent seething doesn't matter
I'm going to sleep, feel free to keep crying about being wrong though!
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Here it is immediately post priming, it has some 3D printed gubbinz and some clearcare contact lens cases thrown in.
Every once in a while I get inspired and make homebrew terrain, for better or worse.
but I do know the facts, the imperium being unable to create new geneseed is the reason it only has 1 million marines instead of trillions
if the imperium could mass produce geneseed there would be no need for the imperial guard, or any other imperium faction.
did you fucking rob the floor of a barbershop
What's a Progenoid gland then, dumb dumb
Don't pay attention to gws numbers, they're all asspulls and seldom make any sense, and definitely don't pay attention to any autistic claiming some number published by gw is important/impactful. Just make your dudes and tell the lorefags to fuck off. They don't have any models anyways
it’s what I made your mom suck last night retard
>how do you make, say, a gluttonous fat demon look good in Slaanesh's roster?
there's plenty of bbw enjoyers out there (myself included)
>anon says thing
>another anon says no
>first anon brings out his sources and cites them
>second anon starts shouting no
>second anon cannot provide anything resembling a source for his claims
>second anon gets angrier and angrier
>second anon now abandons the argument and tries to claim something different altogether
The picture you just posted straight up says they’re a white scars successor
>but I do know the facts
Then why are you acting like you don't know how many progenoid glands a marine has?
>nothing stupid about any of what I just said retard
Anon you posted
>gene seed isn’t replaceable and the imperium can’t make anymore, a chapter can only get smaller not larger
This is such a secondary misunderstanding of the fundementals of the setting its staggering.
Faggot secondary, thats (you), astartes CAN make more gene seed, grown in the body of astartes. One in the chest thats collected post death and the other in the neck collected shortly after they are made a full marine. Marine chapters can grow, and grow quickly if they don't pay the geneseed tithe like the Astral Claws did.
You're a fucking retard
>second anon now abandons the argument and tries to claim something different altogether
it must be hard being illiterate huh
why would they bother mentioning they descended from the marauders if they're just white scars successors still?
Why can't you provide a single source to back up your own definition of a successor?
This started at "successors can't have successors" and now it's gotten to "actually successors don't exist."
Good evening you quaternary faggots, what's going on this thread
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Ok here's another lorebreaker question: Can marines from a parent chapter join a successor?
>there are no successors of successors
>here are several
>uh I meant there are no successors of successors because those successors are still successors of the first founding chapter
>uh I meant there are no successors of successors because they can't make more geneseed, heh... got em...
if astartes could make more geneseed there would be enough in the galaxy by now to make every single imperial guardsman a marine, sorry but it’s just not the case
the emperor created 2 million gene seeds and those have been reused since the heresy
yes that's how they start successors in the first place, they get a few veterans from the parent chapter to volunteer to form the high command of the successor
literally no one is saying successors don’t exist
Obviously, dipshit. Sigismund was a fucking Imperial Fist and he founded the Black Templars himself. Many such cases!
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>tfw the lorefags are at it again

and why is it always space marines?
how to you explain all the geneseed lost to chaos harvesters and xenos weaponry/tyranid assimilation pools?
because xenos lore is boring and unimportant lmao
no one cares enough about guardsmen to get mad that /mydudes/ are from a planet called New Cadia (different from the other New Cadias)
40k is about space marines
> how to you explain all the geneseed lost to chaos harvesters and xenos weaponry/tyranid assimilation pools?
what’s to explain? it’s lost, that’s 1 less marine forever, that’s why apothecaries put so much effort into retrieving gene seed. If they could just make more it’d be no big deal.

Because their lore is retarded and bloated.
Then why are there still 1 million+ loyalist marines running around the galaxy after 10k years of losing geneseed
Anon thats your headcanon you treating as setting fact when its not.
Astartes struggle to maintain replacement levels of geneseed, many are lost in battle, also the geneseed tax the Imperium has to check for purity, plus impurity of geneseed, and stolen by chaos marines.
There is no '2 million' limit from the heresy
there aren’t?
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Bare fists. You are like Beowulf fighting Grendel, Hercules wrestling the Nemean Lion. No weapon survives long in your hands because your sheer strength causes them to break. Sun Wukong, Cú Chulainn, and many other heroes experienced tons of equipment failure because they were too strong for their gear.
There are, as of the 8e rulebook :)
it is fact, there’s no headcanon here this is well known lore
plus that tithe, once the mechanicus has enough, is used to create new chapters.
There were several millions of marines during the crusade and heresy
Each of the 20 legions had between 150k and 500k marines
cool so post the part in a codex that agrees with anything you said, dumb cunt
several legions had under 100k, wdym
> Each of the 20 legions had between 150k and 500k marines
the ultramarines had the largest legion and they were only 200,000 strong so this is mega BS
also the thousand sons, as their name might indicate, only had 1000 marines
Hh2e book stated the smallest legions still had 150k+
Largest legion were the sons of hours followed by the iron warriors
>also the thousand sons, as their name might indicate, only had 1000 marines
Not the retard (I have no idea wtf he's going on about), but post a single example in Imperial Armor where any of these sucessor-successor chapters are referred to as "x successors" if the 1st founding is known.

It never happens once in the entire book, they deliberately always use words like "descendant" and "predecessor" while only using "successor" with 1st founding (or oldest successor if unknown).

Lex is just a retarded wiki, looked at Geneseed (Predecessor): ULTRAMARINES [Eagle Warriors] and went "ah yes this means Eagle Warrior successor chapter". If they know who the daddy is, their founding legion is what they are chapters of, which is why that line said Ultramarines with Eagle Warriors in brackets.
each space marine has 2 progenoid glands and apothecaries can make new ones out of them. that's why each chapter has to contribute to the tithe in case they need to rebuild the chapter, an apothecary will use collected mature glands to make new gene seed.
What white primer do you use?
TS had 1k members at the end of Unification and then grew well beyond that in th crusade, there are many many thousands of Rubricae and possibly several thousand TS socerers
Ak white airbrush primer
>B-but muh wiki is retarded
Cool, post an official source stating that successors can't have successors
Tamiya rattlecan white is the best you can get but very expensive
Hypothetically, yes?
Practically? Probably not.
japan is gay so that's a pass from me
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Lorefags sure do love any argument that doesn't involve models. Really makes you think
Why does the new space marine game hate admech so much
because the admech are all technophile retards who can’t leave things alone?
their way of making fun of gamers (tech geeks) by portraying them as snappy autistic weirdos (accurate)
Can you faggots go elsewhere to kiss each others penises
>I'm not a lorefag I just picked an army with an ugly piss color scheme because I swear I liked it and not because they're the secondary-bait army PLEASE GIVE ME ATTENTION
I'd almost believe you genuinely are a woman with how retarded and desperate for validation you are if I hadn't seen those hilariously fake plastic chest morph tits you posted
>produces new organs
>doesn’t say anything about duplicating geneseed
cool thanks
Admech is the stand in for video game players so they try to make them as annoying as they are in real life. They haven't realized that this is an unachievable feat
I think most posters here are just fluff fans and don't engage with the model and game part of the hobby
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Yellow is my favorite colour and checks are fun. Continue to stay seething tho nomodels, it's no skin off my back lmao
Do you just literally chip the paint to do that type of weathering?
when is tzeench going to get scrubbed out of 40k, a god change doesn't belong in such a stagnant setting.
what's most likely is normal people probably don't give a fuck enough to take and upload pictures for the sake of anonymous internet arguments especially when it's one full of pedantic snowflakes who will move goalposts and bitch about something else even if you did. people would rather just talk about 40k
>fluff fans
That's a secondary
>don't engage with the model and game part of the hobby
You mean the entire hobby?

>argue with some other idiot
>they say 'post models'
>you post
>either they shut up if they can't dox your socials or they do a 180 and just shit-talk your models
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Sponge dipped in rhinox hide and dabbed off until most is gone, then you go back and tap it on your models, if your feeling cheeky go in and edge highlight the biggest chips
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Fair point. Idiot discord trolls like
>>93989616 shitting up the thread don't help either.
Lets discuss the massive cyborg bear in this art, I think its cool and 40k should have more fucked up giant cybrog animals. The dogs are a good start, the slaanesh deamon cats are also great
>also the thousand sons, as their name might indicate, only had 1000 marines
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not him but for paint chipping vallejo makes this. it's bretty gud
is ghazghkull thraka worth it?
its not wrong tho.
I dunno ask /hhg/
If you can't ignore the posts you don't like I don't think you should go on the internet anon.
how would you do it on black armors? I don't think the rhinox hide would show
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I mean its a bit odd that they scrubbed him out from promotional material.
His model is pretty cool and I know nothing about how orks play so I'm saying yes he's worth it
That looks like a good way to do it, it pops really well with the yellow you're using

NTA or any anon.

I mostly just read the posts and look at the minis. Simply adding my personal experience to the matter.
Anon, I know you don't give a shit about lore because you suck femtodes corpo cock, but the universe and it's models sell on two fronts: Models themselves being cool/good looking and the lore that accompanies them being good.
If GW only made models with no lore attached to any of them, we would have bland shit and maybe 2 armies and that company would have died before even starting
So you can be as much of a faggot as you want, but lore sells models and gets people in the hobby, and it's the most interesting topic of discussion for a reason.
>Inb4 no models
I'm not posting them for you, disingenuous cunt.
You'd use a brighter tone like the highlight colour you're using for black, and then fill in some of the big chips with a contrasting colour like a warm brown
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Lmao this dude ain't got no models
thanks satan
Alpharius is assumed to be dead in 40k, so alpha legionaires can do whatever they fuck they like. It's not like anyone can point to the real alpharius to compare.
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They mike wazowski-ed Tzeeneth
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If you don't paint chips on all your models, I'll make sure your coats are never even again, and your priming is always textured. Also you will spill every pot of paint you own at least once
it took me way too long to understand the joke
That's because it wasn't very funny to begin with
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One of these days I'm turning that thing into a Nurgle herald.
Truly unknowable
I actually laughed
They try stuff, stuff blows up, other people clean up the mess.
Lmao kill yourselves, mindless consoomers
i have about $1,000 worth of models right next to me actually (unpainted and still on the sprue of course)
Posted model. Now what
>inb4 it sucks ass
At least I'm trying goddamnit.
thin your paints, holy shit
>The Emperor stirs uneasily in his sleep
>His sons, and a few others close to him watch him pensively
>He rouses, groggily, his back sore and aching from having slept so long upon his throne.
>His closest son lays a hand upon his knee, "Father... we were worried abut you, you've been asleep for so long."
>"Horus! You're... here. I had a terrible..." The Emperor's voice trails off, before suddenly finding the word. "Premonition. A premonition of doom, I dreamt that half of my sons, you all, betrayed me." His eyes scan across the faces before him, Horus, Magnus, Fulgrim, Perturabo, Alpharius (Where was Omegon?), Angron, Lorgar, Mortarion, and Konrad especially.
>Horus begins, "Father, we would never..!"
>Before being cut off by Malcador, "You've been psychically assailed by the forces of Chaos for many months now. As such, hallucinations would not be unexpected."
>"I did find a traitor amongst my Legion, father: Erebus, but Russ was able to sniff him out and put him and and the rest of the traitors down. Why father, why did you not tell us of Chaos or daemons?"
>Alpharius looks down, shaking his head and smiling to himself.
>tfw went to my LGS yesterday because I was sure they had a box of Imperial Navy Breachers
>they didn't and probably can't get more since they're delisted on GW's site
>had to walk away with 150€'s worth of models I didn't even want

Killteams are being re-boxed, anon. WarCom talks about it I'm pretty sure.
Oh boy, I get to pay 10€ more for a box because it has some fucking cardboard markers for a game I don't play.
I have your breachers and I'm painting them like dollar store bioshock cosplayers.
Nice job detaching your model from your retarded opinions so the only thing left to make fun of is your model
i just wanted some fuckin kommandos. my lgs sold out of them the day before i went in and didn't have any starter boxes left either. ended up having to order a starter box on amazon just for the kommandos lol but at least the value is decent for the kommandos and krieg team together
My lgs tells me they are going from 51.25€ to 55€ (pre retail discount, take 15% off of that)
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I only take criticisms from people who postt models
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Decided to do my guy like this. First layer of primer to check if I need to fill or sand anything. Need to figure what I want to do with the other figure from the set.
>Mephiston and citadel skulls still processing for a week now
reeee put my shit in the mailbox!!!!!!!!!!!!
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If you go back with your dark blue and trace alongside you can clean up the appearance of your lighter blue lines
Pretty cool so far. What colours are you thinking for him? Classic black and red or something else?
Actually thinking about buying a KT starter box myself because the models are that good. Doubtful I would ever play KT but I might get a guard and ork army at some point.
My LGS sells most kill teams at 45€, 40k reboxed KTs at 50-55€, and the reboxed KTs are probably going to cost upwards from 55€.
I'll shit in your mailbox
Why are deff koptas so expensive they’re not even good
Can you mail me your shitbox?
This guy looks like he's spent more time tripping in gravel than shooting heretics.
yeah i don't play kill team i just wanted the orks because the models are sick. i'll probably try it just for shits and gigs though now that i have it after i paint the teams though
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You have to pay extra because they look extra cool
Not sure yet, I'm pretty sure I want to paint his armor black and the inside of the coat in a lighter color.
lore accurate for lamenters
I'm going with the gw given prices.
I got the spreadsheet and it said the reboxed ones will be 55€ as a base price.
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Thin your paints and use lighter brush strokes for what I assume are highlights. You might try to drybrush and see how you like the result. Look up how if you don't know. Apply a wash to make it look better too. Keep at it anon. Painting is hard especially if you're not naturally artistic. I know I'm certainly not. My painting isn't great but over the years I've got to a point where I've just learned to accept it. Just keep striving to improve.
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Tbf lamenters aren't really known for having the best luck
This model kinda stinky imo
I think the issue is I overprimed it so it looks like my paints aren't thinned. I gotta be more careful with my rattlecans
>Apply a wash to make it look better too
as someone who has recently gotten into mini painting as a complete 0 art background noob, learning how to use washes was like putting in a cheat code. they don't call them shits 'talent in a pot' for no reason, definitely look up how to put some agrax earthshade or nuln oil on your shit and they instantly look 10x better
Priming properly isn't going to change your 1/8th inch wide highlights
What the fuck is your argument here? Each marine is implanted with 19 implants (21 for primaris). One of these is the progenoid, which is two implants, one in the chest, one in the neck, that are extracted years later and each is used to produce a new set of implants. So each set of implants that goes into a marine produces two new sets of implants.

When a new chapter is formed, they implant a bunch of slaves and use them to cultivate enough implants to start making new marines (Founding new Chapters, second paragraph):
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Did anyone read 'Hand of Abaddon' than an posted a few days ago. Is it any good? Am I hoping too much for a repeat of Deathworlder as just a really good bl book?
Don't worry too hard I'm quite literally making a lamenters successor with a similar scheme to the malevolent ones just because I like yellow but hate checkers
That's the hem of the coat
>the issue isn't lack of brush control during freehand highlights
>it's that anon can't paint in between sculpted lines
Yeah I've had issues with my priming. I shake the can for 2 or 3 minutes and always test the first spray on a piece of sprue to see what it'll look like. It's a good idea to keep empty sprues around for that purpose. It's the same plastic so it's a good indication of what the model will look like when you're done. I try to do about 10-12 inches away and only do one side of the model at a time. If you try to spray the whole thing it can end up goopy and shitty looking. I learned not to. I spray my models in my basement or garage where it's usually pretty cool and not humid which seems to be good. Less is more. I do quick, half second bursts. Better to have some small patches that aren't primed than too much primer. After I spray something I leave the model or models there and exit the room, coming back 10-15 minutes later when they're dry to turn them and spray another side. Usually the results are good. I've had a couple rough coats but they're usually from me not shaking the can enough or it being too close I think.
Don't get disheartened. Keep practising brush control.
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>Zygotes are then grown in culture and implanted into human test-slaves. These test-slaves must be biologically compatible and free from mutation.
>Test-slaves spend their entire lives bound in static experimental capsules. Although conscious, they are completely immobile, serving as little more than mediums within which the various zygotes can develop.
So conscious but uttely immobile locked inside their own body, forever. Fucking hell thats grim
>From the original slave come two progenoids, which are implanted within two more slaves, from which come four progenoids and so on. It takes about 55 years of constant reproduction to produce 1,000 healthy sets of organs.
Is the only time we get a hard time scale of of gene seed production rates. 1-1k in 55 years, so 2 starting organs would take 27 1/2 years, 4-14 years, and so just 8 geneseeds would take 7 years of constant reproduction. I can see how CSM/Darkmech could have gene seed farms to replace chaos marines from their constant massive attrition. Finding unmutated slaves is probably the biggest bottleneck in production than finding and maintaining uncorrupted geneseed
pro tip for priming with spray: don't move your wrist too much when you use a spray can. keep your wrist straight for the most part and use arm movements to get a more even coat. that goes for spray painting in general
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>I like yellow
>hate checkers
Pic related
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I feel like new painters would start off with better looking minis and more confidence if they learned how to value sketch first using literally 2 paints (black n' white) then just glaze over it (forced thin coats) like a paint-by-numbers book.

Glaze your models anon.
Dios mios, mucho texto
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I've been thinning my paints by doing a drop of water mixed with a drop of paint, eyeballing a 50/50 mix then wiping the brush on my palette to get excess off my brush. Is that not how you do it?
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>In the grim future there is only war and suffering
>I really want this paint job to look beautiful
Funny that such a grim dark setting has such a large painting scene. I really didn't know how many took it so seriously.
B-but /tg/ told me glazes werent based and are fricking blackpilled
daddy James said if I don't get an art degree I get 10 less pointsies.
since when has /tg/ been right about anything?
An attempt was made, their black pauldrons are an attempt to hide my own failure
Depends on the paint, some need lots of water, some need only a little. Take note of your consistency when you do your wicking step and adjust the needed moisture from there
blood angels are canon painters. helps them cope with the black rage
...army painter fanatics
The hobby is about painting models and playing games with them, why does it surprise you that people take part in both of the halves that make up the whole hobby
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Peturabo plays warhammer canonically, and his titans has gears and engines and actually move.
unless its a one off story, bl novels are going to be shit. 40k is at its best when it ignores its setting at large (because its fucking shit and people confuse its bloat with quality), so just read the one offs like death world and day of ascension.
Don't think CSM care about mutations. Weren't people like Honsou a mix of implants from different sources, rather than pure IW?

The 55 years is an average, probably for a safe, well curated process. There are ways to speed up the process, but it tends to result in more failures. During the late Great Crusade they could whip up a full Marine in a year, but there were a lot of steps skipped and results weren't always the best and might have even contributed to the eventual Heresy.
No, that's not how you're supposed to do that.
Arent those pre thinned already
Like I said depends on the individual pot of paint. There will be subtle differences even between two identical pots of paint of the same colour that you bought a few months apart. Some of the fanatic line wants to be fairly untainted and other parts want more water
What tiktok creator told you that retarded shit lmao
some people just like building and painting the models, some people just like playing the game and will just throw together their army as fast as possible. some people don't do figures at all and just like the universe. warhammer has something for a lot of different kinds of nerds
Redpill me on Kult of Speed. i know it’s shit but theoretically if i wanted to get started with it what would i need to buy?
Honsou is half Imperial fist and half Iron Warrior or hes just an imperial fist raised in the Iron Warrior chapter. I think hes a pretty shit and boring character, his own omnibus skips his blood crusade, one story is him securing alliance and planning it and the very next one is ultramarine PDF mopping up survivors from his failed invasion while shit talking him and the whole time.
>some people don't do figures at all and just like the universe
Colloquially known as the warhammer secondary
Kill yourself
what is they also read all the codexes for the lore.
>Redpill me on Kult of Speed
Big red trukks and dragstas go nyyyyyoooooOOOOoooom dakkadakkadakka
Then they're still secondaries if they don't paint or play. The hobby is painting and playing the game with your painted miniatures. Anything else is secondary shit
>vehicle combat with a melee faction
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>he cares about the setting
>he cares about the lore
>he cares about bl (black library not boys love books, those I can respect)
>he cares about anything besides the testosterone inducing plastic models and the VIDEO games.
maybe 15 years ago. now with all the video games, books and the potential Superman™ Warhammer show there's plenty of other shit to keep people occupied. warhammer started as a tabletop and miniature hobby but the average warhammer fan in >currentyear probably has more time spent playing warhammer video games than tabletop and that is only going to increase as the mediaverse expands
Why ISN'T there more boyloving in Warhammer? All those superhuman men surely get a Sister into trouble from writing five novels of mankissing
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Rules are for fools with the exception of rules of cool
The moment 40k got video games the table top game stopped meaning jack shit, James knows this and its why they try to make sure new warhammer video games are subpar at best.
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non-Evil Sunz kult of speed isn't kosher
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Bonkers nomodels cope lmaoo
Cease this behaviour
no clue but dragstas and snazzwagons are based
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>video games
1/10 made me respond
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/v/ fags really think they aren't secondaries, that shit crazy
also speaking of >video games and speed freeks, check this shit out
ironically found it on accident the other day when reading speed freek lore kek it's actually bretty fun
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pretty arbitrary thing to make you feel better about yourself
Noone cares, this doesn't change how my models look or play
the way your models look or play won't fill the void in your soul
Maybe try telling /v/ and see if you level up your battle pass or some shit
Meant for
cope, vidya is the future. Im playing SPACEMARINE 2 on my 'eck on the job, why arent you playing your gaybleslop gayme rn?
>Im playing SPACEMARINE 2 on my 'eck on the job
How you enjoying that sub-10 FPS?
Damn thats crazy, I'm happy for you or sad you had to go through that
The human eye cannot see better than 8fps anyway so it's fine
i honestly dont mind all of the lore shitposting, i mean it does get tiring from time to time but if thats all the secondaries do (not implying they are all secondaries) then thats fine

the second they cross over into talking shit about model designs, criticizing what models people buy and also (the worst of them all) criticizing peoples paint jobs, then they can fuck right off
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Another loss, but only by a few points. He whittled me down so I couldn't score secondaries any more and pipped me in the last turn. A fun game. TSWPD
>I get upset when people call out my shitty paintjobs
We know anon, you're perpetually buttmad
Or in reality we'll all criticize your dogshit 30 cents worth of plastic that you spent $45 on and criticize its assfart paintjob and you won't do anything about it except cry on the anonymous crybaby forum like you always do gaylord
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did you get btfo again anon? whoops
Can I use sm tacticals, assault space marines, HSS etc from Horus Heresy in w40k?
wow right on queue, why am i not surprised. you dont deserve an opinion unless you are involved in the hobby
As it should be
what if I like 40k lore and playing the game?
Well I can't afford a PC I could play modern games on. I stopped being able to play games when WoD came out, and I really wanted to play Legion.
Depends on your opponent, mostly. I would love to collect a 30k army for 40k.
someone here is going to be mad at the fact that those arent painted
Yeah you just run them as tacticals
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Either proxy or use them as is.
These are my future eliminators for example, it's just mk vi tacticals
wtf its been 10 years since wod how the fuck can you STILL not afford a pc?
If you don't paint your models your a secondary. Sorry anon thems the rules
They can suck my dick I'm a slow painter
he fell for the >nomodels? meme and spent it all on figures
-10 vp and just for sake of not being capable of priming your shit you lose the ability to rolling and must have your opponent do it for you.
nta but if that were the case i wouldnt paint anything as my rolls are dogshit
Only one person at my LGS cares about Painter Points and he's a faggot.
what's the point of priming if you're not going to paint it? it'll be one giant blob of color either way shit don't matter
Post a close-up of your Lemon Russ
I'm phoneposting in bed I'm not gonna get up to unpack it and take a photo.
okey, this is a GW rules right, or is it like others said that I have to be at the mercy of my opponents. Mostly because people here tend to say "no" to others if they can.
By the way very cool models.
Only if in order to buy paints, you need to prove that you played in 2 over 40 man GT, in the last 6 weeks.
...I got out of bed to unpack it and take a photo
Noones gonna care about you using firstborn models from HH to use as firstborn models from 40k. It only gets a little funny when you're proxying firstborn models as primaris units which are larger. An annoying opponent will claim that you are modeling for advantage in game because you will be able to hide your models easier than someone using the intended primaris models would.
Oh, it's you with them imperial breachers. I appreciate the attempted foliage camo.
Your barrel's on sideways btw.
A store, even a GW store, probably wouldn't care if you rocked up with a "counts-as" army since HH models are still official GW models, but if you end up playing a dickwad they'll complain.
>Well I can't afford a PC I could play modern games on.
You would be able to afford one if you didn't spend all your money on plastic crack.
I got it like that, it was a gift from a vet player. The bolter's also glued like that.
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Your bright green looks a little overthinned in some places, but I like the tone of the brighter green. Check out tutorials about masking with silly putty, and you could probably do a pretty tidy camo with three spray cans and then just go in with shades and a cheeky drybrush after
cool thanks. My group started HH, and I was a late joiner, but then some of the dudes got conscripted the group died and I am left with 10 Companion Terminators, 40 cataphractand and tarators, and some power armoured units. Only groups here left are w40k

all my models are gifted, my yearly income is 3000$ , and all of it goes for paying for my medication and physiotheraphy. plus 100% of my army is resin.
>$250 a month
Surely a zero was missed right
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>my yearly income is 3000$
jesus anon, what do you do for a living? fish coins out of payphones?
My cousin was homeless for a year and made $350 a month collecting cans, literally what hellhole do you live in that your making like 250 a month
Honestly, I think this kit would be a cool way to start a 40k Space Marine army. Feels like you get a lot of models for your money. Don't know if these models have current 40k rules, but I feel like you could use them as a regular venerable dreadnought, land raider, captain, etc.
Why has 40k become more and more sanitized since 7th ed?
eastern europe?
no that is disability in my country. Now am not saying I wouldn't wish to get 2500$ per month. The avarge salary here is 450$ and 60% people don't get it.

yes. I know.

I lay down in my bad, eat twice a day, get rehabilitation 4 days a week and on the weekend my parents drive me to closest store and they go buy stuff, while I watch others play, glue my models etc.
Legends are legal outside sanctioned gw tournaments, so they all have datasheets already. If you're playing with losers who don't like legends shit you could easily do what you stated though
>official legends pdf here
Lemme guess, you live in Russia and a drunk driver drove over you?
I have the book, the infantry, but not the tank or the cybot. I think from the numbers, I may actualy have two or three of those boxes. Because I 20 of the terminators and 20 of the more sleak terminators and 120 power armoured guys.
This has to be russia
not really, I live in Belarus and I got my spine crushed working in a lumber yard. Generaly crashes of human vs estonian lorry=dead person.
7th was a slopfest overstuffed with more bloat than anyone wanted to deal with. You'll notice every edition after that slimmed the rules down and also saw a higher rate of new players willing to try the game
>why does it surprise you that people take part in both of the halves that make up the whole hobby
Just find it amusing that the lore is so heavy and "grim" while the painting seems far away from it.
If it means anything Anon I'm glad you're alive
Things have become increasingly less silly the more modern the game has become.
>I live in Belarus
>My friends got conscripted
Oof, that's grim.
What models look cool but are absolutely useless?
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Go play the newest fotm slop28 ruleset if you want a game based around brown and grey minis slathered in streaking grime. Bright colours have always been a part of 40k
most of the ork aircraft
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Ambots as a 40k player
Who's Slop28? I've never heard of them.
Devastators/equivalents with Heavy Bolters.
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That's for the best
Just about anything Necromunda qualifies. All the models look cool but have very limited use in mainline 40k.
Agents opens things up a little bit, but not to everything
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Imberial Guard Commissars
I was considering making an inquisitorial retinue out of a cawdor gang set. I have two metal servitors, their gun arms are missing, but I figure I could scratch build something.
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Why she holding that gun like a lego person
Prolly could find someone at your lgs who has some extra sponson/cupola weapons from IG or space marine tanks
I am new to Black Library and 40K books in general, kinda.
Can I read this without having read anything else in the Black Library and have some idea of what's going on?
Who is that second guy on the top row, looks like his mother fucked a chaos defiler?
But the current Imperial Guard commissar model fucking blows big time. And Commissar Yarrick is fucking dead.
I thought these guys would make for good chaos cultists but 4 models for $20 FUCK YOU GW!
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You should read this first before anything else from Black Library.
use the real terrain rules, the brick footprints, they are crucial
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I like yellow but stripes are cooler than checkers
What are some good podcasts to listen to if I want to learn more about the fluff?
Is that a Space Warrior or an Iron Wolf?
These stand alone novels are pretty self contained. I don't know the plot of the book but you should probably be fine. Exorcists are a weird chapter though.
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read this one first
You're wrong but still pretty based for converting named character of other armies for your dudes
Just read the codexes and core rule books, everything else is pretty dull and long-winded
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They should hire this gook to do some official art already
Mostly opponents, but unless you are dealing with a turbo autist (who you should not play with at that point) as long as the height/size profile is similar, the base size is correct and you are tranparent with what squad is what.
And if you want to use legends datasheets just go for it
being able to share pdfs is fuckin god tier, ive only been in these generals since the start of the year so im still not used to it
It's the easiest boxnaught to find and I wanted one since dawn of war
i prefer checkers but cant paint them for shit

t. goffs man
We did, I used them to great effect for my spiders, phantasming around the board.
Old ork transfer sheets had strips of checks if you needed them and dont feel up to painting checks. That said the older transfer sheets are pricy enough these days that you might as well just buy a sheet of checks from one of the historical/auto modeling transfer companies and get enough to last you a lifetime
Anacharis Scoria, creator of the first hell forge
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More like smelldar. I do like the white and gold theme you picked though, very white ranger
He turned out pretty cool, the spiky trim lends itself well to ebil dudes
i hope this ain't a stupid question, but is there a list of base sized of models, so I could like check if a Horus Heresy terminator or assault marine has the same size base in warhammer?
Pretty sure they are. Wahapedia lists models' official base sizes.
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Stress levels were getting quite high so I just painted a bit tonight while listening to Kamelot, hope I can finish these guys during the weekend
Titans have long been massively overcosted to avoid them being used in competitive games. It mostly was about keeping the warhound out of 2k tournament lists, as there was a time when it was 1500 pts.

So now they all have retarded points values that are completely meaningless.
You can just open the correspond webstore pages, they list the contents of the box, including the bases and their sizes.
Honestly you could stick a poxwalker arm on him and a few bits from aos blightkings and he'd totally sell as nurgle
>It mostly was about keeping the warhound out of 2k tournament lists, as there was a time when it was 1500 pts.
This makes a lot of sense. Last thing gw wants is people rolling up to tournaments with one model and 500pts of msu chaff and blowing everyone's HQs off the table while screening their big robot dinosaur
Is dried glue that ran over the model gonna show when painted
ive got a few of the newer ones that do have plenty of checkers on them but they are quite small which arent ideal for vehicles. ill have a look at the old transfer sheets, i would like to get to a level where they look good enough but in the mean time ill try find those old transfer sheets
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yeah it fucking sucks
Check wahapedia
It has the base size listed.
slightly nervous and peeking gladiators
Depends on the glue. If it's Tamiya/mrhobby extra thin you're probably fine. If it's something else or bad enough that your fingernail can catch on it I'd recommend giving it a cheeky scraping like you'd do with a mouldline
Yeah, you should sand it
its a start at least, you're already better than the majority of this thread for not only owning models but painting them too
has anyone here played a game against someone who has recasts that arent painted? that hideous resin colour staring at you the entire game?
Fine by me, the fewer Eldar collectors the better.

Thanks, it's actually a colourshift from turbodork to simulate mother of pearl, but white ranger is also a good look.
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Know your fucking place, narrativefags
You want the orc kommandos? I have some I dont use, they’re assembled and badly painted but you can strip them, do you want them?
what the hell is an orc kommando?
Using unpainted minis should carry a harsher punishment, it’s so immersion breaking.
The ork killteam that was bundled with Octarius
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>sudden urge to hobby, the muses are calling me and I could paint a masterwork for hours
>it's the morning and it's time to go to work though
yeah but what is an orc?
Drive to work and then vomit on the floor immediately upon walking through the door so they send you home. Bonus points for shitting you pants too
Hell yeah, tournaments. 3 games in a day, curry with the lads afterwards then a few more a little hungover on day 2. Mid table shenanigans.
Same. I've got 2 Kasrkin left on my squad. I know I won't have any juice left when I get back home and I'll probably half-ass them into battle-ready.
every time i go on marketplace or ebay theres someone selling kommandos, they would have to be the least wanted ork unit by far. doesnt help they came in the kill team starter set
>what is an orc
Based and kino
No part of that sounds enjoyable
>get away with calling Eldar elfs
>get away with calling Astartes sPaCe MuHREeNs
>writing orc instead of ork is mockable
Socializing with your friends doesn't sound enjoyable? Ok little man
Post your Kasrkin
>No part of that sounds enjoyable
curry is great.
The gayest parts of 40k that doesnt involve inflation
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Here you go. Kasrkin of alternate allegiance.
Forcing myself to paint them, but I really want to play.
I really like the snipers cloak, do you have another pic of that?
That is fabricator general of Mars from the time of heresy, he sided with Horus
This is Anacharis Scoria, a heretek from Xana II.

You're confusing him for Kelbor-Hal, who's never had an official model.
I really struggle to think of why Dark Eldar would ever willingly attack Necrons
>nothing to enslave
>nothing to torture
>technologies are so different there's not much to scavange either
At most we can have the classical scenario: Deldar are raiding the surface and the Necrons awake from below to put the ruckus down. But on their own I don't see why the 2 would fight.
How about
>local Overlord found out that deldar are doing raids on planets in his territory and sets out a trap
It's in the name of the game, anon
Ok, Horus.
Honestly, sounds bad.
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Sure. He's my favourite of the bunch. I didn't expect the camo to come out this nice.
Neat, gonna steal that pattern with a different color scheme for mine
I wish sisters of battle could take power fists.
And while I'm daydreaming I wish they brought back extremely customisable hq's.
I ordered 4 ambots, and gonna glue spare guns on them to proxy obliterators
Nigger, half the reason the Badab War happened was because Huron had stopped paying his gene seed tithes. New gene seed is created by chapters and then handed over to the magos biologis for storage and new foundings. God damn anon, the very Astral Claws descend from a another chaoter and nobody knows who is the original gene stock. Legion gene seed isn't all interchangeable either, it mutates and acquires particular characteristics over time, so a chaoter founded using gene seed from, for example, the Sons of Medusa will look a lot more like than than they do to the Iron Hands. The more unstable their gene seed isnthe greater these differences will be.
new thread when
I am new to the hobby, played a lot of TTRPGs but just got into 40k's tabletop just today.
got some minis already Tau.

im familiar with a lot of lore. any tips for the nooblet?
They can be part of the original founding, but transferring over to a chapter that already exists is probably reserved to when a chapter is annihilated beyond recovery, shit like having a literal handful of Marines left. But even then I imagine it's more common (less uncommon) the other way around, survivors from sucessoors joining the parent chapter.
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New bread is go

They're the face of the setting and get all the tertiary attention. Yes, tertiary, even people who consoome exclusively secondary content would know better than to question this shit. The entire DoW 2 plot foe example boils down to the Blood Ravens not knowing much about their founding and having to protect thwir home systems where they're drawing new recruits from after the disastrous losses during Soulstorm.
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CSM is a fine faction that gives the versitility of the original space marine playstyle, but with some swaps. While you can't take all the fun toys (grav weaponry being the biggest) you get the ability to give your armies buffs using the daemonic marks. You also gain some more "unpredictability" with your ability to summon daemons, and the chaos spawn mechanics. Daemon engines are also cool.
>Are there any lore instances of Tyranids infighting?
Yes, they do it all the time as a sort of brutal test run for their stuff, whoever proves their sides has the best adaptations gets the biomass
Last month. Eldar vs Custodes. Didn't go well.
I think they just meant the GK Codex
File: cCja9Z5uPKKogWbX.jpg (184 KB, 1000x1000)
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184 KB JPG
cry more
Nice. Nice.
Wonder how that scales up to a Rhino. Put a pintle at the front for a combi-bolter and make room for a character and his retinue to ride on the chariot.

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