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casual day out with the titan edition

Previous thread: >>93976033

>New to The Horus Heresy? Here’s Everything You’ll Need to Get Started
>Official FAQ/Errata/Downloads:
>Thread FAQ (very old, remembers Age of Terra)
>HH1 Black Books
>HH2 Rules and Supplements
>Miscellaneous Extras (Visions and Old Rules)

『Adeptus Titanicus and Legionis Imperialis』
>Adeptus Titanicus Rules and Supplements
>Legiones Imperialis Rules and Supplements
>List of Titan Legions with Badges and Colours
>More lists
>What size magnets do I need?
>homemade missions:

>Thread question:
How far do you guys go with your dudes, does it stop with the model or where does the rabbit hole go?
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>Crossposting to reddit because you don't get enough you's on /hhg/
what categories belong in a jeopardy style 30k trivia game?
already have lore and rules
honestly I'm pretty tempted to write up the entire campaign rules included.
All of my characters and squads have names, characters have epithets and backstories (my favorite is for the warmonger, who is known as the "Young Prince": the newly inducted think its because he's being groomed to be the next praetor, but it's acfually because he's the youngest of the command staff and the only surviving recruit from the last batch of terrans before the disastrous warp jump that trapped them for 25 years in the warp and dropped them 125 years into the future during the horus heresy)
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>category asks about what units or tactics or strategies are meta
>every answer is lascannons
Hey let's not be unreasonable
Some of the answers are Thunder hammer
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Looking to build 1000 points of world eaters as the foundation of my new army. This is what I'm thinking as the core. Any advice on what to change or what to add going forward? Current plan is some las and demolisher vindicators because they're cool as hell

World Eaters - Traitor (Berserker Assault)
Delegatus (The Butcher's Claws)
>Two Falax Blades

10 man Assault Squad
>Sergeant w/ artificer, power maul
>9 Chainaxes
10 man Assault Squad
>Sergeant w/ artificer, two falax blades
>9 Chainaxes
10 Rampagers
>9 Falax Blades
>1 Excoriator Chainaxe

>Fast Attack
3 Jetbikes
>3 Multi-meltas, artificer, chainaxes

>Heavy Support
HHS with Lascannons
What are thunder hammers if not point blank lascannons?
I thought that was a vanquisher cannon
Those are just ranged thunder hammers
>TSons can give them Sniper with Corvidae and use Telekinesis or Thaumaturgy
>IH give their T bonus
>IW have their S bonus
>NL have their +1 Wound roll bonus
>UM have their +1 BS bonus
Space Dads
The Penis Mightier
Kyme Prose
Big H
I just wrote a character limit post about a seeker sarge. I paint slowly and fill in that time with fluff.

That's just Joe Rogan, anon.
I read the entire post.
>Cropped his comically small feet out of the image.
Big H indeed
He's big where it counts. For MkI Armor.
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>‘Speak your mind,’ Perturabo said.

>‘Your modification of the thunder hammer grants a higher level of destructive impact, increasing your tactical advantage,’ Arhalin said.

>‘Everything I do creates a tactical advantage,’ Perturabo replied as his already sullen expression contorted into a narrow scowl.

>The primarch spun Forgebreaker by the handle, and a cascade of gnat-sized embers twirled across the anvil like a whirlpool of lava. He raised the weapon to his chest, the molten metal pulsing like the surface of a star.

>‘The hammer was already perfectly balanced. I choose to unmake said “perfection”, as one man’s vision of excellence can be the seeds of destruction for another,’ Perturabo said, his eyes transfixed upon the newly moulded edge of the hammer head. ‘My aspirations are greater – therefore, I must shape this weapon to be the ultimate extension of my will.’

>‘Leaving no variable uncalculated,’ Arhalin said, looking on with increased interest as Perturabo dropped the hammer onto the anvil.

>‘If an enemy were to attempt to use Forgebreaker against me, the first moments of that encounter would be their last.’

>‘They would spend precious seconds struggling with the unfamiliar weight and balance, allowing for another opportunity for us to strike,’ Arhalin said.
Sounds like Ferrus' should be Brutal (2) and Perturabo's should be Brutal (3). But what do I know, that seems like a balancing factor?
Nah, Perty just sucks. Simple as.
Maybe he shouldn't have shifted the hammer's weight around and then he would have an easier time hitting things with it.
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>tfw the Blood Ravens can acquire Forgebreaker in DoW II

This hammer sure gets around
Anyone have Martian Civil war on file?
See, Perty's foresight was proven correct. Imagine if he hadn't sabotaged the hammer. The magpies would have been the ones to benefit.
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Where did it go?
I ate it
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Color blocking and layering is all done, time to move on to the nightmare realm that is Titan trim.

What are you working on Anon? Got any Titans?
>What are you working on Anon?
Starting to build the next 5 Solar Aux infantry dudes, and no, no titans
Post them Aux milord
I think I did two threads ago, they're entirely unpainted as I await for mny airbrush to arrive in the mail. My next reply will be them
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What’s built so far. Still no clue how I’ll paint them either color scheme wise. a friend of mine suggested a cool napoleonics scheme but I’m the most indecisive person to exist on this earth, on top of that I’m a paintlet cuz I hate priming minis with spray cans and get easily frustrated
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> I made it worse on purpose
> Now its too shitty for a mugger to use against me
The indecision on what scheme to choose and how and where to start can always be frustrating. It seems stupid, but sometimes leaving things up to a coin toss is a good way to take it out of your hands, the boys look well built
Looks much better without the chain sling anon, it was an inspired idea but he looks great as he is.
Just finished the Siege of Terra series.

So whats next?
I am genuinely surprised the next BL books aren't being pushed yet. Any good reads released recently?
Any news on the Scouring?
Yeah, I was thinking of trying to paint the chain as bungee cord but that was also the point I decided to just remove the chain entirely.
In hindsight I am still entertained that the PsyTitans got an epic plug marching against Mortis, as if unleashing them was some very important and wide-reaching decision that would have severe consequences, the significance of unleashing such a powerful force.

And then they got obliterated offscreen in the same Book lmao.
I wish they balance this overpowered bullshit before anything else.
>It seems stupid, but sometimes leaving things up to a coin toss is a good way to take it out of your hands,
Good idea
>the boys look well built
Thanks! Only the front 3 of the normal infantrymen have shoulderpads cuz I DESPISE their shoulder pads.
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I have an app specifically for note taking that I use to list
>character names
>unit/squad names
>character personalities and quirks
>their achievements
>written dialogue and interactions between my various characters and short stories of POV’s from various grunts in certain units
>the name of my army/group
>it’s various affiliations and allies and enemies
>a mini campaign narrative that’s basically the highlight of both my armies’ during the heresy and its various events and battles
>dot points of alternate universe lore for said characters if I have to play a game where I have to be an allegiance the army usually isn’t (my loyalist army being traitor for example)
I find it’s a good way to pass time and keep the excitement real for my dudes while I slowly put them together
Sad to see the chain go honestly I didn’t really think it was that out of scale. He’s nicely painted btw anon
Finally got my stencils in the mail so I can finish up my first Fureans titans.. if they don't turn out like shit I'll post em later.
Just another proof that Perturabo is worst primarch of them all.
Fulgrim made hammer so good that Ferrus stated it's perfect and used it for entire crusade, Perturabo just reforged it to proof he is better and made it worse. He should stop at putting spare parts on mechanicum robots.
Not to mention Phall, Tallarn and running like bitch from Terra, only usefull thing he did entire Heresy was being bambozled into giving parts of his soul so Fulgrim can became daemon primarch. Imagine world where he would die and Fulgrim would get his entire soul energy, without Perturabo Horus would get competent legion.
Man, and that's one of the most reliables primarchs on the traitor side. I feel sorry for Horus sometimes.
Nah most reliable would be Mortarion, his legion was small tho. Angron was also very reliable, point your finger at something and everything in that direction will be killed. For Pert to hange course you just need to shout "Dorn" or "Imperial Fists" and he forget his orders.
Perturabo is a classic example of terrible writing, because there are three perturabos.
- The Perturabo whose influence is felt in the setting. This is the hard-working, reliable, backbone-of-the-cause pert, who we see the works of mostly in campaign books and the like.
- The Perturabo the authors want to portray. This is how they want him characterised, and it's hard to nail down exactly what they're going for, but I would assume the obsessive, envious, and flawed character.
- The Perturabo the authors actually portray. This is the whiny, retarded turbo-autist who fucks up everything.
I'd like to see more of the first Pert.
Try reading this.
>Perturabo narrowed his eyes, nodding. He’d calculated that the Devastation would attempt an attack after their compatriots escaped. There was a level of predictability when considering the tactical strategies of the Emperor’s minions; they locked themselves into restrictive shackles of banality. Perturabo wasn’t afflicted with the disease of normalcy. His intelligence was unmatched and he relished toying with the insipid hordes of grunts incapable of basic analytical reasoning.
I did some involuntarily amused snorting when I got to "tactical strategies" and kept going through the rest of the paragraph. I'm pretty sure it's not meant to be funny, but that didn't stop me.
I can understand what they were probably TRYING to go for: Pertruabo is supposed to come off as a meticulous planner and strategist, he plans for every eventuality and has contingencies and backups for any situation, but his paranoia, his need to account for every variable and fear of any possible circumstance leads to him ultimately making the weapon worse than it otherwise could be. This is supposed to extend beyond the hammer, and show how his neurosis and inability to trust in anything limits his capabilities and holds him back, its a highlight of his flaws. He is too clever for his own good.

But in reality, and especially with the rules of the hammer as a secondary source, it makes him come off as a moron who fucked up a hammer for no good reason. Should have given FB:D armorbane and s14 or something, maybe wrecker.
>There was a level of predictability when considering
Well there is only so much you can do with your forces so you can predict what will happen, especially if you once were high ranking commander of said force. Also wasn't Perturabo second most predictable primarch after Angron? His entire tactic revolved around shooting enemy positions with artillery for days and then send human wave of most elite shock troops in galaxy like they are some chaff.
>tactical strategies
Jesus, who wrote this?
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>Perturabo wasn’t afflicted with the disease of normalcy
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Finished the section… Now I just need to buy 3 more sections, 2 more tactical command boxes, and 2 extra sprites (so 10 guys total) so make up the other half of the command sections and I’ll have 2 troop choices collected… I love this army
Did a Praetor badly. Back to troops for a while. I have zero desire to paint these troops and cannot make myself want to. At least a dread arrives soon.
I personally like this sort of variety. It kinda makes Perty feel more like an actual person, warts and all, compared to, say, Horus, who didn't manage to piece together much of an actual personality for more or less the entire heresy.
His constant whinging, his repeated fuck-ups and his perpetual self-destructiveness feel very human. Don't get me wrong, he's still un utterly unlikeable moron, but it's compelling to watch him blunder from one bad call to the next.
I'd agree if the three were "Who we see in terms of influence, his personality, and his flaws", because that's three parts of the same whole. The issue with pert is that it's not three aspects of the same character, it's three different characters who don't mesh well.
What generic unit is still missing from the game that needs to be added?
Most of them?
jump pack veterans
command squads without a forced banner
melee breachers would be neat, but useless, so maybe don't need those
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Titan trim is slow going but goddamn do I love the way it looks.
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How would you Thousand Sons-ify the Legion Command Squad?
>written dialogue and interactions between my various characters and short stories of POV’s from various grunts in certain units
Share with the class anon, I want to hear what your characters have to say
Legion specific helms and pads, tabards or crotch blankets, TS khopesh blades. Turn the banner into something more fitting.
I laugh every time I see that guy
How so? Marines, Admech, and Aux all have a pretty complete core roster without any huge gaps. Sure, they need to make more kits for the units we already have, but that's a different concern from the rules.
Are you counting 10+ year old FW resin kits?
If you are then yea, sure. But it's not like they weren't missing before either
I'm counting the rules printed in the books and PDFs, not models at all. Just what needs rules that doesn't have them already.
Fast attack dreadnoughts.
Probably by not using any of the command squad bits.
Cortus dreadnought
That's such a vague question. You mean digging new units from the FW fluff and BL books? Units that fill in a niche that certain factions lack? All the units and wargear that were lost when hh1 became hh2? As it is more than new units 2.0 needs to balance what it already has.
Multiple types of minor demons/demon engines and some way for factions other than space marines to summon them as part of the same detachement like the esoterist consul does for marines.
This, give me chaos androids.
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>Your modification of the thunder hammer grants a higher level of destructive impact, increasing your tactical advantage
Goodness, from where do they get all these ideas.
The Emperor left it to die on Nuceria.
Well now I understand how IW managed to get 90% casaulties while doing same job as rest of legions. Horus would have gained a lot if Pert was killed during dropsite massacre or Fulgrim sucked his soul in Angel Exterminatus.
While Alpharius was a cunt who made things harder on purpose so he just could see if his overcomplicated plan works, at least he was effective.
Mortis was such a disappointment of a book. It killed my motivation to paint anything for a few months, it was that depressingly bad.
>Don't use the command squad bits
>Get the kenethai occult cabal upgrade set instead
>Combine with 40k Rubricae bits
>Make a banner yourself or source one from somwhere, they aren't hard to find

Whatever you do, do not use the command squad kit. It's useless for any legion that isn't IF. And it's useless even for them, power swords are trash.
It might be a bit more out there, but it your doing late heresy 1K sons, then why not use the Rubric kit for bits.
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The Nucerians projected everywhere poorly made AI videos of the dog being forced by Angron into building the barricades used during his rebellion. Then they tortured it to death and used his skin to make a chair. This is all from the upcoming BL book for the WE that will show you how much Angron's rebellion against his father was warranted as he allowed this and similar other societies to survive. Preorder it now and we'll throw in a tac squad with chainaxes for free.
>And then they got obliterated offscreen in the same Book
BL cannot into titans. Remember how the 400 page book about Titandeath featured about three chapters dedicated to the actual battles and the rest was moping primarchs and princeps?
Welcome to every magical superweapon in 40k.
Good. FUCK Legio Mortis.
But anon chainaxes are alredy free, they were always free
They will be even freerer. *eagle screech*
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I need to start my Nova Guard warlord but I can't because I need to do my AoP board but I can't because my hobby space is being occupied by a guest that really just seems like a piece of shit but I can't say that.
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I'm thinking of grabbing a recast of the finecast warpsmith and putting one of Iron warrior mk2 helmets with bionic eyes on it, think that'd work for a word bearers Forge lord?
Why would you need armourbane or wrecker if you have s14? It would automatically penetrate anything anyway.
>I'm thinking of grabbing a recast of the finecast
I don't know why you'd subject yourself to that
I wish loyalist techmarines/priests had little tentacle friends like that. Sure, there's one or two servo-skulls on a mechadendrite, but ones that work as tools or guns. At best there's the SW Iron Priest who has a wolf head servo-arm, but that looks more like an ornamental claw, not a servo wolf skull.
Idk, maybe theres some stupid titan with Av 18 or whatever or maybe its so you would dreadnoughts on 2+ rerollable (also I thought wrecker was +1 on the damage chart, mb). But the point isnt practicality, the point is to have some "objective" way in which the weapon is more destructive, even if it isnt more effective. If anything going full overkill on a weapon at the cost of usability and its actual worth as a weapon seems like it would suit pertys obsessive personality.

Its not supposed to make FB:D a better weapon, its supposed to show that perty did something with FB:D, rather than just ruin a perfectly good hammer for nothing.
He did something with it, he gave it another special rule for price of 1 brutal. It's sidegrade.
What, unwieldy? it already had exoshock 3+.
>rather than just ruin a perfectly good hammer for nothing.
He ruined it because Fulgrim made it.
Yes. It's sidegrade. For mere -1 brutal Pert got unweidly. He customized it to his needs.
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I'm pulling out my old burning of prospero mkiii (first minis I ever painted way back in 2017) and ripping off their bolters so I can strip them and turn them into Sniper vets.
This. Perturabo is nothing if not a petty little bitch.
Melee weapons tomorrow, my dad works at nintendo
Gonna laugh my ass off if we get Ligma mechanicum.
Ligma mecanicum is probably on the next reveal show they announced the other day
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I'll spare you having to read the terrible back and forth but the most fleshed out one I have currently I can try to summarise

My loyalist Archimandrite Archmagos and his 'court' of other Archmagos are tasked with the defence of an agri-world within the Ultramar realm, and the start of this long and gruelling campaign starts with the duty of evacuation of the civilian populace, a task which the Tahgmata were not informed they'd have to perform and so are in a bit of a bind since they can't really start their offensive AND take care of the suprisingly large amount of survivors present and mustered up after a week of rescue efforts. The large amount of survivors would take large amounts of time due to the low amount of ships the Tahgmata brought, as they tried to remain stealthy and wanted to get the jump on the enemy. A stipulation of their assignment was to insure that the agri world remains "fully operational" by the end of conflict and re-capture of the planet, and much to the annoyance of the mechanicum, the death of the civilians and workers would technically jeopordize this criteria. Whilst the other archmagi tend to their own duties, the Archimandrite and Cybernetica Archmagos (the effective right hand man and advisor of the Archimandrite) discuss what to actually do with these civilians. After much bickering and back and forth between the two, they settle on an idea that likely will get them written up later for some kind of violation post-campaign but that they deem to be most efficient from various calculations, which is to march the civilian populace to a collection of nearby food processing and storage facilities that were used for butchery of livestock. After some re-wiring, they overclock some of the hanger-sized cryogenic meat freezers and lock the civilians inside, deep-freezing the civilians indefinitely for the time being where after reclaimation of the planet they will be able to thaw them out and they can resume work
True, but it would be funny. GW seems to be trolling the fuck out of the HH community, even if it's unintentional.
>Roadmap 2025: more tanks!
I hope they actually have somethign tho show tomorrow and that's why there's no mention of HH in the reveal bc at this point holy fuck, they've completely forgotten about this game
>More Tanks!
They can honestly fuck off with that unless it's a plastic fellblade or falchion
Or a plastic mastodon.
Doubt we're gonna see those super heavy tanks in plastic anytime soon, considering they all got re-tooled to be compatible with the plastic sponson weapon sprue.
I hope one of the loyalist legions gets a traitor character at some point,, there's like 7 traitor legion loyalists and not a single one the other way around
They won't. Loyalist are the main characters of the HH. Traitors are the NPC's, faceless cannon fodder to be gunned down who always lose. The rules should reflect this better.
>at this point holy fuck, they've completely forgotten about this game

it's like a week since the last supplement came out you fucking baby
im sick of ligma and troontanicus wasting kits that couldve been for 30k
No one cares about mecanicum anon
You know what I am talking about
>The only new thing in the book about Mechanicum was a new IF special character
That supplement book only proves hit point lmao
Godspeed anon
Most of it was pdfs plus a couple of arcanas that got stretched into several, 3 marine characters, rules that don't work together by design and a gun for the krios. The fluff inside might have been written by chatgpt or some other shit because it was unbearable. I remember people waiting for a Mars book since book 4, this is abysmal and I can't fathom why they even bothered putting it out because now one of the most important points of the heresy has been used for what is literally EB vol 2. We would have been better off without it.
Oh and the pdfs that they used were stripped out of the things that compose the book. Can't forget that.
How do you rip apart minis without breaking the parts? I've got some old csm who's bits I'd like to use, but I've put them together with plastic glue so I'm scared of breaking them. I know with super glue you can freeze them and the glue becomes brittle
NTA but it depends a lot on the part and how you force it.
It's a lot easier if you don't care about one of the connected parts. You can just carve the other one out with clippers, like the bolters he mentioned
Aside from that there's not much more to it than trying to rotate the joint area rather than pulling. Depending on the part you might as well get a hobby saw to separate them
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Looks solid anon. Could always consider a predator squadron as well in FA since that's another buff from Berserker Assault. Are those your boys in pic related? Love the kitbash, where'd you get the arms?
That would be far too based for the 30k team to write.
Thanks, it's mostly the backpacks and legs I'm interested in

I was considering hacking them up but I am one clumsy fuck so I was hoping there might be another method
I mean I'm assuming we'll get Luther at some point

But then again they did say traitors from loyalist legions, not the other way around
I don't think we're ever gonna see a Luther model and rules at this point. They didn't bother with other characters like Fabius or Bjorn, who were a lot more active during the heresy. Luther was stuck on Caliban for the entirety of it.
I don't think a consul, warlord trait, or rite of war for the Calibanite secessionists is out of the question.
>TQ got me to finally get around to writing short individual fluff bits for characters (just a couple sentences, but something at least) after months of not getting around to it
thanks op
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On the left, a master blacksmith. On the right, a master hacksmith.
Is that meant to be a marine offering that scroll to fulgrim? Because I thought primarchs were like 12 feet tall so surely stood up that scroll bearer would be like 9 or 10 feet tall
The scroll dude is not nearly muscular enough to be a marine. Probably some generic chapter serf.
pert beat fulgrim in a fight twice.
Thats what I thought, the ECs just out here with professional basketball serfs?

To be fair fulgrim is otter mode so maybe his geneseed makes you into a sleek little twink as well, it's not like you'd be able to tell with armour on
If we get Luther it'll probably be when they decide to start moving into Scouring-era material. While The Fall happened during the Heresy, it's mostly a Scouring story about when the Dark Angels returned home.
The Fall did happen during the Scouring. The HH ended after Horus died, and the DA first spend many years fighting the Traitors back into the Eye of Terror before heading back to Caliban.
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Stop applying Ork logic to everything. The Primarchs are larger than marines and marines are larger than non-marines, but they're still sized to use human-scale equipment and architecture. They fit in Land Raiders and in some cases wield weapons made for regular dudes. They're not giant monsters towering over the rank-and-file, fist fighting armigers, and requiring every space ship and administrative building in the galaxy to have its ceilings renovated to double the height.

Marines are about seven feet tall. Primarchs about a foot more than that. And if that seems too small to you, here's a pic of Pedro Pascal (5'11") helping Hafthor Bjornsson (6'9") with his tie. Inches add up quickly.
The Fall happened during the Heresy. The Landing happened during the Scouring. Alternatively I should have distinguished between the fall (the betrayal of Caliban) and The Fall (when the Dark Angels got back and found out.)
>so maybe his geneseed makes you into a sleek little twink as well
The Composer in Lucy's book was described as "Lithe and Svelte" in spite of his power armour, so I'm inclined to believe this is the case.
That is excellent
Additionally excellent would have been declaring the civilians liberated and then servitor-converting the lot of them to work in the fields mindless of any danger posed to them so the Tahgmata could fight uninhibited while the agri world is still technically functional.
My own mechanicum are trying to curry favor with another forgeworld by protecting one of its small scale production worlds and the agri world that feeds both of them so they had to abandon all of their irad weapons because you can't really protect an agri world if you're irradiating the soil and ruining the crop harvest.
Maybe I was thinking about Magnus, just saw a quote from descent of angels saying the lion was just under 3 meters tall
You're wrong. Primarch sizes have been retconned for a long time now, and even manlet primarch like Jagathai Khan are large and tall enough to look leviathan dreadnoughts in the eye and suplex them into oblivion.
Oh if you meant Luther and the calibanites going traitor then yes, that did happen in the heresy.
>They fit in Land Raiders
Anon they're literally twice as big as a terminator, Bulky 4.
should rules always match fiction? do you really want C.S. Goto setting the conditions in which an edition is played?
>do you really want C.S. Goto setting the conditions in which an edition is played?
...It would be very funny
does any of that change the fact that the last supplement for the game came out a week ago, you fucking baby
which legion gets +1 to hit with multilasers?
yeah for Blood Angels players
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>Building SA marshal kit.
>Notice it has a slot for the chain and pump on the back.
>Look for the piece on the sprue.
>Realise that I will need to use one from the regular sprue.
>Realise that means that I won't have enough for other SA models.
>Check instructions.
>They don't even include adding the piece to the model, even though the model has the grove for the piece and everything.
My 'tism won't stand for this.
>C.S. Goto
Why even bring that guy up? He hasn't written anything for Black Library in a decade and a half, he never wrote anything for 30k, and he was only ever a freelance fiction writer associated with the publishing house, he was never part of tabletop game development. There are so many degrees of separation between him and everything this thread is about.
1d4/6chan, whilst useful for making newfags slightly less newfaggy, has frozen /tg/s cultural references in the early 2010s
Because he was known for being a bad writer to the point it became comedic. Thus an easy example of "we do not want this guy writing the rules for the gaem" in a way that more accredited authors like Abnett, who has a much better reputation despite not being very good either (though comparing him to Goto is still pretty insulting. Not that you really need to make a comparison, see how baldy mcbaldfrench's special self insert has WS7, Eternal warrior and Instant death on his sword...
We already have a faction known for putting multilasers on everything.
Used to be Bulky 2.
The fact that dreadnoughts and bikers arent bulky is fucking weird. Or land speeders. Make bikers bulky 2 again ffs.

Any way to get this style of gutplate that isn’t cleaning death guard or tortuga bay? What’s it called? I’ll settle for this model if nothing else, but I’d like to check first.
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began work on a delegatus with counts-as "lightning claws" for my WE

no titans for me yet
How are the new plastic infantry kits compared to the old ones? I feel like I want the new ones because of the scale, but an anon in the last thread said the new kits are shit in comparison. Are the new kits less fun to build?

Also, which Legions get the most out of Breachers? I have like 40.
- IF: Pretty obvious but overshadowed by Phalanx Warders.
- TS: The +1 to invulnerable saves and the special bolter rounds make a strong case.
- RG: It sucks that they can no longer infiltrate, but maybe the +1 to wound on the charge would be nice in some situations.
- WS: The additional move seems like it would help them get into position better and I can see them being useful in the Sagyar Mayzan ROW.
- Salamanders: the Breacher bonuses combined with Salamanders bonuses would make some very hardy troops.
Remnant of how it used to just be about fitting in to transports. They really need to re-write the whole thing considering how many different ways unit outnumbering comes in to play in HH. I'd honestly like to see a new characteristic added that addresses unit size so it's obvious on every profile. We got movement values, why not size values?
I'm not normally too autistic about WYSIWYG but that's kind of excessive. Those could be paragon blades, power axes, chain axes, or charnabal tabars, but calling them lightning claws feels dumb.
Yea for that just hack at the torsos with clippers until there's nothing there. Legs have are pretty easy to carve out usually because you can use the belt as a guide and just cut what's above.
Backpacks are more of the same, since they have a flat connection
Making power axes unwieldy also feels dumb but no one stopped GW from doing it
New kits are shit because there's so little customization. You get five static poses with very little leeway so a squad of twenty is just five assholes repeated four times each. Your sergeant upgrades are power sword, power fist, lightning claw, and plasma pistol, nothing else comes on the sprues. As for breachers, there are a few good candidates.

BS5 bolters means you don't need to pay for volkite.
+1M helps a lot on a heavy unit, especially since they're still M7 default and going up to 8 gives them +1 to charge rolls.
+1WS on the charge from being a heavy unit really helps their limited melee potential.
BS5 bolters again.
-1S to incoming fire makes them by far the most durable of any breachers.
Asphyx bolters out-damage chargers in rapid fire range, and both the +1 invulnerable and +3 movement arcanas are great for breachers.
Bikes were bulky in 6th iirc. And yea, size values need something. Its not often relevant (NL and rampage and thats about it) but when its relevant theres some dumb shit that goes on. 11 marines outnumber a titan? sure, guess so
Also worth noting that TS get easy access to mass deep strike via RoW, meaning you can drop two 20 man asphyx breacher blobs within rapid fire range.
The new plastic kits all use the same 5 poses as a base, regardless of the type of power armour. They also come with less weapon options, no pistols, and the Mk III set doesn't even come with chain bayonets.
The scale difference is also barely noticeable on the tabletop, viewed from any other angle than directly in front and from any other distance than 5 inch in front of your face that 1 - 1.5 mm height difference just doesn't show at all. Only terminal autists really care about something like that.

Best legion to use breachers will probably be IF. Sure, phalanx warders are better, but if you play Stone Gauntlet with breachers instead of warders you'll make a lot more friends.
Thanks anon. I’m most interested in RG, WS, and SW. I like IF a fair bit too, but probably not as much as those other Legions. I had a 1.0 Stone Guantlet list unbuilt and it sucks that I can’t use Breachers as the compulsory troops in 2.0. I might end up saying with IF.
The baseline power weapons should just share the same weapon profile anyway.
Also, is the problem with the new kits just with the mk. 6 or also with the updated mk. 3? Did they ever update the mk. 4?
>You get five static poses with very little leeway so a squad of twenty is just five assholes repeated four times each.
I think the main problem here is the walking guys. I think the kits would be better if it was just standing guys, it'd feel a bit more like the older marines
No, Mk IV still is the old one (thankfully)
Correct me if I’m wrong but I thought Warders were the compulsory troops for Stone Gauntlet. Did they change it to allow Breachers?
No that's right, strone gauntlet does require warders as compulsory troops. Forgot about that.
Nice Reiver helmet
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>rent free
Thanks anon
Maybe, but anon is right. Nothing about those even remotely suggests "lightning claws".
MKVI and MKIII were updated. MKIV has yet to be updated, and is still an amazing kit. The old MKIII is similarly well laid out on the sprue to MKIV and worth getting if you have access to a recaster. A big sticking point is how the weapons are held on the models - the two new kits have the hands sculpted on to the bolters which means you can't slap any of the old weapon upgrade kits on them, whereas the old MKIII and IV have the left hand held open. Take the original (and still best looking by far) rotor cannon, for example. You wouldn't be able to put it on a new kit because the guy would just have a stump for a left hand.
It's been over a year since the Daemon engines came out
It's been over a year since chaos knights came out
it's been even longer since Legacies dropped
A year and a half on the onslaught system, and it's core missions.
The vast majority of that book has been out longer than Beta garmon. A handful of WLTs does not a supplement make.
I really dislike how GW’s newer kits don’t let you kitbash beyond swapping out shoulder pads and sometimes heads. I’m going back to 5th-7th edition 40K. Thankfully I still have some mk. 3 and 4 sprues. I just need to settle on a Legion. I’m leaning towards WS but now the jet bikes have those massive mk. 6 Marines on them. I’d rather work with the old resin ones, I think.
In a world where you only have "normal" power weapons its entirely fine, power axes have a niche, especially in a game where 2+ armor is everywhere. But once you go beyond that theyre basically a poor mans power fist (then again a power sword is a poor mans LC so that checks out I guess?)
God I miss Badab models...
Am I fucking retarded or does the link for the titanicus rules and supps no longer work?
You know of an armour kit for the Deredeo? I'm especially interest in one that adds plates on the prow, like making it extra reinforced.
I was going to say retarded, but something is fucky so use only first part before another slash
What'chu want, senpai?
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The link in the OP is wrong. In the OP it's


when it should be


Awesome. Thanks.
That second link still didn't work.

I just wanted to check the rules out because I'm thinking about nabbing it to play with my friend. Didn't want to bother if the rules look shitty.
are you replacing all the slashes?
valid criticism, ill keep it in mind

i was going for more rule of cool with him but i may have to keep workshopping him, i couldnt quite find any actual lightning claws that i was happy with for the pose and one of my friends suggested the axes as a lighter version of power axes, able to carve through power armour but not quite with the weight of normal axes to punch through 2+ saves
(hence the lightning claw profile)
Personally, I wouldn't care if you run it as twin lc, as long as you make it known before the game, and had some decent reminder some how. You could write twin lightning claws on the base or something.
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Wednesday night and time again for another OC heresy art dump to mark another week of classes on the books
>Part 33: Adrift in the Warp Edition
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Been so busy I don't remember drawing some of these
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Here's a chapter header if anyone is working on a homebrew campaign that involves alpha legion in some way. I left the banner blank so you can customize it
You need to make a Mega or something for all of these. They're great.
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Last pic. This is... I don't know what this is. I sleep have a good week
yeah i mostly game between friends and i know they dont have any issue with it

ofc playing with anyone else i would check beforehand
incredible as always drawfag
this one reminds me of chris riddells looser artstyle
Well done, Anon.
It's funnier when you compare him to a new scout
Question regarding Solar Auxilia tercios, is it worth bringing a command section for the basic infantry tercios? I'm thinking yes so I can take a command vox in case my captain and/or legate marshal get sniped (or alternatively their command vox buddies). The idea for taking more command voxes is to have backups, and since I'm taking the Reborn Doctrine the troop master is at 8 leadership rather than 7, meaning everyone else goes to 8 which is better than being at 7. Obviously this is fro a worst case scenario that my leadership 11 legate marshal catches a mean case of the dead, but is it a sound idea?
>I'm taking the Reborn Doctrine
doesnt that boost their LD by 1 as well as grant them stubborn? I'm looking to pick them up as a second army and reborn seems good because you can bulk on LD 8 stubborn lasblocks. If thats the case command squads seem less important
>doesnt that boost their LD by 1 as well as grant them stubborn
>If thats the case command squads seem less important
The basic troop is at LD 7... I guess the sarge being at 8 makes that matter less. Good point. Also Solar Auxilia rock, glad to see someone else getting into them
>Also Solar Auxilia rock, glad to see someone else getting into them
Likewise, I was tempted to jump on as soon as the plastic dropped but wanted to finish my DA completely. My buddies are getting tired of infiltrating tac blocks and plasmaburner/Plasmablaster support squads so im happy to throw cool fodder at them
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I've got most of my leviathan disassembled now, the arms are off and the heavy flamers are out. The legs are in a good enough pose so I'll leave them alone after tearing them off the base. I'll get a ranged weapon sprue then. Is the grav bombard good or is it a meme?
>so im happy to throw cool fodder at them
Rock on anon

Another Solar Aux question for the thread, are the Aethon Hevay Sentinels with lascannons or the melta lance any worth it? I prefer them over Leman Russes to be honest. That alone might convince me to take them over the tanks but IDK desu
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>Perturabo accused of purposely putting his Iron Warriors into meat grinders
>He literally makes his hammer more difficult for himself

its like poetry
it rhymes

It actually fits Perturabo. He's obsessed with making himself suffer and feel better than others because of this.
>He's obsessed with making himself suffer and feel better than others because of this.
The mf could have just said that he wanted to make it hit harder even if it's more difficult to use but no.
if your Legate Marshal is in a unit with a Command Vox, everybody else with a CV or vox interlock is Ld10 too, even if he's in Reserves
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Anon, You have been granted one change to the core rules or to the rules of an army you play. Your task? Use your one change to make your gaming feel closer to whatever form of 'perfect' your subscribe too.
What will it be?
Here. This isn't all of them I only started saving them when Anon said he wasn't saving them.
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All transports can fit as many units as you want so long as the transport capacity is not exceeded (only super heavy transports can do this right now).
Good point, but IDK if I want to do that every game since it doesn't seem as fun and/or SOVLFUL as having a commander lead on the battle Napoleon style
Spreading the Truth I see brother.
But it hits for less damage...
That's because he's a wimp.
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Finishing up my Leviathans tonight. What are y'all anons working on?
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My Zhou Arkhad Taghmata forces are coming along nicely.
Thanks anon. Arms and daggers are prints from this guy https://cults3d.com/en/3d-model/game/gen3s-gurkha-knife-hands-addon-for-army-knife-arms
Am about to grab a Leviathan for my EC. Should I get the melee one or the shooty one? I have bits left over from another melee leviathan to make one drill arm, so should I get get the shooty kit and make one arm melee one arm grav? Or just get a new melee kit and go all in on CC?
Very nice Triaros
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batch painting the tacs

I'd only do melee if you were somehow outflanking or deep striking it
And if you're deep striking then you should give it the melta too since it can't charge
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Unless the link isn't a megaink, I've got no idea why it doesn't open
Just finished assembling my next Shield Captain/Hetaeron but I have to take a small break from painting NMM gold, so I started a Vanus assassin instead.
Today's the day, /hhg/.
What are we expecting?
Melee upgrades is the obvious choice.
It's melee upgrades. Given the succession of fuck ups to now, it has to be.
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Finished my spooky assasin boi, because I needed a small side project after batch painting astartes for almost 2 years now.
LIgma Mechanicum is the obvious go to
Seeing that new custard model from that angle actually makes it look half decent compared to the horrible squat goblin I thought it'd be from the preview images.
Ligma mech is for the reveal show on the 5th methinks.
Are Iron Cohorts for Solar Auxilia any good (or rather, any decent-ish since Solar Aux aren't that good)? I like the idea of my Solar Aux having loaned robots and cyborgs from a nearby Forge World in the sub-sector
Hmmm... perhaps... or maybe the article today will JUST be "Hey we will announce something on the 5th!" they've done shit like this before
I tried building a unit of 5 veterans with power swords and jet packs to join my Chaplain/Pretor. cut my thumb to the bone with a new knife. They look okey to me, shit to the world. Meanwhile I am pondering how to get back at a dude who made me leave the table at our store, for using a Yu Jing Bow ninja as an assasin in my last game. His army is almost all 3d printed, all my stuff is store bought. The usual everyday stuff.
Where's the Heresy Thursday bingo card?
It's much, much better IRL, especially if you do a few tweaks. The back crest, giant spearblade and puffy right arm are the real flaws as they all make the main body look hilariously small and renforce the impression of the model having weird proportions. The pictures used by GW don't help either.
All in all I like this buddy despite the execution not being perfect. The hoplite vibe is nice and I'm quite fond of this design philosophy of having fabric and leather covered with armour platings. IMO it gives Custards an archaic and ceremonial look that helps make them distinct from Astartes.
I am happy you can enjoy that model and found a way to make it better. I get angry from even looking at that darn thing. I fully expected something cool for the new codex, like a unit in plastic or a dreadnought, heck I even had that glimmer of hope of a plastic dual tank kit. Instead I got a model you can more or less build from a box of wardens and a guardian shield.
But again, that is me, and you are happy with the thing, so it is great.
I feel you, I'm still very disappointed about the latest Codex release. I'm happy the new SC mini turned out better than I thought, but that's it. My expectations were quite low since Custodes don't need as much support as some other ranges, but it was still a big letdown.
Anyway, I have a big backlog of golden boys to finish, so it's safe to assume GW will ultimately release something nice for them in the meantime.
Ligma because it already leaked
Brainlet logic
yeah, I mean resin stuff in plastic would have been awesome. But it is what it is. I think it is what we got, plus the wait time. Getting a model you don't like and then coming to the realisation that this is it for the next 3 years, hits different.

I wish I was more in to marines. But somehow I only like some of the elite units and heroes :D. I mean I have more or less every unit of every elite terminators loyalist have, and like pretors, special HQs etc. Not single rank and file marine or marine vehicle . At least I can afford it, when I was a teen and uni student it was much worse.

Maybe I will just buy another 15 Wardens and remake my companions to have two handed swords.
Where is Polux?
The resin one is sold by recasters, but most people I know , and IF are super popular around here, use a black templar marshal with a custodes shield and a powerfist from a cataphract terminator as him.
It's not as bad IRL, but I am a little upset over it just being an alternate model of what they already have, when the army in both 30k and 40k could use more variety in plastic units. That said, marines are overdue for all plastic troops choices and some elites like Apothecaries and Techmarines, since it's getting a bit harder for newfags to crib parts for those without printing.
>yeah, I mean resin stuff in plastic would have been awesome
It has been the wet dream of many Custard players for years but IMO it's something nobody should ever expect, at least not from a 40k release. If any resin to plastic overhaul is to be made, it will come from HH the way it did for Astartes, SA and Admech. Same for Sisters of Silence.

>Maybe I will just buy another 15 Wardens and remake my companions to have two handed swords.
I'm naive enough to believe Hetaeron will receive models or a conversion kit that aren't complete trash one day (lol). In the meantime I will probably stick with an ad hoc squad of my various characters to do the job.
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Got the mechanicum box yesterday, finished up assembling the Thallax today. They’re a nice kit for the most part. Got started on cutting the bits out for the Castellax legs but probs gonna wait until tomorrow to start on them in earnest.

In the meantime I’m trying to decide if I should go with the standard red scheme or do my own thing for my dudes.
Do y'all think we'll ever see rules for Skitarii Pilgryms?
>Skitarii Pilgryms?
They show up in martian civil war - not clear if it's just a catch-all term for the loyalist survivors or a specific unit, but they seem to be skitarii, armed with a mix of weapons including photon rifles, and don't exist in 40k.
I see, neat
It's that specific regiment. HH skitarii kinda exist within the militia provenances, they really just need their armoury prov improved to also have things like fire teams with maulers, volkite infantry, etc.. that get referenced in the hh fluff but if the mech tarantula losing the mech guns like thrusters is any indication it probably won't happen.
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Titan trim titan trim titan trim
Someone send help I’m going fucking insane.
>rules for Skitarii
Not gonna happen.
Such a shame theres no way to run militia well, it seems like a good way to do a fun theme.
Warrior Elite/Armory of Old Night is fun(ny) for ZM, but overall yeah, I wish they weren't quite so universally weak point-for-point. There are a few things you can do, and occasionally they still pull off funny stuff, but they deserve a better place.
Flashbacks to the time an outflanking cavalry charge got behind a squad of two predators and killed them through incredible dice luck. God bless those horses.
Utter kino, may the Emperor/Warmaster bless those horses
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Third-Tier and lack of various perfectly reasonable vehicle options really cripples them. Now that you can make SA with guns other than lasrifles and their space suits are just carapace armour, there's even less of a reason to use Militia.
I was debating running Solar Aux with the penal cohort just to use militia but It doesn't feel *right* to me, like with all the special rules I'd rather be playing Solar Aux normally... Which I am collecting now since Militia seems like a no fun dead end
There are some ways but the list has a lot of weird restrictions which get in the way of fluffing a force that don't make a whole lot of sense. Like the inability to take discipline masters when taken as allies. It's a faction that only shines when you start adding your own homebrews in.
>It's a faction that only shines when you start adding your own homebrews in.
Shame, I hate doing that for wargames cuz not everyone is gonna agree and then I have to either twiddle my thumbs not getting to play, play a worse experience, or play something else! It's OVER militiacels, we did NOTHING to deserve this
Maybe something shorter? A bit like the axes the corpse grinders use? Or alternatively add some wire or something so theyre wreathed in lightning
DESU the other day I was kind of considering a penal solar aux army that uses the arbites models for veletaris and WGA ramjager models for rifle sections, with the Fluff that it was originally a prison convoy for war criminals from the early great crusade that got caught up in fighting and so were forced to put both inmates and prison guards alike into active duty.
Zamn that's a good idea! I support your endeavors if you decide to go with this... I already started collecting the official Solar Aux minis so I can't really do this
I know the new lore and """new units""" in Martian Civil War aren't great but are the new rules for dark mech at least... fun?
There’s definitely some flavor there.
The idea of running a Anime Malefica Archmagos buffing his pet Decimator as it rips apart Contemptors makes me joyful
No. All of them are either niche and awful, have too many conditions, or are boringly mediocre. You're better off just taking daemon engines and playing with real arcanas.
Not really, comparing the arcana with the basic ones you will notice that they don't give you much. The missions/campaign stuff didn't grab me either.
you could already have done this but now it's even more restrictive
They the same from old free pdf, and there are couple added, GW just updated pdf's so you have to buy new book.
And they suck btw.
>You're better off just taking daemon engines
Was gonna do this anyways
>and playing with real arcanas.
Might go with Archimandrite and Cybernetica on the allied detach
I figured I could since everything was in PDF form prior, but I assumed they changed some stuff to make it, IDK I might sound crazy here... BETTER???
Big shame
isnt the traitor mechanicum one where you get the special melee upgrade decent?
>but I assumed they changed some stuff to make it, IDK I might sound crazy here... BETTER???
Haha fuck you the brass scorpion loses an attack instead.
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>Haha fuck you the brass scorpion loses an attack instead.
>brass scorpion and kytan has a specific mention in its subtypes that despite being a knight it cant take knight upgrades

I want to murder who at GW decided that
>all it does is letting you upgrade an array/sword for 10 points each and letting you put the traitor assassin in 1 elite slot
No. Compare it to the base ones that give you useful special rules for free.
And unless I'm misreading it the rite is now locked just for the malanima archmagos.
Why the fuck would a demon engine get knight upgrades?
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Is everyone excited for KILL LUPERCAL (you know, like 'Kill Bill' except it's during Horus Heresy).
*the aethertek archmagos
confused the two because there is no reason for malanima to be a separate one in the first place
because rule of cool
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There's some fun potential to be had I think
>Running 27 Malamina Vorax up the board and slicing through terminators at a decent WS thanks to abomination blades
>Self harming with Nekrotek cavas thanatars and not giving a shit since they'll likely heal it back and marching a big squad of domitars up field without being concerned they'll melt before they can punch and grav something to death
>Aethertek lets you make your corrupted engine units that are already pretty good even better
I'm...Still trying to think of a fun way to run Malefikite. I don't exactly see the point of it?

I think most of these proscribed arcana are designed to be taken alongside an Archimandrite Archmagos to be honest
>"Oh I'm gonna be taking some automata, may as well make them Nekrotek if I can just to make them a little tougher"
>"Eh I have some spare points, I'll grab some abomination blades and shove my vorax into a Malamina allied detachment"
because having a giant scorpion mech that shoots out paychic powers sounds cool
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>yet another female lead
if GW wasn't forced to keep marines and primarchs male I swear the setting would be all girlbosses.
>if GW wasn't forced to keep marines and primarchs male I swear the setting would be all girlbosses.
I think thats kinda the reason why you end up with so many female guard/captain/princeps/etc characters, since they cant fit women into any of the other main factions
>malanima vorax
Raw they lose the rotor cannons unless I'm missing something. Same with anything with arrays that have in-built weapons like castellax and arlatax.
The actual premise sounds very little like Kill Bill, but sure, could be interesting.
Although heres my prediction on how this goes (because thats how it ALWAYS goes):

Its a desperate gambit with no chance of success as the handful of remnants face the heretic hordes, they decide on their course of action and then despite the fucking impossibility of it it actually goes off without a hitch and everything is really easy, they decimate their ways through many times their number and then just when you think they're going to win it turns out the whole plan was flawed from the start, the target isnt there or whatever and they "just" go down fighting and killing many times their number.

I suspect all the girlbosses are there BECAUSE 80% of the setting (by focus) is the all male marines and primarchs.
>I think thats kinda the reason why you end up with so many female guard/captain/princeps/etc characters, since they cant fit women into any of the other main factions
Women don't need to be 50% of the characters we see.
Yes, they do.
It's ESG mandated

Get your votes in quick lads
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Is the princeps going to be a woman again?
To be fair to women they are 50% of the people who exist
And they arent, because 90% of the characters we see are space marines. Women are however some sizable portion of the few non space marine characters.
>as she
They arent drawing attention to it though are they?
HHG i have had an idea for a DA army that sounds cool but idk how it would play out.

I always loved Dark Angels in 40k specifically ravenwing and deathwing.
I thought about doing Pride of the Legion, and running a speeder squad, 2 Preators on Jetbikes with a retinue all out flanking.
Then have 2 land raiders driving up the board with knights in them.

Out flanking 2 speeders and 2 retinue squads all with spears, and an apoth in each squad so like a total of 8 Jet bikes all with a 2+ and running to give them a rerollable 5+++ seems pretty good.
I mean that's fine though? You take vorax because you want them carving up the enemy (and suicide bombing in the enemy lines). The only time you really get to use the rotor cannons is turn 1 since that's the turn you move 15" and basically get into charging range for turn 2, and you don't wanna shoot that close in case it triggers some harsh overwatches or reactions. Rotor cannons can be clutch sometimes but I feel the abomination blades make up for their loss big time with the extra attacks and better rending and + to hit, plus you still have the lightning guns at least
Why are people so obsessive about hating on women characters showing up more?
>first clip is just someone walking back and forth in the darkness because walking animations are hard
>it gets flashes of action in the HH trailer style
>set during the SoT
Not the best of the first impressions.
>are they?
Putting female and minority characters in positions of power over and over again? I dunno dude, are they drawing attention to it?
That's true (well, 51%) but there's plenty of properties where women make up much more than 50% of characters. Not everything has to be perfectly representative all the time.
It would be weirder if they refused to use any kind of identifiable pronoun at all, wouldn't it? Female titan princeps are nothing new, there was one in Helsreach and nobody threw a fit over that.
The animation looks janky, reminds me of that series with the blood angels
>To be fair to women they are 50% of the people who exist
>That's true (well, 51%)
No they are not, they are not 50% of people because they are not people. :^)
>Why are people so obsessive about hating on women characters showing up more?
>there was one in Helsreach and nobody threw a fit over that.
If it's organic, it's fine. These days, it's almost never organic. Context is key.
>I mean that's fine though?
I'm not sure, vorax (kinda) work because they are cheap and 20pts each for the blades (while losing the rotors) is pushing it a bit.
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because it'll always feel forced, especially in combat roles. the occasional commander / sgt. (like Mira in SM1) can be fine, and even work. but whenever 80% of Terran's command staff is women, it's ridiculous.
>If it's organic, it's fine. These days, it's almost never organic. Context is key.
also this
wait until you hear about that entire titan legio made up of only women while the men are relegated to acting as servile knight pilots
>If it's organic, it's fine.
What's the context that shows this is inorganic? There's been a short blurb of text announcing it, and a trailer that shows no women in it at all.
Where the fuck is todays article? IM ALL JACKED UP ON MOUNTAIN DEW
>throwing a fit
Oh you're one of those
According to ADB they do...
Schizo hands typed this post.
No, theyre just doing it as if its normal rather than the exception. You know, the point of the image you posted?

>If it's organic, it's fine
Go on, what isnt organic here?
>custodesfags shitting up the thread again
Inferno was a mistake and so was allowing these power scaling Neanderthals into the game.
Nta but I'm fairly certain she's the one walking in the trailer and if you pause it when she turns you can see her silhouette. He looks more like a she.
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I just want male models to be paid as much as female ones. The salary differences are crazy. It gets Especialy bad when you get a hobby.
RIght now l just pray for GW not updating tartaros,. Want my 20 to fit my army and nit be bigger the cataphract.
>What's the context that shows this is inorganic?
Literally life. I can name a dozen films, tv shows, games, books, etc with force female characters that are shit or clear downgrades from their predecessors. It's happening so often all over the place, and people notice.
Sure, this princeps might be fine. But she might be the next Rey/Michael Burnam/Helena Shaw/RoP Galadriel/Captain Marvel/Kay Vess. And given how many shit female characters we get nowadays, it's a fair to assume they're going to be shit until proven otherwise. I will hold this position until the characters improve.
And in case anon didnt actually understand the image he posted:
The point isnt "no women in various positions" but that the presentation of women in those positions as remarkable and special ultimately reinforces the concept that those are male positions where women do not belong. And that the "proper" way to do it is to simply have women in those positions with the same fanfare and circumstance as you do when theres a man in the role (none, because its not something significant enough to remark upon)

I.e "watch out theres a LADY titan pilot isnt that so unique and cool!" would be the wrong way of doing it, while simply having a female pilot would not. Which one does the announcement resemble more?
You ever notice how whenever there's an all female fighting group, they're always an elite thing? SoS, SoB, that titan legio, some of those xeno groups who aren't relevant, etc. All female guard regiments are alluded to, I suppose, but they're never really a thing that gets any proper shine, there's no equivalent to the Vostroyan firstborn where for whatever reason presented all the soldiers are women.
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At some point it just gets wierd with all ship cpts, all admirals , princeps , heads of knightly houses etc being women
if you think about it, space marines aren't paid at all
whereas imperial army are given a salary or at least provided resources to the next of kin when they die
Melee Weapons and Mechanicus for LIGMA.

Also, WarCom just got an update noone asked for after they fucked up their store and just kinda left it.
>Literally life
>the existence of women irl is inorganic, (((they))) keep spawning them out of vats
Well modern writers basically poisoned the well for any female, or any character thats not a dude, or white. Because for the last fucking decade modern entertainment has been blatantly shoving it down everyone's throat to the point of it being obnoxious.
Now anytime anyone sees a black character, or a woman they instantly assume that its just some bullshit pandering insert which unfortuantly is most of the time.
If you go back to the 80s and 90s we had strong female characters through out media, but they were proportioned quite well, and more importantly they actually showed feminine strength in a way that a male could not.

Example of Amazingly written female characters that people generally liked in the 80s and 90s. and even from the 70s
Princess Lea: pretty self explanatory here, a diplomat that was very strong and ceragious in trying to save her people, was not helpless, but was still feminine.

Joanna Dark: The main character from the perfect dark game, was sexy, skilled, agile, and a great secret agent.

Ripley: This is the example of a PERFECT female protagonist because not only is she a bad ass in her own right, in aliens particular, she shows good, strong, feminine examples of strength risking her life to save a child she adopted more or less. So its that mama bear protection energy going off.

Now if you look at modern female characters the reason they suck fucking ass is because they are trying to me strong in the male sense of the idea. Male Strength is built around the idea of raw physical prowess and sacrifice. Thats what appeals to male audiences, the idea of a male character being this protector and warrior, and willing to give himself up to save either people he loves or an ideal.
Every plastic kit GW doesn't replace right now is a blessing.
Case in point.

By over representing female and minorities they are calling attention to the breaking of gender roles.
"Look at us, we're putting them forward!"
Don't play that game with me my dude, when I'm right I can do this all day.
When you try and write a female character that way, its not appealing to males because males self insert, for that its not believable to men, because in a way its actually demeaning to men, men don't want women to sacrifice themselves for men, men want to sacrifice themselves for woman. Men dont want woman to show a concept of honor and duty because in our monkey brains that not really what women are about.

Like wise, to most woman that is not an appealing character either becuase the idea of self sacrifice for an idea, brotherhood, or cause, is alien to them. Thats historically provable as well. But if a female character is giving up their lives to protect say children in a maternal type of way, that is appealing to woman.. Problem is, in the 40k world thats not really something they can show or tell as a story well.

Bolter babys work mostly because they appeal to men, because nuns with guns, walking around in power corsets and power heels. Because lets face it, sex sells to men.
Told ya man, the Heresy was about Marine's rights
Sure, if you ignore the entire qualification that came after the words you posted, I guess they mean the thing that that qualification clearly doesn't say.
Off the top of my head the only fully female guard regiment that comes to mind is the one that fucks up so badly in one Cain book the few remaining troops have to be added into an all male one. GW might have added more but I haven't read anything 40k in a long time.
NTA, but I didn't even realize from the animation had a female princeps until you retards made a big fuss about it. It's a difference of one word. I'm all for calling out bullshit like fem Custodes but this just seems silly.
The Horus Heresy could use more dirigibles I think
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>and you don't wanna shoot that close in case it triggers some harsh overwatches or reactions
I'm retarded nm, programmed behaviour usually leads to that happening anyway...Forgot that's the main reason I stopped taking vorax desu. Idk, I still think abomination blades are worth the risk, since rampage can even make up for those awkward first turns where the enemy charges you before your vorax can get to them
I think the point of the proscribed arcana is to flip that role though, no? Turning them from disposable suicide bombs with razors into dedicated killing units you focus your list around. I can't imagine running a Malanima list and only taking like...3 of them? Seems like a waste. They're the only real thing you can run them on that's worth it.
>If it's organic, it's fine.
No storytelling is organic though; everything is inherently forced and set up in ways that holes can be poked in (see any black library book ever). There were lots of primarch battles that happened throughout the heresy, and you're telling me those are organic? The galaxy is fucking massive, the likelihood of 18 people (less as the heresy goes on) clashing against one another is so slim yet it happens at least once for every primarch. Storytelling is about delivering a certain experience to people, and desu it sounds like you just want an experience without women because you hate them.
>because it'll always feel forced, especially in combat roles
Similar to above, there is so much lore that is written and justified just for the sake of shit exisiting and happening, I find it hard to buy that "too many women in the army" is really that hard of a thing to buy into when the mechanicum as a faction exists. Anyway you're over exaggerating anon, you know it's not 80%.
Goddamn this WarCom update is even more terrible Web 2.0 SLOP. All bells and whistles and no actual fucking content
I agree on the cause - people say that if Alien dropped today, people would call Ripley woke from just the trailers - and they would. Because it happens so much, it's expected now, and it wasn't then.

I disagree on the second part. Female characters are barely allowed to have flaws, and so rarely have development. You can self-insert with characters you don't match with if they're well-written people - I've been invested in characters of all kinds, except one - shittily written ones.
>space marines aren't paid at all
Does it really matter? What would they need money for? They get pampered with just about anything and everything they ask for in any case.
what did dan abnett mean in Legion where the Geno Five-Two Chiliad was a fighting force of exclusively men led by exclusively non-combatant women?
>it's a fair to assume they're going to be shit until proven otherwise
anon this is a 40k (well, 30k technically) story, clutching your pearls over quality writing is laughable
>But she might be the next Rey/Michael Burnam/Helena Shaw/RoP Galadriel/Captain Marvel/Kay Vess
Or she could be the next Vi/Furiosa/Minthara...
Or is there perhaps some key difference between characters from slop where no one is well written and characters with good writing?
>Female characters are barely allowed to have flaws, and so rarely have development.
I think thats not true, but the porblem is the flaws they have dont vibe now a days because its considered toxic.

Female flaws are, they are not strong physically, thats a major flaw that all females have in the world, and they have to over come that flaw in ways that men can not.
If you look at past good examples of female characters that were interesting they all over came these flaws in ways by either being clever, or subterfuge, so like spies or princess lea.

I still say the biggest issue with most female characters is that they try and write them like male characters which does not jive for most readers male or female.
>By over representing female and minorities they are calling attention to the breaking of gender roles.
No, they are not. They would be calling attention to it if it was presented as remarkable or exceptional, which it is not.
>"Look at us, we're putting them forward!"
Find the statement. Go on. Find where this is said.
>I think the point of the proscribed arcana is to flip that role though, no?[...]
It is but with that price it's not good imo. Again, it's like making marines lose their RoW and LA(x) and then making them pay in both points and weapons to get them back and if your special rule affects multiple weapons you have to pay for each. It just doesn't work with those downsides.
>No storytelling is organic though;
Okay, but good storytelling feels organic. Maybe you've never experienced that?
>and you're telling me those are organic?
Create chracters, create a setting, give rules, and all events should follow from the interaction of characters and the setting according to those rules. When characterisation, setting, or rules are bent for external reasons, it stops feeling organic. For a non-gendered example, when a bunch of highly-secretive highly-suspicious chapters accept primaris from outside, this is something external (sell new models) being forced in in a non-organic way which hurts characterisation (suspicious, paranoid characters forget to have those characteristics when it's inconvenient to the external factor)
>and desu it sounds like you just want an experience without women because you hate them
Go project elsewhere. I dislike forced female characters because they're bad. Good female characters are fine, but that's not what we're going to get.
>anon this is a 40k (well, 30k technically) story, clutching your pearls over quality writing is laughable
and accepting declining quality is going to make it better?
>Or she could be the next Vi/Furiosa/Minthara...
sure, and I might win the lottery.
I think that's the only one ever explicitly confirmed as all female, I'm not a guardfag so I don't know. I think it'd be an interesting concept to have as an army, but I can't help but think GW would fuck it up by either leaning too hard into either the girlboss or stripper direction instead of it just being a group of women as grunts. So probably would be best as one of those regiments you see pictured in the example armies with a small backstory blurb. GW really needs to get to releasing a book of nothing but example armies with a page for each one.
Bet you didn't expect this to blow up.
>GW really needs to get to releasing a book of nothing but example armies with a page for each one.
There wouldn't be much point in doing that, I stopped playing 40k because they aren't interested in fluffing things past what they are selling. It would be like an entire book of cadians, krieg, catachans, attilans and armoured regiments in different colors. Now that 30k is doing the same thing I don't think I'll stick for long either.
Hey retard, self inserts are for faggots. "waaa this is bad because its not a self insert fantasy" is fucking retarded. Who did you self insert as in no country for old men? Who did you self insert as in The Silence of the Lambs?

>Male Strength is built around the idea of raw physical prowess and sacrifice.
Oh, so the bride from kill bill?

>she shows good, strong, feminine examples of strength risking her life to save a child she adopted more or less. So its that mama bear protection energy going off

Using a big mech to defeat the alien queen, peak feminine strength! In other news anon has just decided that dreadnoughts are actually for women.

>but they were proportioned quite well
Irrelevant to the writing.

>they actually showed feminine strength in a way that a male could not.
Nothing leia or ripley do is something a man "could not do" you imbecile.

> men don't want women to sacrifice themselves for men, men want to sacrifice themselves for woman
Irrelevant to whether something is well written or not.

>Men dont want woman to show a concept of honor and duty
Its why the sisters of battle are so hated, right? Samus? Men just HATE when women display strong character and are honorable/dutyful. Joan of arc? Universally shat on.

>and they would
Yes, brain rotted reactionaries would. Because they dont actually think about things, they just remember there was a woman in that slop they didnt like and theres a women in front of them and therefore decide thats bad.
>Yes, brain rotted reactionaries would.
You assume they're reactionaries without getting to know their take because they pre-judge something based off prior experience, based off... prior experience? Pot kettle?

>declining quality
What decline you idiot? Did you think the hundreds of space marine novels from BL were Dostoyevsky? Simplistic characters? Plot armor? Marie sues? Thats just the bread and butter of imperial fiction.
Called it
To the shock of absolutely nobody...
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>You assume they're reactionaries
Yes, because "they pre-judge something" based on superficial traits. Because theyre retards. They dont have coherent views, they just have kneejerk reactions to whatever the current thing is.
Holy shit anon...
This is cringe as fuck.
I'm on my computer. Does the new site look less ass in mobile browsers?
Is Martian Civil War better than Siege of Cthonia? Or Betrayal? Or is there an obvious downward trend?
Ligma will go the way of aeronautica soon I think
Seems that when something leaks they just drop the article asap.
Remember how once we had characters of every race and species, men and women. People loved Leia, there was no Luke without Mara Jade. Media were full of women, and it was great. The difference was those were well writen characters. They were cool, bad etc not because they were women or men. Lando could have been white, asian, Indian etc and if he was played the way he was played, he would be just as cool. He didn't have to be in to feminist robots. I fear that the last decade or so, w40k lore is going where SW went 10 years ago, and it ends real bad (Acolyte) .
>more clicks to navigate to the same content as before

Modern website design is a fucking travesty.
Who the fuck cares about LIGMA? It’s fucking garbage. Where the fuck is the melee weapon sprue? Wtf are they doing. It’s unreal how fucking incompetent this company is.
It's funny to me how completely over your head that went, and it proves my point.
>there was no Luke without Mara Jade
lolmao nobody gave a shit about expanded universe ocs
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A book is the wrong format, it should be a recurring feature in WD (does that still exist) and also archived up on WarCom.
Not like this.
When the Deimos Predator leaked, it got an article on the friday, they didn't wait for thursday to come again.
And when the original box leaked, they revealed it at a big show, as planned.
is there actually much crossover between people who play age of darkness and people who play legions imperialis?
Fair, I don't think it's "good" but I think it's the only fun thing worth doing if you're gonna be running the proscribed arcana, which is what the original question was asking
>Okay, but good storytelling feels organic. Maybe you've never experienced that?
I know what you're saying, but the problem is you're projecting very subjective feelings and definitions onto things that are incredibily up in the air and change as times go on
>For a non-gendered example, when a bunch of highly-secretive highly-suspicious chapters accept primaris from outside, this is something external (sell new models) being forced in in a non-organic way which hurts characterisation (suspicious, paranoid characters forget to have those characteristics when it's inconvenient to the external factor)
I can see where you're coming from but the problem is your line of thinking only goes in certain ways. For every reason a chapter might not accept help, there's a very possible reason for as to why they would. Primaris as a whole concept are entirely "in-organic" going by your definition of external reasons interfering with the storytelling as the entire invention of them was just to sell upscaled models with a redesign but now everything is built around them so are they still in-organic, or has enough time passed that it's suddenly "okay" and fluffy? Women characters that are fucking OG's pre-2010's would be absolutely slammed if released nowadays so are they organic or in-organic? Most female characters don't even break these rules you've set up, and you can prove this by making them men instead; suddenly it's not "forced representation" but instead it just becomes something not even worth of note

The standards people like you set up and expect are non-sensical, since you expect female characters to have higher justifications for them just existing. If it's a male general it's fine, but the second one has tits it's suddenly "forced"?
I mean its the fate of all publicly traded companies. They will pander to what ever audiance bean counters think will buy their shit, problem is, those bean counters think the twittersphere and reddit are the customer base. >>94001113
>lolmao nobody gave a shit about expanded universe ocs
.....The worst take i have heard yet lol.
Now that they released the only things I needed they might as well.
It does and they are allowed to do conversions there but none of the armies they do are that iinteresting.
>For every reason a chapter might not accept help, there's a very possible reason for as to why they would.
okay, so infinite reasons on either side gives a good 50/50 split.
And across 1000 chapters, the odds of that coinflip being the same 1000 times is so infinitesimally small that I don't even know the name of the number it's one in. Some chapters taking them is expected. Half would be fine. Most would be fine. Even the vast majoirty would be odd, but still within range.
But every single one? Obviously forced.
>only fun thing
You could stick them on the arlatax too if you want, it can even deepstrike.
Anon 90% of SW fanbase don't know who Mara Jade is. Luke was self made man taught by Obi-Wan and Yoda.
Is siege of cthonia better or worse than Storm of Iron?
I’m convinced that they actually don’t even have the melee sprues finished yet. That’s why they have been quiet. I don’t know what’s going on over there logistically but internally I wouldn’t be surprised if they are having massive issues. Seems very strange.
>Mara Jade
Literally who
Is comparing a campaign book to a BL novel worse than comparing three campaign books? Even this argument is devolving.
Nope. It’s a fucking mess on mobile too. In fact I think the update broke a lot of things for me, there’s white boxes everywhere.
Luke Skywalker's no-longer-canon wife.
Starting to think they don’t actually have anything made for melee weapons.
Well technically they didn’t lie about Heresy Thursdays returning this month, but man, they must know this was going to piss most HH fans off.
>Is comparing a campaign book to a BL novel worse than comparing three campaign books?
Narrative is narrative. But have it your way, is Siege of Cthonia better or worse than War Zone Charadon? At what point did (((they))) infiltrate and cause this regression of quality by sneaking in women titan pilots?
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Bring me back to Betrayal.
You mean in terms of their narrative? I like the Mars book less than the Cthonia book, but I like both more than the Beta-Garmon book. So I wouldn't say there's a clear trend.
Except almost everyone accepts that BL is much worse than the campaign books. And comparing 40k to HH also isn't valid.

For Heresy, there was a clear drop after Bligh's death, and 2.0 started reasonably well before tapering off. The core rules, Libers, and EBs through to SoC were pretty solid, Beta Garmon and the more recent EBs have been a little iffier, and Martian Civil War is a fucking mess.
fuck this gay terra
I despise ligma so fucking much it's unreal
I'm starting to think the melee weapons were actually made and it was such a shit kit that they've had to rethink releasing it with how everyone called them out on how awful the command squad is.
It probably didn't even have chainswords or pistols in it
Does LIGMA even put up decent sales numbers?
They probably don’t yet. If the rumours are true and they really are planning to restrict unit loadouts to what’s in the box for 3rd edition, then they’re probably still deciding exactly how little they can include in a melee set to cover the new dumbed down options.
>It probably didn't even have chainswords or pistols in it
I don't care, do those separately after. Just give us fucking something.
Boy I sure I'm glad they fleshed out all this HH era designs for a game no one cares about instead of the main line game of the setting
Aren't you all glad we got to see rapiers, spartan laser destroyers, despoilers and omega sicarans?
"And that's for heresy thursday! see you same time at the end of next month!"
Excuse me, the assassin sent to kill luke who then got her ass kicked and luke slung dick in and got 2 kids outta the ordeal ex non canon wife.
They only had one kid. Ben.
This will be the death of HH. If even half the rumours are true it’s literally over. Why does everything I like turn to shit?
>Just give us fucking something.
>*Removes resin melee weapons form store
You'll get less than nothing and like it!
None of the rumours are true. The guy who kicked them off (and made them the fuck up) has admitted such several times. Stop falling for it.
I don't like the new disney stuff at all, but the one good decision they made was cutting all the old eu crap. Absolutely nothing of value was lost
You do know 3rd edition is some bullshit an anon made up here, right?
They don't think about HH anywhere near enough to care about a new edition. This isn't 40k
That's not what it said
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I'll take things of no value over things that are actively shit and hurt unrelated materials any day
It's not, it said next week.
But almost every statement they've made about the melee weapons has been a lie, so assuming this is a lie too seems fair.
The thing is, even if you are right, which I have no reason to believe over the other reports saying it is true, do you really think modern GW aren’t dumb enough to do that anyway?
So you just didn't like star wars? Or were a film-purist? I don't see your point here.
>Come back next week as we cut back to Warhammer: The Horus Heresy for our next Heresy Thursday reveal!
Next week is next month, today's 26.
Then where the fuck are my weapon sprues? I need to check myself. Im beyond pissed though that some shitty game system gets all the attention and they can’t even say, “sorry, we fucked up and will let you know when the melee sprues are ready.” That’s it. This company is run by retards. Not to mention lack of breachers, scouts, other consuls, etc.
the eu also did that mind you, half of disney's ideas are just slightly worse versions of crap the eu already did. Which mind you, wasn't good stuff to begin with
>which I have no reason to believe over the other reports saying it is true
Find a single god-damn source. There aren't any. So here's another baseless rumour:
3rd edition drops in 2026, it adds mark vii as it's own type, tyrannids now work for horus, lorgar was sigmar all along.
the fact they fucked up their releases doesn't prove they're dropping a whole new edition with no teasing, no fanfare, overlap with several other new editions and an obvious logistics backlog.
>Heresy Thursday
>Look inside
They are going to announce the next edition where there are only 5 statlines: melee/ranged infantry, transport/combat vehicles and dreads. No weapons, no special rules, no difference between the armies. You wanted balance and they are ready to give it the only way they know how. Now you won't be able to complain about fists being better or templates being shit, about aa tanking or AP.
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The hot, redhead assassin/smuggle Luke Skywalker wound up marrying after she tried to kill him. As all good romances begin.
Sorry i was thinking about Lea and hon.
Objectivly wrong
chewbacca death was fucking amazing.
Amazing reading skills anon
>Sorry i was thinking about Lea and hon.
They had three, Jaina, Jacen, and Anakin.
Did you just average them out?
Honestly....i might have its been a long time since i read the books and i have been disenfranchised from SW since the second movie Disney put out.
Thank you.
arlatax are so good with arc scourges that giving them abomination blades is probably a waste all things considered. Maybe the deepstrike is worth it, but for the same price as an upgraded arlatax you can get 2 upgraded vorax who have
>more attacks
>double the explosions
>mostly the same stats save for wounds and toughness (only -1 toughness and the combined wounds of 2 vorax is the same wounds total as an arlatax)
>run and shoot
The plasma cannons do make for a pretty convincing arguement for taking arlatax however, maybe taking a mix of both could be the way to go, but I think against units with WS5 (which you really want to be throwing these units at) the vorax win out since most weapons those units are using will wound an arlatax all the same as it would a vorax: on a 2+ wound roll and forcing you to make an invuln save
>So you just didn't like star wars?
NTA but I dont like badly written crap. So both the EU and disney wars can get fucked. Andor can stay, that ones good.
>no rogue one mention
fucked up anon, that was actually good
>Absolutely nothing of value was lost
Cade was a treasure.
rogue one was okay, it had some interesting ideas (which would later be given the proper time to shine in andor) but on the whole its a forgettable experience with flat characters which was visibly neutered by corporate mandate.

Cassian shooting his fellow rebel was however the most interesting thing that happened since the OT and until andor.
>no they're not
Yes they are. You're free to prove otherwise, go and take all the characters from miniatures, novels, fluff snippets, shows and games, do a nice diagram. Or don't, because you know I'm right.
I suppose it needs to be spelt out for you kek
>go and take all the characters from miniatures
There is exactly (1) named character model for Horus heresy who is female, and 1 more character model that is generic
I really think you would have more fun with the basic arcanas but I'm not you so go wild.
Yes you retard, thats what "drawing attention" means.
If you want to live in schizo-land where GW is constantly emphasizing how many women there are in various roles, you need to back it up by showing where this emphasis is.
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fucking called it, LMFAO
Valdor is female too remember. So that's at least two.
and novels, fluff snippets, shows and games
You "forgot" that part lol
It's not, whether you like it or not
If they are announcing this now what the heck are they going to show in the next reveal stream for Ligma? DO they even have anything else to make?
More tanks, of course!
We have 8 non marine character in 30k total. 3 of them are daemons. 2 Dark Mech tech-priests, 1 Auxillia Surgeon, Valdor and Krole.
Against 56 space marine characters, ones with currently sold min.
So not an argument. In novels we got females everywhere, army, navy, titan legions, mechanicum in large numbers.
>It's not
It is. That is the difference something "simply being" and being emphasized.
So 1/64 women? Damn, so many.
The new techno-arcana can be summed up as
>wouldn't it be cool if you could do this?
>yes but if that happened all the time I imagine people would complain
>oh shit you're right, let's make that happen very rarely and remove any possible interaction with other rules
It gets incredibly silly when reading the entire Malefikite pipeline.
First you either pay 10pts per unit or make your magos forego shooting to select a friendly unit within 2'', then you roll a d6
>1:nothing happens, fuck you
>2-3: for this turn it gets the ruinous cybernetica special rule
>4+: it gets it permanently
After that each time the unit wants to use the RC special rule you take a leadership test. Fail and the unit gets an unmitigable wound, succeed and you get to ignore cortex restrictions for this turn but must charge at enemies that are within 12''.
So 1-2-3 do nothing because it requires the unit to be within 2'' in the first place and now cortex controllers aren't even optional anymore. It's so stupid.
It's emphasized since it's main characters, my dude
The book containing the rules. Probably Mars again, wouldn't want to get creative and flesh out the various conflicts.
This thread got kinda stale so freshly baked here
If you consider factions that can have females instead of marines then.
1/4 or 1/5 if you accept femstodes.
>find it hard to buy that "too many women in the army" is really that hard of a thing to buy into when the mechanicum as a faction exists.
The difference is that the Mechanicum is cool and DEImyn are not.
So you think male main characters emphasize men?
valdor is female
We're talking about gender roles, are you losing track or trying to derail?
Wrong dipshit, emphasis is not default. A character existing is just that, a character existing, emphasis is something placed on a character through further writing or framing.
being a main character is emphasis lmao
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Gross paint job, very well done anon!
How did you paint the skin?
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So nice we got plastic Thallax

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