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Work in Progress, Taco Tuesday Edition

>Full-on /WIP/ OP Links Pastebin:

>WIP Tutorial Images Mega

>Saint Duncan's "Six Things I Wish I Knew When I Started Painting"

>Saint Duncan also explains thinning your paints

>Paint thinning 102

>Darren Latham's 20 top tips for miniature painting success

>4 EASY Chipping Tricks For Beginners

>Decal Like a Pro

>How to Edge Highlight

>How to use contrast style paints

>How to Paint with Tremors

>Raise the Flag!

>Who's Johnny, she'd say, and smile in her special way

Previous threads
Basecoated another Warrior; one more to go and then I’ll start on the first three.
Hopefully I can get to use them soon; giving them tons of weapon abilities seems like it’d be fun to try.
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I'm trying to decide my recipe for Skaven fur, so I'm looking at rats. Look at all the colors in this handsome creature's coat. I think with Pro Acryl it would be:
black brown primer
dark umber
light umber
golden brown
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I bet he smell funny
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great joke man-thing
have a funny meme in exchange
I read somewhere on an old forum that water brushed onto the contact points of a miniature speeds up the super glue drying time, but at the expense of strength.
Can anyone confirm if any of this is true or not or if I stumbled on a hobby myth.
Dilute it, paint it in shadows and feather the edge or go back with the base color afterwards if you really want to slop it all over.
It's a damn near (if not exactly) neutral transparent black, really good paint to have.
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On today's episode of avoiding the hair and jacket, did some work on the boots/hand, and shirt.
Can confirm. Water will make superglue cure faster but more brittle.
looks really good, use the flesh color to do some final highlights on the hair on the top of the head and use yellow green or green mixed with white to
do edge highlights on the crystal.
gem would be good
some neosporin gel on your toe will help it soften and heal
Looks great so far
Hey Anons, I've been wondering if anyone makes hobby blades that don't come to a point, sorta like a meat cleaver. Any recommendations?
xacto has many shapes, these are the basic kinds https://www.mcmaster.com/products/x-acto-style-blades/precision-knife-blades-5/
There are other shapes made by third parties, but the R and Y shape are probably the closest to your description which are a wharncliffe shape. But usually for that action I use a pocket knife. Old Timers aren't nearly as good as when they were made in New York, but the Chinese ones are still available. They come in different blade shapes and combinations and sizes. Buck also makes little pocket knives that are similar and so does Case but case are pretty expensive. Anyway go to amazon and do search for "old timer pocket knives" and you'll see a selection if you want to go the pocketknife route, just know you can't pry with them, they are pretty thin and will break and unless you know how to handle a knife correctly you'll close it on your fingers and cut them off, especially considering they aren't locking blades, so there's that too, but I'm old school so I know my knives. So better to go with xacto if you don't have an older person to teach you. If I knew you I'd just take an R type blade and blunt the tip for you on a grinder. I make knives among other things.
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Forgot to attach pic related, here's the chart...
Thanks for your recommendations. I think an R-type blade would work best for what I'm doing. A chisel type like an M or N are almost perfect but I've got to get at what I'm working on from the side it order to slice it shallowly enough.
Well that sucks. I have to dislocate a miniature necromancer from his staff hand and glue it back on for hopefully a better bond now.

On the off chance that I use too much superglue is there a paint stripping liquid that also removes the superglue residue?
I wouldn't worry about it honestly, that part doesn't sound like it's under high stress. It'll probably be fine. You risk more breaking it off honestly.
No problem. When ordering from amazon there's a shorter version of the R called the number 7and the regular R shape I think it listed as number 26, you can get an assortment with generic blades that include an R type to make sure your handle fits the blades (most people don't know there are three sizes of handles for xacto) here https://www.amazon.com/SMB-Precision-Woodworking-Woodcarving-13Pc/dp/B08VRR66K3
oh and this set is even better, but double the cost, but has three sizes of handles and is name brand, but doesn't have the longer size 26, but does have the smaller sized 7 N shaped, but doesn't have the saw blade. I've found the saw blades to be really useful over the years. https://www.amazon.com/X-ACTO-Contains-Precision-Knives-Storage/dp/B00004Z2UB/
some painting guides https://archive.org/details/games-workshop-painting-guides/
It's true. Cyanoacrylate binds with water. Normally it sucks it out of the environment, but you can provide it from the outside with some water.
If you want it to set quicker without compromising the strength you can breathe on it from up close (like trying to fog up a window).

There is a thing called superglue debonder. Also if you want to weaken superglue for removal sick the mini into your freezer for an hour. Makes it a lot weaker.
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>GW employee TRICKED me into buying black primer when I entered as a complete newbie asking for advice
>now all my paintjobs look like muted, lifeless, dull, dark pieces of shit
No, I won't buy new primer until my Citadel Black is empty, you will not get a single cent out of me!
If you're that new to painting, I wouldn't worry about it. Your first paintjobs are gonna look shit anyway. But you can get better with practise and then you'll despise your first painted models anyway.
>buying anything GW
>willingly walking into one of their stores
You have no one but yourself to blame.
Protip: In the areas you want strong color go back over with a single stroke of a light grey or tan before you apply the color.
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Thank you anon! Sorry for replying so late, I was actually hoping to get some feedback which eye color look better. Guess I'll decide when doing the last guy, repainting the eyes is not that big of a deal. As for the setup I made a shitty guide a while back, it includes my setup
I'm going to need source on that image, chief
but isnt black primer very good for beginners because it "masks" the imperfections?
although if you use speedpaints yeah, with a black primer you are absolutely fucked, you need a white/grey for for that
What is the preferred primer color (for vibrant colors)? White? Grey?
White. Sometimes pink for yellow.
Underbrush it white (As in drybrush the black with white) and you get really good stuff for painting a lot of models, I like to use it on my metalic models, since it makes it so much easier to not have to do in all the shadows
red is for vibrancy
Anyone have much experience with these?
I tried some army painter and GW static grass and it works amazing, but I tried some 4mm all game terrain grass and it basically barely shifted any of it. Any ideas?
Bright white is always preferred for the most vibrant colors, but white is slick so most white primers are a bit off white to make them stick better, a light grey or tan is a good substitute because it's still light but mostly neutral, blue is usually avoided as a primer unless making ultramarine space marines which are blue, red is also avoided in the same way unless making blood angel space marines, black is used when you know the whole figure will be dark anyway or when you don't want to worry about shadows or you know you'll be putting a lot of layers anyway. As a general rule white is preferred, grey is second, black is third, but remember there are many shades of grey so a dark grey solves more problems than a solid black and a light grey than a solid white, if you want a color like blue or red you mix that into your grey or browns and that gives you a grey with a hue bias. Tan primer is used anytime you know the figure will have a lot of earth tones or skin tones. And like all other colors it can trend yellow, orange, red, crimson, green, purple, etc. A pale emerald green or turquoise blue can be used as a base for really cold flesh or monsters.
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I tried to paint this nob like tabletop ready in this video. how do you think I did? I think matte varnish really looks good on grots and orks.

Gonna work on the next few boyz or some mk3 imperial fists now, not sure yet..
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More wip rats
Looks good to me in a cartoony style.
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thanks. That's good to here actually. pic rel isn't mine but it's how I want my guys to look someday
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>black primer is the best
>fuck aerosols though
good ol' brush on primer for me
>just slap chop white over the black primed mini
>and use speedpaints/contrast paints
>layer paints if you need more on your mini
>texture paste the base then matte varnish
is just that easy
get some fluorescent paints or colour changing paints
>fluorescent needs white underneath to work
>colour changing paints need black most of the time
if i was a filthy red shirt, or anyone giving advice i would recommend black primer too
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Kitbashing the AoS ven Denst models into 40k inquisitors. Not sure what kind of a color scheme to go for. Scared of fucking up.
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I decided the intercessor sergeant from the army patrol was a bit lackluster so I put together a kitbash with the worst tabard I've sculpted so far
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I tested some stuff on this poor bastard
>posting that a masterful freehand SoB while recommending slapchop
Also, I'm a little surprised a redshirt would recommend black primer, since on paper contrast paints use white primer, and contrast paints are something they would jump to recommend a newbie.
We all know it's better with slapchop or zenithal but I've never seen GW officially recognize either, could be wrong.
personallly I think the sword arm looks more out of place than the tabard
You probably want to mix a fleshy tone around the elbows or on the lips and ears to achieve more skin variety like on the example you gave.
I had that extra arm from the bladeguards + sword bro's sword attached to it looking at me for months, it had to be done
Why does everyone want to do slopchop these days?
That combi plasma works surprisingly well. Good luck anon, you got this.
It's the new battle ready except it allegedly looks better.
In reality, if you're good enough to make slapchop look good, you'd do just as well with a normal paint job.
only people who want to paint armies quickly use that garbage and it's pretty shunned in this general
still looks cool but something feels off about the weathering, same with the tabbard but I don't know if that's the sculpt issue or did you paint it differently
Because its fast, extremely easy and gives decent enough (= a slapjob mini will always look better than a bad attempt at GW style of painting) results.
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Still waiting for good weather to varnish these for oil washing, but with some 3d printed heads it's neat to turn WGA grognards into these pseduo-kriegers. I am quite a fan of that kit by now.

Keeping paintjob kinda simple because this is just side project to relax after work so I want to get it finished quickly as proof of concept.
>There is a thing called superglue debonder. Also if you want to weaken superglue for removal sick the mini into your freezer for an hour. Makes it a lot weaker.
Will the debonder make the superglue easier to scrape off or does it "liquefy" the super glue?
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So I just started a couple weeks ago, very fun stuff. I got myself a pack of plague monks and wanted some advice for the green robes, I like the idea of them being a bit more vibrant green rather than darker and dingier greens they usually have. I've been trying to compile a list of paints for the rats and any contributions would be welcome.
Heres my little family group photo, I havent put the shade on the rats yet because I do not like how Agrax Earthshade turned out on the one in the back and am waiting to get some nuln oil or something else.
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One side done, now almost done, now to the flames on the other side.
ahh thats perfect, glad you already had it knocked up.

Like you said the eye colors are close enough that it's hardly make or break. From a 3rd party perspective I might not even have noticed if you hadn't pointed them out. It's like vanilla or chocolate ice cream. It's still ice cream and ice cream is good either way
GW Washes suck. Head to your local art store buy a tube of black and brown oil paints that are artist grade (don't buy student grade) Get a bottle of mineral spirits and search "miniature painting oil wash" on youtube.
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Made some more progress on my Dark City inspired House Delaque necromunda gang.
Im loving the fact that since the House of Shadows book came out they added a load of HP Lovecraft-esque lore around my Delaque bois too.
Always been my favorite munda gang. Just love their aesthetic. Adding a Lovecraftian element is the icing on the cake for me.

My old 90s Delaque lads were based on the film "Romper Stomper" (skinheads in black trenchboats and camo cargos and were named after the characters, Hando, Magoo, Davey etc) but what with the new sculpt and lore direction I thought the Dark City vibe was the way to go.
Haven't played 'munda since the late 90s and iv got a campaign at my flgs coming up mid October so looking forward to that.
Gonna do a nacht-ghul and the house brute next.
What the fuck happened to gw washes when they reformulated them? Every single one has a glossy finish
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Looking smooth anon, lovely yellow and the flames look great

Dark red and gold. You can't go wrong with deep red/burgundy and gold on ordo hereticus inquisition stuff. Pops really well. Black and cream will also look goog for smaller bits like ammo pouches and belts etc.

Try warpstone glow with an athonian camo wash then highlight up with moot green if you want a brighter plague monk robe scheme
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>suggesting warpstone glow as a basecoat
looking good
love the flame hood
nice red
because youtube unfortunately. fucking talking heads teach bad habits to noobs.
be aware yellow greens are notorious for bad coverage so general rule is mix in a second color like blue, white, grey, etc when doing your green highlights depending on how you want to shift the color of the light, or paint the highlight area a really light grey or white first and then glaze back over with the yellow green and it'll pop.
nice moon
Ive got a disgusting idea for a titan scheme based off of weebshit and i cant really settle on which colors to exactly use as this character has had a range of combinations and aesthetics. Any tips beyond the obligatory i should kill myself for the unholy weebery i am going to commit?
I'm a fellow weeb and I approve, fuck the haters. I think top right will translate best
Which one do you think would look better for my ork kommandos?
(My skill level is very low if that matters)
If you like the design then use those colors in those ratios, otherwise it won't look like it, and you won't like it.
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I was just thinking about doing a hibiki scheme a few days ago for >>93989209 I'd already mostly decided on UMP 45, but the yellow did make me think of how much I like Hibiki's design.
Orruk Flesh is a base color which means it has good coverage. Orc Skin is a Speed Paint meaning it's transparent. Orc skin is faster to apply and will give you some natural shading, but it has to go over white, orruk flesh can go over anything, but is a solid flat color. Hope that gives you an idea of which you'd prefer, test on a scrap piece of primed plastic and you'll have a better understanding of the difference between the way the paints work.
The darker one is a bit more serious and threatening. You don't need to use a bottle that says orc skin on it though.
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Should I still drybrush/slapchop white on my minis even though they are already primed white?
yeah its what i was thinking about but i put some other images as well. im just not sure where the colors need to go just yet. the skeleton and frame is gonna be kinda standard but im between doing the trim in orange/gold with white as the bulk of color or doing a metalic white or silver for the trim and going super high gloss orange for the plates.

yeah i figured that, mostly just peer reviewing as this is my "test model" in preperation for next year when i get an actual warlord

based symphogear enjoyer, the project i have in mind next year is an entire space marine army themed on gear with a warlord as its centerpiece.
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Thanks for the quick and in depth reply.
Also I feel like an absolute fool for not thinking about just using a spare piece of plastic for seeing the color on a model.
No, not unless you've covered with another color and want to bring out the details again. After that you can use color glazes over the white if you want. But you don't have to put white on white, unless you just like a lot of white.
No problem. Oh and another way you can do it is paint with the orruk flesh first to cover the skin areas with something solid and then use the speed paint as a wash to do the shading. A lot of people use speed paints like that.
Probably not, even if youre planning to drybrush a brighter white it'll just disappear under whatever conrtast you use over the top.
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Lately I have been using Home Depot's brand of spray. It's fast drying so it's more susceptible to heat/humidity and over-spraying, but it's three dollars a can.
And when it says fast drying it's really fast drying.
something in the medium, if you shake the living fuck out of them with a mixing ball inside it helps
Am I crazy or did this dude photoshop the image? Looks really off. Posted in a miniature showcase. That made me think, if people photoshop their faces and bodies for likes and stuff, surely some (semi(professional)) painters do so as well.
I never actually used the stuff myself, I just remember some anons mentioning it.
Be careful with it. Depending on what's actually in that bottle it may melt your mini as readily as it attacks the glue.
Try the freezer trick first, it will make the superglue receptive to breaking, scraping and sanding off. I'd only reach for the debonder if the situation was dire.
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If I wanted to disassemble a resin leviathan dreadnought by sticking it in the freezer and then dropping it onto the floor, how good of an idea is that?
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>by sticking it in the freezer
yes, good start
>dropping it onto the floor
only one way to find out
It definetely feels off, yes. Probably used some filters to try and make it look better but you can still obviously see it's a shitty slapchop anyway
Definitely a filter, it looks grainy as fuck
some of the grain probably comes from the slapchop but whatever he did to the image just accentuates that even more lol
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For the Emperor
Resin gets very brittle when it gets cold. Have fun.
All things are impermanent.
He said he wants it bright. The camoshade takes the edge off it anyway
Iv used it for wood elf and ranger cloaks to good effect.
Th color itself is fine, I like it a lot actually. That garbage covers so badly he's going to flip his shit before getting a solid basecoat though
>by sticking it in the freezer
>and then dropping it onto the floor
No you mongoloid
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>dropping it onto the floor
>how good of an idea is that?
Unless you enjoy pinning and gluing broken resin parts that used to be perfectly fine back together again, it's gonna suck.

See the red-and-white Warlord Titan in this photograph? It's the genuine article, made of expensive Forge World resin. During this game, one of the players accidentally knocked the torso free from the legs, and it toppled over onto the tabletop... even that short of a drop was enough for parts to break and snap.

What's worse was that another player had two plastic Knights on the board in front of the Warlord, and both of them were reduced to shattered plastic ruins as a result of the accident. Seeing this unfold was like watching somebody's dog get hit by a car.
It would have been cool to watch a slow-mo video of the titan crushing the knights though.
Also, serves him right for not having a base, or a way to securely fasten the top to the legs.
Nobody deserves that agony, Anon. For shame.
he wants the pizzer. Give him the pizzer.
Are those big robots actually assembled? I don't play warhammer
Yeah. And they're like 5 thousand dollars.
Those arm guns? Bought individually and like 500 dollars each.
Money isn't real, so it's okay.
wait what the fuck they're really that expensive? why would anyone buy that
I might have overestimated a little, but just the core body is almost 2500 USD
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Talk me out of using cataphractii arms on a termie captain, bros. They look to be the right size.
They're huge resin hobby kits that need hours and hours of construction and even more painting. Every legit Warlord Titan from Forge World comes with a unique serial number. Because the owners frequently register with the Titan Owners Club group we know that there are only about 2100 Warlord Titans ever sold.

If you have a bunch of cash lying around and you want to do it, sure, why not.
I mean I know we're overpaying for warhammer minis too but spending that much on shitty forgeworld resin feels like a completely new level of retardation
>doesn't even come with a head
>not even little tiny shields they could mass produce on their off-time or just
Jesus christ.
The pauldrons don't work
The design doesn't match
The porportions are wrong
You have better options
For the five minutes where they sold head options
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Troll runt for troll hoard variety. Not sure if I should do a loin cloths or more genitals.
I think they'll work great if you shave the square off the sides of the "torso hump" so the cattaphractii pad can sit flush.
A loincloth with the penis tip sticking out a bit
Keep him away from my goblin girls...
>torso hump
The circular spot on the sides of the chest? I could, but when I did a dry-fit of the model there's really not much clearance for the top of the pauldron, and I'd prefer not to cut away from the captain model itself.
how about loin cloth with balls sticking out? Little tiny nuts cuz he's a young adult.

Sorry, trolls get the fem goblins in the end.
special olympics bowling, go for it little guy
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I'm referring to the area circled in red. I would flatten that so that the cattaphractii pad (in green) doesn't have a gap with the torso.
Oh, that spot. When you bring it up it does look like the shape of the pauldron continues into the torso in some detached way.
The other option I was thinking of was slicing off the lightning claw and sticking it onto the arm of a modern terminator, but I don't know how tricky that will be.
For the thrill of using a robot the size of a toddler in a miniatures game, it's like when you made a toy town as a kid and pretended to be Godzilla
Cutting the claw off would be really difficult. I wouldn't try that.
cat 4 coming ashore in florida, pack your paints and head out tampa, you will not survive this.
Fuck. Will it be too humid for me to spray paint?
if you use GW spray cans... yes
updates show Tallahassee will be hit hardest, I'd say spray now and run
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How'd you know I'm in Florida?
I'm a side kick. I mean psychic
>During this game, one of the players accidentally knocked the torso free from the legs, and it toppled over onto the tabletop
I've never built a titan and god knows if I ever will, but would it be possible to "pin" the torso to the legs? Or add some sort of stick on the pelvis part so it slots into the torso?
I still remember that, it really was like watching a car crash in action. It makes me appreciate how much more durable the metal models I own are.
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Well it took three, eh, "deep strikes" but the exhaust stack is a bit beat up so it is as far as it'll get right now.
No problem. It can be fixed. It's just plastic and paint.
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Ready to kill some german
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My special little guy
Well done,
>someone asks for C&C
>give him some suggestions
>just flat out tells everyone "No, I'm happy how it is"
nigga why did you even ask
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I wish I could get a good picture of these dudes. The first Harka is done. The three long bases. For id purposes there's some subtle green on each base to match the green banner. I'm very happy with these guys. I'm really happy with that double crescent flag.
File deleted.
>knew the primer wasn't great
>figured it wasn't THAT bad and I could get away with it
>worked on this for a while
>rigged up an upgrade to my lighting today
>didn't realize how much of a difference it would make
>also didn't realize how absolutely FUCKED this guy is
>now I can see every BIT of it
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I love the simple color scheme of dark teal and burgundy with the pale white fleshtones.

Here's the Ultramarine jump pack assault sergeant I just finished. There's five shades of blue but it always seems like the edge highlighting is either too intense or barely noticeable. Working on better brush control for unhelmeted faces. The rest of the squad will all have helmets. These guys are a bit more fun than Tigurius was with a million tiny little details everywhere.
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It looks like a bacteria under a microscope lol.
Don't feel bad, we've all dealt with fubar primer.
Some models are saying it'll be cat 5 hovering for a long time off atlanta coast
Beautifully done sir but they aren't ready. They need cans of spam. Pop one open and carry on.
Looks great fren. Nice too see trad minis around here
Looks fine, throw a few layers of varnish on top and say it's gud
He's cool
Had a similar case last week which I was thankfully able to get a return for. I don't know how much of it was just the nature of white primer and how much of it was the can being fucked, but I tried it out on a model and it was about this bad.
>always painted big burly men that are, dare i say it, easy (space marines, orks)
>get my first DKoK set, the Kill Team
>miniatures significantly smaller
>lots of small, intricate details
>fucking coat buttons
its over
>wooden hand guard
Yeah I kind felt the same getting back into it and randomly getting some tau. In my head they were about the same size as space marines (I think they used to be in 2004?) and they were so small. Then got some space marines and they were fucking ginormous.
That's the compact feature for cheaper shipping. If you soak them in water they grow.
I remember this other symphogear themed paint scheme, so this might help for seeing how they did it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A_zvN_POpgY
holy fuck. this man is my spirit animal
Thank you friends, I'll keep these in mind when I stop by my hobby shop next time.
This is super based.
>Depending on what's actually in that bottle it may melt your mini as readily as it attacks the glue.
It is a metal model so I should be fine, right?
I do plan to try the freezer trick first.
metal models are pretty impervious. If you don't mind stripping the paint you can just dump the model in acetone which will turn the superglue into goo that will come right off with no residue.
>If you don't mind stripping the paint you can just dump the model in acetone which will turn the superglue into goo that will come right off with no residue.
I'll look into acetone usage. I know that the greenstuff base will be affected. So I'm gonna be a bit cautious and look into the freezer trick first and see if I can scrape the superglue off the model first.

The model is a cloaked skeleton with a hand and staff piece that must be glued together. I want the bond to be as strong as possible, but I used too much superglue and had some build up which is why I'm in my mess. I don't like the idea of driving to the LGS to play a game only to find out that the staff hand fell off.

Maybe this is the same stress people felt during the Abaddon the armless meme days.
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>you can just dump the model in acetone
>which will turn the superglue
>into goo
>that will come right off with no residue.
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I kinda want to make a flag for some building terrain, like being held up by rope rather than on a flagpole. Could I pull it off with paper or for a more soft & folded look should I get some sort of synthetic fabric?
Cut it out of a tin can lid, that way you can pose it and it'll keep it's shape. Also won't tear.
Anyone have the gif of the metal straw "airbrush" sprayblasting a plague marine with yellow spit paint
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I tried to find it. Thought I had it but I guess not. Sorry anon.

I started working on the coat. It's a little flat. I don't want it to look glossy though so I think I need to shade down the black areas to a darker black. rather than the other way around.
Can you paint over varnished minis?
Absolutely. Not only that, but sometimes advisable in cases like
>oil/enamel washes over a gloss varnish for easier cleanup
Varnishes to seal in layers of paint as intermediate steps has been a thing in historical modelling forever, especially in the context of weathering. Also, not limited to varnishes, but the practice of strategically layering different kinds of paint to protect lower layers of paint from different kinds of solvent based products.
I didn't realise we were talking about a metal mini this whole time. Then you can go wild with the debonder, or acetone as the other anon said.
I've currently got the miniature in the freezer right now. I'm thinking about giving it a three hour chill. Hopefully the super glue residue will easily be able to be moved away. It is the "wrist depression" that has me a bit concerned as I may have to use a sharp tipped hobby knife to dig the super glue resin out or use a pin vice for the job. If those don't work I'll have to use my debonder and hope for the best.
How do you do faces like this? Is it a red glaze to get the slight rosiness? How do you do eyes?
Very nice, but they look a bit wet, would recommend getting some matt varnish.
Pure sovl, great work.
>Is it a red glaze to get the slight rosiness
More or less. Red or magenta, super thin though, and a tiny bit heavier on the blush areas. Purple for actually shaded areas like the left side of the nose and sides.
You also want to look at some basic face highlighting, honestly I didn't do much on this one, just some slightly brighter upside down triangle shapes under the eyes, the nose, and chin.
Makeup tutorials can help give you an idea.
Also having anon help with your skin tone and shading helps.

Eyes at this scale (not gonna work on warhammer minis necessarily) I follow the process
>base eye with white barely tinted with grey+red
>dark recess shade around the inside of the eye (where eyeliner would go
>paint pupil dots 500 times until they look right and not cross-eyed
>paint Iris color around pupil (then probably re-dot the pupil)
>1 line of thin dark wash along the top line of the eye to simulate eyelid shadow
>highlight dot on the pupil, and I do a lighter iris color along the bottom of the circle
>clean up the any spill around the eye with skin tone
>paint in eyelashes/eyeliner
That's about it. I feel like that's a lot of steps writing them out, but it isn't really when you're doing it, I didn't spend that much time on them and I'm not particularly skilled or anything. I've done it on I think 3 faces similar to this now and always gotten okay results - I do use little magnifying glasses when doing them though.
I'm definitely no authority on any of this in general.

The one thing I did do differently on this one which instantly made them better was adding a tiny dot of highlight color to the outline right around the tear duct area Just lookup 'egirl makeup' and you'll see what I mean on many. egirl makeup tutorials in general are probably pretty good since they're so exaggerated they read well on minis and don't actually come off that e-girly when it's tiny.
I can't get over how much I love these.
What scale is it?
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75mm. A little over twice the height of a space marine.
is the skirt flat on the bottom
He missed the previous threads
Get some thin synthfabric, paper looks tacky for miniature flags.
>He's a 300 year old, 8 foot tall, genetically modified super soldier and the physical embodiment of the Emperor of Mankind's will
>She's a 25 foot tall highschooler with an attitude and a bionic arm
>And they're gonna clean up the drug problem in this town
>Watch as they take on everyone from corrupt cops, to the Mexican cartels. Every Thursday at 9PM... On FX
Drill your barrel
too busy drilling your mom
also remember to thin your paints and increase contrast too : ))
fuck off
>trad minis
NTA but what are trad minis?
Think he means historical minis. Not fantasy/scifi stuff like is mostly posted.
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you can also use use plasticard and hot water
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what's a good way to clean dust off minis? I initially wanted to just put them in water but I have really shitty tap water and I'm afraid of limescale buildup
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Not calling either one good or bad (or the job I did on either one good or bad), but it's always interesting to put models done in different styles side by side and see how different the feel is. Now I just need to get the praetor a base.
If you have an airbrush, just don't load it with paint and blow air on your minis.
Otherwise, keyboard cleaning cans would work.
There are some hand-blowers for watchmaker and jewelers but they are expensive for what they are and don't work well (and they all use compressors with blowpieces instead these days so see the first piece of advice)
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I do have an airbrush and I feel like a complete retard for not thinking about that in the first place
>tfw girlfriend is practically begging me to fuck her but i still got 4 cadian shock troops to go
im sorry babe... but you should've known what you got into once you got involved with a /wip/ chad...
Let her under the table anon, sweet jesus. Don't be selfish.
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>im sorry babe... but you should've known what you got into once you got involved with a /wip/ chad...
I was about to say how this is a funny shit post but we genuinely got a bunch of married dudes in here, so statistically, this could've happened
I still blows my mind there aer married people with kids here. I mean good for them but I thought everyone on 4chan was a socially inept aspie
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>would it be possible to "pin" the torso to the legs?
Yes. One of the managers at the Citadel is a fantastic painter and model-builder, and I'm fairly surprised that he didn't take such a precaution considering this Titan spends most of its time in a glass case in the hallway. Models like that are built to be modular for easy storage and transportation, but even the old Armorcast Titans had steel bolts running through the body to increase structural integrity.

I could tell the Knights' owner was really holding back in front of his kids. Pretty sure this incident is what prompted most of the people on our end of the table to go home after lunch.

That reminds me... I need to clean the tile grout in my shower.
I think it heavily depends on the board and on the general. On some random /b/ porn thread, yeah, you got underage retards. But on a niche board like /tg/ and then on an even more nice general like /wip/, the amount of just regular ass well adjusted adults should surpass those of 14 year old edgelords, if that makes sense.
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came back to this mk3 space marine kit I bought many months ago. I just love the look of imperial fist in the rugged mk3.

I know it's sloppy and with a lot of errors and asymmetry but goddamn it's really satisfying to look at and hold. the black, blue, dark steel and red all come together really well on the back where there's so much going on. I promise you that it looks significantly less shitty if you look it with a naked eye in normal lighting. Yes, I am blaming my iphoe camera

I'm gonna highlight and drybrush their sarge tomorrow instead of just mostly drybrushing like I did for this guy.

you printed that helmet, didnt you? looks very kawaii well done

Man that bladeguard captain looks a million times better without the hideous flipped-visor build the box art uses
hold the fuck on, horus heresy minis look like THAT

holy kino...
>well adjusted adults
That's a reach. Let's just settle for functional adults.
Thin cotton will work fine if you want a real fabric flag, old shirt or preferably a sheet, or underwear flag or just can buy better cotton as a quarter fat square from fabric store which the ladies use for quilting in any solid color, after painting you can pose it by sticking it in a thin liquid starch and folding around sticks tying with string and holding it over warm, not hot stove as it dries or lettingit air dry, if you want tight creases or perfectly flat use an iron on it after starch and spray starch will also work, you can also use hair spray but you can't use heat with hairspray at all.
Yeah, the Exorcist is entirely printed except the arms. Thanks. Your dude looks nice - especially as part of a group you won't notice any errors.
Yeah it does make sense. Warhammer generals are still full of retards though
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>Man that bladeguard captain looks a million times better without the hideous flipped-visor build the box art uses
To each his own, I guess. I liked that helmet so much, I stole it from my Captain kit and put it on my Bladeguard squad's sergeant. Could it be the combination of the visor and the pose on the captain that doesn't work for you?
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I was too lazy to cut out another cataphractii right arm so you'll have to play pretend, but this is a lazy blue-tack fit of a kitbash I'm considering. Maybe it'll look less fitting once I fully assemble the legs, but it doesn't look as bad as I feared yet.
The torso hump ended up not being a problem, because there is just enough space for the pauldron to sit without there being a big gap anywhere.
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Me and my wife are mostly functional at best ;_;
Also: Latest Minis to stay at least partly relevant.
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is there a generic airbrush cleaning tool or kit I can get easily from most hobby shops or e-commerce sites like temu, ali express etc? My nozzle clogs a lot cause I'm a retard and I have to use my needle, acetone, or fit some of the tiny as bristles of an old toothrbush thru the nozzle tip to clean it.

please help guys it's getting really annoying to clean. the new vallejo game color being gunky as hell doesn't help either

also does anyone know a good tool or something to scoop paint from a citadel pot into my airbrush? I have a metal sculpting tool but the paint gets stuck on it a lot.
Be very very careful prying with a knife, so many ded from that, seriously, I'd just twist with fingers back and forth to break bond after freezing add water and repeat freezing, eventually it'll pop.
Giant porn fetish triggered, please stop I can only get so hard
>>93999787 >>93999794
Yeah trad minis, traditional minis, war miniatures of historical armies on wide bases,
Ironically your cheaper paint brush, dry dust with brush then wipe brush on cloth and repeat until mini clean, works perfectly, cheap soft fuzzy brush is best, hold mini sideways to remove dust best
Both good, you going to base the other with rocks and sand or flock?
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Rogue trader and chrono gladiator finished up.
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>rocks and sand or flock
Two separate armies; the Praetor on the left is getting an industrial base. It's not ready yet but this guy has the same style, if it gives you an idea.
You just need to thin the paint more and wipe tip or airbrush across moist sponge occasionally as you paint, flush with water, to clean internals just remove needle and wipe off that's about the level you need to clean most days, to get paint from pot use special stick tool called toothpick, toothpick comes in boxes from grocery store, don't know why they sell them there and not hobby shop, but they are wood and long and sharp so we use them sometimes, especially when making historical Dracula dioramas, anyway you get dollop of paint on toothpick stick and put in airbrush cup add water and alochol drop or one drop propylene glycol one drop medium one drop water to make my special flow improver and mix against side of cup with toothpick stick, get another dollop and repeat as necessary when about 1 quarter as thick as before maybe good to airbrush with. Toothpick stick cinnamon flavored are best, smells gud, but stains mini red so best for mouth not for paint mixing. You can save toothpick stick after paint dries as use other end, but risky because both sides are sharp so dangerous. Try to throw toothpick stick away in responsible manner. Many ded from careless toothpick stick uses and disposals.
have you considered entering "airbrush cleaning set" into temu, aliexpress, ebay or amazon?

Yes. It exists.
Looks good, weathering very nice
>painting general
>95% are GW minis
I'm sure you're doing better than I am anon. It's also great to see oop metal necromunda minis. I had a few once long ago.
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and? is there an affirmative action DEI clause in the rules?

here, this is a frostgrave mini. Have a good time.
Then post something else?
I like it
Nice sword
4chan is among the top most used websites in the world surprisingly, pol alone is famous for solving murders and kidnappings, /tg now has the best forum for miniature painting in the world and a 3d printing thread and we really need our own boards for those, and we are demanding a /grow section for gardening, if jannies weren't trannies we'd grow even faster, 4chan is the best format out there, we just need to completely decentralize it so it can't be censored or shut down or users traced or doxxed. But 4chan has great potential unlike telescam fakebook and twatter
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The airbrush suggestion's a good shout, I personally like to use one of those really soft make-up brushes first to get it out of the nooks and crannies the airbrush sometimes struggles to push it out of
A most magnifique rodent, yes-yes!
That comes with the territory of GW being an almost monopoly in wargaming
And if your playgroup doesnt have unlimited time and money they are gonna gravitate to the most popular stuff
Yeah it sucks. I personally wish that the historicals and alternative lifestyle wargames would stay in their containment threads. I make a point to never comment on their posts to discourage them from continuing to post.
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>what's a good way to clean dust off minis?
The best way is to not let them get dusty in the first case. Put them in their cases, behind glass or plastic, or underneath a sheet of some kind.

Despite my best efforts, I find that dust inevitably gets in some places. For that, I use a big soft brush to clean each model individually.
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Looks good bro

Love these! I'm working on a chaos rogue trader to go along with these traitor guard..
I like the burnt off face
does anyone here have experience with stargrave / frostgrave minis?
my small ass local games store has their sets!
and it kinda seems like a kitbashers dream, its like 20 minis for 30 bucks, all buildable however you want them but there are so many sets idk which to get
I think there's too many schizos here for it to be acceptable in mainstream. I do agree that the format is good and this thread is easily the best place for hobby discussion I've found yet.
yeah that looks pretty good, actually. The beakie sells it.
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They are really nice.
Use the gw one all over the skin, then drybrush it white and give it a layer of the army painter one
Should I use a storm bolter that comes with the cataphractii box, or the one that comes with the termie captain box?
The captain's storm bolter, to mix the modern parts in further.
Why is she brandishing a vibrator
Do you guys have kitbash thumb?
what the fuck is with those nails, how are they so small
That was my thought as well. I also like the boxy nature of the modern storm bolter's magazines, and the fact that you can see the shells inside.
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It's a magic wand.
Sword looks hot
Nice collection
Because brandishing is literally the only thing anybody can ever do with a vibrator, it has no other single purpose or use.
I've bashed my thumbs with hammers before if that's what you mean
I mostly share my stuff in /awg/ but I have been too busy to paint anything lately.
guy's probably a chronic nail biter
>I've bashed my thumbs with hammers before
Lack of calcium growing up
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Finally some paint on the biggest piggy back rider in the realms
Also should I make the cowl around his head black? I fear its gonna be too much yellow.
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Not remotely finished, but does this color combination work? Test painting for a new Guard force. I'm slightly colorblind sort of, it's complicated so sanity checking before I finish this guy or do any more.
wtf it was you this whole time
get back to your marines, i liked those guys
>hideous flipped-visor build the box art uses
Fuck you
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>get back to your marines, i liked those guys
I did all of them though!
I was just painting the start collecting box with some marines and necrons or whatever it was called
I think it looks fantastic
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What I really need to do is finish my Farsight. I still haven't based him. But wanting to do the cherry blossom tree differently on the base sent me down a rabbit hole of other random minis, learning to cast stuff, and make tiny trees out of wire.
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I thought I had a more up to date picture of him, he's done now except for the base. But instead of finishing him I did actually finish picrel, and learned I'd rather just paint cute girls for a while. And It's teaching me some new things.

Thank you for reading my blog.
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I remember you and another painted one of these goblins. I aim to paint one too one day.
I copied him to be fair. I saw him post that mini and had to get it.
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Good progress, only need to highlight the skin and I‘ll have 3 squads ready.
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Thanks anon. Had some time so finished him up. Bright base rim because there's nowhere good to put table-distance-visible squad markings on these guys, and I'm gonna be running a lot in pretty tight blocks & don't want to get squads mixed up.
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Not miniature related but wanted to share still. Wife did a papa nurgle related carving on this skull to commemorate the horrid smell of it before it was fully stripped of flesh
did you strip it of flesh wiz ze bugs?
that is cool as fuck
looks really cool anon
Boiled it for like 12 hours, picked meat off the bone, put in hydrogen peroxide
Did you drink the water, or make soup with it?
No it was starting to rot before we even stated with it
Finally got around to slapping some paint on the bases of these guys. I forgot to drybrush the ground before gloss coating the area. Since you'll be barely able to make out the ground, once the water effect with slight waves is applied, it shouldn't be much of a noticeable issue.
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Also a painted a KT so far that it could get a gloss coat for the lazy enamel wash
Great work, should sell on ebay as rare item, instant cash cow
Solid stuff
Nice flesh
Really pretty
Great metal painting
Perfect blues
Based bruce poster
Block based clamping is based
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I really need to work on my photos.
>perfect blues
Thanks. I painted the armor almost entirely with sponges
Oh fuck, I thought I had edited this picture to say
>That one anon who always says nice things about everybody's models
in the mirror, but I must have just greentexted when I posted it before.
My nigger
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First time being happy with a red armor, the official model has a black cape. Should I keep the cape black or use another color?
Purple looks good with red and is a royal color
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Purple always looks good. Every model is improved by adding purple.
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>humidity 70% or higher for the next 6 days
He used a bunch of filters so it’s grainy
then why isn't everything grainy?, it's only the model nothing else has it
It is, it's just out of focus as well
no it isn't, if it was a filter then everything would've been grainy
too bad he hasn't drawn anything in fucking forever afaik
pretty sure that's digital noise, introduced by the camera's gain being too high
Turn off automatic settings and change iso to 400 and see if improves
Don't eat gun kitty, instead try brush on primer
It's the phone cameras auto sharpening and stacking that's exaggerating all the texture.
Phone cameras are shit and have a bunch of built in filters to "enhance" the poor image quality.
I manage to take half decent pictures with my phone camera, that guy just fucked something up
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Here is that pic I was actually looking for.
Anyone here use two thin coats?
I'm moving into a new paint range and was thinking Duncan's.
I always wonder why the sword doesn't look more chaosy
Obviously to trick people into using it.
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Hi fa/tg/uys, just wondering, does anyone have a pdf link for "Adeptus Astartes: Successor Chapters" from 2017? It came with the special edition of 7th edition and I would like to download it for ideas on having more Deathwatch Veterans. I tried looking online but haven't found a reliable download.

pic related my 6 Deathwatch Veterans
duncans range uses something called the triad system
I have a decent amount of their paints and they're all really good. Those and AK 3rd gen are my go tos now. If you're moving from citadel and want pretty much direct equivalents only of not shit quality I'd say they're worth it. Just remember they're the most pricey hobby paints per ml right now
Wasn't it suppused to be a weapon made by the Deceiver at some point? Just to troll the Necrons, as they could have given them more normal immortality, but decided on souls for dinner.
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Money isn't really an issue for me,
I'm just sick of citadel pots, and I'm looking for a clean slate of a range, then use a few paint from other ranges to my taste.

Anyways here's my crimson fist
I think a lot of their paints were designed to be as close to citadels as possible so they're definetely worth considering in your case. I also don't care about a bottle of hobby paint being $1 more expensive but I don't want to trigger some schizo
How is he sideways like that?
I have several boxes from both lines; they’re pretty great, and mix very well with both the other boxes in the line as well as their sister game.
I want an anime knights army so badly right now.
mag locked boots
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How many paint bottles have you guys filled up today? I must’ve filled up about seven full of old paint.
oh are you not supposed to just dump it in the sink?
No I just drink a lot of water so I usually just fill them up with dirty paint water
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And now you can drink even more! Truly this is the definition of recycling!
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See I had to move the thing out of the way so you could see the other paint bottles I have thrown away.
Is this WIP's version of a piss bottle?
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Basecoated yet another rubric. These guys are pretty time consuming to paint but I love the scheme so much I'm having a blast anyway.
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Started working on some Block War stuff.
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Some Block Tanks. I got 1 more and all their bases on another print. Also printing some Sphere Tanks
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I think he's as done as he'll ever be. I'm going to enter him in a painting contest for my LGS. I probably won't win, but I think he's good enough to at least be entered and not imemdiately laughed at.
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I have upgraded from rubber bands to clamps.
I can already feel my vehicles not being as weirdly put together.
Now I gotta wait for this rainstorm to stop so when I finish building all of these rhinos, I can prime them.
I hope any Florida painters are safe and have secured their minis.
Managed to finally basecoat three of my Tyranid Warriors; hopefully I can get the motivation to complete them (or at least one of them) by the weekend. Been feeling tough to paint lately for some reason, but if I do them one at a time I think it'll turn out better.
good job on lenses
>>94005887 >>94005904
fun stuff!
real tanks made same way
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What makes someone spend $300 for an airbrush over just getting a $20 one from china? Is the quality that much better? Can you do nice gradient shading basecoat transitions on a spacemarine's armor with a $20 airbrush? Like pic related. Maybe better.
Since I finished one group of Berbers last night, tonight I've started on a group of Spanish colonial troops. The leader and national colors of a Cazadores battalion. These will be the chaff troops for my Spanish forces.
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First kill team kasrkin is close to done I guess. Will probably still do some touchups but I don't think I have the skill yet to get it much cleaner than it is. But the base turned out well for my first time using cork and sand.

Thinking I don't like the green ring around the base though. Any suggestions there? Black is the obvious answer I guess.
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Can anyone identify this metal RT mini?
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>Block War
>Not Judge Dredd
Sounds like a first-class ticket to the iso-cubes, citizen!
base should be black, white, or grey to match the figure. otherwise good job
they are proper, put them to good use
It's not impossible to get good results with a rubbish tool, but a nicer tool's going to make it a hell of a lot easier (that's what she said, etc.). The main issues with cheapo airbrushes are that the parts never quite fit as nicely, which makes it very awkward to get fine control with them; less precise jets of air, less responsive to small adjustments of the trigger, higher risk of sputtering. Anecdotally, they also just seem to be much less sturdy, so you find yourself replacing parts far more frequently than if you'd just spent a bit extra up-front on an entry-level H&S or Iwata or what have you. Plus the big manufacturers have a wider selection of (very well made) parts, like smaller nozzles/needles which are useful for doing more precise volumes on something as small as a Space Marine
TL;DR, sure you can get away with a cheap one, but you'll be handicapping yourself in the long run
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Brother Jacobs, apparently
Can you post a size reference?
Thanks, I ordered a Johnny and ended up with a different mini.
Real tanks are made with giant clamps holding sections together?
What's anon's favorite tool for making precise cuts through plastic or resin?

I heard some anon talk about using a hot wire cutter. Does this make some of the cleanest cuts if you need to like, bisect a marine or cut wrists, arms, thighs etc from knees or elbows cleanly?
Hot wire is for styrofoam. Your best bet is a scalpel
what about a jeweler's saw?
Looks rad, dude. Good color choice and very clean. Keep up the good work.
Metal. Your wife has great talent.
Depends on how thin you want the cut. You can get rigid exacto style saws to put in your knife handle.
You can also get laser etched saws for even finer work where you may want to keep both sides of the cut.
yep, they clamp, weld, send them to ukraine, and then the russians blow them apart. It's so money.
Depends on the type of cut you need. As fren said jewelers saw works good, but those blades are fine and do snap so can be troublesome, a coping saw is better for strength, but if resin section large you might want a hacksaw with a fine toothed blade, for bigger straight cuts on flat stock sections electric bandsaw. for curved cuts on flat stock fine bladed jigsaw will work, For thin flat stock and straight sections you can just use a carpet knife/box cutter scoring the plastic again and again by running the knife against a ruler and the snap the plastic off clean. But the best all around tool is just a saw blade made for hobbies/miniatures. They make all different kinds for your xacto knife or you can just buy a separate kit like this https://www.amazon.com/Modelling-Hacksaw-Pieces-Cutting-Branches/dp/B08SQQHD9M
Just remember that when you cut resin you should wet the figure first and rinse often with the hose outside or a disposable cup of water and a sponge to keep the dust down since resin dust is toxic to breathe, but then you have to dry your tools really well and oil them with mineral oil to prevent rust until next use when you wash them with soapy water before beginning to keep the oil off your minis.
Can somebody post Slaanon's strawberry guy? Please, we need it in the solarpunk thread.
I just watched this movie because of your post and holy fuck. I think I like the Delaque models now. Simple paintjob, and looking good. Great movie too, thanks for posting.
I really want to see close ups of these!
Yeah I like it too. Kino. Plus Jennifer Connelly, she needs to call me. She's so fine. I've liked her since Labyrinth. Super liberal though so I'd have to fix her.
It being blank is almost funnier.
Did everyone die in the hurricane? Where are all the models?
Yeah I deaded
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Weird. I know I have this model, too, but I can't find him in the Blue Catalogue. Maybe he was purged from Imperial records like Brother Craig and Brother Sheer. I thought he might be one of the Rhino Riders - they're not in the Blue Catalogue, either - but I have those guys too, and he's not one of them, either.
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>the Rhino Riders
These guys, plus the little turret/hatch pieces that fit the Mk I Rhino and accommodate the upper torsos of other rider models like those for bikes and jet-cycles.
Looks charming. Can't find anything of it when searching for the game tho, only the judge dread one. How do i find out more about it?
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Tonight's mini. I plan on mounting them to sculpted plastic bases later. I tried a different approach here than the jump assault sergeant the other day. I started with a wolf grey primer, then added on several coats of a 50/50 mix of contrast Ultramarine blue and contrast medium. Followed up with filling in the middle areas with thinned down Kantor blue. Kind of like doing edge highlighting in reverse. I might be able to do better the other way but for certain squads this is much faster and gets almost the same quality.
looks really gud fren
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>You're too hard on yourself, babe... Your freehand swastika shoulder pads look good. They do!
These are nice. Reminds me of Advance Wars
found it https://x.com/patsocatso
Holy shit, those designs are fantastic.
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ey, gj
i must suck at searching
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a tiny bit more progress on the jacket and the skirt.
found it through google lens
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Who said you only had to run through the jungle?
Nice Ontos minis!
Planning on any gun trucks?
Yeah. Will likely buy them from Old Glory. I got enough stuff on my plate for now though
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Here, I did the hair for you, now get to it.
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Ah sorry. I went away from the thread after posting. Patsocatso is the concept artist. FilamentioJojo on twitter or J0J0 on mmf is the sculptor. I'm in the patreon and I think Blockstate are getting an APC next month, and Jojo said his goal is to also make 28mm version in November.

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