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"No Lotus, No Links II" Edition

i'll do it again, just like the rules committee
Thirty (30) starting life is objectively superior to fourty (40)
Right so you think the market will survive on precons? Remind me when a JewLo was printed in a precon. Oh? It never was? But Sol Rings were? And JewLo was a $100 card but Sol Rings are $2?

Huh fuckin weird...it's like...it's like rare cards have some sort of intangible value based on scarcity...has anyone ever thought of this before?

Lmao you don't even know what you're arguing anymore.
>we don't need a secondary market!
>uh also people buy cards just because they can not because they have some kind of value!!!!
Uh huh. And what do they buy them with? Money? Oh right. And they pay a particular cost for those cards? Fuck, what do they call it when someone is willing to spend a particular cost, in money, on something...begins with a V or something...idk
Vagina. Not that you would know.
>this nigga has to pay for vagina
are you fucking retarded? the last thread was on page 4 and it's fucking 10:50 PST and 1:50 EST. The last thread could have gone on for the rest of the fucking night.

Previous thread:
He's angry about bans, of course he is retarded.
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Been mostly out of the format for about 2 years now, trimmed down my deck collection from a dozen to just my three favorites, sold off a lot of staples, only play maybe once a month, haven't brewed a new deck since 2021, etc.
But seeing the absolute seething from investroons and cEDHfags these bans have caused has brought such a smile to my face, even though I lost a mana crypt from one of my decks the new banlist actually has me excited to play EDH again. Anyone else?
>seething from investroons and cEDHfags
Baiting faggot.
gaslighting post
It brings me substantial joy to see "investors" lose their piss
Gay Bolas
>It's okay to commit fraud
You really can't defend it
Bruh you have been baiting for (You)s on this for 24 hours.
This is my first post, I haven't played mtg in years, lol
>tee hee hee I havent played the game in years, but boy i sure LOVE this decision! I actually lost out, BUT I don't mind it. I heckin hate le investors and trannies, and this decision is sooooo BASED that I want to play the game again!
Pure fucking bait, you're not very good at it
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>>93989234 (you)
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anon, rudy and his investor goon cult have been around for like 8+ years now
you don't need to be some old guard stoic to recognize the cancer of these awful bastards hoarding literal warehouses of hobby product like it's a ghetto fort knox larp
I'm just glad no one hates Bloomburrow anymore!
>Ok anons I go first
>Swamp, Sol Ring, Tap for two and cast Ankh of Mishra
>Your turn
why were people mad about bloomburrow?
genuinely some of the most interesting and appreciable art the game has had in a long time
Fraud is a legal charge.
Imagine if WotC banned lotus, crypt and dockside because they served their purpose. Now WotC wants to rewrite them in "more EDH friendlier" way and make the new ones the chase cards like the previous ones were. After a year I'm sure that most of the normies will forget this ban ever happened and have already accepted that they've spend too much money on a cardboard.

I'm still wondering why Sol Ring has to be mentioned in the post when it aligns with the same reason as the RC's decision for the rest of the cards. There has to be a monetary reason or something else behind the curtains.
I don't find cutie animals appreciable or interesting.
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well that sounds like a personal problem, anon
Banlist Update

>OFFICIAL Commander website, where you can learn the rules, see the current banlist, and read the format philosophy, laid down by the rules committee:

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen color identity.

>Deck List Sites: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck strategy and card choices.


>Proxy a deck or a cube for cheap

>How to proxy using any printer
>In business for 8 years
>It's just a larp
I don't think that's how business works
As long as cardboard has value, there will be a speculator's market on that value.
The only way for that to stop is if the cards had no value whatsoever.
If the cards had no value whatsoever, no one would buy them.
If no one bought them, they wouldn't be printed.
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>Nice Mountains ya got there
Can someone recommend some spicy tech for him?
I'm absolutely positive this card art is AI generated and I never see people mention it.
As someone that likes to screech about AI art, at a glance this doesn't have any of the normal hallmarks I associate with AI art. It gets a pass from me.
everything is AI generated to schizos.
Use role-generating cards to give you sac fodder, don't include rooms because they do not stay unlocked when you move them from zone to zone
It doesn't have any tells I associate with ai at all. It's skinda symetrical, and has a lot of patterned detail, and I guess the way the large mountains are rendered is a little bit plasticy? But It's missing anything that actually would indicate AI strongly. I don't really like it though.
always look up the artist when you're feeling suspicious - it says their name right there on the card
most AI art is trained on anime/japanese artist's style in particular - it tends to 'look like AI art' because it is the primordial soup of what most of it is made from
Sol Ring is the spirit of EDH
Because they knew people would be like what about muh Sol Ring?
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but what about... Sol Ring II
>costs 2 mana
>taps for 4
>art is two sol rings linked together
You're completely wrong. The weird squiggles on and around the moon are very typical of AI stuff from the time, and you can see how in parts of the clouds the AI continued the pattern but in other parts it didnt.

The design is very odd in that it isn't quite symmetrical. I'm talking about the smaller spires left and right. This is strange because the rest of the card is, and you'd think if it was an artistic decision it would be consistent.

The rive is also very strange as it doesn't have a singular source. It doesnt look as thought it was drawn by a person imagining a river, it's just kind of all over the place, The islands in the river are also seemingly randomly placed and random shapes, especially the biggest one in the foreground. Again very weird for an artist, but not weird for AI

I think the only bit that was hand drawn was the trees and branches in the foreground.

Much harder to look into a Japanese artist.
I have looked up US MtG artists to judge whether they're tracing, and it helps to be able to read their social media posts and find live streams of particular things.
I'd still ban the other mox's before even considering Sol Ring.
I think you're just not very smart or good at pattern recog desu
Immaculate refutation.
There's nothing hard about it schizo.
Goes back to 2018 though a lot is tagged as #old painting so they've probably been professional for longer than that.
"I suspect it because I'm delusional" is not an argument than can be refuted, you got four people instantly saying "no, you're dumb" because to a non retard nothing about that image looks like AI.
I spend a lot of time obsessing over AI art and that just doesn't look like AI to me. It just looks like normal, albeit slightly subpar, art.
Faded Jeweled Lotus (0):
{T}, Sacrifice Faded Jeweled Lotus: Add two mana of any one color. Spend this mana only to cast your commander.
the most generous interpretation for that vomit of a post is that you are shit-stirring because you're bored, and nobody has any interest in engaging with that behavior. if you meant that post in any way seriously, go pay $10 to your local down-and-out person to assault you cuz you missed a couple of beatings in high school or something
Fuck bros, I love these bans. Gets people on both sides of the aisle roused. We need more vans RC!

So how do you actually cash out all that money? Serious question.
When I wanted to sell some of my cards for their supposed value nobody bought them. Is there an ATM that people use to turn their cards into money?
To be clear, Dockside's banning is only the second time ever that a card printed in precons has eaten a ban. It was printed in the C19 set.
The first card printed in a precon to eat a ban was Trade Secrets, printed in the commander set of 2011 and banned in 2013; the commander deck it was in was excluded from both Commander Anthology box sets.

Sol Ring is never getting banned.
Bruh you're making the classic mistake. Just because the artist is professional, and just because they've been an artist for years doesn't mean they are above shortcuts.
Especially if they're working to deadlines for a client. Maybe he hard artists block. Maybe he had other projects and didn't manage his time well. Maybe he was just experimenting with AI and didn't really see it as a controversial tool.

Pic related is by a known artist, she can draw on stream, but this particular piece is blatantly traced. The lighting on the main figure is completely different to things that weren't in the reference photo. Not just the zombies, but the shovel, and the veil as well.
It's likely she used a generic fantasy reference folder, traced the figure and the lighting on her, but didn't have reference for the additions she made so they aren't as well drawn.

She's a professional artist, she's very skilled, but she's not above shortcuts.

>"I suspect it because I'm delusional" is not an argument
Well thank fuck I listed all of the details in the image that seemed suspicious to me instead of saying that.

>you are shit-stirring because you're bored,
Lmao the fucking cope. It's fine to just say "I don't agree."
I'm not about to get into an argument with this guy >>93989476 because ultimately we just have a difference of opinion.
But if you call me delusional or accuse me of shit stirring for sharing my honest opinion, with a fucking detailed list of why I believe it, then I'm gonna fight my corner. Fuck you.
im listening
ok so you are actually a fucking crazy person. you didnt even give yourself the basic sanity check of "would an artist use AI for the background, but then paint the foreground?"
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Thoracle needs to go, as a start. What other staples should get the axe? Let's really shake up this format.
AI has a very specific look and is terrible at doing anything unique
>guaranteed replies!
The details seeming suspicious to you is not something to be refuted beyond saying "yea no that's retarded". Do you want me to > each line and explain why it's retarded? No. I'm just going to dismiss you and call you stupid, because that's all you are.

If you're not an idiot:

The river's source is the tower.
Thoracle is not the problem. Demonic Consultation and Tainted Pact are the problem. I actually think honest LabMan type decks are perfectly fine.
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>At my LGS today
>All the pay to win cEDH fags are crying
>one is screaming about insider trading
This is hilarious
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Maybe the other posters only look at AI pictures of characters or something because my eye was immediately drawn to pic rel, this exact patterned look is extremely common in AI-generated landscapes. I'm about 50/50 on this particular piece of art being AI-generated but this part of the art specifically makes it suspect for sure.
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Yeah, basically
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This is what AI images look like. Your blood moon shit is not done in this art style.
>People do insider trading
>People get mad
I'm not surprised
Seen thoracle played twice ever in two years
I had a thoracle deck.
I took it apart for Etrata Assassins.

Update: Etrata Assassins is REALLY fun.
That's what you get for investing your money in a stock market with ZERO LAWS GOVERNING IT
>AI has a very specific look
Yes, and you can see it in the anime art for Blood Moon. The squiggle pattern and the river in particular.
>is terrible at doing anything unique
What was unique about it? It's a barren landscape with spiky mountains and a red sky.

Yeah, when you disagree with a person, normally you'd say the reasons you disagree. This guy can do it: >>93989552 If you don't want to, then just don't reply.

I didn't say the river had NO source, I said it doesn't have a singular source. You can very clearly see a stream coming from between 2 mountains just about center in the card type box.
Notice how it comes from nowhere? Notice how it joins the main river at a reall weird angle? Notice how the texture of the water doesn't suggest a smooth flow where the streams meet as you'd think they would if someone made an artistic decision to put a river there?

>this exact patterned look is extremely common in AI-generated landscapes.
Yes, thank you. Especially where it meets the clouds, and it does the classic AI thing of not really knowing where one thing begins and ends.
Particularly when you remember this would have been mid 2023 AI, or maybe even late 2022.
>I'm about 50/50 on this particular piece of art being AI-generated
This is fine.

>durrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr every AI image looks exactly the saaaaaaaame!!!!!!!!! especially several years agooooooooo
What is there to even say to this?
AI is apparently indistinguishable from non-AI now. So, not seeing the issue with AI if it is this advanced
>shitposting schizo
>not seeing the issue with AI if it is this advanced
I just think it's weird that most people haven't noticed it. I pulled anime Blood Moon natty and immediately fucking noticed, but I've never seen it discussed.
I guess we can just agree to disagree about the art. I will say, however, that I wouldn't be at all surprised if it were AI assisted. People are getting clever about their sloppa and more and more "fixed" AI art is being produced.
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Ignore the card text box, the frame given to the card makes it harder to see what's going on. Look at the art.
We need a second version of the reserved list!!!
Any card worth more than $50 isn't allowed to be banned in EDH because then it will ruin my investment!!!
I will sue the RC if they do not implement this within 48 hours!!!
Most people haven't noticed it because AI is not indistinguishable from non-AI after under 2 years, or you're a schizo.
It's also funny the art you guys go after is always the better art released in recent magic and not LAQUEESHA THE DANCIN CHEERLEADER or some shit
Nothing wrong with using AI
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Yes, the strange squiggle pattern common in older AI images is still present.
It still can't decide whether its a part of the clouds or behind them.
The river still doesn't look like how a person imagines a river, cutting through a landscape. In face you can see even more clearly now shit like pic related. The fuck is happening there? The water is going behind the mountain in a way that rivers just don't.
Wow, the art looks significantly better without the text boxes.
"AI Hunters" are more psychotic than pedo hunters
Most art does. Even the fucked up Faithless Looting is kinda alright as a full piece, especially once you realize it's not an edited photo
As usual, yes, art looks better when it's not impeded by game mechanics. There's a reason full art basics are now commonplace, Urza's Saga promo is hundreds of dollars, and MPL Lightning Bolt is the best printing of Lightning Bolt.
It's not water. It's magma flowing from the citadel towards the viewer.
Even cropped to the same frame as the card, the playmat of that art looks much better than at card size.

Which reminds me, I should use that playmat this Friday.
have a (you) on me
who are you quoting? I don't want to search the fucking thread to find it, retard
its spiritually indian
You lazy fuckin' - here.

God knows you don't deserve it, can't press ctrl-c, ctrl-f, ctrl-v.
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Even if true, it is a liquid, we imagine liquids flow smoothly via the path of least resistance. Clearly we're supposed to interpret it as flowing as there are literally flow lines on it. So what the fuck is pic related? It suddenly flows in a completely nonsensical direction.
Have you never seen a fucking river?
Maybe stop doing your ebin "HURRR I DIDN'T GIVE U A YOU XD" shit. No one thinks it's cool. You're only doing it in hope the guy misses it and you get the last word.
The modern art looks cheap or objectively bad most of the time.
>Why not proxy every card you want? And if everyone proxies, no one is buying singles, no one is buying packs, there is no reason to print cards.
That's the goal?

P.S. reminder that Rosewater is a jew.
Oh, I'm not that guy. That guy wouldn't have gone to the trouble of helping you. For exactly the reasons you said they made the post in the first place.
The "IF PEOPLE PROXY THEN NO ONE WILL EVER BUY A THING AGAIN AIEEEEE" shit reminds me of my old yugioh store that had the mindset that if you let players trade, then they'd never buy product and the store would go under
>this nigga thinks rivers have streams that shoot off at 90 degrees to the main channel
You're this guy >>93988986 aren't you?
>No, WOTC will die. We could just make custom sets and continue playing. No one needs WOTC.
You already got answered
>1. Not your IP, someone will retain it even if WotC went literally bankrupt
>2. You've never done anything productive or creative in your life so what you actually mean is someone else will make custom sets for you to play
>3. The fuck do you think is going to prevent these exact fucking circumstances happening again?
Classic commie retardation. If you just fuck up society enough, utopia will emerge from the ashes...somehow.
There are no AI cards. Get over it.
Robotic hands typed this
>muh IP
NTA but that didn't stop five thousand private servers for every MMO. Not sure what an IP would do and how it stops people from making custom sets?
you are so stupid it's hard to grasp
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Why did no players nor artists take issue with this and call it AI despite several artists quitting over potential AI before? Why anon?
Why? Why do none of these people care now?
Only if you're bad at Magic even by /tg/'s standards.
The ones who did care are gone
Water and magma can both flow around rocks and other land masses in their way. And in the case of magma it can be a bit of cooled magma sitting on top of a still flowing molten river.
Have you met our lord and savior Secret Lair Drop? Retards spend hundreds on drops worth all of 10 dollars in cards. And then those drops cards end up absurdly expensive after only a few months. WOTC can print SLDs and make millions off of you buying 5 dollars in cards for 60 because it had ebin Miku on it. They don't need pricey cards anymore.
If WotC collapses the trademarks and characters under copyright don't just vanish into the ether. Someone will probably have an interest in stopping you taking money to print Ajani cards. There's a reason everyone talks about buying fakes from China, cos it's much harder to print fake cards in the US.
Dani works in ProCreate, which has no generative AI tools.
Now that is AI generated
It's literally flowing backwards from where the main channel's flow lines are going.
Furry/therian appeal
>the AI has to be built-in to the art software!!!
Are you some kind of retard??
I'm beginning to think you're blind.
If you live in a council flat beside a river but are not blind...
What's your mother's maiden name?
Or her first name?
Or did you just know her as "Ma"?
That'll have to do. "Ma."
Possibly deceased.
Is this an AI generated post?
How come you only ever accuse good art of being AI?
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>anime Blood Moon
>cartoon Signet
Bruh. It's fine to say you like them, but compared to the expanse of good MtG art??? They don't even crack the top 10,000
Note none of those streams doing this: >>93989679
Have you guys ever considered it might not be AI, but the artist just being bad and making mistakes?
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You can imagine there being erosion from the long lasting rivers of magma passing through causing formations akin to picrel. This isn't the exact same situation, but if you imagine another stronger eruption from nearby volcano the magma could take new path to flow through causing the artist's illustrated situation.
Another possibility is that magma behaves different from water streams, which is highly likely and causes the earth behaving different to what we're used to percieving in nature.
Look into river erosion.
"What is your mother's maiden name?"
Don't be silly.
Every artist is also an expert on how rivers flow and would never draw a scientifically inaccurate river in a fantasy landscape.
Oh, billabongs.
It's a weird mistake to make. People imagine rivers flowing very smoothly, it is extremely weird for a stream to shoot off at a harsh angle, almost appearing to go backwards, before rejoing a smooth channel
Bruh it's not like it's a fucking photograph. We're not debating whether its real. It comes down to "is this a decision an artist would make, or is it a mistake AI would make?" and the latter seems infinitely more probable
If anything the off shoots in the river are more extreme. Anon, you've shown you don't understand AI and now revealed you don't even know basic geography. Stop. This is getting embarrassing
Do people actualky buy SLDs? I think they're terrible + you can proxy them.
I'm not going to keep replying to you in a dead thread.

>people won't spend money on the cards in an eternal format if they're aware that a ban might occur?
Nice catastropizing.
I was pretty fucking clear here:
>I haven't said this is doomsday. I'm replying to someone who literally does not see the connection between the secondary market and Wizard's bottomline. He delusionly believes that Wizards doesn't care because they've already sold the cardboard. My point is that they do care because if a card is more valuable on the secondary market, consumers and sellers will crack more packs to find it. It is easier to establish that connection when we imagine the scenario of cards having NO value, and that is why I used that example.

I have never said the market is going to collapse and all cards are going to $0.
I have said that WotC does care about secondary market value because it affects how likely people are to chase cards.

Yugioh is a game with a massive fucking ban list. The market is built around a massive fucking ban lists. Players know when they buy the premium cardboard, that even next year it might be literally unplayable.
That is not true in the Command
>OP links gone
>somehow four threads up
>nonstop posting over some AI witch hunt during typically dead hours
So I take it someone got majorly assblasted about something? Did the bannings give someone trauma?
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"Good" art is subjective, but you have a bad taste for it. AI can't reach the heights of greatness.
You're asking the wrong question.
It's not "is this a decision an artist would make, or is it a mistake AI would make?"

It's "is this a mistake an artist would make, or is it a mistake AI would make?"

And of those, I'd bet money on the former.
Even if this was AI? What's the matter?
>you've shown you don't understand AI
You sure have.
Hey retard, do you see how the lava is both flowing, and all on the same level?
If it was a lava lake, you might have a point, but its a fucking river of lava flowing in a direction. There should not be a stream shooting off at 90 degrees.

Is it a mistake an artist would make? No because when drawing a river you'd draw it flowing fucking smoothly.

Read the fucking thread, I'll only spoonfeed you once. >>93989603
You didn't answer the question. Why do you never accuse black aragorn or black cheerleader or black vampire or tranny simic guy as AI?
>Do people actualky buy SLDs?
Are you retarded?
Am I everyone everywhere all at once?
I'm talking about a fucking specific card, I don't even know what cards you're referring to right now.
Ok so I guess you have no answer.
>Black Aragorn
That's easy, it's because Magali Villeneuve did it.
>>you've shown you don't understand AI
>You sure have.

>he's now resorting to 'no u' tactics
Very embarrassing.
Am I on fucking crazy pills?
>someone posts a meme of Blood Moon
>i find it weird no one talks about anime Blood Moon being AI
>"why do you hate good cards huh? why do you never mention these cards? huh? huh?"
The fuck is even happening.
Nice AI
>You're this guy >>93988986 # aren't you?
No, I'm not. I posted here furst time in months and I wouldn't use caps in a such retarded manner.
Someone's accusing black Aragorn as AI art now? It's not my favorite art but it's definitely not AI.
That's obviously AI. Just look at how short her right arm is.
Nobody accuses woke cards of being AI for two reasons. One, because anti-AI and woke are in the same in-group, so suspicion naturally doesn't fall on them.
Two, because the woke art is better than your favourite art.
Where's Aragorn? Why is there a man of Harad there?
Nice schizo post.
Aragorn's taking a piss, he'll be back in a minute.
It's some weird spammer who wants to derail a legitimate discussion by making it about identity politics
>if AI bad and I can convince people card I don't like is bad, they will also not like card I don't like

People on this site are fucking unhinged.
The fuck is a "harad"? Some shit Tolkien never expanded on because he was shit at doing that?
No? I just haven't anyone seen using SLDs in my life. Must be an american thing?
Probably since SLDs don't really ship outside of the US and also are sold out while most countries are asleep.
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>People imagine rivers flowing very smoothly, it is extremely weird for a stream to shoot off at a harsh angle, almost appearing to go backwards, before rejoing a smooth channel.
Except I (>>93989837) just demonstrated to you how a person can have this understanding of how rivers flow, from just general life experience and high school geography lessons.
> Bruh it's not like it's a fucking photograph. We're not debating whether its real. It comes down to "is this a decision an artist would make, or is it a mistake AI would make?" and the latter seems infinitely more probable
>Bruh it's not like it's a fucking photograph. We're not debating whether its real. It comes down to "is this a decision an artist would make, or is it a mistake AI would make?" and the latter seems infinitely more probable
I say it's an artists concious decision based on their knowledge of how the surrounding world works and not an AI artifact.
This. Bought the secret lair coin flip deck, waited a goddamn year for it, and haven't bought one since.
I think people are just bored of the AI witch hunt thing you've been doing for honest to god a full year now. Get a new gimmick.
Yeah, I don't see issue with AI if it's "this" advanced at generating puctures. So what is the issue, that some people don't see the if it'a AI? What'a the issue in that? And no need to swear or did you kearn a new word from school?
Not surprised that it's the americans.
>Except I (>>93989837) just demonstrated to you how a person can have this understanding of how rivers flow, from just general life experience and high school geography lessons.
Buddy we all took 3rd grade geography, we all know what a fucking oxbow lake is, and that is not one.

The man is (supposedly) drawing a flowing river, and for no fucking reason a stream that JUST joined the main flow shoots off at a harsh and unnatural angle, seemingly flowing backwards towards the horizon, and then rejoining the main flow.
It does not look like a decision a person made.

>So what is the issue, that some people don't see the if it'a AI? What'a the issue in that?
You literally didn't even read the fucking posted I linked you to jfc.
>not seeing the issue with AI if it is this advanced
>I just think it's weird that most people haven't noticed it. I pulled anime Blood Moon natty and immediately fucking noticed, but I've never seen it discussed.

Fuck you for making me spoonfeed you twice.
>it just doesn't make sense
>it doesn't add up
>how could the lava possibly flow around an object
>why doesn't it always flow directly straight in a perfect straight line
>aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh ai art the whole world is a simulation bro!!!!!!!!!
Random shit flingling. You expressed an opinion, multiple people disagreed with you, that should have been the end of it but you refused to let it go and things devolved from there. Fling shit and other people start flinging shit, too. Learn when to let an argument rest, basically. Come back when you have better proof of your claims. 'I think' and 'no your wrong' isn't going to convince anyone of anything. You are the only one in the room that thinks Bloodmoon is AI. Let it go.
Find a picture of lava doing what is depicted in the image posted here >>93989679
Bro, you don't understand stand! Water can't just ''''flow'''' around solid objects! Clearly AI is to blame!
That's not what's being depicted and you know it isn't.
What link? Can you just tell me what is the issue with AI generated stuff?
That's exactly what's being depicted. The water should be flowing to the bottom right, but some of it is flowing to the left instead.
How is that not a more reasonable explanation for what the artist drew, that they saw a river like this and tried to draw something similar without knowing the exact details of how it should work?
>water flowing around rock
>magma flowing around rock
>these are different somehow
then you're wrong, sol ring is more powerful than every mox except the P9 ones
nah sol ring is stronger than moxes
No, you're wrong.
Consultation/Pact were not a problem until thoracle appeared, and throacle is shit unless you're doing degen things with it (it's just a worse scry otherwise).
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Please explain? The legal moxes require prior investments for them to provide one mana each.
Sol Ring is just one mana get two, no strings attached. It's broken and banned (or restricted) in every other format.
Nice. Lets make it zero.
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>bro that landscape isn't possible! it has to be AI!
>I actually think honest LabMan type decks are perfectly fine.
then ban thoracle so people have to actually use LabMan again
Nice AI image
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Why the FUCK are retards making "market cap" arguments.
As far as I'm concerned I only "lost" a couple hundred bucks. Why the fuck should I care that le hecking millions of dollars in the Jew Lotus market cap got wiped out.
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How we got to the depicted situation.

You idiots have no idea how good LabMan is with Demonic Consultation. You can just play out a raw LabMan early and if nobody kills it, you consultation on upkeep with shields up. If somebody does kill it, you reanimate it at some later point and then consultation.
The only reason people aren't complaining about LabMan is because Thoracle exists. You ban Thoracle and people will start crying about banning LabMan next.
Kek was this just a weird excuse to draw a swaztika?
If you pulled a card that later got banned then you didn't lose shit except the price of one card in a pack. So, like under a dollar
The investorbros lost thousands because they were hoarding cardboard.
Jake and Joel said it simply: it's not only the loss in value, but also lost customers - people who won't come to the next prerelease/buy the next collector pack. Even at 1% it would make WotC lose tens of MILLIONS of dollars.
It's not your problem until it is, but by then it's too late.
lab man can be interacted with the using the most plentiful instant speed interaction in the game, which is creature removal
>muh dies to removal
is a valid argument when it comes to combos that win you the game on the spot
retard take
loss of a profit is a loss of real money
one of the first rules of investing is that unrealized gains don't mean anything
I love this land art
LabMan also requires you to draw. A three card 'I win' combo is not as good as a two card 'I win' combo. Not even close. And that's not even considering that LabMan is 3cmc + the cost of whatever you use to draw that card to actually win.
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>Investors amd whales still seething over their cardboard portfolio
Wow you watched the same retards I did!
I like how they made that stupid point of:
>Hey guys! even if it only affects 1% of 5% of player, it matters! You have to consider them too!
Stinks of "you should cater to everyone and make everyone happy and by everyone I mean me" bullshit.
Ever thought about the x% of y% of players that are put off the game because of $200 cards? What about them huh?
Completely oblivious to their own retardation.

If you pulled it, you lost nothing.
If you bought it and you can't take the hit, you are a retard for spending money you can't lose.
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Who the fuck buys packs? I get singles or even precons, but packs?
I never have understood people who invest dumbest shit out there. Like MtG cards.
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>water flowing around a rock isn't intuitive
Buy the dip anon.
What's the point if it's AI, what does it matter?
It. Is. Flowing. Backwards. Uphill.
I don't give a fuck about the implications, this is about being right. So long as there are retards saying it is not AI, it is worthwhile pointing out that it is.
>it is not an artistic decision a person would make
are you sure?
this isn't like a hand with 6 fingers on it, it's a tiny geographic detail most people who aren't autistic like you wouldn't notice
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Where is the swastika?
What if I say you're a faggot, which you are.
A fuck ton of people. Touch LGS floor
I buy expensive cards because I want to play them. I fully understand that their value is mercurial and that they may lose value one day. I learned that when I built Soul Sisters only for the price of Auriok Champion to plummet a year later. At the time I built the deck they were 50$ each. If you invest in cardboard you are an idiot.
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>this isn't like a hand with 6 fingers on it,
Yeah because that's the only mistakes AI is capable of making right?
>it's a tiny geographic detail most people who aren't autistic like you wouldn't notice
Do you know who would fucking notice? The artist fucking drawing it.
Anon, I don't care what level of artistic skill you have, just IMAGINE a fluid flowing downhill. You intuitively fucking know that it follows the path of least resistance.
AI doesn't know that.

You know it won't fucking do pic related. And artist DEFINITELY knows it wouldn't. But AI does not know.
Therefore: AI.
>It. Is. Flowing. Backwards. Uphill.
It's flowing towards the viewer, away from the building it's flowing out of. How the fuck do you think its flowing uphill?
This AI schizo is dumb as hell lol
So wotc should never ever ban cards in regular formats either in case value plummets? Isnt that exactly the shit people were complaining about they have been doing with the one ring and orcish bowmasters? Or to go even further back them banning everything but hogaak.
>How the fuck do you think its flowing uphill?
Use your fucking eyes: >>93990193
Correct. Modern should never have one ring banned because people would lose up to 600 USD if they ever banned it.
Next you're gonna tell me that those pieces of rock near the castle should be falling, not floating in midair.
>So wotc should never ever ban cards in regular formats either in case value plummets?
If it's a $100 card that is literally unplayable in any other format, they should definitely fucking think twice.
But in any case, you're neglecting the facts that this WASN'T a WotC decision, and that it is a ban in a format that has not had a ban in 3 years while hundreds of broken old cards are still completely legal because muh history
I have. I see magma flowing around rocks. Completely normal. You're the only one having a schizophrenic meltdown over a perceived flaw.
what the fuck do you mean it's flowing uphill!
Yes! This! Thankyou!

>You know it won't fucking do pic related. And artist DEFINITELY knows it wouldn't.
Unless they were trying to depict something like >>93989966 where there's liquid flowing
around a raised island.
Value plummeting is a good thing. The card market needs to crash for the game to begin healing.
Daily reminder that the EDH committee is an independent fan-made group for a fan-made format and is responsible for giving guidelines that should lead to a healthier game state, and is NOT in any way, shape or form responsible for the financial decisions people make or the prices of WotC products and strategies.
Have a good, healthy day.
Just because it's going right and there are mountains to the right of that doesn't mean it's going uphill.
It's $100 dollars. Get a fucking job.
To be fair, rocks shouldn't flaot. That's not normal in rivers. AI schizo isn't going to acknowledge artistic interpretation tho because it invalidates all of his arguments.
Okay so you are saying it was a deliberate choice by the artist then? That's the camp you're in?
Fuck off master baiter.
>what the fuck do you mean it's flowing uphill!
>Okay so you are saying it was a deliberate choice by the artist then?
Yes, the artist decided to draw it that way. Either because he's an idiot who doesn't know how rivers work, or because it's a fantasy landscape that doesn't obey natural laws.

Though really, looking at the picture and with how many arrows you're drawing around it, that middle portion looks more like a small lake with a few islands rather than this sort of splitting river you're talking about.
It's moving toward the viewer, so any side to side squiggles are going to seem exaggerated
>because it's a fantasy landscape that doesn't obey natural laws.
>durr it's fantasy so nothing has to make sense
Absolute shit for brains take.
>>durr it's fantasy so nothing has to make sense
This but unironically
Then we agree that the artist is just an idiot who doesn't know how rivers work.
EUanon here, some cards just aren't in demand even though these cards are rare. For most people there is no real pressure to move these cards, so the listings can stay high for quite some time.
I use Cardmarket and I've mostly had success with selling expensive cards that are in demand for Modern. I've sold a couple of 15-30 EUR cards and I've had the most success when listing slightly under market value. Sometimes it is clear that the price is going to fall in the long term so I'd rather sell something slightly cheaper now than find out later I've lost 20-25% of potential by being stubborn about the price. This mainly happens with cards from newer sets, as the price starts out high and then starts falling as people open more packs. I still profit this way (the cards are from boosters, I rarely flip cards unless I'm sure the card is excellent and won't be reprinted any time soon) so I don't mind selling for a bit less.
The only card I've had troubles selling was a foil Cyclonic Rift since the foil version is 2x more expensive and people aren't that interested in paying premium for the shitty foil.
I dodged a bullet by selling everything they just banned 2 months ago.
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>lava flowing around a rock
I honestly don't see the issue
The a fuck ton of people are retarded.
Oh, I see. You don't have any idea how perspective works.
Exiling is part of the cost, the once per turn clause does literally nothing as it is written.
Whatever he's complaining about is apparently something that no artist could ever get wrong or be incorrect about, but is also something that the artist wouldn't notice that the AI fucked up.

So the artist isn't an expert in rivers, because he would have noticed the AI's mistake, but he is an expert in rivers, because he wouldn't have made the mistake if not for AI.

Get it yet?
I hate when they introduce some cool new thing in a set, because we probably won't see it again any time soon and it won't have the support needed to be a deck.
Rooms are super cool but I doubt we'll get more any time soon.
Holy fuck, that plane is the "waterlevel" of the fucking lava.
Don't even know what you're looking at and you think you're going to bring up artistic techniques you don't understand.
Midwit syndrome.
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Does cards that reference your commander work in Edh also??
>Holy fuck, that plane is the "waterlevel" of the fucking lava.
No, it isn't. The plane you've drawn continues up through the castle, rather than actually being at ground/water level.
You're imagining a much steeper slope than what is actually depicted.
>Whatever he's complaining about is apparently something that no artist could ever get wrong or be incorrect about
>So the artist isn't an expert in rivers

Then why would an AI get it wrong?
>you don't understand what you're looking at
>"yes I do!"
>proceeds to not understand
It isn't fucking perspective, it is not extending to the horizon, it is lines across one side of the lava to the other side
Great, so we agree that this can't be AI, because the artist would have corrected such a blatant and obvious error.
Because AI can't imagine a river or how fluids flow. Fucking hell what kind of question is this?
Oh, I gave you too much credit.
You're even dumber than I thought. You think that the shoreline being uneven means that it's going uphill? Hilarious.
If cards like jeweled lotus that says your commander. Do they work in the elder duragon highlander format?
>if i just act smug as I get it wrong, surely I will win
AI trains off artists works though? If no artist gets it wrong then why would the AI? AI gets hands and eyes wrong because eyes and hands are hard even for a human to draw.
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nothing wrong here, that;s very clearly done by an artist. this on the other hand... half done by an artist.
kek. This is a checkmate if I ever saw one. Lava-schizo btfo.
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Bros, I just noticed the guy in this art is shooting lightning from his hands. Anyone with half a brain knows people can't shoot lightning from their hands. No one would get a detail like that wrong. This must be AI generated
It's pretty clear cut anon. If you're correct that there's a 0% chance any artist would make such a mistake about elementary-school science, then he also would have obviously corrected it if he saw the AI make such a mistake.

Therefore, we're left with two possible options:
1) The artist deliberately made this fantastical landscape break the real laws of physics for whatever reason
2) The artist actually failed elementary school science and doesn't know how rivers work.
Looks like the funeral director guy in tales from the hood
That's part of the joke.
What if artist just wanted it to look cool and nothing has to adhere to some muh realism in a fantasy game?
You've spent this entire thread trying to tell people they're wrong about how they expect a river to flow, and yet you think an artist couldn't also be wrong about that?

The absolute simplest answer is that the artist sees it in the same way as this anon >>93990255
And you'd be free to call it stupid or bad or wrong, but that wouldn't make it AI.
>What if artist just wanted it to look cool and nothing has to adhere to some muh realism in a fantasy game?
NOOOOOOOOO!!! It has to be 1:1 with reality or it's AI generated!!!! Humans never make mistakes!!! AAAAAIIIIIIIIEEEEE!!!!
You're literally asking "how can AI ever make mistakes in art" right now.
You do understand that AI isn't making the same mistakes artists make, right? You understand that it didn't make pictures of anime girls with 8 fingers on each hand because it was trained on images of anime girls with 8 fingers, right? Right anon? You're not that fucking stupid.

AI art essentially guesses. When you ask it to draw a river, it is literally incapable of understanding how rivers flow and WHY they look the way they do. So if it produces something that looks kind of like a river, that's the best it can do. The fact that there is a stream that diverges from the main channel for no fucking reason and flows uphill and does a little zigzag means fucking nothing to the AI.

And shit, apparently enough of you think it looks close enough that you're defending it either as an honest mistake or an artistic decision- although it seems none of you can quite make up your mind on which it is, as long as you can dab on le AI schizo you'll say anything.
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>none of you can quite make up your mind on which it is
We all have different opinions on art? Fancy that.
Don't do that, man. It is vastly easier to relegate agency to a committee and then complain against that committee, than to take responsibility for your own actions.
You post this shit all the time. I hope your faggot e-celeb idol lets you suck his dick one day anon, truly.
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I prefer the Essex version
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I love her so much lads. She's a great value engine. She enables a unique strategy without the deck falling apart if she gets removed. I can run it as aggro, combo, stax or all three. There are so many interchangeable pieces to the deck that I can just keep swapping them and readjusting it forever.
Stupid meme
>get it the name is essex and the word sex is in it xd
Isn't that literally a fucking place in the UK?
>Isn't that literally a fucking place in the UK?
UK also has sus sex
too bad about the shit art
The main reason I haven't built her is because the only art to choose from either makes her look like a bird or is a secret lair. I guess I could get a proxy with whatever art I want, but it irks me.
>The main reason I haven't built her is because the only art to choose from either makes her look like a bird or is a secret lair
I hate humans, so I see it as a plus
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I like the meme because it has a cute anime girl doing cute anime things.
just make a proxy with the art from her other card
>Is it a mistake an artist would make? No because when drawing a river you'd draw it flowing fucking smoothly.
As far as the artist's concerned, they have.
I've been thinking about building Feather but I'm not really sure if it's a playstyle I'd enjoy. I tend towards more aggro strategies.
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the lava is just a sloppy artist, no AI involved. that being said, the "UUUH why has no one complained about this AI usage then? wouldn't someone complain!?" is an awful argument. on top of a myriad of other issues with this argument i've gone over in the past, people are also retards and can't even tell POOR AI images from reality. take for example this one, which is still up on their twitter, hastily generated to play off of a taylor swift meme. no one in the comments has said shit. they delete the AI when it is caught and say "we'll never do it again!" like with ravnica remastered and lara craft twitter ads. this is still up because no one complained. if they can get away with it, they will. and it is easy to get away with, especially when retards complain that real art is AI generated.

People mentioned this was AI when it came out, and people bitched.
You're an idiot who genuinely thinks actual artists cannot spot AI but you can.
Feather is literally one of the most viable aggro commanders. It's the perfect home for all those draft chaff double strike and +3/+0 buff instants.
I seriously can't believe people are this dedicated to making up some bizarre scenario where an artist unknowingly defied elementary school physics rather than just saying "yeah looks like AI"
>People mentioned this was AI when it came out, and people bitched.
>nothing in the comments
>image is still up when the other ones that were called out got taken down
you're talking shit, bitch.
it does look like AI, but not because of that one section of lava that anon is sperging about
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>it's just a heckin mistaaaaaaake!!!!!!!
And this bit where the AI couldn't decide whether the squiggles were an aura coming from the moon or part of the clouds...?
I guess the artist just wasn't an expert on where things in his own drawing are in relation to each other?
NTA but it doesn't look like A.I. It looks like an astoundingly human mistake.
The funny thing is this AI art mogs all human art of blood moon.
I seriously can't believe people are this dedicated to making up some bizarre scenario where AI generate an image rather than just saying "yeah looks like the artist made a mistake"
See >>93990492
Looks like an artistic choice.
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Kek I just found out that there exist a vintage list that uses all copies of JLo
Do you not understand a stylistic choice about the effects of the blood moon?
>i-i-its a choice!
Riiiiiight. That's why the clouds on the right are way more squiggly than the ones on the left that are almost untouched.
And the fact that AI, particularly in 2022-2023 was really famous for not knowing where an object begins and end is sheer coincidence.
>the magic river is spilling out of the tower because of the blood moon.
>as this isn't how rivers work IRL it's ai.
Boy, it must be sad being this retarded.
Have you not seen how an oxbow lake is made? How erosion between flowing objects and neighboring earth works? Path of least resistance isn't everything if you don't include topological history and geology.
But that's beside the point. Artists also make mistakes. Some fail anatomy, perspectives, or in this case, a certain river who made some schizo blow his brain off.
ya'll niggas gettin trolled
The fact your arguing about squiggles instead of legitimate issues is telling. Tou have no argument to stand on. You're the only one here that thinks the art was AI. Unironically, keep seething.
You have copies of Jennifer Lopez?
>durrrrr it's fantasy so anything is permissable
Nigga its a fucking river of lava. You know it shouldnt run backwards, uphill, doing a zigzag. An artist would know that. The only one who wouldn't know is a fucking AI.

I'm going to scream.

>The fact your arguing about squiggles instead of legitimate issues is telling.
Lmao tell us oh wise sage
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>Artists also make mistakes. Some fail anatomy, perspectives
Preposterous! That's never happened before! Humans don't make mistakes like that!
Right so you're in the "he's just a bad artist" camp?
Amazing how you're all so convinced that it's either an artistic choice or the artist is just a retard, but somehow AI is impossible.
How long is this gonna go on for?
Said the man honest to god arguing about squiggles
Not all bad art is AI, anon.
i wonder how fat and bald this cry baby is. i feel a great sense of schadenfreude :)
Yes. Squiggles, which AI a few years ago used very fucking commonly to add texture to things it didn't understand.
Combined with it not understanding where the clouds begin and end.
Combined with a nonsensical river that a person with a functioning fucking brain would not have drawn.
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>went to bed
>got up to piss
>checked the thread
>people arguing over literal nothing, filling an entire thread
Normally I'm the one doing this dumb shit because I'm autismal. I think both sides are mad about entirely seperate issues and are using the art as a scape goat.
>i wonder how fat and bald
Normally I'd be annoyed, but it's hilarious today given how quickly the thread's gone back to arguing about trivial garbage.
There's no mistake, he's just huge
>No, his chest is off to the side, the human body doesn't wor-
>nonsensical river
You on about the floating rocks again? It's a fantasy setting. It doesn't need to be 1:1 with reality. Flavor and immersion are more important.
Massive male mammaries
Please show me where his collar bones should be
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>You on about the floating rocks again? It's a fantasy setting. It doesn't need to be 1:1 with reality.
>>durrrrr it's fantasy so anything is permissable
>Nigga its a fucking river of lava. You know it shouldnt run backwards, uphill, doing a zigzag. An artist would know that. The only one who wouldn't know is a fucking AI.
Nah this is inorganic. Seems like there are some rabble rousers on both sides pretending to be retarded. Remember that weird shuffling autist about a month ago? The one who was posting that same video over and over again. This reminds me of that; I think someone is going out of their way to astroturf the thread and took a few trial runs. Havent figured out why, maybe time will tell.
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Why do they never reprint this card in commander decks instead of those shitty tapped duals? Seems insanely consistent and at worst it's 1 generic mana
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Boy look at all those artistic choices!
We are so fucked when the AIs take over, but thankfully retards ITT won't even notice.
Wait, a course in the fluid dynamics of lava rivers are required to become an artist? Then after you've taken that course it's so comprehensive as to mean you'll never make any mistakes ever again?
No argument. Concession accepted. Glad we can put this behind us.
>Wait, a course in the fluid dynamics of lava rivers are required to become an artist?
Colorless isn't a color. You can only choose one of the five colors. So it does nothing by itself
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Anon, "T" isn't a word. I think you mean "it". Anyone with an elementary school education knows that. You're just an AI because no one would make such an obvious error as that.
absolute UNIT
Wow I love this artist. Is that his website in the bottom right? What an unusual name, but I love his artistic choices!
I love how triggered you are btw
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Dead internet theory is true. We were all arguing with a bot this entire time
>le epic triggered snowflake
Anon after a 10 year coma I'm glad you're okay, but why was posting on 4chan the first thing you decided to do when you woke up?
If it's not a color why is there a symbol for it, huh
Checkmate dumbass, Mana Crypt is proof colorless is the most OP color
>he's still triggered
My guess would be the eldrazi. But colorless still isn't a color. Check the rulings, Meteor Crater can't make colorless mana
Probably to stop people from talking about WotC's fraudulent behavior
You lost this argument almost as fast as you lost your hair.
Mald in peace.
sue em
im a completely different guy. your still here crying about this shit. im about to leave, and youll still be here.
sucks to suck
>4x Karn
that's a legacy list anon, Karn is restricted in vintage
id love to see what you actually look like. how deformed are you? you got a gf?
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The RC really managed to break the entire community, including /edhg/.
What's broken? This is just normal /edhg/
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I love you Blood Moon AI-art anon. I had fun arguing with you about the flow of lava. Appreciate your autism.
I really don't think you know what thread you've walked into.
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nah. this thread was dead most of the day before last monday. now all the rejects who got banned on discord and reddit come to their little safe space spouting their bullshit.

I'll have you known I've been shitposting around this corner for years.
Because it's a fucking trap is why.
It's definitely not made by AI

t: trained classical artist
>y-you l-lost
Lmao. I accept your concession
Truly the most mysterious and most prolific artist of our time.
desu this isn't as bad as people make it out to be. it's pretty clear that the top half of his body is angled towards you
people don't just turn their heads 90 degrees
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A.I. Ai... Isn't that like japanese or something? Wait wasn't the Blood Moon artist JAPANESE?!
I could walk for 5 minutes and show you 30 places in the creek by my house like this lol waters funny anon
This is just harebrained alarmism. Bans have happened before, bans have happened before with recently released cards. The world continued to operate fine because some cards need to be banned lol
What argumen anon? You made a passive aggressive pissy comment about AI art and two people laughed at you. Where is the argument in your mind?
You're embarrassingly stupid and incredibly emotional anon.
>This reminds me of that other time an autistic retard talked on and on about stuff
>it must be part of a conspiracy!!!
To what end you fucking stupid nigger
If AI kills art it will be the best thing to ever happen to the modern world.
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If EDH/Commander had saturday morning cartoon or weekly show, what commander would the main protagonist use?
You are against AI but support industrial revolution?
It's better than the garbage they already shove in precons
Zimone, because the protagonist would be a black girl genius
How long until the bans are reversed? I am starting to get worried
I always thought of commander as more you ARE the commander instead of it being PW vs PW
Why would you buy a precon?
>Delay lotus
>cost 0
>tap: Add three manas of any combination of color. Spend this mana only to cast your commander. Until the end of your next turn, spell you cast cost 3 more
This really does nothing lol
I pretend all my Commanders are stands and 'change personality' depending on the deck I'm using. And yes, all my decks ARE named after song or band names.
>generate 3 mana to cast my commander
>but my commander now casts 3 more to cast
If you don't have correct combination of mana?
If you have 3 R but need RGW
So it's pentad prism but extremely shit
Sorry, what I meant is that, this is essentially just as good as lotus. I understand it has a downside but in the context of turboing out your commander, most people JewLo commander pass, and if they aren't doing that they'll simply cast spells before cracking it. No interaction is a bummer but really not the end of the world when it means getting commander out 3 turns sooner
Nevermind I misread it. Yeah this card is pretty useless anon sorry to say
Maybe if it only made spells cast anywhere other than the command zone cost 3 more
The protag would have to have a shitty aggro deck with a hatebear subtheme but not outright stax. Giada
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>shitty aggro deck
Think about it for a moment.
Krenko is an infinite combo deck, and combos are for villains
Did you read the post I responded to?
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Eating my investments rn
Fuck this game
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Basically already exists. Mono black aggro, probably Gix.
Giada is played by the token female friend, the hero isn't playing a deck full of angel babes.
The protag is the female
The sidekick has to be somebody with a semi-competent deck though. Giada isn't a competent deck
>more proxies
I don't think deck competence is a factor for a TV show. The Yugioh anime was popular with decks that would get torn apart even in a playground setting.
The cartoon needs a red headed tsundere who plays mono red, boros, and has a rakdos (goth) phase and always insists red deck wins, and that burn/aggro is greatest strategy known to man.
>Delay lotus
>cost -
>Suspend 1
>At the beginning of your upkeep, remove a time counter from Delay Lotus.
>tap: Add three mana in any combination of colors. Spend this mana only to cast your commander.
>If your commander was successfully cast, exile Delay Lotus with a number of time counters equal to the commander tax.
How the fuck do i even start with deckbuilding for commander
Like i have cards, I have ideas, i just have no idea whats a good ratio of creatures to sorceries/instants/whatever else
35 lands
10 rocks or green ramps
3-4 boardwipes
3-6 spot removals
rest of the slots for whatever your deck tries to do
Thank you, I honestly appreciate it
Start with your commander.
Then go to edhrec
Look at average decklists
Ask people for ideas
Watch YouTube videos
Create your own deck, then modify it when it doesn't work
1. Put in the cards you like plus 30 mana
2. Play with friends
3. Put in stuff that would have helped you win, remove what didn't work
4. Repeat
Anything else is removing the fun of tinkering in pursuit of "optimization".
Paypigs are mad
Craws are petty
Nta but also 10 draw spells unless your commander draws cards and then you can reduce it a little.
For these cards, card draw/ramp/spot removal/board wipes, look for any card that synergizes with your deck and give that a priority.
For example, for my Lita deck I'm running Palladium Myr for ramp, because he will untap every turn, Dispatch for spot removal because I'll usually have 3+ artifacts, organic extinction for board wipes, and Canoptek Spyder as a draw option.
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Get the first cards you need and playtest the fuck out of it. Go to your LGS or get your friends as often as you can and grind with that bitch. If you can't get to your LGS often much goldfishing can help, but your deck will be unexpectedly soft and untested. Spelltable and even digital shit like arena's brawl queue and mtgo can help to an extent, but Practice against live oppoeuents is always the best way to figure out how your deck ticks and what to move around. I fundamentally do not trust anything I build until I've lost with it at least 10 times.
Besides 35 to 36 lands I don't think any deck can truly be formulaic, which is a gripe that I've had with the YouTubers for years. And that land count can go down if you're playing an exceptionally low curve or up if you are playing a landfall strategy.

Things that every deck should run:
Removal (spot and wipe)

The actual numbers and kinds of cards are going to depend greatly on your strategy.

Then you have to think about what your commander cares about or how you want to win. That's going to determine what type of cards you include and how many. If you care about creatures you're obviously going to have more creatures vs an izzet spellslinger deck.

The most important thing is to start with your commander >>93991342
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Got my 2nd copy of the way too expensive swords to plowshares for my new deck.
I love this art like you wouldn't believe.
15bucks every time tho..
any answer that isn't Nicol Bolas is wrong
I never got why does this land make people seethe so much, generic mana is still useful and it's not like you'll be playing less than 5 lands in EDH anyway
>card called Swords to Plowshares
>depicts some anime fag doing some flashy anime slash
Post list? I pulled her and I have been thinking about building her, despite (because) having no official tokens.
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>he doesn't only buy anime art
Start with a commander. Build Krenko deck, literally everyone has a Krenko deck at some point, and go from there.
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Plow these shares
1. Find a game plan
2. Build the game plan
3. Find and protect the game plan (draw and protection)
4. Prevent others game plans (interaction)
That's how you build a deck. Really the only thing that matters beyond this is having ~36 lands. Also ramp is not important, like at all. Card draw and hitting land drops is more important. Ramp/rocks should always be the last thing you make room for in a deck. It's preferable to be a bit slower but have a stronger deck than go fast into nothing
Make an account on a site like moxfield.com and build the deck online before assembling it physically. Deckbuilding online is much easier because you don't have to interact with physical cards all time.
Moxfield in particular has some nice features such as scryfall-like search, fetching recommendations from EDHREC, tagging and a playtest feature which can be used to determine if your deck is running as smoothly as you expect it to be.
Moxfield is woke garbage.
Just write out your lists in notepad
>4. Prevent others game plans (interaction)
lol just play turbo lmao why bother interacting when you can just win instead kek
That's why it is listed last, and logically should be seen as the least important, outside of rocks which I did not even include but yeah
>Olivia pushed back against yesterday's change. None of us are above criticism but if you hate the bans, she was your voice in the room.
>Her preferred course of action was to ban Nadu/Dockside, then wait for the tools we're currently developing in cooperation with Wizards that will (hopefully) make it easier for people to find like-minded folks to play with, and reassess on MC/JL afterwards.

So what tools are their brewing?
Started out Sultai, I've worked my way down to mono-color.

What are some cheap and useful staples for Black? Should I go heavy on Removal/Unbury/Sac? What kind of lands do I need, or can I get away with 80% Basic Swamps?

Want to use this guy as Commander, but I might also play Sauron The Necromancer.
wouldn't you get that art out of a printer
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Does the printer produce real cards in foil?
>she only wanted to ban nadu/dockside
Honestly that sounds worse than what actually happened. As that just means thassa's oracle is still available in that same scenario.
Feed the swarm
Read the bones
Sign in blood
Village rites
Charcoal diamond
Syr Konrad, the Grim
Gray Merchant of Asphodel

For lands
Witche's Gottage
Bojuga Bog
Are you retarded?
Chinese proxy factory printers do real enough
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it's a girl
cabal coffees, cabal stronghold, urborg for big ramp
pic related for casting it after saccing your board to Bontu
I hate woke but it's very helpful for calculating mana curve.
Something like the store finder but with more tools, or just, like, phrases to help clarify what you're looking for in Commander games when trying to find new people to play with because the terminology for that kinda crap IS all over the place.
Not good enough.
>moxfield is woke
it's a deckbuilding website
EDHREC on the other hand...
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I propose special pins, like "I don't like fast mana", "Don't win before turn 15".
What the hell do you mean
Im not joking, i dont understand
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Is my deck just shit for losing to a kinda slow and janky one card engine? Did it really need to shit out treasures and give vigilance/indestructible? Or am I just bad
I started cutting my ramp and instead could include more card advantage. Hate having dead cards in midgame and it feels like people are still stuck in that 2005 mindset of building towards your elder dragon.

Mostly because once you start doing those routine i need bla bla ramp, card draw etc the decks just start to fall into a similar kind of midrange ramp soup.
It's not top tier but Dihada definitely sees decent cedh play so you're probably not shit! It's just an absurd card
Yep agreed. I get my gameplan, my draw and my interaction. If I'm happy with how those stacks look and I have space left over I'll add in a few rocks generally, but overall, outside of 1-2 colour green decks I'm really not including ramp. Especially cause like, unless a GOOD portion of your deck is dedicated to acceleration you're likely not seeing it early or when it matters. Consistent draw, consistent land drops is more than enough. Especially with the average cmc of decks going lower and lower every year.
What's a good on theme commander for a r/w/b duskmourn thematic deck?
I gotta be honest none of the duskmourn commanders looks that cool or has bad art.
Then don't build one? What kind of stupid fucking post is this
the reason is banning sol ring would make precons illegal which is ridiculous. Anyone who complains about sol ring is an actual schizophrenic retard. When everyone has it, it's not broken
Im trying to gift my gf one since she likes the horror theme of the set but didn't find most legendaries that interesting. And she liked the colors r/w/b the most.
Figure it out on your own, no one cares.
Anon I think if you're more pleasant to deal with you'd give yourself a leg up on finding your own girlfriend
Compromise by building w/r in either balloon man or arabella, both are poised to be the most powerful commanders in the set
Anon I think if you were less retarded you wouldnt ask stupid questions with self evident solutions.
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I'm actually just some other random anon that's following along. Take the dilator out. Let's not derail the thread with your seething.
You can fuck off too, dont spoon feed retards.
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Oh well in that case build her Arabella!!! My gf doesn't really like magic but I still show her what I'm building and she really likes Arabella! And there's a decent amount of support in the set you can include to keep it on theme. Plus stuffy doll that other indestructible doll etc there's some good stuff.

Here's my list! https://www.archidekt.com/decks/9171279/arabeella

I dunno your gift budget but you can definitely scale it down pretty easily.
Oh cool thanks! :) i mean I guess the balloon man will be great, she loves junji ito and also the whole carnival theme.
Oh cool I really like the thematics of your deck! Thanks anon will take inspiration, I have qiuet a lot of cards just not from this edition.

Honestly I was just checking if anyone built anything from this set or managed to incorporate an older commander with this new sets mechanics and made it work.
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Anon you're allowed to actually develop a personality as you get older just so you know ^.^ you don't have to be terminally online faggot #8592028 getting angry at irrelevant things in lieu of a personality.
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You just know
using this for 3 years now and I've never noticed
this has to be some terminally online twitter bullshit
Go outside and take your meds
No it is retarded in either version, being for or against mana crypt and jeweled getting banned, while not touching Thassa's Oracle.
>But we should get tools for that
Bitch please. Its a known issue for 4 and a half years. Fix it.
Thank you! I enjoyed making it and will finally get it put together after official release this weekend!

As for old commanders that could be repurposed, there is a good enchantment and face down theme in the set. Could look for old legendaries that care about those
I really like this deck. My friend has said he intends to build it so I'm not going to build it myself. But if he changes his mind I might give it a crack
You could also just buy her the rakdos precon, it's 45 right now on Amazon but it's being touted as the best one with the most value.
Thank you!!! It definitely needs some tuning (I believe it still might be missing 3 cards even) but I like the shell that I've pit together so far. And I've tired of my yoshi/kediss deck so I was itching for a new boros pile
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I love this little nigga already, does such a good job pooping out tokens and filling the yard for such a small investment. I only wish it wasn't as big so it didn't alert so many retards that it needs to die right away.
thats awesome hope you'll have a good time!!
Ah I see I was thinking like a sacrifice theme in mardu would work nicely also.
Hm thats an option too, thanks!!!
Tbh at this point Thoracle is pretty much the only card where rule 0 actually works. You pretty much never see it outside of cedh decks, so it being broken doesn't really affect the majority of players and playing broken cards is the whole point of cedh so it doesn't really matter there.
First they came for the Mana Crypts, and I did not speak out. Because I didn't play Mana Crypt.
Then they came for the Jeweled Lotus', and I did not speak out. Because I didn't play Jeweled Lotus.
Then they came for the Ancient Tombs, and I did not speak out. Because I didn't play Ancient Tomb.
Perfect, only missing four of those.

OwO bigge... skeleton lady
There is a mardu legendary that cares about sacrificing enchantments to recur them.
I'm fine with this
>you pretty much never see it outside of cedh decks
Bull. I seen people run that before outside of cedh. There is a reason why the statement "my deck is a 7" exists. Not just for thoracle, but bullshitters who lie about what they are packing in their decks.
Your honor, this nigga comparing government persecution to a card game!
No you haven't. No one has for the last several years, because a community self selecting isn't a meme.
I'm totally fine with an ancient tomb ban despite having one
I just really want a ban on tutors
I really only think the 1 mana tutors are a problem, if you're raw dogging a diabolic tutor I don't see any issue
yes it is. rule 0 doesn't exist outside of your schizo headcanon because at any lgs if it's legal it's fair game, dumbfuck
The legend himself speaks out
>a hundred card deck should have ZERO WAY of pulling out one of its necessary cards
I can never tell if anti tutor posts are shitposts or the genuine, unfiltered opinion of legitimately trash players
it's just bait, no mtg player would legitimately suggest the game be entirely decided by luck like hearthstone
They are not necessary cards, you can win without going into a specific combo line
The entire point of having a 100 card highlander format is to kill consistency
I still don't understand the jeweled lotus ban
>totally meaningless outside of mono or 2 color commanders
>b-but it's like black lotus
no it isn't it's a one time ritual for some commanders and a dead draw for the vast majority who play 5c piles which us exactly why you only saw it in blue and dimir cedh decks.
The ban was retarded and does nothing to stop the real problem
You say this but I swear at least 60% of the anons in this thread at any given time are weenies who want their edh games to grind to a halt and take 4 hours so they have a 3% chance of drawing into their le epic combo and win on turn 276
Bad players rail against all forms of consistency because they know it's impossible for them to win against a superior player in any sort of non random environment.
The game is already decided entirely by luck cedh troon
Having a starting hand with tutors and free counterspells is just luck
so you're a shit player and you want those evil good players to get land fucked so you can win, got it.
kill yourself
I'm a much better player than you fag, that's why I don't cope by taking the designated casual format seriously
they're a loud minority, even timmy plays demonic tutor these days because as it turns out losing and not even getting to play your big spell kinda sucks
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lmao fuck off
>I'm a much better player than you fag
if you don't even believe this about yourself how can you expect a stranger like me to believe your lie?
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Are they releasing before end of next week? I'm going to an anime con again. I might grab those for super cheapo there if they are available.
I guess I just don't see the point of taking a 100 card Singleton format and seeing that as a punishment to endure rather than a challenge to mitigate.
they release in two days you weeb (have fun)
Anon I travel extensively for work throughout North America. I would put my entire life's savings and every asset I have on the line saying I have played in more locales than you and experienced a wider range of the playerbase than you. Thoracle is not seen out of competitive tables, cedh players play with cedh players. Do mistakes happen? Sure communication isn't perfect and people's ideas of power levels aren't standardized! But you know what ACTUALLY (not your headcanon) happens when these indiscrepancies arise? People adjust, swap out a different deck and continue on with their night.
If you genuinely believed consistency should not exist your deck would be a garbage mishmash of shit. More than one draw spell? Sounds like an appeal to getting consistency. ... uhoh! Multiple pieces of interaction? What do you need that consistency for! In short you're a retard and don't understand the format
the mitigating factor is the tutors you low skill clown that's what makes anti tutor sentiment so fucking retarded
meanwhile in reality even Maro acknowledged rule 0 is a meme
you can bullshit the thread all you like but you're not fooling anyone who actually matters which is why the ban list exists in the first place
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Thanks fren.
Going with 3 of my mates.We are gonna play lots of magic, waste endless money of weeb figures and plushies and buy magic cards.
Yeah that's my point retard, I want my games to be fun and quick so I like tutors and things that help close the game out and hate board wipes and MLD. Idk how to misunderstood me to be anti-tutor but chill tf out
>thoracle literally had to be banned in mtg arena because people wouldn't stop using it
yes, no normie would ever cast such a card! True and real!
I have engaged with "rule 0" maybe ten times in thousands of games. Implicit social understanding of the game does not involve rule 0. Nowhere have I appealed to rule 0, but to the average EDH players mindset and what they desire to engage with. And MaRo has quite literally nothing to do with commander. Appealing to him is retarded which only further cements that you do not understand the format
>internet is real life
No. Lmao just no. You know how many times a day i say nigger online? Hundreds! You know how many times a day I say it irl? 0

The internet changes how we interact socially because it removes the vast majority of sociality from socializing. Terrible argument, does not even address my points, because you're a terminally online retard.
you're sitting there lying through your teeth about things that didn't happen
is this really the best use of your time? I'm not Mark Rosewater, I'm not the guy you have to convince.
The rakdos one doesn't even play like it would be that much money, its just all the reprint value
the people playing thoracle aren't cedh players they are normies because they learned how to play edh from brawl and in arena all bets are off so that's how they learned to play
you would know this if you left your house irl instead of in your imagination lmfao calling me terminally online? don't throw stones from that glass house of yours
Why would I lie lol
Again my argument is about how people engage IRL. I do not care about how they act on arena.
>wants horror theme
>wants to be in some of the least fitting colors
this may not be reconcilable, anon. Looking at the Jeskai commanders none of them could be remotely described as scary. I think you have to compromise on theme with the commander or do something with black.
Well I already pre-ordered one for £35 just because i like moths and a moth demon seemed cool
Neat to know it has at least some worth
I still use tapped out even though fem_fatal is a tranny
For years it was unstable but now it works i tried archidekt but its buggy
I cant put my finger on why I always end up abandoning Moxfield but i think it has to do with the UX
>banning sol ring would make precons illegal
>When everyone has it, it's not broken
That kind of mental acrobatic sent you to the moon. Chrome, opal, amber, tantalite and diamond moxes can't even compete with the pure value what sol ring provides and rarely anyone plays with them. Sol comes to play without any cost and provides you with +1 on turn one. There's no literal drawback here. Moxes in other hand take something away from you. Also isn't it quite self explanatory that if everybody plays it the format is a commander+98+sol ring.

Even lands like City of Traitors and Ancient Tomb has a drawback build in them for being overpowered. Even if Sol Ring pinged 3 damage to you on tap. People would still play it. It's that powerful artifact. It's cope or excuse to claim BS that it isn't broken if everybody has it. What if somebody didn't want to play it and wanted to play something else on it's slot? What then?
if it's in every precon it's not broken, but the base power of the format making your comparison and complaint retarded
Your first sentence is hilariously wrong anon. Availability has nothing to do with wehter a card is overpowered or not
Fast mana density matters
Sol ring brings volatility which can be fun, having 10 fast rocks makes it an inevitability
Banning crypt is a good first step
If it's not broken, crypt isnt broken, because sol ring is better than crypt in anyone's estimation who actually played the damn thing.
>crypt isnt broken
>sol ring is better than crypt
IMAGINE being this retarded
In a 40 health format that ends to infinite combos, mana crypt is a sol ring that costs 1 less with 0 downside
He's right though. If you aren't willing to admit sol ring is broken there's no world where crypt isn't also not broken
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I want to make a deck that uses this as a wincon
Most games end in creatures being swung no matter what the internet will have you believe
It's true. We live in a post-truth world where the opinions of people who dont play the game are overemphasized. Is it broken as a 4x in legacy? Yup. Is it broken in edh? Absolutely not. Does it make retards quake in fear at hypotheticals they made up in their mind? Yup. Does it kill you if your opponent has half a brain and knows you have one? Depends if you remove it yourself.
When infinite creatures are being swung at you, the 3 damage crypt did won't matter
Magda can have combos that use it, but its definitely not the best combo for her
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>if it's in every precon it's not broken, but the base power of the format making your comparison and complaint retarded
>if it's in every precon it's not broken
So basically, what you are saying is that if WotC printed Thassa's Oracle and Demonic Consultation in precon they wouldn't be, by your own words, broken...? Please explain.
No one said anything about infinite creatures you dip, it's literally mid range: the tappening because everyone saves their removal for efficent combos. How do you think farm works? Oh wait, you dont actually play the game and are making up boogeymen then spamming your retarded opinions.
You are an insane no gamer if you think a zero mana rock that ramps you two with no drawback isnt broken
Show me a deck that doesnt scale with mana ill wait
Talk about no-games holy shit youve clearly never played on mtgo where crypt is dirt cheap and everywhere
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Pic related. You can try Perrie as well as a jank voltron that counts what kind of counters you're playing.
i did find out that u cant "make" +1/+1 counters into time counters so my whole idea of generating 500 of them in a big turn and then shoving it all onto the calendar and then ending the game so i have to look for a different solution, i was thinking of using suspend coutners and throwing them onto the calendar but it does seem pretty hard overall to pull off without some omniscience type play
You don't have to say it because that's the reality of the format
Midrange can't even keep up in 1v1 formats in 2024
Commander is entirely a game of chicken to see who rips their wincon first to bait counterspells so the next guy can actually win
It has a massive draw back you fucking tard. People are just too stupid to play around it at a low level because they're barely sentient piles of complaints. And if it is broken, sol ring is also broken because it doesnt kill you under counter play. You cant have it both ways you faggot, and that's the crux of the issue.
Nta but personally if they're not gonna reprint cards like mana crypt because of gay and retarded reasons like stacking the secondary market, im fine with them getting banned. Everyone has access to sol ring like how everyone has access to arcane signet, and formats being faster is a good thing.
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WotC has been increasingly focused on creating new products with a short shelf life. By banning high-demand cards after their reprints, they create a cycle of demand for the next wave of must-have cards. This drives players to buy more packs and keeps the secondary market fluctuating, with players constantly chasing the next high-value card.
Get ready for a wave of Mana Vault reprints.
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Well black has some stuff that removes counters for some benefits, but that isn't having the calender wincon itself triggering
Sol ring is literally slower you brainrotten tranny
Sol ring eats colored mana t1
>p-play around it
1.5 average damage a turn is fucking nothing.
yes, correct it would become the base game, same way 2 turn games are normal in yugioh
you may not like that, but that's how format power level works
Farm, one of the best decks in the format, frequently kills people with creatures outside of combos. Every single format is basically combo and mid range. Educate yourself heathan, I dont want to waste my time on someone who wont do the bare minimum but feels entitled to complain. This is exactly what I mean by we live in a post truth world where being right doesnt matter if a million faggots repeat the first thing they google when confronted with information they dont know.
I said if you don't consider sol ring broken you're retarded to then consider mana crypt broken. Both are incredibly busted and overpowered cards you're not smart or good at magic
>no drawbacks
Yes mana crypt has NO downside
crypt isn't broken, but it also isn't in every precon so it's a false equivalence, pretending the frequency of a card doesn't effect its balance is retarded, they don't exist in a vacuum
You have never played it, you wouldnt know. You're repeating something someone else told you. Sol ring will never kill you. Crypt absolutely will, especially if your opponent drops one of the 6 or so extremely common answers to fast mana.
Crypt averages over 20 turns to kill you
It's doing fucking nothing
Not my problem. Dont ban cards for retarded reasons if you dont want the logic for the ban to be applied to similar cards. They chose not to ban crypt 20 years ago. They chose to reprint it like 12 times. They chose to put sol ring in every precon, and since they banned crypt for dumb reasons that apply to sol ring, they're stuck in a retarded quagmire of their own making.
Crypt is overpowered and there are no logistical issues with it being banned
Ergo it's banned
>Not my problem
it is tho cuz sol ring will never be banned no matter how much you impotently seethe :)
Go on, dumbass who has never played crypt, what extremely obvious answers would make crypt into a liability?
>bro actually the deck that only runs a few hatebears is totally midrange
Incorrect, sol ring is better than crypt ergo it's not over powered.

I think you'll be very surprised at what the future holds.
Sol ring is worse than crypt, objectively.
I think you'll be very surprised when sol ring doesn't get banned because it would be a logistical nightmare, stores aren't going to buy precons if the cards within are illegal
What the hell is a midrange
fast mana will never be entirely banned because nobody wants to play 4 hour games, accept it. You'll get a bone throne to your sorry ass every few years but nobody cares about casuals beyond lip service
They'll just stock new precons post ban.

You wouldnt know, you dont play it.
so when they print mana crypt 2 how will you cope?
There are none. Because it's never a liability
Minor health costs have never mattered in magic and definitely not in the format with 2x health and no aggro or real midrange
>they will repurchase stock
no, they won't lmao unless they're compensated in some way which wotc can't afford to do
wotc will disband the rc before a sol ring ban ever actually happens not that it matters because the RC themselves said they have no intention of ever banning it. Seethe, tranny
I could use a bone throne. And that's the larger point, this guy gets it, and no ban should consider what people who have never interacted with a card feel about magic.
1.5 average a turn over just 5 turns is what 7 8 damage? Realistically that's you out the game one turn sooner, but also it doesn't do that it does 3 damage at a time, so average is kinda gay and retarded and theorybrainpilled. If mana crypt props 3 times in a game, which isn't unlikely that's 9 damage. That's a quarter of your life. That's you out the game before other people 90% of the time, because the lower your life, in general, the shorter you will last
If I could activate abilities and stuff during upkeep I'd go crazy with this
Most people have interacted with mana crypt and see it run away with games
Anyone who has played a sol ring (worse card) can also understand how sol ring but better works
I'll buy it and rub it in the face of every casual I can find.

>being this stupid and this new
Come on, at least google it you tard.

Oh, so fast mana is okay and untouchable now? Weird, you were just saying the opposite you kike.
>minor health costs have never mattered in magic
This is the most nogames thing I've ever read. Not even just for EDH but for the entirety of mtg in general my word
>no midrange
I'm telling you, because I actually understand the game unlike you, that 1.5 life a turn does not and will never matter
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>bone throne
You rang?
>nobody wants to play 4 hour games
This. I want my games to wrapped up in under an hour, and if you want to win you better be able to beat me faster
do elaborate :3
>i-its bad in this random scenario that's statistically unlikely
>stop thinking about averages t-that doesn't count
The level of troon delusion holy fuck
>Oh, so fast mana is okay and untouchable now? Weird, you were just saying the opposite you kike.
No...I wasn't? I said the exact same thing like 3 times while watching you invent schizo fantasies about sol ring getting banned
No. They make up hypotheticals where they pretend to be offended by things that they think in theory are a problem, like their near universal prevelance of thoracle even though almost every deck in the format can deal with it.

This is what I mean. Why the fuck is anyone listening to these retards that dont play magic conjuring problems to be offended by. There sure are a lot of them, and they're loud, but by god they're retarded. This nigga literally doesnt know about null rod and k4rn.
I really wish more edh players understood this, people have fucking lives. Commander is fun but not 3+ hours in one sitting fun
If you think mana crypt has a downside, that is the sign you have a skill issue. Git gud at predictions.
>play mana crypt
>use it to cast ghostly prison
>1.5 life a turn
Doesn't exist. So no you clearly do not play the game. Mana crypt does 3 damage, or it does 0. And it does it in increments of 3 as well, 3 6 9 12 etc. These matter, losing 12 life to your own permanent is objectively translating to you losing the game a turn of two sooner. Especially as time goes on ans the game progresses as it is, passive damage comes from every source, and despite your headcanon most games do not end in infinites (and if this really was the world you lived in you'd be okay with fast mana because it provides you the ability to progress your plan while holding up mana for interaction but we can ignore your internal inconsistencies).
Don't bother arguing with a retard bro
If you think crypt doesnt have a downside, you've never used it. Simple as.
>defending thoracle now
Dilate somewhere else
>can deal with it.
Every card can be "dealt with" in some way you retarded freak. That has no bearing on if it's overpowered or not
You don't play the game
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calendar anon here, couldn't i blink this guy till i have 500 counters
I know that, you know that, he also knows that, but we're at the stage where it needs to be pounded into their skull that if he doesnt understand how something works, maybe he shouldnt have an opinion on it until he does.
I'm the only one here who can even do basic math instead of pretending you lose every coin flip on crypt
You're bad at the game and are seething your portfolio got fucked. Eat shit kike
>If you think crypt doesnt have a downside, you've never used it. Simple as.
spoken as someone bad predictions and has died to their own crypt, git gud
The RC doesnt think it's a problem, take it up with them. You have never seen thoracle; I play against it all the time. Is it efficient? Yup, but they literally just printed a oneish mana counter for it, and if you fuck it up, you instantly lose the game.

You still havent told me the counterplay to crypt, anon who doesnt play magic but feels compelled to have opinions on it.
ESL post
Of course it's been an ESL trying to defend crypt
Midrange is just a fancy way of saying it can do anything.
Which does describe Farm.
>Best interaction from blue (forces, swans)
>Strong creatures package that help you develop and control the board (esper, orcish, ranger-capt)
>Access to the best combos in the format (orcale, breach)
>t. anons who have never seen crypt but have very passionate opinions about it
There's a reason it's barely played in vintage outside of shops but sol ring is in every deck. Educate yourselves before talking about hypotheticals. You STILL havent mentioned the incredibly obvious counterplay for crypt.
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no, you is tard. if i wanted crypt to stay, i would argue as cedhtard and claim it has downside and claim it is fair and balanced for its downsides.
The counterplay is obviously double spirit guide manamorphose counterspell

For the 100th time, because you brain rotten freaks never understand it; every spell can be prevented countered or removed. That doesn't mean nothing should be banned and its not a relevant argument
A format where you have half the life, are playing against 1/6th as much life and has legal moxen among many other existing banned cards
It is not relevant
The fact that crypt is restricted in vintage says plenty
Nope. Look it up.

Also wrong, try again retardo. Its not force either.
Sol ring is restricted in vintage too you fucking retard.
Who is this guy and if he's that old why didn't he grow out of his highschool toque days
Beanie boy is a pubstomper, he's also a rules lawyer who gets rules wrong. I'd play with his co-host though.
>Midrange is just a fancy way of saying it can do anything.
That's not what midrange means at all
You described a control deck with combo finishers. Control is not midrange, combo is not midrange, hatebears are not midrange
The only thing resembling midrange is bowmasters
Actually double spirit guide mana morphose counterspell will counter mana crypt just fine
Sorry you don't understand the game
Tim is at best a useful idiot, at worst a paid traitor to his own nation.

Buy that Jihad with your rubles Tim?
Oh, so you genuinely dont know. And yet you feel compelled to have strong opinions about it. Not only that, you're too stupid to look it up, and now you're arguing using 4 cards going -3 to use one of the worst counters in the format. Looks like you have a terminal case of charlatan brain, and obviously no one should listen to your opinions on the subject, like I've been saying the whole time.
entirely doable with Unwinding Clock and Padeem
The fact that you can't even understand sarcasm is embarassing
You are the most low IQ subhuman that has ever disgraced this thread
Pretending to be retarded isnt sarcasm, and you STILL dont know and havent looked it up. You are the textbook example of why no one should listen to casuals opinions; you dont know shit, even after being spoonfed.
>bird counters: stops thoracle DEAD
>Red blasts: stops thoracle DEAD
>angels grace: stops thoracle DEAD
>dawns truce: stops thoracle DEAD
>withering boon: stops thoracle DEAD
>literally any fucking stifle: stops thoracle DEAD
and the best part is casuals don't know about em
I think he meant if he could do things on untap step.
Which you can't
It was very obviously sarcasm brainlet, stop seething
Force of will counts and you already said it doesn't! So there is no answer that will satisfy you besides some hyper specific answer. Please kill yourself.
I kneel at the level of seethe generated by the RC
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God DAMN why is he so shit, the least they could have done is made his activated ability instant speed so it synergizes with his trigger
>cant block
Why was this necessary holy shit
>isnt a spirit
Who tf designed this AAAA
meanwhile here's what happens
>one player has thoracle
>another player
>I will stop your response unless you agree to a draw and I will stop thoracle unless you agree to a draw
>game is a draw
>recorded as tournament results
thoracle defenders are such stupid cunts
Aint even mad, I'm publically flagellating you for having opinions on things you dont understand as a warning for anyone else with hubris, as everyone should have done in the first place. Now shoo, adults are talking.

You missed my personal favorite, consign to memory replicated two or three times.
>drawing the game: stops thoracle DEAD
This is not very common sorry
You dont waste counterspells on colourless mana rocks, you low skilled midwit, particularly in a multiplayer format with limited counters. There are extremely common solutions to fast mana in every format that runs them, and it's impressive that it's gone on this long without anyone mentioning them. Coincidentally, they also explain why crypt has a massive draw back theory crafters are too stupid to understand.
i can transfer time counters from [[As Foretold]] to the calendar and then start doubling if i have a shit ton of mana
it's literally a regular occurrence in cedh tournies because cedh is a fucking meme only faggots defend
Everyone should buy more Vaults and Reserve List. The wave is past. These are guaranteed to never go down
>t. casual who's never interacted with cedh in any way
No. It happened once, maybe, in hundreds of tournaments. Again, dont comment on things you dont understand.
Mark, what are you doing here? Is Tumblr offline?
>b-bro it's just theorycrafting
Crypt is run in every list at tournaments
Yes, never said it wasnt, but the answers are too. Your aggressive illiteracy is probably why you're so bad at magic, and google apparently.
It's clearly not a massive drawback if it's being played
It is not a regular occurrence. It's a thing that happened once or twice and was universally called gay by the cedh community
let's go bois
kek nice try gavin i'm selling
He bought that when they were banning cards for being offensive, which was about four years ago, pointed out by >>93993047 this dude and also because I was watching that fucking stream when he said he was going to buy them

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