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HATE Edition

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>Thread Question
Which type of Xeno do you HATE the most?
I am new to the hobby, played a lot of TTRPGs but just got into 40k's tabletop just today.
got some minis already Tau.

im familiar with a lot of lore. any tips for the nooblet?

Hate? Eldar
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Dark Eldar Wych / Lelith models should be super shredded.
Thread image is cringe and Orks have huge dicks
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Eldar are based tho, easily the best part of 40k.
Naw you are cringe and your pecker is tiny
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I've seen the way you "hate" Eldar, Guilliman.
will there be new grey knight models at warhammer day?
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Does anyone have IA 4 Anphelion Project in any good quality?
I will choke you with it

The other franchises appear to be getting more attention. AoS especially.
What does a good tyranids monster-mash list look like these days at 1.5k - 2k points?
I agree, into the shredder it goes
Any kult of speed lists i could use as a reference?
you need the first edition or the second edition? or just the fluff?
That image.
I see what you did.
Just the fluff
As many koptas as you can manage
Some warbikers because they're fucking awesome
And then as many buggies as you can fit into the rest of the list
then grab the warhammer+ edition
Where's this from?
There's a site somewhere that has a shitload of tournament lists that people seem to copy, most of them are war horde but there's a few kult of speed lists. In true ork fashion none of them are remotely similar but in saying that I've seen more than one list with 3 shokkjump dragstas, guessing they are for taking out characters or something
Thank you anon
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I had the worst fucking day today

>woke up so sick from hay fever I could barely function
>order food, it arrives stone cold
>try to use the hot tub to ease my congestion but it springs a leak and floods my bathroom
>get multiple print failures
>to top it off, spill a bottle of nuln oil

Post some minis to cheer me up please cos I fucking need it
Do deffkoptas come with a forced loadout now? I don't have the newer kit yet but was told that they force you to build one with a kmb
thank you
i’ll try looking it up on the website again, i already tried and i could fine no kults of speed
KMB is still a wargear option that nobody takes because rokkits are entirely better now.
Here you go anon.
I'd imagine shokkjumps have become action monkeys thanks to their tellyporting capabilities.
Do you have IA space marines 2nd edition by any chance?
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Rokkit boy number 2, not as bad as the first one but a bit of room for improvement
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There name might be stolen from Tolkien but their original design and creativity behind each of the eldar factions is second to none.
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I forgot the models, my bad.
eldar and elf hate is a psyop for hating traditionally beautiful and intelligent european aesthetic people that genuinely are better than everyone else, prove me wrong. Dorfs and elves are badass together, they just want infighting.
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Yeah, they are probably the most unique faction in 40k in terms of aesthetics and to some extent even their lore.
Shokkjumps still advance when they teleport, no actions for them
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>Eldar are a pan-european aesthetic
They hated anon because he spoke the truth
It's pretty incredible that they managed to make a stickman robot look cool as fuck.
I don't hate elves because they're beautiful and intelligent, I hate elves because they're frail and feminine. If I want something beautiful I'll go to humanity, but I want something masculine and tough when playing my game about constant war.
I thought they were abhumans?
I still haven't touched any Votann lore.
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yeah I've had that convo before that they are the most unique faction in 40k in terms of aesthetics. Hell even their 40k lore ties into their core historical influence, a monothesitic god comes and destroys their soceity and way of living like christianity did to the earlier polytheisitc faiths and cultures of Europe.
(I know chaos is a pantheon but the birth of Slaanesh was a solo operation, he was symbolically acting like a monothesitic god).
I shocked after all this time that there is not a single piece of artwork depiciting the Fall
Are you an Ai
How would you depict empire being destroyed by god of pain and pleasure who raping reality during his birth?
instant loss, probably
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No i'm not what makes you say that?
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Here you go, a tank
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I dunno, draw upon classical art of biblical apocalypses?
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>This dude assembling entire squads of missile launcher armed maniacs, picking up his shuriken cannon because he himself likes to be close enough to see the enemy get shredded, slamming on his skull mask and wading into the Immaterium solo to cut up hordes of daemons with his scythe gun, returning while dragging his entire planet in tow
>delicate and feminine
I swear that's the third playerbase tzaangors are now actively haunting
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Tz-Tzaangor (with Shield)-sama! I kneel!
I am pretty fond of this piece of semi recent Eldar artwork.
Yeah he looks like a dainty little girl. Believe it or not, looks matter.
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>Say they should be shredded
>big fat ass
>"strong" arms smaller than 1 single ab she has on her midsection

It's a just shit model anon.
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They're cool, but they're not the best part of 40k

orks are
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Based. Without Orks 40k would be nothing.
You can't even see her ass. Do you mean hips retard?
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One of my favorite pieces of 40k artwork, right there. Both Eldar and Tyranids are fantastic factions and they were the duo that actually got me into the hobby in the first place back in 2009 or some shit, when I was around 16.
Reminder that EC are going to get more and better models than WE or TS got
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pity there isn't more art of it.
Every person I’ve seen hating on Eldar/Elves was a dysgenic meathead so it makes sense.
maybe, maybe, but they're not going to get anything after that, while TS and WE will get second waves eventually
You're supposed to have meat on your head bud
Valedor is one of the better Eldar books because it lets Eldar actually be badasses for once and fight against the nids while winning. Plus it has fun shenanigans of Dark Eldar helping the Craftworld Eldar out which I always enjoy because I find the element of the DE and CWE being more akin to estranged relatives than bitter enemies to be amusing.

One of the best parts of that book is when an Avatar of Khaine that was thought lost is recovered as it is surrounded by a mountain of Carnifex corpses.
the black and white art of the attack of kraken on iyanden is the best, with the ominous ravener thing
>second wave
sure man. Definitely. Keep on believing.
For GK When? an-non in previous thread, you've already seen them. They're the models they released in Chaos Gate: Demonhunters. Glory to CAD as confirmed by Crowe.

Other new kits they soft disclosed in SMII: Raeveners, Zoanthrope, Warriors, Hive Tyrant.
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I don't see it desu. With other Eldar I'd maybe agree, but Dark Reapers and Warp Spiders have always been chunky as fuck compared to their contemporaries.
Even the 3rd Ed Howling Banshees are slender looking on their own but fucking huge when you set them next to a contemporary Guardsman; can't really speak to the new plastics as I don't own any.
WE and TS have fantastic models, just very few of them.
Eightbound are the exceptions, got for kitbashing, good in concept, bad in execution
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Hope your day gets better anon, here's a group photo of the rubrics I've finished so far
I tried turning this dude into a Chaos Eldar MoP proxy for my CSM.
Now I just kind a regret even attempting it.
sure man. Just like how The Old World is definitely going to have Cathay and Kislev
I don't know that artwork, can you post it?
>Chaos Eldar MoP proxy
MoP?, cool concept regardless. I think someone did that with the new Sigvald model too
Corsairs are huge and while still pretty slender, look meatier than the other Eldar models. They stand head and shoulders taller than guardsmen
>but their original design and creativity behind each of the eldar factions is second to none.
Their biggest creativity (and I am saying it unironically) is lack of any kind of photon bows.
The rest, is just replacing Asur shinning metall armor with gay spandex, cool clothes with pajamas/kimono and rewritting lore to Imperium's battered wife
>They stand head and shoulders taller than guardsmen
Which is lore accurate because the average Eldar is supposed to absolutely tower over the average human.
I hate each xeno equally, because all xenos are the same to me, I have a special ability to detect them, I call it my xeno sense.
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Reading RT for the fluff, funny that the eldar are presented as these dreaded pirates/mercenaries you can carry the day for you or betray you because your enemies paid more. Making deldar the dreaded pirate/mercs makes sense, but the artwork of these guys floating and glowing like fairies in a field is pretty funny. Also craftworlds in RT explicity only had at most tens of thousands of eldar on them.
It explains why their military equipment sucks
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I wasn’t gonna post them since I still have another 10 legionaries and a daemon prince to slog through and build before I start painting but since you’re having such a shit day have some recently built iron warriors.
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Eldar and deldar are heavily inspired by the fantast versions of themselves. But the fantasy versions of themselves is also very creative and unique. Put them next to tolkiens elves and the only similarity you'd see is the pointed ears and having a king.
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have this high rez version
>Orks in their current way. I don't like to have comedic relief characters and that's what they are. They would (in my opinion ofc) benefit from a more serious and dark subfaction, maybe similar to those new type of orks in AoS.
I also realize that people love orks, so I would not touch the current ones, but just add some new models similar to the beastsnatchas feature a new style
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Are daemon princes capable of shape shifting or are they usually stuck as those big ugly guys? If they're capable of doing it, can they look simply like a really big marine? I know that there are daemons that can shape shift or possess corpses but dunno about princes since they were once mortal.

I like the fluff of the prince and the rules but hate the model so I'm considering printing one of those cool 3rd party not-primarch models and using it instead and I'm curious if something similar happened in the fluff.
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Began work on my technically second Marine last night. Lots of work to go though.
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The most? Probably the Tyranids.
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>Eldar and deldar are heavily inspired by the fantast versions of themselves.
Yes and no. Eldar are leftist version of elves
Hysterical and full of hormones
>or are they usually stuck as those big ugly guys?

In their own eyes they are beautiful and size = power. They do not think like a normal human any more.
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Thanks anon! I really like the tyranid faces in that art, uniquely savage and alien looking that modern art doesn't quiet capture
100% agreed, so fingers crossed we get ignored again after our codex. The worst thing to happen to an army is "mass appeal".

Are they? I just don't like 'em. Dwarves are cringe.
They originally were the Squats which were abhumans.
Then they became the leagues of Votann, who are apparently an entirely new xenos faction that utilizes a lot of cloning.
I like the idea, of a xenos faction who are just as technophilic as the Mechanicus, but they could go for some more "Dwarven" aesthetics though. And maybe some Chaos Votann, you know, for old time's sake.
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What did GW mean by this? Thousand Sons are not on the roadmap for the next 3 releases.
There is barely any votan lore besides the codex, and all things considered, I am pretty ok with it. I like the idea of what essentially is an offshoot of dark age of technology humanity's cloned worker force "evolving" into spesh dwarves whose civilization is essentially a fucked up corpocracy.
Tson probably got a boost in popularity because of sm2
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They are still abhumans, that hasn't changed. GW doesn't have an abhuman section so they got lumped in with Xenos.
I do think chaos votann would be sick, though.
demon princes come in all sizes and shapes
The leagues of Votan are not real xenos like Eldar, Orks or Tau are, they are an offshoot of Dark Age of Technology humanity but the imperium is too retarded to figure that out, and the Leagues aren't too fond of the idea of telling the imperium the truth either.
Did the high kahls oath come out yet? I'd like some more votann lore to read.
Yes, absolutely. Daemon princes can even look like regular marines, such as with Doomrider.
They're abhumans but they're so detached from imperials that some authorities argue they should be categorised and treated as xenos
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Just memeing due to Space Marine 2 coming out which has TS as the 'secret' second enemy faction. You only fight rubricae (bolters and flamers who have a silly fire symbol as big as their torso on their backs), tzaangors, a few termies and the same TS wizard model.
Screamers are just background decoration and there's no horrors or flamers of tzeentch.
They're getting 30k automata at their next codex, so it could be their big 2nd wave when they comeout
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I love the horrid, gleeful and murderous smirk tyranids often have in the artwork.
Leagues, GSC, and Tau all contain humans or human variants
Technically Necrons too if Pariahs ever become canon again
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>They're getting 30k automata at their next codex
>Eldar and deldar are heavily inspired by the fantast versions of themselves.
If by inspired you've meant "copy pasted in wrong order" then yes
Understandable. Still, I think GW fumbled when they didn't give Votann more Dwarven aesthetic and went for the "Starcraft 2" aesthetic
>I do think chaos votann would be sick, though.
Right? I can only imagine the Dark Mechanicum and the Chaos Votann having a technological arms race to see who can make the deadliest daemon-engine.
nothing, sometimes the warhammer channels put out shit completely unrelated to the schedule of reveals

your best chance for a thousand sons model in the short term is the yearly commemorative limited release
>This year’s Commemorative Miniature is the Chaos Sorcerer Tzarketh, Bane of Law, and we’ll be revealing their glorious model in the coming days. You’ll be able to pre-order this miniature on the 5th of October, while stocks last – don’t delay, pledge your immortal soul to the pantheon today!
but I think it's fantasy stuff, not 40k
XenosKINGS need to stand togethher against the power armor menace.
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But anon, Orks, Eldar, and Tau all have power armor
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I don't really mind the look they went with, but at the same time, I was never really that big of a fan of the idea of lifting the fantasy dwarf aesthetic to space. Eldar didn't just copypaste the fantasy elf aesthetic either. They have elven elements but outside of the pointy hats they have only passing resemblance to the fantasy elves in terms of their looks.
where's reviewanon, been a while since he posted
Retards without their own codex don't get an opinion
How did he even sneak up on the Ork?
>easily blocks your fully charged powerfist
Where does he work out?
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especially against the chaos power armours

I unironically want to see unlikely alliances like necrons and eldar or tau and orks if it means they're fighting against marines or chaos marines
Anon has the deathwatch ever wrecked the eldar? The tend to show up to get slaughtered by World Eaters for sport, or get enucleated by Night Lords.
>without their own codex

>fighting against marines or chaos marines
Pick one
The Ork was backing away and bumped into him. He was standing still gathering up his hatred for greenskins.
>Anon has the deathwatch ever wrecked the eldar?
Out of loop or newfag?
Deathwatch literally aborted Ynnead
Also, pretty sure they;ve wrecked some Eldar durring Arks of Omen
I agree. I think the only problem with votann was the poor wave we got that left us with half an army. There's no real way to justify our aesthetic because we've seen barely anything from it. But 40k has always been "unique version of fantasy race in space". Imagine if eldar released with bows and woodland magic.
GW should have released them with double the units and at least 2 BL books.
>That picrel
See *that's* what I was hoping for more of in the models, a bit more runic arcitechture on the armor, some curves and angles in the plating. Something that says "Hey we're master craftsmen and we're gonna show off."
But what we got feels a little too much like Starcraft in terms of aesthetics in my opinion.
They've gotten a bit better since the first release though.
Yeah that's really not what happened, currently-stroking-out poster
>Deathwatch are the last minute retcon to the aborted Ynnead plotline when GW didn't want to squat Slaanesh from the setting
Deathwatch are the designated shitters of the marine world. Even Space Marine Wank 2 has their kill team get killed to a man by rippers, guants, gants and a single warrior. MC at least gets killed by a Carnifex
Do you really think DEldar are more like High Elves and CWE like Dark Elves?
Tzaangors were the coolest part of the Chaos hijack in SM2.
>single warrior
It was hilarious that they imported that companion Space Wolf from Rogue Trader, Voice Actor and all, only to have him get ripped to shreds by a random warrior.
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>Yeah that's really not what happened
Except it's really what happenned in Death masque
And forced Eldar to abadon attempts to create Ynnead and ressurect Guilliman instead
I mean, canonically Tyranid Warriors kill Space Marines all the time when they're not in a bolter wank media piece.
Many, many Space Marines meet ignoble ends.
No I think GW did something wrong when they were copying elves from fantasy to 40k, so 40k elves ended up being completely opposite to asur, druchii and asrai
Just compare Yrelt/Macha/Idranel/Taldeer to Kerillian
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Did some hacking and gluing and milliputting to make this out of the second ven Denst. Not sure what to use her as, probably another inquisitor?
>Many, many Space Marines meet ignoble ends.
>4th Tyranic War ends without any significant marines forces being involved
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The whole Ynnead and gathering storm shit was such a weird era for the Eldar. I was convinced that GW was planning on squatting the Dark Eldar and Eldar ranges and combining the remnants into the whole Ynnari bs but then nothing happened with that.
>that companion Space Wolf from Rogue Trader, Voice Actor and all
wasn't him, the voice actor confirmed, just some coincidence
really that Space wolf is a character from a whole other game? lol. Yeah weird choice to have him die to a single warrior
All pale before best girl.
Deathwatch prevented the early awakening and in doing so kept Slaanesh alive and all craftworlds from getting their shit rocked because they're retarded, and didn't stop it permanently.
I think the leadership at the time really wanted to make bigger changes to both the Eldar and Slaanesh's part of the setting and those plans got largely rolled back or at least delayed after they had a change of leadership.
What each faction is doing in the lore
Fighting a losing war on all sides, the usual
More nefarious, vague plots that will lead to another big change at some point in the future
More coming, more eating
Ghaz just keeps jobbing over and over, every other character forgotten to exist
Speaking of forgotten to exist, have they done anything since gathering storm?
>Dark Eldar
Never important
Expanded a bit, fighting death guard even though death guard already btfo by Guilliman?
Pariah Nexus and Civil War
lol, lmao
>but then nothing happened
Well, something actually happened
>Deathwatch are the designated shitters of the marine world
Which sucks because I actually like the concept a lot
>Hey, battle brother, you are *REALLY* good at killing Xenos
>So good in fact, that we're gonna reccomend you to join a group of marines from all the other chapters who are ALSO amazing at killing Xenos.
>You get to ride in a kickass dropship too, unique to this team, and kill as many Xenos as you like.
Votann are still playing DRG.
It gave us the Visarch at least, the single coolest armour set across the eldar race. Surpassing even the Incubai, but he was one once so I guess it makes sense
Literally no character and competence

>Deathwatch prevented the early awakening
He prevented any possible awakening
The plan was to use the ynnari to consolidate 2 poorly selling ranges and to squat slaanesh. AoS is evidence of this, by imprisoning and slaanesh and early art showing Malekith as the 4th chaos god. Slaanesh was too kiddy unfriendly, but the CEO got replaced before it finished. Ynnari are the pet project of an ousted CEO, forever forgotten
The visarch is such a cool design that I would have gladly supported the squat of both lines if it meant one range all designed around his style

The new eldar corsairs are in fact the best eldar unit ever and the new rumor that corsairs are getting an expansion, more or less like harlequins got, makes me more hopeful for the eldar than any promise of plastic aspects

But the again I can't deny the majority of eldarfags their due, so let's hope we all get what we want
God daym anon, thats a pretty shit day, hope it gets better for you

Currently working on my terminators, posted the sarge the other day as he's currently the only full one , next one done will be the assault cannon fella
>the single coolest armour set across the eldar race.
>is literal cuckold, while the other eldar male characters, are homos and impotents
Thank god for that. Fuck whomever thought that was a good idea.
>like space marines but more elite! you're the elite of the elite!
Yes so epic!!!!!
I have noticed all the Dark Eldar books and plots only ever really involve fighting other Dark Eldar. Except for that one Ork book I guess, but they're not the main focus of that one anyways. Why does GW never get them involved with any other faction and keep them completely insulated from the rest of the setting?
Do you actually read any eldar lore or memespouting all you are capable of, you blithering nigger?
40k used to be about thousands of small conflicts across a vast galaxy, gathering storm turned it into marvel slop. Small conflict don't matter, so Dark Eldar can't be made into a credible, galactic wide threat without some creativity that GW lacks
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Out of curiosity, do you think stealing and reworking the current Night Lords ability from Legions Imperialis would be a better fit for the Dread Talons detachment? Currently it's something like:
>when you kill an enemy commander unit deal an amount of hits equal to three times the models starting hits to all enemy units with 4", and you can only use your leadership to save
Basically people running away in horror or panicking, etc.

So in 40k it would be something like
>when you destroy a character unit deal an amount of D1 wounds equal to starting wounds characteristic of said character to all enemy units with 12", but instead of rolling your save make a battleshock test for each wound to prevent them (this is an exception to the rule for multiple battleshock tests in one phase)
>make a battleshock test with a negative modifier equal to the starting wounds and assign a mortal wound for each point the test fails by
>so if you kill say an enemy space marine captain then enemy units within 12" would suffer up to 5 wounds depending how well they'd roll on their battleshock test

The wording isn't perfect but I'm just curious if people would like it more since I hear Night Lords players don't like the current rules.
Wouldn't that be because a pirate faction would probably try to avoid fighting an actual military head on? I dunno I'm not a lorefag
Votann in a vacuum, although Taufags get on my nerves more.
Girlyman is blond, it is what it is. He's not actually Roman, he's just a big Romaboo.
Yrel is canonically homosexual in Valedor novel
And Visarch is cuckold in Rise of Ynnari series
>30k slop
>alternate rule slop
Start a new thread or go to one of the grog generals
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>Post some minis
Here's a doctor for your illness, anon.
Don't ask about his credentials
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The corsair and Vizarch designs are all pretty neat. It would be cool if we got more Eldar stuff that looked like them.

I still want my plastic Warp Spiders first for fuck's sake though. I've been waiting for them for decades at this point.
Where do I find groups to play third edition with
So retarded memespouting it is.
Once again, the more creative writers of 40k's fanbase has to save the setting from GW's marvel-esque writing.
I'd say that's a good thing, but fan-writers are a pretty mixed bag in of themselves.
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Special Operators Operating are only the pen n paper rpg prelude to Tabletop Wargame.

We just moaned and cried enough to get our dudes some space on the Wargame table because pen n paper Warhammer 40k is too niche in its appeal and we really wanted to take our guys out of the china cabinet.

>t. Imperial Agents player
Your local graveyard
print out 3rd ed codexes and rules and try to get your local gamestore players to try it out
Nice denial
SS13 security?
This is peak sandbox setting.
>Once again, the more creative writers of 40k's fanbase has to save the setting from GW's marvel-esque writing.
It's not writter's job.
Why are you being an asshole?
No, technically he's right, blond Romans would dye their hair darker because blond was associated with barbarians/slaves (obligatory "Roman slavery was different").
>t. Imperial Agents player
Rare breed indeed.

Also, unrelated, but is there any specific reason why the Corvus Blackstar isn't used more often for Space Marine Chapters?

Why not buy some copies on eBay for $4 each?
Damn, now I can't unsee it. Ought to have given him a taker, baton, and bright yellow gloves.
I mean they mixed with other europeans so it's not that strange. Blond hair was very desirable. Some even tried to bleach their hair too.
It was a fashion for a while, but not forever.
>was associated with barbarians/slaves
Actually with prostitues
Why are you posting in the wrong general?
You do realise that romans thought Europe ends at Rheine and Danube?
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The new kit you can only build 2 rokkits 1 kmb but you can play/equip as 3 rokkits. Rules say for every 3 models, you can have 1 kmb.
It's a 40k rule in a 40k thread, I don't know why you're angry about it and being an asshole.
Kult of speed detachment rule gives speed freek models Assault on all their guns
Yeah they were all about getting beaten up by barbarian prostitutes.
Citation needed.
Lmao. That's an impressively retarded thing to say.
You do realise i meant what we consider europe. Sure blond hair was associated with barbs and prostitutes but there were times when the features were popular.
Whoops thought you said shooting
They just need to have Yvraine kill Vect and take over the Dark Eldar already. Make them all obsessed with death to feed their cravings instead of pain. Human sacrifice is way more PG-13 than human torture factories so it will sell better with the kids too.
30kslop isn't 40k
Why even reply to hall monitor trolls? What utility does that offer to you?
This, we need to start consolidating the xenos ranges
>dark eldar and harlequinns squatted and rolled into eldar
>votann rolled into tau
>orks squatted
>tyranids reduced, half their range is resin slop
>necrons reduced
Taking 5-6 battleshock tests which can't be fast rolled for every unit within 12" just sounds functionally total ass. You could be looking at upwards of 30-40 battleshocks of which some factions get rerolls for.

Ld is set at 6-7 for essentially every unit in the game, which happens to be the average roll of a 2d6 battle test. Average characters are like 4W+, so you're essentially describing a rule where even cheap characters are deadly demise 4. God forbid you roll below average and you end up having a full TSons shooting phase into you because 1 character dared to die.
Consolidated, not reduced
Every Xenos codex should be as big as Codex Space Marines
>>tyranids reduced, half their range is resin slop
the fuck are you on about?
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Did he fix her?
>Citation needed.
>A registered prostitute was known as a meretrix, and according to Roman law, they were required to dye their hair blonde.
>there were times when the features were popular.
You're going to need to be more specific. For all I know you're talking about the 20th century.
They're so boring though. They never do anything interesting and their lore besides the fall boil down to " foolish monkeigh, you never should have trusted me" or foolish monkeigh, you should have trusted me, now we're all doomed and it's your fault".
>Every Xenos codex should be as big as Codex Space Marines
Good joke
Well damn. Learned something new.
I don't think Tyranids have a single model in resin, outside the Forgeworld stuff (Hierophant/Harridan). Like, they never had a single finecast model so I'm not sure what he is referring to.
It's not 30k tho? What are you even on about. Nevermind, this is just bait.
You're right, my bad.
I usually don't see tightly packed armies these days but too many battleshock rolls on even one unit would probably be a pain in the ass. Maybe just make a battleshock test if you're not titanic or a vehicle and suffer d6 mortal wounds on a fail? Or just starting wounds in mortal wounds, would force people to space their characters more carefully in fear of a chain reaction.
Thats a problem of GW's abysmal writers.
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You think you want this but you don't.
>foolish monkeigh, you never should have trusted me
Name one time that trusting the Eldar was the wrong decision.
Is DOW3 worth getting for 10 bucks on steam?
just pirate it
Yrliet in Rogue Trader.
the only reasonable consolidations are bundling all eldar in one book, gsc added to the tyranids book, and votann to the tau thanks to the demiurgs precedent

necrons cannot be bundled anywhere and neither can orks, unless your index xenos don't have any real pretence of relations in their contents or we start bundling things based on other elements, such as [old threats] and [new threats] or whatever
No. It's fucking shit.
>t. bought it on launch
they did have finecast models (or at least metal models produced in finecasts), but it was all addressed last year
Haven't read this stuff in forever but it was at least popular by the times of Commodus. I remember reading he dyed his hair.
nah. they fucked up.
best looking ork models?
A quite interesting person which didn't left any records made by contemporaries except of jokes and anecdotes
I've always loved the Deff Dreads and Killa Kans.
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DoW3 doesn't exist, only the trailer does
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Any mega armor model.
Googled it. Was right about Commodus but he used gold. Still, this mentions that blond hair dye was the most popular
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I really like snikrot
RT ork boy
Get 1 and 2 if you don't have them, they are different from each other but both are good in their own right, but 3 is not even worth it for free.
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NL are just a CSM subfaction and their bonuses should reflect that sort of power level.

I don't know what it is with people who workshop new rules or homebrew their own stuff but it always for some reason goes towards doing d6MW. No, killing a Commissar should not drop a tactical nuke on the board
the single absolute best model is the ork runtherd
Even if it was free I wouldn't take it, it's shit. In fact it was so bad they killed it less than year after release.
>necrons cannot be bundled anywhere and neither can orks
Just bundle Orks and Necrons together.
The original Kommandos
Eternally on suicide watch for not buying the remakes last year because I’m such a fucking dumb kike
It probably should, Commissars are figures of dread and awe to most guard regiments so seeing one killed in a brutal way by the enemy should buck break the men like killing ethereals does to Tau.
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Was working on my chimera conversions when I found out the guy that makes them has gone MIA any idea where to get similar bits?
Game has never followed the lore
What Warhammer video game would you like to see? Hard mode: no RTS.
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Aspect Warrior Dating Sim
Total Warhammer 40k
HH 3rd person action game where you play as primarchs
I want to get into Combat Patrol with a friend who started collecting Black Templars.
>how's the game?
>Death Guard or Chaos Space Marines?
FPS or TPS Loota Shoota where you start as an Ork Boy and slowly progress to a Warboss as you unlock perks and upgrades with lots and lots of unique guns and melee options.
Dead by Daylight somehow got one so sure why not whatever
strictly combat patrol? Meh. The balance really isn't there. Mostly a starting point for larger games
I wanna see a game where you're an administratum clerk who finds out about a chaos conspiracy or something due to the numbers not lining up. I'm thinking visual novel or spreadsheet strategy like victoria.
titan fighting 3rd person shooter

with titans bigger than knights requiring multiple people piloting the separate weapon/movement systems

imperial titans, chaos titans, ork titans, eldar titans and tyranid titans
>A little off, not as good as AoS' spearhead
Dawn of War 3(for real this time), Space Marine 2(no primaris). Dark Heresy based CRPG, Rogue Trader 2. Horus Heresy/Crusade based large scale rts with marine legions, titans, mechanicum, ordinatus and xenos like orks cuz fighting diferent flavor of marines gets dull quickly.
If I'm using vehicles in AL should I paint them to be disguised as other chapters or just in AL colors
tower defense game where you play as a necron overlord trying to keep various factions off of your tomb world
I guess Combat Patrol can be a starting point but we are already invested in TOW and likely won't have time to play both fantasy and 40k
>Total Warhammer 40k
Total war and 40k is worst combination possible. TW is based around large square fomrations with single weapon type, latest time perioid it ever got was half of XIX century when they still used muskets.
40k is based around small squads with automatic weapons, cover systems etc.
40k and total war won't work unless they change way game works.
Not to mention CA is incopetent fucks as shown by TW Warhammer 3.
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I want an Aspect Warrior action/shooting game that has similar movement mechanics as warframe, as in you being fast as fuck and being able to parkour off walls and shit.
Something where you move fast and jump around and slice shit up
Could be an Imperial assassin, Eldar, Slaaneshi, whoever
Third person squad based shooter kinda like tom clancy's ghost recon future soldier but you play as a skitarii ranger hunting enemies across the galaxy
Ceramite gear rising:revengeance
Play as an eversor.
Fire Warrior 2, the time is now.
Whatever nerd
And in Meatl Gear you don't play as metal gear.
>Hard mode: no RTS.

How is that hard mode? The RTS genre has been dead for years.
Death Guard's combat patrol is pretty cringe, and CSM are closer to BT in combat patrol's balance.
Tau battlesuit armored core
Warhammer 40k gollum, but instead of Gollum you play as unregistere psyker.
>necrons and eldar
You'd unironically be more likely to see chaos marines and marines cooperating
It alredy happened in book series that shouldn't be named. CSM and SM even became besties.
Blood of Baal?
I can see it if the common Chaos threat is big enough. Necrons have shifted recently from being anti-life to being warp. They still hate life, but hate chaos more.
I know it has been done with SM2.
But take that but mix it with the recent God of War games.
Meaning you can swap what helmet, chest plate, legs, belt/tasset, vambraces, back packs, you're wearing, what relics you have, etc.
And then port over the weapon selection from SM2.
The beast arises. IF succesor and IW.
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it's not that impossible, both can be pragmatic enough, hypocritical enough and pretending they're above their past enough for it to happen.
Stardew Valley but 40k, ie. you play as a humble farmer who lives on a feudal planet and your job is to raise animals and grow, harvest crops that you then bring to your local lord for the tithe.
I'll back on you this, would go hard.
to being anti-warp*
Noctis Labyrinth Roguelike
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Do the necrons even see the eldar and the orks of the 41st millennium as anything remotely close to their war in heaven versions?
A tragic war FPS where you're an IG and you're just dealing with wave after wave of fucked up situations.
Just picked up a cheap Nemesis dreadknight and want to paint it up for my buddies Grey Knights army. I play alpha legion, so I want to add something a little cheeky to it. So far I'm thinking a C4 charge hidden on the model, anyone got a better idea? Don't want it big and obvious just something you'd notice if you look hard enough.
Pikmin/overlord but with orks.
Best that happened was during or shortly after gathering storm, when Ynnari and Necrons decided to shoot chaos(it's at time of great rift and complete chaos supremacy in galaxy) and not other alien, they only started shooting eachother after chaos threat was dealt with. This is closest we got to Eldar-Necron alliance.
Then the following question comes easily: what in the flying fuck were eldar like back then? what weapons did they use? what types of warriors did they have?
we don't know
How do contrast paints look if your nothing using contrast medium to thin and just using water, how much of a difference does it make?
>dark elves
>strongest military in the setting
They’re the strongest naval power but not the strongest military
>They’re the strongest naval power
vampires would like a fucking word
Necrons barely remember what even happened during the War in Heave due to their 66 million year sleep fucking up their awakening protocols and other shit.
For many their memories are also fucked and hazy.

Trazyn is a good example of this, in his mind he remembers that he was dragged into the biotransferance in chains against his will.
But Orrikan remembers that Trazyn went into the biotransferance happily and willingly.
Which one of these is correct? We will never truely know.
Is vampire coast a thing in AoS I fucking love their design or is it only total warhammer
Anon vampires don't have naval power, most they got was Luthor with his Vampire Coast in lustria and one time Noctilus happened and was killed by couple other dudes. Meanwhile Dark Elves have black arks roaming oceans and are raiding entire world. HElves are second sea power after DElves.
Tens of thousands sounds like a ridiculous and frankly stupid underestimate considering crafted rods have been frequently described as the size of a small moon. They're at least as big as the phalanx. Hundreds of thousands, even a million or more sounds more realistic. Which still pales in comparison to the untold billions (potentially trillions) of Commoragh. Some adepta got their numbers off by an order of magnitude or two
They’re cool, but they got neither the numbers nor the firepower to compete with BBAs (Big Black Arks)
This is also because the deceiver fucked with their memories, falsely placing a memory that one of the two (can't remember which was which in this scene) was dragged to biotransferrance by the other. When in reality, that doesn't make sense in the slightest because the other never would've been in the right place for that to happen. But deceiver's gonna deceive
>but they got neither the numbers nor the firepower to compete with BBAs (Big Black Arks)
they literally kill every other navy in the end times, wtf are you talking about?
Vampire coast is short army list of 1 vapire(Luthor Harkon) some zombies pirates, roten ogre and big fucking cannon, TW added 2 characters from dreadfleet and created oc donut steel because they needed something, then added some units that have nothing to do with sea or pirates and called it a day.
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Deathwatch XCOM clone. You get to pick out and customize your squad with different perks and abilities based on the chapters they hail from.
Battle wounds, bionic replacements, researching xenos to unlock hybrid tech gear etc.
And then you go and shoot aliens in the face.
It's literally a perfect fit and they went with Grey Knights vs stinkers for some fucking reason.
Anon it's RT fluff, chaos didn't even exist back then.
I think orikan remembers it was trazyn carrying orikan into the furnace by force, accusing trazyn of having wilfully walked into the furnaces because he had an old frail body, while trazyn himself thinks he was abducted while in his library and forced to go into the biotransference, but in his memory it wasn't orikan who personally went to drag him into it

I think orikan is the one with the most accurate memory here, orikan was always against the biotransference even before it was suggested due to his future readings
A murder-mystery RPG set in a hive city where you play as an Arbites. The potential for intrigue is limitless. Gangers, nobles, merchant guilds, and the imperial administration all wrapped up in a wide ranging conspiracy and only YOU can bust open the case of the millennia (or die trying)
>Then the following question comes easily: what in the flying fuck were eldar like back then? what weapons did they use? what types of warriors did they have?
Going entireoy off the top of my head here, but iirc they were basically a psychic bioweapon produced by the Old Ones. We know that even in their post War in Heaven state they're capable of birthing Warp entities on the level of Chaos Gods; they produced Ynnead with a miniscule fraction of their power and created both Slaanesh and the Eye of Terror by accident. I imagine that they were used to create and puppet the known Eldar pantheon plus potentially other gods deliberately to warp the rules of the universe in favour of the Old Ones and oppose the C'tan. If the gods ever proved a problem, the Old Ones could have put them back in their box by controlling or unmaking the Eldar.
Not canon. (No pun intended)
ultrakill but you play as an eversor assassin
Serf Simulator.
You're an indentured serf and you crank various wheels and stuff. You work 16 hour shifts but you get to fuck your wife every night.
If we go by their lore and look at what happened to orks.
Eldar were immortal(reincarnating) psionic bio weapon. Imagine army of Malcador/Magnus level psykers using psionic equpiment and if they die they just reincarnate into new bodies. They got nerfed hard by birth of Slaanesh, they can't even use pure psychic powers but must use rune VPN or Slaanesh will eat their soul.
>You work 16 hour shifts but you get to fuck your wife every night.
already better than real life
Trouble in Heretic Town.

1-2 Inquisitors.
2-4 Heretics
7-14 Serfs
Looks solid so far, just remember to drill your barrels (or do a black dot, if you're feeling lazy). Makes a world of difference in terms of detail.
Something like Wargame: Red Dragon or WARNO but 40k
Inquisitors execute the whole town at once, victory every time
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Warhammer 40,000: The Digital Tabletop Game
You buy your army online for the same price as IRL models.
Season passes, DLC, avatar cosmetics, MTX conversions for your models.
They're not very smart inquisitors

alternatives 7-14 Nobles
Don't give them any ideas. Without the stupid monetization I would really enjoy this though
Yeah that's right it was orikan saying trazyn dragged him.
But still, trazyn was an overlord from an entirely different dynasty, in charge of his own planet. He would've been nowhere near orikan to drag him to the furnace
Would sell very well

But also cut completely into GW's model sales, so..
Very surprised this doesn't exist. I thought Wizards made a killing doing this for MTG.
>model sales dip
>digital sales skyrocket
>production overhead drops due to having to produce less models
>profit increases overall
Vampire pirates is just a cool design and I'm surprised I haven't seen more fantasy settings use it
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>makes a video on "every" space marine unit
>does not feature a single firstborn unit, whole video is just primaris
>even the firstborn tanks are skipped
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>make money printer
>infinite wealth
Don't know what you were expecting from sloptubers
marinelets should be phased out and forgotten about
anyone who owns oldmarines should be forced to either destroy their army or just play heresy
The purpose of the video was to introduce new space marine players to their army by giving a description of each unit available to them.
Since firstborn are very clearly on their way out the door, they decided not to include them because they very likely won't be around after the next few years.
Nothing is wrong here, just YouTubers able to see what GW is doing and making decisions based on it.
shitmarines get shit on, superior chadmarines for the win
If Eldar were pragmatic, they would already killed themselves to spawn their new god
>Since firstborn are very clearly on their way out the door
please shut the fuck up
Deny reality all you want, man. I'm not here to spoon-feed you lies.
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magic had vampire conquistadors which was a fun idea

as far as I know they tried to make the expansion overly moralising but it backfired on them when they opened a poll for which faction of the set should win because people just loved the bad guys more
Marinelets are getting phased out of 40k and getting shoved into Horus Heresy for the forseeable future, no reason to cover them as units.
Gulliman is eventually gonna thunder warrior all the firstborn. Send them into the eye of terror for one last hurrah and close the great rift. Primaris only from then on.
TQ: Tau hands-down. Fuck those blue fuckers. Used to hate the Eldar before they came along.

I play IG and Nids.
I mean, do you really think devastators are going to survive another edition?
Be honest.
Common but not productive to hate your betters anon!
Cawl will use his gulliman AI to purge everything that isn't his new toys
Cawl is gonna come up with some way to make the rubicon primaris 99% safe so everyone does it, the only ones that will die during the process are forgeworld named characters like tyberos the red wake and asterion moloch.
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no need for that, most marinelets already died, have been subjected to geneseed reassignment surgery or were accidentally crippled and put inside a redemptor dreadnought which burns its pilots to death over a short period of time
6 millions marines have been dealt with this way
Didn't they do that already? Ynnead (or however you spell that) exists and has real power overblife and death, not even just the Eldar's as demonstrated with G-man and the Rubrics.
remember when we all thought ynnari were going to be their own faction and that the soup rules were just a temporary bandaid until they got their own model release?
good times
To be honest there's no reason to genocide the first born. A space marine is a space marine, and gulliman will use any man he can get. They won't make any more of them though, they'll slowly die out and be replaced as all new marines will be primaris, and any veterans and named characters will cross the rubicon
No I don't remember that
you must be new
Is the GW drill a good buy or another overpriced 'tool'?
Not I have a proper sized drill bit.
Citadel tools are mostly good, just overpriced.
The army painter drill is much better. But honestly? Just get a pin vice. It's the same thing but much cheaper.
Don't you dare shit on Macha ever again scum
Any drill is fine really, most of the citadel stuff is decent but it's very expensive for what it is

Whatever you do don't be like me and puncture your thumb / hand with it, I'm just retarded but I've gotten slightly impatient before by putting the drill bit next to the barrel and going nuts straight away, resulting in it not forming a hole quick enough, jumping off the model and straight through my thumb. Always a good time
What should I paint next

>warboss x 2
>mega warboss
>6 meganobz
>5 nobz
>10 stormboyz
>10 beast snaggas
>grots x 10
>Gulliman is eventually gonna thunder warrior all the firstborn. Send them into the eye of terror for one last hurrah and close the great rift.
No real reason to, they will all just naturally be whittled out as losses for the chapters mount.
Which will then be replaced by recruits who get the extra organs.

Realistically down the line there is no difference between a firstborn marine and a primaris in couple of centuries/millenia in universe.
All primaris that are getting made by the chapters themselves, no matter what, will be forced to go through the same process as a recruit, just like the firstborn ones.
Meaning they will be learning the chapter lore, chapter culture, chapter's philosophy, history, etc. etc.
And at the end of the process, the resulting marines will just be and act like all firstborn ones.
Only difference is that they have 3 extra organs inside them.
You've waited 30 years, what's 30 more?
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nobs are always a fun paint
play a better army
extremely overpriced and while they mostly aren't flat out bad they're cheap chinesium quality
get one of these
Jeez anon you've got a mix of all of them, lots be black reach nobz too. I'll be painting a few from 3rd edition, some from the black reach box and a few of the newer ones. Which ones are you favourite? I do miss the old meme load out of a power klaw and kustom shoota

But orks are the best anon
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Eldar DOOMclone (or Hereticclone?) in the style of Boltgun where you play as a Dire Avenger exarch fighting Orks, Emperor's Children, and Slaanesh daemons. Literally my dream game. If no one makes something similar in the next few years I'll fucking do it myself.
What snips do you guys recommend? I've used the Army Painter and Citadel ones and while they were alright, I feel like they still aren't sturdy enough. Managed to dent the Citadel ones pretty bad and if I'm spending that much on snips I want em to last.
I bought Tamiya sharp pointed side cutters some time ago and they're fantastic
How come inferno pistols are super rare? You’d think a smaller, more compact version of a melta gun would be more widespread
tamiya side cutters
I think it's simply because they're too good from a gameplay perspective.
Have you ever looked at a sprue and said "nope"?
Not at all
Are handicapped psychically by Slaanesh but are otherwise on the same level
This >>93992335
Code your game, daydreaming failure
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Paint the megaboss
And make sure it's blue
>You'd think a smaller more compact version would be widespread
Because computers started out small and compact and got bigger as time went on. Everyone knows technology is easiest to manufacture when it's miniaturized.
people like you make me wish they just ripped the bandaid off in 8th
I don't like it whatsoever anon, but it's clear that they're going to slowly phase out space marines. Look at the blood angels codex, you can't take librarian dreads anymore. They're chipping away at it.
Sorry anon I'm the goffs man. We have to have a representative from each kultur in these threads
Fair enough. Don't mind me I'm just seeing if I can remember an anon from each one
>Deffskullz (best)
Myself as well as 2 other blue ork anons
You, of course. I assume you're the anon who painted his second rokkit boy?
The anon with the poison dart squighogs
>Evil Sunz
Thunda Krunchaz anon is the closest match
>Bad Moonz
That anon with the gold stompa that's Born 2 Krump
I'm actually stumped. There's an anon that has posted flash gitz before but it's been a while since I've seen him.
>Blood Axes
I also have blood axes, but I've not seen anybody else with blood axes in these threads
Any pin vice will do, it is literally just a vice for pins even Chang can't fuck it up.
What he will fuck up is the drill bit, you want nice drill bits of varying sizes. Metal is still fine for soft plastic/resin but you can also try wood.
Tyranids look cool but are they fun
How stupid would a list that maxes out on gaunts and throwing random big shit in like norns
At this point is not only irresponsible but actively harmful to tell someone to buy non primaris marines

10th ed has removed a fuckton of their units, there's very little left to remove but it will be removed in an edition or two

Seriously not even Seth was spared
>even Chang can't fuck it up.
chang can absolutely fuck up making pig metal drill bits that snap or go blunt in a month

t. had a bit from an amazon special vice shatter and just go right through his thumb
oops all gaunts would be a pretty cheesy list
Jesus what kind of mysterymetal are they using that goes blunt from plastic?
that's why I specifically stated in the 2nd sentence that he will fuck up the drill bits, wtf did you even read
It's sounds stupidly fun, it was one of the only reasons I wanted to try AoS since there was no limits on the amount of squads and I just wanted to do 2000 points of clanrats
Never tried horde armies but it sounds fun
Metal Gear Solid with either imperial guards or Space Marine scouts
+1 for Kommandos and Rangers as well
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I'd start with grots, stormboys, or the trukk, you're always gonna bring one or more of those. Then move onto leaders
yeah it would be fun but its one of those "for the love of god don't pretend this is some normal list you'd bring to pick up games"
I used to run 200 model lists and then they made the unending swarm the ending swarm

They nerfed our ability to get more bugs mid game, you could get away with a double tervigon 60 termies 40 gaunts with heavy monster support quite easily but I would do invasion or nexus over endless swarm
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Are these the flash gits you were thinking of? I'm also poison dart hog anon
"whoops all cheap shit" works because people are getting forced to sling lascannons into 5ppm infantry and be inefficient
Adding a few big monsters just gives all the anti-tank in your opponent's list an actual target
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this is also me
Thinking about it I'm still super salty StarCraft Ghost never released, it's as close as we got at a spy game set in a futuristic setting where everything is fucked by war, to this day there's something appealing about the gritty futuristic Australian theme the Terran have
Those are the ones. What kultur do you follow anyway? Your scheme suggests freebootaz but your love of snaggas suggests snakebites. No judgement, just curious.
Well shit now I feel silly.
Slap a biovore 2 exocrines and 3 tyranofex(1 acid 2 RC) on an OPPS all gaunts list and see people take almost an hour per turn not knowing what to do, we live in a time were 3 fucking tyranofex is a relevant build, the meta is healing
Sounds hilarious
Maybe il look into nids more as my next army
that's a lame list
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I like em all but some of the more unique sculpts are fun but harder to kitbash. the current plastic kit and the black reach ones have been the base of a lot of my conversions too (pic related)

I think I got 3-4 ork halves of black reach free because everyone wanted the marine half back then
840pts in big monsters is not "whoops all gaunts"
Lots of Ork players ITT it seemd so I'll just go ahead and dump some hobbying questions:
>What's your go-to skin recipe?
>What white is best for doing goff checker patterns onto black?
>Sponge or drybrush for vehicle weathering? How much is too much?
You sound like the guy in my last table mad at how fucking annoying the acid spray gets when you can't score shit, fuck it you can change one of the tyranofex for a psychophage and a lictor for the aura to be extra annoying, learn to have some fun
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I've got a little bit of everything. Orks are great cuz I'm not locked into a specific scheme. In my head it made sense for my snagga units to have a tropical/jungle vibe, so that's what I went with. Also I don't really know the lore so klan colors don't mean a lot to me. Here's a green deff dread that I've been told means blood axes
nope, blondes in rome were foreigners or prostitutes
and you sound like someone who has no idea what terms mean
What's the max amount of gaunts 120 termas and 120 horms?
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for basic boys I actually don't hate the contrast over white but for stuff I'm taking time on, I do waagh flesh, warboss greeen, green wash, skarsnik green, and a final layer of moot green (I like bright snappy orks).

sponge is good, I like black and browns then some edges of bright silver for fresh scrapes. I like lots of rust too (gritty browns with fresh reds and oranges layered on top)

my techniques have changed over the last couple decades for sure too so my forces have a lot of variability
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Always love to see lots of Orks in the threads.
>What's your go-to skin recipe?
1. Basecoat Orruk flesh
2. Wash with 2:1 mixture of contrast medium to Ork Flesh Contrast
3. Recess wash with same mixture if necessary
4. Mix Ork Flesh Contrast and Orruk Flesh to fix coffee staining or areas where the wash didn't sit right on flat areas.
>What white is best for doing goff checker patterns onto black?
I use Pro Acryl Bold Titanium White. There's no better white for anything.
>Sponge or drybrush for vehicle weathering? How much is too much?
Neither for me. I paint scratches in my blue armor using a line of my highlight color on the bottom and black on the top and call it good. My Waaagh! is generally pretty clean.
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people often forget that there are tons of ork clans (not just the big named ones) and warbands are usually mixes so you're doing just fine dred-anon
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Oh yeah that was me. I don't see those other anons post very often desu. I plan on painting my nobz squad (with big choppas) in colours from each kultur, I even painted this guy a while ago for you blue ork anons. I actually don't mind it, and I'm really going against my own preferences as blue has always been my favourite colour
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Building my first army, trying to hit 1000 points and then plan for what my jump to 2000 is going to be. Man, this is actually so much fun and I understand why people sink 4 or 5 figures into the hobby. Once it "clicked", I started making plans for even more armies without realizing it. I'm still just picking stuff that looks cool rather than optimizing a list for gameplay but that's where the fun in it is for me, I suppose.

Anyways, my question is, how the hell do I transport my army safely once it's painted? There's going to be so many models and they're especially fragile, since I have Necrons. Already snapped an arm off a warrior thanks to their itty bitty shoulder joints.
A lot of gaunts with a few repeated units can be described as an all gaunts list since they occupy a lot of space in the deployment zone

It doesn't have to be a literal 240 battleline list for people to call it an all gaunts list
Honestly a conglomerate of mismatched and chaotic Ork kulturs is most akin to freebootaz, since they're all Orks that were kicked out of their previous Klan.
But like the other anon said they can be anything you want them to be.
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>Skin recipe
slapchop with army painter forest sprite contrast I want to learn a nice bright yellow-green skin recipe
>White for checkers
I use pro acryl titanium white for my patterning, see pic
>Sponge or drybrush
My trukk is upthread, I sponged
Except Roman women (even nobility)nobility began to dye their hair blonde because the prostitutes had made it fashionable and roman men found it attractive. We have records of this. I don't think we have conclusive evidence of roman men doing it but given how much faggotry the romans engaged in I wouldn't put it past them.
Half your list being big monsters and half chaff isn't oops all gaunts. Thats just a list.
Yeah I remember this git. Still lookin good
Don't bother, he's the type of retard to split hairs and play stupid to tell everyone that a certain group of Europeans weren't white or something, then turns around to tell you how emperor Hadrian was actually a negro or something and we just don't KNOW!
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Plastic primaris scale firedrakes, pls GW
Hadrian? A Negro? He was born in Spain! Dude was probably darker than the average Italian Roman but the Romans didn't really split hairs over general Mediterranean complexion.
Mediterraneans aren't white.
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that's afun pink, I want to hit it with a matte spray though
Yeah, I was almost tempted to play demonss just because you get a clean 1k from the boarding patrol+combat patrol, thankfully I was advised it's better to buy 2 Combat Patrols as a starting point due to prices

I transport most of my stuff in padded shoeboxes or piled Ferrero Rocher plastic containers, they are tall enough to fit 5 marines and an HQ, fit well in the boxes when stacked and don't move too much
I find myself asking "why can I tell that's resin"
Whiter than you, Muhammad.
Your options are pretty much a carrying case with foam and cutout slots, a box with metal trays and magnetize the bases of your minis, or just stackable trays in box and pray your minis don't shift during travel
It's FW.
And I specifically said plastic.
Yeah but I can't decide on a craftworld so I'm gonna have to bullshit my own
romans weren't white
they found people with fair skin to be exotic or disgusting
Wrong, Antonio.
Northern Europe.
For just boyz and similar units

>plaguebearer flesh contrast
>biel tan wash
>a diluted bad moons yellow contrast

For nobz and elite style units
>zenithol prime, heavy wraithbone
>mix of 1 part contrast medium, 2 parts mantis warriors green and 1 part black templar
>elysian green drybrush
>some yellowy green paint for a lighter drybrush and to use on raised areas

I don't really have a recipe for just base and layers yet, I plan on painting my characters differently to each other
Can we see the results?
This is true, but they thought the same about blacks. White people were too stupid and war mad, blacks too weak and devious.
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Pro acryl purple with army painter familiar pink wash. No matte wash for these guys, they're supposed to be shiny/slimy like a real frog
sure, but I wasn't saying romans were black
they were predominantly olive skinned like modern italians
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well that makes sense then. I love your basing
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>coomer assassin models arrived
Fuck yes.
Oh and to answer your other questions

I fucking suck at doing checkers but generally I'll use ushabiti bone base coat for thr white bits, then corax white followed by pro acryl titanium white

I don't really do any weathering, I like the cool of relatively clean orks. I've nailed a sweet looking rust effect but I won't be doing it much
Ah, I see he got the Calidus Assassin.
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Nobz. Still trying to get it right but I like the tone so far
I know but somehow the sculpt just screams resin and I cant tell why
Looks sick anon, good shit
Honestly it's a poor job and I didn't realise how bad it was until I just posted it. Fair enough if people don't wanna drill their barrels but it doesn't take long to do it
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Can this chimera be assembled with a closed hatch?
I was going to do my entire army with the second style but I wanted my boyz to look vibrant on the table. I'll do the same for something like beast snaggas too
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Awoo indeed
like on top? yeah of course
Even if it weren't intended that way, that's like 2 snips to achieve
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Thanks man I had a lot of fun with the hogs
>Your pic
He's a big guy
had to make sure before buying. thanks!
>Romans weren't white
Oh, so they didn't belong to the caucasoid racial group? Were they negroids, mongoloids, or australoids then? You don't have to be a platinum blonde poster child of the SS to be white, by the way. Most yamnaya/corded ware peoples are brunettes, and those are the ancestors of what you consider "white" today.
Then you are gay.
Most of the people under 20 in northern Europe aren't white, geography doesn't mean anything.
>Were they negroids, mongoloids, or australoids then?
They were Atlantian.
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Oh shit that looks great, I remember all of the black reach ones being monopose but it was easy to just stick power klaws on them (which I did). I really do like the plastic kit I just wish (along with everyone else) that it came with 5 power klaws since the killsaw and stabba aren't a thing anymore

I remember going halves in the box with a friend who was collecting space marines, and then was given another ork half later on my another friend. How long have you been collecting orks for? I think that was the last time I was into this hobby, haven't touched it until this year
Not a valid category.
Thankfully I'm not 20.
They didn't consider themselves white, and those they called "white skinned" were all foreigners. The didn't consider themselves black skinned either. They considered themselves their own, unique Mediterranean race. Genetics did not matter to them
>My subjective definition of race is more correct than your subjective interpretation of race
Wow that's a spectacular base anon, where did you get the fake plants from?
Römans are the descendants of atlantians.
It is a valid category.
And the eversor
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The one based on this art?
From a "we're about to throw this out" bin of free terrain at my lgs
just admit you wanted to post this ugly coomer model
That's definitely a femboy.
The ones that are thick as fuck
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Forgot pic
It doesn't matter what they considered themselves, they didn't have a way to measure and quantify genetics at the time.
Subjective =/= thing you don't agree with
I doubt if they did that they would give a fuck. Lineage wasn't as important as culture and upbringing to them
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Their rear assets are more dangerous even
Based Across the Realms.
Those things are so ridiculous that they can repel bolter rounds
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I don't care what was important to them, we're talking about taxonomical definitions. In a vacuum where Romans weren't even aware of the Americas, east Asia, Polynesia, or Australia, it's easy to draw dividing lines based on phenotypical features such as hair color, eye color, and complexion when the most you have to compare to are swarthy pre-Arab MENA peoples, people from the north who don't get as much sun, and the odd negro here and there who was barely considered to be a human at all.
>why am I better than you?
>i descend from this tribe of goat fucking horse people, you descend from that tribe
>It's science.
Who are you quoting?
Only the best gene forging for the bestest assassins.
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I made a thing. I guess count as Lord Solar? But i think that he has bigger base.
>Lineage wasn't as important as culture and upbringing to them
To be fair, it's not like they had an extremely diverse society like we do today. It's easy to hold these more granular things in higher regard when 90% of people come from the same general background.
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Dark Eldar Grand Theft Commorragh game about climbing the ranks from ganger dregs being preyed upon for easy pain up to Archon of your own Kabal with lots of verticality and maneuvering through the spires and undercity on hoverboards, jetbikes, small aircraft, large ships, and all the way up to spacecraft.
Your mom before I raped her
This but unironically
good morning saar

please do the needful
The Romans were aware of China and east asia, dipshit. The Silk Road was a thing from the second century BC.
And Romans considered anyone not Roman to be barely human not based on color but based on them not being from Rome. Especially the Germanians.
Looks cool
Sogdians (silk road merchants) were an Iranic peoples, my friend. Emperor Ching Chong Nip Nong wasn't bringing silk directly to Rome.
I'd say they hated the Germans and Gaulic peoples more than any other, they downright despised whites. Now wonder they genocided them
>And Romans considered
Why do you keep saying this? It. Does. Not. Matter. They did not have scientific methods to measure genetics, haplogroups, DNA, or anything like that, and that's what the issue is at hand.
>Muh haplogroups
Pure fantasy invented by medshits to larp as white folk
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Wow, what an amazing story of a strong person of color (Julius Caesar) winning over the white supremacists of Gaul :)
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The Chinese established embassies all down the Silk Road and had dealings directly with the Parthians. The Romans sent their own emissaries all the way to China as well.
The world wasn't as isolated as 19th century whitefags wanted to pretend it was just so they could masturbate to their myth of the "white discoverer"
>white person paints a Mediterranean as a white person so they can larp as conquerers
Kek! We wuz Romans and shieet
>I haven't been to Mediterranean Europe
*woman of color
Caesar was TRANS, xhe just couldn't express it due to repressive muslim culture at the time (romans were arab poc)
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The Tusculum portrait, also called the Tusculum bust, is the only extant portrait of Julius Caesar which may have been made during his lifetime.[1] It is also one of the two accepted portraits of Caesar (alongside the Chiaramonti Caesar) which were made before the beginning of the Roman Empire.[2] Being one of the copies of the bronze original,[3] the bust has been dated to 50–40 BC and is housed in the permanent collection of the Museum of Antiquities in Turin, Italy.[4] Made of fine-grained marble, the bust measures 32 cm (1 ft 1 in) in height.
Uh oh here comes the anglo
The Romans considered Etruscans to be barely human and they were just a little ways North on the Italian peninsula. The point is Romans, and their ideas of distinction, were dum.
And anons are even dumber for trying to apply them today.
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>Skin recipe
Pick two random greens from my pile.
Airbrush all over the darker of the two, 45 degrees with the lighter, mix in a peachy flesh tone to the lighter green spray from above. Then stright flesh on a few areas. Hit with a wash of choice.
Im too much of a hobbylet for checkers.
Sponge is best for chips and rust.
Those would have originally been painted olive or dark skinned, like he was in real life. Your painting is from a larping whiteoid
>The Romans considered
das rite, WE
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Until the early 20th century, Americans didn't consider Irish white. Or Italians, or Spaniards, or Slavs.
Until they wanted to pad their numbers once brown people and Chinese started immigrating en masse.
Anons... Stop being retarded and just report and ignore the faggot.
>romans despised white people
>but they were totally white guys, we wuz Romans too!
Who cares when we have the science today to know?
We're in auto sage. I'm just having fun.
Romans didn't despise white human beings on the principle that whites are bad. They fought with Germanics for geopolitical reasons and hated their enemy. That's like saying George Washington hated white people because he led a war against Great Britain.
Science can't even definitively define a species. Much less a race.
And don't get started on actual genetics of sex..
They hated the white people because they were different. And not Roman. Greeks were barbarians just as in need of exterminating as the Germans.
They saw white people as genetically and culturally inferior. They were stupid and warcrazed, living in huts and shitting in the woods like animals. It wasn't just political
>posts a political cartoon from a satire magazine, thinking it represents contemporary scientific consensus
I mean, it can, people just don't want to accept it, for political reasons.
Except it can't and you just can't accept that it's more complicated than the black and white you want to believe for political reasons.
Do you have a single fact to back that up?
Bro, trust me.
You should read Germania by the author Tacitus. It's much more nuanced than what you're describing.
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>/pol/ the moment alien life is discovered
This meme
Look, at the very least, at least Germans weren't c*lts.
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>Ultramar Auxilia having to team up with Tangar Woad Warriors
Germanics bathed daily, though. From a direct Roman account from >>93993634

>22. 129 [Their manner of living with their guest is easy and affable] As soon as they arise from sleep, which they generally protract till late in the day, they bathe, usually in warm water, 130 as cold weather chiefly prevails there. After bathing they take their meal, each on a distinct seat, and a a separate table. 131 Then they proceed, armed, to business, and not less frequently to convivial parties, in which it is no disgrace to pass days and nights, without intermission, in drinking.
Nothing units disparate groups like having an "other" they all can feel justified in hating.
Calm down, Moishe.
>we wuz Romans too guys for real!
Lol at seething Germanic scum
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All this because someone shitposted about guilliman
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The Minotaurs are so cool.
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I miss the book aesthetic 8th had
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The Imperium should be more like Termight.
Ew, greeks
an age of sigmar x 40k x 30k x fantasy x blood bowl crossover game where everyone is in one of those pinball games.
how hard is this conversion? does it require significant cutting or does the head just kinda slot in there easily?
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Watch your fuckin mouth next time.

>captcha: GAY0
Yeah, what he said, you gay-o.
I cant fucking wait to laugh at you people the same way I did at stormcast and ebastmen. Funny thing is three whole ranges has nothing on the amount of shit space marines will lose HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH.
probably the least difficult tyranid kitbash
I may do something similar one of these days, it's kinda cute for how easy it looks
Yeah, I love the Hellenic vibe of them. Has anyone figured out who they actually are, though? Or are they still a super sekret chapter.
Votann are still human to the point in Arks of Omen you were literally allowed to ally fucking Gray Knights and Custodes and Deathwatch with a full detachment of Votann Battle-Brothers, reminder that at this point you weren't even allowed to ally IG and SM for hammer and scalpel despite that being how 99% of imperial engagements involving marines are fought.

Yes this is exactly as retarded as it sounds but how else was GW supposed to sell all those endless unsold boxes of hearthkyn
No dummy. One day firstborn models will be squated and Primaris and their lore will also get squaated. Primaris will just replace marines and codex will act as it was always the case.
Probably Ultramarines since they have no obvious flaws, but it doesn't really matter
Doesn't matter who they are, them being the High Lord's bumboys trumps any gene shit
they're canonically IW successors according to the dude who made them
It's not canon unless it's written in a codex.
Minotaurs being the Capos for the high lords is great because it makes the most annoying kind of player seethe and also reminds everyone the Imperium is essentially a glorified mafia state where as long as you have enough power and money nobody can actually stop you from doing whatever you want
cope, fagboy
And codex doesn't matter when the actual person behind their creation says what they are.
Sorry but books that describe them point out chimeric gene-seed so they are some cursed founding fuckery instead of IW successors like some guy fired from FW said.
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>facebook fanfiction
Don't care, not canon.
uh oh fancanon flufflet melty
Thinking of a backstory for a half-Eldar Inquisitor. Current candidates are
>Lab experiment of a radical Ordo Xenos Inquisitor
>Bastard child of a Rogue Trader and Corsair
Kinda leaning towards the latter. Both involve a Hereticus Lord Inquisitor stepping in to 'confiscate' her at a young age.
What is the difference between fanon and /yourdudes/?
Nobody cares about canon or fanon, and no- oh wait nevermind ha they're the same thing

Main issue I have with this is that we don't even know if humans and Eldar can intermix. There is nothing about it except a one-off mention in Rogue Trader.
Trying to force other people to accept it
Fanfiction made up by a retard that is trying to push it as canon to the series and as how the thing is.
Fanfiction but you're aware it's fanfiction, but despite it you try to make it fit the actual setting they are in.
Facts don't care about your feelings.
The product of a by-the-book Ordo Xenos Inquisitor who was raped by a Corsair in her investigations and birthed a filthy half breed and despite her attempts to stay true to the letter of the law of the Ordo, grows more and more radical as she can't bring herself to execute the half-breed child and instead recruits it into her retinue, for its psychic ability and totally not because she has actual feelings for it. Nope. No feelings.
Okay maybe a few feelings.
fanon is schizo fanfiction about some character or faction created by GW
/yourdudes/ are the backstory you create for the custom faction that you painted. You are aware that it is not canon but you don't give a shit because they are /yourdudes/
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>IA 4 Anphelion Project
Pick your poison: https://gofile.io/d/BBA0Wj
Anon this guy is IA X proofreader not author.
So sorry unless you dig up Alan and make him say it or someone write this in GW publication then it holds no value.
writing stories out and passing them as canon, or things like alternate timelines (dornian heresy etc)
your dudes, you know they're not canon but you still come up with varying amounts of backstory for them to flesh them out
The only canon confirmed half Eldar in the setting is malcador's cloned Duncan Idaho ghola knockoff because Dan Abnett can't help but plagiarize Dune even more than the game already has.

also I'm just saying if I was playing against somebody in crusade or something and they pointed to their Inquisitor and said "this is my army's custom half-eldar Inquisitor do you wanna hear his lore" I would struggle not to laugh at you. Even "My guys are actually loyalists with traitor gene-seed and they use Xeno tech even though they're not Deathwatch!" is so fucking overdone and played out that it's not even laughable anymore, just a brief eye roll
Dune has aliens?
>Main issue I have with this is that we don't even know if humans and Eldar can intermix. There is nothing about it except a one-off mention in Rogue Trader.
In fact they can't as stated in xenology(2003 I think) and in newer heresy books where Malcador using his psychic skill and DAoT fuckery managed to create one hybrid from dying eldar.
Don't think the sand worms are terrestrial.
Aren't all of the xenology books intentionally filled with misinformation?
>uuh it doesn't count because durr
Yeah, yeah, whatever.
Its not even fair to call that a real half-Eldar though. Its a human with Eldar DNA spliced into it with the most advanced gene-manipulation just barely shy from the creation of the Primarchs.

Yeah okay so its not at all possible lmao.

Ehh combine that with all the other stuff and I'd be inclined to say its not possible.
Do you think the sandworms were imported from earth...?
But the part that's a dune ripoff is that Malcador keeps cloning gholas of one specific confidant over and over and over the way Duncan Idaho is constantly remade in Dune, including with Bene Tleilax augmentations and that one time he got into a tantric sex fight with mutant catgirls
Wasn't there a half-Eldar Corsair in one of the Uriel Ventris books?
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>Inquisitor captures a few Eldar titans
>needs Eldar to use them
>starts a secret project with admech to create some sort of half-alien abominations they can control as pilots
>slap some Imperial shit on the titans to hide their true nature
>Yeah okay so its not at all possible lmao.
Well unless you are Malcador and have acess to all Emperor's DAoT technofuckery in his sex dungeon then no.
>Aren't all of the xenology books intentionally filled with misinformation?
It was inquisitorial study(Inquisitor turned out to be Necron lord in disguise) on alien races and how to kill them(for glory of C'tan) info about aliens was legit and Eldar had some fucky DNA.
I always think of the sandworms as animals rather than aliens.
I thought you meant Dune had some ancient alien race like eldar or something
There are some hints that it is possible.
Like that one pirate woman, which even the marines noted to move and act weirdly like eldar despite being "only human", which would make no sense unless they were partly eldar since eldar movement is much different from humans. Eldar moving is basically inhumanly smooth and fluid, humans can't achieve that.

Also old lore but Illiyan existed.
I know he's back now but GW made him into a lame ass normie eldar, so I intentionally ignore it because it's fucking boring.
There's an extremely successful Corsair lady who goes toe to toe with space marines in melee despite being apparently an unmodified human and is implied to be half-eldar but it's never actually confirmed and she died before anyone can do a 23 and me
>It was inquisitorial study(Inquisitor turned out to be Necron lord in disguise)
Obviously he was lying to try and stop the creation of geneticallly and spiritually superior Eldar/Human crossbreeds.
>random guy who worked at company said it's true so it's true despite not being case in actuall book
>Dan Abnett
The Buried Dagger was authored by James Swallow, not by Dan Abnett.
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It's an alien lifeform, sapient or not. The franchise is not called "Animal".
He wasn't it was his employe who was doing study, necron/inquisitor was only waiting on results.
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Why aren't they playable in imperial agents?
Yeah whatever
its my pet theory that the Old Ones grabbed a random DNA sample from the primordial ooze of Terra and created the Eldar from that, with said creature eventually becoming Humans.

the Imperium unknowingly hating and wanting to destroy something essentially "human" is very fitting for the setting.
So what I've gathered from this is that I should go the "Radical Ordo Xenos Inquisitor's lab experiment" route
>Earth was super duper special and created all these aliens!!!
much more reliable than your seething faggotry ;)
Resurrection is better than Prometheus and Covenant.
Anon the setting has been HFY for at least a decade, get with the times.
What if it's the opposite and Humans are a malfunctioning version of the DNA used to create the Eldar?
Eldar being from Earth is the fucking gayest theory I've ever heard in my life.
proto-proto-proto-proto-humans aren't 65 million years old
we can talk about doing a fraction of that once BA/SW/BT/DA are just a paint scheme option and all have identical rules and models for Codex Space Marines
this, they're 6000 years old
That's what they want you to believe, man.
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Post cool nids
He makes Leontus look like a poorfag.
there are no cool nids
this looks like those shitty AI generated portraits of people's pets that the chinese sell
You play them by engineering events so your opponent dies on the way to your match
Time to kitbash my chapter master/first company captain. Do you guys reckon the HH beakie helmets would fit on a terminator captain after some knifework without looking proportionally fucked?
imperial creed: brotherhood
they're Forgeworld. thats the reason.
More like humans are literally seeded by the Necrons as a source of blanks to make Pariahs which is also why they're so similar to the Necrontyr in appearance and culture and it's canon Necrons continued to visit earth and guide human culture and development, with Triarch Praetorians inspiring the Egyptians to make pyramids and hieroglyphics.

60,000,000 years ago was shortly after the fucking Cretaceous period ended. The reason Earth has dinosaurs is probably because the old ones put them there
The Tau are descendants of the Necrontyr.
The Eldar engineered the Ethereals to control the Tau in an attempt to prevent them from going down the same path as the Necrontyr.
necrons are not fucking ungulates
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Sure broheim.
eldar are incapable of anything on that level
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They work just fine.
imagine if GW did this, just merc'd Lorgar out of nowhere lmao.
Lorgar is my oshi
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He watches...
Your oshi is shit
Do /yourdudes/ get facial tattoos to mark the loss of their sworn brothers?
Dammit. Sideways apparently. Teaches me to not take photos portrait!
>UPS says warhams will get here 8:30am - 12:30pm
>no sign
cmon do something
He is more concerned that his legs have turned to goop...
latter works
but don't emphasize it
Open and resave your images in paint before posting, anon.
I feel like a newfag. Been a while since I frequented these generals. I could have sworn my images worked okay before...
>it was humanity all along
Gay and boring.
Never write scifi.
eldar COULD genetically engineer a species but the reality is they WOULDN'T, this is the faction that genuinely feels terrible about using Voidspinners which merely terraform planets offensively into future maiden worlds. Uplifting an alien species and fucking with their genes would be child's play for Dark Eldar haemonculi, but they have zero motivation to do so and have barely interacted or seem to care about Tau.
I take the story about the eldar kidnapping a q'orl queen shortly before the apperance of the ethereals as canon.
the canonicity of it was confirmed in a drug induced dream I had.
Niggas look like licorice allsorts
Sallyanon is king, but those nids are pretty cool too
They had to make it so images uploaded here had their exif data scrubbed because people were doxxing themselves
Was it a good game?
what exactly can you find in exif data that can get you doxxed though
Craftworld Eldar more like Crapworld Smelldar
yes, we know already, you post this every thread lamentits
Some phones include GPS data that show the coordinates of where the photo was taken
Cool. Gonna do some knifework then.
Honestly I think the Craftworlders are the coolest and most morally correct eldar faction.
You're wrong and gay, but at least you didn't say Exodites or Ynnari.
oh I didn't know that. Makes no sense to me for a fucking phone to store such sensitive data though
Just so.
honestly you shouldn’t even need to use a knife.
I did like 33 damage to his hive tyrant with my eradicators so I had fun. I think I won too but it was a few months ago.
help I just bought some models and it put me into overdraft, wat do
>I had fun
All I needed to hear
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What chapter is this
blood angels
Hmmm, might be the ultramarines, or maybe the ultramarines. Ultramarines also look similiar to this.
The Omegasoldiers
Word Bearers
That's alpharius.
ignore those retards, this is clearly an alpha legionnaire
it's embedded into the image data. nowadays 4chan automatically scrubs it from uploaded files so you don't need to do it yourself but it didn't always and plenty of retards have gotten themselves doxxed or even arrested for posting images of illegal or embarrassing shit that still has exif data unscrubbed
Work, buy fewer models. Pay attention to your bank account.
I forgot how insanely ugly chimeras are
Return them?
Craftworld Deathskulls
ultramarines, that icon is for lieutenants
What's the model on the left? And what blue are you using? Always love seeing your gits.
Sloppa blue, washed with overpost azure
Anon that's a rank marking...
>hard mode:no rts
I think they're neat
it's clearly an undercover night lord
Dark Crusade/Soulstrom remake, but it's a Musou game instead.
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The left model is a print I got on cults.
My blue scheme is:
>Basecoat Pro Acryl Blue
>Highlight with 2:1 mixture of Pro Acryl Sky Blue and Pro Acryl Blue
>Wash with Tyran Blue
>Finer highlight with same mixture in areas that would get more light
Uh oh…
Love how colorful your stuff is dart froganon, what's next on the plate for you?
I know you weren't super happy with the rust on the cleaver at first but I think it turned out great
>monkeys paw curls
Sure anon we've got a sculpting team available that just finished a recent project, they'll get right on it
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9 printed Kans so I don't have to rely on my stompa to fill out 2000 points of dread mob. Then a couple more meganobz, then a battlewagon kitbash I started. After that I'm finally gonna paint my ghaz
Damn the nomodels really be having meltys out here
Thanks a lot!
Damn those look sick, where'd you get the STLs? I had to resort to recasts for my kanz
Sounds like a fun project anon, look forward to seeing moar cans in the future
These tactical rocks are getting out of hand
>Night Lord
As if they could resist masturbating with the flayed skin of an innocent baby for that long
Canned cowards on cults3d. Super cheap, I got them a few months ago when they were like $2.50
Kickass. Thanks, anon.
At this point it just looks fucking stupid. I understand the idea of dynamic poses but with how dumb this looks I'd honestly just prefer the clear plastic rods
Metal rods remain king for flying models.
yeah those would work too
Is this John Martins? What is it called?
Man, I should NOT be trying to stick my penis into the Fem-Eversor. However...
Based anon.
Sick as fuck.
Eldar titan pilots work by Evangelion rules, you need to be genetically and spiritually attuned to the soul inhabiting the titan or it won't work. The spirit stone soul in the titan and the pilot have to be literal twins (not necessarily identical though afaik)
My headcanon is that Lorgar hasn't been safely "hiding" in his gay little prayer tower in the warp, Corvus has literally been repeatedly killing and spawncamping him and basically just torturing him to death nonstop for 10,000 years straight, and the Chaos gods allow it because they think it's funny. Imagine how utterly fucking insane both of them would have gone by now. 40k Corvus would probably make Conrad look lucid.
Maybe Corvus chilled a little by working out like half of his rage.

I want to see him return next simply because having a giant bird demon in realspace who'd hate the current Imperium but needs to be respected as a son of the Emperor seems like an interesting dynamic.

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