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>Previously: >>93989089

>OFFICIAL Commander website, where you can learn the rules, see the current banlist, and read the format philosophy, laid down by the rules committee:

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen color identity.

>Deck List Sites: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck strategy and card choices.


>Proxy a deck or a cube for cheap

>How to proxy using any printer

What deck are you working on next?
Thirty (30) starting life is objectively superior to fourty (40)
I keep telling myself I'm going to build Xyris but I've got a mountain of cards I need to filter through all my existing decks first.
do you guys have any no-rules decks? Just using test cards and banned cards and whatever you want. If so, how often do you play it? Thinking about building this guy
Nadu balls
You don't understand. I NEEDED to spend $1000 to pubstomp people playing precons at locals.
Rakdos coinflip based
Making an equipment deck, mostly to have an artifact deck that doesn't win through combo alone.
Reminder: if you dont know how something works, ask. Dont assume random bullshit, dont make up opinions on hypotheticals, and try your best to take constructive criticism.
Exactly, don't play Mana Crypt because it's banned
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I keep wanting to work on this, with kind of a Mutant Tribal/MillSteal/+1/+1 counter/Rad Counter/Proliferate thing going on but the buddy I wanna work on it with has been pretty busy lately
A low powerlevel Mono U Urza powerstone prodigy
I already have an edric deck full of 70 1/1 fliers for 1, so i might just add black for some spice
Did you play mana crypt?
I'm pissed that's green not red so I can't make a deck with him and laughing jasper flint
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UB seems to have a fetish for bad IPs, but a Shao Khan commander would be awesome. Maybe I'll make a proxy, who would make a good shao khan that isnt voltron?
>70 1/1 fliers
Post list.
Doomscourge or maybe Fumiko the Lowblood? Makes everyone fight
I'm tempted to build around Sliv-Mizzet, just so I could have a Sliver deck that does something other than be a generic 5 color tribal pile.
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Putting together this guy. Going full control route. Would thoracle be too much? I want to win my local league.
I was thinking more powerful, like I cant have a commander with the flavour text "You Suck" that sucks, but fighting is pretty thematic. Nazhan is the obvious choice because he has a huge hammer, but g/w isnt my schtick. He seems very rakdos, but goddamn they were a disappointment to look through.
this is basically it, but i built it a little differently when it came time to order a bunch of cards, and played it a few times
i had to take out beastmaster ascension because i would draw it nearly every game and it would win on the spot every time
Marvin, mostly cause I don't have a colorless deck and he seems like I could just throw a shitpile of colorless creatures together and go infinite in some way and swing with big shitty artifacts
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Thread is slow.
Rate my commanders.
I can see where you're coming from. If you wanna go the full 3-color, I think Mardu would work, since if we're being fair he is trying to impose an absolute order of sorts. Zurgo Helmsmasher if you want him to beat other people's asses, Edgar Markov if you wanna reflavor vampires with tokens that represent like fallen fighters or even demons, or Queen Marchesa reflavored into Emperor Shao Khan and you focus on the mix of Monarch and use a lot of red's forced combat stuff like Fumiko, etc.
I've been tempted to maybe slot Marvin into my Urza deck, but I really have no idea what he'd be doing there other than copying Urza's ability to make mana. He's a weird little guy.
I don't have a strong opinion on a lot of the decks themselves, but that case is fucking sick
What case is that?
It's nice. Back to normalish.
>rate my commanders
Too many/10, I'd be more impressed by two or three good decks.
>Would thoracle be too much
RC has no issue with it, I'll say go for it.
Don't forgot your Demonic Consultation, so you can search for your Mana Crypt in response.
Coram the undertaker? big hammer, and gathers up people from different "realms" to fight, Maarika
would be a 1/1 flavor win but voltron is off the table
I just have to feel out the league and straight up ask. I know it's not CEDH, but they're not playing precons either. I like playing high power and see no reason to exclude easy wincons when playing for prizes but I don't want to piss anyone off when I'm new to the store.
Cheeki breeki. You're alright.
Your organization is kino but how the fuck do you have enough time to play all of these?
I just fucking LOVE bad decks, the jankier the better. I'm bored when someone is popping off t2-t3. I fucking love seeing new random bullshittery over the same fucking edhrec shit.
ID on those deck boxes? Also
Patrician taste, fuck the haters
How does the jhoira play?
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>fellow Coram appreciator
absolutely based
If there are prizes on the line, go hard and win in any way you can that's legal
if there aren't, play for fun and maybe tone down the easy wincons
way too many, but that case is sick
If you're playing for prizes, fuck'em. Be nice, be charming, but play to win. If there werent prizes I'd recommend being more conservative. What's on the line?
Dragon’s Approach burn deck that either uses Tor Wauki the Younger or Judith, Carnage Connoseur.

I’m leaning towards the latter because nine damage and nine life gained for each cast is gonna be some good shit. Also gives all of my removal deathtouch and lets me get rid of troublesome creatures.
That's a lot of things to try and balance in one deck. But I like the initiative. The Master has been one of the more entertaining decks I've played and built lately. I built it more around general self mill and reanimation. Primarily of creatures that get big depending on the amount of cards in graves myself and some utility guys that do more depending on their power but start small so the 3/3 mutant he makes them start kick starts them. Either I imagine he'll be fun for you. Though considering the direction you look to be he going in, The Mothman could also do what you're looking for on his own as well.
Its a Pelican Case.

Deck Boxes are 3d printed to fit the case.
Internal compartments are DIY with wood.
I think first place is a box. Payout is between sets.
How bad are we talking?
Are proxies allowed? What's your budget? A box is a big deal, in my opinion.
One on hand, I dislike the vast amount of soulless new commanders and "made-for-commander" commanders. On the other hand, I'm loving that you have lists for variant commander decks. 8/10 would game
Nice case buddy. Redpill me on these non-creature-as-commander decks, whats the format?
>Would thoracle be too much? I want to win
>black blue control shell
feeling bold today i see
I don't think proxies are allowed but I don't care about budget regardless. I'll get what I need to win.
I'm pretty torn between him and Mothman, and yeah it's got a lot of weird shit to try and balance. Mothman gives me a lot more direction and enables constantly, both the counters on creatures and the Rad counters. Master gives me that cool feeling of jacking other people's creatures and turning their own resources against them, but requires a bit more "setup" for getting consistent Rads and the like.

I've got a preliminary "list" going, but it's moving slowly
the maybeboard is just loaded with things that seem like fun ideas, including the removal or counters that has Proliferate stitched on. Not looking for this to be high power, but more of a weird niche experience. Though honestly if I go Mothman I'll probably commit harder to making it really good because that dude is sick.
On one hand, the deck doesn't need it to win since it'll steamroll most tables regardless. On the other, it's two cards (with tutors) to guarantee a victory. Why not run it?
Thank you was curious as having that many is not something you see everyday. Noticed you have deathtouchers. Are they more a deterrent or a pseudo-evasive for you?
Been working on Ziatora. Built her and have played her a few times. So far the deck is working well and I like the play style. Not sure really what to change or add now since it's flowing well but I'm hoping to play more games, see some of the rough spots the deck often finds itself in, and make changes there.
Red/Green stompy deck where I make a bunch of oil counters and destroy shit with unga bunga
In the meta shakeup expect a lot of 4c/5c decks. Nonbasic hate will be stronger than it normally is, and a lot of people will be focusing in on thoracle lines as the low hanging fruit with no dockside. Your choice in commander seems a little weak, consider more stax elements than you might normally run, and consign to memory to absolutely blow out other players.
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>Nice Mountains ya got there
My local game store had a tournament for duskmourn pre release where first place got mana crypt

Did they know?
If there are things to win, then someone will bring something that close to a cheapish cedh deck, so either RogSi, Kinnan or Magda.

If that happen, best thing you can do is anti-meta the hell out of them.
Pretty pretty pog
Any chance I can see your Wort deck?
>Blood Moon
>Magus of the Moon
>Winter Moon
>Back to Basics
>Harbinger of the Seas
Yeah it's gaming time
most likely not. As if it were known, I would want to be that lgs that sold that stuff beforehand to avoid the crash.
Yeah seems like you're going on on the milling out your opponents. Regardless of if you're going with milling out everyone or just milling till you find a creature of theirs you want I suggest you look into this guy. He's been a pretty useful include in my list. I'd also suggest some untapping things like Kiora's Follower or cheap untap artifacts since The Master is an artifact. Personally, I usually went self mill since I known what's in my deck and it it for The Master targets while I can't rely on my opponents to do the same, but I don't admit it is fun just building a board of your opponents creatures and using it yourself. Oh, and Intruder Alarm. Got to get that one if you're going The Master.
post case
I'm calling the cops
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>>Back to Basics
Tribal kraken time
I can't wait for
>Cleric of the Fields
>Human Cleric
>Nonbasic lands are Plains
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Same energy.
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Thats some dedication, even from me who has 60 decks and counting. I'll spend a few minutes going through all this. I won't really cover the top-right ones since I'm assuming those are either storage/60card decks/another format entirely
>The Good
Overall I see some overlap between us. Vial Smasher, Tymna+Sidar, Toshiro, Isperia, Riku Wort, Shattergang, Tamanoa, and Jeleva are all commanders I still play as well. A good chunk I've already played but taken apart for various reasons but its almost nostalgic seeing them again in another persons roster. Tuvasa technically is another overlap but I use Treva the Renewer only because I still have my foil copy from when I was a wee lad. Shes my heart and soul.
>The Bad
Not entirely sure why you have Golos still but Rule 0 or whatever. I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt that you have some janky theme with him to work with.
>The Ugly
Some of these commanders aren't for me but thats just personal tastes. Good on you for sticking with Alesha but I have never once seen her win a game across 7 different playgroups in the past few years. Grenzo BR is a commander I want to like but I never could get behind.
>The Beautiful
I acknowledge the Alt-Art Jeleva, Judge Foil Riku, and the WotC exclusive Champion of Archers up there. I also instantly recognized that is a Shadowmoor foil Wort there as well--the foiling process was a lot more pronounced to the borders of the silhouette back then as opposed to todays standards.
Also clever that you used little tags for the bottom of the partners (Silas + Reyhan; Tymna + Sidar; Ikra + Bruce)
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Very based, I'll have to look these things over
Intruder Alarm and Unwinding Clock especially, repeated untappies
Gonna take a short nap before work, but nice chatting anon! Appreciate the advice, I'll have to hammer out which commander I like better for the finished product
okie dokie
The Master/Mothman will likely be replacing Sensei Golden-Tail
I'm also like 6 assassin cards off of having Etrada done, but otherwise the main decks are all functional/usable
Mah nigga. Also contamination, but thats a little mean.
pseudo-evasion, i could fill in the rest of the sorceries/enchantments with them (and i think i did for a few of the non-creature spells) because there's a lot of 1/1 deathtouchers
i would've preferred fliers just for the theme, as well as some flying synergy though
what did you replace crypt and lotus with in urza
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Any cool and budget secret techs for my anim pakal deck?

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if your pod isn't ready for cards that brutal, this is a nice alternative
Ah I understand. Hope your Gonti version goes well.
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I genuinely want the artist to eat shit for making his dragons look like goblins
Splitting my Lord of Riots group slug deck into a Rakdos the Defiler unga bunga tribal deck and a more focused "ruin your day" group slug deck after getting that Duskmorn precon. Not sure who I want to helm it though, the easy answer is that Lord of Pain that comes in it but that seems like the cop-out answer.
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I never ended up buying a Crypt, got banned as i was saving up for it
but Jeweled was replaced with a Memnite
>didn't have Memnite before
>Creature - Goblin Whatever
>When X enters, you may sacrifice any number of artifacts. If you do, create that many Treasure tokens.
WotC, please…fill the hole left by banning Dockside…
Don't forget the chad dancing man, shuts off interaction on your turn too
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Some irl friends are talking about starting a pod so if it takes off I'm considering building Yarus with all the new manifest cards from Duskmourne
>t. Seto Kaiba
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>Snow-Covered Islands
>Marit Lage's Slumber
>no Dark Depths
>that fucked up Genesis Chamber
>Arcum's Astrolabe and Icehide Golem
>Auton Soldier
>Assert Authority unironically
>7 counterspells
See when people talk about Rule 0? This is what Rule 0 is for, playing weird technically illegal commanders and other nonsense, not "I couldn't get over the last ban announcement".

To answer your question I plan this fucked disco ball and have done since well before 4c commanders were ever printed. The deck is a blast to play, insurrection is pretty good anyway, and really good when it only costs you 3 or 4 mana and you can play 10+ copies in a deck.
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I have built Master myself, I like it more than Mothman, though I have thought to include it in the 99.
Keep in mind that those creatures only get the buff if it's a creature like Multani, Consuming Aberration and stuff don't get the buff, they need to be blinked for that. Speaking of Consuming Aberration, it's disappointing that you can't reanimate the stuff it bins with Master.
>What deck are you working on next?
Very very slowly working on a Zoraline deck as my first deck.
I probably wont win anything but i love her anyway
Finally playing MonoBlack.
And now I need to cut 9 cards. Recommendations?

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please tell me you're running the single funniest ink-treader card
>playing bontu without bontu's monument
bro, you need some cards that generates permanents like Endrek Sahr, Master Breeder, Pawn of Ulamog, Sifter of Skulls and Abhorrent Overlord, also this >>93994070
>an actually creative Urza deck
Well whatd'ya know Christmas came early this year
Cool case, can you post the outside?
I am down to two decks, Karrthuus and Thrun. I haven't looked at my cards in a bit but I remember seeing a foil Esika in there if I wanted to subject myself to Bridge goodstuff. Alternatively I could rebuild an old deck; I had Sen Triplets pillowfort and Thraximundar. I played B/W tokens back in Innistrad standard so I could do something like that too.
Monument, got it. And all those others you listed. But what should I cut?
>not one creative choice in the deck
Calendar anon here, the deck has been made.
1 Arcane Denial
1 Arcane Sanctum
1 As Foretold
1 Atraxa, Praetors' Voice
1 Azorius Chancery
1 Barkchannel Pathway // Tidechannel Pathway
1 Bojuka Bog
1 Boseiju, Who Endures
1 Branching Evolution
1 Breeding Pool
1 Chromatic Orrery
1 Clear the Mind
1 Command Tower
1 Counterspell
1 Cryptic Command
1 Cultivate
1 Cyclonic Rift
1 Deadeye Navigator
1 Deepglow Skate
1 Demonic Tutor
1 Deserted Beach
1 Dimir Aqueduct
1 Disallow
1 Doubling Season
1 Elesh Norn, Mother of Machines
1 Enlightened Tutor
1 Eternal Witness
1 Exotic Orchard
1 Flooded Grove
2 Forest
1 Genesis Hydra
1 Gyre Sage
1 Hengegate Pathway // Mistgate Pathway
1 Homeward Path
1 Hourglass of the Lost
1 Hydroid Krasis
8 Island
1 Kozilek, Butcher of Truth
1 Lightning Greaves
1 Lotus Field
1 Mana Drain
1 Mikokoro, Center of the Sea
1 Morphic Pool
1 Mystical Tutor
1 Neutralize
1 Omniscience
1 Opulent Palace
1 Ozolith, the Shattered Spire
1 Padeem, Consul of Innovation
1 Panharmonicon
1 Peregrine Drake
1 Plains
1 Primordial Hydra
1 Prologue to Phyresis
1 Rebbec, Architect of Ascension
1 Reliquary Tower
1 Resourceful Defense
1 Return of the Wildspeaker
1 Rewind
1 Rhystic Study
1 Rishkar's Expertise
1 Savannah
1 Sea Gate Restoration // Sea Gate, Reborn
1 Seaside Citadel
1 Selesnya Sanctuary
1 Silence
1 Simic Growth Chamber
1 Sol Ring
1 Solemn Simulacrum
1 Spellskite
1 Strix Serenade
1 Swamp
1 Swan Song
1 Swiftfoot Boots
1 Teferi's Ageless Insight
1 Teferi's Protection
1 Temple Bell
1 Tempt with Bunnies
1 Tempt with Discovery
1 Temur Sabertooth
1 The Goose Mother
1 The Millennium Calendar
1 The Ozolith
1 Tropical Island
1 Tundra
1 Unwinding Clock
1 Urza's Saga
1 Vorel of the Hull Clade
1 Vorinclex, Monstrous Raider
1 Walking Ballista
1 Yarok, the Desecrated
1 Yavimaya, Cradle of Growth
I have this picture as a playmat.
Using marit lage is creative and flavorful as fuck
What activated abilities are in your deck? The mishmash of cards I have together so far it seems like Marvin goes infinite and buffs himself or buffs your board for big swings. I'm actually not sure what I can do in colourless cause I hardly engage with it. But just grabbing together the initial pile I can already see multiple ways to easily do infinite mana, rearrange your deck how you want, draw it all, buff everyone, triskelion wins etc seems pretty basic infinite stuff but oh well I don't do that really it'll be fun for once
>What deck are you working on next?
Not sure. Jetmir, maybe? Though I was thinking of switching to Baylen.
I'm on my monoWhite journey to create monoWhite decks of all types.
Just finished monoWhite spellslinger/storm, now working on MonoWhite mill and it's very difficult. The closest thing I can get to it is group hug with Yes Man.
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Put it in moxfield next time
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>people still spending this much on jeweled lotus
Is this the biggest cope in MTG history?
I have a retro border guilded lotus for my big mana tokens goosemother deck, I love my big mana pay offs :)
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>using a screenshot of an old post
>whit nigger censored, most likely taken from 9gag or something
You're not better that guy
>delicious melties everywhere I look
Discord is seething, Reddit is seething, Twitter is seething. Over fucking MANA CRYPT AHHAHAHAHA.
What an original post.
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I need two things: badass quotes and unusual black cards with good art. My store is doing a "boss rush" style archenemy tournament thing in october and I was nominated as the monoblack representative; the penultimate boss. I dont know all the rules yet, but I think I get a larger life total, a pocket card in addition to my commander and a yet-to-be-announced once per game buff. If three players can combine to beat me, I think they get a fairly substaintal prize, so I want to put on a good show.
The RC should stop being cowards and ban all reserve list cards too
We did this for two days, we're having a nice thread. Fuck off.
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I promise you the people who are losing their shit over this is either:
>A newcomer starting from Battle for Zendikar and over
>someone who clearly never played another big TCG like Yugioh, where bans happen like it was every other Tuesday
>a secondary faggot who is only in the game because its the trendy thing to be apart of
None of these idiots experienced the days where Emrakul the Aeons Torn, where everyone rushed Bribery to steal the other persons Emrakul; or Primeval Titan where GBx decks reigned due to how easy it was to assemble Coffers+Urborg; or how ball busting it was to play against GUx Midrange with Prophet of Kruphix and Slyvan Primordial, especially when cards like Deadeye Navigator and Cyclonic Rift were in print and in abundancel. There were some smaller fringe cases like Iona who was traded in favor of Painter's Servant, but honestly Iona shut down mono-colored decks so she needed to go.

The ones complaining are just babies who think they know it all but never experienced what EDH was like to begin with. Call me old man/boomerfaggot all you like, but this is the truth.
Okay I gave it a shot but I have no idea what I'm doing.
Any advice would be appreciated.
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totally unrelated anon here
How deep does your collection/wallet/rabbit hole go anon
This sounds like fun but you'd have to have an extended banlist to keep people from bringing fully tuned krrik and rogsi decks to stomp the archenemy before they can even play
The ban was the best thing to happen to this place. It's actually kind of active again.
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Will having vampiric tutor in a high-powered casual deck cause salt? should I cut it?
Just swap for diabolic tutor that's what I do
Yugioh player here, is Jace a cool deck? I asked over in /mtg/ and they said the card I like isn't legal for standard, so now I'm here. I also saw that this fucker dude is 400 fucking dollars so I'd like to make sure he's cool before I buy one. I only need one right?
What do these arcane numbers mean?
Bad bait
diabolic tutor is better tho
Yeah, I wish this was bait. I don't want to spend $400 for the cooler looking card. I saw there was a $20 copy too. But seriously, I've never played any format of MTG so I'm just trying to figure out what to do.
Bad bait. Go to YouTube and figure it out
you should go to the normal MTG thread for this one. Standard is a normal (non-commander) format

Jace, the Mind Sculptor is not legal in Standard. You can play him in the Modern format tho
he's already in there
Casuals will piss and cry about anything you play that they think lost them the game
Rc says its fine, put it in any deck you want, dont listen to faggots.
What's better between Modern and Commander then? If I have to buy multiple copies of Jace for Modern then I'll just play Commander.
That's arguable. Instant speed counts for a lot in it's favor
Anon, you're really making me want to figure out a way to make one of these a deck box. Shouldn't be too hard since it's about the right size.
My collection? Pretty extensive. My wallet? ~250 bucks for new cards. Rabbit hole? I'm 100% willing to proxy basically anything if it's neat.

They can try, but I'm not really worried, I know the sort of decks I'm going to see. I usually play a pretty vicious stax deck, and I was planning on making my pocket card one of pox, hatred, or small pox, but I'm open to suggestions. The last time the store did this the once-per-game black effect was to generate 3 black mana, draw 3 cards, and each player other player discards 3 cards, so I'm thinking I'll be fine. Like I want them to win to get the prize, but I want to make them work for it.
Happy to help. I'd post my The Master list for comparison but I'm at work so it'll take a bit. I noticed you've got a Coram deck. How's that one played out for you? I initially wanted to play him but I still haven't gotten around to building him.
Should be "cards more likely to commit crimes"
Commander is a multiplayer (usually four-player) casual format. You pick one legendary creature as your commander, and you are always able to cast your commander -- it isn't in your library so you don't have to draw it.

Commander has pretty much the entire game as its card pool. Note that Jace CANNOT be your commander, since he's not a legendary creature, he's a planeswalker.

Modern is a 1v1 competitive format. It has most of the game as its card pool, but not old cards.

Modern has tournaments and competitive stuff. Commander doesn't really have that
Should have added that to Thunder Junction. Cards featuring "persons of color" commit crimes on ETB
>Note that Jace CANNOT be your commander, since he's not a legendary creature, he's a planeswalker.
How do I win with red now that its best combo piece has been banished to the shadow realm?
None of my red decks have dockside and they win lots so I'd suggest you stop sucking
Play Laelia 94
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I was about to buy some expensive lands but decided to get proxies instead
Underworld breach isn't banned
Dualcaster infinite
You know what I'm going to say: post'em.

Depends on a variety of factors, but I love Lord Spaghetti.

Wise choice.
I appreciate your reply anon
>Commander has pretty much the entire game as its card pool. Note that Jace CANNOT be your commander, since he's not a legendary creature, he's a planeswalker.
Ah, so no matter what, I would need multiples if I wanted to play that specific Jace?
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Yo wtf
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Why are there so many of them?
Gonna rebuild this dude. Had him built around 4-5 years ago with decent success, but there's tons of new things I can throw in him. Thinking either stax with a shit load of alt win cons or just going full lifegain/ pay life to do stuff.
You shouldn't really give a shit about this specific print of Jace as it's a collector's item meant for being expensive. Besides the normal Jace, the Mind Sculpter in Commander Masters, there is also a Bloomburrow reprint that isn't so ridiculously pricey.
Pic related is just $18.00.
As others have stated, you can play this card as one of the 99 in your deck, but he can't be your commander. The card is also playable in Modern constructed. As for where to get the card, you either need to buy a single of it, or get really lucky opening Bloomburrow Collector Boosters.
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How does it work if my opponent took control of one of my creatures, then I use picrel to exile it, then sac it? Does my exiled creature return under my opponents control since he controlled it during werefox effect, or does it enter my control since I'm the owner? Cards like flicker of fate and cloudshift specify but this doesn't so I'm confused.
Your control. You are the owner of the card.
Gay means happy dumbass
It's very hard to build around him in EDH.
>Can't be your commander (planeswalker, not creature)
>Ult is very difficult to actually win with (it's amazing in 1v1, but in EDH there's 2 other players)
>+2 is really bad in EDH (same as above)
>0 and -1 still solid though
He's a very solid card but he's just kind-of a generic value piece in EDH rather than a build-around.
>Anons recommending Modern
Powercrept out of being your 4-drop in 1v1 by The One Ring, and in 1v1 formats your opponents are generally much more aggressive towards building stronger decks.
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What are some staples of an EDH deck, Will be playing monoblack
Old man speaks the truth. The internet loves to make a big deal out of anything it can
Depends on a wide variety of factors. Who are you going to build? Who will you play against?
I maintain Coalition Victory could be unbanned with zero repercussions on anything but the Timmiest of tables with how widespread instant speed removal is now.
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Thanks anon
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Wait what the actual fuck? Bolas ACTUALLY got new art in Bloomburrow and the shitposter was right?
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>Who are you going to build?
Looking at Gisa, Glorious Resurrector
Ghoulcaller gisa(was thinking about running a zombie+skeleton deck)
Ayra, First of Locthwain
Sheoldred the apocalypse
>Who will you play against?
randoms at a boardgame cafe
Nope, sorry. It's obviously more powerful than thoracle, take it up with the RC.
>You shouldn't really give a shit about this specific print of Jace as it's a collector's item meant for being expensive
Right, but it's way cooler than the $20 version.
>It's very hard to build around him in EDH.
>Can't be your commander (planeswalker, not creature)
>Ult is very difficult to actually win with (it's amazing in 1v1, but in EDH there's 2 other players)
>+2 is really bad in EDH (same as above)
>he's just kind-of a generic value piece in EDH rather than a build-around.
>Powercrept out of being your 4-drop in 1v1 by The One Ring, and in 1v1 formats your opponents are generally much more aggressive towards building stronger decks.
This is the most important information I could've gotten, because now I know he's not even that good. Thank you anons, I'll find some other deck to play. Probably still gonna look at more of the Bloomburrow stuff though.
ghoulcaller gisa doesn't pair well with skeletons sadly as their power tends to be fairly low, though you could add the craftable bonemass from lost caverns
BLC gave new art to Maelstrom Pulse for unclear reasons, yes. They do just arbitrarily make new art for cards in reprints, so that's nothing notable on its own.
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I wanted to spam the board with zombies, I have a card or two that gives zombies, menace/fear, a few things to give them a +1+1

Have a creature card or two with power and toughness every creature in every graveyard, and one for all baic swamps as heavy hitter
>they need to be blinked for that
Huh? I thought creatures with variable power and toughness were always stuck at the value their effects make them? They are constantly being updated.
Usually it's because it's an artist they've fallen out with
>What deck are you working on next?
Scarecrow man
This Seto Kaiba mother fucker right here
>and "made-for-commander" commanders.
It is almost like commanders designed with the format in mind are more fun to play over legendaries not really designed for commander. I'll never get people who look down on made for commander commanders who aren't busted.
They're not, Master's ability rewrites them and they're 3/3 mutants, only the ones that are 0/0 and gain +x/+x stat boost from somewhere.
The second ruling also confirms this:
>The Master's last ability will override any characteristic-defining abilities the creature has that set its power and/or toughness. For example, if you put a Robobrain War Mind onto the battlefield with The Master's last ability, its base power and toughness will be 3/3, and the number of cards in your hand won't affect its power at all.
>None of these idiots experienced the days where Emrakul the Aeons Torn, where everyone rushed Bribery to steal the other persons Emrakul; or Primeval Titan where GBx decks reigned due to how easy it was to assemble Coffers+Urborg; or how ball busting it was to play against GUx Midrange with Prophet of Kruphix and Slyvan Primordial, especially when cards like Deadeye Navigator and Cyclonic Rift were in print and in abundance.

All of these things are fun and good and should have remained. I enjoy EDH being an absolutely ludicrously powerful anarchic hellscape where almost anything can be played.
why isn't this red?
Personally I always censor that stuff or intentionally use "black" because it triggers the newfags trying to fit in
YUGIOH players are laughing at us though. Because Yugioh frequently has cards banned or made worthless suddenly due to reprints. I've seen dozens of posts of yugioh players mocking MTG players and saying shit like "MTG players are investment focused. Not gameplay focused. The game is second to the investments"
>absolutely ludicrously powerful anarchic hellscape where almost anything can be played
Nigger did you even read that post? Everyone gravitated towards those cards where it polarized the format.
No it's not "usually" because of that. That's only happened twice.
When can we expecr Veloci-ramp-tor to get reprinted?
When I say ‘where almost anything can be played’ I don’t mean that ‘almost anything can be viable’ I literally just mean that you have the choice to play whatever cards you want, and you sort out the power level amongst you and your friends.
Mana crypt and jeweled lotus
You shouldn't. LCC got rewaved once already and there's more demand for Lord of the Rings and new precons. If it happens again it will be last call before Lost Caverns leaves print. Hopefully the precons get another wave because outside of the pirate one they're some of the most consistently excellent precons of the past few years. But I wouldn't expect it.
nonbasics were considered unnatural back then, and green hated unnatural things
Coming from a long time Yugioh player: this justification kills games. You CAN play anything but no one wants to have their colon worn as a boot every time they try to get a pick up game. Killing off overpowered options makes everything better.
Game was just fine and showed literally no signs of faltering. No one cares about yugioh or what happened to it
Got a list you'd be willing to share? I've always wanted to play ink treader but I suck at deck building
Did you forget the solid year of rule 0 bitching that has been happening where people have been complaining that power levels are going way too high? Most players don't want Mana Crypt and especially Dockside in their games.
So I'm getting a few buddies that never played magic into commander, so since they have no threat assessment, what are some fun commanders that are usually kill on sight for more seasoned players?
Leave it alone. We had two days of this shit. As an ex-yugioh player, this is the equivalent of banning judgement or mst because the reptile tribal player could never summon vennominaga.

Isn't this kinda lukewarm unless the board has some an assload of big monsterss? The copies stop doing anything once the board is clear and I can't imagine many monster surviving more than an X=2 or 3 more than a couple times You'll gain a lot of life if there's enough on the board, but am I missing something?
I think the dumbest aspect of the drama is retards flipping out about LCI and Commander masters being "sold on banned cards." This argument might work if these sets weren't a year+ old.
Banning fast mana is banning Halqifibrax or Summon Sorceress. These were cards that won the game if they resolved.
Peter Morbacher and Tianhau X right? Or did you mean Seb and Noah Bradley? Maybe Terese Neilsen and Tomasz Jedruszek? Who did you mean?
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What did he mean by this?
oh mostly just that the math is very stupid and figuring out who gets hit and how many times takes forever, even if as you said most of them die from the first or second ping
Can this fucking Russian faggot fuck the fuck off?
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I thought he was korean?
No. You dont understand mtg, I dont know your new bullshit, and my point was retards who dont understand the game advocated for banning things they didnt understand and never experienced, at great detriment to the game, all for the sake of some nonsense that was never going to be good in the first place.
I really don't understand what the point of all this is. He's a political grifter so why the fuck is he sperging out about the recent EDH bans?
As expected. More will soon follow.
>What deck are you working on next?
Just plain shitpiles of non-synergistic bulk rares
>rith the awakener
Im getting a little demoralized that I keep losing but I like what I like and ill steal a win eventually
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All of you faggots finally know how I fell
That's very odd. That's the opposite of what I remember reading earlier.
>w*man joins the RC
>it all goes to shit in less than 3 years
Damn that card looks pushed
At least compared to my boomer ass commanders
>couldnt handle the heat
Good riddance
Any characteristic defining abilities get replaced by any outside effect that grants them, much like if you somehow would reanimate Transguild Courier with Master, it would be green, and not 5 colours. Changeling creatures would just be mutants and so on.
>ban 3 cards most players didn't use
>entire format melts down and may possibly die
Yugioh players are laughing at us.
Separate CEDH banlist and format when? Is the best for anyone, Timmies will keep playing their uninteractive big creatures sideways decks, and the powerfaggots will have their T2 victories format for themselves
Olivia was one of the people who pushed against this change though lmao
They are niggers, so who cares what they think about anyway
>Separate CEDH banlist and format when?
When cEDH players can find enough entrenched players who aren't /pol/tards.
She wanted to ban Dockside exclusively and leave the bigger problems untouched, when anyone with half a brain knows that the goal they were actually after would have been better achieved by just banning Crypt and Lotus. She was literally the exact opposite of correct.
We have already discussed this for two days. Now is neither the time nor the place.
Better than being children desu
>exact opposite of correct
No. Take your bait elsewhere, this has been discussed to death.
Lol literally not
Holy based
>major card sellers took Jeweled Lotus and others off their buy list weeks before the ban announcement

This insider bullshit would be illegal if it were stocks. Can we get some regulation in here?
Stop being a retard to fit in with your reeee wimminz bad shit
I hope the bans continue.
Ban all net positive mana rocks along with Serra's Sanctum and Gaea's Cradle.
Said regulation comes in likely banning the game nationally for gambling reasons. WOTC does not want the federal eye turned to their gambling for children product.
Even when an artist and Magic are no longer simpatico, it's far more common for cards to get new art for whatever internal reason.>>93995937
Also Cabal Coffers, Nykthos and City of Traitors
Alright, I'm getting back into EDH and was going to grab a pre-con in the meantime that I might be able to eventually break apart for bits as I eventually expand the collection.

Living out of the US means my options are a bit limited in terms of pre-cons available, mostly a grab bag of recent expansions. I was currently thinking of grabbing the Creative Energy pre-con currently and then also maybe grabbing the Fallout Science one later on to make a more focused energy deck, but know that also pigeonholes me a bit. Budget is also limited to grabbing one now at most, any suggestions?
And all green ramp. And anything with a single attribute greater than its mana cost. And any kind of interaction.
Ok bye
Literal who ass
No they didn't. Don't make shit up.
That fucking idiot of course he picks the card that was the first vintage ban that stuck since Ante.
Any lawyers here (real lawyers, not youtube lawyers) want to start a class action suit for people who lost tons of money out of nowhere due to the shady bannings, insider info around it, and how the bans were delayed for a year specifically to maximize profits for wizards printing them out? This may not be criminal, but it definitely feels like all the shady business would leave them civilly liable
No. Take your bait elsewhere. Stop shitposting and go back where you came from.
Can we ban creatures too? i feel bad when they attack me
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Lawsuit this
*unzips dick*
Creative Energy is the more powerful one so that
>still no update on the planeswalker colection class action lawsuit
I fucking gave up a foil sheet from Wizards for this.
incredible how there were bans in a lot of formats for decades, but then they drop a SINGLE meaningful change in commander and people lose their minds. Just deal with it, next time i hope they ban thoracle too at least
$128 mil in losses is big boy territory. There will be a lawsuit whether the redditors like it or not.
What heat?
Hes not from the RC
Sure. And all draw spells. And also any land that isnt a basic. And all artifacts in general.
Whats he from then?
Imagine if they banned mana vault next as it’s looking to be the replacement for mana crypt if you look at its price history lmao
Lmao, the seething still going strong
If you don't understand my examples you're the one who's got a blind spot. These are perfect comparisons. They're the enablers that allowed wins to pop from the opening turns leaving little room for the opponent to respond before the game was over.
there are 0 decks running mana crypt that aren't already running mana vault
Addendum to this lawsuit idea: even if you lose the case, you could subpoena all the communications that happened between the rules committee and wizards over the past year, and make them public. That'd be an amazing thing for us all to see
Yes but what about people who don’t want to play uninteractive Timmy piles, but also don’t want to play t2 thoracle wins? People who just want to use their strong cards with whatever commanders they happen to like.
Anon, I'm not going to read a paragraph of type 4 font and a whole deck write up to understand flibbity gibbit the cute girl in a dress. That is absolutetly an innaccurate comparison by how you phrased it, and I'm not discussing theory to another retard advocating dumb shit without playing the game.
>ban mana vault
>my decks from 2014 still cant hang
Is it time to just play build around me's?
People aren't losing their minds. It's only investorbros having a meltdown. Casual players AKA 90% of the player base are unaffected and don't care.
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A solution would be switching completely to a print-to-order model. Basically wizards becoming the chinaman themselves. Or being forced to sell boxes with a set list of cards in them.
I went ahead and ordered the cards I needed anyway.
I get that but I had read something to the effect that variable statuses like power and toughness defined by * keep being altered even if the other variables were changed. But hell, I guess it doesn't really matter what I think I read. The Magic site has the ruling right there and then. Shit. Honestly, I think I'm going to scrap the deck then. As it stands, without variable attack monsters it's far too slow to be reliable to win outside of milling out opponents, and I hate that kind of play style.
The commander advisory group, which wasn't informed or asked about the bans ahead of time
That would make me a little salty because I have it in my brago deck. I want EDH to be a format that allows strong combo wins. I’m not even saying brago combos are strong because you can just run more removal, I just don’t want the format to turn into weenie hut jr’s
>not youtube lawyers
Fuck off retard. You are still a lawyer even if you don’t pass the bar exam. You are still a doctor even if you aren’t board certified.
There's a rumor people are quitting over the newest Commander bans. If that's true, good riddance
If they could dump their entire collections also that'd be great
God I wish they did more with these. Their effects, flavor text, and designs are interesting and I'd like to see it expanded more.
So is he just mad or something?
I imagine this is some guy I should know just by his abbreviations and not some self important jack-off
>I imagine this is some guy I should know just by his abbreviations and not some self important jack-off
Both of these things are true
You really don't want the knock-on effects of regulation.
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So what are you guys thinking of the bans, /tg/? I haven't played in a few months but have been having some fun antagonizing people about the bans in my LGS's discord server and they are MELTING down about it. I just tell them that if they're mad, they're either an investor, pubstomper, or cedh nerd and their tantrum doesn't matter lmao, it's been really blowing up the server.

I haven't played on a competitive level in years but I was getting annoyed with timmies souping up their decks with these $100+ dollar singles that would go into every single deck anyone plays, if cash price wasn't a consideration. Do you think this is going to really make people quit like >>93996277 says? I think it's really childish if so, but then again childish people are the selected audience for this game.
This. Imagine if Rudy or The Professor ate big fines or jail time merely because talking about a card pumped its price like crazy.
Depending on what the effects were I would. I straight up think the collection/investing aspect of the game should be removed entirely. Wizards should sell cards on a print-to-order basis like the chinaman does.
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Okay, hold on a minute here...
Nah politicians inside trade all the time.
They should of banned more cards desu. Four is a good start though.
Fuck off, we've talked about this at length for two days, and suddenly 7pm rolls around and it's all anyone can talk about.
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>mfw ulamog DEFILES me
Sorry dude, I'm a salaryman now. I get home and I must shitpost.

Based, I was hoping sol ring and even mana vault would have been banned too, among other things.
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>should of
>I just tell them that if they're mad, they're either an investor, pubstomper, or cedh nerd and their tantrum doesn't matter lmao, it's been really blowing up the server.
Do they have an argument because as far as I've seen so far those are the exact groups of people pissed off
We've been talking to antagonistic twats for two days. Go back where you came from and stay there.
Mana vault doesn’t deserve a ban because you actually need a bare minimum of synergy to use the thing more than once, it’s not an auto include in literally every single deck.
Nope lmao, it's exactly the type of people at my LGS you'd expect who are mad about it.

The thread doesn't revolve around you, nerd.
Stop begging the shitposter for attention. It doesnt matter what he says because he's here to shitpost, just like you are.
>I was getting annoyed with timmies souping up their decks with these $100+ dollar singles that would go into every single deck anyone plays
So you are getting annoyed that people played good cards in bad decks? lol, how dare people ackhually wanting to win the game
Man people are really upset they can't run mana crypt anymore huh? It's actually kind of wild.
What about people who simply like playing high powered non-cedh because they’ve been playing the game a long time and have huge collections.
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>what do you mean i cant pubstomp timmys with my 200 dollar cards!? i quit!!!
This can go one of two ways. First, you politetly drop it and read the archive or go somewhere else. Or second, it devolves into hundreds of posts and multiple threads that cumulate in you pretending to be retarded for attention. Reread your post, you dont want to discuss anything, you want people to jerk you off. Go do that someplace else.
/r/mtgfinance are not people
That's a problem because most spergs don't have the social acumen to understand what starting a group arms race does to the dynamic of the table. These people aren't happy with a 25% winrate (which is appropriate for a 4-player format) so they being dumping their money into cardboard despite living paycheck to paycheck, and when they start winning a majority of games, it makes everyone else start doing it and suddenly your comfy format is now out of control. Autists can't contain themselves so it falls to a centralized authority to put a limit on them, just how it be.
Basically never happens. Take your invented problems elsewhere. Or go talk about it with your friends, I'm sure they're a riveting sort.
Then you have a huge collection to fall back on to replace these 3-4 completely soulless cards :^)
Kill yourself

>I think it's really childish
Most people don't need a major meltdown to realize grown ass men playing with cardboard is childish.
Got to say, pretty cool to see more scarecrows. I picked up a friend's old Reaper King deck years ago for a few dollars since he never had any luck with it and had been sitting on it waiting for the time to use it one day. Rendmaw looks like a good way to start adding new permanents to the field and start a massive swarm of crow fights. Got any plans for the deck or are you just mulling it over right now?
Of course this is your retarded opinion. Proxy, or make better friends. It's a game, not a hug box, and if you dont like losing, try to win instead of complaining online.
Yes but sometimes I want to play EDH at a power level that includes those cards. Part of the fun of EDH was that it’s the most ‘broken’ format in terms of possible power level.
>so they being dumping their money into cardboard despite living paycheck to paycheck
>Not writing the name of the card on a basic land
>Not printing it on paper and putting it on a sleeve with a basic land
>Not buying chink proxies if you need them to moderately look like real cards
The joke tells itself. if your problem was that you didn't want to spend the same as those autists, you had options
Regulation means an increased duty to protect investors and a responsibility to increase the value of their investments. You'd see fewer reprints and more cards that obviously synergize with notorious (and expensive) combo pieces.
Are you okay? I'm completely fine with losing 75% of the time, it's part of the game. It's the spergs that begin investing the equivalent to a new car in their cardboard after they decide a 25% winrate is unacceptable which causes problems.
Fine by me. We could always use another flagellated retard to display on our wall of shame.
The arms race is half the fun of the game
>Yes but sometimes I want to play EDH at a power level that includes those cards
Rule 0

What, you're not playing in EDH "''tournaments""", are you?
>cast time warp or put an omniscience into play
>table concedes
you absolute joyless faggots
Proxy, dont guilt trip people who are having different fun than your fun. If you have an objection to playing good cards, you never intended to win in the first place, and are making up problems to justify it.
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>someone at my LGS said he's "borderline" suicidal because he has 8 decks with at least 2 of the cards from the ban update in each of them
Holy shit lmao I didn't think these people actually existed.
If you're going to play solitaire for the next hour, nobody else needs to be there to watch.
Not if they removed the investing aspect of the game entirely by removing any scarcity whatsoever from all non reserve list cards. Completely removed the idea that these cards are ‘collectible’ and print and sell them to anyone who puts an order in on their website.
There's plenty of other ways to win besides attacking with big creatures and besides, nothing stopping you from running blink, I included Thassa in my deck solely for the reason to reset my creatures stats (for the etbs too, but let's just pretend)
You should take him for a beer and help him improve his life instead of shitposting about him on 4chan.
No I’ve been playing with the same group since high school ended 13 years ago and I have never once played with randoms at an LGS
It's actually a xer and there's no way my wife wouldn't claw my eyes out if I took xim out for a drink.
>Rule 0
I have a friend who has done the Wheel of Fortune + Underworld Breach + Orcish Bowmasters combo turn 4. He rates that deck as a 7.
I have another semi-friend who plays barely upgraded precons. He rates those decks as 7s.
>Expecting someone in this hellhole to have empathy
Then what's the issue?

This is why the banlist is necessary.
There's always a wave of people that doompost whenever anything happens. Either they were ((((investors)))) and didn't actually play the game or they're gonna be back within a month anyway.
Some of them are too tied to the official banlist even though it doesn’t matter
They're both wrong.
Wheel+Breach+Bowmasters is 9
Precons are 5 and if less than 20 cards are changed they're not even getting to 6.
Think about it real hard, fuck trannies but they obviously have a bunch of made up problems that are out of their control and are using magic as an outlet. I'm sure you could do something more productive than shitpost about their embarassing abomination of a life rhey're obviously self aware of.
rip you, time to work on your IRL diplomacy skill and get them to let you use the cards you want
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Oof. Imagine living in whacky zany clown land and pretending that everyone's made up play time are real things you need to engage with in a serious manner.
>Random anon discovered that selfassesments and self evaluations don't work

Have you thought of start not by asking how do you rate your deck, but instead in which turn can your deck consistently win if unninterrupted? maybe then, everyone would have a better grasp of power level?
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>no ones ever brought a cEDH deck to casual table before. that never happens
What are the charges, officer? Making a shitpost? A succulent, silly shitpost?
I guess. And I was running Muldrotha and Six in the deck too so it's not like having to cast the variable power creatures later is that much of a deal breaker. Just kind of a bummer is all. Very much so. I'll look into getting a Thassa, Deep-Dwelling too in the time being at least. Cheaper than having to build a new deck from the remains at least. Thanks anon.
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>pubstomping with expensive cards
>never happens
>I see you know your trolling well
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If you've ever played cEDH you should know EXACTLY why the banlist needs to be much more extensive. Your opener determines so much of the game that players frequently mull to 3 or 4 and going first is a huge advantage, and games are often decided by kingmakers extorting draws. It's an absolutely miserable format to play beyond a few times for the novelty. Vintage being DOA as a format proved that people SAY they want to play with high-power cards, but the desire to not play against them outweighs that.
Yes, or it's so statistically unlikely it would be pruned as a data error.
>b-but this made up story about this one time
Games like that are incredibly boring for all involved. I can count on one hand the number of times it's happened in hundreds of games across hundreds of lgs I've been to when I travel for work, and both times it was an accident that was immediately corrected upon a second game.
Yeah, I do, with people I don't know, so I don't pubstomp. How does that stop my friend from still pulling out the sweatiest non-cEDH decks he can make while sheepishly going "well shucks guys I didn't bring anything except my high-power decks"? Especially when we split off to try out new pods on occasion? Am I supposed to run around every table warning them that he's out to pubstomp them?
This is why I'm happy that my primary way to play is to mix it up at my LGS, rather than playing with the same group forever, because I actually know what I'm talking about how how BS what you're saying is. Autists who can't control their power level are like 25% of this hobby, with another 25% being spergs who can only control it poorly as a result of social anxiety making them feel bad for doing it. I'm glad these cards are banned, it should have been more.
Did you guys hear about the new bans?
>Vintage being DOA as a format
Maybe because people does not want to buy cards that cost thousands of dollars?
No problem. I originally meant to reanimate my opponent's shit, but everyone was running some tribal shit, so it wouldn't really benefit me, so I ended up just milling myself.
There's also at least Conjurer's Closet, which does the same thing as Thassa, but I didn't include it, as it's not a creature and harder to get back if you mill it.
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Nope, the floor is yours, king. Tell us all about it.
>Am I supposed to run around every table warning them that he's out to pubstomp them?
this but somnambulantly
Sure sounds made up. Maybe the problem in the situation is you.
Yes, because cEDH decks are notoriously cheap.
Vintage wasn't played even back when it was called Type 2 and Black Lotus was $20.
nogames post
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>no no no! mana crypt is only ever played at cedh tables! no one ever played it casually!
How did you build her? Cannon or machine gun?
As expected of country grown vegetables. Now shoo, adults are talking.

Nope. I play twice a week on average.
They are if you proxy. most events are non sanctioned, so nobody cared. For vintage it is sanctioned, so everybody cares.
>I play twice a week on average.
I don't care how often you whack off nigga
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>I'm glad these cards are banned, it should have been more.
I wack off 3 to 5 times a day, unless my girlfriend is coming over, using the tears of shitposting morons as lube.
If sanctioned was the only thing that mattered, you would see proxy-friendly Vintage tables if price was the only barrier. However it's the least-popular format even on MTGO where the cards are considerably cheaper.
>no rebuttal
I accept your concession
Tell your gf that xhe is valid
humiliation ritual
>pro jlotus people are gooners
Ahhhh, now it's coming together.
I could give a fuck about lotus, it's not very good in the first place.
Dont associate us goonCHADS with those worthless whales or me and the boys are gonna nut on your face
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okay goonkings, my mistake, I kneel
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For me it's modestly covered cat tats that are still clearly fat.
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My apologies, sir
Nice and firm cat tits aside, this doesn't seem like half bad of a card. Every time I see it I've been meaning to pick it up. Looks like the reprint it got in Mystery Booster 2 dropped the price a good deal.
What's with the bird with the zoomer haircut?
They banned mana crypt, dockside, jeweled lotus, and Nadu! It's nuts!
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The main issue is that even with the cost decrease it's broadly worse than Sylvan Library and you only have so much room for that style of effect
God I love Roxanne. She surprised by how much fun she is to play. Of all the cards in Thunder Junction with alternate arts I had hoped she'd get one so we could get a better look at her whole outfit.
Post list. I want to build her.
Next you're gonna say that they banned Golos too. That's insane news!
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Insider: https://www.reddit.com/r/EDH/comments/1fpkgur/comment/loy99lw/?context=3

wizards conspired with RC to promote Standard (Foundations). Standard rotation extended to 2029. RC bans again in 2029. This smells like a gimmick hard.
>just don’t want the format to turn into weenie hut jr’s
Too bad because the rc made it clear they want to "slow the format down" and WILL ban all fast mana, then they'll come for all the tutors, then the counters, then the removal. you WILL play green, you WILL turn your green fatties sideways, and you WILL play 4 hour games
That's just some guy's opinion. Why should anyone believe it? They already tried this with oathbreaker, it isnt far fetched, but it smells like well poisoning.
...is there a single removal spell on the ban list? Or counterspell?
There will be. And all the card draw. And any creature with an ability. And all the nonbasic lands.
I think you're being hysterical, take your SSRIs anon.
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Still working on it, but here's where I have her at now. Been having a good time with her.

First, all those do is kill your sex drive and make you miserable. Second, I'm but a wee casual. I wish to play vanilla creatures with stats no greater than their mana value. Nonbasic lands could be used before turn 2 to cause explosive starts, the rc has my back.
Not yet but once the fast mana and tutor boogeymen are gone cedhfags will build around the next strongest thing and timmies are going to need something else to blame their losses on.
I love that this ban is bringing out the dishonest crybabies like you. Keep going.
>he doesnt know nonbasic lands can be used for explosive starts
Dishonest cedh player. Get out of my format, no one wants you here. You're a smell fat autistic neckbeard.
>Any lawyers here (real lawyers, not youtube lawyers)
I dunno legal eagle seems like a real lawyer to me
nothing quite like building trust in their competence and product than intentionally banning their retarded lineup of chase cards and pack sallers.

bull shit consp theory
D-does he also own deagle the legal beagle, and is he best friends with steven seagal?
I figure it is because people are getting threatened and fuck tons of hate sent their way and he doesn't want to possibly be a victim of that because retards mistake the advisory and rules comittee
Also it's Josh Lee Kwai. he's one half of the game knights show and command zone podcast, which were like some of the first major commander youtube shit. I can't think of any commander shows prior to game knights
>wubby goes to jail because there is video evidence of him causing a massive spike in an uncard because LOL MEMES
Why are commander players such babies about bans? Do they also think that the one ring shouldn't be banned in modern because it costs over 80 USD and you need 4 copies (which comes out to around crypt+lotus price)?
Like this logic is effectively "cards of high value should never be banned and should NEVER have their value lowered" which is an absurd stance.
The whole thing stinks though. First, the ban of Dockside, Lotus and Crypt coincides with Wizards getting rid of Ixalan and CMM packs that contain these cards. Then this 'conspiracy theory', when added on top of it all kinda gives credence to the other big coincidence, that is the next RC ban will occur in 2029, at the same time Foundations rotates.
I almost never play with anyone outside my pod and yet every time we have had an open spot and let someone in, they're a cEDH tard who only has fun being the biggest cunt, and betraying basic commander social rules because they play with a tournament mindset.
>Gooner. lol goony, goonity goon
Imagine nu-meme insulting a fellow human for human sexual attraction and hormones. Pure contrarian behavior.
Meanwhile, bring back cheesecake art.
they have literally never played any tcg in a competitive format before
Sounds like a you problem. Talk to them about it.

Yes, but anyone can say anything for any reason, he needed to post some proof.
I have a basic list. My strategy with decks is to always make a pretty raw build and then play it and simply make changes as needed from what I see in my games. As of now this is a really bland standard list.
It doesn't help I am not a golgari player and am not super informed on golgari strategies.

I basically just plan to shit out creatures and crow tokens and watch my opponents throw their birds at each other. I am sure it will need big changes but I don't really know what until I do testing. And the cards ain't here yet.

which is why "WHAT POWER LEVEL IS YOUR DECK" is retarded and I always refuse to answer it when asked. Because what Timmy considers a 7 may not be what Jimmy considers a 7. I felt that commander salt site was alright in trying to peg down a number before they changed it so the thing just rates your deck a 1 if it isn't a 1:1 cedh netdeck
There is nothing wrong with banning dockside or lotus because they never should have been printed in the first place.
Ban Roaming throne too
It's because no one wants to walk around carrying a briefcase with 100k in valuables in it. You are basically begging to be mugged. It would honestly be like carrying a briefcase full of diamonds.
They should have been banned shortly after being released, but the Rules Committee has to check every decision with WotC staff and follow orders.
Yeah it is a me problem because I keep stupidly agreeing to allow these players in instead of simply playing 3 man if our 4th doesn't show up
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Any idea what synergizes in white with tapping and tapped creatures?
I wanted to make a deck with her as the commander but most things I know/find are from other colors
I have a handful of cards but I really want to make use of the tapped hexproof, somehow.
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>is that *le gasp* a winter orb?
How can you be this upset over these cards getting banned?
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You are becoming hysterical
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If you can afford to play Vintage in paper, you can afford a body guard
Just ask them questions you dumbass. Hey, how much is your deck? Do you run combos? What about fast mana? It's not hard.
I don't think even brinks money trucks carry around that much.
Think I just won't let them join because of past experiences. Same reason you wouldn't let a tranny join due to past tranny experiences.
Cope and head to the cEDH table.
she looks like you could solicit her in exchange for rocks
>hey anon, ask questions about strangers so you dont have problems with them
>"no, I dont think I will. In fact, I have a problem with you for suggesting that."
You sure seem like a lot of fun to play with.
She seemed cool, but more as a surprise save your board or grant double strike for game kind of thing rather than an actual commander. In the command zone she does represent quick protection and double strike which I could see being useful too, just a bit too telegraphed. There's a couple of new creatures in the set that trigger off being tapped at the start of your second main phase so maybe those can work something out?
Someone should call him out on it. Ask him to post literally any cards from that era that aren't the banned ones
I gave up trying to build her and will just wait for a stronger version if you want her in the command zone
>all those do is kill your sex drive
Actual lawyer here. You have no case.
If you were an actual lawyer, you would know that you can sue over anything, especially if your goal is to pressure a corporation with news coverage of a lawsuit.
This is what actual 4chan kids tend to believe. That if you meme and joke, it will get you results outside of here. Rather than a trip to jail.
There value should be lowered by unrelenting massive reprints
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Does anyone actually run pic related?
>bringing this fucking shit back after this morning
Yeah, it'll maybe get a handful of people on twitter to talk about it, maybe a few people think it's something legitimate, then nothing comes of it. Shit like that happens all the time and it's a mild inconvenience at worst 99% of the time.
Yes you can sue over anything. Whether or not it goes anywhere (you having a case) is another story. You will note I never said you couldn't sue anon.
>muh millions lost in value!!!!
>ignoring that mana vault and other legal fast mana skyrocketed in price and in fact no market value was lost it just shifted around
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You want to be attacking aggressively and care about artifacts, so this seems like a good fit.
I'm honestly going to need to see more than 4% of your deck to tell if it's a 9 or not. 10 to me is meta cedh and 9 is fringe cedh decks which is going to require a lot more cards to judge than one good combo honestly
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>its another episode of j'wtubers creating their own format due to hurt feelings.
Hope this shit crashes and burns and they all kill themselves
You might not believe this anon, but many people own double digit amounts of the banned cards and they bought them on credit thinking they would go up in price. I know, no one would do that in their right mind but people actually did.

Even funnier, they actually believe you and I should care. Can you imagine lol
>2 4/4s for 5
>3 5/5s for 7
>4 6/6s for 9
It's busted in draft, but is this EDH worthy? Seems like it could do cool stuff in any list that cares about morphs and a lot of other weird niches like +1/+1 counter decks and X-matters decks.
>dolmen gate
The most based artifact wotc have ever printed.
Dosent feel very impactful unless your deck cares about 2 of the 3 archetypes you listed or makes big mana fast
I dont want to get in a dick measuring contest, but look at the recent research. Some people need to be medicated, but not with that shit. You know, like the rc after this fiasco.
>t. Certified crazy anon
I've been on it a quarter century at max dose and am horny as fuck all the time
>and they bought them on credit thinking they would go up in price
I'm so happy these people are getting fucked. I've always hated the speculators and investors, if you want to do those things just get into stocks or crypto instead.
If its from all the vitriol from retards over the changes, that is understandable and he has my sympathy. You don't want to be near a B&R update as people seethe. This is why WotC has like one guy do the announcement of a B&R and takes the heat for like modern or something. Even understandable if he had like a jeweled lotus and a mana crypt. But if he had several copies of the four banned cards and was playing in cardboard stockmarket, I have less sympathy, not none, just less.
bought a copy for my magus lucea kane deck. dont see this being useful outside of it.
First card that came to mind.
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Does manifest dread count as milling? If so I could see it being using in the mothman
Stax, so hot right now
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aw hell nah they de-schnozzed my guy
There are a couple that have the opposite effect, like wellbutrin, but that's not an ssri. I dont want to get into a big thing, I just care about you and am speaking from experience.
Holy shit, investors and pubstompers are unhinged.
>Replaced funny big jew nosed goblins with ugly tranny lookalike goblins cause muh antisemitism
Krillin is the ideal 4chan man. This site has a hear of noses lmao
Post your Kane list? I'm trying to find room in mine for Onslaught and Mr Bone's Wild Ride.
Wait, are cEDHfags finally making their own format?
it looks weird without the monster in the background
They will try, but odds are against them in succeeding.
no, the card has to say mill in the oracle text
mr bones wild ride is legendary. watch out for this. the copy is only a shitty removal spell.
That's because the monster is right behind you!
>Cast it with Kane
>Send the original to the graveyard, keep the copy
>Both burn stuff but the original contributes to your delirium count
Honestly it's not strictly a downside. I just wish the damage could go to face too
I'm a part time cedh player and honestly the seething and whining and crying from them is fucking embarassing. I can't help but think it's a bunch of new players who have only been here for like less than two years and they actually stupidly tried to purchase their 10k meta list and bling it out instead of just being sensible and proxying. This is still fucking edh at the end of the day it is not actually some super seious business....

My group is surprised by this but mostly we're just discussing how this is going to change things and what's going to become viable/not viable now. Never have I heard of such cry babie bitches in my life.
All I can say is, I hope it doesn't implode this time, as all the cedh players can be contained there. I don't want the cedh players coming back.
I might try it in Yedora and add in some of the morph cards I cut.
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Oh No!
It's not really cedh players whining. I mean I'll discuss the merits of the ban, a lot of it was arbitrary and it did not help, but most of the salt is from people who either invested like retards in cardboard, or had one of those as their most valuable cards. Like I'd be pretty mad if they banned static orb, because I own a very expensive static orb and it's one of my favorite cards, so I can understand it a bit, but I have no sympathy for people who didnt have the money buying expensive cards they couldnt afford when they could just proxy.
Cedh players that aren't massive whale faggots are crying mostly because the ban did nothing to nerf the current top decks but instead killed a lot of fringe decks and high cmc commanders that were up and coming. But yeah the crying is really pathetic, they need to adapt their decks the best they can or just give up and play fucking blue farm
wotc hands typed this reply
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Should have bought that jeweled lotus for 20 bucks the other day. Now they are back to 40 and rising.
At least I now have spare money to buy other cards
There will be a lot of pumping and dumping anon dont fomo too hard right now, people have a lot of stock to unload and this is how you minimize losses
I'm betting on it being a dead cat bounce as long as the rc dosent cuck within the next month.
Literally why would it ever bounce?
It's just people speculating, in one month there's new product and consoomers will forget.
Meanwhile lotus will remain unplayable.
Smart money says they will. These arent jaded autists doing what's right in spite of backlash, these are soft clout chasers, barely scraping by, who perpetually exist in a hug box of their own design and have a silly made up position with tenuous legitimacy.
I have been loving it with this, it plays a lot better than it looked in spoiler season especially when coupled with other face down stuff. On it's own this card is basically just solemn simulacrum. But it's one way ticket to value city in face down shells.
I don't think they'll cuck within a month due to the ban announcement stinking of "reee fucking cedh fast mana". I'm personally betting on 3 to 6 months before they finally cuck after some of the backlash blows over and they buy up as much of the supply as they can.
Why would you want a card that does nothing?
This is a fair take. I dont think anyone is really making money off this one, it's too transparent. Maybe lotus, but crypt is unlikely to move very much because it has some utility. If I had to guess, I'd say the promo versions are going to be most effected.
They'll need to rebuy crypts and lotuses for everyone who sold or destroyed theirs then. Otherwise they will get even bigger backlash.
Why? Dont be stupid with your cardboard. Anyone who wasnt a histrionic dork knew to take time and assess what happened. No one will have sympathy for these people, and it's an incredibly small amount.
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Sit down kid, the REAL gamers are talking
I'm pretty sure that's been errata'd.
This exact response can be used against people who retardedly bought crypts and lotuses instead of proxying. You're on full cope though. They're never getting unbanned.
It hasn't. What the fuck would the errata even be? Adding "DOES NOT WORK WITH JEWELED LOTUS" to the oracle text?
Yeah I added this one but that's one of many, like I said only got a handful.
I was thinking maybe a weenie deck that spawns a lot of shit and abuse it with convoke and as they attack, they become hexproof.
Problem is that's just standard tier bullshit, I need to do more with the tapped hexproof cards but I don't know what the fuck can even abuse that in white
I can see it now, jeweled lotus printed at uncommon, mana crypt printed at uncommon, nadu printed at common, dockside at rare. We'll call the set commander memories
Oh it's this guy repeating himself again and being intentionally retarded. Yes yes, you tricked me into replying, congrats. Now go back to whatever it is you do with your time, your opinion was already noted and ignored.
I'm doing an edh secret Santa. Doing fairly budget build, anyway I have an idea but I was wondering if anyone has suggestions for some unique or at least interesting commanders and design spaces to work with. Any suggestions are appreciated. If a commander needs some fun cards suggest them but it generally budget, so don't suggest expensive stuff
>. You're on full cope though. They're never getting unbanned.
The rc is full of weak willed over socialized fags justice 80% of the game. Unless wotc prints mana crypt 2 or super jeweled lotus I'd be shocked if they don't cave to the communitys abuse in a years time.
>Back track on their WOTC approved and greenlight plan
Yeah I actually think they'd be more scared of the results of that than the current bans. Daddy hasbro wants those slots open for the new commander toys coming down the pipeline I'm sure
these fuckups need to delete rule zero and actually curate a functional banlist. how is thoracle legal? no shit mana crypt is too good, it was designed for goddamned 20 life. koko the gorilla could have figured this shit out twenty years ago
>99 percent of edh deck builders stop one deck short of having the perfect number and composition of commander decks
You'd be surprised. Gavin's address was posted here last night. That plan, while probable and awfully similar to what wotc would want to do, is as of yet unsupported with any proof, and will never work in the first place.
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Look man, this is not exactly what you'd call a reasonable, stable sensibly curated format in case you haven’t noticed, it's basically ass to mouth levels of whatever the fuck we can get working followed by wotc pushing the limits of what players can even tolerate reading at this point.
Everyone that is mad about these bannings, you should stop playing Magic in protest.
It will make the game soooooo much better for everyone else.
Giving in after threats and doxing is probably the dumbest fucking move you could make and I'd just sell my shit off if they did it. DBD all over again.
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>speculators and pubstompers quitting en masse
Just do it anyways. You'll make the world a better place.
I guess I would have to be surprised at this point because I would fully bet this decision stays in stone because they've already mapped out future plans to milk and capitalize on commander whales who are sad now but will jump right back in when they cool off.

Frankly walking it back would be a disaster for so many reasons, it would probably result in the death of the RC outright and a big pain for wotc in general. It's not impossible of course but personally I would doubt it, maybe 10 years ago I'd be more inclined to think so but not in todays environment
But I am spiteful and would rather make you miserable for trying to ruin the game for financial gain.
speculators do not play the game at all.
>t. Someone who has neither been threatened or doxxed
They thought they could sock puppet casuals to take off most of the heat, but accelerationists galvanized people against them. Again, these are absolutely the kind of people who will curl into a ball and cry at the slightest adversity, and this is much more than that.
If they quit speculating, it benefits the game :)
It's not happening dude but feel free to think so. Wanna buy some lotuses at 20 each?
Bruh I could give a fuck about pretend cardboard money. Proxy everything, even your basics.
>thinking people will quit speculating on something that people will pay money for
There are millionaires that made their money buying and selling squishmallows. People will never quit speculating on a proven moneymaker until wotc goes tits up.
Is nobody going to comment on how this guy's math is wrong
Here at commander, we like to take a hands off approach except when we light the dynamite. She'll be right m8, our ship aint gonna sink anytime soon
Nah, but I'll give you wholesale prices for a lot and go around handing them out at lgs' around the country
Shh just let him have fun with his chaff rare.
I built this as my first gruul deck, but I was new to edh and still awful at deckbuilding, it so was mainly a bunch of draft chaff that used oil counters. I took it apart pretty quick. I’m curious to see what you end up brewing though I love the card in concept
That's fine we just dont wanna hear crying from people sliding themselves into poverty by speculating on reprintable mtg cards in a kitchen table format. Those are fair terms I would say
I think what he’s saying is it doesn’t matter if there’s overpowered bullshit cards legal in commander, because the format isn’t supposed to be balanced at all.
How is it wrong
Lol yeah more than fair, any retard who bought at an obvious peak high deserves all the pain they get. People who make the real money are the ones snapping up all the panic sells.
Nevermind, you're right. I forgot the manifests are 2/2

As far as where it's good, I'm putting it in the new zimone, but I don't see it having application in too many places
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>need 7 mana to gain a net positive
move over faggot
Just run her in Lita
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>does nothing
I get to recast my dogmeat for 2 mana. That's pretty cool since he's a tutor
Why would you think these cards are comparable in any way anon
>requires 3 swamps to break even
I still believe coffers is a casual card
Uh ok
I think coffers is the perfect card to assess someone's power level based on their opinion of it.
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it helps me fuck your mouth faster
Coffers is a shit card.
I like this card.
The art is nice.
>coffers that dies to StP
Sure thing. First which parties are you trying to name in the suit and on what grounds, Second do you want to do my payments in installments because I bill by the hour?
You proved my point pretty quickly. Thanks anon.
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Is recasting my tutor commander for 1 less mana than his original cost a bad thing?
Sounds kinda good to me..
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>need 4 lands to gain a net positive
move over faggot
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>enters the battlefield tapped
this at least has nice art
/mtg/ is that away sweaty>>93993536
This looks like the crew of the worst Starbucks you've ever been to.
Holy fuck they got that chick who you can google search up her pussy pics. That's super credible
I think Brian Weissman has a great video on these bannings.

Also stop fucking buy these pushed shit from wotc. Hasbro is running the game into the ground by powercreeping the game and exploiting players who feel they need to keep up or are gambling addicted.
You have no idea how bad a starbucks can get. That would be on the upper high tier of my shitty shitty neighbourhood.
Is this deck fun? Are you supposed to lean more towards elves or wolves?
Elves if your boring as fuck
Pure wolf tribal if you have sovl
lotus field is banned in commander?
>Googled it
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>put too few lands in
>mulligan to 3 every game and never have fun
>add 2 lands
>flood every game and have constant 7 land hands
You can run that jace in your normal deck, as a card you draw like any other.

You cannot have multiples of any card in Commander. You can only run one copy of each card in your commander deck.
Very all or nothing kind of games. I wouldnt say its particularly fun as it usually boils down to either your opponents has boardwipes on hand or you win the game.
He's mad people were making fun of coffers and is overcompensating.

Nah, it's not fun. You'd have more fun with glimpse of nature elves.
With the exception of cards that say "you can have any amount/x amount." Those effects still apply in commander.
I know people poo poo on them because they arent ramp but I love repeatable land fetchers just gives my decks nice consistency and I can run less lands.
>is it fun?
Kos pubstomp commander up there with tergrid and kaalia. Even if you build it in a fun way everyone's going to assume you're a pubstomping faggot and target you


if i was mad people were making fun of coffers why would i post lotus field in response as overcompensating
What has been your must fun bloomburrow-themed commander deck?
You don't need to build around her last ability, mono white loves tokens and it loves equipment, so just do the usual white weenie things and then flash her in at opponent's end step for cheap, give her a sword and go beat face
The guy who sent you to the other general. You're alright, I liked your joke.
Im not even gonna google it, too mid
I unironically play both in an oona deck and they're actually pretty good. Granted the mana base required a tedious amount of tuning to even make sense and yes I run too many land tutors for urborg but still, you untap either one fo those suckers once and it's pretty fun
I dont have that problem but for some reason the second I go to 3 colorless utility lands I am seeing 2 of those fuckers in every opening hand way more often than makes sense. I don't know what it is but a lot of my decks are so color intensive I am actually just taken out of the game by it. At 2 They just balance out and are never a problem but with 3 my deck just loses its rod and cant perform. I started adding signets directly to start counter balancing this issue
>Ken Bauman
Wait wtf is that Jay from RLM's brother?

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